I went home fairly early after Drinking Liberally last night. Nonetheless, I am feeling tired. So instead of a coherent post, I am just going to do the half-sleep on public transit thing. Talk among yourselves.
In the most recent polling since new withholding rules went into effect, only one third of respondants say they saw any increase in their takehome pay. And of those, only one third described the reported increase as making any difference to them.
A third of a third. What’s that again?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@1 I’ll bet Boob notices a difference in his brokerage statements.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Most remarkable is that a reliable percentage of low income, less educated, aggrieved, white working class, “conservative” voters will celebrate Boob’s good fortune as if it were their own.
But then again, these are the very same voters who traded away their patriotism and allegiance to the world’s greatest constitutional republic to a handful of pimply Moldovan teenagers in exchange for the freedom to tell racist jokes down at the cafe again and to yell at brown people in the grocery line.
“A third of a third. What’s that again?”
A blue tsunami in November.
@ 1
My wife’s PERS 1 monthly payment – the deposit into our account – went up 4.7%. Since we did not select the COLA option we assume the increase was due to the difference in Federal withholding tax on that payment, which was recalculated after the tax law went into effect. We didn’t touch anything.
The other change is in how I treat capital gains. There was once a substantial difference in the tax rate between short-term and long-term gains, and I would trade long-dated options because of it. The difference has shrunk to the point that it’s more profitable to trade short-dated options. With all of the wild swings in the market since early February this has been a very lucrative shift in how I invest.
So I guess a third of a third has worked out pretty well at our end. Unlike Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, I can afford my own digital copy of Barron’s.
Don’t be so quick @ 1 to disregard the benefits of the new tax law. Lots of things might be taken out of a paycheck prior to net. Health insurance premiums, for instance.
The new tax law will directly cut the taxes of nearly two-thirds of households this year, according to a new analysis released Wednesday by the nonprofit Tax Policy Center.
The think tank found the individual provisions of the law signed by President Trump in December will reduce taxes for 65 percent of households in 2018, while raising the tax bills of 6 percent.
Those numbers relate just to what people will pay on their individual taxes. Wednesday’s report differs from previous analyses because they have also included the effects of the changes the law made to business taxes or the individual mandate of the Affordable Care Act, allowing for a clearer sense of how the tax cuts should affect take-home pay.
@5 “My wife’s PERS 1 monthly payment – the deposit into our account – went up 4.7%. Since we did not select the COLA option we assume the increase was due to the difference in Federal withholding tax on that payment, which was recalculated after the tax law went into effect. We didn’t touch anything.”
This is easy to factcheck, because the Rabbit Burrow receives two PERS 1 monthly payments without COLA options. Mine went up 2.04%, and Mrs. Rabbit’s 1.28%, this difference probably being due to a minor decline in our health insurance premium, which comes out of my pension for both of us.
Since the PERS 1 withholding rules are the same for everyone, somebody’s making shit up, and I doubt it’s me.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Boob probably computes his day trading profits the same way he calculates his tax cut savings. It’s called doctor math, and it works especially well for Medicare billings.
Goldy Retweeted
Dave Johnson
This is Republicans nationally humiliating a kid BECAUSE HE WAS in a mass shooting.
Er, not exactly.
This is publicity-seeking by a kid who shared his GPA and SAT scores with the likes of TMZ.
David has been rejected by the 4 University of California campuses where he submitted applications — UCLA, UCSD, UCSB and UC Irvine. He says the rejection letters came 2 weeks ago. He has a 4.2 GPA and an SAT score of 1270.
Anyways, it’s hard to be a white boy and out-of-state applicant if you expect to go to a UC school. Too many foreign applicants with the same credentials and more PC demographics.
Roger Rabbitspews:
It’s not lost on me that the Rabbit family’s savings from the GOP’s Billionaire Tax Cut amount to less than one year’s inflation. A year from now, that “tax cut” will have completely disappeared into higher prices, while this is the only withholding reduction we’ll ever see. From 2019 on, our pensions’ spending power will do nothing but go down. So, no, I’m not impressed; and I’m not indulging in an orgy of celebratory spending, either.
Also, withholding isn’t the same as taxes. I remember when some Republican president or other tried to stimulate the economy by ordering the IRS to lower the withholding schedules when there was no actual tax cut, and the gullibles went out and spent the difference thinking it was theirs and then got socked for it at tax time.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@9 “This is publicity-seeking by a kid”
There’s an especially hot place in Hell for grown men who pick on kids, Boob. Just giving you a heads up to stock up on sunblock.
Dumbfuck @ 7
PERS withholding rules might be the same for everyone but incomes aren’t, and neither are the number of claimed exemptions.
By now you should know not to try to compare your income with those of others, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. And yet you continue to make these moronic mistakes.
If the tax law changes preferentially benefit the wealthy and if your wife’s check went up 1.28% while my wife’s check went up 4.7%, what that should tell you is that your wealth is lower than ours.
No making up of shit required to establish that disparity, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. You spent a career as a failed lawyer, hiding from reality in a government job. And despite your miserably small retirement income level, it nonetheless seems that the Trump tax law has increased your take-home @ 7.
Thanks for playing, as well as for making my point, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@12 Oh, okay, maybe if she has a 5-figure monthly pension from some bullshit “administrator” job, because after all this tax cut was designed to benefit the well-off and filthy rich, but the worker bees who did the actual work in her shop aren’t seeing a 4.7% increase in their take-home pension pay.
@ 13
I’m sure your wife was an outstanding janitor for the State of WA, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@12 “You spent a career … hiding from reality in a government job.”
I’m really curious how your missus wangled a PERS 1 pension without hiding from reality in a government job. I want to know how you pulled that off.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@14 What’s your wife’s name? Maybe they knew each other.
@ 10
I remember when some Republican president or other tried to stimulate the economy by ordering the IRS to lower the withholding schedules when there was no actual tax cut, and the gullibles went out and spent the difference thinking it was theirs and then got socked for it at tax time.
Do tell. Please share a link to that event.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@17 Yep, here we are, President Read My Lips raised their taxes, then gave ’em a withholding cut by taking it out of their refunds. You wouldn’t happen to remember how well that worked for him, would you?
“The 1986 overhaul ordered the Treasury Department to devise a more accurate withholding system that would slash the number of people getting refunds each year. ‘You can kiss your tax refund goodbye, and with it the summer vacations, new refrigerators and fall wardrobes it has paid for,’ The Washington Post reported in April 1987.
“But the revised W-4 form the agency produced was so complicated that it became hugely unpopular and was dropped.
“A few years later, Bush, then running for reelection, ordered the government to withhold less from paychecks in hopes of boosting the economy.
“But many people didn’t want the extra money if it meant losing their refunds, and within a few years, refunds had returned to previous levels.”
Mueller dropped a bombshell today: He says in a court filing that Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort and deputy campaign manager Rick Gates were colluding with a Russian spy right up to the election.
5, 6, pleading, etc.,
If among taxpayers PornHub Party voters are increasingly concentrated among retirees and low wage slaves, and if only nine percent of taxpayers perceive any benefit from the billionaire cut, how exactly is mewling about a pay stub going to repair the broken expectation?
Our perception of RyanCut is entirely irrelevant.* We’re a bunch of dirty hippie socialists who will never vote for a Roypublican no matter what. But for the trailer park army that the PornHub Party depends upon I guess I don’t see how waiving your wife’s paystub and screaming “4.7% moterfuckers!” is going to be as inspiring as “Cook my fucking burrito, you filthy Greaser!”
*It’s cute that our perception of Dumbfuck’s financial status continues to be anything but irrelevant…
to him.
If the loon hasn’t been lynched yet, his head will explode.
‘Heartbroken’ Trump Critic Ann Coulter: He’s a ‘Shallow, Lazy Ignoramus’
Yesterday if you were a student who didn’t want to get shot and killed in school, you were merely a Hitler youth. Today you got a promotion. You are now a tyrannical Hitler youth. Good for you!
“NRA’s Dana Loesch: Gun control activists — not the president — are the real tyrants in America today”
The House of Representatives passed on party lines Wednesday evening a bill designed to let very sick patients request access to experimental medicines without government oversight.
The passage of the bill, known as right-to-try, is a big victory for the small libertarian think tank that crafted the proposal — and for a White House that has vigorously campaigned for the law. And it comes one week after Republicans failed to pass a similar measure through an expedited process that needed two-thirds support from the chamber.
The bill passed by a vote of 267-149 with 35 Democrats in favor and two Republicans against. It now heads to the Senate, which passed a slightly different version of the legislation last summer. With a final law all but assured, health policy advocates [i.e.,DemoratsForDeath] who have vigorously opposed the idea are now looking toward the broader anti-regulatory health agenda being pushed by the Goldwater Institute.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Hey, finally figured out how to refresh your browser cache? That’s quite well done for one of you people. Glad I could be of help the other day. Now maybe write it down on a sticky not and put it up on your monitor with all the others. None of us here would want to miss out on the latest chance to ignore your hilarious routine of comedy distraction and trailerbilly dumbfuckery.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
It’s worth taking a close look at the sentencing memorandum for Alex Van Der Zwaan that Mueller’s team filed with the DC for the DC yesterday. Even though he is pleading out, Mueller wants him to do serious time and is arguing that he deserves no credit at all for agreeing to a plea.
Of particular interest to me are specifics about Van Der Zwaan’s lying to the Special Counsel’s Office during his interviews regarding Manafort, Gates, and their Russian and Ukranian clients. The memorandum reveals that, among other things, Van Der Zwaan was caught lying about not only the existence of email and telephone contacts during the campaign but also the content of those emails and telephone conversations.
That would tend to suggest that the FBI collected some pretty wide ranging PRISM product from that period of of the campaign from more U.S. based individuals than just Paul Manafort. Once they connected Manafort to Tymoshenko they must have been obtaining additional warrants for people connected to Manafort.
What was Manafort’s job title at the time again?
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
25 cont.
Re: Manafort’s title and duties summer 2016.
Just coffee? Really?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Everybody else in his family cheats, so why the hell not?
@22 I think it’s excellent that these nuts have taken off their human costumes and are parading as the swine they really are. Right before the midterm elections, too!
Carl – I picture you sitting on the bus sitting in one of the window seats, with your head leaning slanted on the window and your had sandwiched between your head and the window. Your eyes are softly closed and your are looking very peaceful. How cute.
Say what you will about Cosby, but he speaks the absolute truth about public transportation.
Roger Rabbitspews:
It occurs to me that the sheer viciousness of the right’s assault on the Parkland shooting survivors suggests the nutters are scared shitless these kids might get traction.
Newt Hoenikkerspews:
Not so sure about that. Sure, they might have their hackles up, but every mass shooting brings some of that out. The endless comparisons of number of people killed in Chicago, teens killed while texting and driving, yadda, yadda, yadda.
What is vastly different this time is the POTUS has been demonstrating that it is OK to ditch any sense of decorum and now kids are fair game. The rabid gun nutters (I have a few friends that fall into that category) are finally ditching any and all restraint, not because they are scared, it is because they now can and feel emboldened and empowered by a POTUS that is leading the way on being an unhinged dickhead to everybody that he disagrees with. Trump is a disgrace to the position of POTUS.
Lol, at least you try while the others hide in the weeds.
@23 No doubt “right-to-try” comes with “right-for-your-kin-to-pay-through-the-nose-after-you-croak”.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Here’s what happens when the President of the United States is a rank amateur who doesn’t know what the fuck he’s doing:
“Trump-Kim meeting may leave out Japan. Shinzo Abe is taking action”
“Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s government, worried about being sidelined at a proposed meeting between President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, wants its own talks with the rogue state. That could ultimately be beneficial for Pyongyang.”
@35 “Right to try” is designed to shield drug companies from lawsuits arising from selling untested, unproven, and dangerous drugs. It’s also part of the Koch agenda to gut FDA regulation of pharmaceuticals in general.
@23 Libertarians like the Kochs don’t want any government regulation. To them, “freedom” means advertisers can lie to you, telemarketers can harass you, manufacturers can sell you defective and dangerous products, marketers and lenders can defraud you, butcher shops can sell you diseased and rotten meat, grocers can sell you “organic” produce that’s been sprayed with unregulated pesticides, and farmers and processing plants can torture livestock. Oh, and anyone who wants to call himself a “pharmaceutical company” can bottle motor oil and sell it as a cure for every known form of cancer. If libertarians get their way, we’re going to have a lot of dead hillbillies.
@5. As long as godwin benefits, that’s really ALL that matters to him.
Is that considered a compassionate conservative?
Another way to look at Koch brothers support for access to experimental medicines without government oversight.
The Koch brothers are damn old, I’m sure they would like the drug companies to hurry up and find something, anything, that would extend their lives. It is much better to experiment on the proles and weed out the really toxic stuff before they try it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Trump’s beyond-stupid climate denial means FEMA will no longer prepare for climate change.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Been nice knowin’ ya, Florida. Ya shoulda voted for Hillary.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@41 They can afford to fly to Thailand or Colombia if they wish to dabble.
Donald J. Trump
I have stated my concerns with Amazon long before the Election. Unlike others, they pay little or no taxes to state & local governments, use our Postal System as their Delivery Boy (causing tremendous loss to the U.S.), and are putting many thousands of retailers out of business!
4:57 AM – Mar 29, 2018
I have plenty of issues with Amazon from data collection to competitive advantage and making package theft the trendy new crime….
But the notion that USPS doesn’t get paid and loses money on Amazon shipments is just really fucking stupid. Like so fucking stupid it should never be uttered aloud. Monumentally stupid. Just plain fucking idiotic.
The kid had a good rejoinder: apology accepted when always wrongist shitheads stop flinging shit at kids.
@46 We’ve been saying that of our trolls for years.
Speaking of “plain fucking idiotic”, where’s the loon and his exploding head? I hope he didn’t get himself lynched.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
By now we all know Michael Cohen, Donald J. Trump’s long time personal lawyer is dumb as fuck. He pretty much shit the legal bed on the whole Essential Conultant’s LLC hush money thing. But I honestly thought the guy might have turned the corner when he finally shut the fuck up about it and hired another lawyer to both represent him and do all the talking. It turns out he may not be the dumbest fucking lawyer in New York after all. Unless hiring the dumbest fucking lawyer in New York to represent you automatically makes you the dumbest fucking lawyer in New York?
Cohen’s lawyer spent Wednesday night on CNN openly challenging Cohen for the title, when he clearly and repeatedly insisted that Cohen never involved his client Trump in any way in any part of the NDA with the sticky porno lady.
The president was not aware of the agreement. At least Michael Cohen never told him about the agreement, I can tell you that. […] He wasn’t told about it. Michael Cohen left the option open, that’s why he left that signature line, the option open to go to him. He chose not to. He chose to bind the LLC, EC, LLC, and Stormy Daniels into the contract.
I’ll pause here while you clean up the spit take.
It helps to read the NDA agreement. But don’t worry. I already did that for you. And since Cohen wrote it, I’m gonna assume he did too. But at this point I’m not actually convinced that Cohen’s lawyer has read it yet. But hey! Who has time, when you spend all day in makeup before going on television to make yourself look like The Dumbest Lawyer in New York?
So if Mr. Cohen never informed Donald J. Trump about this little NDA thingee he was doing with the sticky porno lady, then of course there can be no contract between Donald J. Trump and the sticky porno lady. That’s a really well established… um… common sense contract law thing. I promise. And though you don’t need to read the NDA, if you did you’d see that there’s all kinds of language in it that seeks to bind Donald J. Trump to perform under the agreement. There is an entire section of the document devoted to that purpose. But if Mr. Safety School, Esq. never even informed DJT of the existence of the NDA, much less gave him the opportunity to sign his agreement to it (in the signature blanks conveniently provided in the document) then Mr. DJT can not be bound by the agreement. And if a performing party cannot be bound the agreement is invalid.
Can it get worse? Yes, of course! Because not only did Cohen (if we are to believe his lawyer) fail to bind his client to the agreement, but he made his client (the guy who was never even informed of the existence of the contract, and certainly not bound by it) the only party able to seek remedies for violations of the contract.
I honestly find myself struggling to focus on the dumbfuckery involved here because there’s just so much of it. Pointing out fatal flaws in this thing could consume a lifetime. It’s hard to believe anyone could fuck up this much without somebody going to jail or getting disbarred. But the incompetence is so thick and rich I’m not sure anyone could ever cut a straight line through it to go from indictment to conviction. We’ll see.
Either way, it looks pretty certain that the sticky porno lady is going to get to tell her story and release her “letters, agreements, documents, audio or Images recordings, electronic data, and photographs, canvas art, paper art, or art in any other form on any media” sooner rather than later.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@49 You almost have to be a lawyer yourself to fully appreciate how utterly absurd a legal position Cohen & Friends are in, unless Cohen has a power of attorney authorizing him to enter into these sorts of agreements on Trump’s behalf tucked away somewhere, in which case you’d probably want to examine its date under a microscope looking for scrape marks.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
If he’s got some open ended, unlimited POA then it should have been included as an exhibit to the NDA. The fact that it was not doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. Just another fuckup by Mr. Safety School, Esq. But it would be yet another fatal flaw in the agreement. I sense a bit of impatience from Avenatti at this point. He may be worried that the story will grow cool if the process goes on too long. He’s seeking to depose Cohen and Trump. But he has to dispose of the arbitration clause first. So he has to wait for Cohen to petition the court to move the case to arbitration. If the Ct denies Cohen’s petition then he can move for deps and things will get sexy again.
Puddybud is just visiting the mayonnaise monster lookin ASS crackers here!spews:
Yes… another DUMMOCRETIN on Sunday shows lying his head off!
Till Next Time!
Puddybud is just visiting the mayonnaise monster lookin ASS crackers here!spews:
Whoopi Goldberg on Stormy Daniels SEE the BS interview with Anderson Pooper… “Where’s the smoking gun?”
Yep! DUMMOCRETINS still smarting over that REAL oral sex in the oral orifice on 1600 Penn Ave WA., DC are scrambling cuz no one is really paying attention to the CNN/PMSNBC morons!
Trump at 45% approval!
Till Next Time!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Remember the GOP demands for a special counsel to investigate the FBI?
“Attorney General Jeff Sessions is not naming a new special counsel to investigate Republican-driven accusations against the FBI …. ”
Yep, a bottle rocket that flew three inches into the air.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@52 Unions aren’t used to shoot kids in classrooms. If you really want to see jackasses, look no farther than the jackasses attacking kids for not wanting to get shot in their classrooms.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@53 I don’t give a shit who Trump fucks or how much he pays their for silence. What matters to me is he’s a shitty president.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Death “Right To Try” Update– Demorats Have A History Of Letting Them Die
California Governor Denies Terminally Ill Access to Potentially Life-Saving Drugs
Veto follows Jerry Brown’s signing assisted suicide legislation http://freebeacon.com/issues/c.....ing-drugs/
Californians who are terminally ill will not be able to access drugs with the potential to save or prolong their lives as a result of Gov. Jerry Brown’s veto of the Right to Try Act on Sunday.
AB 159, the California Right to Try Act, passed the state assembly and senate with overwhelming bipartisan support.
“It’s disappointing that Governor Brown couldn’t see the need to allow Californians the right to fight to save their own lives,” said Assemblyman Ian Calderon (D., Whittier), who sponsored the legislation. “Both Democrats and Republicans wanted this for our California’s terminally ill.”
In his veto message Brown wrote that “Patients with life-threatening conditions should be able to try experimental drugs, and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s compassion use program allows this to happen.”
“Before authorizing an alternative state pathway, we should give this federal expedited process a chance to work,” Brown wrote.
However, the expedited process by the FDA has not yet been put in place.
“Time is the one thing our terminally ill don’t have,” said Calderon. “I wish he would have given terminally ill Californians the hope of having more time to spend with their families by allowing them expedited access to potentially life-saving drugs.”
Brown’s veto of the act was a disappointment to many, including one firefighter suffering from ALS, commonly known as Lou Gehrig’s disease.
“I am very disappointed in Governor Brown’s devastating veto of The Right to Try bill. This allows the FDA to retain control over my ability to save my own life while I still have time,” said Mike DeBartoli, a former Sacramento firefighter suffering from ALS.
“Terminal patients in California now have no possibility of hope to prolong their lives,” DeBartoli said.
The Right to Try, some version of which has been adopted in 24 states, was envisioned by the Goldwater Institute, a public policy think tank based in Phoenix.
“Governor Brown has deprived Californians of the right to try to save their lives when their mortality hangs in the balance. We hope that the legislature will work together in a bipartisan effort to override Governor Brown’s veto,” said Kurt Altman, director of national affairs and special counsel at the institute.
Brown’s veto of the Right to Try comes a week after he signed into law a bill allowing terminally ill Californians access to drugs to expedite their deaths. The End of Life Act will go into effect next year.
“When Governor Brown signed a “Right to Die” law just days ago, he said ‘I do not know what I would do if I were dying in prolonged and excruciating pain. I am certain, however, that it would be a comfort to be able to consider the options afforded by this bill. And I wouldn’t deny that right to others.’ It’s ironic that Governor Brown supports the right to die but not the right to try to live,” said Altman.
Right To Try is limited to patients with a terminal disease who have exhausted all government-approved treatment options and who cannot enroll in a clinical trial. Medications available under the law must have successfully completed basic safety testing and be a part of the FDA’s ongoing approval process.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Why “right to try” is controversial:
“But opponents said the bill undermines the Food and Drug Administration’s existing compassionate use program while giving false hope to dying patients. ‘If this is such a patient-centered bill, then why does every major patient-centered group oppose it?’ asked Rep. Frank Pallone, D-N.J.”
“Under a ‘right-to-try’ bill, the process is almost exactly the same, except the FDA is removed from the equation …. Without that federal oversight … there is a greater risk of fraud and abuse at the expense of patients.”
The devil is in the details, but the details don’t matter to people who don’t think. The fact patient advocates oppose it should be a great big red flag.
David Koch has had prostate cancer for 26 years. Being as he’s still alive and rich enough to do more or less whatever he wants, he’s probably submitted to more than a few unusual therapies. If he was fortunate enough to have one of ’em work, more power to him–or maybe he’s simply been blessed with an exceptionally robust constitution. Further kudos to him for donating close to half a billion dollars to legitimate research institutions–and being a cancer survivor myself I’m saying this with all sincerity. On the other side of the coin, how many people have perished before their time because they rejected conventional treatments and spent their precious time and money on stuff like Laetrile, witch doctors or the Kochs’ own uncle’s discredited “antitoxins”? There’s some kind of balance between well-intended innovation and exploiting the desperate.
Puddybud is just visiting the mayonnaise monster lookin ASS crackers here!spews:
Coordination Baby…
FBI libtard SCUM Peter Strzok to his lover FBI lawyer libtard SCUM Lisa Page: “Internal joint cyber cd intel piece for D, scenesetter for McDonough brief, Trainer directed all cyber info be pulled. I’d let Bill and Jim hammer it out first, though it would be best for D to have it before the Wed WH session.”
Will McDonough – Obummer whitey house chief of staph.
D – FBI Director James Comey
FBI libtard SCUM Peter Strzok to his lover FBI lawyer libtard SCUM Lisa Page: “Make sure you can lawfully protect what you sign. Just thinking about congress, foia, etc. You probably know better than me.”
Hide hide hide!
Till Next Time!
Puddybud is just visiting the mayonnaise monster lookin ASS crackers here!spews:
@52 Unions aren’t used to shoot kids in classrooms.
Another senile idiot wabbit TRAIN WRECK!
Till Next Time!
Puddybud is just visiting the mayonnaise monster lookin ASS crackers here!spews:
Remember the GOP demands for a special counsel to investigate the FBI?
Yeah, Sessions has appointed an Obummer appointed US Attorney for Utah to start the initial investigation. If he determines a special prosecutor is needed then IT WILL HAPPEN senile idiot wabbit!
BTW senile idiot wabbit, IG Horowitz is investigating how the FBI got the FISA warrant against Carter Page. Remember senile idiot wabbit, IG Horowitz was another Obummer appointee and his investigation NABBED Andy McCabe!
See ya senile idiot wabbit!
Till Next Time!
Puddybud is just visiting the mayonnaise monster lookin ASS crackers here!spews:
Can you name the white guy with a >4.1 GPA rejected by four well known universities without looking? It was in the news!
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Drudge has started the ball rolling on the Mueller smear.
Tick. Tock.
Within 72 hrs FOX propaganda service will be running it 24/7 on their chyron.
With Dowd forced out and possibly facing indictment himself, and Fuckface VonPornFucker forced to turn to a guy with no credible experience with this kind of defense, they are too afraid of the investigation to allow it to continue.
The King will not be investigated. No law may bind his highness.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Fallwell Jr. has promised to remain loyal to Teh Cheeto Jeebus even if he were convicted of rape.
Their whole movement now is really nothing more than a white nationalist tribe. As long as the Dear Beloved PooseyGrapper remains devoted to Nazis and the KKK he can do whatever the fuck he likes as far as “conservatives” are concerned. And that most definitely included “conservative” evangelicals.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
More than happy to call attention to that.
In three tweets and no more than a couple dozen words a kid who hasn’t even turned 18 yet brought a leading white supremacist dirtbag media figure to her knees begging his forgiveness.
Keep it up trolls! Ever time we link it it costs her millions!
Why, yes, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, there are risks to having your taint Botox’d.
Judge Stephen Reinhardt, a judge on the San Francisco-based 9th Circuit Court of Appeals and a champion of liberal causes on the court, died Thursday at the age of 87.
A court spokesperson told BuzzFeed News that Reinhardt was at a dermatologist’s office when he died unexpectedly Thursday afternoon.
If you did a better job wiping you wouldn’t need that taint lifted.
I don’t see a reason for libbie joy @ 54 that Sessions won’t at present time appoint special counsel to investigate McCabe, FISA, etc.
That work has already been done by the OIG. Since the OIG’s findings were enough to get McCabe fired without going outside existing government resources, they’ll likely be enough to get McCabe prosecuted by existing government resources, too.
That resource is US Attorney John Huber, first appointed by Barack Obama. If the OIG’s findings were enough to get McCabe fired, they’re likely enough to get him indicted as well. After all, a grand jury has already been seated:
Chad Pergram
Verified account
Follow Follow @ChadPergram
DoJ on Hse Judiciary Cmte’s subpoenas: We are individually reviewing the remaining documents to ensure that they do not include grand jury information, information about ongoing law enforcement actions involving American citizens, or privileged attorney-client communications.
3:10 PM – 22 Mar 2018
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit misunderstands so much. I guess I do see a reason for his joy. It’s his misunderstanding of this, as well.
Hillary, maybe it’s because you’re the only losing candidate in memory whose popularity fell, rather than rose, after the election.
Hillary Clinton fires back at critics: No one told a man who lost an election to shut up
I’ll have to defer to this troll’s obviously superior expertise and experience at telling women to shut up and the reasons for doing so.
How far the mighty have fallen.
Cut price Clinton: Hillary sports a cast on her arm as she gives speech at Rutgers for $25k when she normally charges six figures – and it’s $7,000 LESS than Jersey Shore’s Snooki got
Please note: Mr. McCabe and his team are working to gain clarity around the lasting impact his firing – 26 hours before his planned retirement – will have on the pension and healthcare benefits he earned over his two decades of service to the FBI. However, no funds raised for the Andrew McCabe Legal Defense Fund will be used for anything beyond his defense of the allegations against him.
This, of course, means that when he’s indicted, he’ll use libbie-donated money to try to beat the rap.
Maybe McAuliffe can send some cash McCabe’s way again. And surely Hillary will do him a solid. After all, he did so much for her. All for naught, but still…
Roger Rabbitspews:
@59 “Balance” is not among the things rightwingers do well.
Meanwhile, what are the chances someone who believes Obama is a Kenya-born Muslim and Sandy Hook is a hoax is going to make intelligent treatment choices? But, what the heck, it’s their bodies; and if they stop telling women what to do with their bodies, I won’t tell them what to do with theirs.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@60 I certainly hope the FBI watches you traitor scum.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@61 Yeah, I know people with your IQ would rather have guns than unions in schools.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@62 ” IG Horowitz is investigating how the FBI got the FISA warrant against Carter Page”
By eavesdropping on known Russian spies, dummy.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@63 I’ll bet you weren’t offered admission at those schools, either.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@65 They might not be quite as fond of him when Nov. 7 dawns. When he has no more milk to give, they’ll turn him into Big Macs, too.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@67 Wherein Doctor Dumbfuck wrings his hands with glee because somebody died. Now you know why they stashed him in the radiology lab down on the parking garage level where patients never saw him: His bedside manner sucks.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@68 Don’t worry, you aren’t important enough for your name to be in that batch of documents.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@70 Women have their ways of getting even. Just ask his horses.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@71 “Russia didn’t give us Trump. Y’all HA libbies who thought Hillary Clinton was a good idea gave us Trump.”
If you’re right, Putin owes us big.
“Russia didn’t give us Trump. Y’all HA libbies who thought Hillary Clinton was a good idea gave us Trump.”
We already have a loon, Doctor. Don’t need another.
Oh, Steve.
She was uniquely awful and your ilk mirthfully and uncritically hitched your wagons to her unique awfulness.
Own it, bitch.
Puddybud is just visiting the mayonnaise monster lookin ASS crackers here!spews:
@75, The senile idiot wabbit TRAIN WRECK continues!
Till Next Time!
Puddybud is just visiting the mayonnaise monster lookin ASS crackers here!spews:
stooooooooooooooooopid solution shitstain steve is uniquely stooooooooooooooooopid in his own right!
He can’t even own his stooooooooooooooooopidity! He’s soooooooooooooo stooooooooooooooooopid that shitstain steve believes this… http://www.cbc.ca/player/play/1197978179773
Till Next Time!
Was it Pilsner who once crowed about his Tesla investment? This is for you, sweetheart.
Tesla Never Should Have Issued Bonds. Now They’re Crashing.
Oh. Don’t forget that bondholders are senior to stockholders when the reckoning is nigh.
@84 Yeah, right, Doctor. Trump is our fault because we couldn’t save America from your dumbfuckery.
What a dumbfuck.
Nice to see that the loon’s white supremacist friends haven’t lynched him yet.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
uniquely awful
From the people who brought you “locker room talk”, “Stormy”, “Shitholes”, $80,000 trips to Kentucky, EB5 vsa auctions, Russian election tampering, Russian NRA, pay-to-play, PeePee tapes, Dick pics, midterm approval below 45%, and a 20% average swing in open seats.
These guys know awful.
@87 The new occupant at 1600 Pennsylvania seems never to have met a fossil fuel he didn’t like. There aren’t likely to be many barriers to Mr. Musk’s now being consigned to the same fate as Preston Tucker.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@84 Hate to tell you this, doc, but you’re worse than us. See #93 for explanation. Also, checked your approval rating lately?
@84 When Putin surveyed the American political landscape to see who was stupid enough to be played by him in his quest to cause harm to our nation, he didn’t choose Hillary, the Democrats, the ACLU and me. It was Trump, Republicans, the NRA and you.
You know why he chose you, don’t you? It was because you’re a dumbfuck.
Puddybud is just visiting the mayonnaise monster lookin ASS crackers here!spews:
“So we connect more people,” he wrote in another section of the memo. “That can be bad if they make it negative. Maybe it costs someone a life by exposing someone to bullies.
“Maybe someone dies in a terrorist attack coordinated on our tools.”
PuddyCommentary: To DUMMOCRETINS and DUMMOCRETIN lovers the end always justifies the means! This is why REAL NEWS is never found in the Friday NIght Comix! Lost of unflushed toilet water and used toilet paper is always there!
Till Next Time!
Puddybud is just visiting the mayonnaise monster lookin ASS crackers here!spews:
Now watch stooooooooooooooopid solution shitstain steve call these TRUTHS hate and Newt Hoenikker agree like the bobble headed doll he is!
Of course the Oregon Moron hillbilly @66 missed the point above big time. The latest missed point is useful idiot libtard (remember Cindy Sheehan) anti-gun white student with a > 4.1 GPA not getting into four prestigious California libtard schools because he is a white man. The hillbilly always misses the main point! Probably a less qualified female illegal alien got his spot. That is the point! Being a white libtard means nuthin to libtards running California universities these days!
Butt wait… One of them will “realize their mistake” and cause him to be accepted! A clerical error mistake they will say!
Anti- white Libtards are against all white men because y’all are privileged mayonnaise monster lookin ASS crackers as the lady claimed! Y’all work against yourselves and y’all never comprehend the effect of your positions!
In fact, libtard white men run this blog! Some may be mayonnaise monster lookin ASS crackers! Many who put forth their putrid thoughts in pixels are!
Till Next Time!
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
More “points” please.
Another sponsor dropped. Score!
Another book advance canceled. Score!
Another rung down on the speakers bureau. Score!
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Behold the Loon championing The Cause at 95.
Pity all the poor white men. Nobody to stand up for them and defend their rights and privileges except some unhinged, self loathing, Help Desker and a failing commie dictator.
Can white men survive without Pooosey Grappink, Bump Stocks and “legacy”? Can The Hoover Institute continue to build its endowment without enough white men at Stanford? Who will ensure their strategic supply of mayonaise and John Mayer albums? It’s a wonder the Loon gers any sleep with such burdens.
Newt Hoenikkerspews:
Maybe those schools are interested in something called diversity in their student population?
Face it Piddles, you wouldn’t have been admitted to any of those schools unless you, “checked the box.”
In the most recent polling since new withholding rules went into effect, only one third of respondants say they saw any increase in their takehome pay. And of those, only one third described the reported increase as making any difference to them.
A third of a third. What’s that again?
@1 I’ll bet Boob notices a difference in his brokerage statements.
Most remarkable is that a reliable percentage of low income, less educated, aggrieved, white working class, “conservative” voters will celebrate Boob’s good fortune as if it were their own.
But then again, these are the very same voters who traded away their patriotism and allegiance to the world’s greatest constitutional republic to a handful of pimply Moldovan teenagers in exchange for the freedom to tell racist jokes down at the cafe again and to yell at brown people in the grocery line.
“A third of a third. What’s that again?”
A blue tsunami in November.
@ 1
My wife’s PERS 1 monthly payment – the deposit into our account – went up 4.7%. Since we did not select the COLA option we assume the increase was due to the difference in Federal withholding tax on that payment, which was recalculated after the tax law went into effect. We didn’t touch anything.
The other change is in how I treat capital gains. There was once a substantial difference in the tax rate between short-term and long-term gains, and I would trade long-dated options because of it. The difference has shrunk to the point that it’s more profitable to trade short-dated options. With all of the wild swings in the market since early February this has been a very lucrative shift in how I invest.
So I guess a third of a third has worked out pretty well at our end. Unlike Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, I can afford my own digital copy of Barron’s.
Don’t be so quick @ 1 to disregard the benefits of the new tax law. Lots of things might be taken out of a paycheck prior to net. Health insurance premiums, for instance.
The new tax law will directly cut the taxes of nearly two-thirds of households this year, according to a new analysis released Wednesday by the nonprofit Tax Policy Center.
The think tank found the individual provisions of the law signed by President Trump in December will reduce taxes for 65 percent of households in 2018, while raising the tax bills of 6 percent.
Those numbers relate just to what people will pay on their individual taxes. Wednesday’s report differs from previous analyses because they have also included the effects of the changes the law made to business taxes or the individual mandate of the Affordable Care Act, allowing for a clearer sense of how the tax cuts should affect take-home pay.
@5 “My wife’s PERS 1 monthly payment – the deposit into our account – went up 4.7%. Since we did not select the COLA option we assume the increase was due to the difference in Federal withholding tax on that payment, which was recalculated after the tax law went into effect. We didn’t touch anything.”
This is easy to factcheck, because the Rabbit Burrow receives two PERS 1 monthly payments without COLA options. Mine went up 2.04%, and Mrs. Rabbit’s 1.28%, this difference probably being due to a minor decline in our health insurance premium, which comes out of my pension for both of us.
Since the PERS 1 withholding rules are the same for everyone, somebody’s making shit up, and I doubt it’s me.
Boob probably computes his day trading profits the same way he calculates his tax cut savings. It’s called doctor math, and it works especially well for Medicare billings.
Goldy Retweeted
Dave Johnson
This is Republicans nationally humiliating a kid BECAUSE HE WAS in a mass shooting.
Er, not exactly.
This is publicity-seeking by a kid who shared his GPA and SAT scores with the likes of TMZ.
David has been rejected by the 4 University of California campuses where he submitted applications — UCLA, UCSD, UCSB and UC Irvine. He says the rejection letters came 2 weeks ago. He has a 4.2 GPA and an SAT score of 1270.
Anyways, it’s hard to be a white boy and out-of-state applicant if you expect to go to a UC school. Too many foreign applicants with the same credentials and more PC demographics.
It’s not lost on me that the Rabbit family’s savings from the GOP’s Billionaire Tax Cut amount to less than one year’s inflation. A year from now, that “tax cut” will have completely disappeared into higher prices, while this is the only withholding reduction we’ll ever see. From 2019 on, our pensions’ spending power will do nothing but go down. So, no, I’m not impressed; and I’m not indulging in an orgy of celebratory spending, either.
Also, withholding isn’t the same as taxes. I remember when some Republican president or other tried to stimulate the economy by ordering the IRS to lower the withholding schedules when there was no actual tax cut, and the gullibles went out and spent the difference thinking it was theirs and then got socked for it at tax time.
@9 “This is publicity-seeking by a kid”
There’s an especially hot place in Hell for grown men who pick on kids, Boob. Just giving you a heads up to stock up on sunblock.
Dumbfuck @ 7
PERS withholding rules might be the same for everyone but incomes aren’t, and neither are the number of claimed exemptions.
By now you should know not to try to compare your income with those of others, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. And yet you continue to make these moronic mistakes.
If the tax law changes preferentially benefit the wealthy and if your wife’s check went up 1.28% while my wife’s check went up 4.7%, what that should tell you is that your wealth is lower than ours.
No making up of shit required to establish that disparity, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. You spent a career as a failed lawyer, hiding from reality in a government job. And despite your miserably small retirement income level, it nonetheless seems that the Trump tax law has increased your take-home @ 7.
Thanks for playing, as well as for making my point, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
@12 Oh, okay, maybe if she has a 5-figure monthly pension from some bullshit “administrator” job, because after all this tax cut was designed to benefit the well-off and filthy rich, but the worker bees who did the actual work in her shop aren’t seeing a 4.7% increase in their take-home pension pay.
@ 13
I’m sure your wife was an outstanding janitor for the State of WA, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
@12 “You spent a career … hiding from reality in a government job.”
I’m really curious how your missus wangled a PERS 1 pension without hiding from reality in a government job. I want to know how you pulled that off.
@14 What’s your wife’s name? Maybe they knew each other.
@ 10
I remember when some Republican president or other tried to stimulate the economy by ordering the IRS to lower the withholding schedules when there was no actual tax cut, and the gullibles went out and spent the difference thinking it was theirs and then got socked for it at tax time.
Do tell. Please share a link to that event.
@17 Yep, here we are, President Read My Lips raised their taxes, then gave ’em a withholding cut by taking it out of their refunds. You wouldn’t happen to remember how well that worked for him, would you?
“The 1986 overhaul ordered the Treasury Department to devise a more accurate withholding system that would slash the number of people getting refunds each year. ‘You can kiss your tax refund goodbye, and with it the summer vacations, new refrigerators and fall wardrobes it has paid for,’ The Washington Post reported in April 1987.
“But the revised W-4 form the agency produced was so complicated that it became hugely unpopular and was dropped.
“A few years later, Bush, then running for reelection, ordered the government to withhold less from paychecks in hopes of boosting the economy.
“But many people didn’t want the extra money if it meant losing their refunds, and within a few years, refunds had returned to previous levels.”
Mueller dropped a bombshell today: He says in a court filing that Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort and deputy campaign manager Rick Gates were colluding with a Russian spy right up to the election.
5, 6, pleading, etc.,
If among taxpayers PornHub Party voters are increasingly concentrated among retirees and low wage slaves, and if only nine percent of taxpayers perceive any benefit from the billionaire cut, how exactly is mewling about a pay stub going to repair the broken expectation?
Our perception of RyanCut is entirely irrelevant.* We’re a bunch of dirty hippie socialists who will never vote for a Roypublican no matter what. But for the trailer park army that the PornHub Party depends upon I guess I don’t see how waiving your wife’s paystub and screaming “4.7% moterfuckers!” is going to be as inspiring as “Cook my fucking burrito, you filthy Greaser!”
*It’s cute that our perception of Dumbfuck’s financial status continues to be anything but irrelevant…
to him.
If the loon hasn’t been lynched yet, his head will explode.
‘Heartbroken’ Trump Critic Ann Coulter: He’s a ‘Shallow, Lazy Ignoramus’
Yesterday if you were a student who didn’t want to get shot and killed in school, you were merely a Hitler youth. Today you got a promotion. You are now a tyrannical Hitler youth. Good for you!
“NRA’s Dana Loesch: Gun control activists — not the president — are the real tyrants in America today”
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Death News Update– Let Them Die Demorats Fail In House Vote, 35 Demorats Break With Deathmarch Pelosi
House passes right-to-try on second try
The House of Representatives passed on party lines Wednesday evening a bill designed to let very sick patients request access to experimental medicines without government oversight.
The passage of the bill, known as right-to-try, is a big victory for the small libertarian think tank that crafted the proposal — and for a White House that has vigorously campaigned for the law. And it comes one week after Republicans failed to pass a similar measure through an expedited process that needed two-thirds support from the chamber.
The bill passed by a vote of 267-149 with 35 Democrats in favor and two Republicans against. It now heads to the Senate, which passed a slightly different version of the legislation last summer. With a final law all but assured, health policy advocates [i.e.,DemoratsForDeath] who have vigorously opposed the idea are now looking toward the broader anti-regulatory health agenda being pushed by the Goldwater Institute.
Hey, finally figured out how to refresh your browser cache? That’s quite well done for one of you people. Glad I could be of help the other day. Now maybe write it down on a sticky not and put it up on your monitor with all the others. None of us here would want to miss out on the latest chance to ignore your hilarious routine of comedy distraction and trailerbilly dumbfuckery.
It’s worth taking a close look at the sentencing memorandum for Alex Van Der Zwaan that Mueller’s team filed with the DC for the DC yesterday. Even though he is pleading out, Mueller wants him to do serious time and is arguing that he deserves no credit at all for agreeing to a plea.
Of particular interest to me are specifics about Van Der Zwaan’s lying to the Special Counsel’s Office during his interviews regarding Manafort, Gates, and their Russian and Ukranian clients. The memorandum reveals that, among other things, Van Der Zwaan was caught lying about not only the existence of email and telephone contacts during the campaign but also the content of those emails and telephone conversations.
That would tend to suggest that the FBI collected some pretty wide ranging PRISM product from that period of of the campaign from more U.S. based individuals than just Paul Manafort. Once they connected Manafort to Tymoshenko they must have been obtaining additional warrants for people connected to Manafort.
What was Manafort’s job title at the time again?
25 cont.
Re: Manafort’s title and duties summer 2016.
Just coffee? Really?
Everybody else in his family cheats, so why the hell not?
@22 I think it’s excellent that these nuts have taken off their human costumes and are parading as the swine they really are. Right before the midterm elections, too!
Carl – I picture you sitting on the bus sitting in one of the window seats, with your head leaning slanted on the window and your had sandwiched between your head and the window. Your eyes are softly closed and your are looking very peaceful. How cute.
@29 Depends on the bus.
Bill Cosby summed it up best: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k0TsOAhn8IY
Say what you will about Cosby, but he speaks the absolute truth about public transportation.
It occurs to me that the sheer viciousness of the right’s assault on the Parkland shooting survivors suggests the nutters are scared shitless these kids might get traction.
Not so sure about that. Sure, they might have their hackles up, but every mass shooting brings some of that out. The endless comparisons of number of people killed in Chicago, teens killed while texting and driving, yadda, yadda, yadda.
What is vastly different this time is the POTUS has been demonstrating that it is OK to ditch any sense of decorum and now kids are fair game. The rabid gun nutters (I have a few friends that fall into that category) are finally ditching any and all restraint, not because they are scared, it is because they now can and feel emboldened and empowered by a POTUS that is leading the way on being an unhinged dickhead to everybody that he disagrees with. Trump is a disgrace to the position of POTUS.
Lol, at least you try while the others hide in the weeds.
@23 No doubt “right-to-try” comes with “right-for-your-kin-to-pay-through-the-nose-after-you-croak”.
Here’s what happens when the President of the United States is a rank amateur who doesn’t know what the fuck he’s doing:
“Trump-Kim meeting may leave out Japan. Shinzo Abe is taking action”
“Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s government, worried about being sidelined at a proposed meeting between President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, wants its own talks with the rogue state. That could ultimately be beneficial for Pyongyang.”
@35 “Right to try” is designed to shield drug companies from lawsuits arising from selling untested, unproven, and dangerous drugs. It’s also part of the Koch agenda to gut FDA regulation of pharmaceuticals in general.
@23 Libertarians like the Kochs don’t want any government regulation. To them, “freedom” means advertisers can lie to you, telemarketers can harass you, manufacturers can sell you defective and dangerous products, marketers and lenders can defraud you, butcher shops can sell you diseased and rotten meat, grocers can sell you “organic” produce that’s been sprayed with unregulated pesticides, and farmers and processing plants can torture livestock. Oh, and anyone who wants to call himself a “pharmaceutical company” can bottle motor oil and sell it as a cure for every known form of cancer. If libertarians get their way, we’re going to have a lot of dead hillbillies.
@32 @33
#FuckThemKids #FuckMyKids #FuckYourKids #DaddyWannaFuckIvanka #GoFuckYourselves #DontLeavoutGoats #AndBobsHorse
@5. As long as godwin benefits, that’s really ALL that matters to him.
Is that considered a compassionate conservative?
Another way to look at Koch brothers support for access to experimental medicines without government oversight.
The Koch brothers are damn old, I’m sure they would like the drug companies to hurry up and find something, anything, that would extend their lives. It is much better to experiment on the proles and weed out the really toxic stuff before they try it.
Trump’s beyond-stupid climate denial means FEMA will no longer prepare for climate change.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Been nice knowin’ ya, Florida. Ya shoulda voted for Hillary.
@41 They can afford to fly to Thailand or Colombia if they wish to dabble.
I have plenty of issues with Amazon from data collection to competitive advantage and making package theft the trendy new crime….
But the notion that USPS doesn’t get paid and loses money on Amazon shipments is just really fucking stupid. Like so fucking stupid it should never be uttered aloud. Monumentally stupid. Just plain fucking idiotic.
Filling the swamp to overflowing.
@44 ” … really fucking stupid. Like so fucking stupid it should never be uttered aloud. Monumentally stupid. Just plain fucking idiotic.”
That encapsulates the whole Trumpbilly platform right there.
So Laura Ingraham sure had to eat shit today..
Hit the morons where it hurts the most.
The kid had a good rejoinder: apology accepted when always wrongist shitheads stop flinging shit at kids.
@46 We’ve been saying that of our trolls for years.
Speaking of “plain fucking idiotic”, where’s the loon and his exploding head? I hope he didn’t get himself lynched.
By now we all know Michael Cohen, Donald J. Trump’s long time personal lawyer is dumb as fuck. He pretty much shit the legal bed on the whole Essential Conultant’s LLC hush money thing. But I honestly thought the guy might have turned the corner when he finally shut the fuck up about it and hired another lawyer to both represent him and do all the talking. It turns out he may not be the dumbest fucking lawyer in New York after all. Unless hiring the dumbest fucking lawyer in New York to represent you automatically makes you the dumbest fucking lawyer in New York?
Cohen’s lawyer spent Wednesday night on CNN openly challenging Cohen for the title, when he clearly and repeatedly insisted that Cohen never involved his client Trump in any way in any part of the NDA with the sticky porno lady.
I’ll pause here while you clean up the spit take.
It helps to read the NDA agreement. But don’t worry. I already did that for you. And since Cohen wrote it, I’m gonna assume he did too. But at this point I’m not actually convinced that Cohen’s lawyer has read it yet. But hey! Who has time, when you spend all day in makeup before going on television to make yourself look like The Dumbest Lawyer in New York?
So if Mr. Cohen never informed Donald J. Trump about this little NDA thingee he was doing with the sticky porno lady, then of course there can be no contract between Donald J. Trump and the sticky porno lady. That’s a really well established… um… common sense contract law thing. I promise. And though you don’t need to read the NDA, if you did you’d see that there’s all kinds of language in it that seeks to bind Donald J. Trump to perform under the agreement. There is an entire section of the document devoted to that purpose. But if Mr. Safety School, Esq. never even informed DJT of the existence of the NDA, much less gave him the opportunity to sign his agreement to it (in the signature blanks conveniently provided in the document) then Mr. DJT can not be bound by the agreement. And if a performing party cannot be bound the agreement is invalid.
Can it get worse? Yes, of course! Because not only did Cohen (if we are to believe his lawyer) fail to bind his client to the agreement, but he made his client (the guy who was never even informed of the existence of the contract, and certainly not bound by it) the only party able to seek remedies for violations of the contract.
I honestly find myself struggling to focus on the dumbfuckery involved here because there’s just so much of it. Pointing out fatal flaws in this thing could consume a lifetime. It’s hard to believe anyone could fuck up this much without somebody going to jail or getting disbarred. But the incompetence is so thick and rich I’m not sure anyone could ever cut a straight line through it to go from indictment to conviction. We’ll see.
Either way, it looks pretty certain that the sticky porno lady is going to get to tell her story and release her “letters, agreements, documents, audio or Images recordings, electronic data, and photographs, canvas art, paper art, or art in any other form on any media” sooner rather than later.
@49 You almost have to be a lawyer yourself to fully appreciate how utterly absurd a legal position Cohen & Friends are in, unless Cohen has a power of attorney authorizing him to enter into these sorts of agreements on Trump’s behalf tucked away somewhere, in which case you’d probably want to examine its date under a microscope looking for scrape marks.
If he’s got some open ended, unlimited POA then it should have been included as an exhibit to the NDA. The fact that it was not doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. Just another fuckup by Mr. Safety School, Esq. But it would be yet another fatal flaw in the agreement. I sense a bit of impatience from Avenatti at this point. He may be worried that the story will grow cool if the process goes on too long. He’s seeking to depose Cohen and Trump. But he has to dispose of the arbitration clause first. So he has to wait for Cohen to petition the court to move the case to arbitration. If the Ct denies Cohen’s petition then he can move for deps and things will get sexy again.
DUMMOCRETIN Senator Tim Kaine has reached full jackASS level even the hometown fish rag can’t stand the BULLSHITTIUM anymore! http://www.richmond.com/opinio.....ca981.html
Yes… another DUMMOCRETIN on Sunday shows lying his head off!
Till Next Time!
Whoopi Goldberg on Stormy Daniels SEE the BS interview with Anderson Pooper… “Where’s the smoking gun?”
Yep! DUMMOCRETINS still smarting over that REAL oral sex in the oral orifice on 1600 Penn Ave WA., DC are scrambling cuz no one is really paying attention to the CNN/PMSNBC morons!
Trump at 45% approval!
Till Next Time!
Remember the GOP demands for a special counsel to investigate the FBI?
“Attorney General Jeff Sessions is not naming a new special counsel to investigate Republican-driven accusations against the FBI …. ”
Yep, a bottle rocket that flew three inches into the air.
@52 Unions aren’t used to shoot kids in classrooms. If you really want to see jackasses, look no farther than the jackasses attacking kids for not wanting to get shot in their classrooms.
@53 I don’t give a shit who Trump fucks or how much he pays their for silence. What matters to me is he’s a shitty president.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Death “Right To Try” Update– Demorats Have A History Of Letting Them Die
California Governor Denies Terminally Ill Access to Potentially Life-Saving Drugs
Veto follows Jerry Brown’s signing assisted suicide legislation
Californians who are terminally ill will not be able to access drugs with the potential to save or prolong their lives as a result of Gov. Jerry Brown’s veto of the Right to Try Act on Sunday.
AB 159, the California Right to Try Act, passed the state assembly and senate with overwhelming bipartisan support.
“It’s disappointing that Governor Brown couldn’t see the need to allow Californians the right to fight to save their own lives,” said Assemblyman Ian Calderon (D., Whittier), who sponsored the legislation. “Both Democrats and Republicans wanted this for our California’s terminally ill.”
In his veto message Brown wrote that “Patients with life-threatening conditions should be able to try experimental drugs, and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s compassion use program allows this to happen.”
“Before authorizing an alternative state pathway, we should give this federal expedited process a chance to work,” Brown wrote.
However, the expedited process by the FDA has not yet been put in place.
“Time is the one thing our terminally ill don’t have,” said Calderon. “I wish he would have given terminally ill Californians the hope of having more time to spend with their families by allowing them expedited access to potentially life-saving drugs.”
Brown’s veto of the act was a disappointment to many, including one firefighter suffering from ALS, commonly known as Lou Gehrig’s disease.
“I am very disappointed in Governor Brown’s devastating veto of The Right to Try bill. This allows the FDA to retain control over my ability to save my own life while I still have time,” said Mike DeBartoli, a former Sacramento firefighter suffering from ALS.
“Terminal patients in California now have no possibility of hope to prolong their lives,” DeBartoli said.
The Right to Try, some version of which has been adopted in 24 states, was envisioned by the Goldwater Institute, a public policy think tank based in Phoenix.
“Governor Brown has deprived Californians of the right to try to save their lives when their mortality hangs in the balance. We hope that the legislature will work together in a bipartisan effort to override Governor Brown’s veto,” said Kurt Altman, director of national affairs and special counsel at the institute.
Brown’s veto of the Right to Try comes a week after he signed into law a bill allowing terminally ill Californians access to drugs to expedite their deaths. The End of Life Act will go into effect next year.
“When Governor Brown signed a “Right to Die” law just days ago, he said ‘I do not know what I would do if I were dying in prolonged and excruciating pain. I am certain, however, that it would be a comfort to be able to consider the options afforded by this bill. And I wouldn’t deny that right to others.’ It’s ironic that Governor Brown supports the right to die but not the right to try to live,” said Altman.
Right To Try is limited to patients with a terminal disease who have exhausted all government-approved treatment options and who cannot enroll in a clinical trial. Medications available under the law must have successfully completed basic safety testing and be a part of the FDA’s ongoing approval process.
Why “right to try” is controversial:
“But opponents said the bill undermines the Food and Drug Administration’s existing compassionate use program while giving false hope to dying patients. ‘If this is such a patient-centered bill, then why does every major patient-centered group oppose it?’ asked Rep. Frank Pallone, D-N.J.”
“Under a ‘right-to-try’ bill, the process is almost exactly the same, except the FDA is removed from the equation …. Without that federal oversight … there is a greater risk of fraud and abuse at the expense of patients.”
The devil is in the details, but the details don’t matter to people who don’t think. The fact patient advocates oppose it should be a great big red flag.
David Koch has had prostate cancer for 26 years. Being as he’s still alive and rich enough to do more or less whatever he wants, he’s probably submitted to more than a few unusual therapies. If he was fortunate enough to have one of ’em work, more power to him–or maybe he’s simply been blessed with an exceptionally robust constitution. Further kudos to him for donating close to half a billion dollars to legitimate research institutions–and being a cancer survivor myself I’m saying this with all sincerity. On the other side of the coin, how many people have perished before their time because they rejected conventional treatments and spent their precious time and money on stuff like Laetrile, witch doctors or the Kochs’ own uncle’s discredited “antitoxins”? There’s some kind of balance between well-intended innovation and exploiting the desperate.
Coordination Baby…
FBI libtard SCUM Peter Strzok to his lover FBI lawyer libtard SCUM Lisa Page: “Internal joint cyber cd intel piece for D, scenesetter for McDonough brief, Trainer directed all cyber info be pulled. I’d let Bill and Jim hammer it out first, though it would be best for D to have it before the Wed WH session.”
Will McDonough – Obummer whitey house chief of staph.
D – FBI Director James Comey
FBI libtard SCUM Peter Strzok to his lover FBI lawyer libtard SCUM Lisa Page: “Make sure you can lawfully protect what you sign. Just thinking about congress, foia, etc. You probably know better than me.”
Hide hide hide!
Till Next Time!
@52 Unions aren’t used to shoot kids in classrooms.
Another senile idiot wabbit TRAIN WRECK!
Till Next Time!
Remember the GOP demands for a special counsel to investigate the FBI?
Yeah, Sessions has appointed an Obummer appointed US Attorney for Utah to start the initial investigation. If he determines a special prosecutor is needed then IT WILL HAPPEN senile idiot wabbit!
BTW senile idiot wabbit, IG Horowitz is investigating how the FBI got the FISA warrant against Carter Page. Remember senile idiot wabbit, IG Horowitz was another Obummer appointee and his investigation NABBED Andy McCabe!
See ya senile idiot wabbit!
Till Next Time!
Can you name the white guy with a >4.1 GPA rejected by four well known universities without looking? It was in the news!
Drudge has started the ball rolling on the Mueller smear.
Tick. Tock.
Within 72 hrs FOX propaganda service will be running it 24/7 on their chyron.
With Dowd forced out and possibly facing indictment himself, and Fuckface VonPornFucker forced to turn to a guy with no credible experience with this kind of defense, they are too afraid of the investigation to allow it to continue.
The King will not be investigated. No law may bind his highness.
Fallwell Jr. has promised to remain loyal to Teh Cheeto Jeebus even if he were convicted of rape.
Their whole movement now is really nothing more than a white nationalist tribe. As long as the Dear Beloved PooseyGrapper remains devoted to Nazis and the KKK he can do whatever the fuck he likes as far as “conservatives” are concerned. And that most definitely included “conservative” evangelicals.
More than happy to call attention to that.
In three tweets and no more than a couple dozen words a kid who hasn’t even turned 18 yet brought a leading white supremacist dirtbag media figure to her knees begging his forgiveness.
Keep it up trolls! Ever time we link it it costs her millions!
Why, yes, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, there are risks to having your taint Botox’d.
Judge Stephen Reinhardt, a judge on the San Francisco-based 9th Circuit Court of Appeals and a champion of liberal causes on the court, died Thursday at the age of 87.
A court spokesperson told BuzzFeed News that Reinhardt was at a dermatologist’s office when he died unexpectedly Thursday afternoon.
If you did a better job wiping you wouldn’t need that taint lifted.
I don’t see a reason for libbie joy @ 54 that Sessions won’t at present time appoint special counsel to investigate McCabe, FISA, etc.
That work has already been done by the OIG. Since the OIG’s findings were enough to get McCabe fired without going outside existing government resources, they’ll likely be enough to get McCabe prosecuted by existing government resources, too.
That resource is US Attorney John Huber, first appointed by Barack Obama. If the OIG’s findings were enough to get McCabe fired, they’re likely enough to get him indicted as well. After all, a grand jury has already been seated:
Chad Pergram
Verified account
Follow Follow @ChadPergram
DoJ on Hse Judiciary Cmte’s subpoenas: We are individually reviewing the remaining documents to ensure that they do not include grand jury information, information about ongoing law enforcement actions involving American citizens, or privileged attorney-client communications.
3:10 PM – 22 Mar 2018
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit misunderstands so much. I guess I do see a reason for his joy. It’s his misunderstanding of this, as well.
Hillary, maybe it’s because you’re the only losing candidate in memory whose popularity fell, rather than rose, after the election.
Hillary Clinton fires back at critics: No one told a man who lost an election to shut up
I’ll have to defer to this troll’s obviously superior expertise and experience at telling women to shut up and the reasons for doing so.
How far the mighty have fallen.
Cut price Clinton: Hillary sports a cast on her arm as she gives speech at Rutgers for $25k when she normally charges six figures – and it’s $7,000 LESS than Jersey Shore’s Snooki got
And Snooki was paid $32k in 2011 dollars.
To be fair, no one really wants to see Hillary’s camel toe.
Hillary’s become so useless that even the BernieBros can’t get up the energy to mobilize against her anymore.
Pro-Bernie Sanders group cancels Hillary Clinton protest
Russia didn’t give us Trump. Y’all HA libbies who thought Hillary Clinton was a good idea gave us Trump.
One day perhaps even Steve will cease denying it.
Oh, look! A GoFundMe page.
It’s very well funded. Must be all those peeps stepping forward to help the poor family of Stephon Clark.
Er, no. My bad.
It’s to help out another libbie felon.
Ex-FBI deputy McCabe’s online legal defense fund nears $300,000 in hours
If you go to the actual site
you find this note:
Please note: Mr. McCabe and his team are working to gain clarity around the lasting impact his firing – 26 hours before his planned retirement – will have on the pension and healthcare benefits he earned over his two decades of service to the FBI. However, no funds raised for the Andrew McCabe Legal Defense Fund will be used for anything beyond his defense of the allegations against him.
This, of course, means that when he’s indicted, he’ll use libbie-donated money to try to beat the rap.
Maybe McAuliffe can send some cash McCabe’s way again. And surely Hillary will do him a solid. After all, he did so much for her. All for naught, but still…
@59 “Balance” is not among the things rightwingers do well.
Meanwhile, what are the chances someone who believes Obama is a Kenya-born Muslim and Sandy Hook is a hoax is going to make intelligent treatment choices? But, what the heck, it’s their bodies; and if they stop telling women what to do with their bodies, I won’t tell them what to do with theirs.
@60 I certainly hope the FBI watches you traitor scum.
@61 Yeah, I know people with your IQ would rather have guns than unions in schools.
@62 ” IG Horowitz is investigating how the FBI got the FISA warrant against Carter Page”
By eavesdropping on known Russian spies, dummy.
@63 I’ll bet you weren’t offered admission at those schools, either.
@65 They might not be quite as fond of him when Nov. 7 dawns. When he has no more milk to give, they’ll turn him into Big Macs, too.
@67 Wherein Doctor Dumbfuck wrings his hands with glee because somebody died. Now you know why they stashed him in the radiology lab down on the parking garage level where patients never saw him: His bedside manner sucks.
@68 Don’t worry, you aren’t important enough for your name to be in that batch of documents.
@70 Women have their ways of getting even. Just ask his horses.
@71 “Russia didn’t give us Trump. Y’all HA libbies who thought Hillary Clinton was a good idea gave us Trump.”
If you’re right, Putin owes us big.
“Russia didn’t give us Trump. Y’all HA libbies who thought Hillary Clinton was a good idea gave us Trump.”
We already have a loon, Doctor. Don’t need another.
Oh, Steve.
She was uniquely awful and your ilk mirthfully and uncritically hitched your wagons to her unique awfulness.
Own it, bitch.
@75, The senile idiot wabbit TRAIN WRECK continues!
Till Next Time!
stooooooooooooooooopid solution shitstain steve is uniquely stooooooooooooooooopid in his own right!
He can’t even own his stooooooooooooooooopidity! He’s soooooooooooooo stooooooooooooooooopid that shitstain steve believes this… http://www.cbc.ca/player/play/1197978179773
Till Next Time!
Was it Pilsner who once crowed about his Tesla investment? This is for you, sweetheart.
Tesla Never Should Have Issued Bonds. Now They’re Crashing.
Oh. Don’t forget that bondholders are senior to stockholders when the reckoning is nigh.
@84 Yeah, right, Doctor. Trump is our fault because we couldn’t save America from your dumbfuckery.
What a dumbfuck.
Nice to see that the loon’s white supremacist friends haven’t lynched him yet.
From the people who brought you “locker room talk”, “Stormy”, “Shitholes”, $80,000 trips to Kentucky, EB5 vsa auctions, Russian election tampering, Russian NRA, pay-to-play, PeePee tapes, Dick pics, midterm approval below 45%, and a 20% average swing in open seats.
These guys know awful.
@87 The new occupant at 1600 Pennsylvania seems never to have met a fossil fuel he didn’t like. There aren’t likely to be many barriers to Mr. Musk’s now being consigned to the same fate as Preston Tucker.
@84 Hate to tell you this, doc, but you’re worse than us. See #93 for explanation. Also, checked your approval rating lately?
@84 When Putin surveyed the American political landscape to see who was stupid enough to be played by him in his quest to cause harm to our nation, he didn’t choose Hillary, the Democrats, the ACLU and me. It was Trump, Republicans, the NRA and you.
You know why he chose you, don’t you? It was because you’re a dumbfuck.
This is why you can never trust DUMMOCRETINS… https://www.buzzfeed.com/ryanmac/growth-at-any-cost-top-facebook-executive-defended-data?utm_term=.upmx1MEVXg#.qdkJPrD1l8
PuddyCommentary: To DUMMOCRETINS and DUMMOCRETIN lovers the end always justifies the means! This is why REAL NEWS is never found in the Friday NIght Comix! Lost of unflushed toilet water and used toilet paper is always there!
Till Next Time!
Now watch stooooooooooooooopid solution shitstain steve call these TRUTHS hate and Newt Hoenikker agree like the bobble headed doll he is!
Of course the Oregon Moron hillbilly @66 missed the point above big time. The latest missed point is useful idiot libtard (remember Cindy Sheehan) anti-gun white student with a > 4.1 GPA not getting into four prestigious California libtard schools because he is a white man. The hillbilly always misses the main point! Probably a less qualified female illegal alien got his spot. That is the point! Being a white libtard means nuthin to libtards running California universities these days!
Butt wait… One of them will “realize their mistake” and cause him to be accepted! A clerical error mistake they will say!
Anti- white Libtards are against all white men because y’all are privileged mayonnaise monster lookin ASS crackers as the lady claimed! Y’all work against yourselves and y’all never comprehend the effect of your positions!
In fact, libtard white men run this blog! Some may be mayonnaise monster lookin ASS crackers! Many who put forth their putrid thoughts in pixels are!
Till Next Time!
More “points” please.
Another sponsor dropped. Score!
Another book advance canceled. Score!
Another rung down on the speakers bureau. Score!
Behold the Loon championing The Cause at 95.
Pity all the poor white men. Nobody to stand up for them and defend their rights and privileges except some unhinged, self loathing, Help Desker and a failing commie dictator.
Can white men survive without Pooosey Grappink, Bump Stocks and “legacy”? Can The Hoover Institute continue to build its endowment without enough white men at Stanford? Who will ensure their strategic supply of mayonaise and John Mayer albums? It’s a wonder the Loon gers any sleep with such burdens.
Maybe those schools are interested in something called diversity in their student population?
Face it Piddles, you wouldn’t have been admitted to any of those schools unless you, “checked the box.”
Dr. Bob must be having a wild fantasy today, I pity his horses. His teenage spank bank material is in the news again: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2018.....-says.html
Hot for teacher…
I don’t think those institutions grant credentials in “Help Desk”.