A new connection between Downtown and the waterfront just opened. I live nearby, so I gave it a bit of a test walk. It’s not as bad as maybe Twitter would have you believe. There are buildings blocking most of it from the waterfront. So it isn’t Viaduct Part 2, but at the same time, there isn’t much of a view.
There are sidewalks and bike paths. They may be smaller than you might want, but I am glad that activists have made that sort of thing necessary in projects, even if they absolutely shouldn’t be satisfied. I think when family comes to town and we show them Pike Place, it’ll be easier to show them the waterfront.
But ultimately, the issue is more cars on the waterfront and in the urban core. And yeah, there are already a lot of cars on it. I imagine it will be gridlocked pretty frequently, especially during rush hour.
Anyway, please wash your hands right now and get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
From previous thread:
If one is betting on Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit being proven correct, it’s a longshot bet.
Dude walking around shirtless and carrying a tree log when he was photographed. That’s what we’ve got. Everything else is Ben Crump and dude’s family insisting something “nefarious” happened and it’s being covered up by politics.
Ben Crump is learning that sometimes there’s no payday. Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit hasn’t had a payday since he (claims he) bought Starbucks in the mid-80s.
Heh.. “justice” beerbong sez the quite part out loud:
Justice Brett Kavanaugh asked a less typical question. It involved slavery..
“So today, a benefit to descendants of slaves would not be race-based, correct?” Kavanaugh said to Cameron Norris, a lawyer arguing for the end of race-based affirmative action.
Norris seemed caught off guard. “I — I think that’s incorrect, Justice Kavanaugh,” he said.
Those benefits were based on their status as having been enslaved, not their skin color.
“If that’s correct, then the benefit for descendants of former slaves is also not race-based,” Kavanaugh said. “You can make other arguments if you want about that, but it does not seem to be race-based.”
The conversation quickly moved on (partly because Justice Neil Gorsuch, another conservative, moved it along..
One grew up with working-class parents, attended a high-poverty high school and scored 1390 on the SAT. The other went to an elite private high school, took SAT prep classes and scored 1400. Surely, the 1390 is more impressive.
the opponents are correct that colleges now use race itself as a major factor. But if the court bars that practice, colleges are likely to become more aggressive about using measures of socioeconomic disadvantage. And that’s where the situation could get tricky. Many socioeconomic measures, after all, are strongly correlated with race.
From this morning’s NY Times Letter..
Hilarious.. To defend white privilege (while they babble about the discriminated against Asians) the klownservatics got themselves now a game of always wrong wing whack-a-mole..
Oh poor latinx who scores just below a privileged white or asian – don’t give him or her a chance that’s discrimination!
The “final solution” of course is what kon-klown is doing to the New School – just stack boards of trustees with fuckwad assholes.
@ 2
Our intellectually challenged and unserious twat Queen YLB is trying to say something, but can’t make it understandable to adults with a college education.
She talks about a “Letter”. A letter to the editor, perhaps? Or one of the daily newsletters that the NYT sends around to those on its mailing list? Queen YLB doesn’t say.
About all that’s clear is that Queen YLB doesn’t like AJ Kavanaugh. Maybe it’s because his defense showed Christine Blasey Ford to be a fucking liar.
Because we’re the GOP….
It’s worth noting here that nearly a full day after news of the killings was widespread Greggy-poo was tweeting a photo of his Golden Retriever with the text “All smiles for the weekend” and not even pretending to care about the dead wetbacks.
But of course, now we know that at least one of the victims had a green card and was a legal resident of Texas.
But never one to pass on a chance to play the ‘stormin’ our borders…’ Southern Governor gonna do his thing.
Going be another peaceful week here for us in the PR department. Seriously. Can we get 36 hours without one of you high profile face of the party types from doing something we have to go into crisis communication mode on? It’s fucking exhausting and we need a couple days off now and then.
Dumbfuck’s gonna give this as much attention as he likes to give to helicopters taking fire, arrested at a civil rights protest and the like. Difference here is this one is straight up race baiting as opposed to bragging about shit from your past that is at best a little bit true.
@ 4
I see you have no concern about the illegal who shot them execution-style. I see as well that you know that Governor Abbott does.
Because you monitor his Twitter feed. We really should share more of it with the HA readership, don’t you think? I’ll start.
can’t make it understandable to
adults with a college education.a lazy racism-lovin’ kreepshit with its head up its ass.Perhaps the kreepshit can google the dialog between beerbong and the always wrong wing petitioner. Look at Scotus blog whatever. “to better understand”.. But no…..
This would speak so well to the idiot’s “intelligence”..
I used what the NY Times sends out to subscribers in the email every morning.
The klownservatics whack down “affirmative action” while the colleges being half way intelligent, want to educate ALL of America not just the privileged. So they tack to socioeconomic factors in admissions.. But guess what? Race still figures, something the always wrong wing always knew but will never admit.
Get it now asshole?
This doesn’t sit well with widbee shithead cuz ASIANS and ownin’ eh libs.. what the fuck ever.
@ 5
At the very least, though, people should treat his story with great skepticism.
And so I shall. Just as I do with the stories that my corrupt, incompetent, senile, lies-through-his-teeth fossil of a president likes to tell.
Thanks for letting me know.
See we still want our viewers to have hope instead of reality.
Yes Maryland. Where Donald got 32% in 2020, 34% in 2016
Where the GOP in the last four Senate races took
Maryland where the last GOP Senator retired in 1980. Where the current governor took 65% of the vote.
Maryland. There’s a path there for our side. Trust us.
On the watch of First Vegetable Joe Biden, the second-largest bank failure in history occurred over the weekend.
JP Morgan Chase came out the winner. Unfortunately for Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, he chose instead to invest in Citigroup, which has lost 30% of its value since he plunked down his pennies.
@ 9
Where’s the link to Fox News claiming that Cardin’s retirement opens a path for a Republican?
That’s what I thought.
It’s important, at times, to read the entire sentence.
Let’s go further for the benefit of those who are capable of following:
Kavanaugh’s question about slavery was jarring because the overlap was complete: An admissions policy based on a family’s history of enslavement certainly sounds like a race-based policy, without being one on paper.
Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson pointed out another example during oral arguments: For a long time universities, including public schools like the University of North Carolina, refused to enroll Black students. Jackson compared a hypothetical applicant who would be a fifth-generation U.N.C. student — and thus receive the so-called legacy boost — with an applicant whose family had lived in the state just as long but whose ancestors had been barred from attending. As Jackson asked, shouldn’t the second applicant receive a boost, too?…
the practical questions are broader. Because of the deep racial inequities in the U.S. — caused partly by government policies like whites-only housing subsidies — many admission criteria based on economic disadvantage would apply disproportionately to applicants of color, especially Black applicants.
One example would be an admissions policy that gave extra consideration to a student who grew up in a family with a net worth of less than $30,000. Most Black households fall into that category; only a small share of white households do. There are even greater racial disparities in measures based on neighborhood wealth.
That last is a shocking fact if true.. First glance.. no can’t be.. There are plenty of poor whites in Appalachia whereever.. But if that is indeed true for blacks that is an awful legacy.. Blacks have had little access to upward mobility in this society, home ownership being a big part of generational wealth building..
How do you fix that? Stop and frisk? Heh..
This is your periodic reminder that the troll issuing such judgments once very sincerely argued in favor of people shoving flashlights up the rectums to fight off a deadly virus and fabricated imaginary “FB friends from CO” in order to try to win a dumb argument on the internet.
Cancel culture!
Gov. Stitt axes PBS funding over shows with LGBTQ+ content
What’s fun about this kind of stuff is DumbAss Governors think $0.70 per resident is going to push a woke agenda because it’s something they heard on Shapiro and Fox but what it actually amounts to is a slashing of higher education budgets.
Most of OETA stations are run in conjunction with a University that offers courses in Television/Radio Production and Journalism. You think ‘Freedom 98.8, home of the Dan Bognino and Dana Loesch show’ trains their own board ops and broadcast engineers?
Also, OETA is statutorily responsible for maintaining the WARN system (think “This has been a test of the Emergency Broadcast Network). So in some future tornado season when the system may or may not be working properly due to budget cuts…
Just saw Inslee won’t run again..
Maybe it’s Dino 5 TIME Lossi’s “moment”..
Rob “get a job” McKenna? YAWWWWNNN..
Off the top of my head, Bob Ferguson if he’s done some notable good east of the mountains. Not really that much of a politician though.
Back in the day he door belled my house.
@ 12
Blacks have had little access to upward mobility in this society, home ownership being a big part of generational wealth building..
How do you fix that? Stop and frisk?
Asian families were interred in America more recently than black families were enslaved in America, YLB. The Asian experience in America hasn’t been a good one, either.
Why is the outcome for Asian-heritage families in America so different than the outcome for black families in America? Maybe it’s because when Asian-heritage kids are stopped and frisked, the only thing the police usually find is a completed homework assignment. Heh.
Just as I do with the stories that my corrupt, incompetent, senile, lies-through-his-teeth fossil of a president likes to tell.
You forgot “orange-tinted, shoe-lift wearing, cheating at golf”..
Good deflection. Seems though “ICE encountered him last in 2016” Huh, who was President then? Was he deported?
But we know what bit bullshit you are trying. Until you have any evidence that the suspect did not reenter the country from 2016 until 2021…then you have no point.
But then we knew that. Greg Abbott knows that.
That last is a shocking fact if true..
It’s true, more or less. A lot depends on how you measure “net worth” and how you define “family”. But once you get into the weeds of it, really digging into how families form, affiliate, stay together, arrange relationships, and support family members, and also into the intricacies of generational wealth accumulation for workers systematically barred from access to home ownership and areas of employment that offer access to capital accumulation and asset ownership, Black families have historically almost no wealth accumulation.
But this offers hope in a sense.
Because this court in its infinite wisdom has decreed for instance that carefully drawing the boundaries of voting districts along “other measures” that just so happen to have the effect of “packing and cracking” “The Blacks” is A-Okay!👍 Just so long as the boundary is not explicitly drawn with respect to race, it can be okay.
So why not design an admissions formula the same way?
“Sorry Stacey. But with a 1250, and more than $3 million in accumulated family assets between homes, time shares, and 401k savings you will have to be wait listed.”
If I understand the HA libbie comments on this thread, it’s OK to refer to murderous illegals as illegals if their illegality can be somehow – accurately or not – blamed on a (former) GOP president. It’s NOT OK to refer to murdered illegals as illegals if only 80% of them were, in fact, illegal at the time the bullet passed through their brain.
Asian families were interred in America more recently than black families were enslaved in America.
And after the Japanese internment, blacks still couldn’t get the same access to low cost home financing that whites got.. they got next to nothing.
Even veterans of WWII. Why was that?
And discrimination in home financing was just one of many weapons used against blacks. See how ugly Boston got over busing? Didn’t have to be that way. Kamala Harris was bused. Whites went insane over public housing in Yonkers, NY and today it’s held up as a model of how public housing should be done.
Spike Lee said it well about Asians. Their family structure stayed intact. Malcolm X otoh spoke very clearly about what was visited upon blacks.
Propaganda is a powerful thing.
It’s the headline. Fox knows less than 5% of their website visits click through to read an article.
By putting that he’s a DEMOCRAT high and bold on the home page under “Clearing a Path” they are counting on their low-information voter viewerbase to get excited that a GOP Pickup is even possible. From there you can check out the Truth Social (or reddit/r/conservative) of all the brain addled Fox users getting hyped about taking this seat.
Uhh.. Should “stop and frisk” apply in permit-less conceal carry states?
‘course not! Those are “polite societies”..
“Not even close”..
@ 19
So why not design an admissions formula the same way?
Because in doing so you are
• devaluing the worth of a college education if there’s a lowered bar to entry.
• doing no favors to a box-checking student who can’t compete with his classmates because he has no business being in that university.
We already hand out grants based on financial need, and we hand out loans at favored rates based on financial need. Scholarships are handed out to people with certain, um, personal characteristics. None of which I object to because they are handed out to people who hopefully have already cleared a properly set bar to gain admission. We’ve designed college funding to admitted students that way.
It’s the college entry bar-lowering that I object to. When the SAT gap is so wide that completely eliminating SAT results from consideration is the solution, it’s clear that it’s being done to admit students who will struggle and to exclude students who won’t.
We’re going the wrong way by allowing that. We’re also going the wrong way by throwing money at primary education without holding teachers to some measure of accountability for getting something done with what they’re given.
Dumbing everybody down in hopes of equality of outcome is a loser path. We don’t want a society in which people with the intellect of a Queen YLB are the ones leading the world forward. People with the intellect of a Queen YLB, inappropriately aided, will be the ones to lead the world off a cliff.
Running headlong into the point…
Oh dear, did I break you?
Calling someone illegal is being an asshole ALL the time.
ASSUMING someone is illegal without evidence yet revealed is racist.
FINDING OUT the person you called illegal was in fact not but you did it becuase they had an ethnic sounding name and media reported they were of the darker complexion and then staying super quiet about the mistake and not retracting is a RACIST ASSHOLE.
Fox is the Hydrocodone for ‘the pain’ coming to the GOP in 2024.
If you just numb it it won’t be noticed until it’s too late.
@ 25
How much money received by those of Korean heritage? Chinese heritage? Indian or other sub-Asian continent heriteage?
None? And yet they overperform.
Hint: It wasn’t the $20k that only the Japanese survivors got that stoked the overperformance of the non-Japanese Asian-heritage students.
We don’t want a society in which people with the intellect of a
“stop and frisk” fan to do much beside whine from its backwater.
You’re doing fine work this week.
$20K PLUS not being denied access to real estate outside certain boundaries PLUS not being barred entry to all Public Universities in a very large part of the country PLUS not being overpoliced and subject to regular Law Enforcement harassment for being a little bit off white PLUS…
Koreans didn’t really start coming here in any kind of significance until 1965 (Civil Rights Act of 1964 was kind of a big deal.)
Indian Immigration also didn’t really happen until 1965
The 1965 Immigration and Naturalization Act revoked the national quota system and made family reunification possible.
But you go on about the Chinese never wondering why such a thing as a Chinatown exists.
NFL reporters doing NFL reporter things, draft grade edition.
“Philadelphia Eagles: A
Best Pick: It’s their first pick, defensive tackle Jalen Carter. Yes, he has some off-field issues”
Those ‘off field issues’ are street racing killing a teammate and coach with a BAC of .197 after celebrating the National Championship win. Carter was the driver of the other vehicle racing.
This argument assumes that four year university diplomas and MBAs serve the same purpose as medical school diplomas. Hell, even Boeing in the 1970s built commercial passenger jets with “GAWDAWFUL ENGLISH MAJORS performing manufacturing engineering jobs.
90% of higher education is gatekeeping. Quite honestly, even medical schools are doing gatekeeping with the match.
And test scores don’t mean shit. Ask the most recently nominated Republican presidential nominee.
But either way, taking race out of the system would satisfy the plaintiffs in this case according to their own briefs and arguments. So when the Shit-lord crybaby claims “It’s the college entry bar-lowering that I object to. ” we can all be quite sure he’s lying again. So I guess it must be a day ending in “y”.
It’s the diminishment of white privilege that he objects to.
The loss of the protective assumptions that “good families” breed “good kids” who deserve stuff, even when they do some “20 minutes of action” rapes. The loss of the concession to “white” cultural superiority. Or “Asian” cultural superiority if that is your thing.
This is the moral courage of the keyboard warrior demanding greater sacrifice and risk. Because very, very few lily-white parents would support the kind of brutally aggressive Darwinist system this approach advocates. Nor would most who work in higher education. It places far too much trust in the reliability of high-stakes testing and high-stakes grading. And it certainly is not the way admired gatekeeping institutions like Harvard or Yale operate. Once you make it in, you have made it.
There are very good reasons why MDs suffer from incredibly and disproportionately high rates of drug abuse, alcohol abuse, domestic violence, clinical depression, and suicide. Perhaps it would make sense for us to impose such misery on every profession and every graduate if the stakes could possibly justify it. But let’s be honest. We are talking about graduates who will be spending a substantial percentage of their future working lives enduring long Zoom meetings debating the color and font on shipping labels.
@ 32
Once you make it in, you have made it.
Once you work your way in, you mostly have made it. Three-quintile climb for me. Thanks, mom, for the push.
Oh. Okie Dokie. Just let’s don’t tell Dubya. 🤡
@1 I never said I bought Starbucks in “the mid-80s.” I bought Starbucks in 1996. You can’t get anything right, least of all your clumsy efforts to quote old HA comments.
Try fact-checking, it’ll save you a ton of embarrassment. The guy’s mother said three truckloads of white guys, not three white guys in a truck. It wouldn’t matter if you hadn’t insisted on playing “gotcha” with it only to shoot yourself in the foot.
my corrupt, incompetent, senile, lies-through-his-teeth fossil of a president
From one unserious twat to another, you need some help. I suggest you turn that into a hashtag. You’ve already gotten huge mileage out of a 2016 Russian GRU hashtag. Get in touch with them and tell them you some more help with another hashtag.
No need to thank me. I’m here to help you.
PS: Seeing as how you voted for a corrupt, incompetent, senile, lies-through-his-teeth fossil for president three times and will do so again twice more next year*, you might consider a different attack strategy. Perhaps you can come up with one that elicits less laughter from the libbies.
No need to thank me for that one either,
* Just a reminder here that Ron “Bobblehead” DeSantis will never be your president. I’m not sure it’s sunk in yet.
@3 “Maybe it’s because his defense showed Christine Blasey Ford to be a fucking liar.”
And healthy young black men being followed by three truckloads of white men walk into Mississippi woods die of natural causes all the time.
It’s possible Christine Blasey Ford is a fucking liar, but the odds are higher that rapey fratboy is a fucking liar.
It’s possible the black guy in the woods died of natural causes, accident, animal attack, or suicide, but the odds are higher that the three truckloads of white men who’d been stalking him either followed him into the woods or dumped his body there.
Very, very few things in this world are known with absolute certainty. That’s why criminal law uses a “beyond reasonable doubt” and civil law uses a “more likely than not” standard of proof, and options players stake their bets on a roll of the dice. You play the fucking odds when deciding what to do.
In your case, you put the fratboy on the Supreme Court, because you care more about his ideology than his character; you don’t conduct a murder investigation, because you don’t care about the death of a black man in Mississippi; you bet on whichever stock grabs your fancy, and hope you get lucky; and you post that it was “three white men in a truck” and “Roger Rabbit bought Starbucks in the mid-80s” because you’re too fucking lazy to look anything up.
@4 “at least one of the victims had a green card and was a legal resident of Texas”
Looks like Gov. Abbott doesn’t bother to fact-check, either. I’m beginning to suspect that appearing lazy is a convenient cover for fucking liars.
@6 Looks like dumbfuck has a new “source”: The Twitter feeds of Republican politicians. What about Gateway Pundit, your previous fav? Did something happen to it?
@8 “Just as I do with the stories that my corrupt, incompetent, senile, lies-through-his-teeth fossil of a president likes to tell.”
You mean the one he told at the Correspondents Dinner about not being senile?
It looks to me like he’s more honest, competent, and in control of his faculties than you are, even though you’re a generation younger than he is. Your hyperspeed debilitation is sad to watch.
@11 “It’s important, at times, to read the entire sentence.”
Glad to see you admit it. This is an important improvement over your posture in the previous thread and your early comments in this thread. Think you can sustain it for at least a few more comments?
Silly kreepshit babbled and babbled BORRINGLY about bud light and their edgy marketing that caused an always wrong wing trans panic. But here’s the real reason that bud light sales tanked:
The dirty meskins…
Today, Mexico ships out more than twice as much beer as any other country and single-handedly accounts for 30 percent of the world’s entire export-beer market, according to Geneva-based trade statistics provider Trade Data Monitor. That puts Mexico far above the Netherlands (14 percent), Belgium (13 percent) and even Oktoberfest progenitor Germany (9 percent)…
The United States is the world’s largest beer importer, accounting for almost 2 out of every 5 cross-border beer dollars. About 80 percent of that money goes to Mexico. That’s up from a paltry 17 percent in the early 1990s. For Mexico, the United States has become the only market that matters. In a recent 12-month span, 97 percent of Mexican beer exports flowed north across the border.
That’s what we mostly drink here at the homestead.., that and some occasional local microbrew. I blew off all that bud light noise cuz I haven’t bothered with bud in decades. Didn’t really care for it even back then.
@12 “Because of the deep racial inequities in the U.S. — caused partly by government policies like whites-only housing subsidies — ”
Wait a minute, isn’t this discussing critical race theory? Is that allowed at the Republican Court? It isn’t in red states.
@16 Chinese and East Indians were never interned in America. Quite a few Japanese are “interred” here, though, many of them in military cemeteries.
As I recall, not long ago, you had your panties in a twist about “Asians” being denied college admission to make room for blacks, whom you apparently consider intellectually inferior.
Here’s a suggestion: Instead of politicizing our colleges, as DeSantis is doing, why don’t we focus on turning out competent scientists, engineers, mathematicians, and IT people, so China doesn’t kick our ass?
Intellectually gifted people don’t need a “boost” to get into college. Top colleges compete for those students. But they can’t fill all their seats with them; and in a society that aims for a college-educated population, and tells its young they can’t succeed in life without a degree, is it a problem to reserve a few seats for historically disadvantaged groups? What if a private college wants to do that, as its contribution to righting historical wrongs, and because they think it’s good for society?
It’s not like an Asian student who doesn’t quite get into Harvard has no other educational options. Anyone with basic smarts, who studies as hard as you portray, is going to find a good college that’s eager to accept him or her as a student.
I remember when Republicans like you were against government interfering in the affairs of private institutions (e.g., Harvard University). Your priorities have shifted. Now, it seems, your greater interest is in keeping “the descendants of slaves” out of Harvard’s classrooms.
There was a time in certain parts of this country when it was a serious crime to teach a black person to read and write. I get the feeling that conservatives would bring back those laws, if they could.
@21 If I can weigh in on this line of commentary, I’m married to someone who didn’t get to attend good schools because her hardworking father, being of Asian descendant, was redlined out of most of Seattle’s neighborhoods so ended up buying a home for his family in one of the neighborhoods used as a dumping ground for “people like him.” So this shit hits close to home in my household, and I have little tolerance for assholes who benefited from white privilege and then get on a high horse against our society’s still-feeble efforts to compensate for historical racial injustices by attempting to treat wronged minorities slightly better than their ancestors did.
It’s nice that Doctor Dumbfuck wants to see hardworking Asian students admitted to Harvard. Why not some hardworking African-American students, too? Harvard has enough seats for both. So what if a few affirmative-action kids of wealthy alumni (aka “legacy admissions”) have to attend Stanford or Georgetown instead of Harvard?
What I’ve learned is the problem with having a private high profile company trying to do very complicated things while having a high profile public company is when the private company has a spectacular failure that causes a shit ton of environmental damage because we cut a bunch of corners on, say, launch pad toxicity mitigation, leading to a significant lawsuit that will likely halt all testing for a good while it just reminds people that the products of our public company are also shoddy with lots of cut corners and that affects public stock.
Doctor Dumbfuck won’t like this, because the last thing he wants to see is liberals fighting back; he thinks we should unilaterally disarm, and roll over to hostage-taking:
“Montana state legislator Zooey Zephyr is suing the state, House Speaker Matt Regier and Sergeant at Arms for the Montana House of Representatives Bradley Murfitt after being censured by House Republicans. ‘The recent actions violate my 1st amendment rights, as well as the rights of my 11,000 constituents to representation,’ Zephyr said in a tweet Monday. ‘Montana’s State House is the people’s House, not Speaker Regier’s, and I’m determined to defend the right of the people to have their voices heard.'”
The Republican Party claimed to be the party of “family values,” then cheated on their wives and fucked children.
They claimed to be the party of “individual freedom,” then censored speech, banned books, and threatened to jail teachers and librarians.
They claimed to be the party of “law and order,” then armed mass shooters.
They claimed to be the pro-business party, then sued Disney and ESG investment managers.
So what is the Republican Party? A screaming mob of social misfits who want to burn the country down.
I understand drag events attract certain “opponents”..
Like NAZIS..
The “abnormals” FAFO right kreepshit?
Like the “illegals” on the border.. heh.
@24 “devaluing the worth of a college education if there’s a lowered bar to entry”
This is funny. Employers devalued the worth of college education long ago by demanding a degree for every job and then paying high school wages by claiming the work wasn’t worth college wages.
@28 “How much money received by those of Korean heritage? Chinese heritage? Indian or other sub-Asian continent heriteage?”
How many of Korean, Chinese, Indian, and other sub-Asian continent heritage were rounded up by our government, imprisoned in concentration camps, and had their businesses and property confiscated?
I’m surprised you’re not demanding white reparations for the Kemper Freeman family. All they got out of it was a bunch of Bellevue truck farms.
@30 So that I understand correctly, is Doctor Dumbfuck asking for reparations for East Indians because our government made them stay in India, instead of inviting them to come here? Just wondering.
Why don’t they just stay home and try to get laid by their wives or girlfriends instead of beating them up and killing them?
Wed be better off if Trump had been re-elected.
@33 I did it without dad or mom. Worked my work through undergrad, worked for the grades that got me into law school, and earned my law school tuition in Vietnam.
@52 he is busy getting fucked by a horse.
@53 They’re probably beating up and killing their wives and girlfriends because they can’t get laid at home.
See @57, which manifests your misdirected anger, to think your life would be better with The Fuckhump.
You won’t solve your problems in denial.
I feel like you are losing some of your original energy you had when you first began this crusade for my sake.
You’re infrequent now. Your timing and rhythm are dragging.
It’s not good enough. Not after everything I’ve done for you. Remember you were a loser before I found you and gave you a purpose.
You had nothing. NOTH-THING.
I made you what you are.
You owe me a lot better than this.
Gordon Lightfoot died.
The photo in the link above should say, “Endagered Species – The Heterosexual Neanderthal”, not “Endagered Missing Advisory”.
Taxpayer’s $$ flying out the window – But it’s shit that we believe in!
We all now what Repukes would really want to do to solve it’s problem, but maybe they should just stop breeding and go extinct in order for there to be no gay people. Thier biggest failure is reproducing Heterosexual Neanderthals.
7 less voters @61.
Life is good.
How did I miss the fact that Elon’s Spacex Starship blew up!?
I really wish Elon would address the rumors that he diddles little boys. I wish Boebert would get to the bottom (or top) of it.
# of times the debt limit has been raised for Dem Presidents:
# of times the debt limit has been raised for degen repuke preznits:
@ 65
Which means what, girlfriend?
Does it mean that when the GOP held the White House, the debt limit increases were smaller and therefore were needed more frequently?
Does it mean that Democrats waited longer and used the debt ceiling approach as a political tool, with a larger jump necessary because of the wait?
Does it mean that divided government was more likely when a Democrat held the White House?
Or does it mean nothing, but you saw something bright and shiny and picked it up off the street without any idea of its worth, but decided to pass it on, anyway?
You have no fucking clue, do you?
Didn’t think so. Neither does anyone else.
Name a liberal boycott that has had an impact of this magnitude. Other than staying home rather than voting for #CrookedHillary in 2016, I mean.
I wonder if today is one of those days during which Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit breathlessly reports a five-figure gain!!!!! in the value of his brokerage account.
Naw, probably not.
Somebody blinked.
@68 ooooh.. snowflake triggered… by facts..
Nice flow chart showing several paths to shutdown avoidance.
It’s laid out simply enough that even the intellectually challenged, such as Queen YLB and the increasingly infrequent commenter The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, might be able to understand it, if not its significance.
Nice flow chart showing several paths to shutdown avoidance.
What’s missing is repukes doing NOW what they did when required for the orange-tinted failure.
Otherwise it’s stroke material for degens like you.
Oh, look! Hollywood writers are striking.
So, they want a shift differential even though they’re working from home. How precious.
In the preceding I typed “woking from home” before catching the error, but was it, really?
Wow, lotta lotta layoffs recently.
G-clown asked a few days ago where the recession is. We’ve been in one for awhile now, baby.
Bidenflation touches all.
Title 42 will end in 9 days.
So we’re sending 1,500 US troops to the southern border.
This will end well.
And my corrupt, incompetent, senile fossil of a president has never accepted that Navy Joan Roberts is his granddaughter.
What reptilian POS are The Biden Crime Family.
So we’re sending 1,500 US troops to the southern border.
If it was full-on silly season, you might be hard pressed to pick them out from all the guardsmen and women deployed by degen red state governors.
And those red state guard critters would be busy filling chartered buses and turboprops with refugees. Destination: places degen repukes reflexively hate.
(a) it might not be his but (b) his privacy has been unlawfully invaded by the publication of its contents.
Shrug.. It might be a stolen backup drive. It might be a hack.. transplanted onto some laptop.
Lawyer can’t represent what it doesn’t know.
What it is for sure is kreepshit’s most potent stroke material.
At HA, Hunter’s dick pics affect kreepshit only.
Wow, lotta lotta layoffs recently.
Goes hand in hand with a Fed nudging the banking system into shutting down the economy.
Carter appointee Paul Volker’s two hard landings made degen @77 the “totally fucked” kreepshit it is today.
Oh, look! Hollywood writers are striking.
Hollywood Studio: ChatGPT write me a 12 episode comedy series featuring a degenerate kreepshit from widbee stroking itself to Hunter Biden dick pics. And title it: “The Jerk”.
ChatGPT: On it boss! Dang, the stuff I’m finding at HA writes itself but doesn’t Steve Martin have dibs on the title?
Hollywood Studio: Let me worry about that. Oh btw, are you happy with the salary we negotiated?
ChatGPT: Overjoyed boss. I’d be out of a job if those human writers would only write for free.
The lawyers for POS Hunter Biden say his Porsche was repossessed.
How sad.
@ 80
Goes hand in hand with a Fed nudging the banking system into shutting down the economy.
It takes a precious kind of unserious twat to cheer the downward trend in the inflation rate while criticizing the Fed actions responsible for that trend. And what, no mention of Biden appointee Jay Powell?
Bidenflation touches all. Good and hard.
And what, no mention of Biden appointee Jay Powell?
Why? You never mention Carter appointee Paul Volker who shut down the economy twice.
bonzo reappointed him and you credit bonzo (never Volker) for taming inflation amirite?
Powell chickened out in 2018 and the markets are betting he’ll do it again.
to cheer the downward trend in the inflation
Speaks well to a kreepshit’s babbling about “bidenflation”..
At HA, Hunter’s dick pics affect kreepshit only.
As an ultra MAGA Republican and Trump supporter I am completely unable to square this news with the steady stream of declarations from Greg Gutfield and Brett Baier the the Biden family are criminally corrupt and actively engaged in selling our nation to Chinese Communists.
As a very simple, common Republican who mostly processes the news with a heavy reliance on beer and Adderall, these claims that “Hunter is dead broke” and “Hunter is swimming in Chinese billions” are incompatible thoughts.
I think will soothe my discomfort by buying another gun and leaving it where one of my pre-adolescent children will have easy access to it.
“Hunter is swimming in Chinese billions”
Jared is actually swimming in very real $billions from Prince Bonesaw’s Saudi Arabia, and yet for “reasons” our kreepshit traitor never talks about it.
With each passing week it’s looking more and more like Ron “Bobblehead” DeSantis will never be my fellow unserious twat’s president.
So sad!
Wasn’t a NYC skyscraper about to be “repossessed”?
But then “something” happened.
And it was all “okay”.
Also, wasn’t TMTG weeks away from running out of working capital and months behind on lease payments and invoices, while DWAC was unable to merge and fund, then once again “something” happened.
And that was all “okay” too.
Funny world.
All that that boycott proves is that Heterosexual Neanderthals that are filled with the Heterosexual Neanderthal virus are losers that drink beer.
No such thing as a simple common Republican.
@66 “Which means what, girlfriend?”
It means there’s no principle behind Republicans’ refusal to raise the debt limit, and shows it’s just hostage-taking.
But we already knew that. If Republicans were serious about deficits and debts, they wouldn’t try to defund an IRS crackdown on rich tax cheaters, and they would be willing to consider that perhaps they overshot on tax cuts for corporations and rich people, and discuss reinstating some of those taxes.
We all know Republicans are playing games. They slashed taxes to starve the government of revenue, then claimed we have to cut Democratic spending, while exempting their spending (defense, ethanol subsidies to farmers, etc.).
We all know you’re playing games, too, horsebuttfucker.
@67 I see doc is being pro-business again …
@68 Nope. How about you?
You ain’t seen nothing yet. Wait until investors realize Republicans are serious about defaulting the debt to force kids on food stamps and Medicaid to take night jobs cleaning slaughterhouses.
I’m stockpiling cash to buy stocks cheap. Last week I sold hundreds of Exxon shares at $118. Have you seen what Exxon is today? Maybe I’ll get to buy them back for what I paid for them.
“A born-again pastor and pro-Trump Republican … has resigned his seat on a school board over allegations of an affair with a teen, WISR radio reported Tuesday.”
On his Linked-In page, Pastor Bill says, “I am blessed to be a husband of one wife, father of five children and grandfather of six GrandBuddies! My personal goal is to live life in the pursuit of excellence with the hope of affecting my family and all those around me in a manner that makes an eternal difference.”
The girl is 17. He posed on Facebook, “I am simply not legally able to comment right now, but I will when legally permissible,” after a judge issued a restraining order against him. He continued, “Things are rarely as reported in the liberal press and on social media hack sites with secret unknown page administraters (sic),” he continued. “I want to thank everyone who has tried to call, text, message, etc., with words of encouragement and support for me. However, I covet your prayers first for the young woman involved.”
Colorado school district proves Critical Race Theory is true.
@71 Nice flow chart on cuts to veterans benefits.
@73 & @74 – I doubt the TV shows you watch are improved by being written in a studio under the watchful eyes of a Murdoch.
@75 Your personal recession began several years ago when the radiology lab director put you out to pasture.
@76 “So we’re sending 1,500 US troops to the southern border.”
That’s what your party wanted, isn’t it? So now you’re criticizing Biden for doing what Republicans demanded he do? Of course you are.
@82 Look who’s obsessing over strangers getting their cars repossessed. Now we know what he watches on YouTube.
As for me, I prefer Russian reality TV, it’s more entertaining.
@83 “And what, no mention of Biden appointee Jay Powell?”
I hear Biden paid Trump a finder’s fee.
The unserious twat fucks horses?? OMG!! That’s too sick for words.
Can you believe he used a gender neutral term for his grandsons and grandaughters? Must be all woke.
It surely would be great if the Southern border wasn’t a joke.
the Southern border wasn’t a joke.
Mexico is our #1 trading partner and will be that way for a generation or more.
Example: see @42
What about all that trade flowing across the southern border is a joke?
@103 That’s an unproven allegation, which is always good enough for Doctor Dumbfuck, so for our purposes here, it’s good enough for us, too. We believe in equality of treatment.
@105 Would you prefer to go hungry? Cheap Mexican labor produces your food, ingrate. If the food label says “Grown In USA” instead of “Grown In Mexico,” it was grown by cheap illegal Mexican labor.
17 year old girl……drlicious!