I would like to apologize. In Friday’s Open Thread, I said that Republican Supreme Court nominees had been lying to Congress since Thomas. That was before John Dean’s testimony. It was at least since William Rehnquist. I apologize for any undue benefit of the doubt that I gave to GOP nominees and the Presidents who nominated them.
One Trillion Dollars in New Debt Every Year (R)™ is obviously not enough.
American worker sacrifice, innovation, and productivity growth threatens to delay the Guatemalan Toddler Torture Party™ plans to wreck the Treasury and sell everything to Putin. So during the lame duck, while America is distracted watching the horror of the PornSweat Constitutional Crisis™ unfold, they plan to cut taxes for the wealthy even more!
Trump won! Elections have consequences. Everything has changed.
This is really who Roypublicans are now.
And if you aren’t doing anything about it, you are part of the problem.
Every single day Susan Collins awakens to her freshly folded and pressed copies of The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, The Washington Post, and The Portland Press Herald, and a carefully curated stack of overnight emails from her constituents, along with any new poll results,
and she thinks about being a hero.
And every single day Susan Collins calmly takes her first sip of Organic Morning Tea Blend with Ginko Biloba and decides “Eh. Not today.”
Trump won! Elections have consequences. Everything has changed.
This is really who Roypublicans are now.
And if you aren’t doing anything about it, you are part of the problem.
She won’t be a hero.
But you can be.
And you can do it for as little as $20.20.
A little bit about the CrowdPac campaign linked above.
Pledge $20.20 and if she votes “no” you are not charged.
Pledge $20.20 and if she votes “yes” your pledge will go to fund her 2020 Democratic opponent. Either way we win!
The campaign has already raised a million dollars. The faster the higher this fund grows the more Senator Collins will notice.
This is exactly the kind of thing that works. Either way. If the fund gets large enough in the next two weeks she’ll have to either respond by voting “no”, or respond by openly selling herself to the Orange Event Horizon and bear-hugging the Poosey Grabpink. 2020 is a wall of disaster for Senate Republicans. About a dozen Senate Republicans in blue/purple/Clinton states face either retirement or very tough re-election battles. Collins is certainly one of them.
These are statewide elections in mostly very large market states. The Guatemalan Toddler Torture money will be spread thin. The last thing any of these finger rapists want to see is a early well funded opponent. EMILY’s List has it right. Early Money really Is LIke Yeast. An early well funded opponent is like salting the tip jar. It demonstrates credibility and support and brings in more money.
If Collins chooses the bear-hug the finger rapist and confirm a liar dedicated to ending reproductive freedom and gutting American health care, it will severely damage her support among the moderate, educated, suburban white women she depends upon. Knowing this she will have to throw in with Cheeto Jesus and play to the trailerbilly base, or retire. Either way is a win.
I would guess the U.N. is next. For the right, pulling out of the U.N. is right up there with executing abortion doctors and imprisoning women for having miscarriages. Anyone who’s ever driven from Seattle to Portland on I-5 has seen evidence of this. To wit, the (late) owner of the (former) Hamilton Turkey Farm’s “Uncle Sam” billboard (still there, but now at another location) trumpeting, “US Out Of UN!” Just a matter of time now, with Bolton in charge of foreign policy.
The thing is, all these things – the tariffs and trade policies, the abrogated alliances and treaties, the defunding of various “enemies list” groups (e.g., working to stop climate change, ebola, or childhood mortality in shithole countries, etc.) – can be undone. In some cases, very swiftly. These meatheads won’t be in charge forever. As soon as they’re gone, virtually overnight, the reconstruction process can begin. The next administration is going to be very busy, though.
Letters We Want To See Dep’t
Dear Mr. Bolton,
As you know, the National Security Adviser serves at the pleasure of the President. Your appointment and authority are terminated effective immediately. This administration repudiates, and is acting to reverse, your positions on: The U.N., the I.C.C., NATO, the Paris Climate Accords, the Iran nuclear agreement, and a number of other matters. In addition, your visage will not replace Lincoln’s on the five-dollar bill. Leave your identity badge on the desk and the hard drive in your government-owned computer when you depart. Security staff will guide you to your car, but please note that you will be expected to carry your personal belongings to your car yourself. Your government-issued parking sticker is valid until 12:05:00 p.m. today.
Authorized and Signed by,
President Joe Biden
Jan. 20, 2021, 12:00:01 p.m.
“The thing is, all these things – the tariffs and trade policies, the abrogated alliances and treaties, the defunding of various “enemies list” groups (e.g., working to stop climate change, ebola, or childhood mortality in shithole countries, etc.) – can be undone.”
Exclusively on Democratic terms. Full stop.
We all know that the multi-national corporations who have funded and fanned the disgraceful rise of white nationalism in the Republican Party for short term electoral gain stand to be devastated by these policies. They are counting on Democrats working with the Mitt Romneys of the future to fix all this shit they created. But fixed on their terms. Fuck that.
Richard Nixon was a par excellence poker player with vast respect for the game. He came back from the south Pacific a very well off soldier. Very well off and was able to marry the girl he left behind and enter politics. Did not the mastermind of Wastergate spend some time in the klink? Guess he is all reformed now though, as long as he castigates Trump he is not Democrats favorite pal.
John Dean says he did not give us Trump and not his party. So who did?
The gift keeps giving.
@2 She spent the weekend in Kennebunkport. thought about thing while dancing the night away with the younger Bush. a good time was had by all and no hips were broken. She does think our voting machines need some work nation wide. Maybe with a paper trail.
And she does not face reelection until 2020 should she decide to run again for office.
And no one on HA was invited to join her for her fabulous Kennebunkport fun! Wow like she and other Senators are in their own little special club.
Either that, or he was an accomplished cheat.
If only there were some way to know which.
@4 Are you sure this is kosher under our campaign finance laws? And Go fund me is going to take a chunk and that alone is a violation. There is all the reporting requirements, as these would all be campaign contributions, and people should have to pay yes or no, perhaps Susan should get the money if she votes no. Just a big carrot. It is a creative little endeavor, and making a splash, though someone might get to go to jail over this. We take circumventing campaign law seriously, maybe it’s the Russian’s doing this go fund me…did anyone vouch for this thing? Putin has his thumbs up. Wants to know if the Senator enjoyed Kennebunkport as much as he did.
He also like ketchup on his eggs–blah.
You are making shit up again, Shortbus.
Is it really so bad for you? Your candidate won in 2016. Your party controls both chambers of Congress. You are poised to install a corrupt liar on the Supreme Court. Our borderlands are filled with sobbing Guatemalan toddlers begging for their mothers. Our debt is soaring under a mountain of tax cuts for the rich. Our trade partnerships and global security partnerships are in ruins. And white supremacist wearing hoods and swastikas are running armed through our cities.
You have won all your heat’s desires. Why you gotta lie so much?
There ain’t no climate change. This is just weather. Been happening for tens of thousands of years.
@14 “You are making shit up again, Shortbus.”
It’s what he does. That’s his style of trolling. It’s his raison d’etre for being here. For some reason he figures we can’t cope with it.
@5 This is nothing new from time to time the International Criminal Court. In fact often it is an American pet in the eyes of the world. And far too often the court is impotent, Though we cannot have it looking at our boys and girls. The rules are for others to break. We claim immunity and will bring the boys and girls who could get charged home and advise them not to leave S territory.
As far as pulling out of the UN that is not happening, though it is always fun to withhold funds. After all if Trump is Putin’s puppet he would not let the US out of the UN. Never know when those Chinese could get uppity and a border war occur. NOt something that makes the headlines of the Washington Post. Unless one of their reporters just happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. News of these border disputes is often left to the National Geographic.
@14 I am not lying and anyone exercising a little common sense and any knowledge of US campaign laws can see where a go fund me campaign may break any number of campaign finance laws. It is a law that some former politicians have run afoul of and ended up in prison, never having a clue what they did was a violation until it was too late. No foul of course occurs if Susan Collins opponent in the election takes the go fund me money. And their advisors might think the scheme is clever, but know they cannot take the money and are aware of the consequences if their hero takes it. Will be fun to watch if the Democratic or other hero takes the money. Go fund me in the end is likely to end up having to return the money.
I actually think you know better as you can come across as fairly savvy when it comes to this campaign finance stuff (that can fool even the experienced), but usually it is when it benefits the Democrats and hurts Republicans. Maybe some examination of Democratic warts like this on your part might help the party escape a scandal. As I’m sure the Republican’s are thinking you all just go ahead and do that, and there maybe a defund action at the end of the rainbow.
Their eagerly anticipated first date having gone “not so well” with President Trump letting the North Korean dictator get all the way to third base despite going Dutch and Dear Leader ghosting the President afterword, the desperately lonely hearts of Trump America are considering a second date!
Maybe if Trump swallows Kim will offer him a breath mint.
@16 No in this case I just have to wait about 2 years before the fun begins. First hurdle is if Collins votes for Kavenaugh, now with this lovely booby trap in her pocket purse, and a way to hurt her Democratic rival (though she has won her seat by comfortable majorities) in 2020 should they take the money…or just asking well what is going to happen to the money if they do not take it…still a potential political black eye, and potential jail time for them or someone on staff should they take the money. Thank you go fund me as you have given her a firmer reason to vote to confirm. I’m sure as to what Machivalli’s advice to the Prince would be here, vote Kavenaugh and bide your time, and do something useful with all those hangers.
I can only respond by suggesting that if you wish to preserve your precious pearl clutching outrage you need to slow your fucking roll, and check your facts before blowing more bullshit out of your stupid ass/mouth.
Who said anything about GoFundMe? You made that up.
You claimed GoFundMe would “take a chunk”. Has nothing to do with them so… yup. You’re still an idgit.
You tossed out some argle bargle about reporting suggesting these were somehow anonymously pledged donations. You made that up too!
I know! Let’s try a test:
“It is a law that some former politicians have run afoul of and ended up in prison, never having a clue what they did was a violation until it was too late. “
Example please?
Care to cite the code for these claims about issue fundraising for yet to be named candidates?
Jeezus. You talk about warts. This kind of melt down by Shortbus only proves exactly what kind of ride-or-die partisans EEEN-DEEE-PEN-DUNCE really are. So much outrage and bullshit being pulled out of every corner, resorting to the tried and true playbook of lies and distortions, the very instant any Democrat tries to do something effective.
Shortubus! You aren’t EEEN-DEEE-PEN-DUNT at all. You are as dependent as a dime bag junkie longing for your next hot shot of AM Hate radio bullshit. So dependent you make it up all by yourself!
Congressman MonkeyItUP!, (KKK) FL quit the House today after more shocking news broke of a racist Roypublican being racist. After casually bandying about openly racist language to describe his moderate Democratic opponent, he was next seen cavorting at a white supremacist rally.
Have another slice of shitty internal poll numbers asshole.
So it’s Crowdpac. They collect an 8 percent fee on donations.
Also in this case there is no specific candidate for the funds to go to. Also it can be construed as a form of intimidation on a sitting Senator as in we will give all this money to your unknown competitor, and unless the person setting up the crowdpac is the potential opponent or it’s being down by a political party there is no personal connection between the person or persons setting this up and the person who could run against Collins. No possibilities of fraud here of course not. An appearance of fraud, maybe not if you are a partisan kind of person.
And election law is slow to change and the Congress has not gotten around yet to really looking at crowdfunding in general or in the realm of politics. And as I said no foul unless someone takes the money. If it goes back to donators with the suggestion they directly attribute on crowdfund to the candidate running against Collins or the Democratic party no foul. Just great grandstanding. This type of grandstanding is the type of thing that politicians in state houses and in Washington do notice, and their constituents write to them about. And as I’ve already suggested some well meaning person out there may well unknowingly be doing a campaign finance violation just because there is no specific politician named who will be getting the money. If it’s a generic fund raiser for the Democratic party that may raise eyebrows as well. Raises mine anyways.
Omarosa tape – PornSweat one year ago right before the first indictments were unsealed:
“So the whole Russia thing seems to have turned around”
Press Sec Sanders:
Gosh Shortbus.
For an EEEN-DEEE-PEN-DUNCE you are remarkable attuned to obscure, parochial, batshit raving, extreme right-wing REPUBLICAN blogs emanating from the middle of nowhere.
No doubt owing to your eclectic sourcing of diverse views. Mmmhm.
Maybe when you worry that your homegrown lies will fail you need to look far afield? I notice you still aren’t citing a name, date, caselaw, or any other reference for your imaginary “former politician” sent to prison because of earmarked early money fund raising.
Quit being an idjit for once Shortbus. Just go to the CrowdPac website and read the rules and disclaimers. It’s all completely legal and above board. It’s been done before to great effect. You just want it to be somehow illegal because you are a Republican.
Time for a repost since the Republican idjit sought to obscure a highly worthy cause with the usual Republican drone of lies and distortions.
In about two weeks Susan Collins will vote to confirm to the Supreme Court a disgraced liar devoted to eliminating reproductive freedom and wrecking health care.
Susan Collins will never be a hero.
But you can be.
And you can do it for as little as $20.20
@21 Lets try Wikipedia. Have list of convicted politicians of various things. This list is not going to include civil fines which often is the more likely outcome of campaign finance laws.
How about Governor Bentley of Alabama
Or how about Scott Gessler here
Gessler is more in line with what I mean that he did something that at the time seemed like a good idea, but probably the light bulb should have come on, but if it ever did it was too late.
@26 Why exactly should folks who will never vote for or against Susan contribute? Would it not be better for their political donations be closer to home, and support the more immediate elections. Or does the Democratic party of Washington or Oregon get a kickback?
And being a hero is no reason to send money to a shady deal, unless one is a dark knight. Donors to non profit, philanthropic endeavors and political campaigns do have some obligation to ensure their donations are above board, and have a right to ask all kinds of questions. So maybe ask some questions to the folks running this. Maybe a better solution would be a donation to the Democratic party of Washington. I am sure they can use the cash. Or maybe your local food bank or soup kitchen.
looks like worthless spam to me.
Random wikipedia pages do not cover up the lies you posted.
It Starts Today is an FEC registered PAC (FEC ID C00630012) launched in 2017 by democracy tech entrepreneur and federal campaign finance attorney Jonathan Zucker who has worked for the DNC as the National Director of Operations for Finance from 2003 to 2005, and was the first employee of ActBlue.
Here is the OpenSecrets.org summary page for It Starts Today:
From there you can delve into all their raising, giving, and filing.
That’s all of your homework I’m going to do for you today, honey. You need to put on your big boy pants and do some learning. And stop the lying.
And since you are still posting worthless spam in an obvious effort to hijack here it is again:
Susan Collins will never be a hero.
But you can be.
And you can do it for as little as $20.20
I assume you don’t have a clue how SEO works, Shortbus.
But you just might want to think about how every single time I re-link that web page it drives up the search score for the fund in combination with everything else on here. The more you make shit up and spam, the more I’ll post. Here and elsewhere.
Here’s the creator of the campaign you are accusing of being “not above board” and “a shady deal”.
He’s a little hard to understand, cause he’s dying from ALS. When he learned that he would die from the incurable disease, he decided to spend what little time he had left trying to help Democrats, particularly around protecting the Affordable Care Act under attack from President Trump and Congressional Republicans.
Also Shortbus, that last comment with the Twitter status link drives up the campaign’s SEO as well. I don’t do Facebook (too many Russian spam-bots). But here’s a link to a USA Today (weekly circ over 1 mil) profile on Mr. Barkan:
Thanks for doing your part.
“President Donald Trump’s approval rating has fallen 6 points in the last month and stands at a new low among political independents, according to a new CNN Poll …. Among independents, the drop has been … from 47% approval last month to 31% now.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Not surprising or unexpected in light of recent news headlines. The defection of independents is super-bad news for Republicans. They have to be concerned. It’ll be interesting to see if some of the more vulnerable GOP candidates decouple from Trump. Probably too late for that.
Not to beat a dead Horsesass…
“Nike is Getting Hammered. What was Nike thinking.”
Just prior to the announcement of Nike’s Kaepernick campaign the stock was trading at 82.20. And yes, there was a sell off. But here we are Seven days after the announcment started to trickle out and Nike closed the day at 82.10. Nike OnLine sales continue to be up about 30% since the announcement.
(Pssssssttt….The majority of the people who buy athletic shoes for actual athletics or fashion don’t like police brutality.)
A few years ago, when jobs were tight, employers treated applicants like dirt. Now, when labor is tight, applicants are snubbing employers. What goes around, comes around.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Sure glad I’m not in the rat race anymore. If some recruiter calls me, I’ll say it’s too bad he has to work, and tell him he should have planned his future better.
@34 Yeah, beat on it. Doctor Dumbfuck is full of shit. Call him out on it. Broadcast it from rooftops. Put up billboards.
The world must be warned.
It isn’t just the short term stock price and quarterly revenues.
These brands are viciously competitive over team and individual endorsement deals. Of course Nike has been dominant in endorsements for years, especially in college team endorsements. But the other brands, and particularly Adidas have been nipping at their heels for years now carving away at that brand/logo market.
Today individual athletes still years away from ever hoping to sign their first endorsement contract are taking this shit into consideration as they curate their personal brand through not only what they wear, but also what they represent and who they will associate with.
Still time to make comments on Washington states proposed rules on campaign finance.
I’m sure the politicians of both parties do not want you to comment, but if you want to please do so.
This San for the fuckead deplorable who’s a pussy to make a bet (on his terms)! Be happy you Nazi!
The Judicial Assault on Roe v. Wade Has Begun – Slate
It doens’t matter because Doctor Dumbfuck and the rest of The Deplorable do not care.
Ohhh, so Brave Mitt. Go fuck yourself Doctor Cumfuck the Deplorable don’t give a shit.
CBS, well really all the networks eh Messers O’Reilly, Laurer, Ailes, Keillor…, are still going to have a lot of work to do but this is a good first step.
New Yorker, paywall…
I find myself wondering what would have happened if Juan Carlos had been on a Wheaties box?
Now think about how largely white sports radio has discussed The US Open Women’s final today. (“Serena is a Disgrace”)
Hey Shortbus:
Status update for you on the Be A Hero campaign to crush Senator Collins if she votes to put a liar on the court.
They’ve blown through three of their initial fund raising goals since the campaign went up. The current goal is to equal the cash on hand last reported by Sen. Collins for her 2020 campaign – that’s $1.3 million. They are 73% of the way toward that newest goal, with more than 34,000 pledges in the first week with two weeks still to go. If the campaign blows through this goal in the next few days (as expected) they’ll just put up a new even higher goal!
All that money in one week with no candidate attached, no big name Democrats behind it, no major sponsors, no big donors, absolutely no media campaign, and no national party backing. This is what real grassroots looks like. Not AstroTurf.
I still absolutely expect Sen. Collins to vote to place a sworn liar on the Supreme Court. But I think she’ll wreck herself doing it. And she’d damn well better be spending time with the Bush clan. Just like her, Kavanaugh is their creature. She’s doing this for them more than anyone else. She needs to signal that to those paying attention.
Two weeks. Who knows how high this fund will get?
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Death News–
Demorats Believing Women Update-
Demorats Bitch-Slap Ellison Accuser, Back Ellison
A plethora of male abusers who hold positions of power in the Democratic Party have been exposed throughout this year, and now we must add another to the list. DNC Vice Chairman Keith Ellison is running for attorney general in Minnesota. Karen Monahan, environmental activist and ex-girlfriend of Ellison’s, spoke to the media two days after the Democratic primary about an incident that occurred in September 2016. Monahan said that Ellison had “dragged” her off their bed while screaming profanities at her for not taking out the garbage. She also claims to have taped the incident and to have spoken to several friends about her fear.
Still, the Democratic Party of Minnesota declared that it would continue to stand behind Ellison and gave him an official party endorsement. According to NBC News, “Ellison received 326 votes, or 82 percent of delegates on hand at the party’s state executive committee meeting” on August 14. On the same day that Monahan’s CBS interview was aired, Hillary Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook told CNN that the “process” had to be played out. Mook said “if it’s true” about what happened to her, Ellison “needs to be held accountable.”
Nearly a year ago, the Democratic Party attempted to use the #MeToo movement to hammer President Trump with accusations from his past. “Believe all women” was the Democrats’ campaign slogan.
Did he brag about doing lots of finger rapes?
Were there lots and lots of sticky porno ladies and dick pills?
Did he hire the ugly version of Michael Collins to buy the womens off and pay for all the borshuns?
Where can we listen to the tapes?
Yeah, I’m going to pass on redtea.com
(editorial) My lone exposure to RedTea.com comes courtesy of a nutjob who’s seemingly all up in arms about sexual abusers but retweets James Woods on the regular. Loves Trump but cares about the abuse of women….well just now. Loves Bill-O. Wants to have a falafel with him. Gave to the “Roy Moore Cruisin’ the malls 2019″ kickstarter.
(Journalism) A guy who totally NOT ironically titled a post about “concern” for abused women with the phrase, “Bitch Slapped”
More details on the Dallas apartment shooting: The victim lived directly under the cop, who went to the wrong floor after parking her car, and gained entry to the victim’s apartment because the door was slightly ajar.