I have been listening to The History of English podcast, and it’s very strange for me to listen to a history podcast that’s still going. Usually I will binge a series once it’s done. Anyway, it has got to Edward I. The podcast hasn’t got there yet, but pretty soon, he is going to ban Jewish people from England.
As I was listening to this, I walked by Seattle Shakespeare. I see that The Merchant of Venice is coming up. It. Made me realize that the vast majority of people who the play was written for had never met anyone Jewish. It had been over 300 years, and yet the stereotypes were popularly understood.
USA Today reports the Austin bomber was home schooled. Sounds like one of Trump’s “fine people.” A trailerbilly blowing up black people with package bombs. Well, he isn’t going to do it anymore. With cops hot on his tail, he took himself out with his own bomb.
In online blogging several years ago, the Austin bomber identified himself as a “conservative” who supported the death penalty, but opposed sex offender registration, and was against gay marriage.
Hey look Bob. Nothing wrong with a little “Structural” cracking once in a while, just leaves 6 people dead.
I’m sure everyone of Bob’s patients (or victims) were in good hands with their smart (ass) doctor.
@2 I’m sure he would have liked to have voted for Roy Moore, right after he was done fucking the goat.
@3 Republican crony contractor built the collapsed bridge. Cute. Who would’ve guessed?
The Fed raised interest rates again this morning, but far more interesting is its forecast, which says the economy is slowing and the GOP tax cuts will NOT result in faster growth than achieved under Obama’s policies.
I don’t watch network television and I admit I don’t know shit about the kind of celebrity obsessed trivial reality programming that defines the culture of the PornHub Party and their Cheeto Jeebus. But is it really true that (aside from the sudden need to shield assets) Fredo’s marriage broke up because he was fucking a reality show contestant while his was recovering from her last pregnancy?
Only the finest… yeah, whatever.
@7 Probably some asset protection going on there, too.
Followup on #6 above: The Dow dropped 280 points within minutes after the Fed announcement, which suggests Wall Street doesn’t think the “Trump economy” is doing all that great.
Looking at the charted daily polling results over the last year I think the performance of the economy will have less to do with the mid term performance of the PornHub Party than demonstrating legislative accomplishments.
When you look at the sentiments of their own voters, particularly their most loyal and reliable voters, levels of support, rising and falling, and formation of support has tracked most closely to the ability of the leadership to get major legislation passed. By late August and early September of last summer, following initial failure on reconciliation and a White House directed debacle failing to repeal the ACA, they were in solidly negative territory with their own base.
Refocusing on tax cuts for the wealthy had a unifying effect on the members in Congress and by the time of passage the picture was reversed. Unified Roypublicans in Congress under effective leadership obtaining results in the form of legislation clearly has a positive effect on the confidence and enthusiasm of their voter base of drooling authoritarian teevee addicts. But now after a series of both inter-party and intra-party struggles over immigration reform, once again dictated by the White House, they have fallen back to break even with their base.
Democrats will see their best opportunities for hurting Roypublican support among their base, mid term voters by finding ways to sew disunity within the PornHub ranks on proposals for major legislation and sabotaging their passage. With many swing district PornHub Party incumbents worried about re-election it ought to be possible. DACA and universal background both enjoy very high voter approval right now in a broad cross-section of districts. The easiest thing to do would be for the loyal, patriotic Dem leadership to demand that any major legislation address those popular programs. Economic performance will play a bigger role in 2020.
@10 I think it will be simply a referendum on Trump’s unpopularity.
I think that’s true insofar as better educated, more affluent, and less Oxycontin addicted voters are concerned. But part of what Democratic strategists have to work on is suppressing voter enthusiasm among the PornHub Party’s base constituency, if we really hope to pick up seats in swing districts, swing states, and child molester dominated state legislatures.
And polling consistently indicates that no matter how many Russian Prostitutes he pays to urinate into his open mouth, no matter how many grieving widows of fallen heroes he mocks and humiliates, no matter how many Nazis he valorizes or klaverns he defends, and no matter how serious or numerous the felonies, they are with him. The ongoing Dumpster Fire of Shame is useful in energizing and motivating progressive voters. But thanks to the long and shameful history of PornHub Party gerrymanders, there will be plenty of states and districts where the difference between winning and losing will come down to one or two trailer parks.
This is important. Not only because it demonstrates the anti-democratic leanings of the people who elected President PornFucker. But also because it demonstrates a key element of weakness in that support.
They are “disaffected” and “disengaged from politics”. They like an authoritarian “sky daddy” leadership because it relieves them of having to bother with any of it. They are more concerned with results flowing from identity, rather than results flowing from process. They don’t really trust process, in part because it almost always seems to incorporate the interests and sometimes even the participation of “the shithole people”. Too much process, in general, is something to be avoided.
The worst, most ignorant, and most racist of these voters can be made to turn away from the PornHub Party if they come to see the party, and particularly its Congress, as being consumed by too much process. That’s a big part of why the leadership have abandoned normal order of late. It’s not just perhaps the only way they can get legislation passed. It sends important signals to these idiot mouth breathers – idiots they will need to turn out in large numbers in a few months.
But it also gives Democrats a way to suppress the enthusiasm of these racist assholes without resorting to identity politics (like me). Tie the chambers up in procedure to kill legislation. Do it in ways that make it hard for Roypublicans from swing districts to oppose. Give them nothing to run on or hide behind. Leave them with nothing to talk about back home except PeePee tapes and porn stars. Stick to the things that have universal appeal: jobs and job creation, DACA, background checks, economic inequality, opiod crisis. We know there are 30 to 50 Roypublicans members who won’t agree to a single penny added to the budget for any of this. We also know there are 30 to 50 members who absolutely cannot afford to be on record opposing. And we know there are 383 House members and 30 members of the Senate desperate to get to recess and return to their states and districts as soon and as often as possible.
The Presidential campaign can wait until after November.
“Nearly a year before Attorney General Jeff Sessions fired senior FBI official Andrew McCabe for what Sessions called a ‘lack of candor,’ McCabe oversaw a federal criminal investigation into whether Sessions lacked candor when testifying before Congress about contacts with Russian operatives, sources familiar with the matter told ABC News.”
Followup on #6 above: The Dow dropped 280 points within minutes after the Fed announcement, which suggests Wall Street doesn’t think the “Trump economy” is doing all that great.
senile idiot wabbit BULLSHITTIUM alert.
The Fed thinks the Trump Economy is doing so well they are trying to rein in inflation. Most time the Fed raises rates the stock market drops somewhat.
senile idiot wabbit BULLSHITTIUM alert.
Till Next Time!
Can you say told you so?
Robbery and beating your wife is acceptable to the Mayor of Oakland!
Till Next Time!
Sooooooooooo Facebook knew… https://www.cnbc.com/2018/03/21/zuckerberg-statement-on-cambridge-analytica.html
I see you want to go back to the Jimmy Carter economy. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Presidency_of_Jimmy_Carter and http://www.ontheissues.org/cel.....conomy.htm
Trump is a disgrace and his economic policy will not serve the country in the long run (well except maybe for the 1% crowd).
Isn’t it interesting that the Leftist California state decides to defy United States Immigration Law as a state in the Unites States of America but claim that cities with in the loco CA state cannot defy CA state law?
Till Next Time!
Once again the senile idiot wabbit only tells part of the Conditt story…
He also wrote that he supported doing away with the sex offender registration system.
“So you have a guy who committed a crime. Will putting him on a (sex offender) list make it better? wouldn’t this only make people shun him, keep him from getting a job, and making friends? Just for a crime that he may have committed over 15 years ago as a adolescent? On a side note, one fifth of all rapes are committed by a juvenile,” Conditt wrote
Till Next Time!
senile idiot wabbit is FOS as always!
So you would be OK having this sicko as your neighbor: http://komonews.com/news/local.....disgusting
I’m sure you wouldn’t think twice about him baby sitting or watching your kids. At least your goats would be safe with him.
If you’re such a bad candidate that nobody will say anything good about you … do it yourself.
So much loon HATE! How does the loon do it? SAD!
Federal Unfunded Mandates. CA is not violating Federal law. They are, and SCOTUS agreed, refusing to spend State revenue to fund a Federal law enforcement action.
You can cite a statute that says something like, “When you encounter a brown person with an ethnic name in any law enforcement activities you are required to run the person through immigration.” You could see where that might be a problem in communities like Oxnard where you have a blend of fourth-fifth generation Americans of near 100% Latino descent and a fairly large amount of legal migrant farm workers and undocumented farm workers among some other Latino citizens and undocumented in food service, construction and other trades.
Tell me, how does equal protection under law apply to Juan Esperanto, 34, Stockbroker born in Camarillo, CA who is asked to prove he’s a citizen if he is stopped on a traffic violation while John Edward Mills is not asked about his citizenship?
San Diego County doesn’t pay for the boarder checkpoint over I5. In your world that’s CA breaking Fedeal Law by not paying to do the Feds job.
Nice try though.
@15 Puddyidiot spewed: “The Fed thinks the Trump Economy is doing so well they” said “growth is likely to cool after [2019] with the 2020 forecast holding at 2 percent and the longer-run measure still at 1.8 percent.”
How does a falling growth rate after next year grab you? How do you like a 1.8% long term growth rate?
This is affirmation of exactly what I’ve been predicting: Trump’s policies will give the economy a short term bump by pulling future growth forward, provided he doesn’t start a trade war, but will do nothing for the economy’s structural problems and will not create a whit of sustained, long-term growth.
Of course, I don’t expect YOU to understand something as complicated short-term stimulus, or why the Fed might be raising interest rates for reasons having nothing to do with inflation, although it’s reasonable to expect Trump’s policies to create inflation that will devour the hoipolloi’s $1.50/wk. tax cuts.
@16 “Robbery and beating your wife is acceptable to the Mayor of Oakland!”
Why not? Republicans vote for wife beaters and thieves in every election, so why should Oakland’s mayor wear a halo?
Can we deport all the white male citizens who rob and beat, too? After all, fair is fair.
Since illegals have about half the crime rate of citizens, if you really want to reduce crime, you should deport citizens and keep the immigrants.
Or in the case of Trump, try and surround yourself with talking heads like this: https://www.cnn.com/2018/03/20/opinions/trump-legal-troubles-opinion-dantonio/index.html
Just what Trump needs, like-minded parrots that will stroke is ego and pet theories.
@17 They’ve got your number, Spud. You probably voted for Putin several times this week and didn’t even know it.
@19 So now Californians behave like southern conservatives?*
Good grief! Who would’ve thought! Call out the Army.
* Still around, but switched parties in the ’60s, and they vote for Trump instead of Orval Faubus now.
@20 Makes you wonder why this guy positioned himself as an advocate for sex offenders, especially juvenile sex offenders, doesn’t it? I was wondering about that myself.
His homophobia is easier to explain. The word “conservative” tells you where that came from.
Near as I can figure, he preferred the old system still embraced today by many white male conservatives under which rape was socially acceptable but being born with different chromosomes was not.
@21 Nice treehouse, though.
As I keep telling the loon, he’s hanging out with the wrong people.
“Cambridge Analytica CEO Alexander Nix called black clients ‘n*ggers’ in leaked email”
“My number is kill n*ggers 101”
When the loon’s friends finally get around to lynching him, all I’m going to have to say about it is, “I told him so. SAD!”
Yes, but for two reasons, 1) the sick an twisted use of it and 2) illegally built on public property.
If there was any justice in the world, they would go “full Mussolini” on the guy and string him up in the trees where he built his cabin.
And in every case in LE history, when officers arrive at a location where a suspect is believed to be, they are there.
At least your goats would be safe with him.
Don’t own goats, butt glad to see you do!
Till Next Time!
We all knew this would come back to bite them with President PornFucker.
The first of many.
I’m just going to leave this one out here for both educational as well as comedy purposes.
Mr. Safety School, Esq. has retained counsel to rep him in his action against the porno lady for violating tne NDA (contract) he signed with her back in 2016 for no particular reason. This guy Skypes in to the Law and Crime Vlog to talk some lawyer shit.
And in the process he threatens that his client will seek punitive damages.
In a contract dispute.
(sounds of random whistling and humming)
A shooter killed 17 high school students and was calmly arrested. A suspect in multiple terrorist bombings was allowed to blow himself up as officers calmly approached to arrest. Stephon Clark was believed have broken into a car and maybe a house and was in his own backyard with a cell phone and was shot 20 times.
I probably don’t need to tell you what else is the same about two of the theee.
@21 Eventually he or she has to live in someone’s neighborhood as the Forestry service does not take kindly to illegally built cabins in the woods.
@32 Niggers sounds nicer if its said with a posh British accent. They still all the French Frogs. We won’t mention what they call yanks.
Sick and twisted perverts like that shouldn’t ever get to live in someone’s neighborhood. They should reside in a correction facility and if there is any justice in the world, the prison population will serve it up.
The House GOP’s “investigation” of Russian collusion is the joke as we thought it was:
” … the House committee charged with investigating Russian involvement in the 2016 election obtained either no or incomplete information about 81 percent of the known contacts between Trump officials and Russians, or groups and individuals with strong Russia ties like Wikileaks.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Mueller should prosecute those Republican congressmen for obstruction of justice, too.
@39 No worries, Mark, folks living in Shelton, Monroe, and Walla Walla are used to having neighbors like him.
Trump’s fat mouth is pushing the DJIA down another 425 points today.
Maybe we’ll get to see how long the GOP’s fatcat donors put up with this moron when he fucks with their money.
Breaking News — Trump’s lawyer in the Russia probe has just quit.
“John Dowd resigned Thursday as President Donald Trump’s lead attorney in the special counsel probe into Russian meddling in the 2016 election, the New York Times reported.”
Doesn’t say why, but off the top of my head, I can think of a couple reasons why lawyers fire their clients:
(1) They’re not being paid; or
(2) They discover their client lied to them.
Trump appears to have a captive customer.
” … Trump properties comprised 86 percent of the RNC’s February expenses that were categorized specifically as ‘venue rental and catering.'”
Facebook keeps getting grimier.
“According to Guardian reporter Carole Cadwalladr, Facebook threatened to sue the day before the newspaper published a story about a ‘whistleblower’ from Cambridge Analytica.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I’ve never had a Facebook account because I instinctively distrusted this company. A feral rabbit’s instincts are always right. That’s why there are still feral rabbits on a planet overpopulated with stupid humans.
(3) They’ve learned that President PornFucker will be removing the Special Prosecutor and ending the investigation into the Russian election tampering conspiracy. So they are no longer needed, and they can’t afford to have their professional reputations attached to this.
White Privilege Dep’t
Let’s skip over the young black man who was shot to death in his backyard by white cops for possession of a cell phone that belonged to him, and go directly to the Austin bomber case, where it appears the difference between a “terrorist” and a “challenged young man” is skin color.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I’ve never had a Facebook account because
I instinctively distrusted this companyno one would friend me if I had.ftfy
Despite Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s “instinctive distrust” of FB, he has great long-term trust in GE.
GE has fallen more than 40% since Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit recommended it in October of last year. Hell, GE has fallen so far that despite a 50% cut in the dividend, the dividend payout rate is nearly back to what it was when he recommended it.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit will tell you that means he was right.
@51 This is just a wild guess, but I’ll bet I have more friends here at HA than you do. Meanwhile, if you want to put your personal stuff on Facebook, be my guest. I sure won’t stop you.
@52 I’m not the dumbfuck who didn’t short GE at 23.
Just about anyone can be a millionaire.
Millionaire households in the U.S. jumped by more than 700,000 last year, according to a new report from Spectrem Group.
The U.S. now has a record of more than 11 million millionaire households.
Although Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit needs to include his home equity to qualify. Which is cheating.
The U.S. now has more than 11 million millionaire households, according to Spectrem Group, up more than 6 percent from 2016. The number of new millionaires and the total population of millionaires set records. Spectrem defines millionaire households as those with at least $1 million in investible assets, not including primary residence.
Yes, nearly anyone can be a millionaire. Anyone except Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
@55 Wherein Doctor Dumbfuck argues that a person with $2.5 million of home equity and $999,999.99 of stock is not a millionaire …
@ 53
This is just a wild guess, but I’ll bet I have more friends here at HA than you do.
I’ll allow that you have more help here at HA. Safety in numbers, Brave Boy.
@57 I don’t need help to kick your stupid ass in circles. Hell, any kid could do that. You’re easy.
This is serious. Already there is no weaker cause than the one the Palestinians have tried to perpetuate.
RAMALLAH – A series of recent health scares have raised concerns about octogenarian President Mahmoud Abbas, reviving anxiety about a potentially chaotic succession battle bound to further weaken the Palestinian cause.
Officials say a cardiologist has moved into the presidential compound in Ramallah to monitor the longtime leader…
Probably no truth to the Mossad-initiated rumor that the cardiologist is Dr. Conrad Murray.
I’ve had an FB account exactly twice. Each time friends, family, neighbors, and colleagues cajoled me into it. Each time my disappointment and exasperation with both the obvious lapses in network user information security along with the difficulty of setting and maintaining adequate privacy settings drove me to delete my account. Friends tell me they find this frustrating. I stopped caring long before 63 million Roypublican dupes eagerly gave themselves over to a series of FB driven cons conceived by pimply Moldovan teenagers.
I really believe the vast majority of their users are fake accounts, something I choose to define as any account not directly and uniquely tied to one single, real human being. FB still does almost nothing to verify account legitimacy. If I cared to I could create a Puddybud FB account in minutes, and use it to declare all sorts of sordid FACTS. The product seems to cater to certain types. And I guess I’m just not one of them. Or at least not enough of one to be willing to relinquish that much personal information to a vast network of corporate marketing weasels unbound by any code, law, or sense of ethics.
People really need to understand what the CA case reveals about FB beyond how they abetted a Russian commie dictator’s campaign to bamboozle a vast mob of meat puppet conservative dupes. FB’s problem with Kogan and CA isn’t because they accessed private user data. It’s because they didn’t pay for it. FB has been selling access like this for years. It is an essential component of their business model.
And CA certainly aren’t the only third party out there employing user data in this way. Probably every major consumer brand has been doing it to some extent, though often at arms length using specialty boutique “digital” marketing and research companies. “Shocked! We are shocked!! etc.
What ought to be more concerning isn’t Coca Cola or ADM fucking with the news feeds of low income vulnerable tweens to subtly convince them that corn sugar is health food. It’s the PRC doing it to convince mobs of financially insecure 20 and 30 somethings to invest in Bitcoin in hopes of destabilizing foreign currency markets. It’s private military contractors doing it to convince factions of Sierra Leoneans that their elections were corrupt. Trump is just another A/B test for these guys. The digital tools are only going to get more powerful. User data is the raw material those tools are put to work on. If CA and IRA could move enough sentiment in a public election to make a difference with little more than “Buttery Males” and “BENGHAAAZIII!” imagine what can be done with DeepFakes.
We are at their mercy whether we use the product or not. Because enough sad, lonely, old ladies searching through the high school year book do. FB may be a wasteland. But when compared to most modern people’s real lives, it is a carnival of excitement and human connection. I don’t see it going away until those people are given a viable alternative.
@ 59
After posting I wondered if I should have changed a letter and instead referred to the cause the Palestinians have tried to perpetrate.
I think the sentence works quite well either way.
Don’t worry, Doc, you’ll still have your ranch after Trump gets through with your financial investments, although I have to say that I don’t necessarily disagree with him going after China (although I want to see details before I endorse anything).
China has been stealing our technology for years. They’re using it to build up their military. We’ve been buying their cheap junky stuff for years, and they’re using our money to build up their military. What, specifically, are they building with our technology and military? Weapons to blind our satellites, shoot down our planes, and sink our aircraft carriers. Why are we enabling them?
Besides, if China retaliates against Trump-voting midwest farmers, well … you get what you vote for. It’s not like Trump made a secret of his intentions to provoke a trade war with China. It’s not like these farmers couldn’t have figured out what would happen to them if he did. After all, they know who buys their crops.
Except for what it’s doing to the stock market, I consider this a win-win, and even that could be a blessing if it dries up the money that Wall Street has been pumping into GOP campaigns.
I think FB is getting a bad rap.
I mean, there’s no more innocent way to reconnect with the asses we tapped in our ‘teens.
@59 “no weaker cause than the one the Palestinians have tried to perpetuate”
Yeah, kicking people off their land and turning them into vassals has always been popular with your ilk. Your grandfather probably cheered when the Turks marched the Armenians into the desert without food or water.
@63 “I mean, there’s no more innocent way to reconnect with the asses we tapped in our ‘teens.”
In other words, Trump voter get togethers.
@60 “I don’t see it going away until those people are given a viable alternative.”
They could start by learning their next-door neighbors’ names and waving when they see them.
Correction @62: “What, specifically, are they building with our technology and money?”
The bond market is beginning to flash recession warnings:
“The yield curve, which tracks the difference between longer- and shorter-term bond yields, has begun to flatten. That situation is well-known as a portent of a potential economic recession ….”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: With any luck, the Trump recession will get here just in time for the midterms. So much winning!
@ 68
You should google yield curve flattening – it’s been going on for quite awhile. Pull your head out of your ass and you’ll see more.
My commercial banking representative called me this morning. He’s leaving the bank to take a dream job in accounting – I guess something like that exists – and he wanted to let me know and arrange a meeting with his replacement.
He shared that his bank, which is a publicly traded regional bank, is no longer lending for NOO projects. It sees a bubble and is beginning to pull back, even though it has far too many deposits and far too few borrowers.
Like I said, sad, lonely old ladies. Photoshop can do wonders for arm waddle and liver spots.
Pro tip, Dumbfuck: that isn’t “squirting”. It’s urinary incontinence.
@69 What makes you think I didn’t know that? Don’t you have horses to feed? They can’t live on anal sex alone.
@70 “My commercial banking representative called me this morning. He’s leaving the bank … ”
Stop there. No further explanation needed.
@70 “it has far too many deposits and far too few borrowers”
Now why is that? Wasn’t Trump-O-Nomics supposed to bring a revival of capital investment in productive projects and a new age of creditworthy consumers?
Lacking any potential economic growth for companies to invest their tax cuts in, I’ll settle for distributions to shareholders. I don’t mind buying cheaper stocks, either. But this doesn’t mean I’ll vote for Trump or his party. In addition to being a greedy capitalist, I’m an ingrate, too.
DJIA now down 525 points. Okay with me, for reasons stated at various posts above. Probably explains why Doctor Dumbfuck is talking to his bank today, too. Margin calls …
Sweet Baby Jeebus! He’s pleading to draw on his commercial line to cover margin calls? Gonna lose the his share of the radiology lab and the “Smoker Compound” in Oregon. No wonder we call him Dumbfuck.
Ahhh yessssss, just another correcting day. And you think it would have been good news with the Steel Tariff exemptions announced today.
Don’t have time to see why it’s down 700 points, just know that there must be some reason, when there was no reason why it shot up like it did since the Pussy Grabber became Chief Pussy Grabber.
@78 “Don’t have time to see why it’s down 700 points, just know that there must be some reason”
Slapping $50 billion of tariffs on China got the job done.
DJIA closed down 724 points. I don’t care about paper capital gains, because I’m not a day trader. I welcome the opportunity to buy dividend income for less.
Trump has fired McMaster as national security adviser and replaced him with John Bolton.
You probably know who Bolton is, but if you’ve forgotten, he is a hard-right, hard-hawk, militarist who is anathema to liberals, who consider him a warmonger.
Trump’s selection of Bolton likely signals a belligerent foreign policy going forward.
This position doesn’t require Senate confirmation. If it did, it’s a leadpipe cinch that Democrats would filibuster Bolton’s nomination. He’s that bad.
I didn’t know Equus africanus asinus could type.
My daughter informed me that “Facebook is for old people and middle aged house wives that have nothing better to do with their time than to desperately grasp at their youth that is fleeting.” I looked at her mother and replied to our daughter, “Right you are.”
@81 “[I]t’s a leadpipe cinch that Democrats would filibuster Bolton’s nomination. He’s that bad.”
I think you are understating how bad Bolton is.
MAGA alright, Morons Are Governing America. Trump is trying his best to make the US the laughing stock of the world. Heck of a job Trumpy, heck of a job.
8 years of no worries of a recession. Some Pussy Grabber thinks he’s presidential material and a bunch of hillbilly votes later we now can fear recessions again.
@83 and all that matters is that Bob approves! Pride before Country!
Best laugh I had all day was when Bob’s banker decided to leave banking for a “dream job in accounting”, that was funnier than hell. “Dream job in accounting”, that should tell you how fucking bad it was at a commercial bank. Best part is, Bob believed him.
From the Nazi News Channel: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2018.....urope.html
It is very interesting that Dawkins bring this up. We have seen it before, here in the US, right in our own back yard in Antelope, OR.
Why is this important and why is it on Fox? It is a bellwether warning to the Tumpanistas to get on the move and start breeding like flies if they think they can save Middle America. You see, those sister-fucking hillbillies are not breeding fast enough to maintain their majority in sparsely populated areas. They are too fixated on their $1.50 tax refund and starting a trade war with China to save their coal and steel jobs.
That fact that Dawkins, an ATHEIST, is warning about this should be a wakeup call.
An utter, fucking, imbecile.
Jon Bolton being brought on board means it is a virtual certainty that we are going to attack Iran. Possibly
NorthBest Korea, but Iran for sure. I wonder what pretext they’ll come up with. It’ll probably be an even thinner excuse than the Gulf of Tonkin thing.Hell, we have around 20 million 16-25 year old men we have to spare. They aren’t worth anything but for catching bullets for the Oil Companies anyway.
Right, Nazis?
Another one of Trump’s fuckbuddy’s: https://www.cnn.com/2018/03/22/politics/karen-mcdougal-donald-trump/index.html
Best quote: “In response to Trump’s offer of money after the first time she said they had sex, McDougal said she told Trump, “That’s not me. I’m not that kind of girl.”
We know what kind of a man Trump is, clearly a man of the female people. I guess that begs the question, “What type of girl is she?” One that won’t take money for sex but clearly doesn’t care that the man she is schtupping is married, with children. Maybe Ivanka knows what type of girl this is? Bob, maybe you can help us out here?
@88 Iran, Korea, Afghanistan (oh wait, we’re already there), indonesia, Canada, Los Angeles….what difference does it make? Just so long as it quickly turns into such a mess that Ol’ Pussygrabber can try to declare a national emergency and suspend the Constitution before he becomes the nail-ee instead of the nail-er.
Puddy watched the body cams of the libtard led police of Sacramento who didn’t identify themselves first before shooting.
That’s the libtard led city way! Kill dem Niggas without warning. New York City – Diallo; Chicago -McDonald; Houston – Braziel ; North Charleston – Scott; Charlotte – Galindo (to make the creepy crazed cretin happy) and now Sacramento – Clark.
Then there is the unarmed black man – Kinsey; with hands up in North Miami street being shot.
Libtard police and da niggas – like oil and water.
Libtard police shoot da niggas first then try and render aid and ask questions later.
Till Next Time!
Demorat War On America News- Demorats Wanted Him Here, But Merkel Grabbed Him First
Asylum Seeker Jailed for Rape, Murder of 19-Year-Old Maria Ladenburger
REIBURG (GERMANY) (AFP) – An asylum seeker claiming to be from Afghanistan was Thursday sentenced to life in jail in Germany for the rape and murder of a student that stoked a public backlash against a mass influx of migrants.
Hussein Khavari, of uncertain age and origin, was found guilty of the deadly night-time attack on medical student Maria Ladenburger, 19, in October 2016 in the university town of Freiburg.
Khavari pushed her off her bicycle as she was riding home alone from a party, then bit, choked and repeatedly raped her and left her on the bank of a river where she drowned.
Khavari arrived in Germany, without identity papers, in November 2015, near the peak of the refugee influx, as an unaccompanied minor claiming to be 16 or 17 years old and hailing from Afghanistan.
A police officer told the court that Khavari’s cellphone and social media accounts suggested he had lived in Iran.
Khavari was sent to live with a German host family in the picturesque town on the edge of the Black Forest, went to a local school, learnt German and received state benefits.
It emerged only after his arrest that he had already committed a violent crime in May 2013 in Greece, where he pushed a woman off a cliff on the island of Corfu, leaving her badly injured.
He was sentenced there in February 2014 to 10 years jail for attempted murder but was granted a conditional release from Greece’s overcrowded jails in October 2015.
He fled to Germany, where authorities knew nothing of his criminal past because Greece had only issued a nationwide warrant, and because no match was detected in an EU-wide fingerprint data base for asylum seekers.
Khavari was initially tried as a juvenile offender, but the court accepted expert opinions, based on X-rays and dental analysis, that he is now aged between 22 and 29.
@91 I take it, then, you would have no objection to being shot by Alabama cops who voted for Roy Moore.
@89 “We know what kind of a man Trump is”
Yep, a man who thinks he has to pay to get laid.
Don’t worry about Bolton. When he talks Trump into attacking Iran, Trump will welsh on that, too. Trump welshes on everybody. And mark my words, the first time something goes wrong (how long will that take? not very long) Trump will blame Bolton and throw him under the bus, too. Nobody lasts long in this White House. Trump has turned the White House into a bus stop.
@82 These kids, they figure out everything.
@92 something tells me that Germany would never ever take our rapping Pussy Grabber prezidente.
Thank you President Obama for Cambridge Analytical.
Could all this just be Facebooks real business strategy,
And this is all those Russian trolls were doing.
I’m so glad to see that the loon’s white supremacist friends didn’t lynch him last night. The last words the loon might have ever heard would have been his friends screaming at him, “Die nigger!”
It would have made me so…SAD!
@99 How do you know they didn’t? He hasn’t shown up this morning yet.
@97 Must’ve run out of local crime-committing illegals and has to look for them in Europe now. They can be hard to come by. Crime statistics show our citizens commit far more crime than illegals do. So, if we want to reduce crime, we should deport citizens and keep the illegals.