I’m seeing a few people no big deal the Roy Moore and Louis CK allegations. Not just the usual (and despicable) bitches be lying. But there seems also to be a strain of even if it’s true, it’s not that bad.
I’m going to assume that everyone making that argument have something similar in their past, or ongoing.
“Dynamic scoring” If you make a ton of assumptions, then and only then does the GOP Tax plan pencil out.
If you trade your last cow for a handful of beans that is financially sound because those beans are guaranteed to be magic.
“No I don’t believe in Math
What’s the problem Carl? No 12 year old girls find you attractive?
Re-Read you first two sentences. You’re sounding like you’re not an “…affluent, elite, healthy, and highly educated coastal progressives.”
You wouldn’t want you-know-who to call you a “hillbilly traitor” due to your grammar.
No. I can absolutely see why someone like you would struggle to understand Carl there.
But it has nothing whatsoever to do with “grammer”.
I’m sure it must seem like all these “trivial” concerns with “so-called” consent are just one more way “political correctness” is stripping away all the “fun” from your sad life.
Appropos Of nothing except an open thread…
United flee it’s last 747 flight this week me mid 30s LAX to Sydney found myself seated in the hump for the first time and was absolutely delighted about it. You would’ve thought I had never been on a plane before.
The fool at http://horsesass.org/open-thre.....nt-1349454 forgot one thing.
Louis CK copped a plea to the world that he DID it! http://people.com/tv/louis-ck-.....-are-true/
PuddyCommentary: Sux to be that moron in the top link above!
Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, will this make the Friday Night Comix? Or, as Puddy suspects we’ll have thirty or so links with Roy Moore allegations?
BTW if Roy Moore did it send him packing. Still waiting for Bill Clinton to admit it!
And to the Oregon moron… if sexual assault allegations are not important in today’s lexicon, then you are a more worse off mentally deranged DUMMOCRETIN moron than most thought you were! Butt then again you prove that with every insipid post you provide on HA DUMMMOCRETINS! We know you are a Harvey Weinstein acolyte!
Till Next Time!
I have much more respect for Louis CK today than I did this morning. You should learn something from this episode the first step to humility is acknowledging admitting and working to correct your mistakes.
“Empathy and forgiveness yeah yeah yeah fuck that my Bible says I don’t have to forgive. I’ve put that in these comments so many times how come you guys don’t have the same Bible?” –
PuddyA confirmed liarSidebar. Many people don’t watch Louis because these stories aren’t new. If you heard them and spent $6.99 on his self promoted iTunes set shame on you. I’m not one of those people.
That’s more like it.
Keep up the good work, comrade!
At least the NRSC has a lick of sense.
“GOP’s financial arm cuts off funds for Roy Moore in Alabama Senate race”
But then there’s this little tidbit of batshit insanity.
“It isn’t like they’re saying rape or molestation,” Moore donor Paul Thibado told The Daily Beast. “It was unwanted advances. I think it has absolutely no volition.”
It was a different era, right Mr. Polanski?
While you are at it, comrade, make sure you adopt the proper concern tone, while accusing these women of lying for profit.
Preface your accusations against the victims with some expression of deep concern or disapprobation making it clear that you oppose pedophilia while you attack the accusers. For example you might say: “While no child should be preyed upon for the sexual gratification of adults, many of these accusers are drug addicts who lie for a living.” For more on this see most of the public statements by Mayor Ed Murray.
To the revolution, comrade!
Now that Twitter has essentially doubled the number of characters allowed here’s a little primer for the “New” @realdonaldtrump
#sad = #doubleminusgood
#crookedhillary = #lombardstreetcurvylikehillary
racists = good friends and advisors
Ivanka&Jared = My Shiksa daughter and her husband who knows his way around the diamond business, amiright?
#radicalislam = #thoseTowelheadsI’vebeenwarningyouabout
Obama = The Darkie I replaced and man I’m still cleaning the Afrosheen off the chairs
Russia = My Dearest Friends and patrons
“If” is the new GOP excuse for looking the other way. Brushing aside the women accusers is same old, same old GOP. Nothing’s changed in the world of white male dominance.
A thirty-year-old Assistant District Attorney takes a minor child to his home, kisses her, serves her alcohol, removes her clothing, removes his own clothing, touches her genitalia, places her hands on his genitalia, and then returns her to her home.
Like I keep saying, with these guys the concept of consent never even enters the picture. They absolutely don’t get it. Because the instant a woman (or girl) is capable of arousing them, in any way, for whatever reason, as far as they are concerned she no longer enjoys the simple basic human right to decide what may or may not happen to them. Guys like Moore understand very well that an adolescent minor child is not capable of forming consent. That’s why he targeted them.
@1 Those assumptions include:
(1) Deficits don’t matter.
(2) In any case, the increase to public debt is only $1.5 trillion, after factoring in totally unrealistic spending cuts.
(3) Of course it’s a middle class tax cut, if you define “middle class” as people making $450,000 a year.
(4) If we cut their taxes a little now, the real middle class won’t notice we’re raising their taxes a lot later.
(5) Corporate tax cuts will go straight into workers’ pockets as higher wages.
(6) Economic growth is huffing along at only 2% because corporations don’t have money to invest in their businesses, even though they can borrow endless sums for practically nothing and are spending trillions on stock buybacks and dividend raises in the absence of productive investment opportunities.
(7) Eliminating the estate tax will prevent “family farms” from being confiscated by the tax man. All six of them.
It appears Mitt also has a lick of sense.
“Mitt Romney Tells Roy Moore To Step Aside: ‘I Believe Leigh Corfman’”
The stock market wobbled a little this week. I’m surprised it’s not down more, because Wall Street is astute, and surely must realize this POS tax scheme is a non-starter. I attribute the market’s resilience to other factors, most notably the worldwide economic recovery that took hold early this year. Improving oil prices also help.
@3 It isn’t grammar that makes hillbillies hillbillies or traitors traitors.
@6 Louis CK took responsibility for what he did. For that matter, so did Bergdahl. Moore and Trump and Arpaio did not. Their ilk never do. Oh, and I’m still waiting for Trump voters to take responsibility for what they did, too. All I hear is crickets.
@14 Of course Moore has no concept of basic human rights. That’s why he misuses the various public offices he has occupied or aspires to occupy to shove his cultist religion down the throats of anyone who doesn’t believe exactly as he does.
Looks like Trump’s DOJ is trying to force AT&T to sell CNN to Rupert Murdoch so he can merge it with Fox News.
Trump never even took responsibility for the pussy grabbing.
As might have been expected, he admitted to the obvious, that he said what he said, and he expressed his regret for having said it. But he never closed the circle and expressed any remorse at all for all the women over a lifetime of pussy grabbing that he degraded, devalued, humiliated, terrified, and offended. Instead he made it all about himself, and then changed the subject, calling his boasts about raping women “a distraction”.
Republicans built this too.
“I’m still waiting for Trump voters to take responsibility for what they did, too.”
I’m not.
They are traitors. They traded away their allegiance to the greatest country on earth to a shirtless balding dictator of a third-rate country in exchange for statues valorizing treason and human slavery. There is nothing any of them can ever do to redeem themselves. They are to be systematically shunned and excluded. For five straight decades they have resisted the pull of modernity, diversity, and pluralism. They squandered those decades fighting over ovaries, bathrooms, and flags. Time caught up with them and passed them by before they knew it. And now it is just too late. The problems we face, and the solutions we need leave no room for accommodating these people any more. They had every advantage and an abundance of time and opportunity.
Instead they all went arm fishing.
Fuck ’em.
Eating themselves alive,
Roy Moore…
“This is what happens when you let reckless, incompetent idiots like Steve Bannon go out and recruit candidates who have absolutely no business running for the U.S. Senate,” said Josh Holmes, a former McConnell aide.
Dance with who ya brought…
Alabama law does not allow Moore to withdraw from the race and be replaced.
He can withdraw an no votes for him count but his name would still be on the ballot.
The Alabama GOP could launch a write in campaign but you know a bunch of underinformed hillbillies will just check the box next to Roy Moore while other Republican leaning knuckle draggers will write in a candidate thus assuring D- Doug Jones will end up with the most votes.
Alabama GOP could repudiate Moore altogether and urge voters to vote against him (honorable, but ain’t never gonna happen)
Alabama GOP could secretly hope he doesn’t win, (also not gonna happen as a child molesting Republican is a damn sight better’n any Demi-crat!)
He wins and women all over the state start filling as candidates. (19 of 140 members of both Alabama houses are women)
We all jumped in the canoe but none of us brought a paddle…
Did anyone read @21? TRUMP AND SESSIONS ARE TRYING TO FORCE AT&T TO SELL CNN TO RUPERT MURDOCH. And it ain’t because they’re worried about monopolies.
@23 Spot on. Send the deplorables to the backwaters of society where they belong.
@26 Understood. Another battlefront in what is no less than war being waged on American society and our government, led by Putin’s Russia and facilitated by an enemy within, traitors, all of them, which includes his orange moron stooge and our own Doctor Dumbfuck and his stupid fucking jackass loon.
Roy Moore in his own defense
By the time I was out of high school I no longer dated anyone who would need to ask mommy for permission to go to the movies.
“Bizarre” is a good word for it.
“Roy Moore offers Hannity bizarre defense of accusations he preyed on teen girls: ‘I dated a lot of young ladies’”
I somehow doubt that interview will help much.
Josh Marshall at TPM has been reporting on this for about a week, since ATT threatened to file suit. I think ATT probably will end up suing. But obviously not until the deal is toast. Marshall’s reporting suggested that this all began as an effort on President PeePee’s part to try to get the corp execs to reign in CNN reporting on The Treason. Helluva way to run a treason. I swear that idiot is going to be tied up with litigation until after his pancreas explodes from all the soda and ice cream.
An exboyfriend of the woman who accuses Roy Moore of assaulting her at 14 is on camera saying that she told him of the incident when they were dating almost ten years ago.
Your move GOP. He’s on the ballot whether you like it or not.
I think there are ways for The Traitors to work around this. Obviously they don’t want a write-in campaign. And they don’t wan’t Moore to withdraw at this point. They want him to win. That’s what they want. For a known pedophile to be seated in the United States Senate.
So they pull NRSC funding, but backfill with dark money. And they all make the same weak sounds that the fucking Treason Loon makes above about “IF”. Publicly they’ll call for him to pull out (pun intended). While privately calling to reassure him that all is well. They wont airdrop into AL to campaign for him. But the Treason Media will dutifully get on board. If he stays in the race (and there’s no reason to think he won’t) Moore will win. He will. The trick is to manage and limit the effects on the Treason brand.
Republicans aren’t exactly admitting their tax bill is a payoff to their rich donors, but they aren’t exactly denying it, either.
@29 Maybe the mother went along. You know, hillbilly threesome. Guy, mother, daughter at the same time.
@32 I’m conflicted. If Moore stays, Democrats could gain a Senate seat, whereas that’s very unlikely if he’s replaced. Otoh, there’s the risk that Alabama voters may elect him anyway. After all he probably didn’t do anything they don’t do.
Geez, and after only one day. And this is with only 82 percent of respondents even being aware of the scandal.
“Alabama poll: Moore and Jones tied following scandal”
Good to see that not everyone in Alabama fucks goats and children. Okay, maybe all of them fuck goats, but a lot of them at least draw a line at going after 14 year old kids.
This video will make FOOLS like Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom!
“I feel way way way better with this president than before he was president,” one listener said. “I will vote for him again.”
Till Next Time!
Now why did this happen?
Oh yeah, because of this happening…
Till Next Time!
By all means we’ll click through Daily Caller to see how they sent a camera out for hours to voxpop interview until we found one who will say exactly what we were hoping for.
Wow… https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-russia-fusion/trump-clinton-camps-both-offered-slice-of-dossier-firms-work-sources-idUSKBN1D937W
— The sources told Reuters that the negative information that Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya wanted to give to Republican Trump’s campaign at a June 2016 meeting in New York had been dug up by Fusion GPS in an unrelated investigation. —
Remember from the NY Slimes report of October 2017,
Natalia Veselnitskaya shared Fusion GPS created information from that document with Russia’s prosecutor general, Yuri Chaika. Oopsie…
Till Next Time!
“By all means we’ll click through…”
Nope. Not gonna happen.
Because treason. And I’m a proud and loyal American citizen.
Meanwhile when a DUMMOCRETIN hears Bill Clinton and sex their heads explode…
Wherein a Treason Troll admits that Team Treason in the weeks leading up to the Treason Party coronation met with foreign agents to arrange for assistance in the general election campaign.
One of the Roy Moore accusers? https://www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/woman-says-roy-moore-initiated-sexual-encounter-when-she-was-14-he-was-32/2017/11/09/1f495878-c293-11e7-afe9-4f60b5a6c4a0_story.html?utm_term=.c5d815b6b98c
Really? https://www.facebook.com/signsofexcellencellc/photos/a.1964650573766366.1073741828.1964626647102092/1964650620433028/?type=3&theater
Till Next Time!
One of the Roy Moore accusers? https://www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/woman-says-roy-moore-initiated-sexual-encounter-when-she-was-14-he-was-32/2017/11/09/1f495878-c293-11e7-afe9-4f60b5a6c4a0_story.html?utm_term=.c5d815b6b98c
Really? https://tinyurl.com/ychun849
and… https://tinyurl.com/ycv5g8n8
Till Next Time!
Wherein Puddy delivers FACTS that Team #CrookedHillary in the weeks leading up to the Republican Party skillfully winning the 2016 election sent a Russian lawyer prepped by Fusion GPS with their own documentation on the #CrookedClintonFoundation to attempt an arrangement to provide assistance in the general election campaign.
Till Next Time!
Sounds like a very well executed sting operation.
The Treason Troll just reiterated the charge.
Like I said…
More Please!
Whoa! It looks like the loon is ending his really bad week with a double-post head explosion! Epic! Soon he’ll be fucking goats along with his SDA doomsday cult buddies.
Sucks to be the loon. Sad!
I don’t think that troll understands. Let me see if I can help.
See, it’s like one of them Dateline “catch a predator” episodes.. She might not really work at the mall. She might not be 14. Hell, she might not even be a girl.
But you’re still busted.
And so am I.
BUSTED @46-48
“the world” can witness that that babbling butthole put HA HEROES FIRST!
Thanks to Elijah for leading the babbling butthole troll to put HA HEROES FIRST!
Too damn funny!
The pleasure was all mine and Judge Moore’s.
But it says more about the Treason Troll’s self-deceptions than his spiritual priorities. Anyone with true faith would never engage in the sordid, pathological, immoral lying day after day, week after week. I’m pretty sure the cult is just something he fakes in order to feel “superior” to all the atheists, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Mormons, Catholics, Baptists, Methodists, Freemasons, bus drivers, baristas, mall Santas, Uber drivers, rehab counselors, grocery clerks, and psychiatric nurses he encounters every day.
You mean the info that a GOP campaign paid them to find?
Nice try,
Piddles double posts the “gay wedding” theory that is popular today among anyone desperate to prove that Roy Moore didn’t, as he admitted with the 16 year old, have relations with a 14 year old.
A vendor hired is a supporter of the event.
Sidebar, I did a shit ton of video work for the Schwartzenegger for Governor campaign. Didn’t vote for him. His checks didn’t bounce. Also Kucinich. Didn’t vote for him either.
So very desperate. I mean it’s almost as if Roy Moore didn’t come out and admit he dated one of the 16 year old girls wherein 16 is the age of consent in Alabama and a 30 year old dating a high school student isn’t at all creepy.
Piddles, now on record in favor of grown ass men hooking up with children. Nice.
“SUNSET 4:38 PM”
The loon crossed a line tonight.
“Piddles, now on record in favor of grown ass men hooking up with children. Nice.”
And goats.
Might as well pile on.
“Judge dismisses lawsuits over Clinton emails”
And with today’s ballot drop the Anti-Immigrant White Supremacist “Burien First” slate is trailing all four races.
Still not over but late ballots are clearly trending away from the racists.
So much winning.
Maybe the Ape is just afraid of the dark.
@50 He’s probably working up to arguing it was really Bill Clinton wearing a Roy Moore mask who kissed those girls.
@52 Are we in loon-free time now? Sure hope so.
@57 Let me guess: I’ll bet the losing lawyer is Larry Klayman.
The Trump administration wants to bring coal mining jobs back to King County. The coal, which would be burned at a cement plant under the West Seattle bridge, would “would emit as much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere each year as driving 51,500 cars.”
@63 just picture the Ape, like King Kong on the Empire State Building, with his mouth on the top of the smoke stack of the carbon plant. That would be worth it.
I see Republicans are now playing the Jesus card to defend Moore, e.g., “Mary was only a teenager and Joseph the Carpenter was an older man, too …, ” conveniently leaving out the part of the story that says Jesus didn’t come from Joseph banging Mary.
They must be desperate in Gomerville.
Louis CK has come out and admitted the accusations of these women were true. Although his behavior was repugnant, and the power he held over the women is the real issue. What he did was not illegal at least not in his own hotel room, and his comedy has been pretty cutting edge and has included plenty of masturbation jokes and simulated masturbation on stage and in movies. Is any of that not acceptable?
Ray Moore is different. Only 1 of the accusations involves anything sexual or illegal. I doubt most voters in Alabama are going to be swayed one way or the other. In Alabama it’s just as likely to get Moore more votes. The question that should have been asked to Senator Mitch McConnel is whether should Moore win will he allow the man to take the seat without challenge. The accusations could well be political, though the source need not be Democrats. I don’t buy the accusations. in part the timing, but also the story of the youngest victim hangs on some questionable facts. Why were she and her mom in the court that day? Why can’t a 14 year old sit outside a courtroom by herself? Exactly why was a assistant prosecutor just out in the halls, why wasn’t he in court prosecuting someone? Now if mom is a woman of a certain repute, then just maybe there is something to the story, yet that part of the story has not come to light as of yet. Yes if mom is a whore perhaps an assistant prosecutor might take advantage of the fact., Help her little girl into the trade. Or put the assistant prosecutor in momma’s camp in a moment of weakness Could be true, and it’s a better and bigger lie. Go big or go home as they say. There is the very large issue that this did not come up when the man ran for office before including for the Supreme court of Alabama, and governor, just it’s an issue if he runs for state Senator. What in a state where almost all Senators held slaves. Were members of the KKK and this is the best rumor?!? After all isn’t it Goldie on here who has been accused of sex with a minor. If everyone on here says this is true, then clearly whatever was said about Goldie is equally true.
@2 This posting is theft. Someone is stealing and using Ray Moore’s name. It’s not Ray Moore that posted this. Mr Moore is likely unaware of HOrseass. org, and why is he goin got defend himself in a forum that does not contain voters from Alabama.
I support freedom of speech and there are reasons for posting anonymously, but theft is not a reason. I don’t believe posters who may or may not be Trolls of either major party are concerned about getting horse manure in their front yard (wow free fertilizer) or of being accused of being pedophiles. Although that is what the poster just did as well.
And when you post anonymously you people should realize that Alex Jones, and any of the guests and many callers to Coast to Coast AM have more credibility than you. That goes equally for Puddy as it does for RR and others. Particularly those that use anonymity as both a shield and a sword. If you are an attorney or doctor or party leader or professional when you state you are those things and you are asked for you name, bar number and you don’t provide that information you are made out to be a liar. You have lost your credibility.
@1 very budget is full of assumptions. Not all assumption are math. Some are purely political and social. You can raise the tax on cigarettes. but as some point the state will begin to loose money, but there will be no net change in smokers. Because the tax is high enough that criminals can import or steal cigarettes and sell them at much less cost. While he was not doing it at the time of his arrest this is what the man suffocated by the cops in the New York subway had been doing in past arrests. It’s why every street corner in Naples, Italy has one or more kids, or young men (sometimes women) selling Marlboro’s with no Italian tax stamps for much less than in the tobacco shop. How odd.
Aside from that the Republicans are goin got have to pass something or look totally inept at government, and they did it to themselves. Or are some Corporate Democrats getting their marching orders to support the tax cuts from their corporate masters?
@6 The CK Louis business did get me thinking of the days when women sports reporters started going into men’s teams locker rooms. and they got to see a lot of dick. Some very intentionally. So do men reporters get to go into women’s teams locker rooms after the game, half times. ect. Is it my imagination that they don’t or does it happen? I’m sure there are some sports fans on here that watch ESN enough they can tell me and will disabuse me that there is not double standard here.
@4 Well there are circumstances that you may have a problem with then, such as nudist beaches. Or strip clubs. Obviously should you go past the sign or go into the club then you would argue you didn’t give consent and these naked people should not be naked. Ect. Heaven forbid if you walk into a whore house.
@8 Another person stealing others identities. Obvious because Russian Trolls are on both side of the issue, and frankly they don’t care.
@9 Doesn’t matter. Roy Moore is the one on the ballot. The Republicans are stuck with him. And they are likely to be the ones trying to get the Governor of the state to reschedule the election. She has properly stated under Alabama law Moore remains on the ballot, even if he were to withdraw. The question may well become whether the Senate will allow Moore to take the seat. If we had more astute reporters who do their job, and have respect for voters and citizens the reporter would have had the balls to ask the correct question in the first place to Mitch, or the correct follow up. Crappy reporting. The Democrats should be having more fun with this., but I suspect it’s Republican doing the hatchet job. Well whoever it is will come out after the election. Russians? Hilliary Clinton? Obama? The Bushes? Trump?
@14 First what you described may not be a crime in Alabama. Giving a minor alcohol could be, but a lot of folks are guilty of that, especially parents. It’s entirely possible she did consent. Although to some things she can’t consent, but if she had pulled out a 45 and shot him to death she would have gotten the electric chair at 14.
So you are stating in here that she has the right to consent, but the state of Alabama says she cannot do so. If she did consent then whatever happened should be just fine. The fact she went with a much older man to his home ect should not even be an issue for you then. Are you willing to say yes means yes then? And there have been cases right here in Washington state where the girl consented, there was no problem with the ages between her and her lover, but mom and dad had an issue. The lies and says it was rape, and the state gets a conviction on her say. She consented and she lied about it later and the guy spent the 15 years in prison and only got out early because she came out and told the truth.
Many of these cases come down to he said, she said, and juries, the public, individuals cannot get to the truth of the matter because they were not at the event. They can only go with feelings and who most impresses them. Now we could go with some new techniques of people being in a cat scan machine that can indicate whether the person is lying or telling the truth. The courts have not validated those techniques, and do we want to turn over the juries job to machines?
@13 Happens with Democrats as well frequently. And the courts in India are struggling with their versions of these kinds of accusations. Only that is a brown mans world. Heck in Africa we got some political leader jailing someone because they are a witch. And we are arguing over the unprovable.
@15 The only one that matters publically is 6. If growth gets to three percent Trump will be like Reagan, hated by nearly everyone for the first 2 years, and then the economy took off and a great deal of the hatred turned to love. And people were happy enough that political correctness and identity politics became much harder to do. And the most hated man became St Reagan celebrated even by Hilliary Clinton just last year.
@16 He has a lick or two of sense. Mitt is contemplating running for office in Utah. This plays well to the Mormon base there, although Mormons beliefs don’t value women’s consent and frankly if it is sex for procreation and she is a wife then her age is not of vital concern. It’s fine for him to attack that behavior in Alabamian’s unless they are members of a certain church, then it’s shut the fuck up Mitt. We don’t need that publicity.
@17 Could be the investing class has the belief. No bubble here, just move along. Everything will be fine as long as they believe!
The herd moves where it wants. Pray for them cowboys of the Streets wide green prairies. They maybe handing out strange cigarettes these cowboys.
@19 Your the guy who says you can’t find anyone who will admit they voted for Nixon, so your current statement means that statement is false? Or your logic sucks.
@20 We have no judges like that in glorious Washington state. Nor on the west coast none of those kind of judges, never ever.Or does depend on your point of view?
Odd no discussion of this by Horesses ass or anyone on here.
Or do political things happening in Washington state not a concern?
@23 That is pretty fucking arrogant calling American voters traitors. Absurd. Try running a decent candidate. Take a hint from sports one team wins the Super bowl, and it’s not always the best team that even gets into the game, but once the game is done the team with the most points is the champion. Seahawks had a shot last year, and they lost. The fans, umps, ect are in no way traitors because your team won or lost. The fat lady sang and your candidate lost. It’s done. Grow up and deal with the reality. It’s been a year, enough of this bullshit.
@26 Sorry not like the Clinton white house was concerned with monopolies, actually as a disguised Republican Obama and Clinton don’t have a problem with monopolies. Yawn.
@27 Only problem is those deployable you don’t like have the right to vote just like your deployable. Deployable is a European derogatory term for all Americans. Some like the term Cowblys
@28 Arabs do say the enemy of my enemy is my friend. That does not make the totality of your statement true.
@38 Guess Jones in the end is fucked. If everyone in Alabama fucks goats and children in Alabama and he don’t can’t see how he can convince those goat fucking and children fucking Alabama voters he is one of them. Just using your theory. Jones needs to tell the voters he is one of them by telling them he got sloppy seconds.
@63 It’s not the Federal government that will do the mining it’s a corporation wanting to mine at a location that has been a coal in the past. Maybe folks in Seattle should get a closer up close view. It’s rather easy to not understand what coal mining is, and how ugly mining is in West Virginia, mines don’t have to go out of their way to hide the missing mountain tops and other environmental degradation, but I don’t know if Seattle and Washington have as much of an objection to coal mining if it’s not in their back yards.