It always strikes me when I read about people rolling coal how right environmentalists are. This is how you protest? This? I mean it’s every asshole who shouts nonsense at a bicyclist or rides a bit (or a lot) too close seemingly intentionally. But pretending that instead of being an asshole, they’re protesting, something. It’s like, oh, how can global warming be real if I’m this much of an asshole?
Carl what do you expect from a bunch of Neanderthals?
stop giving Neanderthals a bad name.
An old acquaintance of mine came up with a saying: “Nice truck. Too bad about your dick.”
Seems you could make substitutions for the word “truck” and apply it to the same demographic. The most obvious example would be “gun”.
I hope everything is ok with Roger….It’s been a while since any rascally wabbit posts.
This didn’t go well for Judicial Watch.
The much touted dump of another 15,000 emails turned up ONE, yes ONE that related to Benghazzi.
And it’s a doozy! Clinton Aide Cheryl Mills forwarded an email she received from the U.S. Ambassador to Brazil congratulating her on surviving her Benghazzi Congressional hearing to the S.O.S. Nothing about a “Stand Down” nothing orchestrating talking points, one email from a year after the fact.
THIS ™ is the high tech equivalent of tossing the post it that you really needed because it had you’re Hertz #1 Club Gold number on it. Judicial Watch totally has her on the run now. It’s all over the internets, abc, cbs, newsweek, Politico, Seattle PI (still there, really) so no leeeeeenks.
“The innocuous nature of the new Benghazi email is a setback for Republicans in Congress, who have spent years and millions in taxpayer funds on multiple investigations searching for evidence to support their claim that Clinton was negligent in her handling of the Benghazi incident. The email also does not support the supposition that Clinton and her lawyers deleted emails about Benghazi to hide evidence of wrongdoing.“
Conclusion from FOX NEWS. Nothing there. All that time. All that taxpayer money. All those professional reputations permanently diminished. For nothing. N O T H I N G.
I think it’s axiomatic that nothing goes well for Judicial watch other than fundraising.
In over 20 years, with an annual budget exceeding 30 million dollars, employing dozens of attorneys, dozens of publicists, dozens of fundraisers, and contracting with hundreds more, the specific targets of their investigation have had unprecedented success in spite of it all. Between the two of them, Bill and Hillary Clinton will have sixteen years at 1600 Pennsylvania, their own hand picked majority on the Court, built a $2 billion charity, and earned hundreds of millions personally despite modest upbringings. Hundreds of thousands of hysterical wingnut dupes will have written checks, some of them many times, devoting historically unprecedented levels of time, money, and resources all directed to the single purpose of derailing the professional/political careers of the Clintons. And it has all come to nothing. In spite of it all, the Clintons will have prevailed. In that light, it’s pretty easy to see that Judicial Watch is just another in a seemingly endless parade of “conservative” grift schemes. Like Tim Eyman, they profit more from their own failures. And their failures are considerable.
Anyone who has his or her ancestry based in Northern and Western Europe most likely has a small percentage of Neanderthal DNA in his or her genetic make-up. Do you have any Northern or Western European ancestry?
The news is mentioning that a Russian fighter plane flew very close to a US Navy reconnaissance jet recently. The incident occurred over the Baltic Sea, in “international” airspace.
Let’s see – the US Navy is poking around the Russian borders on a spy mission and gets intercepted by a Russian fighter. Seems the wisest course of action into stay in our own areas and not go looking for trouble.
Meanwhile Nancy Pelosi is crying boo hoo hoo
@8 nope. I’m a fag.
Fags come from Northern and Western Europe, too. Could be a fag Neanderthal up your family tree somewhere.
Oh well. Looks like the Orange Bigot’s lawn jockey is a race traitor.
Pilosi is a joke…..F. that wench. People like her are exactly what is wrong with this govt.
@12 all Southern here. No Neanderthals in my family tree. Nothing but Peace, Love and Understanding. No relatives that have committed murder, rape, or beatings, like the rest of you Nesnderthals. Don’t ride around in coal trucks either.
-June, 2013 in a lengthy telephone conversation Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi begs Donald Trump for a $25,000 campaign donation
-Later that same month Trump instructs one of his private foundation charities to divert money for the donation.
-July, 2013 the stolen charity money is received by Bondi
-Later in July, 2013 Bondi orders staff to reverse an earlier decision and decline to participate in a multi-state criminal investigation into Trump’s real estate seminar fraud.
-July, 2015 ““As a businessman and a very substantial donor to very important people, when you give, they do whatever the hell you want them to do,” Trump told the WSJ.
@ 7
Well said.
One of the things that has always bothered me about the so-called “christian” right-wing, is that they make an incredible amount of noise about simply being Christian, as though assuming such a thing upon themselves somehow automatically gives them the right to use almost any method they can muster to gather and hoard wealth for themselves, just so they can then enforce the naturally presumed subsequent right and duty to tell people how to live their lives and what Laws they are supposed to obey. They work incredibly hard to convince people that they have done well, therefore they are smarter, more intelligent, and have a greater capacity to make correct decisions than everyone else and this gives them the right to point weapons at people’s minds.
I have yet to see a single “conservative” speak at all critically or constructively about how people are being shot in the streets for shit like jaywalking or failure to listen to a Police Officer’s directions except to criticize and defame the relevant demographic’s response to that. People have been legally killed by Police Officers for merely being suspected of being in possession of a few grams of marijuana or being too deaf to hear an officer yelling at them.
The Rightists in this country are simply incapable of understanding nuance, ambiguity or complexity, and react pretty much as animals would to whatever stimuli comes up. So when they look at people like the Clintons, who are in fact trying to make a real difference with the charity and the political machinery they’ve built, their reaction is that of someone in the full knowledge of exactly what they would be doing under the same circumstances. That means they can automatically presume nefarious intent.
It isn’t about the content of a character at all. It’s all about appearances. Good character is automatically suspicious because they cannot fathom the idea that someone isn’t trying to pull the wool over their eyes about something.
When they can make something appear to be legitimate even in the face of people who know they’re utterly full of shit, they can make money and use that to push people around. Organizations like Judicial Watch and the Tea Party have made incredible fortunes on that notion. The world is just oozing with scams like that.
I met a professional E-mail spammer once back in 2001. You know what he told me about that game, why he had already bought a house on five acres in Los Altos Hills at 25 and was driving a $100,000 Porsche? He told me, all you need to do is hit 1%.
1%. That means, if 1% of the messages you send out are responded to out of 10-20 million a day, you make money. A LOT of money, and he was doing better than that.
That is the entire point of the modern American Fascist movement. They know that all they really need is a small percentage of hard-line true believers. A substantially larger proportion of the population will just follow along to avoid the hassle of thinking about things too much, and an even larger proportion of the population is going to look at it, shrug and not do a damn thing at all. Add to that a substantial percentage of people that are permanently rendered outcasts to the system, and all the Fascists have to do is stay on message and keep hammering the narrative until people become sick of hearing about it and resign their own reason to it.
Really, it’s just a giant, nationalistic Gish Gallop, and 62 people in this country control something like 95% of all media. That’s print, television, radio and social media. They all have the common goal of removing and controlling the Citizens ability to give consent for Wars, for political services, for wealth and education and certainly for Law Enforcement. Corporations have become so large that the Law cannot be enforced against them for anything they do. Absolutely nothing under the sun is forbidden as long as they can maintain the appearance of legitimacy.
And they are most certainly doing incredibly evil things to people. Far more harmful than good because the only “good” they do is hoard money for themselves and use that to force whatever perversion they want on everyone around them. Even open subscription to genocide.
They’re upset about the libruls taking away their $85,000-a-year jobs in the coal mines. The only other work in Coal Country is processing chickens for $7.25-an-hour.
@7 The Clintons are an economic stimulus package all by themselves.
@4 I’ve been busy working on a legal case. I’m going after a developer who kills trees. A tree murderer! Trees are my friends!! Filed it this afternoon, it’s done, and now I have some free time again. Free again!! The fucking Rabbit is back!!!
Well well well,
One email means Careless Crooked Heilary lied Oregon moron! She said over and over she turned over ALL emails.
Tsk tsk tsk!
Well if true $25,000 vs $200,000,000 (which is true)
Figger that out!
Puddy hasn’t change while I’ve been busy elsewhere. Same incoherent babbling idiot.
R senile is still the same old senile fool!
Speaking of Genocide. This is what it looks like.
There will always be people in this world who hate and can use that hate to commit extraordinarily evil deeds with an utterly clear conscience. They like to hurt people.
Thats where they get Cops.
you’re quite right about the addictive dishonesty woven into modern “conservatism”. But that is also its undoing.
All these short money grifts targeting reactionary minds with scare tactics, whether to convince them to buy some bullshit gold stock, cut taxes to boost revenues, or donate for a chance to dine with Cheeto Jesus, are like a highly addictive drug. They work well and fast. But the body becomes tolerant and the dosage must be increased. And with each new injection, with each new falsehood and outrageous distortion, the “establishment” of the movement veers more and more out of the mainstream.
It drives eyeballs for FOX News, Brietbart, and StormFront. It drives donations for the next Eyman initiative. It drives donations for the next fight over birth control. And it drives the industry that drives the eyeballs, donations, contributions, and petition signatures. That industry has now overwhelmed and consumed “conservatism” to the extent that “conservatism” such as it is, no longer serves any identifiable ideal, objective, or principle. It serves the industry that feeds off it. And nothing more.
And to survive and grow that industry demands a constantly renewed supply of fresh outrages, hates, and fears. Objective reality long ago lost the capacity to feed it. So the lies, distoritions, and falsehoods must be created. And each new lie must surpass what preceded it to succeed in motivating the fear and outrage needed. The fact that two thirds of registered Republicans cannot recognize the simple plain fact of Hawaii as part of the United States, and that people born there are citizens of the United States, is just one of countless confirmations of the doom descending on “conservatism”. However mightily the nominee struggles to steer back into objective reality to “pivot” toward the kind of majorities needed to win, the movement refuses to recognize it. Trump is a bigot. Trump is a misogynist. Trump is a lying cheat. He is defined by his support. He cannot “mainstream” them. So ultimately he cannot “mainstream” himself. And they are few, and growing fewer. The N is shrinking. As it must when it is defined by the movement itself as only those willing to reject objective reality and abide by “conservative” orthodoxies consisting almost entirely of lies.
@ 26
I suppose that people like Alex Jones and Larry Klayman et al are the cheap shot overdose types. The shit that comes out of their mouths, and is immediately parroted around social media sites and pulp tabloids is utterly appalling in it’s open dedication to literal anti-truth. They know they’re lying, they’re doing it deliberately to promote the notion that anger and fear are the two most important tools in the human emotional spectrum.
Why do you suppose that is?
@20 welcome back, take a chain saw to that tree murder!
Conservatives are pretty stupid. They listened to thier party leaders when they should have questioned them. And now when they should be listening to them I think they are pretty much going to ignore them. Ignore them saying that they can’t support Cheeto Jesus (as nicknamed by DR?).
A Third GOP Cabinet Secretary Endorses Clinton
Apparently now that they’ve lost the World War Homo the Atheist are now the deviants.
I mean really? What the hell is wrong with someone deciding what they believe in. Why if he were an American he wouldn’t have that freedom. Wait. Uh…One Nation Under God.
That’ll be news to any Hindus or Wiccans. Some might say religious freedom is under attack. How’s the Gadsden flag figure into this America? Maybe President Trump will finally outlaw the Confederate flag?
Oh, pooh. Let’s not dwell on things, it isn’t comfortable.
@ 30
Well, it is religion after all. They’d be happy to live in North Korea as long as the Dear Leader was a true God-Fearing Christian Capitalist.
They say it right out in the open.
Thats what the whole Dominionist thing is. Louie Gohmert, Michelle Bachmann, Ted Cruz, George Bush, John Kasich, John Ashcroft etc etc etc are all firm believers in the entire Jesus is Hitler concept. The Trumpistas have based their entire campaign strategy on those people’s votes.
it’s cognitive science. Its how our brains are wired.
Back in the 60s when Roger Aisles was coming up they were beginning to understand it. It is what has broken the business model of trad journalism and transformed information media.
The business model of trad journalism was a silent bargain between readers and editors on behalf of advertisers. The rise of middle class salary men beginning in the 19th century provoked a transformation of newspapers. Industrial era technocrats simply didn’t have all day to while away sunken in leather club chairs drinking scotch and analyzing ponderous wordy musings on grain futures and the “Irish” problem in The Times. In order to appear knowledgeable of current events, middle class technocrats needed to be informed efficiently in the time it took to ride a commuter train. That gave rise to the trad J business model. Editors would provide efficient summaries of events of concern, organized logically, and supplied without bias or opinion. In return readers wishing to be thusly informed agreed to suspend critical thinking and accept that the facts as presented were as close to “the truth” as was possible. This of course makes such readers a better audience for advertising messages interspersed into the “journalism”. The industry exploded, and just in time to sell us the mountains of newly available consumer goods made available by the industrial age. And so it went for about 100 years. A pretty good bargain and a pretty good business model.
But it’s gone now. A better model has been discovered. Beginning about 50 years ago smart folks in television and radio began to employ psychologists to help develop advertising. Once the door was opened, it was only a matter of time to figure out that the programming itself could be influenced by psychologists to better suit the needs of advertisers. While a mind that has suspended it’s critical judgement is good, a mind that has lost critical thinking ability entirely is even better. Images and ideas that deprive viewers of reason and critical judgment were sought after. Our understanding of the amygdala and its functions improved. Television programmers and advertisers soon leaned to create content intended to illicit specific kinds of emotional responses in viewers. These responses made the thinking processes of these viewers uniquely well suited to receiving advertiser messages. Television was transformed. Soon after it radio. Soon after that print news. The business model of FOX News is successful because it is practically the only news network pursuing that model. It’s nice not to have competition. The lies, in one form or another, are necessary because objective reality is simply not sufficiently dangerous, fearful, threatening, sexualized, erotic, or deadly. In short, it is far easier to sell folks laundry day miracles when they are angry, scared or horny. Easier still if they are “conservative”.
There are no “dumb” questions, right Boob?
And I’d just like to say how really refreshing it is to see someone running for President who isn’t afraid of uncertainty and ignorance. That should be a comfort for us all. That someone as dull witted and disinterested in world events as Gary Johnson can aspire to be Commander in Chief of the world’s most powerful military juggernaut.
Jesus, Boob. How the fuck do you expect to color over this one? Your guy’s a dolt. That right there was his primal scream moment. He can kiss ten percent goodbye. And you’ve got to live with voting for a loser who is that dumb.
@35 The conservative alternative to Trump is a dumbass. It’s hard to be a conservative voter these days.
@24 My worst days are better than your best days by a country mile.
Here’s everything you need to know about the 88 “military leaders” who endorsed Trump:
Not one of them was ever “a service chief or led a major combatant command.”
And to put the number 88 into perspective, there are roughly 900 active-duty, and several thousand retired, general and admiral rank officers. Romney got 500 of them. By comparison, Trump got a measly 88 of them.
Part of what’s going on here is these military folks are upset about Pentagon budget cuts under sequester, which came about because Republicans don’t like deficits and insisted on spending cuts but wanted all the cuts to fall on entitlements. You know, food stamps for the unemployed and Grandma’s Medicare, and such. Well, different folks have different priorities, and we live in a democracy, so what they got was a fairly even-handed split between military and entitlement cuts.
It’s natural for military folks to support military spending and guard their budgets. It would be unnatural if they didn’t. People in charge of government programs support their programs! Duh! So it’s not shocking that people who spent their careers in the military and are devoted to the military didn’t like lower military spending.
I’m against lower military spending, too. China is preparing for a war against the United States, and we need to be ready for it. We need to maintain our technological superiority, and build weapons today that we may need in the future. It takes years, not months or weeks, to slide an aircraft carrier or submarine down the ways. Sophisticated modern ordnance — “smart” artillery shells, bombs, and missiles — can’t be stockpiled overnight. Logistically, you need to order and pay for this stuff ahead of need. And if it turns out you don’t need it, instead of complaining about what it cost, you should kick back and enjoy the peace.
So I’m not criticizing these retired generals’ and admirals’ call for more military spending. I’m with them on that. But that doesn’t make me a Trump voter. In fact, I’m mystified by how anyone with these folks’ military experience can imagine a commander-in-chief like Trump. That’s akin to promoting a toddler playing with Playskool blocks to Admiral and expecting to win a war by sailing under a child’s flag.
Watching the Orange Bigot with Lauer I’m now looking forward to the debates more than ever.
Sure, Lauer is too much of a pansy to push the Republican nominee on his outrageous bullshit. And it might be that he really wan’t prepared for it. Some of it is just beyond the pale. But it gives Clinton’s debate team lots of meat to work with. And it should be pretty easy to paint the Republican nominee for the outright lying bullshit artist that he has always been. That’ll be poison.
It’s all low hanging fruit. It’s just a matter of overcoming the shock and embarrassment in order to harvest it. The fake seeeecret plan to defeat ISIS. The military spending explosion. Rape tweets. Seizing Iraqi oil reserves. He’s smarter than the generals. He riffs. And whenever he riffs he lies. Hillary just has to call him on it often enough and with enough precision that the enduring impression of Trump is LIAR. That’ll be his doom with swayable voters in battleground states.
“I didn’t have a BlackBerry. What I did do was have a personal computer that was hooked up to a private phone line (sounds ancient.) So I could communicate with a wide range of friends directly without it going through the State Department servers. I even used it to do business with some foreign leaders and some of the senior folks in the Department on their personal email accounts. I did the same thing on the road in hotels.”
-Colin Powell, January 2009
And James Woods’ parroting of your pet Hillary complaints is relevent?
Yep, Trump’s doing well with the cranky old white dude demographic.
It gives me no pleasure to say this but I think the “Fourth Estate” is falling apart. There really is little journalistic integrity or dedication to the truth anymore. Lies seem to be the “click bait” that brings in the money. It’s disheartening to hear their candidate telling one lie after another and never be challenged except on more obscure websites with their own agendas. NBC, CBS, ABC all seem more concerned with celebrities then with truth. The New York Times seems to be crumbling, too. Is it just the silly season or is this an indication of deeper problems?
(((Goldy))) @GoldyHA
If she kicked reporters off her plane mid-flight she might actually score points with voters. …
Plus, more room for that ventilator.
@ 42
Let’s start with the accuracy of your implication that Matt Lauer is a journalist.
@44 Gee, I don’t recall mentioning the person. But since you bring it up, I haven’t watched any “news” on NBC since they equivocated on Brian William’s lies.
It’s not “journalism” any more. It’s political and social advocacy using the day’s events and issues. The news, no matter the source, is all biased. Every single person in the “news” business is working for one agenda or another.
why so cautious?
Why not make it an iron lung?
Or how ’bout that crazy floating chair from Star Trek?
Don’t be squeamish, Boob. You won’t get ahead in the New alt-Right ®epublican Party with these half measures. The objective is to “expand the Overton window” and “normalize” the bullshit. You need to go with the yuuuuge ugly lie, in order to make the smaller but nonetheless damaging lie seem sort of normal. You can’t just repeat the underlying bullshit. You’ve got to surpass it utterly. If you want people to get comfortable with the “health” lie, you’ve got to insist that Clinton is a walking corpse ZOMBIE! You’ve got to post comments purporting to display her death certificate. You’ve got to post fake quotes from EMTs claiming to have resuscitated her in a bathroom at the convention in Philly. That’s what Matt Drudge would do. And has! Don’t let Trump down now, Boob! He needs you more than ever!
This is for you.
Do you believe the new business is unbiased?
as fake “conservative” FOX News viewers and Ditto Heads are only too eager to point out ad nauseum, most major print dailies are either going out of business, or being propped up by some other business. Ergo they are most likely not pursuing the highly successful FOX News business model.
Critical thinking does not depend on any pretense about bias. It’s harder, sure. It requires activity other than drinking beer and yelling “FUCK YEAH!” Most likely not for you.
I suppose our trolls would like to see the Orange Bigot bring his unique style of organization, professionalism and success to the White House.
But in August, shortly after the convention, most of the policy shop’s most active staffers quit. Although they signed non-disclosure agreements, several of them told me on background that the Trump policy effort has been a mess from start to finish.
“It’s a complete disaster,” one disgruntled former adviser told me. “They use and abuse people. The policy office fell apart in August when the promised checks weren’t delivered.”
I think alt-Right, StormFront New ®epublicans are fucking up enough in Congress. We can’t afford to have them running the day to day. Cheeto Jesus proves they simply can’t handle it. We certainly don’t want anti-terrorism investigators poised to close in on our enemies walking off the job because the boss was too fucking cheap to bother paying them. Sad!
let me try to answer your question honestly, if only for your sake. I think your question and your focus on “bias” is misplaced.
Organizations like The Blaze, InforWars, EIB, Drudge Report, Breitbart, and ultimately FOX News may have ideological “bias”. But that really isn’t what’s killing “conservatism”. It’s the complete and utter departure from objective reality that they depend on for continuing sustenance that puts “conservative” ideology at risk. Madly clinging to delusional fantasies like “911 Truth”, “STAND DOWN”, “Climate Denial”, “Briferism”, “War on Christmas” and “Sandy Hook Hoax” (just to name a few) renders any ideological bias inconsequential. Modern “conservative” media traffic in these delusions on a daily basis. These are prominent “conservative” media shops. They have enormous and devoted audiences. And there are really no organizations to the left of them comparable in terms of size, prominence, or influence that so routinely and eagerly traffic in conspiracy peddling, alternate reality, and delusional victimhood.
I suppose if there is an important “bias” at work it is the bias against objective reality. Hawaii is part of the United States. It just is. And people born there are citizens of the United States. They really, really are. Cross my heart.
Don’t look now Boob, but “Aleppo” is trending big time.
Unless I miss my bet, and even accounting for the very low popularity of the two major party candidates, this will take Mr. Johnson below five percent by the first debate. Sorry about that Boob. But there’s always Jill Stein. If she isn’t in jail by then.
“The policy office fell apart in August when the promised checks weren’t delivered.”
Trump stiffs cute kids. Cute kids sue Trump. Has anybody who ever worked for this guy ever gotten paid??
“USA Freedom Kids v. Trump: Dancing kids group sues GOP nominee”
@53 I doubt many of his supporters ever heard of Aleppo either.
Do they know he supports abortion rights? That should sink him.
“Has anybody who ever worked for this guy ever gotten paid??”
Only his own family. Even Paul Manafort was stiffed. And then there’s the time he jacked up the all-girl hair-metal band (he even groped the lead guitar player).
I’m beginning to worry about the twelve-year-old kid running his Denver field office. He’ll learn some important life lessons. One way or another.
“I’m beginning to worry about the twelve-year-old kid running his Denver field office.”
He may never get paid, but that 12 year-old kid is the only person involved in the campaign who seems to have his act together.
@ 56 DR
He’ll learn some important life lessons. One way or another.
Well, think of it as being a sort of “come to Jesus” moment.
Only if it’s Cheeto Jesus!
And then, there’s this guy.
Snorts Carolina has got a clown problem. Maybe they should stop worrying about which bathroom people use.
@60 I wouldn’t go so far as to say all generals are bad people, although a few of them are. Most of them could use a little more humility than they have. If the generals had gotten their way in October 1962, none of us would be here, including them. Once they’re out of the service, they’re entitled to express their opinions like everyone else, but we should take their opinions with a truckload of salt. After all, war is what they train for and get paid for, and without war, they wouldn’t have a reason to exist.
@56 Speaking of life lessons, I remember when I thought Goldwater was the greatest thing since sliced bread. I wasn’t much older than that kid back then. Things change after you get out into the world and see how things really are. For example, there’s no reason for us to nuke Russia. Armed with Chernobyl, Russian road rage, and vodka, they’re depopulating their country faster and better than we ever could.
Boob read it and weep.
Seahawks Appear To Be Planning National Anthem Protest
Funny. Boob was talking about an about to be cut quarterback doing it for publicity blah blah blah
Well it’s three weeks later Kaepernick’s jersey is the best selling in the NFL, Kap has pledged his share of jersey sales to charity, Meagan Rapino caused a women’s soccer team to play the anthem without teams on the field, the commentators on the opening Thursday night game had to address it and show footage of a kneeling player., Kap’s on the roster…
Three weeks later and they’re still talking about it.
Nothin’ to do with nothin’ but I say Michael Bennett in a store in Bellevue this week. He was wearing a shirt that said, “We Out!” – Harriett Tubman I laughed.