Dear Governor Inslee,
I see that you and Governor Brown are meeting to figure out replacing the I-5 bridge across the Columbia River to replace the one there now. I hope that you will give adequate consideration for public transportation. I hope rail can run along it.
Carl Ballard
I-976 will be overturned by the state’s courts.
So no one at Walter Reid knew he was coming as is typical of a VIP visit to Walter Reid (CNN/ABC/Fox News)
The Presidential schedule was cleared out for the rest of Saturday and Sunday.
We can look forward to months of coverage about how this stumble on the way to a limousine proves he’s on death’s door?
@1 A misleading ballot title may help with overturning it in the courts.
@2 He stepped on a scale at the White House, concluded it must be broken, and decided to weigh himself at a nurse’s office on a better scale. He didn’t stay long because that one was broken, too.
“The House of Representatives is now investigating whether President Donald Trump lied to special counsel Robert Mueller in written answers he provided in the Russia investigation, the House’s general counsel said in federal court Monday.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If it turns out he did, and Republicans refuse to impeach him for it, that will conclusively establish that the Clinton impeachment was a partisan witch hunt.
“President Trump just tweeted he will will ‘strongly consider’ House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s suggestion over the weekend that he testify in the House impeachment inquiry. Pelosi suggested Trump could do so in writing.”
Sure, why not go all in?
There’s an argument to be made that Trump can’t be guilty of perjury, because he doesn’t know right from wrong and can’t distinguish between truth and falsehood.
Looks like Pompeo is about to find out what loyalty to Trump gets him.
Gotta scapegoat somebody for all those State Department witnesses spilling the beans, might as well be him.
Here are two things that can not both be true at the same time:
Trump, Nunes, and Dumbfucks everywhere must know the identity of the IC whistleblower in order to “expose” the DERP STATE origins of the impeachment investigation.
The whistleblower is FAKE NEWS because he/she was not “on the call” and can’t tell us anything about Trump’s Bribery/Extortion plot.
But because each of those things can not both be true at the same time, does not actually mean that either of those things is true. Exactly how many direct witnesses there were to Trump’s Extortion Call we do not know. But we do know that quite a few of them other than the whistleblower were alarmed enough about what they heard to report it within their chain of command. And there it would have remained if not for the report outside the chain of command by the whistleblower. And still more have direct testimony about the organization of the extortion plot that both preceded Trump’s Extortion Call and the conspiracy to obstruct that followed Trump’s Extortion Call.
@9 B-b-but this is just business as usual. Are you forgetting “we do that all the time”?
Extortion: the practice of obtaining something for personal benefit, through force or threats.
“Tough” Diplomacy: the practice of obtaining something for public benefit, through force or threats.
Only one of these is a crime. Can you spot which one?
@ 11
Preventing Joe Biden from running the country is a public benefit.
Obama underwent a virtual colonoscopy so that he didn’t have to be sedated and let Biden run the country for a few hours. Wise.
The purpose of Giuliani’s efforts, and Trump’s call was…
Thanks. That helps clear up confusion for many of your fellow Trump voters, as well as a not insignificant number of undecided voters in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania.
Stay gold Pny Boy!
Let’s all hope this works about as well in North Carolina as it has everywhere else.
Bromancing the Russian SlutPuppet to survive a primary could be costly.
Biden is the Democrats’ best choice because he is more likely to defeat Trump in 2020 than any other candidate.
More coming out on the Kaepernick story.
What we already knew
Kaepernick‘s team was upset that the NFL announced the work out on Thursday that would take place on Saturday giving very little time to prepare but he’s been working out daily. Then NFL denied request to have any media there. Then NFL denied request that Kaepernick be able to supply his own videographer. So the NFL was treating the day that only they would have access to it and any record of it would only belong to the NFL which may never see the light of day whether it went well or poorly. Also no high level Team personnel would attend because head coaches, O coordinators and QB coaches are busy on Saturday preparing for a game the next day. It’s customary in the league to hold workouts to fill holes due to injury or poor performance in a game week on Monday and Tuesday.
Then they asked Kaepernick to sign a release. Part of Kaepernick‘s settlement with the NFL includes a clause that teams will not continue to collude against him. In the waiver which is different than the one players sign at the NFL combine every year (images floating around the Twitterverse) was a clause indemnifying both the league And all 32 teams individually from any future legal action.
That insistence on waiving any future legal action. was a dealbreaker. As it should be. With no public access to the work A new indemnity clause means the league would be free to collude against Kaepernick and always say it was because of a performance issue saving their PR and being done with the situation.
And now Jay Z and Goddell are disappointed he didn’t Stephen Fetchit and do a song and dance or mind his place.
“Elite arm” unnamed NFL Staffer at workout. Didn’t say anything about his rhythm
“…he is more likely to defeat Trump in 2020 than any other candidate.”
I’d be sincerely interested in hearing how you reached that conclusion at this point. I remain completely open minded. And my only consideration is to look for the candidate who can produce results in the only places it counts: a half dozen medium sized or larger swing states accounting for the 38 vote swing required to reverse the 2016 outcome.
A cardiologist who treated Dick Cheney says Trump’s visit to Walter Reed Hospital on Saturday is “worrisome.”
I wouldn’t use that term to describe the situation. I mean, if God now wants him for whatever reason, who am I to question God’s wishes? Maybe it’s different for doctors, because they think they’re God.
@11, 12 You could’ve safely bet money that Doctor Dumbfuck would flunk that question, because he’s a dumbfuck all the way. That wouldn’t stop him from thinking he’s God though.
I’m just delighted that he’s now on record admitting to the criminal intent. As you surely know, in cases of conspiracy, obstruction, and even extortion under certain circumstances, intent can be the most difficult element to prove in court.
And excellent example would be Michael Avenatti awaiting trial in NY federal court. Prosecutors charge that Avenatti attempted to extort Nike by demanding the company award him a lucrative contract to investigate corruption in exchange for his agreement to remain silent about improper payments to highly recruited high school athletes. The challenge for prosecutors lies partly in convincing a jury that the arrangement Mr. Avenatti proposed was not merely an unconventional legal services contract. To do so they must show that it was never Mr. Avenatti’s intent to investigate corruption on behalf of the company. It is believed that Mr. Avenatti’s own words, both testified to and captured on audio recordings, will play an important role in establishing the prosecution’s case.
Likewise, president Russian SlutPuppet’s own words, both testified to and transcribed by those present, may play an important role in establishing his intent in ordering that crucial military aid to Ukraine be withheld, and that to obtain its release Ukraine would be compelled to perform services to his re-election campaign. It helps that Teh Dumbfuck already sees it this way and admits this freely. Saves us all from the dreary task of slashing through yet another pointless thicket of dumb excuses that nobody in their right mind would ever believe, and seemingly always require a DERP STATE Time Musheeen.
I reached that conclusion by speaking with Democrats who aren’t liberal progressives, socialists, communists, anarchists or followers of other radical moonbeam creeds. Believe it or not, many Democrats are normal people who don’t support fringe candidates like Sanders or Warren.
“Meth. We’re On It.” — advertising slogan promoting South Dakota’s new meth prevention program (source: CNBC)
@21 I’ve been involved in politics for over 50 years and I’ve never met a Democrat who was a communist. In fact, it’s impossible to be a Democrat and a communist at the same time, because the two are mutually exclusive. It is possible to be a Lyndon LaRouche follower and claim to be a Democrat, and I encountered a couple of those sitting behind a card table at a Democratic convention I attended, but that was many moons ago. Warren and Sanders poll very well for fringe candidates, in fact, so well you can’t consider them fringe candidates anymore, regardless of what you choose to call them. But there’s a term for fringe voters that fits perfectly: We call them “Republicans.”
Well that’s nice.
Instead I’m paying attention to how well organized these primary campaigns already are in those key states where the election will actually be decided. And I’m also watching how these candidates are being received in conventions and forums in those states and in states with generally similar demographics.
For example, I notice Biden was very enthusiastically received in Nevada over the weekend. And also that his ground team was particularly well organized at those events and made sure the candidate’s time was well spent. But frankly that was also very true of both Warren and Sanders. Sadly however, it was not true about Buttigieg, whose Nevada team was late getting organized and was sparsely attended. Vegas is a union town and Nevada is increasingly a union state. But also a very diverse state compared to someplace like Iowa or New Hampshire.
I think states like Nevada compare more favorably to the key battleground states like WI, MI, and PA than Iowa or New Hampshire ever can. So I’m frankly not very impressed with how a candidate polls in Iowa or New Hampshire, or for that matter among Slats Grobnik and his racist neighbors. Had he survived his steady diet cigarettes, sausages and 12-packs Slats would an 87 year old Trump voter today. But instead he and most of his fellow travelers are feeding worms. Many of Trumps 2016 voters have already joined them. Before next November, many more will also. Perhaps you too! Have them bury you in the red hat for me.
Oddly though, in recent years I keep encountering Republicans of all people who are uncontrollably man-crushing on vicious communist dictators.
Seems like there was a time when any “statesman” caught humiliating himself between the knees of weak and petty communist plutocrats like Putin or Kim would have been considered extremely “fringe”.
Now one such “statesman” seems to have duped 63 million beer-drunk capillary farms into voting for him.
Funny world, this.
These Godless fucks are so irresponsible. Spoken like true scum.
@16 I don’t know the answer to this so I will ask – did any college student athletes protest similar to Colin?
And if no, and they had done so, do you think they would have been suspended or not allowed to play?
Do you think anyone one of the student players could get a market deal, paid, or do you think they would have to suppress their actions and freedom of speech in order to keep their marketing gig (once they are able, of course).
@22 that is funny.
Their sexual orientation slogan should be, “We’re not gay, we Suck at (or on) it”.
The kicker would be if they had a logo to go with it. Like a Horse (and not a mare, if you know what I mean)
The Hill is a propaganda shop run by a personal friend of Trump who bypasses standard journalistic vetting practices to get his star reporter John Sullivan’s unfounded conspiracy theories into print. This article has the details:
Some of our trolls like to cite this “source” for “information” because they’re dumbfucks.
@26 You can’t expect someone like him to think like us. Of course he thinks like them. He doesn’t know anything else.
@28 “@22 that is funny.”
That’s why it made the news.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Hate America & Brilliant Hoaxes Fartblower Blowback Update – Massive Swing Voter Support For Demorat Impeachment Hearings.
ARLINGTON, Virginia — New focus group data collected by a key group supporting President Donald Trump show that Democrats are losing ground with swing voters when it comes to their impeachment agenda—and when it comes to presidential candidates’ leftist policies.
America First Policies screened footage from these focus groups for Breitbart News at their headquarters just outside the nation’s capital on Monday afternoon, including the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, group that was filmed after that first Democrat impeachment hearing. When the moderator asked the room if anyone thinks Donald Trump should be impeached, not a single person in the room—all independents, most of whom do not like Trump’s personality—said they did.
After a moment of silence when the focus group conductor asked the room of independents if Trump should be impeached, a man finally said: “Not even close.”
The man continued when asked why the Democrats are pushing for impeachment:
This is their platform. This is all they got—and what they got is nothing. They want to keep to politics and Trump is not a politician. They are going to do everything they can because he bucked the system. He exposed what the draining the swamp and everything means. That’s the thing—they don’t even have anything close to valid. It’s just nothing. Instead of focusing on policies, they’re trying to do this to win the election.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Hate America & Brilliant Hoaxes Fartblower Blowback Update – TV Ratings Prove Demorat Strategy A Phenomenal Success.
Americans aren’t exactly obsessed with the Democrats’ impeachment hearings, it seems. Friday’s second day of live, wall-to-wall coverage drew an average of 12.7 million viewers on ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC and the Fox News Channel combined.
That’s down from a relatively tepid 13.1 million for Day 1 of testimony on Wednesday.
In comparison, an actual news event that definitely captured Americans’ imagination — the verdict in the O.J. Simpson trial — drew 150 million viewers (nearly twelve times as many) back in 1995.
But other recent congressional hearings have also drawn more interest: According to Axios, 20 million watched the Kavanaugh hearings in 2018, and nearly that many (19.5 million) watched fired FBI Director James Comey’s testimony in 2017.
ABC/Ipsos Poll, Nov. 16-17:
Impeach and remove: 51%
Impeach but do not remove: 19%
Trump did nothing wrong: 25%
IOW 70% of Americans think Trump’s actions vis-à-vis Ukraine were “wrong,” suggesting most people in this country still know right from wrong (that’s encouraging), and see wrongdoing for what it is when they see it.
@34 blows the numbnuts @32-33 outta the water, doesn’t it?
I feel like I’m watching an episode of Monty Python with Republicans in the role of the shopkeeper trying to convince the customer that the parrot’s not dead.
32, 33,
Calm down. It’s okay now Pork Sauce.
Teh Dumbfuck is the “smartest Trailerbilly in the park” and he’s gone ahead and acknowledged that the Perfect Call was about extortion to get help with Trump’s re-election campaign. Just scroll up to @12 above. He can explain it all better than I can.
So anyhoo, that’s that for impeachment. With everyone including the Republicans admitting the criminal intent of the whole deal, there’s really no point in you laboring over it any further. Dear Leader thanks you and appreciates all your hard work on behalf of the Russian People and The Trump Organization. But at this point you might as well go back to copypasta about PIZZABABYCANNIBAL.
Mmmkay? Keep smiling!
Right about now I’ll bet Teh Dumbfuck is “pinin’ for the fjords”.
@36 Don’t remember seeing that one. Thanks for the heads up! Didn’t know Republicans talk with a British accent; guess you learn something new every day, eh?