– Yes, bikes can be bad drivers too.
– Looking forward to specially colored bus lanes.
– This is kind of old, but (a) thank goodness Musab Mohammad Masmari plead guilty, even if it wasn’t to a hate crime and (b) the history of the attacks on Neighbours was interesting and scary.
– What I love most about this story is the assumption that aliens would want to be baptized Catholic. I mean maybe, but it seems like they’ve got their own thing going on. Did they come to Earth just to get baptized? Do they not have their own belief systems?
Rove Claims Hillary Is Brain-Damaged
Even if this is true, a damaged brain is better than no brains.
As far as the Pope and aliens goes, I’m beginning to think that our major religions arose due to our early ancestors’ contacts with extraterrestrials. It’s all a result of people trying to make sense out of something they can’t understand. A massive joke has been played on us all, and we can’t get over it.
gotta love it….. whatever is free
Glenn Greenwald has a new book out. He’s on fire!
See the Democracy Now! website for two great interviews.
Revelations include intercepting network gear, implanting bugs on them, re-sealing and sending them on to the surveillance target..
But the best is yet to come in the July time-frame: a revealing of nsa surveillance targets INSIDE the U.S. people that asshole emperor Keith Alexander call “radicalizers”..
How much you want to bet folks who attend NetRoots Nation are “targets” but tea-bagger are strangely absent?
Reading through the press on Greenwald’s book tour I found something very funny..
Back in the day it was pretty strange to find our trolls crying over a deceased beltway journalist:
Little Ricky Dumbass:
The Pooper:
Interesting – you ‘d think these always wrong wing tools were crying at the passing of Limbaugh!
HOWEVER! What did Glenn Greenwald just say about our trolls dearly departed Tim Russert:
Passing a Limbaugh? Is that like passing a kidney stone?
Like passing gas.
I haven’t been here for awhile. Life sometimes gets in the way. Are there any Republicans to bash here anymore?
Hey, they went from ‘we are center and only significance of the Mother-Fuckin’ universe’ to ‘if Aliens are out there they can be Catholics’ in a millenia or so. That’s a sub four mile in religious progression.
It appeared that by the beginning of summer, the VIA Rail train from Montreal to Halifax, the Ocean, would be making it’s last run. CN Rail was going to abandon a key stretch of track that the Ocean was it’s only train, passenger or freight. Well, it appears that Ottawa is coming to the rescue, at the 11th hour. Wonder if the Tories saw votes disappearing was one reason.
Looks like Swiss Voters are going to reject the minimum wage proposal. This would have set a national minimum wage at 22 Francs an hour, roughly $25 an hour US. The Fighter jet purchase referendum, once a shoo in for the opponents of the plan to purchase SAAB Grippen’ s, is now too close to predict.
Nebraska Senate Nominee Says Religious Beliefs Can Justify Breaking Any Law
As some one noted, how is that any different than the Taliban?
@12 They left out the part where he believes that only his religious beliefs can justify breaking laws. All others should be thrown in jail for being heretics.
@13. Which is just what the Taliban advocates.
Solar Panels tough enough to drive on.
If they lived up to the hype, I’d love to see them on every flat surface we have covered up with concrete and asphalt. Roads, driveways, parking lots, sidewalks, bike lanes, etc. We can use the profits from the electricity to pay for collectivizing Comcast.
Cause Fox News just isn’t conservative enough!
Religious Belief Justifies Breaking any Laws. Republican Congressman.
We know where this is coming from. They love the constituion, but only when it doesn’t go against them. So make religion your excuse to keep the Gays away.
I guess murder is ok if religion justifies it. “Stand your Bible”
@15 – There is hope that some people want to make a better difference in life, then you have the teabaggers and Rethuglicans.
@12 – Republicans are the Taliban. They are Putin Lovin Commies.
Check out PBS Frontline’s new documentary on the surveillance state..
No trolls, Obama doesn’t look good in this.. No one who enables these types of privacy abuses that are so beyond the pale should come out as some kind of hero.
In the 2011 Canadian Federal Election, one of the paper candidates the New Democratic Party ran in a district that they were not supposed to win, spent most of the campaign in Las Vegas. She won. Well, three years later,seems to be a rising star in Ottawa.