For goodness sake, get your ballot postmarked or dropped off by tomorrow. If you’re in Seattle, please vote for the hold large corporations accountable slate. Everyone vote against killing transit projects. Vote for affirmative action.
by Carl Ballard — ,
Daily Mail picked this up…
There’s a Russian flag waving over a U.S. base in Syria and no one knows for sure why.
@1 I saw that article this morning and my reaction is I’ll give no credence to a gossip column in an obscure publication without confirmation by reputable journalism which so far is lacking.
Kinda reminds me of comments I saw on another blog arguing that Eric Ciaramella is the whistleblower. The commenter’s proof? “It’s an open secret in Washington D.C.” That doesn’t make it, or even come close, for reasons that require no explanation.
We should operate on a higher level here. Except when it comes to Doctor Dumbfuck fucking farm animals. That, you can take on faith. Because it’s fun to poke at him, and it’s all in a sporting spirit.
In Milwaukee, a naturalized citizen from Peru was told to “go back” to his country, and had battery acid thrown in his face, seemingly over a parking dispute. A 61-year-old white male suspect is in custody. But the suspect was not another driver; he was waiting for a bus outside a Mexican restaurant, with an acid bottle in his possession, so it sure looks like a premeditated ambush of the first brown-skinned person who happened to come along.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Although Milwaukee’s Latino community has condemned this attack, there’s no outcry from Trump’s supporters there, so maybe they’re okay with it.
Need a save from SCOTUS.
Continuing to sue to keep tax returns routinely released by campaigns. Secret..optics.
Now I’m not a lawyer but it would appear to win Donald will have to convince SCOTUS Clinton V. Jones was wrongly decided 8-1.
Two of the concurring justices are still there and won’t take to having their prior opinions questioned. A third might silently stew over it but will do whatever the Heritage Foundation tells him to.
“Some finance executives have recently told Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer that they are … holding back from donating to Democrats running for Senate in 2020 due to their concerns with Warren becoming a frontrunner in the race for the party’s presidential nomination ….”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: In other words, if voter dissatisfaction with Trump puts Warren in the White House and gives Democrats both houses of Congress, they won’t have a seat at the table during discussions about her proposed wealth tax.
Smart move, boys. And we used to think Wall Streeters possessed the sharpest minds on the planet …
A rumor the White House has already felt merits a denial.
Senate Foreign Relations isn’t happy about pullout so this will probably come up under oath at some point. Was Jared’s call perfect? And why does Jerod have a security clearance?
@4 Current Republican strategy is predicated on the notion that precedent no longer matters if you can pack the courts with Federalist Society judges.
The problem is those lawyers took the same law courses as everyone else, passed the same bar exams, and law schools still teach precedent and bar exams still contain questions about it.
Every lawyer and judge has had respect for precedent pounded into him or her, to the point where it’s a deeply ingrained habit, and as we all know, such habits die hard if they die at all.
No Doctor Dumbfuck yet. Maybe he didn’t reset his clocks. Or maybe the horse is having an especially bad morning.
Haven’t I said enough yet?
Is it really that hard to see?
Third Way is bullshit for this very reason. Wall Street will never be there for Democrats when it really counts. But just look at how they overcame their distaste for the vulgar reality television fake millionaire. When it finally came down to it, and knowing precisely how incredibly dangerous he would be, they gave their all for an ignorant, lazy con artist under the control of a ruthless foreign dictator.
Democrats have got to learn that the Clinton electoral model is a doomsday scenario. More than anything, and frankly more than Putin or Facebook or Cambridge Analytica, “triangulation” is why we got Trump. Sucking up to Wall Street destroys key turnout. Fuck Howard Schultz. Fuck Michael Bloomberg. And fuck Wall Street. The stock market is not the economy.
Some say triangulation is why Clinton was the best Republican president of our lifetimes, and Obama the second best.
Those people conclude there hasn’t been a Democrat president in office since Carter, and that it can be argued that he kind of sucked at it, which gave us Bedtime for Bonzo.
But don’t put all the blame on Jimmy Carter. A lot of what is wrong in the world today is my fault. You know. Because Hillary was so…awful.
I must think on my sins.
@ 1
I didn’t make it past gossip.
@10 To clarify, the people who voted for Trump are to blame for him. The only way you, me, or anyone else could be at fault is be being one of them.
Now, Doctor Dumbfuck has insinuated he voted for the Libertarian candidate, which superficially would seem to get him off the hook. But we all know Doctor Dumbfuck isn’t innocent, even if we can’t prove in a court of law that he fucks farm animals. By his own admission, he made no effort to keep Trump out of office, and sins of omissions are sinful, too.
Regardless of stare dec. Clinton v. Jones was a well reasoned and well written decision. At its heart is the assertion that in the vast majority of civil questions that might arise in a federal court involving a sitting President, no court would be called upon to perform any “Executive” function in hearing and rendering its judgment. And it does not hamper the office of the President for the holder of that office to be compelled to respond in a legitimate civil dispute.
Moreover the law and indeed existing precedent already provide adequate protections against vexatious litigants threatening to burden the free exercise of the President’s Article II powers.
Honestly, I think the only reasons there hasn’t been more comical remarking on the ineptitude of president Russian SlutPuppet’s case here is that a) nobody looks for opportunities to cheap shot the DOJ lawyers if they know their clients may have to deal with them in the future, and b) the Flynn pleadings are overshadowing everything in that regard.
There’s no outcry @ 3 from the Chicago Democrat establishment, so maybe they’re OK with it.
At Least 3 Dead, 22 Wounded In Weekend Shootings In Chicago
This from an asshole who claims @ 2 to be operating on a “higher level”.
@11 You don’t seem to have that problem with anything emanating from Republican lips.
@ 10
I must think on my sins.
If you prefer, Steve, you may think instead on my stock market gains since your candidate tanked in 2016.
’cause either works for me.
Speaking @ 16 of works, ‘froggy still doesn’t.
@14 See second paragraph of #78 in previous thread. Of course, it’s not necessary to add that what happens in Chicago has nothing to do with an acid attack in Milwaukee. That’s self-evident.
“from an asshole”
A little thin-skinned, are you? What’s the matter, were you rejected by a goat this morning? Try the chickens, you may have better luck with them.
Another way of looking at it is the people who couldn’t be bothered to turn out for Clinton are the reason we got Trump.
Of course I blame Republican voters like Teh Dumbfuck, and the other trolls for Trump because they lifted him up from a fading and nearly bankrupted reality television star and put him in office.
But the numbers tell us that in a few very key areas and demographics turnout for Clinton was down. Voters on both ends of the political spectrum took him literally without taking him seriously. That one-time effect produced peculiar results skewing turnout just enough. A lot of perhaps younger, perhaps more progressive, generally lean-D voters told themselves that there was no real difference between Trump and Clinton. Some stayed home. A few even voted for Trump.
It’s going to come down to fewer than 100,000 voters in about two dozen counties in four states. And none of those voters are spending their day today hovering over their trading accounts.
A bit of a climbdown for AOC:
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Monday settled a lawsuit accusing her of violating the Constitution by blocking former Brooklyn Assemblyman Dov Hikind on Twitter, saying her heat-of-the-moment social media decision was “wrong and improper.”
“Mr. Hikind has a First Amendment right to express his views and should not be blocked for them,” the Queens-Bronx congresswoman said. “In retrospect, it was wrong and improper and does not reflect the values I cherish. I sincerely apologize for blocking Mr. Hikind.”
The settlement means Ocasio-Cortez won’t have to take the stand Tuesday.
Ocasio-Cortez blocked Hikind on Twitter over the summer after he harshly criticized her for calling the Trump administration’s migrant detention centers “concentration camps.”
Good on her. A refreshing bit of maturity, albeit coerced.
@16 Of course, it will gall you to no end that I’m nearly 40% richer today than I was then (but to keep this in perspective, my net worth more than doubled while Obama was in office).
Following on @ 20, playing fast and loose with the facts regarding the Holocaust is turning out to be a loser for y’all libbies.
A principal in Florida said he couldn’t confirm the Holocaust was a ‘factual’ event. The school district just fired him
According to the district, there’s “just cause” for firing the former principal, based on ethical misconduct and failure to carry out job responsibilities.
After a parent emailed Latson in April to ask him how the school teaches students about the Holocaust, Latson responded, “I can’t say the Holocaust is a factual, historical event because I am not in a position to do so as a district employee.”
Imagine if the Seattle School District were forced to defer to the opinions of Deathfrogg.
According to the paper, Latson told the parent, “Not everyone believes the Holocaust happened. And you have your thoughts, but we are a public school and not all of our parents have the same beliefs.”
Or if school districts in the Twin Cities were forced to defer to the opinions of Rep. Ilhan Omar, for that matter.
@20 Twitter account holders don’t have a right to block anyone they like, for any reason? (I wouldn’t know, because I don’t have a Twitter account.)
AOC’s agreeing to unblock him turns Trump’s migrant detention camps into something other than concentration camps and ameliorates their concentration-camp conditions?
Teh Dumbfuck is really losing it this morning. But I don’t think we can blame the horse, goat, or chickens for that. No, I think we have to blame Docter Dumbfuck’s rambling and disconnected thought process on some mental deformity or dysfunction suffered by Doctor Dumbfuck. He’s a doctor, and I’m not, so he probably understands better than I do what the precise diagnosis is.
Wait a sec. Didn’t ofmarykay bleat the tax scam would benefit “all levels”?
Mrs. Rabbit says Doctor Dumbfuck gives new meaning to the expression “riding into the sunset.”
@22 So now you’re a shill for Holocaust deniers, too? Why are we not surprised?
@ 24
The poll had a heavy partisan split, with just 10 percent of those who identified as Democrats saying they were pleased with the president’s economic agenda and 84 percent of those who identified as Republicans saying the economy is better off under Trump.
Girlfriend, ask African-Americans and other minorities how they’re doing under Trump.
Younger and Minority Workers Lead Wage Gains as Expansion Ages
A tightening labor market with U.S. unemployment rate at a 50-year low is starting to result in higher wages for full-time workers, including younger people and minorities whose pay has lagged.
Median weekly earnings for Americans in the third quarter rose 3.6% to $919, outpacing inflation, the U.S. Labor Department reported Wednesday. Earnings for those aged 25 to 54, in their prime working years, rose by 5%, the fastest rate of growth in recent years.
Look away from partisanship and look toward data and you’ll find that generally there is improvement. Income inequality has widened but most people who are not ‘froggy are better off.
YLB, you’re such a lightweight that all you’ve got to work with is partisanship. Yes, many will claim they are worse off. Bombshell discovery, ya dumb twat.
Here’s the Fed Beige Book report, issued 10/16/19:
Highlights by Federal Reserve District
Signs of slowing have become more widespread in recent weeks, although software and IT services firms reported results that exceeded expectations and real estate markets have not weakened. Outlooks have softened; contacts attribute some of the softening to increased uncertainty, not poorer current results.
New York
Regional economic growth slowed to a subdued pace. Job creation remained sluggish, largely reflecting a shortage of available workers, as labor markets remained very tight and wage growth picked up. Prices continued to rise modestly. Service sector activity weakened noticeably, and real estate markets softened somewhat.
On balance, business activity continued at a modest pace of growth during the current Beige Book period. Further labor market tightening caused “acute pressure,” described as increased hiring difficulty, constrained growth, and higher wages. Still, wages grew moderately and prices rose modestly overall. Most firms expressed a positive outlook, with ongoing caution amid heightened uncertainty.
District activity was stable on balance. Professional and business services, auto sales, and home sales rose while residential construction and freight fell. Manufacturing activity stabilized after a couple periods of decline. Employment was stable overall, though there were some scattered reports of softening. Wages increased modestly because of tight labor markets. Selling prices rose modestly.
The Fifth District economy continued to grow at a modest rate. Manufacturers saw declines in shipments and new orders; however, port and trucking activity rose. Retail, tourism, and nonfinancial service firms generally experienced slight to moderate growth. Residential and commercial real estate sales, leasing, and construction picked up, overall. Labor markets remained tight. Wages and prices rose moderately.
The economy expanded at a modest pace. Labor markets remained tight, and reports of wage pressures were more widespread among low-skilled positions. Nonlabor input costs rose for some contacts. Overall retail sales were mixed. Residential real estate activity improved, while nonresidential activity was stable. Manufacturing activity rebounded since the previous report.
Economic activity increased slightly overall. Employment, consumer spending, business spending, and construction and real estate all increased slightly. Manufacturing production declined a bit. Wages and prices rose slightly and financial conditions improved modestly. The crop harvest got off to a slow start, as rains delayed fieldwork.
St. Louis
Economic conditions have improved slightly since the previous report. Contacts from multiple industries noted a heightened sense of economic uncertainty. Consumer spending activity ticked up. Local bankers reported growth in outstanding loan volumes. However, manufacturing activity contracted slightly, and row crop production levels are expected to be well below 2018 levels.
Ninth District activity grew at a slight pace. Employment was flat. Labor demand remained healthy with some signs of softness. Manufacturing activity decreased slightly, with some contacts expecting a further slowdown in the final quarter of 2019. Consumer spending was mixed, but late-summer tourism was solid. Commercial construction and real estate increased, but residential was mixed. Oil drilling increased slightly.
Kansas City
Economic activity expanded slightly in late August and September. Consumer spending rose modestly, and sales in the transportation, professional and high-tech services, and wholesale trade sectors were solid. Real estate activity increased, but residential construction activity slowed. However, energy and manufacturing activity declined, and agricultural conditions remained weak.
Economic activity continued to expand moderately. Energy activity declined, but growth remained solid in manufacturing and services. Home sales increased and loan demand accelerated. Selling prices were largely flat, as firms’ ability to pass through cost increases remained limited. Hiring continued at a steady pace. Outlooks were mixed and uncertainty remained elevated.
San Francisco
Economic activity in the Twelfth District expanded at a modest pace. The labor market remained tight, and wage growth was moderate. Reports on price inflation were mixed. Sales of retail goods increased modestly, and consumer and business services activity expanded slightly. The pace of commerce in the manufacturing sector was little changed, and the agriculture sector slowed further. Activity in residential and commercial real estate markets was solid, and lending grew further.
So far this morning Teh Dumbfuck, wittingly or unwittingly, has embraced Preznit Putin-Puppet, racist acid-throwers, Holocaust deniers, and concentration camps. Mondays obviously still leave him in a sour mood. Most retirees quickly put that behind them, and for them Monday is just another day of the week, but it appears Dumbfuck hasn’t been retired long enough to shake his old work habits and moods yet.
Robert O’Rourke, you are a useless piece of shit.
Pregnant Florida mom uses AR-15 to kill home intruder
“I’ve got a fractured eye socket, a fractured sinus cavity, a concussion, 20 stitches and three staples in my head,” said King.
“Them guys came in with two normal pistols and my AR stopped it. [My wife] evened the playing field and kept them from killing me.”
This is why Dems will lose Florida again.
Who needs a government backstop when you have private insurance? Well … everyone.
But the government isn’t always dependable, either, when Trump is running it.
Trump? I wouldn’t depend on him for anything. And certainly not in a foxhole.
Is this guy from your tribe, doc? He doesn’t fit the profile of a Bernie or Warren supporter.
Liz Warren, the Democrats’ 2020 Hillary.
Josh Jordan
Verified account
NYT/Sienna poll: Trump would lose almost every swing state to Biden, but would sweep Warren and take almost all against Sanders.
This will wake you up this morning… …
4:55 AM – 4 Nov 2019
Biden won’t be there to save y’all.
“…playing fast and loose with the facts regarding the Holocaust is turning out to be a loser for y’all libbies.”
Really? How’z shooting school kids in the face turning out for y’all Trumpists?
How’z driving NaziDeathCars into crowds of peaceful protesters turning out for y’all Trumpists?
How’z bragging about kegger gang rapes turning out for y’all Trumpists?
How’z selling out global security policy for a cheap smear job turning out for y’all Trumpists?
How’z dressing up like a golf pro and flashing Nazi salutes turning out for y’all Trumpists?
How’z beating up your wives and girlfriends turning out for y’all Trumpists?
How’z throwing batter acid in brown people’s faces turning out for y’all Trumpists?
How’z “Jews Will Not Replace Us!” turning out for y’all Trumpists?
How’z smearing a decorated war hero career Army officer turning out for y’all Trumpists?
How’z mocking and laughing at grieving Gold Star Moms turning out for y’all Trumpists?
How’z “Grab ’em by the pussy! Hee hee!” turning out for y’all Trumpists?
How’z Guatemalan Toddler Torture turning out for y’all Trumpists?
How’z Senator Roy Moore turning out for y’all Trumpists?
How’z losing control of the House majority turning out for y’all Trumpists?
Get used to it.
With any luck.
I’m encouraged by polling like this, frankly. Think about what it is: a poll of likely voters (excluding more than half the registration and turnout advantage that flipped the House in 2018) in a somewhat peculiar selection of “battleground” states that clearly is intended to drive readership number for the NYT Co. but also inexplicably includes Iowa. Because, why not? And moreover it is skewed to a sampling of voters who are less likely to be participating in the primaries… before the primaries have begun.
For decades now we’ve watched GOP nomination contestants battle it out among each other for claim to the program cutting crown. In past Republican primaries front runners have proposed eliminating the departments of Agriculture, Interior, HUD, Education, as well as eliminating Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare, unemployment insurance, and even the Coast Guard. However alarming, and unsettling the rhetoric they’ve always managed to slide back close enough to the middle by July to be competitive. In other words, this concern about testing primary campaigns fitness for the general electorate has always cut both ways and always will.
But with one big fucking difference: nearly all of the “outlandish” progressive proposals that animate the Democratic Party primaries poll consistently well across the political spectrum. “Send ’em back to Africa”? Not so much.
It doesn’t hurt that this is the same media team that had the GOP holding the House last year (hard to see a 508% increase in turnout if your methodology specifically excludes it), and that has been peddling this idea of a “Conservative Democrat” for going on two decades now.
@ 34
… inexplicably includes Iowa. Because, why not?
Well, I’d start with Trump’s 10 point advantage in Iowa over #CrookedHillary in 2016. That’s a flip from Obama’s nearly 6 point margin over Romney in 2012.
And it’s not like Iowa reversed course in 2018.
Iowa strays from national trends on Election Night
Then there’s the loyalty thing, whether good or bad. It exists.
Those who voted for Trump are still pretty much with him.
Yes, Iowa is corn, but Iowa is also pork. Lots and lots of pork. China’s got a porcine infection problem, and likely will need to import a lot of pork.
That might have something to do with the whispers that the China trade deal will be signed in Iowa.
Other than all of that, well, I suppose you have a case for complaining about Iowa’s exclusion from the list of battleground states included in the NYT/Sienna poll.
Doctor Dumbfuck has some very strange friends.
“Ex-Klansman arrested hoarding explosives for alleged plot to attack synagogue with accomplice ‘Mexican Hitler’”
Calling someone a “cracker” on Twitter is not a good way to hold on to your job.
Cleveland Browns✔
We’ve waived S Jermaine Whitehead.
5:46 AM – Nov 4, 2019
six EVs you idiot. Math still not your friend. This is a consistent personal weakness for you.
Turns out you may have a whole lot more in common with Hillary and Robby Mook than you credit, you pathetic piece of shit.
@ 38
Six EVs what?
Trump won them in 2016 by taking the state by a 10% margin, which was a flip from Obama’s near-6% margin over Romney only 4 years earlier.
Iowa is trending red, and if it’s a trend beginning at Trump +10, that’s not a battleground.
Find a decent candidate. Quickly.
How ’bout being audio tapped calling an entire city of people “Kikes”, “octaroons”, and “little pieces of fucking shit”.
(still wanna scold anyone over sucker punching him?)
Face it Dumbfuck. From Access Hollywood going forward forever, every single one of you IS THE ASSHOLE.
THAT is how the world works.
@35 “Yes, Iowa is corn, but Iowa is also pork.”
Never mind that the candidate is owned lock stock and trigger guard by Putin and his gangster pals, backstabs our friends and allies, is seen as a mortal threat by every non-white voter in America, is about to be impeached for bribery and extortion, and he himself believes he can’t win unless he can induce or force foreign governments to meddle in our elections. Corn and pork will carry the day.
Nice work, doc. I couldn’t write a better script myself. What was it you were saying about not being a Forever Trumper?
@37 Neither is tweeting “I will be buying an AR-15 tomorrow, because if you impeach MY PRESIDENT this way, YOU WILL HAVE ANOTHER CIVAL WAR!!! #MAGA2020.”
Or using a prohibited chokehold on a guy selling cigarettes on a street corner, especially if the chokehold kills him.
@39 “Iowa is trending red”
Which if it holds up, and Trump’s behavior doesn’t completely turn off Iowans not yet bankrupted by his trade policies, gets him 6 electoral votes — I believe that’s Elijah’s point.
And if population trends continue on their present trajectory, this may be the last election in which Iowa has 6 EVs. There was a time when Iowa had 13 EVs, and it had 7 EVs as recently as 2008.
Moonlighting Job paying nice dividends. Got a check in the mail today, once again. $5000.00 for like 32 hours of my time. And it was a lot of fun riding the train for 4 of those hours, almost like public transportation paid me!
As soon as I have time to do the math, so far since June, I think I’ve made like I don’t know 500% profit.
A Dem candidate hoping to win in Nov does not dump their base for six fucking EVs.
Hell, I can point to 100 EVs Willard could have flipped merely by embracing sweeping gun control and women’s rights.
If Teh Dumbfuck had run that campaign I guess he would have had him decrim weed to pick up Vermont?
I just don’t know what to make of these stupid fucksticks any more. The compulsion to embrace nonsense for the sake of defending their WHITEPOWER! presidency makes them too stupid to deal with.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Hate America & Brilliant Hoaxes Fartblower Blowback Update – Obama Coverup Of Biden Corruption Unravels
Hunter Biden and his Ukrainian gas firm colleagues had multiple contacts with the Obama State Department during the 2016 election cycle, including one just a month before Vice President Joe Biden forced Ukraine to fire the prosecutor investigating his son’s company for corruption, newly released memos show.
During that February 2016 contact, a U.S. representative for Burisma Holdings sought a meeting with Undersecretary of State Catherine A. Novelli to discuss ending the corruption allegations against the Ukrainian firm where Hunter Biden worked as a board member, according to memos obtained under a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit. (I filed that suit this summer with the help of the public interest law firm the Southeastern Legal Foundation.)
Just three weeks before Burisma’s overture to State, Ukrainian authorities raided the home of the oligarch who owned the gas firm and employed Hunter Biden, a signal the long-running corruption probe was escalating in the middle of the U.S. presidential election.
Hunter Biden’s name, in fact, was specifically invoked by the Burisma representative as a reason the State Department should help, according to a series of email exchanges among U.S. officials trying to arrange the meeting. The subject line for the email exchanges read simply “Burisma.”
Even Bob should like this Music Video……..even though there are no farm animals present.
That puppy is cute…… bad he has a broken leg.
“I’ve got the scoop” Some guy on the internet with a blog!
Meanwhile over on Fox they keep having a conspiracy theorist on to authritatively state things he should not know about, having held no security clearance or government job since 1988. Things he cannot know about as he never served at State or in the diplomatic Corp in any capacity.
@46 You quote conspiracy theories but don’t have a word to say about the real conspiracy involving Trump, Giuliani, Pompeo, et al. Have you figured out yet that you’re considered a joke around here?
@27 what part of that is due raising the minimum wage in those cities? Which is something you oppose, along with city centers; and now you want to start trumpeting your horn?
Goooooooo Mayor Pete!
Let biased African Americans have a real tough choice.
Gooooooooooooooooooooo Mayor Pete!
Now do Jared, Don Jr., Ivanka, Eric, oh, right and your stupid bloated orange “businessman”-in-Chief you pathetic deluded tool.