Did you survive the too hot? I was able to go outside and find shady spots in the worst of the afternoon. But my apartment never cooled down. It’s already gross today, but the worst is over.
Get your billionaire benefactor to buy you some AC, bitch.
Lotta time left. And have you looked at the Q3 GDP growth estimates lately?
Political Polls
CNN national polling trend:
April Biden+11
May Biden+5
June Biden+14
August Biden+4
Political Polls
#NEW @CNN National Poll
Biden/Harris 50% (+4)
Trump/Pence 46%
That’s a 10 point shift towards Trump In a month
6:02 PM · Aug 16, 2020
Don’t get cocky. You haven’t seen Biden debate yet. Or be interviewed by someone more aggressive than Cardi B.
Well if the pattern holds it will be:
September, Biden +17
October, Biden + 3
November, Biden +20
Yes, this is a joke…
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
have you looked at the Q3 GDP growthdeath estimates lately?
Can’t spend it from a grave.
Gallup is out today. Donald’s disapproval number climbed from 41 in July to 42 in August. 42-55 (-13)
Underwater on all key issues.
Approve of:
Coronavirus Response, 36-63
Economy, 48-52
Crime, 46-52
Foreign affairs, 41-56
Relations with China 40-57
Race relations 37-62
Education 35-62
Remember that awesome time in May when approval climbed to 49%
@ 5
Can’t spend it from a grave.
Well, I don’t see why not. Democrats have proven time and again that it’s possible to vote from a grave.
“It’s crazy,” Sharon Stevens Anderson, Stevens’ daughter, tells CBS 2’s Pam Zekman. “I don’t see how people can be able to do something like that and get away with it.”
Those are just a few of the cases CBS 2 Investigators found by merging Chicago Board of Election voter histories with the death master file from the Social Security Administration.
In all, the analysis showed 119 dead people have voted a total of 229 times in Chicago in the last decade.
If only someone paid some attention, and eliminated dead voters from the rolls.
“Any time you can clean up the rolls it helps reduce and eliminate the prospect of any kind of mistake or fraud,” Allen says.
Even Stacey Abrams could agree with that.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Slow here today. Doc hasn’t wished for anyone’s death yet.
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
We’re in the garbage poll phase right now.
Conflating registered with likely. Conflating national with EV. Conflating approval/disapproval with voting. Etc.
Trump/GOP must retain every state they won in 2016.
Trump/GOP must win Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin in 2020.
Three straight years of ballot trends in all three of those states (and quite a few others) have gone overwhelmingly against them. In only one of those three states have they held ground on registrations. But their voters refuse to vote by mail. So MATH/SCIENCE says their turnout will be lower. And 2020 lacks nearly all of the complicating third party distractions.
It helps to compare reliable models of voter behavior and ballot trends with high quality polling. Unless you are Trump/GOP. In which case it helps to build a trashy neon and gold painted Potemkin village of shit polls, boat parades, and wishful thinking. And spend millions on ad buys in the DC metro just to soothe and distract the raging fat baby.
Trump/GOP have an enormous deficit to overcome and they are running out of time. Their hopefulness is predicated on the existence of very large numbers of relatively disinterested, undecided, non-college whites available for activation in three states. No evidence of their existence has been found.
In a time of historically unprecedented polarization and negative partisanship all evidence suggests that only very small numbers of voters and potential voters are yet to decide where they stand. Among such voters and potential voters Trump is overwhelmingly unpopular and regarded with distrust. Persuading such voters and potential voters requires first that they be convinced that Biden/Harris/Democrats are more untrustworthy. And second that the risk they represent is worth the effort to get involved. And these are the most disinterested voters of all. Finally of course, this all has to happen in three key states in the next ten weeks.
Bannon had a well he could pump four years ago. It wasn’t deep. It wasn’t wide. But in three key states it was enough. And he had help. From Democrats who fought among themselves. From a media reluctant to admit who Trump really was and eager to go after the Dem nominee. From Russian spies. And from an FBI director. Even with all that help and a well of potential voters to draw from it was a close as it can get. Just 78,000 votes in those three states in which 14 million votes were cast. Just one half of one percent.
Chances are Trump needs to find at least ten times that many votes in those three states to win them in 2020. He has ten weeks to do that.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@10 “Trump needs to find at least ten times that many votes survivors in those three states to win them in 2020.”
Neither of the following @ 9 sentences is correct:
Trump/GOP must retain every state they won in 2016.
Trump/GOP must win Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin in 2020.
Although the second sentence is redundant, considering the first.
Why do GOP senators want to kill our veterans just to keep them from voting? What did veterans ever do to them besides vote for Democrats?
Roger Rabbitspews:
So what exactly does “republic” mean? Our system, as I understand it, keeps the majority from lording it over the minority. It doesn’t give the minority a right to lord it over the majority. I think it’s that latter part that’s confusing Trumpublicans.
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Whatever forces, strategies, or messaging is deployed, it’s not like they are going to take effect with laser precision. The solution to Trump’s problem lies in the effect, not in the promise*. And whatever those effects may be they will be subject to local conditions and limitations.
Deploying ardently nationalistic and racist messaging in 2016 had real effects. Those effects could be measured perhaps more lazily in Mississippi or Arkansas than in New Hampshire or Maine. But in a winner-take-all system for EVs where those effects mattered was in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.
As in 2016, the Trump/GOP path to 270 remains narrower owing to the distribution of EVs among the states and the vulnerability of those states. And whatever forces, strategy, or messaging they deploy will tend to have the same effects in all three of those states. Again, they may have even greater or more easily observable effects in Alaska or Missouri, Hawaii or Washington. But for different but no less important reasons, states like those will not be important to the outcome or that path.
Of all the many failures of the GOP in the last four years one of the most significant will be their failure to broaden that path for Trump. They failed on legislation. They failed on messaging. They focused extensively on Minnesota and the effort showed some results. But whatever success they had was severely tempered by declines in support elsewhere. More states became vulnerable for Trump/GOP than for Biden/Democrats.
So yes. Trump needs to win those three states. Any other theory that gets him to 270 depends on much more significant change in vote composition or electoral composition or both. He does not have enough time left for that. Not if he also has to defend Arizona, North Carolina, and Florida.
*Leave it to an MD to stake everything on the promise of a favorable effect.
Y’all libbies had a good time when it was reported that Russia paid the Taliban to go after our troops.
Y’all should have a good time in the knowledge that Iran did the same thing.
The thing is, y’all weren’t happy at all that Trump did something about it:
The US killed a key Iranian general in Iraq less than a month after the Bagram attack but after a lengthy process involving several agencies to develop options aimed at countering Iran’s support for militant groups in Afghanistan.
That was Soleimani.
A current administration official and former senior official with knowledge of the situation told CNN that Iran’s link to the Taliban was cited by US officials as part of the argument for conducting the strike that killed top Iranian General Qasem Soleimani in January.
Now, we can’t exactly take out Putin and expect virtually no consequences, as was the case with Soleimani. But Putin won’t be visiting Syria in person any time soon, I’d imagine.
@ 14
The following is true: If Biden takes Arizona, Trump can lose only one of them, and even if he doesn’t it’s game over if he loses Florida.
Also not a true statement.
Trump received 304 EVs in 2016. Even without Florida’s 29 EVs Trump would have 275, or five more than necessary to win.
Biden would have to take (in addition to holding all of The Chardonnay Lady 2.0’s 2016 states) Florida AND another of those battleground states with more than 5 EVs, assuming Trump held all other states he won in 2016, in order to beat Trump.
This is pretty simple math, asswipes. Start boning up on your addition and subtraction.
Here’s a little quiz to get you started:
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s pathetic handbill.us blog has 3 readers. If 1 more person were to begin to read the blog, how many readers would Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit have?
Answer will be posted next week.
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
I don’t happen to recall any extensive evidence, or really any evidence at all, that GOP president Finger-Bang was beholden to or substantially indebted to Soleimani.
But I’m sure The Q Clearance Cat Lady can clear that up for me.
Country with current intercontinental nuclear range capability:
Country not currently possessing intercontinental nuclear range capability:
That should be clear @ 21 enough for you, QoS McHillbilly.
You have to see the video to understand what happened in Portland last night.
After the mob beat the driver until he was sitting in the street, defenseless, a thug ran up to him from behind, measuring his steps for maximum effect, and kicked the driver in the side of his face, knocking him fully unconscious.
I don’t know about the rest of you, but when I watched that coward go after a guy from behind, while in the safety of his many friends, I immediately thought of the way YLB behaves. YLB would even call the coward a hero.
George Floyd? Nah. That ended weeks ago. It’s about the violence and destruction now. Oh, and the loot!
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
This is pretty simple math,
Something The Q Clearance Cat Lady has struggled with eternally.
Six of the ten closest razor thin state contests were won by Trump in 2016. But which six is a big part of the story and the math. Florida, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Wisconsin, and North Carolina totaling 101 EVs. Seventy five of those one hundred and one EVs in races with win margins less than 1.5%.
Clinton’s narrow wins in Minnesota, New Hampshire, Nevada, and Maine add up to only 23* EVs.
When very large numbers of EVs hinge on very tiny changes in vote composition or electoral composition. Better call Putin.
*Maine split 3-1
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
You’re saying the threat of an unprovoked nuclear first strike is what prevents Senate Republicans and your president from even offering a diplomatic response to Putin’s contract killings of Marines.
Congressional Democrats passed sweeping financial sanctions against Putin and Co. for the murder of a tax lawyer. Republicans and Trump can’t even hold a fucking press conference. And Susan Collins is still “disappointed”.
This is not your best look, Cat Lady.
More please.
@20 is going with “all things like 2016” again. Which has been pointed out ignores electoral momentum in many states since. Like Democrats taking over the entire Executive branch of state Government in WI and MI.
Somewhat relevant:
NC and 15EVs
Two polls over the weekend
Eastern Carolina University tied 47%
NBC/WSJ Biden 50/41
Interesting that that ECU poll also did Gov and Senate
Cunningham over Tillis 44-40
Cooper over Forest 52-38
ECU seems to be finding a lot or Cooper/Trump voters and a smaller number of Cunningham/Trump voters. Weird.
NC going Biden would mean Joe needs one of AZ, MI, WI and then FL is irrelevant. I’m still operating under the assumption that Joe carries his home state of PA as even Mondale carried his own state.
I wonder if Trump had to send a billion dollars in cash, shrink-wrapped on pallets, to get this done.
DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — Telephone calls began ringing Sunday between the United Arab Emirates and Israel, marking the first concrete step of a U.S.-brokered diplomatic deal between the nations that required Israel to halt plans to annex land sought by the Palestinians.
Anger over the deal however continued as well, with protesters in Pakistan criticizing the UAE and Iran making new threats about the accord, which will see the Emirates become only the third Arab nation to currently recognize Israel. The UAE responded by summoning Iran’s chargé d’affairs to criticize earlier comments by Iran’s president it described as threatening.
I wonder why it was Trump, and not Obama, who got this done.
Maybe it had something to do with that billion dollars and what Iran planned to do with the dough.
@ 26
It’s all great and it’s all fun.
It’s all nearly three months premature, too.
Enjoy! After all, it was fun for the YLB crowd to cheerlead The Chardonnay Lady 2.0 through August, September, October, and early November in 2016, too.
In fact, it was fun for the cowardly YLB crowd right up until the DNC cancelled the fireworks show over the Hudson. See, the DNC knew what that Trafalgar poll meant, even if Goldy didn’t.
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Sure. “All things are just like 2016”.
Except 250,000 dead relatives, 40 million unemployed, 12 million eviction notices, Associate Justice BEERTRAIN, Ukrainegate impeachment, three years of state and House suburban losses, no Gary Johnson/John Kasich alternative, no Bernie/Jill alternative, and no Clinton.
I’m very confident the people who vote for Trump in 2020 will be precisely the same people who voted for him in 2016. I’ve spoken to a few “Republican voters” who now express some uncertainty/regret facing 2020. Just look at The Cat Lady spending most of the last three years pretending he didn’t vote Trump in 2016. But I’m very confident they’ll find a way to bring themselves around. They always do.
I just don’t think it will be enough. Because I’m pretty sure that many more of the people who vote against Trump in 2020 are people who did not really do so four years ago. Losing your job, seeing your Granny die on a dirty ventilator, hearing Trumpalos chant for “death to Jews”, and watching Trump giggling at the sight of George Floyd’s murder has a focusing effect on the will.
10 straight days of NYC Corona virus testing coming back <1% positive. Confirmed and probable deaths in the city last week 4.42/day. Previous week 5.85. Previous week 7.43
Preparations for Gyms to reopen with 33% capacity and mandatory masks.
How's Florida doing? Yesterday the entire state of New York reported 9 deaths. Florida had 107. So that's how they're doing. Texas also had 107. Louisiana, Georgia and Tennessee round out the top five. I can think of something all of those states had in common four years ago.
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Two nations never at war announce monumental breakthrough!
The Q Clearance Cat Lady demands… DEMANDS!!!! to know why peace was not delivered to the peaceful sooner.
“Why couldn’t a Democrat conjure up a phony plan to exchange finance for deferment in a way that heightens tensions between Iran and Gulf States? Who says John Bolton is crazy? Show me! Who?”
Speaking of “little quizes”, try this:
Q) Where is the UAE navy based?
A) The United States Fifth Fleet is based in Bahrain.
To be honest, I have always thought Jill Biden is exceptionally attractive.
Stevenson said he first suspected Biden and Jill were having an affair in August 1974. He was then 26, Jill was 23 and Joe was 31.
‘I know exactly when it was,’ he said. ‘Bruce Springsteen was going to play at The Stone Balloon and I had to go to Northern New Jersey to pay him in advance.
‘I asked Jill to go with me and she said no — she had things to do, she had to look after Joe’s kids, Beau and Hunter. It was kind of a big deal to go meet Springsteen. I had no idea she and Joe were that kind of friendly.
How can Steve bring himself to vote for anyone whose wife didn’t want to see Springsteen?
it was fun for the YLB crowd to cheerlead The Chardonnay Lady 2.0
And it was clearly the right call after a freak running for office admitted to serial sexual assault.. to go with its swindling, fraud and con-man shit..
but.. butt. butt.. whatabout…
Elizabeth Bennetspews:
Why aren’t you people blaming the Chinese Communist Party for this Wuhan Virus? It’s their incompetence, first, and diabolical plan of world domination, second, that is responsible for every case and every death that has resulted from this virus.
Liar.. You’re Anne Romney.. Get on your husband’s case.. He’s been too “edgy” about the beloved orange dear leader.
Wow, Jill and Joe had an affair in 1974 and have been married now 43 years.
You’ve nailed an issue there. Jilted husband still not over it.
Now do Donald.
Ivanka, Married 15 years. Separated on public acknowledgement of affair with Marla Maples and tabloids connected “the Donald” to many other women.
Marla Maples, Married six years. During this marriage Donald is now known to have been a close associate of accused child sex trafficker and her accused pedophile partner. Tabloid reports of Donald’s philandering during his second marriage are numerous though Maples has abided by a prenuptial confidentiality agreement telling the New York Post, ” (the marriage was) built on illusion. I thought that I could change him. But he won’t change”
Melania, 12 years so far. Donald fucked a Porn star and a Playboy model repeatedly and possibly pissed on by Russian Prostitutes during the marriage. Does not currently live with Donald according to White House Sources. Much video of Melania refusing the slightest bits of intimacy in public.
Run with that Joe is a homewrecker bit. Sounds good.
Too Damn Funny
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
If America’s tremendous suffering is entirely China’s fault, then why is the US death rate ten times higher than the rest of the planet?
Do you believe that all the other people on earth really that much better than Americans? You’re saying we deserve this?
None of us think so. Why do you hate Americans?
37. Republicans don’t give a damn about values applied to themselves. Values are only something they cudgel Democrats with. They will ignore any Behavior for more power.
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Precisely describes literally every single one of my in-laws and their friends in the Big-U football booster alumni org. Every one a Republican voter too. Until now, that is.
Although to be fair none of them had any problem at all with all the raping, Jew-baiting, and Ukraine corruption. It’s the virus. It’s finally getting to them now that the Pac-12 is canceled. Guatemalan Toddler Torture they can work around okay. But life without tailgating in the special reserved parking area and courtesy tent receptions with the coaches and cheerleaders is no life at all!
Coca Cola announces they will give employees Election Day off in 2020.
Look for:
Donald to announce he’s always been a Pepsi man ingratiating himself to voters who are really proud of their state’s best known export.
The not so smart segment of America to call for a boycott of an anti-American company like Coke.
Several thousand people living in Fulton/DeKalb/Cobb county to have time to stand in long lines to vote if that’s the only way it can be done.
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
pissed on by Russian Prostitutes during the marriage
The Bag Man confirms!
Ewwwwwwwww! So gross! Heh.
Although allegedly at this point the background confirmation reports that this took place in an exclusive Russian adult club (not hotel), as part of the “hospitality” for Universe, during a raucous live sex performance that Trump was unprepared and unaware of until the “showering” began, that he was only indirectly hit with a little “liquid”, and that at the time at least he was still dumb enough to believe that “squirting” was something else.
Sadly, further confirmation reports that no jizz was involved.
Bloomberg is not the nominee but he is pledging $60M against GOP House Incumbents.
UNC Chapel Hill cancels in person learning as 130 students test positive.
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
It worked.
They got them to enroll, pay tuition and housing, buy books, shop at the book store for some groovey posters of The Cowsills, etc. etc. Only to be told that you’ll be attending from your dorm suite, no home games, no intramurals, no activities, and you’ll be receiving your meals there as well.
Donald, today
And we moved the capital of Israel to Jerusalem. That’s for the Evangelicals. You know, it’s amazing with that: the Evangelicals are more excited by that than Jewish people.”/blockquote>
I did this thing that is part of the Evangelical belief in a prophecy that the Jews need to be re-gathered into the Holy Land so Jesus can come back and send them to hell and THAT’S why I’m pro-Isreal!
Who said anyone here ever had them? Oh yeah shithead trolls who bust rape fantasies in liberal forums.
Wow some of those “antifa protestors” have high amounts of melanin in their skin.. and the “victims” seem to have less and they tend to shoot video as they’re being “victimized”.. And up it goes on twitter – the electronic wall where shit gets thrown to see what sticks.
awwww.. taking one for the “team”.. isn’t that precious..
Why does black lives matter have to answer for crowd violence but the NRA does not have to answer for school massacres?
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Mr. and Mrs. Machine Gun Waiving Hamburglar: “Mr. McCloskey will be in full oratory splendor at the RNC,” his lawyer Albert Watkins tells Wake Up To Politics. First reported by
First reaction: My. He must really be a very, very good criminal defense attorney.
Second reaction: Ah. Already preparing the ineffective assistance of counsel def. Smart.
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
CBS news reports about an hour ago that on the flight back from WI president PooooseyGrob announced that on Tuesday he will be issuing a pardon for someone very, very important but not Flynn and not Snowden.
Take your bets! Wheeeeee!
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Word it tomorrow when Trump makes his big pardon announcement Tim Eyman will be on hand wearing a gorilla costume.
Place your bets. Will trump announce something while
Sally Yates,
Chuck Schumer,
John Kerry,
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez,
Lisa Blunt Rochester
Former President Bill Clinton
Dr Jill Biden
are talking
I think it will during Former President Bill Clinton .
Mr Taylor also claimed that the president had directed the Federal Emergency Management Agency to “cut off the money and no longer give individual assistance” to people in California following deadly wildfires in the state.
“He told us to stop giving money to people whose houses have burned down in a wildfire because he was so rageful that people in the state of California didn’t support him and that politically it wasn’t a base for him,” Mr Taylor said.
Add it to the pile.
@28 & @41 Relevant.
Late day release from ABC/WSJ
Adults, Biden 53-41
RVs Biden 53-41
LVs Biden 54-41
GOP is running out of band-aids to slap on should be gimmie states.
GA hasn’t been blue since 1992. That time in 2016 any poll had Hillary with a double digit lead…..
GOP Governor allows local jurisdictions to enact Mask mandates just this last weekend after banning such a thing in mid July. Georgia has cracked the top 10 in total deaths.
So things are going great in Georgia.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Here’s another grave for you to dance on, dumbfuck. In Georgia, where things are going … going … going ……… great.
Himself. After a frank discussion with his campaign manager, and an even franker one with his lawyers.
Or maybe he’s got a special job for Eric Rudolph.
I think they might have focused grouped some campaign themes.
Kristin Urquiza, whose father died from coronavirus and was a Trump supporter
: His only pre-existing condition was trusting Donald Trump and for that, he paid with his life.
Nero fiddled while Rome burned. Trump golfs.
Michelle Obama
You simply cannot fake your way through this job.”
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
It’s the New Federalism.
It’s cool. Block grants. Yeah! That’s the ticket.
Democrats can push that through in Q1. If the good Lord’s willing… and the creek don’t rise.
The river rose all day, the river rose all night
Some people got lost in the flood
Some people got away alright
The river have busted through, clear down to Plaquemines
Six feet of water in the streets of Evangeline
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Gihslaine. He wishes her all the best, etc.
We can dream but even Team Donald isn’t dumb enough to pardon a child sex trafficker.
I have no evidence for that statement, just a gut feeling.
Puddybud, The One and Onlyspews:
Who said anyone here ever had them?
dot bombed who repeatedly called them “peaceful protesters”. So did the buttspigot. So did the senile idiot wabbit.
For example. upon searching assesHorse that was the new meme of the libtard dummocretins. Many times they were called peaceful protesters (protestors).
Puddy can’t wait for the senile idiot wabbit commentary!
Day one of the GOP convention is shaping up*
All time Eastern
6PM Covington Catholic angry white Kid
6:30 Nathan Bedford Forrest
7PM Gun Toting St. Louis Hone owning angry whites
7:30PM Storm Thurman
8PM Statue of Robert E Lee
Those actually alive are confirmed Speakers.
Puddybud, the HA dummocretin disinfectant!spews:
As Puddy has stated over the years. the libtard lamestream dummocretin press is in the tank for Joe BiteME!
From June 1 through July 31, the ABC, CBS and NBC evening newscasts focused 512 minutes of airtime on the President, or nine times more than the 58 minutes allotted to Biden. (This excludes coverage of the Trump administration in general when not associated with the President himself.) This is an even wider gap than the spring, when Trump received seven times more coverage than Biden (523 minutes vs. 75 minutes).
Even the libtards at Harvard University studied the first 100 days of Trump’s presidency. They analyzed The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post and the main newscasts on CBS, CNN, Fox and NBC during this time and it was 80% was negative, 20% was positive.
They even know your COVID response sucks in Mississippi.
Today is day one of open schools.
(MS Free Press)
71 of 82 counties Found COVID Positive students or staff.
Confirmed Cases:
Students: 199
Teachers: 245
Quarantined as a result of contact:
Students: 2,035
Teachers: 589
Roger Rabbitspews:
I’ve been working hard on SeattleJew’s blog, giving it a fresh new look, with movies, humor, breaking news, police brutality and BLM stories, advice articles, Trump exposes, court news, and of course homage to SJ. The only downside is the amount of time it pulls me away from HA.
“Handbill.us” got 1,222 page views yesterday. Doctor Dumbfuck’s audience is Puddy, and maybe “Thomas Jefferson” once in a while. Maybe instead of sunsetting SJ’s blog we should sunset those two.* Puddy is already sunsetted by his Sky Daddy every Friday night.
* On second thought, no, because if we lose those two trolls we won’t have any trolls. Most trolls don’t last long here. All the others run away.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@68 “They analyzed The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post and the main newscasts on CBS, CNN, Fox and NBC during this time and it was 80% was negative, 20% was positive.”
Why were they so generous to such a miserable failure?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@63 We know Trump doesn’t stick up for his friends, he sticks it to them. Ghislaine won’t get anything from him. After all, he won’t get any more preteen girls from her.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“The federal government agency that handles United States asylum requests, processes visa applications and grants citizenship is preparing to furlough most of its employees while would-be citizens remain stuck waiting to get naturalized ahead of the November election.”
To be fair, the agency is fee-funded, so you can’t blame this on a Trump politically motivated budget cut, although it wouldn’t surprise me to find out he’s fucking with it in other ways. I’m sure he won’t mind a bit if 100,000 immigrants aren’t naturalized in time to vote in November. Maybe he can set up special processing for those who enter binding written contracts to vote for him.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Twitter users reminded Mike Pence about the human and economic chaos and devastation caused by the coronavirus pandemic in the U.S. after the vice president bragged about the stock market on Monday. …”
“170,000 Dead Americans..oh I’m sorry. I don’t want to interrupt your celebration…go on https://t.co/nR3GNHdXwE
— Charles Upton (@CharlesUpton17) August 17, 2020″
Roger Rabbitspews:
Hey doc,
Good morning!
Yours, rabbit
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
You can blame it on Trump.
The administration began a process last year of imposing huge additional administrative burdens on all citizenship applications that added extra work and slowed down processing thus starving the system of funding. For example a new “no blanks” policy which denies an application if someone without a middle name leaves a blank for “middle name”. Or an application rejected because “Apartment no.” left blank by an applicant who lives in a house.
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
From June 1 through July 31, not one single time did Trump use the power and the sweep of his office to express any sympathy, support, or encouragement to the millions of our American neighbors grieving the wrenching loss of a dear loved one.
Not one single time. Not before, and not after either.
“Liberal media” didn’t do that. He did.
He’s an asshole and so are his voters.
Thomas Jeffersonspews:
70 – Do you not think you are a troll?
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Trolls post garbage as part of a pattern seeking to disrupt the flow of debate or conversation on a thread. Certainly from time to time our trolls post something worthy of response and engagement. About as often as one of us posts something trollishly mocking and irrelevant.
Use your big primate brain to think about that and review some of the posting history here. See if it doesn’t begin to come into focus for you. A “troll” isn’t just somebody who posts thoughts or ideas that you disagree with. A troll is somebody who, for example, consistently dips into history of their political opponents from decades past with no discernible connection to present day events in an effort to distract instead of defend or debate. A troll is someone who routinely drops in with vast volumes of copypasta garbage and then disappears. A troll is someone whose posts consistently feature perseverative all-caps nonsense and idiotic baby-talk gibberish – content that can’t be responded to or is simply unworthy of the effort.
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Latest vol. 5 bipart Senate Intel report on Russian espionage activities targeting the Trump campaign demonstrates
– a clear pattern of obstruction by the White House Counsel’s Office
– Flynn acting as a conduit for Kremlin insider agitprop during the transition
– as always a well coordinated state directed effort on the part of Russia to influence and steer US foreign policy through secret contacts within the campaign and the transition
– ties much of that effort directly to Konstantin Kilimnik, a business partner of Trump Campaign Manger Paul Manafort, who the report describes as “a GRU intelligence officer”.
TIL: SSCI Acting Chair Marco Rubio is part of the DERP STATE!!!!!!! conspiracy. Still not clear if he harvests adrenochrome from babies.
Reports are trickling out that it’s Susan B. Anthony.
Going to pardon her for illegally voting on the 100th Anniversary of the 19th Amendment.
In actual fact, that’s a decent thing to do. Zero chance that came from his own brain.
Definitely not live-shot worthy. B-roll/VO at best.
G.O.P.-Led Senate Panel Details Ties Between 2016 Trump Campaign and Russian Interference
A nearly 1,000-page report confirmed the special counsel’s findings at a moment when President Trump’s allies have sought to undermine that inquiry.
The report by the Senate Intelligence Committee, totaling nearly 1,000 pages, provided a bipartisan Senate imprimatur for an extraordinary set of facts: The Russian government undertook an extensive campaign to try to sabotage the 2016 American election to help Mr. Trump become president, and some members of Mr. Trump’s circle of advisers were open to the help from an American adversary.
That Roger Stone pardon is going to get complicated in the next few days… GOP lead inquiry report.
On the afternoon of October 6, Stone received a call from Keith Schiller’s number. Stone returned the call about 20 minutes later, and spoke – almost certainly to Trump – for six minutes. The substance of that conversation is not known to the Committee. However, at the time, Stone was focused on the potential for a WikiLeaks release, the Campaign was following WikiLiaks’s announcements, and Trump’s prior call with Stone on September 29, also using Schiller’s phone, related to a WikiLeaks release. Given these facts, it appears quite likely that Stone and Trump spoke about WikiLeaks.
At approximately 4 p.m. on October 7, The Washington Post released the Access Hollywood tape. Witnesses involved in Trump’s debate preparation recalled that the team first heard of the tape about an hour prior to its public release. According to Jerome Corsi however, news of the release also made its way to Roger Stone. Corsi and Stone spoke twice that day at length: once at 1:42 p.m. for 18 minutes, and once at 2:18 p.m. for 21 minutes. Corsi recalled learning from Stone that the Access Hollywood tape would be coming out, and that Stone “[w]anted the Podesta stuff to balance the news cycle (either) right then or that day
Donald today:
Michelle Obama should not have pre-taped her speech “In over her head…She had the wrong deaths. She said more than 150,000”
It’s now over 170,000.
Really, an excellent point to make, Sir. You’re doing great. Everyone thinks so.
Puddybud, The One and Onlyspews:
dot bombed farted:
Trolls post garbage as part of a pattern seeking to disrupt the flow of debate or conversation on a thread.
#owngoal once again!
Your modus operandi since you changed your name!
Donald J. Trump
· 3h
Many thousands of people work for our government. With that said, a former DISGRUNTLED EMPLOYEE named Miles Taylor, who I do not know (never heard of him), said he left & is on the open arms Fake News circuit. Said to be a real “stiff”. They will take anyone against us!
Just to be clear, Donald is now saying he never heard of a guy who is on meeting notes, White House logs, phtotographs and WH Video attending dozens of face to face meetings.
He also says Joe Biden is senile and has memory problems.
Excellent point to make, Sir. Doing great. We all think so. No one has ever been bester than you or a smartest.
Donald’s media team is doing great too.
The attempt to grab headlines from the DNC by holding mask-free rallies didn’t work.
The rally in Wisconsin took place after normal press deadline and is not in the state’s two largest circulation dailies.
Full quote:
“She was over her head, and frankly, she should’ve made the speech live, which she didn’t do, she taped it. And it was not only taped, it was tape a long time ago, because she had the wrong [coronavirus] deaths.”
“I pwned that bitch! 20 thousand have died since she taped it! Low energy!”
Black Lives Matter!
LT. MAYBELLE HENDRICKS, of Ridgeville, South Carolina, died of COVID-19 on August 17th. She was the first Black woman to serve with the Summervile, SC Police Department.
Puddybud, The One and Onlyspews:
The problem with that “scoop” BeerPong@*3 is Wikileaks in their July 2016 DNC release hinted later that summer they had some Clinton emails they would release closer to the election. Your “sources” forget this tidbit is in the public domain! Seems you did too! This is what Roger Stone referred to and Fed Judge Amy Jackson would not allow Stone to put this into the federal record. This is why she issued a gag order on Stone.
You, being the “great religious zealot”, should know about numerous libtard media falsehoods and posting them when you chastise others all the time here on assesHorse.
See ya!
Some more facts from the GOP “There was no collusion” report:
Manafort hired and worked closely with Russian national Konstantin Kilimnik, whom the committee definitively calls a “Russian intelligence officer” that served as a liaison between him and Deripaska.
On numerous occasions, Manafort sought to pass sensitive internal polling data and campaign strategy to Kilimnik. The committee was unable to determine why or what Kilimnik did with that information, in part due to the pair’s use of encrypted messaging apps.
“Taken as a whole, Manafort’s high level access and willingness to share information with individuals closely affiliated with the Russian intelligence services, particularly Kilimnik and associates of Oleg Deripaska, represented a grave counterintelligence threat,”
“Okay, okay, okay, okay. There may have been collaboration but definitely not COLLUSION!” GOP
Things obtained by illegal means are public domain.
That’s what you’re going with?
Trump U grad?
Puddybud, the HA dummocretin disinfectant!spews:
And this is what preposterously lead, dummocretin loving, libtard corporate giants do to the little guy. This is A-OK to Seattle dummocretins!
Wait for the senile idiot wabbit commentary!
About that “time covered” thing.
Donald spent 40 minutes yesterday chatting on air with the hosts of Fox and Friends.
So there’s a 40-0 ratio of coverage right there.
Donald is now a side character on a drive time radio show listened to mostly by your grandpa who wears a USS Arizona hat but never served and hopes to go to Hawaii some day.
Puddybud, The One and Onlyspews:
After being shamed by his stooooooooooooooooopid actions letting antifa destroy Portland, the district attorney will “prosecute” those who attacked that driver on this video.
Someone must have gotten to him!
That’s what you’ve got. A standard copyright issue?
You should look into copyright protection. Any entity that can be shown to not attempt to leagally protect one will lose it.
Very very very standard stuff.
See Granny Goose potato chips V Gammy Goose tiny little ice cream shop in Sonoma CA.
In the real world this will result in a letter drafted by an attorney and the smaller company altering their branding a bit and agreeing not to do it again.
Puddybud, the HA dummocretin disinfectant!spews:
Seems Professor Turley has caught Clinton loving Weissman spewing sewage again! Weissman is loved by assesHorse dummocretins becuz he’s on MSDNC!
“Jared got to rule from afar because Brad would do whatever he said. In return, Brad made a fuck-ton of money and got to live by the pool in Florida. It was almost like this weird mutual partnership, whether they knew it or not.”
Grifter gets grifted.
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Hey, remember when Puddy assured himself that reports of Parscale being fired for ripping off the campaign were all just “FAKE NEWS”?
I can’t believe he gives this shit away for free.
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Having now had an opportunity to think about it a bit and see the process unfold in real time, has our most beloved Troll4Trump cleared up your confusion?
Don’t thank me.
Thank Puddy.
Speaking of confusion @ 103, the new Trump ad isn’t pulling any punches in addressing Biden’s obvious rapid cognitive decline.
Even since the primary debates last year, it’s very, very noticeable.
Some 250,000 jobless Arizonians received an extra $300 in weekly unemployment benefits on Monday in addition to their state unemployment benefits.
The extra money was a result of four executive orders President Donald Trump signed this month — one of which called for an additional $300 in federal weekly unemployment benefits through the end of the year, to be taken from a $44 billion fund set aside for disaster aid.
Trump’s orders came after Congress failed to come up with a compromise to replace the extra $600 in weekly unemployment benefit jobless that expired at the end of July. Americans had been receiving those beefed up benefits under the $2 trillion CARES Act. When the extra benefits ende, the average amount of weekly unemployment benefits Americans received fell to $257 from $812.
Looking forward to Pelosi and Schumer attempting to stop this.
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Just think.
In only a few weeks time your desperation will drive you to drawing “Devil horns” on Biden.
With a Sharpie.
If you’re going to augur in, you might as well augur in shitting your pants, hitting yourself in the face, and looking like a loser piece of shit. In the next seven weeks Trump will lead you into acts of self-abnegation you could never have previously imagined. And you will follow him there eagerly.
Happy trails, motherfucker.
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Just in time for fire season without the monsoon.
Gonna be 106 in Tucson tomorrow. So far more than the previous two years combined have already burned.
And BEACH WEEK!!!!! virus deaths continue to climb.
“It’s nothing new, we do this with other civil unrest and sometimes we’ll do it for parades,” USPS spokesperson David Rupert said, adding that “we’ll evaluate their replacement in the future.”
Three Capitol Hill mailboxes have fully been removed according to USPS records — at 1101 E Pike, 900 E Pine and 1400 Broadway — while a few others remain locked and sealed because of vandalism and “civil unrest” amid protesting, according to Rupert.
All mail-sorting will be done within police precinct buildings.
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Speaking of AZ, the last two weeks of LV polls with B or better ratings have Kelly leading in double digits in a statewide race that Trump’s path to 270 requires.
But everybody lies in polls all the time.
And all the 2016 polls were wrong too.
@ 110
Flawed candidate vs. former astronaut with a vegetable for a wife
Yup, this will very likely cancel out Senator Tuberville. Agreed.
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
What is your estimate of the number of Kelly/Trump voters in 2020? Compared to the number of McSally/Biden voters?
MI Senate race tightening. A little.
GOP candidate is pretty likable.
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
It’s good to see The Q Clearance Cat Lady campaigning to retain the Senate.
Perhaps if things get even worse Trump and Moscow Mitch might decide to join him.
@ 112
I’m not a Democrat. I like Mark Kelly. I liked watching his wife shoot an AR-15 in that video people now wish she hadn’t made. What happened to Giffords is horrible. Her recovery story, and his support story, are remarkable.
My estimate of GOP AZ ticket-splitters who will support Trump and Kelly: Quite a few.
My estimate of Dem AZ ticket-splitters who will support Trump and Kelly: More than you would want to admit.
I’d be reasonably happy with Kelly and Sinema representing AZ. Once Trump is gone, how do you think Kelly will vote, to appropriately represent his state?
That’s why I’d be reasonably happy with him.
A profile of a tree fruit used to sell Apps for iPhones and computers pretty well falls under the kind of thing a trademark holder like Apple needs to be aware of so they don’t someday lose their trademark.
A now common trope in Anime is the Apple logo with several bites taken out of it. Nickelodeon TV has a long running joke across many shows of laptops with a pear instead of an Apple. These allusions to Apple Computers predate the existence of Prepear as a company.
You may ask yourself, why does Apple not file infringement claims against these. A question you wouldn’t ask if you ever dealt with a copyright.
Infringement generally has to involve a product similar enough to have even the slightest possibility that a consumer would confuse the brands or infer that one brand is endorsed by another.
Now if Nickelodeon decided to start selling “PearCo” tablets for tweens to watch Nick shows they would get hit with a similar cease and desist.
It is also entirely possible that a tiny company knew exactly what they were doing (see the many many pop culture allusions to apple as a pear on a computer) when they filed for the TM so as to generate outraged publicity for their otherwise unremarkable app.
And you did the work for them.
This is an absolutely true story:
I had a hand in the creation of a TV Newsroom message board (wow I’m old) called “Soundbites”. Think BitterWaitress for news employees, RIP to an often funny web presence. We eventually got a treat of cease and desist from McDonald’s corporation because when you ask for the full nutritional info at a McDonald’s you will be given, well I have no idea if this is true this was over 20 years ago, a piece of paper called ‘McDonald’s Sound Bites’. In our case the wife of one of the programmers who built the thing, a Barrister lawyer sent a reply letter and some printouts of content saying that there was zero competing interest in the product and literally no chance that there could be confusion between the two. We got a nice letter from the McDonald’s legal team that they agreed and there was no point in taking the matter further. If they had continued to press a cease and desist we would have just changed the name or deleted it because what does this stupid little thing with <100 regular users really matter?
John James is more likable than Michael Steele.
Gary Peters is less likable than Ben Cardin.
I’m hopeful, although realistic.
Rubeus Hagridspews:
@106 – Yeah, and while godwinha is drawing those devil horns on Biden with a Sharpie, Old Joe will be copping a feel off’of the nearest female in the room and sniffing her hair.
You guys are running a candidate with roaming hands and rushing fingers.
Disclaimer: I will not be voting for Trump or Biden in November.
@ 112
Missed the second part of your question.
I doubt there is a Biden/McSally voter in existence.
Just now thinking about one of the people in my neighborhood.
A few years back she put up a FaceBook group for female Puget Sound sports fans. After about a year she got a lawsuit threat from the Seahawks and one from the NFL because users often posted the logos of their intellectual property in comments. Apparently the pharse “Go Hawks” is TMed by the NFL team in town.
Who knew? The group is gone from the platform now. The NFL is well known as a litigious group of bastards. That being said, had she tried to fight she would have lost as there is no doubt a judge would have agreed that a Seattle based group with an online presence could create a confusion among users that they had been endorsed by the team.
Can’t I just get Biden to pose for a photograph or two?
Or it could rightly be reported as a blatant attempt to buy votes when their Senator won’t lift a fingernail.
What’s the readership of ‘Marketwatch’ among the average AZ voter?
@ 122
Which senator?
The blonde one who swings both ways?
Or the other one?
Is it more blatant to buy votes by paying unemployment benefits to people without jobs than it is to reward rich people by attempting to restore full SALT deductibility?
A GOP poll released directly from the James campaign found them five points down with the opponent at 49%.
This is classic. “We know we’re losing. We know there’s very little chance of winning in an atmosphere where everyone hates the top of the ticket. Give us money so we can try or at least not end the campaign in massive debt that never gets repaid.”
If I leave out this sentence I know what Dumbfuck’s response would have been. The Harris for America campaign now finds itself with ample opportunity to fundraise their debt which as a sitting Senator they would have been able to do over a longer period anyway.
There are newly released photos of Bill Clinton getting a neck massage in an airport by one of Epstein’s victims. Yawn.
Re MI Senate @ 124
I could consider your doubtless carefully sourced poll.
In the CNBC poll Peters is up only 3 on James, and he’s only at 48%.
All I wrote @ 113 is that the MI Senate race is tightening a little. As CNBC polls in July had Peters +7, and then Peters + 4, my statement that the race is tightening a little seems to be fully supported by results from a single pollster, viewed over the last several weeks.
Clown, you were the one claiming The Chardonnay Lady 2.0 had an “absolute lock” on 252 EVs, the day before the 2016 election.
Try to rise above third tier, Cz-252. Wallowing with YLB and Red does you no favors.
Cz-252 has no idea who John James is, nor why @ 124 the MI Senate race, this year, is anything but “classic”.
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
You guys are running a candidate with roaming hands and rushing fingers.
And you and Tara Reade are liars.
She, because it simply isn’t true that then Senator Biden finger fucked her through her pantyhose in broad daylight in the middle of the day in one of the busiest public corridors on earth.
And you because, just as you did in 2016, you absolutely will vote for a candidate who clearly and unequivocally confessed to you a long history of violent sexual assaults. The only reason you cling to the TAAAARAAAA!!!! fable is because you must.
I’m sorry for you both.
@ 123
blond, not blonde. Apologies.
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Poorly controlled online poll with a flawed LV model and an average poll error of over 6.5.
Do yourself a favor: focus on polls with live interactive and cell and a better batting average. Polls like Change Research may have some value in spotting trends. But not from a comparison of only two surveys. I get that you want to find the bright spots and illuminate some sort of a path for Trump. But don’t make the same mistake that Clinton supporters made four years ago.
And stop pretending that you’re “perfectly satisfied” with a Pelosi/Schumer controlled Congress and Biden/Harris in the White House because… guns? taxes? reasons? You’ve now spent four years cheering Guatemalan Toddler Torture, WALL!!!!, LOCK HER UP!!!, Ryan-billionaire tax cut, and daily predicting the FBI FROG MARCHES!!!!! HuhrDuhrham is a stunt that goes nowhere. The wall already fell over. ICE is going to get “re-org’d” out of existence, and somebody is going to have to pay for that $300 AZ bribe. (You will).
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
You really want to die on that hill.
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
For what it’s worth, Cat Lady, I think you’re right (and maybe so is James) that MI is the wall state Trump2020 should have been focusing on.
Too bad for you Brad didn’t agree. And now it’s probably too damn late.
You mean the online poll done for them by C- rated Change Research?
You mean the rare African American GOP candidate who sucked up GOP money to unseat ‘vulnerable’ Sen. Stabenow in 2018 just to lose by 6.5%.
That John James?
I literally can’t hear that word without thinking of Julie (not downtown) Brown.
“Cause I’m a blond
Cause I’m a blond
Don’t you wish you were me.”
Dr. Demnto was appointment radio for me back in the day.
We now know the name of the biggest coward @ 47 in Portland, OR.
A POS named Marquise Love is being sought for using the head of a man who had been beaten to the point that he was sitting defenseless in the street like a soccer ball, as if he was a goalie sending a free kick downfield.
This POS is such a fucking coward that even the pussy Multnomah County DA is promising to prosecute. For jaywalking, probably, but this one is gonna be used in quite a bit of campaign video in coming months.
Is this justice for George Floyd? Naw. It’s violence and mayhem, conducted solely for the purpose of violence and mayhem. It’s been that way since early June.
#you built that
@ 134
Was it ever really spelled out? Really?
B – L – Oh, I don’t know…
Puddybud, The One and Only, Showing Everyone How Really Stupid Dot Bombed Isspews:
Hey, remember when Puddy assured himself that reports of Parscale being fired for ripping off the campaign were all just “FAKE NEWS”?
Remember when dot bombed may the call Parscale being fired everyone? June 23rd on assesHorse after reading Vanity Fair and Alternet articles. Except it didn’t happen then did it? Puddy reads that BULLSH^TTIUM too so he knows where useless tool fools like dot bombed get their stories from.
Also that’s when we learned dummocretins were leaking their private information to the Chinese because AOC and others admitted they used TikTok. Puddy also noted that event saying they were letting the Chinese know all their personal information.
Then it came out while Apple was beta testing their iOS v14 that Apple learned TikTok was reading libtards copy and paste buffers and sending it back to China. Puddy laughed so hard out loud knowing AOC and her millions of stoooooooooooooooooopid acolytes just gave their home grown information to the Chinese military.
Now Puddy asks when was Brad Parscale removed as Trump Campaign? July 16th. So since dot bombed is chronologically challenged, Puddy has to once again set the record straight from the FAKE POST of dot bombed!
You see Puddy remembers when libtards make fools of themselves. They never tell the whole story of their sordid details. Puddy always remembers!
@ 133
Treating 2020 as if it’s a rerun of 2018 is a mistake.
In 2018 Joe Biden wasn’t having trouble with basic sentence structure.
The S&P 500 closed at its highest level ever Tuesday, capping a remarkable rebound fueled by unprecedented government stimulus and optimism among investors about the world’s ability to manage the coronavirus pandemic.
Home Depot Good.
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Geeeezus. All that rantastic looonasee only to admit that he fucked up backing Brad.
Must be one of “Jared’s guys”.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@78 “Do you not think you are a troll?”
What a silly question to ask a liberal poster on a liberal blog. Is a Freeper a troll on Free Republic?* What are you on HA? I.e., in your mind, I mean.
* This is a circular question, because Free Republic bans trolls. I last less than 1 minute there. Obviously they don’t ban Freepers, so, no a Freeper is not a troll — at least not in their minds. You’re a dunce, but no worries, we already knew that.
Going with that Gargoyle ashtray = satanist thing again, eh?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@79 A troll is also someone who tries to sabotage comment threads by posting loquacious contentless tripe with the intent of clogging up the threads so no one will read the other comments, like the retired Hawaii stockbroker JCH who was permanently banned from HA for doing that.
Mark Adams, aka “Shortbus,” was banned from HA for a different reason: Trying to “out” and “dox” me. He now comments prolifically on a blog I completely control, and has to behave himself there, because I can delete his comments. He identified himself as a retired Air Force sergeant with a degree in political science and said he’s a process server and paralegal (I’m suspicious about whether his “paralegal” status is an inflated job title, but that’s his business.)
Puddybud, The One and Only, Showing Everyone How Really Stupid Dot Bombed Isspews:
All that rantastic looonasee only to admit that he fucked up backing Brad.
Puddybud, The One AND Only Demonstrating BeerPong Really Is A Moronspews:
Going with that Gargoyle ashtray = satanist thing again, eh?
Google “Jared Lee Loughner satanist” and even your friends that follow the pentagram admit he was one of theirs! Seems you can’t admit that BeerPong@144!
Truth and FACTS cut like a hot knife through butta!
Memo to Trump: Now pardon Joe Hill. Because lynching, and actual innocence.
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
relax little buddy. We’re only here trying to help you save Trump. Jared Brad really did fuck him over badly, eh?
Steve, you like Gretchen eh?
I don’t know anything about her except that she might be one of those Bolshevist-fascist-antifascist types I’ve been hearing about lately.
Huh, a music video by the band “Drowning Pool” (radio hit, ‘Let the Bodies Hit the Floor’ dropped by radio after 9-11. Also used by CIA for torture in Iraq and Afghanistan) is all the proof Piddles needs!
Yes, I know all about the freak show part of the internet that also believes in back masking and that anyone who has ever picked up an Ozzy record is irredeemably cursed to the Dark Lord.*
*I have listened to an entire Drowning Pool album for a different project I do. It is …not good. Growl Metal with players who are not particularly talented with their instruments. But they were really popular for a time.
Puddybud, the HA dummocretin disinfectant!spews:
Well Day #1 of the dummocretin national convention and what did we learn?
1) Biden-Harris will invite the pope to the white house on day #1 – Watch the twatter video again.
2) Did you see Andrew Cuomo say it was Trumps fault, when in April he was sooooooooooooooooo glad Trump mobilized the military to get him ventilators and hospital beds he barely or never used?
3) Did you see Andrew Cuomo call it the ‘European Virus”? It’s all over MSDNC.
4) Did you watch the dummocretin party kiss the antifa ASS?
5) Did you watch the dummocretin party kiss the BLM ASS?
6) Puddy wonders from reading about last night how dummocretins are upset about TikTok.
7) Are dummocretins actively colluding with the Chinese with their Trump attacks? Seems so!
8) With Hollyweird self-censoring their movies for the Chinese Commie Government pulling for BiteME!, it seems the dummocretin are working closely with the Chinese.
9) Seems BiteME! being in Sanders/AOC’s pocket, we know socialism is promised by the dummocretin!
10) Day #2 will be even funnier!
Hunter Biden did something!
WASHINGTON — The Republican and Democratic leaders of the Senate Intelligence Committee made criminal referrals of Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner, Steve Bannon, Erik Prince and Sam Clovis to federal prosecutors in 2019, passing along their suspicions that the men may have misled the committee during their testimony, an official familiar with the matter told NBC News.
The official confirmed reports in the Los Angeles Times and The Washington Post, which reported on the matter last week. A criminal referral to the Justice Department means Congress believes a matter warrants investigation for potential violation of the law.
The committee detailed its concerns in a letter to the U.S. attorney’s office in Washington, D.C., in June 2019, the official said.
Ugh. That’s a lot of metal. I prefer to hang out with people and rabbits who only do it to you once.
I also really admire the songwriting talents of Stephen Foster. Too bad about the racism. I must be longing for “An Old Kentucky Home.”
And when I hear Sinatra it makes me want to smack a bitch around and have another drink before I drive home.
I’ll never forget the first time I heard Cyprus Hill and went out and killed a man. They told me how.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@85 I’ll take his “garbage” over yours any day. His is more coherent. Also, reeks less.
There are certain things that are nonstarters with the Left.
Trayvon Martin bought his own death. He started the fight and he was laying a beating so severe on Zimmerman that one of the major media companies thought that lightening the wound on George’s head to make it inapparent was a good idea.
Michael Brown certainly bought his own death. Hands Up Don’t Shoot was a lie from the very beginning but tell that to congenitally dishonest shills like Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit and you get nowhere.
Even George Floyd‘s death may have been due to fentanyl more than anything else. The defense is gonna have a field day with the tox results, “hoopin'”, and other facts in evidence. We’ll have to see how that pans out but no one is going to be convicted of his murder. Keith X knows that already.
Even so, the above are examples of nonstarters for anyone trying to argue with the left. I get that.
But then, there are the events that the left cannot ignore or successfully lie its way out of responsibility for creating. The vicious Sunday night kick to the head of a defenseless man in Portland by one of your #BLM/Antifa friends is one of those events.
I brought it up @ 47 yesterday, and again earlier @ 135 today. It took longer than I figured but it’s now going mainstream on the right, and quickly.
This is a long piece on Salem Media’s hotair.com. In it we learn that the story will be on Tucker Carlson tonite.
The perp in the Portland beating is an Antifa/#BLM participant wearing the trademark black clothing but failing to mask his face. The Wuhan aside, because he failed to disguise his face he is easily identifiable as a coward and a felon – reddit outed him within hours. Multnomah County DA wants him to turn himself in. This cowardly POS has, literally, put a face on all of the awful things we know Antifa is doing, because #BLM has failed to call them out and expel them. Now #BLM has lost control of the situation in Portland, in Seattle, and in places like Minneapolis and in other Democrat-run cities.
You did this to yourselves, libbies. You allowed cowards like YLB to provide cover for obviously criminal, violent behavior, in Portland, Seattle, and elsewhere. It’s what YLB does, because it’s all YLB can do.
The left has permitted Antifa to permeate it to the point that there is a rapidly dwindling distinction between “peaceful protests” and what Tucker Carlson will show to millions and millions of right-leaning voters tonite. After tonite there may be no distinction – a defenseless man is savagely kicked while he is down, by one of yours.
You let Portland get out of hand. Nearly 3 months straight of nightly riots and near-riots that the #BLM community there is desperate to see end. It’s not about George Floyd anymore, and it hasn’t been for a very long time now.
You let Minneapolis get out of hand. There’s a half-billion dollars of damage to businesses, many minority-owned, and there’s no one to blame except the mob, the Democrat mayor, and the Democrat governor.
You let Seattle get out of hand. The Durkan Kill Zone was a predictable result. YLB minimized the impact of the deaths of those young black men, one of whom was not yet 18. Because that’s what YLB does.
Libbies need to beg the police to shut down the riots to the point that they cannot restart, so that the mess can be cleaned up and the focus can be put back on Black Lives Matter. Until this happens, you’ll be seen as a bunch of riotous thugs. After all, that is exactly what too many of you are.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@161 The squid just got its ass handed to it. Now wait for the Rorschach squirt. Interpret it as you like. It’ll be wide open for interpretation, but when you get right down to it, it’s an ink blot.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Memo to Thomas Jefferson imposter: Example of “trolling” @162.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@83 Another example of why Trump supporters (and apologists) aren’t reputable people in my book.
Something that’s a non-starter for a privileged white guy. George Zimmerman had no authority to stop and question a pedestrian. Zimmerman was directly told by law enforcement he had no legal authority. Zimmerman started a fight. A white guy can’t understand why a black teen might get upset that some guy is following him and demanding to know his business.
I wonder if Colin Powell carries any weight with Veterans’ groups and Reagan/Bush Republicans?
I personally still think he’s a lying sack for authoritatively swearing pictures of a trailer are a known bio weapons lab but he’s not trying to convince me.
I wonder if Colin Powell carries any weight with Veterans’ groups and Reagan/Bush Republicans?
Perhaps as much weight as, say, John McCain carried with Wesley Clark.
Living in LA at a time when sports really mattered to me and being from the rival part of the state it was always annoying to pick up the local newspaper and read the sports.
Elizabeth Warren – she of 1/1024 Cherokee heritage – is part of a DNC Native American Caucus panel event today.
No, seriously.
Peggy Flanagan
I’m excited for the DNC Native American Caucus meeting today. Please join
, @ewarren
, and me (and whole bunch of other good folks) today!
@ 172
Living in LA at a time when sports really mattered to me …
I grew up bleeding Dodger blue and reading Jim Murray with my Wheaties.
The Sunday Garvey went 5 for 5, 5 runs, 5 RBIs.
Four guys – Garvey, Lopes (!)Baker, Cey, Smith – in the 30 homer club in the same season.
YLB minimized the impact of the deaths of those young black men, one of whom was not yet 18. Because that’s what YLB does.
Over 4000 american men and women died in the Bush recreational wars (not to mention the native “collateral damage”), the HA trolls (a dimfuk ESPECIALLY) minimized the impact of those deaths. That’s what HA dimfuks do.
Dimfuk minimized the impact of the police and vigilante killings of unarmed people of color, some of them children.. Blamed it on the victims right up to and beyond George Floyd.. That’s what dimfuk does.
Does dimfuk remember any casualties of the MLK riots?? Of course not.. It’s a fucking asshole.
Heh. teh babblin’ butthole really goes on and on and on about that tiktok..
How relevant is that krap to anyone’s life here?
Even to the rest of the trolls… seek help freak.. oops, babblin’ freak has long been beyond help.
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Police lying, abuse, militarization, use of explosives and chemical weapons, Killology® training, sport murder, and broadening of qualified immunity doctrine are what got out of hand.
You gave us a brief list of three cities.
Against that I can lay one hundred and three cities and thousands of cases of cops lying, raping, beating, and murdering and walking away while you and yours held GoFundMes and called them “Heroes in Blue”.
A very, very small man once said: You’re Fucked!
And so are police unions.
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
But drink? Sure.
Good idea, Cat Lady.
Get a jump on it now.
The next twelve years are really going to fuck with you.
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Trump hasn’t just debased you and rendered you a subject of mockery and derrision.
He made you much, much dumber.
Woody Guthrie is calling. Pick up.
Nearly 3 months straight of nightly riots and near-riots that the #BLM community there is desperate to see end.
This doesn’t comport with teh babblin’ butthole’s or much of the unhinged always wrong wing’s narrative.
The freaks say BLM is Marxist and “spiritualist”.. Why then would BLM be “desperate” to see “end” what makes a dimfuk go stoopid about on HA?
You’re out of step with the rest of the tribe dimfuk.. Too much time in the horse shed?
Seattle Jurksov Weakly Bombshell News – Demorats Discover Giant Trump Conspiracy To Steal Mailboxes, See Shocking Proof Here; https://pjmedia.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/1fb5b839-9da8-42fd-a11b-479222e58ad2-730×487.png
Seattle Jurksov Weakly Correction – Sorry, It’s Just Another Demorat Conspiracy Hoax
You’ve heard the hyperventilating claims that Donald Trump is driving around America and removing mailboxes and piling them up in an empty lot somewhere so you can’t vote for Joe Biden, or something, right? It’s all a bunch of typical election year hysteria, but the liars just got caught in a really embarrassing fashion. It started with the photo that went viral that looks like someone just threw out hundreds of blue mailboxes. This Bernie Bro, Thomas Kennedy, claimed that mailboxes were thrown out right before our eyes. Welcome to the latest attempt by Democrats to smear the president: The Mailbox Hoax.
The photo was taken by Reuters and one journalist is calling them out to correct the record. It’s a doozy. It turns out that the facility is a refurbishing factory (that makes mailboxes great again) and the pile has been there for at least three years. https://pjmedia.com/election/megan-fox/2020/08/18/the-mailbox-hoax-that-wont-go-away-just-got-faker-n804208
woo hoo teh babblin’ butthole found a klownspiracy…
I found a police chief ending a curfew.. Why would she do that?
Is that Seattle Times article evidence of “ties to antifa”?
What a loon!
Demorat-China Party Of Hate America, Race War & Make Crime Great Again Bombshell News – Demorat Rule Means Death & Destruction Report – Demorat Crime Zone Portland.
Marquise Love, 25, is a protester at a Black Lives Matter rally in Portland, Oregon.
Police are on the hunt for Love after he was seen allegedly beating Adam Haner unconscious as he claimed man tried to run the protesters over with his truck.
He is allegedly involved in the shocking assault as footage of the incident has surfaced all over the internet.
Before 10:30pm on Sunday, police responded to a 911 call from someone who reported that protesters “chased a white Ford” four-by-four truck, which then crashed in the downtown area, according to a department press release.
Protesters then dragged the driver out of the vehicle, one witness stated.
Another told police an estimated nine to 10 people began “beating the guy.”
Love allegedly punched and kicked the man in the head.
W/Video; https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/12438939/marquise-love-blm-portland-protester-truck-driver-assault/
@ 178
5 illegitimate children with 5 different women?
In that off-field offensive production category I believe Garvey was 2 for 2.
In what world do AOC and I plan to vote for the same presidential candidate?
offensive? yeah, republicans found such poor “family values” offensive indeed back in the day..
Poor Steve Garvey who never failed to raise an american flag outside its mansion every Columbus day found its political career aborted… awwwww…
Now? Republicans demand even rape from their “leaders”.. “legitimate” rape of course.
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Your whiney bitch president backed down.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@167 “But drink? Sure.”
Of course. It’s already what you do all the time, isn’t it? Is this why you, a highly trained radiologist in whom society made a huge educational investment, retired in your mid-50s? Explains a lot. Including your ravings here. And the horse.
I assume your wife always gives you a breathalyzer test before letting you leave the house with car keys. After all, it’s her truck. She probably doesn’t care whether you come back, but wants the truck in one piece. Because it’s her truck.
I haven’t been watch the Convention, instead I’ve been watching and posting the videos of RVAT2020! Some much funner. Great stuff to share with the Facebook “acquaintances” .
@193. The Troll is an alcoholic drunk. I’ve pointed it out a few times.
He shouldn’t watch the RVAT2020 videos, he’s liable to jump off a bridge
Roger Rabbitspews:
@188 The bot is right on time. Its timer goes off at around 6:38 pm on even-numbered nights in odd-numbered weeks. The exact time varies slightly because of the growing dent in the earth’s magnetic field.
@173 I’ll bet you’re more Indian than she is. More Neanderthal, too. Especially the latter.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@174 “The Sunday Garvey went 5 for 5, 5 runs, 5 RBIs.”
The Saturday Adcock went 5 for 5, 4 HRs and a double, 7 RBIs, 18 bases. Against your beloved Dodgers. Eat shit.
That double was almost out of the park, too. Bounced off the top of the wall. Nobody’s ever hit 5 homers in a game. Nobody’s ever come closer.
I listened to that game. On the ray-dee-oh. You missed it because you weren’t born yet. Poor sap.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@178 And then there was Jim Bunning. His career path wasn’t ruined by smoking pot. It was ruined by a 28% approval rating, trailing no fewer than 4 Democratic candidates in polls, and his panicked Republican colleagues scrambling to find a replacement, who turned out to be Rand Paul.
But at least he didn’t get kicked out of the Baseball Hall of Fame. Or tackled in his front yard.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@185 Mail delivery is one of those things that works until it doesn’t. This is a strange time for doesn’t. Might be a coincidence. Yes, just a coincidence that Trump put a crony donor with no postal experience in charge of the Postal Service right before an election while bashing mail voting and then it doesn’t. No conspiracy at all. Pure coincidence.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@190 You would’ve fought on the same side in WW2 wouldn’t you? Or would you?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@194 Please do get started. A target-rich environment may get richer. We’ll keep the plural horses in mind, bigamist.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@195 The real reason why the dimfuck doesn’t like Israel (the ex-sheriff, not the country):
“Israel was well-liked … among the minority community, some of whom felt resentment over [his] removal.”
(From his own link.)
Roger Rabbitspews:
@196 I guess it’s not hard to convince someone who believes a returned postcard is all the evidence anyone needs to prove there’s no black voter at that address.
Next time, instead of stamping the postcard “Return to sender,” the residents there should stamp it, “Return to sender and FUCK YOU.” Less ambiguous.
Which direction do hurricanes spin? Depends on which hemisphere you’re in. No, I wouldn’t expect a third grader to know. Nowadays, we don’t expect the President of the United States to know, either. What matters is which direction his head is spinning, and which direction it’ll spin next.
Roger Rabbitspews:
This is a sample of the articles I write and post on SJ’s blog:
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Their president and their senior House leadership are rallying around an outspoken and avowed bigot (who shit her pants in public 💩) and supporting her campaign for a House seat.
And Every Republican You Know is absolutely, perfectly, 100% okay with that.
@ 213
The humor in your analyses is at your expense, no matter where you write, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
These people are all very lucky to be alive. They did absolutely nothing wrong. But of course that won’t stop assholes like The Q Clearance Cat Lady from spending a few hours this morning searching and combing through social media and ultra-right wing extremist propaganda sites hoping to uncover unpaid parking tickets.
But their mistake was to be poor in Our America. And in Our America being poor, or BIPOC, or young, or “ethnic” or LGBTQ, means you have to accept this shit every day. However, while The Q Clearance Cat Lady and other old, liver spotted, white racist incels were telling racist jokes about Tiger Woods, Our America changed. The numbers of poor, or BIPOC, or young, or “ethnic” or LGBTQ, in Our America grew and grew until there are more of them than there are cops you can put in one place at one time. And they’ve had enough of this shit.
Ahhh yes dummocretin fake news… even if it starts in Russia, the dummocretin libtard press runs with it!
What a fuckin’ whiner.
Get your billionaire benefactor to buy you some AC, bitch.
Lotta time left. And have you looked at the Q3 GDP growth estimates lately?
Don’t get cocky. You haven’t seen Biden debate yet. Or be interviewed by someone more aggressive than Cardi B.
Well if the pattern holds it will be:
September, Biden +17
October, Biden + 3
November, Biden +20
Yes, this is a joke…
Can’t spend it from a grave.
Gallup is out today. Donald’s disapproval number climbed from 41 in July to 42 in August. 42-55 (-13)
Underwater on all key issues.
Approve of:
Coronavirus Response, 36-63
Economy, 48-52
Crime, 46-52
Foreign affairs, 41-56
Relations with China 40-57
Race relations 37-62
Education 35-62
Remember that awesome time in May when approval climbed to 49%
@ 5
Well, I don’t see why not. Democrats have proven time and again that it’s possible to vote from a grave.
If only someone paid some attention, and eliminated dead voters from the rolls.
Even Stacey Abrams could agree with that.Slow here today. Doc hasn’t wished for anyone’s death yet.
We’re in the garbage poll phase right now.
Conflating registered with likely. Conflating national with EV. Conflating approval/disapproval with voting. Etc.
Trump/GOP must retain every state they won in 2016.
Trump/GOP must win Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin in 2020.
Three straight years of ballot trends in all three of those states (and quite a few others) have gone overwhelmingly against them. In only one of those three states have they held ground on registrations. But their voters refuse to vote by mail. So MATH/SCIENCE says their turnout will be lower. And 2020 lacks nearly all of the complicating third party distractions.
It helps to compare reliable models of voter behavior and ballot trends with high quality polling. Unless you are Trump/GOP. In which case it helps to build a trashy neon and gold painted Potemkin village of shit polls, boat parades, and wishful thinking. And spend millions on ad buys in the DC metro just to soothe and distract the raging fat baby.
Trump/GOP have an enormous deficit to overcome and they are running out of time. Their hopefulness is predicated on the existence of very large numbers of relatively disinterested, undecided, non-college whites available for activation in three states. No evidence of their existence has been found.
In a time of historically unprecedented polarization and negative partisanship all evidence suggests that only very small numbers of voters and potential voters are yet to decide where they stand. Among such voters and potential voters Trump is overwhelmingly unpopular and regarded with distrust. Persuading such voters and potential voters requires first that they be convinced that Biden/Harris/Democrats are more untrustworthy. And second that the risk they represent is worth the effort to get involved. And these are the most disinterested voters of all. Finally of course, this all has to happen in three key states in the next ten weeks.
Bannon had a well he could pump four years ago. It wasn’t deep. It wasn’t wide. But in three key states it was enough. And he had help. From Democrats who fought among themselves. From a media reluctant to admit who Trump really was and eager to go after the Dem nominee. From Russian spies. And from an FBI director. Even with all that help and a well of potential voters to draw from it was a close as it can get. Just 78,000 votes in those three states in which 14 million votes were cast. Just one half of one percent.
Chances are Trump needs to find at least ten times that many votes in those three states to win them in 2020. He has ten weeks to do that.
@10 “Trump needs to find at least ten times that many
votessurvivors in those three states to win them in 2020.”Neither of the following @ 9 sentences is correct:
Although the second sentence is redundant, considering the first.
Herman Cain – poster beneficiary of the wonder cure hydroxychloroquine…
What it didn’t take it? Didn’t want to pollute its precious bodily fluids?
Busy week.. Have fun..
I’m looking forward to it : http://anoxia.site
@9 The following is true: If Biden takes Arizona, Trump can lose only one of them, and even if he doesn’t it’s game over if he loses Florida.
@13 Seems like going to a lot of trouble just to avoid social distancing and wearing a mask.
In a couple weeks, GOP senators will vote against veterans receiving their life-saving prescriptions in time.
Why do GOP senators want to kill our veterans just to keep them from voting? What did veterans ever do to them besides vote for Democrats?
So what exactly does “republic” mean? Our system, as I understand it, keeps the majority from lording it over the minority. It doesn’t give the minority a right to lord it over the majority. I think it’s that latter part that’s confusing Trumpublicans.
Whatever forces, strategies, or messaging is deployed, it’s not like they are going to take effect with laser precision. The solution to Trump’s problem lies in the effect, not in the promise*. And whatever those effects may be they will be subject to local conditions and limitations.
Deploying ardently nationalistic and racist messaging in 2016 had real effects. Those effects could be measured perhaps more lazily in Mississippi or Arkansas than in New Hampshire or Maine. But in a winner-take-all system for EVs where those effects mattered was in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.
As in 2016, the Trump/GOP path to 270 remains narrower owing to the distribution of EVs among the states and the vulnerability of those states. And whatever forces, strategy, or messaging they deploy will tend to have the same effects in all three of those states. Again, they may have even greater or more easily observable effects in Alaska or Missouri, Hawaii or Washington. But for different but no less important reasons, states like those will not be important to the outcome or that path.
Of all the many failures of the GOP in the last four years one of the most significant will be their failure to broaden that path for Trump. They failed on legislation. They failed on messaging. They focused extensively on Minnesota and the effort showed some results. But whatever success they had was severely tempered by declines in support elsewhere. More states became vulnerable for Trump/GOP than for Biden/Democrats.
So yes. Trump needs to win those three states. Any other theory that gets him to 270 depends on much more significant change in vote composition or electoral composition or both. He does not have enough time left for that. Not if he also has to defend Arizona, North Carolina, and Florida.
*Leave it to an MD to stake everything on the promise of a favorable effect.
Y’all libbies had a good time when it was reported that Russia paid the Taliban to go after our troops.
Y’all should have a good time in the knowledge that Iran did the same thing.
US intelligence indicates Iran paid bounties to Taliban for targeting American troops in Afghanistan
The thing is, y’all weren’t happy at all that Trump did something about it:
That was Soleimani.
Now, we can’t exactly take out Putin and expect virtually no consequences, as was the case with Soleimani. But Putin won’t be visiting Syria in person any time soon, I’d imagine.
@ 14
Also not a true statement.
Trump received 304 EVs in 2016. Even without Florida’s 29 EVs Trump would have 275, or five more than necessary to win.
Biden would have to take (in addition to holding all of The Chardonnay Lady 2.0’s 2016 states) Florida AND another of those battleground states with more than 5 EVs, assuming Trump held all other states he won in 2016, in order to beat Trump.
This is pretty simple math, asswipes. Start boning up on your addition and subtraction.
Here’s a little quiz to get you started:
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s pathetic handbill.us blog has 3 readers. If 1 more person were to begin to read the blog, how many readers would Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit have?
Answer will be posted next week.
I don’t happen to recall any extensive evidence, or really any evidence at all, that GOP president Finger-Bang was beholden to or substantially indebted to Soleimani.
But I’m sure The Q Clearance Cat Lady can clear that up for me.
Country with current intercontinental nuclear range capability:
Country not currently possessing intercontinental nuclear range capability:
That should be clear @ 21 enough for you, QoS McHillbilly.
You have to see the video to understand what happened in Portland last night.
Driver of crashed truck beaten blocks from downtown Portland protests
After the mob beat the driver until he was sitting in the street, defenseless, a thug ran up to him from behind, measuring his steps for maximum effect, and kicked the driver in the side of his face, knocking him fully unconscious.
Here’s one link to video of this cowardly POS’s felony.
I don’t know about the rest of you, but when I watched that coward go after a guy from behind, while in the safety of his many friends, I immediately thought of the way YLB behaves. YLB would even call the coward a hero.
George Floyd? Nah. That ended weeks ago. It’s about the violence and destruction now. Oh, and the loot!
Something The Q Clearance Cat Lady has struggled with eternally.
Six of the ten closest razor thin state contests were won by Trump in 2016. But which six is a big part of the story and the math. Florida, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Wisconsin, and North Carolina totaling 101 EVs. Seventy five of those one hundred and one EVs in races with win margins less than 1.5%.
Clinton’s narrow wins in Minnesota, New Hampshire, Nevada, and Maine add up to only 23* EVs.
When very large numbers of EVs hinge on very tiny changes in vote composition or electoral composition. Better call Putin.
*Maine split 3-1
You’re saying the threat of an unprovoked nuclear first strike is what prevents Senate Republicans and your president from even offering a diplomatic response to Putin’s contract killings of Marines.
Congressional Democrats passed sweeping financial sanctions against Putin and Co. for the murder of a tax lawyer. Republicans and Trump can’t even hold a fucking press conference. And Susan Collins is still “disappointed”.
This is not your best look, Cat Lady.
More please.
@20 is going with “all things like 2016” again. Which has been pointed out ignores electoral momentum in many states since. Like Democrats taking over the entire Executive branch of state Government in WI and MI.
Somewhat relevant:
NC and 15EVs
Two polls over the weekend
Eastern Carolina University tied 47%
NBC/WSJ Biden 50/41
Interesting that that ECU poll also did Gov and Senate
Cunningham over Tillis 44-40
Cooper over Forest 52-38
ECU seems to be finding a lot or Cooper/Trump voters and a smaller number of Cunningham/Trump voters. Weird.
NC going Biden would mean Joe needs one of AZ, MI, WI and then FL is irrelevant. I’m still operating under the assumption that Joe carries his home state of PA as even Mondale carried his own state.
I wonder if Trump had to send a billion dollars in cash, shrink-wrapped on pallets, to get this done.
Telephone calls between UAE, Israel ring for the first time
I wonder why it was Trump, and not Obama, who got this done.
Maybe it had something to do with that billion dollars and what Iran planned to do with the dough.
@ 26
It’s all great and it’s all fun.
It’s all nearly three months premature, too.
Enjoy! After all, it was fun for the YLB crowd to cheerlead The Chardonnay Lady 2.0 through August, September, October, and early November in 2016, too.
In fact, it was fun for the cowardly YLB crowd right up until the DNC cancelled the fireworks show over the Hudson. See, the DNC knew what that Trafalgar poll meant, even if Goldy didn’t.
Sure. “All things are just like 2016”.
Except 250,000 dead relatives, 40 million unemployed, 12 million eviction notices, Associate Justice BEERTRAIN, Ukrainegate impeachment, three years of state and House suburban losses, no Gary Johnson/John Kasich alternative, no Bernie/Jill alternative, and no Clinton.
I’m very confident the people who vote for Trump in 2020 will be precisely the same people who voted for him in 2016. I’ve spoken to a few “Republican voters” who now express some uncertainty/regret facing 2020. Just look at The Cat Lady spending most of the last three years pretending he didn’t vote Trump in 2016. But I’m very confident they’ll find a way to bring themselves around. They always do.
I just don’t think it will be enough. Because I’m pretty sure that many more of the people who vote against Trump in 2020 are people who did not really do so four years ago. Losing your job, seeing your Granny die on a dirty ventilator, hearing Trumpalos chant for “death to Jews”, and watching Trump giggling at the sight of George Floyd’s murder has a focusing effect on the will.
10 straight days of NYC Corona virus testing coming back <1% positive. Confirmed and probable deaths in the city last week 4.42/day. Previous week 5.85. Previous week 7.43
Preparations for Gyms to reopen with 33% capacity and mandatory masks.
How's Florida doing? Yesterday the entire state of New York reported 9 deaths. Florida had 107. So that's how they're doing. Texas also had 107. Louisiana, Georgia and Tennessee round out the top five. I can think of something all of those states had in common four years ago.
Two nations never at war announce monumental breakthrough!
The Q Clearance Cat Lady demands… DEMANDS!!!! to know why peace was not delivered to the peaceful sooner.
“Why couldn’t a Democrat conjure up a phony plan to exchange finance for deferment in a way that heightens tensions between Iran and Gulf States? Who says John Bolton is crazy? Show me! Who?”
Speaking of “little quizes”, try this:
Q) Where is the UAE navy based?
A) The United States Fifth Fleet is based in Bahrain.
To be honest, I have always thought Jill Biden is exceptionally attractive.
EXCLUSIVE: ‘Joe Biden stole Jill from me’: Her first husband tells how she CHEATED with Democrat candidate he once considered a friend and that they have LIED about how they started dating for years
How can Steve bring himself to vote for anyone whose wife didn’t want to see Springsteen?
YLB would even call the coward a hero.
I reserve ZERO for a freak who fantasizes rape in a liberal forum.
Criminal is just fine for someone tried and convicted of second degree assault.
Is that too “conservative” an approach? Heh.
it was fun for the YLB crowd to cheerlead The Chardonnay Lady 2.0
And it was clearly the right call after a freak running for office admitted to serial sexual assault.. to go with its swindling, fraud and con-man shit..
but.. butt. butt.. whatabout…
Why aren’t you people blaming the Chinese Communist Party for this Wuhan Virus? It’s their incompetence, first, and diabolical plan of world domination, second, that is responsible for every case and every death that has resulted from this virus.
Why aren’t you people
Liar.. You’re Anne Romney.. Get on your husband’s case.. He’s been too “edgy” about the beloved orange dear leader.
Wow, Jill and Joe had an affair in 1974 and have been married now 43 years.
You’ve nailed an issue there. Jilted husband still not over it.
Now do Donald.
Ivanka, Married 15 years. Separated on public acknowledgement of affair with Marla Maples and tabloids connected “the Donald” to many other women.
Marla Maples, Married six years. During this marriage Donald is now known to have been a close associate of accused child sex trafficker and her accused pedophile partner. Tabloid reports of Donald’s philandering during his second marriage are numerous though Maples has abided by a prenuptial confidentiality agreement telling the New York Post, ” (the marriage was) built on illusion. I thought that I could change him. But he won’t change”
Melania, 12 years so far. Donald fucked a Porn star and a Playboy model repeatedly and possibly pissed on by Russian Prostitutes during the marriage. Does not currently live with Donald according to White House Sources. Much video of Melania refusing the slightest bits of intimacy in public.
Run with that Joe is a homewrecker bit. Sounds good.
Too Damn Funny
If America’s tremendous suffering is entirely China’s fault, then why is the US death rate ten times higher than the rest of the planet?
Do you believe that all the other people on earth really that much better than Americans? You’re saying we deserve this?
None of us think so. Why do you hate Americans?
37. Republicans don’t give a damn about values applied to themselves. Values are only something they cudgel Democrats with. They will ignore any Behavior for more power.
Precisely describes literally every single one of my in-laws and their friends in the Big-U football booster alumni org. Every one a Republican voter too. Until now, that is.
Although to be fair none of them had any problem at all with all the raping, Jew-baiting, and Ukraine corruption. It’s the virus. It’s finally getting to them now that the Pac-12 is canceled. Guatemalan Toddler Torture they can work around okay. But life without tailgating in the special reserved parking area and courtesy tent receptions with the coaches and cheerleaders is no life at all!
Coca Cola announces they will give employees Election Day off in 2020.
Look for:
Donald to announce he’s always been a Pepsi man ingratiating himself to voters who are really proud of their state’s best known export.
The not so smart segment of America to call for a boycott of an anti-American company like Coke.
Several thousand people living in Fulton/DeKalb/Cobb county to have time to stand in long lines to vote if that’s the only way it can be done.
The Bag Man confirms!
Ewwwwwwwww! So gross! Heh.
Although allegedly at this point the background confirmation reports that this took place in an exclusive Russian adult club (not hotel), as part of the “hospitality” for Universe, during a raucous live sex performance that Trump was unprepared and unaware of until the “showering” began, that he was only indirectly hit with a little “liquid”, and that at the time at least he was still dumb enough to believe that “squirting” was something else.
Sadly, further confirmation reports that no jizz was involved.
Bloomberg is not the nominee but he is pledging $60M against GOP House Incumbents.
UNC Chapel Hill cancels in person learning as 130 students test positive.
It worked.
They got them to enroll, pay tuition and housing, buy books, shop at the book store for some groovey posters of The Cowsills, etc. etc. Only to be told that you’ll be attending from your dorm suite, no home games, no intramurals, no activities, and you’ll be receiving your meals there as well.
Donald, today
Hey y’all HA libbies,
When The Oregonian pens a headline like this:
Portland protesters beat driver unconscious after crashing truck near Black Lives Matter rally
Video showed a group of people kick, punch and push to the ground a man connected to a crashed truck.
it’s time to cut ties with Antifa “protesters” even if they do like to destroy the shit you like to see destroyed.
’cause sooner or later someone’s gonna ask Biden a question about these incidents that he’s not prepared to answer.
39 – That’s rich, coming from someone who thinks his views are moral values.
Could it be because I don’t give a shit about Springsteen?
it’s time to cut ties with Antifa “protesters”
Who said anyone here ever had them? Oh yeah shithead trolls who bust rape fantasies in liberal forums.
Wow some of those “antifa protestors” have high amounts of melanin in their skin.. and the “victims” seem to have less and they tend to shoot video as they’re being “victimized”.. And up it goes on twitter – the electronic wall where shit gets thrown to see what sticks.
awwww.. taking one for the “team”.. isn’t that precious..
Why does black lives matter have to answer for crowd violence but the NRA does not have to answer for school massacres?
Mr. and Mrs. Machine Gun Waiving Hamburglar:
“Mr. McCloskey will be in full oratory splendor at the RNC,” his lawyer Albert Watkins tells Wake Up To Politics. First reported by
First reaction: My. He must really be a very, very good criminal defense attorney.
Second reaction: Ah. Already preparing the ineffective assistance of counsel def. Smart.
CBS news reports about an hour ago that on the flight back from WI president PooooseyGrob announced that on Tuesday he will be issuing a pardon for someone very, very important but not Flynn and not Snowden.
Take your bets! Wheeeeee!
Word it tomorrow when Trump makes his big pardon announcement Tim Eyman will be on hand wearing a gorilla costume.
Place your bets. Will trump announce something while
Sally Yates,
Chuck Schumer,
John Kerry,
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez,
Lisa Blunt Rochester
Former President Bill Clinton
Dr Jill Biden
are talking
I think it will during Former President Bill Clinton .
Mr Taylor also claimed that the president had directed the Federal Emergency Management Agency to “cut off the money and no longer give individual assistance” to people in California following deadly wildfires in the state.
“He told us to stop giving money to people whose houses have burned down in a wildfire because he was so rageful that people in the state of California didn’t support him and that politically it wasn’t a base for him,” Mr Taylor said.
Add it to the pile.
@28 & @41 Relevant.
Late day release from ABC/WSJ
Adults, Biden 53-41
RVs Biden 53-41
LVs Biden 54-41
GOP is running out of band-aids to slap on should be gimmie states.
GA hasn’t been blue since 1992. That time in 2016 any poll had Hillary with a double digit lead…..
GOP Governor allows local jurisdictions to enact Mask mandates just this last weekend after banning such a thing in mid July. Georgia has cracked the top 10 in total deaths.
So things are going great in Georgia.
Here’s another grave for you to dance on, dumbfuck. In Georgia, where things are going … going … going ……… great.
@53 “Take your bets! Wheeeeee!”
Himself. After a frank discussion with his campaign manager, and an even franker one with his lawyers.
Or maybe he’s got a special job for Eric Rudolph.
I think they might have focused grouped some campaign themes.
Kristin Urquiza, whose father died from coronavirus and was a Trump supporter
Michelle Obama
It’s the New Federalism.
It’s cool. Block grants. Yeah! That’s the ticket.
Democrats can push that through in Q1. If the good Lord’s willing… and the creek don’t rise.
Gihslaine. He wishes her all the best, etc.
We can dream but even Team Donald isn’t dumb enough to pardon a child sex trafficker.
I have no evidence for that statement, just a gut feeling.
dot bombed who repeatedly called them “peaceful protesters”. So did the buttspigot. So did the senile idiot wabbit.
For example. upon searching assesHorse that was the new meme of the libtard dummocretins. Many times they were called peaceful protesters (protestors).
See ya!
Oh noes, BiteME! is slipping… CNN is panicking!
Remember libtard dummocretins you built this.
Puddy can’t wait for the senile idiot wabbit commentary!
Day one of the GOP convention is shaping up*
All time Eastern
6PM Covington Catholic angry white Kid
6:30 Nathan Bedford Forrest
7PM Gun Toting St. Louis Hone owning angry whites
7:30PM Storm Thurman
8PM Statue of Robert E Lee
Those actually alive are confirmed Speakers.
As Puddy has stated over the years. the libtard lamestream dummocretin press is in the tank for Joe BiteME!
Even the libtards at Harvard University studied the first 100 days of Trump’s presidency. They analyzed The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post and the main newscasts on CBS, CNN, Fox and NBC during this time and it was 80% was negative, 20% was positive.
They even know your COVID response sucks in Mississippi.
Today is day one of open schools.
(MS Free Press)
71 of 82 counties Found COVID Positive students or staff.
Confirmed Cases:
Students: 199
Teachers: 245
Quarantined as a result of contact:
Students: 2,035
Teachers: 589
I’ve been working hard on SeattleJew’s blog, giving it a fresh new look, with movies, humor, breaking news, police brutality and BLM stories, advice articles, Trump exposes, court news, and of course homage to SJ. The only downside is the amount of time it pulls me away from HA.
“Handbill.us” got 1,222 page views yesterday. Doctor Dumbfuck’s audience is Puddy, and maybe “Thomas Jefferson” once in a while. Maybe instead of sunsetting SJ’s blog we should sunset those two.* Puddy is already sunsetted by his Sky Daddy every Friday night.
* On second thought, no, because if we lose those two trolls we won’t have any trolls. Most trolls don’t last long here. All the others run away.
@68 “They analyzed The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post and the main newscasts on CBS, CNN, Fox and NBC during this time and it was 80% was negative, 20% was positive.”
Why were they so generous to such a miserable failure?
@63 We know Trump doesn’t stick up for his friends, he sticks it to them. Ghislaine won’t get anything from him. After all, he won’t get any more preteen girls from her.
“The federal government agency that handles United States asylum requests, processes visa applications and grants citizenship is preparing to furlough most of its employees while would-be citizens remain stuck waiting to get naturalized ahead of the November election.”
To be fair, the agency is fee-funded, so you can’t blame this on a Trump politically motivated budget cut, although it wouldn’t surprise me to find out he’s fucking with it in other ways. I’m sure he won’t mind a bit if 100,000 immigrants aren’t naturalized in time to vote in November. Maybe he can set up special processing for those who enter binding written contracts to vote for him.
“Twitter users reminded Mike Pence about the human and economic chaos and devastation caused by the coronavirus pandemic in the U.S. after the vice president bragged about the stock market on Monday. …”
“170,000 Dead Americans..oh I’m sorry. I don’t want to interrupt your celebration…go on https://t.co/nR3GNHdXwE
— Charles Upton (@CharlesUpton17) August 17, 2020″
Hey doc,
Good morning!
Yours, rabbit
You can blame it on Trump.
The administration began a process last year of imposing huge additional administrative burdens on all citizenship applications that added extra work and slowed down processing thus starving the system of funding. For example a new “no blanks” policy which denies an application if someone without a middle name leaves a blank for “middle name”. Or an application rejected because “Apartment no.” left blank by an applicant who lives in a house.
From June 1 through July 31, not one single time did Trump use the power and the sweep of his office to express any sympathy, support, or encouragement to the millions of our American neighbors grieving the wrenching loss of a dear loved one.
Not one single time. Not before, and not after either.
“Liberal media” didn’t do that. He did.
He’s an asshole and so are his voters.
70 – Do you not think you are a troll?
Trolls post garbage as part of a pattern seeking to disrupt the flow of debate or conversation on a thread. Certainly from time to time our trolls post something worthy of response and engagement. About as often as one of us posts something trollishly mocking and irrelevant.
Use your big primate brain to think about that and review some of the posting history here. See if it doesn’t begin to come into focus for you. A “troll” isn’t just somebody who posts thoughts or ideas that you disagree with. A troll is somebody who, for example, consistently dips into history of their political opponents from decades past with no discernible connection to present day events in an effort to distract instead of defend or debate. A troll is someone who routinely drops in with vast volumes of copypasta garbage and then disappears. A troll is someone whose posts consistently feature perseverative all-caps nonsense and idiotic baby-talk gibberish – content that can’t be responded to or is simply unworthy of the effort.
Latest vol. 5 bipart Senate Intel report on Russian espionage activities targeting the Trump campaign demonstrates
– a clear pattern of obstruction by the White House Counsel’s Office
– Flynn acting as a conduit for Kremlin insider agitprop during the transition
– as always a well coordinated state directed effort on the part of Russia to influence and steer US foreign policy through secret contacts within the campaign and the transition
– ties much of that effort directly to Konstantin Kilimnik, a business partner of Trump Campaign Manger Paul Manafort, who the report describes as “a GRU intelligence officer”.
TIL: SSCI Acting Chair Marco Rubio is part of the DERP STATE!!!!!!! conspiracy. Still not clear if he harvests adrenochrome from babies.
Reports are trickling out that it’s Susan B. Anthony.
Going to pardon her for illegally voting on the 100th Anniversary of the 19th Amendment.
In actual fact, that’s a decent thing to do. Zero chance that came from his own brain.
Definitely not live-shot worthy. B-roll/VO at best.
That Roger Stone pardon is going to get complicated in the next few days… GOP lead inquiry report.
Donald today:
Michelle Obama should not have pre-taped her speech “In over her head…She had the wrong deaths. She said more than 150,000”
It’s now over 170,000.
Really, an excellent point to make, Sir. You’re doing great. Everyone thinks so.
dot bombed farted:
#owngoal once again!
Your modus operandi since you changed your name!
Just to be clear, Donald is now saying he never heard of a guy who is on meeting notes, White House logs, phtotographs and WH Video attending dozens of face to face meetings.
He also says Joe Biden is senile and has memory problems.
Excellent point to make, Sir. Doing great. We all think so. No one has ever been bester than you or a smartest.
Donald’s media team is doing great too.
The attempt to grab headlines from the DNC by holding mask-free rallies didn’t work.
The rally in Wisconsin took place after normal press deadline and is not in the state’s two largest circulation dailies.
Full quote:
“I pwned that bitch! 20 thousand have died since she taped it! Low energy!”
Black Lives Matter!
The problem with that “scoop” BeerPong@*3 is Wikileaks in their July 2016 DNC release hinted later that summer they had some Clinton emails they would release closer to the election. Your “sources” forget this tidbit is in the public domain! Seems you did too! This is what Roger Stone referred to and Fed Judge Amy Jackson would not allow Stone to put this into the federal record. This is why she issued a gag order on Stone.
You, being the “great religious zealot”, should know about numerous libtard media falsehoods and posting them when you chastise others all the time here on assesHorse.
See ya!
Some more facts from the GOP “There was no collusion” report:
Manafort hired and worked closely with Russian national Konstantin Kilimnik, whom the committee definitively calls a “Russian intelligence officer” that served as a liaison between him and Deripaska.
On numerous occasions, Manafort sought to pass sensitive internal polling data and campaign strategy to Kilimnik. The committee was unable to determine why or what Kilimnik did with that information, in part due to the pair’s use of encrypted messaging apps.
“Taken as a whole, Manafort’s high level access and willingness to share information with individuals closely affiliated with the Russian intelligence services, particularly Kilimnik and associates of Oleg Deripaska, represented a grave counterintelligence threat,”
“Okay, okay, okay, okay. There may have been collaboration but definitely not COLLUSION!” GOP
Things obtained by illegal means are public domain.
That’s what you’re going with?
Trump U grad?
And this is what preposterously lead, dummocretin loving, libtard corporate giants do to the little guy. This is A-OK to Seattle dummocretins!
Wait for the senile idiot wabbit commentary!
About that “time covered” thing.
Donald spent 40 minutes yesterday chatting on air with the hosts of Fox and Friends.
So there’s a 40-0 ratio of coverage right there.
Donald is now a side character on a drive time radio show listened to mostly by your grandpa who wears a USS Arizona hat but never served and hopes to go to Hawaii some day.
After being shamed by his stooooooooooooooooopid actions letting antifa destroy Portland, the district attorney will “prosecute” those who attacked that driver on this video.
Someone must have gotten to him!
That’s what you’ve got. A standard copyright issue?
You should look into copyright protection. Any entity that can be shown to not attempt to leagally protect one will lose it.
Very very very standard stuff.
See Granny Goose potato chips V Gammy Goose tiny little ice cream shop in Sonoma CA.
In the real world this will result in a letter drafted by an attorney and the smaller company altering their branding a bit and agreeing not to do it again.
Seems Professor Turley has caught Clinton loving Weissman spewing sewage again! Weissman is loved by assesHorse dummocretins becuz he’s on MSDNC!
Ooooh, that never heard of him guy has something to say
Even Never Trumper Wisenberg is on the trail of Weissman!
A pear looking like an apple?
Not even close BeerPong!
Absolutely HIGHlarious expose of Brad Pubeface in New York Mag right now.
“Jared got to rule from afar because Brad would do whatever he said. In return, Brad made a fuck-ton of money and got to live by the pool in Florida. It was almost like this weird mutual partnership, whether they knew it or not.”
Grifter gets grifted.
Hey, remember when Puddy assured himself that reports of Parscale being fired for ripping off the campaign were all just “FAKE NEWS”?
I can’t believe he gives this shit away for free.
Having now had an opportunity to think about it a bit and see the process unfold in real time, has our most beloved Troll4Trump cleared up your confusion?
Don’t thank me.
Thank Puddy.
Speaking of confusion @ 103, the new Trump ad isn’t pulling any punches in addressing Biden’s obvious rapid cognitive decline.
Even since the primary debates last year, it’s very, very noticeable.
McSally won’t benefit from this.
But Trump will.
Looking forward to Pelosi and Schumer attempting to stop this.
Just think.
In only a few weeks time your desperation will drive you to drawing “Devil horns” on Biden.
With a Sharpie.
If you’re going to augur in, you might as well augur in shitting your pants, hitting yourself in the face, and looking like a loser piece of shit. In the next seven weeks Trump will lead you into acts of self-abnegation you could never have previously imagined. And you will follow him there eagerly.
Happy trails, motherfucker.
Just in time for fire season without the monsoon.
Gonna be 106 in Tucson tomorrow. So far more than the previous two years combined have already burned.
And BEACH WEEK!!!!! virus deaths continue to climb.
What kind of gravestone does $300 buy, anyway?
Fresh off being the source of the social unrest that resulted in the removal of maiboxes from the area in the vicinity of The Durkan Kill Zone, whiny Seattle bitches wonder where all the mailboxes have gone.
All mail-sorting will be done within police precinct buildings.
Speaking of AZ, the last two weeks of LV polls with B or better ratings have Kelly leading in double digits in a statewide race that Trump’s path to 270 requires.
But everybody lies in polls all the time.
And all the 2016 polls were wrong too.
@ 110
Flawed candidate vs. former astronaut with a vegetable for a wife
Yup, this will very likely cancel out Senator Tuberville. Agreed.
What is your estimate of the number of Kelly/Trump voters in 2020? Compared to the number of McSally/Biden voters?
MI Senate race tightening. A little.
GOP candidate is pretty likable.
It’s good to see The Q Clearance Cat Lady campaigning to retain the Senate.
Perhaps if things get even worse Trump and Moscow Mitch might decide to join him.
@ 112
I’m not a Democrat. I like Mark Kelly. I liked watching his wife shoot an AR-15 in that video people now wish she hadn’t made. What happened to Giffords is horrible. Her recovery story, and his support story, are remarkable.
My estimate of GOP AZ ticket-splitters who will support Trump and Kelly: Quite a few.
My estimate of Dem AZ ticket-splitters who will support Trump and Kelly: More than you would want to admit.
I’d be reasonably happy with Kelly and Sinema representing AZ. Once Trump is gone, how do you think Kelly will vote, to appropriately represent his state?
That’s why I’d be reasonably happy with him.
A profile of a tree fruit used to sell Apps for iPhones and computers pretty well falls under the kind of thing a trademark holder like Apple needs to be aware of so they don’t someday lose their trademark.
A now common trope in Anime is the Apple logo with several bites taken out of it. Nickelodeon TV has a long running joke across many shows of laptops with a pear instead of an Apple. These allusions to Apple Computers predate the existence of Prepear as a company.
You may ask yourself, why does Apple not file infringement claims against these. A question you wouldn’t ask if you ever dealt with a copyright.
Infringement generally has to involve a product similar enough to have even the slightest possibility that a consumer would confuse the brands or infer that one brand is endorsed by another.
Now if Nickelodeon decided to start selling “PearCo” tablets for tweens to watch Nick shows they would get hit with a similar cease and desist.
It is also entirely possible that a tiny company knew exactly what they were doing (see the many many pop culture allusions to apple as a pear on a computer) when they filed for the TM so as to generate outraged publicity for their otherwise unremarkable app.
And you did the work for them.
This is an absolutely true story:
I had a hand in the creation of a TV Newsroom message board (wow I’m old) called “Soundbites”. Think BitterWaitress for news employees, RIP to an often funny web presence. We eventually got a treat of cease and desist from McDonald’s corporation because when you ask for the full nutritional info at a McDonald’s you will be given, well I have no idea if this is true this was over 20 years ago, a piece of paper called ‘McDonald’s Sound Bites’. In our case the wife of one of the programmers who built the thing, a
Barristerlawyer sent a reply letter and some printouts of content saying that there was zero competing interest in the product and literally no chance that there could be confusion between the two. We got a nice letter from the McDonald’s legal team that they agreed and there was no point in taking the matter further. If they had continued to press a cease and desist we would have just changed the name or deleted it because what does this stupid little thing with <100 regular users really matter?John James is more likable than Michael Steele.
Gary Peters is less likable than Ben Cardin.
I’m hopeful, although realistic.
@106 – Yeah, and while godwinha is drawing those devil horns on Biden with a Sharpie, Old Joe will be copping a feel off’of the nearest female in the room and sniffing her hair.
You guys are running a candidate with roaming hands and rushing fingers.
Disclaimer: I will not be voting for Trump or Biden in November.
@ 112
Missed the second part of your question.
I doubt there is a Biden/McSally voter in existence.
Just now thinking about one of the people in my neighborhood.
A few years back she put up a FaceBook group for female Puget Sound sports fans. After about a year she got a lawsuit threat from the Seahawks and one from the NFL because users often posted the logos of their intellectual property in comments. Apparently the pharse “Go Hawks” is TMed by the NFL team in town.
Who knew? The group is gone from the platform now. The NFL is well known as a litigious group of bastards. That being said, had she tried to fight she would have lost as there is no doubt a judge would have agreed that a Seattle based group with an online presence could create a confusion among users that they had been endorsed by the team.
Can’t I just get Biden to pose for a photograph or two?
Sharpies are so…
So unsophisticated.
Or it could rightly be reported as a blatant attempt to buy votes when their Senator won’t lift a fingernail.
What’s the readership of ‘Marketwatch’ among the average AZ voter?
@ 122
Which senator?
The blonde one who swings both ways?
Or the other one?
Is it more blatant to buy votes by paying unemployment benefits to people without jobs than it is to reward rich people by attempting to restore full SALT deductibility?
A GOP poll released directly from the James campaign found them five points down with the opponent at 49%.
This is classic. “We know we’re losing. We know there’s very little chance of winning in an atmosphere where everyone hates the top of the ticket. Give us money so we can try or at least not end the campaign in massive debt that never gets repaid.”
If I leave out this sentence I know what Dumbfuck’s response would have been. The Harris for America campaign now finds itself with ample opportunity to fundraise their debt which as a sitting Senator they would have been able to do over a longer period anyway.
There are newly released photos of Bill Clinton getting a neck massage in an airport by one of Epstein’s victims. Yawn.
Re MI Senate @ 124
I could consider your doubtless carefully sourced poll.
Or I could look at one released by CNBC last week.
In the CNBC poll Peters is up only 3 on James, and he’s only at 48%.
All I wrote @ 113 is that the MI Senate race is tightening a little. As CNBC polls in July had Peters +7, and then Peters + 4, my statement that the race is tightening a little seems to be fully supported by results from a single pollster, viewed over the last several weeks.
Clown, you were the one claiming The Chardonnay Lady 2.0 had an “absolute lock” on 252 EVs, the day before the 2016 election.
Try to rise above third tier, Cz-252. Wallowing with YLB and Red does you no favors.
Cz-252 has no idea who John James is, nor why @ 124 the MI Senate race, this year, is anything but “classic”.
And you and Tara Reade are liars.
She, because it simply isn’t true that then Senator Biden finger fucked her through her pantyhose in broad daylight in the middle of the day in one of the busiest public corridors on earth.
And you because, just as you did in 2016, you absolutely will vote for a candidate who clearly and unequivocally confessed to you a long history of violent sexual assaults. The only reason you cling to the TAAAARAAAA!!!! fable is because you must.
I’m sorry for you both.
@ 123
blond, not blonde. Apologies.
Poorly controlled online poll with a flawed LV model and an average poll error of over 6.5.
Do yourself a favor: focus on polls with live interactive and cell and a better batting average. Polls like Change Research may have some value in spotting trends. But not from a comparison of only two surveys. I get that you want to find the bright spots and illuminate some sort of a path for Trump. But don’t make the same mistake that Clinton supporters made four years ago.
And stop pretending that you’re “perfectly satisfied” with a Pelosi/Schumer controlled Congress and Biden/Harris in the White House because… guns? taxes? reasons? You’ve now spent four years cheering Guatemalan Toddler Torture, WALL!!!!, LOCK HER UP!!!, Ryan-billionaire tax cut, and daily predicting the FBI FROG MARCHES!!!!! HuhrDuhrham is a stunt that goes nowhere. The wall already fell over. ICE is going to get “re-org’d” out of existence, and somebody is going to have to pay for that $300 AZ bribe. (You will).
You really want to die on that hill.
For what it’s worth, Cat Lady, I think you’re right (and maybe so is James) that MI is the wall state Trump2020 should have been focusing on.
Too bad for you Brad didn’t agree. And now it’s probably too damn late.
You mean the online poll done for them by C- rated Change Research?
You mean the rare African American GOP candidate who sucked up GOP money to unseat ‘vulnerable’ Sen. Stabenow in 2018 just to lose by 6.5%.
That John James?
I literally can’t hear that word without thinking of Julie (not downtown) Brown.
“Cause I’m a blond
Cause I’m a blond
Don’t you wish you were me.”
Dr. Demnto was appointment radio for me back in the day.
We now know the name of the biggest coward @ 47 in Portland, OR.
A POS named Marquise Love is being sought for using the head of a man who had been beaten to the point that he was sitting defenseless in the street like a soccer ball, as if he was a goalie sending a free kick downfield.
This POS is such a fucking coward that even the pussy Multnomah County DA is promising to prosecute. For jaywalking, probably, but this one is gonna be used in quite a bit of campaign video in coming months.
Is this justice for George Floyd? Naw. It’s violence and mayhem, conducted solely for the purpose of violence and mayhem. It’s been that way since early June.
#you built that
@ 134
Was it ever really spelled out? Really?
B – L – Oh, I don’t know…
Remember when dot bombed may the call Parscale being fired everyone? June 23rd on assesHorse after reading Vanity Fair and Alternet articles. Except it didn’t happen then did it? Puddy reads that BULLSH^TTIUM too so he knows where useless tool fools like dot bombed get their stories from.
Also that’s when we learned dummocretins were leaking their private information to the Chinese because AOC and others admitted they used TikTok. Puddy also noted that event saying they were letting the Chinese know all their personal information.
Then it came out while Apple was beta testing their iOS v14 that Apple learned TikTok was reading libtards copy and paste buffers and sending it back to China. Puddy laughed so hard out loud knowing AOC and her millions of stoooooooooooooooooopid acolytes just gave their home grown information to the Chinese military.
Now Puddy asks when was Brad Parscale removed as Trump Campaign? July 16th. So since dot bombed is chronologically challenged, Puddy has to once again set the record straight from the FAKE POST of dot bombed!
You see Puddy remembers when libtards make fools of themselves. They never tell the whole story of their sordid details. Puddy always remembers!
@ 133
Treating 2020 as if it’s a rerun of 2018 is a mistake.
In 2018 Joe Biden wasn’t having trouble with basic sentence structure.
700+ hp RAM pickup.
Might be time to go shopping.
Kidding. I need the low-end torque of a Cummins.
Yeah, she was shot by a satan-loving libtard who thought she wasn’t progressive enough for his “tastes”.
Well dummocretin will turn on you quicker than a dog revisiting its vomit!
Orange Man Bad.
S&P 500 Sets First Record Since February, Erasing Its Coronavirus Plunge
Home Depot Good.
Geeeezus. All that rantastic looonasee only to admit that he fucked up backing Brad.
Must be one of “Jared’s guys”.
@78 “Do you not think you are a troll?”
What a silly question to ask a liberal poster on a liberal blog. Is a Freeper a troll on Free Republic?* What are you on HA? I.e., in your mind, I mean.
* This is a circular question, because Free Republic bans trolls. I last less than 1 minute there. Obviously they don’t ban Freepers, so, no a Freeper is not a troll — at least not in their minds. You’re a dunce, but no worries, we already knew that.
Going with that Gargoyle ashtray = satanist thing again, eh?
@79 A troll is also someone who tries to sabotage comment threads by posting loquacious contentless tripe with the intent of clogging up the threads so no one will read the other comments, like the retired Hawaii stockbroker JCH who was permanently banned from HA for doing that.
Mark Adams, aka “Shortbus,” was banned from HA for a different reason: Trying to “out” and “dox” me. He now comments prolifically on a blog I completely control, and has to behave himself there, because I can delete his comments. He identified himself as a retired Air Force sergeant with a degree in political science and said he’s a process server and paralegal (I’m suspicious about whether his “paralegal” status is an inflated job title, but that’s his business.)
Sez the chrologically challenged dot bombed.
It’s Shark Week, motherfuckers.
Google “Jared Lee Loughner satanist” and even your friends that follow the pentagram admit he was one of theirs! Seems you can’t admit that BeerPong@144!
Truth and FACTS cut like a hot knife through butta!
Steve, you like Gretchen eh?
Trump has baby fingers
@81 It is Susan B. Anthony, and it’s huuuuge!
Memo to Trump: Now pardon Joe Hill. Because lynching, and actual innocence.
relax little buddy. We’re only here trying to help you save Trump.
JaredBrad really did fuck him over badly, eh?I don’t know anything about her except that she might be one of those Bolshevist-fascist-antifascist types I’ve been hearing about lately.
Huh, a music video by the band “Drowning Pool” (radio hit, ‘Let the Bodies Hit the Floor’ dropped by radio after 9-11. Also used by CIA for torture in Iraq and Afghanistan) is all the proof Piddles needs!
Yes, I know all about the freak show part of the internet that also believes in back masking and that anyone who has ever picked up an Ozzy record is irredeemably cursed to the Dark Lord.*
Anton LeVey !
Paul is dead. Paul is dead.
bubzeleeb ew pihsrow inihccuz peed deirf mmmm ymmuy lived luos ssortabla
*I have listened to an entire Drowning Pool album for a different project I do. It is …not good. Growl Metal with players who are not particularly talented with their instruments. But they were really popular for a time.
Well Day #1 of the dummocretin national convention and what did we learn?
1) Biden-Harris will invite the pope to the white house on day #1 – Watch the twatter video again.
2) Did you see Andrew Cuomo say it was Trumps fault, when in April he was sooooooooooooooooo glad Trump mobilized the military to get him ventilators and hospital beds he barely or never used?
3) Did you see Andrew Cuomo call it the ‘European Virus”? It’s all over MSDNC.
4) Did you watch the dummocretin party kiss the antifa ASS?
5) Did you watch the dummocretin party kiss the BLM ASS?
6) Puddy wonders from reading about last night how dummocretins are upset about TikTok.
7) Are dummocretins actively colluding with the Chinese with their Trump attacks? Seems so!
8) With Hollyweird self-censoring their movies for the Chinese Commie Government pulling for BiteME!, it seems the dummocretin are working closely with the Chinese.
9) Seems BiteME! being in Sanders/AOC’s pocket, we know socialism is promised by the dummocretin!
10) Day #2 will be even funnier!
Hunter Biden did something!
Seriously? You have to be kidding?
Maybe not!
I really like Mercyful Fate and King Diamond
I must be really into Satanism. Especially the Mesopotamian horned demon version Amon.
@83 “That Roger Stone
pardoncommutation is going to get complicated in the next few days…”He’s still a guilty-as-sin, non-exonerated, convicted felon.
As for how Trump takes care of his friends:
Ugh. That’s a lot of metal. I prefer to hang out with people and rabbits who only do it to you once.
I also really admire the songwriting talents of Stephen Foster. Too bad about the racism. I must be longing for “An Old Kentucky Home.”
And when I hear Sinatra it makes me want to smack a bitch around and have another drink before I drive home.
I’ll never forget the first time I heard Cyprus Hill and went out and killed a man. They told me how.
@85 I’ll take his “garbage” over yours any day. His is more coherent. Also, reeks less.
There are certain things that are nonstarters with the Left.
Trayvon Martin bought his own death. He started the fight and he was laying a beating so severe on Zimmerman that one of the major media companies thought that lightening the wound on George’s head to make it inapparent was a good idea.
Michael Brown certainly bought his own death. Hands Up Don’t Shoot was a lie from the very beginning but tell that to congenitally dishonest shills like Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit and you get nowhere.
Even George Floyd‘s death may have been due to fentanyl more than anything else. The defense is gonna have a field day with the tox results, “hoopin'”, and other facts in evidence. We’ll have to see how that pans out but no one is going to be convicted of his murder. Keith X knows that already.
Even so, the above are examples of nonstarters for anyone trying to argue with the left. I get that.
But then, there are the events that the left cannot ignore or successfully lie its way out of responsibility for creating. The vicious Sunday night kick to the head of a defenseless man in Portland by one of your #BLM/Antifa friends is one of those events.
I brought it up @ 47 yesterday, and again earlier @ 135 today. It took longer than I figured but it’s now going mainstream on the right, and quickly.
This is a long piece on Salem Media’s hotair.com. In it we learn that the story will be on Tucker Carlson tonite.
This Tucker Carlson:
Tucker Carlson Has Highest-Rated Program In Cable News History
The perp in the Portland beating is an Antifa/#BLM participant wearing the trademark black clothing but failing to mask his face. The Wuhan aside, because he failed to disguise his face he is easily identifiable as a coward and a felon – reddit outed him within hours. Multnomah County DA wants him to turn himself in. This cowardly POS has, literally, put a face on all of the awful things we know Antifa is doing, because #BLM has failed to call them out and expel them. Now #BLM has lost control of the situation in Portland, in Seattle, and in places like Minneapolis and in other Democrat-run cities.
You did this to yourselves, libbies. You allowed cowards like YLB to provide cover for obviously criminal, violent behavior, in Portland, Seattle, and elsewhere. It’s what YLB does, because it’s all YLB can do.
The left has permitted Antifa to permeate it to the point that there is a rapidly dwindling distinction between “peaceful protests” and what Tucker Carlson will show to millions and millions of right-leaning voters tonite. After tonite there may be no distinction – a defenseless man is savagely kicked while he is down, by one of yours.
You let Portland get out of hand. Nearly 3 months straight of nightly riots and near-riots that the #BLM community there is desperate to see end. It’s not about George Floyd anymore, and it hasn’t been for a very long time now.
You let Minneapolis get out of hand. There’s a half-billion dollars of damage to businesses, many minority-owned, and there’s no one to blame except the mob, the Democrat mayor, and the Democrat governor.
You let Seattle get out of hand. The Durkan Kill Zone was a predictable result. YLB minimized the impact of the deaths of those young black men, one of whom was not yet 18. Because that’s what YLB does.
Libbies need to beg the police to shut down the riots to the point that they cannot restart, so that the mess can be cleaned up and the focus can be put back on Black Lives Matter. Until this happens, you’ll be seen as a bunch of riotous thugs. After all, that is exactly what too many of you are.
@161 The squid just got its ass handed to it. Now wait for the Rorschach squirt. Interpret it as you like. It’ll be wide open for interpretation, but when you get right down to it, it’s an ink blot.
Memo to Thomas Jefferson imposter: Example of “trolling” @162.
@83 Another example of why Trump supporters (and apologists) aren’t reputable people in my book.
Something that’s a non-starter for a privileged white guy. George Zimmerman had no authority to stop and question a pedestrian. Zimmerman was directly told by law enforcement he had no legal authority. Zimmerman started a fight. A white guy can’t understand why a black teen might get upset that some guy is following him and demanding to know his business.
I won’t be watching either convention.
The Official 2020 Democratic National Convention Drinking Game
But drink? Sure.
@ 166
Like I said. It’s a non-starter. I get that.
I wonder if Colin Powell carries any weight with Veterans’ groups and Reagan/Bush Republicans?
I personally still think he’s a lying sack for authoritatively swearing pictures of a trailer are a known bio weapons lab but he’s not trying to convince me.
Speaking of increasing wealth inequality:
Tiger Woods’ son Charlie, 11, steals show at junior tournament with his legendary father acting as his caddy as he wins by FIVE SHOTS
I hear LeBron’s son is doing pretty well, too.
@ 169
Perhaps as much weight as, say, John McCain carried with Wesley Clark.
Living in LA at a time when sports really mattered to me and being from the rival part of the state it was always annoying to pick up the local newspaper and read the sports.
But Plaschke has always been a good writer.
I Had Covid-19. And These are the Things Nobody Tells You
Elizabeth Warren – she of 1/1024 Cherokee heritage – is part of a DNC Native American Caucus panel event today.
No, seriously.
@ 172
I grew up bleeding Dodger blue and reading Jim Murray with my Wheaties.
The Sunday Garvey went 5 for 5, 5 runs, 5 RBIs.
Four guys – Garvey,
Lopes (!)Baker, Cey, Smith – in the 30 homer club in the same season.Baseball is dying now.
YLB minimized the impact of the deaths of those young black men, one of whom was not yet 18. Because that’s what YLB does.
Over 4000 american men and women died in the Bush recreational wars (not to mention the native “collateral damage”), the HA trolls (a dimfuk ESPECIALLY) minimized the impact of those deaths. That’s what HA dimfuks do.
Dimfuk minimized the impact of the police and vigilante killings of unarmed people of color, some of them children.. Blamed it on the victims right up to and beyond George Floyd.. That’s what dimfuk does.
Does dimfuk remember any casualties of the MLK riots?? Of course not.. It’s a fucking asshole.
I grew up bleeding Dodger blue and reading Jim Murray with my Wheaties.
And it “grew up” to hide in Whidbey and bust rape fantasy in a liberal forum..
That’s what a “grown up” dimfuk does.
Even George Floyd‘s death may have been due to fentanyl more than anything else..
anything else like kneeling on his neck.. see the “minimization”???
That’s what dimfuk does. heh. Dimfuk you’re such a fucking asshole.
The Sunday Garvey went 5 for 5, 5 runs, 5 RBIs.
Didn’t he have like 5 illegitimate children with 5 different women?
At one time he considered entering politics..
As a republican..
Gee those were the days when a Republican’s career path could be ruined just by admitting to smoking pot. Those were the days.
TIL: Apparently Marco Rubio is First Officer aboard the SS DERP STATE!!!!! CANNIBAL CONSPIRACY.
He was hiding in plain sight the whole time.
Heh. teh babblin’ butthole really goes on and on and on about that tiktok..
How relevant is that krap to anyone’s life here?
Even to the rest of the trolls… seek help freak.. oops, babblin’ freak has long been beyond help.
Police lying, abuse, militarization, use of explosives and chemical weapons, Killology® training, sport murder, and broadening of qualified immunity doctrine are what got out of hand.
You gave us a brief list of three cities.
Against that I can lay one hundred and three cities and thousands of cases of cops lying, raping, beating, and murdering and walking away while you and yours held GoFundMes and called them “Heroes in Blue”.
A very, very small man once said: You’re Fucked!
And so are police unions.
Good idea, Cat Lady.
Get a jump on it now.
The next twelve years are really going to fuck with you.
Trump hasn’t just debased you and rendered you a subject of mockery and derrision.
He made you much, much dumber.
Woody Guthrie is calling. Pick up.
Nearly 3 months straight of nightly riots and near-riots that the #BLM community there is desperate to see end.
This doesn’t comport with teh babblin’ butthole’s or much of the unhinged always wrong wing’s narrative.
The freaks say BLM is Marxist and “spiritualist”.. Why then would BLM be “desperate” to see “end” what makes a dimfuk go stoopid about on HA?
You’re out of step with the rest of the tribe dimfuk.. Too much time in the horse shed?
Seattle Jurksov Weakly Bombshell News – Demorats Discover Giant Trump Conspiracy To Steal Mailboxes, See Shocking Proof Here; https://pjmedia.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/1fb5b839-9da8-42fd-a11b-479222e58ad2-730×487.png
Seattle Jurksov Weakly Correction – Sorry, It’s Just Another Demorat Conspiracy Hoax
You’ve heard the hyperventilating claims that Donald Trump is driving around America and removing mailboxes and piling them up in an empty lot somewhere so you can’t vote for Joe Biden, or something, right? It’s all a bunch of typical election year hysteria, but the liars just got caught in a really embarrassing fashion. It started with the photo that went viral that looks like someone just threw out hundreds of blue mailboxes. This Bernie Bro, Thomas Kennedy, claimed that mailboxes were thrown out right before our eyes. Welcome to the latest attempt by Democrats to smear the president: The Mailbox Hoax.
The photo was taken by Reuters and one journalist is calling them out to correct the record. It’s a doozy. It turns out that the facility is a refurbishing factory (that makes mailboxes great again) and the pile has been there for at least three years.
Coming here to HA these days always reminds me of the way pos rapey mcdimfuk behaves:
it “minimizes” police abuse of people of color.. nothing is too “minimal”..
it pooh poohs corruption and unfathomable incompetence by its political tribe, the covid disaster being the most egregious example..
it spews non-stop misogyny to the point of posting rape fantasy.
and it gets so confused when people all of a sudden get ANGRY about shit like they did in 1968.
who repeatedly called them “peaceful protesters”.
woo hoo teh babblin’ butthole found a klownspiracy…
I found a police chief ending a curfew.. Why would she do that?
Is that Seattle Times article evidence of “ties to antifa”?
What a loon!
Demorat-China Party Of Hate America, Race War & Make Crime Great Again Bombshell News – Demorat Rule Means Death & Destruction Report – Demorat Crime Zone Portland.
Marquise Love, 25, is a protester at a Black Lives Matter rally in Portland, Oregon.
Police are on the hunt for Love after he was seen allegedly beating Adam Haner unconscious as he claimed man tried to run the protesters over with his truck.
He is allegedly involved in the shocking assault as footage of the incident has surfaced all over the internet.
Before 10:30pm on Sunday, police responded to a 911 call from someone who reported that protesters “chased a white Ford” four-by-four truck, which then crashed in the downtown area, according to a department press release.
Protesters then dragged the driver out of the vehicle, one witness stated.
Another told police an estimated nine to 10 people began “beating the guy.”
Love allegedly punched and kicked the man in the head.
@ 178
5 illegitimate children with 5 different women?
In that off-field offensive production category I believe Garvey was 2 for 2.
In what world do AOC and I plan to vote for the same presidential candidate?
“that off-field offensive production”
offensive? yeah, republicans found such poor “family values” offensive indeed back in the day..
Poor Steve Garvey who never failed to raise an american flag outside its mansion every Columbus day found its political career aborted… awwwww…
Now? Republicans demand even rape from their “leaders”.. “legitimate” rape of course.
Your whiney bitch president backed down.
@167 “But drink? Sure.”
Of course. It’s already what you do all the time, isn’t it? Is this why you, a highly trained radiologist in whom society made a huge educational investment, retired in your mid-50s? Explains a lot. Including your ravings here. And the horse.
I assume your wife always gives you a breathalyzer test before letting you leave the house with car keys. After all, it’s her truck. She probably doesn’t care whether you come back, but wants the truck in one piece. Because it’s her truck.
@ 193
Horses. Plural.
Do not get me started.
Fucking piece of shit. Good.
Broward Sheriff Gregory Tony emerges from rough-and-tumble primary, beating back former Sheriff Scott Israel
Motherfucker won’t be able to kill any more kids with his PC drama.
This is helpful:
“There’s nothing about me that would be discriminatory. I know black people. I play basketball every Sunday with a black guy.”
I think Ady Barkan should send him a tee shirt.
This is helpful:
“There’s nothing about me that would be discriminatory. I know black people. I play basketball every Sunday with a black guy.”
I think Ady Barkan should send him a tee shirt.
Hey Putin boy, check this out. Best feed going.
Trumpeters for Virus!
I haven’t been watch the Convention, instead I’ve been watching and posting the videos of RVAT2020! Some much funner. Great stuff to share with the Facebook “acquaintances” .
@193. The Troll is an alcoholic drunk. I’ve pointed it out a few times.
He shouldn’t watch the RVAT2020 videos, he’s liable to jump off a bridge
@188 The bot is right on time. Its timer goes off at around 6:38 pm on even-numbered nights in odd-numbered weeks. The exact time varies slightly because of the growing dent in the earth’s magnetic field.
@173 I’ll bet you’re more Indian than she is. More Neanderthal, too. Especially the latter.
@174 “The Sunday Garvey went 5 for 5, 5 runs, 5 RBIs.”
The Saturday Adcock went 5 for 5, 4 HRs and a double, 7 RBIs, 18 bases. Against your beloved Dodgers. Eat shit.
That double was almost out of the park, too. Bounced off the top of the wall. Nobody’s ever hit 5 homers in a game. Nobody’s ever come closer.
I listened to that game. On the ray-dee-oh. You missed it because you weren’t born yet. Poor sap.
@178 And then there was Jim Bunning. His career path wasn’t ruined by smoking pot. It was ruined by a 28% approval rating, trailing no fewer than 4 Democratic candidates in polls, and his panicked Republican colleagues scrambling to find a replacement, who turned out to be Rand Paul.
But at least he didn’t get kicked out of the Baseball Hall of Fame. Or tackled in his front yard.
@185 Mail delivery is one of those things that works until it doesn’t. This is a strange time for doesn’t. Might be a coincidence. Yes, just a coincidence that Trump put a crony donor with no postal experience in charge of the Postal Service right before an election while bashing mail voting and then it doesn’t. No conspiracy at all. Pure coincidence.
@190 You would’ve fought on the same side in WW2 wouldn’t you? Or would you?
@194 Please do get started. A target-rich environment may get richer. We’ll keep the plural horses in mind, bigamist.
@195 The real reason why the dimfuck doesn’t like Israel (the ex-sheriff, not the country):
“Israel was well-liked … among the minority community, some of whom felt resentment over [his] removal.”
(From his own link.)
@196 I guess it’s not hard to convince someone who believes a returned postcard is all the evidence anyone needs to prove there’s no black voter at that address.
Next time, instead of stamping the postcard “Return to sender,” the residents there should stamp it, “Return to sender and FUCK YOU.” Less ambiguous.
@199 That’s insulting musicians.
@200 I like this one:
Which direction do hurricanes spin? Depends on which hemisphere you’re in. No, I wouldn’t expect a third grader to know. Nowadays, we don’t expect the President of the United States to know, either. What matters is which direction his head is spinning, and which direction it’ll spin next.
This is a sample of the articles I write and post on SJ’s blog:
I keep ’em short, informative, and funny.
The Mother of All Karens:
Their president and their senior House leadership are rallying around an outspoken and avowed bigot (who shit her pants in public 💩) and supporting her campaign for a House seat.
And Every Republican You Know is absolutely, perfectly, 100% okay with that.
@ 213
The humor in your analyses is at your expense, no matter where you write, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Here’s another for The Q Clearance Cat Lady:
Every fucking day in Our America. Every day.
These people are all very lucky to be alive. They did absolutely nothing wrong. But of course that won’t stop assholes like The Q Clearance Cat Lady from spending a few hours this morning searching and combing through social media and ultra-right wing extremist propaganda sites hoping to uncover unpaid parking tickets.
But their mistake was to be poor in Our America. And in Our America being poor, or BIPOC, or young, or “ethnic” or LGBTQ, means you have to accept this shit every day. However, while The Q Clearance Cat Lady and other old, liver spotted, white racist incels were telling racist jokes about Tiger Woods, Our America changed. The numbers of poor, or BIPOC, or young, or “ethnic” or LGBTQ, in Our America grew and grew until there are more of them than there are cops you can put in one place at one time. And they’ve had enough of this shit.
Nobody told the police. And now it’s too late.