Please, Howard Schultz, don’t run for President. Instead, you can not run for President. Maybe start with Senate. From Oklahoma, because Washington doesn’t need you.
An enjoyable start to the week is sitting back and watching lockstep libbies panty-twist over the prospect of a Schultz campaign.
Just wait until Hillary wades into the race.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Looks like Doctor Dumbfuck’s blowup doll kicked him out of bed bright and early this morning. Dow’s down 350 points this Monday morning.
Make that waddles. Not @ 1 wades.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Russian hackers stole Clinton and DNC emails.
Wikileaks passed them to Trump campaign operatives.
Trump alluded to them in televised debate.
(But if there was, collusion isn’t illegal!!)
Roger Rabbitspews:
@3 Still early for you?
Roger Rabbitspews:
The shutdown is barely over and Trump is already threatening another one. It’s fun being a GOP senator or congressman these days. Endless thrills and spills.
Nobody is surprised by this. but we still have to pay for those cuts.
Cue Mitch:
Thomas Jeffersonspews:
Third party candidates tend to hurt the Republicans, so it will be quite a turn of events if Mr. Coffee runs. His candidacy will adversely affect the Democrat running in 2020, not the Republican.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
I’d welcome it. Billionaire CEO Candidate will appeal to Wall Street, drying up a pool of funding for Child Molesters and the corrupting influence of that money on the nomination race for Real Patriotic Americans Not Engaged in a Conspiracy with Russians.
@7 As predicted by nearly every mainstream economist, as opposed to the quacks running Trump’s economic policy.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
I honestly don’t buy the predicate assumption that Billionaire CEO Plutocrat exclusively draws support from Progressive and left-of-center moderate voters.
I know a whole bunch of “conservative” voters who held their noses in 2016 and voted for President PussyGrabber. I think a few of them post on these threads. And it ought to be quite clear by now that nothing on earth will ever move these people to vote for a candidate with a (D) after their name. They will always find a reason. It’s in their DNA. But a bunch of them would love a different “billionaire” white guy to vote for.
People believe they “know” these guys by their brand and their companies. They don’t. They don’t know the first fucking thing about Billionaire CEO Plutocrat. Let him run. Let him hit the stump and start publicly fucking himself in the ear while crowds look on in horror. Let the media begin the inevitable digging to find the Polaroids, the accusers, and all the other inevitable dirt.
Believe me. Brooklyn plastic pitcher salesman did not get to be Billionaire CEO Plutocrat by being a knight in shining armor for anyone other than himself. He’s a sociopath asshole like the rest of them. That’s what works in business. Not so much in politics. If he runs, in the end, he won’t make very much of a dent in the right places for Democrats to worry. And he might very well make a big dent in just the right places to worry President Nazi-Apologist.
This will probably come to some as shocking, and mostly to Bob, but maybe not.
But I think I would vote for Bloomberg or Schultz if they ran. I’d prefer to see them run as Democrats and get the nomination than to run as Independents. I think they do siphon off some of the dem votes.
I think The Hump wins in 2020 if this happens.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Surveys of businesses released today confirm that Trump’s tax cut produced little hiring or capital investment, just as reputable economists had predicted. The GOP congress added $1.5 trillion to the debt and we got for it was to make billionaires richer. But I think they knew that all along, even if Larry Kudlow was sincere in having his head up his ass.*
* Stupid people usually don’t know they’re stupid.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
What do you think are the specific reasons these guys run as EEEN-DEEE-PEN-DUNCE instead of as either a Democrat or a Republican?
The way I see it, 30 years ago all other things being equal, these guys are straight up Republicans. They want free trade, open unregulated financial markets, lots of defense and public safety spending to protect that stuff, and ultra-low taxes on investments. Thirty years of culture wars insanity means they can no longer make it as Republicans. But ultimately they can’t square their Davos values with the Democratic Party.
That leaves them running as EEEN-DEE-PEN-DUNCE.
But the question remains, what for? What point are they trying to make by running? Because they aren’t running to win. And in our system only winners get to dictate terms.
“* Stupid people usually don’t know they’re stupid.”
I think Kudlow knows that he’s what he says is stupid, but he knows that the people he is speaking to, or hoping that are listening to him, are even more stupid.
Dumbfucks they are!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@15 Being a debt hawk explains why he turned his back on the GOP, and being on record as saying “we need to go after entitlements” explains why he can’t run as a Democrat.
@15 good question. I don’t know the answer. And I think everything you wrote is true.
Sure, I would like someone with a D next to their name become President. But I want someone electable that isn’t a complete right wing fascist, more so when it comes to Social issues.
I don’t seem Bloomberg being a fascist, like any of the current Republican members such as a Cruz, and the other ilk.
And to be honest, I am not sure I see Hillary Clinton as being a Corporatist, but yes with regulation.
I wouldn’t want someone that is as you describe, but more so I don’t want that and then some, like some right wing fascist dictating my personal freedoms (social issues).
Bloomberg (I don’t know about Schultz) – not a Climate Change denier, not a pusher of religion, not a NRA freak, etc….Wall Street will always be Wall Street. That part doesn’t bother me.
Long Live Ireland – True Home of the Free and the Brave.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
And how do you suppose losing an EEEN-DEE-PEN-DUNCE run for the White House affects those policies?
Does it change the conversation during the campaigns? Maybe.
But it wont change legislation in 2021.
Did Ross Perot change anything at all in terms of actual budget policy?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Here ya go, here’s their game plan:
“William Barr … is seeking to reassure senators that he’ll leave alone the special counsel investigation being run by Robert Mueller, telling them in response to written questions that he ‘would resign rather than follow an order to terminate the Special Counsel without good cause.’
“But Barr’s long response to written questions from members of the Senate Judiciary Committee … make clear that … in his view of the special counsel regulations, the report would be confidential ….
[He] pointed to Justice Department guidelines that, he wrote, caution prosecutors ‘to be sensitive to the privacy and reputational interests of uncharged third parties’ ….”
Bingo! Sitting presidents can’t be charged, therefore DOJ won’t release any information that implicates Trump. That’s how they plan to get to NO COLLUSION and WITCH HUNT.
It’s now clear that Rep. Schiff will have to subpoena the redacted descriptions of the high crimes and misdemeanors committed by Individual 1.
18 continued – and I don’t want someone attacking entitlements (as stated in 17)….but hey maybe someone like them are kept in check by a Dem controlled congress.
But again, if I am going to suffer, like lose Social Security, at least I’ll be in good company….my other freedoms, not so much, they affect me and a minority of others.
18 should say see Hillary Clinton as NOT being a Corporatist.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
If these guys really are natural born Republicans isn’t the better question to ask where the fuck have these people been for the last thirty years as their political party was being eaten alive first by Christo-fascists, next by racists, and now finally by Russian spies?
The modern generation of American billionaires embraced globalism and at the same time they abandoned their civic duties as citizens of a democracy. They were too goddamn busy. So for thirty years they left their political party to be run by perverted grifters, bible tonic peddlers, church ladies, white supremacists and Russian cutouts. Now they have to live with that and the hard work it will take to fix it. And they don’t wnat to.
Sounds to me like he’s appealing to a bunch of shy-Trumpers.
Remember that a clear majority of Americans voted for the Democratic nominee in 2016. And a solid and overwhelming majority of Americans voted for the Democratic candidate in the 2018 midterms. Common sense indicates that the Democratic Party is representing those voters – those majorities of voters. Maybe not perfectly. But you don’t get perfect. Democracy isn’t perfect. Not from an individual standpoint.
Sure, obviously there’s a “silent majority” of individual racist klownsurvaturds who don’t like the swastikas, date rape, sexual assault, and cross burning so out in the open. They prefer the old ways where you never said “the quiet part” out loud. But hey! Elections have consequences. President PeePee changed everything. And now there’s no going back. That leaves these people stuck. But anyone who can fucking count know these people aren’t Democrats. “Both sides” has nothing to do with it.
Yep. Something really is broken. When eight years of black dude offering Republican Lite solutions into a fusillade of Senate filibusters, BENGHAAZI hearings, and Louis Gohmert rants leaves the dude-bros with “no choice” but to cast their vote for Putin’s Pool Boy you know something went terribly wrong.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of White-hating Christian-hating Bigots News-Demorats still pushing their Covington hoax
White privilege can sometimes be obvious. The racist harassment of a Native American man named Nathan Phillips by a group of MAGA hat-wearing white teenagers at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington is one prominent recent example.
It’s so fun to see putin pool-boys doing as they are trained.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@27 He probably thinks Columbus and Custer were victims, too.
Another one walks away.
“NJ state senator abandons GOP ‘that has lost its way’ — and creates the largest Dem majority in nearly 40 years”
“My core values that originally drew me to the Republican Party have not changed,” Addiego said, “but the party which once echoed the vision of Ronald Reagan no longer exists.”
The line for the former Republican Presidential campaign manager’s prison shower train just grew a little longer.
Today Judge Ellis abruptly canceled Manafucked’s sentencing hearing in his conviction in EDVA while Judge Berman Jackson’s sentencing, scheduled for March in DCDC, may be bumped pending the outcome of another hearing next week into the back channeling.
Perhaps in five years, after his last real tooth has swirled down the prison shower drain in a stream of his own blood, the former Republican Presidential Campaign Manager will look back and wonder if all the lying was really worth it.
No wonder Howard Schultz wants nothing to do with the GOP.
An enjoyable start to the week is sitting back and watching lockstep libbies panty-twist over the prospect of a Schultz campaign.
Just wait until Hillary wades into the race.
Looks like Doctor Dumbfuck’s blowup doll kicked him out of bed bright and early this morning. Dow’s down 350 points this Monday morning.
Make that waddles. Not @ 1 wades.
Russian hackers stole Clinton and DNC emails.
Wikileaks passed them to Trump campaign operatives.
Trump alluded to them in televised debate.
(But if there was, collusion isn’t illegal!!)
@3 Still early for you?
The shutdown is barely over and Trump is already threatening another one. It’s fun being a GOP senator or congressman these days. Endless thrills and spills.
$1.5 trillion tax cut had no major impact on business spending
“A large majority of respondents, 84 percent, indicate that one year after its passage, the corporate tax reform has not caused their firms to change hiring or investment plans,”
Nobody is surprised by this. but we still have to pay for those cuts.
Cue Mitch:
Third party candidates tend to hurt the Republicans, so it will be quite a turn of events if Mr. Coffee runs. His candidacy will adversely affect the Democrat running in 2020, not the Republican.
I’d welcome it. Billionaire CEO Candidate will appeal to Wall Street, drying up a pool of funding for Child Molesters and the corrupting influence of that money on the nomination race for Real Patriotic Americans Not Engaged in a Conspiracy with Russians.
Dave Horsey weighs in on a Howard Schultz candidacy with his customary subtlety:
@7 As predicted by nearly every mainstream economist, as opposed to the quacks running Trump’s economic policy.
I honestly don’t buy the predicate assumption that Billionaire CEO Plutocrat exclusively draws support from Progressive and left-of-center moderate voters.
I know a whole bunch of “conservative” voters who held their noses in 2016 and voted for President PussyGrabber. I think a few of them post on these threads. And it ought to be quite clear by now that nothing on earth will ever move these people to vote for a candidate with a (D) after their name. They will always find a reason. It’s in their DNA. But a bunch of them would love a different “billionaire” white guy to vote for.
People believe they “know” these guys by their brand and their companies. They don’t. They don’t know the first fucking thing about Billionaire CEO Plutocrat. Let him run. Let him hit the stump and start publicly fucking himself in the ear while crowds look on in horror. Let the media begin the inevitable digging to find the Polaroids, the accusers, and all the other inevitable dirt.
Believe me. Brooklyn plastic pitcher salesman did not get to be Billionaire CEO Plutocrat by being a knight in shining armor for anyone other than himself. He’s a sociopath asshole like the rest of them. That’s what works in business. Not so much in politics. If he runs, in the end, he won’t make very much of a dent in the right places for Democrats to worry. And he might very well make a big dent in just the right places to worry President Nazi-Apologist.
This will probably come to some as shocking, and mostly to Bob, but maybe not.
But I think I would vote for Bloomberg or Schultz if they ran. I’d prefer to see them run as Democrats and get the nomination than to run as Independents. I think they do siphon off some of the dem votes.
I think The Hump wins in 2020 if this happens.
Surveys of businesses released today confirm that Trump’s tax cut produced little hiring or capital investment, just as reputable economists had predicted. The GOP congress added $1.5 trillion to the debt and we got for it was to make billionaires richer. But I think they knew that all along, even if Larry Kudlow was sincere in having his head up his ass.*
* Stupid people usually don’t know they’re stupid.
What do you think are the specific reasons these guys run as EEEN-DEEE-PEN-DUNCE instead of as either a Democrat or a Republican?
The way I see it, 30 years ago all other things being equal, these guys are straight up Republicans. They want free trade, open unregulated financial markets, lots of defense and public safety spending to protect that stuff, and ultra-low taxes on investments. Thirty years of culture wars insanity means they can no longer make it as Republicans. But ultimately they can’t square their Davos values with the Democratic Party.
That leaves them running as EEEN-DEE-PEN-DUNCE.
But the question remains, what for? What point are they trying to make by running? Because they aren’t running to win. And in our system only winners get to dictate terms.
“* Stupid people usually don’t know they’re stupid.”
I think Kudlow knows that he’s what he says is stupid, but he knows that the people he is speaking to, or hoping that are listening to him, are even more stupid.
Dumbfucks they are!
@15 Being a debt hawk explains why he turned his back on the GOP, and being on record as saying “we need to go after entitlements” explains why he can’t run as a Democrat.
@15 good question. I don’t know the answer. And I think everything you wrote is true.
Sure, I would like someone with a D next to their name become President. But I want someone electable that isn’t a complete right wing fascist, more so when it comes to Social issues.
I don’t seem Bloomberg being a fascist, like any of the current Republican members such as a Cruz, and the other ilk.
And to be honest, I am not sure I see Hillary Clinton as being a Corporatist, but yes with regulation.
I wouldn’t want someone that is as you describe, but more so I don’t want that and then some, like some right wing fascist dictating my personal freedoms (social issues).
Bloomberg (I don’t know about Schultz) – not a Climate Change denier, not a pusher of religion, not a NRA freak, etc….Wall Street will always be Wall Street. That part doesn’t bother me.
Long Live Ireland – True Home of the Free and the Brave.
And how do you suppose losing an EEEN-DEE-PEN-DUNCE run for the White House affects those policies?
Does it change the conversation during the campaigns? Maybe.
But it wont change legislation in 2021.
Did Ross Perot change anything at all in terms of actual budget policy?
Here ya go, here’s their game plan:
“William Barr … is seeking to reassure senators that he’ll leave alone the special counsel investigation being run by Robert Mueller, telling them in response to written questions that he ‘would resign rather than follow an order to terminate the Special Counsel without good cause.’
“But Barr’s long response to written questions from members of the Senate Judiciary Committee … make clear that … in his view of the special counsel regulations, the report would be confidential ….
[He] pointed to Justice Department guidelines that, he wrote, caution prosecutors ‘to be sensitive to the privacy and reputational interests of uncharged third parties’ ….”
Bingo! Sitting presidents can’t be charged, therefore DOJ won’t release any information that implicates Trump. That’s how they plan to get to NO COLLUSION and WITCH HUNT.
It’s now clear that Rep. Schiff will have to subpoena the redacted descriptions of the high crimes and misdemeanors committed by Individual 1.
18 continued – and I don’t want someone attacking entitlements (as stated in 17)….but hey maybe someone like them are kept in check by a Dem controlled congress.
But again, if I am going to suffer, like lose Social Security, at least I’ll be in good company….my other freedoms, not so much, they affect me and a minority of others.
18 should say see Hillary Clinton as NOT being a Corporatist.
If these guys really are natural born Republicans isn’t the better question to ask where the fuck have these people been for the last thirty years as their political party was being eaten alive first by Christo-fascists, next by racists, and now finally by Russian spies?
The modern generation of American billionaires embraced globalism and at the same time they abandoned their civic duties as citizens of a democracy. They were too goddamn busy. So for thirty years they left their political party to be run by perverted grifters, bible tonic peddlers, church ladies, white supremacists and Russian cutouts. Now they have to live with that and the hard work it will take to fix it. And they don’t wnat to.
“The question I think we all should be asking ourselves is: at this time in America when there’s so much evidence that our political system is broken – that both parties at the extreme are not representing the silent majority of the American people – isn’t there a better way?”
Sounds to me like he’s appealing to a bunch of shy-Trumpers.
Remember that a clear majority of Americans voted for the Democratic nominee in 2016. And a solid and overwhelming majority of Americans voted for the Democratic candidate in the 2018 midterms. Common sense indicates that the Democratic Party is representing those voters – those majorities of voters. Maybe not perfectly. But you don’t get perfect. Democracy isn’t perfect. Not from an individual standpoint.
Sure, obviously there’s a “silent majority” of individual racist klownsurvaturds who don’t like the swastikas, date rape, sexual assault, and cross burning so out in the open. They prefer the old ways where you never said “the quiet part” out loud. But hey! Elections have consequences. President PeePee changed everything. And now there’s no going back. That leaves these people stuck. But anyone who can fucking count know these people aren’t Democrats. “Both sides” has nothing to do with it.
Yep. Something really is broken. When eight years of black dude offering Republican Lite solutions into a fusillade of Senate filibusters, BENGHAAZI hearings, and Louis Gohmert rants leaves the dude-bros with “no choice” but to cast their vote for Putin’s Pool Boy you know something went terribly wrong.
Why the fuck should I care?
They stole my line!
Hump T. Dumpty!
Demorat Pornstar Party Of White-hating Christian-hating Bigots News-Demorats still pushing their Covington hoax
White privilege can sometimes be obvious. The racist harassment of a Native American man named Nathan Phillips by a group of MAGA hat-wearing white teenagers at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington is one prominent recent example.
@26 What? No link to RT?
It’s so fun to see putin pool-boys doing as they are trained.
@27 He probably thinks Columbus and Custer were victims, too.
Another one walks away.
“NJ state senator abandons GOP ‘that has lost its way’ — and creates the largest Dem majority in nearly 40 years”
“My core values that originally drew me to the Republican Party have not changed,” Addiego said, “but the party which once echoed the vision of Ronald Reagan no longer exists.”
@17 Fuck Schultz! He’s a fraud.
The line for the former Republican Presidential campaign manager’s prison shower train just grew a little longer.
Today Judge Ellis abruptly canceled Manafucked’s sentencing hearing in his conviction in EDVA while Judge Berman Jackson’s sentencing, scheduled for March in DCDC, may be bumped pending the outcome of another hearing next week into the back channeling.
Perhaps in five years, after his last real tooth has swirled down the prison shower drain in a stream of his own blood, the former Republican Presidential Campaign Manager will look back and wonder if all the lying was really worth it.
No wonder Howard Schultz wants nothing to do with the GOP.