“Cruz’s wife, Heidi, was seen leaving the arena when the booing started getting very loud. Former Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli told ABC News that he escorted Heidi Cruz out of the convention hall because “it was volatile and the Trump folks were physically approaching and confrontationally yelling,” he said via text.”
(((Goldy))) Retweeted
Steve Deace @SteveDeaceShow
Stop and think about the fact the @GOP is threatened by their base being told to vote their conscience. Let that sink in for a moment.
I wonder what would happen if BernieBros were to vote their conscience.
So do Jill Stein and Gary Johnson.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
(((Goldy))) @GoldyHA
Jesus Christ, Chris Matthews is awful.
Sooner or later you realize that thrill up your leg is because you’ve pissed yourself.
Or that you’ve been watching someone else piss themselves on TV for eight years before you figured it out.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@3 I’m so sorry you have that problem, doc. I don’t.
Mark Adamsspews:
Have the Pokémon Go trainers invaded the Republican Convention yet? Maybe that is what the Trump kids are doing on their phones. Is there a rare Pokémon at the convention that trainers can capture and train?
Will the Democratic convention be friendly to Pokémon Go trainers?
Gotta catch them all.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Nobody is safe from trigger-happy cops anymore. Nobody.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The GOP’s strategy of trying to win elections by preventing Americans from voting in their own country is getting stale. Even Republican judges are tired of it.
I’m a Christian, a conservative, and a Republican — in that order.
And for those of you who’ve read the Constitution…the part about the First Ammendment there is no cause for alarm.
He is a man known for having a large personality, a colorful style, and lots of charisma. I think he was just looking for some balance on the ticket.
No really..I’m incredibly boring.
If you know anything about Hoosiers, you know we like to suit up and compete.
And Jimmy Chipwit will always make the final shot.
You have nominated a man for president who never quits, who never backs down — a fighter, and a winner. Until now, he has had to do it all by himself, against all odds. But this week, with this united party
Never mind that guy who just left the stage, what’s his name, Theodore PacificPrincess? We’re all in this boat together and it’s NOT the Titanic or the Lusitania.
Hillary Clinton essentially offers a third Obama term. The role is perfect for her. She championed Obamacare because years earlier she had all but invented it.
No really. No One ever called it Romneycare.
Let me tell you, I know firsthand, it does not have to be like this. In my home state of Indiana, we prove every day that you can build a growing economy
But growing way slower than the nation and other states in the region
on balanced budgets, low taxes, even while making record investments in education and roads and healthcare.
Like that Romneycare I was just calling a problem. I put that in place and it worked but it’s Hillarycare so it didn’t.
When Donald Trump does his talking, he doesn’t tiptoe around the thousand new rules of political correctness. He is his own man. Distinctly American. And where else would an independent spirit like that find a following than in the land of the free and the home of the brave?
Brave. Hey did you hear the one about the Apache chief who was drunk all the time…no the Donald tells that joke better.
The man just doesn’t quit. He is tough. He perseveres. He has gone about as far as you can go in business, but he has never turned his back on the working men and women who serve and protect us at home and abroad.
Except when it comes to paying the people who built his hotels, and his creditors and the veterans charities that the press hounded him into supporting. He hasn’t turned his back on anyone else. Oh, and the Latinos. He turned his back on them and no one else!
We’ve seen entire stretches of our country written off by bad economic policies in ways that are deeply unfair.
I am absolutely NOT talking about the “urban” parts here. I’m talking about suburban white folk. And when I say written off I DO NOT mean bankruptcy court.
Those miners want an American energy policy, and they know that Donald Trump digs coal.
No not like a miner. I mean like he digs coal, you dig?
Should I have the awesome privilege to serve as your vice president, I promise to keep faith with that conviction, to pray daily for a wise and discerning heart, for who is able to govern this great people without it?
And then I will do as the voices inside my head instruct.
Our party is ready. And when we elect Donald Trump the 45th President of the United States, together we will make America great again.
Even I don’t believe this shit but it’s nice to be up here in prime time instead of in Muncie…
Thank you, and God bless you, and God bless the United States of America.
Teabaggers Againspews:
Don’t give It any excuses for his spastic double and triple postings. It’s all your fault and Thr Chromes!
Teabaggers Againspews:
@6 if we are lucky she will and then something very nice could happen.
I see that the loon’s head is still exploding over on the Drinking Liberally thread.
Little wonder the loon’s head is exploding.
“Ted Cruz Buries the Hatchet — In Donald Trump’s Back”
I’ll wait for more info. Body camera or dash cam, perhaps.
You realize that your “I don’t know.” quote was not from the officer, right, Steve?
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
Kaine signed two letters on Monday urging federal regulators to go easy on banks ― one to help big banks dodge risk management rules, and another to help small banks avoid consumer protection standards.
Today Bill Clinton is reported to be backing Kaine.
I really don’t worry much about a Crooked Hillary Clinton presidency. Goldman Sachs has seen to it that she’ll perpetuate the status quo.
I can live with that.
Distant Replayspews:
you should think about voting for her then.
It sounds a lot like her Presidency will be far better for you than a Gary Johnson Presidency would be. Especially since a Hillary Clinton Presidency is like, an actual real thing.
“You realize that your “I don’t know.” quote was not from the officer, right, Steve?”
“You know, I just got shot.’ And I’m saying to them, ‘Sir, why did you shoot me?’ And his words to me, he said, ‘I don’t know.’”
Of course, being a black man, he must be lying.
“After the shooting, Kinsey was handcuffed and left in the road”
Because that’s the way an innocent black male behavioral therapist who is trying to help a patient is treated in America. Shoot him three times, handcuff him and leave him in the road.
Distant Replayspews:
who could ever question that shoot? That must be the most terrifying tableau I’ve ever seen on film. An autistic adult sitting in the street with a toy truck and a behavioral therapist lying supine with both hands extended into the air. No wonder the officer was afraid for his life. Danger so thick you could cut it with a knife. He should have called for the robot bomb.
I see the loon’s head is still exploding over on the old thread. You’re a doctor, Bob, maybe you should go help him. You’re white, so it’s not like a cop will shoot for it.
“Danger so thick you could cut it with a knife. He should have called for the robot bomb.”
Sad, but funny!
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
@ 17
Hey, Steve:
Where’d you get three gunshot wounds? I’m reading one firearm discharge and a leg wound.
“Where’d you get three gunshot wounds? I’m reading one firearm discharge and a leg wound.”
“Behavioral therapist Charles Kinsey, 47, is recovering in an area hospital after being shot in the leg three times during the incident, which took place on Monday.”
The day after and it’s still playing amid the disaster that was Trump’s foreign policy interview…
“I’m not in the habit of supporting people who attack my wife and attack my father,” he said.
Cruz’s statement was met with applause from the audience of Texas delegates.
Unified party going into the general with tons of money for GOTV or something.
This is priceless too…
“(Chris Christie) turned over his political testicles long ago,” (Cruz campaign manager) told the radio host. “So I don’t take what he has to say with any meaning. You know, he embarrassed himself pretty quickly in this.”
How much Campaigning for Trump will Cruz do in Texas? How bout Rubio in FL?
@23 Haven’t you heard? Ted’s father helped Oswald kill JFK. The leader of the GOP says so. Must be true.
“Trump accuses Cruz’s father of helping JFK’s assassin”
“His father was with Lee Harvey Oswald prior to Oswald’s being — you know, shot. I mean, the whole thing is ridiculous,” Trump said Tuesday during a phone interview with Fox News. “What is this, right prior to his being shot, and nobody even brings it up. They don’t even talk about that. That was reported, and nobody talks about it.”
@23 just saw an article on it and was going to post myself but you beat me to it….
I wonder if he Christie turned over some cock and taint with his balls. Maybe the refer to it as post trans politico op.
Too funny.
Democrats might have all the crooks! But Republicans have all the frauds, phonies, clowns, morons and……corrupt CROOKS!
Teabagged Againspews:
From Huff Post…
“CRUZ STUNS CLEVELAND: ‘Vote Your Conscience’… Delegates Go Nuclear… ‘One State Chairman Had To Be Held Back’… Heidi Cruz Leaves Floor With Security — For Her Own Safety… Christie Rages: ‘Awful And A Disgrace’… Cruz Campaign Chief: Christie ‘Turned Over His Political Testicles’… Cruz Buries The Hatchet — In Trump’s Back… ”
This shit is too funny….The leader of North Korea can run a Country better than these fucks!
Hey Boob – your still a fucking Boob!
Teabagged Againspews:
I’d love to see Cory Booker as Clinton’s running mate!!!! I love that guy.
Unified party and all. Ready to take on Democrats and not each other.
The GOP nominee for President is essentially telling Russians/other bad actors the US is not fully committed to supporting NATO alliance.
— Lindsey Graham (@LindseyGrahamSC) July 21, 2016
Et Tu, Bolton?
“When an American leader says ‘I’ll look at what the situation is after the Russians attack,’ that is an open invitation to Vladimir Putin,” Bolton said
“When he (Putin) reads this kind of statement, it’s an encouragement to him. We’re not deterring him, we’re in effect giving him a free hand. So I hope that whoever advised Mr. Trump on this rethinks it,” he added.
Geez you’ve even lost the nuttiest of the fringe.
“But Republicans have all the frauds, phonies, clowns, morons and……corrupt CROOKS!”
And that’s not to mention the pedophiles and goatfuckers.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@14 “They cuff my hands and they flip me over. And I’m saying, ‘sir, why did you shoot me?’ and his words to me, he said, ‘I don’t know,'” Kinsey said.
Sure looks to me like the “I don’t know” quote came from the officer. Well, at least he didn’t shoot the white (or, at least, whiter) autistic guy, only the black caretaker. That’s a plus, I guess.
Here’s the interesting thing: the caretaker was working when the cop shot him, so all his medical bills and lost wages will be paid by the state, through its injured worker’s compensation program. This is a workplace accident.
Speaking of accidents, I wonder if the police will try to spin this by saying the cop was aiming at the autistic guy, who had refused to put down his toy and put his hands up, but missed and hit the caretaker by mistake. In other words, the collateral damage defense.
Non professional punditry here. The Bolton comment, on the eve of the acceptance/coronation is the most damaging thing so far.
The Anti Global diplomacy extreme hawk wing of the GOP love this guy. The right wing media have run to him at every turn to be the anti-Obama Anti Hillary State Department mouthpiece. A quick Google search of his comments regarding Ukraine in 2014 will give you a hint of his, “NATO needs to annex it first!” position. He’s the guy everyone has seen saying Putin is pushing America around.
The is the serious thinking Republican Ambassador that every Fox viewer knows by name.
And he says, on the day of the acceptance speech, that Trump is a fool.
Just wow.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@30 Yes, Trump will get the goatfucker vote, and that could be a problem for Hillary. It will considerably narrow the race and might even help Trump win a few states. Montana and Oklahoma come to mind. Alaska doesn’t have goats. Up there, they fuck Bristol Palin.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@21 “one firearm discharge and a leg wound”
If you think that’s trivial, why don’t you volunteer for one just like it?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Here’s a heartwarming story about a pair of cops who are true heroes. And happily, the suspect is in custody. Now, why wasn’t he shot? Well, if you watch the video very closely, he’s white. Also, he’s not in the open with his hands up; he’s in a car that (for all anyone knows) could be full of assault weapons and pipe bombs. And he’s not supervising an autistic patient. but maybe the real reason is because these hero cops just want to do their job (did they ever!) and didn’t feel like shooting anyone yesterday.
Boob is always so concerned of the accuracy of the details.
After 1000 (guesstimate) dead black men you think he would question the police behavior and not the guy shot. It’s like he is looking at a black spot on a victims lung, after they’ve died, and still wondering what it is and if it was a bad X-ray
Teabaggers Againspews:
@33 high five Rog!
Teabaggers Againspews:
I guess the sand in the desert is going to have to melt before Boob sees any problems of Global Warming. And even then I’m sure gifted hands will convince him the it came from the grain Silos.
“Alaska doesn’t have goats. Up there, they fuck Bristol Palin.”
I suspect they’d gladly trade her for a goat, so I’d say they’re also in the bag for Trump.
Teabaggers Againspews:
@35. Boob watched the video, he says he heard the cop say. “Look he’s got coffee and doughnuts”, that’s why they no shot the whitey guy, they figured they would steal right from under his nose. His punishment.
Roger Rabbitspews:
To hear Republicans talk, you’d think people who join unions are welfare bums seeking handouts. In fact, they’re hardworking folks with an entrepreneurial spirit who simply want to drive a hard bargain to get a better deal. Which is the same thing Republican businessmen do multiple times every day.
Vote your conscience! Or maybe just sleep in that day!
@15 I can’t find any other source, other than Huffpo and theHill, on the letter about big banks. Could this be another exaggeration? Neither provide any source. They do provide a link to the letter for the CFPB to protect community banks and credit unions. I can’t find the problem there. Can someone with more time on their hands than I have help?
Hillary has the Free Stuff and Gimme Dat crowds firmly in her column, no doubt about it.
Distant Replayspews:
Wow. A real rhetorical knock out blow.
I guess Cheeto Jesus wins! ; )
P.S. Do us a tiny favor? Explain this to Boob. He keeps nattering on about how a soon-to-be-retired “conservative” wealthy doctor like him is going to make out like a bandit under President Clinton. I guess he didn’t get the memo.
If you think Trump is trouble and you like the play/film The Music Man, this song is for you.
@42 Wow. We now know what Drumpf really thinks of Omarosa, karson kookanut and his newly minted sicko-phants like the babbling jackass troll.
@42, 51 I suppose this means the loon shouldn’t feel bad about his laziness as it’s a trait of blacks. At least, that’s what his Republican candidate for president says.
As always, sucks to be the loon.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@48 You wanna know what free stuff is?
Free stuff is the wages employers steal from workers.
Free stuff is the taxes rich people don’t pay.
Free stuff is the liberties paid for with the blood of other people’s children.
Free stuff is not having to work for a living because you’re living off the fruits of other people’s labors.
Free stuff is the damage you cause that you don’t have to pay for because of tort immunity laws favored by conservatives.
Free stuff is the profits pocketed by stock flippers, house flippers, and business tycoons who don’t pay their bills.
Free stuff is the public services supported by other people’s taxes.
Free stuff is the space you get on this blog to post your specious rants without donating money to Goldy to support the blog.
Teabaggers Againspews:
@48 hey those people have to vote for someone too. At least they know who they are voting for, unlike you Repukes. And they are voting for a winner and a better individual. Tepukes = Loosers.
While hearing this guy talk, they must have been scratching thier heads, thinking who let this fag in!??!
Roger Rabbitspews:
I knew it!
“A police union head says a North Miami officer made a mistake when he shot an unarmed mental health caregiver who was holding his hands in the air Monday. The officer, he said, had been aiming instead at the caregiver’s autistic client who he thought was trying to harm the man.”
Roger Rabbit called it! The cop union’s excuse is the cop was trying to kill the autistic disabled man but missed and hit the caretaker instead. Thank God for small favors!
Pud-D-Bud Finds LIVs, DUMB as Evahspews:
Laura Ingraham was correct. The libtard media are liars!
Pud-D-Bud Finds LIVs, DUMB as Evahspews:
Laura Ingraham was correct. The libtard media are liars!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@59 @60 Chrome troubles again?
Heh. The stupid, double-posting, lazy loon is back.
“Benghazi! Chrome!”
Roger Rabbitspews:
Ivanka’s speech is so sugary you could become diabetic watching it.
Pud-D-Bud Finds LIVs, DUMB as Evahspews:
Hey Stupid Solution Steve AKA QPPS, a double post from HHTL deserved a double post from Puddy.
Suck on that sucka!
Pud-D-Bud Finds LIVs, DUMB as Evahspews:
Hey Stupid Solution Steve AKA QPPS@62, a double post from HHTL deserved a double post from Puddy.
Suck on that sucka!
Okay, it looks like the behavioral therapist got shot three times. But now they’re claiming that the cop was shooting at the patient playing with the toy truck in order to save the therapists life. But the cop missed. Three times. Instead he shot the black guy laying on the street with his hands raised. Three times. I reckon that handcuffing the therapist and then leaving him laying on the street was part of their valiant efforts to save him from his patient.
“Fearing for Mr. Kinsey’s life, the officer discharged his firearm trying to save Mr. Kinsey’s life,” said Miami Dade Police Benevolent Union president John Rivera. “He missed and accidentally struck Mr. Kinsey. He thought the white male and his actions were such that he felt Mr. Kinsey’s life was in danger.”
So far Drumpf’s spew is a snorer. Fascist for sure but booooriiiing.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Would you trade Obama’s 8 years for Chimp’s 8 years? Raise your hand!
Roger Rabbitspews:
“There can be no prosperity without law and order!” Is this the Second Coming of Nixon?
Distant Replayspews:
Gender pay equality and subsidized child care?
Were gonna have to give the credit for the lying racist Fuckwad’s head explosions to Ivanka this time. Where the fuck did she come up with that? She should know better. That kind of socialist doctrine only creates crippling dependencies. Right imbecile?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Pitching to the already sold. Not selling the unsold. I suspect many pundits will rate this speech a missed opportunity.
Heh. Bernie supporters throw the lever for this fascist?
Never! What an idiot!
Distant Replayspews:
Hey that’s awesome! The white supremacist RNC delegate who goes by the nickname “WhitePride” made it all the way through Wednesday night before getting her credential pulled. So does that mean the RNC is like 75% okay with tossing around the n-word?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Now Drumpf is promising to protect LGBTQ people from Mooslim terrorists. With that mission accomplished, all he’ll have to do is protect them from Republicans.
Yawwwn. Yours truly is getting sick and tired of the screeching from this demagogue.
I’m getting a soft drink.
Distant Replayspews:
And to think pretty Miss Ivanka traveled all the way from New Yawk to TeeVee land so the racisty prevaricating imbecile could learn all about Gender Pay Equity, and subsidized child care and the motherfucker flunks the mid term. Maybe Papa Cheeto was right about his “subgroup” after all.
Distant Replayspews:
watching it live streamed on YouTube I keep wanting to grab the scroll button and zoom ahead.
If only we could zoom ahead to November.
By the way,.
Anyone seen sloppy’s apology yet about his aspersions that Castile was really a convenience store robber and the shooting was justified?
Is it like a climate change denier argument? Will sloppy argue the investigation is still ongoing and sloppy is still waiting for the proof the black guy isn’t automatically guilty of something, somewhere? http://horsesass.org/drinking-.....nt-1318730
Distant Replayspews:
This extemporaneous closing is rather clever.
He’s predicating his defeat on “the others”, “the rigged system”, and urging his defeated followers to demonstrate “to the watching world” that they won’t stand for it anymore. He wants his loss to result in further destruction of our democratic processes.
I fully expect that sentiment to be present among a few. I don’t expect the losing candidate to encourage or promote it.
It may be that, given his considerable disadvantages in terms of money, demographics, organization, and message appeal, he’s hoping to inspire these supporters to go “all in” with this kind of rhetoric. But it’s a very dangerous line to walk. And walking fine lines is not something he or his supporters are temperamentally suited to. If this becomes an enduring theme of his campaign it might lead to some violent unrest after election day. Of course, being as they are almost all older white people, the media narratives will scrupulously avoid using terms like “riot” or “unrest”, or “terrorism” even though the blood will be just as red.
Sick motherfuckers.
Teabagged Againspews:
Dipshit @69 – I wasn’t asking who let the fag in the house…..I was saying that Drumpfs moron supporters were wondering (or asking).
Not only do you have Chromitis, you have reading comprehension problems – is that why you stick with Breibart or whatever his fucking name is.
@105 And if there is no sell off what does that say about Wall street? If it goes up then does that mean Donald’s dream team of billionaires and business men are what America needs? Or they would like Americans to think so?
I’m guessing it goes up tomorrow and will go down after the Democratic convention. Seems to be the usual pattern, not sure if some kind of market manipulation is at play, or the Republicans are the party most of the one percent and the market can’t help but reflect their interests. Or it’s just more fun to fire 100,000 cabbies from one of the smaller cab companies after the Democrats party. Then they have walk back to the hotel. In Philly, ummm hope they aren’t near the Greyhound station.
Mark Adamsspews:
So did the Black Panthers demonstrate in Cleveland with guns? Probably the quickest way for some gun control in Ohio and the end of open carry is for some black men to open carry. Worked in Reagan’s California. Many gun control laws on the books are racist. So are many drug laws, but we gotta have law and order.
Mark Adamsspews:
@66 Did the officer think it was a white refrigerated truck, and have a PTSD episode and thought he was in Nice? Hey Benevolent society if your going to use bullshit to cover the officers ass you gotta use better bullshit like the above. Or the the guy tripped over his shoelace and gosh we are sorry, and Barnie will get desk service and more training.
When the Trumps, Boeskys and Romneys of the world do everything they can, legally and otherwise to steal people’s money that they spent a lifetime working for, this guy was standing toe-to-toe with them and making things right. When the Banker thieves spend millions bribing Congressmen to change laws to permit them to steal billions from real hardworking people, people like this stood up and told them NO.
Of course, the Fascists defame people like this with pejorative terms such as “Communist” and “Liberal Agitator” and the press (that these guys own) eat it up and vomit it back in to the masses that can’t read at more than the 4th grade level.
I’m sure none of the Fascists that come in here would have any problem seeing their pension funds being drained off all the way to negative numbers so the hedge fund managers of the world can afford to maintain their 100,000 sq/ft houses on Long Island and Greenwich. Their servants need to make minimum wage, after all, and that’s too much.
The Fascists must be so proud of being robbed blind by such prominent family names as these.
Pud-D-Bud Finds LIVs, DUMB as Evahspews:
..I was saying that Drumpfs moron supporters were wondering (or asking).
No they weren’t because his invitation list and Thiel being on it was well known. Just because you live on left wrong e-rag sites doesn’t mean they are right HHTL. In fact they are seldom right HHTL! Peter Thiel’s speech was worrisome to Silicon Valley not to the RNC because SV are ful of left wrong lovers just like you are full of BULLSHITTIUM!
Sux being so HHTL; so full of HHTL BULLHISTTIUM all the time.
She was lucky to get out alive.
“Cruz’s wife, Heidi, was seen leaving the arena when the booing started getting very loud. Former Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli told ABC News that he escorted Heidi Cruz out of the convention hall because “it was volatile and the Trump folks were physically approaching and confrontationally yelling,” he said via text.”
(((Goldy))) Retweeted
Steve Deace @SteveDeaceShow
Stop and think about the fact the @GOP is threatened by their base being told to vote their conscience. Let that sink in for a moment.
I wonder what would happen if BernieBros were to vote their conscience.
So do Jill Stein and Gary Johnson.
(((Goldy))) @GoldyHA
Jesus Christ, Chris Matthews is awful.
Sooner or later you realize that thrill up your leg is because you’ve pissed yourself.
Or that you’ve been watching someone else piss themselves on TV for eight years before you figured it out.
@3 I’m so sorry you have that problem, doc. I don’t.
Have the Pokémon Go trainers invaded the Republican Convention yet? Maybe that is what the Trump kids are doing on their phones. Is there a rare Pokémon at the convention that trainers can capture and train?
Will the Democratic convention be friendly to Pokémon Go trainers?
Gotta catch them all.
Nobody is safe from trigger-happy cops anymore. Nobody.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Puddy’s mom shouldn’t let him play outside anymore.
The GOP loses 2 voter ID cases in 2 days.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The GOP’s strategy of trying to win elections by preventing Americans from voting in their own country is getting stale. Even Republican judges are tired of it.
And for those of you who’ve read the Constitution…the part about the First Ammendment there is no cause for alarm.
No really..I’m incredibly boring.
And Jimmy Chipwit will always make the final shot.
Never mind that guy who just left the stage, what’s his name, Theodore PacificPrincess? We’re all in this boat together and it’s NOT the Titanic or the Lusitania.
No really. No One ever called it Romneycare.
But growing way slower than the nation and other states in the region
Like that Romneycare I was just calling a problem. I put that in place and it worked but it’s Hillarycare so it didn’t.
Brave. Hey did you hear the one about the Apache chief who was drunk all the time…no the Donald tells that joke better.
Except when it comes to paying the people who built his hotels, and his creditors and the veterans charities that the press hounded him into supporting. He hasn’t turned his back on anyone else. Oh, and the Latinos. He turned his back on them and no one else!
I am absolutely NOT talking about the “urban” parts here. I’m talking about suburban white folk. And when I say written off I DO NOT mean bankruptcy court.
No not like a miner. I mean like he digs coal, you dig?
And then I will do as the voices inside my head instruct.
Even I don’t believe this shit but it’s nice to be up here in prime time instead of in Muncie…
Don’t give It any excuses for his spastic double and triple postings. It’s all your fault and Thr Chromes!
@6 if we are lucky she will and then something very nice could happen.
I see that the loon’s head is still exploding over on the Drinking Liberally thread.
Little wonder the loon’s head is exploding.
“Ted Cruz Buries the Hatchet — In Donald Trump’s Back”
“Sir, why did you shoot me?”
“I don’t know.”
Bob loves it.
“Unarmed Black Man Lying In The Street With Hands Up Gets Shot By Police In North Miami”
@ 13
I’ll wait for more info. Body camera or dash cam, perhaps.
You realize that your “I don’t know.” quote was not from the officer, right, Steve?
Kaine signed two letters on Monday urging federal regulators to go easy on banks ― one to help big banks dodge risk management rules, and another to help small banks avoid consumer protection standards.
Today Bill Clinton is reported to be backing Kaine.
I really don’t worry much about a Crooked Hillary Clinton presidency. Goldman Sachs has seen to it that she’ll perpetuate the status quo.
I can live with that.
you should think about voting for her then.
It sounds a lot like her Presidency will be far better for you than a Gary Johnson Presidency would be. Especially since a Hillary Clinton Presidency is like, an actual real thing.
“You realize that your “I don’t know.” quote was not from the officer, right, Steve?”
“You know, I just got shot.’ And I’m saying to them, ‘Sir, why did you shoot me?’ And his words to me, he said, ‘I don’t know.’”
Of course, being a black man, he must be lying.
“After the shooting, Kinsey was handcuffed and left in the road”
Because that’s the way an innocent black male behavioral therapist who is trying to help a patient is treated in America. Shoot him three times, handcuff him and leave him in the road.
who could ever question that shoot? That must be the most terrifying tableau I’ve ever seen on film. An autistic adult sitting in the street with a toy truck and a behavioral therapist lying supine with both hands extended into the air. No wonder the officer was afraid for his life. Danger so thick you could cut it with a knife. He should have called for the robot bomb.
I see the loon’s head is still exploding over on the old thread. You’re a doctor, Bob, maybe you should go help him. You’re white, so it’s not like a cop will shoot for it.
“Danger so thick you could cut it with a knife. He should have called for the robot bomb.”
Sad, but funny!
@ 17
Hey, Steve:
Where’d you get three gunshot wounds? I’m reading one firearm discharge and a leg wound.
“Where’d you get three gunshot wounds? I’m reading one firearm discharge and a leg wound.”
“Behavioral therapist Charles Kinsey, 47, is recovering in an area hospital after being shot in the leg three times during the incident, which took place on Monday.”
I can’t attest to the accuracy of the report, but that’s what it says. This other report does not say that.
“Kinsey was shot in his right leg after officers fired two or three shots, according to Napoleon.”
I’m just glad the man wasn’t killed.
The day after and it’s still playing amid the disaster that was Trump’s foreign policy interview…
Unified party going into the general with tons of money for GOTV or something.
This is priceless too…
How much Campaigning for Trump will Cruz do in Texas? How bout Rubio in FL?
@23 Haven’t you heard? Ted’s father helped Oswald kill JFK. The leader of the GOP says so. Must be true.
“Trump accuses Cruz’s father of helping JFK’s assassin”
“His father was with Lee Harvey Oswald prior to Oswald’s being — you know, shot. I mean, the whole thing is ridiculous,” Trump said Tuesday during a phone interview with Fox News. “What is this, right prior to his being shot, and nobody even brings it up. They don’t even talk about that. That was reported, and nobody talks about it.”
@23 just saw an article on it and was going to post myself but you beat me to it….
I wonder if he Christie turned over some cock and taint with his balls. Maybe the refer to it as post trans politico op.
Too funny.
Democrats might have all the crooks! But Republicans have all the frauds, phonies, clowns, morons and……corrupt CROOKS!
From Huff Post…
“CRUZ STUNS CLEVELAND: ‘Vote Your Conscience’… Delegates Go Nuclear… ‘One State Chairman Had To Be Held Back’… Heidi Cruz Leaves Floor With Security — For Her Own Safety… Christie Rages: ‘Awful And A Disgrace’… Cruz Campaign Chief: Christie ‘Turned Over His Political Testicles’… Cruz Buries The Hatchet — In Trump’s Back… ”
This shit is too funny….The leader of North Korea can run a Country better than these fucks!
Hey Boob – your still a fucking Boob!
I’d love to see Cory Booker as Clinton’s running mate!!!! I love that guy.
Unified party and all. Ready to take on Democrats and not each other.
Et Tu, Bolton?
Geez you’ve even lost the nuttiest of the fringe.
“But Republicans have all the frauds, phonies, clowns, morons and……corrupt CROOKS!”
And that’s not to mention the pedophiles and goatfuckers.
@14 “They cuff my hands and they flip me over. And I’m saying, ‘sir, why did you shoot me?’ and his words to me, he said, ‘I don’t know,'” Kinsey said.
Sure looks to me like the “I don’t know” quote came from the officer. Well, at least he didn’t shoot the white (or, at least, whiter) autistic guy, only the black caretaker. That’s a plus, I guess.
Here’s the interesting thing: the caretaker was working when the cop shot him, so all his medical bills and lost wages will be paid by the state, through its injured worker’s compensation program. This is a workplace accident.
Speaking of accidents, I wonder if the police will try to spin this by saying the cop was aiming at the autistic guy, who had refused to put down his toy and put his hands up, but missed and hit the caretaker by mistake. In other words, the collateral damage defense.
Non professional punditry here. The Bolton comment, on the eve of the acceptance/coronation is the most damaging thing so far.
The Anti Global diplomacy extreme hawk wing of the GOP love this guy. The right wing media have run to him at every turn to be the anti-Obama Anti Hillary State Department mouthpiece. A quick Google search of his comments regarding Ukraine in 2014 will give you a hint of his, “NATO needs to annex it first!” position. He’s the guy everyone has seen saying Putin is pushing America around.
The is the serious thinking Republican Ambassador that every Fox viewer knows by name.
And he says, on the day of the acceptance speech, that Trump is a fool.
Just wow.
@30 Yes, Trump will get the goatfucker vote, and that could be a problem for Hillary. It will considerably narrow the race and might even help Trump win a few states. Montana and Oklahoma come to mind. Alaska doesn’t have goats. Up there, they fuck Bristol Palin.
@21 “one firearm discharge and a leg wound”
If you think that’s trivial, why don’t you volunteer for one just like it?
Here’s a heartwarming story about a pair of cops who are true heroes. And happily, the suspect is in custody. Now, why wasn’t he shot? Well, if you watch the video very closely, he’s white. Also, he’s not in the open with his hands up; he’s in a car that (for all anyone knows) could be full of assault weapons and pipe bombs. And he’s not supervising an autistic patient. but maybe the real reason is because these hero cops just want to do their job (did they ever!) and didn’t feel like shooting anyone yesterday.
Boob is always so concerned of the accuracy of the details.
After 1000 (guesstimate) dead black men you think he would question the police behavior and not the guy shot. It’s like he is looking at a black spot on a victims lung, after they’ve died, and still wondering what it is and if it was a bad X-ray
@33 high five Rog!
I guess the sand in the desert is going to have to melt before Boob sees any problems of Global Warming. And even then I’m sure gifted hands will convince him the it came from the grain Silos.
“Alaska doesn’t have goats. Up there, they fuck Bristol Palin.”
I suspect they’d gladly trade her for a goat, so I’d say they’re also in the bag for Trump.
@35. Boob watched the video, he says he heard the cop say. “Look he’s got coffee and doughnuts”, that’s why they no shot the whitey guy, they figured they would steal right from under his nose. His punishment.
To hear Republicans talk, you’d think people who join unions are welfare bums seeking handouts. In fact, they’re hardworking folks with an entrepreneurial spirit who simply want to drive a hard bargain to get a better deal. Which is the same thing Republican businessmen do multiple times every day.
“I’ve got black accountants at Drumpf Castle and at Drumpf Plaza — black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day. Those are the kind of people I want counting my money. Nobody else. . . . Besides that, I’ve got to tell you something else. I think that the guy is lazy. And it’s probably not his fault because laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is; I believe that. It’s not anything they can control.”
Vote your conscience! Or maybe just sleep in that day!
@15 I can’t find any other source, other than Huffpo and theHill, on the letter about big banks. Could this be another exaggeration? Neither provide any source. They do provide a link to the letter for the CFPB to protect community banks and credit unions. I can’t find the problem there. Can someone with more time on their hands than I have help?
Best First Lady.
I don’t know about the rest of you guys. But after this weeks nuclear dumpster fire of a GOP convention, I needed that.
The downfall of Roger Ailes is complete.
Of course you have to look at the small graphics on foxnews.com to learn that.
“Best First Lady.”
That was a lot of fun!
Cleveland cops lied about flag burning yesterday.
I am shocked!
Hillary has the Free Stuff and Gimme Dat crowds firmly in her column, no doubt about it.
Wow. A real rhetorical knock out blow.
I guess Cheeto Jesus wins! ; )
P.S. Do us a tiny favor? Explain this to Boob. He keeps nattering on about how a soon-to-be-retired “conservative” wealthy doctor like him is going to make out like a bandit under President Clinton. I guess he didn’t get the memo.
If you think Trump is trouble and you like the play/film The Music Man, this song is for you.
@42 Wow. We now know what Drumpf really thinks of Omarosa, karson kookanut and his newly minted sicko-phants like the babbling jackass troll.
@42, 51 I suppose this means the loon shouldn’t feel bad about his laziness as it’s a trait of blacks. At least, that’s what his Republican candidate for president says.
As always, sucks to be the loon.
@48 You wanna know what free stuff is?
Free stuff is the wages employers steal from workers.
Free stuff is the taxes rich people don’t pay.
Free stuff is the liberties paid for with the blood of other people’s children.
Free stuff is not having to work for a living because you’re living off the fruits of other people’s labors.
Free stuff is the damage you cause that you don’t have to pay for because of tort immunity laws favored by conservatives.
Free stuff is the profits pocketed by stock flippers, house flippers, and business tycoons who don’t pay their bills.
Free stuff is the public services supported by other people’s taxes.
Free stuff is the space you get on this blog to post your specious rants without donating money to Goldy to support the blog.
@48 hey those people have to vote for someone too. At least they know who they are voting for, unlike you Repukes. And they are voting for a winner and a better individual. Tepukes = Loosers.
@53 you tell him Rog!
This must have left them baffled.
Peter Thiel Tells GOP Convention: ‘I Am Proud To Be Gay’ http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.....f?section=
While hearing this guy talk, they must have been scratching thier heads, thinking who let this fag in!??!
This must have left them baffled.
Peter Thiel Tells GOP Convention: ‘I Am Proud To Be Gay’ http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.....f?section=
While hearing this guy talk, they must have been scratching thier heads, thinking who let this fag in!??!
I knew it!
“A police union head says a North Miami officer made a mistake when he shot an unarmed mental health caregiver who was holding his hands in the air Monday. The officer, he said, had been aiming instead at the caregiver’s autistic client who he thought was trying to harm the man.”
Roger Rabbit called it! The cop union’s excuse is the cop was trying to kill the autistic disabled man but missed and hit the caretaker instead. Thank God for small favors!
Laura Ingraham was correct. The libtard media are liars!
Laura Ingraham was correct. The libtard media are liars!
@59 @60 Chrome troubles again?
Heh. The stupid, double-posting, lazy loon is back.
“Benghazi! Chrome!”
Ivanka’s speech is so sugary you could become diabetic watching it.
Hey Stupid Solution Steve AKA QPPS, a double post from HHTL deserved a double post from Puddy.
Suck on that sucka!
Hey Stupid Solution Steve AKA QPPS@62, a double post from HHTL deserved a double post from Puddy.
Suck on that sucka!
Okay, it looks like the behavioral therapist got shot three times. But now they’re claiming that the cop was shooting at the patient playing with the toy truck in order to save the therapists life. But the cop missed. Three times. Instead he shot the black guy laying on the street with his hands raised. Three times. I reckon that handcuffing the therapist and then leaving him laying on the street was part of their valiant efforts to save him from his patient.
“Fearing for Mr. Kinsey’s life, the officer discharged his firearm trying to save Mr. Kinsey’s life,” said Miami Dade Police Benevolent Union president John Rivera. “He missed and accidentally struck Mr. Kinsey. He thought the white male and his actions were such that he felt Mr. Kinsey’s life was in danger.”
Apparently R senile has problems with pretty daughters upholding her father’s values!
Whoa! The angry loon’s head is exploding with double posts all over the place. The loon’s keyboard, poor thing, must be taking a real beating tonight.
HHTL @57 &58,
Trump asked Thiel to speak.
Sux to be you, butt then you know this already!
Trump’s speaking now. So far, nothing very goosebumpy. Just throwing red-meat cliches to the ignorati.
Ah. A troll has arrived to goosestep.
Heh. Apparently Drumpf wants to pass out “free stuff”.. Ivanka sounded a bit liberal.
Reeling off statistics in a nomination acceptance speech? How inspiring and uplifting!
“President Obama has almost doubled the national debt” — and I’m gonna double it again!!!
The only thing could beat the born-again goosestepping of boob to the drumbeat of Drumpf:
the return of little ricky dumbass.. Anyone remember that dope’s ecstasies to R-Money?
So far Drumpf’s spew is a snorer. Fascist for sure but booooriiiing.
Would you trade Obama’s 8 years for Chimp’s 8 years? Raise your hand!
“There can be no prosperity without law and order!” Is this the Second Coming of Nixon?
Gender pay equality and subsidized child care?
Were gonna have to give the credit for the lying racist Fuckwad’s head explosions to Ivanka this time. Where the fuck did she come up with that? She should know better. That kind of socialist doctrine only creates crippling dependencies. Right imbecile?
Pitching to the already sold. Not selling the unsold. I suspect many pundits will rate this speech a missed opportunity.
Heh. Bernie supporters throw the lever for this fascist?
Never! What an idiot!
Hey that’s awesome! The white supremacist RNC delegate who goes by the nickname “WhitePride” made it all the way through Wednesday night before getting her credential pulled. So does that mean the RNC is like 75% okay with tossing around the n-word?
Now Drumpf is promising to protect LGBTQ people from Mooslim terrorists. With that mission accomplished, all he’ll have to do is protect them from Republicans.
HAHAHAHAHAHA! That fiend is so consumed with HATE for Hillary Clinton it would vote for John McSame.
Here comes the Mooslim bashing! And refugees!
Now Drumpf is throwing the nativist red meat to the slavering sicko-phants.
“I only want to admit people into our country who will support our values and love our people!” And have computer skills.
“We can solve this problem so quickly!” All we have to do is round up all those kids from Guatemala!
“It won’t be happening very much anymore”..
Oops did Drumpf just lose the babbling jackass troll?
Here comes the big wall! But if that doesn’t work, we’ll build little walls around our gated communities.
Oh now Drumpf spews that there will be “consequences” for corps that send jobs overseas.
Hah! Translation: cost of doing business. Translation: a slap on the wrist.
“I am going to …
I am going to …
I am going to …
I am going to …
I am going to …
I am going to …
I am going to …
Yes, it’s all so easy for a political neophyte to accomplish. All you have to do is wish upon a star …
nothing was learned from 71-92! Blah blah blah!
@93 Yes we all expected that you’re incapable of learning anything worthwhile.
As Lee said, you are the most stupid and credulous.
Yawwwn. Yours truly is getting sick and tired of the screeching from this demagogue.
I’m getting a soft drink.
And to think pretty Miss Ivanka traveled all the way from New Yawk to TeeVee land so the racisty prevaricating imbecile could learn all about Gender Pay Equity, and subsidized child care and the motherfucker flunks the mid term. Maybe Papa Cheeto was right about his “subgroup” after all.
watching it live streamed on YouTube I keep wanting to grab the scroll button and zoom ahead.
If only we could zoom ahead to November.
By the way,.
Anyone seen sloppy’s apology yet about his aspersions that Castile was really a convenience store robber and the shooting was justified?
Is it like a climate change denier argument? Will sloppy argue the investigation is still ongoing and sloppy is still waiting for the proof the black guy isn’t automatically guilty of something, somewhere?
This extemporaneous closing is rather clever.
He’s predicating his defeat on “the others”, “the rigged system”, and urging his defeated followers to demonstrate “to the watching world” that they won’t stand for it anymore. He wants his loss to result in further destruction of our democratic processes.
Here comes the loons!
@99. I was wondering that
I fully expect that sentiment to be present among a few. I don’t expect the losing candidate to encourage or promote it.
It may be that, given his considerable disadvantages in terms of money, demographics, organization, and message appeal, he’s hoping to inspire these supporters to go “all in” with this kind of rhetoric. But it’s a very dangerous line to walk. And walking fine lines is not something he or his supporters are temperamentally suited to. If this becomes an enduring theme of his campaign it might lead to some violent unrest after election day. Of course, being as they are almost all older white people, the media narratives will scrupulously avoid using terms like “riot” or “unrest”, or “terrorism” even though the blood will be just as red.
Sick motherfuckers.
Dipshit @69 – I wasn’t asking who let the fag in the house…..I was saying that Drumpfs moron supporters were wondering (or asking).
Not only do you have Chromitis, you have reading comprehension problems – is that why you stick with Breibart or whatever his fucking name is.
David Duke gave the speech high praise.
Enough said.
We’re probably going to have a big stock market selloff tomorrow now that Drumpf has pounded into us what a lousy country we are.
Boeing doing it; Your tax dollars at work!
@105 And if there is no sell off what does that say about Wall street? If it goes up then does that mean Donald’s dream team of billionaires and business men are what America needs? Or they would like Americans to think so?
I’m guessing it goes up tomorrow and will go down after the Democratic convention. Seems to be the usual pattern, not sure if some kind of market manipulation is at play, or the Republicans are the party most of the one percent and the market can’t help but reflect their interests. Or it’s just more fun to fire 100,000 cabbies from one of the smaller cab companies after the Democrats party. Then they have walk back to the hotel. In Philly, ummm hope they aren’t near the Greyhound station.
So did the Black Panthers demonstrate in Cleveland with guns? Probably the quickest way for some gun control in Ohio and the end of open carry is for some black men to open carry. Worked in Reagan’s California. Many gun control laws on the books are racist. So are many drug laws, but we gotta have law and order.
@66 Did the officer think it was a white refrigerated truck, and have a PTSD episode and thought he was in Nice? Hey Benevolent society if your going to use bullshit to cover the officers ass you gotta use better bullshit like the above. Or the the guy tripped over his shoelace and gosh we are sorry, and Barnie will get desk service and more training.
The obituary of a real fighting American.
When the Trumps, Boeskys and Romneys of the world do everything they can, legally and otherwise to steal people’s money that they spent a lifetime working for, this guy was standing toe-to-toe with them and making things right. When the Banker thieves spend millions bribing Congressmen to change laws to permit them to steal billions from real hardworking people, people like this stood up and told them NO.
Of course, the Fascists defame people like this with pejorative terms such as “Communist” and “Liberal Agitator” and the press (that these guys own) eat it up and vomit it back in to the masses that can’t read at more than the 4th grade level.
I’m sure none of the Fascists that come in here would have any problem seeing their pension funds being drained off all the way to negative numbers so the hedge fund managers of the world can afford to maintain their 100,000 sq/ft houses on Long Island and Greenwich. Their servants need to make minimum wage, after all, and that’s too much.
The Fascists must be so proud of being robbed blind by such prominent family names as these.
..I was saying that Drumpfs moron supporters were wondering (or asking).
No they weren’t because his invitation list and Thiel being on it was well known. Just because you live on left wrong e-rag sites doesn’t mean they are right HHTL. In fact they are seldom right HHTL! Peter Thiel’s speech was worrisome to Silicon Valley not to the RNC because SV are ful of left wrong lovers just like you are full of BULLSHITTIUM!
Sux being so HHTL; so full of HHTL BULLHISTTIUM all the time.