– Now that Scott Walker is no longer running for President, we’ll only have like, 1000 or so GOP Presidential candidates to make fun of. Also, Scott Walker when he does terrible things as governor.
– I always feel a bit strange about numbers that I don’t have much context for. $600,000 seems like both a lot and not enough Federal money for body cameras for SPD.
– About Those “Thousands and Thousands” of Planned Parenthood Alternatives
– The security zone for the Chinese President is strange to walk through.
– Even if that Trump questioner was a plant (and there’s no evidence of it), any decent candidate, or human, would be able come up with a good answer.
– Viola Davis’ Emmy speech was so great.
Of course Republicans are making up shit about alternatives to PP health care. Why wouldn’t they? They lie about everything else.
If Trump’s questioner was a liberal plant, then we hired a rightwinger for the job, because no liberal person could fake that guy’s act.
Seattle traffic will be awful today. Why does Xi need so much security? Maybe because he’s dictator over a billion and a half human beings, most of whom hate his guts?
Meanwhile, I wonder if he’s orchestrating Chinese military jets buzzing U.S. military jets over the South China Sea from his suite in the Westin.
If I get the chance, I’d like to talk with him about the Made-In-China can opener I bought at Fred Meyer because I couldn’t find anything else. The POS broke the third time I used it. Probably was made by slave labor using “steel” from one of Mao’s backyard blast furnaces.
Everything from China is worthless crap. Not that Made-In-USA is always better; too many corner-cutting businessmen in this country. Mrs. Rabbit just bought a garden tool from Germany made of real steel, not recycled rebar, and welded together, not duct taped. It’s hard to find quality any more. That’s “free enterprise” for ya.
Everyone knows the GOP candidates, except for maybe the self-funding half-Democrat, are Koch surrogates. So instead of running polls on Jeb! or Marco or Carly, pollsters should find out what voters think of Chuck and Dave, because that’s who will really run the country if any of them get to the White House. I’m not sure how that will work, maybe the brothers will take turns being president and vice-president, respectively. I’m just curious how many people would vote for the GOP if they knew it was a wholly-owned subsidiary of Kochtopus Industries.
Some people think the Pope shouldn’t antagonize Republicans. I think he’s good that he’s speaking frankly and honestly about climate change, economic inequality and poverty, and other issues. Who cares about fake Christians’ feelings? Jesus didn’t.
@3 lol…that was great.
Good thing Bob is planting trees.
Get an Oxo can opener. Works great. Just bought one a couple of weeks ago.
Happy Mabon to all Neo-Pagans everywhere!
If you’re not a white, English-speaking, church-going, native-born, suburban soccer dad, Jeb! says fuck you! To wit (translated from plain English into politician-speak):
“Jeb Bush argued Tuesday that the United States is ‘creeping toward multiculturalism’ and described it as ‘the wrong approach.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: That should go over big with the advocates of Aryan racial purity in his audience.
Google “Aryan,” and you’ll find them in Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan and India. Not exactly WASP genetic stock.
@7 Why does everything have to be big, clunky, and expensive? In the good old days, you could get one like this that cost 79 cents and lasted for 10 years: http://tinyurl.com/ng5uhmo
Of course, there’s always the good ol’ standby, the P-38, which I got free in C-ration boxes and I still have a couple of them for emergencies: http://tinyurl.com/o9ver7p
Heh. The batshit crazy loon laps this crazy shit up.
“Ben Carson: Big Bang A Fairy Tale, Theory Of Evolution Encouraged By The Devil”
I think the VENN intersection of People who think the Islamaphobe at a Trump event was a Democratic Plant and People who think James O’Keefe is an honest journalist is pretty large.
This is a nasty story if true.
It’s what you get when winning at any cost is more important than doing the right thing. The Taliban outlawed it but we are trying to obliterate the Taliban so are we supporting it? Yet another good reason for getting out of that part of the world.
@14 Bad link. All I get is a paywall.
I hate these VIP visits. They’re disruptive and cause enormous inconveniences for us lowlifes. The mayor is urging people to telecommute; but how does a plumber, barista, or nurse telecommute? I wish dignitaries and dictators would stay in their ivory castles and leave the rest of us alone.
The Devil is REAL and he walks among us. Be ever vigilent. Last night he got me to watch Heroes on Hulu wich is filled with magic and sorcery. It made me try to fly this morning.
Then I saw an attractive woman and I noticed she was attractive. Must have been Satan in the flesh.
The self-appointed arbiter of who is and who isn’t a Christian.
“Mike Huckabee: Obama has no right to ‘believe he’s a Christian’ after inviting gays to meet pope”
Of COURSE you dumb fuck. EVERYBODY knows that!
(Seriously…this is the best they can do?)
Satan makes me read the fuckwad’s jesus-jizzm.
Just imagine, we’re nowhere near peak hate yet.
“Texas GOP group promotes viciously anti-Muslim blog post: ‘Islam is a satanic cult of murder’”
On a side note, “Ben Carson’s fundraising spikes after anti-Muslim comments”
Ben Carson, “Muslims feel that their religion is very much a part of your public life and what you do as a public official, and that’s inconsistent with our principles and our Constitution.”
And yet making religion a part of your public life and what you do as a public official is okay for Kim Davis and other Christian bigots. I take it that Christian public official bigotry must be consistent with our principles and constitution.
You can’t be Christian unless you hate gays. It’s clear. It’s second source material from the Apostle Paul. And that Old Testament stuff that Jesus swept aside like diet didn’t sweep away any of the gay stuff. It’s cristal clear. The way my Pastor interprets what is the devine word of God is better than what the Pope or Reverend Wright interprets as the devine word of God. Gays are icky 100% of the time and if you don’t agree you can’t be a Christian. Because Jesus in the Gospels has so many quotes on the matter…blah, blah, blah. Take the parts of the OT we still like, say Jesus overuled all the stuff we don’t like (cool, I can do labor on the Sabath and eat delicious bacon!) plus what literary scholars would call unreliable authority of memory by those claiming to be present at events and…
Viola! We have the one true faith!
“Mr. Carson said the only exception he’d make would be if the Muslim running for office “publicly rejected all the tenets of Sharia and lived a life consistent with that,” according to his interview with the Hill.”
Not mentioned is that Muslim-hating and gay-hating Christian bigots need not publically reject all tenants of Biblical law and to live a life consistent with that. Rather, they should be allowed to freely discriminate against the people they hate.
I’ve said this before but to all those who claim God spoke directly to them and told them to run for President only to lose badly…
Either that God voice you’re hearing is a product of your imagination or she’s an incredible asshole.
Add @19…
This is from the comments…this guy sounds like Rabbit if Roger had been a Doc:
Jeb! “the smart one” Bush! says we should not be a “multi-cultural” society. So he’ll eliminate St. Patrick’s Day, Columbus Day, Cinco De Mayo, Mardi Gras, Hanukkah, etc. on “Day One”. I know the bars won’t be happy.
@13 Well, yeah. Scott St. Clair’s pretty tall, but…
@10 So Hitler couldn’t even get his genomes straight? Figures.
I went on a raging Bender at Canter’s Deli and then a couple bars in the Fairfax one year for Hannukah. Let me tell you, a Maneschvitz hangover is the worst.
@21 Yeah, well, they feel the same about us. Makes for a peaceful world, doesn’t it?
@24 “Not mentioned is that Muslim-hating and gay-hating Christian bigots need not publically reject all tenants of Biblical law and to live a life consistent with that.”
I’d be very pleased if they did live a life consistent with the tenets of the religion they profess to be so devoted to. I’ve never found anything in the Christian Bible (i.e., the New Testament) that says their lying, cheating, stealing, hating, and killing is okay. The OT doesn’t really give them permission to do that, either, if you understand it properly. I think they get it from the Church of Fox and similar sources.
Yeah, that’s right. “Aryan” doesn”t necessarily mean Germanic tribes with blond hair and blue eyes!
@34 Close enough for government work.
Which says a lot about government work.
Long Live Ireland! Home of the Free and the Brave!
@36 Depends on which government and who runs it.
Is sooper pooper still even a thing?
Well, here’s what you got for the disruption and inconvenience of the Chinese president’s visit to Seattle: Boeing is going to build airplanes in China. No wonder Xi is smiling.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: It’s time to make Boeing pay federal and state taxes. They’re not even an American company anymore.
How private equity managers get rich by closing factories, killing jobs, and ruining good products.
In the old days, you could graduate from high school, get a factory job, and plan to be there 40 years if you showed up on time, did the job right, and worked hard. With job security, you could get married, take out a mortgage to buy a house, raise a family with a stay-at-home mom, and maybe have enough left over to finance a vacation home and some toys. The worst disaster that could befall a family was for the breadwinner to die, get sick, or become disabled.
Now, wages are too low to pay for any of that, there’s no such thing as permanent employment, and no one but the upper crust has any financial security. Is it any wonder the economy is struggling because of weak consumer spending?
Do you really need to ask why people are afraid to spend?
I really don’t know how people could have so much hate for President Obama and The First Lady (especially Michelle).
I truly believe that the Obama family is one if the greatest Americsn families in this Country. I love them. They are the classiest and very humble people.
I’m not sure yet if Trump is all done, but he’s going to have an up hill battle if he doesn’t have Faux News on his side. He might be all done.
I’m sure God approved of these righties.
Jealousy during threesome blamed for Yale stabbing, suicide http://www.nydailynews.com/new.....-1.2371860
Here’s another great Family Man. I’m sure the family and republicans of high regard to the real family life are so proud.
Florida ‘Officer of the Year’ arrested for child porn http://www.nydailynews.com/new.....-1.2371513
The American dream redefined by unfettered capitalism
@46 Have you noticed how quiet the RW media is about the grandfatherly cop killed by white trash while serving a warrant?
@48. Really? I am shocked, i thought puddy would have been all over that.
@49 Puffy is the white trash.
@49 Puffy is the white trash.
Puffy isn’t going to like this – these womenz activists attacking a business and possibly putting it out of bizness.
You know, the only activists that Pukeface likes are ones that hold up signs that say “God hates Fags”, “Fags will Die (but at least that’s better than how ISIS treats the fags)” people.
Misogynistic Coffee Shop Owners Get Served A Cold Cup Of Humility http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.....84770.html
One guy who thinks he can act like a King can be stopped and put back into his place.
Rock Band Won’t Rock Because Hedge Fund Pill Guy Bankrolled Label http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.....85424.html
What’s hilarious is the outpouring of love for the Chinese dictator president who isn’t really elected by the people by the Seattle libtards.
Where are the NOW Gals protesting the Chinese dictator guy with their forced abortion policies? Oops… Puddy’s bad… abortions are A-OK with libtards!
Where are the protests of internet hacking by Chinese dictator players? Well that didn’t affect little old me on my couch in Seattle creating the crazed databaze so no worries here!
Where are the Chinese dictator protests of copying MSFT software and using it illegally? Oh that only hurts MSFT jobs and they are way overpaid more than $15/hr.
Where are the child labor advocates protesting the Chinese dictator guy with their forced child labor policies?
Where are the war on wimens gals with the Chinese dictator guy crackdown on wimens protesting male misogynist attacks on their persons?
Did you know more people protested Scott Walker “Protest Governor Scott Walker on September 5th in Seattle ” and “Seattle Makes Scott Walker Feel Right at Home – Protest ” than those protesting the Chinese dictator president? Puddy saw four Asian picketers at Boeing yesterday! How many of you DUMMOCRETINS protested Scott Walker? Seems a real waste of DUMMOCRETIN time! HEH HEH HEH! Keep wasting it!
Now onto more of yesterday…
Where is the clamor after the Pope said this…
What about the development of the vulnerable black children in the inner cities? #blacklivesmatter only when they are killed by police. Richard Sherman was violently verbally attacked for speaking the truth. He claimed his black best bud was gunned down by two 35 year old black men. Others attacked Richard Sherman for talking from the heart. #thoseblacklivesdontmatter
Didn’t Obummer say yesterday
Yet we know the continual mass migration of refugees these past few days and the sad pictures of that little boy’s death are stark reminders of the JV team called ISIS and the red line in the sand what was erased by Obummer’s feckless middle east policy! The HA DUMMOCRETIN libtards love to throw up the “Iraqi death totals” from DUMMOCRETINS thought web sites butt skip right over the hundred of thousands killed and are now homeless because of Obummer’s middle east dithering! Go DUMMOCRETINS!
Where is the clamor after Obummer said this
So HA libtard DUMMOCRETINS aborted babies are able to live in dignity? Really? When you have aborted babies born alive; products of conception; and they are harvested for their organs? Imagine if Triple S or rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears were aborted years ago and harvested for their organs? We’d now have a much better understanding of the infant lunatic mind as it becomes an adult. Two prime examples here every day on HA! Two less continually left wrong morons on this blog eh? Wait a minute… aborting babies is A-OK to DUMMOCRETINS in America. It’s the rest of the world the Pope needs to worry over.
Because we know legislatively last week, 177 House DUMMOCRETINS voted against the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act that would require doctors to keep babies born alive during an abortion process from dying. 177 libtard progressive DUMMOCRETINS jack booted goose step lock marched to this document and voted for donkonfanticide! http://chrissmith.house.gov/up.....on_act.pdf DISGUSTING! Where was Obummer’s voice on that! So now we have on record 177 DUMMOCRETINS voting in the House.? And Obummer spews that crapola about “every human being is able to live in dignity”! What a joke!
Then we see the Christian hating DUMMOCRETINS all over America fawn over the Pope coming to America. Where was the DUMMOCRETIN clamor when the Pope said this
Just and wise society with DUMMOCRETINS at the head…? Respect religious liberty…? Obummer and DUMMOCRETINS? Obummer tried to force ObummerCare down religious people’s throats. They screamed when the Hobby Lobby won. Forcing Christian charities to provide abortion pills through ObumerCare! Obummer and his cadre of DUMMOCRETINS hate Christians! If you are a Christian baker or a Christian florist too bad. Your religious views don’t count! If you make pizza in a restaurant you better watch out!
Just and wise society… where if you have any view that isn’t politically correct the haters will marginalize you with the “phobe” word ending! Your views and opinions don’t count because progressive DUMMOCRETINS are FASCISTS! You can’t speak your mind anymore!
Butt, what happened to the deep hatred for p e d o phile priests? Well Salon answers that with http://www.salon.com/2015/09/2.....a_monster/ – No need to copy and paste because now to DUMMOCRETINS it’s the new norm! Now it’s OK so drop the faux hatred against those priests because inside many DUMMOCRETINS are p e d o philes too!.
Of course this will fly right over HA DUMMOCRETINS whom think like rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears, closet foreplay, checkmate, the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla, the vomit producer, Triple S, the crazed databaze arschloch, worser, and many others because hey we need to have Seattle based jobs in China, we need to have the WA State economy dependent on China and we love Chinese made goods in WA State.
Not even going to look at it. Obvious schizophrenic word-salad.
Yet another NEA teacher who was just doing something loved by DUMMOCRETINS everywhere was forced to resign! http://www.nydailynews.com/new.....-1.2363943
So why are NYC libtards against this? Isn’t it just freedom of expression?http://www.nydailynews.com/new.....-1.2330775
Shorter closet foreplay @55,
No whackjob answers available from left wrong libtard sites so pass!
word-salad <— favrit phrase of lib the unscientist…
It was something about a lack of protesting..
Here’s some images. There were protesters.
Protesters checkmate… Almost all were Asian… with a small smattering of Boeing union peeps.
Where were the crowds as we see when DUMMOCRETINS really want to protest something as when Bernie Sanders came to Seattle and the #blacklivesmatter crowd took over?
Hmmm #blacklivesmatter case eh? http://www.nydailynews.com/new.....-1.2365515
It’s exactly like De Niro in Cape Fear as he slowly sinks into the water…
closet foreplay in Hollyweird fantasy land again!
@59 Maybe it’s time to revoke the $8 billion of taxpayer handouts to Boing-Boing?
Aha! I get it. Because #blacklivesmatter exists something something Piddles doesn’t like Red China so it’s racist that black folk weren’t protesting the Chinese beacuse something about American Police beating Chinese religious folks and something else about why don’t May Day protesters show up with their iPhones and something else that only makes sense through the seive that is Piddles logic.
On October 10, 2012, the U.S. Border Patrol sent bullets flying across the border from Arizona into Mexico at a Mexican teenager who, depending on whose story you believe, was (a) walking to school in his own country or (b) part of a mob of youths throwing rocks at Border Patrol agents. The teenager was hit 10 times and died. Yesterday, a Border Patrol agent involved in the incident was indicted for murder.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This isn’t the first such incident. Apparently, Mexican youths frequently respond to Border Patrol attempts to nab illegals trying to sneak across the border by throwing stones at the agents. Border Patrol agents view this rock-throwing as potentially lethal and therefore feel they can respond with deadly force. At least one previous similar incident has resulted in the death of a Mexican youth on Mexican soil from Border Patrol gunfire from the U.S. side. The Mexican government obviously has plenty of domestic gunfire to worry about, but it seems to me that any time government agents of one country shoot across a border into another country without the latter country’s permission, that’s an act of war.
How does fuckwad even TYPE anymore?
That’s quite the load of shit being dumped in this thread by the batshit crazy loon. I take it that all the adulation given the Antichrist this week is too much for his head to deal with. The resulting head explosion is quite impressive, though.
Huh! The batshit crazy loon’s hero hates the Antichrist pope nearly as much as the loon.
“Alex Jones: ‘Slimebag’ Pope Francis’ climate plan will kill a billion people by 2025”
Heh, looks like somebody’s head is exlpoding…
“I’ve got to sit here and listen to this slimebag,” Jones lamented, “of a captured Catholic church, taken over by the pedophiles, blackmailed by the left. And now that they’ve taken it over worldwide, you’re hearing total and complete worship by the media. Basking in his glow! An angel! Christlike! Oh, he’s so wonderful!”
“Conservatives Trash The Pope After His Speech To Congress”
Like our batshit crazy loon, the bastards just don’t know when to shut the fuck up. But if wingnuts want to alienate 70 million US Catholics, I say go for it.
“Former Volkswagen CEO Could Get A $67 Million Golden Parachute”
Well, if Carly Fiorina can get herself $40 million for bringing HP to its knees, then I reckon this fucker deserves even more.
Here’s one reason why people like Fiorina and the VW tard get away with this shit. They vote for each other’s pay and bonuses.
“Some members of corporate boards have an even greater self-interest in making sure that the compensation of the CEO continues to go up, up, and up. They are the CEOs of other companies. You don’t have to be a compensation expert to realize that if you vote for one of your peers to have a higher salary, you are in effect voting for your own salary to go up, because it is based on what will be a higher market.”
The pope even mentioned the batshit crazy loon and his ilk.
“Pope: We Must Combat All Types Of Religious ‘Fundamentalism’”
The coward Jim Miller has posted his insipid thoughts again, which is to say that Zombie (u)SP still walks with the dead. My God, that guy is one stupid SOB.
A bully and future wingnut got what was coming to him for beating up a defenseless blind kid.
“WATCH: High school student punches out bully who was attacking blind classmate”
Fiorina should never be allowed run another company, let alone our nation.
“In 2004 Congress passed the American Jobs Creation Act of 2004 — after high pressure lobbying from Hewlett-Packard among others — that included a incentive for companies to repatriate profits stashed overseas with the understanding the money would be invested in job-creating research and development.”
“Instead, under Fiorina’s stewardship, HP took $4 billion of the $4.3 billion in tax breaks and funneled the money into a stock buyback program that enriched shareholders including herself.”
“Instead of hiring more workers, HP laid off 14,500 workers due to plummeting share prices following Fiorina’s disastrous decision to purchase Compaq that caused profits to plummet.”
With the Pope talking about Love, Peace, Equality, Respect, Compassion, etc., etc. I’m sure Republicans can’t wait for him to go back to Rome.
But I heard Faux Mews reporting that The Pope was calling for tax breaks for the top 1%.
“A Pennsylvania lawmaker objected to accusations that he had invited a white supremacist to testify in front of a committee by clarifying that the witness was merely a white nationalist.”
Oh, well that makes all the difference in the world, huh? He’s good, upstanding white nationalist.
Bob will be giddy over this
Day After Employees Vote to Unionize, Target Announces Fleet of Robot Workers
I liked where they said it was “seemingly unrelated “. So whether the workers unionized or not, they were gonna be automated out of jobs.
Drip drip drip!
Republican presidential candidates are so pathetic I’m not sure I would put the word presidential in front of candidates. They trully are a group of sad mother fuckers, stupider then a bag of wrongs.
This guy makes a perfect republican
Crowd waiting to see Pope Francis boos Donald Trump http://www.nydailynews.com/new.....-1.2373667
Women’s activists.
Asheville cafe run by misogynistic bloggers might shut down http://www.nydailynews.com/new.....-1.2373187
I’m sure this upsets the bigots if the right. But they still aren’t going to consiser Uganda as their new home.
Asheville cafe run by misogynistic bloggers might shut down http://www.nydailynews.com/new.....-1.2373187
Elton is pretty big to accept any invitation.
Aha! I get it.
Once again dr checkmate proves to all he’s an IDIOT! Par for the course!
Just as Puddy called it above with rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears and Triple S with their responses in #67 and #68!
Thanks for proving PuddyPrescient again!
.DAYUM., .2. .Stooooooooooopid. .Left. .Wrong. .Libtards.!
Once again Triple S use of raw story hands his ASS to the world just like Triple S use of raw story on the policeman who was an FBI informant on the KKK and Triple S proved his triple the amount of shit between the ears of a normal DUMMOCRETIN bone fides again.
HP had duplicated jobs with the purchase of Compaq. The Clinton recession hurt HP. Read it in this link. Of course Triple S will continue to turn to raw story. Why? ThBecause you are known as Triple S… Triple S has triple the amount of shit between the ears of a normal DUMMOCRETIN! Triple S Is Batshit Insane! Becoming the dumbest of the left wrong dummies!
The weeper is leaving. I guess it is better to resign then getting fired. Pelosi didn’t get fired. She knew how to do her job. Pslin quits, seems like republicans just like to quit.
Dell Computer Corp. cut 1,700 jobs – January 2001
Dell Announces 4,000 more – May 2001
Dell Announces 8800 more – June 2007
Dell Announces 905 more – October 2007
Dell Announces 900 more – March 2008
Dell Announces 8000 more – October 2008
Dell Announces 5100 more – July 2009
Dell Announces 1000 more – August 2013
Dell takes company private to fight off Carl Ichan borrows $2Billion from MSFT
Dell Announces 1000 more – July 2014
So Puddy found 31,405 Dell layoffs in 25 minutes of searching and there were more in 2014 and 2015 as “percentages”. Butt gotta attack Fiorina!
IBM, Intel and MSFT laid off tens of thousands of employees butt gotta attack Fiorina!
You’ll never see these stories on the Friday Night Comix or anywhere on HA except provided as a courtesy service by Puddy! http://insider.foxnews.com/201.....ts-florida
The genius begins at the 1:10 mark –
So if Heilary’s emails are recoverable… http://www.politico.com/story/.....016-213998
Get out some more popcorn Martha! This is getting even better!
John Boehner To Resign From Congress At End Of October
Appears he resigned before being kicked out for not being radically conservative enough. It’s weird when Boehner is a moderate.
“So Puddy found 31,405 Dell layoffs in 25 minutes of searching and there were more in 2014 and 2015 as “percentages”. Butt gotta attack Fiorina!”
Michael Dell isn’t running for president, you stupid batshit crazy loon.