There’s something perverse about boys-will-be-boysing of Kavanaugh. I mean many of us managed to be shitty teenage boys without attempting to rape anyone. Seems like the minimum standard.
And I believe that people can change. And they deserve second chances (although they don’t deserve lifetime appointments). If that isn’t him today today, he could at least take some effort to make amends.
Campaigning while black. What was she thinking?? She could have been shot!
“Black Wisconsin candidate reported as suspected drug buyer while campaigning in white neighborhood”
She could at least take some effort to testify. After all, that lie detector test wasn’t taken for nothing.
40 years ago Bill Clinton raped Juanita Broaddrick.
Goldy Retweeted
Judd Legum✔
35 years ago Grassley was 50 years old.
Sep 18, 2018
This might not turn out the way y’all HA libbies want it to turn out.
Voters elected political newcomer Pete Flores to the Texas Senate on Tuesday, flipping a Democratic district red for the first time in 139 years and bolstering Republicans’ supermajority in the chamber ahead of the November elections.
@ 1
Yo, Steve:
Where’s the indication that the caller knew the skin color of the vehicle’s occupants? It’s a car lingering near a drug house.
“FULLY OCCUPIED SILVER 4 DR SEDAN NEWER MODEL – THINKS THEY ARE WAITING FOR DRUGS AT THE LOCAL DRUG HOUSE – WOULD LIKE THEM MOVED ALONG,” read the notes from the call for service, made shortly before 7 p.m. on Aug. 7.
Seems to me that in far-left Madison, had the skin color been noted in the caller’s complaint, that information would have found its way into the Capital Times piece.
Nice try, Steve. Homeowner’s worried about drug activity in his neighborhood and you’ve gotta play the race card.
Hammer, nail.
Hey, speaking of Bill Clinton an’ sex an’ shit:
Hillary Clinton: Monica Lewinsky a “narcissistic loony toon”
The papers offer a look at Hillary Clinton’s mindset through some of the most difficult parts of her husband’s presidency, including the Monica Lewinsky scandal. According to the friend, Diane Blair — a political science professor whose papers were donated to the University of Arkansas Special Collections library – Hillary Clinton credited Bill Clinton with trying to break away from Lewinsky, whom she called a “narcissistic loony toon.”
Clinton won’t deny ‘narcissistic looney tune’ comments about Monica Lewinsky
“I am not gonna comment on what I did or did not say back in the late 90s,” Clinton told ABC’s Diane Sawyer when asked if she uttered the quip.
If you drag a $225,000 speaking fee through Chappaqua, you never know what you’ll find.
Carl: Teenaged boys deserve a chance to grow up and become responsible adults as long as they don’t commit serious crimes. If they’re still lying in their fifties about what they did as boys, that’s a problem. Kavanaugh fails both tests.
“you’ve gotta play the race card”
Says the racist who comes here to celebrate the needless deaths of blacks.
@2 The idea of asking a crime victim to testify without first conducting a police investigation of the crime is unique in the annals of crime.
Everyone knows Yertle, Grassley & Associates aren’t interested in finding out if a crime was committed. The last thing they want is to be able to corroborate anything the victim says against an independent investigative record. They’re only interested in getting their client off.
You know it, I know it, everyone knows it. The voters know it, too. The women voters. Lots and lots of women voters. Some of them used to vote for your party.
@3 21 years ago Juanita Broaddrick signed a sworn affidavit in a third-party lawsuit stating “there were unfounded rumors and stories circulating ‘that Mr. Clinton had made unwelcome sexual advances toward me in the late seventies… These allegations are untrue,'” so if she is a victim, she’s also a perjurer.
You really should fact-check stuff before posting it. You’re starting to look like Shortbus.
“This might not turn out the way y’all HA libbies want it to turn out.”
Doctor Dumbfuck is hoping Putin will come through for him again. Could be. After all, Putin and Doctor Dumbfuck are both playing for the same team.
@4 Next you’ll us that’s the same district it was 139 years ago; no redistricting, no gerrymandering …
It also helps if the incumbent is riding in a prison bus, a circumstance that GOP candidates may find it hard to replicate on a nationwide basis six weeks from now.
You’re funny. You should audition for Comedy Central.
There’s something perverse about a national public conversation “struggling” with the “complexity” of sexual assault whenever the conversation is completely dominated by the dude-bros.
The overwhelming consensus among women is that this is just not that complicated. No mother wants to see her son accused of rape. But every mother was once a fifteen-year-old girl. And because of that, more than anything else, no mother wants to have raised that boy who rapes fifteen-year-old girls.
Women having these conversations right now aren’t worrying so much about the hurt feels of all the dude-bros, or salivating over putting the victim on trial. There’s something especially perverse when only four out of twenty one members of the committee are women, and not a single on in the majority.
@5 “Where’s the indication that the caller knew the skin color of the vehicle’s occupants?”
More to the point, where’s the indication that the caller knew the skin color of the person he called the police on? Well, here …
“A neighbor called police to report 46-year-old Sheila Stubbs, a 12-year veteran of the Dane County Board of Supervisors, as a possible drug buyer as she was knocking on doors one Tuesday evening in August.”
You should read your own article, dumbshit. Then you find the answer to your own question without having to ask us. But we’re always here to help if you can’t manage it yourself. Think of us as the HA Help Desk.
@6 Never mind that girl screaming in the upstairs room. Look over there! Clinton!
@11 He doesn’t need Putin’s help to look like a dumbass. He does that quite well himself. See e.g. @9, @10, @12, @14.
@13 Don’t worry, they’ll line up some women staffers to work over the victim. They’re not so stupid they’d do it themselves.
So could the nominee’s exculpatory witness. At least nobody is threatening to murder him if he does.
Looks more like damage control than an investigation. Big surprise.
The (R) stands for Rohypnol.
@ 13
There’s something especially perverse when only four out of twenty one members of the committee are women, and not a single on in the majority.
Now do Clarence Thomas and skin color.
@ 18
So could the nominee’s exculpatory witness. At least nobody is threatening to murder him if he does.
Last I read, no Democrat is threatening to push for a subpoena to force him to testify, either. You’d think that since he is alleged to have been there that the Democrats would want him on the record one way or another.
At this point I think it would be a mistake to let her testify. Under this committee, with this committee leadership, with this perfunctory charade atmosphere, the majority’s only objective is to try to smear, discredit, and humiliate her as a warning to others who may be watching and considering coming forward. The majority needs to silence all the other victims. Doctor Blasey should not be willing to help them do that.
The Date Rape Party will not turn aside from voting to confirm this nominee. McConnell may never forgive Grassley and Graham for fucking this up. But he probably realizes that his best option politically is to follow through on the constitutional gang rape, get the appointment done, and pray for luck in the mid terms.
She can get her side of the story out without subjecting herself to this public ridicule and mockery by a bunch of aging frat boys. And if more victims come forward later on that will only come back to haunt the Rohypnol Party. She has no duty to try and stop assholes like Susan Collins from wrecking herself by voting a lying, degenerate rapist onto The Court. She can speak her truth her own way and let those corrupt perverts do whatever the fuck it is they do.
Maybe the House can take this up after January. He can always be impeached. And if more victims come forward with more harrowing stories then the class II Rohypnol membership of the Senate can decide just how much they want to rest their re-election on a vote to acquit a rapist.
“…no Democrat is threatening to push for a subpoena…”
Refused by order of the Chair last night. Normal order. Etc.
“You’d think that since he is alleged to have been there that the Democrats would want him on the record one way or another.”
He is. They do. And you are still a Dumbfuck.
Chairman Grassley believes that additional witnesses opens the process up to delay. Knowing what happened is just not as important as staying on schedule.
That would be coming down from Yertle. And frankly, when it comes to the politics of it, he’s right. A full and thorough investigation into the drunken rape history of the nominee is definitely not in the political interests of The Rohypnol Party at this moment in time. Nope. Definitely not.
@ 22
Link to Grassley’s refusal? I’m not finding it. I’m only finding Dem Senators wanting to hear from Judge, not a formal motion via the committee to compel his testimony via subpoena.
Since you thought it wise to bring up diversity, right about now you should be joining Majority Leader McConnell puzzling over quarts of Bourbon why the fuck you didn’t pick Larsen, but instead let those fucking Bush family pinheads bully you into this corner.
Coulda’, woulda’, shoulda’.
Bet you wish that Time Masheen was a real thing too, eh?
“Now do Clarence Thomas and skin color.”
Can it wait until your racist friends over at the Tea Party FB page decide whether Michelle Obama is a man, ape or man-ape?
Are you playing Dumbfuck, again?
No sale.
“Formal motions” are not a part of normal order outside the hearing process. The hearings were concluded. You know that. QFRs were deadlined last week. You know that too.
There is no formal process for the minority members to raise additional questions at this point in time, much less call additional witnesses.
@20 “Last I read, no Democrat is threatening to push for a subpoena to force him to testify, either.”
Wherein Doctor Dumbfuck would have you believe it’s the Democrats who are preventing Mark Judge’s testimony. Reality check: They can push all they want, but subpoenas have to be approved by the chair (Sen. Grassley) and the committee majority (Republicans). See page 14 of
for details. Oh, and btw, Democrats are pushing for Mark Judge to testify under oath, which you would know if you read a real newspaper or news source once in a while. You really should do a little research before posting nonsense; you’re starting to look like Shortbus.
@ 25
Probably realistic fears that Larsen = Souter. Four decades is a long time to live with a bad choice. It certainly did little for Hillary.
@21 “the majority’s only objective is to try to smear, discredit, and humiliate her as a warning to others who may be watching and considering coming forward”
We all know that. But … female voters. This is, after all, a circus; and if the audience doesn’t like the clowns, the ringmaster has a problem.
@29 Worried you might get stuck with an impartial judge making decisions according to the law? Can’t have that now. If I were Trump, McConnell, or Grassley, I wouldn’t entrust my agenda to a real judge either.
@ 28
You don’t want the subpoena to be granted.
You want the requested subpoena to be rejected by the old white guy chairing a committee composed primarily of other old white guys.
Then you have the issue. You want the issue.
You’re an incredibly stupid individual, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Four weeks can come to feel like four decades when you aren’t looking. And if you really, really aren’t looking, and you “accidentally” railroad through a rapist onto The Court, four decades may feel like an eternity. An eternity without blowjobs.
First offers are always refused. Looks like the negotiations have started.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Looks like Grassley remembers how Clint Eastwood’s empty chair routine played with the audience.
@32 Now you’re speaking for Roger Rabbit? You’re a fucking crackup, doc. Where did you learn to be so goddamned funny?
Of course I want Mark Judge subpoenaed. He sure won’t testify on his own. Because he would have to repeat his bullshit under oath, and that could come with some consequences. Even if he lies through his teeth on the witness stand, I still want him to testify, because he’s every opposition lawyer’s dream witness. Here, this might help you understand why:
Here’s a hint that might help you sort things out in your mind: It’s not the Democrats who desperately don’t want Mark Judge to testify. If it was, that subpoena would be issued in a flash.
I say bring it on. But it’s not up to me.
You might want to review some of Mr. Judge’s writing more closely.
After all. This is about politics. Yertle is getting this nominee on The Court. Full stop. Extracting the maximum political cost from The Date Rape Party is the only intelligent end game for Democrats here. An opportunity to publicly cross examine Mr. Judge and his work, and spackle his violent misogyny all over the nominee and The Date Rape Party is not an opportunity to be missed.
@33 Well, if it happens, we’ll just have to do something about it. Impeachment or expanding the Court are potential options with a little cooperation from millions of pissed-off women voters.
@ 33
An eternity without blowjobs.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit hardly seems to miss them. He couldn’t afford them once he retired and had to stick around the house, and his ED would make it a moot point even if he could.
Considering that many Republicans can’t spell words like “to” and “too,” this is kinda funny.
Presumably he’ll hire The Penguin as head of enforcement.
@38 What happened to the oxygen tank I’m supposed to be pushing around? Did you forget my oxygen tank? Some doctor you are. A rabbit could die in your waiting room for lack of oxygen. How many malpractice claims has your carrier paid out for that?
Three people have been shot in each of two separate incidents in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin today.
In Pennsylvania, a well-regulated militia disputed occupation of a local magistrate’s office. The defenders’ casualties include a police officer.
In Wisconsin, a well-regulated militia conducted a live-fire exercise at a strip mall, before being partially demobilized by local police.
“A former schoolmate of Brett Kavanaugh’s accuser wrote a Facebook post saying she recalls hearing about the alleged assault incident involving the future Supreme Court nominee ….
“‘Christine Blasey Ford was a year or so behind me,’ wrote the woman, Cristina Miranda King …. ‘I did not know her personally but I remember her. This incident did happen.’ She added, ‘Many of us heard a buzz about it indirectly with few specific details. However Christine’s vivid recollection should be more than enough for us to truly, deeply know that the accusation is true.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Waddya wanna bet that Doctor Dumbfuck (a) still doesn’t believe the accuser, or (b) doesn’t think this attempted rape, and Kavanaugh’s lying about it, is enough to keep him off the Supreme Court?
Wherein Trump tells a Florence survivor whose home was damaged by a yacht floating into it, “At least you got a nice boat out of the deal.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: White House staffers need to impose a new rule: The boss goes nowhere near disaster zones without his mouth duct-taped shut.
They can’t help themselves.
Honestly, they can’t. This is who they are now.
@42 Do any of you remember high school and the buzz? Remember that being a teenager is tough? That even bad boys and girls are sometimes good, and vice versa. That as Mark twain pointed out in Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer that either could be knaves or President of the United States.
How many of you have considered that had there been an actual complaint made that most district attorneys would not have pursued this case at all, or if they wanted a feather in their cap it would be simple assault, and charges for everyone for drinking. And handled at the juvenile level with the records sealed? If the allegation is true. And from the victims point of view that is her truth, does not mean it’s attempted rape or that a DA could even charge that or would. It could be just a whole lot of teenage silliness on all involved, and 35 years of life and dreams. And sometimes teenaged girls and women lie or exaggerate and when they do on rape the alleged rapist becomes under the law a rapist, and may spend serious time in the pen, and now will always be labeled. Some of you are being pretty cavalier about the consequences of false accusations, often it’s he said and she said and she was more convincing.
So line up 10 or 20 or 100 county prosecutors and see what they say about this, as many deal with this kind of case all the time. I doubt many of them are as draconian or would expect in some cases of well date rape even when the male (or female) perpetrator is guilty that categorically means they cannot sit later in life on the Supreme Court. Getting there is a political process and given a few nudges in society the only way to get to the bench is by being a total hedonist who has had his or her way with many a maiden, and the maiden should be proud to e been taken. IE if one is bot a follower of the god of wine or the god of love one does not get on the bench, as the libertines rule.
@7 As any good Roman knows it is the weakness of the father that would allow a young rapist to become an old one. Fathers have the right and responsibility to ensure their children are proper citizens to the state, and if not the Father must take care of the matter as any child reaching adulthood is a full citizen and any male at least can be on a path to the Senate as our society insists that person is clean by virtue of having a good father.
It’s the fathers of the teenage boy and girl in this case and they were stolen the opportunity to exercise their duty to society and the state.
Guess Carl and others on here really really want a return to how things were before the sexual revolution.
“Republican Sen. Orrin Hatch told CNN on Monday he believed Ford, a research psychologist based in California, must be ‘mistaken’ and that Kavanaugh told the senator he wasn’t at the party.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Of course, from Hatch’s point of view, it’s not possible that Kavanaugh lied to a U.S. Senator. That just can’t be. So the rape victim must be mistaken. Or lying. Or made the whole thing up. After all, he has Kavanaugh’s word that it didn’t happen, and what more does he need than that?
@9 Come on you are an attorney and know better. The entity that would have to investigate is the local or state police. They and the local prosecution is fully aware of the concept of laches, and tolling of the bell. The FBI does not investigate rapes unless on Federal Property and then it’ usually the Marshalls that are the lead investigators and typically only because the local Feds ask them to come in, because the state has thrown up their hands and refuse to do anything. And what sensible DA is going to do anything with the investigation? Only one seeking notoriety, and improving their chances of election to office or higher office. (Willing to go forward knowing they will loose the case.)
@45 Yeah, stifling a 15-year-old girl’s screams by putting your hand over her mouth while ripping her clothes off is just “teenage silliness.” Or she’s lying. Or it’s merely date rape, and anyway she’s the real guilty party in this. Besides, being a rapist shouldn’t keep anyone off the bench.
Good for you, Mark. You’ve lived up to what we expected from you. I couldn’t write more cutting satire myself. I assume that’s what this is. You can’t possibly be serious.
@47 So we have Democratic Senators having a certain bias and Republican Senators having the opposite bias. That is they way of the Senate. The former CIA chief can lie to Senators with impunity. In fact this current process really is not about getting to the truth of anything it’s just the Senate doing its job under the Constitution. There can be a hearing Monday to hear this out or not. If the woman fails to make herself available then the committee should vote, and send it to the floor of the Senate. And Mr. Kavanaugh’s polling really should not influence the Senators, but it’s all far more political than the writers of the Constitution ever meant this process to be. Of course they did not foresee the coming of radio, tv and mass media, and how those things would corrupt their more staid and patient upper chamber of the Congress.
@49 I could have fun when your rapist is on the bench and you and your ilk cheer him when he shows up as the most liberal and leftist judge on the court. Coming down fully in support of Roe V. Wade and expanding it. Saying corporations are not people, but are creatures of the state that the state can control or can be created for purposes other than pure profit. Or that money is not speech.
Apparently you think the man is guilty of rape. I do not know if he is. You all have made up your minds over someone who wanted to stay in the shadows, for more legitimate concerns than your own and got outed. Now she is your heroine. Why can’t you be more like her? Reveal yourself. Come on surely Goldie knows who you are. Darryl Holman surely knows who you are. It is an open secret who you are, and Senator Feinstein knew who she was but sat on it, so I guess Senator Feinstein is your friend.
Maybe the woman should have should have come out 35 years ago, and if she had we could still have Mr. Kavanaugh nominated with a sealed file from when he was a teenager. It would be done whatever is in that sealed filed and we would not know, and he would still be qualified to be a judge. We don’t exist in that idea world, or do either of us have a crystal ball. I’m willing to say I don’t know, but lets allow the Senate to do its job and get this circus to a vote, which at least now I think a bit more uncertain.
Then we can see if old Mitch then does not exercise some pay back.
That’s planting the seed for “She’s a little bit nutty”
We know what follows.
There’s only one script for this. It’s all they know.
The (R) stands for Rohypnol.
@49 And you obviously missed where I argued that perhaps one of the justices should be a convicted felon. That such an individual could protect our constitutional rights more. Particularly with current situation of most members of the court having previously served on one of two US appeals courts. The DC court in particular is the B team for the Supremes for both Democratic and Republican President’s. If the arguments that were being put forth by Democrats and on HA were about the lack of different views of jurisprudence on the court and that the current Justice is in that same mold, rather than this false argument that he is out of mainstream, when maybe some out of the mainstream views are needed on the court or maybe an expert on immigration courts at the border, the UCMJ, bankruptcy court, admiralty court, Indian law, patent courts, Foreign intelligence court, ect. Or maybe we have a very talented judge in the Washington state court system with some national respect.
@52 hat if she is? Would you admit that? Are you going to forgive the Democratic Senators who vote for the n0m9nee, as I suspect Mitch is reaching across the isle just in case. Probably he has the preference she does not show up to testify. Though if she does and ultimately Kavanaugh gets through a bump in early October is helpful for Republicans, and gear of failure may whip some into line.
RR could be one of the American rapists the North Vietnamese said were raping South Vietnamese women, and they have statements, Surely all those claims are true of the brutality of RR American soldier. And surely RR never went to a whore house when in country.
By the standards Carl is using clearly RR committed rape or rapes in Vietnam.
Iraqi propaganda would have you all believe Americans raped Saudi women, I suppose if the standard is these women say so it must be true, with no attention paid to facts, I doubt there been very few rapes by American service personnel over the years, not likely by opportunity, and potential consequences.
More of the Anita Hill Smear being prepared:
Limbaugh is spreading a fabricated report that Doctor Blasey sent an identical letter to Feinstein during the Gorsuch hearings, and Feinstein destroyed it and covered it up.
So I guess the Time Masheen can teleport her from Maryland to Denver. Cool.
Rest in peace, loon. I miss you.
Another Kavanope PR team is spreading the fabricated claim that Doctor Blasey was involved with Fusion GPS and the Steele dossier.
There’s a sequence to all this. The smearing of her motives, reasoning, and emotional state comes first. Once that messaging is firmly rooted in the fevered brains of The Date Rape Party only then is the time right to advance to the “A little bit slutty” phase of the smear. Expect that by bar time on Friday night.
The (R) stands for Rohypnol.
@51 “I could have fun when your rapist is on the bench and you and your ilk cheer him”
Would you like to attach a name to that? As far as I know, our side hasn’t put any rapists on the bench, so unless you can back that up with a specific example, you’re just making noise like someone running their fingernails over a blackboard.
Demorat Pussywhipped Party Of Cucks News–Pussyhat Senator Tells Pussywhipped Democucks To Shut Up, Democucks Silently Squat And Take It Like Punks
Democratic Sen. Mazie Hirono of Hawaii called on the men in America to “just shut up and step up” when it comes to women’s allegations of sexual assault, during a press conference Tuesday with Senate Democrats.
@51 “Apparently you think the man is guilty of rape.”
No, I think he’s guilty of attempted rape. In order for me to disbelieve that, I would have to believe Dr. Ford is lying, and I don’t think she is.
“I do not know if he is.”
Let’s work with preponderance, i.e. more likely than not.
“Why can’t you be more like her? Reveal yourself.”
Hahaha … I gotta say you’re persistent, but the fact you’re now asking me suggests you’ve run out of hot leads to pursue.
“It is an open secret who you are”
If it is, why are you having such a hard time finding out?
“Maybe the woman should have should have come out 35 years ago”
Ask a woman to explain it to you.
“We don’t exist in that idea world”
We live in an imperfect world populated by imperfect human beings. We are surrounded by imperfection. We ourselves are imperfect. But that doesn’t mean we should have no standards. I simply don’t think someone who tried to rape a 15-year-old girl has the moral compass to be a judge.
“lets allow the Senate to do its job and get this circus to a vote”
The Senate’s job is to advise and consent, not rubberstamp nominees. Senators should take the time required to get to the bottom of this, and proceed under a proper and impartial process. There’s no valid reason to rush things. The Supreme Court will still be there.
Just as Doctor Dumbfuck was starting to doubt his “lifestyle” choice.
Kidding. His wife chose it. Really, who can blame her.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Frauds News–Demorats To Women, Don’t You Dare Accuse Us Of Beating You Bitch
Proving that Democrats care more about politics than women is the fact that while they’re pointing the finger at Kavanaugh, they’re turning a blind eye to the abusers in their own party. DNC Chair Keith Ellison was accused of violent abuse by ex-girlfriend Karen Monahan who only went public with the story after her son discovered evidence of the abuse and went to the media with it.
There were also police reports filed, and Monahan had photographic evidence of her injuries. There’s also allegedly video evidence of Ellison attacking her, which she hasn’t released to the public. I bring that up only to show that there’s strong evidence for Monahan’s claim, and unlike Kavanaugh’s accuser (who has donated to over 60 left-wing groups), Monahan is a leftist herself who has no political motivated to besmirch Ellison.
And despite all that, Monahan has found herself completely ignored by her fellow Democrats. Meanwhile, hypocrite Ellison has been among those calling for Kavanaugh’s nomination to be withdrawn in the wake of his abuse allegations.
As The Washington Free Beacon reported, “Monahan was asked on Twitter how Democrats have treated her versus Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s accuser, Christine Blasey Ford. She said she has faced threats and isolation from members of her own party, despite her evidence against Ellison.” She saw the double standard for exactly what it is, stating that she’d been “smeared, threatened, [and] isolated from my own party.”
@53 “And you obviously missed where I argued that perhaps one of the justices should be a convicted felon.”
No, I dismissed your argument that perhaps one of the justices should be a convicted felon, because it’s a nutty idea not worth discussing.
@55 @56 It doesn’t matter what I did or didn’t do in Vietnam, because I’ll never be nominated for the Supreme Court. But for the record, when I was in the Army I did my job, and that’s all — no more, no less — and I have the honorable discharge to prove it. What was your service, if any?
Boys will be boys. And heterosexual men will be cavemen. What’s so hard to understand?
I don’t. What’s to miss?
Abigail could be sucking Repuke cock too, as well as Bob could be. All be it, Bob’s would be in the form of horse cock.
So, your message to millions of suburban female voters is
“Okay. We know we are total shits who treat women like furniture that we occaisionally hold down and put our dicks in. But… but… ButteryMales! “
The (R) stands for Rohypnol.
“I simply don’t think someone who tried to rape a 15-year-old girl has the moral compass to be a judge.”
I’d like to say there can be a way. But as always when it comes to this stuff I like to start by talking with women, especially women who have been the victim of sexual violence or sexual harassment. Which is like… all of them! (So convenient.)
Moms of teenagers are a good source. Perspective. The word that comes up in these conversations over and over again is “kindness”. They seem to be saying that a young boy who did something like the nominee did could go on to be a better person. And even be capable of serving well and honorably as a high court judge. But in short, they expect to see a life history demonstrating an understanding of the cruelty behind what they did accompanied by acts of kindness. And maybe years of therapy.
The thing is, teaming up with your best friend to trap a 15-year-old girl in a small room, physically assault her, pin her down to prevent her struggles, and clamp your hand over her mouth to stiffle her screams, all while trying to tear her clothes off so you can fuck her is conclusive evidence of pathology. Consider the plain fact that most emotionally well adjusted young men are not physically capable of sexual arousal under circumstances of sexual violence like this. Intoxication can account for inhibition reduction. But not for altering basic sexual motivation. Violence arousal is pathological. And it calls for treatment.
So maybe the episode represents a failed experiment. Maybe he was prodded into it by his best friend. Maybe he isn’t pathologically oriented to sexual violence. But that still leaves the depressing fact that he treated a fellow human being like a Wistar Rat. That too is a bit pathological, I’m afraid. But it can also be an indication of retarded emotional development. The nominee might just be another garden variety type-A asshole with well established sociopathic tendencies. Plenty of them already on the bench. That’s what being a FedSoc robot is.
Klownsurvaturd Helpmeet Laura Ingraham is getting out in front of the Date Rape herd in proclaiming Doctor Blasey “A little bit slutty”.
Yesterday she claimed without source or attribution (so essentially a “mean girl” rumor) that Doctor Blassey “had a promiscuous reputation” in high school.
And today, in an op-ed comparing the case to the Duke Lacrosse scandal, she’s likening Doctor Blassey to a to a drug addicted stripper-prostitute.
So well played.
The (R) stands for Rohypnol.
Steven M. Alembik Donated $20k to DiSantis for Senate, is a GOP activist who was the organizer of a DeSantis campaign event at Mar A Lago (Heard of it?) and put on his public twitter account recently,
He does not say he was hacked or taken out of context. When asked by press says he did it in a moment of anger and is “absolutely not” a racist.
@ 57
Limbaugh is spreading a fabricated report that Doctor Blasey sent an identical letter to Feinstein during the Gorsuch hearings, and Feinstein destroyed it and covered it up.
And NBC news is spreading a since-deleted FB post by a woman who claims to have been a classmate of Ford’s and that what happened was known and discussed widely right afterward.
This is despite Ford saying she told no one and the alleged event she claims occurred in the summer, when school was out and everyone was summering in Europe.
NBC: The House of Brian Williams.
He really is stupid.
45 said today that the FBI (corrupt to the core) should have told him that there were people in his campaign with ties to Russia so he could fire them during the campaign.
If you’re playing at home that’s an acknowledgement that collusion occurred between campaign staff and Russia.
#nocollusion #yourefired #owngoal
A Nashville Militia asked a citizen to commandeer his bicycle to go defend the realm. The citizen refused. So the militia shot him.
Wherein a Yale law student seeking a clerkship was cautioned by her professors about two federal judges. One was later forced off the bench by sexual harassment allegations. The other was a judge named Brett Kavanaugh who seemed to have highly specific sartorial requirements for female interviewees.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This is not, of course, an allegation of sexual harassment. Clothing preferences do not, generally speaking, equate with inappropriate behavior (although it can degenerate into that). Most people see nothing unusual about a judge demanding a “professional appearance” (whatever that is). A judge who, when hiring clerks, puts more emphasis on looks than brains or legal ability is a dumbass, that’s all. And there’s no statutory or constitutional bar to a dumbass serving as a judge, any more than there is to politicians being dumbasses, like the dumbass who waved a snowball from Oklahoma* on the Senate floor as “proof” that climate change doesn’t exist.
* I doubt it came from Oklahoma. It probably came from the Capitol Building parking lot.
@ 75
Hawaii-born Barack Obama has ties to Kenya.
Doesn’t mean he was colluding with Kenya at any time during his presidency.
You are becoming more stupid over time, Cz-252.
“This is despite Ford saying she told no one”
More dumbfuckery from our resident dumbfuck. She wasn’t the only one in the room. Figures, woman-hater that you are, that you’d blame the female victim and ignore the probability that it was the would-be male rapists bragging about how much fun they had that night assaulting and attempting to rape a 15 year old girl.
I’m wondering if Cz-252 has determined that based on Bill Clinton’s well-known ‘ties to Russia’, the Clinton campaign had to have been colluding with Russia.
@ 79
Steve, you’re ignoring the probability that there is no female victim to blame.
@71 “conclusive evidence of pathology”
B-b-but Shortbus doesn’t think this is disqualifying. On the other hand, being a liberal is. So I guess it all comes down to what your priorities are: Character or ideology. For some people,* the former doesn’t matter if the latter is in place.
* This includes an unknown number of currently serving Republican senators, possibly as many as all 51 of them.
Probably no truth to the rumor that Christine Ford is now willing to testify but refuses to do so under oath.
@73 You can’t expect someone who thinks racism is normal to recognize racism when he sees it in the mirror.
Noted misogynist Cokie Roberts bullying Christine Ford in national print media.
Christine Blasey Ford made her choice. Now she needs to tell her story to the Senate: COLUMN
But so far, they and the White House have, by and large, played it smart. They have repeatedly stated that Ford be respected and heard. They have focused their fire on Democrats — not her. And as the week has progressed, and no other woman or fellow high-school partygoer has come forward, they have renewed their support for Kavanaugh, who has unblinkingly denied the allegations.
If Ford took this life-altering step because she believes that Brett Kavanaugh should not serve on the Supreme Court, then she must come forward to tell that to the Senate. And then it will be up to the members to decide what to do.
I have no idea how WA-8 is going to turn out.
Here’s a GOP ad accusing Dem candidate Schrier of overcharing patients:
Now, it was Virginia Mason who settled. But if the GOP uses Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit tactics and takes down Schrier in doing so, I’ll take it.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. Not a millionaire. Not a rabbit.
Not wise.
Back to the Time Masheen, Robin!
“Noted misogynist Cokie Roberts…”
Dumbfuck thinks that just because she OpEds liberal she must hold weekly meetings of the MeToo/PussyHat chapter in her Dupont Circle townhome.
I remember reading some years back a humorously edited compendium of all of Robert’s writing over the years scolding sluts. Quite funny.
What isn’t funny: rape.
Really? Not even a little? Are you sure about that?
No. 482, reasons he is Dumbfuck.
I’d have to say that one of the best things about Trump’s victory in these parts is that Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit no longer boasts about how much money he has earned in the stock market.
Dow’s in record territory today, I see. Again.
Marketwatch, today: U.S. stocks rallied Thursday, with both the Dow Jones Industrial Average and the S&P 500 climbing to records, following strong economic data, which helped alleviate concerns over escalating U.S.-China trade tensions.
Of course, not every stock it up. Former Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit fave stock GE is down 3% on the day.
My Notadumbfuck Method
of investment. It’s really the only reason to pay any attention at all to something Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit posts.
@ 89
Not even a little?
Not my district.
Rick Larsen’s the Rep in mine. I’m gonna vote for him. Again.
“We got a little hiccup here with the Kavanaugh nomination; we’ll get through this and we’ll get off to the races.”
Sen. Dean Heller, (R) Nev
52% of Nevada voters are women.
Leisure and hospitality make up nearly a quarter of employment in the state, and more than a third in southern Nevada. A sector with twice the rate of workplace sexual harassment.
Tyranny of
mathteh stoopid.The (R) stands for Rohypnol.
100% NARAL score.
Good for you!
For prescriptive moral guidance on how to proceed investigating allegations of attempted rape of a fifteen-year-old girl, Senate Republicans have turned to their leading authority on fifteen-year-old girls: Roy Moore.
The (R) stands for Rohypnol.
Do let us all know when you find the State Department or the Clinton denying for nearly two years that there was any contact with Russians before incompetently saying,
“Oh you mean that meeting? Oh. Yeah I guess that happened. Wish I had fired all those guys. If only I had known.”
From the Twitter…
Ye Publicke Notice
Roger Rabbit has been called out of town on a top secret lettuce taste testing mission and will return on or about October 1.
Gee. Meybee that explains what a bunch of 2nd amendment “experts” are doing trying to broker jet fuel deals with the Russian government.
“Rick Larsen’s the Rep in mine. I’m gonna vote for him. Again.”
I just hate it when a troll shows redeeming qualities! Throws me off my game.
Wow. I really can’t fucking believe how badly the Klownsurvaturds are literally stomping on their own dicks with this Kavanope nomination. It isn’t just costing them credibility with female voters and permanently destroying any chance of bipartisan legislation negotiated out of the Senate. It isn’t just wrecking Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski. It isn’t just imperiling douche-bros like Heller and Porter. This contagion will continue to spread and do its damage.
Today it claimed Ed Whelan
And for what? Nobody knows. Any one of another two dozen nominees would have made it through by now. We can only look on in awe and wonder.
The (R) stands for Rohypnol.
Probably better than Barack is feeling about his.
Goldy Retweeted
Greg Dworkin✔
I wonder how Anthony Kennedy is feeling right now about his legacy?