Men knew: King County Democrats edition. It looks like they’re getting their shit together now, but this didn’t happen in a vacuum. People heard his derogatory comments and didn’t speak up. In the end, not calling it out didn’t do him or the organization any good.
I should also say that I see more of my past self in this bad behavior than in a lot of these. And I am grateful to the people who have called me out on these issues over the years.
Hey time to check in on the performance of one of Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s larger holdings, a stock he recommended in October, when it was at $23.81.
GE stock tumbles to near 8-year low after disclosing earnings to be restated lower
The Dow’s up 220 right now but GE is down, having dropped as low as $13.95 before a bit of an uptick.
Well done, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. Well done.
My Notadumbfuck Method of investment. Really, do you need any more proof of principle?
KC Dems: So far three influential Board members have called for your resignation.
Stober: Hold my beer.
Huh! How about that! In President Bone Spur’s fantasies he’s almost as brave as Doctor Dumbfuck is in his!
“Draft-dodging Trump says he would have personally stopped Parkland shooter ‘even if I didn’t have a weapon’”
I see their point. It’d be decidedly un-American of Mueller to interrupt the dotard’s naps and golfing.
“Trump team plots president’s refusal to testify in Russia probe: ‘It would be a travesty to waste his time’”
Trump family treason? It’s Obama’s fault, naturally.
“Eric Trump: Russia meddling ‘started off as a hoax’ — but ‘I wish Obama would have’ stopped them”
@ 5
Oh, Steve. Bernie Sanders brought up Obama in much the same way.
Bernie Sanders: ‘Maybe [Obama] should have done more’ on Russia
NPR gave the issue a look-see, as well:
So why didn’t Obama’s administration do more?
That isn’t clear. Some former administration officials who have talked about it publicly have reproached themselves for not acting more aggressively. There also was a long-standing criticism of Obama that his foreign-policy making amounted to endless process with no outcomes — hours of meetings that yielded more meetings but no ultimate action.
Plus, the relationship between the United States and Russia is multifaceted and often intensely complicated:
Obama scaled back missile defense plans in Europe to placate Moscow.
Obama wanted Russia to play a role in the international agreement under which Iran agreed to restrict its nuclear program — and Putin went along.
Obama spent the end of his presidency trying to bring Russia into a multilateral agreement to end the Syrian civil war, but Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov ultimately never committed.
Maybe Obama would have had more to work with had the DNC cooperated with the FBI in mid-2016, whaddya think?
Steve haz a sad.
@6 “Steve haz a sad.”
Yeah, right, Doctor. If Obama had only done more, perhaps he could have stopped the dotard from committing treason and stealing an election with the help of Russia.
Obama is obviously the bad guy in this story and the traitors who sold out our nation to Putin are the good guys.
@ 7
Hey, Steve, where in your spectrum of good-bad does the DNC fall?
Now THIS is how you do a boycott.
The Weinstein Company says it will file for bankruptcy
It’s such a shame that there are so many really good Kevin Spacey movies out there.
@8 Compared to Trump? Godly.
@ 10
Do you and YLB share the same kneepads or do you go bareknee?
Republican running on returning women to the kitchen gets endorsed by the GOP’s star pedophile.
“Roy Moore Endorses Missouri GOP Candidate Who Expects ‘Home Cooked Dinner At Six'”
It’ll be interesting to see where our doctor places that on “fucked up shit to really fucked up shit” scale.
Good luck campaigning on that “really fucked up shit” of yours in 2018, Doctor. Perhaps another plea from the dotard to Putin for some help is in order.
@11 “Do you and YLB share the same kneepads or do you go bareknee?”
You might want to consider the benefits of keeping in mind that you have a track record in these threads of giving the dotard blow jobs in exchange for tax cuts, Doctor. You might find that you self-humiliate yourself a lot less often than you do now.
I see that one of the stupidest of the HA trailerbillies has decided to spend his Monday degrading himself even further. For a pretend-smart, closeted white nationalist who has spent nearly every Monday morning since the inauguration desperately hacking Russian Santorum out of his lungs and nasal passages between flights to the toilet to shit out gallons of bloody orange throat yogurt, I did not think that was possible.
By now, with all that we have seen in the last twelve months, I should know better than to underestimate the capacity of a Roypublican to humiliate himself.
@1 “Hey time to check in on the performance of one of Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s larger holdings, a stock he recommended in October, when it was at $23.81.”
Feel free to harangue me about GE all you like. After all, I call you a dumbfuck. Turnabout is fair play. The difference is I’m not lying; you really are a dumbfuck. For the record, GE isn’t one of my “larger holdings,” it’s one of my smallest, and even at $14 I have a profit in it, because I paid only $6 for it. How much did you make by shorting GE at $23 as I suggested? Thought so. Like I said, I’m not lying by calling you a dumbfuck.
Boob took quite an “ass-pounding” in 2012.. It was fun to see.
Now the freak got its tax
cutscam… It doesn’t seem all that much happier.Too miserable.. Heh. What a “life”.
@3 Talk is cheap; in Cadet Bone Spur’s case extremely cheap.
@8 Thanks for asking. The DNC on its worst days is much better than the RNC on its best days. I’ll have to write a longer post if you want me to go into greater detail. @10 should suffice for now.
His popularity plummeting, the Orange Caesar is blaming Bush and Obama for “doing nothing” about North Korea. Well, I don’t see him doing anything, either.
(Full disclosure: I don’t want him to, at least not what he has in mind, although I’m confident he’s too big a coward to do it.)
I’m sure Bob we leave it up to Drumpf, but I heard that he said he would loan him Tanto for transportation. As we speak he is saddling up Tanto.
@20 I meant Silver, but hey maybe he’s also putting a saddle on Tanto too.
It’s like right-wing Christo-fascist churches are a smorgasbord for pedophiles. Lots of little girls and boys to fuck. And then those kids are shamed by their abusers in the name of Little Baby Jesus.
“‘It would damage the reputation of Jesus himself’: How one California church justified child sex abuse cover-up
I can’t help but notice, Doctor, that you happily ran with these folks in pursuit of your tax cut. And you now have your tax cut in hand and yet you still hang with them. I hope you don’t mind my asking, but is it really only a tax cut you seek?
One can only imagine what’s going on within the loon’s SDA doomsday death cult. We all know about the goats and what’s happening to them, poor things, but what about the little children?
@3. Dude can’t even courageously sign the check when he promises money to charity so yeah, I’m buying the John McClane act. (Substitute Chuck Norris olds)
What happens when you pay teachers Republican wages.
Our courageous President Bone Spur Rambo taking on a school shooter? Fucktard coward couldn’t even take on an unarmed Gov. Jay Inslee.
“Testy Trump folds his arms and pouts as Dem governor rips apart his plan to arm teachers”
@25 A complete fucking idiot is in charge of our schoolchildren’s safety.
17 children gunned down in a school and what’s his response? Do away with “gun free zones” and bring guns into schools. At a deeper level, he’s trying to leverage this tragedy into even less restrictions on guns.
That isn’t stupid, it’s evil.
I see Dr. Dumbfuck is reinforcing why we call him that. Since he didn’t short GE, and couldn’t figure out that it was going to drop even more, he really missed out.
GE will be back, in what form? Who knows. Despite contemplating selling the locomotive division, they just delivered on part of a $2.5B deal to India:
I think my favorite Dr. Dumbfuck moment was when he claimed C130-J aircraft would fall out of they sky because they would run out of fuel if they tried to airlift from Florida to aid Puerto Rico.
@27 Thinking about me slurping at the trough while his “investments” were blowing up galls him to no end.
I’m sure that there is not one HA Hero that really cares about Weinstein and what happens to him or his fortunes. I could care less. But Bob exploits him to give cover to his Pussy Grabber Preznit.
I wonder if Bob’s wife knows the shit that he gets here…If she did I think that she would think less of him, and less of a man.
Here’s some radiologist porn for our resident dumbfuck. He probably enjoys looking at such things, as long as they happen to other people.–What-I-Saw-Treating-the-Victims-From-Parkland-Fla-Radiologist-Tells-Why-the-AR-15-Is-Different?detail=emaildkre
@30 Imagine him trying to convince her the bruises on his balls came from getting kicked by a 30-inch tall rabbit. I’ll give him a written note if he requests it. Would hate to see anything happen to him.
Georgia’s GOP lieutenant governor has threatened Delta Airlines with retaliation for terminating its special deals for NRA members.
Seems HA DUMMOCRETIN leftist Antifa friends are looking for a few crazy FOOLS
All they have to do is visit this blog and many lefty crazies with mental illnesses live here! Shitstain stooooooooooopid solution steve is a prime candidate!
Till Next Time!
Russian mercenaries were ordered to attack American positions in Syria. Trump’s military responded with precise and overwhelming force.
Obummer’s military would have held a meeting first.
Till Next Time!
Seems it’s now A-OK to call you all “mayonnaise monster lookin ASS crackers”! Words provided by leftist Wake Forest students… the best North Carolina a group can get!
This guy has to be a DUMMOCRETIN… Does what he wants and DAYUM the consequences.
This guy has to be a DUMMOCRETIN… Does what he wants and DAYUM the consequences.
Oh, my! Those were some really huge double-post head explosions of Chrome-challenged loon HATE! @37,and 38. How does the loon do it?? I’m thinking we might actually see some more triple-post head explosions of HATE! this week.
Wonder how long it will take Fox News to tell an actress they have no business talking politics. 3-2-1-never.
Funny how we don’t have to go to fringe websites to find Elected GOPs calling people who look like you “Nigger” and you still love them. (Florida Senate? Running for IL GOV?)
But Wake Forrest students….”oh my…I need a fan…and some ice…oh dear…Will one of you gentleman give up your seat….I think I may expire.” – A confirmed liar…er…Piddles
Defending the NRA, not kids,
is what you expect of the GOP.
Oh good, Joey Gibson is running for Senate. When he gets about 0.1% of the votes received by Maria Cantwell he’ll know what it’s like to be outclassed and get your ass kicked by a girl. A Liberal Girl to boot.
@35 Gateway pundit, ha ha ha, what a blithering fool!
Single mothers of America, you need to know that the deaths of students killed in school shootings is your fault.
“Santorum Blames School Shootings On Single Mothers, Because Why Not”
Could Democrats flip Ted Cruz’s seat? Right now, a “D” is raising 3 times as much money as Cruz, and it’s coming from $25 donations.
Our current societal policy of dumping mentally ill people onto the streets without treatment or supervision isn’t working.
“No pay, no work.” GOP pols who cut business taxes on the backs of underpaid public employees may be hearing that a lot more, from West Virginia to Wisconsin to Kansas.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: As West Virginia illustrates, states that pursue the GOP model get shrinking populations, not economic growth, because nobody wants to live in a Third World economy.
Sidenote, the presumed “contested” race in FL between D-Nelson and R-Rick (A+NRA) Scott probably moved off the board for the GOP after those pesky kids and their #neveragain started pre-registering new voters.
Nelson last won reelection with 55%. Scott won the Governorship twice with less than 50% so doubtful he’ll outperform that in the age of Trump and School shootings.
I think she already knows. I’m sure that Bob has said before, “All I get is shit at the horse’s ass.” Mrs. Bob just smiles, knows he spends a lot of time in the barn or trailer, and just remarks, “I know dear, and that you for having the horses and taking such good care of them as they bring me such pleasure.” Little does she know there is blog that does to him (metaphorically speaking) as he does to his horses.
Just wondering. It was eight years of our trolls bleating about Obama spending and exploding the deficit.
$1T added to the deficit just in the last six months.
Another $900 forecast by the Treasury Department and Wharton (hmmmm…someone brags about that place) School of business by the end of 2018 and at least $1T in 2019 & 2020
Tap, tap, tap…Is this thing on?
Georgia GOP is threatening Delta over dropping NRA discount. Because it’s our god given right to have a discount from a private company for belonging to a domestic terrorism enabler!
Why is this funny? Because the very notion of giving tax breaks to corporations to locate in state is the holy grail of State Government.
Atlanta-Hartsfield is the busiest airport in the world in no small part to Delta basing operations there. This is a losing proposition for GA-GOP. “O.K. the lowering of the tax on Jet Fuel sold in Georgia is off the table? Delta announces 20 additional flights a day servicing Houston’s George Bush International to destinations in Florida and the Caribbean. Delta, now flying 2 daily non-stops to Philadelphia from Los Angeles and San Francisco. Delta announces new non-stop service from Dallas Ft. Worth to Orlando….”
There’s no reason Delta flights from Chicago have to go to Atlanta. They can just as easily connect in Charlotte.
And one of those states would be all too happy to pass a jet fuel tax cut for the business. All Delta has to do is ask them to Audition for Delta Hub 2.
That and the geniuses in GA-GOP think Delta is the only airline that flies in the state. So really they’d be jacking up airfare for all their constituents whether they fly Delta, Sun Jet, Frontier, American or KLM. Good plan. You sure an NRA discount is the hill you want to die on?
So roger senile idiot wabbit,
Business Insider is not The Gateway Pundit.
Surely the senility is getting worse!
HAHAHAHAHAHA! Early morning meeting today shitstain stoooooooooooopid solution steve!
Till Next Time!
Flat beer froth,
What a silly ASSed response! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Glad to see you agree with Wake Forest students that you HA DUMMOCETINS really are “mayonnaise monster lookin ASS crackers”!
Is it Hellman’s mayonnaise? Flat beer froth always missed the point. It has a Mike Rodgers moment each day! You can call Puddy whatever you want flat beer froth, butt it doesn’t erase the TRUTH of the FACTS of the post. You are a TRAIN WRECK a minute! So sad and so typical. When you have nothing you attack the messenger. That’s why we whom think right LOL you each day!
Till Next Time!
@ Schizo SpittlePuddle @ 35:
Those “mercenaries” are tasked with securing oilfields and such for Assad, and are left with the bullshit task of working like dogs to keep them out of the hands of the other factions. They didn’t just spontaneously attack, rumored Intelligence apparently indicates that they were given approval if not direct orders to do so by the Kremlin.
Relevant article here.
Just what the hell they were trying to accomplish, I couldn’t say. It is possible that they were not expecting much in the way of real resistance, thinking the Kurds were going to be a soft target. Fat Donny’s friends must have given their Russian handlers some bad intelligence. Putin isn’t going to be too happy about that.
Which would also mean that the U.S. Military might just have good reasons why they aren’t terribly enthusiastic on keeping Trump informed about current events. You should notice that he hasn’t made a single mention of this incident, it hasn’t been mentioned at all by FOX or any other “Conservative”
newspropaganda outlet, and he has already publicly refused to enforce the sanctions on Russia that were voted into place, almost unanimously, by Congress. By doing so, his buddy Rex Tillerson stands to make a lot of money and open up a huge market for his company. Fat Donny only cares about making money, which would mean that he is probably getting a slice of that pie too.It is either that, or he just refuses or ignores his intelligence briefings which has already been reported by multiple, reputable sources.
Herein lies the problem.
We are backing forces in Syria that are pointedly hostile to the Assad regime. There are real issues with ISIS still being a factor in the fight, and Assad has his hands full with nearly every faction being hostile to his regime. Nearly everyone just wants him out, except for the Russians and Iranians, and very likely Exxon-Mobile who still has a lot of extremely valuable assets in Syria.
The Russians want things back to what they were 15 years ago. The US wants Assad either deposed or to forced to share power. ISIS wants it all for themselves, and the other factions who want Assad ousted and themselves left in complete control are probably doing so, so that they can deal with the Russian kleptocrats directly, something that would allow them room to chisel chunks off of that turd off for themselves. This can only work if Exxon-Mobile is left in place as the primary oil company doing the drilling and exporting of Syrian petroleum. Tillerson has always been known for his double-dealing when it comes to running his company, his position in Fat Donny’s administration isn’t going to change that fact.
The whole thing is a big shitty fucked-up mess, and the United States Army working in support of the Kurds is in the position of being in the middle between the Erdogan junta (nominally an ally in the Syrian shitstorm) and the Assad regime. Turkey has long held the position that it is hostile towards the Kurds, whom we are supporting.
Fat Donnie is so deep over his head in this, that he doesn’t have a fucking clue how to force Lt. General MacFarland out, which is something the Russians would love to see and he has already publicly said he wants to do, without revealing himself to be the Russian stooge that he really is.
The Russians sure as hell didn’t expect the Kurds to have air and artillery support, and that was their big strategic mistake. They are unlikely to make that mistake again at least so long as they have the tacit support from the Kremlin. Which means intelligence and logistical support.
I doubt that Fat Donny had any knowledge of this incident until after the fact, and any case, any report forwarded to his desk would have had to be in monosyllabic bullet points that could be read to him while spends his executive time eating his morning bag of cheeseburgers in front of his television.
If it isn’t mentioned on FOX, it is unlikely that he knows that this incident happened at all.
OMG! There’s so much loon HATE! in this thread! SAD!
Love the loon’s head explosions, though.
The Russians want things back to what they were 15 years ago.
That’s right vomit producing dead toad. And what was the name of the president during that time?
Till Next Time!
Feb/March 2003…15 Years.
Right about that time that President was dropping the ball on Bin Laden to go spend untold trillions trying to get the oil in Iraq under false WMD pretenses.
Crashed the economy to do it.
Of course that’s what Russia wanted.
Well played, Liar.