Dry side politics in existential crisis leads to violent outbursts.
This is to be expected.
This is what happens when all the underlying ideology of “conservatism” is systematically stripped away and all that remains is “The Whiteness”. Some “conservatives” already embraced this ethos long ago. But many more have dwelt in a twilight land of belief informed by mythology and tradition.
Trump upends the traditions and punctures the myths. Proud Boys and other “Western chauvinists” are energized by it. Others are left adrift and confused. They are ripe for exploitation.
Consider our own Trolls4Trump. They eagerly rushed headlong into the vacuum created by Trumpism, at first defending the loss of principle. But that very quickly turned to delusion and insanity, with every single one of them giving in to crazed fabulist idiocy about global cannibalism networks led by Tom Hanks.
The only thing separating any of them from a bombing is a can diesel and a few bags of ammonium nitrate.
The only thing separating any of them from a bombing is a can diesel and a few bags of ammonium nitrate.
Hey, I didn’t move to Whidbey for my health. I moved because a tractor uses diesel and ammonium nitrate is agricultural fertilizer.
The IRS publishes data on which income groups paid how much about two years after each year’s filing deadline. Those numbers for 2018 recently came out and were analyzed by the NTPU, the National Taxpayers Union Foundation. Their conclusions:
As a result of the TCJA, the share of federal income taxes paid increased for the top 1 percent from 38.5 percent in 2017 to 40.1 percent in 2018…. On top of this, the share of income taxes paid by the top 5 percent, top 10 percent, top 25 percent, and top 50 percent all increased. The bottom 50 percent of taxpayers saw their share of federal individual income taxes drop from 3.1 percent to 2.9 percent.
2018 was the Brett Kavanaugh year, too.
I should point out that we paid so much more in taxes in 2018 because we made so much more fucking money during the beginning of the Trump era.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, not so much. He sold his GE with a whimper in 2018, after holding on to it so long that most of his gain was lost.
If the Dems had a bench with any depth at all this would be a non-story.
The Obama years decimated the Democrats’ bench. After the handful of octogenarians at the top, there’s nothing but empty suits and pantsuits on the Dem side of the House aisle.
She’ll be re-elected as Speaker, of course. What alternative do Democrats have? Maxine Waters?
Proud Boys and other “Western chauvinists” are energized by it.
@2 There are legal uses for diesel and fertilizer. Whether those products are used legally and responsibly is, like guns and horses, a matter of individual choice.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@4 I read this morning in multiple sources that Pence has declined to participate in Louie Gohmert’s, Kelli Ward’s, and Rasmussen’s seditious conspiracy to overthrow the duly elected U.S. government on Jan. 6.
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublican "Losers and Suckers", Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
GOPer bench goes directly from Pence to Matt Gaetz to a pink mist settling gently over Second Avenue North in Nashville.
Tara, as much as you may have disgraced yourself in recent years with hysterical, performative, shirtless end-zone dances, don’t confuse notoriety with gravity or accomplishment. Unlike you Rapepublicans, to rise through the ranks Democrats don’t have to light their hair on fire and punch themselves repeatedly in the face while suing Twitter for butt-hurt feels.
Some of them do it by flipping Georgia and Arizona.
Hey, I didn’t move to Whidbey for my health. I moved because a tractor uses diesel and ammonium nitrate is agricultural fertilizer.
Don’t forget the fact that the horse feels more comfortable there too.
Low Self Esteem Boyspews:
Neanderthals are people too.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
And now comes a perfect case in point demonstrating the utter stupidity of Tara’s pride in her party’s bench.
Rising Super-Star Rapepublican Josh Hawley formally announces his intention to force every single Biden-state Republican Senator to cast a vote for or against CryBaby Trump.
It takes real “leadership” to recognize that the very best time for a litmus test is when it can cost you your razor thin Senate majority.
Mark Hall, lead co-chair of the Parker Republicans, began publishing the names and home addresses of public health workers Monday, adding, “Take this information and make your own decisions.”
“We will publish the names/addresses of these people with no law enforcement abilities,” Hall posted to the Facebook group. “If they want a war, we can give them that but it is time for a revolution.”
Hall outlined his intended targets while announcing the new effort on his own Facebook page.
“If you work for the state, CDPHE, Tri-County or other agencies, you are on the radar, at your homes and elsewhere,” Hall wrote. “You want to be Anti-Americans, Patriots are going to show you the errors of your ways. We didn’t ask for this but you brought it on.”
Smooth move, Dumbfuck, you fascist freaks calling for the murder of public health employees during a pandemic that was made worse by the incompetence of you and your stupid fucking orange moron.
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublican "Losers and Suckers", Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
there is nothing in Seattle worth $187 million
Amazon, Boeing, Starbucks, Nordstrom, University of Washington, Cray, Vulcan, Safeco, Getty, Redfin, Sub Pop, Saltchuk, etc. are all just mail drops at a UPS Store in Ballard.
Sure, Tara.
Sure, Tara.
I take it from the dumbfuck that NAS Whidbey Island is pretty much worthless.
At this point the dumbfuck is simply fucking stupid. I reckon fascism led by an raging orange man-baby does that to people.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
You have to ask yourself (since by now it’s pretty obvious), having abandoned every single remaining principle, what exactly is supposed to stop “conservatives” from engaging in violent insurrection against lawful public authority?
If you ask me the only thing left is fear.
And that fear has been significantly eroded by the behavior and statements of law enforcement in many jurisdictions, both nationally and locally. They have put all of us at much greater risk by emboldening these traitors and validating their opposition to public safety and democracy.
Every voter should draw a direct causal linkage between concessions by elected civilian authorities to unlawfully violent police behavior, and this kind of broad and increasingly common public threat.
What’s it take for Steve to support the military? His perception that I don’t.
The worth of NAS Whidbey, Steve, depends on whether you include the cost to remediate the environmental damage to the island that NAS activities have caused.
Factoring that in, yeah, I think my statement is accurate.
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublican "Losers and Suckers", Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
His perceptionconclusion that I don’t.
You support Trump. Consistently. Ardently. Unwaveringly.
Without a hint of shame, Trump despises “his” generals for refusing to stage a coup on his behalf, considers enlisted and drafted personnel to be “losers and suckers”, mocks a POW war hero like Sen. McCain and his widow, and just vetoed defense authorization for 2021.
So do you.
That conclusion is inescapable – about you and every single other Rapepublican voter.
And #youbuiltthat
What’s it take for Steve to support the military?
You’re so fucking stupid.
What’s it take for you to support America instead of Russia?
You support Trump. Consistently. Ardently. Unwaveringly.
Which is to say that our dumbfuck traitor views our military as consisting of “suckers” and “losers”. Such is the support he gives our armed services.
What’s it take for you to support America instead of Russia?
In 2020 Steve is willing to admit Romney was correct in his 2012 debate with Obama.
More stupidity from the dumbfuck traitor. He once voted for Romney. Now the dumbfuck and his raging orange man-baby view Romney as a traitor. And why? For not supporting their quest to end American democracy and to replace it with orange fascism.
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublican "Losers and Suckers", Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Romney was correct…
…when unlike Tara, he came to his senses voted to impeach and refused to vote to re-elect the impeached GOP FailPresident who abandoned the Kurds and traded Syria to murdering dictators in exchange for more favorable loan terms on real estate scams.
Too little. Too late.
Mitt Romney will never, ever, ever be President. Or Vice President. Or Secretary of State. Or much of anything, really.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@18 My guess is his county soon will have (1) an out-of-control infection rate and (2) no health workers to take care of him or anybody else.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@21 Well, if LE are useless, there’s no reason to pay their salaries or fund their budgets, is there? Kinda like the former police department in Republic, Washington.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@7 ” … with orange fascism” run from Moscow.
With your indulgence, ftfy.
With your indulgence, ftfy.
That reminds me…Doctor Dumbfuck and his raging orange man-baby also support Putin’s bounty on our troops. Not one harsh word ever said about it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@11 “Rising Super-Star Rapepublican Josh Hawley formally announces his intention to force every single Biden-state Republican Senator to cast a vote for or against CryBaby Trump” using a statute Republicans claim is unconstitutional.
Apparently we can now all agree that “I was hacked!” will only fool people like The Even Bigger Fucking Moron.
This is what happens, businesses, when you feel sorry for someone like Deathfrogg and take a chance by giving them a job.
@ 33
It’s a move that telegraphs future intentions. Like when Bill Clinton pardoned Puerto Rican terrorists to smooth the way for Hillary’s political foray.
Hawley will face Nikki Haley and Ivanka Trump for the 2024 GOP nomination. Or, as we like to call it, the real race for the presidency before whomever is successful in the primary walks over the weak and unlikable Kamala Harris in November.
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublican "Losers and Suckers", Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Really Tara?
Why not Lyndon LaRouche?
I mean yes, technically he’s dead.
But since when did mere technicalities ever get in the way of you, Trump, or Laura Loomer?
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
godwin’s bench is deep…with fascist fucktards.
Like your fascist fucktards side been doxxing Republicans since 2017 Steve!
Try another horse!
before whomever is successful in the primary walks over the weak and unlikable Kamala Harris in November
The stupid fuck just might have set a new record for premature ejaculation.
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
with orange fascism” run from Moscow.
BULLSH^T BULLSH^T BULLSH^T BULLSH^T BULLSH^T! Not Puddy’s take… Robert Mueller’s take!
Butt then again that senile wabidiot ink at its shiny best!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@35 All anyone needs to know about how far the Republican Party has fallen is capsulated in the phrase, “Ivanka Trump for the 2024 GOP nomination.”
I remember — seems long ago now — when you had to work your way up to the White House by winning a world war (Eisenhower), or at least being a senator (Kennedy, Obama) or governor (Reagan, Carter, Clinton, Bush43), or having some political experience to be taken seriously as a potential nominee.
One has changed is the GOP has become unserious. Doc hasn’t changed; he never was serious. He’s been brain-addled since birth.
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
Didn’t Kamala Harris claim she would not get the vaccine because it was developed under Trump’s Operation Warp Speed?
I look at Whidbey Island on Goggle Maps…..doesn’t look like anything special. Looks like a bunch of hillbillies in trailer parks live there….kind of reminds me of Wasilla, Alaska, home of the Grizzly Trash Whore.
@41 maybe because it was eventually approved by the FDA and not circumented.
I’m not sure you can call it Warp Speed when it could take 10 years to vaccinate everyone. Thanks to the Fuckhump Administration.
G…..as in Gee
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
Remember when dummocretin Gov Cuomo claimed he would not push the covid vaccine because it was developed under Trump’s Operation Warp Speed? Now he plans to give it to recovering drug users before the old people in those nursing homes he helped kill back in March and April.
Gotta love those dummocretin guvnurs!
@44 if The Fuckhump keeps golfing and focused on stealing an election, maybe Guv won’t be able to vaccinate anyone, maybe nobobdy will get that Warped vaccine.
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
10 years to vaccinate everyone.
Hey hershey highwayman…
I thought you had hope for the BiteME! Sadministration. Apparently not! You aren’t too sharp or alert either!
By way of comparison, Safeco Field cost $531 million.
I wonder if gay people can ride the Ferry.
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
Delaware has prioritized giving the vaccine to prisoners first over the old people of the state. Biden’s home state knows how to set priorities!
Go get him Steve.
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
Meanwhile another dummocretin, Erie County Executive Mark C. Poloncarz, proves his edicts have no meaning for him or his dummocretin buddies.
Must have gotten his directives from Nancy Ice Cream Pelosi!
Dumbfuck @48 sees no good reasons to vaccinate prisoners. Small brain for small potatoe.
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
I wonder if gay people can ride the Ferry.
Ferry? Name for your new butt plug? Don’t you mean Fairy?
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
Dumbfuck @48 sees no good reasons to vaccinate prisoners. Small brain for small potatoe.
Dipsh^t @51 can’t get over old people not behind bars should get the vaccine before criminals behind bars!
Stooooooooooooooopid is as stooooooooooooooooooooooooopid is!
Puddybud is just visiting the mayonnaise monster lookin ASS cracker gleefairy here!spews:
When a dummocretin libtard can’t win on the substance go ad hominem racist @54,@55.
Waytogo libtardo!
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublican "Losers and Suckers", Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
But you know what they say: A Republican is never less dangerous than when she is trapped by a fellow freshman Senate Rapepublican who built his Lake of the Ozarks vacation home out of discarded rape kits he was too lazy to test.
No really. They do say that. Because Republicans.
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
Meanwhile the Black Woman who supported Trump was stabbed by Antifa will be in DC 1/6/2021. Did Carl Ballard tell you about the antifa scum stabbing a black woman?
NOPE! At least the WA Post covered it while assesHorse dummocretin thread headers could not!
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublican "Losers and Suckers", Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Oooooh, ick.
Look everyone:
A degenerate freakRepublican at 58 is calling your attention to his “Substance“.
GOP CryBaby incompetence is about to cost them again.
Trump’s GOP fuck sticks are blowing the census deadline so badly that it will be left to record breaking winner President Joe Biden to implement and determine the final census count used for apportionment “sometime” early next year.
That would be yet another #owngoal
When an Ape can’t win on the substance go ad hominem homophobic.
Waytogo Neanderthal Repuke….you should be a Lameboy for Halloween for the Proudboys.
Been kicking your ASS for years. You brought up the “gay angle” @47. Puddy answered later!
Puddybud, the HA senile DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
Defund the police, you get exploding violence!!!!!!!!!!
Minneapolis, Milwaukee, Chicago, Seattle, Portland, New York, etc…
Common denominator? dummocretin led!
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublican "Losers and Suckers", Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Damn right it’s FEAR.
We all know perfectly well exactly what “his type” does with their hands.
If everything goes perfectly, without a single hitch, Trump/GOP will manage to get about 15 million individual vaccination doses out to the states before Trump is fired.
That number will never, ever improve. And in all likelihood it will decline.
You’d look more feminine if you wore kneepads and used them with regularity, dude. Just ask YLB.
Confidential (tweet @ 73) to YLB:
Have you considered referring to your kneepads as “shin guards“? If you can’t be badass, YLB, at least your unique brand of fellatio can.
I almost forgot…the dumbfuck and his raging orange man-baby really, really hate our American POWs. They much prefer “suckers” and “losers” who didn’t get caught.
You’d look more feminine if you wore kneepads and used them with regularity, dude. Just ask YLB.
Dumbfuck keeps his kneepads in the barn.
Oops! A horse on Whidbey just whinnied in fear. Sorry about that.
The kinds of guys who Team Obama calculated would be welcome back as heroes.
You would love my horse, Steve. Everyone would love my horse.
Work gloves. Sturdy boots. The daily manure cart. No knee pads.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@64 He stutters, moron. Why do you discriminate against the differently abled?
@77 Is that all you got?
Note to self. We need to get Marvin un-banned. Maybe get lostinaseaofblue to come back. Sure, they’re both dumber than a stump but they’d still be a vast improvement over the vapidity of our dumbfuck radiologist.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Mention Trump’s human failings and they come at you with … Biden’s stutter.
The only people who take Republicans seriously are Repubicans. Can’t imagine why. Lack of substance, maybe? All-around silliness? Terminal stupidity? All of the above?
No knee pads.
So it’s a clown costume, huh? Figures. I take it the horse gets the kneepads.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@53 “Dipsh^t @51 can’t get over old people not behind bars should get the vaccine before criminals behind bars!”
Pudidiot doesn’t see the point of immunizing prisoners so the guards don’t get it.
Or maybe he does, but has it in for prison guards because they have a union, and he has it in for people who join unions.
He might have a point. To look at the example set by our fearless fascist leaders, this is a time for skiing and playing golf.
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublican "Losers and Suckers", Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
It’s nice that Tara has something to comfort her in her grief:
A seven-day-a-week, twice per day paper route that lasts for twenty five years. Bonus smells!
Well played. /s
Ohhhhhh my. Wonder if blows horses too, like Bob!? I’m sure the evidence is mounting (pardon my French), just like Putin and Fuckhump ties.
Trumpist Lawyer Lin Wood Casually Suggests Chief Justice John Roberts Is a Murderous Pedophile
Puddybud, the HA senile DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
senile wabidiot @allover,
The old people are the most vulnerable. Cuomo gave them a NY State death sentence with his March 28th nursing home edict in which he later received an emmy. Putting prisoners ahead of the old people means wabidiots like yourself are into “soylent green activities”. You could have been one of those old people in NY senile wabidiot. Yet, in your well known senility, you still don’t understand you are as old as many whom died in NY State!
Sad wabidiot, sad!
Proof that the Wall Street Journal editorial board is a bunch of America-hating commie jihadists.
Confidential to pos rapey boob mcdimfuk teh widbee kreeper..
Ever consider abandoning widbee to closer in to the city? Portland or Seattle?
Instead of cowering in fear of antifa you could open carry and mix it up a bit with lgbtq members of antifa or whatever group the dorki monsonites babble about.. a proud “profa” boy…
You could still be buried in widbee.. My kids would love to draw straws with mary kay and thank her for support for liberal causes.
Remember all your life has to amount to something other than shit talk in the HA threads.
Country Fucked Forever —> brought to you by the GOP (Repukes) and the IndePussies.
You would think that the IndePussies would be able to exercise their balance and speak out…..but know they are IndePussy Repukes!
Remember all your life has to amount to something other than shit talk in the HA threads.
Bob’s life will never, never, ever amount to anything but a treason unpatriotic American with lover for Russia!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@87 He also says Jeffrey Epstein is alive. (He plans to do Elvis next week.) I’m not sure if he’s crazy, or a publicity hound; probably both.
But I can say one thing for sure: If I were facing two consecutive life sentences for murder plus another 30 years for aggravated assault, I wouldn’t feel comfortable having him as my defense attorney.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I see this morning McConnell called $2,000 stimulus payments for millions of Americans “socialism for the rich.” Which, of course, billionaire tax cuts are not.
This with an election that will determine Senate control just 5 days away. Well played, Mitch.
Oh, and one of those GOP senate candidates is now off the campaign trail and in quarantine, having gotten too close to an unmasked supporter who, it turns out, is infected.
It’s almost as if these Republicans, like the Nashville bomber, are trying to blow themselves up.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@90 Tell that to the prison guards, not me. They’re the ones who’ll walk off the job if anybody listens to you.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@94 I spent part of this morning writing him up for Handbill, comparing him to a toddler playing with matches. Here’s what I said about him: http://handbill.us/2020/12/31/.....-nonsense/
Roger Rabbitspews:
I wonder how much this one will cost the taxpayers of Virginia Beach, Virginia? While the racial profiling and wrongful arrest claims might be disputed, the cops have no defense against the negligence element of the personal injury claim.
If the whole family gets sick and their baby dies, many millions of dollars, on a par with a white cop putting a bullet in a black infant in a stroller, probably more than the city’s insurance will cover, if the city still have any insurance after their last police fuckup.
It occurs to me that insuring cops probably isn’t a real lucrative business; unless, of course, you’re charging premiums that would make a payday lender jealous.
Meanwhile the Black Woman who supported Trump was stabbed by Antifa will be in DC 1/6/2021.
Heh.. This says it was blamed on BLM.. And by a favorite hate group of teh babblin’ buttnutt. But of course it would be blamed on BLM. The racist proud bois can’t waste a single opportunity demonizing BLM.
Whadayaknow. teh babblin’ butthole is WRONG AGAIN!!!
@103 I won’t say she deserved it — no one should be a victim of political violence — but being part of a group that promotes the violent overthrow of the government does carry some personal risks, including from your own kind.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Meanwhile, nearly 3/4ths of the House GOP caucus plans to vote in favor of overthrowing our elected government next week, thereby firmly establishing the GOP as a revolutionary party opposed to democracy and freedom.
The communists, who in their hearts knew there was significant popular support for totalitarianism in this country, are envious of the GOP’s success at turning affection for baby-raping dictators into a political movement.
Politically Incorrect - just another "stupid" millionairespews:
+25.34% for the period January 1, 2018 through December 31, 2020.
1. My mom was not involved.
2. No second job was required, unlike poor WTF!?.
Politically Incorrectspews:
About year ago, Philip Blumel from the U. S. Term Limits Foundation, made some astute arguments concerning how term limits for members of the U. S. House of Representatives and the Senate would lessen the impact of lobbyists in our government. He called the piece “Why Lobbyists Hate Term Limits” and went on to list eight reasons why term limits for the House and Senate would be good for our republic. Here are those eight reasons:
1. Lobbyists derive their power through long-term relationships with elected officials. Term limits will disrupt this cozy relationship.
2. New legislators are more independent than entrenched politicians and ableto pursue new policy ideas outside the “club” that has become our Legislative Branch.
3. In term-limited legislatures, the incentive for newly-elected to sell-out to the lobbyists is greatly reduced.
4. Term-limited legislatures have less appeal to political careerists so people running for office are less likely to be political “lifers” and therefore less likely to be attracted to the self-dealing treats dangled in front of them by lobbyists.
5. Term limits mean legislators will be leaving government at a faster rate as they are termed-out of office. This means those ex-legislators have more competition in getting lucrative lobbying jobs, thus more politicians lose out in the post-legislature game of musical chairs. After all, there are so many lobbyist jobs out there.
6. Lobbyists also hate term limits because the incumbent in an election no longer a permanent built-in advantage of being an incumbent. About 94% of incumbents win re-election, and term limits would eventually end this. Lobbyists would have to start all over again to build influence with newly-elected members of the House and Senate, thus rendering their lobbying efforts less effective.
7. More competition means lobbyists would have to devote more time to gain the advantage in a competitive environment.
8. Term Limits shrink the stature of lobbyists. Without term limits, lobbyists have a lot more clout. Additionally, while term limits encourage merit-based promotion in the legislature among politicians, they also encourage merit-based promotion among lobbyists. “Term limits make lobbyists work much harder in order to exercise much less influence.” That’s why most if them hate term limits.
I’m all in agreement with Mr. Blumel’s views, but I would add a few things to the idea of term limits. First, I would support amending the Constitution to limit the presidents to one six-year term – no second term at all. Second, in amending the Constitution, set term limit for members of the House and Senate for four years instead of two years and six years, respectably. Third, these legislators should be limited to two four-year terms each, with the additional limitation of a mandatory ten-year waiting period between the time a legislator leaves the House or Senate and gets any other position within the federal government – elected or appointed. That means no more Congressmen, Congresswomen or Senators using their offices for a presidential run or any other position within the federal government.
Finally, I support removing lifetime appointments for members of the Judicial Branch. I support limiting Supreme Court judges to a single sixteen-year term with the same ten-year time limit applying to any positions those judges might pursue after leaving the Supreme Court. I’m sure this will drive all of you crazy because you favor political monarchy with Democrats as the kings and queens.
Politically Incorrectspews:
I believe China’s goal is to make the China Sea its private lake with no whites allowed. They intend to exploit whatever oil is in the region of the islands they are building as a steppingstone to conquering and annexing the Indochina Peninsula. Eventually, we won’t have to worry about the Kim family of North Korea because China will eventually annex the Korea Peninsula and conquer Taiwan to forcibly bring the last free Chinese under communist control. China will have special punishment for Japan due to that nation’s activities during World War II.
Once China has enslaved those nations, it will turn its attention South to the Indonesia Archipelago and its vast oil reserves. At this point, what the West wants simply won’t matter because China will have become too strong to resist. The Chinese will eventually capture and enslave India on its way to capturing the Middle East and its oil. China wants world domination because they believe themselves to be the superior race.
The Chinese have always referred to themselves as the Middle Kingdom. To be more accurate, how they really feel about themselves is that they are the Center Kingdom, and what they mean by “center” is the Center of the Universe. They are simply a racist and chauvinistic lot.
This blog’s major liberal progressive troll attempted to ridicule my ideas about China and its global desires. Apparently, he does not own a globe.
Politically Incorrectspews:
I had to laugh when I saw a story on KOMO News about a supposed “hate” crime in Bellingham. It seems a couple of businesses in Bellingham had “Black Lives Matter” signs in the windows of their storefronts, and someone came along and put up some swastika signs as a comment against the BLM signs. Now everyone in Bellingham and other places in Washington is calling this a “hate” crime.
What a load of bullshit! If the BLM and ANTIFA people can go about destroying so much of Seattle and everyone there calls it “peaceful protest,” quietly putting up a counter sign to the “Black Lives Matter” bullshit is nothing, even if it involves Nazi symbols and/or slogans.
Fuck you arrogant idiots and everything you stand for!
Politically Incorrectspews:
Forgive all student loan debt? Sure, I’ll go along with that s long as the federal government gets out of the student loan business entirely. Just like the federal government, through its wasteful and fiscally-irresponsible tax-and-spend policies has made health care prohibitively expensive, is responsible for millions of taking on career-crushing debt to get “degrees” with no value in the economy or our society.
So, is our government wants to forgive all student debt, then it must cease the behavior that has damages so many young people over the past few decades. We need STEM people. We don’t need gender “studies” and other suck silly “degrees.”
Politically Incorrectspews:
Roger Rabbit spews:
Saturday, 10/24/20 at 4:35 pm
@22 Hillary was off by 8%. Only 42% of America is deplorable.
And that 42% is solidly liberal progressive idiots – just like you!
Politically Incorrectspews:
G spews:
Saturday, 10/24/20 at 8:14 pm
(BTW, it’s the Wuhan Virus. The Chinese Communist
Party deployed it on purpose to fuck with our election. They are working for Biden. The Russians might be supporting Trump.)
You sure? I thought they unleashed it upon the world to fuck with Wall Street and its great rise, and to manufacture the lowest unemployment levels in centuries. Those crafty Chinamen. You suppose some of them are pedophiles too? Nooooo!
Yep, the Chinese Communist Party owns the Wuhan Virus and is totally responsible for what has happened.
Politically Incorrectspews:
Well, I said a couple of years ago Biden would be the best choice to defeat Trump in 2020. It turns out I was correct. Disclaimer: I voted for a third party candidate in 2020.
Politically Incorrectspews:
WTF!? spews:
Sunday, 9/8/19 at 4:12 am
Jerez I hope PI didn’t need that $100 I donate to Mayor Pete.
No, douche bag, I’ve got my very own real, grownup money, and you’re struggling to get by, working two jobs.
It sucks to be you!
Politically Incorrectspews:
Per WTF!? 5/21/20:
Let’s face it, them Southerners are just dumb fuckers – you can’t put lipstick on a pig.
You’re the one who has to work two jobs to get by, you arrogant piece of shit. And keep using “dumb fuckers” and “deplorables” to describe those with whom you disagree. All is does is show your ignorance and intolerance.
Politically Incorrectspews:
From McFuckhead:
“…affluent, elite, healthy, and highly educated coastal progressives.”
That, in a nutshell, is why you Seattle/King County people are so hated. You think you’re fucking better that anyone, but all you do is spout Marxist crap all day long. Fuck you and everything you stand for. I hope all of you die extremely painful and lingering deaths.
Another from McFuckhead
“Sure. Be “polite”. For the sake of “family” go over to the liquor cabinet and fix a giant drink for alcoholic Crazy Uncle Liberty who just drunkenly shit himself standing in the living room corner ranting about Hugo Chavez. Bring him a beer chaser for the sake of “unity”. But keep in mind he carries a loaded semi-auto and spare clips. And he’s been creep-staring at your nine-year-old niece for over an hour.
In department stores like Macys, the mannequins used to model lady’s panties aren’t anatomically correct. This is because the stores don’t want McFuckhead to come creeping around, see a camel toe on one of the mannequins and suddenly pull out his unit and, in a fit of arousal, spooge all over the merchandise. It’s hard to sell panties with some degenerate motherfucker’s jizz all over it. McFuckhead, stick to spooging on you own family members, like your nine-year-old niece.
Politically Incorrectspews:
The stock market did very well this year. The market likes certainty, so, with Biden’s win, the market players know how to deploy their assets in an environment of more costly and burdensome regulations, less individual liberty and higher taxation (theft) by government. The fact that the market can withstand elected idiots and tyrants says a lot about capitalism and individual liberty.
Politically Incorrectspews:
If you are an Excel user, learn how to use the SUMIFS function rather than the SUMIF function. SUMIFS is more versatile, once you get the hang of it, and you can test as many as 29 different conditions of your data within this function. It’s a very useful function.
Politically Incorrectspews:
There is a lot of talk about making Washington, DC a state. There is also talk about making Puerto Rico a state, too. I don’t support either of these ideas because they are both blatant attempts by liberal progressives, socialists, communists and Democrats (Is there really a difference between the three groups?) to gain power. It’s so obvious that it can be compared to a situation where the Republicans would be insisting all counties in Wyoming be made into separate states to boost their power in the House and Senates. It’s obviously tacky, self-serving behavior on part of the supporters of the totalitarian one-world government.
Let’s take a look at Washington, DC. It has a land area of 68.3 square miles. Rhode Island, our smallest state in terms of area, has a land area of 1,212 square miles, which is nearly 18 times larger than Washington, DC. Take a look at the map, also. Washington DC is on the same side of the Potomac River as Maryland’s Montgomery and Prince Georges Counties. It’s a safe bet that most voters in DC share the political beliefs and opinions of Maryland voters, so, if anything should happen with Washington’s status, that change should be to become part of the state of Maryland. It makes great sense.
As for Puerto Rico, its land area is about 5,325 square miles, so it could easily be its own nation. We came to be associated with this land due to an intentional act of blowing up our own battleship, the Maine, in order to start a war with Spain to seize Spanish territories for business interests in the US. Given that dubious set of circumstances, Puerto Rico should be allowed to go its own way, either becoming a separate Spanish-speaking nation or re-joining Spain as a colony.
Politically Incorrectspews:
Everyone has a right to health care, but no one has a right to make strangers pay for that health care.
Politically Incorrectspews:
I don’t know why so many Republicans, conservatives and Evangelical Christians are complaining about abortion. Don’t they realize an abortion today means one less liberal progressive, ANTIFA, welfare queen Democrat 18 years later.
Abortion might be the single best financial planning tool available to impoverished and minority women. Having children out of wedlock, without the family structure and father support required, almost surely guarantees a life of poverty and struggle to these young women. A simple procedure today is a heck of a lot cheaper, in the long run, than having bastard children, one after another, by different men over one’s child bearing years.
Yep, the only problem I see with abortion is that the wrong women and girls are getting them. It should definitely be used as a poverty-avoidance tool and not as a plan to spend life on the dole!
Politically Incorrectspews:
Roger Rabbit spews:
Saturday, 11/21/20 at 10:30 am
@6 Can’t expect a medical mechanic with no liberal arts training or reading comprehension skills to figure out he’s advocating structural reform of our electoral system, not calling ***Trump*** “illegitimate.”
Nor can you expect someone with so little general education or knowledge of the world to make the fine distinction between “Democratic Party” and Goldy.
This is what happens when you don’t require a freshman-level grounding in basic knowledge or simple thinking skills as a requirement for a premed degree.
My car mechanic can do better than that, which may help explain why they put him out to pasture in his early 50s. He couldn’t have been much better at reading xrays, after all.
Yet another fine example of the elitist, arrogant and the totally wrong thinking that permeates your ranks, rodent. You’re the absolute queen of narrow-minded bigotry and noxious egocentric mentality. BTW, the fucking education system is run by people of your ilk, so if there’s something wrong with it, in your view, then go after the people doing the teaching. They are precious government employees, just like you were!
Politically Incorrectspews:
Pars Dominae Foetidae spews:
Saturday, 11/21/20 at 4:09 pm
23 – Yes, with Creepy Joe and Kameltoe in there, the Russians and Chinese are going to do pretty much whatever they want.
“Creepy Joe and Kameltoe” – I fucking love it! I’m gonna use that one, Pars. Thanks! I used to refer to Obama as “The Milk Chocolate Messiah,” but Creepy Joe and Kameltoe is really a good one to piss off all of the liberal progressive trolls. Thanks again!
Politically Incorrectspews:
Roger Rabbit spews:
Monday, 11/23/20 at 9:12 am
@1 On top of that, all of his four-legged children with manes are illegitimate.
And this is coming from some dickwad pretending to be a cartoon character from a 1988 movie! Sad!
Politically Incorrectspews:
From Merriam-Webster:
Fascism definition is – a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.
I say this is the perfect way to describe China today. They certainly exalt the nation above all else and crush individualism. In fact, the Chinese really don’t have a word for “individualism” and define it in their language as the “Americans’ desire to be alone.” That’s the best they can come up with.
The Chinese certainly are racists, too. Marco Polo found that out when he made it to the Forbidden City in 1275, and the Emperor told Polo China didn’t need anything from a bunch of dirty, stinking white savages from the West. They still aren’t too fond of white people, and they are doing their best to replace white people as the Top of the Heap in the World.
This guy Xi Jinping is a piece of work, too. He gets himself declared President for life, thus meeting the Merriam-Webster definition when it come to a “centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader.” That dictatorial leader is Xi – that’s for sure.
When you take a look at it, the Chinese Communist Party is really a bunch of would-be fascists, exploiting everyone under them and attempting to seize their neighbors’ lands and people. It’s hilarious!
Politically Incorrectspews:
G spews:
Tuesday, 12/8/20 at 1:59 pm
How’bout that stock market…right Bob!
Where’s PI?
Right here, G, quietly making 25+ percent a year, on average, since January 1, 2018. Also, it’s fun being a millionaire and knowing you’re stuggling!
Politically Incorrectspews:
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublican “Losers and Suckers”, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Thursday, 12/10/20 at 5:43 pm
I’d be totes cool with the fucked up, treasonous GOP losing two Senate seats and 38 electoral votes.
Never having to see Ted Cruz do Princess Bride bits ever again would be the cherry on top.
Well, that didn’t work out for you, did it, you arrogant cocksucker.
Politically Incorrectspews:
Roger Rabbit spews:
Friday, 12/11/20 at 7:30 pm
It seems every Republican president is the worst president in history until the next one. Anybody see a trend here?
Not everyone has that opinion, rodent. Many think the presidents who happen to be Democrats are pretty fucked up. BTW, why aren’t you trolls complaining about George W. Bush any longer? I recall you trolls calling him “worst president ever” about a zillion times. What, suddenly you’re all lovey-dovey with him?
Politically Incorrectspews:
I remember channel surfing a couple of years ago when I came upon one of the public interest channels. There was an interview with General Michael Hayden. He was some Air Force guy who was some intelligence geek. I think, if memory serves, he ran the National Security Agency (NSA) for a while. The NSA is a really, really Deep State agency that spends a great deal of its time and resources spying on America citizens. They are the biggest part of the surveillance state.
Anyway, I was listening to the interview with Hayden, and he started a comment with the phrase, “We in the permanent government,” and I said to myself, “You fucking bald-headed, four-eyed motherfucker! YOU are and not the government in any wet dream fantasy you’ve ever had in your entire life. How fucking dare you imply that you are the government. You are a fucking employee, just like the young private entering basic training at Ft. Jackson, SC on some rainy South Carolina morning. Don’t you fucking ever make a statement like that again, boy!”
This is what happens when we allow government to grow as we have allowed our government to grow over the past 150 years. We get uppity hirelings who forget their place as the servants. All these stuffed shirts take an oath to support and defend the Constitution and spend the rest of their time undermining this fundamental document by meddling in foreign countries on our nickel, spying on citizens who pay their fucking salaries and benefit packages and coming up with new ways to take away our liberties.
It’s time to wind down these Deep State agencies and bureaus. They have come to think of themselves as the government, and it’s time to end that incorrect thinking on their part. These organizations need a thorough house cleaning, especially at the top, to rid the nation of these arrogant fucking oligarchs. The NSA, CIA, FBI, DOJ, IRS and other government entities need a good kick in the ass to rid ourselves of these delusional megalomaniacs.
Heh.. PI is taking a ride rantin’ from teh shortbus this eve..
Never has there been a more thick-headed glibertarian troll here. GOLD! Insurance crossing state lines! Flat tax! Israel fend for itself! Fortress America!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@113 In other words, you abstained.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Lookee here! Jared gets to be #1 scapegoat! Sucks to have Trump for a father-in-law, doesn’t it?
@129 What about you? Did you ever serve your country, son?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@128 “Not everyone has that opinion, rodent.”
Opinions are not all equal, any more than intellect is.
“BTW, why aren’t you trolls complaining about George W. Bush any longer? I recall you trolls calling him ‘worst president ever’ about a zillion times. What, suddenly you’re all lovey-dovey with him?”
No, the next GOP president was even worse. We didn’t think it was possible, but Republicans lowered their bar so far, now even an insane cult leader can climb over it. Easily, it turns out.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@124 “And this is coming from some dickwad pretending to be a cartoon character from a 1988 movie!”
Not true. No connection whatsoever, as I’ve explained before on this blog multiple times (you must have slept through that, or maybe you weren’t born yet).
You can’t even get that right. But then you’ve never been right about anything.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@123 You think you’ll “piss off” liberals by going all-in racist? Nah. Racists don’t make us angry, they just make us shake our heads, and wonder what’s wrong with them. Probably in many cases victims of bad parenting.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@116 “You think you’re fucking better that anyone”
No, we don’t think we’re better than anyone. There are smart, honest, and decent people out there. Some are superior to us. We only think we’re better than people like you, because we are better than you. Nearly everybody not currently in prison is better than you, except, of course, your own kind and people who should be in prison, which is pretty much everyone Trump knows including his lawyers.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@107 Should we term limit doctors, too? Should we say that after 4, 6, or 8 years, you can’t perform surgery anymore? Not because you can’t do it anymore, but because we don’t want anyone in the job who has more than a little experience?
And if that’s silly when applied to doctors, why isn’t it equally silly when applied to politicians? Is their job less consequential? Is there less need for experience in Congress than in an operating room? Do we really want a Congress full of bumbling novices like Josh Hawley?
Anyway, representatives and senators already have limited terms (2 years and 6 years, respectively), after which they must reapply and get rehired, if they want to continue.
Arbitrary term limits simply takes choices away from voters.
Republican Rep. Kinzinger has something to say to our trolls.
I’m choosing courage over conspiracy. I hope I’m not alone, but I’m willing to be.
Conspiracies debunked.
PI's poor motherspews:
Sorry, but my worthless son was released from jail this morning.
Right now he’s banging on the door, wanting to move back into the basement, but I’m not letting him in this house ever again.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@143 Like a feral cat that won’t settle down, but keeps coming back to be fed and given a warm dry place to sleep, eh? I feel for you, ma’am. Sometimes a parent’s best intentions and efforts just aren’t enough.
Roger Rabbitspews:
This police shooting looks justified to me. Normal people don’t boobytrap their bedroom doors.
I’m sure Xi Jinping is very happy with people of your ilk, too.
Just ask The Fuchump, he’s pretty cozy with Chinese, along with the rest of the family of his.
Looks like I have a new admirer.
Not only a loser in the Stock market but a loon too.
Struggling to work two jobs? Nah, I volunteering have Fridays off now. My employer had to have a special talk with me to ask why, to see if I wasn’t happy working, being that I’m a decade away from retirement. I enjoy Fridays off. And currently contemplating purchasing more real estate.
I don’t struggle financially. Never got a dime from PPP, stimulus? I wonder if PI got a check. Or if his loans will be forgiven?
PI. Bob is a red meat conservative who has spoken in support of Statehood for Puerto Rico. Me, a liberal, are not in favor of it for my own biased reasons.
Why do you wrongly generalize?
Yep, the Chinese Communist Party owns the Wuhan Virus and is totally responsible for what has happened.
The FuckHump owns it here in America. Conservitive Non Mask and non Social distancing virus spreaders own it here buddy. They continue to own it, they could make a difference even today, but no…..they love to be virus spreaders.
Everyone has a right to health care, but no one has a right to make strangers pay for that health care.
Now do same sex marriage.
Creepy Joe and Kameltoe
Hahaha……really pissed me off. You should me!
IndePussy and Repukes and Deplorables. Don’t melt Snowflake.
I say this is the perfect way to describe China today.
And the FuckHump Family and today’s “Republican” or Repukes. Right on Brother!
Right here, G, quietly making 25 percent a year, on average, since January 1, 2018. Also, it’s fun being a millionaire and knowing you’re stuggling!
That’s great PI. It tells me that you were too stupid to invest the same from 2009 on. Or conveniently not bragging about how much you made then. That’s my beef…not that you made money. Your just too biased and stupid to think that this is a result of The FuckHump, like it’s all his doing.
Me struggling? If I am struggling, then the rest of you Repukes could hardly afford a home with two flat tires and a tarp on it.
Unemployenent. Never collected for a dime (although I could attempt right now – based on my employer saying that I might be eligible now that I cut my hours to 32 hours per week). I was never unemployed since graduating college, and I had part time jobs starting @ 16 years old and onward.
Employment – going on over 32 years with same company.
Disability. Never needed it. Thank God (Fuck you Puffy).
Loan from the Government. Never. Oh wait, possibly, my first home purchase with an FHA loan, but REQUIRED me to pay insurance premium and the fucking Intererst rate wasn’t much greater than the going rate anyways, But just out of college and buying a home at 22 years old, I guess not many banks wanted to take me as a risk. But I’ve never missed one bank loan payment on the many mortgages and personal loans that I have taken. My credit rating an 800!
I never had a credit card balance. Pay off the monthly debt each month in full, even if the card is $5,000 balance.
Up until this year, never inherited anything. But this past year my father sold property that I “unknowingly” had 25% ownership….I guess you really can’t call it an inheritence. 25% was only a check of $16,000. I gave my sister $3,000 and have to pay taxes on the rest in a week or two.
I never won the lottery. And I lost probably too much playing Blackjack at the casinos in my younger stupid years. But hit the jackpot one time playing the Kentucky Derby with picking Giacomo, it paid $13,000 Trifecta, that I split with my buddy – i Picked the horse not he!
PI my second job is not for the income, although I can’t complain about the extra cash, it has come in to be useful.
Now I don’t have a ton of money, but yes, I am a millionaire! Lot a fucking good that does when the World is coming to an end!
And yes, I am a privelaged white boy who has been discriminated against by other white and non white peoples.
oh and I have had to give family members and some asshole freinds loans. So sad to have to see some of them beg like a deplorable hillbilly.
Some of which never paid me back……and do I care that they haven’t? No, I don’t give a fuck!
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublican "Losers and Suckers", Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
106 through 131,
A complete and uninterrupted screed of crybaby authored and stored up over what must have taken weeks, then posted all at once in a single comment thread enabling us all to ignore more efficiently.
Nicely done. Thanks.
Cry more, loser.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
You think you’re fucking better that anyone,
Don’t know about anyone.
But I absolutely know I’m better than you and any other Trump supporter. And it’s not just that we routinely break you weaklings every time you summon the bare courage to come here and attempt to articulate a political ideology. And it’s not just that you consistently demonstrate how easily confused you are by history, current events, law, sociology, or finance.
It’s mostly because you’re a coward who lies all the time, Shortbus.
You pretend you are something other than who you are because you are afraid. You’re a “conservative” Republican voter. You hate “liberals”, “progressives”, and Democrats. You constantly and tirelessly defend Trump, Trumpism, Republican Trump supporters, and Republicans in general. You cheer them on regularly and mock their Democratic opponents. You hardly vote at all, but when you do it has always been exclusively for Republicans. Because that is your “tribe”. Their mythology is your mythology. Their hypocrisy is your hypocrisy.
But you won’t own it because even you recognize how thoroughly wrong Republicans are. You recognize the obvious truth that they have no future. And you’d rather be seen as “nothing” than “a loser”.
Too late. Loser
Now cry more, please.
@155 is kind of unique – i bet there is a small percentage of people in this Country that can say what I have said. Money isn’t everything.
@ 160
i bet there is a small percentage of people in this Country that can say what I have said.
i bet the percentage of similarly mentally ill people in this Country is larger than you think, you fucking psycho.
i bet the percentage of similarly mentally ill people in this Country is larger than you think, you fucking psycho.
This mindless, angry tripe could have been written by PI.
For 4 strait years, the Democrats have been actively engaged in a coup to overthrow the people and @realDonaldTrump.
Their army exist of lawyers & lawsuits, baseless allegations & investigations, smears 24/7 by the media, the deep state, and paid terrorists Antifa/BLM.
These days GOP congresscritters come off sounding just like HA’s 4th tier trolls, Doctor Dumbfuck and PI.
Isn’t it amazing how quickly the shittiest possible timeline become the most awesomest!
look who’s jealous @161
This mindless, angry tripe could have been written by PI.
But it wasn’t. It was written by the mindless, angry tripe Dumbfuck (so happy my iPad prefills and capitalizes “Dumbfuck” for me). The gall to call me psycho when he belongs to a party that’s gone full bore nutsoo fascist pigs. I wonder if that’s what’s really got him bothered and angry.
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublican "Losers and Suckers", Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
That mindless angry tripe could have been written by the GOP CryBaby attorney
Or a newly elected GOP congesscritter. See @163.
look who’s jealous @161
A lot of anger, too. Must suck being a loser.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@149 “Why do you wrongly generalize?”
Don’t all mental midgets stereotype, generalize, and assume? Easier than thinking, especially for those with only small minds to think with.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@155 “Now I don’t have a ton of money, but yes, I am a millionaire!”
A million isn’t what it used to be. It’s about $50,000 now. So, no big deal. I don’t let it go to my head, and Dumbfuck shouldn’t, either.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@161 ROFLMAO!!! You have no idea how funny your post is, for reasons you can’t imagine.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@164 If I were a murder defendant facing the prospect of a very long life in prison, I wouldn’t necessarily find comfort in the knowledge that my defense attorney thinks he’s Christ in the second coming.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
20 million infections!
Ten percent of the way toward HERD!!!
Trump/GOP still in the White House for another three weeks.
Things will only continue to get worse until they are gone.
We all pretty much accept this now.
And the next three weeks will only confirm that.
Time to get serious about getting rid of Republicans for our own protection. Because they’ll either kill or enslave all of us if we don’t.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@167 Well whaddya know, even GOP congress critters think our military should be paid.
Holding military aid to a beleagured ally hostage for Biden dirt was one thing — after all, even though they’re friends of ours, they’re still foreigners — but holding GI pay hostage for keeping the names of traitors on domestic military bases was, it seems, a bridge too far.
I think they should rename Fort Benning “Fort Alwyn Cashe.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
@174 Look at the bright side: By the end of January there will be fewer Republicans, and we don’t need to get rid of them, because they’re getting rid of themselves.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
The emotionally disturbed teen drop out sport-killer is being exploited and taken advantage of because to do so is fundamentally in the nature of “conservatism”.
There were actually competent, accomplished, crim def attorneys with cap case experience offering to represent him. They are no longer. None of them can afford to be associated with these people.
This is where they are now. Pure nihilists viciously cannibalizing each other with no regard for any future. It’s how they get Lara Trump running for Richard Burr’s Senate seat, Trump vetoing the NDAA, and propeller head freshman like Hawley fucking over his entire caucus for clicks, follows, and a twenty second cameo on CNN.
They’ve made the final transition from putting their party interest ahead of the republic, to now putting personal ambition and petty grievance ahead of the day-after-tomorrow.
These are the wages of sin as laid down by Newt Gingrich over forty years ago in the dark days that followed Nixon’s corruption. His rise from “cool-conservative” academic at a tiny rural college with a long history of racism and segregation to Speaker of the House formed the template for modern “conservative” success. And it also sowed the seeds for the collapse of “conservatism” and the transformation of the GOP into a grift-mill for ambitious aluminum siding salesmen in Klan robes.
Today that transformation is complete.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@177 What transformation? There was nothing to transform. Nixon’s presidency was about racial backlash. Trump’s presidency was about racial backlash. In between was Star Wars, Iran-Contra, Iraq, and police-sponsored black genocide going mainstream. They’re the same shitheads their fathers and grandfathers were. The GOP hasn’t changed; it’s the same set of pathologies handed down through the generations.
Roger Rabbitspews:
My neighborhood mailboxes are back in place. I wonder how many millions of hours of postal worker labor were wasted on removing mailboxes before the election, and putting them back afterward, for no better reason than a dishonest president trying to win by cheating.
I’ll always remember him as the president who made me drive several miles to mail letters and bill payments for several months.
Fuck him and his party.
And here on HA, we have to put up with trolls like Puddy, Dumbfuck, and PI who keep making excuses for that piece of shit.
“. . .By contrast, 8.7 million people died from cancer in 2020, 5 million from smoking, 13 million from disease, and 1.7 million died of HIV/AIDS. Deaths by malaria and alcohol are also recorded.. . . Worldomters indicates that 1,830,979 people died from the coronavirus worldwide in 2020.. . .”
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublican "Losers and Suckers", Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Just curious: How many people had died from COVID-19 as of Jan 1, 2020?
Is that more or less than as of today?
If there’s a big difference do you think that might be important?
Keep fuckin’ that chicken.
@180 maybe preachers and the likes of Mike The Prude Pence should be pushing birth control and condoms.
Operation Warp Suckers going very well in Florida. Losers and Suckers of the DeSucker Administration. Very warped indeed. One old lady said she left without getting the vaccine because it was a super duper DeSantis Spreader event.
No wonder The FuckHump returned to DC one day earlier than scheduled.
@185 That’s nothing. You should see how many of his maskless followers Trumpo drove to de facto suicide.
But hey, that’s one way to get rid of Herman Cain when you don’t want him around anymore. Works on donors and members of your administration who might write books, too.
Roger Rabbitspews:
A federal judge (appointed by Trump) tossed (to no one’s surprise) Louie Gohmert’s silly lawsuit this afternoon.
The fact he did so today gives the Trumpers 2 work days to get rejected by SCOTUS again, an opportunity they won’t want to miss. The poor saps will spend all this weekend drafting the paperwork.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Trump has two big misunderstandings about judges:
1. Just because he appoints them doesn’t mean they think they’re his employees.
2. They still follow the law after being appointed to the bench (or a higher one), despite the politics involved.
And, anyway, everyone knows the law clerks — whom Trump doesn’t appoint — do the actual grit work.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Trump has declared the Georgia Senate runoff elections “illegal” and “invalid.”
Dry side politics in existential crisis leads to violent outbursts.
This is to be expected.
This is what happens when all the underlying ideology of “conservatism” is systematically stripped away and all that remains is “The Whiteness”. Some “conservatives” already embraced this ethos long ago. But many more have dwelt in a twilight land of belief informed by mythology and tradition.
Trump upends the traditions and punctures the myths. Proud Boys and other “Western chauvinists” are energized by it. Others are left adrift and confused. They are ripe for exploitation.
Consider our own Trolls4Trump. They eagerly rushed headlong into the vacuum created by Trumpism, at first defending the loss of principle. But that very quickly turned to delusion and insanity, with every single one of them giving in to crazed fabulist idiocy about global cannibalism networks led by Tom Hanks.
The only thing separating any of them from a bombing is a can diesel and a few bags of ammonium nitrate.
The only thing separating any of them from a bombing is a can diesel and a few bags of ammonium nitrate.
Hey, I didn’t move to Whidbey for my health. I moved because a tractor uses diesel and ammonium nitrate is agricultural fertilizer.
2017 Federal Tax Cut Turned Out To Be Progressive. A Few Lessons For Illinois And Beyond – Wirepoints
2018 was the Brett Kavanaugh year, too.
I should point out that we paid so much more in taxes in 2018 because we made so much more fucking money during the beginning of the Trump era.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, not so much. He sold his GE with a whimper in 2018, after holding on to it so long that most of his gain was lost.
If the Dems had a bench with any depth at all this would be a non-story.
Pelosi has narrow path to the speakership
The Obama years decimated the Democrats’ bench. After the handful of octogenarians at the top, there’s nothing but empty suits and pantsuits on the Dem side of the House aisle.
She’ll be re-elected as Speaker, of course. What alternative do Democrats have? Maxine Waters?
Proud Boys erupt at ‘Proud Girls’ co-founder: ‘Want to support us? Get married, have babies’
Make me a sandwich, bitch.
@2 There are legal uses for diesel and fertilizer. Whether those products are used legally and responsibly is, like guns and horses, a matter of individual choice.
@4 I read this morning in multiple sources that Pence has declined to participate in Louie Gohmert’s, Kelli Ward’s, and Rasmussen’s seditious conspiracy to overthrow the duly elected U.S. government on Jan. 6.
GOPer bench goes directly from Pence to Matt Gaetz to a pink mist settling gently over Second Avenue North in Nashville.
Tara, as much as you may have disgraced yourself in recent years with hysterical, performative, shirtless end-zone dances, don’t confuse notoriety with gravity or accomplishment. Unlike you Rapepublicans, to rise through the ranks Democrats don’t have to light their hair on fire and punch themselves repeatedly in the face while suing Twitter for butt-hurt feels.
Some of them do it by flipping Georgia and Arizona.
Don’t forget the fact that the horse feels more comfortable there too.
Neanderthals are people too.
And now comes a perfect case in point demonstrating the utter stupidity of Tara’s pride in her party’s bench.
Rising Super-Star Rapepublican Josh Hawley formally announces his intention to force every single Biden-state Republican Senator to cast a vote for or against CryBaby Trump.
It takes real “leadership” to recognize that the very best time for a litmus test is when it can cost you your razor thin Senate majority.
New ferry terminal to Whidbey.
AKA white people encroaching on 11 Native tribes.
@ 8
Some of them do it by flipping Georgia and Arizona.
In 2016 it was done by flipping WI, PA, and MI. Which gave us Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Barrett.
2020 didn’t erase 2016. Keep that in mind.
I guess it wouldn’t truly be HA if not for Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit stating @ 6 the obvious.
@2 There are legal uses for diesel and fertilizer.
The single, silly ferry terminal @ 12 cost $187 million.
By way of comparison, Safeco Field cost $531 million.
There is nothing on Whidbey Island worth $187 million to support.
In his defense, he wasn’t rapping about “rape rape”.
BRS Kash, Atlanta rapper who headlined Ossoff, Warnock rally, slammed after ‘rape’ tweet surfaces
Hell, come to think of it there is nothing in Seattle worth $187 million to support, either.
Dumbfuck’s bench is deep…with fascist fucktards.
DOUGLAS COUNTY, Colo. — The leader of the Parker Republicans was posting the names and home addresses of public health employees online with veiled threats of retribution for COVID-19 restrictions.
Mark Hall, lead co-chair of the Parker Republicans, began publishing the names and home addresses of public health workers Monday, adding, “Take this information and make your own decisions.”
“We will publish the names/addresses of these people with no law enforcement abilities,” Hall posted to the Facebook group. “If they want a war, we can give them that but it is time for a revolution.”
Hall outlined his intended targets while announcing the new effort on his own Facebook page.
“If you work for the state, CDPHE, Tri-County or other agencies, you are on the radar, at your homes and elsewhere,” Hall wrote. “You want to be Anti-Americans, Patriots are going to show you the errors of your ways. We didn’t ask for this but you brought it on.”
Smooth move, Dumbfuck, you fascist freaks calling for the murder of public health employees during a pandemic that was made worse by the incompetence of you and your stupid fucking orange moron.
Amazon, Boeing, Starbucks, Nordstrom, University of Washington, Cray, Vulcan, Safeco, Getty, Redfin, Sub Pop, Saltchuk, etc. are all just mail drops at a UPS Store in Ballard.
Sure, Tara.
I take it from the dumbfuck that NAS Whidbey Island is pretty much worthless.
At this point the dumbfuck is simply fucking stupid. I reckon fascism led by an raging orange man-baby does that to people.
You have to ask yourself (since by now it’s pretty obvious), having abandoned every single remaining principle, what exactly is supposed to stop “conservatives” from engaging in violent insurrection against lawful public authority?
If you ask me the only thing left is fear.
And that fear has been significantly eroded by the behavior and statements of law enforcement in many jurisdictions, both nationally and locally. They have put all of us at much greater risk by emboldening these traitors and validating their opposition to public safety and democracy.
Every voter should draw a direct causal linkage between concessions by elected civilian authorities to unlawfully violent police behavior, and this kind of broad and increasingly common public threat.
What’s it take for Steve to support the military? His perception that I don’t.
The worth of NAS Whidbey, Steve, depends on whether you include the cost to remediate the environmental damage to the island that NAS activities have caused.
Factoring that in, yeah, I think my statement is accurate.
You support Trump. Consistently. Ardently. Unwaveringly.
Without a hint of shame, Trump despises “his” generals for refusing to stage a coup on his behalf, considers enlisted and drafted personnel to be “losers and suckers”, mocks a POW war hero like Sen. McCain and his widow, and just vetoed defense authorization for 2021.
So do you.
That conclusion is inescapable – about you and every single other Rapepublican voter.
And #youbuiltthat
You’re so fucking stupid.
What’s it take for you to support America instead of Russia?
Which is to say that our dumbfuck traitor views our military as consisting of “suckers” and “losers”. Such is the support he gives our armed services.
What’s it take for you to support America instead of Russia?
In 2020 Steve is willing to admit Romney was correct in his 2012 debate with Obama.
More stupidity from the dumbfuck traitor. He once voted for Romney. Now the dumbfuck and his raging orange man-baby view Romney as a traitor. And why? For not supporting their quest to end American democracy and to replace it with orange fascism.
…when unlike Tara, he came to his senses voted to impeach and refused to vote to re-elect the impeached GOP FailPresident who abandoned the Kurds and traded Syria to murdering dictators in exchange for more favorable loan terms on real estate scams.
Too little. Too late.
Mitt Romney will never, ever, ever be President. Or Vice President. Or Secretary of State. Or much of anything, really.
@18 My guess is his county soon will have (1) an out-of-control infection rate and (2) no health workers to take care of him or anybody else.
@21 Well, if LE are useless, there’s no reason to pay their salaries or fund their budgets, is there? Kinda like the former police department in Republic, Washington.
@7 ” … with orange fascism” run from Moscow.
With your indulgence, ftfy.
That reminds me…Doctor Dumbfuck and his raging orange man-baby also support Putin’s bounty on our troops. Not one harsh word ever said about it.
@11 “Rising Super-Star Rapepublican Josh Hawley formally announces his intention to force every single Biden-state Republican Senator to cast a vote for or against CryBaby Trump” using a statute Republicans claim is unconstitutional.
Apparently we can now all agree that “I was hacked!” will only fool people like The Even Bigger Fucking Moron.
Walmart blames deleted ‘#SoreLoser’ reply to Sen. Josh Hawley on social media team ‘mistake’ (but not before Hawley fired back hard)
This is what happens, businesses, when you feel sorry for someone like Deathfrogg and take a chance by giving them a job.
@ 33
It’s a move that telegraphs future intentions. Like when Bill Clinton pardoned Puerto Rican terrorists to smooth the way for Hillary’s political foray.
Hawley will face Nikki Haley and Ivanka Trump for the 2024 GOP nomination. Or, as we like to call it, the real race for the presidency before whomever is successful in the primary walks over the weak and unlikable Kamala Harris in November.
Really Tara?
Why not Lyndon LaRouche?
I mean yes, technically he’s dead.
But since when did mere technicalities ever get in the way of you, Trump, or Laura Loomer?
Like your fascist fucktards side been doxxing Republicans since 2017 Steve!
Try another horse!
The stupid fuck just might have set a new record for premature ejaculation.
BULLSH^T BULLSH^T BULLSH^T BULLSH^T BULLSH^T! Not Puddy’s take… Robert Mueller’s take!
Butt then again that senile wabidiot ink at its shiny best!
@35 All anyone needs to know about how far the Republican Party has fallen is capsulated in the phrase, “Ivanka Trump for the 2024 GOP nomination.”
I remember — seems long ago now — when you had to work your way up to the White House by winning a world war (Eisenhower), or at least being a senator (Kennedy, Obama) or governor (Reagan, Carter, Clinton, Bush43), or having some political experience to be taken seriously as a potential nominee.
One has changed is the GOP has become unserious. Doc hasn’t changed; he never was serious. He’s been brain-addled since birth.
Didn’t Kamala Harris claim she would not get the vaccine because it was developed under Trump’s Operation Warp Speed?
Well why did she get vaccinated then?
I look at Whidbey Island on Goggle Maps…..doesn’t look like anything special. Looks like a bunch of hillbillies in trailer parks live there….kind of reminds me of Wasilla, Alaska, home of the Grizzly Trash Whore.
@41 maybe because it was eventually approved by the FDA and not circumented.
I’m not sure you can call it Warp Speed when it could take 10 years to vaccinate everyone. Thanks to the Fuckhump Administration.
G…..as in Gee
Remember when dummocretin Gov Cuomo claimed he would not push the covid vaccine because it was developed under Trump’s Operation Warp Speed? Now he plans to give it to recovering drug users before the old people in those nursing homes he helped kill back in March and April.
Gotta love those dummocretin guvnurs!
@44 if The Fuckhump keeps golfing and focused on stealing an election, maybe Guv won’t be able to vaccinate anyone, maybe nobobdy will get that Warped vaccine.
Hey hershey highwayman…
I thought you had hope for the BiteME! Sadministration. Apparently not! You aren’t too sharp or alert either!
I wonder if gay people can ride the Ferry.
Delaware has prioritized giving the vaccine to prisoners first over the old people of the state. Biden’s home state knows how to set priorities!
Go get him Steve.
Meanwhile another dummocretin, Erie County Executive Mark C. Poloncarz, proves his edicts have no meaning for him or his dummocretin buddies.
Must have gotten his directives from Nancy Ice Cream Pelosi!
Dumbfuck @48 sees no good reasons to vaccinate prisoners. Small brain for small potatoe.
Ferry? Name for your new butt plug? Don’t you mean Fairy?
Dipsh^t @51 can’t get over old people not behind bars should get the vaccine before criminals behind bars!
Stooooooooooooooopid is as stooooooooooooooooooooooooopid is!
@46 hey now…..the ape is back @46!
Ape is back at @53 too!
Trump/GOP killed Mary Ann.
Mary Ann.
Fucking assholes.
When a dummocretin libtard can’t win on the substance go ad hominem racist @54,@55.
Waytogo libtardo!
A desperate move arising from disastrous internal polling.
But you know what they say: A Republican is never less dangerous than when she is trapped by a fellow freshman Senate Rapepublican who built his Lake of the Ozarks vacation home out of discarded rape kits he was too lazy to test.
No really. They do say that. Because Republicans.
Meanwhile the Black Woman who supported Trump was stabbed by Antifa will be in DC 1/6/2021. Did Carl Ballard tell you about the antifa scum stabbing a black woman?
NOPE! At least the WA Post covered it while assesHorse dummocretin thread headers could not!
Oooooh, ick.
Look everyone:
degenerate freakRepublican at 58 is calling your attention to his “Substance“.DO NOT touch it. Don’t even look.
Operation Were Fucked.
Pence should be hung by his balls too.
Hey Ape, it’s just a flu, why you got your panties in a bunch on who gets the shot?
President-elect Kamala Harris?
GOP CryBaby incompetence is about to cost them again.
Trump’s GOP fuck sticks are blowing the census deadline so badly that it will be left to record breaking winner President Joe Biden to implement and determine the final census count used for apportionment “sometime” early next year.
That would be yet another #owngoal
When an Ape can’t win on the substance go ad hominem homophobic.
Waytogo Neanderthal Repuke….you should be a Lameboy for Halloween for the Proudboys.
President-elect Anything but the Batshit Crazy
Such a great thing!
Been kicking your ASS for years. You brought up the “gay angle” @47. Puddy answered later!
Defund the police, you get exploding violence!!!!!!!!!!
Minneapolis, Milwaukee, Chicago, Seattle, Portland, New York, etc…
Common denominator? dummocretin led!
Damn right it’s FEAR.
We all know perfectly well exactly what “his type” does with their hands.
They admit to it.
If everything goes perfectly, without a single hitch, Trump/GOP will manage to get about 15 million individual vaccination doses out to the states before Trump is fired.
That number will never, ever improve. And in all likelihood it will decline.
Trans Antifa arrested over Seattle police station firebombing
Haines, who is transsexual and is also known by the name “Naomi Cassandra Krell,” has been arrested multiple times this year at violent Antifa protests.
You’d look more feminine if you wore kneepads and used them with regularity, dude. Just ask YLB.
Confidential (tweet @ 73) to YLB:
Have you considered referring to your kneepads as “shin guards“? If you can’t be badass, YLB, at least your unique brand of fellatio can.
I almost forgot…the dumbfuck and his raging orange man-baby really, really hate our American POWs. They much prefer “suckers” and “losers” who didn’t get caught.
Dumbfuck keeps his kneepads in the barn.
Oops! A horse on Whidbey just whinnied in fear. Sorry about that.
@ 75
And then there’s Steve, whose preference runs to POWs who exhibit misbehavior before the enemy.
The kinds of guys who Team Obama calculated would be welcome back as heroes.
You would love my horse, Steve. Everyone would love my horse.
Work gloves. Sturdy boots. The daily manure cart. No knee pads.
@64 He stutters, moron. Why do you discriminate against the differently abled?
@77 Is that all you got?
Note to self. We need to get Marvin un-banned. Maybe get lostinaseaofblue to come back. Sure, they’re both dumber than a stump but they’d still be a vast improvement over the vapidity of our dumbfuck radiologist.
Mention Trump’s human failings and they come at you with … Biden’s stutter.
The only people who take Republicans seriously are Repubicans. Can’t imagine why. Lack of substance, maybe? All-around silliness? Terminal stupidity? All of the above?
So it’s a clown costume, huh? Figures. I take it the horse gets the kneepads.
@53 “Dipsh^t @51 can’t get over old people not behind bars should get the vaccine before criminals behind bars!”
Pudidiot doesn’t see the point of immunizing prisoners so the guards don’t get it.
Or maybe he does, but has it in for prison guards because they have a union, and he has it in for people who join unions.
And then some.
Pence in response to Biden’s criticism of the vaccine rollout, “This Is No Time for Playing Politics.”
He might have a point. To look at the example set by our fearless fascist leaders, this is a time for skiing and playing golf.
It’s nice that Tara has something to comfort her in her grief:
A seven-day-a-week, twice per day paper route that lasts for twenty five years. Bonus smells!
Well played. /s
Ohhhhhh my. Wonder if blows horses too, like Bob!? I’m sure the evidence is mounting (pardon my French), just like Putin and Fuckhump ties.
Trumpist Lawyer Lin Wood Casually Suggests Chief Justice John Roberts Is a Murderous Pedophile
Wisconsin hospital says employee intentionally discarded coronavirus vaccine vials | TheHill
You know this had to be some Fuckhump Taliban terrorists. They love America!
All awhile complaining about a Deep State, the Fuckhump Talibanman was installing the other Taliban to fuck this Country, because the love it!
Hang and shoot them all.
Secret Service making changes to presidential detail amid concerns current members are aligned with Trump: report | TheHill
senile wabidiot @allover,
The old people are the most vulnerable. Cuomo gave them a NY State death sentence with his March 28th nursing home edict in which he later received an emmy. Putting prisoners ahead of the old people means wabidiots like yourself are into “soylent green activities”. You could have been one of those old people in NY senile wabidiot. Yet, in your well known senility, you still don’t understand you are as old as many whom died in NY State!
Sad wabidiot, sad!
Proof that the Wall Street Journal editorial board is a bunch of America-hating commie jihadists.
Trump’s Embarrassing Electoral College Hustle
It is doomed to fail but would still set a destructive precedent.
The old people are the most vulnerable.
That’s why repukes make mask-wearing “optional” and throw fits in stores
cuz’ freedumb…
Confidential to pos rapey boob mcdimfuk teh widbee kreeper..
Ever consider abandoning widbee to closer in to the city? Portland or Seattle?
Instead of cowering in fear of antifa you could open carry and mix it up a bit with lgbtq members of antifa or whatever group the dorki monsonites babble about.. a proud “profa” boy…
You could still be buried in widbee.. My kids would love to draw straws with mary kay and thank her for support for liberal causes.
Remember all your life has to amount to something other than shit talk in the HA threads.
So Hawley is “serious” about assuming the mantle of dear orange leader. First klownserv teh rubes with a grandstand or two or three or…
Orange is the new white. Doncha’ luv it?
Country Fucked Forever —> brought to you by the GOP (Repukes) and the IndePussies.
You would think that the IndePussies would be able to exercise their balance and speak out…..but know they are IndePussy Repukes!
Bob’s life will never, never, ever amount to anything but a treason unpatriotic American with lover for Russia!
@87 He also says Jeffrey Epstein is alive. (He plans to do Elvis next week.) I’m not sure if he’s crazy, or a publicity hound; probably both.
But I can say one thing for sure: If I were facing two consecutive life sentences for murder plus another 30 years for aggravated assault, I wouldn’t feel comfortable having him as my defense attorney.
I see this morning McConnell called $2,000 stimulus payments for millions of Americans “socialism for the rich.” Which, of course, billionaire tax cuts are not.
This with an election that will determine Senate control just 5 days away. Well played, Mitch.
Oh, and one of those GOP senate candidates is now off the campaign trail and in quarantine, having gotten too close to an unmasked supporter who, it turns out, is infected.
It’s almost as if these Republicans, like the Nashville bomber, are trying to blow themselves up.
@90 Tell that to the prison guards, not me. They’re the ones who’ll walk off the job if anybody listens to you.
@94 I spent part of this morning writing him up for Handbill, comparing him to a toddler playing with matches. Here’s what I said about him: http://handbill.us/2020/12/31/.....-nonsense/
I wonder how much this one will cost the taxpayers of Virginia Beach, Virginia? While the racial profiling and wrongful arrest claims might be disputed, the cops have no defense against the negligence element of the personal injury claim.
If the whole family gets sick and their baby dies, many millions of dollars, on a par with a white cop putting a bullet in a black infant in a stroller, probably more than the city’s insurance will cover, if the city still have any insurance after their last police fuckup.
It occurs to me that insuring cops probably isn’t a real lucrative business; unless, of course, you’re charging premiums that would make a payday lender jealous.
Meanwhile the Black Woman who supported Trump was stabbed by Antifa will be in DC 1/6/2021.
Heh.. This says it was blamed on BLM.. And by a favorite hate group of teh babblin’ buttnutt. But of course it would be blamed on BLM. The racist proud bois can’t waste a single opportunity demonizing BLM.
Whadayaknow. teh babblin’ butthole is WRONG AGAIN!!!
And here’s teh crazy black woman in action..
NUTS… MAGA nutjob!
@103 I won’t say she deserved it — no one should be a victim of political violence — but being part of a group that promotes the violent overthrow of the government does carry some personal risks, including from your own kind.
Meanwhile, nearly 3/4ths of the House GOP caucus plans to vote in favor of overthrowing our elected government next week, thereby firmly establishing the GOP as a revolutionary party opposed to democracy and freedom.
The communists, who in their hearts knew there was significant popular support for totalitarianism in this country, are envious of the GOP’s success at turning affection for baby-raping dictators into a political movement.
+25.34% for the period January 1, 2018 through December 31, 2020.
1. My mom was not involved.
2. No second job was required, unlike poor WTF!?.
About year ago, Philip Blumel from the U. S. Term Limits Foundation, made some astute arguments concerning how term limits for members of the U. S. House of Representatives and the Senate would lessen the impact of lobbyists in our government. He called the piece “Why Lobbyists Hate Term Limits” and went on to list eight reasons why term limits for the House and Senate would be good for our republic. Here are those eight reasons:
1. Lobbyists derive their power through long-term relationships with elected officials. Term limits will disrupt this cozy relationship.
2. New legislators are more independent than entrenched politicians and ableto pursue new policy ideas outside the “club” that has become our Legislative Branch.
3. In term-limited legislatures, the incentive for newly-elected to sell-out to the lobbyists is greatly reduced.
4. Term-limited legislatures have less appeal to political careerists so people running for office are less likely to be political “lifers” and therefore less likely to be attracted to the self-dealing treats dangled in front of them by lobbyists.
5. Term limits mean legislators will be leaving government at a faster rate as they are termed-out of office. This means those ex-legislators have more competition in getting lucrative lobbying jobs, thus more politicians lose out in the post-legislature game of musical chairs. After all, there are so many lobbyist jobs out there.
6. Lobbyists also hate term limits because the incumbent in an election no longer a permanent built-in advantage of being an incumbent. About 94% of incumbents win re-election, and term limits would eventually end this. Lobbyists would have to start all over again to build influence with newly-elected members of the House and Senate, thus rendering their lobbying efforts less effective.
7. More competition means lobbyists would have to devote more time to gain the advantage in a competitive environment.
8. Term Limits shrink the stature of lobbyists. Without term limits, lobbyists have a lot more clout. Additionally, while term limits encourage merit-based promotion in the legislature among politicians, they also encourage merit-based promotion among lobbyists. “Term limits make lobbyists work much harder in order to exercise much less influence.” That’s why most if them hate term limits.
I’m all in agreement with Mr. Blumel’s views, but I would add a few things to the idea of term limits. First, I would support amending the Constitution to limit the presidents to one six-year term – no second term at all. Second, in amending the Constitution, set term limit for members of the House and Senate for four years instead of two years and six years, respectably. Third, these legislators should be limited to two four-year terms each, with the additional limitation of a mandatory ten-year waiting period between the time a legislator leaves the House or Senate and gets any other position within the federal government – elected or appointed. That means no more Congressmen, Congresswomen or Senators using their offices for a presidential run or any other position within the federal government.
Finally, I support removing lifetime appointments for members of the Judicial Branch. I support limiting Supreme Court judges to a single sixteen-year term with the same ten-year time limit applying to any positions those judges might pursue after leaving the Supreme Court. I’m sure this will drive all of you crazy because you favor political monarchy with Democrats as the kings and queens.
I believe China’s goal is to make the China Sea its private lake with no whites allowed. They intend to exploit whatever oil is in the region of the islands they are building as a steppingstone to conquering and annexing the Indochina Peninsula. Eventually, we won’t have to worry about the Kim family of North Korea because China will eventually annex the Korea Peninsula and conquer Taiwan to forcibly bring the last free Chinese under communist control. China will have special punishment for Japan due to that nation’s activities during World War II.
Once China has enslaved those nations, it will turn its attention South to the Indonesia Archipelago and its vast oil reserves. At this point, what the West wants simply won’t matter because China will have become too strong to resist. The Chinese will eventually capture and enslave India on its way to capturing the Middle East and its oil. China wants world domination because they believe themselves to be the superior race.
The Chinese have always referred to themselves as the Middle Kingdom. To be more accurate, how they really feel about themselves is that they are the Center Kingdom, and what they mean by “center” is the Center of the Universe. They are simply a racist and chauvinistic lot.
This blog’s major liberal progressive troll attempted to ridicule my ideas about China and its global desires. Apparently, he does not own a globe.
I had to laugh when I saw a story on KOMO News about a supposed “hate” crime in Bellingham. It seems a couple of businesses in Bellingham had “Black Lives Matter” signs in the windows of their storefronts, and someone came along and put up some swastika signs as a comment against the BLM signs. Now everyone in Bellingham and other places in Washington is calling this a “hate” crime.
What a load of bullshit! If the BLM and ANTIFA people can go about destroying so much of Seattle and everyone there calls it “peaceful protest,” quietly putting up a counter sign to the “Black Lives Matter” bullshit is nothing, even if it involves Nazi symbols and/or slogans.
Fuck you arrogant idiots and everything you stand for!
Forgive all student loan debt? Sure, I’ll go along with that s long as the federal government gets out of the student loan business entirely. Just like the federal government, through its wasteful and fiscally-irresponsible tax-and-spend policies has made health care prohibitively expensive, is responsible for millions of taking on career-crushing debt to get “degrees” with no value in the economy or our society.
So, is our government wants to forgive all student debt, then it must cease the behavior that has damages so many young people over the past few decades. We need STEM people. We don’t need gender “studies” and other suck silly “degrees.”
Roger Rabbit spews:
Saturday, 10/24/20 at 4:35 pm
@22 Hillary was off by 8%. Only 42% of America is deplorable.
And that 42% is solidly liberal progressive idiots – just like you!
G spews:
Saturday, 10/24/20 at 8:14 pm
(BTW, it’s the Wuhan Virus. The Chinese Communist
Party deployed it on purpose to fuck with our election. They are working for Biden. The Russians might be supporting Trump.)
You sure? I thought they unleashed it upon the world to fuck with Wall Street and its great rise, and to manufacture the lowest unemployment levels in centuries. Those crafty Chinamen. You suppose some of them are pedophiles too? Nooooo!
Yep, the Chinese Communist Party owns the Wuhan Virus and is totally responsible for what has happened.
Well, I said a couple of years ago Biden would be the best choice to defeat Trump in 2020. It turns out I was correct. Disclaimer: I voted for a third party candidate in 2020.
WTF!? spews:
Sunday, 9/8/19 at 4:12 am
Jerez I hope PI didn’t need that $100 I donate to Mayor Pete.
No, douche bag, I’ve got my very own real, grownup money, and you’re struggling to get by, working two jobs.
It sucks to be you!
Per WTF!? 5/21/20:
Let’s face it, them Southerners are just dumb fuckers – you can’t put lipstick on a pig.
You’re the one who has to work two jobs to get by, you arrogant piece of shit. And keep using “dumb fuckers” and “deplorables” to describe those with whom you disagree. All is does is show your ignorance and intolerance.
From McFuckhead:
“…affluent, elite, healthy, and highly educated coastal progressives.”
That, in a nutshell, is why you Seattle/King County people are so hated. You think you’re fucking better that anyone, but all you do is spout Marxist crap all day long. Fuck you and everything you stand for. I hope all of you die extremely painful and lingering deaths.
Another from McFuckhead
“Sure. Be “polite”. For the sake of “family” go over to the liquor cabinet and fix a giant drink for alcoholic Crazy Uncle Liberty who just drunkenly shit himself standing in the living room corner ranting about Hugo Chavez. Bring him a beer chaser for the sake of “unity”. But keep in mind he carries a loaded semi-auto and spare clips. And he’s been creep-staring at your nine-year-old niece for over an hour.
In department stores like Macys, the mannequins used to model lady’s panties aren’t anatomically correct. This is because the stores don’t want McFuckhead to come creeping around, see a camel toe on one of the mannequins and suddenly pull out his unit and, in a fit of arousal, spooge all over the merchandise. It’s hard to sell panties with some degenerate motherfucker’s jizz all over it. McFuckhead, stick to spooging on you own family members, like your nine-year-old niece.
The stock market did very well this year. The market likes certainty, so, with Biden’s win, the market players know how to deploy their assets in an environment of more costly and burdensome regulations, less individual liberty and higher taxation (theft) by government. The fact that the market can withstand elected idiots and tyrants says a lot about capitalism and individual liberty.
If you are an Excel user, learn how to use the SUMIFS function rather than the SUMIF function. SUMIFS is more versatile, once you get the hang of it, and you can test as many as 29 different conditions of your data within this function. It’s a very useful function.
There is a lot of talk about making Washington, DC a state. There is also talk about making Puerto Rico a state, too. I don’t support either of these ideas because they are both blatant attempts by liberal progressives, socialists, communists and Democrats (Is there really a difference between the three groups?) to gain power. It’s so obvious that it can be compared to a situation where the Republicans would be insisting all counties in Wyoming be made into separate states to boost their power in the House and Senates. It’s obviously tacky, self-serving behavior on part of the supporters of the totalitarian one-world government.
Let’s take a look at Washington, DC. It has a land area of 68.3 square miles. Rhode Island, our smallest state in terms of area, has a land area of 1,212 square miles, which is nearly 18 times larger than Washington, DC. Take a look at the map, also. Washington DC is on the same side of the Potomac River as Maryland’s Montgomery and Prince Georges Counties. It’s a safe bet that most voters in DC share the political beliefs and opinions of Maryland voters, so, if anything should happen with Washington’s status, that change should be to become part of the state of Maryland. It makes great sense.
As for Puerto Rico, its land area is about 5,325 square miles, so it could easily be its own nation. We came to be associated with this land due to an intentional act of blowing up our own battleship, the Maine, in order to start a war with Spain to seize Spanish territories for business interests in the US. Given that dubious set of circumstances, Puerto Rico should be allowed to go its own way, either becoming a separate Spanish-speaking nation or re-joining Spain as a colony.
Everyone has a right to health care, but no one has a right to make strangers pay for that health care.
I don’t know why so many Republicans, conservatives and Evangelical Christians are complaining about abortion. Don’t they realize an abortion today means one less liberal progressive, ANTIFA, welfare queen Democrat 18 years later.
Abortion might be the single best financial planning tool available to impoverished and minority women. Having children out of wedlock, without the family structure and father support required, almost surely guarantees a life of poverty and struggle to these young women. A simple procedure today is a heck of a lot cheaper, in the long run, than having bastard children, one after another, by different men over one’s child bearing years.
Yep, the only problem I see with abortion is that the wrong women and girls are getting them. It should definitely be used as a poverty-avoidance tool and not as a plan to spend life on the dole!
Roger Rabbit spews:
Saturday, 11/21/20 at 10:30 am
@6 Can’t expect a medical mechanic with no liberal arts training or reading comprehension skills to figure out he’s advocating structural reform of our electoral system, not calling ***Trump*** “illegitimate.”
Nor can you expect someone with so little general education or knowledge of the world to make the fine distinction between “Democratic Party” and Goldy.
This is what happens when you don’t require a freshman-level grounding in basic knowledge or simple thinking skills as a requirement for a premed degree.
My car mechanic can do better than that, which may help explain why they put him out to pasture in his early 50s. He couldn’t have been much better at reading xrays, after all.
Yet another fine example of the elitist, arrogant and the totally wrong thinking that permeates your ranks, rodent. You’re the absolute queen of narrow-minded bigotry and noxious egocentric mentality. BTW, the fucking education system is run by people of your ilk, so if there’s something wrong with it, in your view, then go after the people doing the teaching. They are precious government employees, just like you were!
Pars Dominae Foetidae spews:
Saturday, 11/21/20 at 4:09 pm
23 – Yes, with Creepy Joe and Kameltoe in there, the Russians and Chinese are going to do pretty much whatever they want.
“Creepy Joe and Kameltoe” – I fucking love it! I’m gonna use that one, Pars. Thanks! I used to refer to Obama as “The Milk Chocolate Messiah,” but Creepy Joe and Kameltoe is really a good one to piss off all of the liberal progressive trolls. Thanks again!
Roger Rabbit spews:
Monday, 11/23/20 at 9:12 am
@1 On top of that, all of his four-legged children with manes are illegitimate.
And this is coming from some dickwad pretending to be a cartoon character from a 1988 movie! Sad!
From Merriam-Webster:
Fascism definition is – a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.
I say this is the perfect way to describe China today. They certainly exalt the nation above all else and crush individualism. In fact, the Chinese really don’t have a word for “individualism” and define it in their language as the “Americans’ desire to be alone.” That’s the best they can come up with.
The Chinese certainly are racists, too. Marco Polo found that out when he made it to the Forbidden City in 1275, and the Emperor told Polo China didn’t need anything from a bunch of dirty, stinking white savages from the West. They still aren’t too fond of white people, and they are doing their best to replace white people as the Top of the Heap in the World.
This guy Xi Jinping is a piece of work, too. He gets himself declared President for life, thus meeting the Merriam-Webster definition when it come to a “centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader.” That dictatorial leader is Xi – that’s for sure.
When you take a look at it, the Chinese Communist Party is really a bunch of would-be fascists, exploiting everyone under them and attempting to seize their neighbors’ lands and people. It’s hilarious!
G spews:
Tuesday, 12/8/20 at 1:59 pm
How’bout that stock market…right Bob!
Where’s PI?
Right here, G, quietly making 25+ percent a year, on average, since January 1, 2018. Also, it’s fun being a millionaire and knowing you’re stuggling!
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublican “Losers and Suckers”, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Thursday, 12/10/20 at 5:43 pm
I’d be totes cool with the fucked up, treasonous GOP losing two Senate seats and 38 electoral votes.
Never having to see Ted Cruz do Princess Bride bits ever again would be the cherry on top.
Well, that didn’t work out for you, did it, you arrogant cocksucker.
Roger Rabbit spews:
Friday, 12/11/20 at 7:30 pm
It seems every Republican president is the worst president in history until the next one. Anybody see a trend here?
Not everyone has that opinion, rodent. Many think the presidents who happen to be Democrats are pretty fucked up. BTW, why aren’t you trolls complaining about George W. Bush any longer? I recall you trolls calling him “worst president ever” about a zillion times. What, suddenly you’re all lovey-dovey with him?
I remember channel surfing a couple of years ago when I came upon one of the public interest channels. There was an interview with General Michael Hayden. He was some Air Force guy who was some intelligence geek. I think, if memory serves, he ran the National Security Agency (NSA) for a while. The NSA is a really, really Deep State agency that spends a great deal of its time and resources spying on America citizens. They are the biggest part of the surveillance state.
Anyway, I was listening to the interview with Hayden, and he started a comment with the phrase, “We in the permanent government,” and I said to myself, “You fucking bald-headed, four-eyed motherfucker! YOU are and not the government in any wet dream fantasy you’ve ever had in your entire life. How fucking dare you imply that you are the government. You are a fucking employee, just like the young private entering basic training at Ft. Jackson, SC on some rainy South Carolina morning. Don’t you fucking ever make a statement like that again, boy!”
This is what happens when we allow government to grow as we have allowed our government to grow over the past 150 years. We get uppity hirelings who forget their place as the servants. All these stuffed shirts take an oath to support and defend the Constitution and spend the rest of their time undermining this fundamental document by meddling in foreign countries on our nickel, spying on citizens who pay their fucking salaries and benefit packages and coming up with new ways to take away our liberties.
It’s time to wind down these Deep State agencies and bureaus. They have come to think of themselves as the government, and it’s time to end that incorrect thinking on their part. These organizations need a thorough house cleaning, especially at the top, to rid the nation of these arrogant fucking oligarchs. The NSA, CIA, FBI, DOJ, IRS and other government entities need a good kick in the ass to rid ourselves of these delusional megalomaniacs.
1. G spews:
Friday, 12/18/20 at 10:48 am
I hope every Repuke and IndePussy is happy!
A picture is a thousand words. But Go Fuck Yourself!
g spews:
Friday, 12/18/20 at 10:53 am
I’m sure Vlad is happy as well as our traitor ass Repuke and IndePussy trolls.
This Country Fucked Forever!
I’m sure Xi Jinping is very happy with people of your ilk, too.
Your mother’s been looking for you. She wants the money back that you stole from her purse.
Heh.. PI is taking a ride rantin’ from teh shortbus this eve..
Never has there been a more thick-headed glibertarian troll here. GOLD! Insurance crossing state lines! Flat tax! Israel fend for itself! Fortress America!
@113 In other words, you abstained.
Lookee here! Jared gets to be #1 scapegoat! Sucks to have Trump for a father-in-law, doesn’t it?
@129 What about you? Did you ever serve your country, son?
@128 “Not everyone has that opinion, rodent.”
Opinions are not all equal, any more than intellect is.
“BTW, why aren’t you trolls complaining about George W. Bush any longer? I recall you trolls calling him ‘worst president ever’ about a zillion times. What, suddenly you’re all lovey-dovey with him?”
No, the next GOP president was even worse. We didn’t think it was possible, but Republicans lowered their bar so far, now even an insane cult leader can climb over it. Easily, it turns out.
@124 “And this is coming from some dickwad pretending to be a cartoon character from a 1988 movie!”
Not true. No connection whatsoever, as I’ve explained before on this blog multiple times (you must have slept through that, or maybe you weren’t born yet).
I look like this, not like this.
You can’t even get that right. But then you’ve never been right about anything.
@123 You think you’ll “piss off” liberals by going all-in racist? Nah. Racists don’t make us angry, they just make us shake our heads, and wonder what’s wrong with them. Probably in many cases victims of bad parenting.
@116 “You think you’re fucking better that anyone”
No, we don’t think we’re better than anyone. There are smart, honest, and decent people out there. Some are superior to us. We only think we’re better than people like you, because we are better than you. Nearly everybody not currently in prison is better than you, except, of course, your own kind and people who should be in prison, which is pretty much everyone Trump knows including his lawyers.
@107 Should we term limit doctors, too? Should we say that after 4, 6, or 8 years, you can’t perform surgery anymore? Not because you can’t do it anymore, but because we don’t want anyone in the job who has more than a little experience?
And if that’s silly when applied to doctors, why isn’t it equally silly when applied to politicians? Is their job less consequential? Is there less need for experience in Congress than in an operating room? Do we really want a Congress full of bumbling novices like Josh Hawley?
Anyway, representatives and senators already have limited terms (2 years and 6 years, respectively), after which they must reapply and get rehired, if they want to continue.
Arbitrary term limits simply takes choices away from voters.
Republican Rep. Kinzinger has something to say to our trolls.
In this moment in time, we have a choice as leaders: 1) take the easy path for reelection and embrace conspiracy, or 2) lead, tell the truth, no matter the cost.
I’m choosing courage over conspiracy. I hope I’m not alone, but I’m willing to be.
Conspiracies debunked.
Sorry, but my worthless son was released from jail this morning.
Right now he’s banging on the door, wanting to move back into the basement, but I’m not letting him in this house ever again.
@143 Like a feral cat that won’t settle down, but keeps coming back to be fed and given a warm dry place to sleep, eh? I feel for you, ma’am. Sometimes a parent’s best intentions and efforts just aren’t enough.
This police shooting looks justified to me. Normal people don’t boobytrap their bedroom doors.
Just ask The Fuchump, he’s pretty cozy with Chinese, along with the rest of the family of his.
Looks like I have a new admirer.
Not only a loser in the Stock market but a loon too.
Struggling to work two jobs? Nah, I volunteering have Fridays off now. My employer had to have a special talk with me to ask why, to see if I wasn’t happy working, being that I’m a decade away from retirement. I enjoy Fridays off. And currently contemplating purchasing more real estate.
I don’t struggle financially. Never got a dime from PPP, stimulus? I wonder if PI got a check. Or if his loans will be forgiven?
PI. Bob is a red meat conservative who has spoken in support of Statehood for Puerto Rico. Me, a liberal, are not in favor of it for my own biased reasons.
Why do you wrongly generalize?
The FuckHump owns it here in America. Conservitive Non Mask and non Social distancing virus spreaders own it here buddy. They continue to own it, they could make a difference even today, but no…..they love to be virus spreaders.
Now do same sex marriage.
Hahaha……really pissed me off. You should me!
IndePussy and Repukes and Deplorables. Don’t melt Snowflake.
And the FuckHump Family and today’s “Republican” or Repukes. Right on Brother!
That’s great PI. It tells me that you were too stupid to invest the same from 2009 on. Or conveniently not bragging about how much you made then. That’s my beef…not that you made money. Your just too biased and stupid to think that this is a result of The FuckHump, like it’s all his doing.
Me struggling? If I am struggling, then the rest of you Repukes could hardly afford a home with two flat tires and a tarp on it.
Unemployenent. Never collected for a dime (although I could attempt right now – based on my employer saying that I might be eligible now that I cut my hours to 32 hours per week). I was never unemployed since graduating college, and I had part time jobs starting @ 16 years old and onward.
Employment – going on over 32 years with same company.
Disability. Never needed it. Thank God (Fuck you Puffy).
Loan from the Government. Never. Oh wait, possibly, my first home purchase with an FHA loan, but REQUIRED me to pay insurance premium and the fucking Intererst rate wasn’t much greater than the going rate anyways, But just out of college and buying a home at 22 years old, I guess not many banks wanted to take me as a risk. But I’ve never missed one bank loan payment on the many mortgages and personal loans that I have taken. My credit rating an 800!
I never had a credit card balance. Pay off the monthly debt each month in full, even if the card is $5,000 balance.
Up until this year, never inherited anything. But this past year my father sold property that I “unknowingly” had 25% ownership….I guess you really can’t call it an inheritence. 25% was only a check of $16,000. I gave my sister $3,000 and have to pay taxes on the rest in a week or two.
I never won the lottery. And I lost probably too much playing Blackjack at the casinos in my younger stupid years. But hit the jackpot one time playing the Kentucky Derby with picking Giacomo, it paid $13,000 Trifecta, that I split with my buddy – i Picked the horse not he!
PI my second job is not for the income, although I can’t complain about the extra cash, it has come in to be useful.
Now I don’t have a ton of money, but yes, I am a millionaire! Lot a fucking good that does when the World is coming to an end!
And yes, I am a privelaged white boy who has been discriminated against by other white and non white peoples.
oh and I have had to give family members and some asshole freinds loans. So sad to have to see some of them beg like a deplorable hillbilly.
Some of which never paid me back……and do I care that they haven’t? No, I don’t give a fuck!
106 through 131,
A complete and uninterrupted screed of crybaby authored and stored up over what must have taken weeks, then posted all at once in a single comment thread enabling us all to ignore more efficiently.
Nicely done. Thanks.
Cry more, loser.
Don’t know about anyone.
But I absolutely know I’m better than you and any other Trump supporter. And it’s not just that we routinely break you weaklings every time you summon the bare courage to come here and attempt to articulate a political ideology. And it’s not just that you consistently demonstrate how easily confused you are by history, current events, law, sociology, or finance.
It’s mostly because you’re a coward who lies all the time, Shortbus.
You pretend you are something other than who you are because you are afraid. You’re a “conservative” Republican voter. You hate “liberals”, “progressives”, and Democrats. You constantly and tirelessly defend Trump, Trumpism, Republican Trump supporters, and Republicans in general. You cheer them on regularly and mock their Democratic opponents. You hardly vote at all, but when you do it has always been exclusively for Republicans. Because that is your “tribe”. Their mythology is your mythology. Their hypocrisy is your hypocrisy.
But you won’t own it because even you recognize how thoroughly wrong Republicans are. You recognize the obvious truth that they have no future. And you’d rather be seen as “nothing” than “a loser”.
Too late. Loser
Now cry more, please.
@155 is kind of unique – i bet there is a small percentage of people in this Country that can say what I have said. Money isn’t everything.
@ 160
i bet there is a small percentage of people in this Country that can say what I have said.
i bet the percentage of similarly mentally ill people in this Country is larger than you think, you fucking psycho.
This mindless, angry tripe could have been written by PI.
Congresswoman-elect Marjorie Taylor Green (R-GA)
For 4 strait years, the Democrats have been actively engaged in a coup to overthrow the people and @realDonaldTrump.
Their army exist of lawyers & lawsuits, baseless allegations & investigations, smears 24/7 by the media, the deep state, and paid terrorists Antifa/BLM.
These days GOP congresscritters come off sounding just like HA’s 4th tier trolls, Doctor Dumbfuck and PI.
That mindless angry tripe could have been written by the GOP CryBaby attorney:
Isn’t it amazing how quickly the shittiest possible timeline become the most awesomest!
look who’s jealous @161
But it wasn’t. It was written by the mindless, angry tripe Dumbfuck (so happy my iPad prefills and capitalizes “Dumbfuck” for me). The gall to call me psycho when he belongs to a party that’s gone full bore nutsoo fascist pigs. I wonder if that’s what’s really got him bothered and angry.
Now we are all DERP STATE!
Or a newly elected GOP congesscritter. See @163.
A lot of anger, too. Must suck being a loser.
@149 “Why do you wrongly generalize?”
Don’t all mental midgets stereotype, generalize, and assume? Easier than thinking, especially for those with only small minds to think with.
@155 “Now I don’t have a ton of money, but yes, I am a millionaire!”
A million isn’t what it used to be. It’s about $50,000 now. So, no big deal. I don’t let it go to my head, and Dumbfuck shouldn’t, either.
@161 ROFLMAO!!! You have no idea how funny your post is, for reasons you can’t imagine.
@164 If I were a murder defendant facing the prospect of a very long life in prison, I wouldn’t necessarily find comfort in the knowledge that my defense attorney thinks he’s Christ in the second coming.
20 million infections!
Ten percent of the way toward HERD!!!
Trump/GOP still in the White House for another three weeks.
Things will only continue to get worse until they are gone.
We all pretty much accept this now.
And the next three weeks will only confirm that.
Time to get serious about getting rid of Republicans for our own protection. Because they’ll either kill or enslave all of us if we don’t.
@167 Well whaddya know, even GOP congress critters think our military should be paid.
Holding military aid to a beleagured ally hostage for Biden dirt was one thing — after all, even though they’re friends of ours, they’re still foreigners — but holding GI pay hostage for keeping the names of traitors on domestic military bases was, it seems, a bridge too far.
I think they should rename Fort Benning “Fort Alwyn Cashe.”
@174 Look at the bright side: By the end of January there will be fewer Republicans, and we don’t need to get rid of them, because they’re getting rid of themselves.
The emotionally disturbed teen drop out sport-killer is being exploited and taken advantage of because to do so is fundamentally in the nature of “conservatism”.
There were actually competent, accomplished, crim def attorneys with cap case experience offering to represent him. They are no longer. None of them can afford to be associated with these people.
This is where they are now. Pure nihilists viciously cannibalizing each other with no regard for any future. It’s how they get Lara Trump running for Richard Burr’s Senate seat, Trump vetoing the NDAA, and propeller head freshman like Hawley fucking over his entire caucus for clicks, follows, and a twenty second cameo on CNN.
They’ve made the final transition from putting their party interest ahead of the republic, to now putting personal ambition and petty grievance ahead of the day-after-tomorrow.
These are the wages of sin as laid down by Newt Gingrich over forty years ago in the dark days that followed Nixon’s corruption. His rise from “cool-conservative” academic at a tiny rural college with a long history of racism and segregation to Speaker of the House formed the template for modern “conservative” success. And it also sowed the seeds for the collapse of “conservatism” and the transformation of the GOP into a grift-mill for ambitious aluminum siding salesmen in Klan robes.
Today that transformation is complete.
@177 What transformation? There was nothing to transform. Nixon’s presidency was about racial backlash. Trump’s presidency was about racial backlash. In between was Star Wars, Iran-Contra, Iraq, and police-sponsored black genocide going mainstream. They’re the same shitheads their fathers and grandfathers were. The GOP hasn’t changed; it’s the same set of pathologies handed down through the generations.
My neighborhood mailboxes are back in place. I wonder how many millions of hours of postal worker labor were wasted on removing mailboxes before the election, and putting them back afterward, for no better reason than a dishonest president trying to win by cheating.
I’ll always remember him as the president who made me drive several miles to mail letters and bill payments for several months.
Fuck him and his party.
And here on HA, we have to put up with trolls like Puddy, Dumbfuck, and PI who keep making excuses for that piece of shit.
[ _________ ] Was the Leading Cause of Death Worldwide in 2020, Killing 42.6 Million (42,655,372) People, as per statistics compiled by Worldometers, 12-31-2020
Just curious: How many people had died from COVID-19 as of Jan 1, 2020?
Is that more or less than as of today?
If there’s a big difference do you think that might be important?
Keep fuckin’ that chicken.
@180 maybe preachers and the likes of Mike The Prude Pence should be pushing birth control and condoms.
Operation Warp Suckers going very well in Florida. Losers and Suckers of the DeSucker Administration. Very warped indeed. One old lady said she left without getting the vaccine because it was a super duper DeSantis Spreader event.
No wonder The FuckHump returned to DC one day earlier than scheduled.
Have a ________________…
Ya know, freedom, autonomy, choice… It’s up to you..
Don’t wear a mask and attend MAGA rallies at your own risk. Just ask Herman Cain.
Maryland Congressman, a Democrat, drove his son to suicide.
Liberal twat turns out to be a boring white girl.
EXCLUSIVE: ‘No Spain in sight!’ Genealogist weighs in on Hilaria Baldwin saga to confirm she has NO Spanish roots – and actually hails from England, Ireland and Germany
Being a liberal twat, she retains her privilege.
@185 That’s nothing. You should see how many of his maskless followers Trumpo drove to de facto suicide.
But hey, that’s one way to get rid of Herman Cain when you don’t want him around anymore. Works on donors and members of your administration who might write books, too.
A federal judge (appointed by Trump) tossed (to no one’s surprise) Louie Gohmert’s silly lawsuit this afternoon.
The fact he did so today gives the Trumpers 2 work days to get rejected by SCOTUS again, an opportunity they won’t want to miss. The poor saps will spend all this weekend drafting the paperwork.
Trump has two big misunderstandings about judges:
1. Just because he appoints them doesn’t mean they think they’re his employees.
2. They still follow the law after being appointed to the bench (or a higher one), despite the politics involved.
And, anyway, everyone knows the law clerks — whom Trump doesn’t appoint — do the actual grit work.
Trump has declared the Georgia Senate runoff elections “illegal” and “invalid.”
He loves vote suppression so much he’s now suppressing his own party’s voters.
Oh and those rioters assaulting cops in Salem, Oregon? They’re his people.
It was a cringeworthy need to reassure angry white people that drove me to suicide…
… as well as unguarded moments of finger-gun lip biting.