Soooo, does anyone have the first clue what happens to states like Washington that have our own health care exchanges if Obamacare is repealed? If they replace it with a you-can-buy-plans-across-state-lines, what sort of restrictions can and should we add to it then? Can we do a multi-state, West Coast exchange? It would probably require Congress if it’s a governmental thing.
Canada has finally agreed to stop dumping raw sewage into the Strait of Juan de Turdo.
It would probably require Congress if it’s a governmental thing.
Know what would be harder than that?
Expecting Democrat insurance commissioners in three states to cede authority to a power higher than themselves.
So good luck with all of that.
I’ve never understood why health insurance is restricted to this in-state rule. Why not let health insurers sell health insurance across state lines?
It’s not taking very long for the suckers who voted for President-Elect Slimeball to find out he lied to them.
President-Elect Slimeball is now asking the victims of the racism he stirred up to “give him a chance,” but why should they, when he’s doing things like this?
Ever hear of google?
“Are you kidding me? We’ve been through this about 30 decades ago.”
Yawwwwwn… We’ve been seeing trolls shill this crap for years.
I’d say that all States should add as few restrictions as possible. Why limit choice? Choice – competition – is a proven way to lower costs and increase quality of service. It’s when arbitrary limits are placed on the market that things break down.
@7 Oh so you don’t believe in that cross state lines crap.
Nice to know.
Did Drumpf just say on 60 Minutes that the Clintons are “good people”????
Oh it was just hoodwinking teh evul emmessemmm!
Two things. First, Charlie Wiggins beat the hell out of the billionaire rats to retain his seat on the WA Supreme Court. And second, why the fuck should Obama lift one finger to help Pussy Grabber? This makes me even more frustrated and angry. He’s a fucking racist. Obama should tell him to fuck himself.
What happened to always wrong wing family values?
It was too funny to see Republican politicians over the years with 100 percent family value ratings resign when caught with their pants down.
Guess that was all bullshit.
@7 How do you shop for competitive pricing of ambulance service and emergency room care when you’re lying unconscious on the pavement after getting hit by a car while riding your bike?
@10 President-elect Slimeball crossed lines in his campaign that will be difficult to uncross, and he shouldn’t expect Democrats to bail him out of the racism, bigotry, hatred, and violence he unleashed. He has to ride this tiger, and if it devours him, so be it.
Because one of the many things he’s thoroughly unprepared for is Commander in Chief.
Take the report that he wants to spend many nights in his own bed. He might be shocked to learn that a major crisis originating in say, North Korea may very well take place when he hoped to be sleeping.
It might also be helpful to explain to him, “Just bomb it.” Won’t work very well if the target is say, Cairo.
Leaving him ignorant is pretty irresponsible but the wing nuts probably think Obama just doesn’t know his place.
Country first, purple states something something
@13 I agree. He has not one clue what he’s in for. And the American people will find out soon enough they’ve been conned by a master manipulator. Fuck them.
I’m trying to depart, I really am.
But it’s like I’m stopped at the scene of a horrible, horrible traffic accident. A horrendous political traffic accident.
Y’all are making it really hard not to look.
And it’s fucking impossible not to laugh when I do look.
(((Goldy))) @GoldyHA
A violent fascist fringe is seizing control of the “legitimate” use of force, & large segments of the military & law enforcement back them.
This from the guy who supported the guy whose party×508.png
spent eight years legitimizing it.
6 – I googled your mother’s name and it came back “the mom of an arrogant, self-important asshole who should be euthanized.”
Have a nice day.
@8: Huh? Insurance should be portable across State lines, and you should be able to buy from out-of-State providers.
@12: Too late at that point – just like it’s too late to shop for car insurance after your accident. You shop BEFORE, and get what you think you need. Having the option to buy from a wide variety of insurers from across the nation would be a good thing, wouldn’t it?
What, you think you should be able to wait until after you need insurance that you should be able to go and buy it?
Let’s make insurance really, really simple.
Let’s go single payer for the whole country.
U.S. President-elect Donald Trump has requested that a trial over a lawsuit by former students of his now-defunct Trump University be put on hold until after the presidential inauguration, according to a motion filed by his lawyer late Saturday.
DRUMPH again wants to delay this trial. Could have been over years ago. All he had to do was to pay the people he defrauded.
@17 “Euthanized”. The eliminationist counter-argument. How compassionately klownservatic of you.. So much for coming to terms with your lack of “understanding”…
Drop the compassion – you voted for straight out leave to summary execution on Nov 8. Not that your vote made a difference, thankfully, here in WA State.
Btw, your dear leader said on 60 Minutes to “stop it”.. Not that you’ll listen – perhaps when you’ve carried out an execution you can blame teh evul emmessemm. Heh. Yeah they made you do it.
@18 There’s a good link @6 to which you’ve argued with a talking point.
Can we expect something more from you? Not looking too good at the moment.
Well if you all really think that insurance should go across state lines and all that. Start here and invite all them out of state insurers in. Get rid of the Office of Insurance Commissioner. Mhhh what is this US Constitution thing. Nope not a power the states turned over to the Federal Government.
Since you all want to get rid of the Electoral College why not throw that change in there. Heck lets get rid of the Senate too, then we would be an even more Democratic Representative Democracy.
Research published by the American Medical Association confirms, not surprisingly, that laws legalizing murder result in more murders.
“Florida’s controversial ‘Stand Your Ground’ law … has been linked to a significant increase in gun-related homicides, according to a new study. Published Monday in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), the first-of-its-kind paper found that the implementation of Florida’s self-defense law … was associated with a 24.4 percent increase in homicides and a 31.6 percent increase in firearm-related homicides.”
@23 Actually, this is a good time for the Electoral College to prove its worth as a circuit breaker.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Other people, most famously Lady Gaga, have floated the idea of Electors denying Trump the presidency, but I don’t believe there’s a snowball’s chance in hell it’ll happen. It could, though, if enough Electors come to their senses.
@20 These are the kinds of things that attorneys do for their clients. The question is whether the Judge buys the argument or rules that the trial is going as scheduled. It’s of course entirely possible that the matter could be settled out of court, or even once it’s in the court room but before a verdict.
The question is whether the sides are fighting over facts, and both sides believe they will prevail or whether the sides are really fighting over money. IN which case both sides think the University will loose.
@17 Yep, bringing back the gas chambers is every wingnut’s dream. But we’ve known that about your guys for a long time.
Wow… all sound like you need a box of kleenex so soak up all the tears from crying.
And this from the same bunch of arrogant pricks that were soooo confident just 1 week ago.
Karma, it might not taste like chicken, but sure as hell tastes like crow.
And goldy and his tax evading donation scam can go right the fuck off.
@ 25
Other people, most famously Lady Gaga, have floated the idea of Electors denying Trump the presidency
Where have you gone, Joe DiMaggio
A nation turns its lonely eyes to you.
Maybe Lady Gaga can run as Kanye’s Veep in ’20. Or Kanye can be hers. With the decimated Dem bench it’s not really that farfetched a concept.
Always, ALWAYS, exhibiting the deepest respect and veneration of the Veterans of our Uniformed Services.
Thank you, Donald Trump for showing us the way.
@14. My missles will go far!
@24 While I suspect the conclusion maybe correct the study maybe flawed and other factors are at work.
First the time studied before and after when the law went into effect were not equal. It was 9 years after 2005 that were studied and it should have been 9 years prior as well.
The article is written in a manner to make the article have more oomp. It uses a manipulation of how the statistics are reported to draw the reader into their conclusion.
There was an increase of ,11 per 100,000 in the homicide rate. And an increase of .09 per 100,000 in homicides done with firearms. If the increased rate of violence was solely attributable to guns then the overall and gun violence should have risen in tandem, so it would appear the study is showing other factors at work. Nor does the article state what the margin of error is, nor if there were increases or decreases in the states used as control groups.
@25 It could but the Democratic and Republican parties at the state level have rigged the system so Electors will vote as expected, with a rare unfaithful elector. And who wants to be called an unfaithful elector, and then not get invited to some big shin dig or dinner, Or have the Unfaithful Elector scarlet letter attached to their shirts top buttonhole.
ON Carl’s missive. Washington state can have whatever kind of healthcare system the people want and our state legislators will enact. We can have a single payer system. We can assume medicine is total fakery and have no insurance altogether. We can have insurance paid for by large employers or all employers. Since Medicare is federal then there is a Federal aspect to some of this. Washington can set up state hospitals that Doctors hired by the state will operate from. We can go back to the system prior to Obama care. We can have a really great health care system here in Washington state, might mean we have to have an income tax or some other tax to pay for it Or maybe bonds as well.
At some point our state legislators will be having a health care discussion in 2017. Let them know what you think. This could help make America great again by states stepping up to the plate.
@31 That’s nice. We know you love all the celebrations to have a grand fireworks display.
A DRUMPH supporter:
“Hopefully, he’s going to sit there and say, ‘When I become elected president, what we’re going to do is we’re going to make the border a vacation spot, it’s going to cost you $25 for a permit, and then you get $50 for every confirmed kill,’ ” said Jim Sherota, 53, who works for a landscaping company. “That’d be one nice thing.”
@ 34
I don’t understand how this isn’t already a thing. California used to have such a system and the insurance companies got all pissy about how they just couldn’t make a profit in such an environment. Ronald Reagan got the ball rolling on letting private, for-profit companies take over the health care payment system (among other things) in California.
That’s the guy that said “The University of California at Berkeley has 1200 janitors and covers a square mile. A mile has 5280 feet, why does the University need a janitor every five feet?” When questioning how much money was going into the UC system in an effort to “reduce the costs”, and promoting the idea that the State would eventually eliminate the system altogether. This quote was printed on the front pages of every newspaper in the State.
When the Students for a Democratic Society issued their statement in response to this, they merely had to point out that a square mile is just a teensey bit more than 5280 feet. The headlines then read: “SDS disputes Governor about public University Costs for the State of California.”
Bear in mind, that the largest newspaper company in the State was the Hearst Corporation. The same company that pretty much put Reagan in office in the first place. They owned something like 40 newspapers in the State of California at the time.
Talk about the dog licking his own anus.
The question is whether the Judge buys the argument or rules that the trial is going as scheduled.
I think DRUMPH has already burned bridges with this judge.
Trump calls American-born judge ‘a Mexican,’ points out ‘my African American’ at a rally
So the whiney progressives have new symbol of their “protest”, its a…………….wait for it…………………..wait for it a little longer…………..almost there………………………are you ready?………………….here it comes…………..A DIAPER PIN! A FUCKING DIAPER PIN!
HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA, wow, you cannot make this shit up!
Give credit where credit is due though, its gotta be the MOST appropriate symbol they have ever chosen. It is just soooo right on sooooo many levels.
tears….tears of laughter……
Well thats one sure-fire way for a state to go bankrupt…
(((((golf clap))))))
@ 39 and 40
Shaddap Tim. Nobody asked you.
@37 That second to the last sentence should actually be: “They owned something like 40 newspapers AND the State of California.”
Then again, it might be pointed out (for whatever it’s worth and for those who’ve never been to San Simeon) that William Randolph Hearst (aka “The Chief”) was a Democrat.
To those who really want to protest Pussy Grabber In Chief, I say really protest and don’t spend one thin dime on Christmas.
Is the douche @ 39 using a vibrator as it trolls?
fetid fool @21,
DAYUM funny from the one who could not articulate anything on Initiative 1501 while DIPSHITTIUM dr checkmate came across cogent for a change!
Meanwhile DUMMOCRETINS continue to eat their own!
@ 46
Meanwhile DUMMOCRETINS continue to eat their own!
They’d better hurry up with Ifill. That meat is going to start going bad pretty quickly.
How many HA DUMMOCRETIN snowflakes and cupcakes were out there complaining about not accepting the outcome of the election?
Weren’t these the same morons complaining about Trump not immediately accepting the election results and ridiculing Trump over it?
@41…focus on getting a job there champ.
got your diaper pin on YLB?
While Gwen Ifill’s death is no doubt a sad event, HA libbies should take quiet comfort in knowing that she lived to witness the election of America’s first septuagenarian president, and this no doubt brought her a measure of peace, and hopefully eased the discomfort of her final days on this earth.
those goldy tweets on the sidebar are pure comedy gold!
still butt hurt from the Times not hiring him…after all these years.
Seattle police are still searching for the hate-filled attacker of the LGBT activist during Gay Pride Week earlier this year.
University of Louisiana at Lafayette police said they received a report of a robbery near campus just after 11 a.m. on Wednesday. In the initial report, the woman said two men hit her, made her fall to the ground, yelled racial obscenities, then stole her wallet and hijab, a head covering sometimes worn by Muslim women.
According to initial reports, the woman said at least one of the attackers was wearing a Donald Trump hat.
“During the course of the investigation, the female complainant admitted that she fabricated the story about her physical attack as well as the removal of her hijab and wallet by two white males,” the Lafayette Police Department said in a news release.
Surprisingly, the police still have no leads.
@ 53
Meanwhile, In Ohio.
Nazism has really come to the United States.
@ 55
Yeah, people never knocked other people down before the rise of Nazism.
Everyone was always so polite and people always made sure thate everyone else got a chance to speak their minds.
Down twinkles.
ahhh…the protesters.
reports from seattle are that they are assaulting cops as well as innocent bystanders(probably regular joes just trying to go home after WORKING – something the moocher class isnt familiar with)…
thats your fascist left wing folks…they have been here all along…same ole same ole from them
Thoughts of an honest man.
The issue is that she should have won this election by ten percentage points. The question is why it is that millions of white working class people who voted for Obama turned their backs on the Democratic Party. And I think a lot of people do not believe the Democratic Party is standing with them.”
Bernie Sanders, apparently no longer standing with the Democrat Party.
@ 56
It isn’t the Liberals out there, actively calling for legally institutionalized second-class citizenship status for everyone who isn’t White, Christian, Conservative and Wealthy.
That’s Conservatives. Trump supporters.
It isn’t the Liberals out there telling people that they should “Go Back To (wherever) it is they came from” to natural-born American Citizens, people who might in fact have longer family histories in North America than they do.
That’s Conservatives. Trump supporters.
It isn’t Liberals wearing swastika tattoos and waving Confederate flags while screaming WHITE AMERICANS FIRST!
That’s Conservatives. Trump supporters.
It isn’t Liberals going out and beating people to death who might look just a little too “ethnic”, like that University Student last week.
That’s Conservatives. Trump supporters.
It isn’t Liberals who have been stockpiling weapons and ammunition, including hundreds (if not thousands) of tons of extremely illegal equipment for the last 25 years and claiming that “any day now there is going to be a Race War and the White Man is going to win”.
That’s Conservatives. Trump supporters.
That last one, is the one that gives me serious pause for concern. Because in no case ever in the entirety of human civilization has the people making the demands for “Total War” ever restrained themselves from literally killing everything that moves without regard as to combatant status or social position.
It isn’t the scientists, or the musicians and writers of the world calling for Total War. It isn’t the Librarians and physicians and schoolteachers. It isn’t the educated and civilized people openly calling for a massive pogrom in the United States.
That’s Conservatives. Trump supporters. Who incidentally, blame everyone in the above paragraph for the problems that society has. They are the targets for attack. It’s the “pointy-headed intellectuals” and “bleeding Hearts” who have caused the Conservatives so much pain and anguish.
You Conservatives either have no idea of what you might have unleashed with Donald Trump, that is, how dangerous it can be, which means you’re utterly stupid beyond any descriptive terms possible in the English Language.
Or you do.
In which case that means that you’ve become a serious and imminent threat to the Republic. It is YOU who has become the Fascist.
“Thou Shalt Not Kill” is one of your rules, is it not? In fact, one of the allegedly more important ones?
It isn’t Liberals out there pushing new laws though State Legislatures that for all intents and purposes, legalize cold-blooded murder in the streets.
That’s Conservatives. Trump supporters.
Sure, paraphrasing your stupid ass: your sat night salt miner buddy “works in the salt mine union”
Eat it fool @59.
You could not bring it because you are an empty suit!
You suck!
What part of ILLEGAL ALIEN doesn’t the vomit producer not understand?
Meanwhile that compassion at accepting the election outcome is really showing…
@ The Schizo @ 61
By your own definition of the term, you yourself, are an “Illegal Alien”.
You start packing yet? You better get moving. By this time next year, the GOP is going to really start pushing for the repeal of the 14th and 15th Amendments. In three years, they’re going to have the State Legislatures to do exactly that. In every State where the Conservatives have gained control of the Legislature and Governors office, they’ve taken huge legal steps to prevent non-whites from being able to vote or own property.
Speaking of which, I hear land is going for pretty cheap in Ivory Coast and Nigeria. You might even be able to wrangle a little place in Lagos or Pretoria or even Bujumbura.
You might want to think about that.
@ 64
Well, you’re being silly to the point of dismissal.
Although in your favor is the fact that if Dems lose control of the legislature in one more state, they will be unable to stop an amendment to the Constitution if they wanted to.
Maybe rethink your strategy over the past eight years. ’cause you’ve been decimated at the state level, libbies.
Joe Scarborough @JoeNBC Nov 13
Democrats Under Barack Obama
-11 seats in Senate
-60 seats in House
-14 governorships
-900 state legislative seats
Worst since 1922.
Think on your sins.
You thought my supporters were deplorable wait till you see my final Cabinet Members!
Remember the vomiting frog was scurrying about talking Merry Fitzmas. This very silly FOOL never ceases to crack Puddy up!
Stupidity should be painful.
The vibrator is going full blast in the collective troll ass..
Have we ever seen them so buzzed? Too funny!
I didn’t vote for Trump, you arrogant fucking asshole.
Eat shit and fuck your mother, dick head!
@71 Excuuuuuuuuuuuuse me for calling you out on your eliminationist rhetoric – a hallmark of a Drumpf voter.
If you don’t want to be taken for a Drumpf voter – don’t behave like one.
if you dont want to be mistaken for some moocher class chick, then behave like one….
Well excuuuuuuuuse me you arrogant cocksucker!
You’re just a liberal progressive loser whose arrogance exceeds his intelligence exponentially.
I make a simple statement, and you act like a crybaby. What’s wrong with health insurance being sold across state lines, you stupid fucking idiot?
@ 73,74 Got a couple of mooks really worked up here.
@73 – Yawwwwwwn..
@74 – I gave you a link @ 6 and you didn’t read it. Instead you responded with “euthanasia”. That’s a bitch move.
Don’t bother to read or argue. Just stay in your comfort zone.