Looking at the sidebar tweets today, I see that July 13 is the day HA went all-in for Hillary Clinton.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
This comment from the day following Greece’s national elections in January:
Worf spews:
Monday, 1/26/15 at 10:52 am
Yesterday the Greeks sent an inspiring message to the world; democracy can work for working class people. Movement politics can achieve power. Oligarchs can be defeated by broad coalitions of common people. It is the political story of the decade, and yet the left side of the blogosphere has been largely silent about it. Are there clear lessons to be learned from this electoral victory? Can it be replicated elsewhere? Is it necessary to have 25% unemployment for the left to achieve electoral victory? How can rightwing populism and nativism be overcome?
These are the questions that should be deeply examined right now.
I wonder what Worf thinks the message Greece just sent this time would be.
A workforce smart enough to do this shouldn’t have much trouble with assembling a Ford Focus.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
President Barack Obama has commuted the prison sentences of 46 drug offenders, saying they were not “hardened criminals” and their punishments didn’t match the crimes they committed.
Obama said the move was part of his larger attempt to reform the criminal justice system. He is expected to speak about justice reform Tuesday at the NAACP’s annual convention, and on Thursday he will become the first president to visit a federal prison.(CNN)
He won’t be the first Chicago politician to visit one.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
PORTLAND, Ore. — Criminal prosecutors in Oregon filed additional child sex abuse allegations against the co-founder of the prominent homosexual activist group Human Rights Campaign (HRC) as they seek to build their case for an upcoming trial scheduled for next month.
Bean was charged with two counts of third-degree sodomy, a felony, and one count of third-degree sex abuse, a misdemeanor. The charges stem from an ongoing investigation that involves an alleged sexual encounter with a 15-year-old boy, who now has allegedly signed an affidavit stating that he does not want Bean to be prosecuted.
NAMBLA… Brainwashing strikes again? What does worser and the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla think about this “fella”?
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Maybe because HA DUMMOCRETIN really do HATE America!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@4 The message is: The capitalists win again. I don’t like it, and I feel for the Greek people, but the overjoyed stock market is giving me $2,750 today, which sure beats working for the crummy wages our right-to-work economy pays. You simply can’t afford not to be a capitalist nowadays, because it’s the only game left; making a living by doing productive work is history.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
$2,750/ 0.0093 (S&P 500 gain today) = $295,699.
Just think how much more you would have if you didn’t day-trade, clown.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@8 Guess that proves all LGBTs are pedophile child abusers, eh? Just like this proves that all black people are deadbeats who can’t pay their bills.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
From the IDIOT Wabbit’s link @13…
The move comes just three days after a jury directed 50 Cent to pay $5 million to a woman who sued over a sex tape. The woman said he acquired a video she made with her boyfriend and added himself as a commentator before posting it online without her permission.
PuddyCommentary: Puddy covered this last month! It has nothing to do with deadbeat fatherhood early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
DAYUM U B stooooooooooopid!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@11 No doubt I could do better than $2,750 a day if I were a doctor sucking on the Medicare tit, but I’m not dishonest enough to do that.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@13 “It has nothing to do with deadbeat fatherhood”
Where did I say it did? Having reading comprehension problems again?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Meanwhile Bickle @11 isn’t doing much better than Piddles. He made two assumptions, both of them wrong, to wit: (1) that I day trade, and (2) that my percentage return is exactly the same as the S&P 500’s percentage change.
The problem with this blog is that its trolls are a bunch of intellectual incompetents.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Oooooh lookee, my take today is up to $3,000 now!! That’s like having a job that pays $250/hr. except you don’t have to get out of bed, show up for work, or do anything. The capitalist system just hands it to you!! The only real problem I see with this system is that after it hands out all that money to lazy, useless, unproductive loafers like me, there’s nothing left for the people who do all the work and create all the wealth. Plus, do to the fact we capitalists get preferred tax rates, the government will perpetually run huge deficits because nobody’s paying taxes just like in Greece. Oh well, nothing’s perfect. The solution is obvious, everybody should quit working and become capitalists, and the government should keep printing more bonds. I get a feeling all of this will fall apart someday, but hey, I didn’t choose this crazy system, I just go with the flow.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Correction @17 – “due” not “do”
Roger Rabbitspews:
Looks like the Buffalo Bills are gonna need a new offensive line coach very soon.
Scotty Walker announced he’s running for president today, but the media hardly noticed. Maybe some of the shine is wearing off Wisconsin’s economic miracle?
“What does worser and the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla think about this “fella”?”
I don’t know for sure what they think, but think you’re the dumbest motherfucker on the fucking planet.
I suppose you think some dumbfuck like you can take an isolated incident and use it smear all gays as child sex abusers while ignoring not only the hundreds of Republican sex abusers whose stories I’ve posted here, but the most recent ones as well, Hastert and Duggar. You won’t even acknowledge that the problem exists.
Some homework for you fucktard. Take how many Catholic priests there are in the world and how many Republican officials there are in America, then divide each by their respective number of busted priest and Republican official busts, and then report back to us just who has the bigger sex abuse problem, the Catholic Church or you pervs.
Here’s a clue, perv. It isn’t the Catholic Church.
It’s no secret why all these years you’ve refused to even acknowledge that your political party’s child sex abuse problem even exists. You’re part of the problem. You’re one of them.
“Maybe some of the shine is wearing off Wisconsin’s economic miracle?”
I’ve noticed that he’s been fading in the polls. I’m sure he’s noticed too. I think part of it is Trump sucking all of the oxygen out of the clown car. The other is that Walker keeps fucking up and flip-flopping like a fish out of water on issues like ethanol. Definitely not ready for prime-time. But it’s a long campaign season, the other clowns will fuck up, as that’s what clowns do, and Walker’s got Koch money to ride it out for awhile. So who knows?
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Oh early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit,
Puddy caught your “ANALysis”. It was a poor one Puddy was commenting upon!
See ya!
Ima Duncespews:
David Frum has accused Serena Williams of using steroids and cheating despite mountains of scientific evidence to the contrary. I hope she sues the living fuck out him for slander and defamation.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
@8 see @21. I don’t think anyone has ever said that bad apples exist in all varieties (for lack of a better word). The problem is, like inferred in @21, when you try to polish your bad apples to save face and don’t acknowledge it, then that is a bigger problem, then the actual act you are trying to cover up. And for a group who claims to be self righteous, then there is hypocrisy; and I think in the Duggars case that’s all people are trying to point out, not that they are not calling all Catholics perverts. Only Donald Duck and his followers would think that all illegal immigrants are Rapists – right Puffy.
So, the difference is that gay people aren’t going around saying one thing and then doing that same exact thing, being hypocrites.
It goes to show you, that We, like you, are only human, we are just like you (heterosexual). We have the same faults and failings. The only difference is you (Christian self righteous) think that you are God’s gift to the world; but you are not, you are nothing more than anyone else. Just an asshole with some superior attitude.
I could go on and post story after story, daily, about Heterosexuals committing crimes, gruesome crimes, like ISIS (with respect to their Ideology of Homosexuality) – I don’t think you want to go down that road.
You see every day murders and rapes are committed, and no one really cares to speak out about it, as if there is nothing anyone can do, but to lock up and throw away the key…but when it comes to homosexuality, you think you can go around talking about it like you are going to change something. Try to have that same focus on the every day murders and rapes, maybe it will do the world some good. Stop wasting your time otherwise.
Please don’t expect any reply to any response that you may have. I’m not interested in your childish game.
Teabagger in Declinespews:
@25 you got that right, for once. Regardless of the sarcasm.
Amazing that Santorum is the sane one in the room even has he embraces killing his party for a generation to come…
Note that he’s frothing about things that can actually be attempted not going all Huckabee and saying that the court is not to be followed.
But hey, go for it. I mean make a big issue in the campaign over something only 37% of all age groups agree (gay marriage is Icky and should be banned) 64% of independents disagree with you and an incredible 78% of people under 30-years old disagree with.
Go Rick go…Indpendents? You can win with 37% of the electorate, really you can. Common Core! 37%=50%+1! The GOP will never, ever need anyone who is under 30 now to vote Repbulican. I see GOP White Houses for the rest of their lifetimes. It could happen….Go Rick Go!
And the shit show that is the Republican primary marches on.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
I suppose you think some dumbfuck like you can take an isolated incident and use it smear all gays as child sex abusers while ignoring not only the hundreds of Republican sex abusers whose stories I’ve posted here, but the most recent ones as well, Hastert and Duggar. You won’t even acknowledge that the problem exists.
This is the same tactic the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit and the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla implement each day with their daily isolated incident posts. Yet when Puddy posts the same thing you go…
for him. He has to do well, as in really well, in Iowa. If he takes Iowa or is a close second, then he’s got some real exposure going into primaries like SC.
If he doesn’t do well in Iowa his support will dry up rather quickly. Of course, he’s consistently on top in Iowa polls, and at some point media might choose to cover someone other than Trump.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Stupid Solution Steve, how many times has Puddy called out Catholic priests? Why not ax the crazed databaze deala… the monomaniacal clueless yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Meanwhile, a Kentucky county clerk who thinks his personal beliefs give him a constitutional right to violate other people’s constitutional rights is having his ass sued in federal court.
Mountains of evidence, is it? Are those mountains covered by layers of fact-checkers, too?
In 2011, Serena Williams locked herself in her Los Angeles home’s panic room when she thought an intruder was lurking outside. It was a drug tester; ITF data shows Williams didn’t take an OC test at all in 2010 or 2011.
Rabbit, I thought Walker’s announcement was timed to take the shine off of Hillary’s speech. Maybe it was planned earlier than I thought. In any event, Walker seems to be the preferred Koch puppet. I suspect he will play straight man to the room full of Costellos and get the nomination (even though he is a clown himself).
Roger Rabbitspews:
@36 Btw, I’m still waiting for you to point out where I wrote “deadbeat fatherhood” … crickets …
Roger Rabbitspews:
@39 As I recall, the Kochs said they aren’t backing anyone at this stage, so I doubt that Walker is getting much, if anything, from them at this point. They’re planning to spend $1 billion on the general election to buy themselves a president and congress, though. That may backfire on them.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I made $431.88 an hour in the stock market today while sitting here posting on HorsesAss. Is anyone still confused about why the economy has no money to pay workers? We capitalists are taking it all, that’s why. The problem isn’t productivity; our GDP is trending nicely upward, and has been for 45 years. We have a problem with how our country’s wealth is distributed. Doctors and stock flippers are paid too much; workers not enough.
@41 Yep. That’s what they said. But no one has implemented the Koch governing model as purely as Walker, except Brownback. I can’t see them not trying to push their boy to the front of the clown car.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
AFL-CIO targeting people with the attention span of a gnat Rujax!
@44 Gee, you make the AFL-CIO issuing a press release saying they don’t like the biggest anti-union asshole in the country sound like a military operation, as if they were bombing villages in some foreign country or something like that. Only Republicans do that, you know.
Politically Incorrectspews:
The reason divorce is so expensive is because it’s worth it.
“If he takes Iowa or is a close second, then he’s got some real exposure going into primaries like SC.”
You might be right. Certainly he’d get exposure, but as I recall, an Iowa caucuses win gives one a chip that doesn’t cash in for much.
Before Trump muddied the waters, I was wondering if Iowa, New Hampshire and SC might give us three contenders, each representing various factions of the party. Evangelical in Iowa, libertarian in NH, and the Stars and Bars folk in SC. I haven’t seen any polls yet which back this thought up, but it’s early. Jeb, who seems to be some kind of a compassionate NeoCon conservative warmonger, I don’t see where that plays well early. National polls, perhaps, but primary states other than Florida?
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
@ 47
…an Iowa caucuses win gives one a chip that doesn’t cash in for much.
I’m quite sure you’re right, Steve. Iowa did very little to change the Democrat race in 2004, for instance.
Kerry. Dean. Gephardt. Take your pick.
“how many times has Puddy called out Catholic priests”
Beats me, and I don’t see how that’s relevant. But try asking YLB. He might know. He’s got a really cool database thing going.
What I do know is that you Seventh Day Adventists believe the Pope to be the antiChrist, and so if you’ve been ragging on the Pope and the Catholics, that’d come as no surprise to me. Especially this Pope.
Well, Kerry won Iowa in 2008, as well as the nomination. Dean came in a distant third that year, but didn’t he pick up momentum until the “scream”? In 1988, Gephardt won Iowa but that didn’t help. In 1992, Harken won and Clinton got less than 3%.
It’s hard to say, but fun to talk about.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
@ 51
Kerry won IA in 2004. Some other guy – Jean Shaheen’s husband said he might have been a drug dealer – won in 2008.
Dean didn’t have time to build up momentum between his third-place showing in IA and the notorious scream, as they occurred on the same day.
Harkin, not Harken.
Other than that, Steve, I don’t know what the fuck you are trying to say.
“So now you think divorce is something to celebrate?”
No one thinks that. We’re just noting that you seem to believe that a gay divorce is worth posting about, insinuating that one gay divorce puts a bad light on gay marriage. It doesn’t. Just like everybody else, there will be gay divorces. Get used to it. Both gay marriage and divorce are finally quite normal now.
On the other hand, sexual abuse by Catholic priests certainly put the Catholic Church in a bad light, no doubt of that. And, so far, Republicans have dodged a bullet. If the media ever gets around to adding two and two together in regards to patterns of Republican sexual abuse as they eventually did with the Catholics, your party is gonna be in some very deep do-do, just as it should be. The GOP attracts sexual abusers like flies to shit. I figure it’s the atmosphere of repression the party exudes, and shit like that. But you know much more about that than I do.
“Other than that, Steve, I don’t know what the fuck you are trying to say.”
Understandable, Bob. Looking again, I completely misread your comment. I’m on a real roll.
Typos galore. Grrr. At least the resource I referred to has it right.
One of the reasons I respect you, Steve. Every now and then you need to own it and you do.
Referring back to @ 47, you make a very good point about having three different early primary winners and no clear individual to rally around. I believe Romney is looking at the same thing. A brokered convention might not get him the nomination, but it could very well make him a kingmaker and provide him a place in history that transcends paleoconservatism.
If those last two words sound soppy and fawning, they’re really no worse than one of Goldy’s average, ballpark Monday morning tweets. Or at least the silly-ass one he fired off today.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
where I wrote “deadbeat fatherhood”
Seems the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit head explodes when the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit gets treated the same way the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit treats others….!….
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
@39 As I recall, the Kochs said they aren’t backing anyone at this stage, so I doubt that Walker is getting much,
Butt early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit, if it’s on:
We love our DUMMOCRETIN crooks
We ignore our DUMMOCRETIN liars
Daily Kos
Media Matters
Huff Post
it has to be true. And since so many left wrong HA DUMMOCRETINS including the thread headers have decreed the Koch Brothers as helping Scott Walker, therefore the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit is wrong again!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
At least the resource I referred to has it right.
Seems to be missing in #51. Now we know Stupid Solution Steve acts like the vomit producer! Sloppy and smelly deliveries galore!
Yes, while Puddy spars with Stupid Solution Steve, Puddy does respect Stupid Solution Steve most times!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
No one thinks that. We’re just noting that you seem to believe that a gay divorce is worth posting about, insinuating that one gay divorce puts a bad light on gay marriage.
Oh no Stupid Solution Steve… If you read the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla comments, his hetero commentary is always negative! So Pound Sand! Puddy is giving it back!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Harper Collins and Amazon both say that Ted Cruz people are not bulk buying Cruz’s book!
“I can’t believe he won. No one I know bought his book.”
NYT Book Review editor, early November 2016
Roger Rabbitspews:
@56 So you admit you fucked up in that comment? I’m sure your troll colleague will find that admirable. See #55.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@60 “Harper Collins and Amazon both say that Ted Cruz people are not bulk buying Cruz’s book!”
Really? Who the hell besides Ted Cruz wants to read a book about Ted Cruz? Maybe his kids will, to see if they’re in it. If you want to know what really happens to such books read this article:
“one of Goldy’s average, ballpark Monday morning tweets”
I don’t read those, just your take on them. Respect back at you. It’s a rough game we play. You play it well. So did Puddy until he went crazy.
It also seems a like the Republicans already had a primary, one that played out like a game of musical chairs or something. Umpteen candidates and only a half-dozen billionaires. With that, don’t we already have the winners of that primary identified? Is that an existing short-list of who is truly viable unless one of the others really catches fire? The latter seems to me unlikely to happen anytime soon given the uncompromising nature of various factions of the base.
“Harper Collins and Amazon both say that Ted Cruz people are not bulk buying Cruz’s book!”
No link. Chronic liar. Yeah, right. Whatever. But if it were true, that’d be even cooler, imagining some bookish NYT book editor jacking Ted Cruz around just for kicks.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
No link. Chronic liar. Yeah, right.
Puddy IS Right Again! Stupid Solution Steve was busted by Puddy above so crying by Stupid Solution Steve! Call Puddy a waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahambulance! Standard subjective evidence of left wrong NY Slimes!
On Sunday, an Amazon spokesperson told the On Media blog that the company’s sales data showed no evidence of unusual bulk purchase activity for the Texas senator’s memoir, casting further doubt on the Times’ claim that the book — “A Time for Truth” — had been omitted from its list because sales had been driven by “strategic bulk purchases.”
PuddyCommentary: NY Times is lying… and the left wrong websites…
We love our DUMMOCRETIN crooks
We ignore our DUMMOCRETIN liars
Daily Kos
Media Matters
Huff Post
ate it up along with HA DUMMOCRETINS eating that left wrong BULLSHITTIUM!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
How many HA DUMMOCRETINS will contribute since no HA DUMMOCRETIN cared about her death by illegal alien? http://www.gofundme.com/y2aneaw
“NY Times is lying… and the left wrong websites…”
Puddy is so clueless. Must be the batshit insanity. Doesn’t seem to understand that if Ted Cruz can’t even make the Amazon top-seller list, and he’s not on it, there’s no fucking reason at all to hope that he’ll ever make the NYT best-seller list. But Puddy’s batshit insane, so reality isn’t exactly his thing anymore.
Sucks a hell of a lot to be Ted Cruz. Sucks one hell of a lot more to be batshit insane Puddy. But at least Cruz got some media exposure for his whine. Have you seen the polls? He needs it. In fact, somebody better pump some oxygen into the back of the clown car before the fucker expires.
See, the real idea is to manufacture as many dead 20 year olds as possible, and then force the survivors to foot the bill.
Just another Nazi who wants to see the whole world burn, just so he can meet Jesus.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Monday Night News Drop
1. New York City has settled with Eric Garner’s family for $5.9 million.
2. A 16-year-old girl aboard a small plane that went missing this weekend in the Omak area is in a hospital after she spent 2 days walking out of the woods from the crash site.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@69 As I read that article, Graham is proposing higher copays for military retirees, but not for veterans with service-connected injuries and illnesses, for whom medical care is free through the VA health care system. Graham is talking about Tricare, which is a totally separate program. I’m not saying I agree with his proposal, but it doesn’t appear he’s suggesting that wounded vets should help pay for their medical care.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Doesn’t seem to understand that if Ted Cruz can’t even make the Amazon top-seller list, and he’s not on it, there’s no fucking reason at all to hope that he’ll ever make the NYT best-seller list.
Of course the ever free falling stoooooooopid klownmaster of HA DUMMOCRETINS Stupid Solution Steve can’t fathom the left wrong NY Slimes being biased. Now that their bias is being called out Stupid Solution Steve has those left wrong blinders at full power!
Whatamoron as always!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@72 I’m pretty sure Steve isn’t the stupid klownmaster here.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Hey, so isn’t everybody happy that girl miraculously walked away from a plane crash in the rugged North Cascades and survived alone in the woods for three days and got out on her own? This is going to be a made-for-TV movie for sure!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
@72 I’m pretty sure Steve isn’t the stupid klownmaster here.
He’s surpassed the twins rujaxmeoff and the ever present monomaniacal clueless yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch in bottom feeding loooonacy early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
You mean the vomit producer rad another story incorrectly?
Nooooooooooooooo… wait… nuthin new here!
words of advice for puddy.
if you want to reach your audience (the people that read HA) provide::
facts (not links to batshit crazy websites – but, rather links to more than one source that agree on the story reported as well as have references.)
stop all this “head exploding, got those lib’ruls crap” and refute individual points on merit.
stop your tl;dr tirades and reduce your thoughts to something digestible/understandable.
sloppytravisbickle gives and takes, i almost never agree with him, but he engages and he seems real – learn from him.
become a better troll or not – it’s up to you. . .
Willy Vomitspews:
How the book-selling scam works. There’s a reason why books nominally “authored” by the likes of Sarah Palin, Rafael Cruz, Mitt Romney etc. always seem to be on the remaindered tables for a dollar or less at bookstores and other places like “Big Lots”.
They’re basically slaughtering whole forests to manufacture bullshit.
Aw, boo fuckin’ hoo. the entire Conservative philosophy is built around fraud, flimflam, graft, extortion, vandalism and slander, and they’re complaining that they aren’t getting paid enough.
Cry me a river.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
I think Inslee’s book set me back 99 cents. Plus $2.99 shipping.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
downlikerain @78,
When you become the first to condemn the illegal alien for killing Kate Steinle in San FranFreako, then maybe Puddy will listen to you!
Also since Puddy uses left wrong sites for PuddyPoints, you actually think Puddy will find two left wrong sites that agree on anything except conservative hatred?
Not gonna happen!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Since there was no Ted Cruz book buying or book selling scam, the NY Slimes has some explaining to do!
Will they? Of course not!
Willy Vomitspews:
@ the Schitzo @ 82
They have explained their reasoning, and they have explained the numbers. The fact that you cite Amazon as a source, when that company doesn’t even allow bulk sales of books only demonstrates how stupid, gullible and disingenuous you are.
“They have explained their reasoning”
Puddy isn’t into reason. It fucks with his head too much so he discarded it a long time ago.
“When you become the first to condemn the illegal alien for killing Kate Steinle in San FranFreako, then maybe Puddy will listen to you!”
You just called the murdered woman a freak. In fact, you act as though you’re glad she was murdered so you could use her in order to hurt the people who actually loved and cared about her, who are no doubt freaks in your mind as well. Did Baby Jesus teach you to do that?
Maybe good and decent people will listen to you if you were to find a drop of compassion and civility in your heart.
“He’s surpassed the twins rujaxmeoff and the ever present monomaniacal clueless yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch”
I just ran that through my decoder ring and it’s actually quite flattering.
Sorry, friends Rujax! and YLB, for passing you on Puddy’s hate-list. But I still still have a lot of work to do, though, if I’m ever going to catch up to Roger.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
You just called the murdered woman a freak.
NOPE… Another HA DUMMOCRETIN Train Wreck!
You did Stupid Solution Steve. The city is freako with their sanctuary city policies Stupid Solution Steve.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
In fact, you act as though you’re glad she was murdered so you could use her in order to hurt the people who actually loved and cared about her, who are no doubt freaks in your mind as well.
Glad she was murdered? It seems that’s you HA DUMMOCRETINS whom like Obummer have been 100% completely silent on this topic. Puddy is very sad she died in her father’s arms. Imagine if you held your daughter as she died? It’s HA DUMMOCRETINS that have no compassion. That’s what makes a DUMMOCRETIN a DUMMOCRETIN! The lack of compassion! One can view it here everyday! Since it doesn’t further DUMMOCRETIN aims, the end can’t justify the means therefore nothing from the left wrong libtards!
Obummer makes no comment becuz Obummer can’t use this to make Obummer look good to the LIV crowd!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Hate list Stupid Solution Steve? NOPE you DOPE. There is no hate list!!! Just providing the cold hard FACTS! It’s the stooooooopidity list! You are the best at HA stoooooooooopidity now and when you surpass rujaxmeoff and the clueless
monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch, you achieved something!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Ahhh vomit producer @83,
Keep drinking the kook aid since you are a kook!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@78 You’re preaching to leaves in a rain gutter.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@80 That’s $3.98 more than anyone pays for the aforementioned conservative authors’ books, which gather dust and then go to a recycle shredder.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@81 You will never, under any circumstances, listen to anyone. You’re only here to make noise.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@87 “The city is freako with their sanctuary city policies Stupid Solution Steve.”
Yeah, let’s send all those sanctuary-seekers back to where they came from so the drug gangs and rightwing death squads can murder them, too. Or so says PuddyThink. There’s no bigger freako than you, Piddles.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@88 Here’s a Roger Rabbit Quiz for ya, idiot: Which president has deported the most illegals?
So tell me again how Obama’s immigration policies have anything to do with a random shooting in San Francisco?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Now — wait for it — watch Piddles launch into a tirade about sanctuary cities. So, to preempt the idiocy he’s about to foist on us about sanctuary cities, let’s talk about that a little.
“The Sanctuary Movement was a religious and political campaign in the United States that began in the early 1980s to provide safe-haven for Central American refugees fleeing civil conflict. It responded to restrictive federal immigration policies that made obtaining asylum difficult for Central Americans.”
Hmmm, 1980s, wasn’t Saint Ronnie running things then? Didn’t the whole Sanctuary Movement arise from the fact his administration was sending innocent refugees back to their home countries — places where his administration was arming and supporting and encouraging rightwing death squads — to be killed? So, if you have an issue with sanctuary cities, you can thank Saint Ronnie for that.
Now, let’s examine what the GOP response to the issue has been:
1. “On June 16, 2007 the United States House of Representatives passed an amendment to a Department of Homeland Security spending bill that would withhold federal emergency services funds from sanctuary cities. Congressman Tom Tancredo (R-CO) was the sponsor of this amendment.”
Oh, that’s cute, let’s take away their emergency services to punish them for sheltering the victims of repression and murder.
2. “In 2007, Republican representatives introduced legislation targeting sanctuary cities. Reps. Brian Bilbray, R-Cal., Ginny Brown-Waite, R-Fla., Thelma Drake, R-Va., Jeff Miller, R-Fla., and Tom Tancredo, R-Colo introduced the bill. The legislation would make illegal immigrant status a felony, instead of a civil offense.”
And while we’re at it, let’s give the Statue of Liberty a whole new meaning by making all those refugees felons simply for being here.
Note that neither of these measures would have stopped Francisco Sanchez from returning to the U.S. again, stealing an unattended gun left in a car, or shooting Kathryn Steinle with it. But kicking around brown-skinned refugees who want nothing more than a safe place to work and live makes Republicans feel good.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
This was FACTUALLY debunked last week early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! And now you try this BULLSHITTIUM?
DAYUM your senility is getting much worse!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Just to make things clear, it isn’t immigration or sanctuary policies that are bad, it’s Francisco Sanchez who’s bad. Let’s put the responsibility where it belongs.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Given that American-born males have 5 times the incarceration rate of immigrant males, if you really want to reduce crime in America, you should kick out the native-borns and keep the immigrants.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Note that neither of these measures would have stopped Francisco Sanchez from returning to the U.S. again, stealing an unattended gun left in a car, or shooting Kathryn Steinle with it
– The gun was not stolen by Sanchez early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! He claimed to have found it under a park bench wrapped in a -shirt!
DAYUM your senility is getting much worse! Or you throw up useless BULLSHITTIUM expecting no one to challenge you on it!
Regarding sanctuary cities… it was for Central Americans being persecuted. Where was Mexican illegal alien Sanchez being persecuted? Got proof early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit? Sanchez was wanted by ICE and San Franfreako decided they could skirt the law as DUMMOCRETINS love to do. Witness Hillary Clinton and her personal email server with guvmint secrets on it!
@98 What’s really going on, of course, is that wingnut dopes from Donald Trump to Puddy are attacking a whole group based on the actions of one individual. It’s a form of mental laziness; but, more than anything, it’s an overt expression of their innate racism and prejudices.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@100 ” He claimed to have found it under a park bench wrapped in a -shirt!”
And you believe everything he says …
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Mental laziness is your claim to fame early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
Puddy put forth the FBI statistics from Charles Grassley from 2010 and the number of crimes performed by Obummer policy released illegal aliens since then early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
Check the crazed databaze of the clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch! It’s all there.
So glad to have the arschloch capturing all the PuddyMissives. This is so you left wrong libtards can call on the clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch for perfect replays!
So grow some marbuls and ax early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
And you believe everything he says …
You seem to believe anything from left wrong sites early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! It was covered in the SF left wrong ABC Eyewitness news video!
Glad to see we both agree that you can’t trust left wrong news and you must trust Fox News right early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
Thanks for playing!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Puddy, it’s easy to criticize after things go wrong, but what do you suggest we do now? If our policies are wrong, what changes should we make? Deny federal emergency funding to sanctuary cities? Pass a law making all illegals automatic felons? That’s the Republican “solution” to date. Or how about building a 2,000-mile-long wall along the U.S.-Mexican border?
That idea, too, reflects how Republican thinking is still stuck in the Middle Ages. Everybody else stopped building castles several hundred years ago. Why? Because no matter how high you build a wall, somebody can build a ladder that’s higher.
The truth is Republicans want all those illegals to come here because they want the cheap labor. It’s the next best thing to restoring slavery.
Roger Rabbitspews:
All the Republican bleating about immigration is utterly hypocritical.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Puddy, it’s easy to criticize after things go wrong, but what do you suggest we do now?
Coming from the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit whom thinks all ills are from conservatives!
Think again early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
Puddy already discussed what to do. It’s in the crazed databaze of the clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch! Has early onset senility forced your memory loss? Seems so!
Roger Rabbitspews:
The stock market is up again, now that Greek workers and pensioners have been sold down the river by their socialist leader. Wall Street is paying me $407/hr to post on HA today. I’ll bet Dr. Bob is doing even better. No wonder there’s no money left to pay American workers.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@110 “Coming from the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit whom thinks all ills are from conservatives!”
There you go again! Yesterday, you attributed a “fatherhood” comment to me that I never made. Today this. Where did I post this? Show me.
Now wait for the squid to scuttle off in a cloud of ink again.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Just as I predicted, the squid is gone in a cloud of smoke.
“Puddy is very sad she died in her father’s arms. Imagine if you held your daughter as she died? It’s HA DUMMOCRETINS that have no compassion. That’s what makes a DUMMOCRETIN a DUMMOCRETIN! The lack of compassion!”
You were addressing me with that comment. I’ll be straight up about this. I spent Sunday comforting and sharing tears with a grieving family, a mother and father, my dearest friends, who had lost their son.
Be glad you didn’t speak those words aloud to me in my presence.
“rightwing death squads”
Ronald Reagan. Right wing death squads and missiles traded for dead nuns. What’s not for a wingnut love? Sainthood is in order. Obviously.
Society of Cephalopods of the Order Teuthidaspews:
“the squid is gone in a cloud of smoke”
We have decided that we must take the strongest possible exception to this derogatory statement. And that it should come from a rabbit, the Great Spirit Rabbit Mother’s most favored of all creatures, cuts to our hearts.
Huh! It’s looks like squid are a little upset with our rabbit. But I can see how that might offend them. They’re obviously a higher life form than the troll.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Be glad you didn’t speak those words aloud to me in my presence.
Ohhhhh… from one of the DUMMOCRETINS who chided Puddy when I told Lee he won the IQ test because of a family who lost their son in Iraq and I wasn’t interested anymore. Remember what the clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch wrote back them? Puddy remembers without the crazed databaze!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Run early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit? Puddy took friends to Tillicum Village today! You are the least of Puddy’s worries early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
Show me. – Who writes this sentence “This is a liberal blog”
“Republicans suck”… etc. etc. etc.?
Travis Bickle does early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit?
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Did the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit ax the crazed databaze deala for the replay?
NOPE… no marbuls on that one!
Rujax! All hail puddy I, the emperor (with no clothes) of dumbfuckistan!spews:
I see the fuckwad is still polluting the threads.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@116 “Great Spirit Rabbit Mother’s”
Are you referring to the Great Mother Rabbit Spirit? How would your God feel if you wrote Her name backwards? Think about it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@121 Still? He never left.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@119 “Show me. – Who writes this sentence “This is a liberal blog”
“Republicans suck”… etc. etc. etc.?”
What’s that got to do with anything? Other than further proving that you are an incoherent babbling loony?
Society of Cephalopods of the Order Teuthida spews:spews:
“Think about it.”
Hey, we’re just squid. Sure, we’re smarter than the commenter with the strange brown billiard ball avator, but that ain’t nothing to brag about. So are bivalve molluscs. So please give us a break!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
I see the fuckwad is still polluting the threads.
Still looking in the mirror rujaxmeoff? Surely am!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Above, the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit asks for shoe me proof… When Puddy reminds the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit of its own words the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit write – “What’s that got to do with anything?”
Apparently you now ignore your own words like most here do too! Puddy also notice you still have no marbuls!
Thanks for playing… FACTS – Always a massive headache and delivering traumatic brain injuries to DUMMOCRETINS each day!
See… http://horsesass.org/friday-ni.....nt-1291727
Damn Mexicans, I mean Illegal Mexicans. Raping all the Womenz!
Looking at the sidebar tweets today, I see that July 13 is the day HA went all-in for Hillary Clinton.
This comment from the day following Greece’s national elections in January:
Worf spews:
Monday, 1/26/15 at 10:52 am
Yesterday the Greeks sent an inspiring message to the world; democracy can work for working class people. Movement politics can achieve power. Oligarchs can be defeated by broad coalitions of common people. It is the political story of the decade, and yet the left side of the blogosphere has been largely silent about it. Are there clear lessons to be learned from this electoral victory? Can it be replicated elsewhere? Is it necessary to have 25% unemployment for the left to achieve electoral victory? How can rightwing populism and nativism be overcome?
These are the questions that should be deeply examined right now.
I wonder what Worf thinks the message Greece just sent this time would be.
Vote Sawant @VoteSawant
Please support Kshama in the @strangerslog poll http://www.thestranger.com/blo.....uncil-race … #Seattle
Retweeted by Goldy
I predict the nine City Council poll winners will all be Kansas City Royals.
Mexico drug lord Guzman’s escape tunnel is a minor engineering masterpiece
A workforce smart enough to do this shouldn’t have much trouble with assembling a Ford Focus.
President Barack Obama has commuted the prison sentences of 46 drug offenders, saying they were not “hardened criminals” and their punishments didn’t match the crimes they committed.
Obama said the move was part of his larger attempt to reform the criminal justice system. He is expected to speak about justice reform Tuesday at the NAACP’s annual convention, and on Thursday he will become the first president to visit a federal prison.(CNN)
He won’t be the first Chicago politician to visit one.
NAMBLA… Brainwashing strikes again? What does worser and the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla think about this “fella”?
How come HA DUMMOCRETINS have no issues of people crapping on the American Flag? http://popularmilitary.com/ant.....challenge/
Maybe because HA DUMMOCRETIN really do HATE America!
@4 The message is: The capitalists win again. I don’t like it, and I feel for the Greek people, but the overjoyed stock market is giving me $2,750 today, which sure beats working for the crummy wages our right-to-work economy pays. You simply can’t afford not to be a capitalist nowadays, because it’s the only game left; making a living by doing productive work is history.
$2,750/ 0.0093 (S&P 500 gain today) = $295,699.
Just think how much more you would have if you didn’t day-trade, clown.
@8 Guess that proves all LGBTs are pedophile child abusers, eh? Just like this proves that all black people are deadbeats who can’t pay their bills.
Not! Idiot.
From the IDIOT Wabbit’s link @13…
PuddyCommentary: Puddy covered this last month! It has nothing to do with deadbeat fatherhood early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
DAYUM U B stooooooooooopid!
@11 No doubt I could do better than $2,750 a day if I were a doctor sucking on the Medicare tit, but I’m not dishonest enough to do that.
@13 “It has nothing to do with deadbeat fatherhood”
Where did I say it did? Having reading comprehension problems again?
Meanwhile Bickle @11 isn’t doing much better than Piddles. He made two assumptions, both of them wrong, to wit: (1) that I day trade, and (2) that my percentage return is exactly the same as the S&P 500’s percentage change.
The problem with this blog is that its trolls are a bunch of intellectual incompetents.
Oooooh lookee, my take today is up to $3,000 now!! That’s like having a job that pays $250/hr. except you don’t have to get out of bed, show up for work, or do anything. The capitalist system just hands it to you!! The only real problem I see with this system is that after it hands out all that money to lazy, useless, unproductive loafers like me, there’s nothing left for the people who do all the work and create all the wealth. Plus, do to the fact we capitalists get preferred tax rates, the government will perpetually run huge deficits because nobody’s paying taxes just like in Greece. Oh well, nothing’s perfect. The solution is obvious, everybody should quit working and become capitalists, and the government should keep printing more bonds. I get a feeling all of this will fall apart someday, but hey, I didn’t choose this crazy system, I just go with the flow.
Correction @17 – “due” not “do”
Looks like the Buffalo Bills are gonna need a new offensive line coach very soon.
Scotty Walker announced he’s running for president today, but the media hardly noticed. Maybe some of the shine is wearing off Wisconsin’s economic miracle?
“What does worser and the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla think about this “fella”?”
I don’t know for sure what they think, but think you’re the dumbest motherfucker on the fucking planet.
I suppose you think some dumbfuck like you can take an isolated incident and use it smear all gays as child sex abusers while ignoring not only the hundreds of Republican sex abusers whose stories I’ve posted here, but the most recent ones as well, Hastert and Duggar. You won’t even acknowledge that the problem exists.
Some homework for you fucktard. Take how many Catholic priests there are in the world and how many Republican officials there are in America, then divide each by their respective number of busted priest and Republican official busts, and then report back to us just who has the bigger sex abuse problem, the Catholic Church or you pervs.
Here’s a clue, perv. It isn’t the Catholic Church.
It’s no secret why all these years you’ve refused to even acknowledge that your political party’s child sex abuse problem even exists. You’re part of the problem. You’re one of them.
“Maybe some of the shine is wearing off Wisconsin’s economic miracle?”
I’ve noticed that he’s been fading in the polls. I’m sure he’s noticed too. I think part of it is Trump sucking all of the oxygen out of the clown car. The other is that Walker keeps fucking up and flip-flopping like a fish out of water on issues like ethanol. Definitely not ready for prime-time. But it’s a long campaign season, the other clowns will fuck up, as that’s what clowns do, and Walker’s got Koch money to ride it out for awhile. So who knows?
Oh early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit,
Puddy caught your “ANALysis”. It was a poor one Puddy was commenting upon!
See ya!
David Frum has accused Serena Williams of using steroids and cheating despite mountains of scientific evidence to the contrary. I hope she sues the living fuck out him for slander and defamation.
Ahhh…, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.....69084.html PuddyCommentary: Good to see the same split as hetero divorce!
@8 see @21. I don’t think anyone has ever said that bad apples exist in all varieties (for lack of a better word). The problem is, like inferred in @21, when you try to polish your bad apples to save face and don’t acknowledge it, then that is a bigger problem, then the actual act you are trying to cover up. And for a group who claims to be self righteous, then there is hypocrisy; and I think in the Duggars case that’s all people are trying to point out, not that they are not calling all Catholics perverts. Only Donald Duck and his followers would think that all illegal immigrants are Rapists – right Puffy.
So, the difference is that gay people aren’t going around saying one thing and then doing that same exact thing, being hypocrites.
It goes to show you, that We, like you, are only human, we are just like you (heterosexual). We have the same faults and failings. The only difference is you (Christian self righteous) think that you are God’s gift to the world; but you are not, you are nothing more than anyone else. Just an asshole with some superior attitude.
I could go on and post story after story, daily, about Heterosexuals committing crimes, gruesome crimes, like ISIS (with respect to their Ideology of Homosexuality) – I don’t think you want to go down that road.
You see every day murders and rapes are committed, and no one really cares to speak out about it, as if there is nothing anyone can do, but to lock up and throw away the key…but when it comes to homosexuality, you think you can go around talking about it like you are going to change something. Try to have that same focus on the every day murders and rapes, maybe it will do the world some good. Stop wasting your time otherwise.
Please don’t expect any reply to any response that you may have. I’m not interested in your childish game.
@25 you got that right, for once. Regardless of the sarcasm.
Amazing that Santorum is the sane one in the room even has he embraces killing his party for a generation to come…
Rick Santorum Calls for Constitutional Amendment Banning Same-sex Marriage
Note that he’s frothing about things that can actually be attempted not going all Huckabee and saying that the court is not to be followed.
But hey, go for it. I mean make a big issue in the campaign over something only 37% of all age groups agree (gay marriage is Icky and should be banned) 64% of independents disagree with you and an incredible 78% of people under 30-years old disagree with.
Go Rick go…Indpendents? You can win with 37% of the electorate, really you can. Common Core! 37%=50%+1! The GOP will never, ever need anyone who is under 30 now to vote Repbulican. I see GOP White Houses for the rest of their lifetimes. It could happen….Go Rick Go!
And the shit show that is the Republican primary marches on.
Ahhhhhhhhhh Poor Stupid Solution Steve went…
I suppose you think some dumbfuck like you can take an isolated incident and use it smear all gays as child sex abusers while ignoring not only the hundreds of Republican sex abusers whose stories I’ve posted here, but the most recent ones as well, Hastert and Duggar. You won’t even acknowledge that the problem exists.
This is the same tactic the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit and the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla implement each day with their daily isolated incident posts. Yet when Puddy posts the same thing you go…
@23 & @29 Wtf are you babbling about now?
@25 So now you think divorce is something to celebrate? That’s about your speed.
@ 22
I’m guessing it’s a Pawlenty-like situation
for him. He has to do well, as in really well, in Iowa. If he takes Iowa or is a close second, then he’s got some real exposure going into primaries like SC.
If he doesn’t do well in Iowa his support will dry up rather quickly. Of course, he’s consistently on top in Iowa polls, and at some point media might choose to cover someone other than Trump.
Stupid Solution Steve, how many times has Puddy called out Catholic priests? Why not ax the crazed databaze deala… the monomaniacal clueless yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch?
Meanwhile, a Kentucky county clerk who thinks his personal beliefs give him a constitutional right to violate other people’s constitutional rights is having his ass sued in federal court.
@ 24
Mountains of evidence, is it? Are those mountains covered by layers of fact-checkers, too?
In 2011, Serena Williams locked herself in her Los Angeles home’s panic room when she thought an intruder was lurking outside. It was a drug tester; ITF data shows Williams didn’t take an OC test at all in 2010 or 2011.
@25 So now you think divorce is something to celebrate?
There is the daily train wreck of the mind of the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! Where did Puddy write that? DUMB Wabbit!
Rick Perry’s corruption never stops. His fundraising isn’t go so well, though. Even Ben Carson has raised more money.
@36 The squid retreats in a cloud of ink again.
Rabbit, I thought Walker’s announcement was timed to take the shine off of Hillary’s speech. Maybe it was planned earlier than I thought. In any event, Walker seems to be the preferred Koch puppet. I suspect he will play straight man to the room full of Costellos and get the nomination (even though he is a clown himself).
@36 Btw, I’m still waiting for you to point out where I wrote “deadbeat fatherhood” … crickets …
@39 As I recall, the Kochs said they aren’t backing anyone at this stage, so I doubt that Walker is getting much, if anything, from them at this point. They’re planning to spend $1 billion on the general election to buy themselves a president and congress, though. That may backfire on them.
I made $431.88 an hour in the stock market today while sitting here posting on HorsesAss. Is anyone still confused about why the economy has no money to pay workers? We capitalists are taking it all, that’s why. The problem isn’t productivity; our GDP is trending nicely upward, and has been for 45 years. We have a problem with how our country’s wealth is distributed. Doctors and stock flippers are paid too much; workers not enough.
@41 Yep. That’s what they said. But no one has implemented the Koch governing model as purely as Walker, except Brownback. I can’t see them not trying to push their boy to the front of the clown car.
AFL-CIO targeting people with the attention span of
a gnatRujax!http://www.aflcio.org/Press-Ro.....nouncement
@44 Gee, you make the AFL-CIO issuing a press release saying they don’t like the biggest anti-union asshole in the country sound like a military operation, as if they were bombing villages in some foreign country or something like that. Only Republicans do that, you know.
The reason divorce is so expensive is because it’s worth it.
“If he takes Iowa or is a close second, then he’s got some real exposure going into primaries like SC.”
You might be right. Certainly he’d get exposure, but as I recall, an Iowa caucuses win gives one a chip that doesn’t cash in for much.
Before Trump muddied the waters, I was wondering if Iowa, New Hampshire and SC might give us three contenders, each representing various factions of the party. Evangelical in Iowa, libertarian in NH, and the Stars and Bars folk in SC. I haven’t seen any polls yet which back this thought up, but it’s early. Jeb, who seems to be some kind of a compassionate NeoCon conservative warmonger, I don’t see where that plays well early. National polls, perhaps, but primary states other than Florida?
@ 47
…an Iowa caucuses win gives one a chip that doesn’t cash in for much.
I’m quite sure you’re right, Steve. Iowa did very little to change the Democrat race in 2004, for instance.
Kerry. Dean. Gephardt. Take your pick.
“how many times has Puddy called out Catholic priests”
Beats me, and I don’t see how that’s relevant. But try asking YLB. He might know. He’s got a really cool database thing going.
What I do know is that you Seventh Day Adventists believe the Pope to be the antiChrist, and so if you’ve been ragging on the Pope and the Catholics, that’d come as no surprise to me. Especially this Pope.
“The client tends to deny problems and isn’t very introspective,” the report read. “The client tends to deny problems and is arrogant and intolerant of others’ feelings.”
In other words, a typical Republican.
“Kerry. Dean. Gephardt. Take your pick.”
Well, Kerry won Iowa in 2008, as well as the nomination. Dean came in a distant third that year, but didn’t he pick up momentum until the “scream”? In 1988, Gephardt won Iowa but that didn’t help. In 1992, Harken won and Clinton got less than 3%.
It’s hard to say, but fun to talk about.
@ 51
Kerry won IA in 2004. Some other guy – Jean Shaheen’s husband said he might have been a drug dealer – won in 2008.
Dean didn’t have time to build up momentum between his third-place showing in IA and the notorious scream, as they occurred on the same day.
Harkin, not Harken.
Other than that, Steve, I don’t know what the fuck you are trying to say.
“So now you think divorce is something to celebrate?”
No one thinks that. We’re just noting that you seem to believe that a gay divorce is worth posting about, insinuating that one gay divorce puts a bad light on gay marriage. It doesn’t. Just like everybody else, there will be gay divorces. Get used to it. Both gay marriage and divorce are finally quite normal now.
On the other hand, sexual abuse by Catholic priests certainly put the Catholic Church in a bad light, no doubt of that. And, so far, Republicans have dodged a bullet. If the media ever gets around to adding two and two together in regards to patterns of Republican sexual abuse as they eventually did with the Catholics, your party is gonna be in some very deep do-do, just as it should be. The GOP attracts sexual abusers like flies to shit. I figure it’s the atmosphere of repression the party exudes, and shit like that. But you know much more about that than I do.
“Other than that, Steve, I don’t know what the fuck you are trying to say.”
Understandable, Bob. Looking again, I completely misread your comment. I’m on a real roll.
Typos galore. Grrr. At least the resource I referred to has it right.
@ 54
One of the reasons I respect you, Steve. Every now and then you need to own it and you do.
Referring back to @ 47, you make a very good point about having three different early primary winners and no clear individual to rally around. I believe Romney is looking at the same thing. A brokered convention might not get him the nomination, but it could very well make him a kingmaker and provide him a place in history that transcends paleoconservatism.
If those last two words sound soppy and fawning, they’re really no worse than one of Goldy’s average, ballpark Monday morning tweets. Or at least the silly-ass one he fired off today.
where I wrote “deadbeat fatherhood”
Seems the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit head explodes when the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit gets treated the same way the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit treats others….!….
@39 As I recall, the Kochs said they aren’t backing anyone at this stage, so I doubt that Walker is getting much,
Butt early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit, if it’s on:
We love our DUMMOCRETIN crooks
We ignore our DUMMOCRETIN liars
Daily Kos
Media Matters
Huff Post
it has to be true. And since so many left wrong HA DUMMOCRETINS including the thread headers have decreed the Koch Brothers as helping Scott Walker, therefore the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit is wrong again!
At least the resource I referred to has it right.
Seems to be missing in #51. Now we know Stupid Solution Steve acts like the vomit producer! Sloppy and smelly deliveries galore!
Yes, while Puddy spars with Stupid Solution Steve, Puddy does respect Stupid Solution Steve most times!
No one thinks that. We’re just noting that you seem to believe that a gay divorce is worth posting about, insinuating that one gay divorce puts a bad light on gay marriage.
Oh no Stupid Solution Steve… If you read the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla comments, his hetero commentary is always negative! So Pound Sand! Puddy is giving it back!
Harper Collins and Amazon both say that Ted Cruz people are not bulk buying Cruz’s book!
Sucks to be the HA DUMMOCRETINS claiming that BULLSHITTIUM last week! And where did they get that BULLSHITTIUM?
We love our DUMMOCRETIN crooks
We ignore our DUMMOCRETIN liars
Daily Kos
Media Matters
Huff Post
See ya!
“I can’t believe he won. No one I know bought his book.”
NYT Book Review editor, early November 2016
@56 So you admit you fucked up in that comment? I’m sure your troll colleague will find that admirable. See #55.
@60 “Harper Collins and Amazon both say that Ted Cruz people are not bulk buying Cruz’s book!”
Really? Who the hell besides Ted Cruz wants to read a book about Ted Cruz? Maybe his kids will, to see if they’re in it. If you want to know what really happens to such books read this article:
“one of Goldy’s average, ballpark Monday morning tweets”
I don’t read those, just your take on them. Respect back at you. It’s a rough game we play. You play it well. So did Puddy until he went crazy.
It also seems a like the Republicans already had a primary, one that played out like a game of musical chairs or something. Umpteen candidates and only a half-dozen billionaires. With that, don’t we already have the winners of that primary identified? Is that an existing short-list of who is truly viable unless one of the others really catches fire? The latter seems to me unlikely to happen anytime soon given the uncompromising nature of various factions of the base.
“Harper Collins and Amazon both say that Ted Cruz people are not bulk buying Cruz’s book!”
No link. Chronic liar. Yeah, right. Whatever. But if it were true, that’d be even cooler, imagining some bookish NYT book editor jacking Ted Cruz around just for kicks.
No link. Chronic liar. Yeah, right.
Puddy IS Right Again! Stupid Solution Steve was busted by Puddy above so crying by Stupid Solution Steve! Call Puddy a waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahambulance! Standard subjective evidence of left wrong NY Slimes!
Stupid Solution Steve… an interminable moron! So use a left wrong blog… http://www.politico.com/blogs/.....10374.html
PuddyCommentary: NY Times is lying… and the left wrong websites…
We love our DUMMOCRETIN crooks
We ignore our DUMMOCRETIN liars
Daily Kos
Media Matters
Huff Post
ate it up along with HA DUMMOCRETINS eating that left wrong BULLSHITTIUM!
How many HA DUMMOCRETINS will contribute since no HA DUMMOCRETIN cared about her death by illegal alien? http://www.gofundme.com/y2aneaw
“NY Times is lying… and the left wrong websites…”
Puddy is so clueless. Must be the batshit insanity. Doesn’t seem to understand that if Ted Cruz can’t even make the Amazon top-seller list, and he’s not on it, there’s no fucking reason at all to hope that he’ll ever make the NYT best-seller list. But Puddy’s batshit insane, so reality isn’t exactly his thing anymore.
Sucks a hell of a lot to be Ted Cruz. Sucks one hell of a lot more to be batshit insane Puddy. But at least Cruz got some media exposure for his whine. Have you seen the polls? He needs it. In fact, somebody better pump some oxygen into the back of the clown car before the fucker expires.
How the Grand Old Party will support the Troops.
See, the real idea is to manufacture as many dead 20 year olds as possible, and then force the survivors to foot the bill.
Just another Nazi who wants to see the whole world burn, just so he can meet Jesus.
Monday Night News Drop
1. New York City has settled with Eric Garner’s family for $5.9 million.
2. A 16-year-old girl aboard a small plane that went missing this weekend in the Omak area is in a hospital after she spent 2 days walking out of the woods from the crash site.
@69 As I read that article, Graham is proposing higher copays for military retirees, but not for veterans with service-connected injuries and illnesses, for whom medical care is free through the VA health care system. Graham is talking about Tricare, which is a totally separate program. I’m not saying I agree with his proposal, but it doesn’t appear he’s suggesting that wounded vets should help pay for their medical care.
Doesn’t seem to understand that if Ted Cruz can’t even make the Amazon top-seller list, and he’s not on it, there’s no fucking reason at all to hope that he’ll ever make the NYT best-seller list.
Of course the ever free falling stoooooooopid klownmaster of HA DUMMOCRETINS Stupid Solution Steve can’t fathom the left wrong NY Slimes being biased. Now that their bias is being called out Stupid Solution Steve has those left wrong blinders at full power!
Whatamoron as always!
@72 I’m pretty sure Steve isn’t the stupid klownmaster here.
Hey, so isn’t everybody happy that girl miraculously walked away from a plane crash in the rugged North Cascades and survived alone in the woods for three days and got out on her own? This is going to be a made-for-TV movie for sure!
Why Scotty Walker won’t be president.
@72 I’m pretty sure Steve isn’t the stupid klownmaster here.
He’s surpassed the twins rujaxmeoff and the ever present monomaniacal clueless yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch in bottom feeding loooonacy early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
You mean the vomit producer rad another story incorrectly?
Nooooooooooooooo… wait… nuthin new here!
words of advice for puddy.
if you want to reach your audience (the people that read HA) provide::
facts (not links to batshit crazy websites – but, rather links to more than one source that agree on the story reported as well as have references.)
stop all this “head exploding, got those lib’ruls crap” and refute individual points on merit.
stop your tl;dr tirades and reduce your thoughts to something digestible/understandable.
sloppytravisbickle gives and takes, i almost never agree with him, but he engages and he seems real – learn from him.
become a better troll or not – it’s up to you. . .
How the book-selling scam works. There’s a reason why books nominally “authored” by the likes of Sarah Palin, Rafael Cruz, Mitt Romney etc. always seem to be on the remaindered tables for a dollar or less at bookstores and other places like “Big Lots”.
They’re basically slaughtering whole forests to manufacture bullshit.
“They’ve structured their business essentially as a scam and are defrauding their writers”
Aw, boo fuckin’ hoo. the entire Conservative philosophy is built around fraud, flimflam, graft, extortion, vandalism and slander, and they’re complaining that they aren’t getting paid enough.
Cry me a river.
I think Inslee’s book set me back 99 cents. Plus $2.99 shipping.
downlikerain @78,
When you become the first to condemn the illegal alien for killing Kate Steinle in San FranFreako, then maybe Puddy will listen to you!
Also since Puddy uses left wrong sites for PuddyPoints, you actually think Puddy will find two left wrong sites that agree on anything except conservative hatred?
Not gonna happen!
Since there was no Ted Cruz book buying or book selling scam, the NY Slimes has some explaining to do!
Will they? Of course not!
@ the Schitzo @ 82
They have explained their reasoning, and they have explained the numbers. The fact that you cite Amazon as a source, when that company doesn’t even allow bulk sales of books only demonstrates how stupid, gullible and disingenuous you are.
“They have explained their reasoning”
Puddy isn’t into reason. It fucks with his head too much so he discarded it a long time ago.
“When you become the first to condemn the illegal alien for killing Kate Steinle in San FranFreako, then maybe Puddy will listen to you!”
You just called the murdered woman a freak. In fact, you act as though you’re glad she was murdered so you could use her in order to hurt the people who actually loved and cared about her, who are no doubt freaks in your mind as well. Did Baby Jesus teach you to do that?
Maybe good and decent people will listen to you if you were to find a drop of compassion and civility in your heart.
“He’s surpassed the twins rujaxmeoff and the ever present monomaniacal clueless yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch”
I just ran that through my decoder ring and it’s actually quite flattering.
Sorry, friends Rujax! and YLB, for passing you on Puddy’s hate-list. But I still still have a lot of work to do, though, if I’m ever going to catch up to Roger.
You just called the murdered woman a freak.
NOPE… Another HA DUMMOCRETIN Train Wreck!
You did Stupid Solution Steve. The city is freako with their sanctuary city policies Stupid Solution Steve.
In fact, you act as though you’re glad she was murdered so you could use her in order to hurt the people who actually loved and cared about her, who are no doubt freaks in your mind as well.
Glad she was murdered? It seems that’s you HA DUMMOCRETINS whom like Obummer have been 100% completely silent on this topic. Puddy is very sad she died in her father’s arms. Imagine if you held your daughter as she died? It’s HA DUMMOCRETINS that have no compassion. That’s what makes a DUMMOCRETIN a DUMMOCRETIN! The lack of compassion! One can view it here everyday! Since it doesn’t further DUMMOCRETIN aims, the end can’t justify the means therefore nothing from the left wrong libtards!
Obummer makes no comment becuz Obummer can’t use this to make Obummer look good to the LIV crowd!
Hate list Stupid Solution Steve? NOPE you DOPE. There is no hate list!!! Just providing the cold hard FACTS! It’s the stooooooopidity list! You are the best at HA stoooooooooopidity now and when you surpass rujaxmeoff and the clueless
monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch, you achieved something!
Ahhh vomit producer @83,
Keep drinking the kook aid since you are a kook!
@78 You’re preaching to leaves in a rain gutter.
@80 That’s $3.98 more than anyone pays for the aforementioned conservative authors’ books, which gather dust and then go to a recycle shredder.
@81 You will never, under any circumstances, listen to anyone. You’re only here to make noise.
@87 “The city is freako with their sanctuary city policies Stupid Solution Steve.”
Yeah, let’s send all those sanctuary-seekers back to where they came from so the drug gangs and rightwing death squads can murder them, too. Or so says PuddyThink. There’s no bigger freako than you, Piddles.
@88 Here’s a Roger Rabbit Quiz for ya, idiot: Which president has deported the most illegals?
So tell me again how Obama’s immigration policies have anything to do with a random shooting in San Francisco?
Now — wait for it — watch Piddles launch into a tirade about sanctuary cities. So, to preempt the idiocy he’s about to foist on us about sanctuary cities, let’s talk about that a little.
“The Sanctuary Movement was a religious and political campaign in the United States that began in the early 1980s to provide safe-haven for Central American refugees fleeing civil conflict. It responded to restrictive federal immigration policies that made obtaining asylum difficult for Central Americans.”
Hmmm, 1980s, wasn’t Saint Ronnie running things then? Didn’t the whole Sanctuary Movement arise from the fact his administration was sending innocent refugees back to their home countries — places where his administration was arming and supporting and encouraging rightwing death squads — to be killed? So, if you have an issue with sanctuary cities, you can thank Saint Ronnie for that.
Now, let’s examine what the GOP response to the issue has been:
1. “On June 16, 2007 the United States House of Representatives passed an amendment to a Department of Homeland Security spending bill that would withhold federal emergency services funds from sanctuary cities. Congressman Tom Tancredo (R-CO) was the sponsor of this amendment.”
Oh, that’s cute, let’s take away their emergency services to punish them for sheltering the victims of repression and murder.
2. “In 2007, Republican representatives introduced legislation targeting sanctuary cities. Reps. Brian Bilbray, R-Cal., Ginny Brown-Waite, R-Fla., Thelma Drake, R-Va., Jeff Miller, R-Fla., and Tom Tancredo, R-Colo introduced the bill. The legislation would make illegal immigrant status a felony, instead of a civil offense.”
And while we’re at it, let’s give the Statue of Liberty a whole new meaning by making all those refugees felons simply for being here.
Note that neither of these measures would have stopped Francisco Sanchez from returning to the U.S. again, stealing an unattended gun left in a car, or shooting Kathryn Steinle with it. But kicking around brown-skinned refugees who want nothing more than a safe place to work and live makes Republicans feel good.
This was FACTUALLY debunked last week early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! And now you try this BULLSHITTIUM?
DAYUM your senility is getting much worse!
Just to make things clear, it isn’t immigration or sanctuary policies that are bad, it’s Francisco Sanchez who’s bad. Let’s put the responsibility where it belongs.
Given that American-born males have 5 times the incarceration rate of immigrant males, if you really want to reduce crime in America, you should kick out the native-borns and keep the immigrants.
Note that neither of these measures would have stopped Francisco Sanchez from returning to the U.S. again, stealing an unattended gun left in a car, or shooting Kathryn Steinle with it
– The gun was not stolen by Sanchez early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! He claimed to have found it under a park bench wrapped in a -shirt!
DAYUM your senility is getting much worse! Or you throw up useless BULLSHITTIUM expecting no one to challenge you on it!
Regarding sanctuary cities… it was for Central Americans being persecuted. Where was Mexican illegal alien Sanchez being persecuted? Got proof early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit? Sanchez was wanted by ICE and San Franfreako decided they could skirt the law as DUMMOCRETINS love to do. Witness Hillary Clinton and her personal email server with guvmint secrets on it!
Or how about this sanctuary city hero Edwin Ramos early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit? http://www.thenewamerican.com/.....red-before
Yes he needed sanctuary!
@98 What’s really going on, of course, is that wingnut dopes from Donald Trump to Puddy are attacking a whole group based on the actions of one individual. It’s a form of mental laziness; but, more than anything, it’s an overt expression of their innate racism and prejudices.
@100 ” He claimed to have found it under a park bench wrapped in a -shirt!”
And you believe everything he says …
Mental laziness is your claim to fame early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
Puddy put forth the FBI statistics from Charles Grassley from 2010 and the number of crimes performed by Obummer policy released illegal aliens since then early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
Check the crazed databaze of the clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch! It’s all there.
So glad to have the arschloch capturing all the PuddyMissives. This is so you left wrong libtards can call on the clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch for perfect replays!
So grow some marbuls and ax early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
And you believe everything he says …
You seem to believe anything from left wrong sites early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! It was covered in the SF left wrong ABC Eyewitness news video!
Glad to see we both agree that you can’t trust left wrong news and you must trust Fox News right early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
Thanks for playing!
Puddy, it’s easy to criticize after things go wrong, but what do you suggest we do now? If our policies are wrong, what changes should we make? Deny federal emergency funding to sanctuary cities? Pass a law making all illegals automatic felons? That’s the Republican “solution” to date. Or how about building a 2,000-mile-long wall along the U.S.-Mexican border?
That idea, too, reflects how Republican thinking is still stuck in the Middle Ages. Everybody else stopped building castles several hundred years ago. Why? Because no matter how high you build a wall, somebody can build a ladder that’s higher.
Or tunnel under it.
Or simply go around it.
Ah yes, the GOP’s deep thinkers have pat answers for everything. The only problem is that none of them work.
Oh yeah, one more thing, if Republicans stop cutting budgets for immigration enforcement that might help a little.
Oh yeah, one more thing, if Republicans stop cutting budgets for immigration enforcement that might help a little.
@103 “crimes performed by Obummer policy released illegal aliens”
Who let them in? Here’s your answer:
The truth is Republicans want all those illegals to come here because they want the cheap labor. It’s the next best thing to restoring slavery.
All the Republican bleating about immigration is utterly hypocritical.
Puddy, it’s easy to criticize after things go wrong, but what do you suggest we do now?
Coming from the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit whom thinks all ills are from conservatives!
Think again early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
Puddy already discussed what to do. It’s in the crazed databaze of the clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch! Has early onset senility forced your memory loss? Seems so!
The stock market is up again, now that Greek workers and pensioners have been sold down the river by their socialist leader. Wall Street is paying me $407/hr to post on HA today. I’ll bet Dr. Bob is doing even better. No wonder there’s no money left to pay American workers.
@110 “Coming from the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit whom thinks all ills are from conservatives!”
There you go again! Yesterday, you attributed a “fatherhood” comment to me that I never made. Today this. Where did I post this? Show me.
Now wait for the squid to scuttle off in a cloud of ink again.
Just as I predicted, the squid is gone in a cloud of smoke.
“Puddy is very sad she died in her father’s arms. Imagine if you held your daughter as she died? It’s HA DUMMOCRETINS that have no compassion. That’s what makes a DUMMOCRETIN a DUMMOCRETIN! The lack of compassion!”
You were addressing me with that comment. I’ll be straight up about this. I spent Sunday comforting and sharing tears with a grieving family, a mother and father, my dearest friends, who had lost their son.
Be glad you didn’t speak those words aloud to me in my presence.
“rightwing death squads”
Ronald Reagan. Right wing death squads and missiles traded for dead nuns. What’s not for a wingnut love? Sainthood is in order. Obviously.
“the squid is gone in a cloud of smoke”
We have decided that we must take the strongest possible exception to this derogatory statement. And that it should come from a rabbit, the Great Spirit Rabbit Mother’s most favored of all creatures, cuts to our hearts.
Huh! It’s looks like squid are a little upset with our rabbit. But I can see how that might offend them. They’re obviously a higher life form than the troll.
Be glad you didn’t speak those words aloud to me in my presence.
Ohhhhh… from one of the DUMMOCRETINS who chided Puddy when I told Lee he won the IQ test because of a family who lost their son in Iraq and I wasn’t interested anymore. Remember what the clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch wrote back them? Puddy remembers without the crazed databaze!
Run early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit? Puddy took friends to Tillicum Village today! You are the least of Puddy’s worries early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
Show me. – Who writes this sentence “This is a liberal blog”
“Republicans suck”… etc. etc. etc.?
Travis Bickle does early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit?
Did the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit ax the crazed databaze deala for the replay?
NOPE… no marbuls on that one!
I see the fuckwad is still polluting the threads.
@116 “Great Spirit Rabbit Mother’s”
Are you referring to the Great Mother Rabbit Spirit? How would your God feel if you wrote Her name backwards? Think about it.
@121 Still? He never left.
@119 “Show me. – Who writes this sentence “This is a liberal blog”
“Republicans suck”… etc. etc. etc.?”
What’s that got to do with anything? Other than further proving that you are an incoherent babbling loony?
“Think about it.”
Hey, we’re just squid. Sure, we’re smarter than the commenter with the strange brown billiard ball avator, but that ain’t nothing to brag about. So are bivalve molluscs. So please give us a break!
I see the fuckwad is still polluting the threads.
Still looking in the mirror rujaxmeoff? Surely am!
Above, the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit asks for shoe me proof… When Puddy reminds the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit of its own words the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit write – “What’s that got to do with anything?”
Apparently you now ignore your own words like most here do too! Puddy also notice you still have no marbuls!
Thanks for playing… FACTS – Always a massive headache and delivering traumatic brain injuries to DUMMOCRETINS each day!