Social media is a part of a lot of people’s jobs. This can cause a gray area in some situations. But transitioning from HR crude (to say the least!) messages is a workplace problem. Don’t be gross at work, even when you are not officially on the clock, to potential coworkers. Obviously, don’t creep even if it’s not at work too.
The only thing that could thrill Doctor Dumbfuck more would be if the kid had been shot.
“Disturbing video shows black 13-year-old screaming in terror as Michigan police beat him inside cop car”
Alas, the cop was fired, giving Doctor Dumbfuck a sad.
The Dow dropped 500 points today because of Trump’s tariff threats.
The Dow is now down only 250 points because Wall Street realizes he’s a bullshitter.
@1 Yeah, yeah, the cop should be fired. But that kid has some serious issues. He’s not the only one. Imagine how things might be different today if Donald Trump had gotten knocked around in the back seat of a squad car when he was 13 years old. He’s probably too old to make an impression on him now by siccing the law on him. The real problem with cops is they were never there when you needed ’em.
That cop, like almost all modern police, has been professionally trained, at great expense to the taxpayers, to believe with all his heart and soul that his very survival depends on exhibiting just that kind of violence and brutality. “Action beats reaction”, and “You aren’t being paid to lose a fight” are phrases he and every other cop in America carries into his shift every single day.
Look at their uniforms and equipment. These are regular patrol officers dispatched to a domestic call. Tactical body armor, paratrooper military harnesses, combat boots, etc. All because agencies like to amp up the “cool” factor for morale and justify it for “officer safety”. Along with all that army gear comes military style training in hand to hand combat tactics as well as aggressive, “shock and awe” response tactics.
These are all routine elements of police training today. They are taught to be scared shitless of the public they were once intended to serve. They are given an arsenal of weapons and body armor and given thousands of hours of training and practice in violent aggressive methods of deploying and using it on us. They have it drummed into them repeatedly that any hesitation in the use of force will result in injury or death to themselves or their fellow officers.
The result is that for the officers themselves, police work has never been safer. And for the rest of us, every single time the police are called we are all put at enormous risk of great injury or death. And that owing to these tactics and this training, police agencies are now more prone than ever to pretext an unlawful arrest in order to defend against legal claims for the injuries they inflict and the civil rights they routinely violate.
It isn’t “bad apples”. It is modern policing itself that puts us all at enormous risk.
Trump “jokes” about disregarding the 22nd Amendment, about being “president for life,” but what if he’s defeated and refuses to leave? This article asks that question without answering it.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: In my opinion, if Trump loses and doesn’t cooperate with a peaceful transfer of power, there should be a transfer of power anyway, by any means necessary.
We must never allow anyone to overthrow the Constitution and our system of government. The Army exists to defend it, and there should be no doubt about whether it would. Every military officer and soldier takes an oath to uphold the Constitution, not a loyalty oath to any individual. Failing to follow the orders of the newly elected commander-in-chief would be a court-martial offense.
If Trump and his red-hatted mobs want to stand in the middle of Constitution Avenue shaking their fists at Abrams tanks, .50-caliber machineguns, and F-16s with racks of cluster bombs, let ’em.
Frankly, I sorta half-wish the military had practiced this scenario on the Bundy insurrectionists when they tried to overthrow our government with AR-15s. The military has been used in the past against workers simply for trying to organize. It certainly can be used for this, too.
I’m not really sure if there’s much value in taking these kinds of threats seriously or following along with media click bait stories that do.
The normal peaceful transition of authority over the Executive branch already broke down in 2016-2017, as the GOP simply refused any offers of assistance from the outgoing administration, ignored any implicit need for maintaining a competent chain of authority, Trump jealously fired his transition experts, and allowed most departments to implode upon themselves for a period of several months while the GOP office seekers looted the place and stole the furniture.
Once the electoral college results are certified then the inauguration will take place by law. I don’t see any sensible reasons to believe that the Chief Justice would refuse to do his lawful duty. Once the new President is sworn in, all existing cabinet department employees and all members of the uniformed armed forces are bound by law and by oath to obey lawful orders from that new President only.
I can only imagine it might make for an inauguration day spectacle that I would actually enjoy watching for once. The Trump family and their last bitter-enders being physically removed from the White House “for their own protection”.
@6 Well, maybe Trump’s “president for life” talk — which I don’t take seriously, but perhaps we all should — is setting off alarm bells with these serious folks:
“President Donald Trump would have been indicted for obstruction of justice in special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation if he did not hold the nation’s highest office, more than 370 former federal prosecutors argued in an open letter publish on Medium on Monday.
“The ex-prosecutors — who have served under both Republican and Democratic administrations dating back to President Dwight D. Eisenhower — said Attorney General William Barr’s decision not to charge Trump with obstruction ‘runs counter to logic and our experience.’
“The letter added, ‘Each of us believes that the conduct of President Trump described in Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report would, in the case of any other person not covered by the Office of Legal Counsel policy against indicting a sitting President, result in multiple felony charges for obstruction of justice.'”
Well, by now it must have occurred to him and to the GOP that when he loses in 2020 the “orderly transition” would in his unique case become by necessity more of a law enforcement activity.
We can all hope that the new President will have a clockwork timeline of firings and appointments cued up. All of which could then proceed directly to indictments, arrests, and arraignments.
So it that sense, Trump might be unique in the history of all US Presidents for having a strong disincentive to assisting the transition. The rest of it is just political posturing. He may very well refuse to go quietly. But it might not be so much refusing to go quietly into retirement, as refusing to go quietly to jail.
@ 3
The Dow is now down only 250 points because Wall Street realizes he’s a bullshitter.
And the Dow closes down a miniscule 66 points because Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit takes the bait. Every. single. time.
Jack Kennedy, president for life.
He is absolutely right.
And for that reason more than any other, we can expect the phony extreme religious far-right to go into full freakout mode and resurrect their calls for “civility” for a few days.
Let us be perfectly clear, there is little difference between this and MAGA-Teen. This person got into her car, drove to the public entrance to a healthcare facility, got out, and proceeded to harass, demean, threaten, and insult everyone who went in…
as is her right.
She chose to engage in these public, expressive activities in a public place…
as is her right.
But with rights also come burdens. When you vote you leave a public record. When you give money to a political cause it is a public act. You don’t get to engage in activism anonymously or pretend to be something other than what you are. She, like MAGA-Teen, is an activist protester demonstrating in a public venue. And that means other people can disagree with her publicly as well. That means her activism can be confronted and challenged. Rudely even. Age, whether old or young, can be no shield of immunity (though as I have said, MAGA-Teen’s adult caregivers let him down, in my opinion).
If these assholes don’t like the public mocking and shaming all they have to do is stop being assholes in public.
@ 1
Interesting that a social worker was on-site when that was happening.
Question: You have an uncooperative mental health patient who is kicking and spitting. What is the correct LE response?
@ 11
Let us be perfectly clear, there is little difference between this and MAGA-Teen.
She is an adult who drove to a Planned Parenthood with the intention of protesting.
He is a child who was on a class trip and was accosted while waiting for a bus. He then chose to stand in place rather than give way.
Yup, very little difference.
When did QoS McHillbilly become third-tier?
No cheat is too ridiculous for the GOP to contemplate.
More enduring proof of just how unfathomably stupid the old, flatulent, klownsurvaturd Dumbfucks really are, and how the entire enterprise has been reduced to nothing more than pure grift:
Laura Loomer (who handcuffed herself to @jack HQ and shit her pants) has raised $67k from the dupes.
Since when did MAGA-Teens demonstrated gigantic lies, and Teh Dumbfuck’s demonstrated capacity to swallow gigantic lies (and other gigantic things) render anybody but Teh Dumbfuck “third-tier”?
And if Teh Dumbfuck doesn’t like the public mocking and shaming all he has to do is stop bringing himself to a public forum and stomping on rakes for our amusement.
@ 14
No bill is immune from ridiculous mischaracterization, without the inclusion of a link, by Cz-252.
The bill would require someone who drives people to the polls and asks that a voting machine be brought to the vehicle for its disabled occupants sign a statement saying who they are and why the voter they brought needed assistance.
Hey, and it turns out there is something of benefit in the bill, too.
Also, the bill establishes a civil avenue for people who suspect they have been wronged by voter fraud to sue those they feel are responsible.
It also includes a $30 million fund to help counties retrofit electronic voting machines to create a paper trail if they are not so equipped now.
It’s almost like there’s no difference, anymore, in the intellect demonstrated by Cz-252 and by YLB. They’re each fucking morons. Only one of them wears nail polish.
First assess the actual risk to yourself. Does the individual have a weapon? Is it a close quarters weapon or smothering with range. (Call this the John T. Williams test. If I keep a physical barrier between myself, say the hood of a squad car or distance out of what the Cub Scouts call the blood circle, the maximum distance the holder of the weapon can connect, am I really in danger?
Step 1.
Know that no amount of damage done to the interior of your cruiser is worth killing or injuring a human being.
Step 2.
Call the mental health advocate in. More and more municipalities have them.
Funny how public schools have figured this out, though still imperfect, while law enforcement hasn’t. Any mental health professional will tell you that when someone is in acute crisis but are not posing a risk of harm to another person LITERALLY the worst response is to try to forcibly subdue the individual. Why?
1. It puts you in a position of potentially being injured.
2. Unless you know the particular triggers of that individual, (‘touch by others” is a very common trigger on the Autism spectrum) you risk aggravating the episode further.
3. If forced subdue doesn’t work and now the individual really is attacking you deadly force may be your only course of action.
Loop back to step 1.
Do I detect a pattern?
An HA reader posts commentary about ongoing and routine GOP venality, corruption, and shitless fear of voters, and a mewling, stupid, scared shitless GOPer responds with quips about feminine hygiene products and nail polish.
It’s almost as if that is all they’ve got anymore.
“… damage done to the interior of your cruiser…”
Every agency I’m familiar with orders their fleets with the standard rear seats, door liners, head liners, etc. replaced with impact proof thermo plastic. A bomb could go off in that back seat.
Let’s face it: Steve’s first impulses were the correct impulses. Teh Dumbfuck just neeeeeeeds a reason to explain why he got wood watching that video.
Because this really is “the status quo” for Republicans now.
@ 18
1. A social worker was already on-site.
2. What physical harm resulted from the punches? Watch the video. You can’t draw back much when you’re laying horizontal in a cruiser back seat.
Speaking of physical harm, the kid was bashing his head against the window – that is why the altercation began. The cop tried to get him to stop hurting himself.
Dumbfuck didn’t look at the bill
Someone helping you to the in the booth? You surrendered your right to a secret ballot.
“1. A social worker was already on-site.
2. What physical harm resulted from the punches?”
Erm, uh.. not helping. Not helping.
Try to realize that at some point Mr. Professional Law Enforcement officer is going to have to give sworn testimony to explain this.
Tends to make it look like the professionally trained LE officer was just going hands on for the fun of it.
On behalf of whatever poor sap has to rep that shitty little muni risk pool agency for beating up a handcuffed minor child while he wept and begged for mercy, NOT HELPING HERE.
Thanks for that.
@9 ” … Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit takes the bait …” sez the dumbfuck who swallowed Trump hook, line, and sinker.
Do I hear laughter? =:D<
+31.88% for the period January 1, 2018 through May 6, 2019.
I considered making some buys today in a couple of my longer-term portfolios, but the market wasn’t that attractive. Sometimes doing nothing is the best course of action to take.
@12 “Question: You have an uncooperative mental health patient who is kicking and spitting. What is the correct LE response?”
Look it up in the departmental policy and procedures manual, dumbfuck. That’s what it’s for.
Do you think they would have fired the cop if he had followed the prescribed procedures?
You really are a dumbfuck.
@13 “He then chose to stand in place rather than give way.”
Why don’t you try that on a sidewalk in downtown Portland as a social experiment and see what happens?
@14 Let’s amend the bill to make it unlawful to drive to polling places in pickup trucks, too.
@17 Thanks for the link, doc.
“Eight amendments added during floor debate Monday further clarified Hughes’ intent, including one that would have required a polling site within 3 miles of every voter. Hughes removed that provision at the behest of state Sen. Paul Bettencourt, R-Houston, who said it could unduly raise election costs in larger counties. Hughes agreed to leave the number of polling sites in each county unchanged from their 2018 numbers. He also rejected amendments that would have placed more polls at college campuses and would have created an online voter registration option, saying they were beyond the scope of his measure.”
Yep, I think his intent is pretty clear.
The shit Teh Dumbfuck goes down on never ceases to amaze me. When I saw Steve post that I honestly did not think Teh Dumbfuck would rise to it.
A cop bad enough to be summarily fired by his agency is caught on camera violently wailing on a handcuffed crying child begging for mercy. And Teh Dumbfuck is all-in.
This is exactly what I’ve been talking about with Teh Orange Event Horizon. By adopting the personae of modern Trumpism he gradually but inevitably takes on those motivations, biases, and perspectives. Now he’s just gone.
No doubt sewing his white sheet and rubbing lotion on his brand new Odin’s Cross tattoo as I write this. Rational “man of science” too dumbfuck to realize that it is not what we think and feel that determines how we express ourselves. But rather it is how we express ourselves that determines how we think and feel. You go MAGA and you cannot turn back.
They were warned. Still they persisted.
@21 Why don’t you represent the fired cop in his personnel appeal? You have all the answers. The departmental policies he violated? Don’t worry about them. Just tell the hearing officer your client didn’t hit the kid all that hard after the kid spit on him.
@23 “On behalf of whatever poor sap has to rep that shitty little muni risk pool agency for beating up a handcuffed minor child while he wept and begged for mercy …”
See #31 for details.
They settle. Obviously. Although certainly not “obvious” to Crazy Uncle MAGA-Liberty or Teh Dumbfuck. It’s merely a a question of how much they offer and how much the plaintiff is willing to hold out for.
Firing Officer ShriekingKidPuncher goes a long way toward saving the agency’s risk rating and keeping them out of the dirtbag risk pool or worse, having their coverage revoked. Driving a van-load of cash over to Grandma’s house is cheap in comparison to what these kinds of stunts actually end up costing taxpayers over the long run. But it’s impolite to discuss that.
Stating the Obvious Department.
If Unemployment Is So Low Then Why Don’t I Feel Better?
1. Falling labor force participation is hiding a much higher unemployment number.
Putting those individuals into the labor force in today but adding no more jobs than we actually have raises unemployment from 3.6% to 8.5%!
2. Wages are stagnant, so having a job isn’t what it used to be: If there’s one issue on which everyone agrees, it’s that real wage growth has been close to nonexistent.
3. Lower growth rates than we used to associate with expansions There are numerous reasons for this, but one standout has been the feeble contribution of government spending to spur economic growth once the fiscal stimulus package ran out.
4. Debt levels are still very high: We have fewer people looking for work, stagnating wages and anemic growth. Now add to that the fact that an increasing chunk of people’s paychecks just goes to paying off debt.
That’s the problem, but what’s the way out of it?
I don’t see republicans having any idea besides give the 1% another tax giveway.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Russia Hoax & Pussywhipped Punks News–Boss Pelosi (D-PMS) Rejects Prosecutors Report Of Multiple Trump Felonies, Says No Impeachment; “STFU And Give Me Money, Then Maybe I’ll Consider It Suckers.”
Hundreds of former federal prosecutors have attached their names to a statement saying they believe President Trump would have been indicted in Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s probe for obstruction of justice if he weren’t president.
“Each of us believes that the conduct of President Trump described in Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report would, in the case of any other person not covered by the Office of Legal Counsel policy against indicting a sitting President, result in multiple felony charges for obstruction of justice,” the statement read.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi reiterated her opposition to pursuing impeachment of President Donald Trump during an appearance Monday at a fundraising event in Chicago.
Pelosi was the featured speaker at the 18th annual Ultimate Women’s Power Lunch, a $175-per-plate fundraiser for Democratic U.S. Rep. Jan Schakowsky of Evanston. Pelosi said she’s willing to work with Trump on issues that are important to Democrats. But during a sit-down conversation with Schakowsky, the speaker also said she still sees the president as a threat to democratic institutions.
Yes, the Kennedy Family has had sainted martyr status since the Sixties, but Ted’s failings have tarnished that holy image quite a bit.*
No politician, no matter how popular, is worthy of such slavish worship by the unwashed masses. Politicians are people whose egos drives them to seek public worship.
*(Jack and Bobby were,pussy hounds, too, but they were never caught like Ted was.)
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Russia Hoax & China Punks News–China Joe Biden (D-China$) Mocks Clintons, “I Raked In $1.5 Billion In One Deal While You Do Your Chickenshit Speaking Tours Assholes.”
A $1.5 billion sweetheart deal Hunter Biden’s private equity firm secured from the state-owned Bank of China is “looming on the horizon” as a potential line of attack against his father’s 2020 presidential campaign, according to Vanity Fair’s Tina Nguyen.
This comes days after a New York Times article renewed interest in the revelations exposed in Peter Schweizer’s 2018 bestseller Secret Empires concerning the sweetheart deals Hunter Biden’s private equity firm secured while his father, Joe Biden, was vice president.
A1, I keep having to tell you, the Porn Star is a Republican.
My boss might have put me in crazy. But my boss does not put me in Democrat.
@34 “That’s the problem, but what’s the way out of it?”
Voting Democrat may not be a complete cure, but voting Republican makes it worse.
@36 “Boss Pelosi (D-PMS) Rejects Prosecutors Report Of Multiple Trump Felonies, Says No Impeachment; ‘STFU And Give Me Money, Then Maybe I’ll Consider It Suckers.'”
And giving money to Republicans or voting for Trump works better?
@37 “Politicians are people whose egos drives them to seek public worship.”
None more than one Donald John Trump, so if your aim is to vote for the least egotistical candidate, you sure as hell don’t want to vote for him.
@38 “the sweetheart deals Hunter Biden’s private equity firm secured”
You’ve convinced me; I won’t vote for Hunter Biden.
“New National Rifle Association President Carolyn Meadows said Rep. Lucy McBath was elected … because she is ‘a minority female,’ … speaking of the congressional seat that McBath — … whose 17-year-old son was fatally shot in 2012 — won last year.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: They just can’t help themselves. It’s who they are.
No problem there. I will not vote for Trump in 2020. I won’t vote for the Democrats’ candidate either.
Donald pardons Michael Behenna, 1st Lt. who was sentenced for the murder of a suspected Iraqi terrorist.
According to evidence at trail Behenna had the suspect in custody, did not take him to the base for interrogation/incarceration and instead into a culvert where he forced the suspect to strip naked then began interrogating him before shooting him twice. Behenna has maintained it was self defense and a jury found otherwise.
But hey, criminals gotta watch out for each other, amiright?
@45 Of course you won’t. You won’t vote for anybody. Your voter registration is expired.
@46 Shot in his own country by a foreign invader. But wrong color, wrong nationality, wrong religion. Some lives are worth less than others, and some are worth nothing at all.
“I will not vote for Trump in 2020. I won’t vote for the Democrats’ candidate either.”
That will never make up for the bad thing you did in 2016. It’ll do you no good blaming everyone else for your own stupidity, racism, and resentment. Because you were disappointed with the way your life has worked out you bought into bullshit and you let yourself be duped. Nobody disappointed you. You let yourself down. Despite being given every possible advantage. It’s entirely your choice if you squander your privilege on victimhood. That’s on you. These are your choices.
As if you needed it, yet more evidence that Republican women are very strange.
“Woman whips gator out of her pants when cops ask if she has ‘anything else’ on her”