It looks like King County (among others) will kick down to phase 2 of the reopening plan. Restaurants have been flouting the 50% capacity rules, and we’re going in the wrong direction. Eventually, the vaccine use should catch up, but in the meantime, I don’t mind a bit of caution.
Remember when Hawaii had a leper colony? Maybe it is time to turn Ferry County into a COVID colony and put all the mask deniers there. Republic has a head start:
Republic can use a great leader like Loren Culp during this crisis. Maybe they can get Dr. Dumbfuck to go over and give his services. He can load up his horse and have a grand time with his tribe.
I suspect a lot of this is Anti-vax theater. While the numbers right now are discouraging, and these kinds of isolated outbreak events will undoubtedly become increasingly common in the weeks ahead, I’m willing to predict that more than half of Trump voters who claim they are unwilling to be vaccinated will end up receiving the two-dose regimen by early next fall.
And most of them will continue to pretend that they are not vaccinated, that they are unconcerned about the virus, and that declining vaccination is a demonstration of “health”, independence, and virility.
But before that happens many, many tens of thousands of Trump voters will become desperately ill, lose work and income, incur big expenses in dealing with the illness, and suffer lingering effects for many months to come. Quite a few will even die.
Meanwhile Biden voters will be giddily sipping chilled Riesling on the sunny upper deck of a canal barge on the Danube.
I really don’t see what the problem is.
Seeing as how, like nearly all Antifa-socialist-commies, I received my 2nd vaccine five weeks ago, I now fully support Republican vaccine denial.
The Matt Gaetz and Marjorie Taylor Greene American Nazi road show kicks off this week. Seventeen year-old girls get in free!
@1 “According to Washington’s Roadmap to Recovery plan, counties with a population under 50,000 must have less than 100 new cases of COVID-19 over the course of 14 days. They can’t have more than three people hospitalized over the course of seven days to remain in phase 3. In Ferry County, 106 people tested positive in the last 14 days. There have been numerous hospitalizations, including seven people being transported to different hospitals out of the region.” (from your link)
Under 50,000? Ferry County’s pop is less than 1/6th of that, so they didn’t just flunk the criteria, they blew it away! To be precise, to stay in phase 3, they must have >1:500 infection rate, and theirs is 1:72.
What a bunch of dumbasses. But what do you expect? Two-thirds of them are Trumpers.
@2 It does seem like Covid-19 has potential to flip a number of red states blue, as no voter registration drives or voting rights laws could possibly do, simply by eliminating the Republican voters.
Lauren Boebert, Madison Cawthorn, Ronna McDaniel (who changed her name for Trump), and Tom Cotton all still maintain active Tweets falsely claiming that Biden’s DHS purchased Kamala Harris’ book and distributed it to unaccompanied minor immigrants.
These are: two Republican members of the United States House of Representatives, a Republican member of the United States Senate, and the National Chairwoman of the Republican Party. Cofeve. Etc.
And our own sad, racist, incel troll still maintains and supports his active posts falsely claiming that “because Biden” his made-up “FB friends in CO” received expired vaccine doses.
Ergo Michelle Obama is a dude. “Q”ED
Yes, they “blew it away”. What do you expect from a welfare-queen county full of tweakers?
All those AR-15 type weapons and stockpiles of ammo are working real well for them now.
I’m looking forward to a few rounds of special elections, local school board elections, and mid terms in some of these mask free states and districts where new rules will require Trump voters to vote in-person at crowded polls with limited operating hours.
Because “Mail ballots are fraud!”, and “Face masks steal my rights”.
Open wide and breathe in all the beautiful FREEEDUMB!
@2. Even Trump snuck in his vaccines before he left the WH. And like him, his followers will put on the anti-vax front while secretly getting their jab.
But many will get very, very sick, and some will die as a result of their decision to delay. The B.1.1.7 variant is about 64% more likely to result in an extended hospitalization when compared to non-B.1.1.7 variants. And it is a lot more transmissible. For those who are unprotected, 2021 is an entirely new and much more dangerous ballgame. When combined with localized community based decisions to decline vaccination, reopen without masking or social distancing, and the current relatively high levels of community spread present in these areas, it is a self-selecting breeder reactor for Qanon Karen spreaders. They are deliberately choosing to efficiently concentrate a more virulent and deadly strain among themselves at the precise moment of greatest vulnerability. The trailer court pool house and mini-casino is open and The Cracker Barrel buffet awaits!
Public health officials are of course ignoring the political implications and obvious outcomes. Having endured more than a year of politically motivated attacks including shootings, arsons, assaults, and death threats, and at a time when tenured professionals are now leaving the field in record and unprecedented numbers, they have no other choice. They will maintain their professional focus on broader public health concerns and outcomes.
But that won’t stop me from laughing and raising a glass!
In terms of new spending to stimulate the economic recovery, restore jobs, and focused on lasting investments in infrastructure that pay long term dividends of sustainable economic growth, the “bottom line” infrastructure plan counter-offered by Senate Republicans represents just 8% of the infrastructure investment spending in the Biden plan.
They say they want a “bipartisan” plan. And they say this is a drop dead offer from which they are unwilling to move.
Over to you Joe Manchin!
C’mon Mod (singular)!
Approve that last post. We all have to do our part to rid the United States Congress of Terrorist Trash like Lauren Boebert.
Thanks to America’s beloved president, 64% of Americans are optimistic about America’s future.
President Joe Biden, the greatest American president ever, or merely the father of an America renewed? Discuss.
God bless America.
“On January 6, Roger Marshall was one of eight Republican senators to vote against the Electoral College counts in Arizona and Pennsylvania, despite zero evidence that any actual fraud or wrongdoing had been committed in either state.
“… CNN’s Pamela Brown asked the Kansas Republican whether he had any ‘regrets about your actions and any concern that they contributed to misinformation about the election?’
“To which Marshall responded …: ‘Look, Pamela, we’re just so ready to move on. … It’s time for a spirit of forgiveness to be happening.”
Fuck him. Forgive? Hell, no. Not now, not a year from now, not ever. We will never forget what these bastards tried to do.
I assume you’ve all seen in the news by now that Bill and Melinda Gates are getting divorced.
I wonder if Bill will dare to upgrade to Wife 2.0?
@7 “Ergo Michelle Obama is a dude. “Q”ED”
Over 336k page views so far, and counting, although lately this one has been getting more traffic:
SJ’s posts about his family squabbles, while he was alive, had a robust fan base, too (although probably half those clicks were by is estranged brother). Now that I’m editing it, Handbill.US has a lot more content for intellectuals.
@1 they are germ spreaders. Love to preach to others about naughty behavior but when it comes to their behavior then Fuck You! They don’t have to abide by the rules they want other to abide by. They pretend to like LEO, except when they need a good rebelious insurrection its kill, kill, kill (or better know as a hug and a kiss – wink, wink).
Bob must be busy with the horse today.
The numbers aren’t showing that they will get their vaccine, in my opinion. I think in 1 month if we have less than 1,000,000 doses administered per day then it will indicate that they don’t plan on getting vaccinated. The only thing that could change their mind is if they all start to keel over.
Asuming the number of people that don’t want the vaccine, as previously stated in generality is 40%, which is approximately 80 percent of Repuke, or 100 million people. (After deducting 80 million non elligible individuals 16 and younger, leaves 250 million Americans, 40% of which equal 100 million. 100 million people x doses = 200 million doses). We are steadily decreasing from 3M doses per day at the peak to 2.25M today (in less than a months time). Assuming the trend continues we will be at approximately 1,000,000 doses distributed in about another month. One would hope that these people do step up to the plate and do get vaccinated. But if the doses distributed rate falls below 1,000,000 towards 0 doses per day you will start to realize that they aren’t going to get their dose(s)…..remember about half are religius freaks.
Using an average of 1 million doses per day, leaves 200 days to get these fuckers vacinated, if they should choose to decide to do so, as people suggest here. Assuming they don’t trickle in very slowly, or the daily rate gets below 1m doses per day.
I was in the gym and saw the news headline that we will not reach heard immunity, thanks to these fuckers. (I guess over time, after they are all dead we will).
But don’t we stand the risk of a variant spread by these germ spreaders that te current vaccine can’t protect against?
If you’re gonna attack an Asian person for wearing a mask, it helps the police if you’re not wearing one yourself.
Dumbfuck would prefer the police shoot her. After all, taking a hammer away from someone is very dangerous. You might get hit yourself. Plus she’s black.
Newsmax really, really, doesn’t want to pay Dominion Voting Systems $1.2 billion.
So they admitted they fucking lied through their fucking teeth.
It may end up like very deadly Influenza for Dummies. Enlightened, prosperous, healthy, well educated progressives like you and I will get our booster shot every fall.
But Steve Scalise will die alone on a vent, and Marjorie Taylor Greene will recover but lose the ability to pronounce the letter “R”. So she will change her name to Nancy and lose her next election.
That was the individual lawsuit by the executive Coomer defamed in the false Big Lie reporting.
It has been settled for an undisclosed sum.
The company lawsuit is still ongoing and may well cost them much, much, much more than whatever relatively small sum they paid to settle with Coomer. As a practical matter, the total personal damages from the defamatory conduct to an individual executive are bound to be quite limited.
And Coomer is no public figure. So settlement was indicated because the facts and the law both favor it. They made provably false claims alleging criminal and unethical behavior by a private individual with absolutely no reason to believe any of the claims were true. They truly defamed him, very unfairly and for no reason. It was thoroughly callous, reckless, and malign.
But given that ongoing polling in the United States indicates that over 60 million mouth breathing lumpentariat Republican tools persistently continue to believe that the Dominion Systems company and its products “changed” the election outcome, the damages to the company are potentially unlimited. In the Mongolian cockfights that pass for legislatures in Trump Murica these gibbering village idiots are all offering legislation to outlaw Dominion software and services. The measure of the damages has barely begun. Settlement may be impossible. And may be unwarranted if the networks can convince a court that they were just spouting their fat mouths off about a “public figure” company and expressing their “opinion”.
Shelley Moore Capito, Lisa Murkowski, and Susan Collins all each support and back the Roe v Wade decision recognizing an individual right to privacy and protecting a woman’s reproductive rights.
Liz Cheney opposes Roe v Wade, signing on to amici briefs asking the Supreme Court to overturn the decision.
Guess which of these powerful, leading Republican women the Republican Party wants to destroy.
Can’t get the lazy bums to take these jobs because of too much unemployment.
Conscientious libertarian leaning “conservative”: “The government’s police authorities must have sweeping legal authority to stop Black motorists on a mere hunch, order them out of their vehicle at gunpoint, and shoot them if they don’t comply fast enough.”
Also conscientious libertarian leaning “conservative”: “The government must intervene to prevent my private employer from mandating that I be vaccinated before returning to my workplace.”
I hope Bob is ok – hope the horse didn’t kick him in the nuts.
19-year-old Idaho intern raped by a Republican Aaron von Ehlinger, and instead of getting justice, many other Republicans defend the rapist (as usual for Republicans) and smear the victim. God these Republicans are scummy.
Pretty horrible. But I have to say, not particularly exceptional behavior when it comes to allegations of sexual assault against high powered men. There’s a huge tendency to silence, discredit, and marginalize credible reports and those who make them.
It wasn’t just Republicans who swept aside a public admission of violent sexual assault by the Republican nominee. It was almost all the major media and quite a few Democrats, including Clinton herself. They just didn’t “feel comfortable” discussing a public admission of violent sexual assault by a powerful man in such plain, and graphic terms. We all paid the price.
Lead Proud Boy Terrorist Ethan Nordean is currently out on PR bond pending trial on serious amended charges, while DOJ prosecutors seek to have his pretrial release revoked. To support his fairly weak claims for release Nordean’s lawyers are citing instances of fellow terror suspects being injured while resisting the instructions of corrections officers.
I don’t have an opinion about his continued release. I suspect that prosecutors are amending charges in order to obtain orders to revoke release as a way of coercing cooperation from these assholes. But getting beat up by Black corrections officers because you can’t take orders from a Black corrections officer is simply what you get when you are a stupid white supremacist.
It’s a very uncomplicated world inside. You shut the fuck up and you do exactly what they tell you to do when they tell you to do it. Corrections is a terrible job. And the units feel perpetually understaffed and vulnerable. The ratio of corrections officers to mass murdering narco terrorist cannibals is not in favor of the corrections officers. The only way they have to feel safe is to feel in control. And they achieve that by tolerating absolutely zero disobedience from any detainee.
In walks some bubble-dwelling “Western Euro-patriot” Nazi fanboy who thinks everything is a debate testing power dynamics. The discipline follows. And quite often under those conditions the discipline is accompanied by physical violence.
I’m not sympathetic. At least not sympathetic to their unique sense of white privilege.
It’s one set of rules the same for all detainees. Submit. Or suffer a detached retina.
“It’s a very uncomplicated world inside. You shut the fuck up and you do exactly what they tell you to do when they tell you to do it.”
Too bad all those criminals you people are trying to turn into saints didn’t heed your advice.
Did he rape a dude? Or a chic? That’s part of the difference.
Bob would se it that way too.
@27 “Normally, a hamburger attack would result in the alleged assailant being charged with misdemeanor battery. But since Black allegedly used racist language, the battery count was reclassified as a felony. Florida statutes allow for such an enhancement if the defendant evidences prejudice while committing an offense.”
It takes work, but you can be a Florida felon if you try hard enough.
If convicted — and why wouldn’t she be? — she won’t be able to vote for Trump, DeSantis, or Rubio anymore.
A reasonable plea deal might go like this: “You can avoid jail by paying a $15,000 fine and never going to Burger King or voting again.”
@29 “I hope … the horse didn’t kick him in the nuts.”
Speak for yourself. (I won’t come out and say it, of course.)
@30 “One state representative sought a copy of the police report and made inquiries into how the young woman herself could be referred for criminal charges for reporting the alleged rape.
“Another shared links to a far-right blog post that included the intern’s name, photo and personal details about her life with thousands of people in a newsletter and on social media.
“And members of a far-right, anti-government activist group tried to follow and harass the young woman after she was called to testify in a legislative public ethics hearing.”
“Scummy” doesn’t seem like quite the right word. It doesn’t do enough justice to what these people are like.
@33 The perp he’s referring to is one of yours. So are the rest of them. Your tribe is on the wrong side of law and order. The only time your gang supports cops is when they beat up peaceful protesters against police brutality.
Of course Barr did Trump’s dirty work in secret.
Will Rudy flip? I dunno. But why wouldn’t he? He doesn’t have a pardon to fall back on.
Yeah, the cops used excessive force, and I’m glad to see the settlement include an apology and police reforms.
But, you know, don’t park in handicapped spaces if you ain’t handicapped.
However, the cops shoulda cited him and towed his car, not laid a beating.
@29 “I hope … the horse didn’t kick him in the nuts.”
What are you worried for? The only nuts Dr. Dumbfuck has is between his ears.
(Proud Boy has entered the game.)
Aaaaand he’s out.
And though he didn’t last long, he really rocked that Fred Perry and Utilikilt look. Shaved legs are a nice touch.
The party against divorce elects a guy on his third marriage.
The party against infidelity elects a guy who proudly cheats on every wife he’s ever had.
The party against atheism elects a guy who never goes to church and has never read the Bible.
The party against “the deep state” assigns toadies to every level of government.
The party of law and order breaks every law imaginable.
It’s not amazing. It’s never been amazing. This is who they are. This is who they’ve always been. They’ll cry about cancel culture today, and if you give them the power they crave, you’ll be cancelled tomorrow by them.
I don’t think he’s wrong.
“Its because the truth is all these values they claim to care about and stand for are all facades. They literally do not give a single shit about any of the principles they’ll proselytize about. All of it is only picked up as a tool or vessel for them to advance the only thing they do care to foster in the word – a rigid hierarchy that they are at the top of.
Every single virtue they spout off about, every social or policy position they push, every talking point and rhetorical doctrine they prattle over – its all in the direct service of instituting and entrenching these hierarchies. That is why calling out their hypocrisy has absolutely no effect on their ideology- because they do not sincerely believe in the values they put forward.
For people who genuinely care about their moral codes and ideologies, its difficult to imagine the inner workings and mind set of those who pick up and drop values like disposable tools that lose all worth when no longer useful at advancing their actual campaign.
This is the heart of conservatism as a political philosophy and always has been. Their goal is to conserve sociopolitical status quo’s – or more specifically, their own elevated/privileged status in society. That, in no way, tethers their overall value system to anything other than whatever accomplishes this preservation.”
It’s 2021, but Louisiana Republicans are still fighting over whether slavery is evil
“love and respect” between some enslaved people and slave owners.
>>Yeah, that’s what you call an imbalanced relationship when the price for not returning love is you’ll be murdered, children sold or killed
White conservative Southerners: America is not racist, and we should not reach anything about race in schools.
Also white conservative Southerners: Slavery wasn’t bad.
what a read