Speaking of nonsense, I’m listening to a live feed of Senate Democrats trying to manufacture evidence against Trump as they interview AG Barr. Barr to Feinstein: “That’s not a crime.”.
So far no Dem as silly as Booker or Harris behaved when they went after Kavanaugh.
Cornyn asked Barr whether the Obama administration held a defensive meeting with the Trump campaign that Russia was attempting to gain access, based upon its early investigations. Nope – Team Trump was told nothing of Russian efforts to hack/influence it. Nothing.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, same.
Matt Shea is a domestic terrorist who openly advocates for the mass murder of his opponents, and should be treated accordingly.
LOL, GOP doesn’t read.
It’s been 13 days since the Redacted Mueller report release which is about 350 pages long. At 20 pages a day anyone would be finished reading it by yesterday.
But just this morning when asked..
BREAKING: @LindseyGrahamSC says he has NOT read the entire #MuellerReport. This is the Senate Judiciary Chair. Hasn’t read the Mueller Report.
Barr seems to have trouble distinguishing what is and isn’t a crime.
Nice try Dumbfuck.
@ 4
If only Barr had your in-depth legal knowledge, Cz-252.
@ 3
None of the Senators have read the whole thing. Virtually no Senator reads whole bills before voting on them. Virtually no president reads whole bills before signing them into law. This is what staff is for. It’s a big country and there’s a lot going on.
You’re a third-tier clown, Cz-252. Ever wonder whether Obama read every page of the Affordable Care Act before he signed it into law? Of course you didn’t.
Third-tier. Right down there with YLB and the Fucking Moron.
Is that pail getting heavy?
Congress -“No money for Contras, bill passed, signed onto law”
Administration-“Were going to funnel Secret money to Contras.”
Bob Barr -“Well that’s not REALLY a crime.
Lindsey, “Whadabout….
I’m a busy man. You can’t Really expect me to carve out four hours out of two weekends to read this thing I’m super angry cost the taxpayers millions and is arguably the single most talked about document in America. It’s all just too much.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
So let me get this straight. We start with ground rules dictating that the president can’t be indicted nor can the special counsel’s report say he committed a crime. So Mueller, after finding Trump committed about a dozen acts of obstruction, doesn’t charge him and doesn’t say he committed a crime, but implies he did. Herr Barr then proclaims this to be a “verdict” of no obstruction. This is logic Goebbels would be proud of.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@1 “Team Trump was told nothing of Russian efforts to hack/influence it.”
Russia: “We’ve got Hillary’s emails.”
Donny Jr: “Lemme have ’em!”
You’re fucking laughable, godwin.
@ 6
… is arguably the single most talked about document in America.
Gee. I thought it was the thing with that page with that word that means Trump can’t make money when someone stays overnight in his hotel.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@2 Goldy forgot to mention that Matt Shea also hangs out with terrorists, e.g. Ammon Bundy and the late LaVoy Finicum, the guy who tried to bullrush state troopers with a gun in his hand after trying to run down FBI agents with a car.
The situation is a bit nuanced, though. Shea doesn’t actually participate in his friends’ acts of terrorism, he only uses them as props to appeal to the kind of voters you find in the dilapidated mobile home communities between Spokane and the Canadian border; and he’s careful not to say what he thinks. In other words, unlike the Bundys, he stays ever-so-slightly on this side of the law — he goes right up to it, but is careful not to say or do anything prosecutable.
If I were Ammon Bundy, I wouldn’t want him in my foxhole. He’s the kind who will abandon you in a firefight.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@3 Why on earth does Lindsey Graham need to read even one page of the Mueller report? He knows whose side he’s on, come hell or high water, and so do we. Whatever respectability this man ever had, if any, is long gone; scattered to the four winds. At this point, Graham has so little credibility left that he has nothing to lose by continuing to be the complete and total suckup he’s become. Like Doctor Dumbfuck.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@5 A gnat would make a better attorney general than Barr, but Barr’s legal knowledge is still superior to yours.
Just making sure you know where you are on the pecking order.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@9 “… is arguably the single most talked about document in America.”
Only if you don’t count the internet porn that Trumpublicans gaze at for 12 hours a day as “documents.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
@9 “Gee. I thought it was the thing with that page with that word that means Trump can’t make money when someone stays overnight in his hotel.”
Yes, there could be Emoluments Clause complications with a sitting president collecting room fees from foreign potentates, diplomats, and lobbyists seeking access and influence. It would be more obvious if, say, the guests dropped $100,000 tips on the housekeepers, and the housekeepers had to turn over the tips to management, but it’s basically the same thing. At least, close enough that a federal judge this week refused to throw out the Democrats’ lawsuit about it. Of course, you can always feel free to argue that you know more about the law than a federal judge, dumbfuck.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I have a theory about why all our trolls are always, without exception, such stupid fuckers: You can’t be intelligent and conservative at the same time. This is the E=mc2 of HA trolldom. It explains the observed phenomenon, confirmed by countless data points, that HA has never had a troll with a 2-digit IQ and predict,s in irrefutable fashion, that we never will have one. Sadly, an IQ of 9.9999 is to our trolls is what the speed of light is to physics: It’s an absolute limit that can never be exceeded. Sigh. It is what it is.
In other news…
“Allegations that workers were routinely shortchanged on their pay at President Trump’s suburban country club are now the subject of an inquiry by the New York attorney general, whose investigators have interviewed more than two dozen former employees.”
Little snippets from the story. It was widely known among the “illegal imigrant” community that Westchester Golf Club would hire without asking for papers or at the very least not seeking to verify false papers.
“One former manager from the Westchester club, who said he thought the undocumented workers at the club were exploited, described an environment where — in managers’ meetings — it was clear that supervisors not only knew these workers lacked authentic documents but used that information to meet the company’s cost-cutting goals.”
““You want to be here? Don’t clock in for overtime,” the former manager said, paraphrasing the message to these workers. “Clock out, and work off the clock.”
EdsNote, well we just went from, “How were we to know they were undocumented, they had fake papers. Really good fake papers” to not only knowing the workers were undocumented but using that knowledge to violate labor laws.
2020, “We need to build a wall, they’re taking your jobs!”
“Mr. Trump, how come the HR staff and managers at your Golf Resorts are being charged with knowingly hiring undocumented workers. Is it a problem with the workers coming here or that certain companies are more than willing to look the other way in order to keep labor costs down?
It would be a shame to take Donald’s signature issue off the table.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Nope – Team Trump was told nothing of Russian efforts to hack/influence it. Nothing.
Republican candidate finger rape received his first intelligence briefing detailing Russia election hacking on August 17, 2016.
Objective documented reality means nothing to a slavering, bootlicking, mewling stooge dedicated to defending the single greatest political error in US history. Dupes like Teh Dumbfuck are out of options now. Unable to walk back the humiliation of their victimhood they have no choice but to go full Stockholm and deny a growing mountain of objective, documented facts demonstrating their foolishness.
They were warned. Still they persisted.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@17 I watched it on NBC for a while, then finally turned it off, because the Republicans were more nauseating than I could take. Corey Booker said it all when he asked Barr. “Is the contents of the Mueller report something the American people should be grateful for?” And Barr essentially responded with something like, “Well, hostile foreign powers tried to contact Hillary’s campaign, too.”
Of course, everyone understands these hearings are a show, the audience is voters, and the GOP’s mission is to deny, deflect, distract, and confuse that audience — what in the military is known as a smokescreen, and what we called “squid ink” on HA when Puddy was still alive.
Squid ink is what Barr and the GOP senators are all about. These should be called the “squid ink” hearings.
@19 that is a travesty of justice. But what do you expect from justice in the age of trump. Did mitch install him? Women don’t matter. Just ask kavanaugh about that.
Trump's weird little penisspews:
I guess she didn’t have a safe word.
Also…. CACAO!
Bill Barr had all the confidence of a 9th grader who only read the Cliff’s Notes and then tried to give his presentation but the teacher had some questions.
@22 Bill Barr is a coward who will face questioning only in a committee hearing run by a Republican chair. House committee? Fuggedaboutit.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
After reading the transcript of Barr’s testimony today I’m fairly certain the Attorney General hasn’t read the report yet either.
I’m not joking.
Either that or the man is undergoing early onset.
His responses to questions about specific details in the report and his conclusions about those details indicated that he was not familiar with the specific details. I can give more than a few examples. But what would be the point?
It’s now very, very clear why Mueller saw the need to draft and send a letter to the AG objecting to the AG’s summary and characterizing that summary as inaccurate and misleading. It’s also very clear why the AG sought to conceal the existence of that letter and then lied about it under oath. Make no mistake, those two events are historically and legally crucial.
Either these people are lying carelessly or they have significant cognitive impairment. Whichever the case may be it doesn’t really matter. Nothing they say can or should be relied upon by any responsible adult. Nothing they report about the investigations can be trusted. And that means the investigations themselves cannot be trusted. Nor should they be.
The Speaker has an obligation to review the AG’s testimony and make a decision based on that to go forward immediately with independent investigations by the House committees. Not only should those investigations be considering the question of impeachment of the President, they should also be considering the question of impeachment of the Attorney General.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Republicans say Democrats gunning for President Donald Trump’s tax returns using a federal disclosure law could set a terrible new standard. If Democrats get their way, ‘nothing could stop a committee chairman from obtaining the tax returns of any politically disfavored individual,’ Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin wrote in a letter to House Ways and Means Committee chair Richard Neal (D-Mass.) last week. …
“In 2014, House Republicans obtained and disclosed private tax information as part of a campaign against an Internal Revenue Service official they claimed had unfairly singled out conservative groups for audits. And in 2006, Republicans on the Senate Finance Committee asked the IRS for all kinds of tax information about the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, or ACORN, a group that registered voters and advocated for poor people.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: What you expect from the Hypocrisy Party is, of course, hypocrisy.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Harris … asked if Barr or anyone in his office reviewed the actual evidence compiled by special counsel Robert Mueller before coming to his own legal determination that Trump did not obstruct justice. ‘No,’ Barr answered.”
I suspect that the “close friendly relationship” between Mueller and Barr that existed prior to Barr’s nomination will not survive this.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Republicans are still funding Jacob Wohl.
I mean, it’s not like this latest episode is “so out of character” or something. This douche nozzle has been frauding the fuck out of it for many, many years. He’s not just supremely ethically corrupt, and dishonest, but he’s stunningly incompetent at it. Every single one of his scams can be seen coming from a fucking light year away – in real time, thus defying causality itself. And yet every single Republican you know wherever they might happen to be still drops every thing and pays careful close attention to whatever idiotic bullshit they find in his dad’s* latest scandal-Tweet.
Throughout the wingnut mediascape of bullshittery they maintain an unlimited capacity to set aside any skepticism whenever it suits them, no matter what. This shit stain started out stealing the retirement savings of little old ladies. They were cool with it. Graduated to all these more recent cat-fishing escapades. This is like his third or fourth big one he’s fucked up. No prob. And for his latest segue he’s trying to raise funding for yet another investment scam. Still he gets his calls returned! The only thing that has kept him out of prison so far is his own breathtaking inability to follow through on pretty much anything. And yet he can still get booked on FOX.
*Because Jacob Wohl is so obviously lying that even @jack is unwilling to look the other way.
Of course he did.
“Accused Molester Roy Moore Invokes Brett Kavanaugh As Reason To Run For Senate”
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Russia Hoax & Empty Impeachment Threats News- Valiant Demorat Blasts Lying Demorat Phonies For Breaking Impeachment Promise.
Far left [ i.e., Demorat] Hollywood actor John Cusack is apparently fed up with Democrats for not impeaching the “fucking Nazi in the White House,” President Donald Trump, so much so that he is now demanding that Democrats who won’t pursue impeachment should “resign for abdicating their oaths” of office.
“Just a reminder there’s a fucking Nazi in the White House & everyone around him are criminal enablers – Dems begin impeachment hearings or resign for abdicating yr oaths,” Cusack said on his often-profane Twitter account. “He won’t go away quietly He can’t be wished away. There’s no avoiding this fight – get on with it.” https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/05/01/john-cusack-to-democrats-begin-impeachment-hearings-or-resign/
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Just because emotionally disturbed unemployed celebutards are royalty among the Child Molester party doesn’t mean such people have any authority among Democrats.
The Date Rape party who build and staff Rape-Cages® can hardly pretend to be “sensitive” about drunk tweets from B-listers seeking attention. And though it pains me (slightly) to point this out to you Pork Sauce, by quoting and linking such stories, even from Breitbart, you are doing Mr. Cusack’s publicist’s job for him…
…for free.
I suppose if Brietbart told you to suck cock for free you’d do that too.
Someone do let me know when MSNBC starts having Mr. Cusack as a regular panelist and commentator.
Right Ms. Dash?
Right Mr. Nugent?
As long as salt lick is reading twitter…
Tomi Lahren
Verified account @TomiLahren
More Tomi Lahren Retweeted Rep. Eric Swalwell
Did you know Australians now own more guns in total than they did before the 1996 crackdown? I’ll wait….
Nick Felker @HandNF
Replying to @TomiLahren
So you’re saying that gun control laws will prevent mass shootings while not hindering legitimate gun ownership?
Things are going well for Tomi now that she’s unemployed.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@28 Coming home from work early to find your wife fucking the mailman comes to mind.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@34 I heard Alaska has openings for oyster shuckers. Maybe Sarah can introduce her to someone up there.
I would love it if Bob or one of the other Fake Conservative Fucks here would provide a similar clip of MSNBC scripting an outline like Faux News loves to dish out.
The Faux Newscasters must huddle together in the morning and yell Hut Hut Hut.
This is nothing more than the Faux New Brainwashing Network for dumbfucks of all kinds. Who would have ever thought that the word Doctor could ever precede the word Dumbfuck!
Maybe we should stick with celebrities.
2000 GOP Convention speaker and 2008 John McCain donor 2012 Donald supporter Rick “Ricky” Schroeder arrested for the second time in 30 days for a domestic assault incident involving the same woman at his Topanga Canyon home.
Booked into LA County jail with a felony domestic assault charge.
No word on if he grabbed her by the pussy or what the nature of the assault might have been. Yet.
I mean as long as a single celebrity speaks for an entire political movement, they’re all wife beaters. Rob Porter….David Sorenesen…
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Right Mistu Puwezidunt?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Barr is Trump’s little whore. If he had a pussy, Trump would be grabbing it, and Barr would be saying, “More! More!”
Roger Rabbitspews:
It’s very interesting that both of Trump’s recent Federal Reserve nominees have gone down in flames. It seems Republican senators are so eager to fill the federal bench with rightwingers that they’ll confirm anybody Trump sends to them, but when it comes to what they care about most — the economy and their own money — they don’t trust his judgment. Even mercenaries keep an eye on the kitchen wagon.
@myself @38
I forgot to give it a clever name like “GOP Pussy Grabbing Party of death to 16 year-old Migrants E-Verify Never Heard of It Adherents to the Apostle Paul NOT Jesus She’s Not Hot Enough To Rape Jews will NOT replace us”
Fox Newsspews:
Of course, NONE of the other media outlets are biased in favor of Democrats, liberals, progressives, socialists, communists or femnazi bitches. Oh, no! Of course not!
Fox exists because of the incredible bias the other sources have exhibited over the past 50+ years.
If only Barr had your in-depth legal knowledge
An experienced legal mind would probably know that a subpoena from the House of Representatives is not ‘optional’ but there he is floating the novel legal theory and against SCOTUS decisions.
@43. Truth has a liberal bias. Fox is biased in the other direction.
From what I have read, they haven’t been duped. they understand republicans share their hatred for The Others and sticking it to the libs. It doesn’t seem to matter how much they are hurt, if they feel republicans are hurting The Others more.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@43 They’re afflicted with a truth bias, which the right finds inconvenient to their interests.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“The U.S. State Department allowed at least seven foreign governments to rent luxury condominiums in New York’s Trump World Tower in 2017 without approval from Congress, according to documents and people familiar with the leases, a potential violation of the U.S. Constitution’s emoluments clause.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If these aren’t emoluments, nothing is.
An older trumper on facebook, was posting about the high cost of drugs and how unfair it was, and then in his next 4 posts, how socialist the Democrats are and how how unfair they were to American capitalism.
That’s really good brainwashing. Alt Right Media must be proud.
P.S. It’s only wrong when it hurts him.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Now that someone has actually filed a real-life frivolous lawsuit,
you don’t hear from Republicans about “tort reform” anymore.
@48. Nothing surprises me anymore. Rule of Law doesn’t matter to republicans any more, unless it’s in their favor. Greed, Grievance and Apathy. That’s what republicans stand for now. I wished I knew how to change that.
@50. What a bullshit lawsuit. 200 camera vids show the kid was in the wrong. In a just world, they would get nothing and have to pay for the MSNBCs fees. But given the partisan hack judges that Mitch has installed, who knows.
The russian trolls and echo bots were out in force on the twitter link from the article. Yeesh.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@51 “Rule of Law doesn’t matter to republican any more”
It never did. Watergate, Iran-contra, Valerie Wilson … you name it, their rap sheet stretches across decades. The GOP is a career criminal. Republicans don’t believe in the Constitution or democracy. They have the mentality of a South Chicago hood with a switchblade. To them, only raw naked power is real.
@53. it’s never been more obvious.
Good thing A committee of six cabinet level departments didn’t sign off on the deal or it would be a scandal like the sale of a Canadian Uranium Company.
Susan Rice won’t challenge in ME.
Stacey Abrams won’t challenge in GA.
Joaquin Castro won’t challenge in TX.
I’m sensing a trend. How about y’all?
@ 53
They have the mentality of a South Chicago hood with a switchblade.
Why do we know so much about south Chicago hoods? It’s because of the mentality of south Chicago aldermen.
South Side Ald. Willie Cochran pleaded guilty March 21 to felony wire fraud for spending his ward’s charity funds on personal expenses. That’s 30 Chicago aldermen convicted of corruption since 1972.
Nobody, and I mean nobody, throws a slow, hanging curve over the middle of the plate as well as Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@56 The Democratic Party isn’t three individuals, dumbfuck. It’s the 56% of Americans who won’t vote for your party under any circumstances. You’ve got 28%.
Chicago’s new mayor understands that over the last half-century or so an alderman has been convicted of corruption about once every 18 months.
She vows to do something about it before that rate grows to one per year.
Roger Rabbitspews:
There’s still a slim thread of hope for Trump, though. Hitler clung to power with a 33% approval rating, same as Trump’s, but had to kill and imprison a lot of people to do it. I wouldn’t put that past Trump if Russian interference fails him. Trump is a man devoid of morality or civilized restraint.
And you gloat about his abuses of power, dumbfuck. Ever wonder why you’re disrespected and treated with contempt on this blog? Do you need to ask?
@56. Republicans don’t vote for the brown democrats. They would rather vote for dead white men, white p***** grabbers and white guys who date underage girls.
@ 61
@56. Republicans don’t vote for the brown democrats.
How many Maryland Democrats voted for brown GOP Senate candidate Michael Steele?
How many Michigan Democrats voted for brown GOP Senate candidate John James?
How many Democrats in the FL-18 district voted for brown GOP House candidate Allen West?
You’re one increasingly stupid motherfucker, Red. You’ve taken a deep dive into the race card-playing heart of HA. At least you’ve got plenty of company.
@53. yer funny. Ignoring the elephant in the room.
2019-1972 is 47 years. 30 alderman in 47 years is 0.6 alderman a a year.
in two years, Muller had seven people convicted to date in the special counsel probe. that’s 3.5 a year. trump’s circle is 5.8 times more corrupt than Chicago. It only stopped because barr pulled the plug and DOJ rules say they cannot charge a sitting prez.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Another health care startup, another FBI raid, another den of thieves.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Another example of why Republican ideas about the economy are sheer nonsense. Capitalism works, and is the best economic system yet devised, but only when it has traffic laws and traffic cops.
No one would ever seriously argue that traffic should be completely unregulated, yet that’s the economic argument that Republicans and Libertarians make. I have news for them, there aren’t two different human natures for economic behavior and driving behavior. If you give people license, they’re going to take it.
Regulating capitalism enables all of us to thrive according to our abilities. Unregulated capitalism is anarchy, and has the same consequences for the economy as turning our streets over to the rule of street gangs. Without business regulation, you’re going to get companies like Theranos and uBiome.
@62. Again yer funny. You throwing the Race Card? You are a classic republican with your Psychological projection. “Psychological projection is a defense mechanism in which gudwad’s ego defends itself against racism by denying it’s existence in himself while attributing it to others.”
You don’t seem to remember how you denigrated Philando Castile, or Trayvon Martin, or Colin Kaepernick or Michelle Obama or President Obama.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Remember when Republicans bleated that U.S. oil refining capacity couldn’t be increased because of restrictive regulation?
@59 Wow. The municipality at the heart of a metro area with a population approaching 10 million people, governed by a 50-person city council, has a crooked alderman slightly more frequently than every other year.
What a crime wave.
Oh yeah, Democrats were racist for not voting for the candidate who said
In a July 2011 post on the website Red Country, West wrote, “I must confess, when I see anyone with an Obama 2012 bumper sticker, I recognize them as a threat to the gene pool.”
And yet you think it was racism that democrats didn’t vote for him in the general election. They rejected him because of his ideas.
Roger Rabbitspews:
In some of the red-voting jackrabbit counties, where snakes outnumber humans, the whole fucking local government consisting of a mayor, a 3-person city council (two of whom are the mayor and his wife) and 1 cop, are corrupt.
That’s the kind of place the Doctor Dumbfucks of the world like to retire to after they’re done earning big-city incomes.
By the way, you don’t want to drive through those places. The entire municipal income comes from speed traps and phony drug forfeitures.
@67. Gudwad’s racist double standard. Blacks & Democrats have to be perfectly ethical or he will rail on them, but republicans can be as corrupt as they want and he will never say anything.
How many Michigan Democrats voted for brown GOP Senate candidate John James?
More than expected.
“On November 6, 2018, he was defeated by incumbent Debbie Stabenow by a margin of 6.54%, becoming the first Republican Senate candidate in Michigan to come within 10 percentage points”
Course, he didn’t sound like a nutcase like West, he just sounded like a generic Supply Side Jesus republican. that people didn’t vote for.
Hitler clung to power with a 33% approval rating, same as Trump’s, but had to kill and imprison a lot of people to do it.
drumpf’s gestapo is ICE, so the strategery is deport, deport, deport… (More than the black guy deported for sure.) drumpf even fantasized it was undocumented voters that enabled Hillary to win California and the popular vote.
Only one thing – any border state Republican will tell you hispanics don’t vote in great numbers much less the undocumented.
drumpf is gaslit by the stupid always wrong wing propaganda about the undocumented voting. Fine, let the moron and its pool boy Miller stay that way.
Roger Rabbitspews:
If you want to know what legislation really does, check out who its backers are.
“Multinational corporations pressing Congress to adopt an updated version of the North America Free Trade Agreement shed over half a million U.S. jobs for trade-related reasons since NAFTA took effect, according to a new analysis of government data.”
Facebook and Instagram have banned Alex Jones, Milo Yiannopoulous, Laura Loomer, and other promoters of far-right conspiracy theories and purveyors of violence.
“In some of the red-voting jackrabbit counties, where snakes outnumber humans”
If it seems like snakes outnumber humans, it’s only because it’s near impossible to tell the difference between a snake and a Republican anymore.
Well, this is one way to make Marilyn Mosby look good by comparison.
“Dear citizens of Baltimore I would like to thank you for allowing me to serve as the 50th mayor. It has been an honor and privilege,” Pugh, 69, said in a statement read by Silverman. “I’m sorry for the harm that I have caused to the image of the city of Baltimore and the credibility of the office of the mayor. Baltimore deserves a mayor who can move our great city forward.”
The Democrat’s defiant pledge last month to return to work gave way after federal agents raided her home and City Hall office a week ago. She becomes the second Baltimore mayor in a decade to quit in connection with a criminal investigation.
…it’s near impossible to tell the difference between a snake and a Republican anymore.
The snake lost to Trump in November, 2016, Steve.
@76. See 70. If they are black or a democrat or a woman, you crow their downfall, but you remain silent about trump and the republican corruption. Racist Hypocrite.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
It’s so much more impressive then, that Duncan Hunter makes her look like Ghandi.
Remind me now, has he resigned yet?
Dumbfuck? Pork Sauce? Bueller? Anyone? Anyone?
Cho Cho! 27, 27, 27, Cho Cho! 27, 27, 27, Cho Cho!
The little train that couldn’t.
@70 a man with no conviction – he wears a skirt. He looks pretty nasty in those heels.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@57 “Nobody, and I mean nobody, throws a slow, hanging curve over the middle of the plate as well as Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.”
And you’re the batter who takes a called third strike on that pitch every time I throw it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@76 The corrupt Baltimore mayor resigned. The corrupt president is stonewalling Congress. Guess which one Doctor Dumbfuck criticizes, and which one he defends?
Dumbfucks are gonna dumbfuck.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@77 “The snake lost to Trump in November, 2016, Steve.”
Behold the maggot’s triumph over the snake! Doctor Dumbfuck, of course, is cheering for the maggots.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“A former NASA subcontractor has agreed to pay $46 million after it was found to have knowingly sold faulty aluminum to the space agency and other businesses over 19 years. The scam resulted in two failed launch missions and more than $700 million in damages, NASA said. Hydro Extrusion Portland … agreed to the fine after admitting to falsifying thousands of test results on aluminum extrusions that were sold to hundreds of customers ….”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Another day, another crooked business, this time NASA was the victim. This is what unregulated capitalism looks like. The idea that “market forces alone” are enough to keep private businesses honest is sheer nonsense. But that’s the garbage that Republican ideology peddles to gullible Americans every day.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Back @2, a very unhinged Doctor Dumbfuck accused me of being a “domestic terrorist who openly advocates for the mass murder of his opponents,” which is ridiculous, because I’ve never threatened anyone and all I’ve ever said is “liberals must arm” in response to members of Doctor Dumbfuck’s tribe openly talking about “civil war,” “executing” liberals, and putting liberals in “concentration camps.” I’m a peaceful rabbit by inclination, and I’m only talking about defending ourselves against people who are threatening us and arming like crazy.
Well, it seems they can’t constrain themselves to just threatening liberals. Here’s another one of Doctor Dumbfuck’s tribe going off the really deep end like lemmings over a cliff:
“A nationwide arrest warrant has been issued for a onetime candidate for Stevens County sheriff who allegedly tried to extort members of his right-wing militia group through anonymous written threats backed by insinuations they came from a Mexican drug cartel. James ‘Russell’ Bolton, 51, also is accused of pushing an associate down a flight of stairs and trying to suffocate him with a plastic bag in Spokane, according to records filed last month in Stevens County Superior Court.”
Now I’m not saying Doctor Dumbfuck does that stuff, I’m only saying his tribe does that stuff and you gotta be a real dumbfuck to give your allegiance to that tribe.
I’ve never called Doctor Dumbfuck a domestic terrorist, and I’m not calling him one now. He’s too stupid to be a terrorist. I’m only insinuating that he likes people like Matt Shea and this guy. That isn’t being a terrorist, it’s being a dumbfuck.
Soldiers, following the new commander-in-chief’s example, are committing nearly 50% more sexual assaults against women in the military compared to 2016.
@86 well I’ll join you and he can call me what ever the fuck he wants seeing that he has no words for his ilk, who have armed!
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Let us now recap Congressman Duncan Hunter’s great acheivements for the voters of California’s 50th CD.
Having fallen behind his sales quotas in every single quarter during his very brief career in private sector sales, Mr. Hunter sought refuge in the USMC, completing his OCS tour in Quant a year later and taking a commission as a 2nd Lt. cannon cocker. Safely stowed in the rear he developed a crippling nicotine habit that would later follow him to Congress. He pulled the rip cord after three years active and converted to reserve status so that he could return to San Diego and resume the party life of a well connected Republican Congressman’s son.
Soon he inherited his father’s donor rolodex and def industry PACs, and with it his House seat. This is where the party really starts! Over ten years in the House in a once “safe” Republican seat, the “Honorable” Mr. Hunter is now known to have diverted in excess of $1 million in campaign funds for personal expenses and close to a quarter of a million dollars in taxpayer “office expenses” for personal use. Ski trips with the family, fishing trips in the Bahamas with prostitutes and piles of powder, shopping sprees at the mall, and hundreds of charter air flights, luxury resort bookings, and magnums of Dom.
Today Mr. Hunter stands indicted on more than 60 counts of wire fraud, financial fraud, and conspiracy to defraud. His father and his father’s wealthy defense contractor pals have raised tens of millions to prepare his criminal defense and help him pay back the huge sums he stole. All this while Mr. Hunter was allowed by his Trumpublican colleagues to sit on committees considering defense and armed services contracts held by these same contractors. The DOJ, at the direction of AG Sessions, even concealed Mr. Hunters criminal indictment long enough for him to cast key votes.
But the cherry on top is that part of Mr. Hunter’s criminal defense against the charges that he conspired to commit financial fraud to pay for cocaine weekends in the tropics with hookers, is that it is all his wife’s fault. “She always handles the checkbook”.
And yes, he still serves today. Because this really is “the status quo” for Republicans now. #veryfinepeople
Roger Rabbitspews:
@90 When you’re a complete fucking loser who can’t hold a civilian job or cut it in R. Lee Ermy’s beloved Marine Corps, and no other career path is open, you become a Republican congressman.
Then you climb over a highway guardrail to demonstrate how easy it is to jump the border and justify spending billions on a wall.
There’s probably well-connected donor/contractors in there somewhere, too.
@90 When you’re a complete fucking loser who can’t hold a civilian job or cut it in R. Lee Ermy’s beloved Marine Corps, and no other career path is open, you become a Republican congressmanDeathfrogg and hang around on HA.
Liberals here mock the corrupt congressman.
Conservatives here cannot defend the corrupt congressman, so then makes personal attacks against the liberals here.
Conservatives are hypocrites, at best.
All the best people. Maybe a liberal should make a powerpoint pitch explaining what vetting is and send it to them.
Conservatives, ask yourself, what would you have done, if that had been Obama.
But I think, it’s like Rabbit said. this effects money and the REAL powers that be, won’t let some loser mess up their wealth
Conservatives, Remember “States Rights!”
If Trump had nothing to hide he’d release his taxes. .
Trump Calls Sen. Kamala Harris ‘Nasty’ Because That’s What Misogynists Do https://www.theroot.com/trump-calls-sen-kamala-harris-nasty-because-thats-what-1834477789
I can see why he’d lash out. He has a pattern of denigrating people who are:
– non white
– female
– presidential candidates
– smarter than him
– qualified
Nothing scarier to a Republican than an educated black woman with power.
Conservatives, this is your guy, your standard bearer, the one you cover for. Why do you abandon your values for him?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Remember the Deepwater Horizon disaster that polluted vast swaths of the Gulf of Mexico and cost tens of billions of dollars? An accident caused by negligence and lax safety enforcement? Trump’s solution to offshore drilling hazards is deregulation.
Yet some voters with the brains of eggplants, e.g. Doctor Dumbfuck, entrust this guy with the nuclear football. Hey, if you have a death wish, feel free to jump off a bridge, but please don’t take the rest of us or the planet with you!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@92 Weak. Like your coffee. If you can’t do any better than this awake, for god’s sake don’t post when you’re still asleep.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@94 It’s very simple: The GOP senators don’t trust Trump with the economy. But they let him appoint judges because even a rapist will do if he’s against abortion.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@95 He’s probably not counting on California’s electoral votes anyway.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Let’s be clear: The job of everyone who works for this administration is to protect the administration; not America, not the American people, not the taxpayers, not you. Least of all the taxpayers. At least that’s what they think they’re expected to do.
101 – Yes, that’s exactly what any bureaucratic entity does. Thanks, Captain Obvious!
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Considering he spends his days combing through the archives of failing fascist media for new ways of removing barbecue sauce stains from the soiled undies of corrupt, child molesters, if anything his personal atacks are a seal of approval from the universe.
His debasement is now complete. He began pretending to have only offered lukewarm support for prezidunt fingerfuck, and only out of the exigency of BENGHAAAZIII/ButteryMales. Now he’s all-in, signing on to the full meal plan of crazed, sov-cit paranoia, alternate universe of PizzaDungeon facts and events, and “admiralty court” legal quackery demanded by Cheeto Benito.
He’s pure entertainment at this point. Our very own Ken M.
@103. Don’t even try the “It’s what Everyone does” fallacy.
Speaking of nonsense, I’m listening to a live feed of Senate Democrats trying to manufacture evidence against Trump as they interview AG Barr. Barr to Feinstein: “That’s not a crime.”.
So far no Dem as silly as Booker or Harris behaved when they went after Kavanaugh.
Cornyn asked Barr whether the Obama administration held a defensive meeting with the Trump campaign that Russia was attempting to gain access, based upon its early investigations. Nope – Team Trump was told nothing of Russian efforts to hack/influence it. Nothing.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, same.
Matt Shea is a domestic terrorist who openly advocates for the mass murder of his opponents, and should be treated accordingly.
LOL, GOP doesn’t read.
It’s been 13 days since the Redacted Mueller report release which is about 350 pages long. At 20 pages a day anyone would be finished reading it by yesterday.
But just this morning when asked..
Barr seems to have trouble distinguishing what is and isn’t a crime.
Nice try Dumbfuck.
@ 4
If only Barr had your in-depth legal knowledge, Cz-252.
@ 3
None of the Senators have read the whole thing. Virtually no Senator reads whole bills before voting on them. Virtually no president reads whole bills before signing them into law. This is what staff is for. It’s a big country and there’s a lot going on.
You’re a third-tier clown, Cz-252. Ever wonder whether Obama read every page of the Affordable Care Act before he signed it into law? Of course you didn’t.
Third-tier. Right down there with YLB and the Fucking Moron.
Is that pail getting heavy?
Congress -“No money for Contras, bill passed, signed onto law”
Administration-“Were going to funnel Secret money to Contras.”
Bob Barr -“Well that’s not REALLY a crime.
Lindsey, “Whadabout….
I’m a busy man. You can’t Really expect me to carve out four hours out of two weekends to read this thing I’m super angry cost the taxpayers millions and is arguably the single most talked about document in America. It’s all just too much.”
So let me get this straight. We start with ground rules dictating that the president can’t be indicted nor can the special counsel’s report say he committed a crime. So Mueller, after finding Trump committed about a dozen acts of obstruction, doesn’t charge him and doesn’t say he committed a crime, but implies he did. Herr Barr then proclaims this to be a “verdict” of no obstruction. This is logic Goebbels would be proud of.
@1 “Team Trump was told nothing of Russian efforts to hack/influence it.”
Russia: “We’ve got Hillary’s emails.”
Donny Jr: “Lemme have ’em!”
You’re fucking laughable, godwin.
@ 6
… is arguably the single most talked about document in America.
Gee. I thought it was the thing with that page with that word that means Trump can’t make money when someone stays overnight in his hotel.
@2 Goldy forgot to mention that Matt Shea also hangs out with terrorists, e.g. Ammon Bundy and the late LaVoy Finicum, the guy who tried to bullrush state troopers with a gun in his hand after trying to run down FBI agents with a car.
The situation is a bit nuanced, though. Shea doesn’t actually participate in his friends’ acts of terrorism, he only uses them as props to appeal to the kind of voters you find in the dilapidated mobile home communities between Spokane and the Canadian border; and he’s careful not to say what he thinks. In other words, unlike the Bundys, he stays ever-so-slightly on this side of the law — he goes right up to it, but is careful not to say or do anything prosecutable.
If I were Ammon Bundy, I wouldn’t want him in my foxhole. He’s the kind who will abandon you in a firefight.
@3 Why on earth does Lindsey Graham need to read even one page of the Mueller report? He knows whose side he’s on, come hell or high water, and so do we. Whatever respectability this man ever had, if any, is long gone; scattered to the four winds. At this point, Graham has so little credibility left that he has nothing to lose by continuing to be the complete and total suckup he’s become. Like Doctor Dumbfuck.
@5 A gnat would make a better attorney general than Barr, but Barr’s legal knowledge is still superior to yours.
Just making sure you know where you are on the pecking order.
@9 “… is arguably the single most talked about document in America.”
Only if you don’t count the internet porn that Trumpublicans gaze at for 12 hours a day as “documents.”
@9 “Gee. I thought it was the thing with that page with that word that means Trump can’t make money when someone stays overnight in his hotel.”
Yes, there could be Emoluments Clause complications with a sitting president collecting room fees from foreign potentates, diplomats, and lobbyists seeking access and influence. It would be more obvious if, say, the guests dropped $100,000 tips on the housekeepers, and the housekeepers had to turn over the tips to management, but it’s basically the same thing. At least, close enough that a federal judge this week refused to throw out the Democrats’ lawsuit about it. Of course, you can always feel free to argue that you know more about the law than a federal judge, dumbfuck.
I have a theory about why all our trolls are always, without exception, such stupid fuckers: You can’t be intelligent and conservative at the same time. This is the E=mc2 of HA trolldom. It explains the observed phenomenon, confirmed by countless data points, that HA has never had a troll with a 2-digit IQ and predict,s in irrefutable fashion, that we never will have one. Sadly, an IQ of 9.9999 is to our trolls is what the speed of light is to physics: It’s an absolute limit that can never be exceeded. Sigh. It is what it is.
In other news…
“Allegations that workers were routinely shortchanged on their pay at President Trump’s suburban country club are now the subject of an inquiry by the New York attorney general, whose investigators have interviewed more than two dozen former employees.”
Little snippets from the story. It was widely known among the “illegal imigrant” community that Westchester Golf Club would hire without asking for papers or at the very least not seeking to verify false papers.
“One former manager from the Westchester club, who said he thought the undocumented workers at the club were exploited, described an environment where — in managers’ meetings — it was clear that supervisors not only knew these workers lacked authentic documents but used that information to meet the company’s cost-cutting goals.”
““You want to be here? Don’t clock in for overtime,” the former manager said, paraphrasing the message to these workers. “Clock out, and work off the clock.”
EdsNote, well we just went from, “How were we to know they were undocumented, they had fake papers. Really good fake papers” to not only knowing the workers were undocumented but using that knowledge to violate labor laws.
2020, “We need to build a wall, they’re taking your jobs!”
“Mr. Trump, how come the HR staff and managers at your Golf Resorts are being charged with knowingly hiring undocumented workers. Is it a problem with the workers coming here or that certain companies are more than willing to look the other way in order to keep labor costs down?
It would be a shame to take Donald’s signature issue off the table.
Republican candidate finger rape received his first intelligence briefing detailing Russia election hacking on August 17, 2016.
Objective documented reality means nothing to a slavering, bootlicking, mewling stooge dedicated to defending the single greatest political error in US history. Dupes like Teh Dumbfuck are out of options now. Unable to walk back the humiliation of their victimhood they have no choice but to go full Stockholm and deny a growing mountain of objective, documented facts demonstrating their foolishness.
They were warned. Still they persisted.
@17 I watched it on NBC for a while, then finally turned it off, because the Republicans were more nauseating than I could take. Corey Booker said it all when he asked Barr. “Is the contents of the Mueller report something the American people should be grateful for?” And Barr essentially responded with something like, “Well, hostile foreign powers tried to contact Hillary’s campaign, too.”
Of course, everyone understands these hearings are a show, the audience is voters, and the GOP’s mission is to deny, deflect, distract, and confuse that audience — what in the military is known as a smokescreen, and what we called “squid ink” on HA when Puddy was still alive.
Squid ink is what Barr and the GOP senators are all about. These should be called the “squid ink” hearings.
Wtf were these judges thinking?
@19 that is a travesty of justice. But what do you expect from justice in the age of trump. Did mitch install him? Women don’t matter. Just ask kavanaugh about that.
I guess she didn’t have a safe word.
Also…. CACAO!
Bill Barr had all the confidence of a 9th grader who only read the Cliff’s Notes and then tried to give his presentation but the teacher had some questions.
Another migrant child has died in U.S. custody.
@22 Bill Barr is a coward who will face questioning only in a committee hearing run by a Republican chair. House committee? Fuggedaboutit.
After reading the transcript of Barr’s testimony today I’m fairly certain the Attorney General hasn’t read the report yet either.
I’m not joking.
Either that or the man is undergoing early onset.
His responses to questions about specific details in the report and his conclusions about those details indicated that he was not familiar with the specific details. I can give more than a few examples. But what would be the point?
It’s now very, very clear why Mueller saw the need to draft and send a letter to the AG objecting to the AG’s summary and characterizing that summary as inaccurate and misleading. It’s also very clear why the AG sought to conceal the existence of that letter and then lied about it under oath. Make no mistake, those two events are historically and legally crucial.
Either these people are lying carelessly or they have significant cognitive impairment. Whichever the case may be it doesn’t really matter. Nothing they say can or should be relied upon by any responsible adult. Nothing they report about the investigations can be trusted. And that means the investigations themselves cannot be trusted. Nor should they be.
The Speaker has an obligation to review the AG’s testimony and make a decision based on that to go forward immediately with independent investigations by the House committees. Not only should those investigations be considering the question of impeachment of the President, they should also be considering the question of impeachment of the Attorney General.
“Republicans say Democrats gunning for President Donald Trump’s tax returns using a federal disclosure law could set a terrible new standard. If Democrats get their way, ‘nothing could stop a committee chairman from obtaining the tax returns of any politically disfavored individual,’ Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin wrote in a letter to House Ways and Means Committee chair Richard Neal (D-Mass.) last week. …
“In 2014, House Republicans obtained and disclosed private tax information as part of a campaign against an Internal Revenue Service official they claimed had unfairly singled out conservative groups for audits. And in 2006, Republicans on the Senate Finance Committee asked the IRS for all kinds of tax information about the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, or ACORN, a group that registered voters and advocated for poor people.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: What you expect from the Hypocrisy Party is, of course, hypocrisy.
“Harris … asked if Barr or anyone in his office reviewed the actual evidence compiled by special counsel Robert Mueller before coming to his own legal determination that Trump did not obstruct justice. ‘No,’ Barr answered.”
I suspect that the “close friendly relationship” between Mueller and Barr that existed prior to Barr’s nomination will not survive this.
Republicans are still funding Jacob Wohl.
I mean, it’s not like this latest episode is “so out of character” or something. This douche nozzle has been frauding the fuck out of it for many, many years. He’s not just supremely ethically corrupt, and dishonest, but he’s stunningly incompetent at it. Every single one of his scams can be seen coming from a fucking light year away – in real time, thus defying causality itself. And yet every single Republican you know wherever they might happen to be still drops every thing and pays careful close attention to whatever idiotic bullshit they find in his dad’s* latest scandal-Tweet.
Throughout the wingnut mediascape of bullshittery they maintain an unlimited capacity to set aside any skepticism whenever it suits them, no matter what. This shit stain started out stealing the retirement savings of little old ladies. They were cool with it. Graduated to all these more recent cat-fishing escapades. This is like his third or fourth big one he’s fucked up. No prob. And for his latest segue he’s trying to raise funding for yet another investment scam. Still he gets his calls returned! The only thing that has kept him out of prison so far is his own breathtaking inability to follow through on pretty much anything. And yet he can still get booked on FOX.
*Because Jacob Wohl is so obviously lying that even @jack is unwilling to look the other way.
Of course he did.
“Accused Molester Roy Moore Invokes Brett Kavanaugh As Reason To Run For Senate”
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Russia Hoax & Empty Impeachment Threats News- Valiant Demorat Blasts Lying Demorat Phonies For Breaking Impeachment Promise.
Far left [ i.e., Demorat] Hollywood actor John Cusack is apparently fed up with Democrats for not impeaching the “fucking Nazi in the White House,” President Donald Trump, so much so that he is now demanding that Democrats who won’t pursue impeachment should “resign for abdicating their oaths” of office.
“Just a reminder there’s a fucking Nazi in the White House & everyone around him are criminal enablers – Dems begin impeachment hearings or resign for abdicating yr oaths,” Cusack said on his often-profane Twitter account. “He won’t go away quietly He can’t be wished away. There’s no avoiding this fight – get on with it.”
Just because emotionally disturbed unemployed celebutards are royalty among the Child Molester party doesn’t mean such people have any authority among Democrats.
The Date Rape party who build and staff Rape-Cages® can hardly pretend to be “sensitive” about drunk tweets from B-listers seeking attention. And though it pains me (slightly) to point this out to you Pork Sauce, by quoting and linking such stories, even from Breitbart, you are doing Mr. Cusack’s publicist’s job for him…
…for free.
I suppose if Brietbart told you to suck cock for free you’d do that too.
Someone do let me know when MSNBC starts having Mr. Cusack as a regular panelist and commentator.
Right Ms. Dash?
Right Mr. Nugent?
As long as salt lick is reading twitter…
Things are going well for Tomi now that she’s unemployed.
@28 Coming home from work early to find your wife fucking the mailman comes to mind.
@34 I heard Alaska has openings for oyster shuckers. Maybe Sarah can introduce her to someone up there.
I would love it if Bob or one of the other Fake Conservative Fucks here would provide a similar clip of MSNBC scripting an outline like Faux News loves to dish out.
The Faux Newscasters must huddle together in the morning and yell Hut Hut Hut.
This is nothing more than the Faux New Brainwashing Network for dumbfucks of all kinds. Who would have ever thought that the word Doctor could ever precede the word Dumbfuck!
Maybe we should stick with celebrities.
2000 GOP Convention speaker and 2008 John McCain donor 2012 Donald supporter Rick “Ricky” Schroeder arrested for the second time in 30 days for a domestic assault incident involving the same woman at his Topanga Canyon home.
Booked into LA County jail with a felony domestic assault charge.
No word on if he grabbed her by the pussy or what the nature of the assault might have been. Yet.
I mean as long as a single celebrity speaks for an entire political movement, they’re all wife beaters. Rob Porter….David Sorenesen…
Right Mistu Puwezidunt?
Barr is Trump’s little whore. If he had a pussy, Trump would be grabbing it, and Barr would be saying, “More! More!”
It’s very interesting that both of Trump’s recent Federal Reserve nominees have gone down in flames. It seems Republican senators are so eager to fill the federal bench with rightwingers that they’ll confirm anybody Trump sends to them, but when it comes to what they care about most — the economy and their own money — they don’t trust his judgment. Even mercenaries keep an eye on the kitchen wagon.
@myself @38
I forgot to give it a clever name like “GOP Pussy Grabbing Party of death to 16 year-old Migrants E-Verify Never Heard of It Adherents to the Apostle Paul NOT Jesus She’s Not Hot Enough To Rape Jews will NOT replace us”
Of course, NONE of the other media outlets are biased in favor of Democrats, liberals, progressives, socialists, communists or femnazi bitches. Oh, no! Of course not!
Fox exists because of the incredible bias the other sources have exhibited over the past 50+ years.
An experienced legal mind would probably know that a subpoena from the House of Representatives is not ‘optional’ but there he is floating the novel legal theory and against SCOTUS decisions.
@43. Truth has a liberal bias. Fox is biased in the other direction.
When Will Wisconsinites Realize That They’ve Been Duped By Republicans?
From what I have read, they haven’t been duped. they understand republicans share their hatred for The Others and sticking it to the libs. It doesn’t seem to matter how much they are hurt, if they feel republicans are hurting The Others more.
@43 They’re afflicted with a truth bias, which the right finds inconvenient to their interests.
“The U.S. State Department allowed at least seven foreign governments to rent luxury condominiums in New York’s Trump World Tower in 2017 without approval from Congress, according to documents and people familiar with the leases, a potential violation of the U.S. Constitution’s emoluments clause.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If these aren’t emoluments, nothing is.
An older trumper on facebook, was posting about the high cost of drugs and how unfair it was, and then in his next 4 posts, how socialist the Democrats are and how how unfair they were to American capitalism.
That’s really good brainwashing. Alt Right Media must be proud.
P.S. It’s only wrong when it hurts him.
Now that someone has actually filed a real-life frivolous lawsuit,
you don’t hear from Republicans about “tort reform” anymore.
@48. Nothing surprises me anymore. Rule of Law doesn’t matter to republicans any more, unless it’s in their favor. Greed, Grievance and Apathy. That’s what republicans stand for now. I wished I knew how to change that.
@50. What a bullshit lawsuit. 200 camera vids show the kid was in the wrong. In a just world, they would get nothing and have to pay for the MSNBCs fees. But given the partisan hack judges that Mitch has installed, who knows.
The russian trolls and echo bots were out in force on the twitter link from the article. Yeesh.
@51 “Rule of Law doesn’t matter to republican any more”
It never did. Watergate, Iran-contra, Valerie Wilson … you name it, their rap sheet stretches across decades. The GOP is a career criminal. Republicans don’t believe in the Constitution or democracy. They have the mentality of a South Chicago hood with a switchblade. To them, only raw naked power is real.
@53. it’s never been more obvious.
Good thing A committee of six cabinet level departments didn’t sign off on the deal or it would be a scandal like the sale of a Canadian Uranium Company.
Susan Rice won’t challenge in ME.
Stacey Abrams won’t challenge in GA.
Joaquin Castro won’t challenge in TX.
I’m sensing a trend. How about y’all?
@ 53
They have the mentality of a South Chicago hood with a switchblade.
Why do we know so much about south Chicago hoods? It’s because of the mentality of south Chicago aldermen.
South Side Ald. Willie Cochran pleaded guilty March 21 to felony wire fraud for spending his ward’s charity funds on personal expenses. That’s 30 Chicago aldermen convicted of corruption since 1972.
Nobody, and I mean nobody, throws a slow, hanging curve over the middle of the plate as well as Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
@56 The Democratic Party isn’t three individuals, dumbfuck. It’s the 56% of Americans who won’t vote for your party under any circumstances. You’ve got 28%.
This is what repudiation looks like.
Chicago’s new mayor understands that over the last half-century or so an alderman has been convicted of corruption about once every 18 months.
She vows to do something about it before that rate grows to one per year.
There’s still a slim thread of hope for Trump, though. Hitler clung to power with a 33% approval rating, same as Trump’s, but had to kill and imprison a lot of people to do it. I wouldn’t put that past Trump if Russian interference fails him. Trump is a man devoid of morality or civilized restraint.
And you gloat about his abuses of power, dumbfuck. Ever wonder why you’re disrespected and treated with contempt on this blog? Do you need to ask?
@56. Republicans don’t vote for the brown democrats. They would rather vote for dead white men, white p***** grabbers and white guys who date underage girls.
@ 61
@56. Republicans don’t vote for the brown democrats.
How many Maryland Democrats voted for brown GOP Senate candidate Michael Steele?
How many Michigan Democrats voted for brown GOP Senate candidate John James?
How many Democrats in the FL-18 district voted for brown GOP House candidate Allen West?
You’re one increasingly stupid motherfucker, Red. You’ve taken a deep dive into the race card-playing heart of HA. At least you’ve got plenty of company.
@53. yer funny. Ignoring the elephant in the room.
2019-1972 is 47 years. 30 alderman in 47 years is 0.6 alderman a a year.
in two years, Muller had seven people convicted to date in the special counsel probe. that’s 3.5 a year. trump’s circle is 5.8 times more corrupt than Chicago. It only stopped because barr pulled the plug and DOJ rules say they cannot charge a sitting prez.
Another health care startup, another FBI raid, another den of thieves.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Another example of why Republican ideas about the economy are sheer nonsense. Capitalism works, and is the best economic system yet devised, but only when it has traffic laws and traffic cops.
No one would ever seriously argue that traffic should be completely unregulated, yet that’s the economic argument that Republicans and Libertarians make. I have news for them, there aren’t two different human natures for economic behavior and driving behavior. If you give people license, they’re going to take it.
Regulating capitalism enables all of us to thrive according to our abilities. Unregulated capitalism is anarchy, and has the same consequences for the economy as turning our streets over to the rule of street gangs. Without business regulation, you’re going to get companies like Theranos and uBiome.
@62. Again yer funny. You throwing the Race Card? You are a classic republican with your Psychological projection. “Psychological projection is a defense mechanism in which gudwad’s ego defends itself against racism by denying it’s existence in himself while attributing it to others.”
You don’t seem to remember how you denigrated Philando Castile, or Trayvon Martin, or Colin Kaepernick or Michelle Obama or President Obama.
Remember when Republicans bleated that U.S. oil refining capacity couldn’t be increased because of restrictive regulation?
They were full of shit.
@59 Wow. The municipality at the heart of a metro area with a population approaching 10 million people, governed by a 50-person city council, has a crooked alderman slightly more frequently than every other year.
What a crime wave.
Oh yeah, Democrats were racist for not voting for the candidate who said
In a July 2011 post on the website Red Country, West wrote, “I must confess, when I see anyone with an Obama 2012 bumper sticker, I recognize them as a threat to the gene pool.”
And yet you think it was racism that democrats didn’t vote for him in the general election. They rejected him because of his ideas.
In some of the red-voting jackrabbit counties, where snakes outnumber humans, the whole fucking local government consisting of a mayor, a 3-person city council (two of whom are the mayor and his wife) and 1 cop, are corrupt.
That’s the kind of place the Doctor Dumbfucks of the world like to retire to after they’re done earning big-city incomes.
By the way, you don’t want to drive through those places. The entire municipal income comes from speed traps and phony drug forfeitures.
@67. Gudwad’s racist double standard. Blacks & Democrats have to be perfectly ethical or he will rail on them, but republicans can be as corrupt as they want and he will never say anything.
How many Michigan Democrats voted for brown GOP Senate candidate John James?
More than expected.
“On November 6, 2018, he was defeated by incumbent Debbie Stabenow by a margin of 6.54%, becoming the first Republican Senate candidate in Michigan to come within 10 percentage points”
Course, he didn’t sound like a nutcase like West, he just sounded like a generic Supply Side Jesus republican. that people didn’t vote for.
drumpf’s gestapo is ICE, so the strategery is deport, deport, deport… (More than the black guy deported for sure.) drumpf even fantasized it was undocumented voters that enabled Hillary to win California and the popular vote.
Only one thing – any border state Republican will tell you hispanics don’t vote in great numbers much less the undocumented.
drumpf is gaslit by the stupid always wrong wing propaganda about the undocumented voting. Fine, let the moron and its pool boy Miller stay that way.
If you want to know what legislation really does, check out who its backers are.
“Multinational corporations pressing Congress to adopt an updated version of the North America Free Trade Agreement shed over half a million U.S. jobs for trade-related reasons since NAFTA took effect, according to a new analysis of government data.”
Facebook and Instagram have banned Alex Jones, Milo Yiannopoulous, Laura Loomer, and other promoters of far-right conspiracy theories and purveyors of violence.
“In some of the red-voting jackrabbit counties, where snakes outnumber humans”
If it seems like snakes outnumber humans, it’s only because it’s near impossible to tell the difference between a snake and a Republican anymore.
Well, this is one way to make Marilyn Mosby look good by comparison.
“Dear citizens of Baltimore I would like to thank you for allowing me to serve as the 50th mayor. It has been an honor and privilege,” Pugh, 69, said in a statement read by Silverman. “I’m sorry for the harm that I have caused to the image of the city of Baltimore and the credibility of the office of the mayor. Baltimore deserves a mayor who can move our great city forward.”
The Democrat’s defiant pledge last month to return to work gave way after federal agents raided her home and City Hall office a week ago. She becomes the second Baltimore mayor in a decade to quit in connection with a criminal investigation.
@ 75
…it’s near impossible to tell the difference between a snake and a Republican anymore.
The snake lost to Trump in November, 2016, Steve.
@76. See 70. If they are black or a democrat or a woman, you crow their downfall, but you remain silent about trump and the republican corruption. Racist Hypocrite.
It’s so much more impressive then, that Duncan Hunter makes her look like Ghandi.
Remind me now, has he resigned yet?
Dumbfuck? Pork Sauce? Bueller? Anyone? Anyone?
Cho Cho! 27, 27, 27, Cho Cho! 27, 27, 27, Cho Cho!
The little train that couldn’t.
@70 a man with no conviction – he wears a skirt. He looks pretty nasty in those heels.
@57 “Nobody, and I mean nobody, throws a slow, hanging curve over the middle of the plate as well as Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.”
And you’re the batter who takes a called third strike on that pitch every time I throw it.
@76 The corrupt Baltimore mayor resigned. The corrupt president is stonewalling Congress. Guess which one Doctor Dumbfuck criticizes, and which one he defends?
Dumbfucks are gonna dumbfuck.
@77 “The snake lost to Trump in November, 2016, Steve.”
Behold the maggot’s triumph over the snake! Doctor Dumbfuck, of course, is cheering for the maggots.
“A former NASA subcontractor has agreed to pay $46 million after it was found to have knowingly sold faulty aluminum to the space agency and other businesses over 19 years. The scam resulted in two failed launch missions and more than $700 million in damages, NASA said. Hydro Extrusion Portland … agreed to the fine after admitting to falsifying thousands of test results on aluminum extrusions that were sold to hundreds of customers ….”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Another day, another crooked business, this time NASA was the victim. This is what unregulated capitalism looks like. The idea that “market forces alone” are enough to keep private businesses honest is sheer nonsense. But that’s the garbage that Republican ideology peddles to gullible Americans every day.
Back @2, a very unhinged Doctor Dumbfuck accused me of being a “domestic terrorist who openly advocates for the mass murder of his opponents,” which is ridiculous, because I’ve never threatened anyone and all I’ve ever said is “liberals must arm” in response to members of Doctor Dumbfuck’s tribe openly talking about “civil war,” “executing” liberals, and putting liberals in “concentration camps.” I’m a peaceful rabbit by inclination, and I’m only talking about defending ourselves against people who are threatening us and arming like crazy.
Well, it seems they can’t constrain themselves to just threatening liberals. Here’s another one of Doctor Dumbfuck’s tribe going off the really deep end like lemmings over a cliff:
“A nationwide arrest warrant has been issued for a onetime candidate for Stevens County sheriff who allegedly tried to extort members of his right-wing militia group through anonymous written threats backed by insinuations they came from a Mexican drug cartel. James ‘Russell’ Bolton, 51, also is accused of pushing an associate down a flight of stairs and trying to suffocate him with a plastic bag in Spokane, according to records filed last month in Stevens County Superior Court.”
Now I’m not saying Doctor Dumbfuck does that stuff, I’m only saying his tribe does that stuff and you gotta be a real dumbfuck to give your allegiance to that tribe.
I’ve never called Doctor Dumbfuck a domestic terrorist, and I’m not calling him one now. He’s too stupid to be a terrorist. I’m only insinuating that he likes people like Matt Shea and this guy. That isn’t being a terrorist, it’s being a dumbfuck.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Russia Hoax & Clown Act News–Demorats Promise Trump Impeachment; Deliver Only Buffoonery In Attempt To Divert Attention From Trump To Barr.
Rep. Steve Cohen, D-Tenn., brought a bucket of KFC fried chicken and a ceramic chicken to the hearing. And to drive that point home, Cohen made a point of eating the chicken during the hearing, before placing the bucket on the table in front of where Barr would have been sitting.
“Chicken Barr should have shown up today and answered questions,” Cohen told reporters after the hearing. #ChickenBarr started trending on Twitter after the hearing, and over 1,000 users had retweeted Cohen’s remarks about it.
Soldiers, following the new commander-in-chief’s example, are committing nearly 50% more sexual assaults against women in the military compared to 2016.
@86 well I’ll join you and he can call me what ever the fuck he wants seeing that he has no words for his ilk, who have armed!
Let us now recap Congressman Duncan Hunter’s great acheivements for the voters of California’s 50th CD.
Having fallen behind his sales quotas in every single quarter during his very brief career in private sector sales, Mr. Hunter sought refuge in the USMC, completing his OCS tour in Quant a year later and taking a commission as a 2nd Lt. cannon cocker. Safely stowed in the rear he developed a crippling nicotine habit that would later follow him to Congress. He pulled the rip cord after three years active and converted to reserve status so that he could return to San Diego and resume the party life of a well connected Republican Congressman’s son.
Soon he inherited his father’s donor rolodex and def industry PACs, and with it his House seat. This is where the party really starts! Over ten years in the House in a once “safe” Republican seat, the “Honorable” Mr. Hunter is now known to have diverted in excess of $1 million in campaign funds for personal expenses and close to a quarter of a million dollars in taxpayer “office expenses” for personal use. Ski trips with the family, fishing trips in the Bahamas with prostitutes and piles of powder, shopping sprees at the mall, and hundreds of charter air flights, luxury resort bookings, and magnums of Dom.
Today Mr. Hunter stands indicted on more than 60 counts of wire fraud, financial fraud, and conspiracy to defraud. His father and his father’s wealthy defense contractor pals have raised tens of millions to prepare his criminal defense and help him pay back the huge sums he stole. All this while Mr. Hunter was allowed by his Trumpublican colleagues to sit on committees considering defense and armed services contracts held by these same contractors. The DOJ, at the direction of AG Sessions, even concealed Mr. Hunters criminal indictment long enough for him to cast key votes.
But the cherry on top is that part of Mr. Hunter’s criminal defense against the charges that he conspired to commit financial fraud to pay for cocaine weekends in the tropics with hookers, is that it is all his wife’s fault. “She always handles the checkbook”.
And yes, he still serves today. Because this really is “the status quo” for Republicans now. #veryfinepeople
@90 When you’re a complete fucking loser who can’t hold a civilian job or cut it in R. Lee Ermy’s beloved Marine Corps, and no other career path is open, you become a Republican congressman.
Then you climb over a highway guardrail to demonstrate how easy it is to jump the border and justify spending billions on a wall.
There’s probably well-connected donor/contractors in there somewhere, too.
@90 When you’re a complete fucking loser who can’t hold a civilian job or cut it in R. Lee Ermy’s beloved Marine Corps, and no other career path is open, you become
a Republican congressmanDeathfrogg and hang around on HA.ftfy
Liberals here mock the corrupt congressman.
Conservatives here cannot defend the corrupt congressman, so then makes personal attacks against the liberals here.
Conservatives are hypocrites, at best.
Trump’s 0-for-4 Streak on Fed Choices Raises Concern on Vetting
All the best people. Maybe a liberal should make a powerpoint pitch explaining what vetting is and send it to them.
Conservatives, ask yourself, what would you have done, if that had been Obama.
But I think, it’s like Rabbit said. this effects money and the REAL powers that be, won’t let some loser mess up their wealth
California Senate passes bill that would keep Trump off 2020 ballot unless he releases tax returns
Conservatives, Remember “States Rights!”
If Trump had nothing to hide he’d release his taxes. .
Trump Calls Sen. Kamala Harris ‘Nasty’ Because That’s What Misogynists Do
I can see why he’d lash out. He has a pattern of denigrating people who are:
– non white
– female
– presidential candidates
– smarter than him
– qualified
Nothing scarier to a Republican than an educated black woman with power.
Conservatives, this is your guy, your standard bearer, the one you cover for. Why do you abandon your values for him?
Remember the Deepwater Horizon disaster that polluted vast swaths of the Gulf of Mexico and cost tens of billions of dollars? An accident caused by negligence and lax safety enforcement? Trump’s solution to offshore drilling hazards is deregulation.
Yet some voters with the brains of eggplants, e.g. Doctor Dumbfuck, entrust this guy with the nuclear football. Hey, if you have a death wish, feel free to jump off a bridge, but please don’t take the rest of us or the planet with you!
@92 Weak. Like your coffee. If you can’t do any better than this awake, for god’s sake don’t post when you’re still asleep.
@94 It’s very simple: The GOP senators don’t trust Trump with the economy. But they let him appoint judges because even a rapist will do if he’s against abortion.
@95 He’s probably not counting on California’s electoral votes anyway.
Let’s be clear: The job of everyone who works for this administration is to protect the administration; not America, not the American people, not the taxpayers, not you. Least of all the taxpayers. At least that’s what they think they’re expected to do.
@96 She can take care of herself.
101 – Yes, that’s exactly what any bureaucratic entity does. Thanks, Captain Obvious!
Considering he spends his days combing through the archives of failing fascist media for new ways of removing barbecue sauce stains from the soiled undies of corrupt, child molesters, if anything his personal atacks are a seal of approval from the universe.
His debasement is now complete. He began pretending to have only offered lukewarm support for prezidunt fingerfuck, and only out of the exigency of BENGHAAAZIII/ButteryMales. Now he’s all-in, signing on to the full meal plan of crazed, sov-cit paranoia, alternate universe of PizzaDungeon facts and events, and “admiralty court” legal quackery demanded by Cheeto Benito.
He’s pure entertainment at this point. Our very own Ken M.
@103. Don’t even try the “It’s what Everyone does” fallacy.