Good morning to everyone except Compassion Seattle. I don’t know enough about the legal case to have an opinion on the merits. But I do know that their garage initiative was garage. So I’m glad it won’t be on the ballot.
It does mean that the City Council and mayor need to step the hell up. They need to do more to house people. It’s well past time.
Anyway, please wash your hands right now and get vaccinated if you haven’t yet.
I hope all y’all libbies are nice an’ comfortable by now with the collateral damage inherent in drone strikes. Especially when your on-the-ground intel can’t be trusted anymore ’cause they were abandoned.
From the WaPo:
I know QoS McHillbilly is comfortable with it; I mean, just look at the awful things he has said about what Afghani refugees will be like. I doubt he’d be any more charitable toward Afghans who didn’t bet their future on First Vegetable Joe Biden keeping his word.
Anyways. Drone strikes weren’t acceptable to Democrats in the late ’90s. ’cause if they were Sandy Berger would have taken out OBL years before 9/11.
Lesson learned, and bombs away, motherfuckers.
Not exactly a ringing endorsement of First Vegetable Joe Biden’s approach:
Every Democrat to the right of Moobs McScrote knows what Biden did was blatantly incompetent and morally wrong. It’s too late for a do-over.
Own it, libbies. Y’all elected him. Y’all get to watch him fail while wondering why Mayor Pete didn’t look better to y’all 18 months ago.
Been gone for a week, I see shit for brains Doc still is sooo concerned about the Afghan people, very touching. Such false outrage on his part
What about the collateral damage from your tribe’s anti-vax people? Seems they have killed more than a few drones. Where is the outrage from you?
Cuomosexual G-clown knows that Mayor Pete would not have permitted the disaster in Kabul. Mayor Pete is a very intelligent individual.
Democrats should have put senile breeder Joe Biden out to pasture after 2016.
Cuomosexual G-clown, enjoy watching all of your libbie friends on HA protect the imbecile who didn’t think Mayor Pete was worthy of anything more than a silly Transportation Secretary position. It’s where politicians go to be forgotten.
Your friends bet on a breeder, who hasn’t been able to breed since the dawn of the new millenium, G-clown.
Without a permanent, recurring funding source to build, staff, and maintain shelter space, transitional housing, and recovery services you won’t get people off the sidewalks.
Something like a lodging tax, sales tax, or property tax levy that supports issuing bonds for development and funds ongoing services is the only way. People in every major city need to ask themselves if that’s something they are willing to commit to.
@ 3
Where is the outrage from you?
They wanted choice. They chose to risk their lives, and the lives of those around them.
I’m not going to cry over a stupid Trumper’s choice and the resultant consequences any more than you are, Newt. I have nothing to be outraged about.
One thing, Newt. Recall that in October, the anti-vaxx people were Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. ’cause back then it was Trump’s vaccine. Still is.
Sez one of ’em.🙄
@ 5
Without a permanent, recurring funding source to build, staff, and maintain shelter space, transitional housing, and recovery services you won’t get people off the sidewalks.
Even with all of that you won’t get homeless off the sidewalks.
LA County approves more than $500 million in spending for homeless
Despite the massive inflow of cash from Measure H and dozens of carefully crafted initiatives that make up the county’s Homeless Initiative, visible encampments continue to grow and the situation on the street remains dire.
I’d be satisfied if they could all be moved onto the sidewalks of Goldy and YLB’s residences. Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit gets a pass because he knows the homeless are overly coddled as it is now, and wants them corralled and dumped in the middle of eastern Washington before they reduce his already-pitiful income any more than they do now.
Quote from a Sturm Cigarette Company salesforce meeting
from a Republican candidate rally? Choose wisely!
I’d be satisfied if they could all be moved onto the sidewalks of Goldy and YLB’s residences.
David Goldstein and I live in Seattle dimfuk.. Homeless folks are gimme here. Just ask turn tail and run little maxpile.
Heh.. dimfuk “cares” so much about “kids” in inner-city Chicago..
Let’s move ’em all to teh dimfuk hovel in widbee..
And they, John James and Larry Elder can stand in for dimfuk so it can trade up to the
pristine.. whiteness.. of.. ORCAS..
They wanted choice. They chose to risk their lives, and the lives of those around them.
I’m not going to cry over a stupid Trumper’s choice and the resultant consequences any more than you are, Newt. I have nothing to be outraged about.
You can tell it’s just dying to vote for DeathSantis, Noem, etc. It loves “cullers of the herd” even if the herd is its own.
The only thing it truly cares about is its fookin’ munee.
Mayor Pete is a very intelligent individual.
Awwww.. There was a point after all to all the anatomically detailed gay sex fantasies teh widbee kreepah gushed during the dem primaries.
It’s smitten.
@ 9
I’m going in with 20 strong men and I’m gonna give them an option – they can leave or they can be removed.”
That’s not The Seattle Way. That’s The Chicago Way.
The Seattle Way is to go in with 10 unwashed socialists and 10 screaming RuPaul-wannabe YLBs who shriek and spray silly string and throw “milkshakes” any time anyone with something to say that they don’t want said stands up in front of the public microphone.
Why can’t Bobby read?
It’s a systemic problem. Pardon the crude comparison, but it’s not really a whole lot different than any of the other systemic, persistent problems of urbanization like traffic, or solid waste disposal. Decades of small, incremental, one-time only infusions of funding for this program or that have little effect. Because of course they do.
Imagine if a city treated solid waste disposal this way. Starting by just leaving it up to local residents to figure it out (probably that way where Poor Bobby is in his wooded bunker). And then just allowing the situation to grow out of control until the streets are filling up with Glad bags and hungry crows. So you fund a series of sweeps to clean it up? Then what happens? You put some undersized dumpsters on every corner maybe? But you don’t fund enough weekly pickups. So the dumpsters end up overflowing and spilling back out into the street.
Hand wringing social science experts arrive and consult. Then you launch a recycling program with lots and lots of outreach and education. Maybe go through the public schools to teach everyone how to “reduce” and “reuse”. A fraction of the original problem disappears. But only to be replaced by a different set of problems. And only and huge public expense and burden.
This is where cities are at, Dumbfuck. You ran away from it. But in doing so you freighted yourself with another set of burdens. The burdens you took on to escape it are unsustainable. You’ll die before the money runs out (perhaps, but only if gas prices remain low enough). But the whole economy can’t get fired from their job and run away to live in a spider hole. Cities are where all the money is made. If they want to keep doing that they need to step the fuck up.
any time anyone with something to say
Kill teh libs!!! dimfuk is just dying to hear what morons like that want to say.. from its widbee (soon to be orcas) safespace.
Libs better be packin’ something stronger than silly string.
It already knows how it wants to dress on its first date with Mayor Pete.
Anybody upset that the state employees’ union in WA is suing Inslee over the vaccine requirement?
Maybe I should ask Newt @ 3 because of his concern about “collateral damage” from anti-vax people.
Washington state employees union sues Gov. Inslee over COVID-19 vaccine mandate
Sounds like a buncha anti-vaxxer libertarians to me. Get vaxxed or Get The Fuck Out. Goddam union fucks.
Just proves my point that I’ve always been making since forever.
There is no Democrat for whom these people will vote.
And there is no Rapepublican for whom they will not.
This really needs to become a mantra among mid term campaigns in lean-R or no-lean districts.
Do not run to these voters.
They would rather eat horse deworming paste and die than take a lifesaving vaccine from any Democrat.
This is where cities are at, Dumbfuck. You ran away from it.
Say it’s not so, dimfuk.. you don’t “cut and run”… like little maxpile.
your burning compassionate klownservaticism for inner city Chicago (in contrast to “stupid” drumpfers) can only mean you want to host all of inner-city Chicago at the dimfuk widbee hovel.
“stop and cop” is just a stepping stone to the “final” solution. residence in widbee! Look what wonders that does for dimfuk.
Binding precedent is good. Clarifying even.
I hear there are lots and lots of people looking to change career paths right now. Lots more people worried about being forced into indoor spaces with unmasked superspreaders.
Since you “conservatives” are too stupid to “choose” to save your own lives, clarification is overdue, if only to save the rest of us from your stupidity.
From a legal standpoint the union has a question. I think it’s a stupid question. But it’s a question they have a legal right to ask and to see answered in court.
Does a statewide workplace public health mandate for all employees to receive a safe, effective, lifesaving vaccine to prevent mass death reside in the same category of “working conditions” as vacation days or PPE requirements.
We didn’t negotiate hearing protection either. Who knew?
I just got out of surgery and I’m still under the influence of sedation, so I’m not legally or morally responsible for anything I write about the traitor dumbfuck for the rest of the day, but it would be hard to exaggerate his perfidy under any circumstances.
@1 So you’d rather those bombs blew up American G.I.s? Sure sounds like it.
If a suicidal gunman shot at cops during a traffic stop and hit another motorist, Doctor Dumbfuck would blame the motorist’s death on the cops.
I hope all y’all libbies are nice an’ comfortable by now with the collateral damage inherent in drone strikes.
It rather Joe do nothin’ and let ISIS-K kill more people at the airport.
That gives it more to do here at HA.
You can tell life sucks for it in widbee without HA. Gotta get to Orcas dimfuk..
Anyway you can with the help of your friends, John James and Larry Elder – and all those inner city kids from Chicago.
Doctor Dumbfuck would blame the motorist’s death on the cops.
No, that’s not dimfuk.. Like Israel, “LE” can do no wrong..
Well, any day an unarmed person of color isn’t killed by “LE” – that makes dimfuk raise its eyebrows, sure.
We need AOC, dressed in white, outside the Kabul airport gate, crying in despair for another opportunistic photo shoot.
Then she can claim her life was in danger and President Biden was the one who saved her.
We need AOC
Speak for yourself kreepah.. AOC’s district needs her to represent them in DC.
“We”, HA HEROES, all know what LESS THAN ZERO dimfuk needs AOC for..
The same ole kreepah shit.
“The suicide bomber was the 3 year-old child killed in the drone strike.”
Just give them another 24 hours to dodge and obfuscate, and this is what they’ll come up with.
@1 “A U.S. drone strike targeting the Islamic State killed 10 civilians in Kabul, including several small children, … all from a single extended family … getting out of a car in their modest driveway when the strike hit a nearby vehicle.”
The missile hit the right vehicle, no doubt about it. Doctor Dumbfuck can’t fault our military, although he’s sure trying.
Yeah, car bombs will do a lot of collateral damage, especially the really big ones. The one in Oklahoma City planted by a cop-hating rightwinger a lot like the doctor’s Capitol invader friends killed 168 people, including 19 children. Here’s what McVeigh said about that:
“I’m sorry but it happens every day. You’re not the first mother to lose a kid …. I’m not going to … curl into a fetal ball and cry just because the victims want me to do that.”
I don’t see Doctor Dumbfuck crying or curling up into a fetal ball over the Kabul kids killed by ISIS-K. Like the man said, it happens every day.
He thinks we should be “more charitable toward Afghans” by letting terrorists drive their car bombs to the airport and blow up Americans instead. He wants this anyway, so there will be more dead Americans to hang around Joe Biden’s neck. That’s all he cares about.
@26 It wasn’t AOC who snuck off to Kabul airport for a photo-op with no notice to anybody last week.
The military-hating troll’s link @28 is no good. He’s no good, either.
I remember when conservatives had an ideology; now, they’re just a pack of fucking pathological liars.
@ 30
@26 It wasn’t AOC who snuck off to Kabul airport for a photo-op with no notice to anybody last week.
No, it wasn’t. It was one military veteran from each party, working together, and coming back with information that one party’s administration didn’t want Americans to hear.
That’s how bad this is for your ilk, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit. You are reduced to whining that two Congressmen did their jobs without notifying others about it in time to be stopped from doing their jobs.
An incredibly weak spew, even from you, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
@26 Where is the link that AOC went to the Kabul airport? Otherwise I assume you are lying as usual.
That’s how bad this is for your ilk,
Any anal rape fantasies you want to spew about Florida’s kids and their abuser DeathSantis, dimfuk?
@33. Greedy racist incel, is that the recent pleasure trip by the congress people who stole seats and resources from Americans and their allies attempting to escape death in Afghanistan?
Also @33. “No, it wasn’t.” The greedy racist incel admits lying about AOC so he could instead lie about the congress people’s trip when he felt that could score more points against the libs.
Doctor Dumbfuck laments the tragic murder of Kabul children by ISIS suicide bombers, but is unconcerned about the 100,000 Americans about to be killed by GOP suicide spreaders.
@35. Sandy hook kid deaths and covid kid deaths.
They wanted choice. They chose to risk their lives, and the lives of those around them. – Greedy Racist Incel.
I see a pattern in gun deaths and covid deaths. Once the kids are born, they don’t matter.
@33 “whining that two Congressmen did their jobs”
Which is several cuts above whining that our military folks did their job.
You have no class, doc.
LA Times is making this sound like the US claimed a successful strike on a terrorist vehicle when it actually hit a Corolla parked in the driveway.
That’s not me. That’s the LA Times.
We all know that mistakes are made. We should admit it when they occur.
S’true. Republicans neeeed lots of things right now to avoid further political decline and humiliation.
You need restrictive voting rules and fewer polling places in non-white communities.
You need the more charismatic white supremacists to stop saying the quiet part out loud and offing themselves with laetrile remedies.
You need more dead Marines.
But most of all, more than anything else on earth, you need Trump to disappear.
You know what my old Gamper used to say about “need”?
“Need in one hand and shit in the other.
See which one fills up first.”
Perhaps no other quote better illustrates just how detached “conservatives” have become from the true nature of a war fighting military.
What was the most “celebrated” and decorated single engagement from the U.S. occupation of Afghanistan so far? Go ahead. Google it. I can wait.
Wow, right? Impressive shit. 27 purple hearts. 37 commendation medals with “V” device. 3 Bronze Stars. 18 Bronze Stars with “V” device. 9 Silver Stars, two upgraded to DSCs. 8 Air Force DFCs.
And two MOHs.
8 KIAs and 27 wounded.
All in just fourteen hours.
Oh. And an investigation. Yup.
Ready for the cherry on top with extra sprinkles?
The two senior officers cited for command failures that directly resulted in the disaster were subsequently promoted through the ranks. Both are now Lt. Generals. One is the Senior Military Assistant to the Sec Def.
Mistakes happen in war fighting. Mistakes that cost lives.
We don’t “admit” to them. We celebrate them.
Get with the program.
Like your father did when left you and your mother when he discovered you were a dickless infant?
Here’s video of Osama bin Laden’s former security chief returning to his Afghanistan province now that it’s back under the control of the Taliban.
He couldn’t have done it without you, First Vegetable Joe Biden.
Al Queda is BACK, y’all! And Joe said there was no Al Queda in Afghanistan. Jus’ joshin’.
You can’t make this shit up.
The low IQ stupe traitor has finally elicited a liberal tear from me. But not in the way the dumbfuck traitor had hoped.
Not quite.
It matters nearly as much that
1. people and policies YLB supported made it possible, and
2. YLB’s kids will pay for their mother’s stupidity.
45. I’m sure it’s out of context. Everything the greedy racist incel posts is out of context he can’t help but lie.
The low IQ stupe traitor is only missing a couple of commas.
There’s a reason why the low IQ stupe traitor’s link doesn’t work. It’d be self-debunking.
Listen for yourself.
And get a load of Fox News freaking out about it.
Why not?
Bobby, it’s been very clear for a long, long time that you make shit up every day.
You’ve made up erections, and hookers, and cock rings, and hidden ballots, and aneurysms, and “FB friends in CO”, and laptops, and pizza dungeons, and finger bangs. And that is just a tiny sample.
Is today any different than any other day for a Trumpalo strung out on horse deworming paste, aquarium cleaner, and Jack Posobiec?
Can you guess who negotiated the release of 5,000 Taliban and got nothing in return?
Afghanistan to Release Last Taliban Prisoners, Removing Final Hurdle to Talks
The decision clears the way for the last of 5,000 insurgents to be freed. President Ashraf Ghani announced the release after convening an assembly of 3,000 representatives to seek their advice.
The release of 5,000 Taliban prisoners, which the United States agreed to in a February deal with the insurgents that also began the phased withdrawal of American troops, faced opposition from the Afghan government, which is holding the prisoners.
Something the low IQ stupe traitor doesn’t like to talk about.
Thanks to the new TX abortion law, Trump’s senior adviser and chief ball suck Jason Miller can now never visit Texas ever again.
Lucky Texas.
The weather in NOLA has improved enough for the looting to begin.
Redistricting in Florida, alone, may be sufficient to flip the House.
YLB’s kids
Will outlive the silly old dimfuk’s of the world mouldering in the ground (one stupid dimfuk in ashes w/ its fookin’ munnee in a pit)..
They will live in a better world for it.
That’s what the racist low IQ stupe traitor really wanted to say. But the dumbfuck racist just had a low IQ hissy-fit about the word “boy”, so he couldn’t.
The weather in NOLA has improved enough
To make a dimfuk depressed about another failed gloating over “first vegetable”...
I cut the low IQ stupe traitor some slack on his talking about the children of others. The low IQ stupe can’t have children. No dick. That’s why his father left him and his poor mother when he was an infant. He couldn’t deal with the fact that his son was born dickless.
It also goes to explain why the low IQ stupe has never fucked a woman. No dick.
Annnnnnndddddd, we’re outta there.
people and policies YLB supported
Like Rick Perlstein, I’m a fan of Euro social democracy. I look at Denmark, Norway, Sweden, etc. and I see..
Universal Heathcare..
Accessible Education and job training
A lot less homelessness
Decent prosperity.
Strong unions w/ engaged workers
Happier people.
Higher taxes sure but hey, they tend to get what they pay for.
I look at that and think, why not here?
Oh yeah, greedy, selfish, shitforbrains incels like dimfuk, that’s why not here.
As of Monday, more than 122,000 people had been airlifted from Hamid Karzai International Airport since July, Pentagon spokesman John Kirby told reporters, including 5,400 Americans.
That’s a lot of saved lives. Too many are left behind like they were in Vietnam (ever hear of the “boat people”, dimfuk?).
But that’s the consequences of America being incapable of cutting its losses short.
The low IQ stupe can’t have children. No dick.
Who was the baby daddy dimfuk? I bet it was a man of color.
Holy shit. That’d be the best.
Beginning tomorrow First Vegetable Joe Biden can revert to his, “That was four, five days ago!” dismissal when anyone brings up the military members who died in Friday’s suicide bombing.
Just hours to go, HA libbies, until y’all can, too.
Supper’s waitin’ at home, and I gotta get to it.
One more reason to like Sean Trende.
He’s not wrong. That dude lived a life of freedom and his last freedom of choice was to not get vaxxed.
military members who died
If everyone who signs up for military service is not allowed to die in a war zone, then all the repukes who had a hard on for Saddam should have been wearing orange jump suits long before we “outta there”‘d.
What did dimfuk say.. “We all know mistake are made.”.. amirite? Didn’t take all that long for drumpf to babble that Iraq was a mistake and all the repuke voters who previously worshiped Bush to fall right in line behind the next dear leader.
Maybe so many of them going bust losing their sub prime loan ticky tack houses had something to do with that.
were left behind in Afghanistan.
Some didn’t want to leave even when they were ordered to by the Taliban, dimfuk..
Now isn’t that nice of the Taliban that they wanted to escort Charlotte Maxwell-Jones to the Kabul airport. One would think they were half-way human beings instead of the ISIS-K monsters that dimfuk was cheerleading.
Poor Bobby is now boasting that Republicans in Florida will pickup six new House seats just from redistricting and that not a single other seat will change parties.
This is your brain on horse worm paste.
Instead they are calling their Republican House and Senate members on recess and demanding priority for a vent, Regeneron, and a horse worm paste IV.
And their members like Madison Cawthorn and MTG are responding by threatening the hospitals. Poor Bobby is just speechless.
@ 68
Poor Bobby is now boasting that Republicans in Florida will pickup six new House seats just from redistricting and that not a single other seat will change parties.
Poor QoS McHillbilly is now insinuating that the Democrats will hold all of its House seats in the other 49 states.
Yup. ’cause The Even Bigger Fucking Moron will buy that. Hell, even Newt recently wrote that he thought the Democrats would hold the House. They need this. Keep feeding it to them, McHillbilly.
I see Bob is trying to win me over (sarcasm). Stay with it boys.
God bless you.
Breeding will not save the stupid. They’re so stupid they will lose the ability to even know what a vagina is.
Unmask the Vagina!
Biden is doing an exceptionally good job compared to the Pussy Grabber.
They better gerrymander quick because DeathSantis is killing off the base at a record rate.
It really is a race to the bottom in Florida.
Geez, I wonder what “need” drives the low IQ stupe to spike the ball so prematurely while posting his low IQ stupe comments predicting shit that never happens.
We’ve all seen how the low IQ stupe needs to feed himself a heaping serving of his home-cooked low IQ dumbfuck tripe multiple times each and every fucking day. It’s as though the low IQ stupe would expire for lack of sustenance if he failed for just one day to post his low IQ shit here.
@40 “We all know that mistakes are made. We should admit it when they occur.”
Did your mother?
@42 “Mistakes happen in war fighting. Mistakes that cost lives.”
Sometimes the entire war is a mistake, and all the lives are needlessly lost, which does not detract from the valor and sacrifice of those lost, whom we deservedly honor.
But no matter how hard we try, and how many times we try, we can’t persuade Republicans — all cowardly draft dodgers in their own youth — to stop sending other people’s children to fight wars they wouldn’t send their own children to fight.
George W. Bush was a cowardly draft dodger. So were Donald Trump, John Bolton, and Roger Stone. Nearly all of them were.
I’m really not unimpressed when they call us “unpatriotic” for refusing to rally behind their mistakes. It merely reinforces my impression that they are the most cowardly, hypocritical, and venal people whose shoes despoil the sole of our beloved country. I’d take 10 average illegals over 1 of them any day.
Had a nice long nap this afternoon, but I’m still under the effects of the anesthesia for the surgery I had this morning, and cannot be held legally or morally responsible for anything I say about Doctor Dumbfuck for the rest of the day.
So, if it appears I’m being too easy on him, I hope the rest of you will understand and take that into consideration.
@44 Still confused about whose /s/ is on the secret surrender document, I see.
@45 Now do the ex-president who is an actual racist.
Why should Biden age well when this aged so poorly?
Kamala insinuated Biden was a racist. What she should have done was call him a lying sack of shit.
@49 Kinda amusing to see a racist network that shamelessly promotes racist candidates of a racist party that engages in racist gerrymandering and vote suppression get so worked up over this.
“Oh boy” and ” …, boy, …” were very common everyday expressions used by his generation. As in, for example, “Boy, the wind is really blowing!” Had nothing to do with race.
Everything Republicans do has everything to do with race. Even the term “Republican” is a misnomer; they’re the Apartheid Party.
@53 I’ll bet you can’t wait for white cops to start shooting black people crawling through the wreckage of their own homes “on suspicion of looting.”
@54 Gerrymandering has limitations when your party’s entire voter base is actively suicidal.
@59 It really bothers you that our cities aren’t bombed, our country isn’t occupied, our soldiers aren’t in POW camps, and we aren’t paying reparations, doesn’t it?
All you get for your 20 years of hating your own country is a photograph of a military cargo plane taking off from an airfield that doesn’t belong to us.
@63 I’m surprised you haven’t signed on to this lie yet.
@65 Have you read his chart? Doesn’t look like it. That “dude” (notice how the dimfuk traitor disparages our veteran heroes? and if you mention the word “boy,” the first thing that jumps into his mind is an image of a black man) died of treatable gallstone complications. Because some anti-vaxxer was tying up the ICU bed he needed.
Even under the influence of anesthesia, I have a better functioning cortex than the dumbfuck doctor does, which makes you wonder what horse piss he’s drinking.
@66 Jimmy Carter, the president they hate most (even more than Bill Clinton), didn’t lost a single American soldier in combat during his entire presidency.
Maybe that’s why they hate him so much.
@68 He’s also assuming Florida will still have live Republicans a year from now, whereas it’s uncertain how many of them will make it through this week.
By simply pointing out your boast about Florida?
It’s too early by a ton to make much of any House predictions. Even if polling were more reliable than we know it is it would still only tell us something about the likely voters inclinations right now in the districts as they currently are drawn. All that shit is going to change between this November and next November you idiot.
But you claim to have a crystal ball. Undoubtedly this is also how you manage your “fixed income”. And that explains why you sob desperately every time the price of a gallon of gas goes up a penny (shuddup and go get a job).
Party gerrymandering is not the same as racial gerrymandering. The Census Bureau does not collect demographic data tied directly to voting patterns. And drawing districts along racial lines is still illegal. That creates a real challenge for you. Because your thirty year history of gerrymandering success was built on both illegal racial exclusions and asymmetrical turnout.
But you now have a DOJ poised and under considerable pressure to challenge any taint of racial redistricting. And in the most recent midterm Democrats actually grew their turnout advantage when compared to the most recent presidential. So the risks involved in “packing and cracking” are quite substantial. Without knowing more about the turnout, you could easily fuck yourselves right in the Ivermectin.
But you keep on doing you.
We all enjoy the laughs.
“A picture is worth a thousand words.” or so it is said.
A video is priceless. Pay close attention starting 0:48, this is in our backyard.
Go ahead Dumbfuck Doc, tell me how humans have not contributed to climate change.
Climate-deniers, anti-vaxxers, conspiracy theory believers; you and your ilk are all alike, dumb as the fucking sand in the desert.
And Poor Bobby disagrees.
The guy who misunderstands how polling error is calculated thinks Democrats will not hold. And I think they absolutely can.
Several ways this may happen. Easiest would be to come back after recess, complete the two-step budget process and then immediately take up election reform legislation again. Then reform the filibuster rules and force every vulnerable Senate Rape Hero to stand up, address the chamber, and announce how afraid they are of black voters. Make election reform the issue going into the mid terms. Make them eat their words over and over again in front of their voters.
But another way would be for the AG to appoint a special prosecutor to go after unconstitutional state election laws and redistricting plans. Again, make this the issue going into the campaign season next spring. And again make every single Rape Hero, White Supremacy candidate eat their words over and over again, proclaiming how terrified they are of non-white voters.
Still another way is leveraging the disgraceful way Rape Hero Governors have deliberately fed and sustained the Delta. With the risk of infectious death still rampant in these filthy, pustulent “conservative” backwaters voters can challenge in-person voting requirements early and make 2022 another universal mail-in ballot election in states like Florida and Texas.
And use all that to bring out another turnout bomb just like 2018.
It’s so telling that America’s Republican perverts can’t get child sex trafficking off their minds.
WATCH: QAnon fan accuses Florida school board of using masks to commit child trafficking
As I’ve long said, never, ever leave a child (or a farm animal, for that matter) alone with a Republican. Very bad things will surely happen if you do.
God bless Raw Story.
Yo she/her/they/them/it YLB…..damn homie! 6 more shootings and a hatchet attack in Seattle this weekend! Keep running those cops outta town! How’s dat wurkin?
YOU voted for that!!!
6 more shootings and a hatchet attack in Seattle this weekend! Keep running those cops outta town! How’s dat wurkin?
Towers keep rising. Prop values keep increasing. Life in the big city liddle maxpile..
You turned tail and ran away cuz’ you’re frightened to death to carry. You’re such an ignorant klutz, it’s a gimme you’ll blow your balls off!
Fascist kops can go f’ themselves.
P.S. Talk to dimfuk about Chicago. It “cares” so much it wants all the inner city kids there to come to widbee. Heh.
Maybe that’s why they hate him so much.
He’s still breathing. He’s outlived all the repukes that came before and after him save for 2.. The last one, drumpf, was a f’in fascist..
Swapped the dog whistle for a bullhorn.
If he thinks those ‘tards are freaky, he should get a load of our low IQ dumbfuck traitor.
Ex-Fox analyst hilariously dishes on his old network: ‘These people are freaks’
God bless Raw Story.
88)Did Eagle Claw qualify as combat?
@88 – You forgot about the failed attempt to rescue the hostages in Iran. That failed raid really put the final nail in Carter’s coffin for re-election.. After the Desert One disaster, Carter became a sorry footnote in history.
@99 I did not forget Desert One. Those were not combat deaths. And Carter is not a sorry footnote in history; he was a model of honesty and decency, he brokered peace between Israel and Egypt, and got us into no misbegotten foreign adventures. In historian rankings of presidents, he’s above every Republican since Eisenhower except Reagan and Bush41.
Doc and his ‘publican friends are happy, yes happy, that the Afghanistan withdrawal was chaotic. They’re especially giddy that 13 Americans were killed (and disappointed that more weren’t killed). They’re hoping and praying that Hurricane Ida kills lots and lots of people, and they’re doing everything they can to ensure the delta variant rages out of control well into next year. If they can crash the stock market they will, and if they can take the economy down with it, so much the better. Because all they care about is the midterms. They want Biden to fail, they want Americans to die, they want the economy to collapse, because they think that will help them win the midterms.
If the Repukes win the House, the first thing they’ll do is impeach Biden, and Harris too, and spend the next two years investigating the investigators of Republican wrongdoing.
The strongest asset the republicans have are timid Democrats that bring jello molds to a free fire gun fight.
They were all of those things and much more in the last midterm. No pandemic. Growing economy. Just the standard kitchen table issues liberally seasoned with plenty of Guatemalan Toddler Punching.
The orthodoxy imposed by Trump demands that everyone assume turnout will revert back to 2014. Trump’s (Bannon’s) whole electoral strategy, and the thing that drove the performative and pointless cruelty and indifference was that idea that a 2% or 3% bump among old angry whites could overwhelm low turnout everywhere else. But then the manifest reality of Trump with a unified GQP government changed all that. The polarizing rhetoric is not just rhetoric anymore. Having lost an election they attacked the Capitol, took over the Congress, and tried to assassinate the Vice President. Turnout will never revert to 2014 after that.
Honestly, if you go back and look carefully at the precinct turnout numbers, and then follow up with the voter file data, you can see Georgia and Arizona in the 2018 results. It’s quite clear that as a party, down to the individual level, Republicans have decided to delete 2018. Because Trump told them to. And so that’s what they do. And 2020 “was stolen”. So it doesn’t matter either. The sway his fragile ego exerts over these people can not be underestimated.
And the amazing thing is, they are not coming out to rallies like before. Not where they need them to come out. For the few thousand “lifestylers” who travel to every event wherever it is and camp out in the RV, nothing has changed. But what difference does a rally in rural Alabama make? And if it really was such a success why would the GQP have to lie about the numbers attending?
It’s become a collective delusion. A kind of willful intention to create the political reality that real life won’t deliver. And it means that when they lose next year they are all going to lose their shit and most likely resort to violence. They will file suit in every close race. They will demand recounts, They will flood into urban plazas to stage fights. They will attack Secretaries of State. And they will probably turn violent early. State governments had better be prepared.
Knowing that without it they stand absolutely no chance of being reelected, desperately terrified Michigan Republicans are proposing to go around the people by using a citizen initiative to the legislature to restrict voting to whites only. If they can get just 8% of voters to sign petitions then the state legislature can go around the Governor and the other 92% of voters.
America needs about a dozen Stacy Abrams backed by an aggressive Attorney General to turn this tide. And America needs every single voter with a pulse to turnout no matter what.
Because if we don’t, we get Trump.
@103 That is so fucking true it makes my teeth hurt.
Not as apartheid as described but still bad.
Everything to suppress the vote.
@104 Meanwhile there is nothing that would flip the Biden voters who turned out to save democracy in 2020. The most the GQP can hope for is they won’t turn out like that in 2022 and 2024. The GQP is working in overdrive to ensure they can’t even if they want to. Native Americans will have to drive 150 miles to exercise the privilege of having their ballots lost in a county elections office. Black voters in Texas will risk 5 years in prison for voting in the wrong precinct, in Georgia for having a water bottle in their possession. And if that doesn’t stop them from voting, armed white men at polling places will.
Burka Bob and his clan are taking note of this tactic:
Not just because they want to use the murder of Afghan people for political gain, but the tactics they will copy and use the next time they feel an election was “stolen”.
ID requirements are not that bad if they are reasonable, and accompanied by the required support. People who own cars, world travelers, and people with enough money to go to college (student ID) get a free pass. Anyone else needs to apply for special state permission to vote. And the bill provides nothing to implement that. So for anyone who takes public transit, can’t afford Notre Dame, and doesn’t have a second home in Lausanne, they can just fuck off and get in the line. Ooops, sorry window’s closed. What? Nope. Come back next Thursday Boy.
And if that weren’t bad enough, there is just no practical or rational reason to outlaw providing people with absentee ballot applications and outlaw private foundation grants to perform voter registration drives or voter education. That shit is ridiculous and obviously driven directly toward suppressing voting and registration.
The good news is that last bit is almost certainly a violation of the First Amendment. So hopefully these Whites-Only fuck sticks will keep that in and the whole thing will get tossed.
122,300 evacuated in four weeks.
Republicans gave billionaires a giant tax cut and built a few miles of fence that fell over in the first strong wind.
If MAGA believes eating horse paste is their path to owning a lib, who are we to disagree with them?
Now do Central Park Five!
Asshole attacked cops with a chair. Now wants mercy. Because white guy.
Bob’s American Taliban in Georgia have disrupted vaccination sites and caused one to close.
It’s not enough that they don’t want it themselves but they have to interfere with others freedoms.
Bob enjoys this. Bob ignores this. Bob can’t be counted on to be an American. Bob is an American Taliban. Does it really matter who died in Afghanistan if it doesn’t matter who dies here. Fuck you Bob, you just like to exploit a situation for political gain. This is beyond shameful. Beyond someone sucking 10 dicks in 5 minutes time. You are a loser Bob.
Mask your Vagina. Breeding will not save youz
Fake, fraud and Phoney Baloney is Bob
We’ve reached that point every single one of these freaks quietly internalized forty years ago during “conservatisms” great triumphant heyday when they all watched Apocalypse Now for the first time:
Good luck, stupe.
US officials ‘unsure’ of whereabouts of GOP congressman who went rogue to rescue people in Afghanistan: report
Matthew Chapman
Speaking of Republicans dying in droves from Covid.
Referring to the right-wing media figures who downplayed the severity of COVID-19 only to be killed by it, Sykes asks, “Why does this keep happening?”
Why? Because God is real and she smotes those who tempt her.
God bless America.
@109 I wouldn’t believe anything Lara Logan says even if she claimed to have watched Donald Trump shoot somebody in the middle of Fifth Avenue in New York City.
Looks like Ron Johnson has made his decision and has announced his retirement: