I’ve always thought that with vote by mail and the general good government stance of the state, that Republican secretaries of state can’t fuck things up too badly. But Kim Wyman is determined to try.
My granddad, from Chicago, said the motto of the city politicians and ward bosses was , “Vote early and often.” That was back in the Twenties and Thirties, nearly 100 years ago now.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@1 The present-day GOP motto is, “Make sure they don’t vote at all.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
Wyman’s agenda is standard GOP playbook. Our state needs an impartial elections administrator, not a scheming partisan bent on manipulating elections to her party’s favor. Vote her out.
“It’s possible some of the money Trump losts wasn’t even his.”
Yep, that’s right, Trump may have lost other people’s money and then deducted it on his personal taxes.
“’If he borrowed from a bank, it’s their money that disappeared… It’s almost inconceivable that he’s actually out of pocket $900 million dollars,’ Abrams said. ‘In essence, he’s deducting their losses.’”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: That makes Trump a “genius” in the same sense that Willie Sutton was.
Ima Duncespews:
@5 He continues to demonstrate the morally bankrupt state of his party. So do his surrogates. That such a selfish and venal man would get this close to the presidency is an embarrassment to America.
So the Trump apologists are running out of steam.
1) Trump’s shareholders could have sued if he paid taxes he didn’t owe because dividends/shareholder return.
Sorry no. We’re talking about Trump’s personal tax return. For this argument to work Trump’s taxes are ONLY corporate and that would be an illegal tax structure. Yes, you can incorporate yourself as an individual and pay yourself a nominal salary which is then taxable and leave the bulk of the money in the corporation and be very, very careful about making purchases through the corporation that can be reasonably argued are essential for the company. Personal S-Corps do not have shareholders.
2) Trump is the one person who totally understands the system and can work it to pay no taxes so he, and only he, can fix the broken system.
Sorry no. Trump is on record saying paying no taxes is smart. So Trump is going to change the system to make himself pay more taxes and be therefore less smart. Riiiiiight.
3) Trump is a genius businessman for figuring out how to not pay taxes.
Sorry no. If Trump is a genius businessman, how pray tell did he get involved in companies that combined lost almost a Billion dollars?
Dare I say that the Bernie Bros and the 99%ers are seeing laid bare that the (self-proclaimed) 1% actually don’t pay taxes much like they suspected and are actually leeches on the general popluation?
“One big problem with Trump’s global real estate empire building? Trump’s company hasn’t actually constructed a building in a decade. Trump’s empire is just licensing deals. It consists of just Trump running around, selling the gold-plated lifestyle of Trump and negotiating over the value of a giant gold ‘T’ on the side of a building. That’s it. No construction workers. Nothing. ”
“Meanwhile, Hillary has built a charitable foundation that helps 432 million people worldwide.”
Better 2spews:
“Hillary Clinton’s only loyalty is to her financial contributors and to herself. I don’t even think she’s loyal to Bill, if you want to know the truth, And really, folks, why should she be, why should she be.” Says a man on wife number three
Classic Psychological projection. Accuse your opponent of what you are weakest in. As in:
“Donald Trump’s only loyalty is to his financial contributors and to himself. I don’t even think he’s loyal to Melania, if you want to know the truth, And really, folks, why should he be, why should he be?”
Distant Replayspews:
the other aspect of that which will be reported on further in the weeks ahead, is that if a business experiences a loss, and then negotiates with a creditor to forgive a portion of a debt in recognition of that loss, the forgiven debt must be counted as income somewhere. In other words if a Trump business (such as a casino) were to borrow a ton of money, invest that money badly and lose some of it, and then convince the bank to renegotiate the principal, that has to be counted as income. The question is where you take the loss, and where you put the income, and what accounting tricks you use to pull it off.
Undoubtedly, if the Republican Nominee for President has avoided paying any taxes for twenty years by using this loss as an offset, the IRS has audited it. And if, as he has so often bragged, much of his NJ casino empire debt was forgiven, that income must have been accounted for somewhere. The other element would have to do with the bank’s accounting. If for instance Deutsche Bank claimed these losses in their accounting, while simultaneously Trump’s casino companies claimed the same losses in their accounting, somebody is straight up lying.
But of course this is all speculation. Either way, there’s a good chance that somebody lied about either the losses or the debt restructuring. Recall that at the time this was taking place falsification of corporate accounting was something of a global epidemic. And it may never be possible to prove anything. It’s just Jeffrey Skilling on a smaller scale.
Time between yours truly receives his ballot in the mail AND it is completed, mailed out, registered as received, counted, Hillary wins and this country dodges a bullet yet one more freaking time.
Words a presidential campaign does not want to hear…Cease and Desist.
Distant Replay,
Yes, it is quite possible that our government would assasinate Assange if it got the chance. Governments hate to be embarrassed by the truth. Ours is no exception.
Kind of buried in the SoS story for this link is the Kablammo of an entire weeks worth of the Dori Monson Show ranting.
No, the Burlington shooter was not registered to vote illegally. He was a U.S. Citizen. I hear there will be an on air correction, well, any day, well, never.
Distant Replayspews:
Okay. I’ll walk you through it. See, Ms. Kardashian was robbed at gunpoint. Emphasis on gunpoint. The “threat” directed at Ms. Kardashian, or most armed robbery victims, is made manifest by the act of displaying the weapon – the crooks show the victim that they have one rather than merely claiming to. Sensible people rightly fear being shot by somebody brandishing a gun – less so somebody brandishing a finger-gun in their coat pocket.
Meanwhile and elsewhere, we have a self-promoting, egomaniac, narcissist Libertardian gadfly feeling sad that world events seem to have passed him by. So aside from making himself into a hand puppet for a brutal fascist dictator, he seems to spend his nights endlessly phoning and emailing anyone in the media who will bother to listen suggesting that he can “bring down” the Clinton campaign at any minute. Only he’s just “waiting for the right moment”. He’s been doing this for some months now. Still hasn’t shown anyone the gun (that’s serving as a metaphor for “threat” there – get it?). Some of us are beginning to believe that what Mr. Assange has is a finger-gun.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
(((Goldy))) @GoldyHA
My god, the comments scrolling by on YouTube’s live stream of Hillary Clinton’s speech are just horrifying. We are an awful species.
Well good, then.
We’re gonna get the national leader we deserve. Good and hard, we’re gonna deserve it.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
@ 17
Some of us are beginning to believe that what Mr. Assange has is a finger-gun.
We’ll know soon enough.
Meanwhile, #CrookedHillary’s diarrhea is reddening.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
When Goldy refers to humans as an awful species, he’s excluding #CrookedHillary supporters, of course.
So, just the Adorable Deplorables and the BernieBros:
At a lively Sunday march in support of former Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, chants of “lock her up,” “Hillary for Prison” signs and t-shirts and calls for indictment were common among the most ardent supporters of Mr. Sanders, who arrived in Philadelphia to make their voices heard to the delegates attending the Democratic National Convention.
Read these tweets and watch these images and you’d honestly think the men, women and children being shouted down — people from all walks of life, a couple of whom were even handicapped — were common criminals and the Sanders supporters were angry townspeople who had gathered to shame them. But then, that’s where we apparently are now with the Sanders zealots: they not only viciously attack anyone who dares to speak a kind word about Clinton online, they also arrogantly shut down her speeches and publicly, shamelessly thrash anyone who happens to be there. As one person who was at the rally wrote Friday at Medium, “They were cussing at people, calling women whores, and telling people to kill themselves. They were shouting in children’s faces, blowing sirens in their ears, and making them cry.”
I’m sure Bernie’s supporters perceived the audio made public last week in just the manner in which #CrookedHillary intended it.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
Chicago teachers about to go on strike. Again.
I think the narrative that has been building against us that we are doing things that are self-serving is a false narrative.”
Teachers approved a strike last December by the same 96 percent vote. They went on to reject a contract offer from CPS earlier this year — a deal Lewis acknowledged as a “serious offer” — but held off on a threatened late-spring strike.
A strike would be the third CPS work stoppage under Mayor Rahm Emanuel, after the 2012 strike and the one-day April 1 walkout.
Nothing false about three teacher walkouts in five years.
One has to wonder how many of these kids thrust out on the street will be shot while the teachers are unselfishly refusing to contribute to their own pensions.
Ah yes. A lively demonstration that took place in JUNE! What might have happened between then and now? Well there’s A6 and B block stories about Clinton and “Children of the Great Recession” and then there’s banner headlines and Lead of every newscast of Trump being a tax cheat and having a foundation that is not allowed to be a charity and suggesting that veterans who have PTSD are weaker than those that don’t.
Still hoping some Hillary story will take hold, eh Boob?
Distant Replayspews:
Hey yall. ‘Member when our race baitin’ troll Boob spent all eight years of the Obama recovery blaming Sec. Clinton every single time another alt-Right, Teahadist, β-male, New Republican got caught calling the President of the United States a nigger?
These are Boob’s “golden years”.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
@ 22
You want more recent?
Here’s more recent:
Whatever the reasons, a YouGov poll released September 15 showed that only 51% of Sanders supporters plan to vote Hillary—a six percentage point drop from one month prior. (Conversely, 15% of Sanders supporters stated that they plan to vote Trump, a 10% increase over the same period.)
Agent of the state. As long as it’s the State of Clinton, Inc.
Both are monsters. But only one has a curriculum vitae as an agent of the state. Read Diana Johnstone’s Queen of Chaos about Hillary’s blood-soaked war-mongering career in the U.S. Senate and at the State Department. Or, for domestic policy, Andrew Levine at Counterpunch, who documents that the Clintons’ “lifelong project has been to make American politics as safe as can be for Big Business and High Finance.”
As I’ve said previously, I really don’t fear a #CrookedHillary presidency. She’ll want some sort of program that calls for money, the GOP’s price will be a deal to repatriate corporate cash held overseas, and we’ll see special dividends with special tax treatment.
Something Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit and I can actually agree on.
Meanwhile, those with a BA in Critical Dance Studies still won’t be able to get a job. But the taxpayer will cover their tuition spent in getting that useless fucking degree.
Which is fine, since by the time it happens I’ll be out of the crosshairs as a retiree.
Lyin Hillyspews:
# 8
Trump Hotel in Washington D.C. ,building in Cleveland, Golf course in Scotland. dip shit!!!
# 9
Hillary is only loyal to herself.
# 16
Arcan Cetin said Barry and Hillary are commies. He planned on voting for her this year. You left that out you dip shit.
What did he do to Debbie Blabber mouth Schultz? The reason he moved wasn’t that he was afraid the Americans would kill him, he was afraid Hillary and her gang of thugs would. Dip shit.
So you won’t feel left out fuck you loser.
Distant Replay,
Did you look at the link you put in the post at 13? The US government would be happy to kill Assange or Snowden if it got the chance. It would take out anyone who threatens government power or the empire.
Sloppy, we get it you hate all unions unless it’s a police union.
Distant Replayspews:
wait, what? Because the grandstanding narcissist was planning on holding an audience from a balcony?
It really shouldn’t be this easy to manipulate people. Even if Assange is some kind of “genius” this latest escapade was inept at best.
He can’t travel to Piazza Venezia so any balcony will do.
KIRO posted a totally unsourced and ultimately false story that he was a resident alien who had voted illegally.
The radio blowhard decided to run with it and bleat about voter fraud and probably threw in some Dino Lossi got robbed.
Again, the report was 100% wrong and an on air acknowledgement that his faux outrage at how easy it is to commit voter fraud in Washington is coming sometime after the end of life as we know it.
Heh. Bob was pinning his hopes on Wikileaks.
“‘I stayed up all night for this?!’: Trump fans seethe after WikiLeaks’ #OctoberSurprise is a bust”
Who would have thought the huge Wikileaks press conference that would end her for good would actually be the equivalent of Drudge Report.
I broke a story once years ago give me money or I’ll become irrelevant. Can I get some money?
Distant Replayspews:
Like I said, finger-gun.
More than any other, the defining characteristic of the modern “conservative” is an overwhelming credulousness.
Distant Replayspews:
Is it okay that the Republican Nominee for President of the United States just called wounded warriors a bunch of weaklings? IOKIYAR?
Distant Replayspews:
We should get used to this, kids.
The post-Trump fake “conservative” narrative is emerging. This will be what we can expect from now until the next go ’round. Unwilling to admit that, not only was their party nominee a bad politician, he was also a bad citizen, a bad businessman, a bad husband, a bad boss, and a bad choice to run the last super-power. Republicans fucked up badly this year. Over and over again they fucked up. These fuck ups were the culmination of an eight year black-guy-in-the-White-House fuck up that they just could not resist. All the racist twitter bombing and coon-baiting was just too damn much fun. And it lead directly to this nominee. But it wasn’t just about fun. There was lots of money to be made. And the same glue-sniffers that dutifully re tweeted eight years worth of race hatred also kept their checkbooks open.
So it’s worth asking now: who does this bullshit post-Trump narrative serve financially?
Proving you are who you claim to be, what a terrible insurmountable hardship!!!!
My granddad, from Chicago, said the motto of the city politicians and ward bosses was , “Vote early and often.” That was back in the Twenties and Thirties, nearly 100 years ago now.
@1 The present-day GOP motto is, “Make sure they don’t vote at all.”
Wyman’s agenda is standard GOP playbook. Our state needs an impartial elections administrator, not a scheming partisan bent on manipulating elections to her party’s favor. Vote her out.
Trump campaign slips into death spiral.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Worst. Candidate. Ever.
Here’s the real kicker about Trump’s tax losses:
“It’s possible some of the money Trump losts wasn’t even his.”
Yep, that’s right, Trump may have lost other people’s money and then deducted it on his personal taxes.
“’If he borrowed from a bank, it’s their money that disappeared… It’s almost inconceivable that he’s actually out of pocket $900 million dollars,’ Abrams said. ‘In essence, he’s deducting their losses.’”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: That makes Trump a “genius” in the same sense that Willie Sutton was.
@5 He continues to demonstrate the morally bankrupt state of his party. So do his surrogates. That such a selfish and venal man would get this close to the presidency is an embarrassment to America.
So the Trump apologists are running out of steam.
1) Trump’s shareholders could have sued if he paid taxes he didn’t owe because dividends/shareholder return.
Sorry no. We’re talking about Trump’s personal tax return. For this argument to work Trump’s taxes are ONLY corporate and that would be an illegal tax structure. Yes, you can incorporate yourself as an individual and pay yourself a nominal salary which is then taxable and leave the bulk of the money in the corporation and be very, very careful about making purchases through the corporation that can be reasonably argued are essential for the company. Personal S-Corps do not have shareholders.
2) Trump is the one person who totally understands the system and can work it to pay no taxes so he, and only he, can fix the broken system.
Sorry no. Trump is on record saying paying no taxes is smart. So Trump is going to change the system to make himself pay more taxes and be therefore less smart. Riiiiiight.
3) Trump is a genius businessman for figuring out how to not pay taxes.
Sorry no. If Trump is a genius businessman, how pray tell did he get involved in companies that combined lost almost a Billion dollars?
Dare I say that the Bernie Bros and the 99%ers are seeing laid bare that the (self-proclaimed) 1% actually don’t pay taxes much like they suspected and are actually leeches on the general popluation?
In case you were wondering….
Donald Trump lost a billion—twice—because he’s a genius
“One big problem with Trump’s global real estate empire building? Trump’s company hasn’t actually constructed a building in a decade. Trump’s empire is just licensing deals. It consists of just Trump running around, selling the gold-plated lifestyle of Trump and negotiating over the value of a giant gold ‘T’ on the side of a building. That’s it. No construction workers. Nothing. ”
“Meanwhile, Hillary has built a charitable foundation that helps 432 million people worldwide.”
“Hillary Clinton’s only loyalty is to her financial contributors and to herself. I don’t even think she’s loyal to Bill, if you want to know the truth, And really, folks, why should she be, why should she be.” Says a man on wife number three
Classic Psychological projection. Accuse your opponent of what you are weakest in. As in:
“Donald Trump’s only loyalty is to his financial contributors and to himself. I don’t even think he’s loyal to Melania, if you want to know the truth, And really, folks, why should he be, why should he be?”
the other aspect of that which will be reported on further in the weeks ahead, is that if a business experiences a loss, and then negotiates with a creditor to forgive a portion of a debt in recognition of that loss, the forgiven debt must be counted as income somewhere. In other words if a Trump business (such as a casino) were to borrow a ton of money, invest that money badly and lose some of it, and then convince the bank to renegotiate the principal, that has to be counted as income. The question is where you take the loss, and where you put the income, and what accounting tricks you use to pull it off.
Undoubtedly, if the Republican Nominee for President has avoided paying any taxes for twenty years by using this loss as an offset, the IRS has audited it. And if, as he has so often bragged, much of his NJ casino empire debt was forgiven, that income must have been accounted for somewhere. The other element would have to do with the bank’s accounting. If for instance Deutsche Bank claimed these losses in their accounting, while simultaneously Trump’s casino companies claimed the same losses in their accounting, somebody is straight up lying.
But of course this is all speculation. Either way, there’s a good chance that somebody lied about either the losses or the debt restructuring. Recall that at the time this was taking place falsification of corporate accounting was something of a global epidemic. And it may never be possible to prove anything. It’s just Jeffrey Skilling on a smaller scale.
Kim Kardashian got robbed at gunpoint in
Couldn’t have happened to a “nicer” person!
Definition of forever:
16 days till King County mails out ballots.
Definition of eternity:
Time between yours truly receives his ballot in the mail AND it is completed, mailed out, registered as received, counted, Hillary wins and this country dodges a bullet yet one more freaking time.
Speaking of “gunpoint” here’s a useful axiom to remember:
A crook with a weapon, will show you the weapon immediately.
Words a presidential campaign does not want to hear…Cease and Desist.
Distant Replay,
Yes, it is quite possible that our government would assasinate Assange if it got the chance. Governments hate to be embarrassed by the truth. Ours is no exception.
Kind of buried in the SoS story for this link is the Kablammo of an entire weeks worth of the Dori Monson Show ranting.
No, the Burlington shooter was not registered to vote illegally. He was a U.S. Citizen. I hear there will be an on air correction, well, any day, well, never.
Okay. I’ll walk you through it. See, Ms. Kardashian was robbed at gunpoint. Emphasis on gunpoint. The “threat” directed at Ms. Kardashian, or most armed robbery victims, is made manifest by the act of displaying the weapon – the crooks show the victim that they have one rather than merely claiming to. Sensible people rightly fear being shot by somebody brandishing a gun – less so somebody brandishing a finger-gun in their coat pocket.
Meanwhile and elsewhere, we have a self-promoting, egomaniac, narcissist Libertardian gadfly feeling sad that world events seem to have passed him by. So aside from making himself into a hand puppet for a brutal fascist dictator, he seems to spend his nights endlessly phoning and emailing anyone in the media who will bother to listen suggesting that he can “bring down” the Clinton campaign at any minute. Only he’s just “waiting for the right moment”. He’s been doing this for some months now. Still hasn’t shown anyone the gun (that’s serving as a metaphor for “threat” there – get it?). Some of us are beginning to believe that what Mr. Assange has is a finger-gun.
(((Goldy))) @GoldyHA
My god, the comments scrolling by on YouTube’s live stream of Hillary Clinton’s speech are just horrifying. We are an awful species.
Well good, then.
We’re gonna get the national leader we deserve. Good and hard, we’re gonna deserve it.
@ 17
Some of us are beginning to believe that what Mr. Assange has is a finger-gun.
We’ll know soon enough.
Meanwhile, #CrookedHillary’s diarrhea is reddening.
When Goldy refers to humans as an awful species, he’s excluding #CrookedHillary supporters, of course.
So, just the Adorable Deplorables and the BernieBros:
At a lively Sunday march in support of former Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, chants of “lock her up,” “Hillary for Prison” signs and t-shirts and calls for indictment were common among the most ardent supporters of Mr. Sanders, who arrived in Philadelphia to make their voices heard to the delegates attending the Democratic National Convention.
Read these tweets and watch these images and you’d honestly think the men, women and children being shouted down — people from all walks of life, a couple of whom were even handicapped — were common criminals and the Sanders supporters were angry townspeople who had gathered to shame them. But then, that’s where we apparently are now with the Sanders zealots: they not only viciously attack anyone who dares to speak a kind word about Clinton online, they also arrogantly shut down her speeches and publicly, shamelessly thrash anyone who happens to be there. As one person who was at the rally wrote Friday at Medium, “They were cussing at people, calling women whores, and telling people to kill themselves. They were shouting in children’s faces, blowing sirens in their ears, and making them cry.”
I’m sure Bernie’s supporters perceived the audio made public last week in just the manner in which #CrookedHillary intended it.
Chicago teachers about to go on strike. Again.
I think the narrative that has been building against us that we are doing things that are self-serving is a false narrative.”
Teachers approved a strike last December by the same 96 percent vote. They went on to reject a contract offer from CPS earlier this year — a deal Lewis acknowledged as a “serious offer” — but held off on a threatened late-spring strike.
A strike would be the third CPS work stoppage under Mayor Rahm Emanuel, after the 2012 strike and the one-day April 1 walkout.
Nothing false about three teacher walkouts in five years.
One has to wonder how many of these kids thrust out on the street will be shot while the teachers are unselfishly refusing to contribute to their own pensions.
Ah yes. A lively demonstration that took place in JUNE! What might have happened between then and now? Well there’s A6 and B block stories about Clinton and “Children of the Great Recession” and then there’s banner headlines and Lead of every newscast of Trump being a tax cheat and having a foundation that is not allowed to be a charity and suggesting that veterans who have PTSD are weaker than those that don’t.
Still hoping some Hillary story will take hold, eh Boob?
Hey yall. ‘Member when our race baitin’ troll Boob spent all eight years of the Obama recovery blaming Sec. Clinton every single time another alt-Right, Teahadist, β-male, New Republican got caught calling the President of the United States a nigger?
These are Boob’s “golden years”.
@ 22
You want more recent?
Here’s more recent:
Whatever the reasons, a YouGov poll released September 15 showed that only 51% of Sanders supporters plan to vote Hillary—a six percentage point drop from one month prior. (Conversely, 15% of Sanders supporters stated that they plan to vote Trump, a 10% increase over the same period.)
Agent of the state. As long as it’s the State of Clinton, Inc.
Both are monsters. But only one has a curriculum vitae as an agent of the state. Read Diana Johnstone’s Queen of Chaos about Hillary’s blood-soaked war-mongering career in the U.S. Senate and at the State Department. Or, for domestic policy, Andrew Levine at Counterpunch, who documents that the Clintons’ “lifelong project has been to make American politics as safe as can be for Big Business and High Finance.”
As I’ve said previously, I really don’t fear a #CrookedHillary presidency. She’ll want some sort of program that calls for money, the GOP’s price will be a deal to repatriate corporate cash held overseas, and we’ll see special dividends with special tax treatment.
Something Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit and I can actually agree on.
Meanwhile, those with a BA in Critical Dance Studies still won’t be able to get a job. But the taxpayer will cover their tuition spent in getting that useless fucking degree.
Which is fine, since by the time it happens I’ll be out of the crosshairs as a retiree.
# 8
Trump Hotel in Washington D.C. ,building in Cleveland, Golf course in Scotland. dip shit!!!
# 9
Hillary is only loyal to herself.
# 16
Arcan Cetin said Barry and Hillary are commies. He planned on voting for her this year. You left that out you dip shit.
What did he do to Debbie Blabber mouth Schultz? The reason he moved wasn’t that he was afraid the Americans would kill him, he was afraid Hillary and her gang of thugs would. Dip shit.
So you won’t feel left out fuck you loser.
Distant Replay,
Did you look at the link you put in the post at 13? The US government would be happy to kill Assange or Snowden if it got the chance. It would take out anyone who threatens government power or the empire.
Sloppy, we get it you hate all unions unless it’s a police union.
wait, what? Because the grandstanding narcissist was planning on holding an audience from a balcony?
It really shouldn’t be this easy to manipulate people. Even if Assange is some kind of “genius” this latest escapade was inept at best.
He can’t travel to Piazza Venezia so any balcony will do.
KIRO posted a totally unsourced and ultimately false story that he was a resident alien who had voted illegally.
The radio blowhard decided to run with it and bleat about voter fraud and probably threw in some Dino Lossi got robbed.
Again, the report was 100% wrong and an on air acknowledgement that his faux outrage at how easy it is to commit voter fraud in Washington is coming sometime after the end of life as we know it.
Heh. Bob was pinning his hopes on Wikileaks.
“‘I stayed up all night for this?!’: Trump fans seethe after WikiLeaks’ #OctoberSurprise is a bust”
Who would have thought the huge Wikileaks press conference that would end her for good would actually be the equivalent of Drudge Report.
Like I said, finger-gun.
More than any other, the defining characteristic of the modern “conservative” is an overwhelming credulousness.
Is it okay that the Republican Nominee for President of the United States just called wounded warriors a bunch of weaklings?
We should get used to this, kids.
The post-Trump fake “conservative” narrative is emerging. This will be what we can expect from now until the next go ’round. Unwilling to admit that, not only was their party nominee a bad politician, he was also a bad citizen, a bad businessman, a bad husband, a bad boss, and a bad choice to run the last super-power. Republicans fucked up badly this year. Over and over again they fucked up. These fuck ups were the culmination of an eight year black-guy-in-the-White-House fuck up that they just could not resist. All the racist twitter bombing and coon-baiting was just too damn much fun. And it lead directly to this nominee. But it wasn’t just about fun. There was lots of money to be made. And the same glue-sniffers that dutifully re tweeted eight years worth of race hatred also kept their checkbooks open.
So it’s worth asking now: who does this bullshit post-Trump narrative serve financially?
Proving you are who you claim to be, what a terrible insurmountable hardship!!!!