– I know that there is a large group of the chattering class that hate Seattle passing resolutions. But I think this opposition to the Hyde Amendment is right the fuck on.
– Sad face for Mars Hill.
– I’m not sure I’m qualified to say anything about Ray Rice that goes outside of just cliche. But holy shit, Fox News, shut the fuck up.
I’m sure Wall Street considers the $3.4 million it gave Eric Cantor as money well spent. After all, Wall Street got hundreds of billions from Congress during the financial crisis while Main Street got nothing.
The Koch brothers and Republicans oppose wind power.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The Party of No is against everything else, so they might as well be against windmills, too.
Daily Crime Blotter
Jack the Ripper has finally been nabbed by DNA evidence. He was a lunatic named “Aaron Kosminski, a Polish Jew who fled to London in the 1880s, [and] died in Leavesden Asylum.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This isn’t much of a surprise, as Kosminski was the top suspect at the time.
Yes! If you haven’t been reading Lindy West you’ve missed out.
Corporations and stockholders are doing great! Workers, meh.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Work is obsolete. Capitalists get all the money now. If this continues, and Harvard says it will, the people who don’t own stock will have to go back to subsistence farming because the only jobs will be unpaid internships.
The Ravens got right what the NFL couldn’t. Now about that other Ray, the one who participated in a murder whose number you’re thinking about retiring…
@6 The NFL suspended Rice indefinitely this afternoon.
What, no trolls today? Did Puddy pull up on the ejection seat handle instead of the arm rest by mistake? Meanwhile, (un)SP lacks a pulse.
A script:
-NFL “Two Game Suspension”
(jeers from the crowd, public derision lasting a FULL two weeks)
-TMZ “There’s Video”
– NFL (silence)
-Baltimore Ravens “You’re fired”
-NFL after long pause and louder derision and catcalls from offstage “Us too, we take this seriously…uhm….SUSPENSION
To be clear, the Ravens and the NFL did not cut Ray Rice when they saw the video. They cut him when WE saw the video. (stolen from the Twitter feed of the aforementioned, brilliant Lindy West.)
A very important distinction.
Another case of NYPD cops beating the shit out of a person of color for asking why he was being arrested, after arresting him for asking why he was being searched, after he was searched for no damn reason except his skin color.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: There goes another $500,000 of taxpayer money out the door to settle a police brutality lawsuit. How much longer will taxpayers put up with abusive cops?
Anti-gay and anti-abortion extremists are skirting U.S. sanctions against Russia for its aggression in Ukraine to attend a Moscow conference promoting large families.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: What can Uncle Sam do to these people? Freeze their food stamps? Then how will they feed their 20 kids?
Want to reduce the deficit? It’s easy. Make corporations pay the taxes they already owe.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Don’t hold your breath waiting for Republicans to endorse this deficit-reduction plan.
Republicans, of course, have never been serious about deficits. They borrow-and-spend every chance they get. Deficit reduction is merely a cudgel they use to browbeat Democratic supporters of social welfare programs they don’t like — Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, UI benefits, and anything else that helps the non-rich.
Absolutely – they’re all for bankrupting government. It’s a way to make it go away, and with it protections for regular folk, environmental and workplace regulations, rules for the market – all the things that keep society from Somalia-izing, from becoming a jungle in which the strong prey on the weak.
Pack of congenital thieves and liars.
How The City Of Ferguson Shakes Down Blacks For Money
Traffic fines are Ferguson, Missouri’s second-largest source of municipal revenue. Municipal court day features a white judge and black residents lined up to pay traffic fines. Ferguson averages 3 arrest warrants per household a year. “We’re just used to raise revenue,” said Patricia Bynes, a Democratic committeewoman for Ferguson Township.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Michael Brown’s death was a part of this money machine. He was stopped for jaywalking when he was shot. In Ferguson, stopping a black person for jaywalking is simply a municipal tax. When you get right down to it, Michael Brown was shot and killed by a city tax collector.
I am concerned about the militarization of the police forces around the country. What with the US government transferring military assets to local police forces and the police dressing up as soldiers, the police are now thinking that they are the military. Maybe it’s time to de-arm some of these forces and return them the status of law enforcement and not US special forces operatives.
@18 Unfortunately, the cops can’t return all of the Pentagon’s guns because they don’t know where some of the guns are.
Ray Rice will most likely (and correctly) never play football again.
Too bad those rules don’t apply to our corrupt and venal judiciary.
Broken link @19: http://fusion.net/news/story/f.....ns-1019632
It’s also bad that management knew exactly what happened and did just about nothing for six or seven months.
@20 What do you expect from a Bush appointee? The only way to kick him off the bench is by impeaching him. What are the chances the Republican-controlled house will impeach a Republican wife-beater? Probably half of them would be out themselves if that were considered an offense in Republican-land.
The Senate voted 79-18 today to advance a constitutional amendment that overturns Citizens United. But the 20 GOP votes for the amendment are a mirage. Republicans oppose the amendment, and joined today’s vote only to tie up the Senate until the November elections. The amendment is not expected to get the necessary two-thirds on a final Senate vote, and even if it does, will go nowhere in the GOP-controlled House.
RR @17…
See this….
A very big story about all the other little fiefdoms around Ferguson doing the same thing.
@26 Makes St. Louis County look like North Korea. Don’t know how people there put up with it. I’m surprised they don’t riot every night. Twenty bucks for a “residency permit” just to live there? How can that be constitutional?
Mortgage Ripoff Comes To End
Thanks to the Obama administration’s consumer-friendly policies, mortgage lenders will no longer be allowed to keep charging interest on paid-off loans.
This isn’t small change: “The National Assn. of Realtors … estimated that during 2003 alone, sellers and refinancers were forced to pay nearly $690 million in extra interest charges.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Anyone who’s ever sold a home probably has been victimized by this thievery. It should have been stopped years ago, but at least it’s ending, which never would happen under a GOP administration. Why does anyone still vote for Republicans? They must hate their money or something.