– Good for gender neutral city bathrooms in Seattle.
– So wait, there’s a cost to inaction on climate change?
by Carl Ballard — ,
– Good for gender neutral city bathrooms in Seattle.
– So wait, there’s a cost to inaction on climate change?
– Five Thousand Ladybugs of Highly Effective People
So, Schizo is pining for the the good old days? Warning, PDF.
What I find most amusing about Black folks who call themselves “Conservatives”, is that they seem to openly profess the virtues of the slave economy, and seem to miss those days. They have endearing visions of happily singing Negro spirituals and hymns while joyfully picking cotton or tobacco in 110 degree heat.
The whips were just the Massa’s way of expressing his love for his workers. The castrations were just to prevent unnecessary breeding. The noose was God’s way of punishing the wicked and disobedient. It was God’s love that brought the Black Man to America to be taught civilized behavior. If God didn’t want black people to be used as farm machinery, he would have made them White.
Right, Spittles?
More insights on the nationwide rental housing crisis.
“The U.S. home ownership rate is at the lowest level in 25 years and is widely expected to go even lower. That’s not just the result of younger Americans struggling to make ends meet to save for a down payment on a home. It is increasingly the result of middle-aged, higher income Americans choosing to rent.
“Renter growth is now at the highest level in 30 years, and families or married couples ages 45–64 accounted for about twice the share of renter growth as households under age 35, according to a new study by the Joint Center for Housing Studies at Harvard University. …
“Apartment construction is booming, but much of it is in urban centers, catering to wealthier renters. …
“‘While affordability for moderate income renters is hitting some cities and regions harder than others, an acute shortage of affordable housing for lowest-income renters is being felt everywhere,’ said Chris Herbert, managing director of Harvard’s Joint Center for Housing Studies. ‘Between the record level of rent burdens and the plunging homeownership rate, there is a pressing need to prioritize the nation’s housing challenges in policy debates over the coming year if the country is to make progress toward the national goal of secure, decent and affordable housing for all.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: What we have here is market failure, and not just in Seattle, but everywhere in America. Market failures call for government intervention because, by definition, market incentives aren’t working and market forces alone can’t solve the problem. Yes, higher home prices and rents are attracting investment, but private investment is concentrated in the high-end market, where the profits are. Developers can’t profitably build for moderate or low income buyers or renters. Seattle’s development economics illustrate why: Even in the suburbs, buildable lots cost $200,000 to $250,000 for the raw land, and by the time you build a structure on it, regardless of its size, you’ve incurred costs of at least $500,000.
Gender neutral restrooms, and rainbow crosswalks…what a great use of time and money.
You Lefties really wont be satisfied until society is twisted up in fucking knots to meet your perverted world view, will you?
“Welcome to Seattle, where we tell normal to fuck off”
admit it. You like traditional public restrooms ’cause you like checkin’ out other guys junk.
The report compared two scenarios. In one, there would be no action on climate change. In the other, global action would hold down temperature increases to 2 degrees (C) or 3.6 degrees (F) by the end of the century.
Seems to me there’s a valid third scenario, in which we spend a shit-ton of money and effort combating something that’s cyclical and is going to happen no matter what we do or don’t do, diverting economic resources from things we can actually do something about, and as a result of all this money and effort there isn’t a damned bit of difference observed.
Unless they revise the measurement standards again in order to claim they observed it.
@1 the white man use to terrorize the neighborhood, after dragging peoples asses from Africa, but now the white man is scared of ISIS. Karma.
@3 I wouldn’t call yourself normal. The thought that you can clasify yourself as normal, is abnormal.
@3 the great use of time and money – fight same-sex marriage. What about that. You have a beef about painting a cross walk a rainbow color, which I only repeat without knowing what you are talking about because I don’t live in Seattle. But it is perfectly fine for you to not express your disbelief of wasting money to fight individuals from getting married, individuals from being free, individuals to be equal.
It seems acceptable for you for money to be wasted on policing the WBC, for their right to express free speach.
You fucking hypocrites aren’t normal – you are fucked up Nazi’s
Long Live Ireland – The home of the Free and the Brave.
@5 so now Bob is a scientist too.
@5 actually there is a fourth thing we could do, we could try to speed up the warming of the earth, so you can burn in hell.
@8…Moving yet?
By the way schmuck, when you call your ideological opponents Nazis, you automatically lose the argument.
As Republicans across the country, including here, try destroy public education, it might be a good time to remind people that education is the only way your children can avoid a life of misery. Fuck you for not voting.
@11 the same holds true when you call someone abnormal or a schmuck.
And as soon as you move to Uganda or Russia, instead of trying to make this Country similar to theirs. How’s that confederate flag waving around in your house.
Viva Ireland. The land of the Free and the Brave!
Sorry, but it is not the same at all.
Move to Uganda or Russia?, nope, cant think of any reasons I would ever want to live in either of those dreadful places. I am not trying to remake the United States…you are.
I’m a Union man to the core, so why would I have a Confederate flag in my home?
Every time the price of anything goes up, the government intervene to force prices down.
“Viva Ireland. The land of the Free and the Brave!”
If the Irish had any bravery at all, they’d kick the Catholic Church to the curb and stop paying attention to that medieval fossil and its “doctrines.” All Catholicism has done for Ireland is to insure near universal individual poverty of Irishmen and assist in the oppression of the country by the Brits over the past 800 years or so.
@15 if the high price is bad for society, then why would the government not consider exploring ways to bring the cost down ?
The men who brought us the Confederate flag in the first place were extremely honest about its meaning back in 1861:
A Declaration of the Immediate Causes which Induce and Justify the Secession of the State of Mississippi from the Federal Union
In the momentous step, which our State has taken of dissolving its connection with the government of which we so long formed a part, it is but just that we should declare the prominent reasons which have induced our course.
Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery – the greatest material interest of the world. Its labor supplies the product, which constitutes by far the largest and most important portions of commerce of the earth. These products are peculiar to the climate verging on the tropical regions, and by an imperious law of nature, none but the black race can bear exposure to the tropical sun. These products have become necessities of the world, and a blow at slavery is a blow at commerce and civilization. That blow has been long aimed at the institution, and was at the point of reaching its consummation. There was no choice left us but submission to the mandates of abolition, or a dissolution of the Union, whose principles had been subverted to work out our ruin. …
@ 16
A comparison was made by a relative in a recent conversation to the behavior and methods of the modern American law enforcement system, and that of the Israelis, and that of the British Army in Northern Ireland during the bulk of the 20th century.
It is now completely normal in the United States, for Officers to kick doors in the wee hours of the morning and drop grenades in babies cribs, shoot bedridden old men, shoot people in the back as they are running away or lying prone on the ground after being beaten and roughly searched.
I suppose that would also go to the old Spetznaz in Russia, the Soviet domestic law enforcement body, many who went on to stock the Russian Mafia with literally thousands of well-trained and conditioned men with no other job prospects.
I suppose such things become necessary when hunting terrorists. But when there is a highly visible lack of terrorist activity, what are the Police supposed to do to justify maintaining their massive budgets? This is the same question that was asked after prohibition when the 21st Amendment was passed. All those liquor enforcement agents were going to be left unemployed during the height of the Great Depression. Thousands of them. The War on Drugs®, this was increased to the point where even being found in possession of a minimal quantity of a plant could get one summarily executed on the spot or imprisoned for the rest of one’s natural life.
So, now what are Policemen to do, now that the War on Drugs® is apparently coming to an end and the War on Terror® is turning out to be a major bust and an admittedly total failure in the light of the 4th and 5th Amendments?
There sure as shit aren’t any machine shops, foundries or pizza places in the country to employ them all. Hell, most of them are probably considered unemployable in other professions.
A note of congratulations to our non libtard Republican trolls.
After 50 years of State Rights! and Our Southern Pride! bullshit, it would seem your party is now ready to possibly, maybe someday eventually consider to stop paying homage to the standard of treason.
Have a cookie!
ps. Dixiecrats! (circa 1948)
pps. Also too, Chappaquiddick! (circa 1969)
If those secessionists really thought that the “tropical sun” of Mississippi (actually over 6.5 degrees latitude north of the Tropic of Cancer at the state’s southernmost point) was too intense for their “white” skins to bear, they could have moved back to the British Isles or wherever else in Europe their ancestors came from. They would have benefited from sunlight less intense than even the northernmost Yankee realms of Maine and Minnesota, saved the lives of 3/4 million people in the short term, and made lives better for tens of millions in the long term.
In reality, incredibly wimpy pussies to even say that. And a disservice to their constituents — even if didn’t consider the 55% of Mississippi residents in 1860 who were black slaves and couldn’t vote for secessionist convention delegates. 80% of the white minority didn’t own any slaves, and had to work every day under the same fairly hot (not quite) tropical sun that black slaves worked under. But if someone owned a lot of slaves, they not only could avoid having to work outdoors, but also could avoid the Confederate military draft.
Thats a nasty passage:
“…none but the black race can bear exposure to the tropical sun. These products have become necessities of the world, and a blow at slavery is a blow at commerce and civilization.”
The argument that to be against slavery maent you were against civilization and commerce
@14 how am I trying to remake the United States?
How about when conservatives call liberals communists. But it’s not ok to call you a nazi?
Not to mention many republican politicians and influential people calling liberals or comparing liberal ideology to nazism. But that’s ok for you. You don’t seem to denounce that.
And republicans trying to force their religious ways on everyone, how is that different from radical Islam or ISIS?
Mind you, I wear a gold chain with a cross on it.
@16 if you had any balls you wouldn’t let republicans turn this country into freedom less country.
The power-mad, religious nutcase of Alaska has gone bye-bye…
Poor Sarah puts all the geriatric, barcalounged Faux Snooze tools to sleep. zzzzZZZZzzzzzz.. Ooops.. Accident in the depends..
No more Faux Snooze mula for Sarah. She milked that cash cow for all it was worth..
Wisconsin voters got the governor and legislature they voted for. Why are they so unhappy?
@3, 8 – So now rainbows are a politically charged no-man’s land? Thanks, conservatives. We couldn’t have got there without you.
@12 Don’t blame me. I voted. But I can’t move the mountain by myself.
@15 Really? They’re doing a piss-poor job of it. Ever since the Federal Reserve intervened in the financial system my stocks have done nothing but go up. You can’t find decently priced shares nowadays. Everyone wants 20-some times earnings, or more, for theirs.
@22 Of course it was all about making money with cheap labor. Still is. Not much has changed. The pro- and anti-slavery parties have swapped names, is all.
@25 All cows go dry eventually, then they’re repurposed into burgers.
Washington scores #8 on CNBC’s list of top states for business.
And #1 on CNBC’s list of top states for innovation.
Damn. That’s liberals for you.
Ahhhhhhh yes, another one bites the dust. Preach, preach, preach, run around telling people how they should live when they can’t even keep their own nose clean.
Ex-megachurch pastor guilty of sexually assaulting girls
Sent from Daily News iPhone app
Puffy how do you like this one?
Didn’t bob post a gloat how the trade deal was dead. Is this just another one of Boob’s wrong claims, prematurely ejaculated?
And he gloated as if he was against the trade deal, why else would he express such with such gloating? It wouldn’t be because he hates Obama and is just playing politics, would it?
Otherwise, why isn’t he upset with republicans he helped the bill cross the finish line?
@28 If you voted, than I wasn’t talking to you. Besides, baby bunnies use instinct and senses. And they eat their own poop.
Dare one call the lawsuit and appeals frivolous?
On the plus side, GOPers can rhetorically repeal the act root and branch knowing full well that it ain’t gonna happen but the base will still love it.
#huckabeehasasad right on cue. Judicial Tyranny.
Yep tyranny is now letting people have health insurance.
When you can’t get a CONSERVATIVE gang of JUDICIAL ACTIVISTS on a POLITICAL COURT to buy your argument, maybe something’s wrong with your argument.
@37 Next week they’ll let gay people get married! What’s the world coming to?
Scanning right wing world this nor NJ Ing I fun.
Glen Beck is claiming that buying not throwing the country into chaos by killin Obamacare means they have to not throw the country into choas by allowing gay marriage.
Because there’s clearly chaos in states that allow it. Why just the other day here in Washington I saw two guys who’ve been together a decade continue o be together
It was chaos I tells ya! And my marriage fell apart amid the chaos. And REM was playing in the background.
@39 hopefully, as conservatives keep opening their stupid mouths, the fall of the GOP.
Let Freedom ring.
Sean Hannity Wants Rap Music Banned Along With Confederate Flag http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.....62482.html
Well then Carrie Underwood has to stop using lyrics that promote violence
@40. Manipulative fucking Nazis. Fear everything but them is their motto. The only ones to fear is fear or them.
Another rightwing anarchist strikes a deadly blow for FREEDOMZ!.
“A man in custody in Okanogan County for allegedly running over a Seattle-area couple with a pickup, killing a woman, has deep ties to the militia and anti-government movements in Washington, according to court documents, interviews and information from the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).
“James Faire, 55, once ran a ‘Militia Training Center’ on a family farm near Monroe, where individuals affiliated with the patriot and sovereign-citizen movements trained with firearms. Snohomish County shut down the operation five years ago after neighbors complained of the gunfire. …
“Faire is accused of running over two people June 18 during a confrontation at a rural home about 20 miles east of Tonasket, where police reports and court documents indicate Faire and his partner, Angelina Nobilis, 51, had been living without permission for months.”
Yep, this yahoo was a squatter living in someone’s cabin without permission, and when he was confronted about it by friends of the property owner, he murdered one of them and injured the other.
People who don’t believe in following society’s rules are nothing but wild animals.
It just got easier for nutcases to slaughter innocent people in Wisconsin.
@ 17 – not the government’s job
@ 19 – agreed
@29 – I was being sarcastic.
@45@17: So you think government has no business passing and enforcing antitrust laws, breaking monopolies, cracking down on anticompetitive practices, or otherwise protecting consumers from predatory price-gouging by unscrupulous free-market players? No thanks, I won’t vote for your screwy ideology. When business is my enemy, which it is more often than not, government is my only reliable friend. I can’t defend myself against these vultures alone.
@40 I suspect there’s a lot of over-the-hill Republican women out there who are afraid their dilapidated husbands will run off with another man. They probably worry too much. No real man would have them.
@47…Sounds like you are projecting.
Klownservatics took a shot in the solar plexus today..
Good news in two parts:
1) Millions of people will still get access to affordable health care, something they couldn’t get before..
2) We won’t groan through any of the klownservatic “alternatives” until the next “challenge”..
The SCOTUS will be wasting their time on these bogus “challenges” every other year until the ACA becomes Medicare for ALL.. or the last klownservatic has gone to Death Valley Days..
Another free market failure.
@50 They also lost a housing discrimination case. Liberal justices are running amok! =:-D<
Another anti-gay business bites the dust. I love a Daily Kos writer’s response to Ted Cruz, who blamed the Democratic Party for driving the business under:
“Pssst, Ted? The free market—not ‘liberal fascism’—spoke. Three cheers for progress.”
Wasn’t one of the troll here, just yesterday, complaining about liberals wasting money and energy?
How does the fucking hypocrite like this?
Not Over: GOP Congress Pushing Another Obamacare Lawsuit http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.....65702.html
I guess wasting money and energy is not really the concern, he/she was just expressing their hypocrisy. Kind of like when they complain about the deficit, they don’t really care, they just use it for political gain.
Their ultimate goal is for us to become a nazi state, how ever they have to get there – they’ll try everything.
Just because your daddy runs the airline doesn’t mean you can get away with an in-flight tantrum.
@53… You need to do some reading (at least glance at wikipedia), as it is painfully obvious that you have a incredibly weak understanding of what the “nazi state” was and what it would take (G-d forbid) for the United States to become anything remotely like it .
@53 They’ll never give up as long as they still have a breath in their bodies and the taxpayers whose money they’re spending have a dime left in their pockets.
@55 Here ya go. http://www.thefreedictionary.com/perjorative
@53 (continued) Your side has been calling us “commies” for decades, so why shouldn’t we call your side “nazis”?
Some people call it payback, others call it karma, but the dictionary term for it is “pejorative.”
A New Jersey jury has found a nonprofit organization’s claims that gay conversion therapy would turn gay men straight was consumer fraud.
“By the way schmuck, when you call your ideological opponents Nazis, you automatically lose the argument.”
What does it mean when one calls their ideological opponents “FASCIST DUMMOCRETIN scum” as we see repeated here in these threads dozens of times each day? Do you see that as an automatic argument winner? Or would that person also be a schmuck?
“…government is my only reliable friend.”
Sure, all you’ve ever been is a government employee, Roger. I’d be surprised if you thought anything other than government is your friend.
re 61–I’m sure the stars and bars will be much better off in private hands rather than flying on government property — because government is always bad, right?
One idiot in Mississippi stated that removing the stars and bars from the state flag would be tantamount to ‘politicizing’ the issue. Now we have to get their schools to teach that the south firing on Ft. Sumter does NOT make the Civil War the war of northern aggression.
It’s this kind of crazy backwardstwistedthink that makes southerners and libertarians the squirrel bait that they are.
@62 I have lots of squirrel friends.
“FASCIST DUMMOCRETIN scum” – very truthful statement. This is why Stupid Solution Steve reacts so violently! It strikes him right between the eyes!
Any DUMMOCRETIN who calls others eliminationists when in reality conservatives want mind diseased DUMMOCRETINS to tell the truth about themselves.
1) Tell the truth about how you want to tax and spend
2) Tell the truth about how you want to shut up the political competition
3) Tell the truth about DUMMOCRETIN history – KKK, Stars and Bars, Segregation, Gentrification – All brought to you by the DUMMOCRETIN party
Until them Stupid Solution Steve… talk to the hand!
A transgender illegal alien heckler and Obummer dizzes him. So how does this happen in da whitey house? Will this person get deported?
Obummer can’t gracefully accept the SCOTUS decision. Words mean something. So Puddy is now a ninja jedi knight!
The good news on Obummercare is now Republicans are educated. Now DUMMOCRETINS can’t blame the Obummercare higher costs on Republicans! Remember Gruber called everyone stupid. Now Hillary has to get closer to Obummer on Obummercare! Pin this crap on her!
@53 Hitler killed a lot of Homosexuals too, along with Millions of Jews. But you’d rather not acknowledge that atrocity, right?
Tell me what a Nazi state is. Educate me. Tell me how there aren’t similarities to today’s conservatives who are trying to get rid of the homosexuals. If you act like a Nazi, you are a Nazi.
Religious freedom has nothing to do with this subject matter.
Everyone hear the news. The Palin slut is having another baby out of wedlock…..left at the alter by the family man. Who’s the Daddy? How many babies is she going to have out of wedlock.
The Family Values crew is always showing us how they have no family values, It’s just you, that has to have some.
Puffy, now is the time you can interject with the two NBA lesbians whose marriage fell apart.
“yellowishleakingbuttspigot” Is the spigot yellow and merely leaking or is the “buttspigot” of an indeterminate color but leaking yellowish matter?
If the latter is the case, what puts you in a position to know the color of the buttspigot leakage?
@64 “Nazi” seems an appropriate appellation to apply to people who believe in assuming guilt without a trial.
Repent! The end of work is nigh!
Soon we’ll all have to be capitalists, whether we like it or not, because wage employment will be obsolete.
Bristol Palin, of the Family Values Palins, is pregnant with her second child. She has never been married. She is employed as a teen pregnancy prevention spokesperson.
Stupid motherfucker, I had to fix your stupid fucking lies for you. Again.
“Tell the truth about how Republicans want to allow the rich to lounge by the pool, clipping coupons, paying no taxes, generation after generation, by eliminating the inheritance tax and lowering capital gains tax rates”
“Tell the truth about how Republicans want to see the political competition murdered, which inspires you to post eliminationist rhetoric day after day, from morning to night.”
“Tell the truth about the last half-century of Republican history – KKK, Stars and Bars, Segregation, Gentrification – All brought to you by Richard Nixon and his Southern Strategy, and held dear by the GOP ever since, and which now leaves you holding the bag for the racist murders in Charlotte, which sucks for you a whole lot, motherfucker.”
Ignorant, lying fool, if you want to know what fascist scum looks like, just look in the fucking mirror, asshole.
Nazi nazi nazi. Nazi “nazi” nazi nazi, nazi nazi nazi…nazi? Nazi nazi nazi nazi, nazi nazi nazi!!!
@74 Roger did you find that funny? I did! LMFAO.
Sounds like we got ourselves someone who doesn’t like rainbows. LOL
“held dear by the GOP ever since, and which now leaves you holding the bag for the racist murders in Charlotte, which sucks for you a whole lot, motherfucker.”
Sigh, this tired old meme? Dude, you need to grow the fuck up. Neither the Republicans, nor the Democrats for that matter are responsible for the evil that that deranged nut ball committed.
Spewing out the “Republicans are all racists” bullshit, just makes you sound like a lazy moron.
@76 yeah your are correct, not all Republicans are racists, just like there are some Democrats that are racists…….but, when you start to pretend what happen in South Carolina wasn’t about racism and white supremacy, as many Republicans are doing, you kind of trying to hide that racism exists. Why?
Wanna name all these Republicans who are claiming he isn’t a racist? That’s news to me. I have no issue at all with calling him a big time white supremacist, hell as a Jew I’d be in his cross hairs too.
Thanks Rabbit for the interesting article about automation
“When they peer deeply into labor-market data, they see troubling signs, masked for now by a cyclical recovery. And when they look up from their spreadsheets, they see automation high and low—robots in the operating room and behind the fast-food counter. They imagine self-driving cars snaking through the streets and Amazon drones dotting the sky, replacing millions of drivers, warehouse stockers, and retail workers.
When an entire area, like Youngstown, suffers from high and prolonged unemployment, problems caused by unemployment move beyond the personal sphere; widespread joblessness shatters neighborhoods and leaches away their civic spirit.
Russo sees Youngstown as the leading edge of a larger trend toward — a working class that swings from task to task in order to make ends meet and suffers a loss of labor rights, bargaining rights, and job security.”
Oh well, maybe it’s gonna be a great future if one still have a job.
@78 read the news much……maybe you’re just watching Fox News.
Not sure if I can find any direct quotes but let me see if I can find something.
Regardless, why aren’t more Republicans POLITICIANS denouncing white Supremists? Why are they getting money and cozying up to the leaders of white supremists? You know, like Obama cozied up to that pastor.
Why don’t republican POLITICIANS openly condem the WBC for the hate speech? Not for their protests, but their message?
Wake up. Stop being in denial. Your denial makes you as guilty as the offender. Think back to what happen in Germany!
@78 did a quick search of Ted Cruz’s comments on Charleston. Founding nothing where he spoke about racism. All he pretty much said was that our society sucks and democrats are using this to fight for tougher gun laws.
Please if you have an article of Ted Cruz relating this at all to racism as the problem, please post it.
@78 and all – why is that a Republican can state that it isn’t up to him to set one of his own people straight on the record (Beohner said something to that effect regarding telling his people that Obama isn’t a Muslim), but we have to be preached to by the likes of Bristol Palin about abstaining from sex, when she herself can’t keep her legs crossed?
“Dude, you need to grow the fuck up.”
Grow up yourself, my clueless bitch. And if you ever do grow up and get a clue, which I doubt to be possible, try telling your party’s leadership that they need to dump the appeals to America’s racists. It’s truly fucking disgusting.
re 83 — Amen
You see Stupid Solution Steve, reading IS NOT fundamental to you… If so you’d have this book in your repertoire… Setting the Record Straight: American History in Black & White http://www.amazon.com/Setting-.....1932225277
FACT – Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest, believed to be the KKK’s first Grand Dragon, spoke at the 1868 Democratic National Convention.
FACT – The original targets of the Stupid Solution Steve’ past cousins in the Ku Klux Klan were black and white Republicans. An estimated 3,446 blacks and 1,297 whites died at the end of KKK [DUMMOCRETIN inspired] ropes from 1882 to 1964.
FACT – When the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution came to vote in 1868, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fourteenth_Amendment_to_the_United_States_Constitution, blacks were granted citizenship in America. 94% of Republicans endorsed it. No racist DUMMOCRETINS voted for it. Even President Johnson DUMMOCRETIN was against it.
FACT – In a 1926 Planned Parenthood founder and big time DUMMOCRETIN Margaret Sanger, went to Stupid Solution Steve’s cousins and made a speech to the KKK. It wasn’t a mistake like Steve Scalise claimed when he said he didn’t know. Sanger openly wrote about in her 1938 autobiography. https://books.google.com/books?id=Ot8oAwAAQBAJ&pg=PA366&lpg#v=onepage&q&f=false Now remember when the monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch and its ilk were attacking Jonah Goldberg and his book on Liberal Fascism? Well if you weren’t a LIV Stupid Solution Steve, you’d learn this information!
Of course there is no excuse for being ignorant about Sanger. Well DUMMOCRETINS are LIVs due to their daily self-imposed ignorance through reading left wrong libtard web sites.
Imagine how Stupid Solution Steve would react if a Republican had said “Always to me any passionate group is a good group, and therefore I accepted an invitation to talk to the [insert location here] branch of the Ku Klux Klan in [insert city here]. Stupid Solution Steve’s head would go KAAAAAAAAAAAAABLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
FACT – Of course DUMMOCRETINS want to forget Grand Cyclops 3 Sheets to the Wind Klansman Robert Byrd’s 14-hour filibuster of the Civil Rights Act, and Tennessee’s Al Gore Sr. along with the votes of 21 other Senate Democrats.
FACT – Bill Clinton tried to downplay Grand Cyclops Byrd’s KKK association…
Yeah that fleeting association… An Exalted Cyclops means Byrd was a West Virginian Klan recruiter. In his biography. Byrd didn’t just go as an “innocent bystander” to a couple of meetings no and then. A Kleagle was a recruiter, and he was a recruiter for the KKK for years. Byrd formed a KKK chapter. Byrd formed his specific chapter in 1943. He penned a letter discussing the “vital need” for the Klan in America life even in 1946. Then came the filibuster of both Civil Rights Bills. Yes that old repentant Democrat who then switched parties along with Ernest Fritz Hollings and J. William Fulbright… wait strike that
who then switched parties along with Ernest Fritz Hollings and J. William Fulbrightummm… yeah, they stayed DUMMOCRETIN like Al Gore Sr.FACT – Robert Byrd, talking about that degraded negro race mongrel rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears said:
Puddy wonders if Dylann Roof read this?
FACT – Bill Clinton claimed J. William Fulbright – DUMMOCRETIN Senator from Arkansas, another of those NO Votes to the Civil Rights Acts… Didn’t he switch parties? No your honor!
Gotta go. Stew on those facts,,, more coming tomorrow!
Yawn must have got tired. Either that or he was afraid to continue the speech. Kind of like his claim of calling one a Nazi.
How to lose an argument – run away.
Golly Jim Bob, it’s like I’m a prisoner in my own house.
Man kills home intruder for second time in four months
Sent from Daily News iPhone app
Why Lacey, those are some big tits you got there. Me’s a good ole conservative boy here has’n a little fun.
Is that Palin girl available?
School Bus Driver Texted Prostitute Before Killing 3 In Crash
You sees, heres in Oklahoma we like are girls young. It don’t matter that we are the fuzz, we don’t like the fuzz, we like it smooth like a babies bottom.
Oklahoma cop busted in Las Vegas with missing teen girl
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From a blow to the solar plexus to a kick in the balls!
CIVIL RIGHTS, babbling jackass troll… CIVIL RIGHTS… All people have CIVIL RIGHTS, not just blacks you DOPE!
What about equal protection clause of the 14th ammendent don’t social klownservatics understand?
Deal with it Alabama (and 13 other backward States)!
One big celebration and parade in NYC on Sunday!
But it’s going to rain….I’m sure the right wing will say that it’s “God’s tears”.
In my twenties, i would have never expected this in my lifetime!
“The Supreme Court of the United States has descended from the disciplined legal reasoning of John Marshall and Joseph Story to the mystical aphorisms of the fortune cookie” Antonin Scalia has it right again!
And regarding SCOTUSCare, how will the justices replace all those hours workers lost due to SCOTUSCare being approved two years ago? The workers will never get full time again due to SCOTUSCare. Of course morons like the monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch have no answer for those workers in their “glee”!
Hey Moonbats, I hear fatso Beckel has been fired from Fox News. Turns out he has an addiction to prescription pain medication as a result of back surgery. Sound familiar? I can’t wait to hear liberals give Beckel the same treatment they gave Limbaugh. Chirp! Chirp!
When the facts aren’t on your side…make them up.
So much more part timers. now and it’s all Obamacare.
I’ll sum up:
Or you could look at a study those commies over at Forbes reported on…
“But, but, but…I read it on Breitbart and Free Beacon. Obamacare is killing full-time jobs so of course it is true” Piddles, or words to that effect.
@ 98
Interesting data and thank you for sharing. Good point, if perhaps premature:
Not all of Obamacare’s features have kicked in. The employer mandate was postponed, for example.
Any shifts of FT to PT may be masked by a growing economy.
So it will be awhile before there’s proof you are correct.
The FT —> PT issue likely will be dwarfed by the issue of the costs of ACA, anyway.
@91 not to mentions that this allows for one to have the same legal financial rights as a heterosexual couple, such a social security benefits, veterans benefits, inheritance benefits, tax benefits, etc, etc. this is about equality and freedom and nothing more for me.
This doesn’t change my life, I may never marry, but at least I have that freedom as an option and am equal.
When churches start to issue marriages licenses then that’s when they can limit their licenses to just who they wish to, until then if the State, as in government, is issuing licenses along with benefits coming with a Stare issued marriage license, then it can’t be limited and discriminated to.
Maybe the church should start to issue certificates called one woman one man certificates to celebrate what they think marriage is limited to, that would be perfectly fine with me.
No wonder checkmate didn’t supply the Forbes article link…
Didn’t you think Puddy would READ your article checkmate?
Bwaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
And Travis, checkmate of course visits 2014 articles when the IRS http://www.irs.gov/Affordable-.....e-Care-Act mandates kick in for 2015.
FACTS, they are in more places than Breitbart and Free Beacon! They are found in other places regarding the employer mandate… Something missing in the checkmate ANALysis… http://americanactionforum.org.....-time-work
FACTS are those little niggling things checkmate seems to skip over!
checkmated by checkmate’s own articles!
Sux to be checkmate!
@ 100
@91 not to mentions that this allows for one to have the same legal financial rights as a heterosexual couple, such a social security benefits, veterans benefits, inheritance benefits, tax benefits, etc, etc.
That’s a moronic argument. If this were about civil unions it would have been 9-0.
It wasn’t. Dumbfuck.
Your words. Employees starting two years ago lost, past not future tense, all those hours and they’re not getting them back. But at some future date maybe accoding to Piddles that he has to talk about now that his rant about past facts that he just made up and has no evidence to support, there may be something. A predicted something. Like all those other predicted Obamacare disasters that so far haven’t happened. Piddles actually has a crystal ball, wait no, that would be Idolotry.
Moving the goalpost again. “This is what happened” just became “This is what will happen”
Well played.
They are also found in the policy papers of right wing think tanks headed by a lifelong career Republican political operative and a Senator who was last seen crying that Al Franken stole an election from him. Breitbart, Freebeacon AND American Action Forum told me this was true and therefore it is true!
Nice Job Piddles.
@ 103
Like all those other predicted Obamacare disasters that so far haven’t happened.
You aren’t helping yourself. It was backloaded legislation – the costs, anyway. You remember that, don’t you?
@102. Don’t be so bitter Boob.
Hope you’ll be able to cry yourself to sleep tonight. You freedomless dip shit.
If civil unions were acceptable to the right why didn’t the right propose that or why wasn’t that a negotiating point for them to offer. I herd no offers of civil unions over marriage. All I heard was one side wanting to deny another side of the same benefits that they themselves take advantage of.
“Hey Moonbats, I hear fatso Beckel has been fired from Fox News.”
Hey, wingnut, I hear hear Sarah Palin got fired from Fox News again. Tell me, was it because her single daughter who likes explain to everybody in the world what it means to be moral person got knocked up again? LMFAO!
“That’s a moronic argument. If this were about civil unions it would have been 9-0.
It wasn’t. ”
Cry us a river. Nobody is forcing any church to provide wedding ceremonies for anybody, gay or straight. A church can still excommunicate anybody they want for any reason they choose.
@102 Bob, explain what the argument was. Was it about religion? What was the argument? Or do Republicsns just want to be Nazis?
“the costs of ACA, anyway”
Way to ignore skyrocketing healthcare costs that were happening before Obama even ran for the presidency. In case you forgot, Doctor, we were in an era when small firms changed plans nearly every year in a desperate attempt to keep increased insurance costs under control, usually resulting in higher co-pays and deductibles.
“the costs of ACA, anyway”
I’m sure you’d rather talk about that than what $500K/Year radiologists has done to the cost of health care in America.
If a radiologist who makes $500K/Year spends just one hour a week posting on a local blog during work hours, that comes to $12,500/Year for blog posting. Two hours a week and that’s more money than a $12/Hour FT worker makes in a year. And our Doctor is so worried about rising healthcare costs as well as how those at the low end of the economic ladder are making too damned much money!!
@ 112
39.6% + effects of the Pease amendment.
Remember when y’all were accusing me of being paid by the right to troll here? Look at it this way: For every dollar I don’t earn because I’m here, the feds probably lose about 42-43 cents of it, and I’m only out the rest.
It’s what the left wants, Steve – by hanging out around here I’m earning less and narrowing the income gap. See, the government takes so much my incentive to earn is reduced. One more tax increase on the higher earners and I’ll be as motivated to produce as YLB. It’s not just a bug, it’s a feature!
Turns out it’s not the Koch bros. who are paying me to be here. It’s President Obama.
Rujax, Goldy, and yours truly living “rent-free” in Bob’s pin head!!
Too funny a life of
hand jobs from medical equipment/pharma sales reps“production” has led to trolling HA, dropping links from whack-job websites.“by hanging out around here I’m earning less”
Imagine that! A partner in a radiologist clinic is punching time cards like his non-clinical staff. That’s funny stuff, Doctor.
Who’s the father of Bristol Palin’s second knock-up? I’m thinking it’s Todd’s this time. You know, like the Duggars, they like to keep breeding
@116…Stay classy.
Mike Rowe Agreshon,
He’s a tard!
That’s why Puddy delivered the IRS web site and their 2015 mandate starts… It’s right wing, right wing sez checkmate.
What a tard!
Jealous you can’t father a child in your _______________, so you attack Bristol Palin?
Sux to be you teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla!