– No charges in the Pasco shooting, but at least there will be a state review.
– You can’t judge a person by their parents, and 1927 was a long time ago. But geez, Donald Trump’s father the Klan member who fought with the police seems like a problem.
– I still, still support Seattle teachers.
– And the Menzies Aviation workers. I couldn’t find many articles about it, but you can follow the latest at #SeaTacOnStrike
– Serena Williams on top of being the best at tennis is the best, just in general.
Hey look, Bob wasn’t the first to post something today.
@1 Must be sleeping.
America’s other gun club.
I’d read the Fred Trump article somewhere else this week. I’m curious where Friedrich Drumpf got his original money. It’s probably in a book somewhere, if I was really curious enough. As a German immigrant (running from Germany to avoid his tax and army obligations) , he, somehow, managed to make enough by cutting hair, in only 6 years, to move to Seattle and run a restaurant in the red light district. Then 6 years after run a “fancy” lodge in the Klondike for the Gold Rush. I get the hard work involved, but he had resources. Then his son, Fred, got his start at age 22 in real estate with his mom writing checks, just like Donald got from his father. Old money. Old sketchy money. It’s easy to tell people to pull themselves up by their own boot straps when you have always had someone else’s boot straps to pull up.
Maybe we need diaper stamps in addition to food stamps.
@4 Donald Trump is anything but a bootstrapper. I’m a bootstrapper. I started working when I was a bunny, left Pop Rabbit’s burrow in my teens, and from then on I was entirely on my own resources.
It doesn’t surprise me that Menzies workers have walked off the job. Alaska Airlines lost me as a customer when they killed a planeload of people by outsourcing their plane maintenance to gypo contractors. Was anyone surprised when they replaced their union airport workers with another gypo contractor? Menzies hired the cheapest labor they could get and then people started finding gang graffiti inside airplanes, and stuff began disappearing from passengers’ luggage. Remember that? Why would travelers patronize an airline like this? I won’t.
This article by a veteran Wisconsin political reporter argues that Scott Walker is a bush leaguer who doesn’t have what it takes to succeed in national politics. The polls seem to be proving him right as Walker slides into low single digits after recasting himself as a single-issue candidate trying to sell himself as a union-buster. I wonder if he rides on non-union airlines? If he does, I hope he has lots of life insurance, for his family’s sake.
Mike (“born without a brain”) Fuckabee thinks Dred Scott is still the law of the land.
The context was a radio talk show appearance in which the hillbilly preacher (i.e., Huckster) tried to justify Kim Davis’ defiance of the Supreme Court. He didn’t endorse the Dred Scott ruling, but rather, pointed out that nobody follows it anymore; so, by extension, Davis (and other like-minded people) shouldn’t be required to follow the Obergefell ruling. The difference, of course, is that Dred Scott was overruled by the Fourteenth Amendment.
The real problem with Huckabee is not his terrible grasp of civics, but his contempt for laws he disagrees with, as expressed by his statements to the effect that Supreme Court decisions are advisory and obeying them is optional when they conflict with deeply held personal beliefs. In other words, he endorses Kim Davis’ view that “God’s authority” (as interpreted by Kim Davis and her spiritual advisers) supersedes and displaces civil law. Taken to extremes, this kind of thinking would legalize the stoning of gays and burning of witches.
There’s another problem with the reasoning of the Mike Huckabees and Kim Davises of the world, namely, that they source (and justify) their anti-gay bigotry from passages of the Old Testament. The OT is considered part of the Christian Bible, but it is not the Christian Bible, which is found exclusively in the New Testament, and much of what Jesus taught was contrary to what the OT says. For example, the OT says kill your enemies, but Christ told us to forgive them and turn the other cheek. In fact, if you take the NT as literal truth, one gets the distinct impression that God sent Jesus into the world to revoke the Old Testament. Viewed in this light, it’s hard to see who people who ground their theology in the Old Testament can call themselves Christians, because the real Christ was against most of what the OT stands for.
But don’t expect shallow thinkers like Huckabee or Davis to figure that out anytime soon.
Bobby Jindal appears to be the only GOP Candidate with a sense of humor
@realdonaldtrump We have met. You wrote a check. A fool & his money are soon parted. A fool & his dad’s money are parted sooner.
Still flailing away.
“Mike Huckabee: Gay marriage is still ‘illegal’ because the Supreme Court ruling was too confusing”
The real problem with Schmuckabee and his ilk is that they don’t get it that as a public servant, you put your hand on a Bible and promise to uphold and defend the Constitution…not the other way around.
“Rush Limbaugh: Carly Fiorina Should Be Grateful Trump Called Her A Dog Face”
Trump didn’t call Fiorina a “dog face”, but Rush certainly did.
It’s so sad to see how Triple S (formally known as Stupid Solution Steve) drink from the left wrong libtard piss hose of freakazoid DUMMOCRETIN sites. Below is the transcript from the show the
We love our DUMMOCRETIN crooks
We ignore our DUMMOCRETIN liars
referenced for their “e-rag link”.
http://www.rushlimbaugh.com/da.....the_issues Butt, Rush nails it again
Does anyone see “dog face” anywhere?
That’s why you are known as Triple S… Triple S has triple the amount of shit between the ears of a normal DUMMOCRETIN!
Hilarious, old #2 bloviating about shit between the ears.
#2 is NOTHING BUT SHIT period!
Bout freaking time..
Another victory for what one of our trolls calls that “unpopular President”.. TWO TERM President troll.
Sux to be the trolls. Suck on it fools!
Heh. The babbling batshit crazy freak @14 doesn’t know how to “speak American”.
Wingnuts lose to a tyrannical federal court again.
“Atheists defeat Christian group in fight over 10 Commandments at Pittsburgh public school”
Feeling persecuted, no doubt. Must suck not being allowed to force the religious beliefs of a bronze-age nomadic tribe on American citizens.
With no sign of a pulse, Zombie (u)SP still walks with the dead. If this is it, then Tensor gets credit for pounding the final nail into the coffin.
“Republican presidential candidate Perry to drop out of race: AP”
He’s presently giving his speech on the toob. Poor guy never recovered from Trump calling him stupid and making fun of his glasses.
First GOP dropout: Rick Perry
Roger Rabbit Commentary: There are many reasons why Rick Perry shouldn’t be president, but it isn’t necessary to recite them, because he isn’t going to be.
I have to wonder why people are bigoted, in this particular case why people are so homophobic. All I can say is that I think homophobes are so uncomfortable with their own sexuality that they lash out, almost like domestic abusers.
They really should consult doctor not the Bible.
@19 I’m not sure “credit” is the right word in this context, because it implies accomplishment. This is more akin to being the last ticket seller at a movie theater that’s closing its doors.
@22 I used to feel uncomfortable about gay people until I met one.
Got home from work have about a half hour or less before I have to get ready to go to a Yankees game so I decided to read some comments. A lot of good comments, although I don’t have time to read all the links, but it then comes to a scratching halt at 14, when the batshit insane fuckwad shows up.
keep up the fight guys. Don’t let the Nazis take YOUR freedom away. Fight fire with fire!
@18 The real story is that it sat there for 60 years before anyone enforced the Constitution. Maybe Kim Davis and her supporters realize the Constitution applies in Rowan County, too, but figure they can defer it for a half century or so.
@24 me too.
Given the current state of air travel, it was just a matter of time before this happened.
“They really should consult doctor not the Bible.”
Just to be safe, you might want to avoid any doctor named ‘Bob’.
With Perry out, the question is, who will be next? Obviously one of the bottom feeders without support in the polls or a deep-pocketed financial backer. This describes several GOP candidates, but of them I think Jindal will most likely be the next to go.
@ 29
Just to be safe, you might want to avoid any doctor named ‘Bob’.
Steve, pretty sure you mean Dr. Bobby
“With Perry out, the question is, who will be next?”
Perry, at 0.8%, had nearly three times the support of Jindal at 0.3%. But if they had any sense, everybody at 5% or under would call it quits. That’d be Perry, Jindal, Christie, Walker, Paul, Kasich, Graham, Huckabee, Fiorina and Santorum. What’s left would be Trump, Carson, Bush, Rubio and Cruz, with the latter three trending downward.
For all the talk of Fiorina, she peaked in mid-August, her upward trend broken already. In fact, all of them are trending down now except Trump and Carson.
It’s looking more and more like it’ll be a billionaire reality-television entertainer versus a member of the batshit insane loon’s cult who believes the pope is the Antichrist and who also performed medical experiments on fetal tissue which Johns Hopkins obtained from StemExpress.
@ 32
But if they had any sense, everybody at 5% or under would call it quits.
In December, 1991, Bill Clinton was polling at 5%. And there were far fewer declared candidates to compete with than in the GOP now.
Silver was able to find just three polls from January-June 1991, a period comparable to today. And the ones he found showed Clinton at the back of a crowded field — with an average of just 1.7 percent. That was good enough for 13th out of 19 prospective candidates.
It’s big news when a straw poll is held and someone like Pawlenty drops out. Then the weekend is over and no one remembers who Pawlenty is.
Should O’Malley drop out because he’s polling poorly? He’s the only one on your side who isn’t almost 70. Or older.
“Steve, pretty sure you mean Dr. Bobby”
Good one. I do know a Robert Roberts. Alas, he’s not a doctor.
For all the grief I gave the folks over at (u)SP for using “nappy-head” as a slur, I once met a black doctor in Seattle with that very name. An old lady I was visiting in a care facility kept telling me that Dr. Nappyhead would soon be in to see her. I was like, “WTF?”, and mildly scolded her. But she insisted that was his name. A little while later, a black doctor with what could be called ‘nappy hair’ walks in, I look at the name tag and now I’m like, “Oh, my fucking God!”
“In December, 1991, Bill Clinton was polling at 5%…”
Just joking. But the trends noted are real. And nothing the candidates have tried so far, such as attacking Trump, has broken these trends. In fact, it can be argued that it has hurt them. Like quicksand, fight it, and the faster they sink.
@ 35
If one candidate implodes, trends heretofore mean nothing.
No idea what will happen next month. Let’s just say I’m looking forward to direct exhanges between Fiorina and Trump, next week.
It doesn’t matter. All the current candidates, with the exception of Bernie Sanders, are all bought-and-paid-for by the investment bankers.
@ 9, 11 and 12:
Bear in mind that Huckabee is the man who as Governor of Arkansas, pardoned Maurice Clemmons in 2000, who then went on to murder four Tacoma Police officers in cold blood in 2009.
Huckabee’s reasoning? Clemmons had become a Christian, and had accepted Jesus as his savior. That was all old Mikey needed. The pardon came after repeated warnings from the Institutional staff of the Penitentiary where Clemmons was incarcerated about his extreme probability of recidivism, and his continuously poor disciplinary record that included many acts of violence against staff.
Mike Huckabee is a singularly imbecilic human being. I’m really starting to wonder about the possibility of some form of dementia like Syphilis or Crutzfeld-Jabobs or something. The guy is seriously whacked.
@32 I think it’s way too early to try calling the race. Nate Silver thinks the air will go out of Trump’s balloon for several reasons. These include:
1. Trump’s personality carried him to the top of the polls, and he has yet to be tested on issues. When he starts talking about something besides immigration, he’s likely to turn off GOP voters. He’s “wobbly” on abortion, and departs from the party consensus on taxes and health care. His stances on these issues would disqualify anyone else with the GOP base.
2. Trump is openly hostile to the party establishment, and they see him as an existential threat. Not only is it hard to see him winning the nomination without their support, but they’ll do anything they can to stop him, “even at the price of a brokered convention and a fractured party base.”
3. Trump has attacked and alienated key GOP allies like Fox News. Silver points out that “most of the conservative media is anti-Trump.”
4. Trump doesn’t have a ground game. All the professional politicians do. It’s difficult or impossible to win without one.
5. Something else to keep in mind is that the GOP race is very fractured right now. Trump’s plurality appears large in the crowded field, but it’s quite small, and he would quickly fall from the top position if the party coalesced around one or two of the other candidates.
Silver thinks Trump is “unlikely” to be nominated and puts the odds against him at 15-to-1 or greater. He gives Sanders long odds, too, but unlike Trump he thinks Sanders has potential to become a viable nominee.
@38 Huckabee won’t drop out of the race because he was never in it. At least not in the sense of being a serious contender. I think he’s quite content to get the attention he’s getting, and intends to parlay that into a big payday, figuring if a twit like Palin can do it, why can’t he?
“I think it’s way too early to try calling the race.”
Yes, I was just joking about that.
There was a poll a week ago or so I was looking at and in the internals there were interesting numbers. Trump, a vocal birther from way back, has all the birthers and WND-types in his corner. Immigrant haters love him. It’ll take some vile, crazy, angry shit to take them from him now.
I’d say he’s presently in the situation he desired, being the biggest star of the most self-gratifying reality television series imaginable with the largest audience one could ever dream of having, the 2016 presidential campaign for the GOP nomination, with the series finale being ‘his night’ at the national convention.
@9, Rabbit, sometimes you’re just an idiot. You know quite a bit about a lot of things, and your opinions usually seem to be based on solid knowledge and fact, but you don’t really know a damn thing about religion. The “real” Christ — Jesus — was a Jew. He was an itinerant Jewish preacher. He was not a “Christian”, and during his lifetime the Torah, which is the proper name for the first five books of what you call the OT, was used as the Jews’ sacred texts. The New Testament had not been compiled yet (duh) and wasn’t until decades after his death, by people who likely didn’t know him. Those who know more about Christianity than you apparently do don’t dispute that.
@42 The fact I didn’t call Jesus a “Christian” @9 doesn’t make me an idiot, although it may make you an idiot or at least someone with a reading comprehension problem. In response to the rest of your comment, we’re talking about a guy who got into disputes with Torah-thumpers to the point they wanted him dead, whose teachings form the basis of the Christian religion. The religion was even named after him. All I’m saying is don’t go around calling yourself a “Christian” if you advocate killing gay people, because that’s Old Testament dogma and Nazi ideology, not Christian theology.
@41 Although Trump surely is an attention hound, I don’t think he’d be satisfied with a speaking slot at the convention. He’s hard-wired for winning, and not getting the nomination won’t go down well; then we’ll see his juvenile side on display.
God’s law.
“Fashion police: Alabama town to ban saggy pants and too-short shorts after councilman ‘prayed about this’”
“I prayed about this. I know that God would not go around with pants down.”
@ 45 RR
Ha! Like God would even need to wear pants. If I was the almighty, I’d be lettin’ it all hang out just because I wouldn’t need to give a fuck what anyone else thought about it.