I said this after the Montana special election, but it bears repeating. Republicans don’t support people in spite of crimes. They support them in part because of their criminality. They supported Trump more after grab them by the pussy. They rallied around Kavanaugh because there were multiple sexual assaults.
There is a criminal class in America. We let them get away with sexual assault, with punching reporters, with financial crimes. Even many people who wouldn’t get away with those things, who in many cases are its victims, still support letting a criminal class exist. Just as many poor people consider themselves temporarily embarrassed millionaires, so to do people complaining about lying bitches want their own chance to rape women without consequences.
Not yet content with merely alienating testicle-possessing white men, Democrats set their sights on white women as well.
Adrian Gray
Qunnipiac: Generic Ballot among white women
Jul 22: D+14
Sep 9: D+5
Sep 30: D+1
1:25 PM – 4 Oct 2018
@1 We recognize there’s a certain class of white women who don’t mind the fact their husbands are cheating on them out in the barn. In fact, they prefer things that way. Pity the poor horses, though.
Jesus, Carl. If you ever get the impression that no one takes you seriously anymore, re-read what you wrote today. You’ll still have that impression, but you’ll have no reason to wonder why.
I was reading a Kathy Griffin tweet about not having the presidency or the Senate and what can progressives do, really…
Which led me to think back on what progressives tried to do.
Like this:
Eugene Gu, MD✔
Kavanaugh’s former law clerk Zina Bash is flashing a white power sign behind him during his Senate confirmation hearing. They literally want to bring white supremacy to the Supreme Court. What a national outrage and a disgrace to the rule of law. https://twitter.com/rubin_kd/status/1037033721235263488/video/1 …
12:44 PM – Sep 4, 2018
This is what y’all have become, HA libbies.
Chief Justice John Roberts has died, y’all. President Trump has withdrawn BK’s nomination for Associate Justice and has instead nominated him for Chief Justice.
When pondering whether to obey the legal edicts of a Kavanaugh court, remember the words of MLK in his Letter from Birmingham Jail:
‘We can never forget that everything Hitler did in Germany was “legal” and everything the Hungarian freedom fighters did in Hungary was “illegal.”‘
@5 Relax. Putin’s got your back. Again.
“The Kremlin’s For Kavanaugh: Russian State Media Back Trump’s Supreme Court Nominee”
“This is what y’all have become, HA libbies.”
We should instead become Putin’s pawns? Like you?
Hey Carl, I found your sexual assault victim.
@4 “This is what y’all have become, HA libbies.”
We have become a constituency that has a conscience and at least tries to get the facts right, which is a damn sight better than what you and your ilk are.
@5 “Chief Justice John Roberts has died, y’all. President Trump has withdrawn BK’s nomination for Associate Justice and has instead nominated him for Chief Justice.”
Daydream much? I hope you didn’t do that on the job, but I suspect maybe you did. Sometimes I wonder if you retired because you ran out of living patients.
@ 8
Yeah, you labored mightily to get your facts straight in that ‘fleeing felon’ handbill.us screed, didn’t you, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit?
You’re a fucking clown. You are not led by conscience, but by concerns of the health of your inadequate financial portfolio.
Own it, asshole. Your party is led by Senator Spartacus and by assorted octogenarians and septuagenarians.
@10 What would you call the GOP’s old farts on the Senate Judiciary Committee? Spring chickens?
Game over, libbies. Listening to Collins defend Kavanaugh.
Say it with me: Justice. Brett. Kavanaugh.
A Chicago jury has convicted a white cop of murder in the shooting of Laquan McDonald.
Hey, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit:
Can I hear a rousing rendition of “Liberals Must Arm”?
Sen. Collins has just concluded giving her speech. She has a narrow view of what “advise and consent” means, which she thinks should be deferential to a president’s power to nominate judges. After deploring what judicial confirmations have degenerated into, she said what matters to her is a judge’s ability to make impartial decisions, not the personal controversies, and then launched into defending his judicial record. Among other things, she seems to feel confident he won’t overturn Roe v. Wade. On that basis, she says, she will vote yes.
It was a generally strong, logically grounded, and persuasive speech, but I disagree with her view that Supreme Court nominees are entitled to a “presumption of innocence”; I believe the burden of proving fitness should be on the nominee, and doubt should be resolved in favor of the public, not the nominee. Her unwillingness to believe Ford without stronger corroboration is unimpressive in light of how the Republicans manipulated and limited the investigation of her allegations; and her effort to sidestep Ford’s allegations, without saying she disbelieves her, was awkward to say the least.
@14 Let’s not overlook the context. “Liberals must arm” originated from public statements from Ann Coulter and other rightwing mouthpieces explicitly stating that liberals should be put in “concentration camps” and “executed.”
And, in recent years, we’ve seen rightwing extremists arming like crazy, talking about “civil war,” and in some cases violently acting out their anti-government fanaticism (see, e.g., the Bundys).
Are you asking me to agree that my tribe should passively allow your tribe to march us into gas chambers?
No, I won’t agree to be murdered by your tribe. Fuck that. And, while I’m at it, fuck you for questioning my right, and the right of other liberals, to defend ourselves against those who want to harm us.
If you don’t like the idea of armed liberals, then disarm your conservative friends, and tell them to stop threatening us.
@12 This seat belongs to Merrick Garland and the GOP band of thieves stole it. We won’t forget that. You owe us one.
@ 15
She has a narrow view of what “advise and consent” means, which she thinks should be deferential to a president’s power to nominate judges.
That’s funny. You had little trouble with her perspective when she voted to confirm Sotomayor and Kagan, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Oh. Manchin’s a Yes as well.
@ 15
Her unwillingness to believe Ford without
strongerany corroboration…ftfy
@18 And I don’t have much trouble with it now. Let me help you with your reading comprehension struggles: That’s not where I took issue with her reasoning in my comment @15.
So what’s your next act? A sermon about deference to presidential appointment authority in the context of Merrick Garland?
Hypocrisy is what you guys are good at. Revel in it. This is your hour of faux glory. As for me, we have elections in one month, and beyond casting my own vote against every Republican on my ballot, I’m going to let America’s women voters deal with Kavanaugh’s confirmation however they see fit.
@19 You’re a legal ignoramus who wouldn’t know what corroboration is if it bit you in the ass. There’s corroboration: They moved in overlapping social circles, knew each other, and came into contact with each other. He was a hard-drinking party boy. She talked about the incident to third parties (her husband and her therapist, and apparently other acquaintances) long before he was a Supreme Court nominee. Other women said he acted inappropriately toward them, too. All of this tends to corroborate her testimony.
But corroboration is a red herring, because it isn’t needed. Evidence without corroboration is enough for legal purposes, and testimony under oath is evidence, period. This is, of course, not a legal proceeding; but Collins pretends it meets legal standards. When testimony is conflicting, as in this case, making judgments about which witness is more credible is a fundamental function of any legal process or any other process seeking to emulate legal process. If the only evidence in this case was Ford’s testimony and Kavanaugh’s testimony, and she was found more credible than him, that would be sufficient in any court of law for either criminal conviction or civil liability.
In order to vote “yes” to confirm Kavanaugh, Collins and every other senator has to either give his testimony more weight than hers, or take the position that the alleged assault doesn’t matter. There’s no way around it, and that’s where her argument becomes disingenuous and her justification for her “yes” vote falls apart. If she doesn’t believe Ford, or thinks what happened to her is irrelevant, then she should say so instead of dancing around these issues in the manner she did. In this respect, her speech was extremely weak.
Plus, as I said above, I believe the benefit of doubt should go to the public, not the nominee. I don’t disagree with her concept of deferring to presidential appointment authority, but I think the Senate’s constitutional duty to “advise and consent” is to protect the public, not be fair to nominees.
This never, ever gets old.
Senator Harry Reid
Verified account
Thanks to all of you who encouraged me to consider filibuster reform. It had to be done.
12:08 PM – 21 Nov 2013
@ 21
There’s corroboration. They knew each other.
And now the story-changing begins. Kavanaugh denies ever having met her. All those people contacted by all of those progressives and reporters, and no one ever came up with a shred of evidence to the contrary.
She claims she knew him, without corroboration. He denies he knew her, with no evidence to the contrary.
Fuck you, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. Fuck you and your demonstrably and objectively false claim @ 8 to ‘get facts right’.
When one of Collins’ daughters or grand daughters (or Manchin’s for that matter) are lying in a hospital bed with a coat hanger sticking in their vagina, I’d have to ask if the kickback was worth it.
@23 “She claims she knew him, without corroboration.”
Wrong, she testified under oath that she knew him, which is different than “claiming” she knew him; and corroboration isn’t necessary. Quit dancing around the issue. Because he, under oath, denied it, the situation calls for and requires making a credibility judgment. You either believe her or you don’t. Which is it? I believe her.
Collins refused to say who she believes. She danced around the issue. She said, in effect, that “being fair” to Kavanaugh was more important than what happened to Ford. I disagree. It’s not.
But if we’re going to talk about nominees being treated fairly, then we have to talk about how Republicans treated Merrick Garland. Listening to Collins today, I didn’t hear a word from her about that, so her spiel about “fairness” came across to me as more than a little hypocritical and sanctimonious.
“Fuck you, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. Fuck you and your demonstrably and objectively false claim @ 8 to ‘get facts right’.”
What’s next for Putin’s stooge? Comments in CAPS?
@23 “your demonstrably and objectively false claim @ 8 to ‘get facts right’.”
Really? It wasn’t our side that limited the supplemental FBI investigation and kept its results secret.
And McConnell, Kavanaugh’s chief cheerleader, announced his support for confirmation even before any investigation was conducted or any facts were in hand.
Don’t even try to pretend your side gives a damn about facts. You won’t convince anybody except yourself.
Let’s review:
Bart O’Kavanope lied to get on the Appeals court, when cornered about his alcoholic, boorish past, launched into a hyper-partisan klownspiratorial rant that drumpf and his crowd couldn’t have scripted better.
Like Thomas before him, he took the deny everything strategy to overcome the roadblock to confirmation.
Like Thomas, much more will come out about him and many more women will be compelled to run for office and take seats in the U.S. Senate.
I look forward to Bart O’Kavanope’s impeachment.
@26 “What’s next for Putin’s stooge? Comments in CAPS?”
No, another stupid comment, which I will promptly mangle like the rest of his stupid comments today. I have to say this hasn’t been one of Doctor Dumbfuck’s better days here. He must’ve had a rough morning in the barn after his wife kicked him out of the house.
@28 He won’t be removed, but like Thomas, he’ll spend the rest of his days sitting on the Supreme Court bench under a cloud and surrounded by an aura of stench.
And his wife probably has learned some things about him that she didn’t know before.
Let me pause at this juncture to make an observation. Previous presidents have generally sought out Supreme Court (and other judicial) nominees who were acceptable to the other side. This wasn’t a bad system, because it produced mostly moderate nominees and weeded out the most divisive candidates and those with extremist views. But not this president. He went out of his way to pick the most controversial prospect and the one most likely to provoke a bitter nomination fight, then followed up by going on the campaign trail to demonize his opposition. Everything that has happened in the last few weeks comes back to Trump; Kavanaugh is just a pawn. Trump is tearing the country apart. He doesn’t make any pretense of trying to unite us. He calls Democrats “the enemy.” It’s unrealistic to expect you can choose a nominee like this one, then demonize the other party as Trump and other Republicans did, and somehow expect to have a civil confirmation process. These guys wanted war, and a war is what they got. That’s their fault, not ours.
The 2018 Nobel Peace Prize was awarded today to two campaigners against sexual violence.
It didn’t go to Donald Trump. Or Brett Kavanaugh.
Mrs. Rabbit asked me a few minutes ago what I think of Susan Collins now.
I replied, “Less.”
He won’t be removed,
I would not be so sure about that.
Ample grounds, apology not withstanding.
And an activist and decidedly more female House and eventually Senate could use the process for advancement. As you say, it’s a war now.
As in war, even
neutral partiesEEEN-DEEE-PEN-DUNCE will begin to take up sides.By now, Teh Dumbfuck is prepared to add a vote for PornSweat in 2020 to the long list of humiliations he has willingly submitted to since he and Ofdumbfuck decided to join “the lifestyle”.
Which is really a perfect example. Since anyone familiar with Teh Dumbfuck already knows he would never cast a vote for a Democrat. We could even nominate his wet-dream klownsurvaturd white male Democrat like Jim Webb and he’d find a reason. They always do.
“According to a poll by the Public Religion Research Institute, a little over half of Republicans said they would consider voting for a political candidate who had been accused of sexual harassment by multiple people if they agreed with them on the issues. Conversely, 81 percent of Democrats say they would ‘definitely not vote for’ the candidate.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Some things speak for themselves and require no comment. And no, the parties aren’t the same.
@34 Where will Democrats get enough votes for removal? Unless he’s caught in a compromising position by his gambling addiction. I’m just being practical here.
Whether Doctor Dumbfuck likes it or not, we liberals have a moral and legal right to defend ourselves against the crazy rightwingers going around talking about starting a civil war and killing liberals.
And it ought to be obvious why we don’t want those nutjobs to know our true identities.
Mother Jones says impeaching Kavanaugh is a bad idea, and explains why. And also, removal won’t happen. Liberals, the magazine argues, should turn their attention to other priorities — like winning elections.
In that respect, if you listened to Collins’ speech — I did — she said Kavanaugh essentially promised her that he would respect Roe v. Wade as precedent. If that promise is broken, Democrats should go after Collins big time when she’s up for reelection in 2020.
it isn’t like there’s a statute of limitations. 2020 could be a real beeyotch for Senate Republicans (those who don’t quit first).
And we live in unusual times where “decorum” and “normal order” is whatever the fuck the majority says it is. The House could simply spend all their time investigating and voting articles of impeachment from now until 2020. Other than that, there isn’t likely to be any legislative agenda aside from perhaps a series of bills sent over to the Senate to make the assholes squirm a little. It’s a war now. It will probably look like a war.
Not a lot of rules in a war. Even fewer after PornSweat gets done firing most of the DOJ during the lame duck.
Hey QoS McHillbilly, don’t forget to pony up your contribution to that fund that will be used to attack Collins in 2020.
As if the contributors wouldn’t be attacking her even if she voted No.
You libbies put on quite the clown show. Pink pussy hats, coat hangers and fake blood, claims that our democracy is at stake while looking forward to the next democratic election…
Funny. We’ve enjoyed every minute of it. All that girlish wailing and whining on a national level. It’s like every neighborhood has a YLB living in it.
“Republicans don’t support people in spite of crimes. They support them in part because of their criminality.”
Fuck off.
Trust me, as soon as the Democrats get back in, the Repukes will want to reinstate the 60-vote rule. They can go fuck themselves.
It’s $2 million now. Today the fund blew up. So many people were logging in to donate that the site crashed. So she’s got that going for her. Which is nice. Gonna have to wait until after the vote to see how high it gets.
My guess is she sold her vote for backing from the leadership. Which means every fucking penny of that matching money will be taken away from Gardner, Tillis, and all the Romney-bots serving as place holders for the dozen or so “retirees”. Now that you guys are all aroused for once think you can sustain it long enough to come through with some cash for the House? It reads five to one, and according to the most recent haul reports you guys are actually trailing on money. Maybe what you guys need is a little “wailing” of your own. Your hats don’t seem to work anymore.
Honestly Dumbfuck, I really could not be happier with the way your nomination fiasco worked out. You stepped on every single possible rake. This month should produce another record haul.
@42 The record in that respect speaks for itself.
GOP = Party of Corruption
There are rumors that Clarence Thomas might retire next year. If he does, the president (whoever it is) should replace him with Merrick Garland.
quick update. They routed around CrowdFund to ActBlue and they are working on a new $3 million goal.
Well done!
I’m hopeful if we can count on PornSweat to call Doctor Blasey Ford a lying hoor a few more times we can hit the number.
Thanks again.
I read an interesting piece within the last week. Gorsuch sailed through confirmation hearings and yet Dems – read Schumer – filibustered him. This prompted McConnell to break the filibuster to get him confirmed. Thank you Harry Reid.
Had that not happened and had Gorsuch been confirmed via the prior process, then a filibuster would still be an option to oppose Kavanaugh, unless McConnell was successful in defeating it. The logic is that after the loss of Sessions’ seat and with Collins and Murkowski so unsettled about Kavanaugh, the will would not have been there to do it, and Kavanaugh’s nomination would have failed.
Schumer has been somewhat of a disaster for Democrats.
Think on your sins, libbies.
Yawwwn.. Misogynists are sooo boring.. They’ll do some damage and be sent on their way..
And they’ll whine about it… like drumpf’s “scary time for young men” – young male sexual assaulters…
It’s a lock..
is a different piece than I referred to @ 48 above but the theory is the same. Had you fuckers let Gorsuch on without a filibuster, you could have successfully filibustered Kavanaugh.
I guess that’s the problem when you feel the need to turn everyone you don’t like into Hitler. You lose sight of which ones really deserve your opposition, because you fund-raise against and Hitlerize each and every one of them.
Pretty stupid, when you think about it. It’s the political version of crying wolf.
@48 “Think on your sins, libbies.”
No, think on yours. Their name is Merrick Garland.
Yes, sometimes bad people win. For a while.
But it doesn’t get you into Heaven.
@50 You think we were supposed to roll over on what you fuckers did to Merrick Garland? Is that what you think?
P.S., I didn’t bring up Hitler, you did, but since you ask …
You’re the kind of people who would say of a young and aspiring Hitler, “Oh, he’s not so bad.” And you’d be wrong. That’s the difference between us and you.
Winning and being right are two different things.
Demorat Party Of Dirtbag Porn Lawyers News– Kavanaugh Win, Great- Demorats Effed By A Demorat Dirtbag Porn Lawyer, Priceless
Michael Avenatti is livid after CNN breaking news editor Kyle Feldscher credited the TV lawyer with damaging Democrats’ efforts to thwart Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation by pushing far-fetched allegations of “gang rape.”
The dust-up began when Avenatti attacked Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) for her criticism — not by name — of him and of his client, Julie Swetnick, for claiming Kavanaugh participated in gang rapes. “.@SenatorCollins should be ashamed of herself for attacking my client and Dr. Ford,” Avenatti wrote on Twitter. “How did she make a credibility determination as to my client? How is she qualified to do that without ANY investigation? She did ZERO to determine whether my client and her witnesses were credible.”
During an impassioned Senate floor speech, Collins blasted Swetnick’s “outlandish allegation” and said its propagation by activists seeking to stop Kavanaugh’s confirmation is a “stark reminder about why the presumption of innocence is so ingrained in our American consciousness.” Minutes after she confirmed her intention to vote “yes” for Kavanaugh’s confirmation, Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) stepped up as the first Democrat to support Kavanaugh.
Feldscher responded to the outburst by blaming Avenatti’s antics for the presumed success of Kavanaugh’s confirmation. “Hard to state how much Avenatti’s entrance into this process hurt the Democratic effort to bring down Kavanaugh’s nomination,” Feldscher wrote.
Hard to state how much Avenatti’s entrance into this process hurt the Democratic effort to bring down Kavanaugh’s nomination. https://t.co/tcofogweNo
— Kyle Feldscher (@Kyle_Feldscher) October 5, 2018
@54 If you think Michael Avanetti has a fat mouth, that’s nothing, you should hear Rudy Giuliani!
I may not have expressed sufficient gratitude for the short-sightedness of former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.
It may not be possible to express sufficient gratitude for these 24 seconds of life.
The bookies weren’t far off.
“The winner of this year’s Nobel peace prize is set to be announced on Friday in Oslo …. All that is known is there are 331 nominees … here is a list of potential winners based on bookmakers ….
“Kim Jong-un and South Korean president Moon Jae-in …. The pair is currently the favourite at Ladbrokes, the British bookmaker, but it remains to be seen if the Norwegian Nobel committee would award the prize to Kim, who runs one of the most oppressive regimes in the world and a network of notoriously harsh gulags.
“Donald Trump … has repeatedly taken credit for the positive atmosphere on the Korean atmosphere and became the first sitting US president to shake hands with the leader of North Korea when he met Kim in Singapore in June.*
“Angela Merkel … welcomed hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees into the country in the face of vocal political backlash. … Odds put her slightly ahead of the United Nations high commissioner for refugees ….
“The rest: Denis Mukwege, a Congolese doctor gynaecologist who has campaigned against sexual violence, is another contender ….” BINGO!!!
Out of 331 possibilities, scoring on the #4 guess isn’t bad at all.
* I’m curious who thought that’s Nobel-worthy, other than the idiotic GOP lawmakers who nominated him. Now that we know the actual winners, it’s obvious the Nobel Committee didn’t.
Demorat Party Of Dirtbag Porn Lawyers News– Arrogant And Stupid Demorats Witness Tamper, Get Caught
A woman that Christine Blasey Ford claimed was at the party where Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh allegedly assaulted her circa 1982 told FBI investigators that Dr. Ford’s “allies” tried to pressure her to change her story about what happened.
Leland Keyser told investigators that Ford’s friend, former FBI agent Monica McLean, had urged her to alter the original statement that she gave about not remembering any such party and not knowing Kavanaugh, The Wall Street Journal reported.
The Journal noted that Keyser’s statement to the FBI offered “a glimpse into how Dr. Ford’s allies were working behind the scenes to lobby old classmates to bolster their versions of the alleged incident.”
A source close to the situation told the Journal that Dr. Ford’s friends “including Ms. McLean, had contacted Ms. Keyser after her initial statement to warn her that her statement was being used by Republicans to rebut the allegation against Judge Kavanaugh.”
In a statement, David Laufman, McLean’s attorney, denied the allegations, writing: “Any notion or claim that Ms. McLean pressured Leland Keyser to alter Ms. Keyser’s account of what she recalled concerning the alleged incident between Dr. Ford and Brett Kavanaugh is absolutely false.”
Edit to 58, source;
@33 I always thought she was a twit and on the take….now I know she is.
@38 I’m ready for them….bring it on.
“William Clyde Allen, … arrested by the FBI on Wednesday for sending crushed castor beans to President Donald Trump, Secretary of Defense James Mattis and … Adm. John Richardson, said that he mailed the letters with the intention of sending a message, he told the FBI. …
“Allen has a history of making threats to government agencies and officials. According to court documents, he sent an email to the CIA threatening to kill the president in 2015. In February 2017, he sent a bomb threat to Lackland Air Force Base ….
“They tracked the letters to Allen because, according to authorities, he put his return address on the envelope.”
Proof the FBI can find a perp when they really, really want to.
@59 Daily Wire, hahaha, what kind of idiot links to a “source” famous, as it were, for false stories … see:
More proof that Donny Jr. is a fucking idiot.
I do understand why Fat Donny Sr. doesn’t trust him to manage the family fortune, such as it is.
@ 63
It was first reported by the Wall Street Journal, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. If you’d spend less time with your head up your festering asshole you’d have a greater awareness of what’s going on around you.
You know the WSJ, don’t you, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit? Same publisher as Barron’s – that weekly magazine you cannot afford to buy for yourself.
@65 When did you start reading real newspapers? That’s a first for you.
Collins may already have a 2020 challenger.
“Susan Rice, who was President Barack Obama’s national security adviser, caused a stir Friday afternoon when she tweeted ‘Me’ when another former Obama official asked who could challenge Sen. Susan Collins in 2020.”
Just this afternoon I was musing to myself that Democrats should look for a woman to challenge Collins. Looks like they may have found one. And it didn’t take long at all. Plus she’ll have a $2.5 million-plus war chest right out of the gate, which could reach $5 million by Monday morning.
When you get right down to it, the word that best describes Collins’ speech is “disingenuous.” I guess we’ll find out eventually how well it played with Maine’s female voters.
Say, does anyone hear Maine Republicans bleating about “term limits”? I can’t either.
I guess the millions he was making as an NFL player wasn’t enough. Had to keep up a lifestyle, you know.
Right. Because a Child Molester majority so stuck on stupid they turn to mocking and humiliating victims of sexual assault would refuse to change the rules.
You idiots on your side of The Orange Event Horizon spend so much time back slapping each other and pretending among yourselves that it’s “reasonable” to rip shrieking Guatemalan infants from their desperate mother’s arms, hold violent rallies in defense of “whiteness”, and blow the deficit up to a trillion a year to promote “personal jets” that you mistakenly assume the rest of us are as depraved and wretched as you.
You were always going to put Quaaludes McRapeVan on the court. Nothing was ever going to stop it. That was the plan with only one minor twist: it was always supposed to cost Democrats more than Child Molesters. You know, just like Alabama.
-Ford ran a CIA internship program at Stanford.
-Her brother’s former law firm “created” Fusion GPS (originators of the Trump “pee tape” dossier).
-The firm was collocated (and therefore connected) with CIA-aligned companies run by her father, Ralph Blasey Jr.
-Her grandfather was a CIA agent named Nicholas Deak.
These are some of the featured paranoid lunacies that Teh Dumbfuck and “his ilk” are trafficing in as they work out precisely why they had to do it. Why they have to call all those women filthy lying hoors. Why they have to mock rape and sexual assault. Why they had to ignore all the crying and pleading and just keep right on forcing and pushing and ramming until they got what they wanted.
Maybe Goodlatte can go all in and schedule some hearings to “investigate” Dr. Ford. Trailerbillies are going to want to get to the bottom of how she was groomed and paid, etc.
@ 73
Ford’s going the route of Cindy Sheehan. Instead of the muffin top there’s the voice of a 12 year-old.
Except instead of the real memory of a dead child there’s the manufactured memory of a grope gone wrong, alleged by a guy who did a pretty good fuckin’ job of proving he was nowhere near her at the time, or at any other time.
In 2022 she’ll take on Kamala Harris in the Dem Senate primary. She’ll win 0.22% of the vote. At the 2024 Dem convention she’ll be video’d pulling Sandra Fluke’s hair in a too-small arena rest room.
“Minutes after Republican Sen. Susan Collins of Maine announced her decision to vote to confirm Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, a site raising money for Collins’ eventual opponent in her 2020 reelection bid crashed. … The site was so overwhelmed with people rushing to donate to the campaign that its internet connection couldn’t take the traffic, pushing it offline, Crowdpac confirmed to Business Insider.”
Yep, consequences. Collins shouldn’t overlook the fact that tens of millions of people are pissed about what she has done.
I thought this was pretty funny.
ᵀᴴᴱ ᴾᴿᴬᴳᴹᴬᵀᴼᴹᴱᵀᴱᴿ
Replying to @DavidAFrench @conor64
It’s a shame. The New Yorker used to be an outlet for journalists like Ronan Farrow. Now they’re just an outlet for journalists like Ronan Farrow.
6:29 PM – 5 Oct 2018
Substitute HA and Goldy and it works just as well, too.
So much to work with there.
I’ll just put a pin in it so in a few weeks from now when “manufactured memory” becomes “CIA DerpState Lies funded by Soros” and “grope gone wrong” becomes “moist panty dropping slut was rejected” we can all look back and enjoy the view from outside The Orange Event Horizon.
You must go there. You have no other options left now.
Thirty Senate Democrats, including every Presidential contender, voted for W’s “War to Rid the World of a Threat ThatNever Existed” That is a lot of political cover with at least fifteen years of shelf life.
So far looks like you, Collins, and your Boof Bud Quaaludes McRapeVan have 71 year old Joe Manchin who is probably in his last election.
63, RR
Citing Wikipedia as your authority is brilliant, thanks for the laugh.