– Jesus Christ almighty. Ann Davison out here just ending important programs unilaterally. Just, fuck.
– I’ve linked to tree ordinance reporting before, but now, it has passed.
– Please, for goodness sake, get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
We’d be better off if Trump had been re-elected.
Q: What does it take to get a libbie upset about authoritarian behavior by elected officials in a far-left enclave?
Embrace it, motherfucker. It’s the same culture you’ve relied on to get your way for years.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’d be better off if he just owned Treasuries.
A: When you’re Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s daughter and you relied on your father all these years to be able to pay for your wedding, only to be disappointed when you finally realize that he never had the money to do what he promised.
Q: When is it a good idea to borrow a personal loan to pay for wedding expenses?
Pramila’s been officially irrelevant since last Fall, too.
She had to ask permission to vote against her party’s leader.
@3 Wow. Doctor Options Zillionaire is shocked, shocked I tell you, that the stock market is reacting negatively to the determined efforts of dozens of Republicans in Congress to destroy the full faith and credit of the U.S. government and take down the U.S. economy. He also seems to believe that investors like me who are buying stocks suffer a terrible fate when stocks we want to buy go down. If you ask me, he’s a dumbfuck twice over.
Pramila Jayapal will vote the same way that Lauren Boebert votes.
@4 I didn’t know you could “borrow a personal loan.” Also, why would I want to borrow your loan? I don’t want your personal loan, screw that, pay it yourself.
Reacting more perhaps to the fact that Brave Kevin will go into today’s vote without the commitments required for passage.
Tricky part is that the rules won’t allow fifteen votes in a row for a single bill. Perhaps the markets know this.
Winners: West Virginia GOP, including Manchin.
I think every Democrat who whines about the energy provisions in the bill should have their back yard excavated in search of rare earth minerals.
Ann Davison is what you get when well-intentioned rehabilitation efforts don’t stop people from re-offending, and community court merely returns serial offenders to the streets. We’re not talking about people whose offense is sitting on a sidewalk or peeing in an alley. The voters decided when someone’s been arrested 30 times for shoplifting, theft, and assault, it’s time for them to bed down in a Hotel California. That’s how we got Ann Davison. From the article, it appears her office does have a diversion program for minor offenders capable of cleaning up their act.
Birdshite is now worth just 1/3 of what Elmo paid for it back in October.
These are the “financial masters of the universe”?
It’s actually possible that what Ayn Rand got completely wrong was assuming a priori that control over wealth was a consequence of great intelligence and capability, rather than a consequence of pathology.
Just sincerely curious:
To the best of your knowledge, were any of the people you mentioned who got arrested 30 times for shoplifting, theft, and assault, getting any services/treatment before the community court was dissolved?
Speaking of great wealth, Gov. Jim Justice (R-WV), who aspires to be Sen. Jim Justice (R-WV), apparently is the richest person in West Virginia, and he and his son are serial lawbreakers who’ve racked up millions of dollars of fines and paid none of them.
This looks like a pathology to me. But, you know, because the old man is a political figure of the opposite party, it’s all a “weaponized” Justice Department conducting a partisan “weetch hunt” to influence a future election. It’s gotta be, can’t possibly be legit law enforcement, amirite?
@ 9
… Brave Kevin will go into today’s vote without the commitments required for passage.
Not just McCarthy. Jayapal won’t know whether her principled “No” will have to become a team player “Yes”.
Funny, isn’t it, how nobody is whining about seniors starving to death anymore, and now it’s about whether McCarthy will get to keep his job. Because passage is assured, and everyone knows it. QoS McHillbilly knows it.
Bottom line is Schumer miscalculated last Fall, and Biden miscalculated this year. They’re both paying the price, along with party members who trusted them.
This guy has stayed relevent since he shut down the bridges and is totally going to be the moderate conservative we need to get us out of this whole fascist nonsense with Trump and DeSantis.
WE’RE SAVED! Hallelujah, can I get an AMEN!
Politician’s kids behaving badly.
@ 16
Goodbye, Sara Bareilles. Hello, Boss.
Looks like Nancy Mace just finally figured out the deal that Trailer Park Barbie got out of the Speaker election:
How many other so-called moderate Repukes will see this as an opportunity to get some?
So what’s worse from a political standpoint?
Passing laws to restrict the women (slightly more than 50% or the populations) of your state from getting health care and some times life saving procedures or passing blatantly unconstitutional laws to subjugate women to less than full personhood with respect to their bodily autonomy?
Asking for a friend.
@13 I don’t know, nor have I been downtown recently, but I feel confident in saying Davison’s election reflected voter impatience with conditions downtown and how things were being done. I can’t say from my personal experience whether downtown is unsafe, but Seattle’s not-so-liberal media conveys that impression. As a candidate, Davison made clear she intended to take a traditional law enforcement approach toward behavior people were complaining about, i.e., arrest ’em and lock ’em up. For whatever motivations, a majority of voters decided that’s what they wanted, and I doubt very much that very many voters were thinking about nuances such as whether they’ve cycled through community court and rehab before, and if so, how many times. That election was more like taking a club to a perceived problem. People were voting to hit ’em over the head.
Pot users cannot own guns.
See controlled substance act.
The NRA is notably silent on federal declassification of marijuana because of course that’s an issue that favors Democrats. It’s literally never been about gun rights it’s been about electing right wing racists and tax breaks.
With highly visible so-called moderate Repukes declaring themselves either a solid “NO” or refusing to indicate either way, passage is absolutely not assured.
But what the deeply stupid Shit-lord Crybaby manages to get right in his desperate concern-trolling is that Brave Kevin now owns the outcome, either way.
If the bill passes, voters will regard it as a crisis averted when the Speaker managed to tamp down significant revolt among growing numbers of radical extremists in his party. And if the bill fails, voters will regard it as Brave Kevin’s complete failure in his first major test as Speaker.
Failure will surely usher an end to his Speakership. Passage will not assure his survival.
And either way Dark Brandon will still be The President of the United States in September when it’s time for the budget fight, with or without Brave Kevin.
Dori’s dead so now there are several hundred thousand people like you who “would never go to Seattle” who don’t get fed a daily diet of lies who have no experience that downtown was never even close to unsafe for the average person who has ever for a moment lived in a typical urban environment.
Yes, that guy over there who is clearly on drugs is like, life threatening, if the most danger you’ve ever seen near your home is the teen driver going 45 on your residential road making the three mile drive to the closes freeway and the Cop next door slapping his wife around.
It’s super scary out there. There are tents. We don’t have tents in Sultan.
@15 “Bottom line is Schumer miscalculated last Fall, and Biden miscalculated this year. They’re both paying the price, along with party members who trusted them.”
Democrats are capable of miscalculating, as you put it, but they’re not capable of being vicious to defenseless seniors and working moms. That’s the biggest difference between the parties.
@16 I can remember when Christie was considered the worst bully in the Republican Party. Just in passing, I wonder if the Russians are paying him to help splinter the anti-Trump vote? Christie isn’t going to be the nominee, so why is he doing this?
Roger, your initial comment seemed to imply a failure of the community court system. Those that I am familiar with have been actually incredibly successful, both in terms of reducing re-offending and lowering costs. But from what I’ve seen, where the systems have been less successful, even to the point of being regarded as “failing”, it has been because of a failure to deliver the treatment and support services the courts are designed to provide as an alternative to incarceration. When communities only invest in incarceration, then that’s the only thing that has a chance. And incarceration has never worked.
So I’m going to assume that you don’t have any idea whether or not these treatment and support services were ever implemented beyond budget line items – funding not being remotely the same thing as delivering. I have seen plenty of communities where local elected authorities devoted considerable budget resources to “diversion and treatment” and “alternative corrections” only to end up delivering the funds to the police, who quite magically use it to to either do something completely different with the money, or who just never seem to get the programs out of the development stage.
Seattle is far from the only community suffering from an explosion of uncontrolled substance abuse and mental illness plaguing its citizens. Nor I suspect will Seattle be the only community to learn to its regret that reverting to what was not working before will not work in the future. You’ll never manage to kill the junkies and psychotics faster than traditional conservative, capitalist indifference can create them in the first place. Police can’t do this work. They have none of what it takes.
I don’t know, nor have I been downtown recently, but I feel confident in saying Davison’s election reflected voter impatience with conditions downtown..
Not just in downtown.. We’ve always had a homeless problem here.. as long as I’ve lived here but just before and during the pandemic it went off the charts.. In my neck of the woods it’s died back some, a modest amount I guess..
We park our car on the street. Haven’t lost a catalytic converter yet although the neighbor further down the block did have hers stolen.
@24 So the media are lying when they report that a crazy guy tried to throw a woman off a bridge onto the freeway, or another crazy guy hit a woman with a bat as she was walking home in Belltown, or another crazy guy sucker-punched a tourist for no apparent reason?
Years ago, when I worked downtown, I occasionally got accosted by aggressive panhandlers or hassled by drunks. I witnessed a couple of assaults. Was assaulted once on a bus. Got knocked down twice by aggressive cyclists who ignored “Walk” lights and barreled through pedestrian-filled crosswalks at high speed. No big deal. Just standard big-city downtown shit that you put up with because you have to.
I don’t have a reason to go downtown anymore. I don’t get summoned for jury duty anymore, and no longer attend Bar Association meetings and seminars in person, that’s all webcast now. It’s been awhile since I’ve been on foot downtown, so I don’t know what it’s like now. The media creates the impression it’s worse than back when I was being harassed and assaulted by street people, and bowled over by crazy cyclists. I don’t know whether that’s a fair representation of current conditions.
I do know that Davison won by appealing to the fed-up instincts of voters, so she struck a chord somewhere.
Dori’s dead so now there are several hundred thousand people like you who “would never go to Seattle” who don’t get fed a daily diet of lies..
Jeebus called it “home”.. thank you jeebus..
@27 I can’t speak to the efficacy of Seattle’s community court. Seattle is a progressive city, and when voters here elect someone like Davison, who made no secret of how she was going to deal with downtown’s crime problems, that suggests a public perception that previous approaches weren’t working.
But just last month, the same voters agreed to pay another $120 a year, on average, of property taxes for five behavioral health crisis centers in the county and more residential treatment beds. This may be a drop in the bucket compared to need, but I think it demonstrates that Seattle is still a progressive-minded city and people here didn’t suddenly go Stone Age when they elected Davison.
It was ME. All ME. I want everyone to know I am fucking up the military. It is ME. I’m not letting a pissant who works here get any credit. IT’S ME!
Support the Troops!
No, that kind of thing always happened. It’s not like muggings suddenly started in the 2020s. What you didn’t have is an entire news channel and MyNorthwest.com and a conservative media insisting the only thing keeping you from being dead if you set foot in downtown is doubling the police budget and rounding up all the homeless and shipping them to California.
Note that that “unprovoked” sucker punch story comes from that same right wing network and specifically from a guy who is regularly found to be fabricating shit on air. But just take their word for it that someone they admit they stopped to have a conversation with just punched them out of the blue. There’s like LITERALLY no chance the victims knew or negotiating scoring something. Not a chance. It was a totally random thing. According to ….. Jason “Rantz” Antibi, from a super nice part of the Hollywood Hills who attended a now closed magnate high school for wealthy industry types before attending an exclusive private Los Angeles college who now calls Seattle a crime riddled slum on the daily radio.
@33 I don’t listen to rightwing garbage radio. When Sinclair Broadcast Group took over KOMO, they wasted no time putting out their rightwing propaganda (“Seattle Is Dying”). We don’t now have a rightwing-slanted TV station in Seattle. Dorothy Bullitt is dead, and KING 5 is now a true-crime station; Sinclair owns KOMO; and Mormons own KIRO. In print media, the P-I is effectively gone, and Seattle Times laid off a lot of their newsroom and today’s much thinner newspaper is mostly filled with syndicated stuff. I get more national than local news because there’s no place to go for local news.
Guys. Come ON! What the hell is wrong with you? When this convention happens it will likely be right before our almost assured nominee getting charged in your very own state with a massive conspiracy to steal an election. Optics. We have more at stake here than losing the White House by YUGE margins in 2024. There are Governorships, and house races and Senate races and Mayors and all manner of important stuff to stave off Gen Z sending us to our graves sooner.
Just STOP. You’re putting a crazy lady up there to say TRUMP WON! We’re just praying the women forget about….(gestures at all of this) and we’re still dealing with this rigged and stollen nonsense now too?
Here’s what you posted – your opening sentence:
“Ann Davison is what you get when well-intentioned rehabilitation efforts don’t stop people from re-offending, and community court merely returns serial offenders to the streets.”
Now you’re saying you don’t know if any of that is true or not.
But that was the reason for my question to you. Community courts do work in my experience when they are supported with services other than jails and police beatings. If Seattle voters are “fed up” and prefer more jails and police beating so be it. I can’t comment on whether or not those feelings are justified. I can only suggest that more often than not, whether or not those feelings are justified, they lead to more of the same. Cops and jails can’t treat addiction or mental illness any better now than they could twenty years ago when this downward spiral began. And supposing that a psychotic in the midst of a florid hallucination is capable of responding to “consequences” is no more reasonable than the Shit-lord Crybaby assuming they can respond to “shame” or ridicule or Jesus or Ron Paul.
Seattle is no more likely to succeed trying to punish its way out of a mental health crisis than stupid Republicans have succeeded in moralizing their way out of a mental health crisis. It’s four decades of moralizing that got us to this point to begin with.
IMy staffers can’t possibly read a 99 page bill in just three days. Now that we’ve hollowed out school funding and college degrees we sold Millenials and Gen Z on as the BARE MINIMUM to score a job as a receptionist isn’t teaching anything useful no one wants to work so 33 pages a day is way too much.”Ralph Norman – R(SC)
True story. Leaving Folk Life on Sunday as the festival was winding down I came across a scene of 3 SPD Bike officers and four on foot marching across the grass toward a maybe 20 year old holding a sign “SPD=Facists”. One of the officers, photo submitted to council and OPD stepped very close and never said a word but put his face inches from the kid while the others formed a semi circle around them.
I really believe when they noticed that three citizens were recording is when they decided to back away.
1. Holding a sign in public is your first amendment right.
2. SPD has no legal authority to approach any person who is not suspected of committing a crime or civil infraction.
3. This was clearly an angry officer who escalated a situation who under no circumstances should be interacting with the public if his snowflake ego can’t just ignore a kid with a sign and instead tried to intimidate him by threat of force or arrest.
Side note. Congratulations to the kid who simply stood his ground and didn’t react to this kind of bullshit by SPD.
Makes you wonder how many arrested “protesters” at any random downtown event are really just kids who hurt an officer’s feelings.
Gen Z sending us to our graves sooner.
Faster than a knock on the door from the Manchinema IRS?
Well that was inevitable.
Let’s see how the courts try to say the 1st Amendment is an anachronism and making sure people CAN’T find out about other faiths or belief systems is AOK because we’re a Christian Nation and if you are in our community and you don’t believe as we do you have no rights.
To earn the 50 Democratic votes he needed to pass debate rules for the debt ceiling bill Brave Kevin had to take a few things off the table ahead of next fall’s budget negotiations.
As a concession to the FREEDUMB KAUKUS he will be appointing Rep. Massie to head up a special sub committee to design and 3D print the penis cage, crotchless panties, and bustier the Speaker will be forced to wear under his business suit for the remainder of this Congress.
Being widely reported now that Prosecutors have tape of Trump bragging about having classified documents on plans to attack Iran (likely to the Saudis during the Golf Tournament).
That proves that Donald knew they were classified. Trump knew he did not and could not declassify just by taking them. Note that he would not have that power after leaving office when he was bragging about having the classified material anyway. AND to top it off of the four people in the room when he made that statement only he and Mark Meadows had any kind of security clearance so…DONALD TRUMP REVEALED CLASSIFIED INFO THAT THE UNITED STATES HAS A PLAN TO ATTACK IRAN IF NECESSARY TO UNAUTHORIZED PEOPLE.
That last bit is a totally sperate felony that got Johnathan Pollard a life sentence of which he served 30. At 75, a 30 year stint at Club Fed is a life sentence and Dude would never see free life again.
Well now we can openly say what we’ve been thinking all along.
We were only eating at Chik-Fil-A because it was Jesus chicken. It’s just a sandwich. And the sauce is an overly sweet honey mustard. Ain’t nothin’ special about it.
The waffle fries….kick ass. Gonna miss the waffle fries.
Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus. There is no end to it. It’s a pandemic.
@43 try the turkey bitch. Stop grifting and peddling your pornography.
@42 the guy really should be hung….and every heterosexual Neanderthal groupie.
NPR is reporting that Progressive Caucus Pramila will vote No unless to pass the bill her vote is needed.
So she’s a No. Unless she’s told to be a Yes.
Queen YLB’s kind of leadership. Two X chromosomes and zero spine.
@47 kreepshit is kreepin’ on Pramila…
nonstop… obsessive…
what a neanderthal kreeeeep… and a joke..
Any doubt this thing is going to pass? If it doesn’t.. this country goes down the drain. The repukes will have shot the hostage. Doesn’t matter what any naysayers do. Their right to vote their convictions or batshit delusions. They have to answer to their voters.
Elon Musk is an uncreative dumb-dumb.
His Teslas sometimes need recalls for stuff.
And his products don’t perform well when there’s traffic.
What a dummy. I think I’ll invest in 3M instead. ’cause Post-It notes are creative.
Tell us more about sucking off the government teat?
85% funded either directly or through government contracts.
ELON pay some fucking taxes.
Y’all. We can’t keep taking these PR hits day, after day, after day, after day. You just went with it from the woman who was posting all kinds of stuff on Facebook about the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and “Jewish Zionists” and sacrificing people, including Jews. Then you just let her roll you on that young lady, the poem that’s like literally the only poem any of us have read since College Composition 101.
“I’m not a Dentist, I’m not an orthodontist, I’m just a mom involved in taking out my children’s braces with needlenose at the kitchen table.”
For fucks’ sake. Sue who writes press releases for us for distribution in Florida just quit after spending the last four months weeping quietly at her desk at least four days a week.
Just fucking stop it.
“Conservative Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) says he will force the Senate to vote this week on cutting total federal spending by 5 percent in each of the next two years, a proposal that would include Social Security and Medicare.”
Excellent! “It’s an uncomfortable vote for Senate Republicans …. A ‘no’ vote opens GOP senators to criticism … [they] are not serious about balancing the budget. A ‘yes’ vote risks alienating seniors ….”
“…affluent, elite, healthy, and highly educated coastal progressives.”
What happens when you sit on your ass for 97 days instead of engaging the opposition.
You force the Democrat-led Senate to back the Republican bill and then you have to sign the Republican bill.
Too bad for him the desperate Shit-lord Crybaby didn’t invest all of his liquidity in SpaceX last December.
Obviously he has a few ragrets.
The final tally for the vote was 314 to 117, reports CNN.
GOP went for it 2 to 1. In an effort to claim some sort of victory, Democrats went for it more than 3 to 1.
Pramila did her best Boebert impression tonight.
Pramila, why did 165 of your Democrat colleagues vote to hurt poor and working people?
@49 “SpaceX has now launched more than 4,500 Starlink satellites, more than 4,100 of which are currently active,” which means there’s ~400 more pieces of space junk orbiting the earth. Elon Musk is a litterbug.
Eventually there’ll be so much trash up there no sunlight will get through and life on earth will be extinguished by a Space Junk Winter. Orbiting litter already is making life difficult for astronomers.
… granting President Joe Biden unlimited authority to issue debt until after Jan 1, 2025.
@47 “zero spine”
Yes, very wishy-washy; doesn’t have resolve like the FreeDumbers shooting holes in the bottom of the boat.
Of course the United States has a plan to attack Iran. Anybody could guess as much. But if he revealed operational details …
@38 Snowflakes shouldn’t be cops. Or, alternatively, they could stop being fascists if they don’t want citizens calling them fascists.
Don’t police academies have a “Don’t Fuck With Peaceful Protesters” class to school trainees on 1A rights? Sandwiched between the chokehold and taser classes?
The scent of desperation is in that one. There was a Republican bill. They passed it strictly on party lines with the charged felon from New York casting the deciding vote.
That went no where and was never going anywhere and Kevin didn’t get it done. And in the process he pissed off the Freedumb caucus by giving up the hostage AND not defunding the IRS and not cutting the VA and not putting the 101st Airborne on the Southern Boarder and not defunding PBS and not eliminating Solar Subsidies and not overturning the infrastructure bill…
It didn’t raise the debt ceiling it suspended it so sometime in 2025 the Democrat led house and Senate can point to that and say see….nothing happened with no debt limit AND it’s unconstitutional so this new budget we’re sending to Joe Biden does away with it permanently.
Now it goes to the Senate where Schumer will likely make a few ‘small changes’ and send it back to the house on a pass or face a GOP shutdown in just a few short days.
It was LITERALLY less than a week ago you were bleating about a poll that said most Americans wanted a compromise. That’s what you got. Good luck spinning it.
Remember that time when 40 of 49 launched so far got wiped out by solar flares…that totally rare thing that happens on a small scale every 7-8 hours and on a truly massive scale about ever 25 years.
Me neither. I’m a GOD of teck. All your base are belong to us.
2/3 of the Republicans voted for it, 3/4 of the Democrats voted for it, and all we heard since Sunday was QoS McHillbilly’s whining.
@ 58
… granting President Joe Biden unlimited authority to issue debt until after Jan 1, 2025.
As long as he’s OK having it reversed, fine. Spending bills originate in the House. I read that somewhere once.
We’ll see what happens when Biden tries to issue debt in order to fund something by EO after SCOTUS is done with the student loan giveaway thingie.
“Today, FBI Director Wray confirmed the existence of the FD-1023 form alleging then-Vice President Biden engaged in a criminal bribery scheme with a foreign national.
Next year, both parties will have the campaign slogan, “Vote for the crook. It’s important.”
@62 – You are NOT an independent voter.
“Today, FBI Director Wray confirmed the existence of the FD-1023 form alleging then-Vice President Biden engaged in a criminal bribery scheme with a foreign national.
‘According to the FBI, an FD-1023 form is “used by FBI agents to record unverified reporting by a confidential human source.” The record, however, does not validate the source’s information, the bureau told Newsweek, nor does it “weigh” the source’s record against other verified information obtained by the FBI.
“Revealing unverified or possibly incomplete information could harm investigations, prejudice prosecutions or judicial proceedings, unfairly violate privacy or reputations, create misimpressions in the public, or potentially identify individuals who provide information to law enforcement, placing their physical safety at risk,” read a statement from the FBI.’
i.e. teh kreepshit is desperate for a) a tax cut in 2025 or b) jack-off fuel RIGHT NOW…
Wray “I can’t trust you NOT to publish the name of the source. Remember Valerie Plame?”
Comer & Grassley “Fuck off we’ll do with it what we like.”
Wray, “We’re done here. If you want to try contempt then bring it but I take undercover identity seriously.”
Sure I am but given the choice between the folks who are super duper into pardoning people who smeared shit on the walls of Congress, want to ban books, want me to have a kid at 12 and want to steal elections from here on out…
I’m leaning toward the Democrats these days.
I channel the emotions this latest issue evokes for the not completely insane. Tamp down the Boebert and the Gym and the Marjorie or you’re going to keep losing me.
@66 Look up what “alleging” means. Example: “HA posters are alleging you fuck horses.”
The progressive caucus who are adored in their individual districts didn’t have to vote for it.
The Insurrection caucus threw a tantrum.
The Fiscal conservatives get to go to their districts and explain to the psychos in the GOP why they didn’t fight to crash the economy and fund research into the flatness of the Earth.
And the rest of the Democrats come off as the sane ones willing to give up a little ground to avoid that same economic collapse.
Have fun at those summer town halls and local town parades, Republicans.
60)Anybody who has heard of War Plan Orange would figure we have contingency plans in case they are needed.
@72 Oh, they’ll claim credit for preventing the Democrats from causing a ruinous default.
I’ll bet every Republican who committed PPP fraud opposes student debt relief on “moral hazard” grounds.
I’ll bet every Republican wife beater opposes “red flag” laws because he wants the option to shoot her the next time.
GOP Sen. and presidential candidate Tim Scott will vote to destroy the economy.
Compromise – in politics – means no one gets one hundred percent of what he or she wants. No one is completely satisfied or vindicated.
If you want to reduce food assistance spending, then raise the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour, so taxpayers don’t have to feed red states’ minimum-wage workers.
70 – You are NOT an independent voter. You are a Democrat.
@80 We understand it’s hard to tell them apart when all the independents are voting for Democrats because Republicans are too fucking crazy.
Here’s a real brain puzzle for credulous dupes like the desperate Shit-lord Crybaby:
How do Comer and Grassley know what this FBI generated record of a conversation alleges if neither of them has ever seen it?
It’s a deep, deep mystery to those who hang on Tara Reade’s every word.
Perhaps his imaginary “FB friends in CO” can clear that one up for the poor, suffering thing, bless his heart.
“A key policy adviser for Gov. Mike Dunleavy (R-AK) has resigned after the release of a series of inflammatory statements he made on a podcast praising Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler and defending the right of husbands to rape their wives, among a number of other things, reported Alaska Public Media this week.
“Jeremy Cubas had been serving as Dunleavy’s counsel on ‘pro-family’ policies after previously serving as the governor’s staff photographer, and, according to the report, his main job in his new role had been setting up a ‘pro-family’ website for the state. …
“Among many other things, Cubas claimed that anti-Semitism is fictional, that Hitler only targeted Jews because they were ‘homeless people just taking over the country,’ and he really just ‘wanted the races in their respective areas to remain pure, so Europe remains Europe.’ He also called civil rights activist Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. a ‘loser,’ and said people should just ‘get violent on’ transgender activists to stop them.”
Very pro-family …
I think pretty much every Republican still holding any kind of office anywhere have all formed an internally acknowledged conclusion that the Kavanaugh confirmation hearing gives them whatever license they need to just completely fabricate bullshit at any time.
Which is how they got to be on Team George Devolder.
a series of inflammatory statements he made on a podcast praising Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler and defending the right of husbands to rape their wives..
He also called civil rights activist Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. a ‘loser,’ and said people should just ‘get violent on’ transgender activists to stop them.”
Sounds just like our own troll kreepshit to me.
Elmo’s rapebot can’t get here soon enough for kreepshit.
I was wrong about Jayapal and Boebert voting the same way. Boebert is listed as not voting.
Thanks to Elon Musk, and The Streisand Effect, 16,100,000 people have viewed this tweet:
Every justice except the one who doesn’t know what a woman is found for Glacier Northwest.
Biden’s justice thinks that burning down an entire city block in Minneapolis is protected speech.
In Republican Rep. George Santos’ office the targets of sexual exploitation must also pay their Groomers for that privilege:
Can you blame them for wanting to get as far away from Queen YLB and her fucked kids as they can?
They know what a woman is and they know that a gang of thugs looting a Louis Vuitton store isn’t doing it as a form of protest.
More and more of them aren’t willing to pretend otherwise.
@90 That’s because they spent too much time in the mama’s basement diving down rabbit holes.
See these assholes. Moldering boomer kreepshit with them LOCKSTEP…
My two sons didn’t do that.
Guess which SCOTUS AJ plays the slave card?
Hunter Biden: Second Amendment Warrior
They know what a woman is
Hee Hawley struggles with that... No doubt kreepshit does too.. The type of “entertainment” seen in vip rooms these days… anything fucking goes..
a gang of thugs
EXACTLY, what kreepshit wants for its “grandkids”…
Remember, Republicans still want to gut social security and medicare and medicaid.
Well, republicans only apply laws to hurt democrats.
I think liberals should take advantage of the laws that conservatives hide behind.
What’s worse? House Dem leaders buying Democrat votes?
Or Democrats accepting the bribes?
What we’re hearing: Four Democratic lawmakers said they had been told of a deal, with two saying they believed it involved boosting federal funding for projects in Democrats’ districts — known as earmarks or “community project funding” — if Democrats voted to advance the bill.
Florida faces ‘mass migration’ as trans people flee state in fear of Ron DeSantis’ ‘hateful bills’.
Parents with smart kids will leave too since Florida is pulling out of the Advanced Placement curriculum, and high achieving high schoolers use those to either get into high quality universities, or lower their tuition by getting some required classes out of the way.
They’re also going to see less college students staying or coming to the state because the universities are going to shit there. Higher Ed universities are discussing if they will even accept the watered down educational classes that Florida is pushing as transferable credits for other universities, and if they will accept a Florida bachelors degree when someone tries to get into a graduate school in another state.
Florida republicans, you did this to yourselves.
This one will look great at kreepshit’s vip room:
Hang it on the wall opposite the one of bonzo’s grinnin’ mug. The one every boomer frat house had.
The desperately humiliated Shit-lord Crybaby is forced to admit that his ALL POWERFUL Brave Kevin was compelled to crawl “like a dog” for votes and cut more humiliating deals with a “Black”.
Best of luck trying to find some way to spin that to Brave Kevin’s advantage. This wasn’t even the budget. And yet Team Brave Kevin are forced to swallow load after load of creamy, progressive throat yogurt just to get through each day. Yikes. Earmarks. Yummy FREEDUMB KAUKUS created earmaks.
@ 98
Florida faces ‘mass migration’ as trans people flee state …
Fewer trans people will leave the state because of Ron DeSantis than left the Orlando night club in body bags after that 2016 mass shooting, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron.
No one will miss Florida’s fleeing trans crowd. No one will realize they left.
Beau Biden will never, ever be president.
102 – And Hillary Clinton won’t ever be president. We can be thankful for that, at least!
@ 103
Ah, but she might be the DNC nominee once again.
She won’t even have to campaign in the primary season.
Greg Lemond documentary movie coming out later this month.
@105 Next to the bridge tragedy flick that just “came and went”…
this one had kreepshit on the edge of its seat..
Ben Foster nailed it, eh kreesphit?
“No one will miss Florida’s fleeing trans crowd. No one will realize they left.”
You really are a loathsome asshole. Like you say, “the wrong brother died”. Nobody will miss you, after the last check clears.
For the sake of the Shit-lord Crybaby’s addiction to Giant Penis Porn Leaks, it turns out that Trump, Barr, Rudy Giuliani, and Sweaty Pink Meatball (and Comer and Grassley) had copies of the Double Top Secret FBI 1023 form way back in 2020, for months and months while Trump was President way back in the before time and couldn’t manage to make anything out of it.
So yesterday Wray offered to let Democrats have a peak, as well as just Rudy’s most trustedest co-conspirators. And Rep. Jamie Raskin is fixin to take the FBI director up on the offer.
And wouldn’t you know it? Now Grassley (and to a lesser extent Comer) are backing the fuck away from the infamous form. Grassley now says that while he has read the document (via copies obtained from Rudy) he won’t say if it makes any allegations about the former Vice President and that suddenly it was never his purpose to cast any accusation of impropriety on Biden. When asked if the form implicates the former Vice President, Grassley, who is 89 years old, responded “I don’t know that … It’s not up to me whether it’s accurate or not”.
As described to media by the sources who made/heard it (Margo Martin & Mark Meadows) the recording turned over to the Special Counsel would seem to establish that Trump knew the materials he removed were still classified after he left office, that he knew he had them in his possession and control after he left office, and that one purpose in having them was to use them for settling political disputes and scores with enemies or opponents.
And wouldn’t you know it? Now Grassley (and to a lesser extent Comer) are backing the fuck away from the infamous form.
LMAO… but kreepshit is whackin’ it as hard as it can..
Too damn funeee!
@98 If DeSantis doesn’t drive them out, home insurance will.
@107 What makes you think his checks will clear? If Repukes get their way, his sole source of income will disappear.
That Recession is coming soon!
I’ve prayed, and prayed and prayed! And finally my prayers have been answered
Chic-Fil-A stop grooming the Chickens!
So, everybody glad they made fun of Trump when he walked gingerly down a slick ramp a few years ago?
So if it wasn’t his physical vigor, and if it wasn’t out of lust for his small, misshapen toadstool penis, the why the fuck are you still voting for Trump?
It’s the crazy orange hair makes me love him so!!
Actually, I don’t remember anyone doing that, especially here. In fact, you stating that now, I can’t even recall it happened.
But you live in the Dumbfuck world you live in, so live in it.
Fleeing Florida….why the hell would anyone even step foot in that shithole swampland?
@119 – To escape the craziness and high taxes of places like NYC.
funny, NYC still exists. Always will. Probably has more visitors than Florida.
The sound on my computer is on the blink, and I don’t have a bluetooth speaker with in my travels, so I couldn’t hear the audio, but from the comments this video seems to show the Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus in the best light.
@121 – That doesn’t stop those from leaving who wish to leave, and those leaving are some pretty wealthy folks.
Who became “pretty wealthy folks” in NYC.
That isn’t to say you can’t do that in someplace like Boca.
But it probably involves Medicare fraud.
“But it probably involves Medicare fraud.”
That is a big reason why healthcare is so expensive. The doctors, big pharma and the rest just piled on when Medicare came about, and the stupid government simply paid what they all were charging The same thing happened to higher education: the educational facilities started raising their prices because they’re a bunch of hogs, too, and couldn’t pass up an opportunity to grab all they could get.
If you want things to be expensive, just get the federal government involved in making the payments.
(The people leaving NY, IL, CA and other blue states are, unfortunately, bringing NY, IL, CA and general blue policies with them. These immigrants will probably change states like Texas and Florida, in the near future, from red to more blue.)
…and at least one Republican Senator from Florida. Racked up the largest fraud in history.
Used the money to buy his way into the Senate and the GOP leadership.
ftfy too.
@115 I watched the video. The sandbag is plainly visible in the video, and there’s no question that’s why Biden tripped. Presidents don’t normally look down at their feet when walking onstage at a graduation ceremony. You don’t normally look down at your feet when walking out to your barn, or wherever the fuck you walk to. I don’t normally look down at my feet when walking on a military base, and I broke several bones in my foot in Vietnam by tripping over a sandbag. That didn’t make me old or senile, it made me the sufferer of a compensable service-connected injury. In your case, sandbags make you a dumbfuck whether you trip over them or not.
@120 I’m not sure I see any advantage to getting shot on a beach instead of mugged on a sidewalk.
@123 Florida has no income tax, no inheritance tax, no teachers, and no homeowners insurance, which makes insurance the only deterrent facing rich tax avoiders who don’t give a shit about public schools, but only if they’re white and straight.
kon-klown wishes his better half would just stfu and let him babble ad nauseam about how he’s going to “kick the living shit” out of the wokesters…
Florida seems like a rich sociopath’s paradise.
Almost no tax burden and unlimited opportunities to avoid.
No public investment in anything, which for those with a helipad and a private pier, who gives a fuck, right?
Plenty of pre-teen trailer trash 13-year-olds for “massages”.
Mountains of fresh flake before it gets stepped on.
And the quickest access to international waters on the mainland.
The one resource they are currently lacking, and which is going in the wrong direction, is a surplus of under 40, able bodied, working poor willing to clean toilets on the cheap. But for that Floridians seem to rely on Caribbean migrants and a peculiar absence of CBP as an enduring holdover from the Cold War.
Five consecutive quarters of negative productivity compared with the previous year in Joe Biden’s America.
Employers paid more for less output out of Queen YLB’s fucked kids.
Fuckin’ deadbeats.
@134 Having to raise wages from $7.25/hr. to $9/hr. really stings, doesn’t it? Hey, if you take away their food stamps, they’re gonna want more money. They gotta eat.
Employers paid more for less output out of
the millennial always wrong wingers @90 that give kreepshit hope..
the hope that ED meds can’t give it… f’in always wrong losers…
It would seem the further they move always wrong over time, the less “productive” they are.. costing kreepshit in the stock portfolio.. awwwww….
yawwwnnn.. next?
@ 136
Next is layoffs, ya dumb twat. Lots of them.
Wage hikes may have been a key driver of inflation. They may now be fueling mass layoffs
Wage hikes may have been a key driver of inflation.
Uhhh.. kreepshit… we all thought you said it was Joe’s spending..
Now you’re saying it’s the spendthrift corps.. and bidness owners? teh f’in captains of industry?
Oh say it’s not so..
otoh we all know here that Hunter’s dick pics “touch” teh kreepshit only..
@138 It’s not enough for him that inflation is outpacing wage gains; he won’t be satisfied until workers are working for free. Like all Repukes, he wants to repeal the 13A.
In Delaware they are soliciting/advertising paying $17/hr, starting pay, for Dunkin Doughnuts.
I was talking to a hiring manager / employment recruiter, coincidently at DD, as we order our coffees. He said you can’t find people to work, or reliable and committed people, even at $17. He said a job that use to pay under $10/hr before the Pandemic now pay $17, and employers are still having troubles finding people to fill that $17.00/hr position.
Supply and Demand – there’s you inflation.
Part of what many of these unskilled employers need to figure out is how much they need to redesign their employment systems and redefine “reliable and committed”.
Most of these are part time positions with a demand from the employer for “full time availability”, typically at a moment’s notice. And to avoid the inevitable legal consequences of untrained, unqualified managers engaging in routine harassment and discrimination, much of the HR scheduling and disciplinary systems are automated. There is even now an automated system for use in hospitality settings that uses security surveillance and AI to dynamically analyze employee interaction with guests in real time. It can time interactions, measure facial expressions, log keywords, and measure specific task performance, like time to clear tables or refill water. I suppose it can even count how many “pieces of flair” an employee is wearing.
The result is arbitrary, bizarre, dehumanizing scheduling, discipline (but not in any way related to protected employee status), and management, and zero flexibility. It doesn’t work for many potential applicants such as single parents, students, or people with other pre-existing commitments (aging parents, caregiver responsibilities, etc). Rigid, automated, outsourced HR “solutions” have driven these people out of the workforce.
So far all any of these employers are doing is raising wages rather than fixing the underlying systemic problems.
A fine example of a Heterosexual Neanderthal