Did you enjoy the weather this weekend? Me too. It was grand. I hope it’s good for a while. I could do with less foot traffic in places I frequent even when it’s a bit gloomy.
The Waffle House shooter is white. Three of the fatalities are black and one is Hispanic. Probably just a coincidence. Sovereign citizens are racist or anything like that. They merely have issues with government, laws, cops, taxes, license plates, zip codes, flags, and other people.
“John Bolton, President Donald Trump’s new national security adviser, chaired a nonprofit that has promoted misleading and false anti-Muslim news, some of which was amplified by a Russian troll factory, an NBC News review found. …
“From 2013 until last month, Bolton was chairman of the Gatestone Institute, a New York-based advocacy group that warns of a looming ‘jihadist takeover’ of Europe leading to a ‘Great White Death.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The best thing about Bolton being Trump’s national security adviser is that Trump doesn’t listen to his advisers. If anyone’s worse than Trump, it’s Bolton. Evil warmonger, Islamophobe, Russophile, he’s the whole package.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
There are a few African American Sov Cits.
It’s a convenient worm hole to crawl into for anyone who is angry at “the man”, doesn’t want to pay taxes, or follow “the man’s” laws, etc. As such the Sov Cit delusion has taken hold both among white prison gangs and African American prison gangs as a way to justify ongoing criminal behavior on the outside.
Probably the biggest difference is that while African American Sov Cits are shunned and closed off from polite civic forums (when they aren’t being firebombed from helicopters), white Sov Cits seem to somehow rise through the ranks of “conservative” politics and business to be valorized as “very fine people” and “heroes” of the right.
So, last April I bought Alcoa stock. I couldn’t figure out why it was so low and it seemed to be a buying opportunity. Turned out it was. But then the stock went far, far higher than I had reason to expect. It was climbing while the auto stocks were falling and even during the sell-off across the whole market a couple of months ago.
Today the stock dropped nearly 12%. Turns out it’s linked to the US government’s decision to grant an extension to a troubled Russian company, Rusal, the #2 aluminum producer in the world, which was facing a likely debt default in no small part due to its association with a Russian oligarch billionaire deemed unsavory by the US. The US slapped sanctions on the company essentially making it unable to tap the world’s financial markets.
Except the oligarch guy might not be so bad, and the company is trying to make that point to the US government.
Alcoa stock’s recent good fortunes were aided substantially by the economic woes of its largest competitor. But not today.
Barron’s has a piece about Rusal, the Russian economy and what Russia has done in the past four years to clean up its act, published last Friday.
It’s an interesting read. Russia is in much better shape now than it was four years ago, and not because Hillary Clinton lost again.
Actually, Hillary Clinton isn’t even mentioned in the Barron’s piece. I just like pushing Steve’s buttons.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Mr. Safety School, Esq. has until day after tomorrow to file a declaration in U.S. District Court asserting his fifth amendment right to remain silent in the “Trump fucked a porn hooker while Melania was fat” lawsuit in Cali.
He’s resisted doing so thus far because it makes him look guilty af. Which he probably is. But he really has no choice if he wants the Judge Otero to stay the civil suit. And he must have that or he must settle because taking the fifth would so prejudice Mr. Safety School, Esq.’s case that he will lose. Judge Otero must consider that prejudice to Mr. Safety School, Esq’s case. And in order for the judge to do so, he needs the declaration in the record. But the judge must also consider if a stay will prejudice the case for the porno lady. Which it will. Because it implicates her constitutionally protected right to freely express how small President PornHub’s dick is, how bad his breath stinks like onions and Tic Tacs, what his “O-face” looks like, how much he cries afterward, etc.
Because the case involves “modern conservatives” it has some very obviously sleazy features that make rational people throw up a little in their mouths. But it also has some historical potential. Because the opposing party’s interest are so directly opposed, and because one of the party’s interests implicate a constitutionally protected right.
The waters have been muddied by the antics of both parties. So I suspect the judge may choose a safe route by ordering limited discovery for now, and let Cohen decide if he can make it through depositions far enough to establish his claim that a valid contract was formed. That’s what the porn lady is seeking because her for-real lawyer believes that the contract is invalid and wants that declared for the record. If Cohen and Trump have been lying about all this (????) then they’ll fold like a circus tent full of deplorables. But if they proceed to depositions and a mini trial on the question then they might actually be telling the truth.
If they fold because they are lying pieces of shit, Roypublicans enthralled to the Cheeto Jesus will tell themselves it was all some sort of “legal technicality”. And that will satisfy them. But it probably won’t satisfy the USAO-SDNY, who will read it as proof that Cohen and Trump committed some serious felonies. If they were at all smart they’d settle. Of course they aren’t smart at all.
@ 5
…they’ll fold like a circus tent full of deplorables.
Never underestimate a group of deplorables acting in concert.
’cause Hillary Clinton did that and look what happened to her.
Did I call it or did I call it. See yesterday’s comment. I’m sure The Hump is connected too.
Ya know what’s missing from that Guardian piece, to which NYDN linked, Elijah Klamath McHillbilly?
Any evidence that Cohen helped Hannity assemble his property holdings.
Other than that, oh boy, did you ever call it.
It’s a good day.
Senator Joe Manchin
After meeting with Mike Pompeo, discussing his foreign policy perspectives, & considering his distinguished time as CIA Director & his exemplary career in public service, I will vote to confirm Mike Pompeo to be our next Secretary of State.
8:13 AM – Apr 23, 2018
The question put to Rand Paul was a good one: How could you support John Kerry for SoS but not Mike Pompeo? Looks like Paul may get to duck that question now.
I’m happily watching Season Four of Bosch on Amazon Prime.
This was in one of the episodes:
Police went to a funeral home to use a dead man’s finger to try to unlock his phone
@10 “Police went to a funeral home to use a dead man’s finger to try to unlock his phone”
The sort of thing a radiologist daydreams about in his windowless basement lab while OD’ing on lung scans.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@13 Sez the dumbfuck who moved to Oregon to escape income taxes.
Roger Rabbitspews:
One more thing: Cohen’s secret client probably just wanted advice on arcane technicalities of journalist privilege or something like that. Of course that’s the sort of thing he’d go to great lengths to hide from his colleagues and audience.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Your prediction rests entirely on the absolute truth behind Mr. Safety School, Esq.’s avowalls that he undertook the NDA to benefit his client entirely on his own, without his client’s knowledge or approval. If any part of that is not true they will settle (or lose).
Think of this as a test for you, and whether or not you can still reason your way through the thick sticky film of the Orange Event Horizon.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Crime Blotter
1. The Waffle House suspect was captured this morning in the woods where he was last seen.
2. An apparent vehicle attack in Toronto injured 8 to 10 pedestrians; the driver is in custody.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Texass has racist schools. (But we already knew that from the “clock boy” incident.) This is perfectly fine with Betsy DeVos and the Trump administration.
CNBC reported today that Sean Hannity borrowed $2.5 million against his Long Island home last year — a mansion one of his shell companies purchased for $8.5 million in 2008 and paid cash for. That shell company quit-claimed it to Hannity for $1 when the loans were taken out.
There’s no law against paying cash for a home and later borrowing against it. It just seems a little weird that a guy who earned $36 million between June of 2016 and 2017 needs to borrow $2.5 million. “Needs” probably isn’t the right word here; the question is why he “wants” to put that kind of encumbrance on a personal residence he owns free and clear.
Of course, wealthy people do that all the time, for example to raise cash for investment purposes or pay off a mistress. But Hannity is a public figure, and a very visible one at that, so it’s perfectly natural to wonder which of his mistresses got the payoff and what they know that’s worth $2.5 million to keep quiet.
@18(2) Toronto police say 9 people were killed and 16 injured by the van that drove into a pedestrian crowd this morning. They’re not yet calling it deliberate, or a terrorist attack, but it sure looks that way.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Denials to the contrary, a lobbyist linked to a bargain Washington, D.C., condo where Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt was staying last year did meet with Pruitt in his office to discuss EPA activity, the lobbyist acknowledged. He also communicated with the EPA early this year, according to documents from his own company.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: We already know Trump’s EPA boss is corrupt. Now it’s time to question him under oath about his conflicts of interest. Of course, Republicans will never do that, so this must await the November elections and a new Congress next January. Then, Pruitt’s best hope will be that Democrats are too busy impeaching Trump to get around to him.
I'll nvere have a fucking presidentail libraryspews:
The Us is 3rd in the world in murders. Take out Chicago,Detroit,Washington DC, St Louis,and New Orleans and we drop to 189 out of 193. These five cities are led by Democratic Mayors, are sanctuary cities, and very high in homeless people.
Dumbfuck is always harping about stiffer gun laws. Don’;t think that’s the answer. Criminals don’t follow any laws. That’s why they are called criminals.
Newt Hoenikkerspews:
@6 “’cause Hillary Clinton did that and look what happened to her.”
Yeah, she lost the electoral vote, but won the popular vote. What’s your point?
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
“Dumbfuck” never calls for gun control. Whoever you are you are clearly too day-drunk to keep identities straight… just like Dumbfuck!
Who just like you also gets himself into all kinds of trouble with math and statistics.
Wait. I think I know who you are now!
It’s kind of an amazing bit of mental gymnastics to write an article like this and never say, flat out, He lied
Wonder what the ranking would be if you also eliminated the 3rd most populous city in all other countries and cherry picked out a few more?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@25 Doesn’t take much fact-checking to expose you as a dumbass.
@29 As the debunkers cited @30 point out, even cherry-picking the data, the claim that the U.S. is “third in murders” isn’t true.*
Also worth noting is the falsity of the claim that the named cities have the strictest gun control law; that’s flat-out bullshit. See the Politifact link for details.
* Other things being equal, you would expect the U.S. to be 3rd in murders because it’s 3rd in population, but according to Snopes the U.S. has the 8th highest number of murders and has the 110th (of 179 countries) highest murder rate. So even the premise of this internet fable is fraudulent.
Puddybud is just visiting the mayonnaise monster lookin ASS crackers here!spews:
Sovereign citizens are:
– racist
– anti-semetic
– anti- tax paying…
Al NotSoSharpton:
And the senile idiot rager wabbit claims Puddy has no idea on about the definition. The loonatic roger senile idiot wabbit continues to make Puddy’s case!
Till Next Time!
Puddybud is just visiting the mayonnaise monster lookin ASS crackers here!spews:
Nice of the loon to stop by to lay some head explosions of hate on us.
Puddybud is just visiting the mayonnaise monster lookin ASS crackers here!spews:
So why hasn’t Mueller interviewed Natalia Veselnitskaya if they really are looking at Russian collusion? Or is this about turning over an duly held election? http://www.businessinsider.com.....her-2018-4
Till Next Time!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@32 You oughta know …
“… in recent years, SPLC reports, a growing number of black Americans have been attracted to an offshoot of the sovereign ideology that takes the movement’s conspiratorial and anti-government elements and blends them with selective teachings of black nationalists.”
But don’t let your guard down around your friends, because …
“Some sovereign citizens maintain a white-supremacist ideology” and hold “intensely negative opinions about African Americans.”
racist or anti-semitic in the FBI definition. Since you libtards agree with Robert Mueller, Andrew McCabe and James Comey, why do you reject the definition that occurred during their tenures?
EPIC FAYLE senile idiot wabbit FOOL! And the rest of you FOOLS follow your pied piper right over the cliff every day!
Till Next Time!
Puddybud is just visiting the mayonnaise monster lookin ASS crackers here!spews:
Now where did roger senile idiot wabbit run off to?
FACTS – Never friends of DUMMOCRETINS!
Till Next Time!
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Death News–Demorat America-Haters Collude With Russians, Earn Praise From Russian Media
A crowd of roaring left-wing anti-war activists have staged a protest in Portland during the commissioning of the US Navy’s newest vessel, the USS Portland, a San Antonio-class amphibious ship loaded with laser technology.
Some 100 protesters, representing a number of local anti-war organizations, held a protest at the port terminal where the USS Portland’s commissioning ceremony was taking place on Saturday. Staying a comfortable distance away from the military contingent, they shouted anti-government slogans, demanding an end to American troop deployment overseas. “Stop the US war machine!” they shouted, as they approached the venue.
“There is a two billion dollar warship being named after our city and we want to let our officials know that we demand an end to all imperialist wars and violence and it sure as hell shouldn’t happen in the name of our city,” organizer Olivia Katbi Smith told RT’s Ruptly video agency.
Puddybud is just visiting the mayonnaise monster lookin ASS crackers here!spews:
“A Hud source said Hannity was identified in non-public filings as the 100% owner of the apartment complexes.”
So we know that someone is illegally leaking HUD documents to leftists! Seems the attacks on Sean Hannity are backfiring…
“It is ironic that I am being attacked for investing my personal money in communities that badly need such investment and in which, I am sure, those attacking me have not invested their money. The fact is, these are investments that I do not individually select, control, or know the details about; except that obviously I believe in putting my money to work in communities that otherwise struggle to receive such support.
I have never discussed with anybody at HUD the original loans that were obtained in the Obama years, nor the subsequent refinance of such loans, as they are a private matter. I had no role in, or responsibility for, any HUD involvement in any of these investments. I can say that every rigorous process and strict standard of improvement requirements were followed; all were met, fulfilled and inspected.
The LLC’s are REAL companies that spend real investment money on real properties.”
Sean is correctly exposing the libtards of the deep state!
Till Next Time!
Puddybud is just visiting the mayonnaise monster lookin ASS crackers here!spews:
Soooooooooooooooooooo PMSNBC leftist pinhead Joy Reid’s cockroach gay-hating life is seeing the light of day!
Oh wait… that’s because Johnson admits Trump’s economy is bringing blacks back into the workforce! Oopsie did Johnson leave the reservation? FACTS, things that shitstain steve hates!
Till Next Time!
Puddybud is just visiting the mayonnaise monster lookin ASS crackers here!spews:
Puddybud is just visiting the mayonnaise monster lookin ASS crackers here!spews:
“We now know that there was no official intelligence that was used to start this investigation,” he told Fox News on Sunday. “We know that Sidney Blumenthal and others were pushing information into the State Department. So we’re trying to piece all that together and that’s why we continue to look at the State Department.”
Social Darwinism is one of the philosophical pillars of modern political conservatism. Here’s a counter-argument:
“Darwin’s theory of the struggle for existence and the selectivity connected with it has by many people been cited as authorization of the encouragement of the spirit of competition. Some people also in such a way have tried to prove pseudo-scientifically the necessity of the destructive economic struggle of competition between individuals. But this is wrong, because man owes his strength in the struggle for existence to the fact that he is a socially living animal. As little as a battle between single ants of an anthill is essential for survival, just so little is this the case with the individual members of a human community.”
Anybody know who wrote this? (Hint: not Puddy)
Yeah, she lost the electoral vote, but won the popular vote. What’s your point?
Newt, WTF.
What’s yours?
It was never a national popular vote election. This is why Darryl broke it down into individual states, each and every time, before doing his Monte Carlo analysis.
LOL! Too funny that pork bbq sauce is getting information from a russian propaganda network.
Yawwwwn… Like the racists in Charlottesville – they don’t even bother to don the hoods.
Puddybud is just visiting the mayonnaise monster lookin ASS crackers here!spews:
Once again the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely creepy neurotic low IQ arschloch with the moist leaking pink lace panty gusset doesn’t understand the post. Does the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely creepy neurotic low IQ arschloch with the moist leaking pink lace panty gusset ever understand anything?
RT is cheering leftist DUMMOCRETINS protesting a submarine launch!
Butt butt butt that’s collusion man!
Till Next Time!
Puddybud is just visiting the mayonnaise monster lookin ASS crackers here!spews:
You are arguing with a salamander so what did you really expect? Mental comprehension?
Till Next Time!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@49 “protesting a submarine launch”
This particular type of ship only becomes a “submarine” involuntarily, and only once.
RT, dedicated to inflaming klownservatic HATE, is making the babbling butthole orgasm!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@47 Wherein a dumbfuck again celebrates the elevation to power of an autocratic, racist, bigoted, pussygrabbing adulterer and deadbeat endorsed by Putin by a misguided minority of low information voters under an electoral system designed to preserve slavery.
You truly are a dumbfuck.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Still don’t have the answer to #46?
Puddybud is just visiting the mayonnaise monster lookin ASS crackers here!spews:
Delusional monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely creepy neurotic low IQ arschloch with the moist leaking pink lace panty gusset as always!
Till Next Time!
Puddybud is just visiting the mayonnaise monster lookin ASS crackers here!spews:
Social Darwinism is a DUMMOCRETIN disorder roger senile idiot wabbit! We are Children of God, you are DARWIN supporters!
Till Next Time!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Anyone recognizing the Einstein quote @46 would realize #57 was not posted by Einstein, Darwin, or anyone else with more brains than a mosquito.
The Waffle House shooter is white. Three of the fatalities are black and one is Hispanic. Probably just a coincidence. Sovereign citizens are racist or anything like that. They merely have issues with government, laws, cops, taxes, license plates, zip codes, flags, and other people.
“John Bolton, President Donald Trump’s new national security adviser, chaired a nonprofit that has promoted misleading and false anti-Muslim news, some of which was amplified by a Russian troll factory, an NBC News review found. …
“From 2013 until last month, Bolton was chairman of the Gatestone Institute, a New York-based advocacy group that warns of a looming ‘jihadist takeover’ of Europe leading to a ‘Great White Death.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The best thing about Bolton being Trump’s national security adviser is that Trump doesn’t listen to his advisers. If anyone’s worse than Trump, it’s Bolton. Evil warmonger, Islamophobe, Russophile, he’s the whole package.
There are a few African American Sov Cits.
It’s a convenient worm hole to crawl into for anyone who is angry at “the man”, doesn’t want to pay taxes, or follow “the man’s” laws, etc. As such the Sov Cit delusion has taken hold both among white prison gangs and African American prison gangs as a way to justify ongoing criminal behavior on the outside.
Probably the biggest difference is that while African American Sov Cits are shunned and closed off from polite civic forums (when they aren’t being firebombed from helicopters), white Sov Cits seem to somehow rise through the ranks of “conservative” politics and business to be valorized as “very fine people” and “heroes” of the right.
So, last April I bought Alcoa stock. I couldn’t figure out why it was so low and it seemed to be a buying opportunity. Turned out it was. But then the stock went far, far higher than I had reason to expect. It was climbing while the auto stocks were falling and even during the sell-off across the whole market a couple of months ago.
Today the stock dropped nearly 12%. Turns out it’s linked to the US government’s decision to grant an extension to a troubled Russian company, Rusal, the #2 aluminum producer in the world, which was facing a likely debt default in no small part due to its association with a Russian oligarch billionaire deemed unsavory by the US. The US slapped sanctions on the company essentially making it unable to tap the world’s financial markets.
Except the oligarch guy might not be so bad, and the company is trying to make that point to the US government.
Alcoa stock’s recent good fortunes were aided substantially by the economic woes of its largest competitor. But not today.
Barron’s has a piece about Rusal, the Russian economy and what Russia has done in the past four years to clean up its act, published last Friday.
It’s an interesting read. Russia is in much better shape now than it was four years ago, and not because Hillary Clinton lost again.
Actually, Hillary Clinton isn’t even mentioned in the Barron’s piece. I just like pushing Steve’s buttons.
Mr. Safety School, Esq. has until day after tomorrow to file a declaration in U.S. District Court asserting his fifth amendment right to remain silent in the “Trump fucked a porn hooker while Melania was fat” lawsuit in Cali.
He’s resisted doing so thus far because it makes him look guilty af. Which he probably is. But he really has no choice if he wants the Judge Otero to stay the civil suit. And he must have that or he must settle because taking the fifth would so prejudice Mr. Safety School, Esq.’s case that he will lose. Judge Otero must consider that prejudice to Mr. Safety School, Esq’s case. And in order for the judge to do so, he needs the declaration in the record. But the judge must also consider if a stay will prejudice the case for the porno lady. Which it will. Because it implicates her constitutionally protected right to freely express how small President PornHub’s dick is, how bad his breath stinks like onions and Tic Tacs, what his “O-face” looks like, how much he cries afterward, etc.
Because the case involves “modern conservatives” it has some very obviously sleazy features that make rational people throw up a little in their mouths. But it also has some historical potential. Because the opposing party’s interest are so directly opposed, and because one of the party’s interests implicate a constitutionally protected right.
The waters have been muddied by the antics of both parties. So I suspect the judge may choose a safe route by ordering limited discovery for now, and let Cohen decide if he can make it through depositions far enough to establish his claim that a valid contract was formed. That’s what the porn lady is seeking because her for-real lawyer believes that the contract is invalid and wants that declared for the record. If Cohen and Trump have been lying about all this (????) then they’ll fold like a circus tent full of deplorables. But if they proceed to depositions and a mini trial on the question then they might actually be telling the truth.
If they fold because they are lying pieces of shit, Roypublicans enthralled to the Cheeto Jesus will tell themselves it was all some sort of “legal technicality”. And that will satisfy them. But it probably won’t satisfy the USAO-SDNY, who will read it as proof that Cohen and Trump committed some serious felonies. If they were at all smart they’d settle. Of course they aren’t smart at all.
@ 5
…they’ll fold like a circus tent full of deplorables.
Never underestimate a group of deplorables acting in concert.
’cause Hillary Clinton did that and look what happened to her.
Did I call it or did I call it. See yesterday’s comment. I’m sure The Hump is connected too.
Michael Cohen helped Sean Hannity build property empire: report http://www.nydailynews.com/new.....-1.3949349
@ 7
Ya know what’s missing from that Guardian piece, to which NYDN linked, Elijah Klamath McHillbilly?
Any evidence that Cohen helped Hannity assemble his property holdings.
Other than that, oh boy, did you ever call it.
It’s a good day.
Senator Joe Manchin
After meeting with Mike Pompeo, discussing his foreign policy perspectives, & considering his distinguished time as CIA Director & his exemplary career in public service, I will vote to confirm Mike Pompeo to be our next Secretary of State.
8:13 AM – Apr 23, 2018
The question put to Rand Paul was a good one: How could you support John Kerry for SoS but not Mike Pompeo? Looks like Paul may get to duck that question now.
I’m happily watching Season Four of Bosch on Amazon Prime.
This was in one of the episodes:
Police went to a funeral home to use a dead man’s finger to try to unlock his phone
@7 “rife with conflicts of interest”
Kinda hard to find a Republican who isn’t.
@8 “When Hannity this week stressed that his business relationship with Cohen related to real estate”
Since you didn’t read the article, you probably missed it. Like you didn’t read the poster’s name @7 and missed that, too.
Did someone mention conflicts of interest?
Donnelly becomes third Dem to support Pompeo
@10 “Police went to a funeral home to use a dead man’s finger to try to unlock his phone”
The sort of thing a radiologist daydreams about in his windowless basement lab while OD’ing on lung scans.
@13 Sez the dumbfuck who moved to Oregon to escape income taxes.
One more thing: Cohen’s secret client probably just wanted advice on arcane technicalities of journalist privilege or something like that. Of course that’s the sort of thing he’d go to great lengths to hide from his colleagues and audience.
Your prediction rests entirely on the absolute truth behind Mr. Safety School, Esq.’s avowalls that he undertook the NDA to benefit his client entirely on his own, without his client’s knowledge or approval. If any part of that is not true they will settle (or lose).
Think of this as a test for you, and whether or not you can still reason your way through the thick sticky film of the Orange Event Horizon.
Crime Blotter
1. The Waffle House suspect was captured this morning in the woods where he was last seen.
2. An apparent vehicle attack in Toronto injured 8 to 10 pedestrians; the driver is in custody.
Texass has racist schools. (But we already knew that from the “clock boy” incident.) This is perfectly fine with Betsy DeVos and the Trump administration.
CNBC reported today that Sean Hannity borrowed $2.5 million against his Long Island home last year — a mansion one of his shell companies purchased for $8.5 million in 2008 and paid cash for. That shell company quit-claimed it to Hannity for $1 when the loans were taken out.
There’s no law against paying cash for a home and later borrowing against it. It just seems a little weird that a guy who earned $36 million between June of 2016 and 2017 needs to borrow $2.5 million. “Needs” probably isn’t the right word here; the question is why he “wants” to put that kind of encumbrance on a personal residence he owns free and clear.
Of course, wealthy people do that all the time, for example to raise cash for investment purposes or pay off a mistress. But Hannity is a public figure, and a very visible one at that, so it’s perfectly natural to wonder which of his mistresses got the payoff and what they know that’s worth $2.5 million to keep quiet.
Because he earns $36 million per year, he “needs” a tax deduction.
Of course he lied. It’s what he does.
“Flight records show Trump lied to Comey about not spending the night in Moscow during Miss Universe pageant”
@18(2) Toronto police say 9 people were killed and 16 injured by the van that drove into a pedestrian crowd this morning. They’re not yet calling it deliberate, or a terrorist attack, but it sure looks that way.
“Denials to the contrary, a lobbyist linked to a bargain Washington, D.C., condo where Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt was staying last year did meet with Pruitt in his office to discuss EPA activity, the lobbyist acknowledged. He also communicated with the EPA early this year, according to documents from his own company.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: We already know Trump’s EPA boss is corrupt. Now it’s time to question him under oath about his conflicts of interest. Of course, Republicans will never do that, so this must await the November elections and a new Congress next January. Then, Pruitt’s best hope will be that Democrats are too busy impeaching Trump to get around to him.
The Us is 3rd in the world in murders. Take out Chicago,Detroit,Washington DC, St Louis,and New Orleans and we drop to 189 out of 193. These five cities are led by Democratic Mayors, are sanctuary cities, and very high in homeless people.
Dumbfuck is always harping about stiffer gun laws. Don’;t think that’s the answer. Criminals don’t follow any laws. That’s why they are called criminals.
@6 “’cause Hillary Clinton did that and look what happened to her.”
Yeah, she lost the electoral vote, but won the popular vote. What’s your point?
“Dumbfuck” never calls for gun control. Whoever you are you are clearly too day-drunk to keep identities straight… just like Dumbfuck!
Who just like you also gets himself into all kinds of trouble with math and statistics.
Wait. I think I know who you are now!
It’s kind of an amazing bit of mental gymnastics to write an article like this and never say, flat out, He lied
Wonder what the ranking would be if you also eliminated the 3rd most populous city in all other countries and cherry picked out a few more?
@25 Doesn’t take much fact-checking to expose you as a dumbass.
@29 As the debunkers cited @30 point out, even cherry-picking the data, the claim that the U.S. is “third in murders” isn’t true.*
Also worth noting is the falsity of the claim that the named cities have the strictest gun control law; that’s flat-out bullshit. See the Politifact link for details.
* Other things being equal, you would expect the U.S. to be 3rd in murders because it’s 3rd in population, but according to Snopes the U.S. has the 8th highest number of murders and has the 110th (of 179 countries) highest murder rate. So even the premise of this internet fable is fraudulent.
Sovereign citizens are:
– racist
– anti-semetic
– anti- tax paying…
Al NotSoSharpton:
And the senile idiot rager wabbit claims Puddy has no idea on about the definition. The loonatic roger senile idiot wabbit continues to make Puddy’s case!
Till Next Time!
Butt butt butt I was hacked, really I was… https://www.mediaite.com/online/exclusive-joy-reid-claims-newly-discovered-homophobic-posts-from-her-blog-were-fabricated/
Yeah right! Another two-faced DUMMOCRETIN!
Till Next Time!
Nice of the loon to stop by to lay some head explosions of hate on us.
So why hasn’t Mueller interviewed Natalia Veselnitskaya if they really are looking at Russian collusion? Or is this about turning over an duly held election? http://www.businessinsider.com.....her-2018-4
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@32 You oughta know …
“… in recent years, SPLC reports, a growing number of black Americans have been attracted to an offshoot of the sovereign ideology that takes the movement’s conspiratorial and anti-government elements and blends them with selective teachings of black nationalists.”
But don’t let your guard down around your friends, because …
“Some sovereign citizens maintain a white-supremacist ideology” and hold “intensely negative opinions about African Americans.”
Remember, your friends want you dead.
Now why did roger senile idiot wabbit select that definition link in #36? The senile FOOL continues to make Puddy’s case!
Because you don’t find
racist or anti-semitic in the FBI definition. Since you libtards agree with Robert Mueller, Andrew McCabe and James Comey, why do you reject the definition that occurred during their tenures?
EPIC FAYLE senile idiot wabbit FOOL! And the rest of you FOOLS follow your pied piper right over the cliff every day!
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Now where did roger senile idiot wabbit run off to?
FACTS – Never friends of DUMMOCRETINS!
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Demorat Pornstar Party Of Death News–Demorat America-Haters Collude With Russians, Earn Praise From Russian Media
A crowd of roaring left-wing anti-war activists have staged a protest in Portland during the commissioning of the US Navy’s newest vessel, the USS Portland, a San Antonio-class amphibious ship loaded with laser technology.
Some 100 protesters, representing a number of local anti-war organizations, held a protest at the port terminal where the USS Portland’s commissioning ceremony was taking place on Saturday. Staying a comfortable distance away from the military contingent, they shouted anti-government slogans, demanding an end to American troop deployment overseas. “Stop the US war machine!” they shouted, as they approached the venue.
“There is a two billion dollar warship being named after our city and we want to let our officials know that we demand an end to all imperialist wars and violence and it sure as hell shouldn’t happen in the name of our city,” organizer Olivia Katbi Smith told RT’s Ruptly video agency.
“A Hud source said Hannity was identified in non-public filings as the 100% owner of the apartment complexes.”
So we know that someone is illegally leaking HUD documents to leftists! Seems the attacks on Sean Hannity are backfiring…
“It is ironic that I am being attacked for investing my personal money in communities that badly need such investment and in which, I am sure, those attacking me have not invested their money. The fact is, these are investments that I do not individually select, control, or know the details about; except that obviously I believe in putting my money to work in communities that otherwise struggle to receive such support.
I have never discussed with anybody at HUD the original loans that were obtained in the Obama years, nor the subsequent refinance of such loans, as they are a private matter. I had no role in, or responsibility for, any HUD involvement in any of these investments. I can say that every rigorous process and strict standard of improvement requirements were followed; all were met, fulfilled and inspected.
The LLC’s are REAL companies that spend real investment money on real properties.”
Sean is correctly exposing the libtards of the deep state!
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Soooooooooooooooooooo PMSNBC leftist pinhead Joy Reid’s cockroach gay-hating life is seeing the light of day!
Butt butt butt I was hacked… Isn’t this what Andrew Do You See My Weiner claimed waaaaaaaaaaaaaayback?
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You know roger senile idiot wabbit loves to post anti-trump info from CNBC right? So why did the senile idiot wabbit not post this from Robert Johnson about Trump? https://www.cnbc.com/video/2018/04/06/bet-founder-trumps-economy-is-bringing-black-workers-back-into-the-labor-force.html?__source=cnbcembedplayer
Oh wait… that’s because Johnson admits Trump’s economy is bringing blacks back into the workforce! Oopsie did Johnson leave the reservation? FACTS, things that shitstain steve hates!
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Remember how libtards screamed racism anytime Obummer was attacked? Well all is qwiet in libtard land… http://www.thegatewaypundit.co.....president/
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More proof that libtards are vile hateful people. All you have to do is read the posts left here by the HA DUMMOCRETIN faithful… https://twitter.com/Fuctupmind/status/987819035948670976
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“We now know that there was no official intelligence that was used to start this investigation,” he told Fox News on Sunday. “We know that Sidney Blumenthal and others were pushing information into the State Department. So we’re trying to piece all that together and that’s why we continue to look at the State Department.”
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Social Darwinism is one of the philosophical pillars of modern political conservatism. Here’s a counter-argument:
“Darwin’s theory of the struggle for existence and the selectivity connected with it has by many people been cited as authorization of the encouragement of the spirit of competition. Some people also in such a way have tried to prove pseudo-scientifically the necessity of the destructive economic struggle of competition between individuals. But this is wrong, because man owes his strength in the struggle for existence to the fact that he is a socially living animal. As little as a battle between single ants of an anthill is essential for survival, just so little is this the case with the individual members of a human community.”
Anybody know who wrote this? (Hint: not Puddy)
Yeah, she lost the electoral vote, but won the popular vote. What’s your point?
Newt, WTF.
What’s yours?
It was never a national popular vote election. This is why Darryl broke it down into individual states, each and every time, before doing his Monte Carlo analysis.
LOL! Too funny that pork bbq sauce is getting information from a russian propaganda network.
Yawwwwn… Like the racists in Charlottesville – they don’t even bother to don the hoods.
Once again the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely creepy neurotic low IQ arschloch with the moist leaking pink lace panty gusset doesn’t understand the post. Does the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely creepy neurotic low IQ arschloch with the moist leaking pink lace panty gusset ever understand anything?
RT is cheering leftist DUMMOCRETINS protesting a submarine launch!
Butt butt butt that’s collusion man!
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You are arguing with a salamander so what did you really expect? Mental comprehension?
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@49 “protesting a submarine launch”
This particular type of ship only becomes a “submarine” involuntarily, and only once.
Why does the loon hate America so much? SAD!
@47 Wherein a dumbfuck again celebrates the elevation to power of an autocratic, racist, bigoted, pussygrabbing adulterer and deadbeat endorsed by Putin by a misguided minority of low information voters under an electoral system designed to preserve slavery.
You truly are a dumbfuck.
Still don’t have the answer to #46?
Delusional monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely creepy neurotic low IQ arschloch with the moist leaking pink lace panty gusset as always!
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Social Darwinism is a DUMMOCRETIN disorder roger senile idiot wabbit! We are Children of God, you are DARWIN supporters!
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Anyone recognizing the Einstein quote @46 would realize #57 was not posted by Einstein, Darwin, or anyone else with more brains than a mosquito.