These rivers have been overflowing for at least 16,000 years, and maybe a lot longer than that. If you stupid European settlers haven’t figured that out by now, you never will.
Steve Jobsspews:
I feel you’re an Apple user and haven’t updated your OS to Catalina, be careful: it turned into a disaster for me.
Back up you hard drive before you do anything with Catalina.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@2 Back up your hard drive regardless. Then back up your backup. All hardware is unreliable. Perhaps not as unreliable as a Republican politician’s patriotism, but close.
Steve Jobsspews:
Yes, back up that hard drive at least once per week!
Weiner's laptopspews:
Just be careful about where you’re backing it up TO, guys. Huma was none too happy when Hillary’s top secret emails made it into my stash of dick pics and nubile nookie.
Also, she’s a liar.
Goldy Retweeted
Matt Stoller✔
Replying to @matthewstoller
Elizabeth Warren comes out of a specific populist tradition, reformism *within* the business community. It’s why she’s so confusing, why the far left thinks she’s corrupt and why Wall Street hates her. She stands for the farmer, worker, producer, businessman vs the financier.
Lest we forget, the cut & run coward and Putin stooge we call Doctor Dumbfuck betrayed our allies and left them to be slaughtered, including women and children.
“Syrian residents pelt retreating US troops with food and insults
Angry scenes demonstrate sense of betrayal amid rushed US withdrawal”
gman, if you’re honest with yourself you’ll admit that the only reason you like Mayor Pete is that in his spare time he participates in fudge-packing. So this shouldn’t make you feel badly at all.
Also, you have no capacity to feel shame.
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg recommended colleagues as potential hires for Pete Buttigieg’s campaign soon after the South Bend, Ind., mayor launched his presidential bid in mid-April.
Buttigieg campaign spokesman Chris Meagher confirmed to Bloomberg News that Zuckerberg and his wife, Priscilla Chan, had initiated the contact by sending several emails recommending individuals as potential campaign hires. A Zuckerberg-Chan family spokesman said that the employees had asked to be recommended.
Steve, instead of jumping on the low-hanging fruit of the story, maybe use what’s left of your Trump-addled brain to read a little more carefully.
“We are against Ankara’s establishing of military posts in Syria,” the Iranian foreign ministry spokesman, Abbas Mousavi, said. “The issues should be resolved by diplomatic means.”
Washington’s departure from north-eastern Syria leaves only a small contingent of US forces in the country – all based in a desert outpost in the country’s south-east, where their focus has increasingly turned away from Isis to Iran. In the vacuum created by the Isis rampage across both sides of the Iraq-Syria border, Iran has emerged as a prominent actor, shoring up supply lines into Syria and Lebanon, which have helped secure Assad in power.
What the US has done makes Iran unhappy.
Steve, why do you choose to support Iran, which has made Death to America its rallying cry for more than a generation?
“That I will faithfully execute…”
Donald, asked about G7 and reports that he’s actively managing his businesses in the Oval Office
“ You people with this phony Emoluments Clause,” October 21, 2019
Cz-252 or anyone else but Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit:
I’m looking for a recommendation for over-the-ear headphones. I don’t need a bass-booster or anything else to “enhance my enjoyment” of rap music.
@ 10
Cz-252, always first with the most important of considerations.
Stole this from the inter webs because it made me nerd laugh…
“Stardate 2349, Earth is a member of the Federation of Planets. Except Great Britain which is still trying to leave the defunct European Union.”
@ 13
Galaxy Quest documentary will be released soon.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@6 You calling Hillary a “liar” is like Al Capone calling Chicago cops “corrupt.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
@8 I have no clue why you like a corrupt and treasonous demagogue like Trump. I only know you do. Which is all anyone needs to know about you, really. It’s one of those things that speaks for itself.
HA needs a motto: “Never give up. Never surrender.”
We’re laughing at y’all the way we laugh at Trekkies. And at the video clips of all those Hillary supporters at her HQ on Election Night.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Bumblefuck didn’t get kicked out of the barn until just before 10:00 a.m. today. Looks like the horse got to sleep in this morning. I’m sure he appreciates it.
@9 WTF kind of dumbfuckery was that? Read further, dumbfuck. Maybe you’ll learn something about yourself.
““We sent our children with them to fight Isis, and they abandoned us. Betrayal is hard to get over, and I hope we’ll remember this for the future. America knows the people who are murdering people on the roads very well, but they chose to turn a blind eye, and now they are walking away from all of it. True friends don’t walk away in hard times.”
“With these events today, we are just hopelessly exposed,” said a senior US diplomat, who declined to be named. “Everyone knows what this represents to our enemies – and that is a historical capitulation.”
Our allies are dying because you betrayed them, Doctor. And not only is Vladimir thrilled by your pathetic display of cut & run cowardice, so is Assad, Erdoğan, and the Ayatollah.
Way to betray your country, dumbfuck.
Live in shame.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@11 You probably want something more robust than ear buds. Why don’t you shop for a new brain, too, while you’re at it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@19 The kind of dumbfuckery we’ve come to expect from that guy. For a deeper dive into the details, see #20 above.
Rock Star Seattle chef Matt Dillon blows that down. It’s not $15 minimum wage it’s sudden and rapid real estate value increase that’s killing businesses.
“The $15, you can stomach that,” Dillon said last week. “The minimum wage should be $25. The problem is trying to run a restaurant like Sitka.”
Thought experiment: what effect does average studio Apartment rent rising an about $100/year have on working class and or recent graduates and how does that relate to homelessness? (Amazon, “None whatsoever because we don’t want to pay taxes, it’s the drugs. Vote Orion’)
Roger Rabbitspews:
@23 “Thought experiment: what effect does average studio Apartment rent rising an about $100/year have on working class and or recent graduates and how does that relate to homelessness?”
You also might want to ask that question in a slightly rephrased form, i.e., “and how does that relate to restaurant sales?”
Probably has more impact than raising the min wage to $15. In fact, if restaurants don’t pay $15 – $25 min wage or no, there won’t be any restaurants, because high rents will denude Seattle of restaurant labor.
Whatever happened to Schiff’s whistleblower?
Hey libbies, as long as you’re going to pillory Amazon for writing checks to CARE, maybe take a look at Tom Steyer.
In Q3 he wrote $47.5M+ in checks to his own campaign. Spent $47M of it, too.
Climate change? What climate change?
Biden’s campaign blew $924,000 on private jets. That’s one out of every 16 bucks his campaign raised.
I have a pair of Sennheiser 600s for editing and home use. They’re spendy but really great.
For travel I use a set of Sony 700s noise cancelling wireless fine for most uses.
While you show no preference for over ear, open back, closed back, etc., you might give consideration to the Sony WH1000XM3.
Lots of people are making fun of that.
A thing also on the internet:
People comparing Steyer blowing $57m to not crack 1% vs John Oliver HBO buying and forgiving $15m of citizens’ medical debt.
People pointing out that only half of Steyer’s money could wipe out school lunch debt for pretty much every public school in the country.
$57m could convert about 570m diesel buses to electric.
Unless the DNC disinvites her, that is.
Alexandra Jaffe✔
Tulsi Gabbard told me after this event she’s taking her campaign to the Dem convention, even if she doesn’t have enough delegates to win …
Alexandra Jaffe✔
Tulsi Gabbard is speaking at a private home in West Branch, IA this morning, where the folks I spoke to think HRC unfairly targeted her & Gabbard defended herself well.
12:19 PM – Oct 19, 2019
“In Q3 he wrote $47.5M+ in checks to his own campaign. Spent $47M of it, too.”
So fucking what?
“GOP co-sponsor of Adam Schiff censure resolution received donations from Giuliani’s arrested Ukraine pal”
Is there anything you dumbfucks do anymore that doesn’t stink of borscht? Apparently not.
Live in shame.
“Tulsi Gabbard is speaking at a private home…”
To cut you some slack, Doctor, I suppose posting dumbfuck nonsense about Gabbard and Steyer sure beats the hell out of talking about how you and your orange moron cut & ran like the cowardly, disgusting Putin sycophants you are, betraying our allies and leaving them to be slaughtered.
Live in shame.
@30. Ok. She is a Super Delegate and can vote for herself except in the first round according to the new rules she was instrumental in putting in place because Bernie.
If there’s no clear nominee going in Tulsi will get a single vote.
With Hawaii’s new ranked choice primary, not even a guarantee she’ll have delegates from her home state.
@ 33
It’s not about the numbers, Cz-252. If it were about the numbers you’d be too embarrassed to post after your claim that Hillary had an “absolute lock” on 252 EVs.
“I am running for the Democratic nomination and I have a smattering of delegate.” Lyndon LaRouche.
“The hell you are and no fucking way we seat them” DNC
I doubt anyone will be troubled by the optics of a Republican in Democrat wool failing to get much support in the primaries yelling from the cheap seats that she has ideas(rejected at the polls) and must be heard while not Getting anywhere near the stage. She’ll have sewn up he totally existent fiscally conservative socially conservative Wing of voters planning to vote not Donald.
The only way someone named Clinton is on the stage at the 2020 convention is if Chelsea introduces a #metoo video montage of 25 women in the early hours of Day 1 or they hire Parliament-Funkadelic.
Funny how a lot of righties on Social Media are egging their sane friends to take sides in the Clinton/Gabbard (non)issue. “C’mon you have to agree with one or the other!” because non-binary is really really a tough thing for Conservatives to wrap their heads around.
No, we don’t have to choose from either or of irrelevant.
Quick, if you had to choose between Ron Paul and Dusty Johnson…GO!
Tulsi Gabbard, Republican.
You’re increasingly difficult @ 35 to distinguish from Steve, Cz-252. The only real difference is the sound of my laugh when I read what the two of you write.
Roger Rabbitspews:
SCOTUS reversed another lower federal court ruling against gerrymandering today, in this case Michigan’s. Technically, the high court is saying gerrymanders are “political questions” that courts can’t interfere in. As a practical matter, the conservative majority is placing gerrymanders — no matter how extreme, unfair, or anti-democratic — beyond court review.
Democrats, you have your marching orders. Remember the Golden Rule and take no prisoners.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@35 “She’ll have sewn up he totally existent fiscally conservative socially conservative Wing of voters planning to vote not Donald.”
Unfortunately for her, Joe Walsh has sewn up that vote.
Speaking of Joe Walsh, who’s not a funny guy, his take on how his former colleagues still in Congress feel about Trump, and who they’re really afraid of (not Trump), is downright entertaining.
Wrong. JFK and Herbert Hoover donated the entirety of their presidential salaries to charity. Obama donated about a third of his presidential salary income to various charities.
@ 38
Technically, the high court is saying gerrymanders are “political questions” that courts can’t interfere in.
This isn’t the first time the Court has pointed out political rather than legal questions. Breyer, in his dissent in Bush v. Gore, wrote:
Despite the reminder that this case involves “an election
for the President of the United States,” ante, at 1
(REHNQUIST, C. J., concurring), no preeminent legal concern, or practical concern related to legal questions, required this Court to hear this case, let alone to issue a stay
that stopped Florida’s recount process in its tracks.
Of course, the selection of the President is of fundamental national importance. But that importance is political,
not legal.
It follows that the results of downballot elections are, too, fundamentally important. It is therefore unfortunate that Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit and his ilk permitted the loss of more than 1,000 legislative seats during Obama’s tenure as president.
Tulsi Gabbard hitting Hillary like others should have.
Video at the link. Hillary fucked with the wrong woman this time around. This one fights back.
Carl, time to unload your cannibis stocks.
In just a year after Canada’s historic pot legalization, pot producers built up a massive surplus of pot. In fact, only 4% of pot produced in Canada in July has been sold!
The rest is being stored in warehouses… just like crops during the Great Depression.
Marking for posterity the day Teh Dumbfuck eagerly invited Iran to enter Syria on “the side” of the Kurds.
Next up: Hezbollah!
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Slight but very important clarification:
Only partisan gerrymanders are beyond review.
Racial, ethnic, etc. still very much on the table.
I’m lucky to be young enough that I can look foward and smile in anticipation of the cycle in the very near future when the WhitePower! Party will no longer have a choice between packing and cracking in most so-called “red” states.
Say farewell to Texas, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, Arizona, Ohio, Virginia…
Vanilla Fudge Packing here we come!
“Tulsi Gabbard, Republican.”
For my part, I’m actually glad to see that Doctor Dumbfuck has found a Democrat he likes. It’s one who smells of borscht, of course, and I’m sure we all saw one coming, what with all of dumbfuck’s roads leading to Putin.
“Tulsi Gabbard hitting Hillary like others should have.”
Gotta love the advise for Democrats that our Hillary-hating dumbfuck pulls out of his orange moron-loving ass. But I must give him credit. The dumbfuck traitor never misses a beat when it comes serving Vladimir.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@42 “It is therefore unfortunate that Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit and his ilk permitted the loss of more than 1,000 legislative seats during Obama’s tenure as president.”
It’s also unfortunate that the majority of German people who were reasonable people allowed a minority party (the Nazis) and a charlatan (Hitler) to come to people, but the primary fault of what followed belongs to those who supported the Nazis and Hitler, just as the primary blame for Trump and GOP legislative atrocities like gerrymandering lies with Republican voters, of whom you are one.
Open Secrets…
“Hawaii state Sen. Kai Kahele, a Democrat, has raised $345,616 from Hawaii donors in his bid to unseat Gabbard. That’s more than Gabbard’s presidential campaign has raised from donors in the Aloha State — $221,501 — over the same time period through September.”
She’s getting primaried from the left. There is no declared R in this deep blue district so the winner will be in Congress. Given that Hilary took 62% in 2016 I wonder how this is playing at home?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@43 “Take Back the Democratic Party from Corrupt Elite”
Interesting that you’re silent about taking back the Republican Party from its corrupt elite, but I guess you know an impossibility when you see it, because there’s no such thing as a Republican who isn’t corrupt, so there’s no one to do the taking back.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Monday that he could not form a new government after President Reuven Rivlin asked him to try in the wake of a deadlocked election. … The opportunity to form a stable government will now fall to his rival Benny Gantz, who leads the main opposition Blue and White party.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Looks like Israeli voters are getting tired of the GOP’s favorite Middle East rightwing bully. Of course he’s corrupt, and he may be about to lose his immunity to prosecution and jail. Gee, where else might we see that scenario play out?
Out of curiosity, Doctor, just how much of our constitution do you dumbfucks believe is phony?
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
It wasn’t even a year ago.
president Russian Slut-Puppet was being himself, acting the fool, and shit-Lording to “pwn the libs” in the midst of the GangBang confirmation, much to the delight of his WhitePower! supporters, by taking on The Chief Justice:
…who will now most likely be presiding over his impeachment trial.
Yertle can always try to change the Senate rules again. But to do so he cant lose more than two of his own. And with Ernst now riding the bubble with Collins, McSally, Tillis, and Gardiner, and with a growing chorus of shy-Trumpers looking to create the appearance of distance, that is pretty unlikely.
So many bad options opening up for them.
Yup. This too is another #owngoal.
“We never gave a commitment to the Kurds.” Donald, 10/21/2019
So, uh, why should any Iranian opposition party stick their necks out?
“I got your back Juan Guaidó, at least until Chevron wants the oil fields.”
Wonder why nothing about Hong Kong really comes out of the White House.
“Well your first mistake was trusting America but you never learn do you.” Donald, or words to that effect.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@52 I can answer that. The whole thing. They despise the entire idea of it, i.e. being based on the principle of majority rule. They hate term-limiting the presidency (vs. having a rightwing president-for-life), having a legislative branch with oversight authority and impeachment powers, the separation of church and state, due process, the works.
The only parts of the Constitution they accept are the Electoral College (and then only when it puts their losing candidate in power) and the slavery provisions (which, to their great disgust, were repealed after they lost a civil war that forced them into dependency on cheap labor instead of free labor).
The rest of it simply stands in the way of minority rule, imposition of a theocratic rightwing dictatorship, suppression of the liberal ideas, arrest of critics and opponents, and facilitating the corruption they love so dearly — overall a damned nuisance.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Making Turkey great again. And a nuclear-armed Turkey will be even greater. Until Turkey’s existence comes to an abrupt cessation.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The inevitable result of dismantling NATO, backing out of our commitments, and Balkanizing the world will be proliferating nuclear states. And in a fragmented world, every country capable of building nuclear weapons will build them. Then, when everyone has them, and they’re all at each other’s throats with no policeman-of-the-world to keep a lid on things, sooner or later an accident or miscalculation will happen.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Hate America & Brilliant Hoaxes Fartblower Blowback Update – Thanks again Demorats for your inspired Fartblower Hoax, here comes more Demorat corruption blowback.
In short, multiple intelligence sources have produced evidence which will soon be publicly announced that Burisma, the Ukrainian natural gas company that had Hunter Biden (Vice President Biden’s son) on the board getting paid fifty thousand a month, paid the former President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko $100mm (that’s one hundred million) to suppress the Ukrainian prosecutor’s office’s investigation into money laundering and kick backs to the Biden family, as well as other financial crimes. Then Vice President Joe Biden famously (in his own words) forced Ukraine to fire Viktor Shokin, the Ukrainian prosecutor investigating Hunter Biden and the Burisma group of companies, threatening to withhold security and financial aid. Sound familiar to the current charges against President Trump? It’s called projection.
Our sources allege FBI agents have taken bribes, some up to $5 million. The Embassy of the Untied States in Kyiv was neck deep into this corruption, involving corrupt FBI and CIA, where former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch was alleged to be directing a Deep State disinformation operation against then presidential candidate Donald J. Trump, with the aid of the Clinton Campaign and corrupt Ukrainian officials.
Did feral hog slop @57 ever blather about uranium one?
No matter; the freak is programmed to do “ukrainium one” now.
Yawn.. how predictable…
Roger Rabbitspews:
@57 Nice source you got there, champ:
“L. Todd Wood says that opposition to President Trump must be destroyed: ‘This whole Trump/Russia/Resistance thing is just a manifestation of this evil agenda. It has to be defeated – now. Trump is the only thing standing in the way of this monstrous machine that is destroying our great nation.'”
@60 The more relevant question is, do you think Zuck fucks horses? Both of these guys are weird; the question is, which is weirder?
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Hate America & Whining Losers News – Supreme Court Shoves Demorat Lawsuit Up Your Whining Loser Asses.
The Supreme Court effectively ended a gerrymandering challenge to Michigan’s Republican-drawn legislative districts Monday, after a three-judge panel ordered the state to produce new maps ahead of the 2020 elections.
Monday’s decision was widely expected. Both parties in the case agreed that the high court’s June decision finding federal courts cannot hear partisan gerrymandering challenges foreclosed further litigating.
Hi Bot.
When you have to quote a seventh tier webzine to get a quote,
“ which will soon be publicly announced”
I have photographic evidence…no I can’t show it to you…I have to wait for maximum effect….when…when the time is right…trust me. Is that even on page nineteen of a Conservapedia search for “News”
Sorry Dumbfuck,
CBC is calling Justin Trudeau will continue to be PM.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
soon be publicly announced
Along with Teh Dumbfuck’s FBI Inspector General Report.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
The Tim Eyeman of Tim Eyemans.
Can somebody get him a Darth costume with a girdle this time?
Politically Incorrect - just another "stupid" millionairespews:
+23.59% for the period January 1, 2018 through October 21, 2019
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Chesapeake, VA makes it a crime subject to jail for children to trick-or-treat over the age of 12 or any time after 8pm.
Of course just like PI, they voted for Trump.
This is Every Republican You Know now.
Something something personal liberty and freedom and wholesome 50s America.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@68 & 69 Of course Republicans hate children, and not just migrant children; they hate their own children, too, because most of them, after they grow up, take a hard long look at their parents and then vote for Democrats.
Republicans are made, not born. There are no genes in nature, no matter how grotesquely mutated, that can explain Republicans.
64, The Greens made gains, holding 2 in BC, and winning 1 in New Brunswick. They did very well at the Provincial level in Atlantic Canada.
“Chesapeake, VA makes it a crime subject to jail for children to trick-or-treat over the age of 12 or any time after 8pm.”
If there’s anything that works up the carnal desires of Republicans more than thoughts of farm animals or toddlers in cages, it’s thoughts of 12 year old children in jail.
All of Doctor Dumbfuck’s roads lead to Putin.
“GOP co-sponsor of Adam Schiff censure resolution received donations from Giuliani’s arrested Ukraine pal”
These rivers have been overflowing for at least 16,000 years, and maybe a lot longer than that. If you stupid European settlers haven’t figured that out by now, you never will.
I feel you’re an Apple user and haven’t updated your OS to Catalina, be careful: it turned into a disaster for me.
Back up you hard drive before you do anything with Catalina.
@2 Back up your hard drive regardless. Then back up your backup. All hardware is unreliable. Perhaps not as unreliable as a Republican politician’s patriotism, but close.
Yes, back up that hard drive at least once per week!
Just be careful about where you’re backing it up TO, guys. Huma was none too happy when Hillary’s top secret emails made it into my stash of dick pics and nubile nookie.
Also, she’s a liar.
Goldy Retweeted
Matt Stoller✔
Replying to @matthewstoller
Elizabeth Warren comes out of a specific populist tradition, reformism *within* the business community. It’s why she’s so confusing, why the far left thinks she’s corrupt and why Wall Street hates her. She stands for the farmer, worker, producer, businessman vs the financier.
Lest we forget, the cut & run coward and Putin stooge we call Doctor Dumbfuck betrayed our allies and left them to be slaughtered, including women and children.
“Syrian residents pelt retreating US troops with food and insults
Angry scenes demonstrate sense of betrayal amid rushed US withdrawal”
Way to go, dumbfuck.
Live in shame.
gman, if you’re honest with yourself you’ll admit that the only reason you like Mayor Pete is that in his spare time he participates in fudge-packing. So this shouldn’t make you feel badly at all.
Also, you have no capacity to feel shame.
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg recommended colleagues as potential hires for Pete Buttigieg’s campaign soon after the South Bend, Ind., mayor launched his presidential bid in mid-April.
Buttigieg campaign spokesman Chris Meagher confirmed to Bloomberg News that Zuckerberg and his wife, Priscilla Chan, had initiated the contact by sending several emails recommending individuals as potential campaign hires. A Zuckerberg-Chan family spokesman said that the employees had asked to be recommended.
@ 7
Steve, instead of jumping on the low-hanging fruit of the story, maybe use what’s left of your Trump-addled brain to read a little more carefully.
“We are against Ankara’s establishing of military posts in Syria,” the Iranian foreign ministry spokesman, Abbas Mousavi, said. “The issues should be resolved by diplomatic means.”
Washington’s departure from north-eastern Syria leaves only a small contingent of US forces in the country – all based in a desert outpost in the country’s south-east, where their focus has increasingly turned away from Isis to Iran. In the vacuum created by the Isis rampage across both sides of the Iraq-Syria border, Iran has emerged as a prominent actor, shoring up supply lines into Syria and Lebanon, which have helped secure Assad in power.
What the US has done makes Iran unhappy.
Steve, why do you choose to support Iran, which has made Death to America its rallying cry for more than a generation?
“That I will faithfully execute…”
Donald, asked about G7 and reports that he’s actively managing his businesses in the Oval Office
“ You people with this phony Emoluments Clause,” October 21, 2019
Cz-252 or anyone else but Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit:
I’m looking for a recommendation for over-the-ear headphones. I don’t need a bass-booster or anything else to “enhance my enjoyment” of rap music.
@ 10
Cz-252, always first with the most important of considerations.
Stole this from the inter webs because it made me nerd laugh…
“Stardate 2349, Earth is a member of the Federation of Planets. Except Great Britain which is still trying to leave the defunct European Union.”
@ 13
Galaxy Quest documentary will be released soon.
@6 You calling Hillary a “liar” is like Al Capone calling Chicago cops “corrupt.”
@8 I have no clue why you like a corrupt and treasonous demagogue like Trump. I only know you do. Which is all anyone needs to know about you, really. It’s one of those things that speaks for itself.
HA needs a motto: “Never give up. Never surrender.”
We’re laughing at y’all the way we laugh at Trekkies. And at the video clips of all those Hillary supporters at her HQ on Election Night.
Bumblefuck didn’t get kicked out of the barn until just before 10:00 a.m. today. Looks like the horse got to sleep in this morning. I’m sure he appreciates it.
@9 WTF kind of dumbfuckery was that? Read further, dumbfuck. Maybe you’ll learn something about yourself.
““We sent our children with them to fight Isis, and they abandoned us. Betrayal is hard to get over, and I hope we’ll remember this for the future. America knows the people who are murdering people on the roads very well, but they chose to turn a blind eye, and now they are walking away from all of it. True friends don’t walk away in hard times.”
“With these events today, we are just hopelessly exposed,” said a senior US diplomat, who declined to be named. “Everyone knows what this represents to our enemies – and that is a historical capitulation.”
Our allies are dying because you betrayed them, Doctor. And not only is Vladimir thrilled by your pathetic display of cut & run cowardice, so is Assad, Erdoğan, and the Ayatollah.
Way to betray your country, dumbfuck.
Live in shame.
@11 You probably want something more robust than ear buds. Why don’t you shop for a new brain, too, while you’re at it.
@19 The kind of dumbfuckery we’ve come to expect from that guy. For a deeper dive into the details, see #20 above.
Rock Star Seattle chef Matt Dillon blows that down. It’s not $15 minimum wage it’s sudden and rapid real estate value increase that’s killing businesses.
Thought experiment: what effect does average studio Apartment rent rising an about $100/year have on working class and or recent graduates and how does that relate to homelessness? (Amazon, “None whatsoever because we don’t want to pay taxes, it’s the drugs. Vote Orion’)
@23 “Thought experiment: what effect does average studio Apartment rent rising an about $100/year have on working class and or recent graduates and how does that relate to homelessness?”
You also might want to ask that question in a slightly rephrased form, i.e., “and how does that relate to restaurant sales?”
Probably has more impact than raising the min wage to $15. In fact, if restaurants don’t pay $15 – $25 min wage or no, there won’t be any restaurants, because high rents will denude Seattle of restaurant labor.
Whatever happened to Schiff’s whistleblower?
Hey libbies, as long as you’re going to pillory Amazon for writing checks to CARE, maybe take a look at Tom Steyer.
In Q3 he wrote $47.5M+ in checks to his own campaign. Spent $47M of it, too.
Climate change? What climate change?
Biden’s campaign blew $924,000 on private jets. That’s one out of every 16 bucks his campaign raised.
I have a pair of Sennheiser 600s for editing and home use. They’re spendy but really great.
For travel I use a set of Sony 700s noise cancelling wireless fine for most uses.
While you show no preference for over ear, open back, closed back, etc., you might give consideration to the Sony WH1000XM3.
Lots of people are making fun of that.
A thing also on the internet:
People comparing Steyer blowing $57m to not crack 1% vs John Oliver HBO buying and forgiving $15m of citizens’ medical debt.
People pointing out that only half of Steyer’s money could wipe out school lunch debt for pretty much every public school in the country.
$57m could convert about 570m diesel buses to electric.
Unless the DNC disinvites her, that is.
Alexandra Jaffe✔
Tulsi Gabbard told me after this event she’s taking her campaign to the Dem convention, even if she doesn’t have enough delegates to win …
Alexandra Jaffe✔
Tulsi Gabbard is speaking at a private home in West Branch, IA this morning, where the folks I spoke to think HRC unfairly targeted her & Gabbard defended herself well.
12:19 PM – Oct 19, 2019
“In Q3 he wrote $47.5M+ in checks to his own campaign. Spent $47M of it, too.”
So fucking what?
“GOP co-sponsor of Adam Schiff censure resolution received donations from Giuliani’s arrested Ukraine pal”
Is there anything you dumbfucks do anymore that doesn’t stink of borscht? Apparently not.
Live in shame.
“Tulsi Gabbard is speaking at a private home…”
To cut you some slack, Doctor, I suppose posting dumbfuck nonsense about Gabbard and Steyer sure beats the hell out of talking about how you and your orange moron cut & ran like the cowardly, disgusting Putin sycophants you are, betraying our allies and leaving them to be slaughtered.
Live in shame.
@30. Ok. She is a Super Delegate and can vote for herself except in the first round according to the new rules she was instrumental in putting in place because Bernie.
If there’s no clear nominee going in Tulsi will get a single vote.
With Hawaii’s new ranked choice primary, not even a guarantee she’ll have delegates from her home state.
@ 33
It’s not about the numbers, Cz-252. If it were about the numbers you’d be too embarrassed to post after your claim that Hillary had an “absolute lock” on 252 EVs.
It’s about the optics.
You’re in media and should understand that.
“ Unless the DNC disinvites her, that is.”
There’s a proud tradition there.
“I am running for the Democratic nomination and I have a smattering of delegate.” Lyndon LaRouche.
“The hell you are and no fucking way we seat them” DNC
I doubt anyone will be troubled by the optics of a Republican in Democrat wool failing to get much support in the primaries yelling from the cheap seats that she has ideas(rejected at the polls) and must be heard while not Getting anywhere near the stage. She’ll have sewn up he totally existent fiscally conservative socially conservative Wing of voters planning to vote not Donald.
The only way someone named Clinton is on the stage at the 2020 convention is if Chelsea introduces a #metoo video montage of 25 women in the early hours of Day 1 or they hire Parliament-Funkadelic.
Funny how a lot of righties on Social Media are egging their sane friends to take sides in the Clinton/Gabbard (non)issue. “C’mon you have to agree with one or the other!” because non-binary is really really a tough thing for Conservatives to wrap their heads around.
No, we don’t have to choose from either or of irrelevant.
Quick, if you had to choose between Ron Paul and Dusty Johnson…GO!
Tulsi Gabbard, Republican.
You’re increasingly difficult @ 35 to distinguish from Steve, Cz-252. The only real difference is the sound of my laugh when I read what the two of you write.
SCOTUS reversed another lower federal court ruling against gerrymandering today, in this case Michigan’s. Technically, the high court is saying gerrymanders are “political questions” that courts can’t interfere in. As a practical matter, the conservative majority is placing gerrymanders — no matter how extreme, unfair, or anti-democratic — beyond court review.
Democrats, you have your marching orders. Remember the Golden Rule and take no prisoners.
@35 “She’ll have sewn up he totally existent fiscally conservative socially conservative Wing of voters planning to vote not Donald.”
Unfortunately for her, Joe Walsh has sewn up that vote.
Speaking of Joe Walsh, who’s not a funny guy, his take on how his former colleagues still in Congress feel about Trump, and who they’re really afraid of (not Trump), is downright entertaining.
@26 Oh yeah, every other presidential candidate flies commercial. Right. Book early on Travelocity to make sure you get a seat!
This is an example of an idiot in search of an issue.
Wherein Trump fails another fact-check:
“They say no other president has donated his salary.”
Wrong. JFK and Herbert Hoover donated the entirety of their presidential salaries to charity. Obama donated about a third of his presidential salary income to various charities.
@ 38
Technically, the high court is saying gerrymanders are “political questions” that courts can’t interfere in.
This isn’t the first time the Court has pointed out political rather than legal questions. Breyer, in his dissent in Bush v. Gore, wrote:
Despite the reminder that this case involves “an election
for the President of the United States,” ante, at 1
(REHNQUIST, C. J., concurring), no preeminent legal concern, or practical concern related to legal questions, required this Court to hear this case, let alone to issue a stay
that stopped Florida’s recount process in its tracks.
Of course, the selection of the President is of fundamental national importance. But that importance is political,
not legal.
It follows that the results of downballot elections are, too, fundamentally important. It is therefore unfortunate that Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit and his ilk permitted the loss of more than 1,000 legislative seats during Obama’s tenure as president.
Tulsi Gabbard hitting Hillary like others should have.
Take Back the Democratic Party from Corrupt Elite
Video at the link. Hillary fucked with the wrong woman this time around. This one fights back.
Carl, time to unload your cannibis stocks.
In just a year after Canada’s historic pot legalization, pot producers built up a massive surplus of pot. In fact, only 4% of pot produced in Canada in July has been sold!
The rest is being stored in warehouses… just like crops during the Great Depression.
Marking for posterity the day Teh Dumbfuck eagerly invited Iran to enter Syria on “the side” of the Kurds.
Next up: Hezbollah!
Slight but very important clarification:
Only partisan gerrymanders are beyond review.
Racial, ethnic, etc. still very much on the table.
I’m lucky to be young enough that I can look foward and smile in anticipation of the cycle in the very near future when the WhitePower! Party will no longer have a choice between packing and cracking in most so-called “red” states.
Say farewell to Texas, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, Arizona, Ohio, Virginia…
Vanilla Fudge Packing here we come!
“Tulsi Gabbard, Republican.”
For my part, I’m actually glad to see that Doctor Dumbfuck has found a Democrat he likes. It’s one who smells of borscht, of course, and I’m sure we all saw one coming, what with all of dumbfuck’s roads leading to Putin.
“Tulsi Gabbard hitting Hillary like others should have.”
Gotta love the advise for Democrats that our Hillary-hating dumbfuck pulls out of his orange moron-loving ass. But I must give him credit. The dumbfuck traitor never misses a beat when it comes serving Vladimir.
@42 “It is therefore unfortunate that Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit and his ilk permitted the loss of more than 1,000 legislative seats during Obama’s tenure as president.”
It’s also unfortunate that the majority of German people who were reasonable people allowed a minority party (the Nazis) and a charlatan (Hitler) to come to people, but the primary fault of what followed belongs to those who supported the Nazis and Hitler, just as the primary blame for Trump and GOP legislative atrocities like gerrymandering lies with Republican voters, of whom you are one.
Open Secrets…
“Hawaii state Sen. Kai Kahele, a Democrat, has raised $345,616 from Hawaii donors in his bid to unseat Gabbard. That’s more than Gabbard’s presidential campaign has raised from donors in the Aloha State — $221,501 — over the same time period through September.”
She’s getting primaried from the left. There is no declared R in this deep blue district so the winner will be in Congress. Given that Hilary took 62% in 2016 I wonder how this is playing at home?
@43 “Take Back the Democratic Party from Corrupt Elite”
Interesting that you’re silent about taking back the Republican Party from its corrupt elite, but I guess you know an impossibility when you see it, because there’s no such thing as a Republican who isn’t corrupt, so there’s no one to do the taking back.
“Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Monday that he could not form a new government after President Reuven Rivlin asked him to try in the wake of a deadlocked election. … The opportunity to form a stable government will now fall to his rival Benny Gantz, who leads the main opposition Blue and White party.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Looks like Israeli voters are getting tired of the GOP’s favorite Middle East rightwing bully. Of course he’s corrupt, and he may be about to lose his immunity to prosecution and jail. Gee, where else might we see that scenario play out?
Out of curiosity, Doctor, just how much of our constitution do you dumbfucks believe is phony?
It wasn’t even a year ago.
president Russian Slut-Puppet was being himself, acting the fool, and shit-Lording to “pwn the libs” in the midst of the GangBang confirmation, much to the delight of his WhitePower! supporters, by taking on The Chief Justice:
…who will now most likely be presiding over his impeachment trial.
Yertle can always try to change the Senate rules again. But to do so he cant lose more than two of his own. And with Ernst now riding the bubble with Collins, McSally, Tillis, and Gardiner, and with a growing chorus of shy-Trumpers looking to create the appearance of distance, that is pretty unlikely.
So many bad options opening up for them.
Yup. This too is another #owngoal.
“We never gave a commitment to the Kurds.” Donald, 10/21/2019
So, uh, why should any Iranian opposition party stick their necks out?
“I got your back Juan Guaidó, at least until Chevron wants the oil fields.”
Wonder why nothing about Hong Kong really comes out of the White House.
“Well your first mistake was trusting America but you never learn do you.” Donald, or words to that effect.
@52 I can answer that. The whole thing. They despise the entire idea of it, i.e. being based on the principle of majority rule. They hate term-limiting the presidency (vs. having a rightwing president-for-life), having a legislative branch with oversight authority and impeachment powers, the separation of church and state, due process, the works.
The only parts of the Constitution they accept are the Electoral College (and then only when it puts their losing candidate in power) and the slavery provisions (which, to their great disgust, were repealed after they lost a civil war that forced them into dependency on cheap labor instead of free labor).
The rest of it simply stands in the way of minority rule, imposition of a theocratic rightwing dictatorship, suppression of the liberal ideas, arrest of critics and opponents, and facilitating the corruption they love so dearly — overall a damned nuisance.
Making Turkey great again. And a nuclear-armed Turkey will be even greater. Until Turkey’s existence comes to an abrupt cessation.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The inevitable result of dismantling NATO, backing out of our commitments, and Balkanizing the world will be proliferating nuclear states. And in a fragmented world, every country capable of building nuclear weapons will build them. Then, when everyone has them, and they’re all at each other’s throats with no policeman-of-the-world to keep a lid on things, sooner or later an accident or miscalculation will happen.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Hate America & Brilliant Hoaxes Fartblower Blowback Update – Thanks again Demorats for your inspired Fartblower Hoax, here comes more Demorat corruption blowback.
In short, multiple intelligence sources have produced evidence which will soon be publicly announced that Burisma, the Ukrainian natural gas company that had Hunter Biden (Vice President Biden’s son) on the board getting paid fifty thousand a month, paid the former President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko $100mm (that’s one hundred million) to suppress the Ukrainian prosecutor’s office’s investigation into money laundering and kick backs to the Biden family, as well as other financial crimes. Then Vice President Joe Biden famously (in his own words) forced Ukraine to fire Viktor Shokin, the Ukrainian prosecutor investigating Hunter Biden and the Burisma group of companies, threatening to withhold security and financial aid. Sound familiar to the current charges against President Trump? It’s called projection.
Our sources allege FBI agents have taken bribes, some up to $5 million. The Embassy of the Untied States in Kyiv was neck deep into this corruption, involving corrupt FBI and CIA, where former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch was alleged to be directing a Deep State disinformation operation against then presidential candidate Donald J. Trump, with the aid of the Clinton Campaign and corrupt Ukrainian officials.
Did feral hog slop @57 ever blather about uranium one?
No matter; the freak is programmed to do “ukrainium one” now.
Yawn.. how predictable…
@57 Nice source you got there, champ:
“L. Todd Wood says that opposition to President Trump must be destroyed: ‘This whole Trump/Russia/Resistance thing is just a manifestation of this evil agenda. It has to be defeated – now. Trump is the only thing standing in the way of this monstrous machine that is destroying our great nation.'”
Where did you dredge him up from? A chicken coop?
I always thought Zuck was gay. Jealous Bob?
@60 The more relevant question is, do you think Zuck fucks horses? Both of these guys are weird; the question is, which is weirder?
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Hate America & Whining Losers News – Supreme Court Shoves Demorat Lawsuit Up Your Whining Loser Asses.
The Supreme Court effectively ended a gerrymandering challenge to Michigan’s Republican-drawn legislative districts Monday, after a three-judge panel ordered the state to produce new maps ahead of the 2020 elections.
Monday’s decision was widely expected. Both parties in the case agreed that the high court’s June decision finding federal courts cannot hear partisan gerrymandering challenges foreclosed further litigating.
Hi Bot.
When you have to quote a seventh tier webzine to get a quote,
“ which will soon be publicly announced”
I have photographic evidence…no I can’t show it to you…I have to wait for maximum effect….when…when the time is right…trust me. Is that even on page nineteen of a Conservapedia search for “News”
Sorry Dumbfuck,
CBC is calling Justin Trudeau will continue to be PM.
Along with Teh Dumbfuck’s FBI Inspector General Report.
The Tim Eyeman of Tim Eyemans.
Can somebody get him a Darth costume with a girdle this time?
+23.59% for the period January 1, 2018 through October 21, 2019
Chesapeake, VA makes it a crime subject to jail for children to trick-or-treat over the age of 12 or any time after 8pm.
Of course just like PI, they voted for Trump.
This is Every Republican You Know now.
Something something personal liberty and freedom and wholesome 50s America.
@68 & 69 Of course Republicans hate children, and not just migrant children; they hate their own children, too, because most of them, after they grow up, take a hard long look at their parents and then vote for Democrats.
Republicans are made, not born. There are no genes in nature, no matter how grotesquely mutated, that can explain Republicans.
64, The Greens made gains, holding 2 in BC, and winning 1 in New Brunswick. They did very well at the Provincial level in Atlantic Canada.
“Chesapeake, VA makes it a crime subject to jail for children to trick-or-treat over the age of 12 or any time after 8pm.”
If there’s anything that works up the carnal desires of Republicans more than thoughts of farm animals or toddlers in cages, it’s thoughts of 12 year old children in jail.
All of Doctor Dumbfuck’s roads lead to Putin.
“GOP co-sponsor of Adam Schiff censure resolution received donations from Giuliani’s arrested Ukraine pal”