Now that Darryl is doing the polling analysis, I want to remind you that you are a participant in the system. and family. Seeing the polls can make the election seem like it’s a force of nature. But the good news is that you can make a difference. You can donate. You can make calls. You can write about the candidates online or a letter to the editor. Send a postcard to a voter. Talk to your friends.
You are also a participant in washing your hands so wash them right now.
If you were tested for the Wuhan and your result was negative, if you were tested with the Abbott assay you might really be infected.
The above is a press release directly from the FDA.
It’s fun, of course, to blame the Trump administration for insufficient testing. The thing is, first it was the CDC’s own test that sucked. As we move forward and all of the preliminarily approved tests are cross-checked against gold-standard results, we’ll probably see more problems with privately manufactured tests, which could be too many false-negatives or false-positives. It’s an expected result of being in such a hurry to increase testing that normally stringent approval standards are greatly relaxed.
I’m sure there is some way to blame Donald Trump or one of his family members for the problems in the Abbott test. Have at it.
Why not? Gore did.
This is the estimated case fatality rate for the Wuhan, through the end of April. As more testing is done, this will continue to fall. But I think we can all cut the crap about 5%+ fatality rates now. It’s been crap for quite awhile.
Results: After exclusions, there were 13 estimates of IFR included in the final meta-analysis, from a wide range of countries, published between February and April 2020. The meta-analysis demonstrated a point-estimate of IFR of 0.75% (0.49-1.01%) with significant heterogeneity (p<0.001). Conclusion: Based on a systematic review and meta-analysis of published evidence on COVID-19 until the end of April, 2020, the IFR of the disease across populations is 0.75% (0.49-1.01%).
So, 0.5% to 1%. Higher if you’re a senile, fat fuck living in squalid conditions, like Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Don’t just wash your hands. Get some exercise, treat your catheters as the single-use for which they are intended, and clean out that shithole of an underground dwelling – it’s like an occluded, hypoxemic lung lobe down there.
I think it would be interesting to plot Trump’s re-election chances as determined by the HA analysis against, say, the inverse of the case fatality rate of the Wuhan over time. And against the inverse of the unemployment rate. And against the inverse of weekly new unemployment claims. Follow for the next six months.
Seems Marie Yovanovitch lied. Imagine that!
Of course you could have the crazed databaze buttspigot remind everyone how you assesHorse libtards used Marie as the “gold standard” to attack Trump on Ukraine last year.
See ya!
Seems Biden was very interested in prosecutor Victor Shokin after all.
So far, i have donated $500 to the STL foodbank and my company matched it
the crazed databaze
Only one of those has ever existed..
Right here..
I think it would be interesting to see a Florida Atlantic poll with Joe +6 and 53% in Donald’s ‘home’ state.
@3 “This article is a preprint and has not been peer-reviewed [what does this mean?]. It reports new medical research that has yet to be evaluated and so should not be used to guide clinical practice.”
you HA HEROES used Marie as the “gold standard” to attack Trump on Ukraine last year.
Not even close butthole zero. The gold standard was drumpf picking up the phone the day after Mueller testified to Congress to make another tv actor president gin up a scandal about drumpf’s political rival.
The orange idiot thought the actor would be an easy roll. If he didn’t play ball, no military aid.
Orange fool got impeached for its trouble! Always wrong wingers are always their own worst enemies. See your own klown antics after sunset on Fridays and Saturdays.
But if you feel it is a 0.7 rate by all means go out. Show us it’s safe.
Another Clinton Campaign liar Robby Mook, that played the DUMMOCRETIN loving media…
DUMMOCRETIN lawyer Marc Elias claimed he sent the bills to Mook. It’s amazing what they say under oath.
Yet on assesHorse DUMMOCRETINS praised Mook over and over. Just ask the crazed databaze buttspigot.
Trumpers busy trying to spin alternative history. Making stuff doesn’t negate the truth. The impeached miserable failure conspired with the Russians.
Awwww, the snowflake@8 melted again.
So, 0.5% to 1%.
A lot of red in this map:
But beach week… and steak bbq on Memorial day..
The impeached miserable failure conspired with the Russians.
Really DeadDeformed? Even Clapper and Brennan said otehrwise under oath. Butt keep being a dope alive!
@15 You’re going to join us at 8:41 pm this evening?
We’ll be mocking your vote in November for an admitted serial sex assault offender.
You’re not going to “melt away” on us are you?
Adam Schiff here of assesHorse DUMMOCRETINS
Speaking of snowflakes, these guys who like to be super tough and amass weapons and μολὼν λαβέ “From My Cold Dead Hands” are usually all hat and no cattle:
@ 10
Yup. But it’s out there, now, instead of 8-12 months from now after undergoing formal peer review. All of the authors’ names are attached to it, and they suffer professionally if their work is flawed. Anyone can comment on their work. In effect, they have submitted their work for global peer review, not just for evaluation by 2 or 3 anonymous colleagues who may have competing interests that may cause them to be overly critical and potentially suppress important information from being published.
While the information might not guide clinical practice, it may certainly guide public policy. Decision-makers may choose a different path for a disease that kills 5% of those it infects than it would for a disease that kills 0.5% of those it infects.
Had there been more information out there making it clear that people in nursing homes are at particular risk, for instance, might Governor Cuomo have decided differently about parking so many people infected with the Wuhan in his state’s nursing homes?
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, you are free to make your own assessment of the information @ 3. That’s the whole point – so can everyone else, and they can do it now instead of after traditional peer review, resubmission, second review, editing, and then placement at the end of the publishing queue. Thanks for playing.
@ 20
After a gunshot to the head I think it’s no hat, not all hat.
Apparently Biden asked Abrams to be on MSNBC with him.
And apparently there was no reason for him to do so. It’s a one-minute clip, and watching her face as he prattles on and it becomes clear he’s not going to pick her is pretty fun TV.
I can stay locked down for as long as it takes.
I wonder how many of those who got the axe bragged online not long ago about donating somewhere and having their company match it.
Biden didn’t really do this. His staff explained that it wouldn’t be a good idea.
Although if you look @ 25 carefully at the latex gloves Biden’s wearing while out in public, you’ll notice that the right hand index and middle finger is missing.
Tara Reade knows why.
@1 “I’m sure there is some way to blame Donald Trump or one of his family members for the problems in the Abbott test. Have at it.”
Sez the troll who never gives Obama credit for doing things right, like having a pandemic response plan already in place for his successor to ignore.
I think that it will be interesting to follow Goldy over the next year or two, as he avoids any mention of increasing the minimum wage paid to restaurant workers.
Stick a fork in one in four restaurants.
That’s the dire assessment from OpenTable’s CEO, who predicts a quarter of the eateries that are now closed or that are only doing take out during the pandemic won’t be able to reopen again once this is over.
This is currently on the Working Washington site. I wonder how long it will remain in its present form:
If wages are to be tied to consumer demand, Working Washington, what should wages be after a quarter of the restaurants in Seattle close?
@2 Thanks, doc, for linking us to that article spelling out how absurd, irresponsible, and dangerous Republicans’ bullshit claims of “voting fraud” really are.
The article concludes, “Republicans who care about the republic must act now: They need to call out the president when he spreads lies and stokes fears about voter fraud that are rooted only in conservative mythology.”
So, if you’re a Republican who cares about the republic, you know what to do. Otoh, if you’re a pro-Putin saboteur bent on bringing down what the Founders created 220 years ago, you’ll go on being a dumbfuck.
@ 27
Obama Pandemic Response Plan
1. Scramble to replace all those masks that I never did.
@3 “But I think we can all cut the crap about 5%+ fatality rates now.”
If we follow the Swedish model now being touted by many Republicans, 5% is crap:
“As of Thursday, the Public Health Agency had recorded more than 28,500 cases of the coronavirus and more than 3,500 related deaths.”
3500 / 28500 = 12.3%
Of course this number could be lower if the Swedes are undercounting their cases because of no testing or whatever. However, I doubt that’s the case because on a per capita basis Sweden’s infection rate is rouhgly 50% higher than Washington’s and their death rate is 3 times Washington’s.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit @ 31
Sweden is testing at a rate slightly more than half the rate of the US:
Sweden’s per capita testing rate is 17.58 per 1,000 people, according to tracking by Statista. That’s relatively low compared with Norway’s, which is 37.86, and Iceland’s, at an impressive 160.44.
The US has tested 30.14 people out of every 1,000, according to Our World in Data.
Test more live people, you’ll find more infections, and your CFR will fall.
Sweden for some reason decided to make its nursing homes sitting ducks, and half of Sweden’s deaths have been nursing home deaths. Massachusetts has a similar problem, with 60% of its deaths in assisted living facilities, but otherwise the US death rate in nursing homes is far lower.
Sweden is an outlier.
If we follow the Swedish model …
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, no one is following the Swedish model. It’s why Sweden is an outlier.
@5 Puddy “sources”! Haw haw haw!!! John Solomon! Haw haw haw!!! Puddy must be desperate if he has to resort to “sources” like this:
“John F. Solomon is … a conservative political commentator. He was … a contributor to Fox News. He was formerly an executive and editor-in-chief at The Washington Times … he has in recent years been accused of magnifying small scandals and creating fake controversy. During the Presidency of Donald Trump he has been advancing Trump-friendly stories, and played an important role in advancing conspiracy theories about … Joe Biden, his son Hunter, and Ukraine; Solomon’s stories about the Bidens influenced Trump to request that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky launch an investigation into the elder Biden, which led to an impeachment inquiry.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: What we have here is a dog chasing its own tail; i.e., Solomon ginned up the Biden conspiracy theory that Trump latched onto, and now Puddyidiot is using the conspiracy theory to “prove” the conspiracy theory!!!
you’ll notice that the right hand index and middle finger is missing.
Notice IT having a
momentrape fantasy.@11 “Orange fool got impeached for its trouble! Always wrong wingers are always their own worst enemies. See your own klown antics after sunset on Fridays and Saturdays.”
Any other president who did that, Democrat or Republican but especially Democrat, would have been removed for his trouble. Nixon was forced to resign for less. But Orange fool survived because GOP senators, with one exception, are as degenerate as he is. And, of course, Puddy and Dumbfuck are as degenerate as they are.
Another nice day outside..
And, of course, Puddy and Dumbfuck are as degenerate as they are.
As one pool reporter covering the TexASS legislature said to a young Bill Moyers, “you think these guys are bad, you should see their constituents.”
MORE degenerate if that can be believed.
@20 “Timothy Wilson, who died in an FBI shootout in Belton, Missouri, was planning to bomb a hospital providing ‘critical medical care’ during the current coronavirus health care crisis, according to a statement from the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Wilson felt compelled to act when the Belton mayor issued a stay-at-home order to deal with the COVID-19 outbreak, The New York Times reported.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I realize some people are annoyed by stay-at-home orders, but this seems like an overreaction to me.
@21 “Yup. But it’s out there, now, instead of 8-12 months from now after undergoing formal peer review.”
Yup, so is injecting bleach.
“All of the authors’ names are attached to it,”
Yup, Trump’s name is on injecting bleach.
“and they suffer professionally if their work is flawed.”
Yup, Trump’s reputation with the professional medical establishment took a hit after he suggested injecting bleach before peer-reviewed studies of bleach injections were completed and published.
“Anyone can comment on their work.”
Yup, lots of doctors weighed in on Trump’s idea of injecting bleach, but I can think of a doctor who didn’t, possibly because he “may have competing interests that” will cause him to vote for Trump anyway. A talented comedian weighed in, too:
Hey Sarah Cooper, that was great! Now I wanna see you do Doctor Dumbfuck!
@24. I know. I could be laid off tomorrow. I could catch COVID-19 tomorrow and be dead in 2 weeks. It was the right thing to do, and I could afford it, at this time. After I paid bills, why should I hoard the free money the Democrats sent me?
You are always saying the government shouldn’t spend tax dollars doing things that charities can do, and then I give to charity, and you get all upset anyway.
In your world view, do you see me as stupid for donating a part of my disposable money to a food bank?
Or are you triggered because I told that I donated to charity and made you feel guilty?
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron @ 40
The only thing you and your stupid comments make any of us feel is superior by comparison.
@28. It’s an puzzle all right.
A business model that pays close to a living wage and is staffed but can’t make a profit
or a business model that can’t attract enough legal workers to staff the restaurant so can’t make a profit.
The kind of people who will work for less than living wages, will leave the place the instant they get a slightly better job. Unless they are forced to stay or something. An employee could break the law and hire illegals for a lot less, but that would unethical.
If your business model requires indentured servant wages, it is not a viable business model.
Do you see it differently?
NixonGreezy RapeHero and he promises he willend the war in Vietnamcure cancercure baldnesscreate a vaccine before the end of the year.But if he loses he won’t. To spite you.
Rapepublicans are just not cut out for this work.
@41 ” … make … us feel … superior …”
Us? There’s more than one of you? Oh, of course there is …
You probably even think you’re a horse when you’re fucking the horse. This may be an issue, too:
@22 Depends on the caliber.
@28 You should thank Covid-19 for achieving what your ranting against decent wages couldn’t accomplish. But what I don’t get is why you hate restaurant workers so much. Did one of them spit in your soup? Frankly, in their place, I would too.
Says a Putin-loving traitor who is on a fast track journey from dumbfuckery to stupidity.
Shorter 28,
Angry old man pauses from daily routine of shouting at clouds to complain about wages, disrespectful postal clerks, and the high cost of toilet paper.
Well played, cheers!
What??? The babblin’ butthole @19 didn’t call Adam Schiff “shifty”..
Damn! HA HEROES have disinfected some of the orange rust off an orange troll…
We schooled the troll.. Go forth and anti-semite no more butthole.
Trumpers on Sweden and Covid19
Sweden is a nation of white people doing everything right
Swedish statistics = Sweden is an outlier!
@51 Sweden’s statistics don’t look all that great to me. See #31 for details. Also, Sweden has something we don’t: Universal health care. Plus a much smaller population (less than Washington + Oregon), so they don’t need nearly as many doctors, nurses, and hospital beds.
Herd immunity is only useful to the survivors.
Do you think they all think they are the special ones?
Herd Immunity Dep’t
“Five sailors on the U.S. aircraft carrier sidelined in Guam due to a COVID-19 outbreak have tested positive for the virus for the second time and have been taken off the ship, according to the Navy. The resurgence of the virus in the five sailors on the USS Theodore Roosevelt underscores the befuddling behavior of the highly contagious virus and raises questions about how troops that test positive can be reintegrated into the military, particularly on ships.”
This country needs to start prosecuting vigilantes.
At the very least victims of vigilantism should sue the shit out of them.
Seahawks defensive back charged with armed robbery.
A “help wanted” ad by the Seahawks organization may follow in the near future.
But if a troll refuses to adopt the Earth Father-Daddy’s preferred name-calling and framing then the troll is failing in its dooodie to always support the Earth Father-Daddy with canine devotion.
Such a quandry to see the devoted stooge trapped between competing Father-Daddies.
“A young black man filmed by a security camera walking through a home under construction in December and in February may have stopped at the site for a drink of water, according to an attorney for the homeowner thrust into the investigation of the fatal shooting of Ahmaud Arbery. …
“English has said nothing was ever stolen from his property. Graddy said his security cameras had recorded ‘numerous clips of persons entering the property’ and shared two clips that showed a pair of children riding bicycles up to the home and then walking inside. ‘There were frequently people on the construction site both day and night,’ attorneys for Arbery’s parents said in a statement Friday. ‘Ahmaud Arbery seems to be the only one who was presumed to be a criminal and ultimately the only one murdered based on that assumption.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If I were a neighbor keeping an eye on a construction site, and I saw someone on the property, I’d call the property owner or the police; I wouldn’t confront the trespasser much less get a gun, get in a vehicle, and chase him down the street. In a town or city, where police are just minutes away, there’s absolutely no reason to take the law into your own hands. Vigilantes belong in jail, period.
Also, don’t forget that one of these vigilantes is a retired cop whose authority to make arrests was taken away from him while he was still an active duty cop. It’s ridiculous to argue that becoming a civilian gave him authority to make arrests that he didn’t have as a police officer.
And if you believe his claim that this “citizen’s arrest” wasn’t racially motivated, the next question is: Would he shoot kids on bikes, too?
Stupid troll @30…
Fucktard level stupidity.
A slow slide from dumbfuck to stupid, or as I call it, “stupidification”. It’s an orange singularity thing.
“President Donald Trump unveiled a crash effort on Friday aimed at developing a coronavirus vaccine by the end of the year but said the country would return to normal with or without one. ‘I just want to make something clear, it’s very important. Vaccine or no vaccine, we’re back,’ Trump said during a midday event in the Rose Garden.”
In other words, he’s prioritizing reopening the economy over lives.
@60 Susan Collins has blood on her hands.
Also, note that Republicans are getting deficit religion again, now that Democrats want to help states and cities.
Trump: Not a federal responsibility; let states handle it.
Moscow Mitch: No federal aid for states; let ’em go bankrupt.
Shorter GOP: Let people die.
Collins wouldn’t even pay for a stockpile of masks, for chrissakes. And now their cheerleaders and apologists are criticizing Obama for “having no plan”? It takes real dumbfucks to do that.
Reality has no meaning. Obummergate? Doctor Dumbfuck and his orange moron can’t name a single crime. The doctor’s 4,000+ Hillary hashtags? The dumbfuck still can’t name a crime.
Meanwhile, in the real world…
Over 87,000 Americans have died of a “hoax”
Over 36.5 million “lazy” Americans are on unemployment
@64 Meanwhile, Humpers and bad behavior seem to go together.
“I usually come up short when I reach for words to describe the radicalization of the far right in America. This short video conveys it like no words can. Kevin Vesey, a reporter for News 12 Long Island, covered a reopening rally in Commack on Thursday. Vesey was harassed by a bevy of pro-Trump protesters who called him ‘fake news,’ a ‘traitor,’ and so on.
After he shared the video on Twitter and it went viral, Vesey followed up by saying, ‘I’ll probably never forget what happened today. I was insulted. I was berated. I was practically chased by people who refused to wear masks in the middle of a pandemic. All the while, I was there to tell THEIR story.’ He did, and he filed this fair report at the end of the day. Among the verbal arrows targeting Vesey: ‘You’re disgusting.’ ‘You are the virus.’ ‘You are the enemy of the people!’ ‘You shouldn’t be here.’ ‘Traitor!’ ‘F— you. You guys are f—ing fake news.’ Some of the taunts were very personal, reflecting the fact that Vesey is well known in the community: ‘Tell the truth, Kevin, come on.’ At one point the crowd chanted: ‘Fake news is not essential.'”
This isn’t Reagan’s GOP anymore. This is what Republicans are now.
Politico talked to the NSC senile idiot wabbit and called it Obummer’s pandemic dated. They had to create a viable test from scratch. There was no test system in place for this coronavirus.
There you go senile idiot wabbit.
“Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden plans to contest Georgia, Arizona and Texas as he campaigns against incumbent Republican Donald Trump, his campaign manager told reporters Friday.
“‘We believe there will be an expanded map in 2020,’ Biden campaign manager Jennifer O’Malley Dillon said in a news briefing. ‘We believe that there will be battleground states that have never been battleground states before.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Every state is a potential battleground state if the body pile gets big enough.
@66 There was no Covid-19 to need a test for until Trump had been president for 3 years.
And you call me an idiot?
Somebody was talking about Georgia…
They reported a pretty bad day with almost 800 new cases and 44 deaths.
Now it is possible that increased testing is the sole reason for the increase but probably not a good sign that the new cases reported in now the third week from re-opening the bowling alleys has jumped over 1,000 (so far, full reporting will come by Monday.
GA, 5,000 New cases is great! Open it up.
One week, still feeling the effects of social Distancing and closures:
5,000 new cases. See it’s not climbing. Great!
two weeks, still feeling the effects of social distancing and closures
4,000 new cases, we’re there folks! It’s working!
Three weeks when post-reopening transmissions would be expected to start showing up
5,100 new cases. Nothing to worry about folks. It’s all because of more tests. No tests no disease as the President was saying. MAGA!
Probably a sphincter tightening weekend in the Governor’s mansion. If the number of confirmed new cases continues to rise…you probably fucked up.
@69 “Probably a sphincter tightening weekend in the Governor’s mansion. If the number of confirmed new cases continues to rise…you probably fucked up.”
Probably not a sphincter tightening weekend in the Governor’s mansion, because if Brian Kemp fucked up, most of the dead voters will be Democrats anyway. Ya gotta wonder if that’s been his strategy all along.
The Washington Times reports:
“The welfare of the people in particular has always been the alibi of tyrants.” -Camus
“A man who believes in freedom will do anything under the sun to acquire, or preserve his freedom.” ―Malcolm X
“Everything that is really great and inspiring is created by the individual who can labor in freedom.” -Albert Einstein
“You can be a scared slave or you can be a brave human being.” -Maxime Lagacé
“What country can preserve its liberties if its rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms.” -Thomas Jefferson
He just won the week.
“Obama didn’t leave tests! Also he didn’t tell me Iron Man dies! I could have made a lot of money betting the Chiefs to win it all in 2019-20 but Obama kept it to himself.”
@71 “The lawsuit goes onto describe the very serious complications that patients have experienced as a direct result of being denied their elective procedures”
That’s nothing, you should see the complications from an uncontrolled Covid-19 epidemic, and running out of ICU beds and ventilators!
Also, how many elective procedures will be performed if all the doctors and nurses drop dead for want of protective gear?
Do you want a tummy tuck or hip replacement performed by a surgeon who’s using a paper towel over his face for infection control?
Now wave your magic wand and make Covid-19 go away. When you can do that, I’ll elect you governor. Until then I’ll stick with Inslee. For now, he’s the adult in a room full of shouting and pushing children.
No this is really nice…
So senile idiot wabbit, where does the money come from to keep all these people locked in their homes?
I will wait.
Hey trolls! Here’s what your fellow Republican has to say about the orange imbecile:
Hey dumbfuck! You should read medical journals now and then. It probably won’t make you a better citizen, but it might make you a better doctor.
Black South Carolina Senator Tim Scott has been on national teevee about the Ahmaud Arbery murder and cares much more about getting justice then Stacey Abrams trying to become the veep candidate to senile Joe BiteME!
Someone has come up with a fitting term for people behaving badly: Pandemic jerk. I like it.
Black South Carolina Senator Tim Scott has been on national teevee about the Ahmaud Arbery murder
And Roger Rabbit has been commenting non-stop about that murder here at HA..
while a moron troll copypasta’s about its beloved liar Flynn from always wrong wing web sites..
@78 I’m glad to see you and Sen. Scott aren’t making excuses for these vigilantes, Spud. After all, they’re from your tribe.*
* They sure as hell aren’t Democrats.
Now do this guy:
where does the money come from to keep all these people locked in their homes?
One, they’re not locked in their homes. They go out for essential services.
Two, the money comes from banksters and all the greedheads who profited from all the stock buyback insanity while workers got next to nothing.
Denmark, Britain and other countries are doing this:
If they can do it, we can do it. Damn you’re an idiot!
To reach herd immunity, people say 60% of the population needs to have been infected. Given a death rate of 1.1 that the racist incel wants to use, and given that the US population is 330,000,000, that means that at least 2 million, one hundred and seventy eight thousands must be die, 2,178,000 people must die. Basically kill every person in Houston, TX.
But the godwinha is fine with other people dying, he’ll wait in his basement till enough of you all die.
godwinha said “I can stay locked down for as long as it takes.”
Seem BeerPong is talking about Georgia, again. Claimed 800 cases. That was either old data or just a flat out lie. BeerPong been specializing in that lately, old data and lying about Georgia!
323 new cases in Georgia May 15th of which 140 of those cases are in the shutdown counties around Atlanta. Puddy provided the link BeerPong provides BULLSH^TTIUM!
Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haa haa haaaaaaaaa
Gotta love it even on CNN!
“Clapper just conceded on CNN that “No, I did not” find evidence of Trump-Russia collusion.”
Butt wait butt wait, assesHorse DUMMOCRETIN fools claim Putin is the puppet master and Trump is the marionette. Wrong again!
Clapper been lying to the CNN public until today! Almost 3 years of crapper!
More of #84,
Puddy bets if I did more investigation of Georgia counties it would show most of the rest of the “new” cases are around libtard led counties and cities!
Money comes from banskters the buttspigot yells above. So Pelosi went to the banksters clueless buttspigot? Really?
Drinking the AOC kookaid huh?
Atlanta is a black city babblin’ butthole..
You sure hate black people.
Goodness me! It’s getting closer to sundown!
Puddy don’t hate black people yellowish leaking buttspigot. Puddy is proving the Atlanta Mayor’s call for continuing her city lockdown isn’t working to reduce new cases.
Butt keep leaning on being a fool!
Once again the senile idiot wabbit misses the point. South Carolina black man cares more about justice than Georgia’s favorite crybaby.
Get it straight senile idiot wabbit!
So Pelosi went to the banksters
Pelosi actually shows some caring towards ordinary people dumbass.
Your orange freak only cares about itself. Same as you and the rest of your freako tribe.
Damn.. Pete King actually had the stones to vote for the HEROES act.
HEROES? I like that!
Pooh from the butt is proving the Atlanta Mayor’s call for continuing her city lockdown isn’t working to reduce new cases.
So you’re saying a klownservatic like Tim Scott would re-open the city?
Fill up the drumpf bars! Host a gun show! Pack the stadiums with sheep for teh latest megachurch preacha sensation! BREATHE!!! EXHALE!!!
Damn! You not only hate black people, you out flat want to exterminate them..
Sundown is only minutes away!
Probably the kind of thing the Government should have been throwing money and technological resources at in March when the death toll was nearing 10,000 and I was setting my hair on fire to get your attention but Mid May and 90,000 dead is better than nothing.
Slightly better.
Excellent handling of the situation, Sir.
Trump fires another watchdog.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: He still thinks he can run the U.S. government like a privately-held family business (he’s wrong). To the rest of us, it says he’s corrupt and is hiding something.
@86 “Puddy bets if I did more investigation of Georgia counties it would show most of the rest of the “new” cases are around libtard led counties and cities!”
Absolutely! Covid-19 is a conservative assassin sent here by China to stalk and kill liberals!
@90 You care more about justice than three Georgia prosecturos, and that’s all that matters on HA!
I rarely approve of or compliment Jay for anything, (and, yes, I’m probably late with the news, but I do have a life) but KUDDOS to Jay for walking back his egregious plan, which no one would have obeyed or would have decided the hell with eating out
Clearly he sees what the sycophants don’t: people are fed up, they want their lives, their livelihoods, their privacy, their FREEDOM back. They want to be treated like the adults they are, adults who make good decisions in their own best interest and that of others.
I read an article today, with which I wholeheartedly agree:
YOU can decide what risk you are willing to take – that’s FREEDOM.
I can decide what risk I’m willing to take – that’s FREEDOM.
YOU can wear a mask, walk one-way down a grocery aisle or stay home and order groceries if you choose, you can wear gloves and bathe every object with which you come in contact, and yourself, in Purell, if it calms you – that’s the FREEDOM to which you are entitled.
I can choose NOT to do any of those things or some of those things – that’ the FREEDOM to which I am entitled.
As long as you are given the space to live your freedom, I shouldn’t have to – and I won’t – give up my freedom.
I made masks for the hospital at which a family member works. I made masks for my family. I made masks until I could no longer find elastic for them. I will NOT voluntarily wear a mask. I can’t go into Costco unless I do. I’m OK with not going into Costco.
Right now the “suggestion” in King County is to wear masks outside the house. When it becomes mandatory, I will buy the thinnest, lightest fabric I can, and, rather than a double layer pleated mask, I will make and wear a single layer non-pleated mask to comply with the letter of the security theater, the same security theater about which most people scream and complain when talking about TSA procedures. Ridiculous all.
The Q Clearance Pussy has been consistently dead wrong about the medical science surrounding the pandemic since early in March, when of course being right mattered most.
I decided back when it was pushing tonic waters to ignore anything it cares to pass along recommending its latest malaria drugs, aquarium cleaners, or rectal flashlights. If it ever manages to stumble across some information that isn’t wrong, I’m pretty confident it will be the last to do so and that news will be widely available elsewhere.
Death rate, the basic reproduction rate, and the effective reproductive rate are all very different things that all interact dynamically in a real population and the potential for herd immunity. The kind of optimistic cocktail napkin calculation it’s arguing for will absolutely get people killed. And I’m pretty confident that’s what it’d like to see, so it can blame that on the nearest hippie as well.
Nihilistic death fantasies have been a consistent part of its characteristic pattern for as long as I’ve been watching.
@97 I’d pay money to follow you through Army boot camp. You’d set a new world record for most pushups.
Meanwhile, here’s some light reading for you:–whats-the-difference-n2496872
Oh. And the sign over the barracks door says: “Freedom is not free.” Someone shed blood for your freedom, so at least try to be a good man and live a good life; that’s the least you can do for them.
@97 One more thought: Suicide is a selfish act. Before exercising your freedom, think of those you’re leaving behind.
@97. So it’s Freedom to not wear a mask, even though the person might be spreading the disease and killing others.
by that logic, that same person would argue it’s Freedom to wear a plutonium infused vest in public. It’s their RIGHT to be FREE to risk having the radiation from the plutonium kill them and it’s not their fault else if the radiation kills anyone else they are around. Because Freedom.
Were the “playful” teens who burned down the Columbia Gorge exercising “freedom”?
It’s not freedom. It’s “The Boogaloo”.
Ask anyone who has ever been there and they won’t hesitate to tell you, war is the exact opposite of freedom.
@101 Don’t confuse freedom with freedumb. Not the same.
P.S., I’m glad we have a governor who has the spine to tell idiots to “SHUT UP AND SIT DOWN!”
Old saying: “Your freedom to swing your fist stops where my nose starts.”
That’s basically the foundation principle of all public health regulations. It can take other forms, such as “you have no right to breathe in my face, cough on me, get within six feet of me,” etc., but you get the idea. Some people don’t, though.
Those people are wrong on so many levels. They don’t even realize their imposition on the rest of us. They don’t think.
And then there’s the little matter of their medical bills. Unless they pay them out of their own pocket, someone else is paying for their reckless behavior. Do they still have a “right” to go out in public, refuse to take precautions, get sick, then make me pick up the tab? I take issue with that.
Those people are wrong on so many levels. They’re too selfish to realize they’re imposing on others. They don’t think.
David Brin May 14 at 1:16 PM ·
“Daily covid/covfefe update: A simple, capitalist/market solution to protests against “oppressive” closures of public gatherings like bars and church services? It’s called insurance. Let such groups buy policies to remediate any subsequent outbreaks… so long as they gather names/ addresses of participants/ parishioners/ customers for contact tracing, if their event endangers the public with a flareup.
Note: except for random compliance audits, the state won’t get that info, only the proprietor. If you’re so sure it’s safe, then convincing an insurance company to give reasonable rates should be a cinch, especially since many are run by Republican moguls.
Hey! Don’t trust government bureaucrats? Then do it the market way! And let your insurance company be the ones insisting on masks and spacing. (They will!)”
David Brin is a great writer, and takes great delight in finding logical free market solutions that republicans then reject because republicans are hypocrites.
A tale of two Billionaires:
“Open my factories or I’ll take my ball and go home.”
“ It’s time for trickle up economics. We need a transitional fed jobs program that trains and hires millions for a federal tracking/tracing/testing program as well as for support for at risk populations including long term care. We need to dent unemployment with stable jobs”
I see piddles has transitioned from linking to rabid Conservative ‘news’ sites and their opinion pages to individual conservatives on Twitter.
Say, about those new cases in GA. Almost 500 today with one more update this evening still to come. Feel free to lie about the numbers but Jesus is watching, Piddles.
“My body, my choice. If I want to drive drunk that is ‘Muh Freeeeeeedom!’