The COVID-19 related moratorium on utility payments has been extended once again. I keep saying these are going to end at some point. But so far, they keep going. And it’s important to keep people able to have utilities. So, hopefully, when the landing comes, we can make it a soft one.
Anyway, please get vaccinated if you haven’t yet.
Now that his most recent attempt to launch his own social media app has collapsed in failure, Sonic the Hedgehog Furry porn, and a massive global data breach, of course the leader of the Republican party is suing…
…and YouTube…
…for allegedly violating his First Amendment rights.
Extra super-duper LPT: the First Amendment is not binding on private entities. You can’t sue the local television station for not putting you on television. It’s their transmitter. So it’s their call.
If you wanna be on teevee so bad get your own transmitter. Maybe one that works. Paying for it would go a long way.
The POS traitor Doctor Dumbfuck on the 1/6 insurrection,
Former VA governor Wilder, a Democrat, calls out former VA governor McAuliffe, a Democrat, for his duplicity on racist behavior by other Democrats.
#BLM and #MeToo turned out to be inconvenient for too many liberals. Fortunately they have learned to turn it on, and off, as needed.
Because they are liberals.
@3 I’ll take Democratic racial flaws over Republican racism any day. I’ll bet 99% of POCs will, too. At least we let them vote, and don’t throw them in jail for getting thirsty while waiting 11 hours to vote.
This is what an insurrection looks like.
Gunmen assassinate Haitian president in home, state of emergency declared
Heavy-caliber weapons. Not zip ties and a Lego set.
My God, when did Moobs McScrote become such a pussy?
Doctor Dumbfuck’s outrage is selective. He’s never outraged by what the White Supremacy Party does. That’s because he’s one of them. I won’t accuse him of having a white robe and hood in his closet, though. I very much doubt that he does. He wears a horse costume to their tiki-torch rallies.
@5 It’s not an insurrection unless the violence is committed with guns? I wonder if that argument would have gotten Spartacus off in a Roman tribunal?
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit @ 7 offers a pathetic attempt at humor.
Levity, you see, helps him focus on things other than the BBC his wife pays to ride every Wednesday morning.
Guns were involved in both. The Haitians were competent.
Oath Keepers and 3%ers not so much.
Two entire adjoining hotel rooms were filled with weapons. The terrorists are on camera arriving on the morning of the attack to retrieve and load the firearms, ammunition, and other weapons into waiting trucks and vans. The boats never showed up to ferry them across the river.
This is all in the information accompanying the indictments. None of the weapons were in violation of any federal laws (that we know of). And while the communications (on Parler) in advance of the attack indicated the intention to do lots and lots of illegal things with the weapons, the plan fell through when the boat no-showed. The reason you see so many of these people in pre-trial detention is because of these plans and these weapons (Federal judges are bound by statute to consider precisely this kind of scary weapons shit when deciding on release). There are no criminal charges attached (yet) because it isn’t illegal to have these kinds of weapons in Virginia, the DOJ has no jurisdiction over non-federal weapons offenses in the states, and the Republican Trump supporters never managed to get them into DC. State charges may certainly follow once the DOJ is through with the terror-clowns.
This ship has sailed. Republicans can pretend all they like. But they refused a good-faith bipartisan-buddy offer to be directly involved in an independent follow up investigation of the terror attack and the conspiracy that preceded it.
So now that investigation will be done by House and Senate committees. And when the hearings get going the videos will be projected onto 25 ft tall screens in the hearing rooms showing the gun cases and ammo cans being loaded and unloaded and the Parler DMs arranging for boats and drivers to ferry the arsenal into DC to assassinate police and members of Congress. The Republicans who planned the terror attack were very well briefed on what to expect. They new that The Capitol Police were under armed and dependent upon National Guard units for any kind of tactical response. They knew the National Guard units would be withdrawn in advance and that they would be withheld on the day of the attack. It was always the plan to kill lots and lots of people.
And the next time Republicans pull a stunt like this, it will also be part of the plan to kill lots and lots of people. They deny it because they don’t want us to be prepared.
The “plan” was to overthrow the government with spears and bear spray, with guns as backup. When the National Guard showed up, and the guns didn’t, the insurrectionists backed down. Even Trumpers aren’t that stupid. Doctor Dumbfuck is, though.
@8 It’s not intended as humor at all. It’s meant to highlight the gaping logical holes in your cerebral function. Your congenital stupidity is sad, not funny. I feel sorry for your mother, but not for you.
@ 9
No firearms were involved in the January 6th riots. If people brought guns with them and left them behind rather than taking them to the Capitol, they were not involved.
It matters not, does it, that Comey wrote a draft indictment concerning Hillary Clinton’s conduct. What matters is that in front of the cameras he claimed that no prosecutor would agree to try the case.
Practice swings don’t count.
@12 Next you’ll say if a robber points gun at a bank teller, the gun isn’t “involved” in the robbery unless he pulls the trigger, because you’re no ordinary dumbfuck, you’re a stupid dumbfuck, even by dumbfuck standards.
Given the deleterious effect that the orange event horizon has had on him, a clown costume would be appropriate. We haven’t seen such clownish commenting since the days of the Klynical Klown.
But, but, but the traitor Doctor Dumbfuck says the stupidity of the Proud Boys, Oath Keepers and 3%ers will, as he put it,
Heh. Last week he said it was an insurrection of angry grandmothers.
Republicans spent billions of their hard-earned dollars buying guns, and billions more on shooting practice and stockpiling ammo. Then, on the designated day of insurrection, they left all those expensive guns in car trunk and motel rooms, and showed up for “cival war” armed with spears. That’s kind of like buying stock and not cashing the dividend checks. Not really the smartest investment of money.
@14 Next he’ll contend that branishing AR-15s inside a state capitol building is a form of free speech.
Actually, they can get away with a lot under the rubric of free speech, but for the present — until the Conservative Court gets around to it — not leaving death threats on public officials’ voicemail.*
* It’s helpful when they send the threats by letter and include their name and address.
I do have some curiosity about how utilities can continue providing electricity, natural gas, water, garbage pickup, etc., without getting paid, unless the government is paying them.
I’m sure you’d consider it an act of violence if I were to beat you senseless with a steel flag pole.
It was a violent right-wing insurrection, an assault on our nation’s Capitol intended to overthrow our democracy, kill our elected leaders, and install your raging orange man-baby as dictator.
You weaseling around these threads like the cowardly dumbfuck stupe of a traitor you are changes nothing. You’re going to pay for your fucking treason.
A large number of individuals were present on Capitol grounds with firearms. They were seen and recorded by police on police body cams with firearms and other weapons.
Moreover, and specifically, Oath Keepers and 3%ers who were invited to attend by Women for America First, Roger Stone, and Ali Alexander, prepared several caches of heavy weapons to be used on Jan 6th. According to their own statements, they prepared those weapons caches for the purpose of killing large numbers of police responders, military responders, and for use in gaining and maintaining tactical control over Congress and taking its members as hostages.
In the criminal law practice swings do count. It’s against the law to plan and poorly execute an armed insurrection. Not all Cosplay is harmless and some is even a felony.
As the Proud Boys like to say, FAFO.
Again, it’s only important to Republicans like Tara to deny all this so that if they ever manage to gain control over a branch of the government again, nothing will have been done in the interim that might prevent them from succeeding. Keep that clearly in mind whenever Tara or any other Republican engages in this kind of gaslighting. Keep that clearly in mind as you see Republican controlled state legislatures prepare for the next round.
Republicans brought huge arsenals of weapons to The Capitol on Jan 6th intent on killing lots of people and seizing control of the building and perhaps holding hostages. Their plans failed. But they’d like to try again. And they’re hoping we will let them.
Now do bin Laden.
@19 Doctor Dumbfuck having joined the ranks of those who would have you believe the rioters were “tourists” and the violent attempt to overthrow our government was a “protest” leads me to wonder if he was one of them.
Certainly she was among them in spirit, even if not in person.
She shares their basic motivations and objectives. And that’s why she gaslights this so hard. But when it comes to running up stairs and climbing scaffolding, Tara remains comfortably behind in her bedroom closet peering through the lovers, ball-gag and butt plug firmly in place.
Tara likes to watch.
Speaking of watching, gonna need a backlog of popcorn when the House Terror Attack committee meets.
Pelosi’s eight selections for the committee will include Adam Schiff, Jamie Raskin, Pete Aguilar, Stephanie Murphy, Zoe Lofgren, Elaine Luria, and Liz Cheney. Shiff, Raskin, and Lofgren have all previously served as impeachment managers.
And Cheney’s bona fides “speak volumes” without words.
Meanwhile on the other side the front-runners waiving their arms in the air to attract Minority Leader McCarthy’s notice include Marjorie Taylor Green, Matt Gaetz, Lauren Boebert, Jim Jordan, Paul Gosar, and Louie Gohmert. And McCarthy will be under immense pressure from Trump and Trump surrogates to include them all in his choices, even though he only gets five, and only with Speaker Pelosi’s say-so.
First order of business for the chair will be voting on rules. Top of the list is that all of Gaetz’s staff will have their IDs checked to make sure they are not minors.
Tara remains comfortably behind in her bedroom closet peering through the lovers, ball-gag and butt plug firmly in place.
Tara likes to watch.
In its widbee safespace…
@24 Let them play musical chairs. Or one of them could stand for the entire investigation.
Guiliani suspended from practicing law in D.C. pending NY discipline. This is a formality. If you’re suspended one place, you’re suspended everywhere. Same for disbarment. I don’t know if there are any nonreciprocal jurisdictions; maybe he can still get licensed in Guam.
Meanwhile, Sidney Powell’s defense to filing frivolous lawsuits is that she didn’t sign the pleadings.
Haiti might be looking for a lawyer…. A banana republic is something Rudy would be good at.
MJT is slightly more sane than Mike Lindell:
“You know your election fraud conspiracy theory has problems when even Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) says it’s false.
“That’s the dilemma facing MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell, who is trying to convince a skeptical world that Donald Trump will somehow be reinstated come Aug. 13.
“Previously, the Georgia congresswoman has expressed belief in other dubious theories like QAnon, the idea that a secret space laser caused wildfires in California, and that the 2020 presidential election was stolen.
“However, despite being open to other crackpot theories, she warned Trump followers not to get sucked into Lindell’s nearly impossible reinstatement scenario during an interview with Steve Bannon on Wednesday morning. …
“Greene knew that she was disappointing some people but said she wanted to manage expectations.”
Yeah, like they have a better chance of being raptured into heaven than Trump has of being raptured back into the White House — especially if they keep refusing to get vaccinated.
It won’t last.
Trumpism is essentially incapable of nuance.
This is something J.D. Vance is finding out as well.
Before his primary is over he will be gibbering about bamboo fibers like the rest of them.
@9 not always sure I see eye to eye with you everything (unrelated to the post in reference), but a post like that sure shows Bob what a real (vicious) Troll he is AND ISN’T!
@9 not always sure I see eye to eye with you on everything (unrelated to the post in reference), but a post like that sure shows Bob what a real (vicious) Troll he is AND ISN’T!
Isn’t a Repukes argument that if you outlaw guns then they’ll just use bats or knives…….or flagpole spears or fire extinquishers?
Bob’s argument that no guns were used is a red hearing, or better known as a Troll’s (non vicous Troll) action.
We can all agree on supporting democracy.
And that’s something that Every Republican You Know now opposes… with violence even.
We can always go on from here to work out our differences. But for the time being we all have to be united it working to destroy Republicans because of the extreme menace they present to democracy. If we don’t get that done in the next decade or so we won’t have the option of ever working out our differences.
It’s okay. We wiped out fascism before. We can do it again.
Federal executions are paused.
Thanks, Trumpers.
In the months ahead, when the timing is ripe, President Joe Biden will sign an EO ending federal executions.
Thanks again, Trumpers.
@35 “We can all agree on supporting democracy.”
If by “we” you include Republicans, it seems we can’t. In fact, that’s now the main difference between us and them.
“Beyond his affection for autocrats, we find Trump’s bizarre views on America’s struggle to defeat fascism in Europe. This is the man who, as reported in The Atlantic, allegedly called the soldiers and sailors who died in World War II ‘suckers” and ‘losers.'”
An idea just dawned on me. Given Trump’s history of disparaging people he views as opponents, calling our WW2 dead “suckers and losers” seems to suggest his sympathies lie with the Nazis and he wishes Hitler had won.
Yeah, like they have a better chance of being raptured into heaven than Trump has of being raptured back into the White House — especially if they keep refusing to get vaccinated.
HAHAHAHA… Hastening “that certain day”…
Orange horseshit about vaccination? Their funeral..
He shared with John Kelly his opinion that Hitler did a lot of good things. So yeah. Pretty much a fan.
The guy they all voted for.
My Pillow Crackhead is on his teevee network telling them that getting the “mark of the beast” vaccine will prevent Trump’s Aug. 13 inauguration.
So it’s not as if they have any real choice then, is it?
TOKYO—The Tokyo Olympics will be held without spectators, the organizers said, after Japan declared a new state of emergency that will continue through the end of the Games due to a rise in Covid-19 infections.
Missouri is running out of ventilators again since a it’s full of people who do not care about the greater good of the community.
@ 42
Missouri is running out of ventilators again since a it’s full of people who do not care about the greater good of the community.
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron is oblivious to the fact that holding the Olympics during a pandemic is at odds with the “greater good of the community”.
Six months ago it would have been called a “super-spreader event”. Now it’s an opportunity for “woke” athletes to turn their backs on the American flag in order to maximize their Wheaties endorsement dollars.
We’ll see fawning, extended pieces on Gwen Berry before she finishes 16th in the hammer throw, and we’ll see nearly nothing of the American woman who breaks the world record in that same event, wins gold, and holds her hand over her heart while singing the lyrics of the national anthem.
No firearms were used when the terrorists flew the planes into the twin towers, so it wasn’t an act of terrorism after all.
@ 38
Given Trump’s history of disparaging people he views as opponents…
“Basket of deplorables” sealed #CrookedHillary’s fate, but go ahead, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, and insinuate that disparaging opponents is something uniquely Trumpian. The Even Bigger Fucking Moron won’t question it, and every one of your ideas is an effort to influence the lowest information voters on the left. You have long since lost the capacity to influence anyone else, asswipe.
@ 44
No firearms were used when the terrorists flew the planes into the twin towers, so it wasn’t an act of terrorism after all.
When I see QoS McHillbilly claim that the 9/11 terrorists had AK-47s, I’ll call him out for it.
Pretty soon the decision not to capitalize the word “black” in a sentence will be deemed an act of terrorism. Try not to be a clown, Bad Hombre. There are enough of those on your side already.
I didn’t get that.
Nor did anyone else. Nothing about Roger’s comment suggested he viewed Trump as “unique” in this respect.
It was just something Tara had to make up so she could choke fap over Blue Pants Suit yet again. It’s such a boring routine.
It’s pretty clear that Roger was pointing out Trump’s indiscriminate targeting of his “enemies”. He’s tone-deaf and sociopathic. So he doesn’t always understand when he shouldn’t say the quiet part out loud. Such as going after grieving Gold Star Moms, disabled veterans, and war heroes, for example. And as Roger points out, knowing who someone considers their “enemies” can tell you a lot about who they consider “friends”.
Friends like “Hitler” to whom the leader of the Republican Party has offered his compliments on a few occasions.
It’s good information for anyone who cares to notice.
Tara, you are “claiming” that people who brought truck loads of firearms, and ammunition to DC were not armed. And you have claimed that the same people, when they attempted to arrange for boats to ferry those weapons across the river to supply terrorists attacking The Capitol, were just “excited protesters who lost their heads”.
You haven’t succeeded in calling out shit, other than to re-emphasize that your only true interest in the aftermath of this terror attack is to better enable the next one you are planning.
Sounds like you’re his only friend here.
Hasn’t changed for me. But there is a difference when part of the population is vaccinated and previously no one was vaccinated….but I’d only expect a doctor to understand that.
Basket of deplorables
It was only too accurate.. see the “tourists” of Jan 6..
See Charlottesville..
In other news, Bellevue is all grown up and experiencing a homicide growth rate:
Will Doc Dumbfuck complain about this? Heck no.
Oh well… Light rail is coming, that will bring bums and riff-raff to the city. It will only get worse. I can just imagine the tears from Kemper Freeman Jr. He and Doc can cry together. Kemper’s dad was also a fan “keeping Bellevue white.”
Missouri is running out of ventilators again since a it’s full of people who do not care about the greater good of the community.
like iron fist hawley and its running mate
Serena JoyKristi “shotgun” Noem – depending on “survivors” w/ guns to vault them into power..but they’re xtians don’t you see? white xtians…
“excited protesters who lost their heads”.
Did it just excuse Minneapolis, Seattle, etc?
Wonders never cease…
But why not? Only 3.7 percent of the BLM protests involved property damage.
They wanted to be “heard”? amirite?
Basket of deplorables..
See the online thugs that drumpf directed w/ tweets.
See the freaks who have targeted elections officials w/ death threats and other intimidation. REPUKELICAN officials even..
Oh no! Nothing “deplorable” about that. Just ordinary folks, klownservatic folks, wanting to be “heard”…
For example:
Between on or about Jan 4th, 2021, and Jan 6th, 2021, within the District of Columbia and elsewhere, GUY WESLEY REFFITT transported in commerce a firearm, that is, a rifle and a semi-automatic handgun, knowing and having reason to know and intending that the firearm will be used unlawfully in furtherance of a civil disorder.
Just one of over 500. Others charged with weapons offenses include Lonnie Coffman of Alabama, who brought multiple “bombs, guns, and hundreds of rounds of ammunition” with him to The Capitol.
Reffitt declared repeatedly his intention of “dragging those people out of the Capitol by their ankles” and installing a new government. He threatened to shoot his own children if they cooperated with the authorities investigating the attack. He also detailed his activities on the day, including early morning reconnaissance with other “patriots” before returning later “weapons hot” to rally at a pre-arranged location near The Capitol.
All any “conservative” manages to “call out” by pretending that these people were unarmed, and peaceful, is their very obvious intention to try and do it again.
I see the traitor Doctor Dumbfuck woke up triggered this morning. So much anger and frustration!
This is a good thing. Congrats to whoever pushed his buttons.
@ 51
It was only too accurate.. see the “tourists” of Jan 6..
See Charlottesville..
YLB, ya skank, how “accurate” would it be for me to allege that the CHAZ idiocy was emblematic of the Democrat party?
How “accurate” would it be to claim that the behavior of Micah X. Johnson reflects the desires of the Democrat party?
How “accurate” would it be to claim that the Democrat party is as ill-informed and ill-prepared to argue as you are, YLB? Would other Democrats claim, as you did, that a flipped seat in the Virginia state legislature should make Mitch McConnell tremble in fear for some reason, ya silly twat?
Girlfriend, you are perpetually in high school civics. You embarrass those on your side who take politics seriously, YLB. You lack command of the basics.
Following on @ 58
When the VA state legislative seat flipped, YLB seemed to think that there would be different redistricting and that would affect Mitch McConnell’s Senate GOP numbers.
To which I responded @ 35 in that thread:
Funny thing; YLB still has not answered. Silly twat.
@58 HAHAHAHAHAHA.. keeping excusing Jan 6 snowflake.. An “attempt” to forceably alter a peaceful transfer of authority..
“missed swings” count snowflake.. liked an “attempt” at murder.
your constant “whatabouts” convince NO ONE… your “arguments” had no weight since you started here.. dragging in talking points that everyone here had seen too many times before.
Triggered.. Mission accomplished…
Wooo hooo.. Look at it go!!!
Hey rapey freako.. that obese orange deplorable still believes it’s on the “Lindell” schedule??
for reinstatement??
Heh.. the disgustingly deplorable MTJ doesn’t even believable that..
That orange freak is at BEST an albatross around your deplorable party’s neck..
PRAY.. it meets “that certain day”.. and quick…
Biggest losers: CNN and MSNBC.
Aw, c’mon, libbies. Look at the bright side. He’ll be out in time to help y’all during the 2024 election season.
@ 61
… that obese orange deplorable …
Hey YLB, who is more obese? Trump or Stacey Abrams?
YLB lowers the average IQ of the Democrat party. Unserious twat.
how “accurate” would it be for me to allege that the CHAZ idiocy was emblematic of the Democrat party?
As “accurate” as you fantasize. There’s no such thing as a “Democrat party”… That’s yet another fantasy to go along with the gang bang fantasy and other sick shit you’ve busted here.
Thank you for representing your “ilk” as you do. For many years now. It’s been a barrel full of laughs.
@61 MTG, excuse me.
who is more obese? Trump or Stacey Abrams?
Heh. Who tanked a second term in the WH while wearing an “R” next to its name and who was instrumental electing two Ds to the U.S. Senate..
from Georgia???
And who cries like a baby for “reinstatement” in Aug??
Anything else?
And the silver lining to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 loss is President Biden in 2021.
There. That should make all the liberals feel better.
I want to solicit Elijah’s opinion on a legal matter. I have my own opinion on this (I lean to strict liability), but want to see what he thinks of this:
Can a dumbfuck form the mens rea to be culpable for treason?
(The question assumes an insanity defense isn’t available, and goes to whether pleading stupidity might work.)
This is a spot-on response to @ 66:
You wish.
He still has other charges pending in other jurisdictions. Avenatti will be bouncing around federal and state prison systems for many years. Deservedly so.
Absolutely none of which changes or in any way diminishes the admitted fact that Republicans twice voted to make a confessed rapist who paid a porn star to put me in her mouth into their most beloved and fiercely defended president ever. Stormy Daniels obviously made many poor choices. Hiring Avenatti is not the worst.
@66 Not sure where you’re going with this, but it doesn’t follow that companies who raise prices also raise wages. Their idea is to raise prices and not raise wages in order to raise profits. And even in the best case for workers, wage increases invariably lag behind price increases. In any case, no matter what economic theory you use, you’ll have a hard time making a case that America’s wealth is concentrating at the labor end of the spectrum.
@ 69
Absolutely none of which changes or in any way diminishes the admitted fact that Republicans twice voted to make a confessed rapist who paid a porn star to put me in her mouth into their most beloved and fiercely defended president ever.
YLB fellated Obama for free. Of course, YLB thinks everything should be free.
As I see it, generally if the crime in question is not one that is peculiar to white dudes in blue suits, then mens rea seldom enters into it.
It’s why, despite having Mazar Group’s cooperation, the Manhattan DA will face a steep uphill battle convicting Weiselberg, and probably no shot at convicting any Trump unless they can get either Weiselberg or Mazars to hand them a smoking gun. Although, I gotta admit the parallel spreadsheet detailing the fraud is about a close as you can get.
#owngoal of course
Please explain how different control of redistricting in VA affects the US Senate.
Oh look yours truly made another “GE” for teh dimfook to bleat about..
ad infinitum.. ad nauseam..
but no worries.. HA HEROES can take it.. Have for many years through legions of trolls… and we’ll continue to do that..
until the server goes cold..
And YES I do have an answer.. A good one.. Can’t pay me enough..
Please do what you do.. snowflake.. it’s what passes for entertainment around here..
Whatever else you’ve had stuffed in your mouth, Tara, since the 2018 Associate Justice DateRape Train Pull it’s been nothing but ashes. And the line runs out the door, around the block, and clear on past 2028.
Just relax your throat, babe.
@ 70
In any case, no matter what economic theory you use, you’ll have a hard time making a case that America’s wealth is concentrating at the labor end of the spectrum.
I have never tried to do that, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit. I have made the case that Democrat administrations, like GOP administrations, have contributed significantly to wealth concentration at my end of the spectrum. I have made the case that technological advances have replaced labor in innumerable instances, and that companies should not be blamed for it, nor should they owe the workers compensation for their obsolescence.
“Learn to code.” has been used by the left as well as by the right. Justifiably so, as it’s good advice.
I am as pro-labor as you are pro-law enforcement, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit. The difference is that I never falsely claim to be labor’s friend in the way that you falsely claim to support the police.
rapey dimfook fellated bonzo “the one” raygun for free.
Got pictures even..
bonzo was its gateway drug… into always wrong wing crack…
rapey dimfook fellated bonzo “the one” raygun for free.
Got pictures even..
bonzo was its gateway drug… into always wrong wing crack…
The two years of preschool are an effort to reduce the number of future YLBs.
@68 Looks like the dumbfuck in question is now replying to his own posts.
The two years of preschool are an effort to reduce the number of future YLBs.
My kids had preschool as soon as we could get them in. Toddler age. Did wonders for them.
No dimfook. They’ve never worked fast food. Nothing wrong with that (aside from generally shitty pay) but that’s not what we wanted for them.
They’re gonna survive ya dimfook.. They’re gonna see “a better day”.. And you’ll be entombed.. with your fookin’ munee..
@68 As for equating America’s 2% trendline inflation and 5% transitory inflation to Zimbabwe’s currency debasement, the math doesn’t really work on that. You’ll need more than a 1.02, or even a 1.05, multiplier to get to a $217,000 cup of coffee in this lifetime. Even at Starbucks in New York City.
However, I can see a dumbfuck paying $217,000 in current dollars for an F-350 and a horse trailer to haul around a horse he doesn’t need. Maybe that’s what he means by inflation.
companies should not be blamed for it, nor should they owe the workers compensation for their obsolescence.
LOL! Who’s going to buy their products dimfook? Trust fund kids?
What a moron…
@75 “I have made the case that Democrat administrations, like GOP administrations, have contributed significantly to wealth concentration at my end of the spectrum.”
You could have added, GOP administrations more than Democrat[ic] administrations. But you didn’t. And not accidentally or through oversight.
in the way that you falsely claim to support the police.
Heh. Police should “protect and serve”..
Not just the snowflakes cowering in safespaces like widbee..
@82 Simple. When robots do all the work, we’ll tax robots, and distribute the proceeds to unemployed humans. Whether you call it “unemployment benefits” or “guaranteed income” is immaterial. The important thing is it keeps the consumer economy going, because without consumer spending, nobody will have nuthin’, including capitalists, investors, and owners of robots.
@85 My thoughts exactly but dimfook knee-jerk opposes that. For better or worse I don’t see much alternative.. I’ve seen a robot that can milk a freaking cow.. Dairy work is miserable work and done mostly by undocumented workers.
Some guy I saw give a talk mentioned a futurist who said the only work that will be available will be for artists or artisans. Painters, sculptors, maker of crafts like ceramics, glasswork, tapestries, etc.
Only work that computers can’t do.
Well, I dcertainly did it to myself. 2.5 years of some dudes’ dicks up my ass! I just got too greedy!
Do you guys still think I should run for President in 2024?
@87 Look at Sound Transit pictures…
Pay your car tabs.. comply with the law.
Yeah, tell me all about it. I got disbarred, bankrupted and disgraced by my greed for power. I fucked with the wrong families.
Trolls here lend nothing to the World. It is doomed. They are doomed.
The breeding will not save them.
Imagine if any black man ever sought out and piled up “the grievance” the way you do.
You’d never be able to leave Whidbey.
“Whaddabout… …that guy that once upon a time did that thing to those other guys who are somewhat like me?”
Gonna cry? Still?
Imagine if any black man ever sought out and piled up “the grievance” the way you do.
Oh that guy is teh babblin’ butthole… of Everett..
Guess it’s widbee for life for teh dimfook..
a gilded cage..
I reckon you’ll get quite a few more than 2.5 years if you are convicted here in California for ripping off vulnerable clients, embezzling from partners, and cheating on taxes.
@87 You’re no worse than Trump, and you’ll be out by then, whereas he may be just starting to serve his time, so you’ll be more available than him. All you’ll need is a copy of Hitler’s speeches and a good fundraising shtick and you’ll be good to go.
@88 I didn’t know car owners had a choice.
Not only did Trump’s wall collapse in a light wind, but the guy he chose to build it is now under arrest for stealing the money to buy a boat.
Care to guess why Bannon got a blanket pardon but this guy didn’t?
@96 Gotta feel bad for the guy, though. No feeling in the mechanical hand in his wife’s crotch.
” … many of his hospitalized Covid-19 patients are ‘shocked’ that Covid-19 truly exists and that it can make people very sick and even kill them.”
Must’ve been watching Fox, and only Fox.
Nearly All U.S. COVID Deaths Now Are Among Unvaccinated
Like 300 deaths per day.. Now the question is, are they mostly the lefty, hippy anti-vaxxer types or the drumpfist it’s all a big hoax cuz faux snooze, newswhacks, onanism and orange dear leader said so types?
I call the latter..
It’s a self-licking ice cream cone.
Now, of course, Arkansas isn’t about to turn blue. But the reason you can see the phenomenon so clearly in a place like Arkansas is because two out of every three voters there choose Q-Trump and Butt Flashlights over vaccination and economic recovery. Still that same kind of mass insanity exists in pockets (often rural) and in scatterings (transitional suburbs) in every state.
Remember, strident Trumpism stayed home during the last mid-term, while transitional suburbs swung hard to blue. And that was with Orange-Daddy-God-Emperor signing EOs, beating the shit out of Sobbing Guatemalan Toddlers, and confirming judges on a daily basis just to stir up the mouth-breathers.
I’m inclined to think nothing is more deflating of “populist” enthusiasm than coming off a vent to be sent home with no sense of smell and having forgotten how to spell your own name. Especially after the people you trusted told you to burn your mask and guzzle aquarium cleaner.
88: Sorry, but I am not a resident of Washington.