You never know what the hell will take off in today’s entertainment-hungry society. Take, for example, a blue-collar guy in Finland who has a 100-ton hydraulic press …
… and millions of YouTube fans who were dying to see a Barbie doll get crushed. Personally, I’m amazed to learn about the explosive properties of ordinary paper …
The new GOP – defending a Russian dictator while hating an American president.
“Trump favorite for State Dept. John Bolton tries to shift 2016 hacking blame from Russia to Obama”
@2 Bolton is a piece of shit, not least because he’s a neocon warmonger.
One wonders how many #CrookedHillary-supporting Democrats are supporters of the National Popular Vote movement for the general presidential election while also preferring a superdelegate-heavy system for the primary.
DNC candidates defer to unity commission on eliminating superdelegates
All three candidates for Democratic National Committee chair on Saturday said they would lean heavily on the conclusion of a special committee concerning whether Democratic superdelegates should be eliminated.
’cause none of the three top DNC candidates had the balls to point out the inconsistency when they had the chance.
In fact, First-Muslim-Elected-To-Congress Ellison vocalized support for a system that sounds suspiciously like the current Electoral College system in place for the general:
“I’ll tell you what I’m absolutely committed to: that the superdelegates must follow the vote of their state and their district. Look, you don’t want a situation where politicians don’t show up at the DNC convention and don’t act. That’s not that good of an idea. You want them to be involved. But you also want them to represent the majority will of the places they represent and I’m committed to that.”
I’ll stop hanging around here when I find something more entertaining than watching you fucks do business.
(((Goldy))) @GoldyHA
If I’m feeling any less anxious than a month ago it’s only because I’ve completely stopped listening to @NPR… along with all news outlets.
That’s a relief. I was worried all of your Godwinisms were regurgitations of subliminal reporting I was missing while listening to NPR.
But no, apparently this shit is actually originating with you.
I’ll stop hanging around here when I find something more entertaining than watching you fucks do business.
The definition of “dumbfuck”
“Someone who replies to Goldy’s tweets by posting comments in a blog thread which he never reads.”
@ 6
Alternate definition:
“Someone who thinks Goldy is the target audience of tweet replies not posted on Twitter, but on HA.”
Enjoy your day, Dumbfuck.
Little Fingersspews:
@3 actually any Repuke (mostly referring to the ones in politics, but other just as much) not a piece of shit.
For instance – Boob. Boob complained at one time or still does that YLB spends all his time here…but the fucker spends more time here than YLB. I picture Boob, a fat son of bitch who can barely pick up his arm, sitting on a couch complaining that the lazy are eating too many potato chips, while at the same time saying that limiting a soda to non super size is unconstitutional.
Little Fingersspews:
Boob Crooked Hillary isn’t going to be the next President of the United States of Russia. Get over it. But surely we know you would rather not talk about anything going on with your dip shit fuck up Drumpf.
We get it – you are the real loser here! You show it every day – like the sun rise.
Little Fingersspews:
@5 like Drumpf and SNL, Boob sits here and entertains himself on something he finds stupid and not funny.
The Constitutional electoral college system is legally and in most ways practically unrelated to the system of 48 winner-take-all state laws. Whatever the individual private political parties choose to do among themselves, the electoral college system, while it may have nuances with respect to apportionment, is still a fundamentally democratic process. It is the 48 winner-take-all state laws which result in bizarre outcomes that defy basic democratic principles. Those state laws can very easily be changed. Changing them by adopting NPV favors no particular party, no particular state or group of states, no particular region, no particular ideology, and no particular demographic.
Perhaps you can spare a moment soon to learn more about NPV and the very broad, bi-partisan, and deeply informed support that it enjoys in all parts of the United States.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: You sure knew this was coming. For the next four years, everything that goes south is going to be Hillary’s fault, even though she’s out of office. There are two things Republicans never do: They never do anything right, and they never take responsibility for being wrong.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@4 The Democratic Party is a private organization. We can nominate our candidates any fucking way we please. This is governed by party bylaws, not the Constitution. On the other hand, the Constitution does govern what the winners of elections do after they take office. If you want to do something constructive, you should worry about your party’s electeds lack of respect for the Constitution. I’m just making a suggestion, that’s all.
@ 14
The Democrat Party is the home of this POS:
Former Philadelphia Congressman Chaka Fattah sentenced to 10 years in prison
Fattah’s sentence fell below the 17 to 22 years recommended by federal prosecutors but remains the second-highest prison term ever received by a member of Congress – capped only by the 13 years former U.S. Rep. William Jefferson (D., La.) received in 2009 for soliciting millions of dollars in bribes.
I probably should have left off that part about Dollar Bill Jefferson but the Inquirer included the “D” after his name, and I couldn’t resist.
Man, 2016 has been a good year.
@ 12
Changing them by adopting NPV favors no particular party, no particular state or group of states, no particular region, no particular ideology, and no particular demographic.
To the extent this is true, it gives lie to your claim that state laws “can very easily be changed”, as states which feel they are currently advantaged by the Electoral College system will not support a law that eliminates this advantage.
Therefore it will be very difficult to reach the 270 EV threshold necessary for the NPV Compact to be enacted. At 165 EV currently you are nowhere close to that threshold and you have already picked the low-hanging fruit.
You seem to be under an assumption that were I to understand NPV better, I would be in favor of it, because basic democratic principles.
That is not a correct assumption. And I understand the NPV concept just fine.
@15 I’ll bet he never voted to make it a crime to report animal abuse or feed homeless people. Even our crooks have more character than Republican scum.
Ima Duncespews:
@1 All matter is energy.
@ 17
I take it you’re also OK with McConnell nuking the filibuster, and Trump using Obama’s phone-and-a-pen strategy.
Go ahead and obstruct, if you can. I’m sure all those Dem senators up for re-election in 2018 will be along for the ride the whole way.
As an advocacy group devoted to improving democratic processes in our federal Presidential elections, NPV is not involved in any way with the state party processes for naming and assigning party delegates. But the particular criticism offered against NPV in @4 seems very fishy to us. Party level delegates aside, doesn’t the Democratic party assign its state level delegates proportionate to the vote in each state ,with a 15% threshold, resulting in what can best be described as “winner-take-more”? While to the best of our knowledge, the Republican party allows the states to adopt winner-take-all systems, and many do. We may be mistaken since this is not our area of concern, as we regard it a private matter to be determined by the active party members nationally and in each state.
NPV is devoted to eliminating the winner-take-all system of state laws which distort Presidential general election campaigns. NPV also promises to boost public faith in our democratic voting processes and increase participation at all levels in all states. We also believe that NPV will improve primary campaigns by encouraging early front runners to more evenly distribute their focus on issues, regions, and states.
@ 21
But the particular criticism offered against NPV in @4 seems very fishy to us.
Perhaps that fish smell was your incorrect perception that I criticized NPV at all in @ 4.
What I criticized was the inconsistency and even hypocrisy of certain Democrats for favoring any unevenly weighted delegate system in their primary at the same time they are arguing for NPV in the general. I offered no criticism @ 4 of NPV. I criticized the current candidates for DNC Chair.
Read it again.
Oh, and notice how I managed not @ 12 to call you “misinformed” for being mistaken about what I wrote.
@19 Right. There’s incredible energy locked up in a fistful of atoms. It probably doesn’t matter what kind of atoms. It’s just a matter of time before someone figures out how to level an entire city with a box of baking soda. Human extinction is inevitable.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@20 You got a problem with Democrats behaving more like Republicans? I’ve been advocating that for years.
@ 23
How stupid are Trump voters?
If only your ilk had spent less time being concerned about their intelligence and more time being concerned with their numbers.
Maybe then you would have advertised in Wisconsin and not tried to turn Arizona red.
“Someone who thinks Goldy is the target audience of tweet replies not posted on Twitter, but on HA.”
Another definition of “dumbfuck”.
“Someone who responds to Goldy’s tweets by addressing him and only him, and then claims that Goldy isn’t the target audience.”
For an educated man, you’re not terribly bright, Doctor.
“To the extent this is true, it gives lie to your claim that state laws “can very easily be changed”, as states which feel they are currently advantaged by the Electoral College system will not support a law that eliminates this advantage.”
This is not a remotely correct statement. In public polls, NPV enjoys very widespread public support in all 50 states. It is our experience that opposition to NPV can be characterized as arising from three sources:
1) Professional political operatives, media professionals, and analysts with private organizations and academic institutions who currently profit disproportionately from the concentration of campaign spending;
2) 501(c) and 527 spending groups who favor concentrating their spending in order to gain influence over election outcomes;
3) ignorance of the precise nature and effects of the Constitutional electoral system and the state level winner-take-all laws.
Moreover, passage of NPV in the twelve or so “battleground” states is not needed in order for NPV to go into effect. The NPV Interstate Compact will go into effect immediately upon adoption by states in any combination possessing electoral votes sufficient to make up a majority in the electoral system (at least 270). Between 150 and 160 out of 538 electoral college votes are distributed among the battlegrounds. There are more than a sufficient number of electoral college votes in non-battleground states for the NPV compact to go into effect.
We’ve read it again, and we conclude that you do not express yourself very clearly. Election law can be tiresome in its complexity and we believe this has over time resulted in unfortunate distortions of public understanding. Being a collection of election law nerds devoted to improving our democratic processes, NPV is very concerned with any mis-characterization of NPV or the Constitutional electoral system as it relates to NPV. We will continue to offer correction and clarification any time we see this.
@ 28
There are more than a sufficient number of electoral college votes in non-battleground states for the NPV compact to go into effect.
And what are the party distributions in the legislatures and governorships in those states?
You make it sound easy-peasy. It’s not. The last state to sign on to the NPV Compact did so in 2014. Not one of the 11 which have signed on are anything but blue.
I doubt that downballot losses for Dems and failure of new states to sign on to NPV in the past few years are mere coincidences.
Any time you want to provide a state-by-state list of recent successes and states likely to move legislation, that would be great. Among that group of professional political operatives are, um, many of our elected representatives.
You can cite polls that ask questions the way you want them asked. Or you can cite states that have a snowball’s chance in hell of signing on to the NPV Compact.
Well, Scott Walker is governor. State senate is firmly in GOP hands. And there are nearly twice as many GOP state house members as Dems in that body.
Yes, WI will be signing on to the NPV Compact any day now.
Did I express myself @ 29 with sufficient clarity this time?
Trump’s victory margin in WI widened as a result of the recount.
That’s added legitimacy funded by liberal dollars:
The Wisconsin Elections Commission said Tuesday that Green Party nominee Jill Stein has paid the nearly $3.5 million estimated cost to set into motion a statewide retabulation of the presidential vote.
@30, 31,
We at NPV are very glad to see at least one more interested voter educating themself about reforms of state winner-take-all laws. Many years of experience have taught us to be very confident that once a voter becomes well informed they will support NPV. Currently we are at work in all 39 states that have yet to pass NPV. We regard at least a dozen states to be very excellent prospects for progress in the next legislative session. NPV is a non-partisan movement. We have both Democratic party and Republican party sponsors in all 39 states. NPV does not favor any party, nor does it favor major parties. While we believe the winner-take-all laws clearly favor major parties, there is no compelling evidence that winner-take-all laws offer any advantage among the two major parties.
Winner-take-all laws strip political power and influence away from individual voters and political parties throughout most of the United States, and concentrate that power and influence among a handful of states, non-party organizations and individuals.
@ 34
We regard at least a dozen states to be very excellent prospects for progress in the next legislative session.
I regard that statement to be wholly unsubstantiated.
At NPV we work directly with state lawmakers, and committee members on education, drafting bills, and responding to legislative inquiries. If you are a Washington State voter you can take great comfort in knowing that your state enacted NPV almost eight years ago. If you vote in another state you can find resources regarding the status of bills in your state on our webiste:
We encourage you to phone your state representatives and express your support for NPV.
Shepherding bills through a state legislature over many years might seem tedious and uninteresting to some, but we find it very rewarding and we are always excited about progress, however incremental. We have legislation waiting in committee in about a half dozen states. We have legislation that has passed at least one house in a similar number of states. We have bi-partisan sponsorship lined up to introduce new legislation in at least a half dozen more states in the next year. We’ve been working on this process for more than a decade. As a citizen based organization starting from zero, in ten years we’ve made substantial steady progress. We expect to continue that progress in years to come.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Remember that idiot troll who laughed at me for saying it’s easy to make 8% in the stock market? Well, so far I’m making 9.7% this year, and if the Trump rally continues, it could go over 10%. I don’t want to live under fascism, but at least it pays well, if you happen to be a member of the Owner Class. Working class, not so much, as the idiot Trump voters will soon find out.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@35 And I regard you as a vapid chimera, so we’re approximately even.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@26 That was actually a clever plot to make my stocks go up.
Roger Rabbitspews:
What happened to the idiot who called liberal posters on this blog “trolls”? Did he leave already? New trolls never last long here.
@ 37
Remember that idiot troll who laughed at me for saying it’s easy to make 8% in the stock market?
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, you provide so many reasons for the rest of us to laugh at you it is awfully hard to remember them individually.
probably one of those declining late-career professionals who “retires” because they struggle to keep up and their malpractice premiums have become unaffordable.
You never know what the hell will take off in today’s entertainment-hungry society. Take, for example, a blue-collar guy in Finland who has a 100-ton hydraulic press …
… and millions of YouTube fans who were dying to see a Barbie doll get crushed. Personally, I’m amazed to learn about the explosive properties of ordinary paper …
The new GOP – defending a Russian dictator while hating an American president.
“Trump favorite for State Dept. John Bolton tries to shift 2016 hacking blame from Russia to Obama”
@2 Bolton is a piece of shit, not least because he’s a neocon warmonger.
One wonders how many #CrookedHillary-supporting Democrats are supporters of the National Popular Vote movement for the general presidential election while also preferring a superdelegate-heavy system for the primary.
DNC candidates defer to unity commission on eliminating superdelegates
All three candidates for Democratic National Committee chair on Saturday said they would lean heavily on the conclusion of a special committee concerning whether Democratic superdelegates should be eliminated.
’cause none of the three top DNC candidates had the balls to point out the inconsistency when they had the chance.
In fact, First-Muslim-Elected-To-Congress Ellison vocalized support for a system that sounds suspiciously like the current Electoral College system in place for the general:
“I’ll tell you what I’m absolutely committed to: that the superdelegates must follow the vote of their state and their district. Look, you don’t want a situation where politicians don’t show up at the DNC convention and don’t act. That’s not that good of an idea. You want them to be involved. But you also want them to represent the majority will of the places they represent and I’m committed to that.”
I’ll stop hanging around here when I find something more entertaining than watching you fucks do business.
(((Goldy))) @GoldyHA
If I’m feeling any less anxious than a month ago it’s only because I’ve completely stopped listening to @NPR… along with all news outlets.
That’s a relief. I was worried all of your Godwinisms were regurgitations of subliminal reporting I was missing while listening to NPR.
But no, apparently this shit is actually originating with you.
I’ll stop hanging around here when I find something more entertaining than watching you fucks do business.
The definition of “dumbfuck”
“Someone who replies to Goldy’s tweets by posting comments in a blog thread which he never reads.”
@ 6
Alternate definition:
“Someone who thinks Goldy is the target audience of tweet replies not posted on Twitter, but on HA.”
Enjoy your day, Dumbfuck.
@3 actually any Repuke (mostly referring to the ones in politics, but other just as much) not a piece of shit.
For instance – Boob. Boob complained at one time or still does that YLB spends all his time here…but the fucker spends more time here than YLB. I picture Boob, a fat son of bitch who can barely pick up his arm, sitting on a couch complaining that the lazy are eating too many potato chips, while at the same time saying that limiting a soda to non super size is unconstitutional.
Boob Crooked Hillary isn’t going to be the next President of the United States of Russia. Get over it. But surely we know you would rather not talk about anything going on with your dip shit fuck up Drumpf.
We get it – you are the real loser here! You show it every day – like the sun rise.
@5 like Drumpf and SNL, Boob sits here and entertains himself on something he finds stupid and not funny.
@6 hahahah…
You are mistaken and probably misinformed.
The Constitutional electoral college system is legally and in most ways practically unrelated to the system of 48 winner-take-all state laws. Whatever the individual private political parties choose to do among themselves, the electoral college system, while it may have nuances with respect to apportionment, is still a fundamentally democratic process. It is the 48 winner-take-all state laws which result in bizarre outcomes that defy basic democratic principles. Those state laws can very easily be changed. Changing them by adopting NPV favors no particular party, no particular state or group of states, no particular region, no particular ideology, and no particular demographic.
Perhaps you can spare a moment soon to learn more about NPV and the very broad, bi-partisan, and deeply informed support that it enjoys in all parts of the United States.
“It’s Hillary’s fault!”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: You sure knew this was coming. For the next four years, everything that goes south is going to be Hillary’s fault, even though she’s out of office. There are two things Republicans never do: They never do anything right, and they never take responsibility for being wrong.
@4 The Democratic Party is a private organization. We can nominate our candidates any fucking way we please. This is governed by party bylaws, not the Constitution. On the other hand, the Constitution does govern what the winners of elections do after they take office. If you want to do something constructive, you should worry about your party’s electeds lack of respect for the Constitution. I’m just making a suggestion, that’s all.
@ 14
The Democrat Party is the home of this POS:
Former Philadelphia Congressman Chaka Fattah sentenced to 10 years in prison
Fattah’s sentence fell below the 17 to 22 years recommended by federal prosecutors but remains the second-highest prison term ever received by a member of Congress – capped only by the 13 years former U.S. Rep. William Jefferson (D., La.) received in 2009 for soliciting millions of dollars in bribes.
I probably should have left off that part about Dollar Bill Jefferson but the Inquirer included the “D” after his name, and I couldn’t resist.
Man, 2016 has been a good year.
@ 12
Changing them by adopting NPV favors no particular party, no particular state or group of states, no particular region, no particular ideology, and no particular demographic.
To the extent this is true, it gives lie to your claim that state laws “can very easily be changed”, as states which feel they are currently advantaged by the Electoral College system will not support a law that eliminates this advantage.
Therefore it will be very difficult to reach the 270 EV threshold necessary for the NPV Compact to be enacted. At 165 EV currently you are nowhere close to that threshold and you have already picked the low-hanging fruit.
You seem to be under an assumption that were I to understand NPV better, I would be in favor of it, because basic democratic principles.
That is not a correct assumption. And I understand the NPV concept just fine.
This should be required reading for Republicans.
Oops, I forgot, Republicans don’t read.
@15 I’ll bet he never voted to make it a crime to report animal abuse or feed homeless people. Even our crooks have more character than Republican scum.
@1 All matter is energy.
@ 17
I take it you’re also OK with McConnell nuking the filibuster, and Trump using Obama’s phone-and-a-pen strategy.
Go ahead and obstruct, if you can. I’m sure all those Dem senators up for re-election in 2018 will be along for the ride the whole way.
As an advocacy group devoted to improving democratic processes in our federal Presidential elections, NPV is not involved in any way with the state party processes for naming and assigning party delegates. But the particular criticism offered against NPV in @4 seems very fishy to us. Party level delegates aside, doesn’t the Democratic party assign its state level delegates proportionate to the vote in each state ,with a 15% threshold, resulting in what can best be described as “winner-take-more”? While to the best of our knowledge, the Republican party allows the states to adopt winner-take-all systems, and many do. We may be mistaken since this is not our area of concern, as we regard it a private matter to be determined by the active party members nationally and in each state.
NPV is devoted to eliminating the winner-take-all system of state laws which distort Presidential general election campaigns. NPV also promises to boost public faith in our democratic voting processes and increase participation at all levels in all states. We also believe that NPV will improve primary campaigns by encouraging early front runners to more evenly distribute their focus on issues, regions, and states.
@ 21
But the particular criticism offered against NPV in @4 seems very fishy to us.
Perhaps that fish smell was your incorrect perception that I criticized NPV at all in @ 4.
What I criticized was the inconsistency and even hypocrisy of certain Democrats for favoring any unevenly weighted delegate system in their primary at the same time they are arguing for NPV in the general. I offered no criticism @ 4 of NPV. I criticized the current candidates for DNC Chair.
Read it again.
Oh, and notice how I managed not @ 12 to call you “misinformed” for being mistaken about what I wrote.
How stupid are Trump voters?
@19 Right. There’s incredible energy locked up in a fistful of atoms. It probably doesn’t matter what kind of atoms. It’s just a matter of time before someone figures out how to level an entire city with a box of baking soda. Human extinction is inevitable.
@20 You got a problem with Democrats behaving more like Republicans? I’ve been advocating that for years.
@ 23
How stupid are Trump voters?
If only your ilk had spent less time being concerned about their intelligence and more time being concerned with their numbers.
Maybe then you would have advertised in Wisconsin and not tried to turn Arizona red.
“Someone who thinks Goldy is the target audience of tweet replies not posted on Twitter, but on HA.”
Another definition of “dumbfuck”.
“Someone who responds to Goldy’s tweets by addressing him and only him, and then claims that Goldy isn’t the target audience.”
For an educated man, you’re not terribly bright, Doctor.
“To the extent this is true, it gives lie to your claim that state laws “can very easily be changed”, as states which feel they are currently advantaged by the Electoral College system will not support a law that eliminates this advantage.”
This is not a remotely correct statement. In public polls, NPV enjoys very widespread public support in all 50 states. It is our experience that opposition to NPV can be characterized as arising from three sources:
1) Professional political operatives, media professionals, and analysts with private organizations and academic institutions who currently profit disproportionately from the concentration of campaign spending;
2) 501(c) and 527 spending groups who favor concentrating their spending in order to gain influence over election outcomes;
3) ignorance of the precise nature and effects of the Constitutional electoral system and the state level winner-take-all laws.
Moreover, passage of NPV in the twelve or so “battleground” states is not needed in order for NPV to go into effect. The NPV Interstate Compact will go into effect immediately upon adoption by states in any combination possessing electoral votes sufficient to make up a majority in the electoral system (at least 270). Between 150 and 160 out of 538 electoral college votes are distributed among the battlegrounds. There are more than a sufficient number of electoral college votes in non-battleground states for the NPV compact to go into effect.
We’ve read it again, and we conclude that you do not express yourself very clearly. Election law can be tiresome in its complexity and we believe this has over time resulted in unfortunate distortions of public understanding. Being a collection of election law nerds devoted to improving our democratic processes, NPV is very concerned with any mis-characterization of NPV or the Constitutional electoral system as it relates to NPV. We will continue to offer correction and clarification any time we see this.
@ 28
There are more than a sufficient number of electoral college votes in non-battleground states for the NPV compact to go into effect.
And what are the party distributions in the legislatures and governorships in those states?
You make it sound easy-peasy. It’s not. The last state to sign on to the NPV Compact did so in 2014. Not one of the 11 which have signed on are anything but blue.
I doubt that downballot losses for Dems and failure of new states to sign on to NPV in the past few years are mere coincidences.
Any time you want to provide a state-by-state list of recent successes and states likely to move legislation, that would be great. Among that group of professional political operatives are, um, many of our elected representatives.
You can cite polls that ask questions the way you want them asked. Or you can cite states that have a snowball’s chance in hell of signing on to the NPV Compact.
Let’s see the latter.
Wisconsin just certified as a Trump state.
Hey, how’s NPV doing in Wisconsin?
Go to a website
and learn that a hearing was held. In 2008.
Oh, and there was a poll. In 2008.
What about 2016, one might wonder.
Well, Scott Walker is governor. State senate is firmly in GOP hands. And there are nearly twice as many GOP state house members as Dems in that body.
Yes, WI will be signing on to the NPV Compact any day now.
Did I express myself @ 29 with sufficient clarity this time?
Trump’s victory margin in WI widened as a result of the recount.
That’s added legitimacy funded by liberal dollars:
The Wisconsin Elections Commission said Tuesday that Green Party nominee Jill Stein has paid the nearly $3.5 million estimated cost to set into motion a statewide retabulation of the presidential vote.
Who says libbies can’t be smart with money?
A $2M check, Harry Reid and one frustrated prosecutor
Maybe now DOJ will be able to find some funding to look into this.
@30, 31,
We at NPV are very glad to see at least one more interested voter educating themself about reforms of state winner-take-all laws. Many years of experience have taught us to be very confident that once a voter becomes well informed they will support NPV. Currently we are at work in all 39 states that have yet to pass NPV. We regard at least a dozen states to be very excellent prospects for progress in the next legislative session. NPV is a non-partisan movement. We have both Democratic party and Republican party sponsors in all 39 states. NPV does not favor any party, nor does it favor major parties. While we believe the winner-take-all laws clearly favor major parties, there is no compelling evidence that winner-take-all laws offer any advantage among the two major parties.
Winner-take-all laws strip political power and influence away from individual voters and political parties throughout most of the United States, and concentrate that power and influence among a handful of states, non-party organizations and individuals.
@ 34
We regard at least a dozen states to be very excellent prospects for progress in the next legislative session.
I regard that statement to be wholly unsubstantiated.
At NPV we work directly with state lawmakers, and committee members on education, drafting bills, and responding to legislative inquiries. If you are a Washington State voter you can take great comfort in knowing that your state enacted NPV almost eight years ago. If you vote in another state you can find resources regarding the status of bills in your state on our webiste:
We encourage you to phone your state representatives and express your support for NPV.
Shepherding bills through a state legislature over many years might seem tedious and uninteresting to some, but we find it very rewarding and we are always excited about progress, however incremental. We have legislation waiting in committee in about a half dozen states. We have legislation that has passed at least one house in a similar number of states. We have bi-partisan sponsorship lined up to introduce new legislation in at least a half dozen more states in the next year. We’ve been working on this process for more than a decade. As a citizen based organization starting from zero, in ten years we’ve made substantial steady progress. We expect to continue that progress in years to come.
Remember that idiot troll who laughed at me for saying it’s easy to make 8% in the stock market? Well, so far I’m making 9.7% this year, and if the Trump rally continues, it could go over 10%. I don’t want to live under fascism, but at least it pays well, if you happen to be a member of the Owner Class. Working class, not so much, as the idiot Trump voters will soon find out.
@35 And I regard you as a vapid chimera, so we’re approximately even.
@26 That was actually a clever plot to make my stocks go up.
What happened to the idiot who called liberal posters on this blog “trolls”? Did he leave already? New trolls never last long here.
@ 37
Remember that idiot troll who laughed at me for saying it’s easy to make 8% in the stock market?
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, you provide so many reasons for the rest of us to laugh at you it is awfully hard to remember them individually.
Although this one
still stands as my all-time favorite.
Another definition of “dumbfuck”.
Drop over a thousand pro-Trump hashtags on us and then tell us that you never supported Trump.
Or ask us to believe a guy who spends all day, every day, posting on HA is a practicing doctor.
Republicans believe protesting should be illegal and this shouldn’t be.
probably one of those declining late-career professionals who “retires” because they struggle to keep up and their malpractice premiums have become unaffordable.
Fake News?
Get Rid of Media Morons!
I wonder if the dude prayed on the way down. ’cause I’m sure he didn’t observe a moment of silence.
Atheist who fought Illinois laws dies in small plane crash
Those Green Party types have not had much success this week.