In the last open thread, I suggested that if you vote for the Republican in a partisan race, you are on team there are some good Nazis. I was taken to task in the comments for the grammar. I suspect that they wanted it to be team there-are-some-good-Nazis. But I think those extra hyphens don’t add anything. You could do all caps, I suppose team There Are Some Good Nazis. I guess the bottom line is don’t vote Republican: They think that there are good Nazis.
One small correction:
They Are Good Nazis.
And that is why their elected leader must say the things he says. It signals cohesiveness and unity. It reminds them that he is on their side. The side of the Good Nazis.
Like recordings of Comey meetings?
Like actual receipts for Charitable donations you say you made?
Like wiretaps of Trump Tower?
Like a Project Veritas video?
Like an article in Washington Examiner?
Like in the Piddles’ sense?
Republicans just keep getting more repulsive. Where’s the limit? When will voters start saying “no” to rightwing craziness? We’re going to lose our country if they don’t.
“A state senator in Georgia who is running for governor is asserting his stance on gun rights by giving away a bump stock “to one lucky winner” in the aftermath of the Las Vegas mass shooting. …
“Williams was criticized over the summer for posing with heavily armed members of an anti-government militia during a rally in Georgia opposing the Islamic legal and moral code.”
@2 The “proof” exists in his diseased brain.
I hope Trump’s latest antics blow up in his face. I hope this incident turns the pro-military Republicans in Congress against him. But don’t expect anything from those moral cowards.
Carl, I was not criticizing your final sentence in the intro to the last open thread. I was just calling your attention to an error you must have missed. Read your final sentence again, and you’ll see what I am talking about.
…pro-military contractor Republicans in Congress…
And with that you should have your answer.
Insulting the memory of soldiers and shitting all over their actively grieving relatives will have no negative consequences for military contractors. Thus no reason to turn on Fuckface. Thus no reason to keep reminding 63 million traitors what a disgraceful human being they voted for. It only heaps pain on already devastated lives.
Hillbilly/Treason voters don’t give a single shit about soldiers. They just want their fizzy watery beer, subsidized prescription Oxy, automatic weapons, and the freedom to tell “nigger” and “pussy grabber” jokes at the office.
You knew this was coming: Sarah Fuckabee is blaming the controversy over Fuckface’s remarks to a grieving (black) military mom on … (drum roll) … you guessed it … THE MEDIA.
Of course DerTrumper ouffsnhis chest and says he’s the greatest. If the media didn’t report what he says no one could refute it with facts.
Facts in the Webster’s Dictionary sense.
GOP baseRacists are going to lose their everlovin’ minds. Where the old phrase ‘Cotton Pickin’ minds’ is particularly inappropriate.Jackson, MIssissippi
School named after Confederate president to be renamed after Barack Obama
Meanwhile in real news…
PuddyCommentary: A real scandal finally getting the full disinfectant… SUNLIGHT!
Peter Schweitzer brought this up and HA DUMMOCRETINS tried to denigrate him. Looks like another EPIC FAYLE from the libtard FOOLS of Goldy’s NorthWest Division of Mysterious Moronic Moonbattic Malodorous Memory Malady Lunatics!
PuddyCommentary II: Seems all the BULLSHITTIUM claimed by the national DUMMOCRETIN FOOLS and their libtard media acolytes on Trump really did happen during the Obummer Reign!
Till Next Time!
Here’s “NEWS” right up[ the hanging human teabag licker’s “alley!
DAYUM amazing what you see on libtard controlled media sites!
Till Next Time!
Sso this is how the libtards in Hollyweird conduct bidness…
PuddyCommentary: That’s how libtard HollyWerd DUMMOCRETINS view wimins. Second class citizens like their friends in the Taliban, Al Qaeda, and ISIS!
And the sad part is HA DUMMOCRETINS sniff their ASSes every time one of these FOOLS farts! Just look at the thread heads and the Friday Night Comix!
Unless I’m mistaken, and I’m not, there are “eyewitnesses backed by documents” showing that President Stupid McRussianPuppet let Russian hookers pee all over him.
That is just disgusting.
Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom @14,
If this “pee expose” is soooooooooooooo true, why did the Dossier people take the Fifth today in Congress?
PuddyCommentary: You’d think these DUMMOCRETIN operatives would want their story corroborated BIG TIME! Instead they act like BIG TIME ASSholes! Most of the claims in the “dossier”, which appears to show President Trump’s ties to Russia, remain unconfirmed. Yet morons like the FOOL @14 keep DOPE alive because if a DUMMOCRETIN “claims” ‘it’, then “it” must be true!!!!
Till Next Time!
“eyewitnesses backed by documents”.
Golden Showers.
Klan rallies.
Pussy grabbing.
Very fine people.
Face it Hillbilly/Traitors.
“You knew what you signed up for”.
Even the libtards at Newsweek are skeptical Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom @14! – This is old news butt you being the well known DOPE of HA DUMMOCRETINS have to keep DOPE (yourself) alive!
Till Next Time!
“You knew what you signed up for.”
“You knew what you signed up for.”
“You knew what you signed up for.”
Remember yesterday three HA DUMMOCRETINS screamed about Project Veritas while Puddy delivered the NY Times peep words?
Here’s the video
Yet when the NY Slimes published an undercover video investigation on right wing groups butt that’s not “lying and subterfuge”!
And the followup video
And the followup to the followup
Till Next Time!
“You knew what you signed up for.”
Flat beer froth AKA checkmate-252 @2,
Sean Hannity just gave $14,000 to the widow’s charity for her unborn child. Will libtards do the same thing?
Till Next Time!
Samantha Power made approximately 260 unmasking requests. Butt butt butt
Till Next Time!
Nothing you post here matters. You’re a proven serial liar.
“You knew what you signed up for.”*
*Thanks to the unspeakable treachery and debasement of Hillbilly/Treason voters, Russian hashtag robots, and pedophile pimps, there is literally an inexhaustible supply of this shit.
Leftist VICE journalist Sam Kriss admitted to sexual assault! Another “feminist” like Harvey Weinstein?
Did he wear the pink pussy hat?
Another one bites to dust!
Till Next Time!
Flat beer froth AKA checkmate-252…
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Keep screaming, no one is listening!
Now watch the libtards come to its rescue!
Till Next Time!
“You knew what you signed up for.”
Flat beer froth AKA checkmate-252…
Till Next Time!
Goodness Gracious, it’s a rout on every front. NFL TV ratings are down. NFL stadiums are littered with empty seats. NFL teams are apologizing to the military. All the broadcast networks are facing a hit to earnings due to smaller viewership during teevee games!
Keep kneeling!
Till Next Time!
Yep, when you join the military you know you can die. Butt of course Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom never knew this FACT because it never served!
Till Next Time!
So libtards, when did Trump attack Kaepernick’s kneeling and the NFL?
Chronological significance!
Tell Next Time!
25th Amendment Dep’t
62,000 mental health professionals signed a declaration that Trump is unfit to serve.
How many times did it post leeenks to the disgusting pedophile and Mercer family pet Yianopolous? It knew! It knew what it was signing up for, and it posted the leeenks anyway. How many innocent children were victimized? How many Hillbilly/Traitors were “moved” to go after the little children because of the leeenk pimping? How many innocent lives destroyed?
Who on earth would ever trust such people, and what they say or anything they link to?
They knew. The awful violent racism, the pedophilia, the Russian hookers, the Gold Star disrespect, the election help espionage, the monstrous lie after lie after lie. They knew. And they signed up for all of it.
Please with the Weinstein righteousness, puddles. Where were you with Ailes and O’Reilly?
and let’s not even get started with Trump, leering at underage girls and bragging about groping.
I see the Ape escaped the zoo.
If you smoke or overweight, the British National Health Service proposes to refuse surgeries. Yes, that single payer system.
Till Next Time!
Why does Puddy need to comment on Ailes and O’Reilly when there are all those HA DUMMOCRETINS ready to pounce? Puddy comments on DUMMOCRETIN malfeasance and it’s numerous!
Sux to be -0k.
Till Next Time!
Full of righteous BS, puddles.
And healthcare is rationed. Drink and you won’t get a liver. Smoke and be overweight and the market will increase price. I know nothing of your source, so I approach it with skepticism, but I would not support blanket refusals of medical care.
Falling for fake news. That story popped up in 2016 alleging it was in Leeds
Research. Hot Air? Why not quote Dinesh or James O’keefe. Too damn funny
Meanwhile in real news. White supremacists killed someone.
The Check Is In The Mail
“President Donald Trump sent a $25,000 personal check to the family of a fallen soldier the same day that The Washington Post reported that he had promised the soldier’s father a personal donation during a June condolence call but never followed through. A White House official confirms to CNN that the President sent a personal check Wednesday … ”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The way you get something out of Trump is to sic Ann Landers on him.
@39 “Puddy comments on DUMMOCRETIN malfeasance”
Thanks! No need for us to do it then. Your efforts free us to concentrate on Republican malfeasance.
Caught a Hillbilly Pedo lying again.
It’s the default setting.
You have a problem in your statements. It just cannot be true that there are NAZI in District 45 who are Republicans. NAZI’s in truth are socialists and anti communist, anti capitalist and anti democracy and not too hot on liberalism. Republicans are Republicans, generally anti socialists, are democratic.
Oddly it’s the Republicans running a Asian American and a woman. Perhaps you should suggest any one voting for her support the Emperor and should be thrown in concentration with any Japanese, that was a very popular thing in Washington state in 1941 and 1942 and the war years.
Are you a racist Carl? The citizens of 1941 Washington state applaud you and appreciate your support to defeat the ugly Japs.
Flat beer froth AKA checkmate-252 @41
Fake News? Here’s the source ya moron…
The NHS will ban patients from surgery indefinitely unless they lose weight or quit smoking, under controversial plans drawn up in Hertfordshire.
Leeds not in article! In FACT it’s 3 h 2 min (169 miles) between the two.
Once again your MORONIC wit shines through and the other HA DUMMOCRETIN FOOLS like Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom glom on with no real compunction for verification of worthless BULLSHITTIUM from your fingers! That’s why its the useless twit of HA DUMMOCRETINS!
Till Next Time!
Roger senile idiot wabbit @43,
At bat Roger senile idiot wabbit.
He swings! Miss!
He swings! Miss!
He swings! Miss! Yer out!
Another EPIC FAYLE at “moral equivalence”. There are how many leftist pinhead KLOWN HA DUMMOCRETINS here?
And there are less than seven of us whom think right! Hence you throw your BULLSHITTIUM while Puddy covers the real news!
Till Next Time!
@13 Male rape whether male on male or female on male is close to being a taboo subject. It does happen. Same with males being the victim in harassment. It’s more common than we think, but certainly less common than women being the victim. Yet it’s not talked about, in part due to our culture.
As it is domestic violence is actually messier, and not always simply one partner being the bad partner. IN many cases both partners are sometimes the good partner and other times the bad partner. Social culture does not give many outlets early enough in a relationship in our society that these issues can be resolved so there is no perpetrator and no victim. And a simplistic religious code is not a solution in our society, even though it may provide a rigid code for all parties involved.
BTW senile idiot wabbit,
Weinstein’s act was covered up most recently by NBC News. The libtards always circle the wagons for their own!
Till Next Time!
And yes Virginia a man or the male body can be objectified. The fact that feminists have differing opinions on the objectification of women’s bodies and what woman should be able to do with their bodies and others does not give any easy answers.
I think Kapernik is a mite upset he’s not being objectified. Though he may get a big judgement, but maybe never play football again.
@3 Last time it required a black Friday in October. A continued economic disaster with no recovery for several years with Republicans in charge. Then a non corportist Democrat got into office with some very progressive ideas, and was able to tell the Republican’s it’s this or the mob, fascists and communists will be visiting you soon. It worked, but seems a mite bit extreme.
@14 I am starting to think you are just jealous someone could have been having more fun than you. And he has more hooker money if he so chooses,
@15 Because it is not true or Her Majesty’s government was trying to influence an American election, and Mr. Mueller should be investigating that possibility per his mandate.
@18 Actually first enlistment that is not really true. Even officers will admit they had not clue as butter bars.
As it is Congress seems pretty free with our troops in Germany, Japan, South Korea, Libya, Syria, And what the fuck Niger?!? Can’t the French handle Niger?
@24 Surely you jest that our political angel halo is slipping. Cannot be, she is as pure as the driven snow. She knows how to please the court Dilly! Dilly!
@25 One person killing a protestor with their car just over hypes the events. A helicopter crashing and killing officers is an unrelated tragic event. Had law enforcement been a bit more competent maybe loss of life, injuries, and property damage would have been mitigated or eliminated.
@32 Bullshit most 18 year olds who enlist think they are invincible, and are clueless. Most have no idea they can really die until they see their best friends head blown off. Recruitment Sergeants like em young and dumb.
@34 Matters squat. Politically it covered the situation if Kennedy had survived to be a vegetable for the remainder of his term. If they aren’t the VP, om the cabinet or in Congress matters not, and impeachment is easier.
And I’m sure there are thousands of mental health proessionals for a fee or they are Republicans, or have relatives in Russia who will give Trump a clean bill even if he’s had a stroke and is drooling out the corner of his mouth.
All those experts will have to wait until the next election just like everyone else.
@40 According to the Telegraph the Royal Academy of Surgeon’s is objecting to the CCG’s withholding surgeries, as it’s illegal due to it being discriminatory. The CCGs do have some shortfalls, I’m sure that the Teresa May government will get to those right after Brexit and austerity works.
@41 Why not do a google search and find out it’s a real issue. Of course it’s Hertfordshire and not all of Great Britain (includes Scotland and Wales).
@46 It is 2 and a half hours by train. Time enough to read some Harry Potter.
@49 If he was a scientologist it would still be secret, and they do sue a lot.
It’s a fake story that is coming up again, now in a different region.
It goes like this.
Small regional hospital board floats a proposal that has not yet been approved. Quotes are gathered from the person drafting the proposal.
Conservative paper of record “The Telegraph” publishes a very carefully worded article (libel is different in Brittan) that mentions that it is a proposal but don’t acknowledge that the proposal has not been adopted.
Conservative paper of record “The Telegraph” implies that the entire NHS will adopt the proposal even though, as pointed out above, NHS have stated that the proposal is illegal and they still fund what “The Telegraph” says is no longer available to certain persons.
Simpletons believe it not only has been approved but is coming here if we don’t kill Obamacare! and spread the fake news through social media and comment threads.
I suspect that when the proposal is floated again though not adopted by some local health board member in Bournemouth, “The Examiner” will cut and paste new quotes and Bournemouth into the same article they have already published about Leeds, Hertfordshire, Merseyside….
Here’s how it works. (all too close to true satire)
Anne Kustner (D) – New Hampshire crafts a bill outlawing federal funding for Viagra prescriptions and introduces it for debate.
HotAir/Breitbart/Stormfront – write not at all carefully worded stories saying that the Democrats have outlawed sexual activity for men over 45.
Rush/Sean/WeinerSavage et al take to the airwaves and state that the Democrats are anti-man and have outlawed sexual activity for men over 45 (very quietly under breath) if this is approved.
Simpletons like yourself have “facts” that sex for men over 45 is now illegal and post links to said “Facts” on social media and comment threads.
The GOP hold a Klan rally on a college campus, riot in the streets with clubs and guns, and drive a car into a huge crowd of peaceful pecestrians, killing one and injuring dozens. And the GOP memory hole swallows it all up and spits it back out as “one person killing a protester with his car”.
Here’s how it works local edition. (all too close to true satire)
UW Medicine publishes extensive study indicating that consumption of Coconut Milk is far better for nutrition than dairy milk, there are more vitamins in Coconut Milk than dairy Milk AND patients who consumed exclusively Coconut Milk lived on average 2.1 years longer than those who consumed dairy Milk.
Kashama Sawant states that the city of Seattle should encourage consumption of Coconut Milk over Dairy Milk due to health and environmental issues.
“Liberal Seattle wants to OUTLAW fresh wholesome milk that we’ve been drinking for millenia and this is a classic OVERREACH by liberal Seattle, UW should spend the tax dollars we send them on more football stadium amenities and not social justice research and BTW, if you aren’t vigilant milk will be illegal” Dori Monson.
Piddles starts posting quotes that dairy milk is illegal here.
Buffoon @47: Yeah, we all know what your “real news” is. Just look at your sources …
@51 How is this comment relevant to @3??? Seems completely off topic.
@52 Stupid comment, but for you, that’s par for the course.
@53 You’re wasting your time trying to explain anything to Puddyidiot.
@57 Not to worry, the Commander In Chief just straightened them out on that score. Their parents, too.
@58 Did I say it’s actionable? No, I didn’t, you’re reading that into my comment and it isn’t there. All I’m saying is 62,000 mental health professionals think Trump is unfit to serve. What does that get you? A Vice President and cabinet who have no excuse for not removing him.
@63 “Simpletons believe it not only has been approved but is coming here if we don’t kill Obamacare! and spread the fake news through social media and comment threads.”
Actually, it takes a sophisticated propagandist to dream up bullshit like this. Simpletons like Puddy then swallow it whole and regurgitate it as cud to chew on. See @65 for another example of how this works.
If the NFL had any sense, they would simply stop playing the National Anthem at a damn sporting event, thus giving those over-paid athletes no venue to use for their idiotic behavior.
What does the National Anthem have to do with a football game? Or a soccer game? Or a basketball game?
Do they play the National Anthem when you show up for work? I never worked anywhere where that was the case, and I’m pretty sure the vast majority of Americans work in places where the National Anthem is never played at the start of the work day.
You are right. Perhaps for the first time ever.
Professional athletes are paid to perform a job. It is a form of entertainment, like any other public exhibition with a paid gate. The contours of that performance are set forth in a CBA between the players association and the owners. While players presence on the field before the game is spelled out, the performances before the game, and during half time, lie outside the current CBA. Owners create these pre-game and half time performances to enhance the the entertainment product and fan loyalty going directly to their bottom line. Yet owners have sought to compel an uncompensated participation by players in these performances.
Does your boss force you to attend meetings off the clock?
Are you compeled to turn up at work and perform tasks unrelated to your job for free?
Wherein a retired military professional calmly and rationally analyzes the C-in-C’s response to the Nigerian incident.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: PTSD happens.
@71 “over-paid athletes”
Have you forgotten their signing bonuses and salaries are determined by a free market in athletic talent? What are you, a goddamned socialist?
“their idiotic behavior”
Black athletes protesting police treatment of black people is vastly more rational than your idiotic comment. Perhaps this will aid your understanding.
“Do they play the National Anthem when you show up for work? I never worked anywhere where that was the case … ”
That’s obvious, and it shows.
“What does the National Anthem have to do with a football game? Or a soccer game? Or a basketball game?”
What does the opening act for a rock concert have to do with the featured act? What do the undercard bouts have to do with the main event? What do the remarks of Fran Tarkenton have to do with nominating a serial rapist, Russian mob front, and the most disgraceful human being ever to be the Republican Party candidate for President of the United States?
It’s all part of the show, sonny. And in the world of the big boy pants only people getting paid show up and perform, whether it’s NFLPA or Jay Geils. You want someone to perform for free during your pre-game show? Try calling these idiots.
@75 They’re idiots because they expected Trump to pay them. After all, he promised to pay them. Like that Gold Star family Trump promised to send a personal check to. A promise is a promise, right?
They’re idiots because they should have known better. How many thousands of times do people have to relearn the same things about Trump? His promises are hot air, and he never ever pays up.
There are now 24 co-sponsors in the Senate for a bipartisan ACA stabilization bill – 12 Dems and 12 Hillbillies. That provides a cloture securing supermajority.
Decision time for Yertle, Googly-Eyed-Granny-Starver, and Fuckface.
You break it, you own it Hillbillies.
This ought to disappoint Doctor Dumbfuck:
In moves to consolidate his Chairmanship, DNC Chair Perez has ousted a number of hard-core Keith Ellison supporters from positions at the DNC and filled out his slate of at-large member appointees with moderates. Looks like the DNC won’t be going ANTIFA after all.
Just the same, since Jim Webb refused to rule out voting for Fuckface last year, Doctor Dumbfuck shouldn’t hold his breath.
No collusion.
And influence was insignificant. /s
I have never seen the headliner pay even the slightest bit of attention to the opening act except let alone stand at attention for them.
Maybe on night one of the tour.
“President Donald Trump on Thursday gave the federal government’s hurricane response in Puerto Rico “a 10” out of 10.”
That’s super cool I give myself a 10 on being an ice hockey goalkeeper.
“I give myself a 10 in the Penis department, if you get my meaning and No, my hands aren’t small” 45. Or words to that effect.
John Kelly “knew what he was signing up for” too.
And that has brought him to this new low, in which he lashes out at grieving widows and mothers and claims personal authorship of Fuckface’s tone deaf sociopathic responses to fallen soldiers.
To serve his master he has stepped into the middle of an ugly spit fight between drunks.
Useful I think to recap how we got to the point where John Kelly disgraces himself, his son’s memory, and his record of military service by refusing to take questions at an open press conference from any credentialed reporter who can’t prove that they are the personal friends with a “Gold Star” family.
This was the question asked of Fuckface last Sunday:
“Why haven’t we heard anything from you so far about the soldiers that were killed in Niger? And what do you have to say about that?”
Perhaps Fuckface, disgrace of a human being that he is, was even then feeling grumpy and frustrated about having to make these kinds of calls or having to reach out to these families somehow. Who the fuck knows. But for whatever reason that is where he took that question. More than that, he took it straight to attacking his predecessors and lying about them. Those who have been willing to discuss it have described it as their most painful duty and were understandably appalled at Fuckface’s unprovoked attack. As were many service members past and present. As were many families of fallen soldiers who recalled the kind words of condolence they had received in spite of the Fuckface lies.
The rest is all pretty well documented. We know what was said and what was overheard. And we know how grieving widows and mothers reacted to it. And we know also how many partisans tried to exploit all of this for political purposes, including of course, The President himself. And now his CoS. It’s a low point for everyone involved.
But then again, they “knew what they were signing up for”.
Did the four Green Berets die for Mother Russia?
After all, Ukraine isn’t the only way Fuckface can repay his Russian puppet masters.
Just seven weeks after Russia and Niger sign a cooperative agreement in which Russia provides mil support in exchange for oil, as Russian special forces are moving into Niger in large numbers and setting up permanent operational presence, AFRICOM activates 3rd SFG operations that result in the deaths of four operators.
Perhaps that is the reason Fuckface was so determined to divert attention away from that original question.
The Power of Political Lies
“We are going to protect thousands of family businesses by ending the crushing, horrible, and unfair estate tax, sometimes known as the death tax,” Trump said in a speech last week in Harrisburg, Pa. “That’s a tax that has destroyed so many businesses and kept those businesses out of your family, your children, your grandchildren. It’s very sad.” — Donald Trump, last week
Percentage of households who pay estate taxes: 0.02% (that’s two-hundredths of one percent, not two percent)
Percentage of estate taxes coming from small farms and businesses: Less than 1%
Percentage of Americans who believe they’re at least somewhat likely to get hit with estate taxes: 63%
Percentage of estates actually owing estate taxes in 2017 having a net worth of at least $20 million: 63%
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Estate taxes, of course, are not a “death tax.” Dead people don’t pay taxes, and they wouldn’t care if they did. Estate taxes are effectively paid by heirs, for whom inheritances are free money, i.e. money they didn’t work for or do anything to earn, unlike wages.
I’m okay with abolishing the estate tax on two conditions:
(1) The basis step up heirs get is also eliminated, so the previously untaxed capital gains comprising the bulk of most estates subject to estate tax aren’t realized tax-free, which is unfair to people who work for their money; and
(2) Inheritances are taxed at the same rates as wages and salaries, which is eminently fair.
You’re all entitled to your opinions, but realize your opinions are not moral values.
@84 So Fuckface is renting U.S. soldiers to Putin? Wouldn’t surprise me. After all, it’s “what they signed up for,” according to their commander in chief.
@86 Do you realize your opinions are not facts?
@81 I remember taking a college course where the professor allowed the students to grade themselves. It was a very popular course.
This is why Puddy knows flat beer froth is dr checkmate-252 @63, BULLSHITTIUM deliverer extraordinaire! Those comments just outed itself! Remember, the FOOL claimed Puddy was discussing Leeds! Puddy blew that up!
Thanks for playing! Wait for the shitstain!
Till Next Time!
Richard Spencer’s appearance at the University of Florida campus this afternoon went well. Nobody got hurt, only two people were arrested, and the crowd drowned him out with chants of “Fuck you!”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Spencer referred to himself as “a dissident intellectual,” but most people think he’s a lowlife neo-Nazi.
Hey Puddy, the Nazis and Klan want to kill you, because they think you’re subhuman. Just so you know, you probably shouldn’t mix with those people. Warning you about them is my good deed for today.
Oh dr BULLSHITTIUM checkmate-252 @65.
Grasping straws again… Another of your silly train wrecks!
Till Next Time!
Roger senile idiot wabbit @88…
HAHAHA HOHOHO HEEHEEHEE HARHARHAR! You talking about FACTS and opinions!
Till Next Time!
Hey Roger senile idiot wabbit, the Nazis and Klan want to kill you, because they think libtards are subhuman.
Hey Roger senile idiot wabbit, the Nazis and Klan want to kill you, because they think libtards are subhuman.
Yet another instance where one of our lunatic, lying, treasonous trolls sides with Nazis and Klan.
63 million mouth breathing, AM-hate-radio re-programmable meat bags betrayed their own countrymen to link arms with the trolls and hate groups last fall and elect a perverted, senile, narcissistic Russian stooge.
Will they do it again? Only if these kinds of zombie lies go unchallenged.
forget moral values then, and just stick to the fucking law, okay?
These NFL owners you are so worried about were never coerced into anything. They willingly entered into legally binding agreements with the NFLPA. They didn’t have to. They could have locked out the players group and given 1500 JC rejects, aging has-beens, and WWF crossovers a tour of the locker room. It’s been done before. How’d it work out?
A friend posted this about a trip
This should make bob so happy. Workers replaced by robots, bit by bit. It wouldn’t matter if the worker was making $15 an hour, or $2. No fighting progress, but don’t expect replaced workers to be able to ever afford doctor visits under republican plans.
“Mav” is on the hunt for some Fuckface!
There may actually be one or two Republicans who are bothered when 63 million Americans conspire to sell our national sovereignty to Russian mobsters and pimps. But it probably doesn’t help when Fuckface keeps calling them names and shit-Tweeting about them.
BTW, it has been 2-1/2 months since Congress passed new sweeping sanctions against Russia in order to secure our elections and punish the Russians for election tampering and election espionage operations including cyber/social media hacking that helped elect Fuckface.
Fuckface has refused to implement any of the sanctions.
Timing is key here, since implementation of such sanctions over the past eight weeks might have interfered with Green Beret and other AFRICOM operations in Niger assisting Russia Spec Forces securing Putin’s new oil wells.
But hey, they “knew what they were signing up for”.
Aren’t you busy hiding from another White Supremacist rally today #Charlottesville
Do try to keep up. In 2016 the same story was reported about Leeds. Also in 2016 the Guardian got fooled into printing it about York.
You linked to the new version of the same story about Hertfordshire.
How did I sniff it out so quickly as fake news? Because the same story was debunked nearly a year ago when they were reporting it from…wait for it…Leeds.
Critical thinking before linking/sharing shit posts is hard but if you put half as much effort into it as you do pretending to follow the teachings of Jesus…you can do it!
The story in 2016 was a proposed 6 month ban before they qualify for operations.
Please pay attention to the real details!
Till Next Time!
@95 @96 Go ahead then, make cozy with them, it’s not fur off my back. But don’t say you weren’t warned.
Did you know that 75% of Puerto Ricans claim they are white?
So Trump was really attacking his own peeps!
Till Next Time!
@105 “So Trump was really attacking his own peeps!”
You’ve finally figured out he does that?
Still haven’t gotten past that it’s a proposal that hasn’t been adopted and the NHS says it’s illegal though. Same story, minor tweeks, #fakenews.
If I send you an email from a Rhodesian prince asking for just a few hundred dollars to get my millions out of that country you’ll say, “It’s always been Nigeria…sounds legit. Here’s my ATM and PIN.”
You’re still a stupid person.
Just a reminder.
It has been 69 days since White Supremacists rioted and killed in Charlottesville. Those White Supremacists were given tacit approval by the President saying “both sides” were at fault for the death.
69! days of silence on the matter by our resident lunatic. A Lunatic his party compatriots want dead.
Nothing you post here matters since you’ve proven you are a coward who still supports openly racist leaders and a party that does not dare lose the racist vote.
But when done pretending to believe in the Lord Jesus on Saturday you’ll be posting all the things that were “Ignored” on Friday Night Multimedia and bearing false witness as if he is without the sin of ignoring things.
Roger senile idiot wabbit @104,
Who claimed that?
But when done pretending to believe in the Lord Jesus on Saturday you’ll be posting all the things that were “Ignored” on Friday Night Multimedia and bearing false witness as if he is without the sin of ignoring things.
More of the same said yesteryear when it posted as dr BULLSHITTIUM checkmate-252!
Till Next Time!
@104 doesn’t claim anything.
Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom @82
Such BULLSHITTIUM spewed. Just listened to Gen Kelly’s commentary. Delivered a real smack down of Florida congresscritter!
Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom @82
Such BULLSHITTIUM spewed. Just listened to Gen Kelly’s commentary. Delivered a real smack down of Florida congresscritter!
Just come clean dr BULLSHITTIUM checkmate-252 @107 & @108.
You were busted with your 2016 BULLSHITTIUM. You claimed it was rehashed and it was about Leeds.
Sux to be you!
Till Next Time!
Were you flailing your legs and holding your breath when you typed that. It has that feel of a petulant misbehaving child tantrum when they’ve been caught red-handed.
So Drumpf felt guilty about the mess his idiot mooslim travel ban caused..
Chad of all countries was put on the ban.. Everyone familiar with Africa rolled their eyes and said it made no sense.
Chad is a country whose troops actually help fight ISIS-linked fighters in Chad and neighboring countries including Niger. Chad, pissed off at Drumpf for that and other issues, pulled its troops out of Niger.
And four US elite fighters got killed in Niger..
So when Drumpf babbled about Obama and Bush not calling grieving families it was diverting from questions about WHY THEY DIED..
Nicely done, combover!
Russia Investigation FACTS…
Reports are coming in that
The Lunatics true saviorRichard Spencer spoke to a nearly empty auditorium between the people who picked up free tickets to protest his entrance by exiting when he took the stage and those that picked up free tickets to exchange unused tickets for a beer down the street the hall was a smattering ofPeople Piddles can’t bring himself to condemnlosers who want to bring about an American Reich.Hmmmm. Blaming the victims again.. Classy..
Nope, Drumpf is perfectly capable of recognizing “peeps” he and his dad wouldn’t rent to in the outer boroughs…
And “peeps” his slumlord son-in-law sues for every thin dime it can get.
Wrong again, babbling butthole troll!
This is very interesting about the NY Slimes under editor Bill Keller
“Today I wonder: If this story had come to light at the time, would Weinstein have continued his behavior for another decade.” Sharon Waxman – author of 2004 story!
Remember, Trump was slammed by DUMMMOCRETINS and put through the veritable ringer for having said to Billy Bush he could do anything to women because he was a celebrity. But now we see the east and left coast celebrity and media enablers who allowed Harvey Weinstein to actually rape and pillage da wimins while they turned the other butt cheek for over 30 years.
Till Next TIme!
Dr BULLSHITTIUM checkmate-252 AKA flat beer froth keeps coming back for more of an ASS-whupping! After proving the Leeds story content through a link, it comes back for more slap downs!
Notice there never are no links, just BULLSHITTIUM! One needs to take Fukitol whenever dr BULLSHITTIUM posts in a thread!
Till Next Time!
Dr BULLSHITTIUM checkmate-252 AKA flat beer froth keeps coming back for more of an ASS-whupping! After proving the Leeds story content through a link, it comes back for more slap downs!
Notice there never are any links, just BULLSHITTIUM! One needs to take Fukitol whenever dr BULLSHITTIUM posts in a thread!
Till Next Double Time!
Blaming the victims again.
Where crazed clueless databaze cretin @119? Wrong again arschloch!
From Puerto Rico census values…
White 2,825,100 75%
FACTS – Sux to be a cretin
Till Next Time!
Yawn @ 123..
You deep discount the suffering of the Puerto Ricans by spewing irrelevant shit you’ve lapped up.
Just like Drumpf complaining about PR debt. That freak knows “a bad rent risk” by sight. Learned it at its racist daddy’s knee.
Too obvious you and Drumpf are both bigots.
Along with being a babbling butthole, you are certainly a cretin. And you most definitely…
Keep screaming crazed clueless databaze cretin.
The Puerto Ricans claimed they were white! No one else forced them to put that on the census forms. That’s what they claimed you MORON!
Sux to be an arschloch cretin! What a buttwipe!
Till Next Time!
Does Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom favrit Florida congresscritter like veterans?
She only hates Trump! 99% of DUMMOCRETINS are hateful slugs!
Sux to be her!
Loretta Lynch Blocked FBI Informant From Testifying to Congress About Russians Bribing Clintons in Uranium One Scandal
Sux to be her!
Till Next Time!
How many leenks to the Mercer family pet pedo?
How many Pizzagate leenks?
How many Russian built fake news leenks?
How many Birfer leenks?
Jade Helm?
Death Panels?
FEMA camps?
Waco seige conspiracies?
Mailbox stickers?
Whitey tapes?
Seth Rich?
Private email account?
Mannatech snake oil?
Gold buggery?
And it babbles about something it calls BULLSHITTIUM and cries and cries for yet more leeeenks.
“It has that feel of a petulant misbehaving child tantrum when they’ve been caught red-handed.”
So many times.
So much dark history of treason and corruption.
This will come as a huge shock:
Kelly’s RIGHTEOUSLY INDIGNANT anecdote about the dedication ceremony that he intended to discredit Rep. Wilson…
…was bullshit.
And quite easily disprovable bullshit, at that. She wasn’t even in Congress when the funding legislation was approved.
Kinda makes you wonder just wtf was going on in Niger that has these traitors so desperate to change the news cycle.
Not to mention.
“Totally fabricated story, I have proof” – 45
“Actually it kind of happened just the way she said it did” – Mom of KIA soldier on the call.
“It’s terrible that she was on this highly personal call.” 45 (note that it’s no longer in question that he said it but that it was somehow terrible that the family let her stay in the room while the call happened.)
“She’s just this wacky Congresswoman who took credit for the money to build the building and dishonored the memory of the two dead agents it was named after.” Kelly He did have the good sense not to describe her as a Kenyan born muslim black Congresswoman which counts as downright progressive for this administration. (note that it is now a case of Whattaboutism and we continue to no longer claim 45 didn’t say it.)
“Well Actually….she sponsored the bill to get the building named after those two hero agents you brought up appropos of nothing and you accused the Congresswoman of disrespecting their deaths.” Miami Herald.
Your move 45? We know you said it cause you’ve made an entire existence out of being a self aggrandizing Misanthrope from your earliest days losing Daddy’s fortune and declaring bankruptcy to the present.
Keeping deflecting from the FACT that you and your beloved Drumpf are bigoted buttholes!
The Drumpf crime family are documented racist a-holes!
The Puerto Ricans are Americans! They deserve EXACTLY the same storm relief Drumpf loving bigots got in FL and Houston, TexASS.
Thanks for stating an obvious FACT about a freak with an R next to its name.
The freak did say that and it certainly BELIEVED IN ITS OWN SHIT!
@99 and don’t expect the robot to need any Dumbfuck Doctor. Less humans = less Dumbfuck doctors!
“The Puerto Ricans claimed they were white!”
Keeping deflecting from the FACT that you and your beloved Drumpf are bigoted buttholes!
The Drumpf crime family are documented racist a-holes!
The Puerto Ricans are Americans! They deserve EXACTLY the same storm relief Drumpf loving bigots got in FL and Houston, TexASS.
To Republicans, anyone with brown skin and a Hispanic surname is just a Mexican anyway. That’s why Joe Arpaio was arresting people and putting them in his concentration camp and hiding the documentation about the reasons for their arrest, even though they were natural born American Citizens. They found people in his private little Sondheim who had no record of being arrested at all. Maricopa County deputies just literally kidnapped them off the street at gunpoint, and didn’t bother themselves to file any paperwork on them.
It isn’t Mexicans they hate so much, it’s the fact of anyone having brownish skin tone and a Hispanic sounding name. It automatically makes them an Enemy That Must Be Destroyed At All And Any Cost.
Meanwhile, Richard Spencer hires people who openly discuss bombing Federal buildings to provide the security on his rant tour.
“The White House stands by Gen. Kelly’s account of the event.”
But of course it does.
Of course, The Schizo @#11 is lying through his tooth again.
You’re such a flagrant and deliberate liar, Schiz. Everyone here knows it and blows you out of the water every time you come in here to spew some bullshit fairytale about something, and somehow you’re never dissuaded from doubling down on that bullshit.
No wonder you love Fat Donny so much. You two are pees in a pod. Kindred spirits in the Art of the Lie.
Some artist you are…
@116 Trump lied, Americans died. And there won’t be a single congressional investigation. Republicans will obstruct any inquiry into this travesty.
@125 “The Puerto Ricans claimed they were white! No one else forced them to put that on the census forms.”
Gee why would they do that?
Do you call yourself “white” on your census form? Kind of hard to get away with that when you’re pulled over by a cop, though, so drive carefully my friend. Did your mama warn you about what can happen to a black driver who gets pulled over by a white cop?
@134 Doctor Dumbfuck is just a repair technician, anyway, so the transition from humans to robots should be easy for him.
@135 “Almost 160 people died in Arpaio’s jails … ”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I would say he got off very lightly even without the pardon.
In the context of the original rationale for a Durty Moooslim ban it made no sense. The passport paper explanation is facially weak pretext as other nations that failed to meet Homeland’s baseline were not included. But there may be other reasons. Maybe Chad has been reluctant to cooperate with Russian designs in Sub-Saharan Africa. Maybe Vladdy needed to bring indirect pressure.
@ EDMc@ 142:
“Maybe Chad has been reluctant to cooperate with Russian designs in Sub-Saharan Africa. Maybe Vladdy needed to bring indirect pressure.”
I would find it likely that they just didn’t let Fat Donny build a hotel/casino/brothel there.