While illegal immigrants account for about 3.5 percent of the U.S population, they represented 36.7 percent of federal sentences in FY 2014 following criminal convictions, according to U.S. Sentencing Commission data obtained by Breitbart News.
According to FY 2014 USSC data, of 74,911 sentencing cases, citizens accounted for 43,479 (or 58.0 percent), illegal immigrants accounted for 27,505 (or 36.7 percent), legal immigrants made up 3,017 (or 4.0 percent), and the remainder (about 1 percent) were cases in which the offender was either extradited or had an unknown status.
PuddyCommentary… DUMMOCRETINS don’t want the LIVs to know the truth. When the truth is known then you are called a bigot, racist, and any other FASCIST name one can think about!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is forever wrongspews:
Sen. Dianne Feinstein called on San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee to start cooperating with federal immigration officials who want to deport felons such as Sanchez.
“I strongly believe that an undocumented individual, convicted of multiple felonies and with a detainer request from ICE, should not have been released,” Feinstein said.
PuddyCommentary: Everyone knows SF DUMMOCRETINS will ignore their DUMMOCRETIN Senator! SF DUMMOCRETINS hate Real Americans and love illegal aliens!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is forever wrongspews:
Trying to determine Barack Obama’s most corrupt, crony appointee presents a virtually impossible task. Every single person he’s appointed to a position of power over the course of his unfathomably shady, violent and unconstitutional presidency, has been little more than a gatekeeper for powerful vested interests. Obama’s job was to talk like a marxist, but act like a robber baron. In this regard, his reign has been an unprecedented success.
All that said, if anyone is a top contender for the worst of the worst of the Obama Administration, it’s Eric Holder. As head of the Department of Justice, he was the one man who could’ve played an enormously positive role in American society, by punishing those responsible for creating the financial crisis that destroyed tens of millions of lives globally. Instead, he chose to actively protect the financial oligarchs and ushered in a tragic new era for these United States. One in which the world suddenly realized that the U.S. is little more than a glorified oligarchy. Essentially an aggressive Banana Republic armed with nuclear weapons and the swagger of a third world dictator.
PuddyCommentary: Nuthin new here about Eric The Red Holder… Puddy been telling HA DUMMOCRETINS about Eric The Red for years and HA DUMMOCRETINS ignored FACT after FACT after FACT!
Willy Vomitspews:
@ 7
You aren’t a “real” American.
You don’t have white skin. You don’t even go to a correctly “American” church.
Those are the basic ideas behind that notion you so vehemently espouse. You do not qualify.
Apparently, having a personal weapon stolen from one’s private vehicle isn’t enough to do anything in the way of a formal investigation when one is employed by the FBI. Leaving a firearm unattended in one’s personal vehicle is always, always a bad idea. Any Federal law enforcement agent should know this.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is forever wrongspews:
Tebow struck a strong nerve with his strong religious faith, and Wilson might be entering that territory the more he opens up about his personal life the way he did Sunday. But cheers to a young man who is comfortable in his own skin to admit such a thing when it’s easy to keep that to himself. Wilson is outspoken in his faith and he told a very personal story to back it up. That takes guts, and it’s not for everyone.
I’d like Russel Wilson a whole lot better if he just came out of the closet already.
The we’re not having sex until marriage thing probably means “we’re not having sex with each other but I have a boyfriend and she has a girlfriend and we’re doing the freaky in private with them while holding hands in pulbic.”
How do you feel about Ciara’s acceptence of the gay Piddles. You’ve been on here a lot preaching the word about the gay and sin
You’re also a huge basketball fan. What do you think of Washington Wizards center, Jason Collins, coming out of the closet and becoming the first out gay athlete in the NBA? I think it’s cool, because you have to embrace who you are. If you don’t embrace who you are and accept who you are you won’t be able to live a happy life. At the end of the day, we have to live our lives for ourselves. I’m sure he had the biggest sense of freedom when he came out. I’m always happy for a person that can be confident, embrace who they are, and live life how they want to live
Why do you think so many gay fans have connected with you since the beginning of your career? That’s a good question, at least for me I can say that I welcome everybody. No one is different from the other. I’m very grateful that I have a diverse group of fans as well. We welcome individuality over here in my world and I think that my fans can see and feel that.
Uncle puddy posted “…his (President Obama) unfathomably shady, violent and unconstitutional presidency,”
This assertion needs links to proof or the whole post is fiction
Roger Rabbitspews:
@18 This from a guy who twice voted for a miserable failure of a politician who ignored terrorism warnings, then invaded a country that didn’t attack us, started two wars he couldn’t finish, engaged in unconstitutional surveillance of law-abiding Americans, tortured people (some of them innocent) and lied about it, etc. etc. etc. Puddy’s citizenship should be revoked for incompetence.
It was posted from zero hedge. All anonymous “Tyler Duredan” with an avatar of the fictional movie character. This is what constitutes a “source” in PiddleWorld. Some dude with a blog is good enough for Piddles.
He’ll come in and say they are Wall Street “Experts” who can’t post their real names for fear of losing their incredibly inside Wall St. jobs but on the internet no one knows you’re a dog.
He’s posted links from there before. Sensible people ignore those ones.
Re our relentless commenter, if you need more than one or two comments to make your point, you’re not worth reading.
Teabagger in Declinespews:
@6 Puffy – What is wrong with you. You would never accept the same application as representative of you and your race. Would you?
Roger Rabbitspews:
This has been a busy day for Donald Trump news. For the latest skinny on the GOP Clown King, click on the links below.
I cut Puddy a little slack. He’s experienced some serious megatonnage-level head explosions recently over ACA and gay marriage, and then him seeing the Kenyan Muslim usurper ascend to the role of our nation’s Pastor-in Chief, leading all of us Real Americans in singing “Amazing Grace”, well, that was just too much for what was left of his little fentometer-sized brain.
I’m afraid Puddy may never recover. Just look at his comments today. Just a shell of the old Puddy we once knew and loathed. So sad.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Personally, I think it’s great that Trump jumped into the GOP race. He’s providing much-needed comic relief in an otherwise uniformly dreary field of candidates.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@25 It doesn’t matter. He can still function as a pinata. Which is all he was ever good for, anyway.
Shift WAspews:
The Reich Wing Psychos are at it again:
Sound Transit is preparing to ask Puget Sound voters for $15 billion to expand light rail with its latest spending plan, dubbed ST3. You will have the ultimate say on ST3 when you receive your 2016 ballot. But, Sound Transit has already started to campaign for $15 billion in new taxes, cleverly disguising it as a survey.
The transit agency is asking voters to weigh in on which ST3 projects should be studied for the ballot measure. Today is the last day to weigh in. We hope you to take the opportunity to let Sound Transit know what you think of their plans by taking part in their survey.
Ima Duncespews:
I really want Obama to help out Greece. It just seems like a great opportunity to create goodwill and show the U.S. as the good guy again after the Republican fuck up.
Shift WA saysspews:
Shift WA of course wants to kill any light rail expansion. It would divert precious Puget Sound tax dollars away from Republican welfare counties which is where it belongs.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@29 Greece’s missed IMF payment was $1.7 billion. The Koch brothers plan to spend $1 billion buying next year’s election. Anybody got any ideas where Uncle Sam could get $1.7 billion to help Greece?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Hey globull warming deniers! How y’all like this ICE AGE we’re in?
@31 And help stabilize world markets is a good idea before a big U.S. election, too.
Teabagger in Declinespews:
@32 there is definitely something wrong with the climate – here in the northeast there hasn’t been many hot days this summer and it is already almost mid July. No heat waves yet or forecasted out for the next two weeks, only highs in the high 80’s and lows in the 70’s. Pretty unusual around here.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
Hi, y’all. Didja miss me?
David Burge @iowahawkblog
Come on you haters, expecting Hillary to remember all her subpoenas is like expecting Bill to remember all his intern blow jobs.
1:13 PM – 8 Jul 2015
Roger Rabbitspews:
@37 Have you been gone?
Roger Rabbitspews:
There’s always some jerk who thinks being rich and famous means he doesn’t have to follow the rules that apply to everyone else.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is forever wrongspews:
Some dude with a blog is good enough for Piddles.
Just like Politicususa was good enough for many HA DUMMOCRETINS! Did Holder go back to that law firm checkmate? Did Elizabeth Warren confront Eric Holder, Ben Bernanke and Mary Jo White on Wall Street Immunity checkmate?
Yeah, about those FACTS…
FACTS sux right checkmate?
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is forever wrongspews:
Personally Puddy is happy Mr Socialism jumped into the race. Now we see how Hillary has to track for DUMMOCRETINS to really accept her! And now those subpoenas… http://www.breitbart.com/video.....was-wiped/
Oh wait checkmate will claim this is untrue too!
Wait for it…
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is forever wrongspews:
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Either this guy has no political talent whatsoever, or he’s deliberately sabotaging his campaign. I suspect the latter. Maybe he saw the polls, realized he might actually get nominated by the Stupid Party, and got scared.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Two NFL players blew fingers off on the 4th by fooling around with fireworks.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: At least they weren’t pianists or typists — you know, people who need fingers to make a living.
Roger Rabbitspews:
It took the senseless murders of 9 innocent black worshipers by a white supremacist to get rid of that damned flag, but it’s apparently a done deal. And lest there’s any lingering doubt about what it actually stands for,
“The South Carolina House gave final legislative approval to a bill removing the Confederate flag from the Capitol grounds, a stunning reversal in a state that was the first to leave the Union in 1860 and raised the flag again at its Statehouse more than 50 years ago to protest the civil rights movement.”
Indeed. You had me worried. I thought perhaps the black prez leading the nation in Amazing Grace at a historic black church even as the next battle front in the culture war turned toward the Stars and Bars might have been a little too much for our resident racist radiologist. Truly, it’d have been a crying shame if your head had blown up like Puddy’s, poor sap.
So what’s the bottom line? Thirteen years ago your buddy the fantasy Top Gun launched the U.S. defense forces into the most costly period of overseas military intervention in our history that despite much skillful maneuvering of late, is still ongoing. While doing so he nearly permanently changed the negotiating footing of our foreign services and NATO allies into adversaries with most of the world.
The long term result is that we simply cannot confront Iran with any meaningful strength today – either militarily or diplomatically. We lack the military capacity – spread too thin, worn out, squandered in Iraq. We lack the support of strong allies – we bullied them into Iraq, kidnapped their citizens and tortured them, and tapped their phones. We are in too precarious a position globally, despite our uniquely strong economic position, to rally allies with flagging economies to pitch in. We are no longer one of the popular kids in the global high school cafeteria. Nobody wants to sit at our table. And we can’t start a food fight with an empty tray.
And we can thank you, fuck head. You voted for him. You put us in the hole. You have no plans for digging us out. And you cry like a baby because we won’t give you back the shovel.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Apparently this particular jerk’s conscience doesn’t extend so far as giving up her public office when the law requires her to act against her personal convictions.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Republicans are up to their old photoshopping tricks again.
@50 I’m still surprised it’s happening. But the fight isn’t over. Under reported is the current fight in the US House. They are holding up an appropriations bill over Federal funding for the traitor flag: http://blogs.rollcall.com/218/.....bate/?dcz=
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is forever wrongspews:
Batts and Rawlings-Blake are African-American, as is the city’s top prosecutor, Baltimore State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby. Davis is white. Sixty percent of the city’s population is black, while the police department is 48 percent African-American.
PuddyCommentary: So the black mayor fires the black police chief and replaces him with a white guy? Where is rujaxmeoff on this?
Batts, as you may recall, was the leader who upset everyone by having the audacity to actually meet with the accused officers and assure them that he would ensure they had a fair hearing and that the facts, not emotion, will determine the outcome of this case. He further angered many residents and members of City Hall when he stepped out in front of the press and described the woman who smacked down her rioting son as the Mother of the Year.
Yes you can’t have either of those in Baltimore!
The US Conference of Mayors back on June 22, 2015 named their new president for the coming year. The lucky winner was Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake. Will they retract that now?
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is forever wrongspews:
Yes he took half his normal fee unlike Wee Cigarman who charged $500,000 in change of future political favors.
On July 5th, 2015, 29 year old Lisa Marie Elberson was arrested in Lake County, Florida for aggravated assault, child abuse, and simple battery after spitting on black children, chasing them with a baseball bat, calling them niggers, and saying she’ll hang their family from a tree.
Former President George W. Bush charged $100,000 to speak at a charity fundraiser for U.S. military veterans severely wounded in Iraq and Afghanistan…
The former President was also provided with a private jet to travel to Houston at a cost of $20,000.
One of the wounded vets who served on the charity’s board told ABC News he was outraged that his former commander in chief would charge any fee to speak on behalf of men and women he ordered into harm’s way.
Ima Duncespews:
@63 Typical Republican. Why does their hypocrisy surprise anyone anymore? Let’s not make that mistake again. He should stay home and paint puppy pictures. It’s all he has the mental capacity for.
“I’m still surprised it’s happening. But the fight isn’t over.”
Apparently, not for 150 years has it been over.
It’s looking more and more as though the 2016 campaign will be noted by historians for thousands of Confederate flags being waved at the Republican convention during a hell and brimfire speech by a failed candidate going out in flames. Imagine something multiple magnitudes worse than the Pat Buchanan 1992 convention speech.
can you cite one instance when President Clinton demanded a fee from a charitable organization to speak?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@61 Several years ago, I was asked by a civic group to fly back east and give a speech about their hometown war hero, whom I served with in Vietnam. I not only didn’t charge them a fee, I also donated my travel reimbursement back to their group. Good thing they didn’t ask the Texas Air National Guard deserter to give this speech, because they couldn’t have afforded him. I didn’t cost them a penny. Some rabbits have a sense of honor, and some people don’t. This would be a better world if rabbits ran it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Obama-haters not only are stupid and racist, they can’t read either. A CBS News story today about a White House renovation project said this:
“The updated look for the State Dining Room cost $590,000, the Associated Press reports. The sum was paid by the White House Endowment Trust, a private fund ran by the White House Historical Association to maintain the portions of the White House that are open to the public.”
And sure enough, somebody post this comment:
“18 Trillion in debt, and Michelle feels the urgent need to blow over half a million taxpayer dollars on needlessly redecorating a dining room. Pretty sickening.”
That’s not the only ignorant, uninformed, and factually challenged comment under the article — there’s lots of ’em. All by rightwingers. Including several more complaining about wasting “taxpayer money.” These people must be home schooled by parents who themselves were home schooled by grandparents who … etc. Either they can’t read, are too lazy to read, or their reading retention is less than 15 seconds, or their reading comprehension is zero. Or maybe Republicans are just people who put stupidity on a pedestal and worship it. Sure seems that way.
Ima Duncespews:
@68 There is nothing, nothing more ignorant than racism. Next are some religions. Not surprisingly, they vector in the south.
Trump leads GOP race in latest poll, beating Jeb Bush and Rand Paul by 4 points.
Apparently the 2016 GOP campaign strategy consists solely of attacking latinos as murdering rapists and waving Confederate flags in the faces of blacks.
I think Puffy should explain to us how what he thinks about all the individuals sending Gov. Haley messages of discontent on removal of the Freedom Flag. You know, all them Demmocretin Individuals.
Teabagger in Declinespews:
In addition – Puffy what is Faux News’ position on the Freedom Flag?
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is forever wrongspews:
DAYUM Distant and Very Mindless Foreplay @66 farted…
can you cite one instance when President Clinton demanded a fee from a charitable organization to speak?
Does this useless DUMMOCRETIN ever pay attention to anything except left wrong libtard blogs?
Petra Nemcova, who lost her fiance in the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami ran her annual fund-raiser of her school-building charity, the Happy Hearts Fund last June 2014. She had to pay Clinton $500,000 JUST to attend. Puddy covered this already. Look it up in the NY Times libtard! Call on the crazed databaze deala yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch for the replay!
Teabagger in Declinespews:
You see a Republican can’t even do the right thing, because the people that vote for them don’t like them to do the right thing.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is forever wrongspews:
Either they can’t read, are too lazy to read, or their reading retention is less than 15 seconds, or their reading comprehension is zero.
Early onset schismatic IDIOT Wabbit demonstrates this anomaly in a tread each week! How many times has the Early onset schismatic IDIOT Wabbit made a comment on one post that was intertwined from earlier posts in the same thread? Too many to enumerate!
Google Did you read the thread above IDIOT Wabbit site:horsesass.org
Teabagger in Declinespews:
No wonder Puffy is in hiding. Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is forever wrongspews:
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is forever wrongspews:
How libtards want to destroy American… Ignore laws… the libtard way of course…
Ultimately, no nation can continue to thrive if its government refuses to enforce its own laws. Liberal “sanctuary cities” such as San Francisco choose to ignore immigration laws. Imagine the outcry if a town in Utah or Montana arbitrarily declared that federal affirmative action or gay marriage laws were null and void within its municipal borders.
Once an immigrant has successfully broken the law by entering and residing in the U.S. illegally, there is little incentive for him to obey other laws. Increasing percentages of unnaturalized immigrants are not showing up for their immigration hearings — and those percentages are higher still for foreign nationals who have been charged with crimes.
“When I set up my investment funds I set it up like everyone else,” Grayson said, complaining about the Tampa Bay Times looking for “some stupid, bull—- story. … You want to write sh– about it, and you can’t because not a single dollar of taxes has been avoided,” he snapped.
“Are you f——- kidding? I set up a fund that might solicit foreign investors….I have no present intention of soliciting foreign investors,” he said. “Your perception issue is bull—-.”
PuddyCommentary: With a mouth like that no wonder why HA creeps love this guy! HE could fit right in as a left wrong HA DUMMOCRETIN thread representative!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is forever wrongspews:
Wrong again buttbuster… ISIS was the JV per Obummer. ISIS is an Obummer invention!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is forever wrongspews:
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is forever wrongspews:
Kate Steinle was murdered by an illegal alien, previously deported five times hidden by San Franfreakos, a sanctuary city approved by DUMMOCRETINS. “But Kate Steinle? Nothing. No comments, no swarm of FBI agents, no DOJ investigation. Nothing. Why?” – Megyn Kelly!
Because that’s how Puddy and his freaky Christian buddies like Josh Duggar roll. They rape and abuse women and children while telling each other that their gay-hating Baby Jesus forgives them their sins.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is forever wrongspews:
No matter how one spins it, when the headlines heading into a national election are either starting with, “Republican Defenders of the Confederate Flag”, or about how the Republican candidate now leading in the latest polls is calling Mexicans rapists, that’s a fucking problem.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is forever wrongspews:
Using the 2008 to 2012 list with names of more than 6,800 criminals, the Globe identified 424 released immigrants who had previously been convicted of sex-related crimes, including 209 who had appeared in the national public sex offender registry. Of the 209, 53 failed to re-register after ICE released them — including four from New England.
Remember Stupid Solution Steve, this is the Boston Globe… libtard paper of record for Fauxcohantas Warren!
NC State Rep. Jenny Horne (R), if you haven’t seen it. Brought tears to my eyes.
Refreshing to see a conservative being compassionate for a change. Speaking of soulless sewers of hate, does anyone actually follow links to TownHall, Breitbart, hotair, or DailyCracker?
@65 It will take another 150 with the Kochs and Adelsons, and the next generation of privileged billionaire kids funding these far right groups. There have always been traitor flags at Republican conventions as long as I’ve been alive. That Buchanan moment was something else. That speech was right on the straight line that connects Fred Koch’s Birch Society to today’s teabagging wing of that party. I bet they ban the traitor flag this year. They won’t change their platform, and will probably let Ted Nuegent or Tom Selleck or one of the Duke boys have their moment where they all come out waving their hate flag; but I bet they keep a lid on it in prime time. I couldn’t be happier than to see this laundry being aired and addressed in the open. Pelosi’s gambit to force a vote on that flag was fabulous!
South Carolina Republican Gov. Nikki Haley deemed a treasonous immigrant by jeering, Confederate flag-waving Republican base.
A traitor, yes, to those Republicans whose loyalties are to the Confederate States of America and the Cause, and not to the United States of America and the Constitution.
“Refreshing to see a conservative being compassionate for a change.”
Cheers to her and the other SC Republicans who voted to take down that damned flag. And they did it knowing that their vote could end their political careers. And why that risk? Because the Republican base has been reduced to a bunch of vitriolic racist haters who sit on their fat asses, clutching a bag of Cheetos, their gun and Bible while watching Fox News all day long as they pine for a return to the good ol’ days of black slavery and the Confederacy.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is forever wrongspews:
PuddyCommentary: Obummer doesn’t think laws pertain to Obummer of those appointed by Obummer. That’s why DUMMOCRETINS like Obummer’s actions. DUMMOCRETINS hate American laws too!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is forever wrongspews:
Hey Stupid Solution Steve… This is from Politico… no friend of Trump and a valued left wrong rag of HA DUMMOCRETINS everywhere!
According to Jessica Vaughan of the Center for Immigration Studies (a group that favors restricted immigration), of some 8,100 deportable aliens released after their arrest by sanctuary jurisdictions from January to August 2014, about 1,900 were arrested again, on 7,500 charges.
Some of these crimes are worthy of the most lurid Trump rhetoric. Vaughan relates a case, based on an internal Immigration and Customs Enforcement report, of an alien arrested for sexual abuse of a child in Los Angeles. The local agency ignored a detainer and the alien was arrested again on charges of sexually assaulting a child.
PuddyCommentary: Those actions are cheered by looonatics like Stupid Solution Steve and other HA DUMMOCRETINS… Seattle being a sanctuary city! Let them go and they go back to their fun ways!
The paragraph about Obummer deporting more than any other president is a bald face lie and is perfectly explained in the article. FACTS don’t matter to HA DUMMOCRETIN… evah!
This is not like left-wing boycotts that aim to intimidate us into political correctness. This is about public safety. Local officials should obey the laws that require simple cooperation with immigration authorities. Cities receive millions of federal dollars that supposedly are conditioned on that cooperation.
PuddyCommentary: It’s all about the mighty vote in November that DUMMOCRETINS crave. Kate Steinle was just another casualty in the DUMMOCRETIN quest for power. Who knows, she may have always voted DUMMOCRETIN too butt that doesn’t matter. The ends always justifies the means to DUMMOCRETINS!
Steinle’s is not the only such story. Sen. Chuck Grassley (Iowa Republican) has documented 121 murders related to illegal aliens set free by President Obama’s policies since 2010. Illegal immigrants accounted for three-fourths of all federal drug convictions last year and are one-third of all federal incarcerations, according to the U.S. Sentencing Commission.
Please feel free to encourage your party leaders to continue to tar Latinos as rapists and murderers even as you insult all patriotic Americans with your obscene loyalty to the treasonous Confederacy.
Tomorrow, as Puddy and other treasonous secessionists weep, the Stars and Bars finally comes down in South Carolina. Once again, a good day for America is a bad day for the Republican party.
Teabagger in Declinespews:
Blaming immigrants for crime is just a cover up to the epidemic of crime committed by naturalized American college kid rapists, parents that kill their own children, husbands and wives that kill their spouse and families, brainless gun touting parents that allow their children to kill family and friends or themselves, complete strangers killing their neighbors, etc., etc., etc.
True leadership is to fix the bigger problem that this country faces than to pretend there aren’t bigger problems.
And the hypocrite employes the very people he is calling rapist and criminals. Biggest fucking clown, being supported by the stupidest fucking clowns.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is forever wrongspews:
Notice Stupid Solution Steve, the buttbuster or even the rest of the HA DUMMOCRETIN crowd still haven’t claimed Kate Steinle’s death by illegal alien was tragic. So why is that? Where is any HA DUMMOCRETIN voice on this?
Must mean the end justifies the means!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is forever wrongspews:
Blaming immigrants for crime is Obummer’s FBI statistics buttbuster @108!
And the hypocrite employes the very people he is calling rapist and criminals.
– Once again the buttbuster screws himself. Go back and review what Trump said. The operative word is “SOME”! Grassley rightly displays the recidivism rate of Obummer’s released illegal aliens. Go back and read #103 from Politico, a well known used left wrong rag!
Teabagger in Declinespews:
The only person that has screwed himself is Donald Duck and you, as evidenced by having virtue of adimently defending yourself.
You want to talk crime statistics? How about doing research on American naturalized citizens crime?. How about crimes committed by race?
What is there to acknowledge about the crime committed in San Francisco? Other than it did happen and is this particular instance by an illegal immigrant. Are you saying that that is scientific proof that all illegals are rapists and murderers.
Every day I wake up in NYC I can see someone littering the street, and 7 time out of 10 it is a black person. Why is your race, Puffy, have so many polluters?
Drunken Wisconsin Republican pass a budget…
“Though Wisconsinites successfully pressured lawmakers to take out provisions that would have levied a special tax on bicycles, gutted the state’s government transparency laws and reduce a planned $300 million cut to universities to $250 million, a host of controversial provisions — several of them slipped in at the last minute — made it into the final draft.”
“The 11th-hour additions include a repeal of wage protections for construction workers on local government projects, the elimination of workers’ right to one day off per week, loosened regulations over payday lenders, and a provision to expedite approval for a tar sands pipeline that would bisect the state. Another change made over the Fourth of July weekend eliminates the state’s long-standing living wage law and replaces all references to a “living wage” with “minimum wage.”
Yet more dismantling of public education, worker’s rights and pay, and generous giveaways to their corporate masters, which apparently include payday lenders who prey on Wisconsin’s working class.
Wingnuts whine their asses off because Ted Cruz can’t buy himself a spot on the NYT Best-Seller list with bulk book sales.
So I suppose you’re going to propose some sort of ultimate solution to that problem? Or maybe, just support someone who will.
” The operative word is “SOME”!”
Highly reminiscent of something President Bill Clinton might have said in a deposition. Having debated the meaning of the word “is”, shall we debate the meaning of the word “some”?
Or can we agree that President Clinton had an affair with a staffer, and Donald Trump is a racist asshole who leads in the GOP polls?
Willy Vomitspews:
Raping a little girl for six years, starting when she was a two-year-old is perfectly acceptable behavior when one is a god-fearing evilangelical Christian family man. But, when she grows up and kills your rapist ass, thats a life sentence for her.
So, we know where Christians stand on child rape. The Duggar family situation is proof of that.
But it’s the QUEERS and da Mezzicanz!! Them dirty heathen faggots are the ones we need to feer! They’ze gonna rapes you babbies and make everyone learn needle points and knittinz and shit.
Imma tellin’ ya.
I know a woman who did exactly this. Her mother’s boyfriend started raping her when she was about 6 years old. When she tried to tell her mother about it, her mother called her a liar, but the man was convicted and was sentenced to 11 years. Her mother threw her out of the house when she was 13 because she fucked the man over. The man actually did 4 years in Monroe.
When he got out, he tracked her down, and contacted her repeatedly, telling her how much he loved her, and begging her to “get back together” with him. After several weeks of daily phone calls, she agreed to meet him. She showed up at his house with a .357 magnum and put a bullet right through his left eye from a distance of about 3 feet. She was convicted of manslaughter, and did 7 years of a 15 year sentence at Purdy.
She’s one of the coolest, smartest people I know. But she did more time than her rapist.
“…Politico, a well known used left wrong rag!”
Um, you did know that you were quoting Rich Lowry, right?
And not that it matters to you, but once again Mr. Lowry has many of his “facts” plain wrong, and doesn’t miss an opportunity to distort the few he gets right. I’ll give you an example for starters:
the stats on immigrant “crime” that he relies on from Jessica Vaughan include the crime of illegal immigration. Get it? According to Ms. Vaughan’s statistics a high percentage of deportable aliens who are identified and released by sanctuary jurisdictions are later arrested and charged with illegal immigration. Wowsers.
But hey, I don’t want to discourage you. You just keep on doing what you’re doing and slathering it with the Republican brand. Do that, and you’ll have my eternal thanks.
Willy Vomitspews:
@ 118
It’s called “fucking that Chicken”.
But the Schitzo has never concerned himself with bylines or authors of articles. He just points at the article itself, and the place it was published as “proof” of his point, no matter how spurious or tenuous it may be. His constant links to actively white supremacist neonazi websites demonstrate that pretty clearly.
He’s not exactly the sharpest hook in the tacklebox.
I’m not so sure that a concerted effort to honestly re-brand the GOP as a backwater of racist, xenophobic dead-enders is what I would call fucking the chicken. I can’t figure out why people like piddles are doing it. But I’m absolutely delighted that they are. And I consider it a public service of the highest order.
After all the incessant wingnut whining about how the bigoted Oregon bakers were being persecuted for being Christians we’ve had to put up with, we learn this.
“Oregon bakers weren’t fined over cake — they were punished for sharing lesbian couple’s home address”
“the bakery owners shared the couple’s personal contact information – which led to death threats that nearly caused them to lose custody of their foster children.”
I’m getting damned sick and tired of asswipes who refuse to even acknowledge the teachings of Christ, let alone follow them, and yet endlessly broadcast their ever-increasing hatred for good and decent people in his name.
Willy Vomitspews:
@ 120
You’re missing the point. Anything the Schitzo hates is automatically “Democrat-caused” even when it’s Republicans doing it. He’s an individual who will tell you that Breitbart, Stormfront and such are Liberal websites.
His actual logic structure goes like this: “Unions are supporters of the Democratic party, therefore anyone with a Union is a Democrat. So when a cop blows a guy away, he must be a Democrat because he’s represented by a Union. Therefore, the Democrats are murderers of Black People.”
You can’t counter a thought pattern like that with any argument that they would understand. Such folks just do not have the cognitive functionality to deal with the information.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
WASHINGTON (AP) — The head of the U.S. government’s personnel office resigned abruptly on Friday, bowing to bipartisan calls for her to step down following a massive government data breach on her watch.
Probably no truth to the rumor that her permanent replacement will be Edward Snowden.
Teabagger in Declinespews:
oh boob is so enlightening. He fits right in with the clown party.
Willy Vomitspews:
@ 123 SnideShow Bob:
Why not? He’s certainly qualified, and he really couldn’t do any worse.
In Clown Car News, Teddy the Cruiser is complaining that The Stand for Principle PAC (PDF warning) bulk purchases of his book aren’t being properly reflected in the New York Times bestseller list.
The trouble with Conservatives is that they’re really just terribly stupid. I think, down on some deep subconscious level they know that. But it doesn’t reflect much on their thinking except to create the illusion for them that everyone else is just as stupid as they are. The self-fulfilling aspect of that is, is that they tend to surround themselves with toadies and lickspittle types who are going to bend over in any way they can to maintain their association with a celebrity.
Dumber’n a sack of horseshoes.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is forever wrongspews:
You want to talk crime statistics? How about doing research on American naturalized citizens crime?
– And that has what bearing on illegal alien crime buttbuster?
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is forever wrongspews:
Stupid Solution Steve @113
Review the truth @87. Thanks for using TPM as your source. It allows Puddy to use it more when they actually tell the truth once a year or so against DUMMOCRETINS!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is forever wrongspews:
Actually, the vast majority of violent crimes such as rape, murder, armed robbery and random felonious assaults are committed by the inner-city Black population.
Thanks for playing vomit producer… You just Proved Puddy Perfectly Prescient again!
This is what DUMMOCRETINS do. They need to change the topic. Another DUMMOCRETIN train wreck! It’s not about what native American do. It is what some illegal immigrant alien population do when they arrive illegally to American soil.
The real reason why a lesbian couple were awarded $135,000 of damages against a pair of Oregon bakers isn’t what you think. The bakers did a lot more than refuse to sell them a wedding cake.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is forever wrongspews:
Yes vomit producer, the Louisiana DUMMOCRETIN judge let the perp off with 17 days as time served. Maybe you should visit the politics of the judge before posting your vile bile for all to view! You are just like the yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch. Run with a story without figgering out their politics first!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is forever wrongspews:
According to Ms. Vaughan’s statistics a high percentage of deportable aliens who are identified and released by sanctuary jurisdictions are later arrested and charged with illegal immigration.
Isn’t that still a crime Lib NonScientist? U.S.C. § 1325 : US Code – Section 1325: Improper entry by alien. Seems that doesn’t matter to DUMMOCRETINS!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is forever wrongspews:
His constant links to actively white supremacist neonazi websites demonstrate that pretty clearly.
Got proof vomit producer? Or as Puddy correctly pointed out and PROVED your posts about ni@@ers are almost verbatim from StormFront and other blogs!
Previously PROVEN almost to the letter and stored in the crazed databaze of the yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is forever wrongspews:
“Unions are supporters of the Democratic party, therefore anyone with a Union is a Democrat. So when a cop blows a guy away, he must be a Democrat because he’s represented by a Union. Therefore, the Democrats are murderers of Black People.”
Wrong agin vomit producer… Puddy looks at the politics of the county or city the shooting occurred. THen Puddy delivers a link proving the PuddyHypothesis! Somehow you never do provide useful links to your vile bile vomit, vomit producer!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is forever wrongspews:
Yeah about those Oregon bakers… When the one person decided to pursue the law-suit, their address was required. So Aaron posted the lawsuit on Facebook for all to see.
You have to post the whole proposed lawsuit and that’s how the names of the Duggar children were figgered out when their ages were included by that left wrong e-rag illegally posting the under-aged Dgggar girls on their post. That’s A-OK for DUMMOCRETINS to post the under-aged Dgggar girls but is naughty naughty when conservatives do the same thing with adult wimens eh early onset schismatic IDIOT Wabbit?
Yeah thought so!
here’s what you really need to know:
the couple who owned the bakery received notice of the complaint soon after they refused the contract in 2013. They sought the representation of a Canby, OR atty Anna Harmon of Tyler Smith & Assoc. Ms Harmon graduated from Pat Robertsons diploma factory in 2012. So under the advise of a lawyer with scarcely a year of professional experience and a dubious educational pedigree, perhaps it shouldn’t surprise us that the bakery owners didn’t get the memo about declining to comment in general, and in particular declining to lash out at the complainant while the case is under consideration.
Instead they gleefully offered themselves up to be pimped out by the Heritage Foundation as the latest victim of the war on the imaginary sky buddy. In one media opportunity after another over the past year the couple spoke openly about the specifics of the case, made various statements with regard to complainants, offered speculation about the motivation of the complainants, gave statements that conflicted with their own sworn testimony in the investigation of the complaint, and publicly identified the complainants.
Bad lawyering aside, I think these people were used, and ultimately victimized by the Heritage Foundation. It’s ironic, really. You ought to be able to rely on your attorney to zealously represent you and your interests exclusively. Odds are, had this couple sought out an experienced attorney with no specific religious ideological bent, they would have fared much better. But I suppose they feel okay about it. Having “taken one for the team”.
um, yup. Illegal immigration is a crime.
But when Lowry is claiming that the statistics support his view, and the GOP’s view, that deportable aliens being released into our communities by sanctuary jurisdictions constitute a criminal threat to our communities, it becomes entirely irrelevant.
Sorry to make you read long words in complex sentences, but life doesn’t always fit on a bumper sticker. And the actual statistics that Ms. Vaughn reports and that Lowry and his ilk rely upon do not portray the sanctuary programs in the way they would like. People who have been involved in a criminal or civil investigation in a sanctuary jurisdiction and who have been identified as lacking documentation authorizing their presence in the U.S., while they may be “deportable”, are not yet guilty of a crime as such. They are still entitled to due process. But it stands to reason that a disproportionate percentage of them would subsequently be arrested and convicted of federal crime, that being illegal immigration. 91.6% disproportionate as a matter of fact. That means that less than 9% of the criminal cases brought against illegal aliens were for crimes other than illegal immigration. So 37% of all federal cases are brought against illegal aliens. And 91.6% of those are for illegal immigration. So according to Ms. Vaughn’s own statistics a little over 3% of illegal aliens commit crimes other than illegal immigration. Some of those are rape. Some are murder. But the vast majority are for drug possession, usually pot. About 74%.
So the fright mask consists of poor, economically displaced low skilled workers with no fixed address living in the U.S. as a semi-permanent underclass who occasionally smoke pot.
Go get ’em tiger!
Harry Poonspews:
Not to put too fine a point on it, but if dumb is spelled dumb, shouldn’t the castigation be DUMBOCRETIN? Any other way of spelling this imaginary word is, well, dumm.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is forever wrongspews:
DUMMOCRETIN rolls off the tongue much easier! Besides, it’s Puddy’s creation! If you wanna use DUMBOCRETIN go ahead headless lucy!
“Review the truth @87.”
You, a stupid, whining wingnut links to yet another stupid wingnut whining about how the NYT won’t allow other whining wingnuts who can’t sell the books which are ghostwritten for them by stupid, whining wingnut ghostwriters to buy their way onto their best-seller list with bulk sale books that end up being trucked to recycling centers by Goodwill only further confirms the “truth” that you fuckers are nothing but a goddamned bunch of stupid, whiny wingnut bitches.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is forever wrongspews:
All this screaming over illegal alien crime and still not one remorse entry over the death of Kate Steinle.
Downright AMAZING!
“DUMMOCRETIN rolls off the tongue”
So does “goatfucker”, bitch.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is forever wrongspews:
Stupid Solution Steve,
The NY Slimes allows DUMMOCRETIN ghostwritten books. This is why Puddy can easily lob the Stooooooopid on you Stupid Solution Steve https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Living_History
Clinton reportedly used three ghostwriters for Living History, veteran ghostwriter Maryanne Vollers, speechwriter Alison Muscatine, and researcher Ruby Shamir.[4] Muscatine later related how the three would meet at Clinton’s house early in the morning before she left for the Capitol building, do a day’s worth of writing, and then meet again after midnight at Clinton’s for the senator to edit the work until three o’clock in the morning.[5] Clinton’s acknowledgment section stated: “This book may not have taken a village to write, but it certainly took a superb team … The smartest decision I made was to ask Lissa Muscatine, Maryanne Vollers and Ruby Shamir to spend two years of their lives working with me. Lissa [was] responsible for many of the words in my speeches as First Lady and in this book … Maryanne [has] the rare gift of understanding how to help another’s voice emerge … Ruby [had the job of] amassing, reviewing and synthesizing millions of words written about me.”[6] However, the three women did not receive co-writing credit on the book’s cover. This is not unusual for political autobiographies, but in the same period some other political figures were given co-writing credit, as for instance fellow Senator John Edwards gave to writer John Auchard on his book Four Trials and fellow Senator John McCain gave to administrative assistant Mark Salter on his books Faith of My Fathers, Worth the Fighting For, Why Courage Matters, and Character Is Destiny.
The Savage Nation by Michael Savage (WND/Thomas Nelson) – February 2, 2003
Living History by Hillary Rodham Clinton (Simon & Schuster) – June 29, 2003… etc.
DAYUM U B weally weally stooooooooooopid Stupid Solution Steve! Keep pissing into the wind! Puddy laughs real hard…
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is forever wrongspews:
Stupid Solution Steve is a goatfucking bitch?
Thanks for playing!
“Having “taken one for the team”.”
The goal is to profit from wingnut rubes, even if you’re just a wingnut rube. I reckon Republican Rich de Voss of Amway dreamed this up. Anyway, not missing a beat, the bakers very quickly raised over $100K before gofundme.com shut them down. Then they went to another site to raise money, while still fighting gofundme. Their twitter whine,
“The gofundme account that was set up to help our family was shut down by the administrators of gofundme because they claimed it was raising money for an illegal purpose. We have told gofundme that the money is simply going to be used to help our family, and there is no legitimate breach of their terms and conditions. We are working to get the account reinstated.
However, in the mean time, if you would like to donate, you can do so here: http://www.samaritanspurse.org.....ces-135… OR you can donate to 3818 se 174th Ave Portland OR 97236 lynch wood church of God (Klein support fund)
For all of you who gave to the gofundme account before it was shut down, we so appreciate your love and generosity. Gofundme has told us that we will still receive those funds.”
The link there goes to what looks like a wingnut site set up to pocket money from rubes and the bakers’ page is still up. Of course, they don’t disclose how much money has been raised.
I’d bet that, for the last couple of years, maybe longer, that most or even all of these are schemes hatched by wingnut rubes to take money from other wingnut rubes. The right issue to walks through the door, a lightbulb goes on in their heads, they pounce, discriminate, take it to an eager media, then off they go to gofundme, hoping to strike it rich.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is forever wrongspews:
It seems you have issues with US Laws Lib Unscientist! THey are illegal aliens per US Law hence they are illegal and law breakers! No matter how many words you write… That’s the truth!
FACTS are hated by DUMMOCRETINS every day in every way!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is forever wrongspews:
Didn’t checkmate in the other thread scream about Clinton not accepting payment from a charity like Bush did? And when Puddy showed it was 5 times what Bush took, where did checkmate go?
M I A!
Psycho-Laugh. Puddy must be at Klynical’s farm, fucking goats in the barn again.
Anyways, your pathetic whine @143 left out the part about how Clinton doesn’t need bulk book sales, unlike your fellow self-loathing wingnut, Sen. Ted Cruz, who apparently hates Latinos as much as you, a black man, hates blacks. You and Cruz, two psychopath peas in a pod.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is forever wrongspews:
A 21-year-old man was shot and killed at about 9:30 p.m. Monday while walking along Van Dyke Avenue near Outer Drive in Detroit. It’s another shooting death with no apparent reason behind it. Devin Guidry’s family said he had no enemies.
His killers made off with his glasses and shoes.
That’s how they roll in DUMMOCRETIN led DEEEEETROIT!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is forever wrongspews:
Trainwreck @148 by Stupid Solution Steve.
Notice how Stupid Solution Steve changes the argument from #87?
That’s how Stupid Solution Steve rolls when FACTS kick his sorry ASS!!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is forever wrongspews:
More malfeasance on Obummer’s watch! This along with 21.4 million people having their information stolen by the Chinese!
Waytogo libtard Obummer gang!
Comey said the FBI made the error due to a breakdown in the background check system and confusion with paperwork between the FBI, local police departments and county jurisdictions.
GWB: “You work three jobs? Uniquely American, isn’t it? I mean, that is fantastic that you’re doing that.”
Jeb!: “It means that people need to work longer hours and, through their productivity, gain more income for their families.”
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is forever wrongspews:
Yet Obummer NEEDS this agreement because Obummer’s feckless policies are laughable!
“All this screaming over illegal alien crime and still not one remorse entry over the death of Kate Steinle.
Downright AMAZING!”
If you’re amazed by that, then consider that you’ve seen the stories and links to 200 Republicans heroes of yours busted for duggaring kids and fucking farm animals, the latest being Duggar and Hastert, and not once, not one single time have you ever posted a “remorse entry”. Using your own measure of how you judge others on yourself, it’s damned easy to see where you’re coming from, and it’s truly fucking disgusting in its deviancy.
Judge not, lest you be judged. Not our Puddy. Never one to follow the teachings of Christ, and always the first to judge and condemn others for not doing so. Puddy, he of harsh judgement who tells us how a vengeful, hate-filled Jesus will float down on a cloud to save only him, and that all others here will burn in Hell.
Sorry, buddy, but it’s way past time for you to take that broad brush of condemnation of yours and use it to paint “Batshit Insane Pedophile Goatfucker” all over your goddamned face. I suggest you print it backwards so you can read it when you look in the mirror. It’ll at least serve to remind you that you’re my bitch.
“Steve changes the argument from #87”
Sorry, but all I found @87 was yet another batshit insane wingnut rant.
“they are illegal and law breakers”
So much hate for illegal immigrants, and such a disconnect from your actions which inform them, us and the world that you view illegals as cheap labor to exploit and a means to stick it to the American worker who you hate so damned much for merely hoping to earn a living wage again someday.
Teabag get in Declinespews:
What a way to spend your vacation – barking about illegal immigrants. You are obsessed with you stupidity. There must be nothing to do in Uganda. There’s got to be a church there that you can go pray in – you know the end of the world is near.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is forever wrongspews:
LucasFoxx fell for it. Bush was saying people need to work more than the 30 hours part time under Obummer’s economy! Even the DUMMOCRETIN web sites recognized what Bush was saying!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Funny how the moron obsessed with “illegals” sneaking into our country to perform backbreaking farm labor for $3 an hour never has anything to say about crooked bankers who steal billions and spend it on hookers and drugs.
@151 I thought you guys were against background checks. Especially at gun shows.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@146 “@137, It seems you have issues with US Laws Lib Unscientist!”
As a lawyer and retired judge, I’m a big fan of people obeying the law. For example, if a court orders you to do something, you should do it without being forced. When the Supreme Court decides something, that’s it, it’s the law of the land. The governor of Kentucky got it right when he told a county clerk who’s refusing to issue marriage licenses to either do his job or resign. What do you think of that, Piddles?
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is forever wrongspews:
What a way to spend your vacation – barking about illegal immigrants.
Next stop tomorrow so resting buttbuster. If Puddy remembers correctly you claimed to be on vacation too!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is forever wrongspews:
Early onset schismatic IDIOT Wabbit… Since the person works for caesar they are bound to caesar!
That’s what Puddy thinks!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is forever wrongspews:
@151 I thought you guys were against background checks. Especially at gun shows.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is forever wrongspews:
never has anything to say about crooked bankers who steal billions and spend it on hookers and drugs.
And you know this how early onset schismatic IDIOT Wabbit? Have you axd for a replay of Puddy’s Previous Perfect Predilections from the crazed databaze of the monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot cretin arschloch?
Sux to be the early onset schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
“LucasFoxx fell for it.”
No, Bush put his foot in it and you lie about it. Hell, you lie about everything. You and your incessant lying. Just another way in which you blow off the teachings of Christ to indulge the hatred that resides your heart. Of course, you believe Christ forgives your transgressions but nobody else’s. Because you love Baby Jesus so damned much that you have to lie your fucking ass off every day in his name. Too late for you to get a clue, motherfucker. Your lies and the hate you spew in the name of the Christ who tried to teach you about truth and brotherly love are going to be your one-way ticket to hell.
Roger Rabbitspews:
So we agree on some things, right, Piddles? We agree that (1) county clerks who refuse to issue marriage license should either quit or be fired, (2) background checks should be required for all gun purchases, including gun shows, and (3) crooked bankers should go to prison (Vietnam executes them).
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is forever wrongspews:
For a Mormon Stupid Solution Steve you are really a libtard moron! And speaking of beatches… Puddy always thinks as one Puddy’s first as Stupid Solution Steve!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@165 “Sux to be the early onset schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!”
In some ways, yeah, but despite the drawbacks it’s still so much better than being you.
Republicans. If they’re not exploiting and sexually abusing children, including their young sisters, they’re teaching them to lie their asses off like Puddy, claim persecution, then head to gofundme to shake some more shekels loose from other wingnut rubes. Today’s GOP. Political party as pyramid scheme.
“Poor, persecuted young Mr. Pearson’s fake victimization narrative caught up with him this week when Mr. Beth finally contacted his parents to discuss the alleged experience with online bullying — and learned instead that C.J. has been hoodwinking everyone the whole time time. “(O)n several occasions you flagrantly lied as to why your parents were not able to meet via telephone to discuss the plans for your future as well as discuss the contract,” Beth’s termination letter reads. “When I spoke to your father…He also stated that he was not aware of any of the Twitter threats that you received (or frankly many of the things you have been doing).””
“You can take it out of context all you want, but high-sustained growth means that people work 40 hours rather than 30 hours and that by our success, they have money, disposable income for their families to decide how they want to spend it rather than getting in line and being dependent on government,” Bush said.
You see Stupid Solution Steve, FACTS are always missing to DUMMOCRETINS… When an economy has more full-time middle class workers, there is more American economic activity. FACT! When middle class employees work more hours, there is more output and greater economic growth. FACT!
Apparently this is lost on Stupid Solution Steve.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is forever wrongspews:
Yes keep dreaming IDIOT Wabbit!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is forever wrongspews:
So where’s your outrage over that lying black wingnut kid, Pearson? Oh, wait, I get it. You’re proud of him. He’s growing up to be just like you, a clueless wingnut who will lie about anything and everything. Probably figures like you that Baby Jesus will float down on a cloud and save him at the last minute in spite of a lifetime of spewing lies and hate, and taking wingut rubes for their last dime.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is forever wrongspews:
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is forever wrongspews:
Baby Jesus or a Full Grown Crucified and Raised from the Dead Jesus!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is forever wrongspews:
Still waiting for Stupid Solution Steve and other HA DUMMOCRETINS to display one speck of remorse for the illegal alien killing of beloved Kate Steinle!
Yet they will bring up other items so they won’t need to comment oh er senseless killing by an illegal alien held in that SCUMBAG city of San Franfreako!
@158 No one is “recklessly degrading the value of work.”
Willy Vomitspews:
@ 178
You kidding? The GOP is all about degrading the value of work. There isn’t a single one of the current crop of Candidates who have actually performed any act of physical labor in their lives. To them, labor exists to be acquired on their behalf and used at the lowest possible cost to them. They openly disparage Labor as a net cost factor to their Capital interest.
The current economic situation is that they are taking active steps to insure that it costs them nothing at all, and to make sure the Taxpayers (meaning Labor) foot the entire bill. Capital doesn’t pay taxes. Thus, the net costs of actual work performed have been almost entirely shifted to the workers themselves.
“Still waiting for…” Puddy to post a single comment in the spirit of brotherly love as taught by the Christ whose teachings he purports to follow.
Just kidding. We all know it’ll never happen. All we’ll get ever get from our resident batshit crazy loon will be the usual stream of unintelligible blatherings emanating from a corrupted soul, a man whose mind has been addled by years of indulging in hatred.
It turns out that our faux Christian who tells us how he’s nearer to God and Christ than any of us doesn’t even follow one single lesson which Jesus tried to teach him. Not one. Little wonder he never quotes the guy. It’s all a lie, and it’s not about lying to us. It’s about how he believes the lies that he tells himself.
“that SCUMBAG city of San Franfreako!”
Hate America much? Just kidding. Of course you do. You see a nation inhabited by “fascist DUMMOCRETIN scum” who require extermination, to be murdered so this country can be “taken back” by you and your treasonous Confederate flag-waving, Dixie-whistling, Bible-thumping comrades.
@179 I should have made that clear. They are, in fact, the only ones “degrading the value of work”, along with making it more difficult to get full time work, or allowing full time work to equal a livable wage.
How doyou see Chinese market meltdown effecting the us markets?
It’s a buying opportunity.
As Puddy stated last week with the American Flag… http://pjmedia.com/blog/video-.....ngton-d-c/
Libtards are a very strange bunch!
Today’s latest view… http://heyjackass.com
To a DUMMOCRETIN there is nuthin new under the sun… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MNk_Gg0zSiQ
Meanwhile DUMMOCRETINS don’t want to know the truth… http://www.breitbart.com/big-g.....n-fy-2014/
PuddyCommentary… DUMMOCRETINS don’t want the LIVs to know the truth. When the truth is known then you are called a bigot, racist, and any other FASCIST name one can think about!
Holy Gun Case Batman,
The SF illegal alien young woman killer had what? A Fed issued gun? http://apnews.myway.com/articl.....57301.html
PuddyCommentary: Everyone knows SF DUMMOCRETINS will ignore their DUMMOCRETIN Senator! SF DUMMOCRETINS hate Real Americans and love illegal aliens!
DUMMOCRETINS lie and lie and lie and then go back to their old ways…http://www.zerohedge.com/news/.....bies-banks
PuddyCommentary: Nuthin new here about Eric The Red Holder… Puddy been telling HA DUMMOCRETINS about Eric The Red for years and HA DUMMOCRETINS ignored FACT after FACT after FACT!
@ 7
You aren’t a “real” American.
You don’t have white skin. You don’t even go to a correctly “American” church.
Those are the basic ideas behind that notion you so vehemently espouse. You do not qualify.
Apparently, having a personal weapon stolen from one’s private vehicle isn’t enough to do anything in the way of a formal investigation when one is employed by the FBI. Leaving a firearm unattended in one’s personal vehicle is always, always a bad idea. Any Federal law enforcement agent should know this.
BTW she loves the DUMMOCRETIN… http://losangeles.cbslocal.com.....doughnuts/
Forgot your Klonopin this morning?
You forgot your Fukitol this month? FACTS scare you eh? It’s always drugs to a DUMMOCRETIN!
Oh my the vomit producer hates FACTS too. That’s why the vomit producer goes ad hominem! That’s all the vomit producer has left.
Oh no… It’s the vast right-wing conspiracy!!! Again!!! http://www.washingtonpost.com/.....ty-rating/
She’s the victim… http://www.thedailybeast.com/a.....rview.html
Move on nuthin new…
Another reason certain libtards hate Russell Wilson… https://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/nfl-shutdown-corner/russell-wilson-says-he-and-girlfriend-ciara-aren-t-having-sex–and-that-has-people-all-abuzz-232506231.html
I’d like Russel Wilson a whole lot better if he just came out of the closet already.
His current beard
The we’re not having sex until marriage thing probably means “we’re not having sex with each other but I have a boyfriend and she has a girlfriend and we’re doing the freaky in private with them while holding hands in pulbic.”
How do you feel about Ciara’s acceptence of the gay Piddles. You’ve been on here a lot preaching the word about the gay and sin
Uncle puddy posted “…his (President Obama) unfathomably shady, violent and unconstitutional presidency,”
This assertion needs links to proof or the whole post is fiction
@18 This from a guy who twice voted for a miserable failure of a politician who ignored terrorism warnings, then invaded a country that didn’t attack us, started two wars he couldn’t finish, engaged in unconstitutional surveillance of law-abiding Americans, tortured people (some of them innocent) and lied about it, etc. etc. etc. Puddy’s citizenship should be revoked for incompetence.
It was posted from zero hedge. All anonymous “Tyler Duredan” with an avatar of the fictional movie character. This is what constitutes a “source” in PiddleWorld. Some dude with a blog is good enough for Piddles.
He’ll come in and say they are Wall Street “Experts” who can’t post their real names for fear of losing their incredibly inside Wall St. jobs but on the internet no one knows you’re a dog.
He’s posted links from there before. Sensible people ignore those ones.
Re our relentless commenter, if you need more than one or two comments to make your point, you’re not worth reading.
@6 Puffy – What is wrong with you. You would never accept the same application as representative of you and your race. Would you?
This has been a busy day for Donald Trump news. For the latest skinny on the GOP Clown King, click on the links below.
Also this one. http://handbill.us/?p=55962
“Forgot your Klonopin this morning?”
I cut Puddy a little slack. He’s experienced some serious megatonnage-level head explosions recently over ACA and gay marriage, and then him seeing the Kenyan Muslim usurper ascend to the role of our nation’s Pastor-in Chief, leading all of us Real Americans in singing “Amazing Grace”, well, that was just too much for what was left of his little fentometer-sized brain.
I’m afraid Puddy may never recover. Just look at his comments today. Just a shell of the old Puddy we once knew and loathed. So sad.
Personally, I think it’s great that Trump jumped into the GOP race. He’s providing much-needed comic relief in an otherwise uniformly dreary field of candidates.
@25 It doesn’t matter. He can still function as a pinata. Which is all he was ever good for, anyway.
The Reich Wing Psychos are at it again:
I really want Obama to help out Greece. It just seems like a great opportunity to create goodwill and show the U.S. as the good guy again after the Republican fuck up.
Shift WA of course wants to kill any light rail expansion. It would divert precious Puget Sound tax dollars away from Republican welfare counties which is where it belongs.
@29 Greece’s missed IMF payment was $1.7 billion. The Koch brothers plan to spend $1 billion buying next year’s election. Anybody got any ideas where Uncle Sam could get $1.7 billion to help Greece?
Hey globull warming deniers! How y’all like this ICE AGE we’re in?
Muslims have raised $35,000 to rebuild the South’s burned black churches.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: How much have white Christian conservatives donated?
The Republican 2016 Latino Outreach Program is firing on all cylinders.
“All GOP presidential hopefuls decline speaking invite to America’s largest annual gathering of Latino leaders”
@31 And help stabilize world markets is a good idea before a big U.S. election, too.
@32 there is definitely something wrong with the climate – here in the northeast there hasn’t been many hot days this summer and it is already almost mid July. No heat waves yet or forecasted out for the next two weeks, only highs in the high 80’s and lows in the 70’s. Pretty unusual around here.
Hi, y’all. Didja miss me?
David Burge @iowahawkblog
Come on you haters, expecting Hillary to remember all her subpoenas is like expecting Bill to remember all his intern blow jobs.
1:13 PM – 8 Jul 2015
@37 Have you been gone?
There’s always some jerk who thinks being rich and famous means he doesn’t have to follow the rules that apply to everyone else.
Some dude with a blog is good enough for Piddles.
Just like Politicususa was good enough for many HA DUMMOCRETINS! Did Holder go back to that law firm checkmate? Did Elizabeth Warren confront Eric Holder, Ben Bernanke and Mary Jo White on Wall Street Immunity checkmate?
Yeah, about those FACTS…
FACTS sux right checkmate?
Personally Puddy is happy Mr Socialism jumped into the race. Now we see how Hillary has to track for DUMMOCRETINS to really accept her! And now those subpoenas… http://www.breitbart.com/video.....was-wiped/
Oh wait checkmate will claim this is untrue too!
Wait for it…
The HA’s Lead DUMMOCRETIN Keith O is looking for a new gig. http://www.hollywoodreporter.c.....ays-807458
Maybe he can work with Goldy?
So how those Iran nuke talks coming…? Yeah that’s the reason no HA DUMMOCRETIN has brought them up!
Seems checkmate is jealous Ciara is hanging with Russell Wilson. Looks like checkmate has a real crush on Ciara…
Hmmm…? Admit it…
I told all of you we are slaves to technology. NYSE, United, etc., etc. Now do you believe me?
Jeb! Bush! says Americans need to work longer hours. Reporters searched his several vacation homes for clarification.
@45 We never doubted it.
Donald Trump, having alienated Latinos, is now alienating journalists and the RNC.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Either this guy has no political talent whatsoever, or he’s deliberately sabotaging his campaign. I suspect the latter. Maybe he saw the polls, realized he might actually get nominated by the Stupid Party, and got scared.
Two NFL players blew fingers off on the 4th by fooling around with fireworks.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: At least they weren’t pianists or typists — you know, people who need fingers to make a living.
It took the senseless murders of 9 innocent black worshipers by a white supremacist to get rid of that damned flag, but it’s apparently a done deal. And lest there’s any lingering doubt about what it actually stands for,
“The South Carolina House gave final legislative approval to a bill removing the Confederate flag from the Capitol grounds, a stunning reversal in a state that was the first to leave the Union in 1860 and raised the flag again at its Statehouse more than 50 years ago to protest the civil rights movement.”
“Hi, y’all. Didja miss me?”
Indeed. You had me worried. I thought perhaps the black prez leading the nation in Amazing Grace at a historic black church even as the next battle front in the culture war turned toward the Stars and Bars might have been a little too much for our resident racist radiologist. Truly, it’d have been a crying shame if your head had blown up like Puddy’s, poor sap.
@51 What that flag actually means. http://handbill.us/?p=56005
George W. Bush wants to be paid to honor the veterans he sent to war.
not well.
So what’s the bottom line? Thirteen years ago your buddy the fantasy Top Gun launched the U.S. defense forces into the most costly period of overseas military intervention in our history that despite much skillful maneuvering of late, is still ongoing. While doing so he nearly permanently changed the negotiating footing of our foreign services and NATO allies into adversaries with most of the world.
The long term result is that we simply cannot confront Iran with any meaningful strength today – either militarily or diplomatically. We lack the military capacity – spread too thin, worn out, squandered in Iraq. We lack the support of strong allies – we bullied them into Iraq, kidnapped their citizens and tortured them, and tapped their phones. We are in too precarious a position globally, despite our uniquely strong economic position, to rally allies with flagging economies to pitch in. We are no longer one of the popular kids in the global high school cafeteria. Nobody wants to sit at our table. And we can’t start a food fight with an empty tray.
And we can thank you, fuck head. You voted for him. You put us in the hole. You have no plans for digging us out. And you cry like a baby because we won’t give you back the shovel.
Politico must be scared of Bernie Sanders.
Greece isn’t the only country that doesn’t pay its debts.
When some jerk won’t respect your legal rights, the solution is to hire attorneys and sue her ass.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Apparently this particular jerk’s conscience doesn’t extend so far as giving up her public office when the law requires her to act against her personal convictions.
Republicans are up to their old photoshopping tricks again.
@50 I’m still surprised it’s happening. But the fight isn’t over. Under reported is the current fight in the US House. They are holding up an appropriations bill over Federal funding for the traitor flag: http://blogs.rollcall.com/218/.....bate/?dcz=
Yes, Puddy is sure this will cure all those crime ills of Baltimore… http://news.yahoo.com/baltimor.....36884.html
PuddyCommentary: So the black mayor fires the black police chief and replaces him with a white guy? Where is rujaxmeoff on this?
Yes you can’t have either of those in Baltimore!
The US Conference of Mayors back on June 22, 2015 named their new president for the coming year. The lucky winner was Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake. Will they retract that now?
Yes he took half his normal fee unlike Wee Cigarman who charged $500,000 in change of future political favors.
Florida woman persecuted for expressing her upstanding Republican values
On July 5th, 2015, 29 year old Lisa Marie Elberson was arrested in Lake County, Florida for aggravated assault, child abuse, and simple battery after spitting on black children, chasing them with a baseball bat, calling them niggers, and saying she’ll hang their family from a tree.
Vet shows disrespect for President Bush
Former President George W. Bush charged $100,000 to speak at a charity fundraiser for U.S. military veterans severely wounded in Iraq and Afghanistan…
The former President was also provided with a private jet to travel to Houston at a cost of $20,000.
One of the wounded vets who served on the charity’s board told ABC News he was outraged that his former commander in chief would charge any fee to speak on behalf of men and women he ordered into harm’s way.
@63 Typical Republican. Why does their hypocrisy surprise anyone anymore? Let’s not make that mistake again. He should stay home and paint puppy pictures. It’s all he has the mental capacity for.
“I’m still surprised it’s happening. But the fight isn’t over.”
Apparently, not for 150 years has it been over.
It’s looking more and more as though the 2016 campaign will be noted by historians for thousands of Confederate flags being waved at the Republican convention during a hell and brimfire speech by a failed candidate going out in flames. Imagine something multiple magnitudes worse than the Pat Buchanan 1992 convention speech.
can you cite one instance when President Clinton demanded a fee from a charitable organization to speak?
@61 Several years ago, I was asked by a civic group to fly back east and give a speech about their hometown war hero, whom I served with in Vietnam. I not only didn’t charge them a fee, I also donated my travel reimbursement back to their group. Good thing they didn’t ask the Texas Air National Guard deserter to give this speech, because they couldn’t have afforded him. I didn’t cost them a penny. Some rabbits have a sense of honor, and some people don’t. This would be a better world if rabbits ran it.
Obama-haters not only are stupid and racist, they can’t read either. A CBS News story today about a White House renovation project said this:
“The updated look for the State Dining Room cost $590,000, the Associated Press reports. The sum was paid by the White House Endowment Trust, a private fund ran by the White House Historical Association to maintain the portions of the White House that are open to the public.”
And sure enough, somebody post this comment:
“18 Trillion in debt, and Michelle feels the urgent need to blow over half a million taxpayer dollars on needlessly redecorating a dining room. Pretty sickening.”
That’s not the only ignorant, uninformed, and factually challenged comment under the article — there’s lots of ’em. All by rightwingers. Including several more complaining about wasting “taxpayer money.” These people must be home schooled by parents who themselves were home schooled by grandparents who … etc. Either they can’t read, are too lazy to read, or their reading retention is less than 15 seconds, or their reading comprehension is zero. Or maybe Republicans are just people who put stupidity on a pedestal and worship it. Sure seems that way.
@68 There is nothing, nothing more ignorant than racism. Next are some religions. Not surprisingly, they vector in the south.
Trump leads GOP race in latest poll, beating Jeb Bush and Rand Paul by 4 points.
Apparently the 2016 GOP campaign strategy consists solely of attacking latinos as murdering rapists and waving Confederate flags in the faces of blacks.
Fuck You Jeb!
I think Puffy should explain to us how what he thinks about all the individuals sending Gov. Haley messages of discontent on removal of the Freedom Flag. You know, all them Demmocretin Individuals.
In addition – Puffy what is Faux News’ position on the Freedom Flag?
DAYUM Distant and Very Mindless Foreplay @66 farted…
can you cite one instance when President Clinton demanded a fee from a charitable organization to speak?
Does this useless DUMMOCRETIN ever pay attention to anything except left wrong libtard blogs?
Petra Nemcova, who lost her fiance in the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami ran her annual fund-raiser of her school-building charity, the Happy Hearts Fund last June 2014. She had to pay Clinton $500,000 JUST to attend. Puddy covered this already. Look it up in the NY Times libtard! Call on the crazed databaze deala yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch for the replay!
You see a Republican can’t even do the right thing, because the people that vote for them don’t like them to do the right thing.
Either they can’t read, are too lazy to read, or their reading retention is less than 15 seconds, or their reading comprehension is zero.
Early onset schismatic IDIOT Wabbit demonstrates this anomaly in a tread each week! How many times has the Early onset schismatic IDIOT Wabbit made a comment on one post that was intertwined from earlier posts in the same thread? Too many to enumerate!
Google Did you read the thread above IDIOT Wabbit site:horsesass.org
No wonder Puffy is in hiding. Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi.
Adriana Grande, DUMMOCRETIN lover, was caught on video licking donuts… http://time.com/3952285/ariana.....tore-lick/
Typical DUMMOCRETIN actions!
You wonder is the warming of the oceans causing more of this to happen?
Puddy hiding… NOPE you DOPE… Puddy on vacation and enjoying life as usual. Just blogging when not spending money and visiting sites of interest!
Speaking of Benghazi… http://www.cnn.com/2015/07/08/.....ena-gowdy/
Liars and the lies DUMMOCRETIN LIVs just eat up!
FACTS sux and the buttbuster can’t like that!
Now we know more… http://hotair.com/archives/201.....-feds-say/
This happened for a year and no one will get canned!
Once again – GWB gave birth and Obama gives death.
@80 Vacationing? In Uganda? Or Russia?
IN the Obummer sadministration era always go after the whistleblower… http://hotair.com/archives/201.....-firearms/
Obummer and the DUMMOCRETIN SCUM that occupy cabinet positions in the sadministration…. http://hotair.com/archives/201.....documents/
How libtards want to destroy American… Ignore laws… the libtard way of course…
PuddyCommentary: Excellent article about DUMMOCRETINS and the laws they purposely ignore all the time.
The NY Slimes just hit a new low… http://twitchy.com/2015/07/09/.....-shameful/
PuddyCommentary: What else is new? Libtards will be libtards! Now more peeps will buy Ted Cruz’s book!
@80 Vacationing? In Uganda? Or Russia?
Just two of the planned stops. Shall Puddy give Vlad your regards? He has your email address!
Or Yoweri Museveni whom acts like a DUMMOCRETIN every day by shutting up the opposition claims to know you personally!
Puddy will give your every loving regards to them really soon! Check your email!
You see when you are a DUMMOCRETIN it only matter what a DUMMOCRETIN says not what they do! http://www.tampabay.com/blogs/.....ts/2229497
PuddyCommentary: With a mouth like that no wonder why HA creeps love this guy! HE could fit right in as a left wrong HA DUMMOCRETIN thread representative!
Wrong again buttbuster… ISIS was the JV per Obummer. ISIS is an Obummer invention!
PuddyCommentary: Well… It’s East St. Louis and the police are busy eating donuts or sumtin…
Now where is rujaxmeoff on this double killing… http://www.bradenton.com/2015/......html?rh=1
MIA of course!
Kate Steinle was murdered by an illegal alien, previously deported five times hidden by San Franfreakos, a sanctuary city approved by DUMMOCRETINS. “But Kate Steinle? Nothing. No comments, no swarm of FBI agents, no DOJ investigation. Nothing. Why?” – Megyn Kelly!
See #86.
Josh Earnest ducked the issue multiple times… Of course!
Christian youth pastor in Missouri accused of sexually assaulting girl hundreds of times over a five year period, beginning when she was 12 years old.
Because that’s how Puddy and his freaky Christian buddies like Josh Duggar roll. They rape and abuse women and children while telling each other that their gay-hating Baby Jesus forgives them their sins.
Hmmm… Seems as ESPN is at it again. Someone at the hospital ignoring HIPPA laws to get the story to ESPN! http://sea.247sports.com/Bolt/.....t-38116921
“Republican Defenders of the Confederate Flag Derail a Spending Bill”
No matter how one spins it, when the headlines heading into a national election are either starting with, “Republican Defenders of the Confederate Flag”, or about how the Republican candidate now leading in the latest polls is calling Mexicans rapists, that’s a fucking problem.
John Nolte is right again… http://www.breitbart.com/big-g.....an-bakers/
Hey Stupid Solution Steve… ICE FACTS are FACTS http://www.bostonglobe.com/met.....story.html
Remember Stupid Solution Steve, this is the Boston Globe… libtard paper of record for Fauxcohantas Warren!
NC State Rep. Jenny Horne (R), if you haven’t seen it. Brought tears to my eyes.
Refreshing to see a conservative being compassionate for a change. Speaking of soulless sewers of hate, does anyone actually follow links to TownHall, Breitbart, hotair, or DailyCracker?
@65 It will take another 150 with the Kochs and Adelsons, and the next generation of privileged billionaire kids funding these far right groups. There have always been traitor flags at Republican conventions as long as I’ve been alive. That Buchanan moment was something else. That speech was right on the straight line that connects Fred Koch’s Birch Society to today’s teabagging wing of that party. I bet they ban the traitor flag this year. They won’t change their platform, and will probably let Ted Nuegent or Tom Selleck or one of the Duke boys have their moment where they all come out waving their hate flag; but I bet they keep a lid on it in prime time. I couldn’t be happier than to see this laundry being aired and addressed in the open. Pelosi’s gambit to force a vote on that flag was fabulous!
South Carolina Republican Gov. Nikki Haley deemed a treasonous immigrant by jeering, Confederate flag-waving Republican base.
A traitor, yes, to those Republicans whose loyalties are to the Confederate States of America and the Cause, and not to the United States of America and the Constitution.
“Refreshing to see a conservative being compassionate for a change.”
Cheers to her and the other SC Republicans who voted to take down that damned flag. And they did it knowing that their vote could end their political careers. And why that risk? Because the Republican base has been reduced to a bunch of vitriolic racist haters who sit on their fat asses, clutching a bag of Cheetos, their gun and Bible while watching Fox News all day long as they pine for a return to the good ol’ days of black slavery and the Confederacy.
This Federal Judge is frustrated with Obummer’s sadministration and their complete ignorance of his orders! http://www.washingtontimes.com.....rs-to-cou/
PuddyCommentary: Obummer doesn’t think laws pertain to Obummer of those appointed by Obummer. That’s why DUMMOCRETINS like Obummer’s actions. DUMMOCRETINS hate American laws too!
Hey Stupid Solution Steve… This is from Politico… no friend of Trump and a valued left wrong rag of HA DUMMOCRETINS everywhere!
PuddyCommentary: Those actions are cheered by looonatics like Stupid Solution Steve and other HA DUMMOCRETINS… Seattle being a sanctuary city! Let them go and they go back to their fun ways!
The paragraph about Obummer deporting more than any other president is a bald face lie and is perfectly explained in the article. FACTS don’t matter to HA DUMMOCRETIN… evah!
Obummer must really want that Iran nuke deal… http://www.washingtontimes.com.....cating-ef/
So much for walking away. We look soooo stupid to other nations now!
Wow who knew all DEM cities were there… http://www.washingtontimes.com.....re-unsafe/
PuddyCommentary: It’s all about the mighty vote in November that DUMMOCRETINS crave. Kate Steinle was just another casualty in the DUMMOCRETIN quest for power. Who knows, she may have always voted DUMMOCRETIN too butt that doesn’t matter. The ends always justifies the means to DUMMOCRETINS!
“Those actions are cheered…”
Please feel free to encourage your party leaders to continue to tar Latinos as rapists and murderers even as you insult all patriotic Americans with your obscene loyalty to the treasonous Confederacy.
Tomorrow, as Puddy and other treasonous secessionists weep, the Stars and Bars finally comes down in South Carolina. Once again, a good day for America is a bad day for the Republican party.
Blaming immigrants for crime is just a cover up to the epidemic of crime committed by naturalized American college kid rapists, parents that kill their own children, husbands and wives that kill their spouse and families, brainless gun touting parents that allow their children to kill family and friends or themselves, complete strangers killing their neighbors, etc., etc., etc.
True leadership is to fix the bigger problem that this country faces than to pretend there aren’t bigger problems.
And the hypocrite employes the very people he is calling rapist and criminals. Biggest fucking clown, being supported by the stupidest fucking clowns.
Notice Stupid Solution Steve, the buttbuster or even the rest of the HA DUMMOCRETIN crowd still haven’t claimed Kate Steinle’s death by illegal alien was tragic. So why is that? Where is any HA DUMMOCRETIN voice on this?
Must mean the end justifies the means!
Blaming immigrants for crime is Obummer’s FBI statistics buttbuster @108!
And the hypocrite employes the very people he is calling rapist and criminals.
– Once again the buttbuster screws himself. Go back and review what Trump said. The operative word is “SOME”! Grassley rightly displays the recidivism rate of Obummer’s released illegal aliens. Go back and read #103 from Politico, a well known used left wrong rag!
The only person that has screwed himself is Donald Duck and you, as evidenced by having virtue of adimently defending yourself.
You want to talk crime statistics? How about doing research on American naturalized citizens crime?. How about crimes committed by race?
What is there to acknowledge about the crime committed in San Francisco? Other than it did happen and is this particular instance by an illegal immigrant. Are you saying that that is scientific proof that all illegals are rapists and murderers.
Every day I wake up in NYC I can see someone littering the street, and 7 time out of 10 it is a black person. Why is your race, Puffy, have so many polluters?
Drunken Wisconsin Republican pass a budget…
“Though Wisconsinites successfully pressured lawmakers to take out provisions that would have levied a special tax on bicycles, gutted the state’s government transparency laws and reduce a planned $300 million cut to universities to $250 million, a host of controversial provisions — several of them slipped in at the last minute — made it into the final draft.”
“The 11th-hour additions include a repeal of wage protections for construction workers on local government projects, the elimination of workers’ right to one day off per week, loosened regulations over payday lenders, and a provision to expedite approval for a tar sands pipeline that would bisect the state. Another change made over the Fourth of July weekend eliminates the state’s long-standing living wage law and replaces all references to a “living wage” with “minimum wage.”
Yet more dismantling of public education, worker’s rights and pay, and generous giveaways to their corporate masters, which apparently include payday lenders who prey on Wisconsin’s working class.
Wingnuts whine their asses off because Ted Cruz can’t buy himself a spot on the NYT Best-Seller list with bulk book sales.
Goldy @GoldyHA
When I’m unsure of who to vote for, I turn to @SeaTimesOpinion, and do the opposite.
This works really well for investment decisions and what Roger Rabbit spews., too.
@ 110 The Schitzo
Actually, the vast majority of violent crimes such as rape, murder, armed robbery and random felonious assaults are committed by the inner-city Black population.
So I suppose you’re going to propose some sort of ultimate solution to that problem? Or maybe, just support someone who will.
” The operative word is “SOME”!”
Highly reminiscent of something President Bill Clinton might have said in a deposition. Having debated the meaning of the word “is”, shall we debate the meaning of the word “some”?
Or can we agree that President Clinton had an affair with a staffer, and Donald Trump is a racist asshole who leads in the GOP polls?
Raping a little girl for six years, starting when she was a two-year-old is perfectly acceptable behavior when one is a god-fearing evilangelical Christian family man. But, when she grows up and kills your rapist ass, thats a life sentence for her.
So, we know where Christians stand on child rape. The Duggar family situation is proof of that.
But it’s the QUEERS and da Mezzicanz!! Them dirty heathen faggots are the ones we need to feer! They’ze gonna rapes you babbies and make everyone learn needle points and knittinz and shit.
Imma tellin’ ya.
I know a woman who did exactly this. Her mother’s boyfriend started raping her when she was about 6 years old. When she tried to tell her mother about it, her mother called her a liar, but the man was convicted and was sentenced to 11 years. Her mother threw her out of the house when she was 13 because she fucked the man over. The man actually did 4 years in Monroe.
When he got out, he tracked her down, and contacted her repeatedly, telling her how much he loved her, and begging her to “get back together” with him. After several weeks of daily phone calls, she agreed to meet him. She showed up at his house with a .357 magnum and put a bullet right through his left eye from a distance of about 3 feet. She was convicted of manslaughter, and did 7 years of a 15 year sentence at Purdy.
She’s one of the coolest, smartest people I know. But she did more time than her rapist.
“…Politico, a well known used left wrong rag!”
Um, you did know that you were quoting Rich Lowry, right?
And not that it matters to you, but once again Mr. Lowry has many of his “facts” plain wrong, and doesn’t miss an opportunity to distort the few he gets right. I’ll give you an example for starters:
the stats on immigrant “crime” that he relies on from Jessica Vaughan include the crime of illegal immigration. Get it? According to Ms. Vaughan’s statistics a high percentage of deportable aliens who are identified and released by sanctuary jurisdictions are later arrested and charged with illegal immigration. Wowsers.
But hey, I don’t want to discourage you. You just keep on doing what you’re doing and slathering it with the Republican brand. Do that, and you’ll have my eternal thanks.
@ 118
It’s called “fucking that Chicken”.
But the Schitzo has never concerned himself with bylines or authors of articles. He just points at the article itself, and the place it was published as “proof” of his point, no matter how spurious or tenuous it may be. His constant links to actively white supremacist neonazi websites demonstrate that pretty clearly.
He’s not exactly the sharpest hook in the tacklebox.
I’m not so sure that a concerted effort to honestly re-brand the GOP as a backwater of racist, xenophobic dead-enders is what I would call fucking the chicken. I can’t figure out why people like piddles are doing it. But I’m absolutely delighted that they are. And I consider it a public service of the highest order.
After all the incessant wingnut whining about how the bigoted Oregon bakers were being persecuted for being Christians we’ve had to put up with, we learn this.
“Oregon bakers weren’t fined over cake — they were punished for sharing lesbian couple’s home address”
“the bakery owners shared the couple’s personal contact information – which led to death threats that nearly caused them to lose custody of their foster children.”
I’m getting damned sick and tired of asswipes who refuse to even acknowledge the teachings of Christ, let alone follow them, and yet endlessly broadcast their ever-increasing hatred for good and decent people in his name.
@ 120
You’re missing the point. Anything the Schitzo hates is automatically “Democrat-caused” even when it’s Republicans doing it. He’s an individual who will tell you that Breitbart, Stormfront and such are Liberal websites.
His actual logic structure goes like this: “Unions are supporters of the Democratic party, therefore anyone with a Union is a Democrat. So when a cop blows a guy away, he must be a Democrat because he’s represented by a Union. Therefore, the Democrats are murderers of Black People.”
You can’t counter a thought pattern like that with any argument that they would understand. Such folks just do not have the cognitive functionality to deal with the information.
WASHINGTON (AP) — The head of the U.S. government’s personnel office resigned abruptly on Friday, bowing to bipartisan calls for her to step down following a massive government data breach on her watch.
Probably no truth to the rumor that her permanent replacement will be Edward Snowden.
oh boob is so enlightening. He fits right in with the clown party.
@ 123 SnideShow Bob:
Why not? He’s certainly qualified, and he really couldn’t do any worse.
In Clown Car News, Teddy the Cruiser is complaining that The Stand for Principle PAC (PDF warning) bulk purchases of his book aren’t being properly reflected in the New York Times bestseller list.
The trouble with Conservatives is that they’re really just terribly stupid. I think, down on some deep subconscious level they know that. But it doesn’t reflect much on their thinking except to create the illusion for them that everyone else is just as stupid as they are. The self-fulfilling aspect of that is, is that they tend to surround themselves with toadies and lickspittle types who are going to bend over in any way they can to maintain their association with a celebrity.
Dumber’n a sack of horseshoes.
You want to talk crime statistics? How about doing research on American naturalized citizens crime?
– And that has what bearing on illegal alien crime buttbuster?
Stupid Solution Steve @113
Review the truth @87. Thanks for using TPM as your source. It allows Puddy to use it more when they actually tell the truth once a year or so against DUMMOCRETINS!
Actually, the vast majority of violent crimes such as rape, murder, armed robbery and random felonious assaults are committed by the inner-city Black population.
Thanks for playing vomit producer… You just Proved Puddy Perfectly Prescient again!
This is what DUMMOCRETINS do. They need to change the topic. Another DUMMOCRETIN train wreck! It’s not about what native American do. It is what some illegal immigrant alien population do when they arrive illegally to American soil.
Why is that so hard to comprehend vomit producer?
Trump, as usual, is full of it.
The real reason why a lesbian couple were awarded $135,000 of damages against a pair of Oregon bakers isn’t what you think. The bakers did a lot more than refuse to sell them a wedding cake.
Yes vomit producer, the Louisiana DUMMOCRETIN judge let the perp off with 17 days as time served. Maybe you should visit the politics of the judge before posting your vile bile for all to view! You are just like the yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch. Run with a story without figgering out their politics first!
According to Ms. Vaughan’s statistics a high percentage of deportable aliens who are identified and released by sanctuary jurisdictions are later arrested and charged with illegal immigration.
Isn’t that still a crime Lib NonScientist? U.S.C. § 1325 : US Code – Section 1325: Improper entry by alien. Seems that doesn’t matter to DUMMOCRETINS!
His constant links to actively white supremacist neonazi websites demonstrate that pretty clearly.
Got proof vomit producer? Or as Puddy correctly pointed out and PROVED your posts about ni@@ers are almost verbatim from StormFront and other blogs!
Previously PROVEN almost to the letter and stored in the crazed databaze of the yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch!
“Unions are supporters of the Democratic party, therefore anyone with a Union is a Democrat. So when a cop blows a guy away, he must be a Democrat because he’s represented by a Union. Therefore, the Democrats are murderers of Black People.”
Wrong agin vomit producer… Puddy looks at the politics of the county or city the shooting occurred. THen Puddy delivers a link proving the PuddyHypothesis! Somehow you never do provide useful links to your vile bile vomit, vomit producer!
Yeah about those Oregon bakers… When the one person decided to pursue the law-suit, their address was required. So Aaron posted the lawsuit on Facebook for all to see.
You have to post the whole proposed lawsuit and that’s how the names of the Duggar children were figgered out when their ages were included by that left wrong e-rag illegally posting the under-aged Dgggar girls on their post. That’s A-OK for DUMMOCRETINS to post the under-aged Dgggar girls but is naughty naughty when conservatives do the same thing with adult wimens eh early onset schismatic IDIOT Wabbit?
Yeah thought so!
here’s what you really need to know:
the couple who owned the bakery received notice of the complaint soon after they refused the contract in 2013. They sought the representation of a Canby, OR atty Anna Harmon of Tyler Smith & Assoc. Ms Harmon graduated from Pat Robertsons diploma factory in 2012. So under the advise of a lawyer with scarcely a year of professional experience and a dubious educational pedigree, perhaps it shouldn’t surprise us that the bakery owners didn’t get the memo about declining to comment in general, and in particular declining to lash out at the complainant while the case is under consideration.
Instead they gleefully offered themselves up to be pimped out by the Heritage Foundation as the latest victim of the war on the imaginary sky buddy. In one media opportunity after another over the past year the couple spoke openly about the specifics of the case, made various statements with regard to complainants, offered speculation about the motivation of the complainants, gave statements that conflicted with their own sworn testimony in the investigation of the complaint, and publicly identified the complainants.
Bad lawyering aside, I think these people were used, and ultimately victimized by the Heritage Foundation. It’s ironic, really. You ought to be able to rely on your attorney to zealously represent you and your interests exclusively. Odds are, had this couple sought out an experienced attorney with no specific religious ideological bent, they would have fared much better. But I suppose they feel okay about it. Having “taken one for the team”.
um, yup. Illegal immigration is a crime.
But when Lowry is claiming that the statistics support his view, and the GOP’s view, that deportable aliens being released into our communities by sanctuary jurisdictions constitute a criminal threat to our communities, it becomes entirely irrelevant.
Sorry to make you read long words in complex sentences, but life doesn’t always fit on a bumper sticker. And the actual statistics that Ms. Vaughn reports and that Lowry and his ilk rely upon do not portray the sanctuary programs in the way they would like. People who have been involved in a criminal or civil investigation in a sanctuary jurisdiction and who have been identified as lacking documentation authorizing their presence in the U.S., while they may be “deportable”, are not yet guilty of a crime as such. They are still entitled to due process. But it stands to reason that a disproportionate percentage of them would subsequently be arrested and convicted of federal crime, that being illegal immigration. 91.6% disproportionate as a matter of fact. That means that less than 9% of the criminal cases brought against illegal aliens were for crimes other than illegal immigration. So 37% of all federal cases are brought against illegal aliens. And 91.6% of those are for illegal immigration. So according to Ms. Vaughn’s own statistics a little over 3% of illegal aliens commit crimes other than illegal immigration. Some of those are rape. Some are murder. But the vast majority are for drug possession, usually pot. About 74%.
So the fright mask consists of poor, economically displaced low skilled workers with no fixed address living in the U.S. as a semi-permanent underclass who occasionally smoke pot.
Go get ’em tiger!
Not to put too fine a point on it, but if dumb is spelled dumb, shouldn’t the castigation be DUMBOCRETIN? Any other way of spelling this imaginary word is, well, dumm.
DUMMOCRETIN rolls off the tongue much easier! Besides, it’s Puddy’s creation! If you wanna use DUMBOCRETIN go ahead headless lucy!
“Review the truth @87.”
You, a stupid, whining wingnut links to yet another stupid wingnut whining about how the NYT won’t allow other whining wingnuts who can’t sell the books which are ghostwritten for them by stupid, whining wingnut ghostwriters to buy their way onto their best-seller list with bulk sale books that end up being trucked to recycling centers by Goodwill only further confirms the “truth” that you fuckers are nothing but a goddamned bunch of stupid, whiny wingnut bitches.
All this screaming over illegal alien crime and still not one remorse entry over the death of Kate Steinle.
Downright AMAZING!
“DUMMOCRETIN rolls off the tongue”
So does “goatfucker”, bitch.
Stupid Solution Steve,
The NY Slimes allows DUMMOCRETIN ghostwritten books. This is why Puddy can easily lob the Stooooooopid on you Stupid Solution Steve https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Living_History
2003 http://www.hawes.com/no1_nf_d.htm
DAYUM U B weally weally stooooooooooopid Stupid Solution Steve! Keep pissing into the wind! Puddy laughs real hard…
Stupid Solution Steve is a goatfucking bitch?
Thanks for playing!
“Having “taken one for the team”.”
The goal is to profit from wingnut rubes, even if you’re just a wingnut rube. I reckon Republican Rich de Voss of Amway dreamed this up. Anyway, not missing a beat, the bakers very quickly raised over $100K before gofundme.com shut them down. Then they went to another site to raise money, while still fighting gofundme. Their twitter whine,
“The gofundme account that was set up to help our family was shut down by the administrators of gofundme because they claimed it was raising money for an illegal purpose. We have told gofundme that the money is simply going to be used to help our family, and there is no legitimate breach of their terms and conditions. We are working to get the account reinstated.
However, in the mean time, if you would like to donate, you can do so here: http://www.samaritanspurse.org.....ces-135… OR you can donate to 3818 se 174th Ave Portland OR 97236 lynch wood church of God (Klein support fund)
For all of you who gave to the gofundme account before it was shut down, we so appreciate your love and generosity. Gofundme has told us that we will still receive those funds.”
The link there goes to what looks like a wingnut site set up to pocket money from rubes and the bakers’ page is still up. Of course, they don’t disclose how much money has been raised.
I’d bet that, for the last couple of years, maybe longer, that most or even all of these are schemes hatched by wingnut rubes to take money from other wingnut rubes. The right issue to walks through the door, a lightbulb goes on in their heads, they pounce, discriminate, take it to an eager media, then off they go to gofundme, hoping to strike it rich.
It seems you have issues with US Laws Lib Unscientist! THey are illegal aliens per US Law hence they are illegal and law breakers! No matter how many words you write… That’s the truth!
FACTS are hated by DUMMOCRETINS every day in every way!
Didn’t checkmate in the other thread scream about Clinton not accepting payment from a charity like Bush did? And when Puddy showed it was 5 times what Bush took, where did checkmate go?
M I A!
Psycho-Laugh. Puddy must be at Klynical’s farm, fucking goats in the barn again.
Anyways, your pathetic whine @143 left out the part about how Clinton doesn’t need bulk book sales, unlike your fellow self-loathing wingnut, Sen. Ted Cruz, who apparently hates Latinos as much as you, a black man, hates blacks. You and Cruz, two psychopath peas in a pod.
Are these rujaxmeoff friends? http://www.clickondetroit.com/.....J.facebook
That’s how they roll in DUMMOCRETIN led DEEEEETROIT!
Trainwreck @148 by Stupid Solution Steve.
Notice how Stupid Solution Steve changes the argument from #87?
That’s how Stupid Solution Steve rolls when FACTS kick his sorry ASS!!
FBI admits it failed the Dylann Roof background check! http://www.cnn.com/2015/07/10/.....-carolina/
More malfeasance on Obummer’s watch! This along with 21.4 million people having their information stolen by the Chinese!
Waytogo libtard Obummer gang!
Comey said the FBI made the error due to a breakdown in the background check system and confusion with paperwork between the FBI, local police departments and county jurisdictions.
GWB: “You work three jobs? Uniquely American, isn’t it? I mean, that is fantastic that you’re doing that.”
Jeb!: “It means that people need to work longer hours and, through their productivity, gain more income for their families.”
Who knew… Iran still cheating… http://www.weeklystandard.com/.....88067.html
Yet Obummer NEEDS this agreement because Obummer’s feckless policies are laughable!
“All this screaming over illegal alien crime and still not one remorse entry over the death of Kate Steinle.
Downright AMAZING!”
If you’re amazed by that, then consider that you’ve seen the stories and links to 200 Republicans heroes of yours busted for duggaring kids and fucking farm animals, the latest being Duggar and Hastert, and not once, not one single time have you ever posted a “remorse entry”. Using your own measure of how you judge others on yourself, it’s damned easy to see where you’re coming from, and it’s truly fucking disgusting in its deviancy.
Judge not, lest you be judged. Not our Puddy. Never one to follow the teachings of Christ, and always the first to judge and condemn others for not doing so. Puddy, he of harsh judgement who tells us how a vengeful, hate-filled Jesus will float down on a cloud to save only him, and that all others here will burn in Hell.
Sorry, buddy, but it’s way past time for you to take that broad brush of condemnation of yours and use it to paint “Batshit Insane Pedophile Goatfucker” all over your goddamned face. I suggest you print it backwards so you can read it when you look in the mirror. It’ll at least serve to remind you that you’re my bitch.
“Steve changes the argument from #87”
Sorry, but all I found @87 was yet another batshit insane wingnut rant.
“they are illegal and law breakers”
So much hate for illegal immigrants, and such a disconnect from your actions which inform them, us and the world that you view illegals as cheap labor to exploit and a means to stick it to the American worker who you hate so damned much for merely hoping to earn a living wage again someday.
What a way to spend your vacation – barking about illegal immigrants. You are obsessed with you stupidity. There must be nothing to do in Uganda. There’s got to be a church there that you can go pray in – you know the end of the world is near.
LucasFoxx fell for it. Bush was saying people need to work more than the 30 hours part time under Obummer’s economy! Even the DUMMOCRETIN web sites recognized what Bush was saying!
Funny how the moron obsessed with “illegals” sneaking into our country to perform backbreaking farm labor for $3 an hour never has anything to say about crooked bankers who steal billions and spend it on hookers and drugs.
@151 I thought you guys were against background checks. Especially at gun shows.
@146 “@137, It seems you have issues with US Laws Lib Unscientist!”
As a lawyer and retired judge, I’m a big fan of people obeying the law. For example, if a court orders you to do something, you should do it without being forced. When the Supreme Court decides something, that’s it, it’s the law of the land. The governor of Kentucky got it right when he told a county clerk who’s refusing to issue marriage licenses to either do his job or resign. What do you think of that, Piddles?
What a way to spend your vacation – barking about illegal immigrants.
Next stop tomorrow so resting buttbuster. If Puddy remembers correctly you claimed to be on vacation too!
Early onset schismatic IDIOT Wabbit… Since the person works for caesar they are bound to caesar!
That’s what Puddy thinks!
@151 I thought you guys were against background checks. Especially at gun shows.
Not Puddy!
Espscially for these type of killers. What will Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson say about him? Nuthin of course! http://www.nbcnewyork.com/news.....11551.html
never has anything to say about crooked bankers who steal billions and spend it on hookers and drugs.
And you know this how early onset schismatic IDIOT Wabbit? Have you axd for a replay of Puddy’s Previous Perfect Predilections from the crazed databaze of the monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot cretin arschloch?
Sux to be the early onset schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
“LucasFoxx fell for it.”
No, Bush put his foot in it and you lie about it. Hell, you lie about everything. You and your incessant lying. Just another way in which you blow off the teachings of Christ to indulge the hatred that resides your heart. Of course, you believe Christ forgives your transgressions but nobody else’s. Because you love Baby Jesus so damned much that you have to lie your fucking ass off every day in his name. Too late for you to get a clue, motherfucker. Your lies and the hate you spew in the name of the Christ who tried to teach you about truth and brotherly love are going to be your one-way ticket to hell.
So we agree on some things, right, Piddles? We agree that (1) county clerks who refuse to issue marriage license should either quit or be fired, (2) background checks should be required for all gun purchases, including gun shows, and (3) crooked bankers should go to prison (Vietnam executes them).
For a Mormon Stupid Solution Steve you are really a libtard moron! And speaking of beatches… Puddy always thinks as one Puddy’s first as Stupid Solution Steve!
@165 “Sux to be the early onset schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!”
In some ways, yeah, but despite the drawbacks it’s still so much better than being you.
Republicans. If they’re not exploiting and sexually abusing children, including their young sisters, they’re teaching them to lie their asses off like Puddy, claim persecution, then head to gofundme to shake some more shekels loose from other wingnut rubes. Today’s GOP. Political party as pyramid scheme.
“Poor, persecuted young Mr. Pearson’s fake victimization narrative caught up with him this week when Mr. Beth finally contacted his parents to discuss the alleged experience with online bullying — and learned instead that C.J. has been hoodwinking everyone the whole time time. “(O)n several occasions you flagrantly lied as to why your parents were not able to meet via telephone to discuss the plans for your future as well as discuss the contract,” Beth’s termination letter reads. “When I spoke to your father…He also stated that he was not aware of any of the Twitter threats that you received (or frankly many of the things you have been doing).””
For Puddy’s beatch Stupid Solution Steve… http://www.washingtonpost.com/.....time-work/
You see Stupid Solution Steve, FACTS are always missing to DUMMOCRETINS… When an economy has more full-time middle class workers, there is more American economic activity. FACT! When middle class employees work more hours, there is more output and greater economic growth. FACT!
Apparently this is lost on Stupid Solution Steve.
Yes keep dreaming IDIOT Wabbit!
So we agree on some things, right, Piddles?
So you agree early onset Schismatic IDIOT Wabbit this guy is a bad personhttp://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/Elizabeth-New-Jersey-NJ-Shootings-Murders-Pennsylvania-Arrest-Serial-Spree-Killings-312911551.html
So where’s your outrage over that lying black wingnut kid, Pearson? Oh, wait, I get it. You’re proud of him. He’s growing up to be just like you, a clueless wingnut who will lie about anything and everything. Probably figures like you that Baby Jesus will float down on a cloud and save him at the last minute in spite of a lifetime of spewing lies and hate, and taking wingut rubes for their last dime.
Oh look, people HA DUMMOCRETINS could really love… http://popularmilitary.com/ant.....challenge/
Will this make the Friday Night Comix?
Baby Jesus or a Full Grown Crucified and Raised from the Dead Jesus!
Still waiting for Stupid Solution Steve and other HA DUMMOCRETINS to display one speck of remorse for the illegal alien killing of beloved Kate Steinle!
Yet they will bring up other items so they won’t need to comment oh er senseless killing by an illegal alien held in that SCUMBAG city of San Franfreako!
@158 No one is “recklessly degrading the value of work.”
@ 178
You kidding? The GOP is all about degrading the value of work. There isn’t a single one of the current crop of Candidates who have actually performed any act of physical labor in their lives. To them, labor exists to be acquired on their behalf and used at the lowest possible cost to them. They openly disparage Labor as a net cost factor to their Capital interest.
The current economic situation is that they are taking active steps to insure that it costs them nothing at all, and to make sure the Taxpayers (meaning Labor) foot the entire bill. Capital doesn’t pay taxes. Thus, the net costs of actual work performed have been almost entirely shifted to the workers themselves.
“Still waiting for…” Puddy to post a single comment in the spirit of brotherly love as taught by the Christ whose teachings he purports to follow.
Just kidding. We all know it’ll never happen. All we’ll get ever get from our resident batshit crazy loon will be the usual stream of unintelligible blatherings emanating from a corrupted soul, a man whose mind has been addled by years of indulging in hatred.
It turns out that our faux Christian who tells us how he’s nearer to God and Christ than any of us doesn’t even follow one single lesson which Jesus tried to teach him. Not one. Little wonder he never quotes the guy. It’s all a lie, and it’s not about lying to us. It’s about how he believes the lies that he tells himself.
“that SCUMBAG city of San Franfreako!”
Hate America much? Just kidding. Of course you do. You see a nation inhabited by “fascist DUMMOCRETIN scum” who require extermination, to be murdered so this country can be “taken back” by you and your treasonous Confederate flag-waving, Dixie-whistling, Bible-thumping comrades.
@179 I should have made that clear. They are, in fact, the only ones “degrading the value of work”, along with making it more difficult to get full time work, or allowing full time work to equal a livable wage.