The Seattle impeachment rally is tomorrow. 5:00 at the Federal Building. The address and directions are at the link. If you can’t make it to Seattle, you can find one in your town.
There are a million things that this President deserves to be impeached for. But undermining our democracy from the White House seems up at the top.
Fifty four percent among FOX News polled are now in favor of impeachment.
What to expect after cowardly and foolish Republican senators give Trump’s bad behavior a pass. (Spoiler alert: More bad behavior.)
GOP = party of dipshits
@ 1
It was five days before the election that Team Clinton cancelled the fireworks event over the Hudson River on Election Night 2016. It wasn’t because the campaign was out of money.
Impeachment’s a given, as was Hillary’s coronation as the Dem nominee.
The Senate’s decision also is a given, and Trump will remain in office.
The only impeachment polls you should be looking at, QoS McHillbilly, are those taken in the districts of the 31 House Dems who serve in districts that voted Trump.
Meanwhile, failed CEO and political candidate Carly Fiorina says it’s “vital” that Trump be impeached, but argues he shouldn’t be removed from office, and won’t rule out voting for him.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: There’s a reason why she wasn’t the nominee and will never be a nominee: No brains, no judgment.
@3 “The only impeachment polls you should be looking at, QoS McHillbilly, are those taken in the districts of the 31 House Dems who serve in districts that voted Trump.”
Would you like to share those polls with us, dude?
@ 5
I will share that VAR touched its all-time high a few minutes ago, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Of course, it doesn’t pay a dividend like your precious GE. GE goes ex-dividend on Friday, and you’ll get your penny per share a couple of weeks later.
Gawd, you were a moron in October 2017, and you are a moron now.
If the Dems’ case is such a slam dunk, why the need for new evidence, Chuck?
Byron York✔
Schumer doing cable TV this morning. Setting terms of impeachment fight for next month. 1999 Schumer: No new witnesses, no new evidence. 2019 Schumer: Must have new witnesses, new evidence.
5:30 AM – Dec 16, 2019
@6 I own as much GE stock has you have polls in your pocket. But keep playing that harmonica. Just don’t, please, take up bagpipes.
@7 Study up on how mobsters are prosecuted when you have the time.
Meanwhile, Doctor Dumbfuck is bragging about his market-beating stockpicking at a moment when his pet stock is beating the market by slightly more than 1/10th of 1 percentage point.
I have never directly owned Boeing stock.
Boeing Co. is considering either halting or further cutting production of the 737 Max amid growing uncertainty over the troubled airplane’s return to service and could disclose a decision as soon as Monday, according to people familiar with the matter.
I live in the Seattle area, my real estate investments are here, and professional/business interests were supported by Seattle-area residents. The way I saw it, and continue to see it, I’m already heavily invested in the success of Boeing. I have gladly given up the gains that Boeing share ownership would have brought me for the comfort knowing that I’m a bit more diversified by owning something else instead.
The poor Enron shmucks who worked for the company, owned Enron shares at a disproportionate level, and had their retirement investments tied up in Enron’s fortunes placed themselves at great risk. There’s no reason to go all-in Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit-style on any investment.
The DNC went all-in on Hillary. In 2015. Jus’ sayin’.
VAR is the market leader in radiation oncology, and baby boomers are aging into the life phase in which they’ll need cancer care.
It’s an investment in your prostate, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. I’ll profit from your continuing demise. As if Hillary Clinton’s loss in 2016 wasn’t a sufficient dividend.
Call it a twofer.
@11 Ya, my Boeing stock is 1% of my portfolio, and thanks to the company’s recent misfortunes is now worth a bit less than 3 times what I paid for it, not counting the dividends I’m still collecting, so I’m an Enron shmuck for sure. Or, alternatively, you’re a dumbfuck.
A doctor and big-time investor living in Seattle who doesn’t own Boeing stock probably doesn’t own Starbucks stock, either. Should I tell him how I’ve made out on SBUX? Aww, go ahead, Rog.
Okay. My Starbucks stock, as of this morning, is worth 80 times what I paid for it, and one year’s dividends now exceed what I paid for the stock. By a considerable amount. Give it a little more time and one quarter’s dividends will fully reimburse me for the cost of the stock.
Teh Dumbfuck can’t say that about his pet stock. It doesn’t pay any dividends at all. And since the company has been around since 1948, it’s a reasonable guess that it never will.
Doctor Dumbfuck must have a lot of faith in the growth prospects of a company with a P/E of 87, though. He sees cancer as a growth opportunity. I see the same cancer as a growth on his brain.
@12 “I’ll profit from your continuing demise.”
How profitable has that been so far?
By the way, thanks for paying the Medicare taxes that paid for my prostate surgery. I appreciate it. Can’t tell you how nice it is not needing a catheter anymore. That sucker hurt. It must’ve given me an infection. I can’t help wondering if it was a previously used one the veterinarian fished out of your barn trash.
Clint Eastwood’s “Richard Jewell,” which defames a respected real-life (now deceased) reporter by depicting her as trading sex for a scoop, looks like a box-office flop. In its first weekend, the $45 million film earned just $5 million in 2,500 theaters, attracting a mostly over-50 white-male (i.e. Trumper) audience.
Remember Eastwood’s performance at the 2012 Republican National Convention? That was a flop, too.
Maybe he should stick to making spaghetti western and rogue cop flicks. The Trumper demographic goes all-in for those.
The only impeachment polls you should be looking at, QoS McHillbilly, are those taken in the districts of the 31 House Dems who serve in districts that voted Trump.
We are. Most assuredly. Also following the only three Child Molesters in Clinton districts who survived Associate Justice GangBang. Three. Wow. Impressive. That worked out so well. (So Dumbfuck is planning to take back the House. Putting a pin in that one too.)
But in the mean time we are also paying close attention to a half dozen Child Molesters in the Senate who are already riding the filmy orange jizz bubble. Moscow Mitch’s one job was to protect them. Urging them all to reject their constitutional oaths and bring a GameBoy to the trial all to signal support for Finger Rape should play especially well when even FOX has 54% supporting impeachment. I’ll keep looking, but so far I can’t find 4% just laying around that Collins, Gardiner, Tillis, McSally and Perdue can just hand to their opponent.
Look, I don’t deny that Dems are more electorally vulnerable in the House next year than the Guatemalan Toddler Torture Party when looking at the 2016 numbers for Trump. But somehow I suspect that in a Presidential term where even YOU have admitted that you wish he was gone, there has been some slippage for president Russian SlutPuppet. Just a tad. yeah.
The polarization has absolutely grown stronger. But it’s key to remember that does not work in PornLube’s favor in every district that he won. Not by a long shot. Large numbers of voters in certain kinds of districts who indifferently cast ballots for him in 2016 had already moved away from the GOP by 2018 and that trend continues unabated. If anything impeachment is increasing the pace of stripping white suburban House districts away from the GOP.
Remember, Dumbfuck, part of this is a game of money. Sure, you freaks can use impeachment to drive $10 clicks into the pockets of DerpState Loonatics like Claudia Tenney. But the GOP continues to lose House members to Trump fatigue. Open seats, even in “safe” districts require candidate recruitment which is a costly process. It becomes quite a bit more costly when the supreme leader of your party persists in consorting routinely with white supremacists, mass murderers, neo-Nazis, wife beaters, and registered sex offenders. How many more Danielle Stellas can the GOP really afford?
So while you may count on impeachment to drive large numbers of $10 rage clicks from Heartlandia’s trailer parks into the funds of this year’s Roy Moore, there is an unavoidable corresponding opposite effect for vulnerable Gutemalan Toddler Torture Senators like Collins. With a Presidential primary battle peaking some of the energy is being sucked out of this for Dems. But Senate candidates, particularly challengers, and their PACs are already funded up, geared up, and poised to make hay from the next Great Leap Forward from Yertle.
Numbers in House districts matter. But numbers in vulnerable states matter too. And nationwide numbers are what tend to drive the media narrative. A narrative that has now become fairly uniformly anti-Trump. And if Yertle follows through on this year’s plan, perhaps uniformly anti-Republican. As I had to point out to one of your fellow Moldovan algorithms the other day, trading Wisconsin for North Carolina does not actually help you.
@ 17
Yeah, when it’s time to eulogize Clint Eastwood, I’m sure the first word that will come to everyone who remembers him is “flop”.
Stay woke, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. My side is counting on it.
Oh look everyone!
It has a “side”.
@17 Eastwood is a survivor. You won’t be around to eulogize him. If you’re nice to me, I might do it for you.
This is how you get more Trump.
Builder confidence in the newly built, single-family home market jumped 5 points in December to 76, the highest reading since June 1999.
Current sales conditions rose 7 points to 84, sales expectations in the next six months rose 1 point to 79 and buyer traffic increased 4 points to 58.
@20 Its “side” is losing dozens of House incumbents simply to voluntary quits. A surefire way to take back the House.
@22 Yeah, voters will ignore the foreign bribery scandals and toddler rapes, and fixate on new houses. Sure they will. It’s already showing up in the polls. You and the Bribery and Toddler Rape Party have the polls to prove it. Somewhere. You’re just not sharing them with us, that’s all.
It’s the “side” that somehow spent part of their weekend trying to figure out a way to describe this:
as good police work.
Trump Fatigue.
When revulsion from the stink of partially dried orange sex lube, Diet Coke, burning klan krosses, and oily Quarter Pounder wrappers is potent enough to drive a modern klownsurvaturd grifter away from a job that pays $175k plus expenses to work all-the-grift-you-can-eat, it just might be enough to turn 78,000 suburban college educated female voters away from indifference.
What if it stopped at impeachment?
The key here is that there is no requirement that the House immediately send the articles of impeachment to the Senate. This is Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s final card to play.
So here is a modest proposal: the House should (1) vote to impeach on Wednesday, and (2) withhold sending any articles which pass to the Senate unless and until a majority of senators commit to holding an open and fair trial in accordance with the Constitution.
Speaker Pelosi could highlight Trump’s continued cover up and obstruction, while also noting that his abuse of power is a crime in progress.
So, Nancy could be Schiff until the election – claim the equivalent of Trump colluding with Russia, except no Mueller report to prove her a liar.
Exit question: The House impeaches but doesn’t activate the Senate for trial, and Trump is re-elected. Does the lame duck House then submit the articles to the Senate for trial?
“My side is counting on it.”
Don’t you mean Putin is counting on it? After all, that’s who you serve.
Don’t disappoint Putin, Doctor. But if you do, I suggest you take care with doorknobs. Maybe wear gloves or something.
Mueller shows Trump campaign colluding with Russia.
Read the report.
You don’t like Jews much, do you, Doctor? As I recall, it was something about them replacing you.
“New Jersey GOP club in turmoil after its president offers to scare Jewish families out of public parks”
I’m curious. Who do you hate most, Doctor, kikes, niggers or spics?
In 2018 African American drivers in Missouri were 91% more likely to be subject to traffic stop by police.
A good opportunity for a study into how racial disparities in crim-j arise. Statistically one of the things this latest report tells us is that there are quite a few police in Missouri who only stop African American motorists.
So one of the things “civilians” seldom understand or appreciate, and almost always have exactly backwards owing to television and movies, is that pretextural traffic stops are an incredibly common tool for US police. And they account for an overwhelming percentage of narcotics arrests, weapons arrests, and other felony arrests in many jurisdictions. Just to get a hearing to challenge these stops requires extraordinary proof. And even in the rare cases that such hearings are granted, the challenges really never are.
So a cop can pretext a stop then announce probable cause for a search arising from almost nothing, and none of that ever gets tossed. For most cops and most agencies it pays to do it. Even if only one out of 100, or 500, or 1000 stops produce a seed or a joint or a baggie, or Aunt Jessie’s prescription bottle, or a folding knife, or a screwdriver that feels a little too sharp, or just a crumb of donut frosting that you can get the field kit to “pop” on, it ends up being a step up the ladder toward more shifts, better shifts, better assignments, and promotions. That’s how the system works. Traffic stops are a big part of it.
Now once you take that system and then aim it disproportionately almost exclusively on a single sub-group of the larger population, it really should not surprise anyone to then see statistically high levels of arrest and conviction among that sub-group. You’d get the same statistical effect regardless of which group you did it to. But you do it to the group you intend to push to the margins and force into poverty and incarceration. Because arrest records fuck up job interviews, college interviews, loan applications, and housing applications. It’s a targeted thing. It would have precisely the same effect on whatever group you chose to target.
It’s just that here in the US we choose to target African Americans.
@4 Carly reminds of a horse, she’d be good for Bob.
Republicans are nothing but Terrorists.
Works for us and against them.
In the near term lots of resentful aging non-college white folks have a reason to share a post or click to donate money to another grifter selling dick pills. Mr. Megan McCain has a narrative to feed his audience for another brief resentment cycle. And #FatNixon is pacified for another 48 hrs. That’s why these protests are being organized.
But simultaneously tens of thousands of constituent voters in these districts see who and what the GOP is and what it stands for now. Many of them are white, suburban, country club Republican voters who see a respected dedicated CIA officer serving her country being assailed by fat, angry, unhinged ignorant racists spewing crazy conspiracy theories about DEEEPSTATE pizza cannibals on behalf of Corporal BoneSpurs. And they become discouraged to realize that this is what George Romney’s party has become. Many of them are white suburban college educated career moms who see all that and become engaged and motivated to fight back.
Geez, Doctor, shouldn’t you be executing the women, too? And put the infants in cages? At least the black and brown ones.
“Former GOP candidate for governor: ‘If I had my way we would be executing abortionists’”
@ 35
I don’t see a problem, Steve. If I had my way we would be executing pedophiles, and I don’t give a shit which party they support.
You’d probably be willing to execute dealers who sell AR-15s.
It’s the hyperbole of the world in which we have elected to live.
Hey y’all, remember when Joe Biden’s bro ran charter schools in Florida?
For the past two years, Frank Biden’s been flying around the state talking to local school boards, lobbying for the Mavericks High charters. “I’m a salesman. I’m nothing but a P.T. Barnum for these kids,” he says.
Now Mavericks has eight high schools in Florida, including five in Miami-Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach counties. The schools offer shorter days designed to appeal to at-risk kids. After one hour of traditional classroom instruction, students spend three hours a day sitting at rows of computers, studying online at their own pace, under the supervision of teachers. This approach is meant to allow students with babies, jobs, and other responsibilities to get a degree instead of dropping out.
“I’m very proud of what we’re doing,” Biden says. “We’re on a mission from God.”
Blues Brothers reference. Classy bunch, those Bidens.
@27 Is that the latest idea from the Never-Trumper Republicans’ fantasy shop?
More on Classy bunch, those Bidens:
Joe Biden’s name central to ongoing Tennessee fraud case involving his brother
But the lawsuit paints Biden and Lewitt as the chief fraud puppet masters, painting Biden as a con artist who uses his ties to his brother to lure his victims and Lewitt as a bully who uses threats of lawsuits to keep them at bay.
The lawsuit states Frey and Azzam were in talks with Grant about merging with Americore in early 2018 when Biden offered up his business card bearing Americore’s name and promised his brother could take their health care model nationwide.
Just to be clear, the Biden brother in THIS story is not the same Biden brother @ 37.
With Grandpa Joe repeatedly molesting children who are trapped onstage while their parents are lauded, brother Frank the PT Barnum equivalent fucking over children in charter schools, and brother Jim stealing the intellectual work product of his clients, is it any wonder that Hunter Biden has turned out to be such a POS?
They sound nearly as bad as Hillary’s brothers.
@35 Execute people for exercising a constitutional right? That sounds like a terroristic threat to me. He belongs in ADX. The scary thing is only the Constitution stands between our rights (and our lives) and these people — and they don’t respect the Constitution.
It continues to concern troll an opposing candidate’s adult family relations.
While its party leader and liege lord laughingly brags about violent sexual assault on an open microphone, and conspires with organized criminals to solicit bribes from foreign leaders.
And it talks about “class”
Whose lofty standards will it apply today?
It’s “President’s”?
@36 “If I had my way we would be executing pedophiles”
In that case, if you’re Catholic, you’ll have to shop for a new religion, because there won’t be any priests left.
@37 “Hey y’all, remember when Joe Biden’s bro ran charter schools in Florida?”
No, I never heard that one, and why would I be interested? Biden’s siblings have nothing to do with anything.
If you have a sister, I can say with complete confidence that she’s way smarter than you without ever having met her, because everyone is way smarter than you.
“With Grandpa Joe repeatedly molesting children who are trapped onstage”
Well, you know what some people say?
“When you’re a star, they “let” you do it. You can do anything.”
Some people. They say that.
I’m looking forward to more “Damn you $15 minimum wage!” proclamations in 2020.
Boeing to halt production of 737 Max airliner in January
Even if no employees are laid off, ceasing production still will cut into the nation’s economic output because of Boeing’s huge footprint in the nation’s manufacturing sector. Through October of this year, the U.S. aerospace industry’s factory output has fallen 17% compared with the same period last year, to $106.4 billion, in part due to previous 737 Max production cuts.
The shutdown also is likely to ripple through Boeing’s vast network of 900 companies that make engines, bodies and other parts for the 737, and layoffs are likely.
The Boeing news @ 45 is gonna be a big lump of coal in ‘froggy’s Xmas stocking this year. Even with near-full employment he can’t hold a job, and now this.
I hear ‘froggy is in such dire straits that even YLB is thinking of coughing up a few bucks to help him.
Yes, some people say that. And some people say it doesn’t matter. Bragging about violent sexual assaults on the women you work with is “not a big deal” and “it’s just locker room talk”.
But this was not a forced error. It wasn’t conjured up out of thin air. Nobody sent teams of lawyers and criminal bag-men traveling around the globe to entice someone into saying this horrible shit about Teh Dumbfuck’s “president” and chosen party leader.
He said it about himself. He said it in the process of describing himself to others in a way he believed was very flattering and complimentary. Because that’s what he thinks, locker room or not.
But not everybody says that. Just some people.
And so the question most voters are eventually going to have to ask themselves is what kind of people are they? What kind of people do they want to be? Do they want to be like “some people” who say that?
I think they are here for the G20 Summit. Either that or they got lost looking to visit Bob.
So sad.
Texas (AP) – Beto O’Rourke isn’t running for Senate again, and Democrats who have unusually high hopes for Texas in 2020 are facing an unsettled landscape. There’s no clear frontrunner among a dozen Democrats challenging Republican incumbent John Cornyn. None have raised big money and most candidates remain widely unknown.
I guess that AR-15 grabbing comment might have been a career-ender. Good thing he’s married to the spawn of a billionaire, amirite?
I read this @ 47 and laughed as I applied it to Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit and his continued foot-stopping claims to be a millionaire, all previously provided data to the contrary:
He said it about himself. He said it in the process of describing himself to others in a way he believed was very flattering and complimentary. Because that’s what he thinks, locker room or not.
But not everybody says that. Just some people.
And so the question most voters are eventually going to have to ask themselves is what kind of people are they? What kind of people do they want to be? Do they want to be like “some people” who say that?
Confidential to Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit: A true millionaire has no reason to try to make others believe it, nor even to share the information in the first place.
Yeah, given its track record I am not surprised to see the bot-farm troll seeking claims of victory in its imaginary investment prowess, rather than what it has boasted about the most for the last three years.
Speaking of which, its boy Flynn and his television lawyers just got their asses handed to them by Judge Sullivan, including a charge of plagiarism. Seems like all that noise about Horowitz and “Lock Her UP!” and frog marching was just so much primal venting from the aging white man id. Only one guy getting frog marched here.
Just goes to show. Anybody dumb enough to trade the twelve best years of his life memorizing anatomy and picking through the smelly scabs of homeless people for less than min wage only to emerge in his mid-thirties under a mountain of debt and just starting to earn is probably also dumb enough to trade away their patriotism and sovereign pride for permission to tell racist jokes. Not anyone I’d look to for advice about “smart investing”.
Mr. Safety School knows exactly what I’m talking about.
Were you drinking when you bragged about owning 700 shares of Apple?
If this bothers you then you probably shouldn’t be dumb enough to vote for The Hump.
Isn’t The Heritage Foundation conservative based? I wonder how that guy, and people like him, plan to vote to get The Hump out of office. Will they vote similar to the Horse faced Carly?
SCOTUS ruled today it’s not a crime to be homeless. No word yet from Doctor Dumbfuck on whether bribing a foreign leader to smear your political opponent is a crime or merely in bad taste.
So untrue?
I suppose that telling themselves that these boastful comments from their leader, bragging about violent sexual assaults, sexual predation, stalking, aggressively “moving” on desirable women is all boastful lies from an incredibly vain, petty, and self-conscious man-child so lonely, so afraid of women and so unable to connect with them that his only option is to make shit up about the life he wishes he had.
Gosh. That’s so much better.
They lined up miles deep to cheer themselves hoarse and dizzy for a man they believe has to make that kind of stuff up to compensate for inadequacy. And they believe his motivation for doing so is to appear better? A “star” who forces himself on women he works with is “better”? Violent sexual assault makes him “more manly”?
The only way anyone spins “Grab ’em by the pussy” is by not really thinking any of it through. Bot-farm troll at 50 is case in point. He invites us to conclude that he chose to throw his support behind a rapidly aging reality television star in his decline, so gripped with fears about his own sexual inadequacy and personal loneliness that he makes up disgusting violent sexual fantasies in order to impress and befriend Billy Bush.
Troll and Trump: a union of true soul mates.
Now I’m laughing.
The word from McConnell is that breathing is an impeachable offense if you’re a Democrat, but Trump can do anything he wants.
@45, 46 Gee, if that whacks GDP, it couldn’t come at a worse time for Trump. A lump of coal for his stocking.
@49 “Good thing he’s married to the spawn of a billionaire, amirite?”
Better than being married to a horse.
@50 “A true millionaire has no reason to try to make others believe it, nor even to share the information in the first place.”
@55 Looks like you beat me to it.
I’ll bet Teh Dumbfuck will have his own reality show before I do. But if we get on one together, he can be Snooki.
Hey Bob,
what lie would YOU make up if it could make “Billy Bush” like you?
Horses? Medical school? Island house? Obedient bride?
Brilliant trading strategy?
Has it worked? Do the high school girls at the DQ in Clinton see you any differently now? Does your waitress at the Freeland Cafe pause at your table to smile, or cut you a bigger “slice of pie”?
Well, who can blame you, right? Harmless enough.
Just think, these are your salad days.
@ 51
Nice to see Judge Sullivan being tough on both sides in his recent decisions.
‘froggy chillin’ in San Francisco, I see.
Deborah Kan
.@LondonBreed here’s a pic of a man on drugs taking a poo in aisle 10 of @Safeway Marina Sunday morning in #SF. Why is this okay? @KTVU @kpix @kron @KGOdesk @sfchronicle
3:43 PM – 15 Dec 2019 from San Francisco, CA
This is definitely how y’all gonna git more Trump.
Dow gains 10,000th point since Trump’s election
“The rally has been driven by pro-growth measures, de-escalation of trade tensions, huge liquidity injections by central banks and a FOMO approach by investors worried about missing out on a remarkable U.S. market outperformance that has set one record high after the other.” Mohamed El-Arian, chief economic adviser at Allianz, told FOX Business.
DJIA up 54%. Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit up 17%, prolly.
@ 62
what lie would YOU make up if it could make “Billy Bush” like you?
Every morning I lace up my Ariat boots and muck the pasture.
I pull the soiled pine shavings out of the stall separately because I can reuse them on the trails on the property.
I like doing both. It’s incredibly relaxing.
The lie in the above is sometimes it doesn’t get done until afternoon.
Try the grilled chicken salad at Freeland Cafe. Filling and it won’t kill you. Oh, and the bar steak and baker at Toby’s Tavern in Coupeville – comes with a pretty nice dinner salad.
Gave away about a third of my clothes when I moved here. I’m never going to wear them again. It’s a pretty simple life. Oh, and no RTA tax! I don’t give a shit if Eyman is successful or not.
I like Rick Larsen. No reason to vote against him. No lie.
Lemme know if you need any fertilizer. No charge, and I’ll load it for you.
The Left eats its own.
Vox Media to cut hundreds of freelance jobs ahead of changes in California gig economy laws
Contractors who wish to continue contributing can do so but “need to understand they will not be paid for future contributions,” he said.
A writer named Rebecca Lawson, who covered the NBA’s Dallas Mavericks from San Diego, wrote a post on Monday titled, “California’s terrible AB5 came for me today, and I’m devastated.” Lawson, who was editor-in-chief of the blog Mavs Moneyball, said she would be forced to step down as of March 31.
“SB Nation has chosen to do the easiest thing they can to comply with California law — not work with California-based independent contractors, or any contractors elsewhere writing for California-based teams,” Lawson wrote. “I don’t blame them at all.”
Me neither. This is what happens when you let fucks like Goldy have too much influence on politicians.
This is how y’all git more Trump.
Registered voters are feeling more positive about the economy than at any time in the last 18 years, as nearly three quarters, 73 percent, describe the economy as either excellent or good, while only a quarter, 25 percent, say not so good or poor. The 73 percent of voters who say that the economy is excellent or good breaks down into 26 percent who say it is excellent, which is a new high, and 47 percent who say it is good. Breaking down the negative side, 19 percent of voters say the economy is not so good, while only 6 percent say poor.
“A 50-year low unemployment rate coupled with stocks hitting record highs are adding up to a rosy view of the economy and voters feeling optimistic about their own personal finances. That view of a strong economy seems to be helping President Trump match his highest job approval rating since being elected, despite facing becoming the third president in U.S. history to be impeached this week,” said Quinnipiac University Polling Analyst Mary Snow.
So which is it?
Was it crude, boastful “locker room talk” nonsense that you voted for?
Or prideful boasting about violent sexual conquests of fearful employees that you voted for?
You either are who you claim to be, or you are not.
And your president either is who he claimed to be on that bus with Billy Bush or he is not.
You made that pile. Not “the Leftists” and not the horses.
And you can dig through it from now until your dying breath and you’ll never find anything other than Trump. Whatever the fuck he is. He’s all yours.
And he’s not a pony.
Watch Lisa Page on the Maddow show tomorrow night.
Or rather watch doktor dumfuk soil itself yet again with the same old always wrong wing klownspiracie shite.
It’ll be a hoot.
Registered voters are feeling more positive about the economy than at any time in the last 18 years, as nearly three quarters, 73 percent, describe the economy as either excellent or good, while only a quarter, 25 percent, say not so good or poor.
Yaawwwn. Sounds eerily like what they were saying about the Clinton economy. Clinton was impeached and what happened?
Clinton’s approval stayed good (served the repuke bastards right). But then the candidate from the opposing party was
electedselected in the subsequent prez election cycle. Booo..Heh.
Quoting the empty suit itself: “It’s amazing I won. I was running against peace, prosperity, and incumbency”
May history rhyme.
@ 70
It’s amazing I won. I was running against peace, prosperity, and incumbency.
Democrats, alas, failed to learn the lesson of running a deeply flawed candidate that GWB43 taught them. They decided that running an even worse and less-likable candidate was a good idea.
Which is how y’all got Trump.
@65 “This is definitely how y’all gonna git more Trump. Dow gains 10,000th point since Trump’s election” … ditto @68
You really think the 2020 election will be about the economy? Really?
@65 “The rally has been driven by … huge liquidity injections by central banks …” since 2009.
And investors are justifiably nervous about the artificiality of it all, not to mention the inflated level of stock valuations.
@66 The water buffalo. You forgot to mention the water buffalo. As Mrs. Rabbit pointed out to me this afternoon, you have to stand on the water buffalo to get a wi-fi connection at your location.
Jesus Fucking Christ, Doctor, what the hell is your problem with Jews??
“Shocking video shows mob of Indiana University frat boys attacking Jewish students”
@71 No, that’s not how we got Trump. Not at all. What you won’t acknowledge is that the GOP could run Adolf Hitler and their voters would vote for him, and that’s how we got Trump.
“Dow gains 10,000th point since Trump’s election”
Still bragging about coming in last place compared to the DJIA’s performance under Clinton and Obama? SAD!
But at least your Orange moron is doing better than Bush43. For now, anyway.
@75 He probably doesn’t have any problem with Jews. He’s just trolling to see what reaction he gets. He also goes into lavatories and pulls the chains just to hear the toilets flush. No telling what else he does.
“the GOP could run Adolf Hitler”
They really wanted Putin, but it’s pretty obvious they’re happy with his orange stooge.
@79 They can’t vote in Hitler, because he’s dead, so Trump is the next best thing.
This is ultimately what should happen to The Hump. The Hump is not American.