Before we get too removed from the Trump tapes, I’d like to extend an extra special fuck you to the people who enabled Trump over the decades who are now condemning him. Oh Republican elected officials who knew who he was thing this is beyond the pale. Great, but you’re late to the fucking party. Mitt Romney spent half of 2012 alone with Trump and still desperately courted his vote. He was a gentleman the whole time? Oh producers of his show say he said even worse? And yet you kept working with him. Oh there’s probably tape of him dropping n-bombs? Did you not do anything when they first came out?
Susan Hutchinson says he’s a republican now so it’s all good.
I predict the next shoe to drop will be NBC disclosing that they quietly shuffled staff and settled harassment claims related to ‘The Apprentice”
That is pure speculation.
I really thought Pussy Grabber was going to sneak up behind her and punch her in the head last night. There are no depths of depravity he won’t sink to.
Hillary is not the most honest candidate, but I guess she’ll do.
Wait. Republican apologists aren’t late to this party. They aren’t even attending.
They still do not fundamentally disagree with Trump’s views of women, minorities, LGBTQ people, and non-Christians. Listen to their rhetoric. They agree with the “locker room banter” excuses. They agree with the “poor judgment” excuses.
This is not a question of “judgment”. This is man bragging about rape. And Republicans are okay with that. He “shouldn’t have said it”. He “shouldn’t have used that language”. But the fact that he admits that he sexually assaulted a bunch of women is not really a problem. Republican fathers of daughters are okay with that part.
They are that broken.
Did this guy hang around the Trump org. locker room bragging about all the credit cards he stole?
Did this guy hang around the House gym bragging about all the little boys he raped?
Nope. They didn’t. Because that shit isn’t cool.
But sexually assaulting women is “cool” among Republican men.
That’s who they are right now today. Not ten years ago. They’d like a candidate who was “classier”. But a rapist?
Not. Really. A. Problem.
Ouch! Clinton up by 14.
“Poll: After Trump Tape Revelation, Clinton’s Lead Up to Double Digits”
I doubt Trump’s appeal to the deplorables last night is going to help much.
It’ll help with all the voters who think its okay to sexually assault women as long as you regret admitting to it afterward.
And the Republican nominee for President who admits to sexually assaulting women will still get about 60 million votes.
Don’t worry, Carl, thin skin’s mouthpiece is now accusing them of the same thing. They’re probably as guilty as he is. Being Republicans, you know. You knew this was coming, right? Right?
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I love to watch Republicans eat each other! More popcorn, please!
@3 Nah, he was only stalking her, waiting for a chance to goose her.
@4 Sometimes ya gotta make do with what you’ve got.
@10 Remember how they panicked about trans people using the bathroom because they “feared” sexual assault? But Pussy Grabber should be president! If Pussy Grabber becomes president, Theresa Mae and Angela Merkel won’t be visiting without armed guards.
“Hillary Clinton has opened up a 14-percentage-point lead against Donald Trump nationally, according to an NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll released Monday. The survey found that in a two-way race between the two nominees, Clinton leads Trump 52 percent to 38 percent, up from a 7-percentage-point lead last month.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Is it too soon to think about winning all 50 states?
One thing Trump IS good at is whining.
Well, the Donald is living down to all our expectations. With any luck, Mr. No Self Control will take the entire GOP down with him. Maybe we’ll even get the House, although I don’t really believe that, at least not yet. Still 30 days to go, though!
if Donald Trump were to become President those you mention, as well as a great many other elected leaders would not be visiting the United States at all. Depending upon what happens in the next four weeks, some may never visit a Republican President (should such a ting ever again become possible). The Republican Party is in the process of destroying itself.
I’m actually not glad of that.
@16 “I’m actually not glad of that.” Well, I’m sick of them always taking everything they touch and turning it to shit. They trash everyone and everything but their stupid selves. Maybe they’ll split into a party with dignity, intellect and respect for others and a party of deplorables. That will divide their vote and keep them from power. That would be extremely fortunate for this country.
It appears the deplorables have the numbers and the elites lack the character to disavow them. So we will be stuck with one major party devoted to male dominant white nationalism as the nation gradually becomes female dominant minority majority. Although their influence will wain significantly in the coming years, they will be easily manipulated by narrow interests (as Trump has ably demonstrated).
Now I know who Pussy Grabber reminds me of- Caligula!
More of this please!
Hee, hee.
“I don’t characterize that as sexual assault,” Sessions replied. ”I think that’s a stretch. I don’t know what he meant—“
“So if you grab a woman by the genitals, that’s not sexual assault?” the Weekly Standard pressed.
“I don’t know. It’s not clear that he—how that would occur.”
That’s our Republican Party today, right now.
Forcibly grabbing a woman by her genitals “might not be sexual assault”. This individual is the ranking Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee. This individual served as a U.S. Attorney appointed by His Beloved Holiness Saint Reagan.
Fucking pieces of shit. They must go.
“Nah, he was only stalking her, waiting for a chance to goose her.”
More likely a grab than a goose. It sure looked to me like Trump was thinking of doing some pussy grabbing on Hillary.
Hey leftist fools… Puddy back from the airport as the debate was ending. So did Trump actually grab a woman by the genitals or did Trump say that he would like to?
Did Careless Crooked Heilary enable her husband to actually rape and fondle white wimens and cover it up?
Did Careless Crooked Heilary cackle about how she got a rapist off and belittled the 12 year old girl?
Just checking the great “defender of wimens”!
Meanwhile we learn more about the stacked deck against The Bern.
Amazing from these leaks how the media is in the tank for Careless Crooked Heilary!
Then there is this:
Amazing!!!!! It’s vital to break the law because the end always justifies the means!
Meanwhile if you are a black man and you leave the reservation you are attacked by Careless Crooked Heilarys henchpeople…
Oops! Man in ‘Bill Clinton Rape’ T-Shirt Pops Up at Hillary Rally
On Sunday, Ms. Jones responded angrily to a reporter who asked Mr. Trump if his star power entitled him to grope women without their consent. “Why don’t you ask Bill Clinton that?” she said. “Why don’t you go ask Bill Clinton that? Why don’t you ask Hillary as well?” The rape tapes!
“I would warn that regarding at least some Obama White House staff, when the Clintons next dine at the White House they should bring a food taster and wear body armor that covers their backs with at least some people there. I picked this up from several sources, though I will not write about this.”
A leaked email from Brent Budowsky to John Podesta!
@23 – jhc – you are a terrible liar.
>>So did Trump actually grab a woman by the genitals or did Trump say that he would like to?
he said that he would like to.
>>Did Careless Crooked Heilary enable her husband to actually rape and fondle white wimens and cover it up?
>>Did Careless Crooked Heilary cackle about how she got a rapist off and belittled the 12 year old girl?
Go for it puddles. Keep ranting. This one is lost, and Trump is dragging the party down with him. Serious damage to McCain and Ayotte. Assuming Ryan keeps the Speaker’s chair, he will have a significant minority who hates him. Govern with that.
“That line, about half of somebody’s supporters being deplorables, was maybe the worst line I’ve ever heard in politics.” – Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton, DUMMOCRETIN from the District of Columbia in Congress.
Still waiting for a logical answer to the Puddy questions! From down the drain what a waste!
No evidence so far on #1
YES on #2 & #3 accounts!
Rape video posted above!
See ya! Sux to be you!
Gotta wear that Deplorable shirt!
@29- and there will never be a truer clothing statement
Where were the Clinton Foundation Questions?
Where were the Open Borders to the Banksters Questions?
Where were the Two Faced to Banksters Questions?
So Trump supports the second amendment. Puddles please explain to me why that one is more important than:
– the first- freedom of the press which Trump proposes to limit, allowing the press to be sued
– the fourth where he is in favor of unreasonable search and seizure
– the sixth where he opposes giving accused access to council
And I could argue he doesn’t believe in the seventh and eighth either.
To say nothing of his intent to convert the Justice Department into his own person political tool-
He is a threat to our nation.
Stacked? So more votes from the base doesn’t count to an always wrong winger? So a highly diverse coalition of voters doesn’t count for an always wrong wing troll?
Yep. Figures.. Damn that white identity is strong in this moronic troll.
Bernie for a guy who NEVER called himself a Dem went far but fell short. And that’s the simple truth.
But simple truth matters not to an idiot troll whose “mind” is shaped by HATE…
Is the idiot troll making an issue of someone accused of rape?
Oh we see it’s NOT Hillary Clinton…
“I’ll take grasping at straws for $1600 Alex.”
One of the candidates is tied to a hearing on Child Molestation at the present. You built that. One of the Candidates has had 20 sexual harassment suits filed against him. You built that.
Clinton Foundation? Yes, let’s get into that. One of the candidates has a foundation that is currently under a cease and desist order for not being an actual charity and one has an A rating from independent charity monitors. You built that.
PiddlesThe Liar in general. One of the candidates asshole gotta asshole and with 30 days out the wounds are fatal.Sorry, the faster you process the faster you and your therapist and a new regimen of pharmaceuticals can get you over it.
Nice of you to brag about traveling again. Pride, yes, I’m sure I can find it in this book somewhere…
You know K2, in 1980 they said the same thing about Ronald Reagan… Puddy remembers butt fools like K2 possess 24 hour mysterious moronic moonbattic malodorous memory malady!
And we know how that turned out. Those WikiLeak emails just keep coming and coming.
When does Careless Crooked Heilary apologize? Did you listen that lie about the deplorables last night? Puddy had to hear it on replay since the plane landed around 7:20. How about that red line in Syria? Oh wait she lied again! August 2012. Butt Careless Crooked Heilary was thinking about Benghazi!
K2 @35
Of course you excuse Obummer using the IRS to target the opposition and then laughing about it! Still waiting for that condemnation.
Talk to the hand!
Sux to be you!
K2 @35
Of course you excuse Obummer using the IRS to target the opposition and then laughing about it! Then the purposeful stonewalling by the IRS commissioner and deleting the tapes! in fact the IRS erased 422 backup tapes containing Lois Lerner’s emails after Congress asked for them! Still waiting for that condemnation.
Talk to the hand!
Sux to be you!
Answer my comments puddles. I know you can’t. Why do you support a candidate who has so many unconstitutional positions. Reagan, as mush as I opposed him was at least likable. Trump is despicable. There is no comparison.
And Bengazi, really? How many partisan Republican investigations have found nothing.
And lies, which of Trumps words should we believe? Which are “quips” or “entertainment”?
He’s a loser
@41- Where did the Republican dominated House find that to be true? Breitbart talking points are worthless.
Michelle Obama on Careless Crooked Heilary…
Hey self-loathing, lying Fuckwad…
All of it. You lose. The Senate? Gone.
The House? Tick Tock motherfucker.
You pissed it all away for the sake of lying. And it’s all caught up to your asses now.
You are no longer black.
You are faded. Washed out. Done.
Investigators at the Internal Revenue Service are looking to agency employees as the reason thousands of emails from former IRS official Lois Lerner were lost, and the agency’s watchdog said today their actions were a mistake.
The Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) J. Russell George testified before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee and told lawmakers IRS employees erased 422 backup tapes that housed 24,000 emails sent to and from Lerner.
So much for your BULLSHITTIUM K2.
Still getting your ASS smacked by Puddy even today!
Keep on defending the lies. Please. Really.
It only digs the hole deeper and leaves you deplorable people buried in it longer.
I think the Republicans are likely to keep the House, albeit with a much smaller margin. Gerrymandering. They will get fewer aggregate votes but still hold on. The amusing part will be when the hard right Trumpistas go after the “moderates” who ran from him. Ryan is toast
Oregon moron @45. Puddy has saved this post.
So if the DUMMOCRETINS don’t win these posts what say you then?
Now defend sexual assault.
Go on. Do it.
We know you will.
That’s it. That’s good.
You’ve already lost.
It’s over. You are only telling yourself another lie.
Please, keep it up. It just makes your fate even worse.
The devil is the lie. And the devil owns your faded ass.
Answer K2 comments?
That’a a joke right? Your comments aren’t worth the pixels on the screen!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Puddy reminds K2 of historical fact and notice how the K2 fool went apoplectic here on HorseASS DUMMOCRETINS?
Puddles @ wherever- The Republicans hold majorities (currently) in the House and Senate. They have devoted endless energy to attacking the President (who has much higher favorables than them, by the way) and Secretary Clinton. How many hearings? Please tell me what factual findings there are? What substantive, as opposed to feverish rantings like yours are there? Stew on it. I’m off to walk on a warm beach with the wife to see the sunset.
Hey Fuckwad.
Why don’t you go furniture shopping?
By the way? Do you ever call your wife “it”?
Probably. Yup. You probably do.
After eight years of “Obama Lies!” and other non insight from our resident liar
This! ™
That’s what he’s reduced to.
If only they knew This! ™
I know all these things that aren’t true and should bury Hillary but none of This! ™ Is taking her down.
Vince Foster
Travel gate
This! ™
Now defend sexual assault.
Do you look in the mirror Oregon moron? You defend Bill Clinton every day here. Bill actually did it. Bill paid $850 Large over it. You defend Careless Crooked Heilary defending Bill Clinton. No problems with blow jobs in the Oval orifice!
Now defend sexual assault.
Do you look in the mirror Oregon moron? You defend Bill Clinton every day here. Bill actually did it. Bill paid $850 Large over it. You defend Careless Crooked Heilary defending Bill Clinton. No problems with blow jobs in the Oval orifice!
Score! Double post!
My work is done. In only six posts and under 12 minutes.
This troll is easy to roll.
Right now 8 eight years ago, this country was BLEEDING HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of jobs a month.. BLEEDING…
Who was in charge then? What was the approval rating????
There’s no comparison! The troll’s miserable politics ARE FAYLING AGAIN..
Bill Clinton’s NOT running for President you damn fool!
Your tribe FAYLED to boot him out of serving TWO TERMS and your HATE is FAILING you right now.
Notice the commentary of K2 @54?
After the ASS-kicking above now we see the tail between the legs and walk on the beach.
422 tapes erased – Gotta be Breitbart! NOPE you DOPE the IRS said that! What a fool!
See ya!
Ooops the babbling jackass has cut and run before we could get to the good stuff..
Threesomes and the Donald approves of Howard Stern calling Ivanka “a piece of ass”…
The babbling jackass troll obviously APPROVES!
Puddy is ignoring the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS!
Why? Because Careless Crooked Heilary enabled Bill and the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS doesn’t get it.
Millennials don’t know about Heilary’s sins with Bill you fool!
“It’s not easy, because especially millennials – they’re not drawn to Hillary; they don’t trust her, they feel that her sins are really enormous,” she said.
“If you delve into some of the things she’s being accused of – she’s screwed up and that’s for sure.
Dense as spent uranium on a dump truck load of crushed rock the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS is!
Now back to kicking K2 ASS!
Yes Puddy can double post at will Oregon moron!
Notice it did not answer the post @58!
Yes Puddy can double post at will Oregon moron!
Notice it did not answer the post @58!
Cuz the babbling jackass is WILLFULLY IGNORANT…
Millenials obviously see who's running for President..
And they don't like her ASSHOLE opponent!
You do and it says volumes about YOU!
Wow… This just continues to flow from the cesspool at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave…
The Donald thinks of Ivanka as “voluptuous”…
And says when a woman approaches 35, it’s “checkout time”…
The babbling jackass APPROVES!
Oh silly jackass, Cher says this:
“But I’ve known her for a long time and I think that she will do her best. And she’s a politician but she will do her best. If you look at her from the beginning of her life till now, she’s worked hard for people.”
Silly babbling jackass, you want a philandering con-man who’s run its life out of its back pocket.
Trump-U in the White House – that’s what you want.
Trump Modeling Agency in the White House – that’s what you want.
Every small bidness man who has been ripped off and short changed by Trump Enterprises – that’s what you want.
This is what your miserable politics have led to – you’re a failed idiot troll.
Another stupidity from the jackass:
Uhh. Silly jackass… Since when has rich klownservatics turned up their noses at loopholes?
The ends justifying the means??? When it benefits klownservatics?
Oh please you silly tool!
There is but one answer, silly imbecile Fuckwad:
All the simpering and lying will do for you now is drive you further away from your invisible sky buddy and deliver you into the arms of…
you’re fired!
Don’t worry, Fuckwad.
You and “Pussy Grabber” can do this without Virginia.
Just move on the other 49 states like a bitch!
Keep reaching for the stars, Lil’ Fella!
puddleboy- Back from a pleasant walk and a delicious dinner. Sad to see you are still spewing. Why should I answer your silly rants when you don’t answer anything. Why do you refuse to address your candidate’s trampling on the Bill of Rights?
I expect more random CAPITALIZATION and meaningless aggregations of letters masquerading as words. Have a time
Greatest RINO quote I’ve seen this weekend:
“If he loses a presidential election that was so gob-smackingly winnable — if he loses to Hillary Clinton — it doesn’t matter if he blames establishment Republicans or a cavalry charge of unicorns,” said Michael Steel, a Republican strategist who worked for former Speaker John Boehner. “He will have lost to Hillary Clinton.”
The “cavalry charge of unicorns” line is pure gold. But after all is said and done, this guy is one of the supreme geniuses who spent $200 million to buy JEB! three delegates. He’s as much to blame for Cheeto Jesus as any other fake “conservative” grifter.
Another thing which amazes me is how much effort Russia is throwing behind Trump. Email hacks, trolls all over the media (even the Seattle Times!) Got to wonder why the Donald is their guy.
Donyld Drumpf began its “grab” for
p***ypower in the gutter with the birthers.. Orly Taitz, Sheriff Joe, WND, that idiot crowd.Today’s Drumpf rallies have gone totally off-script – right back into the gutter.. But of course, did they ever really leave?
Oh but wait a sec, didn’t the babbling jackass say that Hillary Clinton inspired Donlyd Drumpf to go birther? Got his start from Hillary and Sid Blumenthal???
Yes, that’s what the babbling idiot troll said. Too funny.
Up late. I don’t understand people who don’t like baseball.
Hmm, so if even more damaging tapes come up Trump is going to keep talking about Hillary’s husband who isn’t running for president. There are so many of them folks.
“And hey, have you met this really good guy Ben Rothlesberger…I mean he’s only been accused of sexual assault twice and Bill, he’s been accused and me, well…Bill and Ben combined are as many times as me! I am the hugest most luxurious just like I’ve been saying folks.
And we’re going to get an independent special prosecutor. It’s not like fifteen, twenty, thirty pansy Republican congressional committees haven’t found anything they can charge her with. They weren’t trying. A special guy of my choosing will get the results you have a boner for. Speaking of boner, have you seen Ivanka? Those special guys I sent to Hawaii are still working on the Kenya thing and that’s going to bring Obama down, believe me folks. What are we doing? What ARE we Doing?
Hey, you the hotty in the third row. Can someone escort her to my campaign bus. I want to show her a really important issue. Gyna.
Anyone checking the waterways around The Seattle area for Boob?
Leave it to Repukes to dumb down America. The only way America is going to be great again is to get rid of theses fucks. The should have been wiped out a long time ago starting with the famous Teahadiats. By the way where are those pea brain Teahadiats? Did they all join the KKK?
Ana Navarro Unloads On ’50 Shades Of Crazy’ Trump Supporter
So this is what justifies Grabbing Pussy’s Grab Pussy comment – 50 Shades of Grey.
Yet, I am suppose to swallow (yes, here is where the trolls get real extremely creative and reply not to this comment but me swallowing stuff) this hook, line and sinker that Hillary is to blame for everything including the false claim of rising crime rates when it’s really because 50 Shades of Grey.
This type of attempt to brainwash the sheep is what keeps the GOP going, nowbtowards the grave. Bunch of fucking stupid sheep.
Sunday night 60 Minutes had a piece on Artificial Intelligence – robots being able to i telectualize by learning from thier experiences. They need to keep them away from the GOP or they’ll be the stupidest fucking robots and short circuit.
I e disagreed with Navarro in the past but I have to give her credit here for being a true conservative
A building Boom going on in arguably the greatest city in the world. Yet the self proclaimed rich builder is sitting on the sidelines.
But he knows the Chinese pretty well.
Sitting on the sidelines, yet trying to convince everyone he is a great businessman, and creator of jobs.
Complete bullshit. Yeah, if they are Chinese jobs.
My guess is that Boob will be tied up for quite some time screwing up the math he needs to toss the election into the House.
It all comes down to Utah…
“Score! Double post!”
Did Drumpf just tell his supporters to vote on November 28???
Heh. Babbling jackass – follow your dear leader’s orders now..
Good tool.
Oh did the Donyld say the election was in danger from “the people in Philadephia”…
aka the blacks? The Donyld sez, “you know who I’m talking about.”
The babbling, feckless jackass obviously approves!
Where is the feckless jackass? MIA! COWARD!
Us against “the world”?
Just a picture of two people: Drumpf and Drumpf’s image in a freaking mirror!
Never has there been a candidate more perfect for the babbling, narcissistic, feckless jackass troll and kultist.
Meanwhile we see the most collusion evah between the libtard msm and the Clinton campaign.
Honesty and trustworthiness. Won’t be found under Careless Crooked Heilary’s name!
And the hits keep coming…
ABC – Cecilia Vega, David Muir, Diane Sawyer, George Stephanoplous, Jon Karl
Bloomberg – John Heillman, Mark Halperin, Betsy Fisher Martin (Wife of Jonathan Martin of ABC)
CBS – Norah O’Donnell, Vicki Gordon, Brianna Keilar, David Chalian, Gloria Borger, Jeff Zeleny, John Berman, Kate Bouldan, Mark Preston, Sam Feist
Daily Beast – Jackie Kucinich
NBC Anchor Savannah Guthrie’s husband Mike Feldman
Huffington Post – Whitney Snyder
MSNBC – Alex Wagner, Beth Fouhy, Phil Griffin – MSNBC President!, Rachel Maddow (TBD), Rachel Racusen
NBC – Savannah Gutherie
New Yorker – Ryan Liza
New York Times – Amy Chozik, Gail Collins, Jonathan Martin, Maggie Haberman, Pat Healey
PEOPLE – Sandra Sobieraj Westfall
POLITICO – Glenn Thrush, Mike Allen
VICE – Alyssa Mastramonoco
VOX – Jon Allen
CNN invited but they declined. Not ONE invitation to Fox! Puddy wonders why?
Clear coordination between the libtards in the fourth estate and the DOJ with the campaign!
And the hits keep coming…
ABC – Cecilia Vega, David Muir, Diane Sawyer, George Stephanoplous, Jon Karl
Bloomberg – John Heillman, Mark Halperin, Betsy Fisher Martin (Wife of Jonathan Martin of ABC)
CBS – Norah O’Donnell, Vicki Gordon
CNN- Brianna Keilar, David Chalian, Gloria Borger, Jeff Zeleny, John Berman, Kate Bouldan, Mark Preston, Sam Feist
Daily Beast – Jackie Kucinich
NBC Anchor Savannah Guthrie’s husband Mike Feldman
Huffington Post – Whitney Snyder
MSNBC – Alex Wagner, Beth Fouhy, Phil Griffin – MSNBC President!, Rachel Maddow (TBD), Rachel Racusen
NBC – Savannah Gutherie
New Yorker – Ryan Liza
New York Times – Amy Chozik, Gail Collins, Jonathan Martin, Maggie Haberman, Pat Healey
PEOPLE – Sandra Sobieraj Westfall
POLITICO – Glenn Thrush, Mike Allen
VICE – Alyssa Mastramonoco
VOX – Jon Allen
CNN invited but they declined. Not ONE invitation to Fox! Puddy wonders why?
Clear coordination between the libtards in the fourth estate and the DOJ with the campaign!
Corrected above. Merged CBS and CNN accidentally!
Now libtards want the third debate cancelled. Why?
Everyone knows of course. Chris Wallace will ask email, wikileaks, and foundation questions!
Gonna be good!
Now libtards want the third debate cancelled. Why?
Everyone knows of course. Chris Wallace will ask email, wikileaks, and foundation questions!
Gonna be good!
Seems libtards really do hate religions…
“Not ONE invitation to Fox! Poodebutt wonders why?”
It’s a den of lies and hate founded by a pimp and sadistic pervert, ya moron!
Hey jackass. You’re voting on November 28 right?
Be a good tool and obey your dear leader’s orders.
As always the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS @95 misses the point.
Fox is NOT IN THE TANK for Careless Crooked Heilary as these other “news” organizations are. Now we see who the Careless Crooked Heilary Clinton campaign considers these their closest libtard msm peeps!
Puddy been writing about this since 2005 on HorsesASS DUMMOCRETINS! Puddy was pooh-pooh’d by the libtard fools here. Now that WikiLeaks as backed up Puddy’s decrees with additional factual information, the PuddyPrescience is ever so on display! AGAIN!
Whatamoron the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS is!
It’s a conspiracy alright. The deplorables finally got something right.
It is a vast unified conspiracy among voters to keep the unhinged rapists out of government.
Everyone is in on it.
Except the deplorables.
As always the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS @95 misses the point.
The memo calls them KEY [DUMMOCRETIN] national reporters. Amazingly Shep Smith, Juan Williams, and Geraldo Rivera were left off the list. Maybe they weren’t past the left field bleachers enough!
Hey jackass. Weren’t you at one time one of the “people in Philadelphia”?
Your new dear leader says you will know what he’s talking about.
Keep changing the subject salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS!
Hey jackass. You love Faux snooze. I bet you really loved Ailes dictates to the blonde female anchors:
“T*ts up, hair back!”
Yeah right very serious “news” outfit..
The only unhinged rapists in the government were
William Jefferson Clinton
Melvin Reynolds
Sux to be the Oregon moron! Still a moron since first appearing on HA DUMMOCRETINS long ago!
Pretty much says it all.
Maybe the deplorables can get themselves a time machine.
‘Cause they sure as shit aren’t getting themselves a White House.
I can’t decide on a new tag line for the Deplorables Party:
“Tits up! Hair back! ”
“Grab ’em by the Pussy”.
Fool AKA Oregon moron @104,
Sux to be you!