For God’s sake, don’t go to a big Thanksgiving. Don’t go outside of your bubble. Don’t infect your family or friends. If you have plans, please call the people who you were going to have Thanksgiving with and cancel. Let’s not get COVID-19 this Thanksgiving or any other upcoming holiday.
Also, wash your hands right now.
Looks like the nation is in the grip of a dumbfuck virus. Turns them into dumbfuck fascists and Nazis. Just look at what we put up with here where our dumbfuck doctor is trying his best to be a super-spreader of the dumbfuck virus. Carl should make him wear a mask and wash his hands.
Proud Boy goes viral for saying ‘I’m kinda dumb’ as he is confronted over ‘Right Wing Death Squad’ patch
@1 On top of that, all of his four-legged children with manes are illegitimate.
It appears our trolls have lost heart. Sad!
Troll hopes dashed. Sad!
Trump officially loses Michigan as Republican announces certifying his election loss
Stick a fork in him.
Pennsylvania Supreme Court shoots down Trump’s lawsuit — and overturns one of his wins
Troll hopes dashed. Sad!
Heh. Troll despair..
In the case of teh dimfuk, fantasies of somehow drumpf prevailing over its “de-legitamizers” and the ensuing riots from teh blacks and the spoiled brats of liberal parents.
krazy unkle babble for this thursday.. how sweet it is..
@4 The vote was 3 yes and 1 abstain, so even if the other Republican had voted no, the vote to certify still would have prevailed 2-1.
“They promised blockbuster stuff, and then nothing happened. And that’s just, that’s not — well, it’s not good,” Rush Limbaugh griped on his show.
But wait, Rush, Trump’s lawyers delivered. They did have blockbuster stuff. Are you ready for it?
Black people voted. Despite the GOP’s massive voter suppression efforts, black people voted. In fact, Biden won because of black votes.
Fraud! That wasn’t supposed to happen! Doesn’t Rush realize black people aren’t supposed to vote and black votes are fraudulent? Millions and millions of black votes! And only one of them is known for sure to have voted for Trump — Poodebutt.
And his vote was a throwaway vote, because Seattle.
Our trolls need more SCOTUS justices. Sad!
Supreme Court declines to take action on Trump’s Pennsylvania appeal prior to certification of Biden win
Just give up already. Enough is enough.
Trump allows Biden transition to proceed — but says ‘I believe we will prevail’ in the race he lost
It took long enough.
GSA Finally Certifies Transition To The Biden-Harris Administration
Our troll’s children will grow up to become progressive commie-Nazis who cry liberal tears.
Pat Robertson: Calling Joe Biden The President-Elect Is Nazi Propaganda
Um…you guys are trolls, too.
@13 Um, no. Liberals can’t be trolls on a liberal blog. You and your anti-American fascist traitors are the trolls. However, we welcome trolls. We can’t play soccer without a ball to kick around. You’re the ball.
Do You think today was the day!? Do you think!? Could it be? Could it be the day that the horse finally took revenge on his cock sucker doctor?
@13 don’t you have some right wing nut job that you need to go listen to?
Here’s election fraud, and it has an “R-FL” after it.
Must seem like that to you these days.
Absorbing so much loss, so much humiliation, so much shame, and so much regret.
Even my pointing it out to you right now must feel “trollish” (or like a “smarmy fucking asshole”). But see, the difference is, we aren’t making any of it up. It’s all real. And you did it all to yourselves.
That’s the thing about “trolling”. It’s about getting the other guy upset with shit you made up out of thin air. But none of this horror you are experiencing right now is made up out of thin air. It’s all very, very real. It’s happening. And now there’s absolutely nothing you can do to stop any of it. The world you made for yourselves is failing. It was built to fail, upon a foundation of hideous lies. And now the lies are collapsing and the walls are falling in.
For you it’s all a real tragedy. But for us it’s a delight.
And it isn’t trolling. It’s real.
Study shows conservatives are stupider.
No wonder they don’t trust science. I wouldn’t, either, if research proved I was a dumbass.
I prefer to learn from other people’s dumb mistakes.
It´´s official now:
Just three little letters. . .
@21 Trump’s attempt to overthrow America’s government and impose dictatorship on a free people is moving closer to defeat but isn’t defeated yet.
Surging grassroots movement underway among the MAGAtts to “seek revenge” against the “stolen election” by writing in Trump in the GA special elections for US Senate.
We live in the best of times.
The current working theory among the MAGAtts on MAGA Twitter is that authorizing the transition is a genius move that “entraps” Biden.
Sample: “Any overt, official act Biden takes in an official capacity as President-elect will be a felony and Trump has him!“.
It only lacks the customary rant about a gold fringed flag.
Sweetest irony of all: Sidney Powell (and presumably Flynn along with her) is thrown under the bus for having failed a “political correctness” test.
We’ve seen this pressure to conform reach peak intensity in the last few weeks. Few in the GOP at any level have had the unique combination of status and character to resist it. And that collective weakness has been on vivid display, and will likely continue to do so for the foreseeable future.
Previously a feature of paid appearances in the clown car media, Powell will now be disappeared, and Flynn along with her.
GOP election law brain trust is now 1 – 35 in post election litigation.
I did some math.
Their legal success rate is about exactly the same as their rate of shifting seats in the US House.
Why is this not a bigger outrage? Anything for Putin?
In the interest of being brutally honest, even while celebrating the humiliation and devastation of the GOP, I should say that the 2% shift in the House toward the GOP, while statistically small, is meaningful in another way.
With Trump on the ballot, and negative partisanship peaking, 2020 House races represented a very big opportunity for Democrats. By and large that opportunity was squandered. And this is something we’ve seen before.
From candidate recruitment, to staffing, to coms, the direction from the money bags like Perez and Bustos essentially all wrong. They drove around Trump like a bloated steer carcass on a Texas highway. They sought campaigns that were eager to veer around move past Trump. And in that they were wrong.
Just take our own Trolls4Trump as an example. Four years out of office and eight years after his last campaign and they are still running against Barack Obama. Decades later they are still running against Bill Clinton. The GOP universe does not come along and give you a Trump every four years. When they do you have to be appreciative and say thank you and then flog that shit.
Going into 2020 House races in suburban districts with embargoes on even the mention of Trump was insanely stupid and ineffective. They blew that opportunity. Trump is not popular. Trump is unpopular. Now that he and his party are pathetic loser failures they will be even more unpopular. Starting with GA and heading directly into the 2022 midterms these campaigns have got to make Trump the centerpiece of their campaigns.
The opportunity survives. But it will fade eventually. If Democrats hope to improve in the House and flip the Senate they must stop buying into the fears that animate the GOP. Trump is not a political wizard. He does not control an army of violent trolls. And the FOX addicted mouth breathers he does control are never going to vote for a candidate with a “D” after their name, anyway.
For now Democrats have an unprecedented opening with suburban, educated moderates. The road to their doors goes straight through that bloated orange steer carcass. Punch it.
So, in January, will a lot of you be heading down to Atlanta to quickly register to vote and then vote for the two Democrats running? You know, just a quick trip down, vote for the Democrat and then return to your socialist paradise in Seattle?
Well, I guess that’s your way of voting early and often.
“But in America, freedom means something so different it’s diametrically opposed: the right to do whatever you damn well please, no matter how harmful it is to anyone else, yourself, your city, town, country, or your loved ones.
Free-dumb is individualism gone thermonuclear, taken to its most absurd outer limits.”
@29 hey so do you want Democrats to act like Republicans?
All we want is a free and fair election where all Georgians who can legally vote who want to are able to.
Why do Republicans fight so hard to keep their citizens from being able to vote?
@29 D I N O…
4 – T I M E
L 0 S S I . . .
It feels so good!
Anyone see feral hog slop?
It’s a bar hog now.. well it always was that..
Congresswoman-elect Lauren Boebert is five feet tall and weighs 100 pounds. She plans to walk to work each day, so she’s going to carry a handgun to make sure the Washington populace minds its manners.
What a great idea!
I already voted in Georgia six times for the Nov 3 election. I don’t see why I shouldn’t do it again in January.
@23 By all means, we should hand them a gas can if they wish to self-immolate. It’s not for us to tell them what to do.
@29 “So, in January, will a lot of you be heading down to Atlanta to quickly register to vote and then vote for the two Democrats running?”
No. None of us will.
While you’re dreaming up these stupid fantasies, you got any more stupid questions?
This blog needs better, more intelligent trolls. The ones we have now are the bottom of the barrel.
@34 And the first person who feels threatened — probably a fellow Republican — will claim self-defense. Two less Republicans, one dead and one in jail. I won’t mind very much; unfortunate, but you can’t save people from themselves.
@34 “plans to walk to work”
Can’t afford a car and doesn’t want to ride on a bus with “other” people.
Don’t see much of the radiologist lately. Is he chagrined or something?
@33 what a life without big goviment. You don’t need to educate oneself.
Hopefully the horse got revenge.
An actor who donated money to help an accused serial killer post bail (with which he’s familiar, having had to post his own bail after being arrested on suspicion of domestic abuse, for which he wasn’t prosecuted) called the cops because he got threats.
This, of course, shouldn’t happen. Whoever did it: Cool it.
He also posted an open letter to “Democrats”:
“To my Democrat Friends. This is the country want to live in? #fuckantifa — Ricky Schroder (@rickyschroder13) November 23, 2020”
Not sure if he knows the difference between “Democrats” and “antifa,” but I’m assuming he doesn’t.
“In the days after two Georgia Senate races went to a runoff, New York Times columnist Tom Friedman went on CNN and seemingly encouraged people to move to the state to vote in the races.”
Hmmm. So that’s where it came from. Lifted out of context, though.
“The Friedman Unit, or simply Friedman, is a tongue-in-cheek neologism. One Friedman Unit is equal to six months, specifically the ‘next six months’, a period repeatedly declared by New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman to be the most critical of the then-ongoing Iraq War even though such pronouncements extended back over two and a half years.”
More context:
“American journalist and former civil rights litigator Glenn Greenwald, writing for Salon on July 25, 2012, commented: ‘His status among American elites is the single most potent fact for understanding the nation’s imperial decline.’
“John Esposito criticized him in 2014 for writing twice that Muslims do not speak up against terrorism, and yet ‘his own newspaper has had these denunciations [by Muslims].’
“Some critics have derided Friedman’s idiosyncratic prose style, with its tendency to use mixed metaphors and analogies. Walter Russell Mead described his prose as being ‘an occasionally flat Midwestern demotic punctuated by gee-whiz exclamations about just how doggone irresistible globalization is – lacks the steely elegance of a Lippmann, the unobtrusive serviceability of a Scotty Reston or the restless fireworks of a Maureen Dowd and is best taken in small doses.’ Similarly, journalist Matt Taibbi has said of Friedman’s writing that, ‘Friedman came up with lines so hilarious you couldn’t make them up even if you were trying – and when you tried to actually picture the ‘illustrative’ figures of speech he offered to explain himself, what you often ended up with was pure physical comedy of the Buster Keaton/Three Stooges school, with whole nations and peoples slipping and falling on the misplaced banana peels of his literary endeavors.’
“In a column for the New York Press, Alexander Cockburn wrote: ‘Friedman exhibits on a weekly basis one of the severest cases known to science of Lippmann’s condition, named for the legendary journalistic hot-air salesman, Walter Lippmann, and alluding to the inherent tendency of all pundits to swell in self-importance to zeppelin-like dimensions’. Cockburn said Friedman’s hubris allowed him to pass off another war correspondent’s experience in Beirut as his own. In December, 2017, Hamid Dabashi wrote about Friedman: ‘Thomas Friedman is an ignorant fool – and I do not mean that as an insult. I mean it as a clinical diagnosis of an almost-illiterate man who has been cheated out of a proper undergraduate education, sold as a liberal Zionist to the highest bidder, and thus has managed to ramble and blabber his way up as a top-notch New York Times columnist.’
“In April 2018, Barrett Brown criticized Friedman for ‘his serial habit of giving the benefit of the doubt to whoever happens to hold power’, such as Friedman’s column supporting Vladimir Putin as a modernizing reformer, in which he urged Americans to ‘keep rootin’ for Putin’. Brown also used this phrase in the title of his 2014 book ‘Keep Rootin’ for Putin: Establishment Pundits and the Twilight of American Competence’.”
Always consider the context. Our friend Tom (Jefferson, not Friedman) apparently took the other Tom at face value, in which case he’s the fool.
FOX forced to pay up bigly to the parents of Seth Rich for smearing their dead son. They had been holding out for on-air apologies. FOX chose instead to bury them in a giant mountain of cash.
Oddly enough they have neither plans to address the inauguration nor purchases of Italian sports cars.
Biden’s Sec of State Nominee:
“He heard a deep rumbling … He ran to the tank. The hatch opened. An African American GI looked down at him. He got down on his knees and said the only 3 words he knew in English … God bless America”
GOP Sec of State:
“Jews will not replace us!*”
*Perhaps not. But Democrats will. We already are.
The Fuckhump was an illigitimate Office holder. It’s win was fraudulent. Right wing nut jobs were stuffing the ballots and voting 2,3 even sometimes 4 times… the same poling place!
2016 Election results need to be recounted. Hillary actually won! The 2016 election was stolen.
@47 “The 201`6 eleciton was stolen.”
The White House china and silverware are next. The Bidens better bring paper plates and plastic forks if they don’t want to eat with their fingers because the place will be stripped bare when they get there.
NAACP voting rights lawsuit against GOP FailPresident has been assigned to Emmet Sullivan.
I tell you, we live in the best of times.
DOW finally broke 30k.
But only after Trump announced he was leaving.
The Cat Lady is studying the bread crumbs.