In a previous post, I noted that men should have some idea that something is up with sexual harassment at work. I got some pushback on that. Now I’m reading about George H. W. Bush groping multiple women while making a joke about it. How many Secret Service agents heard his David-cop-a-feel joke and said nothing? How many other people were at those photo ops and didn’t say anything? The women’s colleagues, Bush’s people, photographers, other people in the area.
He said it out loud, in public, multiple time. People knew.
Happy Anniversary, Happy Anniversary, Happy Anniversary,
Clinton: ‘If the election had been on October 27, I would be your president’
He said it out loud, in public, multiple time. People knew.
He said it from his wheelchair. At age 89.
As long as you’re going to ask about what the Secret Service knew and when they knew it, perhaps ask that question regarding Bill Clinton as well.
No, not then.
Not that time, either.
On the tarmac, I mean. When he met AG Lynch last year.
Yes, Bush 41 pinched the buttocks of, it seems, two women.
From his wheelchair. With his wife by his side at least once.
@ 3
I stand corrected. Three women.
At the rate these bombshell disclosures about Bush 41 are moving, we’ll have Harvey Weinstein up for sainthood by the end of the weekend.
I didn’t know, and I didn’t vote for him, so what was I supposed to do?
@1 These outbursts reek of mental illness. But you probably know that, don’t you, Doc?
@3 “At the rate these bombshell disclosures about Bush 41 are moving, we’ll have Harvey Weinstein up for sainthood by the end of the weekend.”
Be careful of what you wish for. Someone might be listening.
Familiar American institutions are collapsing; Toys’R’Us is bankrupt, Sears is going down. So, too, is Fake News. Real news seems to be holding its own, though.
“Fox News … [a]d revenues plunged 17 percent in September over the same month last year …. CNN, which President Donald Trump frequently describes as ‘fake news,’ lost just 1 percent in revenue, and MSNBC was up 2 percent.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Only a minority of the American public, known as “Republicans,” wants to be brainwashed. The majority of us know bullshit when we see it. That’s why Trump’s approval ratings are stuck in the 30s. You gotta wonder about the 30-percenters, though — I mean, what’s wrong with them? Toxic drinking water? Opioid abuse?
The remaining 70% does not necessarily vote for all Democrats. The one thing that would help would be more political parties. Why be limited to just two choices?
@ 7
No one running for president this year, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. And if you were a Republican trying to get voters to the polls in 2016, you weren’t advertising on MSNBC.
Last year, during the election, spots on Fox News were going for as much as $31,300. (Your link)
Oh, and despite the drop, Fox is still commanding significantly higher prices for ads in its most popular spots than MSNBC.
MSNBC’s prime time lineup also continues to see increased unit costs. The Rachel Maddow Show had an average unit cost of $4,600 in Sept. 2017 vs. $3,800 in Sept. 2016. The Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell was at $3,700 this year, up from $3,100 last year. All in with Chris Hayes increased from $2,700 to $3,300.
Fox News still commands the highest per-unit cost. Tucker Carlson Tonight was at $12,200 a spot, and Hannity was at $8,500 in Sept. 2017. SMI found that last September those show were earning around $31,300 per spot which was due to the increased viewership around the election and the first 2016 presidential debate.
You’re a clown, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. Time to tell us, again, how HA is about propaganda and not about accuracy.
Why be limited to just two choices?
1. Ralph Nader
2. Jill Stein
On the other hand, Perot may very well have handed us Bill Clinton, the rapist, rather than George Copafeel Bush.
@9 “No one running for president this year, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.”
Tell that to the obsessed poster @1.
@9 “HA is about propaganda and not about accuracy”
That’s hard to deny given how much you post on HA, dumbfuck.
@10 “On the other hand, Perot may very well have handed us Bill Clinton, the rapist, rather than George Copafeel Bush.”
Thank you, Ross. Granted, the 1992 election was a choice of lesser evils, but aren’t they all? (Full disclosure: Roger Rabbit voted for Perot, due to Bush’s bad policies and Clinton’s bad character.)
As I’ve pointed out previously in these comments, it is pretty obvious that to misogynist wife beater Republican trolls it’s not about the consent of the victim. It’s got something to do with numbers, setting, and of course the “identity” of the perpetrator. So to them it’s no big deal that this person publicly humiliated these women, made them feel like a piece of meat being inspected, and sexually violated them by groping. For Republicans all that matters is that he’s a white man of power, advanced in age, his wife was present, and he only did it a few times to a few different women. So no biggee!
Meanwhile they still want to re-litigate a consensual blowjob between adults in private.
They’ll just never get it. It’s fucking burned into their brains. Somehow it’s all just part of some great big “naughtiness” spectrum with multiple moving indicators and Benny Hill chasing women in bikinis located somewhere to one end and Ted Bundy toward the other.
It’s so ironic/not-ironic that the only people who support Jill Stein are Republicans, Oliver Stone, and Vladimir Putin.
So, if I’m to understand the defense theory being offered by Republican Trumpbots and hooting internet trolls it is that the Steele dossier is discredited by the fact that Democrats paid money for it, and that the sources of the reporting are KGB agents.
The dossier didn’t just pop into existence. Nor was it being peddled around in hushed whispers at secret private meetings with bad cover stories about orphan adoption. Somebody (probably Marc Elias) took a chunk of money and spent it to pay somebody else to dig up dirt on an opponent. Sure, the concept was originated by a Republican campaign. But the Democrats picked up the concept and ran with it.
This all seems pretty un-suspicious to me so far. This is how it is done. You pay people who can gain access to the dirt. If the dirt being sought includes evidence that your opponent has been financially supported by a Russian dictator for the past five years, that your opponent’s service is being leveraged with various future lucrative real estate deals, and that your opponent is being blackmailed for “perverted sexual acts” you’d pay a lot. The fact that first a Republican primary campaign, and later the Clinton campaign were signed on to pay for the dirt only confirms its value to those campaigns and their confidence in the quality of the dirt.
That the sources may be KGB agents only further establishes the quality of the dirt. The Russian government has steadfastly denied the allegations included in the memos. Putin himself has derided the contents. Thus any KGB agents willing to pass along or corroborate such claims is acting against Russian state policy and putting themselves at risk. A witness who says something when they have something to gain by saying it, loses credibility. A witness who says something when they have something to lose by saying it, gains credibility.
I’m pretty sure that’s a concept Robert Mueller is very familiar with, even if hooting internet trolls are not.
@15 The NYT reported today that new information “seems to confirm” Donnie Trump Jr.’s emails, to wit, “Rob Goldstone, an associate of the Trump Organization, had written to Trump Jr. about setting up a meeting with someone regarding information from ‘the Crown prosecutor of Russia’ … that … ‘would incriminate Hillary and her dealings with Russia and would be very useful to your father.’ He added that the ‘very high level and sensitive information’ was ‘part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: There’s nothing in there about peeing prostitutes, so Doctor Dumbfuck can keep his pants zipped when reading the link, but … you know … that part of the story has already been pretty much verified.
Doctor Dumbfuck should’ve shorted GE like I suggested on Sunday. It’s down over 12% since last Friday. But he probably was too busy fucking his horses. I wonder if he keeps goats on his hobby ranch, too?
The don’t like it when you command a General to go out and look foolish lying for you.
They know that heating up North Korea will get thousands killed.
They were willing to forgive the draft dodging because you were a republican
Poll: Majority of military officers view Trump unfavorably
They really really don’t like when you pick a fight with a KIA serviceman’s wife. (Post poll event so the figure it’s still moving south)
@17 Did you see that GE is talking about getting rid of GE Transportation? I called that one in an earlier thread. Next up is Lighting.
Sad to think GE is going to get rid of Transportation, they have held that for nearly 100 years.
The Trump Tower “Orphan Adoption” meeting Russian lawyer, Natalia Veselnitskaya, partnered with the Russian State Prosecutor General in advance of the secret meeting in order to coordinate the contents of the information she was offering to the campaign.
We don’t yet know what Don Jr., Kushner, and Manafort had to say to the feds about this meeting. But we do know what they’ve said to the media. And unless the story they told investigators was much different from the song they sang in the media, somebody committed a felony. The more you look at it, the worse it gets.
The Russian State Prosecutor, Yuri Chaika had previewed the details months ahead of time to Dana Rohrbacher. And more recently the Russian State media have begun promoting the charges contained in Veselnitskaya’s memo using verbatim language. The charges stem from a broader effort undertaken by Putin to discredit and seek the reversal of a US law which imposes severe financial sanctions on a host of senior Russian officials for their role in a massive fraud scheme, and the murder in police custody of the whistleblower who exposed the scheme.
Or orphan adoptions. It’s just so complicated. Hillbillies are too confused to care.
Another Hillbilly is hitting the silk!
Fusion GPS still appearing…
DUMMOCRETIN weasels gonna pay?
—The Fusion GPS saga isn’t over. The Clinton-DNC funding is but a first glimpse into the shady election doings concealed within that oppo-research firm’s walls. We now know where Fusion got some of its cash, but the next question is how the firm used it. With whom did it work beyond former British spy Christopher Steele ? Whom did it pay? Who else was paying it?—
Till Next Time!
Uhhh ohhh Raggie… Leon Panetta says investigate Clinton/DNC Dossier!
— Former CIA Director Leon Panetta said that the Senate Intelligence Committee is going to have to look into the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee (DNC) for funding the controversial Trump dossier during an interview on Thursday. —
Remember how DUMMOCRETINS all over America were howling over Trump and Russia collusion. Well… now we know the Psych 101 Projection job done by #CrookedHillary.
They are all screaming who knew who knew about this as everyone has lost their mind. Oh wait… they need a mind to lose!
Till Next Time!
@24 Let the chips fall where they may. All of ’em. It’s fine with me if everybody goes to jail. Drain the entire swamp. Of course, that includes Trump, too. He’s not an innocent victim of all this.
Bringing Back Coal Jobs Dep’t
The coal company capital of America just voted to go to 100% clean energy. Whoops.
“All of ’em. It’s fine with me if everybody goes to jail.”
In the case of the Clinton campaign, the DNC, or Perkins Coie, for what?
This is what the howling internet trolls are claiming:
The campaign paid an outside campaign research firm to collect information using legitimate sources. Nobody stole anything or hacked anything. No office break-ins. Some of the original reports were corroborated through the efforts of a retired Brit spy exploiting his active KGB sources. Marc Elias, on behalf of the campaign, agreed to fund continued research into Fuckface being controlled by a ruthless foreign dictator after Republicans decided they no longer gave a shit about patriotism.
These things, at least as they are being reported so far, do not violate U.S. laws. Most multi-national US based corporations pay for just this kind of research all the time. Plenty of campaigns do too. That’s the business that Fusion GPS is in.
This is why the idiot trolls are so obvious and clumsy in their efforts to sex it up. “Follow the money!” etc. This isn’t even as important as the Edwards haircut scandal. By any reasonable measure, however much Elias agreed to spend, it was very well spent. The only failure here is that it appears Elias was a little to reticent to share the research as fully with the campaigns and the DNC.
The free beacon? That is tooooo sweeet!
A troll favorite…
I suppose Devin Nunes will be investigating Free Beacon too? /s
I blame the fucking media whores in all this. Purity angels like Maggie Habberman are more “scandalized” by a campaign hiring a research firm to uncover evidence of treason than they are by Karl Rove setting up ratfuck mills to transform McCain into a mentally ill traitor who got drunk and raped his black house cleaner.
They absolutely deserve Fuckface, all his attacks, and the inevitable decline of their profession.
Remember when deficits used to be a problem?
Hypocrisy is every Republican’s middle name.
@27 I’m referring, of course, to everybody who committed an actual provable crime.
BREAKING NEWS — Grand jury issues first Mueller indictments; expect arrests Monday.
Reports all over the Grand Jury has handed down indictments in Mueller Russia probe.
On this same day 45 tweeted that it’s widely accepted that there was no collusion.
Now we know why the lapdogs tried so hard to get the uranium story restarted.
Too bad our resident
loonliar takes Friday nights off.Now we now that Fusion research was funded by Free Beacon before they shopped it to Clinton
“We want you to dog up dirt in Trump” Free Beacon
“We have dirt, man we have dirt” Fusion
“Well he’s the nominee now so we’re good no matter what felonies and depravity you came up with.” Free Beacon
“Who do we think might pay us a second time for this report?” Free Beacon
@32 correction, approved, not issued
Side note, The Confirmed Liar’s favorite wing nut “Fact Based News outlets” are eating each other.
I’d normally call BS on anything in either “publication” but…
@34 Yeah, the loon is gonna wake up from his weekend religious sabbatical to a nightmare.
Boob should stay out of the horse barn this weekend so he doesn’t miss the potential stock buying opportunities Monday morning.
@34 @37
Puddy?… Puddy?…Puddy?.. Constantly crowing about Facts.
Oh man, the Free Beacon just served up our favorite loon lawn jockey. Wow. Can’t make this shit up.
Has Don Jr. made a break for it yet?
@27 So it’s legal when the DNC and Hilliary Clinton do it, so whatever the hell Trump has done if anything must be legal too. Ok for Hilliary to get dirt this way from the Russian’s. Then Trump can play the same game. Pay back is a bitch. So stop all the investigations ect the Democrats have admitted it’s all legal and fun in American politics. Nothing to be seen here folks, just keep walking.
This whole thing about the first Bush is way over the top. And some librarian’s male and female like a little feel.
These woman did not work for Bush, were not hired by his company, ect. There is no sexual harassment. If they have a bitch they can pursue a complaint in the court system. And since the event took place in 2014 probably a little late for that.
Sorry the Secret Service agents don’t work for Mr. Bush and they are there to protect a former President and his wife. They are not there to monitor his behavior. That is not what we tax payers pay them for. In fact if they know he was coping feels and all that then arguable they were not doing their actual fucking job and should thrown off the security team and out of the Secret Service.
This was at Mrs. Bush’s charity event. I suppose she should be thrown off the library committee or whatever for her husbands raunchy behavior. Heck maybe that is why President Bush engaged in it. Or he thought these woman had a sense of humor, and maybe a sex life. Perhaps they have neither.
It’s not like he can really charge for having his picture taken with anyone and everyone at an event. You want your picture taken with the ex President. Maybe a sense of humor is needed. Or existed until the me too train showed three years later.
Ok Carl I’ll say it. Bad President Bush. Bad. And you all have been saying that for years. I think the old man gave me the finger. I don’t think there is much I can do. Well maybe President Bush likes Mel Brook’s History of the World.
Psssstttt You may have forgotten that particular Bush used to run the CIA. You probably aren’t on his radar, but I double dog dare you to share your concerns with him via a letter or other form of media. Be glad your in the US or hope he really has a sense of humor as you have a date in some cell somewhere.
Whatever the hell? No. Nobody is saying that.
Let us begin: The DNC emails were stolen. Election hacking is illegal. Accepting foreign sourced, in-kind assistance with campaign advertising, data mining, and voter file analytics is illegal. Of course, meeting with foreign government officials or their representatives to arrange and coordinate such crimes and prepare a quid pro quo agreement involving acts of treason is illegal. Doing any of these things and then lying about it to the FBI is illegal.
We understand why you need such a sweeping blanket excuse in advance for whatever crimes the Fuckface campaign may have commited against the United States of America. You got conned. And in so doing you eagerly supported that campaign and helped put criminals in the White House. Again. You must be overwhelmed with guilt, shame, and regret. You’ve disgraced whatever modest service you ever gave to your country and renounced your allegiance to it.
Nobody can help you with that.
You knew what you were signing up for.
As a man I am well withing my rights to grab-ass with any woman who gets within arms reach and those Hos better not have a problem with it.
“All this stuff is overblown. Every woman, deep down, wants me to fondle them, in front of people, in public, in exchange for a photo of my glorious presence.”
Let’s just see for fun, what are the top “stories” over on FoxNews dot com
Editors Picks,
At least 2 dead after explosions near Somali presidential palace, police say
Casey Anthony’s parents threaten to sue if she sells her story
Prosecutors refile charges against 11 in Penn State frat hazing death
Riiiight. One things for sure. Whether or not he thought they had “a sense of humor” or “maybe a sex life” he sure as fuck didn’t think they had a right to withhold consent. And that, as we all know, is the mindset that precedes every rape that has ever happened.
But people like these Hillbilly Fuckface pimps will never be able to comprehend that. The “rules” of common moral decency “confuse” them. Which is why they will be driven from the public square and hounded out of the workplace.
They’ve proven they are unable to change. So they don’t belong anymore. These aren’t “traditions” they are fighting to preserve. These are pathological patterns of abuse.
Open Thread, Closed Minds
The Left Love Guns…
Open Thread, Closed Minds
Nuts, Fruitcakes and Turkeys…
Open Thread, Closed Minds
… A Conservative Nut Job…
Open Thread, Closed Minds
and BOOM!