So, wolves. Maybe don’t get so upset about reintroduction of wolves that you threaten state workers trying to get input. Maybe don’t be such a dung brained jerk that you cause meetings to be canceled.
In conclusion: What the fuck? What the actual fuck?
No shit?
“‘We have a Russian asset sitting in the Oval Office’: Former senior DOJ official”
We also have one posting comments at HA.
He should get along fine with the other commies and socialist here.
Well, Carl, boys will be boys. And Republicans will be Republicans.
@2 You must be referring to the Medicare doctor and other trolls with their tin cups out for government money, because all the liberals and progressives here either do honest work for a living or are capitalist leeches like me.
So Biden is having a bad week.
Should be a good opportunity for Democrats to observe how he and his team deal with that. Because this is a thing.
Yesterday was the five year anniversary of TanSuitGate. I mention it to illustrate the point. It does not matter who the nominee is, or what they do. The Drudge/Hannity/Fox/NBC/WSJ outrage system will always do what it has always done. If the Durty Feelthy Librul candidate, in the heat of a 24 month long sleepless political marathon, by some miracle fails to mispronounce a name, forget a stat, or conflate events, they will just go ahead and make some shit up out of nothing anyway.
We aren’t looking for the candidate who never stumbles. We are looking for the candidate who stumbles, then goes into a parkour roll into a handspring to slide across the glossy red hood of a Grand Torino to the driver’s side window drops it and burns out with MC5 pumping out the windows.
Because might as well.
After all, Obama looked good in that suit.
Like our trolls, Matt Shea sucks goat cock.
“Letter: Faith Leaders and Leaders of Conscience call for the removal of Rep. Matt Shea”
“The Faith Leaders and Leaders of Conscience of Eastern Washington and North Idaho join with the Spokane Police Guild, the Spokane NAACP, several Spokane elected officials in the moral call for the resignation or removal of Washington State Rep. Matt Shea from public office”
Let’s say I call you a Goat Fucker. Chances are pretty good that most anyone who reads that will not immediately conclude that you actually fuck goats. Over time, hearing or reading it repeated often enough, and from enough “different” sources they’d eventually come to hold a somewhat diminished opinion of you. They still probably wouldn’t adopt the belief that you fuck goats. But instead they’d gradually start to think of you having “goat fucker” characteristics. Whatever that is for them, they’d tend to think of you that way over time.
Now let’s look at you calling Democrats “socialists and commies”. It’s a thing now. Top down, nation wide, WhitePower! is committed to this effort at “re-branding” Democrats as a way to prop up plummeting support for the GOP. And it’s not bad strategy per se.
Incumbents in power do best when they can frame an election in terms of “sticking with the thing you already have” versus “taking a huge risk on the other thing”. So it totally makes sense to try to brand Democrats as “radical” or “risky”, or associate them with some kind of catastrophic failure (especially considering how spectacularly the GOP is failing right now). “Commies and socialists” works best in that last sense. Communism is widely seen as a 20th century political failure.
Too bad for you hacks you can’t seem to make use of it that way. Wherever I see it being used it’s hurled at Democrats just like Goat Fucker, entirely lacking in any context. And that makes sense for a couple of reasons. First, most of you idiots slept through the last six years of your formal education before dropping out and taking the GED. So you are incapable of applying context to complicated topics like communism. “Commie = BAD” is about as complicated as it gets for you guys. And second, using context to frame the epithet in terms of failure leads you clownsurvaturds into some dicey political territory. It forces you to oppose things that are very, very popular with your voting base, and frankly with yourselves. Things most of you absolutely depend upon for your survival. So it’s little wonder you don’t have any context for these terms like “commie” or “socialist”, because in order to develop that context your brains would melt from all the contradictions.
But that’s where the comparison to Goat Fucker falls down. You see, everybody knows what a goat is. And everybody knows what fucking is. Repeatedly calling you a Goat Fucker creates a strong metaphorical image in the mind of everyone who reads or hears it. Goat Fucker. See? See how that works?
Goat Fucker. It’s literally impossible not to somehow picture a goat being fucked. By you.
Now compare that to repeatedly calling people “commies and socialists”. Do it enough – enough for it to actually have a chance of working – and for probably the majority of people who read or hear it, it becomes Jabberwocky. Just amusing, fanciful gibberish. Let’s try, shall we:
(see, I even gave you a bonus exclamation mark)
There. Anything? Anything at all? Random diverse images from movies and distant past history mostly. Joseph Stalin maybe? Patrick Swayze from Red Dawn? Who knows? Keep repeating it and it only gets worse.
Commies and socialists!
Commies and socialists!
Commies and socialists!
Without context the words lack heft. They are not sufficiently concrete in the minds of your audience (or really, even yourselves) to form strong metaphorical images, good or bad.
You’d be better off following Trump’s example. He keeps it simple, and personal. And if that doesn’t work, he grabs ’em by the pussy.
“Matt Shea sucks goat cock.”
Gets it. This guy.
Biden must be pissed. He gets all the details of a war story wrong and everyone jumps all over him. The racist snowflake in the white house lies constantly and nobody even notices any more.
Warren 2020.
Bunch of wolves in sheep’s clothing.
I love this guy. If he isn’t really speaking to Pence, then he’s speaking to every evangelical cockroach.
Buttigieg 2020
Or Warren/Buttigieg 2020
@11 Harris/Buttigied, or Buttigieg/Harris. A woman of color and a gay married man – all the ingredients necessary for the Republicans to let loose with an unbridled hate the likes of which we’ve never seen before.
@12. Harris/Pete Yeah, I don’t think you could top that for peak hate. Maybe if AOC was the next supreme court judge…..
Would it be legal for there to be two terms of Harris/Pete then another 2 terms as Pete/Harris? Asking for a friend.
@7 I’m sure you meant @2, not @3. I fuck fluffy female bunnies, not goats.
” … try to brand Democrats as ‘radical’ … or associate them with some kind of catastrophic failure … ”
We don’t have to rebrand Republicans; they are catastrophic failures, every fucking time:
Ignored pre-9/11 warnings
Bungled war in Iraq
Couldn’t catch Osama bin Laden
Instituted CIA kidnappings and torture dens
Economic policy failures in Kansas, Wisconsin, and Alaska
Bank deregulation in 1980s and 2000
White nationalism, KKK, neo-Nazis
Massive deficits
Kiddie rape cages
Roy Moore
Etc. etc. ad nauseum
The GOP is a mental illness.
yeah sorry. Meant 2. Frodo. Thomas Jefferson. Karl Marx. Aunt Bea. whatevs.
Yes. At some point the Dems have to move on to focusing on the unbroken record of utter failure put up by the GOP over the last twenty years. It has two key advantages. First, it takes pornfinger off his game. Nothing would suit Trump more than a campaign of personal political attacks focusing on his personality and his appalling lack of character and suitability for the job. It may be tempting. But he lives for that shit. Everything he does as President he personalizes it. And not matter who he finger rapes, no matter how many missiles are launched over Japan, not matter how many farmers kill themselves in despair, it’s all “winning huge” for him simply because he believes it. And he knows his audience and he can make them believe whatever he believes.
Second, it’s the key to unlocking the incumbent advantage. Human brains are pre-wired to over value current circumstances. It gets worse as people get older. The trick is to flip the script. For all that he has cost them in so many ways, Trump has delivered nothing. The vast majority of his supporters have nothing tangible to show for their support of him. For most he has left them poorer and worse off. So they distract themselves with celebrations of his dominance and the triumph of his cruelty and sadism. But his dominance and triumphs are all meaningless to their day to day misery. Affluent, healthy, well educated, progressive Democrats need to remind Trumpers that they are still unemployed/underemployed, still waiting by the mailbox for a check, still uninsured, still sweltering in a filthy trailer park, still on a waiting list, still losing the sensation in their toes, and still buying their Tiki Torches on post off at Grocery Outlet.
@15 Last I heard Trump was down in Florida nailing up plywood sheets over his windows. He had to do it himself because he couldn’t hire anyone to do it for him. The last 3,450 contractors who worked for him didn’t get paid. The first 25 did, but that was before he latched onto “the art of the deal” (aka Chapter 11).
I’m surprised he isn’t having FEMA do it for him while promising to hand out bulk pardons if they get caught.
Actually, I’m surprised whichever throne sniffer is in charge of FEMA hasn’t already taken the initiative while contracting the work at 5x to a relative.
They all seem to be losing their touch. The people who worked for this GOP administration in the first two years had a real talent for corruption. I mean NetJets! That is some audacious shit. But they had to go because they wouldn’t “Let Trump be Trump”. The new guys only show a talent for cruelty and self-humiliation.
Can’t let the bedbugs escape. Probably not even American bedbugs, probably undocumented migrant bedbugs…..kind of like Bob.
+24.20% for the period January 1, 2108 through August 30, 2019.
1. PI’s poor mother had nothing do with this return – she has been dead for nearly 30 years.
2. No moonlighting was required to achieve this return.
Invested approximately $2500 in forming LLC and business startup costs (software). Put in approximately 100 hours of work since approximately June 2019, so far, all in my spare time, and I’ve already invoiced $23,000 and have been paid $17,000 to date.
And I had fun doing it. And I don’t live in my mother’s basement or steal her money.
I don’t know somebody do the math but I think my investment already made more than 25%. I might get fired from my real job, but I don’t give a fuck. And I didn’t have to worry about some pig having throw a hissy fit about some other world leader not negotiating his way.
Sorry, but I made the mistake of bailing my worthless son out of jail. Of course, the first thing he did when he got home was to steal all the money in my purse. This time, he didn’t leave me a dime. He also took my checkbook.
What’s a poor mother to do?
@19 “2. No moonlighting was required to achieve this return.”
I don’t believe you. Even in this market, it takes work to lose money the way you’re losing money. Down 7% in a year when the S&P is up almost 17% — what the hell are you investing in? Nigerian business deals?
@21 Spending your money on bail bonds. I shoulda guessed.