Harvey Weinstein Gets One Sexual Assault Charge Dismissed
The friend, who was not identified, told prosecutors that Ms. Evans had said she willingly performed oral sex on Mr. Weinstein in exchange for the promise of an “acting job.”
So will Joe Fain. New college grads need jobs, amirite?
Leader McConnell✔
Nearly one out of every six circuit court of appeals judges has been appointed by @POTUS and confirmed by this Republican Senate
4:24 PM – Oct 11, 2018
Glad to report that so far this Congress the Senate has confirmed 84 federal judges (2 SCOTUS+29 circuit+53 district judges) incl. 16 just this past wk & I expect we will confirm all remaining judges on floor + any more judges the judic cmte processes this yr b4 end of Congress
5:06 PM – Oct 11, 2018
Not bad for a couple of old white guys.
Come to think about it, a third old white guy is truly the one to thank:
Former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, whose leadership will pay dividends to the GOP for decades.
Think on your sins. Steve.
From other thread
“How many terrorists did Trump have to release in order to get the pastor back from Turkey?”
Pastor? Or Pedophile?
Not sure. How about how many times will Turkish officials have to stay in a Hump Hotel, is more appropriately the question.
I see that the pro-rape, pro-Putin Doctor Dumbfuck’s dumbfuckery is quite strong today.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Win or lose, if Child Molester PACs have to spend twice as much in Texas (because of less favorable media rates) that’s $76 million they won’t have to spend on #otherstuff.
@ 8
My point, QoS McHillbilly, is that the GOP won’t have to spend anywhere close to what the libs are spending to defend Texas.
Oh. Your rationale works both ways. Money spent on a quixotic quest to turn Texas blue is money that won’t be available to spend on #otherstuff.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
If Child Molesters want to use PAC money to reserve media space to defend a deeply unpopular incumbent they will have to spend about twice as much in order to match. Because rates, Teh Dumbfuck. And if they want to walk off the field (or the television debate) and let the challenger have all the oxygen, that’s cool too. Either way these are tough choices that Democratic challengers and incumbents aren’t having to make this year.
Money raised by a candidate is nothing at all like money raised by a PAC. If you don’t understand that it’s probably best that you stick with options investing.
I don’t claim to know why, but for whatever reason candidates for the party out of power (both challengers and incumbents) are outperforming candidates for the party in power in fundraising this year. That’s happened before in mid terms. But it puts the party defending incumbents in a disadvantageous position. And it makes the lift for Yertle’s Senate project that much greater.
Bye-bye, Beto.
Among Texas likely voters who name a U.S. Senate candidate, 96 percent say their mind is made up.
Cruz has a 52 – 44 percent favorability rating. O’Rourke has a divided 45 – 47 percent favorability rating.
“The election is far from over, but Sen. Cruz would have to suffer a major collapse for him to lose. That is even more unlikely since 97 percent of Cruz voters say they are sure they won’t change their minds.”
Q-poll press release.
Gee, $38M spent on a guy who tried to run away from a crime he had just committed.
Seems rather silly now, doesn’t it?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Yeah, not the best of years for civilized folks, Carl, but neither was 1933. Shit recycles. Generations who learned from the past die off, and new generations learn the same lessons the hard way again.
No shame in this….this is how The Great Pussy Grabber made his quadrillions of dollars.
come on now – get those fists pumping in the air with me.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@2 What does one have to do with the other, outside the byzantine twisted corridors of your diseased mind?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@3 Tiki torches.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@4 “Harvey Weinstein got off.”
So did Brett Kavanaugh, so why are you complaining?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Last night Doctor Dumbfuck bleated @94 of the preceding thread:
“Get a life, dude. Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s already cornered the market on never leaving HA, not even to take a dump. You need to try something different.”
So far, Doctor Dumbfuck has posted 14 comments on HA this morning. Just an observation, that’s all.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Among Texas likely voters…
Is that really the best you got? How’d that work out for Hillary?
Let me spell it out for you, Teh Dumbfuck.
O’Rourke can spend that $38 million any damn way he wants. He doesn’t have to spend it on media buys (and I sure hope he doesn’t). He can target it on individual voters. It’s exactly the kind of targeted spending that, when done correctly, can render terms like “likely voter” a lot squishier than pollsters like. Again, ask Hillary. Democrats sure as fuck did.
Most of these new campaigns went to school on her – “what not to do”. Clinton was heavily over-reliant on PAC money, and frankly rather dismissive of GOTV and micro-targeting. But PAC money is weaker and limited in how it can be spent. I suppose if Child Molesters are feeling high minded you could take the PAC money into TX and use it to register voters. Think that’s a good idea? But mostly you’re going to use it to run radio, television, and Facebook ads. Not much else you can do. Preaching to the choir. And known scientifically to be ineffective at producing voter turnout, voter recruitment, or voter change. Status quo always favors the incumbent. PAC money is made to reinforce status quo. That Child Molesters need to import a bunch of it into Texas is not a particularly positive development.
Fact is, nobody expected Texas to be this competitive this soon, and least of all for an incumbent with a national profile. O’Rourke, coming out of nowhere, is doing a killer job raising his own money at home and sucking mountains of Child Molester PAC money out of other states and regions to defend Cruz. Of course I hope he wins. And he still has a good opportunity. But even if he only comes close, he will have damaged Child Molesters elsewhere.
Over on handbill.us, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit proposed to shrink SCOTUS to 7 justices by, er, removing Gorsuch and Kavanaugh, thus giving liberals control of the Court.
What he didn’t explain was how those two just-confirmed justices would be removed. Now, I’ve tried snapping my fingers and saying abra-cadabra and yet RBG’s still there, and I swear I thought she’d be gone by now. So finger-snapping is out, I think.
How do you remove two justices and not replace them?
Like I said in the other thread. At least they didn’t resort to a boat full of dildos.
Someone needs to explain the double entendre @ 4 to Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit @ 16.
I figured it would be obvious but after two decades of ED, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit must just not even think about sex any more.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
It’s not so much about the volume or frequency that freaks me out.
It’s the obvious effort and the hours of contemplation and planning before had that, frankly, I find a bit disturbing. Last night he dropped a pile of comments that the timestamps clearly would indicate he’d been working on for at least some period of time before posting. I can’t even figure out what that would look like.
Is he composing posts offline? On his Blackberry? Out in the barn? Does he find himself, in the middle of a slice of pie at the diner in John Day, suddenly struck by some trenchant rejoinder that he simply must record for later use? Here? How many offline hours go into such an effort? Is this how he occupies himself hiding in the closet of the trailer bedroom while Ofdumbfuck is with her bull? I just… meh.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Now, I’ve tried snapping my fingers and saying abra-cadabra
Worked for Yertle.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@19 “How do you remove two justices and not replace them?”
By statute, genius. Congress can reduce the number of justices and base retention on seniority. Nothing in the Constitution says surplus justices can’t be RIF’ed or specifies how a reduction-in-force is to be effectuated.
“What he didn’t explain was how those two just-confirmed justices would be removed.”
Oh yes I did. I even put it in a subhead, in big blue letters, so you couldn’t miss it, to wit: “Democrats should shrink the court to 7 justices, with seat retention based on seniority.” Click on the link below and see for yourself! If you need this explained to you, you’re a dumbfuck. But we already know that.
@21 In other words, being only half the fuckwad Weinstein is qualifies an unsuccessful rapist for the Supreme Court. That’s exactly what you’d expect a dumbfuck to say.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
As a womb worshiper he’s been sold the promise that if he stood aside and ignored the pussy grabbing, white supremacy, wife beating, teen gang rape, porn fucking, porn abortions, trade wars, trillion dollar deficits, toddler torture, desert rape camps, tax evasion, self dealing, $15,000 desks, NetJets accounts, and Russian treason he’d be guaranteed his court majority forever.
He’s a satisfied customer and nothing you say can ever change that.
GOP candidate for Pennsylvania governor threatens to “stomp”
his Democratic opponent because he doesn’t like a billboard put up by an independent group.
@26 Silly me. And here I thought he was asking me to explain something I’d already explained. Obviously his mental dysfunction goes much deeper than I assumed.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Joni Ernst bleats “she believed that’Dr. Ford did experience some sort of trauma in her lifetime,’ but that she did not believe ‘Brett Kavanaugh perpetrated the intimate crime against her.'”
Looks like that’s going to be the GOP standard talking point from now on, which means all these Republican senators are effectively claiming Dr. Ford lied when she testified under oath that she was “100% sure” Kavanaugh was her attacker. I’d like to see them try to prosecute her for perjury.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
not just that Dr. Ford lied, but that she manifest a unique and never-before observed psychological phenomenon – wherein a trauma victim fabricates a separate traumatic event to substitute for the real one accompanied by sufficient detail regarding the time, place, and perpetrator’s identity so as to result in a credible allegation.
It’s a mob! And it’s a miracle! And it’s a conspiracy!
It’s a mob-mira-spiracy!
This is really who they are now.
Demorat Party Of Pussywhipped Punks News–Demorat Dingbat Discloses Day In The Life Of A Pussywhipped Demorat, It Sucks
Snip– I yelled at my husband last night. Not pick-up-your-socks yell. Not how-could-you-ignore-that-red-light yell. This was real yelling. This was 30 minutes of from-the-gut yelling.
My husband of 50 years did not have to stifle a laugh. He took it dead seriously. He did not defend his remark, he did not defend men. He sat, hunched and hurt, and he listened. For a moment, it occurred to me to be grateful that I’m married to a man who will listen to a woman. The winds calmed ever so slightly in that moment. And then the storm surge welled up in me as I realized the pathetic impotence of nice men’s plan to rebuild the wreckage by listening to women. As my rage rushed through the streets of my mind, toppling every memory of every good thing my husband has ever done (and there are scores of memories), I said the meanest thing I’ve ever said to him: Don’t you dare sit there and sympathetically promise to change. Don’t say you will stop yourself before you blurt out some impatient, annoyed, controlling remark. No, I said, you can’t change. You are unable to change. You don’t have the skills and you won’t do it. You, I said, are one of the good men. You respect women, you believe in women, you like women, you don’t hit women or rape women or in any way abuse women. You have applauded and funded feminism for a half-century. You are one of the good men. And you cannot change. You can listen all you want, but that will not create one iota of change.
[Don’t think she was done with him;] https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/2018/10/12/thanks-not-raping-us-all-you-good-men-its-not-enough/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.d0cf905c6343
Not to mention the tan suit, the brown mustard, the terrorist fist bump, the birth certificate, AND the fact that President Obama was NOWHERE to be found during 9/11. Nobody knew where he was on that day.
I’ve been lurking and not posting for a while. It seems as though the Red Menacers are becoming too emotionally exhausting to deal with much anymore. I see that Dr. Schnickelfritzenstein is continuing to sundown himself into a self-imposed state of pure euphoria, in that, as ignorance is bliss, he is damned and determined to become as blissful as he can possibly be.
Unsurprising. He’s typical of the TeaGabbers mindless devotion to a well-known con artist and thief.
Good luck with that. They don’t like them “colored” folks gettin’ all uppity thereabouts.
“I suppose Spittles moved to Georgia to register to vote.”
Poor sap got himself lynched. I warned him, though. “Quit hanging out with those white supremacists!” Alas, the loon didn’t listen to me.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@32 Mindless cut-and-paste is what you get from a troll incapable of any thought of his own.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@33 The impassioned plea for understanding by a businessman deeply pained by the fact that someone would actually criticize him for suing elderly widows who can’t pay their trash bills.
Minor detail: The guy he threatened to stomp with golf spikes had nothing to do with the billboard criticizing his business practices.
But what the heck, the Nazis weren’t fussy about who they retaliated against, either. If they couldn’t catch the French Underground, the local villagers would do.
@ RR:
“the Nazis weren’t fussy about who they retaliated against, either. If they couldn’t catch the French Underground, the local villagers would do.”
And if there weren’t any villagers left in that town, they’d just drive down the road a couple of miles and find some in the next town. It’s easy to find people to blame for shit happening to you when you’ve declared them all to be your enemy.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@35 I see a beer called “Red Menace” in Seattle-area stores. I doubt they sell it under that name in Texas.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Tagline of the week: Jake Tapper says Trump came down harder on Taylor Swift than the Saudis.
A group of witches are scheming to put a hex on Justice Kavanaugh. But is putting a guy who railed against Clinton conspiracies in his confirmation hearing into a trance a good idea? No telling what might spill out of that.
“I suppose Spittles moved to Georgia to register to vote.”
He really should have just gone to the White House.
Apparently at this point any black dude who is actually willing can get a lunch with PornSweat. Not even total whackadooddle insanity is a disqualifier.
That’s how much Beto hauled in during the third quarter.
That’s a lot of money for y’all libbies to throw at a guy who’s gonna lose by five.
Although look how much y’all spent on that horrid human being who lost by 70 electoral votes.
I rule Don Lemon arbitrary and racist.
WA Supreme Court rules capital punishment arbitrary and racist. https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/washington-state-supreme-court-tosses-out-death-penalty/ …
Harvey Weinstein got off.
Harvey Weinstein Gets One Sexual Assault Charge Dismissed
The friend, who was not identified, told prosecutors that Ms. Evans had said she willingly performed oral sex on Mr. Weinstein in exchange for the promise of an “acting job.”
So will Joe Fain. New college grads need jobs, amirite?
Leader McConnell✔
Nearly one out of every six circuit court of appeals judges has been appointed by @POTUS and confirmed by this Republican Senate
4:24 PM – Oct 11, 2018
Glad to report that so far this Congress the Senate has confirmed 84 federal judges (2 SCOTUS+29 circuit+53 district judges) incl. 16 just this past wk & I expect we will confirm all remaining judges on floor + any more judges the judic cmte processes this yr b4 end of Congress
5:06 PM – Oct 11, 2018
Not bad for a couple of old white guys.
Come to think about it, a third old white guy is truly the one to thank:
Former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, whose leadership will pay dividends to the GOP for decades.
Think on your sins. Steve.
From other thread
“How many terrorists did Trump have to release in order to get the pastor back from Turkey?”
Pastor? Or Pedophile?
Not sure. How about how many times will Turkish officials have to stay in a Hump Hotel, is more appropriately the question.
I see that the pro-rape, pro-Putin Doctor Dumbfuck’s dumbfuckery is quite strong today.
Win or lose, if Child Molester PACs have to spend twice as much in Texas (because of less favorable media rates) that’s $76 million they won’t have to spend on #otherstuff.
@ 8
My point, QoS McHillbilly, is that the GOP won’t have to spend anywhere close to what the libs are spending to defend Texas.
Oh. Your rationale works both ways. Money spent on a quixotic quest to turn Texas blue is money that won’t be available to spend on #otherstuff.
If Child Molesters want to use PAC money to reserve media space to defend a deeply unpopular incumbent they will have to spend about twice as much in order to match. Because rates, Teh Dumbfuck. And if they want to walk off the field (or the television debate) and let the challenger have all the oxygen, that’s cool too. Either way these are tough choices that Democratic challengers and incumbents aren’t having to make this year.
Money raised by a candidate is nothing at all like money raised by a PAC. If you don’t understand that it’s probably best that you stick with options investing.
I don’t claim to know why, but for whatever reason candidates for the party out of power (both challengers and incumbents) are outperforming candidates for the party in power in fundraising this year. That’s happened before in mid terms. But it puts the party defending incumbents in a disadvantageous position. And it makes the lift for Yertle’s Senate project that much greater.
Bye-bye, Beto.
Among Texas likely voters who name a U.S. Senate candidate, 96 percent say their mind is made up.
Cruz has a 52 – 44 percent favorability rating. O’Rourke has a divided 45 – 47 percent favorability rating.
“The election is far from over, but Sen. Cruz would have to suffer a major collapse for him to lose. That is even more unlikely since 97 percent of Cruz voters say they are sure they won’t change their minds.”
Q-poll press release.
Gee, $38M spent on a guy who tried to run away from a crime he had just committed.
Seems rather silly now, doesn’t it?
Yeah, not the best of years for civilized folks, Carl, but neither was 1933. Shit recycles. Generations who learned from the past die off, and new generations learn the same lessons the hard way again.
No shame in this….this is how The Great Pussy Grabber made his quadrillions of dollars.
come on now – get those fists pumping in the air with me.
@2 What does one have to do with the other, outside the byzantine twisted corridors of your diseased mind?
@3 Tiki torches.
@4 “Harvey Weinstein got off.”
So did Brett Kavanaugh, so why are you complaining?
Last night Doctor Dumbfuck bleated @94 of the preceding thread:
“Get a life, dude. Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s already cornered the market on never leaving HA, not even to take a dump. You need to try something different.”
So far, Doctor Dumbfuck has posted 14 comments on HA this morning. Just an observation, that’s all.
Is that really the best you got? How’d that work out for Hillary?
Let me spell it out for you, Teh Dumbfuck.
O’Rourke can spend that $38 million any damn way he wants. He doesn’t have to spend it on media buys (and I sure hope he doesn’t). He can target it on individual voters. It’s exactly the kind of targeted spending that, when done correctly, can render terms like “likely voter” a lot squishier than pollsters like. Again, ask Hillary. Democrats sure as fuck did.
Most of these new campaigns went to school on her – “what not to do”. Clinton was heavily over-reliant on PAC money, and frankly rather dismissive of GOTV and micro-targeting. But PAC money is weaker and limited in how it can be spent. I suppose if Child Molesters are feeling high minded you could take the PAC money into TX and use it to register voters. Think that’s a good idea? But mostly you’re going to use it to run radio, television, and Facebook ads. Not much else you can do. Preaching to the choir. And known scientifically to be ineffective at producing voter turnout, voter recruitment, or voter change. Status quo always favors the incumbent. PAC money is made to reinforce status quo. That Child Molesters need to import a bunch of it into Texas is not a particularly positive development.
Fact is, nobody expected Texas to be this competitive this soon, and least of all for an incumbent with a national profile. O’Rourke, coming out of nowhere, is doing a killer job raising his own money at home and sucking mountains of Child Molester PAC money out of other states and regions to defend Cruz. Of course I hope he wins. And he still has a good opportunity. But even if he only comes close, he will have damaged Child Molesters elsewhere.
Over on handbill.us, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit proposed to shrink SCOTUS to 7 justices by, er, removing Gorsuch and Kavanaugh, thus giving liberals control of the Court.
What he didn’t explain was how those two just-confirmed justices would be removed. Now, I’ve tried snapping my fingers and saying abra-cadabra and yet RBG’s still there, and I swear I thought she’d be gone by now. So finger-snapping is out, I think.
How do you remove two justices and not replace them?
The MAGA Brain Trust.
Like I said in the other thread. At least they didn’t resort to a boat full of dildos.
Someone needs to explain the double entendre @ 4 to Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit @ 16.
I figured it would be obvious but after two decades of ED, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit must just not even think about sex any more.
It’s not so much about the volume or frequency that freaks me out.
It’s the obvious effort and the hours of contemplation and planning before had that, frankly, I find a bit disturbing. Last night he dropped a pile of comments that the timestamps clearly would indicate he’d been working on for at least some period of time before posting. I can’t even figure out what that would look like.
Is he composing posts offline? On his Blackberry? Out in the barn? Does he find himself, in the middle of a slice of pie at the diner in John Day, suddenly struck by some trenchant rejoinder that he simply must record for later use? Here? How many offline hours go into such an effort? Is this how he occupies himself hiding in the closet of the trailer bedroom while Ofdumbfuck is with her bull? I just… meh.
Worked for Yertle.
@19 “How do you remove two justices and not replace them?”
By statute, genius. Congress can reduce the number of justices and base retention on seniority. Nothing in the Constitution says surplus justices can’t be RIF’ed or specifies how a reduction-in-force is to be effectuated.
“What he didn’t explain was how those two just-confirmed justices would be removed.”
Oh yes I did. I even put it in a subhead, in big blue letters, so you couldn’t miss it, to wit: “Democrats should shrink the court to 7 justices, with seat retention based on seniority.” Click on the link below and see for yourself! If you need this explained to you, you’re a dumbfuck. But we already know that.
@21 In other words, being only half the fuckwad Weinstein is qualifies an unsuccessful rapist for the Supreme Court. That’s exactly what you’d expect a dumbfuck to say.
As a womb worshiper he’s been sold the promise that if he stood aside and ignored the pussy grabbing, white supremacy, wife beating, teen gang rape, porn fucking, porn abortions, trade wars, trillion dollar deficits, toddler torture, desert rape camps, tax evasion, self dealing, $15,000 desks, NetJets accounts, and Russian treason he’d be guaranteed his court majority forever.
He’s a satisfied customer and nothing you say can ever change that.
GOP candidate for Pennsylvania governor threatens to “stomp”
his Democratic opponent because he doesn’t like a billboard put up by an independent group.
This is who they are now.
@26 Silly me. And here I thought he was asking me to explain something I’d already explained. Obviously his mental dysfunction goes much deeper than I assumed.
Joni Ernst bleats “she believed that’Dr. Ford did experience some sort of trauma in her lifetime,’ but that she did not believe ‘Brett Kavanaugh perpetrated the intimate crime against her.'”
Looks like that’s going to be the GOP standard talking point from now on, which means all these Republican senators are effectively claiming Dr. Ford lied when she testified under oath that she was “100% sure” Kavanaugh was her attacker. I’d like to see them try to prosecute her for perjury.
not just that Dr. Ford lied, but that she manifest a unique and never-before observed psychological phenomenon – wherein a trauma victim fabricates a separate traumatic event to substitute for the real one accompanied by sufficient detail regarding the time, place, and perpetrator’s identity so as to result in a credible allegation.
Oh, and a Time Masheen. One of those too.
It’s a mob! And it’s a miracle! And it’s a conspiracy!
It’s a mob-mira-spiracy!
This is really who they are now.
Demorat Party Of Pussywhipped Punks News–Demorat Dingbat Discloses Day In The Life Of A Pussywhipped Demorat, It Sucks
Snip– I yelled at my husband last night. Not pick-up-your-socks yell. Not how-could-you-ignore-that-red-light yell. This was real yelling. This was 30 minutes of from-the-gut yelling.
My husband of 50 years did not have to stifle a laugh. He took it dead seriously. He did not defend his remark, he did not defend men. He sat, hunched and hurt, and he listened. For a moment, it occurred to me to be grateful that I’m married to a man who will listen to a woman. The winds calmed ever so slightly in that moment. And then the storm surge welled up in me as I realized the pathetic impotence of nice men’s plan to rebuild the wreckage by listening to women. As my rage rushed through the streets of my mind, toppling every memory of every good thing my husband has ever done (and there are scores of memories), I said the meanest thing I’ve ever said to him: Don’t you dare sit there and sympathetically promise to change. Don’t say you will stop yourself before you blurt out some impatient, annoyed, controlling remark. No, I said, you can’t change. You are unable to change. You don’t have the skills and you won’t do it. You, I said, are one of the good men. You respect women, you believe in women, you like women, you don’t hit women or rape women or in any way abuse women. You have applauded and funded feminism for a half-century. You are one of the good men. And you cannot change. You can listen all you want, but that will not create one iota of change.
[Don’t think she was done with him;]
Remember kids:
@ 31 ED McD:
Not to mention the tan suit, the brown mustard, the terrorist fist bump, the birth certificate, AND the fact that President Obama was NOWHERE to be found during 9/11. Nobody knew where he was on that day.
@ 7 Steve:
“I see that the pro-rape, pro-Putin Doctor Dumbfuck’s dumbfuckery is quite strong today.”
He got himself a fresh bottle.
Of Xanax.
And he’s washing it down with vodka. A lot of vodka.
Fucking lunatic fringe.
Meanwhile, in Texas.
I’ve been lurking and not posting for a while. It seems as though the Red Menacers are becoming too emotionally exhausting to deal with much anymore. I see that Dr. Schnickelfritzenstein is continuing to sundown himself into a self-imposed state of pure euphoria, in that, as ignorance is bliss, he is damned and determined to become as blissful as he can possibly be.
Unsurprising. He’s typical of the TeaGabbers mindless devotion to a well-known con artist and thief.
I suppose Spittles moved to Georgia to register to vote.
Good luck with that. They don’t like them “colored” folks gettin’ all uppity thereabouts.
“I suppose Spittles moved to Georgia to register to vote.”
Poor sap got himself lynched. I warned him, though. “Quit hanging out with those white supremacists!” Alas, the loon didn’t listen to me.
@32 Mindless cut-and-paste is what you get from a troll incapable of any thought of his own.
@33 The impassioned plea for understanding by a businessman deeply pained by the fact that someone would actually criticize him for suing elderly widows who can’t pay their trash bills.
Minor detail: The guy he threatened to stomp with golf spikes had nothing to do with the billboard criticizing his business practices.
But what the heck, the Nazis weren’t fussy about who they retaliated against, either. If they couldn’t catch the French Underground, the local villagers would do.
@ RR:
“the Nazis weren’t fussy about who they retaliated against, either. If they couldn’t catch the French Underground, the local villagers would do.”
And if there weren’t any villagers left in that town, they’d just drive down the road a couple of miles and find some in the next town. It’s easy to find people to blame for shit happening to you when you’ve declared them all to be your enemy.
@35 I see a beer called “Red Menace” in Seattle-area stores. I doubt they sell it under that name in Texas.
Tagline of the week: Jake Tapper says Trump came down harder on Taylor Swift than the Saudis.
A group of witches are scheming to put a hex on Justice Kavanaugh. But is putting a guy who railed against Clinton conspiracies in his confirmation hearing into a trance a good idea? No telling what might spill out of that.
“I suppose Spittles moved to Georgia to register to vote.”
He really should have just gone to the White House.
Apparently at this point any black dude who is actually willing can get a lunch with PornSweat. Not even total whackadooddle insanity is a disqualifier.