Did it snow where you are? None for me in the urban core. Do you need shelter? Late last year, Seattle wrote about their emergency plans during COVID-19.
I was able to show the officer my University ID saying that I was a university student just trying to clear my mind by taking a late night stroll but they wouldn’t believe me. After multiple questions, they turned off their lights and left me alone: no apology, no explanation, nothing. Just me: mentally and emotionally tormented with an experience that will last a lifetime.
The truth was that the encounter lasted less than a minute and at the end of it this poor, tormented soul was so afraid of the police that he asked them for a ride home.
Good on the police for releasing the audio and video right away.
Germany has as many as 860,000 homeless in a population of around 83 million, or slightly more than 1%. Contrast that with the US homeless population of around 0.17% of our population.
It’s interesting that it is easy to find Germany homelessness figures broken down into refugee and non-refugee categories. If the refugees are excluded, homeless population in Germany falls by more than 50%.
Hunter Biden's crack pipespews:
Obama stuck our refugee population into cages. Germany sticks them into pods with solar panels.
Fahrvergnügen for immigrants.
Hunter Biden's crack pipespews:
Those pods made in Germany are really, really airtight and secure.
Several studies have demonstrated conclusively that the average user of the Robinhood app is a more intelligent investor than Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Hunter Biden's crack pipespews:
Which does Goldy think is worse?
1. Philadelphia Eagles won only 4 games this season.
2. A Trump supporter won the Super Bowl and was named the Super Bowl MVP for the fifth time.
Hunter Biden's crack pipespews:
Biden just issued an Executive Order mandating that from now on, 2+2 = 5. Pelosi and Schumer issued a statement that the next CBO director will have to pass this litmus test prior to appoinment.
Emerson has some bad polling news for HA’s resident Nazi son, Steve.
Biden’s approval is only 49%.
And a bare majority, only 54%, thinks the $15 minimum wage is a good idea.
Finally, poll respondents reject the idea of a Trump impeachment trial, 49-51.
For those who question the validity of the results, you have good reason:
Data was collected using an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system of landlines and an online panel.
Steve’s still scouring the poll for mention of Trump and Putin in the same sentence. That is, when he’s not busy packing up the family heirlooms.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@1 “A member of the University of Minnesota student government, apparently a minority, took to social media early last week to blast campus police for racially profiling him during a late-night stroll.”
Apparently you don’t have a fucking clue what goes through a minority person’s mind when accosted by police.
Nor do you have a fucking clue how lucky you are to have been born white and not fear for your life when accosted by police.
Nor do you have a fucking clue how trigger-happy some cops are when they see a minority person holding a cellphone, despite an unending stream of news reports of cops gunning down minority people on the flimsiest of pretenses or none at all.
You’e sooo lucky you don’t put your life in danger from anything except Covid-19 and your fellow Republicans by walking to a corner store for a few groceries.
Ignorance is bliss, but blissful ignorance doesn’t lead to enlightened thinking.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@2 “If the refugees are excluded, homeless population in Germany falls by more than 50%.”
Should I give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you’re posting this merely as an interesting statistic, and not read into it an implied argument that Germany should load refugees on boats, buses, planes, and other conveyances (inclding donkey carts, if necessary) and ship them back to the famine-stricken and/or war-torn countries they came from, to be killed by whatever they were fleeing from?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@3 “Obama stuck our refugee population into cages.”
News to me. I was under the impression most of them live in apartments and houses, and some even serve in Congress.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@5 None of them fuck horses, so it goes without saying they’re all smarter than you.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@8 Nothing triggers doc like suggesting raising the wages of someone making $7.65 an hour. As a Robinhood day trader dabbling in zombie stocks, he sees everything as zero-sum.
Hunter Biden's crack pipespews:
@ 9
Ignorance is bliss, but blissful ignorance doesn’t lead to enlightened thinking.
Enlightened thinking doesn’t come from lying, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
That POS lied his ass off. The police thought he was white when they stopped him. They stopped him not because of his minority status, which they did not know at the time, but because his clothing matched a description of a robbery suspect.
Pull your head out of your ass once in awhile. Nothing happened, police were nothing but polite, and the POS chose to lie about it on social media. And got caught.
You’re a fucking clown, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@14 Yeah, I’m sure the police said, “Don’t worry, we think you’re white.” Nor is there any possibility a brown person might be scared shitless if cop cars pull up beside him, blue lights flashing, and cops get out with hands on guns. Because no minority person ever got killed by cops while walking home.
Did I find fault with these cops? No. Did I say they did anything untoward? No. All I said was you don’t have a fucking clue what goes through a minority person’s mind when accosted by cops.
You just proved me right.
I thought @1 thru @7 were pretty damned stupid, but then we get to @8.
Biden’s approval is only 49%.
Putin’s raging orange man-baby’s final RCP average?
All I said was you don’t have a fucking clue what goes through a minority person’s mind when accosted by cops.
Apparently, it’s “Gee, I asked them to give me a ride and they politely declined. It is therefore my duty to rush home, lie my ass off about the encounter, and demand that the police be defunded.
Because they were too busy searching for a robbery suspect to be my own free Uber service.”
He lied. He’s a POS, regardless of the color of his skin. I hope his name gets out and he’s shamed on social media to the point that his future job prospects become no better than Deathfrogg’s.
Hunter Biden's crack pipespews:
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit declined his opportunity to be vaccinated against the Wuhan.
He’s holding out for a rectal suppository version of the vaccine. That way he can watch it while it’s being administered.
Hunter Biden's crack pipespews:
@ 16
…final RCP average?
It’s not his final average. His popularity will be polled at least until he dies. Just like that of GWB43 and even Clinton.
Bush’s rose, Nixon’s rose, and I think even Carter’s rose, in the years following their respective departures from the White House.
He’ll always be polled, Steve. And you’ll always be the product of your mother’s unprotected, fully consensual sexual encounters with a platoon of Nazis.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@17 Maybe he isn’t lying. Maybe he calmed down when the cops treated him like a human being. Maybe that’s all it takes for people of color to stop being scared to death of cops.
Now, what will it take to get you to stop calling people of color “lying piece[s] of shit” for being afraid of cops?
I have a feeling that’s a tougher nut to crack.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@18 “Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit declined his opportunity to be vaccinated against the Wuhan.”
Not true. I made the earliest appointment I could get, and I’ll get vaccinated as soon as I can.
You’re a lying POS.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The last 2020 House race has been certified. The Democrat conceded. No one claims the election was “stolen.” There were no riots. No one plotted a coup.
Democrats and Republicans aren’t the same. It’s not six of one or half a dozen of the other. There’s a qualitative difference.
Many things scared the greedy racist incel this morning. Brown people. That people he thinks are inferior are getting better things. Paying people living wages. That Rabbit has more money than he does. That liberals are better than he is. So he lashed out and tried to make himself feel better. It’s sad to read.
Hunter Biden's crack pipespews:
@ 22
Democrats and Republicans aren’t the same. It’s not six of one or half a dozen of the other. There’s a qualitative difference.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit is clueless about the Iowa House race that the loser Democrat candidate is trying to get overturned by the House of Representatives.
The loser decided not to go through the state’s appeal process. She ran to Auntie Nancy instead.
It’s true that this is a legal path and that there are legitimate reasons to question the fairness of aspects of Iowa’s recount process. But even if Hart prevails, a decision that’s ultimately made by a Democratic-controlled House will forever taint her service in Congress. And the move could well backfire on her party, providing Iowa Republicans a potent rallying cry of Democratic chicanery for years in races up and down the ballot.
For now, it provides me a means of calling bullshit on Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. We’re three months out from the race and the Democrat loser’s still fighting the result.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I’m thinking maybe Pelosi should reconstitute the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) to combat a recent upsurge in sedition and subversion: “Are you now, or have you ever been, a member of the Republican Party?”
Hunter Biden's crack pipespews:
Pretty bad when your old boss’ ethics chief is pointing out that The Biden Crime Family is picking up right where Trump left off. It’s so bad that he had to yank his tweet before too many Democrats realized how corrupt Joe Biden’s administration has already become.
Former President Barack Obama’s ethics chief, Walter Shaub, ripped President Biden for publicly commenting on son Hunter’s forthcoming memoir, likening it to a “book promotion tour.”
“It is not acceptable for the President of the United States to be part of the book promotion tour. No,” tweeted Shaub, a U.S. Office of Government Ethics former director under Obama. The tweet that was issued Sunday afternoon was deleted but not before the Washington Examiner viewed its contents.
Now HA libbies get to view them, too.
By the time this is over, Slick Willie will look pretty good by comparison.
@24 your quote sez it’s not technically illegal to do that. Moscow Mitch has shown us that anything that is not technically illegal is perfectly fine to do. You were fine when republicans did it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@24 And guess what?
“Speaker of the United States House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) provisionally seated Miller-Meeks on January 3, 2021, at the opening of the 117th Congress, pending the House’s adjudication of Hart’s petition.”
I see that one of YLB’s kids is an out-of-state student.
Heh. Last I looked (minutes) my youngest is zoom-learning here at the homestead from the JC walking distance away, prepping for professional school exams.
My oldest is on his own, living the apartment life in Seattle.
Dimfuk couldn’t even bring itself to blame the insurrection on antifa disguised as “patriots”. Heh. Teh babblin’ butthole would do that in a ny second.
Heh. If only that babblin butthole freak wasn’t shivering in its own kult safe space.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@26 That’s almost as corrupt as Trump putting up foreign dignitaries in his D.C. hotel, flying U.S. service members to his flailing Scottish resort, and gouging the Secret Service for overnight rooms at Mar-a-Lago.
Some election disputes are more legitimate than others.
Greed conservatives are freaking out about the Democrat pro labor law working thru congress. Its the end of the world if businesses have to treat the wage slaves as workers they cry.
Ron Wright: Republican congressman dies after contracting Covid
That he contracted not wearing a mask during the failed republican coup.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
The day Tara concern-trolled us about “taints”.
We live in wonderous times.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Anybody know if carrying backpacks full of nail bombs into Congress intent on political assassination has any “taint” to it?
Can’t tell for sure. Just saw an elected Republican from the Senate say “Everyone gets a Mulligan sometimes”.
“Taint” versus “Mulligan”?
What are the “taint” rules?
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
When it comes to “taints” I always trust Tara.
The rest of us could live a dozen lives and we’ll never achieve the same close, intimate familiarity with “taints” as Tara has.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
If that doesn’t scream unity,
For the final fifteen months of his only term in office, the most recently elected Republican President refused to have any contact with any elected Democrat.
We elect a president to lead. There is no expectation that he lead with his chin.
Not by you in 2017-2020. Not by me in 2021-2024.
Contacts with the other side are for show. I don’t recall anyone crediting Trump, nor Gabbard, when they met together.
Hunter Biden's crack pipespews:
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron @ 38
Should we feel any more sympathy for someone who contracted HIV from unprotected gay sex than we do for someone who contracted COVID-19 from unprotected conservative speech?
“unprotected conservative speech” is that what conservatives are calling the Republicans failed violent attempt to overthrow the government these days?
Hunter Biden's crack pipespews:
I see @ 45 The Even Bigger Fucking Moron cannot answer @ 44 my question.
So I’ll ask him again. The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, if a gay man knows the risk, engages in sex without protection, and contracts HIV infection because of it, is he entitled to any more sympathy than a conservative who attends some event without wearing a mask, despite knowing the risks, and contracts COVID-19 infection because of it?
Hunter Biden's crack pipespews:
Resideo Technologies REZI. Home comfort and security (alarm) company spun off from Honeywell in 2018, which is how I acquired a small number of initial shares. When I exited a declining GE in the first half of 2017, months before Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit finally had to admit to himself (but never to us) that he had held onto his GE shares far too long, I rotated into Honeywell, which was a good move for me.
REZI had a really rough patch in mid-2020. I jumped in for more at just over $10/share in late September.
It’s at $26+ today. 157% return in about 4 1/2 months.
Which reminds me: Hey, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, how is your investment in AT&T going since you bought it?
I’ve been toying with renaming Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit. Doesn’t roll off the tongue as well but it’s certainly an accurate descriptor.
Hunter Biden's crack pipespews:
The NYT policy for reporters now permits doxxing of other reporters who ask them challenging questions.
Matt Welch
“The Washington Free Beacon asked Hannah-Jones whether intent made a difference in her case. She responded by posting this reporter’s inquiry, including his cell phone number, on Twitter, in direct violation of the website’s terms of service.”
In the Biden Crime Family era, doxxing is OK. The Paper Of Record makes that clear.
Hunter Biden's crack pipespews:
Maybe Rogerhood Dumbfuck Rabbit?
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
There is no expectation that he lead with his chin.
Looks like Democrats are leading with reconciliation.
Just not the kind Tara is looking for.
Because no true patriot would ever reconcile with violent insurrection.
Instead, they’d use every legal means to destroy it.
What a non sequitur question. Given how you dispise gay men it would seems you have no sympathy for any one who dies of covid.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
I can remember when a tan suit was “unprotected fighting words”.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Freedom of association is an “essential” part of the freedom of expression protected by the First amendment. So sayeth the Supreme Court for more than fifty years now.
Would it be okay with Republicans to impeach a President who joined the Klan and went to Klan rallies with burning crosses dressed up in white hooded robes with red sashes?
Hunter Biden's crack pipespews:
@ 50
Looks like Democrats are leading with reconciliation.
Looks like they are trying to do so. By the time this is all over we’ll know more about the Senate parliamentarian than ever before.
It’s not as creepy as what the Senate did when it passed the Obamacare bill in December, 2009.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Giant mobs of Q-Shamans in Chewbacca bikinis armed with nail bombs and tasers is just the way modern American “conservatives” express themselves these days.
Get over it? You pussy libs?
Seems the greedy racist incel is scared of both covid and gay men. It would explain his lack of human empathy.
Hunter Biden's crack pipespews:
Buy HFWA at about $24.34.
Sell June covered call at strike price of $25, collect premium of about $2.20.
Collect quarterly dividend of $.20.
Assuming the shares are called, gain is
$.66 + $.20 + $2.20 = $3.06
12.6% pretax gain in a little over four months., and not much downside to the shares. Annualized this is around a 35% gain.
You’re welcome.
@53. Only if the prez was a Democrat. Republicans will never convict their own for anything. That is who they are now.
Hunter Biden's crack pipespews:
@ 55
Giant mobs of Q-Shamans in Chewbacca bikinis armed with nail bombs and tasers is just the way modern American “conservatives” express themselves these days.
I prefer this to YLB lobbing exclamation point-riddled unseriousness while hiding behind senior citizen women who wore home-knitted pink pussy hats and smelled of Ben-Gay and Geritol douche for the last four years.
Hunter Biden's crack pipespews:
@ 53
Would it be okay with Republicans to impeach a President who joined the Klan and went to Klan rallies with burning crosses dressed up in white hooded robes with red sashes?
It’s not as creepy as what the Senate did when it passed the Obamacare bill in December, 2009.
Give us a minute, mkay? We’ll get there. And more.
Following four years of Astro Glide smeared NDAs, pipe-bomb insurrections, Ukrainian drug deals, Guatemalan Toddler Torture, $15,000 credenzas, Net-Jets coke parties in Paris, Maria Butina, bragging about violent sexual assaults, fake-finger-bang, routine death threats, wife/girlfriend beatings, mocking of grieving gold star parents/spouses, “Fuck Your Feelings”, Yacht/Cocaine/Hookers, 5000 pro-Putin hashtags, and Ryan Zinke you’d be wasting your time if you were trolling for regret or shame from any of us. You set the bar. We’re just trying not to trip over it.
The vote-a-ramas will get easier once Tom Cotton tires of drafting school-prayer amendments and learns to just relax and let it happen. You might even enjoy it.
Hunter Biden's crack pipespews:
Robert Byrd, three years before Hillary Clinton thought @ 60 it was fine to swap spit with him:
Byrd, stressing the importance of “goodwill” among people of different races, used an offensive term to argue that character is not defined by skin color.
“My old mom told me, ‘Robert, you can’t go to heaven if you hate anybody.’ We practice that,” Byrd said. “There are white niggers. I’ve seen a lot of white niggers in my time — I’m going to use that word.”
Byrd made the comments on Friday during an interview that was broadcast yesterday on “Fox News Sunday.” Byrd’s office quickly issued a statement of apology after the interview, which was read on the air yesterday by the show’s host, Tony Snow.
That is from the Washington Post web site, accessed today.
I don’t know why this has not been sanitized. I looked up Larry Wilmore’s speech before Obama this morning. Both of the videos I viewed were sanitized – one was bleeped, and the other had the offending sentence completely snipped out.
Senate Democrats said nothing about what Robert Byrd said during an on-camera interview. Back then Hillary Clinton opposed gay marriage, too.
…you’d be wasting your time if you were trolling for regret or shame from any of us.
See @ 60, 62. You sure about that?
Hunter Biden's crack pipespews:
@ 63
I don’t do fantasy, sorry. Once you get past Princess Leia’s bikini there’s no reason to watch that other set of movies, either.
Gimme Bourne or Ryan. Any day.
Sure. That guy. “While he filibustered against the 1964 Civil Rights Act and supported the Vietnam War earlier in his career, Byrd’s views changed considerably over the course of his life. He would later completely renounce racism and segregation, and spoke in opposition to the Iraq War.”
“senior citizen women who wore home-knitted pink pussy hats and smelled of Ben-Gay and Geritol douche for the last four years.”
And helped us get the house, senate and presidency.
The greedy racist incel supports the domestic terrorists who tried to overthrow the elected government and are going to prison.
You decide.
Hunter Biden's crack pipespews:
@ 66
…He would later completely renounce racism and segregation
Yeah, except for that part about racism he spewed on camera late in his career.
Once a Klansman…
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, your willingness to excuse obscene behavior from your own side makes you HA’s most moronic hypocrite.
Oh dimfuk said that was from a Republican that has been “long dead”..
Kneepads back in teh day dimfuk… You still wax orgasmic about “teh miracle on ice”.. watching that on the tube, was ronzo’s ugly grinning mug framed on the frat house’s wall?
With that gitar?? And a dimfuk pressed against the stage at NEMO[sick]’s???
In all “seriousness”… heh.. paraphrasing babblin’ butthole:
C’ya klown!
To quote Rachel Maddow “pay attention to what they do, not what they say”
Hunter Biden's crack pipespews:
I wonder how long it will be before The Even Bigger Fucking Moron realizes that this @ 78 applies to each side?
Who’s OMalley?
78. It should apply to both.
Talk is cheap like Mexico will pay for it and Republicans will roll out their healthcare plan in two weeks.
Maybe in your mind it doesn’t apply to Republicans?
Yet dimfuk, shivering and cowering in its safespace in widbee, to date, cannot bring itself to blame it all on antifa “disguised in patriot clothing”..
As so many drumpf voters did on that very day. on cspan, on twitter, on fb, on am hate talk radio..
Dimfuk, come back, come back here to HA and blame it all on antifa.. Why are you so afraid?
heh. Is this shit too entertaining or what?? just havin’ a few “unserious” laughs at teh expense of silly dimfuk..
Should we feel any more sympathy for someone who contracted HIV from unprotected gay sex than we do for someone who contracted COVID-19 from unprotected conservative speech?
I haven’t read thru all the comments yet, but as for me, I can answer, No.
But a difference between HIV and COVID is that with HIV the two parties (or more) involved in the actions with a sexually transmitted disease is that they each know the risk that thry take and at that moment in time only put each others at risk.
With COVID you irrisponsibly put others at risk and somewhat subconsciensiously knowing it but you don’t give a fuck because you too self centered to think of the stranger.
Now I’m not say Dumbfuck is suggesting that but I just thought I’d point it out.
The days I saved to make $800,000 in my 401k was fun too Bob.
Probably could have a lot more fun, but I’m ok with the $800,000 right now.
Screaming in excruciating pain. The insurrectionists in unison: “heave ho, heave ho”..
blame it on antifa.. blame it on hillary.. blame it on bill.. blame it on hunter biden…
If only that poor kop had shot an unarmed person of color… you’d be here making exkuses…
entertain us..
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
@ 78 applies to each side…
Nah. Not really.
You idiots just keep misunderstanding us.
We we say “unity” we mean just Democrats.
We’ve said all along we’re going to fuck all you “die-hard Trump supporters”. Especially after the Q-Shaman Pipe Bomb Attack. If you aren’t hearing that you aren’t listening. It’s what we are doing. It’s what we will do. And we’ve said so since Jan. 6th.
We’re going to fuck you.
For the next two years minimum. When we pass the Lewis Voting Rights Act you can revise that to ten years. Which will probably be the rest of your life. You should just learn to relax and let it happen. It doesn’t have to be a bad thing. Unless you make it that way.
I hear kegels can help.
As Bob sniffs his jock thinking about his stockshorse, I’m donating to Mercy Ships.
If you can give a few bucks or more, please do.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
There was really only one potential downside for an attorney like Castor taking Trump’s case.
Castor is a fallen pol, more or less. Yearns to be AG of PA. That ship sailed. But even though he won’t be paid, he stood to gain from this exercise. He’s guaranteed of winning an acquittal. And even if he has to serve up the odious GOP lie in order to pacify his client and the ravening Pipe Bomb Mob that now controls “conservatism”, he still had a good shot at coming out looking like a GROYPER hero.
Now he’ll just be remembered as the latest attorney to have failed Captaint PornSweat – “one of many”.
Zero degrees of separation between this dumbfuck and our dumbfuck.
@40 “Just saw an elected Republican from the Senate say ‘Everyone gets a Mulligan sometimes’.”
Someone should check his closets for bodies.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@44 Anybody you know?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@46 This is relevant to — what?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@54 Yes, we understand that to you, giving millions of uninsured people access to health care is “creepy.”
@92 watching the video, dude in blue is shaking as he drinks his coke.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@57 “12.6% pretax gain in a little over four months”
My ARKW shares are +18% in 48 days.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@59 Of course you do.
And Mao, Stalin, and Pol Pot would’ve been fine by you, too, if they’d been Trumpublicans instead of communists.
@92 what a waste of my time to watch that video….I’ll never get back that time.
@92 4 people that have nothing better to do in life…Bob should invite them over for dinner with the horse
Hunter Biden's crack pipespews:
@ 94
‘Everyone gets a Mulligan sometimes’.
Hillary Clinton got a lifetime of Mulligans. Right up until November, 2016.
Now we get a lifetime of Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Coney Barrett.
Seems fair.
Hunter Biden's crack pipespews:
@ 99
My ARKW shares are 18% in 48 days.
That’s wonderful, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit (not easy to type).
The thing is, dude, you could only afford to purchase two shares.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@103 Apparently you didn’t. They retired you from medicine, and now you have time on your hands. Or maybe you did get a lifetime of mulligans, but the last one was one too many.
Hunter Biden's crack pipespews:
@ 87
… I’m ok with the $800,000 right now.
You might be. If you’re 50.
Hunter Biden's crack pipespews:
@ 80
Who’s OMalley?
Had enough people known the answer to that question in 2015, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, there might never have been a President Trump.
Think about that. Rub those two neurons together.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Senator Ted Cruz said Tuesday that the First Amendment allows people to ‘be ‘idiots’ including some members of the U.S. Congress.”
Not nearly as lucky as it has been for you, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
“Liberals must arm.” As if the outcome would be any different than what we’ve witnessed with other dumbfuck groups.
You’re a fucking clown.
@106. Close 56.
But with other other assets as well in excess of 200k.
OAN parent company ordered to pay Rachel Maddow and MSNBC $250k over failed defamation case
OAN wanted $10m in damages after Maddow said that OAN was “paid Russian propaganda”.
Judge Cynthia Bashant struck down the case in May last year, saying there was “no set of facts that could support a claim for defamation based on Maddow’s statement”.
McConnell: There’s no time to hold a fair trial between now and the inauguration.
Also McConnell: We can’t hold a trial of a former president.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
“Nearly 60 percent of the people facing charges related to the Capitol riot showed signs of prior money troubles, including bankruptcies, notices of eviction or foreclosure, bad debts, or unpaid taxes over the past two decades”
There’s a direct bright line that leads from the Bush financial/credit meltdown to this this volcanic rise of violence and hatred among “conservatives”. The 36 million Trump base supporters who hate, who arm themselves with huge arsenals of useless weapons, and who desperately long for “payback”.
“The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist”. And the greatest trick the banks and hedge funds ever pulled was convincing the world that strippers with NINA loans caused the collapse. The best thing we could ever do to prevent this idiocy from repeating itself is effectively re-regulating the financial markets.
‘Maybe We Ought to Go to $20 an Hour. Why Stop at $15?’ Scoffs House Republican Arguing Against Wage Hike | The Republican lawmaker didn’t acknowledge that had the federal minimum wage kept pace with productivity, it would be around $24 an hour today.
Ok. Works for me. Might bother greed conservatives.
I see that one of YLB’s kids is an out-of-state student.
U. Minnesota student claims racial profiling, fear of being shot; recorded footage shreds narrative
The truth was that the encounter lasted less than a minute and at the end of it this poor, tormented soul was so afraid of the police that he asked them for a ride home.
Good on the police for releasing the audio and video right away.
Speaking of needing shelter, check out these sleeping pods being installed in Germany.
Germany has as many as 860,000 homeless in a population of around 83 million, or slightly more than 1%. Contrast that with the US homeless population of around 0.17% of our population.
It’s interesting that it is easy to find Germany homelessness figures broken down into refugee and non-refugee categories. If the refugees are excluded, homeless population in Germany falls by more than 50%.
Obama stuck our refugee population into cages. Germany sticks them into pods with solar panels.
Fahrvergnügen for immigrants.
Those pods made in Germany are really, really airtight and secure.
How secure? This secure.
Several studies have demonstrated conclusively that the average user of the Robinhood app is a more intelligent investor than Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Which does Goldy think is worse?
1. Philadelphia Eagles won only 4 games this season.
2. A Trump supporter won the Super Bowl and was named the Super Bowl MVP for the fifth time.
Biden just issued an Executive Order mandating that from now on, 2+2 = 5. Pelosi and Schumer issued a statement that the next CBO director will have to pass this litmus test prior to appoinment.
Emerson has some bad polling news for HA’s resident Nazi son, Steve.
Biden’s approval is only 49%.
And a bare majority, only 54%, thinks the $15 minimum wage is a good idea.
Finally, poll respondents reject the idea of a Trump impeachment trial, 49-51.
For those who question the validity of the results, you have good reason:
Data was collected using an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system of landlines and an online panel.
Steve’s still scouring the poll for mention of Trump and Putin in the same sentence. That is, when he’s not busy packing up the family heirlooms.
@1 “A member of the University of Minnesota student government, apparently a minority, took to social media early last week to blast campus police for racially profiling him during a late-night stroll.”
Apparently you don’t have a fucking clue what goes through a minority person’s mind when accosted by police.
Nor do you have a fucking clue how lucky you are to have been born white and not fear for your life when accosted by police.
Nor do you have a fucking clue how trigger-happy some cops are when they see a minority person holding a cellphone, despite an unending stream of news reports of cops gunning down minority people on the flimsiest of pretenses or none at all.
You’e sooo lucky you don’t put your life in danger from anything except Covid-19 and your fellow Republicans by walking to a corner store for a few groceries.
Ignorance is bliss, but blissful ignorance doesn’t lead to enlightened thinking.
@2 “If the refugees are excluded, homeless population in Germany falls by more than 50%.”
Should I give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you’re posting this merely as an interesting statistic, and not read into it an implied argument that Germany should load refugees on boats, buses, planes, and other conveyances (inclding donkey carts, if necessary) and ship them back to the famine-stricken and/or war-torn countries they came from, to be killed by whatever they were fleeing from?
@3 “Obama stuck our refugee population into cages.”
News to me. I was under the impression most of them live in apartments and houses, and some even serve in Congress.
@5 None of them fuck horses, so it goes without saying they’re all smarter than you.
@8 Nothing triggers doc like suggesting raising the wages of someone making $7.65 an hour. As a Robinhood day trader dabbling in zombie stocks, he sees everything as zero-sum.
@ 9
Ignorance is bliss, but blissful ignorance doesn’t lead to enlightened thinking.
Enlightened thinking doesn’t come from lying, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
That POS lied his ass off. The police thought he was white when they stopped him. They stopped him not because of his minority status, which they did not know at the time, but because his clothing matched a description of a robbery suspect.
Pull your head out of your ass once in awhile. Nothing happened, police were nothing but polite, and the POS chose to lie about it on social media. And got caught.
You’re a fucking clown, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
@14 Yeah, I’m sure the police said, “Don’t worry, we think you’re white.” Nor is there any possibility a brown person might be scared shitless if cop cars pull up beside him, blue lights flashing, and cops get out with hands on guns. Because no minority person ever got killed by cops while walking home.
Did I find fault with these cops? No. Did I say they did anything untoward? No. All I said was you don’t have a fucking clue what goes through a minority person’s mind when accosted by cops.
You just proved me right.
I thought @1 thru @7 were pretty damned stupid, but then we get to @8.
Putin’s raging orange man-baby’s final RCP average?
41.1 Approve 56.1 Disapprove
Biden’s RCP average?
53.9 Approve 36.6 Disapprove
So much under sampling of Republicans, I’m sure. It’s not like they’re leaving the GOP in droves or anything.
GOP registration drop after Capitol attack is part of larger trend
As voters and former elected officials leave the Republican party, the drifts in voter identification come into focus.
@ 15
All I said was you don’t have a fucking clue what goes through a minority person’s mind when accosted by cops.
Apparently, it’s “Gee, I asked them to give me a ride and they politely declined. It is therefore my duty to rush home, lie my ass off about the encounter, and demand that the police be defunded.
Because they were too busy searching for a robbery suspect to be my own free Uber service.”
He lied. He’s a POS, regardless of the color of his skin. I hope his name gets out and he’s shamed on social media to the point that his future job prospects become no better than Deathfrogg’s.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit declined his opportunity to be vaccinated against the Wuhan.
He’s holding out for a rectal suppository version of the vaccine. That way he can watch it while it’s being administered.
@ 16
…final RCP average?
It’s not his final average. His popularity will be polled at least until he dies. Just like that of GWB43 and even Clinton.
Bush’s rose, Nixon’s rose, and I think even Carter’s rose, in the years following their respective departures from the White House.
He’ll always be polled, Steve. And you’ll always be the product of your mother’s unprotected, fully consensual sexual encounters with a platoon of Nazis.
@17 Maybe he isn’t lying. Maybe he calmed down when the cops treated him like a human being. Maybe that’s all it takes for people of color to stop being scared to death of cops.
Now, what will it take to get you to stop calling people of color “lying piece[s] of shit” for being afraid of cops?
I have a feeling that’s a tougher nut to crack.
@18 “Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit declined his opportunity to be vaccinated against the Wuhan.”
Not true. I made the earliest appointment I could get, and I’ll get vaccinated as soon as I can.
You’re a lying POS.
The last 2020 House race has been certified. The Democrat conceded. No one claims the election was “stolen.” There were no riots. No one plotted a coup.
Democrats and Republicans aren’t the same. It’s not six of one or half a dozen of the other. There’s a qualitative difference.
Many things scared the greedy racist incel this morning. Brown people. That people he thinks are inferior are getting better things. Paying people living wages. That Rabbit has more money than he does. That liberals are better than he is. So he lashed out and tried to make himself feel better. It’s sad to read.
@ 22
Democrats and Republicans aren’t the same. It’s not six of one or half a dozen of the other. There’s a qualitative difference.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit is clueless about the Iowa House race that the loser Democrat candidate is trying to get overturned by the House of Representatives.
The loser decided not to go through the state’s appeal process. She ran to Auntie Nancy instead.
For now, it provides me a means of calling bullshit on Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. We’re three months out from the race and the Democrat loser’s still fighting the result.
I’m thinking maybe Pelosi should reconstitute the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) to combat a recent upsurge in sedition and subversion: “Are you now, or have you ever been, a member of the Republican Party?”
Pretty bad when your old boss’ ethics chief is pointing out that The Biden Crime Family is picking up right where Trump left off. It’s so bad that he had to yank his tweet before too many Democrats realized how corrupt Joe Biden’s administration has already become.
Obama ethics chief torches Biden over Hunter memoir in disappearing tweets
Now HA libbies get to view them, too.
By the time this is over, Slick Willie will look pretty good by comparison.
@24 your quote sez it’s not technically illegal to do that. Moscow Mitch has shown us that anything that is not technically illegal is perfectly fine to do. You were fine when republicans did it.
@24 And guess what?
“Speaker of the United States House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) provisionally seated Miller-Meeks on January 3, 2021, at the opening of the 117th Congress, pending the House’s adjudication of Hart’s petition.”
And, as your quote says,
“It’s true that this is a legal path and that there are legitimate reasons to question the fairness of aspects of Iowa’s recount process.”
Rule of law, not mob rule.
Like I said, Democrats and Republicans aren’t the same.
@ 27, 28
Sure, keep criticizing the GOP for protesting the election while protesting it yourselves. If that doesn’t scream unity, I don’t know what does.
“Not technically illegal.” Sounds pretty close to “no controlling legal authority.”
Gofer it.
I see that one of YLB’s kids is an out-of-state student.
Heh. Last I looked (minutes) my youngest is zoom-learning here at the homestead from the JC walking distance away, prepping for professional school exams.
My oldest is on his own, living the apartment life in Seattle.
Neither of them has ever had a run-in with the Seattle PD. Thankfully.
Roger Rabbit is, of course, correct.. rapey dimfuk is a lyin’ POS.
Quite simply he has no clue on anything other than the length of the horse’s cock.
And they get medical benefits, iphones, and get to vote TWICE!
He’s bitter that The Fuckhump himself didn’t appreciate his lying. The list of Bob’s failings grows and grows and grows.
The list of Bob’s failings grows and grows and grows.
While armed “patriots” were storming the capitol dimfuk was shivering in its widbee safe space..
This wa state qanon enthusiast had more cajones.. Female… and a licensed physician too.. Graduate of UW Med School.
Dimfuk couldn’t even bring itself to blame the insurrection on antifa disguised as “patriots”. Heh. Teh babblin’ butthole would do that in a ny second.
Heh. If only that babblin butthole freak wasn’t shivering in its own kult safe space.
@26 That’s almost as corrupt as Trump putting up foreign dignitaries in his D.C. hotel, flying U.S. service members to his flailing Scottish resort, and gouging the Secret Service for overnight rooms at Mar-a-Lago.
Almost, but not quite.
@29 You’re silly.
Biden’s margin: 7,052,770 popular votes; 74 electoral votes
Miller-Meeks margin: 6
Some election disputes are more legitimate than others.
Greed conservatives are freaking out about the Democrat pro labor law working thru congress. Its the end of the world if businesses have to treat the wage slaves as workers they cry.
Ron Wright: Republican congressman dies after contracting Covid
That he contracted not wearing a mask during the failed republican coup.
The day Tara concern-trolled us about “taints”.
We live in wonderous times.
Anybody know if carrying backpacks full of nail bombs into Congress intent on political assassination has any “taint” to it?
Can’t tell for sure. Just saw an elected Republican from the Senate say “Everyone gets a Mulligan sometimes”.
“Taint” versus “Mulligan”?
What are the “taint” rules?
When it comes to “taints” I always trust Tara.
The rest of us could live a dozen lives and we’ll never achieve the same close, intimate familiarity with “taints” as Tara has.
For the final fifteen months of his only term in office, the most recently elected Republican President refused to have any contact with any elected Democrat.
Here’s the closest he got: https://youtu.be/GR5Z6bKRp9A?t=29
@ 42
We elect a president to lead. There is no expectation that he lead with his chin.
Not by you in 2017-2020. Not by me in 2021-2024.
Contacts with the other side are for show. I don’t recall anyone crediting Trump, nor Gabbard, when they met together.
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron @ 38
Should we feel any more sympathy for someone who contracted HIV from unprotected gay sex than we do for someone who contracted COVID-19 from unprotected conservative speech?
“unprotected conservative speech” is that what conservatives are calling the Republicans failed violent attempt to overthrow the government these days?
I see @ 45 The Even Bigger Fucking Moron cannot answer @ 44 my question.
So I’ll ask him again. The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, if a gay man knows the risk, engages in sex without protection, and contracts HIV infection because of it, is he entitled to any more sympathy than a conservative who attends some event without wearing a mask, despite knowing the risks, and contracts COVID-19 infection because of it?
Resideo Technologies REZI. Home comfort and security (alarm) company spun off from Honeywell in 2018, which is how I acquired a small number of initial shares. When I exited a declining GE in the first half of 2017, months before Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit finally had to admit to himself (but never to us) that he had held onto his GE shares far too long, I rotated into Honeywell, which was a good move for me.
REZI had a really rough patch in mid-2020. I jumped in for more at just over $10/share in late September.
It’s at $26+ today. 157% return in about 4 1/2 months.
Which reminds me: Hey, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, how is your investment in AT&T going since you bought it?
I’ve been toying with renaming Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit. Doesn’t roll off the tongue as well but it’s certainly an accurate descriptor.
The NYT policy for reporters now permits doxxing of other reporters who ask them challenging questions.
In the Biden Crime Family era, doxxing is OK. The Paper Of Record makes that clear.
Maybe Rogerhood Dumbfuck Rabbit?
Looks like Democrats are leading with reconciliation.
Just not the kind Tara is looking for.
Because no true patriot would ever reconcile with violent insurrection.
Instead, they’d use every legal means to destroy it.
What a non sequitur question. Given how you dispise gay men it would seems you have no sympathy for any one who dies of covid.
I can remember when a tan suit was “unprotected fighting words”.
Freedom of association is an “essential” part of the freedom of expression protected by the First amendment. So sayeth the Supreme Court for more than fifty years now.
Would it be okay with Republicans to impeach a President who joined the Klan and went to Klan rallies with burning crosses dressed up in white hooded robes with red sashes?
@ 50
Looks like Democrats are leading with reconciliation.
Looks like they are trying to do so. By the time this is all over we’ll know more about the Senate parliamentarian than ever before.
It’s not as creepy as what the Senate did when it passed the Obamacare bill in December, 2009.
Giant mobs of Q-Shamans in Chewbacca bikinis armed with nail bombs and tasers is just the way modern American “conservatives” express themselves these days.
Get over it? You pussy libs?
Seems the greedy racist incel is scared of both covid and gay men. It would explain his lack of human empathy.
Buy HFWA at about $24.34.
Sell June covered call at strike price of $25, collect premium of about $2.20.
Collect quarterly dividend of $.20.
Assuming the shares are called, gain is
$.66 + $.20 + $2.20 = $3.06
12.6% pretax gain in a little over four months., and not much downside to the shares. Annualized this is around a 35% gain.
You’re welcome.
@53. Only if the prez was a Democrat. Republicans will never convict their own for anything. That is who they are now.
@ 55
Giant mobs of Q-Shamans in Chewbacca bikinis armed with nail bombs and tasers is just the way modern American “conservatives” express themselves these days.
I prefer this to YLB lobbing exclamation point-riddled unseriousness while hiding behind senior citizen women who wore home-knitted pink pussy hats and smelled of Ben-Gay and Geritol douche for the last four years.
@ 53
Would it be okay with Republicans to impeach a President who joined the Klan and went to Klan rallies with burning crosses dressed up in white hooded robes with red sashes?
Would it be OK with Senate Democrats to freely and openly associate with a Senator whose well-known personal history included doing the same?
Oh, wait…
Give us a minute, mkay? We’ll get there. And more.
Following four years of Astro Glide smeared NDAs, pipe-bomb insurrections, Ukrainian drug deals, Guatemalan Toddler Torture, $15,000 credenzas, Net-Jets coke parties in Paris, Maria Butina, bragging about violent sexual assaults, fake-finger-bang, routine death threats, wife/girlfriend beatings, mocking of grieving gold star parents/spouses, “Fuck Your Feelings”, Yacht/Cocaine/Hookers, 5000 pro-Putin hashtags, and Ryan Zinke you’d be wasting your time if you were trolling for regret or shame from any of us. You set the bar. We’re just trying not to trip over it.
The vote-a-ramas will get easier once Tom Cotton tires of drafting school-prayer amendments and learns to just relax and let it happen. You might even enjoy it.
Robert Byrd, three years before Hillary Clinton thought @ 60 it was fine to swap spit with him:
That is from the Washington Post web site, accessed today.
I don’t know why this has not been sanitized. I looked up Larry Wilmore’s speech before Obama this morning. Both of the videos I viewed were sanitized – one was bleeped, and the other had the offending sentence completely snipped out.
Senate Democrats said nothing about what Robert Byrd said during an on-camera interview. Back then Hillary Clinton opposed gay marriage, too.
“I see @ 60 Tara cannot answer @ 53 my question.”
Because it burns!
@ 61
…you’d be wasting your time if you were trolling for regret or shame from any of us.
See @ 60, 62. You sure about that?
@ 63
I don’t do fantasy, sorry. Once you get past Princess Leia’s bikini there’s no reason to watch that other set of movies, either.
Gimme Bourne or Ryan. Any day.
Sure. That guy. “While he filibustered against the 1964 Civil Rights Act and supported the Vietnam War earlier in his career, Byrd’s views changed considerably over the course of his life. He would later completely renounce racism and segregation, and spoke in opposition to the Iraq War.”
Quite sure.
(Thinks about it again…)
Definitely sure.
“senior citizen women who wore home-knitted pink pussy hats and smelled of Ben-Gay and Geritol douche for the last four years.”
And helped us get the house, senate and presidency.
The greedy racist incel supports the domestic terrorists who tried to overthrow the elected government and are going to prison.
You decide.
@ 66
…He would later completely renounce racism and segregation
Yeah, except for that part about racism he spewed on camera late in his career.
Once a Klansman…
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, your willingness to excuse obscene behavior from your own side makes you HA’s most moronic hypocrite.
Oh yeah.
Very sure.
I prefer this to YLB lobbing exclamation point-riddled unseriousness
Martin O’Malley!! Susana Martinez!!! Tammi Parry!!
Storm teh Capitol!!!
“Serious” rape fantasies anyone???
It just occurred to yours truly that dimfuk’s dem-curious crush on Martin O’Malley can be easily explained…
dimfuk has a soft spot for gitar-men…
O’Malley at “NEMO’s”[sick]??? dimfuk is there!!
Sing a long dimfuk
in all “seriousness”… Funny that MBNA Joe achieved so much more from his basement. like.. repairing the blue wall.
Question for the unserious resident exclamating vagina of HA:
Would O’Malley have defeated Trump?
Yeah, except for that part about racism he spewed on camera late in his career.
and this, dimfuk???
Oh dimfuk said that was from a Republican that has been “long dead”..
Kneepads back in teh day dimfuk… You still wax orgasmic about “teh miracle on ice”.. watching that on the tube, was ronzo’s ugly grinning mug framed on the frat house’s wall?
Would O’Malley have defeated Trump?
With that gitar?? And a dimfuk pressed against the stage at NEMO[sick]’s???
In all “seriousness”… heh.. paraphrasing babblin’ butthole:
C’ya klown!
To quote Rachel Maddow “pay attention to what they do, not what they say”
I wonder how long it will be before The Even Bigger Fucking Moron realizes that this @ 78 applies to each side?
Who’s OMalley?
78. It should apply to both.
Talk is cheap like Mexico will pay for it and Republicans will roll out their healthcare plan in two weeks.
Maybe in your mind it doesn’t apply to Republicans?
Who’s OMalley?
See the vid link @74 for a dem dimfuk touted “seriously”..
i.e. anyone but the candidate who garnered more votes in 2016.
It’s weird how the greedy racist incel promotes weak democrats and excoriates effective competent ones.
Heh. The video of the insurrection the House Managers showed to the Senate today was pretty compelling stuff…
Yet dimfuk, shivering and cowering in its safespace in widbee, to date, cannot bring itself to blame it all on antifa “disguised in patriot clothing”..
As so many drumpf voters did on that very day. on cspan, on twitter, on fb, on am hate talk radio..
Dimfuk, come back, come back here to HA and blame it all on antifa.. Why are you so afraid?
8 people died in the..
heh. Is this shit too entertaining or what?? just havin’ a few “unserious” laughs at teh expense of silly dimfuk..
I haven’t read thru all the comments yet, but as for me, I can answer, No.
But a difference between HIV and COVID is that with HIV the two parties (or more) involved in the actions with a sexually transmitted disease is that they each know the risk that thry take and at that moment in time only put each others at risk.
With COVID you irrisponsibly put others at risk and somewhat subconsciensiously knowing it but you don’t give a fuck because you too self centered to think of the stranger.
Now I’m not say Dumbfuck is suggesting that but I just thought I’d point it out.
The days I saved to make $800,000 in my 401k was fun too Bob.
Probably could have a lot more fun, but I’m ok with the $800,000 right now.
dimfuk, look at the poor capitol kop, squeezed in a maga(?) vise:
Screaming in excruciating pain. The insurrectionists in unison: “heave ho, heave ho”..
blame it on antifa.. blame it on hillary.. blame it on bill.. blame it on hunter biden…
If only that poor kop had shot an unarmed person of color… you’d be here making exkuses…
entertain us..
Nah. Not really.
You idiots just keep misunderstanding us.
We we say “unity” we mean just Democrats.
We’ve said all along we’re going to fuck all you “die-hard Trump supporters”. Especially after the Q-Shaman Pipe Bomb Attack. If you aren’t hearing that you aren’t listening. It’s what we are doing. It’s what we will do. And we’ve said so since Jan. 6th.
We’re going to fuck you.
For the next two years minimum. When we pass the Lewis Voting Rights Act you can revise that to ten years. Which will probably be the rest of your life. You should just learn to relax and let it happen. It doesn’t have to be a bad thing. Unless you make it that way.
I hear kegels can help.
As Bob sniffs his jock thinking about his
stockshorse, I’m donating to Mercy Ships.If you can give a few bucks or more, please do.
There was really only one potential downside for an attorney like Castor taking Trump’s case.
And damned if he didn’t find it:
Castor is a fallen pol, more or less. Yearns to be AG of PA. That ship sailed. But even though he won’t be paid, he stood to gain from this exercise. He’s guaranteed of winning an acquittal. And even if he has to serve up the odious GOP lie in order to pacify his client and the ravening Pipe Bomb Mob that now controls “conservatism”, he still had a good shot at coming out looking like a GROYPER hero.
Now he’ll just be remembered as the latest attorney to have failed Captaint PornSweat – “one of many”.
Zero degrees of separation between this dumbfuck and our dumbfuck.
Michigan’s top-ranked Republican says MAGA riot was a staged hoax — and ‘Mitch McConnell was in on it’
A Raw Story link. So sorry. I sincerely hope it doesn’t make the doctor weep treasonous tears again.
“It’s going to help expose more bad apples that he can primary if any senators vote to convict,”
How are Democrats supposed to turn down an offer like that?
TFW they do your hard work for you.
@40 “Just saw an elected Republican from the Senate say ‘Everyone gets a Mulligan sometimes’.”
Someone should check his closets for bodies.
@44 Anybody you know?
@46 This is relevant to — what?
@54 Yes, we understand that to you, giving millions of uninsured people access to health care is “creepy.”
@92 watching the video, dude in blue is shaking as he drinks his coke.
@57 “12.6% pretax gain in a little over four months”
My ARKW shares are +18% in 48 days.
@59 Of course you do.
And Mao, Stalin, and Pol Pot would’ve been fine by you, too, if they’d been Trumpublicans instead of communists.
@92 what a waste of my time to watch that video….I’ll never get back that time.
@92 4 people that have nothing better to do in life…Bob should invite them over for dinner with the horse
@ 94
‘Everyone gets a Mulligan sometimes’.
Hillary Clinton got a lifetime of Mulligans. Right up until November, 2016.
Now we get a lifetime of Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Coney Barrett.
Seems fair.
@ 99
My ARKW shares are 18% in 48 days.
That’s wonderful, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit (not easy to type).
The thing is, dude, you could only afford to purchase two shares.
@103 Apparently you didn’t. They retired you from medicine, and now you have time on your hands. Or maybe you did get a lifetime of mulligans, but the last one was one too many.
@ 87
… I’m ok with the $800,000 right now.
You might be. If you’re 50.
@ 80
Who’s OMalley?
Had enough people known the answer to that question in 2015, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, there might never have been a President Trump.
Think about that. Rub those two neurons together.
“Senator Ted Cruz said Tuesday that the First Amendment allows people to ‘be ‘idiots’ including some members of the U.S. Congress.”
It sure does, and how lucky is that for him?
@ 108
It sure does, and how lucky is that for him?
Not nearly as lucky as it has been for you, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
“Liberals must arm.” As if the outcome would be any different than what we’ve witnessed with other dumbfuck groups.
You’re a fucking clown.
@106. Close 56.
But with other other assets as well in excess of 200k.
OAN parent company ordered to pay Rachel Maddow and MSNBC $250k over failed defamation case
OAN wanted $10m in damages after Maddow said that OAN was “paid Russian propaganda”.
Judge Cynthia Bashant struck down the case in May last year, saying there was “no set of facts that could support a claim for defamation based on Maddow’s statement”.
McConnell: There’s no time to hold a fair trial between now and the inauguration.
Also McConnell: We can’t hold a trial of a former president.
“Nearly 60 percent of the people facing charges related to the Capitol riot showed signs of prior money troubles, including bankruptcies, notices of eviction or foreclosure, bad debts, or unpaid taxes over the past two decades”
There’s a direct bright line that leads from the Bush financial/credit meltdown to this this volcanic rise of violence and hatred among “conservatives”. The 36 million Trump base supporters who hate, who arm themselves with huge arsenals of useless weapons, and who desperately long for “payback”.
“The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist”. And the greatest trick the banks and hedge funds ever pulled was convincing the world that strippers with NINA loans caused the collapse. The best thing we could ever do to prevent this idiocy from repeating itself is effectively re-regulating the financial markets.
‘Maybe We Ought to Go to $20 an Hour. Why Stop at $15?’ Scoffs House Republican Arguing Against Wage Hike | The Republican lawmaker didn’t acknowledge that had the federal minimum wage kept pace with productivity, it would be around $24 an hour today.
Ok. Works for me. Might bother greed conservatives.