What the hell is happening in the UK? Several years of uncertainty post Brexit and now who knows? Snap election? Bills limiting how to leave? Two unpopular weirdos vying to be PM? I generally prefer the Parliamentary system to the US (and we’re having our own problems at the moment too) but geez.
What ever is occurring in the U.K., it’s the business of the citizens of the U.K.
Will the last House Republican to leave please turn off the lights.
“The Trump administration on Wednesday announced that it will roll back requirements for more energy efficient light bulbs, a set of rules that could lead to increased green house gas emissions that accelerate global warming.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: WTF?! Not even energy-saving light bulbs are safe from this environmental vandal in his headlong rush to drag us back to 1895.
“I generally prefer the Parliamentary system to the US … ”
I gotta admit a system in which their version of a Trump lasts only a few weeks has a certain appeal.
@1 Yeah, and don’t pay any attention to those Japanese planes flying toward Hawaii, either. Or the goings-on in Osama bin Laden’s Afghan camps.* And don’t forget to book your passage on the Lusitania …
The real Thomas Jefferson would be appalled to see his name and legacy hijacked by a dumbfuck like you.
* Lest we forget how stupid and criminally negligent the previous GOP administration was:
“Bush’s approach in most situations seemed a reactive combination of calculations to avoid his father’s mistakes and to reject Clinton’s policies. This was especially clear in international affairs: in his first nine months he reversed Clinton’s policy toward China, proclaiming it no longer a ‘strategic partner’ but a ‘strategic competitor’; in the Middle East, by withdrawing U.S. involvement in the negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians; toward Korea, by abandoning the negotiated accord that had frozen the North’s nuclear program and by humiliating President Kim of South Korea, who was promoting North-South reconciliation, during his March 2001 visit to the White House, contributing to a wave of anti-Americanism in a country that was among the staunchest American allies; by withdrawing U.S. support from the Kyoto treaty on global warming; and by forsaking Clinton’s efforts to address the dangers of international terrorism.
“During the transition between administrations, National Security Adviser Sandy Berger arranged several extensive briefings on this last subject for Bush’s incoming national security adviser, Condoleeza Rice, and others on the Bush team, including Vice President Cheney. One briefing lasted half a day. Berger told them that Osama bin Laden was an ‘existential threat’ and told them that he wanted ‘to underscore how important this issue is.’ In another briefing, Richard Clarke, head of counterterrorism in the NSC, the single most knowledgeable expert in the government, gave them a complete tutorial on the subject. In yet another briefing, CIA officials were brought in to go over all the intelligence available on terrorism.
“Don Kerrick, a three-star general and outgoing deputy national security adviser, overlapped for four months with the new Bush people. He submitted a memo for the new National Security Council warning of the danger of terrorism. ‘We are going to be struck again,’ he wrote. But as Kerrick explained to me, he received no answer to his memo. ‘They didn’t respond,’ he said. ‘They never responded. It was not high on their priority list. I was never invited to one meeting. They never asked me to do anything. They were not focusing. They didn’t see terrorism as the big megaissue that the Clinton administration saw it as. They were concentrated on what they thought were higher priorities than terrorism.’ The Principals meeting of national security officials took up terrorism only once, after constant pressure from Clarke, on September 4, 2001, and at that meeting they discussed using unmanned Predator drone spy aircraft, but no decision was made. ‘Unfortunately,’ said Kerrick, ‘September 11 gave them something to focus on.’”
— Sidney Blumenthal, The Clinton Wars (New York: Farrar, Strauss, and Giroux, 2003), pp. 797-798.
The fake Thomas Jefferson isn’t the only dumbfuck who loiters in the HA comment threads. Now watch Doctor Dumbfuck attack Sidney Blumenthal, as he’s done numerous times before, every time I’ve posted this excerpt. Never once has he attacked he attacked Blumenthal’s description of why the previous GOP administration was caught sleeping by Osama bin Laden. Because he can’t. What Blumenthal wrote is true, and the dumbfuck can’t refute it, so he doesn’t bother to try. Instead, he goes all-in ad hominem. That’s what Republican dumbfucks do when they don’t have an argument. Which is all the time.
Hey Now!
It’s ok Bob, one day you will be able to come to terms with your fantasies.
I was going to say something about Ivanka’s Colombian vacation dress but then I saw on Twitter that someone captioned it Leafy Riefenstahl and I can’t do better so hat tip to you @wifii
We’re seeing lots of these:
When Elizabeth Warren Agreed With Betsy DeVos
Hey, remember when Gillebrand was a cold, dead hands gal?
Dated September 19, 2008, Gillibrand penned a letter to Chris Cox, the executive director of the NRA Institute for Legislative Action. Referring to a recent meeting between the two, Gillibrand talked of the “slippery slope of government confiscation of people’s firearms,” her appreciation for “the work that the NRA does to protect gun owners’ rights” and her stance against certain gun provisions long supported by gun regulation advocates.
“On the question of outright banning certain firearms or cosmetic features, bullets of an random size, or banning magazines holding an arbitrary number of cartridges, I am adamantly opposed and do not believe that laws should be based on random limits just for the sake of limiting gun ownership or usage,” Gillibrand said.
@ 8
In which YLB silently thanks Amazon for free returns.
Was Sidney Blumenthal in the fox hole with you in Nam? You both have a lot in common, you’re both liars. What was the most famous nut in Nam?
Liberals should be free to make false accusations of racism without facing recriminations.
Jussie Smollett lawyers: Even if actor faked attack, cops didn’t need to investigate it so vigorously
But the latest court filing contends even if Smollett did make a false report, there is no way the city can assert he would have known the city would investigate — and investigate it to the extent cops did.
“We contend the city is wrong,” Quinlan said of the city’s assertion that Smollett should have known the city would spend nearly 2,000 hours investigating. “ … The mere fact somebody filed a police report doesn’t presume the investigation will be done and certainly not to the extent of what the city is claiming.
Dude’s an amalgam of YLB and gman.
WSRP tried to recruit Dave Reichert to run against Inslee. He declined. Unlike Dino Lossi, he knows a lost cause when he sees one. Or maybe he just likes being retired.
This doesn’t leave WSRP with many options. For sheer name familiarity, they could try Matt Shea …
@11 “You both have a lot in common, you’re both liars.”
What’s your evidence? Put up or shut.
@12 You know it’s a slow news day when Doctor Dumbfuck obsesses over the minutiae of Smollett’s lawyers’ court filings.
Frankly, I found the light bulb story more interesting.
Hmmm…Attorneys try to get their clients acquitted/not liable. Film at 11.
Twinkie Defense
So less than 13 years ago when your Donald was “all up on her like a bitch” and “grab them by the pussy and they can’t do anything.” has his philosophical view of sexual assault changed at all in the ensuing time?
Asking for a friend.
@ 17
…has his philosophical view of sexual assault changed at all in the ensuing time?
Well, I think that with what is now known about Clinton’s repeated sexual assaults and the number of underage girls he Clinton assaulted when hanging out with Epstein, Trump would not have invited Bill Clinton to his wedding.
Dear moron. I won’t be voting for either Hillary or Bill again.
“Frankly, I found the light bulb story more interesting.”
On a related matter, from my work I have a deep familiarity with select aspects of our nation’s energy codes. Simply put, they’re fucked up. Unlike every other code and standard, there is no technical substantiation for a lot of what’s in there. And the parts that are fucked up are written by individuals and manufacturers who profit from it.
Those LED light bulbs with the integral electronic driver you see at Safeway? Energy codes penalize construction projects which might want to use those. Instead, the energy codes steer you to use light fixtures with integral LED arrays for which you’ll never find a replacement. You light fixture’s LED array goes tits up? No more buying a lamp at Safeway. You’ll likely have to replace the entire light fixture. If you have 50 of them in a room and one goes bad, good luck finding a replacement fixture that matches the rest.
The energy code is the only code or standard that isn’t about life safety. But even those codes and standards concerned with life safety are subject to abuse by manufacturers who use the code development process to either regain lost market share (NFPA 70 National Electrical Code, Bussman Fuse Co. and selective coordination of overcurrent devices) or to create an unwarranted new market for which they have the only product available (NFPA 72 Fire Alarm Code, Tyco/Simplex and their $4,000 speech intelligibility meter).
Nicely done with David Brooks.
Not even a tiny shred of embarrassment even.
Shy-Trumpers like you and Brooks have so much to say about the most intricate minutiae of detail about Democrats and their history.. Still nothing to say about whichever DuncanHunteresque Republican has most recently been caught ass raping toddlers, showering under Russian hooker pee, or donning the white robe and hood. Oh well.
Face it. This is how we know you voted for Trump. This is how we know you’re going to do it again. It isn’t that Warren came to the obvious realization that ALL NEIGHBORHOODS DESERVE GOOD PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Couldn’t possibly be that.
That’s unpossible.
Nope. It has to be ’cause of a Durty Hippie Konspiracy™.
And therefor you have no choice but to head into the polling booth and check the box for more WhitePower!
It’s so fucking formulaic and predictable it’s pathetic.
And it isn’t fooling anyone.
“Well, I think that with what is now known about Clinton’s repeated sexual assaults and the number of underage girls he Clinton assaulted when hanging out with Epstein, Trump would not have invited Bill Clinton to his wedding.”
If you’re going to pull lame shit like that from your ass, dumbfuck, don’t post it here, flush it down the fucking toilet with the rest of your shit.
Reichert like most any other Toddler Torturer plans to sit out this round. Most of them are betting on president FingerRape losing (some real team spirit there!) and Inslee getting an appointment, leaving Cyrus Habib to face off in 2022.
And it’s not just the candidates sitting it out. The money is sitting out too. Any dry side water commissioner will do for 2020. It’s really just a jobs program for WhitePower campaign staffers anyway.
You might start with a cursory roll call of how many convicted wife beaters president FingerRape hired and then protected from background checks.
It’s all right out in the open. Even if the media prefer not to report on it. It’s all still being done in plain sight. Including all those women walking around with cut lips and black eyes.
This is who they are.
“It’s so fucking formulaic and predictable it’s pathetic.”
To offer up an excuse for our doctor, being a dumbfuck, he can’t help but post formulaic and predictable drivel.
He’s a victim of his own decisions. Once he made the commitment to go all-in for FingerRape, Guatemalan Toddler Torture, and “JEWS WILL NOT REPLACE US”, he lost any possibility for self reflection. I think it happened that summer after the election when he decided to defend the C’Ville DeathCar. Once he found himself going to bat for a pimply, uneducated, racist, incel, fast food addicted, basement dwelling pizza driver with a game console attached to his hip, as an unavoidable cost of his fealty to president StrongBad, there could be no turning back. At the time it must have seemed like a reasonable price to pay for “triggering the hippies”. And at this point I’m confident he truly believes that his impending vote for NUKE THE HURRICANES is being forced upon him by “crazed leftists pulling the Democratic Party into Communism”.
If sound political theory holds, it will only get worse. Trump’s activation of these instincts within the Republican Party depend on a fairly nihilistic embrace of political chaos. The resentment that is evident among these people, their perpetual victim-hood, and that we see channeled here in these comments daily by Teh Dumbfuck, goads them into a “burn it all down” political ethos.
If the political system is no longer to be for the exclusive protection and advancement of people like them, then they would see it blown up. And PornFinger is both the threat and the promise. It’s why they love him so. Why the things he does that so outrage conventional thinkers delight them. And most important of all, why he must become more outrageous, more offensive, and more destructive as the election draws nearer.
I felt that “Thomas Jefferson” and the rest were sock puppets of the racist incel.
@18 Prove it racist incel, or you are lying.
I’m told you have been lying on this blog since you welshed on that bet years back.
@28 It appears to me that passing through what Elijah calls the “orange event horizon” has turned our doctor into a dumbfuck. Judging by @18, I now suspect his mind has been spaghettified.
If only there were even just the slightest sliver of daylight between the doctor’s views and Putin’s. Sigh! But there isn’t. Whenever Putin laughs at America, like clockwork, dumbfuck shows up here to laugh along with him.
Farmers Union Vice President Says Farmers Have ‘Pretty Much Lost All Our Markets Since Trump Took Over’
Since 2017, revenue from Chinese agricultural exports dropped by more than half, from $19.5 billion to $9.2 billion in 2018, according to U.S. Department of Agriculture figures. The USDA also found that farm income has dropped 45 percent over the same period. According to the American Farm Bureau, farm bankruptcies have increased 13 percent since 2018
It must suck to be a farmer who voted republican and have republicans turn around and do this to them. Hope they vote differently in the future.
Who cares?
Fuck the Clintons. They can defend themselves, assuming of course that Judicial Watch can manage to survive. The Clintons no longer matter to anyone but themselves, and a handful of liver-spotted dead-enders like Teh Dumbfuck when they aren’t freaking out about a 29-year-old freshman House member.
Meanwhile every Republican you know has no choice but to swallow all their famous piety and once lofty self respect (along with a few gallons of orange throat yogurt) to get behind Finger Rape! This guy who openly admits to paying these women to fuck him and shuddup about it. Who stole campaign funds to do it. Who seventeen different women make credible claims of sexual assaul against. Who admits to fucking around on his wives. Who routinely appraises his daughter’s sexual attractiveness.
Clinton is an old man who has been gone from politics for almost two decades. president Pussy Grabber is the guy they know they wouldn’t trust with their daughters and who they know they will be voting for 14 months from now. And there is absolutely nothing they can ever do to change that or make it go away.
This is who Republicans are.
And all their pulpits now lie in ruined ashes at their feet!
Heh. #sharpie is trending.
How fucking more pathetic can it get? Sadly, I believe it’s going to get an awful lot worse before it’s over.
“In total, 127 domestic and overseas [military construction] projects are being put on hold to help fund the wall that Trump initially promised would be paid for by Mexico. … Puerto Rico was among the hardest hit … as it will see more than $400 million in funding for planned military construction projects diverted to the wall …..”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Of course Puerto Rico. Trump hates Puerto Ricans. They’re not white enough. And don’t speak English enough.
Looks to me like just another GOP jobs program for lawyers.
Everybody gets a new boat lift at the lake house!
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Hate America & Borders Are Racist News – Demorat Open Borders Policy Enriches Missouri By Molesting Children Americans Won’t Molest.
Sedalia Police arrested a 33-year-old man on multiple charges of child molestation and rape on Wednesday, Aug. 28 in the 2400 block of South Limit. Hermelindo Lorenzo Guapillo-Chavaria was charged with 16 charges, including 10 counts of 1st degree child molestation, two counts of statutory sodomy, and one count each of 1st degree statutory sodomy, 1st degree statutory rape, 1st degree endangering the welfare of a child, and abuse of a child resulting in serious emotional injury. Contact was made with US Immigration and Customs, and an ICE detainer was placed on him.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Hate America & Send American Jobs To China News – Grateful Chinese Borrow Demorat Anti-Trump Propaganda In Effort To Preserve Slave Labor Trade
Initially, some Chinese people took Trump as a maverick politician, being a businessman-turned-US president. But soon they discovered that his policies lack consistency.
He blows hot and cold one day to another. He repeatedly contradicts himself by his own tweets. Take the choice for US Secretary of State. When Trump chose Rex Tillerson in December 2016, he praised Tillerson for his “tenacity, broad experience and deep understanding of geopolitics.” But after their relations turned sour, Trump called Tillerson “a man who is ‘dumb as a rock’ and totally ill-prepared and ill-equipped to be Secretary of State.”
The Chinese people are now aware that Trump would say something impulsively on Twitter regardless of a president’s code of conduct. Followed by more than 63 million people on Twitter, Trump is using the platform to attack and bully those with different political views. As Grammy winner Taylor Swift said in an interview with The Guardian published on Friday, Trump is “gaslighting the American public into being like, ‘If you hate the president, you hate America.'”
Trump on Friday ordered American companies to immediately leave China and make products in the US. This time, few Chinese were shocked as they know it is not feasible. According to a New York Times report, American business is deeply intertwined with China, and untangling it would be messy and potentially destructive to the global economy.
Jacob Wohl, the rightwing scumbag who falsely accused Robert Mueller of sexually assaulting a woman, has been arrested for illegally selling securities.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Gee, who would’ve guessed a liar would be a fraudster, too? And what fool would buy anything from this guy?
@35 Reminds me of Kevin Coe’s rap sheet. He’s white, a U.S. citizen, and came from a prominent Republican family. Ted Bundy was a white U.S. citizen and a Republican, too.
Was he a youth pastor in an evangelical church?
Because that never happens.
When even the Dictionary is trolling POTUS Online…
Hundreds of millions in def constr projects for schools, daycares,
health and fittness facilities yanked from “red” states for WALL! SHITDOWN!!
States with very, very vulnerable GOP Senators.
They wanted chaos. They got it.
@41 Republicans have argued for decades that government is inefficient, wasteful, corrupt, and dysfunctional. And it is — when they’re running it.
Birmingham, Alabama..
Presently 83 degrees and sunny. Wind speed, 9 mph. Precipitation: 0
No weather report in the South is complete without relative humidity, Steve.
Your shirt is sticking to your back like toilet paper sticks to Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s ass.
As I understand it, no post of mine is complete without calling you and your orange moron out as a Putin-loving traitors.
Apple just issued $7B in new debt. The original plan was for less but so many investors wanted in that the offering was expanded.
Apple got 10-year money at 2.24%, and 30-year money at 2.99%.
Apple doesn’t need the money any time soon, as it has well above $100B in cash. But hey, if borrowing costs are this low, why turn down nearly free money?
It’s good to be on the opposite side of the wealth bell curve from the side Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s on. For one thing, I don’t have to waste my Saturday dragging my urethral catheter along to the library to get in line to read Barron’s.
Godwinha, quit wasting your time here.
I work with a Godwin, he’s a nut job, as nutty as they come, must be related to Bob.
Recall that back in March Martha McSally voted to support the PornFinger WALL!! MURJINSEE!!! which is now sucking about $85 million in construction contracts out of her state.
Arizona voters are being reminded. From now until Nov 2020.
$3.6 billion total projects released. Cancellations mostly in PornFinger states.
A dozen GOP Senators crossed the aisle back in March to join with Real American Patriotic Democrats in passing a bill to prevent PornFinger from stealing the money for FAKE WALL!! MURJINSEE!!!.
But letting Trump be Trump means they all get to keep their projects and the cancellations are all coming from Child Molesters who voted to back WALL!!!
They wanted chaos. This is what it looks like.
“They wanted chaos.”
So does Putin.
Putin, the GOP, orange moron and Doctor Dumbfuck – always on the same page. Only one of them isn’t a dumbfuck.
Look at what it does here – misogyny, hate, lies.
Its whole life is a waste. But it will continue and there will be consequences.
Like the ouster of the orange rage monkey greedhead occupying the White House in 2020, a Dem majority Congress and its “wife” writing checks to ACLU.
May it bleat to that time and beyond.
There are still rationale Republicans after all — namely, those who don’t want to run for re-election on a ticket headed by Trump.
Rats. Ship. Water …
@44 Rabbits don’t use TP, dumbass. We wipe our butts in the grass. Yes, the same grass you walk on — thanks for asking.
@46 There’s never a line. Surprisingly few people read Barrons. Maybe that’s because most people don’t own stock. One thing I know for sure, though, is that nobody ever got rich by spending money on horse farms, horse trailers, horses, and big pickups.
The Medicare leech likes to berate me for not vacuuming up as much taxpayer money as he did. Also, I worked.
@50, 51 – He wastes his time here because no other blog will put up with him. Even 8chan doesn’t want him.
The Master Race.
Immigration officials deport 120 Cubans to Havana — and that’s just the beginning
Hey you brown Republican voting cubans you are not safe
Now that he’s had a few Captain Quigg moments, where does he go from here? A lobotomized R.P. McMurphy moment?
Dear Leader cannot possibly be wrong about anything. If you disagree, you are a terrorist who hates fascism.
“Trump finds a Rear Admiral willing to take the fall for his incorrect Alabama hurricane projection”
You really know how to pick’em, Doctor Dumbfuck.
The Master Race.
“The Master Race”
He was murdered, of course. By that radical Muslim Kenyan, Barrack Obama.
” This video covers WHY he was killed: Obama’s ties to Communists, and his likely fraudulent birth certificate.”
Huh! I figured it was Hillary who did it. She was so….awful.
I must think on my sins.
Yeah, that’s great. But I’ll save the big celebration for when they identify the genes linked to GOP dumbfuckery.
“Scientists identify the genes linked to left-handedness”
Republican victimology at its zenith: A GOP politician sues his constituents for criticizing him.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: That, of course, isn’t going anywhere. In fact I think it qualifies for Rule 11.
A Republican is someone who thinks mass shootings have nothing to do with guns.
I know someone who lives in Texass. He says there’s virtually no public land there, and if you go on someone’s private property, they can shoot you. I’ll bet they don’t have much tourism there. I can’t imagine why anyone would want to visit a place like that.
66 – Something in the neighborhood of 90% of the land in Texas is privately owned, whereas about 85% of the land in Alaska is owned by the Feds.
Norma-Abdul Rae.
American Airlines mechanic in Miami charged with sabotaging plane. It aborted takeoff.
An American Airlines mechanic was arrested Thursday on a sabotage charge accusing him of disabling a navigation system on a flight with 150 people aboard before it was scheduled to take off from Miami International Airport earlier this summer.
The reason, according to a criminal complaint affidavit filed in Miami federal court: Abdul-Majeed Marouf Ahmed Alani, a veteran employee, was upset over stalled union contract negotiations.
He said that his motive in tampering with the navigational system was because he was “upset” over stalled contract negotiations between the mechanics’ union and American Airlines that has raged for months — that “the dispute had affected him financially.”
Union, y’all. Peace be upon it.
I’ll bet they don’t have much tourism there. I can’t imagine why anyone would want to visit a place like that.
Oh, look. Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit @ 66 channels his inner Pauline Kael.
Pull your head out of your voluminous ass and breathe, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
The travel and tourism industry, one of Texas’ leading economic drivers, generated an estimated $80.2 billion in direct spending in 2018, resulting in a $164 billion economic impact on the Lone Star State.
An estimated 72.5 million out-of-state visitors contributed to the figures, according to new data provided by Gov. Greg Abbott’s office.
State officials also said the number of jobs supported by travel increased for an eighth consecutive year, surpassing 1 million. Those gains were seen in several sectors, including hospitality, transportation, retail trade, services, finance, real estate, construction and insurance.
There’s no attraction in Washington that generates revenue like the Dallas Cowboys generate revenue.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit: Never right. Ever oblivious to it.
68. How is that unions fault? Why not the airline fault fo not bargaining in good faith ?
Point on the doll where the union touched you.
@ 70
How is that unions fault?
Same way that a single misbehaving conservative is the fault of the entire Republican party, fuckwad.
No, every single misbehaving conservative is your fault, dumbfuck.
Gotta blame somebody. Why not you?
Curious. You gonna “send them back”, Doctor?
“U.S. relies heavily on foreign-born healthcare workers”
“Doctors were more likely to be foreign born than other health care professionals, researchers report in JAMA.
About 29 percent of physicians were born in other countries, and almost seven percent were not U.S. citizens, the study found.”
“Asia sends the most health care professionals to the U.S., accounting for about six percent of the total workforce, followed by Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean, accounting for about five percent of health workers.”
Good news, Doctor.
“White man ‘won’t spend a day in jail’ after plowing his car into 5 black pedestrians”
Every person in the world is ROFL at Sharpie memes. Except for dumbfucks.
“‘It was Trump’: WaPo reports the president himself doctored Hurricane Dorian map with a Sharpie”
It’s not a “conservative” party – it’s an orange rage baby party..
It’s not a “conservative” media – it’s more and more a whitepower! media..
daily white nationalist whiner anyone?
You know what?
We (The United States) bought and paid for that land.
So we own it.
That’s how that works you fucking imbecile.
If something about ownership bothers you self-righteous klownsurvaturds Cuba beckons. Get.
130,000 jobs added. Nice! Making America Great Again! Just like the Obama years, except tremendous economy today! Best it’s ever, ever, ever been.
PI buy more stocks. Now is the time.
71. Wahhh. The racist incel plays the victim card. This from a racist who nevet posted that the black guy might be innocent? Project much?
It’s like that meme going around
What do you call Germans who didnt approve of the Nazi’s rounding up of Jews but like their economic policies
A Nazi
Wait…don’t 90% of republicans approve of the sharpie doodler in the white house?
@ 77
So we own it.
That’s how that works you fucking imbecile.
Out: You didn’t build that.
In: You didn’t buy that.
Now do followers of Islam.
Imagine Dedicating a life to military service and doing quite well at it.
Imagine going from Long Island to the USNA and then getting a few master’s degrees and rising to the rank of Rear Admiral, becoming the Public Affairs Officer for U.S. Fleet Forces Command and eventually Homeland Security.
Then one day the Commander in Chief calls and says, “Put out a statement that you briefed me the Hurricane might hit Alabama.”
Then one day the Commander in Chief calls and says, “Put out a statement that you briefed me that my idea of attacking the weather with thermonuclear weapons has some merit and is being studied carefully.”
Oh, and Dumbfuck,
How come none of the fucks talk about how much waste and over budget the wall be by the time it’s finished. And or the cost in general, because they probably only be able to go so far with the money they have or are strealing before it runs out
@82 I’m sure he’s asked a few of them to blow him too….and many carry through for him, just like Bob blew him
Now do Jessie Smollet, you fuckface.
Sorry Bob, but Repukes Nazism and bigotry is more of a reflection of you then Jessie is to a gay guy or black guy or black gay guy.
You’re not just a terrorist sympathizing Nazi but you area jackass
@68 The union condemned his actions, dumbshit. Everyone should. He’s not only out of a job, he’s probably going to jail, as he deserves.
It needs to be pointed out, however, that he sabotaged one airplane. You and your ilk are sabotaging the entire fucking planet.
What he did, as reprehensible and criminal as it is, pales in comparison to Trump’s environmental vandalism, but not a squeak from you about that.
@69 Just don’t show up for a Dallas Cowboys home game wearing a Seahawks shirt. Everybody in Texas has guns, and they’re apparently more than willing to use them. Shooting a guy in a Seahawks shirt likely would be considered self-defense.
Now compare @71 to every comment the dumbfuck doctor has posted about Jussie Smollett.
@87 & @89 Exactly. He’s a hypocrite. Squealing when his sense of entitlement gets hurt.
@77 As I recall the U.S. didn’t actually pay anybody for Texas, except for the small part included in the Louisiana Purchase.
@78 “130,000 jobs added. Nice! Making America Great Again!”
25,000 of which are temporary census jobs …