92 people in Washington dead of COVID-19 stinks. And yet it marks our first week down to double digits. Social distancing and hand washing and mask wearing have made a difference. It’s tougher to quantify how many people are still around because we did those things. But they are because you did.
So keep it up. Go wash your hands right now.
Hillary is not the president.
Steve, stop drinking the Stupid Solution!
Have a great sunny May 4th!
Social distancing and hand washing and mask wearing have made a difference.
And yet in state after state that have accomplished significant declines in deaths and hospital admissions, the numbers have plateaued in the last week to ten days.
The disturbing implication is that as the closure orders have been extended, and citizens have become restless and less compliant, the rate of infectious spread has stopped declining. And we are still at best weeks away from being able to safely resume economic activities. If even marginal resumption of social contacts results in restoring infection rates we are in trouble.
People who are resuming contact among family members, friends, coworkers, and neighbors are resuming the spread of infection that sustains steady daily hospital admissions. The lesson may be that, in addition to all the protective public health measures being ordered by enlightened state Governors for PPE, distancing, testing, and contact tracing, all of us as individuals need to learn new habits. That may mean stop touching and wash your hands a lot more. It may mean stop sharing food or dishes and utensils. It may mean standing and sitting farther apart.
One thing that will certainly be sure to fuck up any hopes of restoring our economy will be this shit:
Rapepublicans are just not cut out for this work.
Even DUMMOCRETINS call Joe Biden Joe BiteME!
“One of the tidbits in the Rolling Stone interview by Michael Hastings recounted how McChrystal had lost confidence in Biden after he had suggested a counterterrorism strategy.
“‘Biden?” another adviser chimed in, according to Hastings. ‘Did you say: Bite Me?'””
@1 – Yes, we’re all glad about Hillary.
@1 And you think Trump being president is an improvement? Yes, you would think that.
Steve’s glad about Hillary, too.
The Chardonnay Lady 2.0’s failure in 2016 has enabled him to blame everything on others.
He’s so used to doing that, Steve is, that he has behaved in such a way as to increase the likelihood that he’ll continue to be able to blame Republicans in the White House for all that is wrong for the next four years, too.
Think on your sins. Steve.
The problem with the WAY the GOP tried to make Biden an issue with women is if more come forward people will be naturally less inclined to believe them. You built that.
How to prove you’re a Dumbfuck in two acts.
Act I
Hitch your wagon and then post both breathless and snarky several times a day about Joe’s
uncomfortablerape. Watch as the accuser all but completely recants the story and becomes, “I was uncomfortable.”Act II
Post about Joe admiring a 14 year-olds boobs out loud. Then watch as even rabidly Partisan news sources are forced to retract.
The accuser, Eva Murray, 26, told the outlet she accompanied her aunt to [The First State Gridiron Dinner] in Delaware, where Biden allegedly told her she was “well endowed” for her age.
“He looked me up and down and hovered his eyes on my chest, so I had some clue [about] the notion of his comment but didn’t fully understand at the time. We quickly separated from his area after the encounter,” she said.
But, Joe Biden didn’t attend the event. He had minor surgery the week of the event. Even Fox News reported on it.
Murray, “Well then it must have been the year before.”
Nope, Biden was on the campaign trail and out of state the year before.
Oh….and Eva Murray is a Republican activist and the Niece of one Christine O’Donnell. Sound familiar? She tried to unseat Biden for Senate in 2008 and then ran again for his vacant seat in 2010. Tea Party darling promoted heavily on air by Hannity and Limbaugh but then she ran straight up against the crazy.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit is here @ 5, doubtless to remind that The Chardonnay Lady took a plurality of the popular vote. Which was not how the presidential election was decided.
She didn’t win Arizona, either.
Did she. Steve.
@6 “has enabled him to blame everything on others”
I see you’re channeling Trump this morning. You know, the compulsive liar you didn’t vote for.
Today’s polls: Biden within 2 points of Trump in Iowa.
Over the weekend we learned many things. The big one was the DUMMOCRETIN response to the #metoo bowel movement. Seems #metoo only matters if you are after a Republican.
MIA this weekend
The Squad
-Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
-Ilhan Omar
-Ayanna Pressley
-Rashida Tlaib
Crazy Maisie Hirono
Kamala Harris
Tennis Shoes
Exploit a Minor Aide
Margaret Atwood
Emma Watson
Munroe Bergdorf
Jameela Jamil
Adwoa Aboah
Michelle Obummer
Gloria Steinem
Gloria Allred
just to name a few who demanded DEMANDED millions of Justice Kavanaugh’s life records but nary a peep regarding Joe BiteMe’s records.
#metoo is a real sham!
@8 Most recent AZ poll: Biden +9
When fake allegations against Biden didn’t work try to make a 60+ year old advance research program seem “Deep State” helping Biden.
Glass of Grape Juice? Cheers!
69,000 > 15.
“I never said 15. Nope never. Never said 60,000 isn’t bad either. Never. We are SO on top of this. It could be 100,000 which is so much better than the flu every year. Think about that.”
How to determine that Cz-252 is the author of a spew, in two acts.
Act I
The author makes a claim that a story was removed. One goes to the story and finds it still posted, every single word, with an update at the end of it:
Act II
The author fails to consider that a date may have been incorrect but that everything else about the story is true. Recall Bill Clinton’s denial of the Gennifer Flowers allegations because on one of the alleged tryst dates the hotel in question was closed for remodeling, “proving” that the allegations were false.
Turns out the claims, like Flowers’ rack, were real. Very real, and spectacular.
Well played.
Sure is boring here this morning. Puffybutt can’t think of anything to talk about except Kavanaugh, and Dumbfuck can’t think of anything to talk about except Hillary. It’s understandable they don’t want to talk about drumpf moving the goalposts against: This time from 60,000 to 100,000 dead. As I recall, originally it was none, and then 15. Drumpf’s definition of a “great” outcome is starting to look like nuclear fission.
In these unprecedented times of social distancing we want you to remember that DNA samples to match a rape case against Donald J. Trump can be collected in a contactless manner.
(side note, Piddles has an updated ‘Enemies’ List of women done him wrong!)
I now live in Missouri and the stay at home orders have expired. Many of my co workers are chatting getting pedicures and going out to eat.
Senile IDIOT Wabbit @11,
Crooked Hillary was ahead of Trump by 4.5 in June 2016.
So what?
Bloviating clown @ 11
@8 Most recent AZ poll: Biden +9
In May 2016 the RCP average in AZ had The Chardonnay Lady 2.0 up 3.5 points.
In October 2016 the Arizona Republic polled and found The Chardonnay Lady 2.0 up 5 points.
Trump won by 3.5 points.
I’ll start paying attention to polls when Darryl starts posting about them. You don’t even have a nominee yet.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, you are well on your way to repeating the errors that cost you the presidency in 2016. You’re like Steve in that respect – each of you knows what you’re posting is baseless wishful thinking, and yet neither of you can help yourself.
Wrong again both BeerBong and Senile Idiot Wabbit. Butt then again y’all are always wrong.
Keep Being Wrong, that’s all you know!
@20 Now do Texas.
@ 17
…DNA samples to match a rape case against Donald J. Trump can be collected in a contactless manner.
A recorded conversation between Biden and anyone can be held in a Teleprompterless manner.
Doesn’t mean it’s ever gonna happen.
Where’d you find that dead horse?
It’s proper good work. Thanks. Really.
But aren’t we past all that?
Just taking these two pathetic trollbots on HA, we have individuals who have routinely, and adamantly trafficked in outlandish and impossible smear tales about invisible pizza dungeons, the re-animated corpses of murder victims. five-year-old “crisis actors”, satanic baby cannibalism, and yes, of course, RAPE! RAPE! RAPE! RAPE!
This is partly about Teh Orange Event Horizon and partly about modern partisanship. We have arrived at a point where people are sorting themselves according to what they want, and perhaps more importantly, NEEEEEEEED to believe. Every single Republican voter you know listened first as their candidate bragged on tape about a long history of violent sexual assaults against women. Then they listened as he confessed that everything on the tape was true. Then they voted to make him president.
That was a singular moment of sorting. It is not the kind of thing that gets undone. Professionals in politics and some media have mostly recognized this and internalized it into how they communicate with voters. People like our trolls believe that Biden was in two places at once because they NEEEEED to. They believe in an invisible pizza dungeon because they need to. They believe that coronavirus is a Chinese plot because they need to. They believe that Trump won a trade war because they need to. They believe that Clinton ordered a STAND DOWN because they need to. etc. etc. Lather. Rinse. Repeat.
It will never end. No amount of debunking will end it. SNOPES will never end it. It’s who they are and what they’ve become. A party of trolls 63 million strong. And the only defense against them is for the rest of us to become 70 million strong.
Some senile idiot wabbit posted above – “It’s understandable they don’t want to talk about drumpf moving the goalposts against: This time from 60,000 to 100,000 dead.”
Let’s see senile idiot wabbit:
– Puddy posted last week how DUMMOCRETINS screamed Trump needs to listen to the doctors and scientists. He did and the economy came to a dead stop
– Puddy post last week what Dr Fauci said on January 28th, February 17th and March 30th. This was a small thing. The flu will be worse than the wuhan coronavirus, we are ready and you don’t need a mask
– Puddy posted the wrongheaded information from the WHO starting January 14th where they said China was doing an excellent job and there was no human to human transmission
– Puddy posted last week what Dr Birx said last week that China was not immediately forthcoming regarding human to human transmisstion.
– Now we learned yesterday from Dr Birx that the medical community grossly underestimated the asymptomatic transmission of the wuhan coronavirus!
All this was lost or fully forgotten by the senile idiot wabbit. Why? Because the senile idiot wabbit is really senile. All the senile idiot wabbit needed to do is send an email to the crazed databaze butt spigot and could have refreshed that single celled memory interface. Naaaaaah, the senile idiot wabbit would rather regurgitate comments that while were said back in January and early February were basically from Dr Fauci – the acclaimed expert!
Sucks to be the senile idiot wabbit!
Remember, Trump closed the border to China. Joe BiteMe and others called Trump a racist and xenophobe. Dr Fauci said on Jake Crapper’s CNN joke of a show that Trump save 000’s of lives by that one move.
Still going with 2020 is just like 2016? Nothing’s changed. No record to run on. No 100,00 dead. Nothing is different?
Donald has another Arizona problem. The coattails of a very well liked, very well known, American Astronaut and husband of a U.S. House member shot buy a nut with easy access to guns and a really remarkable cash advantage over an incumbent.
Kelly is up +8 over McSally in the latest poll. But I’m sure the Trump/Kelly voters will show up in time.
9 > 3.5
Stupid FOOL @25,
Where has Puddy talked about this 14 year old person? Please refer to the crazed databaze buttspigot when it arrives.
Once again you make inferences without references. As Dr Savage said: “liberalism is a mental disorder”
U.S. House member shot buy a [insert here – liberal devil worshipping] nut with easy access to guns.
Fixed that for you!
Hillary was ahead of Trump by 4.5 in June 2016.
Now show us a battleground poll with her outside the margins after the conventions.
She was very unpopular among likely Democratic voters in a half dozen battlegrounds, especially after the convention. And in poll after poll she never managed to bring those voters into the tent, right up to and including the one poll that really mattered on Nov 8.
It’s obvious the trollbots and Parscale are counting on repeating that division among Democrats in 2020. So far there is absolutely zero polling signal to suggest that they are having any effect. It’s still very early, of course. But at this point Bernie has gone radio silent and has left the campaign trail, virtual or otherwise. Biden appears to be the singular, and unchallenged Democratic presidential campaign remaining in the field right now, with a half year remaining.
The field of battle is completely different with entirely different terrain, the forces arrayed are positioned entirely differently, and yet Rapepublicans are preparing to deploy precisely the same tactics.
Definition of insanity, etc.
If Democrats could fuck up 2016 they could fuck up anything. But at least at this point they have some real political advantages, which is more than we should normally hope for facing an incumbent with the support of his own party.
I’ve said it before, I’m not paying much attention to nationwide polls. But so far the battleground electoral polls I’m seeing look very good for Biden and very bad for Trump. And that was not the case for Clinton in 2016. Any confidence I had in Clinton’s chances in the summer of 2016 was not based on her talent as a candidate or her popularity among likely Democratic voters. Rather, it was predicated almost entirely on a very, very, very mistaken belief that large numbers of “NeverTrump” Republicans in key states would either stay home or cast throw away votes. I was wrong about them. I will never be wrong about them ever again.
Now show us a battleground poll with her outside the margins after the conventions.
Don’t need to. Puddy don’t jump to your crazed tunes! And don’t run and post Puddy can’t. Puddy doesn’t need to. Margin of error doesn’t matter. The Electoral College matters.
Puddy was watching a Stenk Yogurt video from 2016 where he guaranteed Hillary would win that fateful Tuesday night. It was hilarious! Found it again in less that 20 seconds. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jpyKuzoFW40
Hillary is not the president!
See ya!
Donald has another Arizona problem.
Don’t forget the McCain family and their legacy in that state.
Trump/McSally are positioning themselves in direct opposition to the only viable Rapepublican political dynasty in that state.
Lindsay Graham say Republicans were going to weaponize sexual assault claims after kavanaugh
In the last two years Republicans have manufactured sexual assault allegations against Robert Mueller and Pete Buttigieg. They also tried to set up a story that Liz Warren had a toyboy for her BDSM fantasies ( go cougars! )
And Rude Pundit said this part well, so I’ll quote him.
5. As many women have said, “believe women” doesn’t mean “all women are always right.” It means assume that an allegation is made in good faith and investigate from there. And, yes, sometimes women lie about rape, assault, and harassment (and often men lie about being the perpetrators). But the vast majority of women aren’t lying. And a much larger number of victims simply never come forward.
6. The real hypocrisy is to demand Joe Biden release the archive of his Senate and Vice Presidential papers now held at the University of Delaware and not demand an equal accounting from Donald Trump for all of the sexual assault and rape allegations against him, as well as everything else (like his income taxes).
7. Biden should allow the archives to be searched and Trump should have to give up all the documents related to his business and personal dealings, as well as allow members of his administration to testify before Congress. You want transparency? Let’s do it, then.
8. However, no search of Biden’s papers is going to satisfy the “But her emails” crowd. They will believe until the end of days that the Rosetta Stone of Reade’s accusations exists and anyone telling them otherwise is lying.
But trumpers don’t want to address the impeached miserable failure’s rape accusations. They just want to inflict the Bengazi and Buttery Males treatment to Biden. They don’t want truth, they want weaponized sexual assault claims.
Political dynasty? This ain’t a monarchy, and term limits for these entrenched lifer politicians is definitely in order.
No more career politicians! More diversity, not just the same old crowd forever and ever!
@25 “We have arrived at a point where people are sorting themselves according to what they want, and perhaps more importantly, NEEEEEEEED to believe. Every single Republican voter you know …. A party of trolls 63 million strong. And the only defense against them is for the rest of us to become 70 million strong.”
Not really. It was inevitable they’d delude themselves into believing fantasies that will kill them. By the time this is over, they’ll be down to 39 million or so. All we have to do is keep our attrition rate below theirs. Which should be easy.
I had the eight days from return pool square that Piddles would quote Michael Weiner as an authority. I really thought YLB with with three days had it locked but thanks.
You can all Venmo me your $2
@26 “Now we learned yesterday from Dr Birx that the medical community grossly underestimated the asymptomatic transmission of the wuhan coronavirus!”
And the GOP response is … ?
And an order for 100,000 more body bags.
There will be a lot of red MAGA hats available at estate sales this summer.
The greatest hits album is well…still sucks
Still going with “He owned a gargoyle ashtray so he was a devil worshipper.
Maybe that’s why God smote the Cathedral of Norte Dame.
Play the hits.
Do “Reno burned out Koresh!”
@30 “The field of battle is completely different with entirely different terrain, the forces arrayed are positioned entirely differently, and yet Rapepublicans are preparing to deploy precisely the same tactics.”
Yup. The Rebs hoped to repeat Fredericksburg at Gettysburg. But the terrain was different, the arrayed forces were positioned differently, and not strangely the outcome was different.
@31 “The Electoral College matters.”
Until your tribe comes up short. Then excuses will pour from your keyboard like a river in flood stage.
@33 It does seem to me a presumption of untruthfulness applies to women observed egressing from James O’Keefe’s lair.
@34 Does this mean Ivanka won’t get to be a hereditary president?
Costco made a corporate decision to limit meat purchases to 2 packages per membership for the time being.
It has little to do with supply shortages but what they learned from the great Toilet paper debacle.
1. Empty shelves and Social Media photos of empty shelves make people shop elsewhere.
2. Letting people with plenty of cash walk out with twelve five pound packs of ground beef and past an entering family that can only afford 5 pounds if it weren’t all gone is also a bad look.
Move to Arizona and oppose her when Meghan McCain runs for Governor. There’s literally nothing for you in Washington state. Not a single political dynastic family unless you count Jenny Durkan and I’m pretty confident that prior to reading these words you had no idea her father was anybody in politics.
“Steve, stop drinking the Stupid Solution!”
Puddy, I certainly hope you washed your hands after typing that!
Seems you are as much of an insufferable moron as the buttspigot. You forgot the NY Times used Michael Weiner for their benefit mid-April against Limbaugh and Hannity. Butt don’t let facts slap that fat ASS as you walk out that door! You can Google it. If he’s good enough for the NY Times then Puddy is prescient again!
Puddy washes his hands even looking at the screen!
Looking at the polls, it’s pretty easy see why the dumbfuck is living in the past.
Live in shame, traitor. You’ve earned it.
@47 I believe it prudent to wash my hands and rinse my eyes after reading each of your posts!
69,000 > 15.
Better add 12,469 more to that total due to H1N1
See ya
Nice to know that Rapepublicans are only responsible for a 500% increase in mortality.
Once again, Rapepublicans are just not cut out for this work. As this shining example of keen intellect amply demonstrates again, and again, and again…
And they are not quite even half way there. 1000% increase is a nice round number.
Easier decimal math for the trailerbilly dullards.
There are SIX little horse-a$$y kittens
who sit and wait for permission
to don theirs mittens
to leave the basement
to go out and play with no erudition.
Can open you ears to hear? *
Please, may we go OUT today!
You stupid kittens! You WILL obey
You do not have permission
to leave your basement today!
*“If the person you’re talking to doesn’t appear to be listening, be patient. It may simply be that he has a small piece of fluff in his ear.” ~Winnie the Pooh
How does it feel to ask your servants for permission and direction TO LIVE?
How does it feel to fall into obeyance TO your servants in hopes they will respect you and continue to ALLOW you to employ them?
Have you no self respect
You kittens remind me of insane old women who scour their house from top to bottom before the housekeeper arrives. Oh my, gotta pay to keep those maids happy or they won’t won’t allow you to let them push you arround like an old broom!
We kittens will be your servants too!
Will you like us a little today?
When can we earn our pay?
Can we feed our children to today?
We, who employ YOU
have bills to pay!
You will regret your dictator play
Civil disobedience
Headed your way.
Do you have the balls,
Would you dare
To mow us all down without a care?
The non-aphasic Bundy terrorist compares the Holocaust to being asked to stay home and watch reruns of Golden Girls.
Rapepublicans are just not cut out for this work.
Even as a kitten my cat had more smarts than the stupid fuck @53.
Hey, Puddy, I hate to be the one to tell you, but Seattle Jew has died.
Even the leftist Doomberg – https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2020-03-10/how-coronavirus-compares-with-2009-s-h1n1-in-spread-and-reaction – disagrees with the moronic leftist fools here at assesHorse.
“The legitimate worry is that it could be many, many times higher, because Covid-19 is so much deadlier for those who get it than the 2009 H1N1 influenza was.”
FACTS always lost on DUMMOCRETINS!
US CDC now projecting steady rise in infection rate, hospital admission rate, and death rate for the next several weeks on account of “Boogaloo” terrorists.
An additional 1000 deaths per day by June directly associated.
Crazy Uncle Freedumb needs a haircut. So your Nana has to die.
Thanks Steve.
I found out from Q-13 Fox where they had a story on him posted the next day so I came and said a short comment. So for poor poor checkmate-252 @36, his time reckoning is off as ever!
“There will be a lot of red MAGA hats available at estate sales this summer.”
Good news. I use MAGA hats for target practice.
@43 Hoarder hits brick wall. Need mop, pail, and water.
Kenmore can’t build a chest freezer big enough for times like these.
The 9/11 memorial commemorates a day when 3000 Americans died in a single day. It reminds us all why everything changed after the 9/11 attacks.
The memorial is closed today. The Rapepublican “Boogaloo” terrorists believe it is closed because “it hates our freedoms” and that “nothing can change” no matter how many of us die.
Also, Blue Lives no longer Matter. Amazeballs.
Libtards can’t change their spots. https://kprcradio.iheart.com/featured/the-pursuit-of-happiness/content/2020-05-04-harris-county-judges-snitch-website-shutdown-in-less-than-24-hours/
See ya!
@50 I see the loon bought into the trope this is “just another flu.” Yup. Meanwhile the body bag factories haven’t been this busy since 1918.
“it hates our freedoms” inanimate objects are objectified by libtards,
Now the Washington DC mayor is another story!
FACTS, just can’t escape them!
Once again I see the senile idiot wabbit is projecting @64.
Looks like libtards won’t be buying any more Pink Floyd albums…
“Biden is such a f—ing slime ball, he’s so weak, and has no appeal to anybody,” Waters said of the presumptive Democratic nominee.
Oath Keepers
Police in the U.S. need to realize they stand at the precipice of losing the trust, support, and protection of millions of American patriots.
They must reverse course and refuse unlawful orders, or risk being declared domestic enemies of the Constitution.
1:55 PM · May 2, 2020·Twitter for iPhone
Now do Ferguson.
@59 And with Steve gone, Roger Rabbit now runs his blog. Of course, you’re welcome to post there. The lonely lunatic already commenting there might appreciate having some company.
It’s really no different from the flu. Yup.
Pentagon asked to provide 85 refrigerated trucks, 100K body bags for coronavirus response
Sure, Jan
@60 Not me. I cut them up and use them as mechanic’s rags. They look better with grease and oil on them.
@66 No shortage of squid ink.
Lets go to the Puddy way back machine – https://www.cnn.com/2018/02/02/politics/fbi-nunes-memo-full/index.html – Puddy used the CNN link because one can go back and see how Dana I like to Bash Trump and her coterie of libtard fools got it so wrong.
Last week we saw how much the scum of Comey/McCabe infected the higher levels of the FBI – https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/byron-yorks-daily-memo-special-michael-flynn-vindication-edition
Now two years later, the highly moronic class that trashed Devin Nunes’ memo have been burned by the Russia Russia Russia probe EPIC FAYLE and now Nunes vindicated. How was Nunes vindicated? Well, the belated release of the Flynn classified information on April 29th and 30th and a Justice Department inspector general’s report last December. Both have confirmed the systematic FISA abuses on two Carter Page warrants, the other two warrants being withdrawn over other problems and illegal Flynn visit abuses and other much wider problems inside the FBI.
Federal Judge T. Emmit Sullivan denied Flynn from getting these documents last December during the trial so Atty General Barr made them available now. Then we learned Director Wray and FBI Attorney Boente tried to stop the Flynn note publishing. The Holder/Lynch dirt is getting swept out of DOJ.
FACTS, they really hurt libtards!
No shortage of your rabbit shit either!
Hey Spuds, when’s your old lady gonna take you offline again? I wanna know so I can plan my schedule, now that I’m dividing my time between two blogs.
@74 Mine’s organic and sells for $20 a bag in high-end nurseries and garden supply stores.
The not so way back machine… two months ago Senator Tom Cotton said the Wuhan Lab leaked this coronavirus out. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2020/02/16/tom-cotton-coronavirus-conspiracy/
HA and other DUMMOCRETINS claimed the doctors said this was naturally occuring. Not what the Indian scientists said.
Now the new facts come out about how the wuhan virus arrived to all of us!
I have so many links on this!
FACTS always make libtards look stooooooooooopid!
My free time is my free time senile one!
By the way when will Biden prove he’s not a sex predator?
@77 Tom Cotton!!! Haw haw ha ha har har!!
@78 Oh, so you’re changing your story about your disappearance again?
@77 “I have so many links on this!”
No doubt. As you said, your free time is your free time.
Senile idiot wabbit @79, you need to go back and reread what Puddy wrote to my crack addict friend Steve. Your spin stinks like your posts!
Tom Cotton is right.
Sux to be senile!
@81 Tom Cotton = Wuhan woo-woo.
Shut up and sing, Dixie Chick
“An influential coronavirus model … is now forecasting that 134,000 people will die of Covid-19 in the United States, nearly double its previous prediction. The model … previously predicted 72,433 deaths ….
“Relatedly, a Trump administration model projects a rise in coronavirus cases and deaths in the weeks ahead, up to about 3,000 daily deaths in the US by June 1 …. Over the past week, about 2,000 people died daily in the US ….
“The sharp increases in the two models are tied to relaxed social distancing and increased mobility in the US. … The projections make clear that these reopenings come with fatal risks.”
“Doctors at a Paris hospital say they’ve found evidence that one patient admitted in December was infected with Covid-19. If verified, this finding would show that the virus was already circulating in Europe at that time …. The man had not been to China, and … the absence of a link with China” and the fact he hadn’t traveled suggests the Chinese lab story is springing a leak.
If waters wants to vote for the impeached miserable failure instead of Biden that’s his choice. I’m voting for Biden.
The Democratic party, the real pro life party.
85. Evidence does not matter to trumpers
“Miami Beach closes park just five days after reopening as nearly 8,000 break face mask and distance rules”
“Not even a week since reopening, the city of Miami Beach closed the popular South Pointe Park back up after thousands of visitors failed to wear face coverings and social distance to slow the spread of the coronavirus.
“The Miami Beach Police Department … issued 7,329 verbal face cover warnings and more than 470 warnings for failing to social distance between Friday and Sunday. Most of the violations were at South Pointe Park ….”
“As states push ahead with reopening, CDC warns coronavirus cases and deaths are set to soar”
“As nearly half of U.S. states begin to ease restrictions that were put in place to slow the spread of the coronavirus, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is quietly projecting a stark rise in the number of new cases of the virus and deaths from it over the next month.
“Modeling from the CDC, incorporated into a chart prepared by the Federal Emergency Management Agency and circulated within the administration, … projects 200,000 new daily cases … and 3,000 daily deaths in the U.S. At present, approximately 25,000 new cases are reported each day, with roughly 1,750 deaths.
“Without disputing the accuracy of the modeling used by the CDC, the White House quickly distanced itself from the projections.”
And placed orders for another 100,000 body bags and 200 refrigerated trucks.
But … FREEEEEEE-dumb!!!
I have someone who will swear Piddles fucked a sheep.
Prove you’ve never fucked a sheep
Not that a guy who proudly supports an admitted sexual predator has any credibility in this area.
Now prove you’re not a fake Christian. Start with the many variations of “Puddy don’t need to forgive nobody.”
Waters can “want” in one hand and shit in the other.
But being that he’s a citizen of the UK, I’m pretty sure I already know which one will fill up first.
Waters not only didn’t endorse voting for Trump he won’t be voting at all.
He’s a British citizen but legal resident of the US. Voting would be fraudulent. Kind of like anyone giving a rats ass who Grace Slick thinks should be the labor candidate in New Zealand.
I still watch Kelsey Grammer even though I know he’s a big supporter of the GOP. Gary Sinese is just fine. Tim Allen never made me laugh and Home Improvement to me is unwatchable so no. I still read Steinbeck, google that one and Vietnam. I listen to at least one overtly Christian singer songwriter because his lyrics are incredibly clever. I like Sufjan Stevens.
Hey Piddles. Name the last Jane Fonda project you watched. Amy Schumer? Susan Sarandon? I was just listening to the Wall with my kids this morning and yeah, I saw that story yesterday. KEXP played some.
Some higher level intellect can see George Burns and know that it’s both funny and he’s not really saying he’s God. Boy the Nick Cage ‘Left Behind’ project must have wrecked you emotionally.
Weird you want to comment on cancel culture.
88 Officials: you use the beach if you follow these simple instructions
Trumpers: NO!
Hey Piddles. Name the last Jane Fonda project you watched. Amy Schumer? Susan Sarandon?
Time Masheeen!!! can be put to great use on the wrong side of Teh Orange Event Horizon. If Piddles works the controls just right, he can take himself all the way back before October 6th, 2016 to a time when Jesus didn’t hate him for knowingly and willingly backing a violent rapist.
The current virus model being used by Learned Elder Pence has the charms and prayers effectively discharging Satan’s demons from these hallowed grounds and reducing the death toll from demonic possession to zero by May 15th.
Tick. Tock. Motherfuckers.
Oh senile idiot wabbit,
You really are one of the stupid one I see now. One really stoooooooooooooopid moron.
Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach are still in stay-at-home orders.
Wut? Don’t know about each state and what counties are in what state? Here is WA State ya moron https://medium.com/wagovernor/inslee-signs-new-covid-19-order-for-phased-re-opening-of-washingtons-economy-ad5ea919ab56
Butt don’t let FACTS affect putting BULLSH^T on a blog. You are one of the biggest BULLSH^T artists here. Right now you are running neck-and-neck with Dot Bombed and BeerPong checkmate-252 is running a close third.
“I WAS a hoax. Nobody told me. Jyna’s fault. i never knew anything about Chinese virus. Nope, nothing. We did a great job.”
Then today…
“On Jan. 23, I was told that there could be a virus coming in, but it was of no real import,.”
Jan 7 CDC issued travel warning to Wuhan
Jan 9, CCTV and WHO confirm publicly that this is a New virus
Jan 13 CDC comments on the public dissemination of the New Virus genome.
Jan 14 WHO issues skeptical press release in response to CCTV stating that person to person transmission has not been documented. (eds. note coming very close to accusing China of lying. see January 24th)
20th January CCTV confirms human to human transmission, by this time cases have been reported in Japan, Thailand, South Korea and Singapore
21st January to much nationwide press, First case in the U.S. confirmed in Seattle
22nd January U.S. Embassy in China raises the health alert and Donald apparently is still in the dark about what is becoming a global health emergency and news event.
23rd January Donald NOW says this was the first and only time in January he was told anything about Covid-19.
24th JanuaryChinese report on Covid-19 published in Lancet confirming all known cases in China, human to human contact and deaths. China quarantines entire cities in Hubei province.
France confirms first cases in EU.
Oh and Donald tweeted:
“China has been working very hard to contain the Coronavirus. The United States greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency. It will all work out well. In particular, on behalf of the American People, I want to thank President Xi!”
all while not being briefed about entire cities being shut down if you believe him.
26th January cases reported in California and Arizona.
30th JanuaryWHO issues Worldwide public health emergency Alert. Donald claims no one told him and it wasn’t in his briefings. So either his is literally the most incompetent cabinet in history OR, and I cannot stress this enough he’s lying except to stress more….both.
Just for fun:
Feb 1. Donald Golfs. No one mentions the virus allegedly
Feb 2. Donald Golfs. No one mentions the virus allegedly
Feb. 10 “I think China is very, you know, professionally run in the sense that they have everything under control, I really believe they are going to have it under control fairly soon. You know in April, supposedly, it dies with the hotter weather. And that’s a beautiful date to look forward to. But China I can tell you is working very hard.”
Feb 15. Donald Golfs. No one mentions virus allegedly but U.S. and Chinese officials sign phase one to end Donald’s trade war.
Love to see this applied to the “Boogaloo”.
What kind of legal interest can Freedumb Terrorists articulate in getting their hair colored or dining at Red Lobster for Crabfest under the original meaning of the First Amendment?
What body of law determines if these legal interests to attend pre-season NFL games or hold jello wrestling contests are present? The common law of 1791?
Is the operation of beach front wet tee shirt contests and beer bong competitions illegal or otherwise wrongful under that relevant common law of 1791?
Spend any time at all with these opinions enshrined by conservatives and you’ll quickly discover that pretty much all of the “rights and freedoms” being demanded by Piddles, Trump, and “The Boogaloo” are the very same “rights and freedoms” they’ve spent the last forty years insisting do not exist.
“General concerns”
And this doesn’t help the babblers…
So either knowing nothing was there or not remembering there was something there Biden is fine with it being released. Senate won’t release. Who controls the Senate.
Not team Biden.
It’s Mitch and the GOP.
It doesn’t take a remotely long limb to know if there was something there Mitch would release it. Pretty much a solid lock (see what I did there) that Mitch already had someone check. And since Mitch’s Senate is now saying they are not allowed to release anything….
There’s nothing there.
Got that from Vox eh?
Or was that wikipedia?
Or was that from The Atlantic?
Or was that from CNN? https://www.cnn.com/2020/02/06/health/wuhan-coronavirus-timeline-fast-facts/index.html
The first ones are all very similar to CNN’s because they all collude together and end in early February.
Good job!
BeerPong @99,
Anyone can go to the US Senate and read the confidentiality rules installed way before Mitch McConnell became the senate leader. senate.gov
FACTS make it really suck to be you
You really are a leftist FASCIST pig!
You were saying something about facts re not accepting.
Donald was either forced to or accidentally admit he was briefed weeks before he’s been saying he was briefed for over a month today. I go with the latter because the guy doesn’t have the good sense of a plate of Wet Market Tilapia.
And he’s still clinging to “I didn’t know until several days” after the teevee, even his 6 hour a morning Fox habit was covering the Seattle case. Over a month after a casual news consumer knew.
Are you suggesting my Fox News watching in laws had better knowledge than POTUS?
Are you snowballing with Dumbfuck or do you guys trade every other climax? Does it really look like a Goombas Inquiring minds want to catch and release?
@100 Truth isn’t as flexible as stoopid.
Proud respecter of rules and not voting to change them Moscow Mitch.
Even a good news poll isn’t great for team Orange.
Iowa, nearly +10 in 2016, Biden -2 within the MOE. (PPP)
Last poll was first week of March had Donald +10.
What could have happened in two months?
@96 Your dispute is with the Miami Beach Police Department, not me.
@105 Biden doesn’t need Iowa, but he’ll take it.
Demorat-China Party Of Hate America & Travel Bans Are Racist Bombshell News – Demorat-China Axis Strikes Back At American Claims That Virus Originated In Chinese Biolab –
Source:Global Times [Chicom Propaganda]
During an interview on Sunday, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said there was “enormous evidence” the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) originated in a laboratory in Wuhan, China. “Remember, China has a history of infecting the world, and they have a history of running substandard laboratories,” Pompeo explained. Once again, the US diplomat and former CIA director has stunned the world with groundless accusations.
The Trump administration continues to engage in unprecedented propaganda warfare while trying to impede global efforts in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic. As the US presidential election campaigns are underway, the Trump administration has implemented a strategy designed to divert attention from the incompetence it has displayed in fighting the pandemic.
Washington (CNN) [Demorat Propaganda] Intelligence shared among Five Eyes nations indicates it is “highly unlikely” that the coronavirus outbreak was spread as a result of an an accident in a laboratory but rather originated in a Chinese market, according to two Western officials who cited an intelligence assessment that appears to contradict claims by President Donald Trump and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.
“We think it’s highly unlikely it was an accident,” a Western diplomatic official [Demorat fake source] with knowledge of the intelligence said.
This evening I mooned a bunch of Hump supporters who were creating noise pollution and waving striped flags who were protesting the saving of lives. I hope they liked the view of my hairy ass. I think if they looked long r
Enough they probably saw my big ball sac.
Hey, remember the good times with Dumbfuck and Piddles pointed out how Obama blamed George W. Bush for, like EVERYTHING and it was his administration now and TAKE RESPONSIBILITY.
That was fun.
Donald, Quatro De Mayo, 2020
Oh those broken COVID-19 tests. You know that’s an acronym?
I mean how dare that uppity Obama Administration leave us broken tests in 2016 for….oh.
How do you know Bob sucks cock…..he buys a horse for the wife to keep her happy.
Ignorant fucks. Hopefully they’re Repukes and quickly.
Where did Puddy not accept any facts? You didn’t post the link like you normally do. You copied it so Puddy will soon display a real date list.
Sux to be you!
senile idiot wabbit @106,
NOPE you dope. You posted it and attacked the governor. Puddy provided FACTS your senile mind can’t find!
Your draconian posting methods suck! Puddy identified another BUKLLSH^T post!
Light in the loafers dude at 34.
Well I hope you can get use to a dictatorship.
Demorat-China Party Of Hate America & Travel Bans Are Racist Bombshell News – China Ministry Of Truth Special Announcement – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UctriMuXYS0
Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-China) Awarded People’s Republic Of China Julius & Ethel Rosenberg Memorial Order Of The Useful Idiot For Ignoring China, Blaming Trump.
According to Fox News Channel’s “Sunday Morning Futures” host Maria Bartiromo, the 2020 presidential election will be about Mainland China, particular as coronavirus takes a toll on the United States, damage which is believed to be in part due to irresponsible Chinese behavior. However, Democrats are not spending much time on that issue, which was pointed out by Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) during an interview with Bartiromo.
“So look at this — the Democrats have impaneled a group to look at Trump, not China,” Graham said. “President Trump has made very good decisions, very hard calls consistently. Not one Democrat has come forward with any idea to hold accountable China for killing over 60,000 Americans by withholding information about the virus and putting 30 million Americans out of work because that’s what we had to do to save probably a million lives.
“Not one Democrat has come forward with an idea to hold China accountable,” he added. “China is the problem, not Trump. Democratic Party, step up. Don’t give China a pass.”
Nice video of drumpf’s lies about the pandemic…
Arranged by date… Facts make babbling butthole’s butthole go..
BeerPong @104,
Senate can’t change rules unless they vote on it. Schumer will filibuster to protect BiteME!
Senate can’t change rules unless they vote on it. Schumer will filibuster to protect BiteME!
HAHAHAHA!!!! You’re so f’ing stoopid… Did Schumer filibuster Moscow Mitch over changing the rule on voting for SCOTUS judge, e.g. Gorsuch?
Also, if you do run out of toilet paper, all you have to do is squat real low like in a sumo style squat, brace and the release a hot steamy log of shit right into the hat. Easy cleanup. Then take the hat and place it down on the ground in some trailer park, leaving it for some Hump supporters to try it on.
The Hump virus is killing many
You mean like when changing the rules to…..eliminate SCOTUS filibuster?
Holy Fucksticks you’re an idiot.
Deaths in California pop 40 million: 2,283
Death in Sweden pop 10 million: 2,769
Facts make babbling butthole pinhead go..
70,000 > 15
It’s May. It’s totally over. It was warm and sunny today and it disappeared.
So you’re going to add some items that would make it even harder for Donald to have not known until he was briefed in February, a lie he’s been clinging to until this afternoon when he admitted he was briefed in January on a date after FOX NEWS CHANNEL, CNN, MSNBC (All of which he watches enthralled/hate watches) KING 5, KOMO, NEWS13, KIRO, WAPO, NYT, USA TODAY, WFLA, WMOV, MIAMI HERALD, THE PALM BEACH POST, were all covering it?
He didn’t know? He couldn’t have been expected to know? He’s not a mind reader?
Until he was briefed on Jan 23 which is several weeks before he claimed to have been briefed up until today? And THEN he knew!
That’s not how any of this works.
In case of home invasion, pull pin and hold up grenade. The intruders, unless they’re very stupid, will run away. The same results can be achieved by lighting the fuse on a pipe bomb and holding it with arm extended in front of your body.
A side effect of conducting city council meetings by teleconference is that council members may feel less inhibited than they would be in an open public meeting.
This list is compiled from Reuters, Fox News, AP News, Gateway Pundit, CNN
Here you go…
December. 1: Chinese Commie Party officials introduced mandatory facial scans
December 5-6: Chinese Commie Party officials knew in early December that the virus had appeared in Wuhan, but they sat on the information for six weeks.
December 30: Li Wenliang wrote on Chinese social media app WeChat of a “Seven ‘SARS-like’ cases in Wuhan
December 31: The Wuhan Municipal Health Commission reported 27 cases of viral pneumonia.
December 31: Taiwan tried to warn WHO. WHO officially ignored warning
January 3: Li Wenliang arrested by CCP friends of the assesHorse web site.
January 7: Chinese President Xi recognized the viral pneumonia internally during a meeting of China’s highest council.
January 11: Chinese state media report the first known death from an illness originating in the Wuhan market.
January 14: WHO claimed China is doing a great job and there is no human to human contact.
January 14: Top Chinese officials determined they likely were facing a pandemic, Wuhan hosted a mass banquet for tens of thousands of people.
January 15: Speaker of the House Nancy Private Plane Pelosi holds a vote to send articles of impeachment to the Senate. Pelosi and House DUMMOCRETINS celebrate the “solemn” occasion with a signing ceremony, using commemorative pens. Pelosi hands of “impeachment pens” to her pals.
January 15: The first person with coronavirus arrives in the United States from China through SeaTac and goes home to Snohomish, where he had been in Wuhan.
January 17: Trump and CDC start airport screenings at major airports
January 19: 35-year-old man presented to an urgent care clinic in Snohomish County, Washington a cough
January 20: CDC says WA State person has 2019-nCoV
January 23: The House impeachment managers make their opening arguments for removing President Trump.
January 23: China closes off the city of Wuhan completely to slow the spread of coronavirus to the rest of China. Allows iunternational travel to continue.
January 23: The WHO again declined to say the coronavirus is a global health emergency, still no evidence of human-to-human infection outside China.
January 24: French health officials confirmed the first three cases in Europe.
January 24: Dr Anthony Fauci says: “We don’t want the American public to be worried about this because their risk is low.”
January 28, There were reports that all of the crematoria (seven in total) in Wuhan were operating 24 hours a day, seven days a week to deal with the crush of dead bodies.
January 28: Alex Azar says HHS “been monitoring this virus and preparing a response since back in December.”
January 30: US senate in impeachment trial mode. Senators begin asking two days of questions of both sides in the president’s impeachment trial. The revolution was televised.
January 30: The World Health Organization declares a global health emergency as coronavirus continues to spread.
January 30: CDC Dr Robert Redfield says: “We understand this may be concerning, but based on what we know now, our assessment remains that the immediate risk to the American public is low.”
January 31: The Senate holds a vote on whether to allow further witnesses and documents in the impeachment trial.
January 31: President Trump declares a national health emergency and imposes a ban on travel to and from Joe BiteME calls Trump’s decision “hysterical xenophobia … and fear-mongering.”
January 31: US officials began funneling all flights from China to the U.S. to one of seven airports that were designated ports of entry: New York, San Francisco, Seattle, Honolulu, Los Angeles, Chicago and Atlanta.
January 31: WHO claims the travel ban unnecessary
February 2: The first death from coronavirus outside China is reported in the Philippines.
February 3: House impeachment managers begin closing arguments, calling Trump a threat to national security.
February 4: President Trump talks about coronavirus in his State of the Union address; Pelosi rips up every page live on national teevee.
February 5: The Senate votes to acquit President Trump on both articles of impeachment, 52-48 and 53-47.
February 5: House Democrats finally take up coronavirus in the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Asia.
February 6: First Covid-19 death in US
February 7: Chinese doctor Li Wenliang dies.
February 11: The WHO announced a formal name for the coronavirus – COVID-19
February 12: First American died in China after being diagnosed with the coronavirus in Wuhan
February 21 Dr. Nancy Messonnier, director of the CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases: “We’re not seeing community spread here in the United States, yet, but it’s very possible, even likely, that it may eventually happen,”
February 23: Italy officially locks down
February 24: Trump asks for $2.5 Billion, Schumer delays it in senate
February 26: The CDC confirmed an infection in California that would represent the first U.S. person to contract the virus from person to person contact contrary to WHO guidance
February 26: President Trump taps VP Pence as coronavirus task force chief – There were currently 60 COVID-19 cases in the US
February 27: Vice President Mike Pence Names Deborah Birx As The White House’s Coronavirus Response Coordinator
March 10: Beijing first launched cellphone-based health codes
March 13: Trump announces public-private partnership to increase national coronavirus testing capabilities.
April 1: Ai Fen whistleblowing coronavirus doctor at Wuhan hospital mysteriously vanishes
It was the WHO that said Sweden was right!
Hey dipsh^t leaking buttspigot@119,
Don’t you remember? Now you going senile? https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/186133-reid-triggers-nuclear-option-to-change-senate-rules-and-prohibit-post-cloture-filibusters
“Reid triggers ‘nuclear option’ to change Senate rules, end repeat filibusters”
Charles Krauthammer hammered Scary Land Deal Reid by thanking him on the nuclear option! https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/thank-god-for-harry-reid/2017/02/02/b2b58906-e97c-11e6-bf6f-301b6b443624_story.htm
“God bless Harry Reid. It’s because of him that Gorsuch is guaranteed elevation to the court. In 2013, as Senate majority leader, Reid blew up the joint. He abolished the filibuster for federal appointments both executive (such as Cabinet) and judicial, for all district and circuit court judgeships (excluding only the Supreme Court). Thus unencumbered, the Democratic-controlled Senate packed the lower courts with Obama nominees.media. ”
Do you realize you are dumber that the senile idiot wabbit and he’s the new gutter dweller of inane commentary; a post you held for years?
Back on November 1, 2019 Lt Gen Flynn’s lawyers alleged in a new court filing that Dod’s James Baker, the Pentagon’s Director of the Office of Net Assessment, “is believed to be the person who illegally leaked” the transcript of Flynn’s December 29, 2016, telephone calls with the Russian ambassador to David Ignatius, a Washington Post reporter. It is illegal to wiretap any US citizen without a FISA request There was no FISA request, just hate for Flynn who spilled the beans on the Iran deal!
Enter Judicial Watch – https://www.judicialwatch.org/documents/jw-v-dod-baker-ignatius-prod-1-03564/
Remember Obummer spy Stefan Halper, the moron who fed lies to George Papadopolous? Remember that fake alleged collusion between the Russian government and the Trump campaign?
Now we know Baker was the source of the Washington Post illegally acquired calls and published Ignatius’ account of those phone calls on January 12, 2017. This caused Flynn to be fired on February 13, 2017 as national security advisor. And we learned that Halper was a paid snitch!
This was a planned persecution of Flynn by Obummer! George P was collateral damage!
What did Obummer know and when did Obummer know this? The other shoe was posted Friday with Stzrok and Page saying the white house wanted to be kept in the loop was posted and VPOTUS was specifically identifed by Stzrok!
Meanwhile in Russia doctors are flying out of windows. https://hotair.com/archives/john-s-2/2020/05/04/three-russian-doctors-complained-ppe-shortages-recently-fallen-windows/
This will soon arrive in blue states when people complain
(you might want to read to the end to avoid embarrassment if you want to retort)
And all throughout Donald wasn’t doing his job paying attention to World Events and his daily briefings. And he tweeted several times he wasn’t watching or focused on the impeachment trial. We all know he was lying but by his own account, not a factor but good of you to put it in there.
But it’s all academic,
“I wasn’t briefed until February.”
“I wasn’t briefed until February.”
“I wasn’t briefed until February.”
“I wasn’t briefed until February.”
“I wasn’t briefed until February.”
“I wasn’t briefed until February.”
“I wasn’t briefed until February.”
“I wasn’t briefed until February.”
“I wasn’t briefed until February.”
“I wasn’t briefed until February.”
“I wasn’t briefed until February.”
“I wasn’t briefed until February.”
“I wasn’t briefed until February.”
“I was briefed in January.”
Riddle me this, If he wasn’t briefed on it until February, as he claimed for three months until today, why did HHS Sec Azar prepare for it since December without mentioning it in a Cabinet or Private meeting (Incompetence?) That’s his appointee doing a really horrible job and Piddles, you put it on your ‘exoneration’ timeline.
According to Donald’s insistence, until he fucked it up today, he wasn’t given ANY formal information until February. So why a travel ban? which wasn’t a ban as flights continued to arrive and there are more than enough reports from U.S. Citizen passengers that ZERO health screening was being done. How did a National Emergency get declared? With no formal information? Just on a whim or was he lying about not having a briefing? Well probably because it didn’t actually happen. So let’s get to that now.
Did you look at that declaration of emergency you cite for January 31st? Apparently not. Because as a White House Declaration it doesn’t exist. Here’s a link to the official White house notes of the Coronavirus briefing on Jan 31, 2020
Your timeline
Well ya got me there. It must be true
Case closed. Piddles got the best of me! I ad… oh
Except that was said by Sec Azar. HE, HHS declared an emergency not the President. According to Donald we have to believe that Sec. Azar himself declared an Emergency without ever briefing the president. (Again until today when Donald after months of lying admitted he WAS briefed in January.) Literally while that briefing was happening Donald and Melania were jetting out of town first to Andrews and then to Mar A Lago. Here’s the President’s official schedule if you want to look it up. 4:00 PM The president and first lady depart the White House en route to Joint Base Andrews – Marine One/South Lawn
4:10 PM The president and first lady arrive at Joint Base Andrews – Washington, D.C.
4:20 PM Out-of-Town Travel Pool depart Washington, D.C., en route to West Palm Beach, FL – Air Force One
The briefing began at 3:42. Couldn’t even stick around long enough to announce the fake travel ban and he CERTAINLY didn’t declare a state of emergency. I wonder what he shot on the back nine the next two days? What did he shoot on the back nine the next two days?
Does a declaration by HHS carry the same force of law as one by POTUS? Did you study government in High School. Piddles?
Shit, that’s a huge fuck up that would get an actual case tossed out of court and clear evidence that Piddles’ timeline is, pardon my French….Looking for the right words…Bullshit.
And OH SHIT, there’s this at the same briefing (Jan 31st) in the official White House Transcript:
Donald did eventually get around to doing what you claim he did on January 31st.
On February 15.
With a built in two week delay.
Yeah, having been PROVEN to be a lying sack of shit, tell us again about being a Christian, false witness and all that mumbo jumbo…
“Puddy never said the PRESIDENT declared an emergency. I only deal in FACTS. FACTS you can’t handle. Not made up FACTS just facts, kablammmmmmmmo. I never.” Piddles, so good to be back. Master of the Universe.
I have a shovel you can have if you want to make that hole bigger.
That’s fucking embarrassing Piddles. Where’d you cut and paste that from? They lied to you and you lapped it up. And passed it on so you lied. What does Jesus say about lying?
I feel like the LAPD in ’91
″I haven’t beaten anyone this bad in a long time.″
You know he’s going to motte-and-bailey you again. That’s all he ever does.
Piddles is a corrupt liar. It’s been proven again, and again, and again. He honestly believes he can just “start over” like life is some kind of fucking video game where he gets to go back to level one with another four lives. We’ve all seen this boring movie before. It always ends with him simply denying everything he said before and pretending that none of it exists.
Yes. It’s true. Tonight’s beating was right out of Gorilla’s in the Mist, etc. Bravo, etc.
Won’t make any damn difference to that freak.
The irony here is that this COVID=19 “perjury” trap that the GOP RapeHero finds himself in is of his own making, having denigrated, demeaned, ignored, and dismissed the professional intelligence community for the past three and a half years.
They won’t be coming to his rescue.
@131 Judicial Watch!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wDa3pqO540
Moron @ 130..
Schumer didn’t stop Moscow Mitch on Gorsuch, whackadoodle. You saying Chuck is a Gorsuch fan?
Wrong again dumbass!
It was the WHO that said Sweden was right!
Gavin Newsome’s Cali is safer than Faux Snooze Sweden with four times the population..
Bet you wish you were over there ogling teh blondes! Be our guest fool!
Way back when I said masks would be fashionable nobody was listening to me.
Ether that or they get you shot by a Trumpalo.
Was two months ago.
You can’t get a test.
Rapepublicans are just not cut out for this work.
Clueless morons above,
Puddy used all those web sites to place into the record what was said, CORRECT or NOT CORRECT. If Puddy left off the ABC News claim Alex Azar knew about the pandemic you would have claimed
Just like you and others posted here that the Defense Department warned Trump waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back in November. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/policy/defense-national-security/pentagon-denies-abc-news-report-that-intelligence-warned-of-cataclysmic-coronavirus-pandemic-last-november
““NCMI and the Defense Intelligence Agency spent considerable time over the last 24 hours examining every possible product that could have been identified as related to this topic and have found no such product,” said a defense official last night.
“As a matter of practice, the National Center for Medical Intelligence does not comment publicly on specific intelligence matters,” Day said. “However, in the interest of transparency during this current public health crisis, we can confirm that media reporting about the existence/release of a National Center for Medical Intelligence Coronavirus-related product/assessment in November of 2019 is not correct. No such NCMI product exists.””
You BeerPong had the WRONG date for the Snohomish County arrival of the first COVID-19 case
You BeerPong had the wrong date for the first COVID-19 case in America. That’s how I knew the web sites you used for your BULLSH^T above.
You BeerPong had the wrong date when COVID-19 was named by the WHO
You BeerPong chose not to include the impeachment actions.
YouBeerPong chose not to include the impeachment trial.
You BeerPong chose not to include Pelosi tearing up the SOTU speech
You BeerPong chose not to include the Chinese Communist Party disappearing all whistleblowers.
So you see BeerPong, you and Dot Bombed really bombed above. The quote you claimed Puddy wrote above was from your own hand. You try to use mind tricks that FOOLS like dot bombed fell for and the senile idiot wabbit salivate all over. You love to try Hegelian Dialectic tricks on this blog but they end up as EPIC FAYLES.
Except Trump declared a national emergency… https://www.cnn.com/2020/03/13/politics/donald-trump-emergency/index.html
Alex Azar declared a PUBLIC health emergency https://www.hhs.gov/about/news/2020/01/31/secretary-azar-declares-public-health-emergency-us-2019-novel-coronavirus.html
The rest of your post is standard BeerPong BULSH^T.
As the senile idiot wabbit once posted “All you need to do is prove one point wrong.”
Another EPIC FAYLE! FACTS smack BeerPong’s silly ASS all over this land!
And now to the clueless buttsigot cretin,
You can’t keep your posts in chronological order. Still dancing on Mike Webb’s grave all these years. You claimed Mitch McConnell used the nukular option for Gorsuch. Puddy proved the nuclear option was made available by Scary Land Deal Reid back in 2013. Mitch used all available tools left to him by his Senate Leader predecessor.
Still below the water line in stoooooooooooooooooooopidity, as continually sinking lower and lower!
GOP RapeHero driving donors to The Lincoln Project this morning. Truth hurts:
Have you given?
Finally the senile idiot wabbit,
Judicial Watch has been the only major website to shake loose deep state secrets. If it wasn’t for their due diligence, most of the deep state actors and their actions would be forever hidden.
Christopher Wray was Andrew Weissman’s boss. And now we know the Special Council’s office knew of the FBI frame job of Lt Gen Flynn through Judicial Watch and sat on it. 13 screaming DUMMOCRETINS in the Special Council’s office and Brandon Von Grack is now under special investigation for what he did to Lt. Gen. Flynn!
See? Just like I said. Motte-and-bailey.
This is a waste of your time. Focus on debunking Rapepublicans. You’re good at it. There’s no point in trying to debunk the delusions of the mentally ill. Piddles isn’t even aware that he falls victim to these logical fallacies. His brain is too damaged from all the hate and superstition. Among Rapepublicans he’s not alone in that regard.
But at this point the notion that this administration’s initial response was a total failure is firmly established in the public mind. Right now, idiot troll delusions not withstanding, their effort is focused on selling the media on the premise that the early failures were “somebody else’s fault”, and that despite those total failures they are pulling off a “miracle turnaround”, etc. etc.
Focus on that and not on the freak’s obsessions.
Oh yeah found this in the way back machine… https://trendingpolitics.com/breaking-doj-says-comey-did-not-have-probable-cause-to-start-trump-investigation/?utm_source=economics
“On Thursday, the Department of Justice made a bombshell announcement when they stated that fired FBI Director James Comey did not have probably cause to start surveillance of the Trump campaign in 2016.”
So being illegal is Comey’s claim to fame. And in December 2018 with that gaggle of laughing DUMMOCRETIN fools Comey bragged about being illegal!
The house of cards is falling down!
“But at this point the notion that this administration’s initial response was a total failure is firmly established in the public mind”
Who’s mind dot bombed? The libtard lamestream media claimed this was just another flu and Trump was deflecting from the impeachment trial. The libtard lamestream media attacks Trump every day. Wanna see all of their “comments” again?
My so called “motte-and-bailey” fortification is formidable because I provide links to the FACTS! BeerPong yanks stuff from left wrong sites without link attribution because its very afraid of the ridicule!
Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesh, you are scraping the gutter bottom like the senile idiot wabbit!
Some of the raw data from Treasury has now been sorted and crunched and of course reveals a not-unexpected picture:
At one bank, Chase, 100% of commercial and private accounts who applied for PPP loans through the bank got processed and approved. While less than 15% of retail accounts got their applications that far.
This was, from the beginning, by design. Sending the relief funds into the economy through the private banks was to ensure Rapepublicans that “the right people” would benefit.
Any more money should be block-granted directly to the states and should be used for UI and payroll.
Rapepublicans are just not cut out for this work.
Twenty five percent of all new cases in Minnesota are in counties with a meat processing plant.
Public health officials love numbers like these. Guides them in formulating which industries have been under regulated by years of Rapepublican neglect.
Rapepublican’s pick for filling out the final six months of America’s disgrace as DNI is now finally been given a green light by Chuck Grassley. As a member of the House, Ratcliffe’s official campaign social media accounts followed and rt’d numerous unhinged Qanon terrorism supporters:
See something, say nothing.
See nothing, say something.
Devin Not-a-Cow’s lawyer:
This is the kind of shit that results in partners and shareholders imposing very expensive indemnity agreements and liability insurance on a partner. Biss lost any hope of retaining partnerships about a decade ago when his flagrant misconduct resulted in him being banned from practice.
Quite a talent.
Gotta love it… https://trendingpolitics.com/judicial-watch-files-foia-lawsuit-for-communication-records-between-who-and-dr-anthony-fauci/?utm_source=economics
“Judicial Watch Files FOIA Lawsuit For Communication Records Between WHO And Dr. Anthony Fauci”
What has been discussed behind the scenes?
70,000 is the new 15.
Sorry Piddles. These are facts. We do not have time for this silliness.
Donald didn’t put a state of emergency into effect until March 1st.
You LIED about that January 31st declaration.
This is a fact.
It’s really too bad that the Drinking Liberally thread has been furloughed. Because otherwise this post would be a lot closer to the top.
Another 1,700 virus deaths reported in NYS nursing homes
I could subtitle this “Andrew Cuomo has blood on his hands”.
Every sentence spoken or written about Cuomo from this point forward should include a noun, a verb, and the words “fucked up management of the Wuhan crisis”.
All that and a subway token will get you a Republican Governor in the state of New York.
@ 158
252 EVs “absolutely locked” won’t even get you a president, Cz-252.
Yes Trump called it a PUBLIC one. There was no lie. Puddy misread it Mike Rogers! Trump Declares Coronavirus A Public Health Emergency And Restricts Travel From China
Thank you for forcing Puddy to go back and look at all five web sites again.
70,000 is the new 12,469+15 (of which 4 were purposely killed due to Crooked Hillary’s inaction)
Butt BeerPong, since you want to continue to harp Puddy forgot all these
Jan 24 Bill de Blasio “We urge all New Yorkers to continue to pursue their everyday activities and routines”
Jan 25: Good Morning America “People should be more concerned right now with the flu in this country.”
Jan 26: New York City’s health commissioner, Dr. Oxiris Barbot “We are encouraging New Yorkers to go about their everyday lives… those “who had recently traveled from Wuhan were not being urged to self-quarantine or avoid large public gatherings.”
Feb 2 NYC health commissioner Bardot “As we gear up to celebrate the Lunar New Year in NYC, I want to assure New Yorkers that there is no reason for anyone to change their holiday plans, avoid the subway, or certain parts of the city because of coronavirus.”
Feb. 2 Bill de Blasio stated at a coronavirus press conference that, “What is clear is the only way you get it is with substantial contact with someone who already has it. You don’t get it from a surface. You don’t get it from glancing or very temporary contact based on what we know now.”
Feb 4 China’s consul general in New York, Huang Ping, thanked the Chinese-American community and other concerned Americans on Tuesday for their aid in battling the coronavirus outbreak, and criticized what he described as “an overreaction by the American government in severely restricting travel to and from China.”
Feb 5: New York Times “Who says it’s not safe to travel to China? The coronavirus travel ban is unjust and doesn’t work anyway.” NYC Health Commissioner Barbot on Twitter, “Today our city is celebrating the Lunar New Year parade in Chinatown… I want to remind everyone to enjoy the parade and not change any plans due to misinformation spreading about coronavirus.”
Feb 6 Bardot: “The important thing for New Yorkers to know is that in the city currently, their risk is low and our city preparedness is high…We’re telling New Yorkers, go about your lives, take the subway, go out, enjoy life. . . If it were likely that it could be transmitted casually, we would be seeing a lot more cases.”
Feb 9: Chinatown in New York City held its annual Lunar New Year parade. Surgical masks were nearly absent from this parade. Councilman Mark D. Levine on Twitter, “In powerful show of defiance of coronavirus scare, huge crowds gathering in NYC’s Chinatown for ceremony ahead of annual Lunar New Year parade. Chants of ‘Be Strong Wuhan!’ If you are staying away, you are missing out.”
Feb 12 The House Judiciary Committee on voted, 22-10, to terminate President Trump’s expanded travel ban and rein in presidential authority to issue such travel restrictions.
Feb 13: New York City Council speaker Corey Johnson “It is important to support the Chinese community in New York City…There is no need to avoid public spaces. I urge everyone to dine and shop as usual.” Bill de Blasio “This should not stop you from going about your life. It should not stop you from going to Chinatown and going out to eat. I am going to do that today myself.”
Feb 25: Dr. Anthony Fauci “You need to do nothing different than you’re already doing”
Feb 26 Bill deBlasio “We can really keep this thing contained.”
Feb 28 A German team of doctors in Wuhan, China, “we discovered that shedding of potentially infectious virus may occur in persons who have no fever and no signs or only minor signs of infection.”
Feb 28 Nancy Private Plane Pelosi in San Francisco ChinaTown telling everyone no problem great food great people!
Feb 29:The Food and Drug Administration declared that other labs besides their own could develop their own coronavirus tests.
March 1 Health officials announced the first confirmed case in New York
March 2 Andrew Cuomo “Everybody is doing exactly what we need to do. We have been ahead of this from Day 1.”
March 2 Governor Andrew Cuomo “In this situation, the facts defeat fear, because the reality is reassuring…The woman who has now tested positive, she’s at home, she’s not even in a hospital, so the perspective here is important. And the facts, once you know the facts, once you know the reality, it is reassuring, and we should relax, because that’s what’s dictated by the reality of the situation. I get the emotion, I understand; I understand the anxiety. I’m a native-born New Yorker, we live with anxiety. But the facts don’t back it up here. . . .”
March 2 Bill de Blasio “What happened in other countries versus what happened here, we don’t even think it’s going to be as bad as it was in other countries.”
March 10, the mayor insisted on MSNBC that “If you’re under 50 and you’re healthy, which is most New Yorkers, there’s very little threat here. This disease, even if you were to get it, basically acts like a common cold or flu. And transmission is not that easy.”
March 15, to the irritation of his own health department, the mayor claimed that “public health folks say it appears that transmission is when people are symptomatic.”
Thanks again BeerPong. Now Puddy has delivered more of the real timeline which you purposefully skipped over!
NY AG reportedly probing NBC News over sexual assault claims
Let’s hear y’all talk about Brokaw the way y’all talk about O’Reilly.
Generally, a good Christian when caught in an obvious lie would stop lying and repent.
But not our Piddles. Manipulating truth is also lying.
Gonna go full Piddles here except I don’t have to lie.
Show me on my timeline @97 where I gave a date for WHO naming Covid-19? It is immaterial anyway. “AIDS did not exist because back then it was called “GRID” -Piddles logic. Nevertheless, I never said anything about when it was named only when WHO first confirmed that they were dealing with an as yet unnamed NEW virus. I believe news reports at the time were calling it “Novel Corona Virus.” That is a belief not a statement of fact. It really doesn’t matter. The organism that is now called Covid-19 was still the same organism even before it had that name.
When dealing with a timeline one tends to deal with an actual timeline. When Piddles lies about having the wrong date for the first U.S. case you omit the word ‘confirmed.’ Because otherwise you have to deal with Seattle Times headlines like:
It is LITERALLY true that this was the first confirmed case in the U.S. in real linear time. It is also LITERALLY true that in the last several weeks an earlier case has been confirmed. These two truths coexist. The first U.S. case of Covid-19 was confirmed and reported to the World via the press on the date I listed. You now say I got that wrong. That is a lie.
And finally, go back to my timeline @97 and show me where I got the ‘arrival’ wrong. You can’t because it’s not there. It was immaterial again. I focused on when the first U.S. Case was reported. You lied about January 21st being wrong.
About two weeks after the first case was known to exist Donald was on a plane for a golf weekend in Florida and had not issued a State of Emergency for anything. You lied. You EXPLICITLY SAID “President Trump Declares A State of Emergency.” He was Golfing. And until yesterday he was lying about how while he was Golfing no one had told him anything. That’s a lie. Insisting a lie is truth is lying, piddles.
And caught in so many, many lies you lied some more. If your Jesus is who you claim to believe, you have a lot to answer for now. Fake Christian.
Fine by me. Go get him if you’ve got the case to make.
See Weinstein. See Franken.
Now do Donald.
It is literally true… blahblah blah
You posted it, so must be a lie per your comments above!
@ 163
See Weinstein. See Franken.
Now do Donald.
See Election results, 2016.
Donald, done.
Still lying about that. Trump did not declare a public Health Emergency in January.
He wasn’t there. He was on his way to Florida to golf. Do keep up.
It was HHS that made that declaration. If what you continue to claim even AFTER being given the exact transcript that proves you are wrong had been true there would have been no need to declare an emergency on Feb 15. That by the proclamation, also provided to you in evidence, did not take effect until March 1.
Trump declared a state of Emergency in January, specifically January 31st. LIE
Trump declared a state of Emergency on February 15 Truth
There was a Presidential State of Emergency in effect in the U.S. for Corona Virus in February 2020 LIE
A Presidential State of Emergency in the U.S. is in effect since March 1, 2020 Truth
Here’s the very significant difference. A Presidential declaration frees money to be granted to states to combat whatever the issue is. HHS declaration allows states under very narrow conditions to reassign medical personnel as needed. It circumvents laws that all hospitals have a minimum staffing level at all times. It frees no additional financial resources.
From HHS January 21st Press Release about AZAR (weird spelling of TRUMP) declaring an emergency.
From NPR – https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2020/01/31/801686524/trump-declares-coronavirus-a-public-health-emergency-and-restricts-travel-from-c
“Today President Trump took decisive action to minimize the risk of novel coronavirus in the United States,” said U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar at a White House press conference.
Argue with NPR BeerPong! Keep screaming lie after lie after lie. Doesn’t change the headline FOOL!
Also regarding the first known US person; this is relevant because you decided to bring it up! Where were your original links above? Hmmm…?
Nice piece by Sean Trende. Interesting that he focuses quite a bit on Obama:
Power, once acquired, is not easily relinquished.
@144 “Puddy used all those web sites to place into the record what was said, CORRECT or NOT CORRECT.”
Wherein Spud admits he’s a conduit for bullshit.
It would be wrong to say he exercises no judgment, though. The fact he chooses some websites and doesn’t choose others demonstrates he’s making judgments. They’re simply not very good judgments. They’re stoopid judgments.
Motte? Allow me to introduce you to bailey.
Same as it ever was. Not even worth the time.
@145 Wherein the troll uses pretzel logic to argue Harry Reid made Moscow Mitch use the “nuclear option” for Gorsuch’s appointment. Now wait for the squid’s supersonic flight into a crevice in a cloud of squid ink.
Gotta love BeerPong and Dot Bombed.
Two peas in a pod… You proved Puddy’s point @171!
Nuff said sucka!
Once again the senile idiot wabbit tries to you his putrid lawyering tricks on back burnering what someone really posts to what was really said by the senile idiot wabbit! Reid enabled McConnell to slap Schumer silly
The whole process is dishonest. Piddles baits you into these debates about the precise date on which a name was bestowed and by whom or alternatively about when a death was first reported versus when it was confirmed versus when it was later amended. This kind of nonsense is both his safe ground and as you point out, entirely irrelevant to the question of Piddles lying for political purposes.
Of course he lies. Then he retreats from the lies and baits anyone to follow him into his convoluted jungle of stupidity and irrelevance. Yes he lies. You caught him lying. We all see the lie. Full stop. Go no further. Do not enter there. Leave Piddles to shriek and moan about who named COVID-19 and on what precise date it was named, who was first to die, who was first to report it, etc. Leave Piddles to cry and protest about idiotic semantic debates of “Public” versus “National” versus “Presidential” versus… Seth Rich. That’s all that shit is. Just another invisible pizza parlor.
@147 Wherein Spud goes all-in for “deep state” conspiracy theories. See @148 for sordid details.
“The Deep State is believed to be a clandestine network entrenched inside the government, bureaucracy, intelligence agencies, and other governmental entities. The Deep State supposedly controls state policy behind the scenes, while the democratically-elected process and elected officials are merely figureheads.”
Lending further credence to suspicions that Spud spent the last two years in a mental institution, probably placed there by his own spouse, for his own good.
It didn’t do any good. He’s still as nuts as ever.
Boomer Esiason’s son has cystic fibrosis. Andrew Cuomo wants him dead.
Piddle Logic:
Piddles delcares, “The first time I saw Star Wars was 1982”
Person y declares, “Star Wars came out in 1977. You are lying.”
Piddles declares, “No really. I grew up in a really religious household and ‘the force’ was demonic so I never saw it until I was in college”
Person y declares. “That doens’t matter it came in in 1977 so you saw it before 1982. prove me wrong.”
And now for our next presentation….
rural trailerbilly BEACH WEEK!!!! body pile blows up:
Keep licking that stripper pole!
@155 “What has been discussed behind the scenes?”
Wash your hands.
Telling people to wear a face mask is about to become a “deep state” conspiracy.
Social distancing already is.
The State of Illinois is getting ready to do a bond issue to float itself out of its difficulties. Unfortunately, the insiders in the bond market realize that Illinois is already bankrupt due to its own financial mismanagement. The public employee pension House of cards is starting to collapse.
Go wash your hands and start an IRA for yourself. I favor the Roth IRA over the traditional IRA, but the choice is yours. Just do it.
71,000 > 15
“Didja see my reelection commercial. It’s great! I stopped the virus. Me! Alone! Fuck Gavin Newsome from that limp wristed city on the coast. Coastal elites! ME! I won the
Vietnamviral war. My Computer had a virus once and it had her emails and a guy with a pocket protector took care of that but THIS VIRUS? ME! Bow before me!”@157 “Every sentence spoken or written about
CuomoTrump from this point forward should include a noun, a verb, and the words ‘fucked up management of the Wuhan crisis’.”ftfy
But I gotta say, your nonsense looks downright rational compared to the babbling butthole’s incoherent idiocy — relatively speaking, of course.
Trump says ‘bailouts’ unfair to GOP since states needing aid ‘run by Democrats in every case’
Of course he did.
The consistent theme among all the various BEACH WEEK!!! governors being paraded around the White House for the RapeHero’s amusement and gratification is that none of them are appearing on any ballot this year.
Today’s polls — Monmouth — direction of country
Right direction 33%, wrong track 60%, wrong track +27%
I’m pretty sure Covid-19 is killing off more Republicans than Democrats, so the polls probably won’t get materially better for the Party of Morons, Idiots, and Babbling Buttholes
183 – Politicians will always claim credit for anything positive and blame their political enemies for anything bad that may occur. Have you not figured that out by now? Most people figure that out by the time they’re ten years old.
The New Federalism.
It sets the political tone, even if it accomplishes very little for him.
It may help some holdover Rapepublicans in the Senate minority in 2021 gin up obstruction and slow the recovery from The Great Trump Depression. But it won’t put the genie back in the bottle.
Dismal future for Mississippi, and Alabama. And if oil prices remain where they are, maybe even North Dakota and Wyoming as well.
Oh dot bombed, you accuse Puddy of something BeerPong is doing right in this thread!
Sux to be you!
Oh dot bombed, you accuse Puddy of something BeerPong is doing right in this thread!
Sux to be you!
Ahh yes Puddy can still double p[ost on demand!
R U mad?
Does it all seem so unfair to you? Are you frustrated that president stupid is being unfairly blamed for a virus?
Now think about this: All he would need to do in order to be widely hailed as a national hero and source of strength and unity would be to go on television and say nice things once or twice. That’s it.
It’s been four months since the Trump body pile of dead Americans began to grow on the national mall. And in all that time, and literally hundreds of television appearances, tweets, and media events he still has not uttered one single word of sympathy, condolence, or support for the hundreds of thousands of our grieving neighbors and friends. Not a peep.
And that is all it would take. Just some relatively simple, and frankly it wouldn’t even have to be sincere, expressions of basic human feeling. And he would be regarded with warmth and admiration.
But he can’t do it.
Yes, that’s right. This is another…
And more irrefutable PROOF that Rapepublicans are just not cut out for this work.
Meanwhile in other news Flynn’s lawyers sue to see what Holder was doing during Flynn’s representation by Covington!
Great stuff!
QoS McHillbilly @ 179
The premise of comparing data in the latter part of April between metro and non-metro regions is misguided if the hoped-for conclusion is that somehow things are worse in the non-metro areas.
The metro areas were first to see the infection, suffered greater rates of disease earlier, and are past the worst of it. The non-metro areas were infected later and because of this they were still seeing increasing rates of infection in late April, when things were settling down in metroville.
See the graph in the Trende piece
I mentioned earlier. For each state the daily cases are graphed, and you can easily see the peak infection periods for each of them, as well as compare states as desired.
You might be able to show that things are worse in rural Georgia, like in Albany. You need to be able to show that things worsened more quickly and to greater extent in a broad swath of non-metro areas, and I don’t think you did that.
It’s not beach week, QoS. It’s assisted living week, and the party’s in New York State.
Now, if the intent of your post, QoS McHillbilly, is to celebrate the later spread of disease through non-metro areas while protecting people like Cuomo and de Blasio, then celebrate away. It’s Cinco de Mayo. Tequila!
Scored a double!
Put it on the big board!
The conclusion is that political leadership is worse in the non-metro areas.
Because tire fire trailer park.
And these very fine people:
@188 And most people can tell the difference between good and bad outcomes by the time they’re four years old. See #187 for more details.
The U.S. has hit a plateau of 30,000 new cases and 2-3,000 deaths per day, and this may be as good as it gets.
I wonder what 500,000 dead by Election Day would do to Trump’s reelection chances?
But look at that stock market!!!
@ 187
Based on no information whatsoever.
You were pretty sure #MeToo would work to your benefit as well. Hasn’t turned out that way, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
@200 Count the “MAGA” hats in photos of “reopen” protests. Check out the social distancing of the protesters. Count how many of them are wearing masks. That’s your evidence.
But you should be okay, doc, because:
1. You’re not working on the Covid-19 frontlines.
2. You live in a blue state where your neighbors aren’t stupider than fuck.
3. You’re safely tucked away indoors posting on HorsesAss instead of circulating among infected elements of the public.
4. You’re too old for BEACH WEEK!!! and too cynical to be attending tent revivals.
5. Covid-19 is not known to be sexually transmissible from a horse’s ass to a horses ass.
@ 199
I’d trade your death for a Democrat in office, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. The thing is, you can’t even afford to get takeout, which reduces your risk.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, your retirement is catheters, ramen, and HA.
Catheters, ramen, and HA. Oh, my!
Catheters, ramen, and HA. Oh, my!
@202 “I’d trade your death for a Democrat in office”
Looks like Doctor Dumbfuck has cabin fever so bad he’s now making death threats against neighborhood rabbits.
Maybe you should get out of the barn and get some fresh air, doc. The risks might be worth it. You have no idea what bad shape you’re in.
@202 If all you’ve got is HA, I’m two up on you.
Should I tell the dumbfuck that rabbits eat lettuce and carrots, not noodles? Nah, let’s let him figure it out. I’ll mosey over and chew up his garden.
Rabbits consider gardens a free public good for the taking. My species has no boundaries. Only you stupid humans put up walls, fences, and borders, and shoot each other for stepping across them. It doesn’t make any sense, because there’s enough dirt for everybody.
Sometimes I think I get under his skin a little bit.
Apparently some more texts between Lisa Page and Peter Strzok were just released by the FBI to Flynn’s team.
They were from the same date and time frame as texts released previously.
Just more incriminating.
I can wait.
A new netflix production out soon making fun of “that unpopular misadministration”:
Space Farce..
Too damn funny!
71,000 dead = ‘winning’
Doing a victory lap when by the end of the week 80-85000 will be dead is surely the way to go.
15 will soon be zero.
60,000 isn’t bad compared to what they thought and only 60,000 is because of my bold action.
eh, what’s 70,000 really, that’s only around 16% more. That’s WAY less than I paid in taxes, trust me.
Never said 60,000 was good. 80,000 is good. Imagine where it could have been without my beautiful mind.
Apparently wearing a mask is now a political flashpoint in the virus culture wars, because …
“I have a constitutional right to infect you!!!”
Here is something to contemplate senile idiot wabbit…
Why do DUMMOCRETIN led states have the highest number of Coronavirus deaths, especially those in nursing homes? https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid19/index.htm
Then, why does DOMMOCRETIN di Blasio’s NYC have thousands of deaths more than Seoul, South Korea’s? https://www.businessinsider.com/coronavirus-south-korea-tech-contact-tracing-testing-fight-covid-19-2020-5
Sux to be senile eh?
The leaders of the Inquisition didn’t have to burn anybody at the stake. It was easy to get ignorant peasants to do it for them.
The only thing that has changed in 500 years is the ignorant peasants now wear “MAGA” hats imported from China.
Here’s another thing to contemplate assesHorse morons. What is Adam Schiff hiding from the world? https://justthenews.com/accountability/russia-and-ukraine-scandals/how-adam-schiff-secretly-thwarted-efforts-bring
“Under no circumstances shall ODNI, or any other element of the Intelligence Community (IC), share any HPSCI transcripts with the White House, President Trump or any persons associated with the White House or the President,” Schiff wrote in a March 26, 2019 letter to then-Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats.
More FACTS! See ya!
@211 It’s complicated, although population density certainly has a bearing. Here’s some reading for you, in case you’re interested in moving past simplistic, knee-jerk, bumper-sticker answers:
Also, you might want to look at death rates, not just the raw numbers. States with less population should, other things being equal, have fewer deaths. Of course, other things aren’t equal, e.g. BEACH WEEK!!! may affect a state’s infection and death rates. Lifting mask and social distancing restrictions and a general lack of common sense among its residents can, too.
Also consider the existence of pockets of concentration, in which case you’ll find, for example, that a single meatpacking plant accounted for over half of South Dakota’s cases. Using presidential authority to force these plants to reopen might not be the most efficacious policy for halting further spread in these states.
Finally, don’t count your chickens before they hatch. The lower death totals in small, rural, red states may be just a matter of delayed timing, i.e., they’re next.
simplistic, knee-jerk, bumper-sticker answers
That’s what you post every day senile idiot wabbit!
@213 Remind us again who stonewalled. But at the end of the day, Schiff didn’t need transparency from Trump, because the Orange Moron bragged about what got him impeached.
Speaking of beach week… https://www.cbsnews.com/news/2020-daily-trail-markers-tara-reade-says-she-filed-report-with-general-concerns-about-biden/
This is all one paragraph from the website…
Photos obtained first by CBS News show Democratic Congressman Harley Rouda spending time at a private beach in Southern California despite orders from Governor Gavin Newsom to close some public beaches in the area, CBS News campaign reporter Musadiq Bidar reports. Rouda, a first-term Congressman who beat Dana Rohrabacher, represents the 48th district, which encompasses Orange County. Last week Newsom specifically ordered a “hard close” on Orange County beaches after photos showing people not respecting social distancing went viral on social media. Rouda’s campaign manager said in a statement that Rouda and his family “were actively moving and adequately socially distancing on a residential beach, which has explicitly outlined beach access requirements in accordance with Governor Newsom’s beach order.” On Thursday, Rouda issued a statement on his website saying local officials in Orange County need to come up with a plan to make sure beaches sure beaches aren’t closed indefinitely. “Orange County’s pristine beaches are more than tourist attractions — they are essential public spaces, like parks, that residents should be allowed to utilize safely,” Rouda’s statement said. Local officials in Orange County requested a temporary restraining order to block the governor’s executive order closing beaches but a judge rejected that injunction and beaches spanning the Orange County coastline remained closed over the weekend. “
@215 Didn’t read it, did you? We can tell.
Don’t need to remind anyone on stonewalling. The Trump Russia Russia Russia was a dud!
@217 By all means, go to the beach, if you want to. It’s your health and no fur off my back. It’s not like you don’t already have a history of risky behavior (e.g., your choice of friends). Just don’t come near me. Rouda can be replaced with another Democrat if something happens to him.
@219 It’s planting time, and fertilizer is easy to come by this time of year.
Heard all those density arguments before, so here is the real FACT! Seoul South Korea more dense so another EPIC FAYLE senile idiot wabbit. http://www.6sqft.com
From that website… Seoul has roughly two million more people than New York, but is 75 square miles smaller. It’s population density is a whopping 43,294 people per square mile.
So Puddy asks again, why do DUMMOCRETIN led populations have more deaths? Puddy been to Seoul, remember when the buttspigot attacked Puddy posting from Seoul?
FACTS continue to suck when they meet the senile idiot wabbit!
LEEEENKS BeerPong! The only way to deal with someone as senile as the idiot wabbit!
Little wonder the racist traitor is so chipper. He’s looking on the bright side.
“This is just how bad the coronavirus has been for the Black community: study”
Sorry, Puddy, if seeing a Rawstory link causes your head to explode.
The Pentagon isn’t buying into the GOP reopen bullshit.
Probably because they have to be serious.
senile idiot wabbit @221,
Yeah the amount of fertilizer you leave here could make crops grow all over the world including the Sahara Desert!
Crack Smoking Steve,
Puddy has been tracking the black community since Puddy arrived here in 2005. Butt then again Puddy is glad you care about black people. One of the few who cares as most assesHorses only want their vote on even years and run away from the problems in odd years!
“Butt then again Puddy is glad you care about black people.”
Thanks for that.
Now go wash your hands. I don’t want to lose you!
How will Biden react to the upcoming questions of locking children in cages starting in 2014? Oh yeah AOC still thinks Trump started that! https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2020/04/16/alexandria_ocasio-cortez_an_issue_of_life_and_death_to_rally_behind_our_democratic_nominee.html
Steve, I have always respected your commentary, even when off the charts inane and far leftist. You still with your black woman?
Any public reaction by anyone to such delusions would require awareness. That only exists on the sticky porn lube and jizz smeared side of Teh Orange Event Horizon.
Sounds like the GOP RapeHero’s crack team of political wizards will have no choice but to force him into a larger and longer series of debates if they are to have any hope at all of peddling this nonsense. And another incumbent advantage is swept away by the tsunami of Astro Glide, NDAs, porn star grool, Russian hooker pee, Guatemalan toddler blood, and TrumPlague dead bodies.
#owngoal yet another, etc.
Puddy has been tracking the black community since Puddy arrived here in 2005.
Only since then… Mustabeen on long-term assignment from teh whiteness kult..
Still no response about kook karsen working for orangey on saturday before sunset.. the karsen freak did not herald the second coming.. just babbled orangey pablum..
attacked Puddy posting from Seoul?
don’t forget fool – on a Jobs hippie machine tracking the fool’s political activities i.e. kult bidness.. the fool works for a kult kompany does it not?
why did the fool go dark? was it to protect the kult from spectre and meltdown? oh noes!!! that had nothing to do with beloved israel team in haifa but everything to do with the liberals from teh google!
too damn funny!
Looks like JarJar’s Fyre Fest may be falling apart:
A new complaint from team members now has found its way to House Oversight alleging widespread incompetence and corruption.
Obummer’s Jeh Johnson, Secretary of Homeland Security back then said “Chain link barriers, partitions, fences, cages, whatever you want to call them, were not invented on January 20, 2017, OK?”
Yeah about your #owngoal yet another, etc.
It’s probably only a matter of time before millennial wingnuts start attacking senior citizens, as they want us all dead, because they think we’re stealing their futures — first Social Security, then shutting down their annual mating migration to BEACH WEEK!!! Plus, inheritances.
It’ll be another 10 years before Doctor Dumbfuck begins stealing their Social Security payroll deductions, though. He couldn’t resist the early retirement buyout. The hospital couldn’t resist offering him a couple million to leave. All their alternatives were worse.
Jeh Johnson, Obummer’s Secretary of Homeland Security : “Chain link barriers, partitions, fences, cages, whatever you want to call them, were not invented on January 20, 2017, OK”
Keep kicking your #owngoal yet another, etc.
Dozens of JarJar’s New York “volunteers” have been operating off the books as secret private individuals with taxpayer funds and White House backing using private, personal, home brew email and secret servers.
Apparently the utter sleaziness of the whole thing was “off putting” to vendors, manufacturers, and distributors accustomed to working through the normal, legal, documented, public procurement process. Amazeballs! The sleazy and corrupt nature of JarJar’s Fyre Fest team resulted in few legit sources being unwilling to work with them or in some cases even respond to inquiries.
Still further establishing beyond any shadow of a doubt that
Rapepublicans are just not cut out for this work.
Trump and Moscow Mitch refuse to give any more Covid-19 relief money to free-spending blue states. Of relief funds distributed so far,
Alaska got $3.4 million per positive test.
Wyoming got $2.1 million per positive test.
Idaho got over $600,000 per positive test.
New Jersey got $27,000 per positive test.
New York got $24,000 per positive test.
@235 Which Obama official redirected several billion dollars appropriated for military housing, schools, and recreation facilities to a border wall?
Before I forget…
California pop 40 million: 2294 deaths 16 today
Sweden pop 10 million: 2854 deaths 85 today
Which of the two does the repukelican govs hold up as the better role model? Which one got the faux snooze and babblin’ butthole seal of approval?
My second DOUBLE in the same day!
Mark it down for the records! This one with an asterisk. The poor pathetic freak thing didn’t merely double pound the enter key in spastic agony. This time the voices in its head demanded that it repeat itself!
I wonder if the fact that Wyoming got nearly 100 times as much Covid-19 relief money as New York on a pro rata basis has anything to do with their lower case total?
Nah. Subways. Wyoming doesn’t have subways.
72,000 > 15
“2,000 dead today alone SO FAR isn’t bad. I’m doing a hell of a job here in the White House. Keeping it under a 9-11 per day. Don’t even golf anymore. Pat me on the back. They were Democrats. All 2,500. Don’t need them anyway. Fuck them and their families. I’m DOING A GREAT JOB.”
Ya know, in all seriousness, right around the time that the multiple reports of Trump greasing up porn stars, hookers, and strippers, jerking off in the corner at Epstein’s NY orgies, bathing in Russian hooker pee, and openly confessing to spontaneously molesting dozens of frightened female victims combined with the images of every single prominent Rapepublican traveling to Florida to bend the knee and kiss the ring, I decided it was just not safe to be around people like that any more.
I’ve essentially been “social distancing” from Rapepublicans since early 2017. And I don’t have any plans to change that.
It isn’t safe to be around people that stupid. Not in times like these. I wouldn’t even let a Rapepubican clean my pool.
The cival war is already underway. The red states are waging it against the blue states. Just not in the way we expected. The AR-15s were a ruse all along. They’re fighting this war by reaching into our pockets, and this time they’re fighting to stay in the union, not leave it. They know a good thing when they see it.
Cival War 2.0 is a mugging, not a traditional military conflict.
“But it’s OK for him to finger-bang them without their consent in 1993 and still get my full support a couple of decades later.”
Oh dot bombed,
If you looked at the times, the first post was held up in the filter. Butt don’t let facts affect your continual poor performance here!
@245 delete the info after the ? and the link doesn’t change!
The World Health Organization loves Sweden.
Sux to be you!
Notice how the senile idiot wabbit drifted away from the NYC Seoul comparison and dot bombed from the Obummer putting kids in cages!
New York state is considering $10B in spending cuts.
Link is @ 237, same link in which Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit lumps NY in among other “free-spending blue states”.
The fact that NY can make those spending cuts underscores just how free-spending that state is.
@ 243
QoS McHillbilly’s pretty particular. He likes his cabana boys to possess a specific skin tone.
Gingers need not apply.
@245 Sez the unabashed apologist for the serial sexual predator in the White House.
Your hypocrisy is showing, doc.
And your horse is laughing at you. It’s a victim, too.
@250 Wyoming doesn’t have to make budget cuts. They just got 80% of their annual state budget handed to them on a silver platter. They’re considering giving some of it to local businesses.
Wyoming doesn’t have people in hospitals dying for lack of ventilators, either.
Same link.
Bad Behavior Dep’t
Two men tried to grab $500,000 of PPP funds by lying on SBA applications.
A grocery store customer wore a KKK hood.
A Dollar Store customer wiped his nose on the shirt sleeve of a store employee who told him to wear a mask.
A park ranger trying to enforce social distancing rules was pushed into a lake.
So how about it, Doc and Puddy? Are you guys gonna condemn this behavior? I’m waiting. We’re waiting.
The World Health Organization loves Sweden.
And so does FAUX SNOOZE? So does the repuke govs? Who do they think more of? Sweden or Cali?
babblin’ poophole is too afraid to answer!
Tedros is the new black guy! The babblin’ buttholes of the world demonize him. Sux to be the babblin’ butthole who puts “open for bidness” “Faux Snooze approved” Sweden over Cali!
Still no answer on “fake believer” ben “stabbed ’em in belt buckle” karsen preaching orange pablum on Saturday before sunset! babblin’ poophole is too frightened to answer!
Tedros is the new black guy! – Really? Tedros been there for years as China’s WHO spokesman!
Fox News compared California and closing beaches to Sweden and open restaurants buttspigot!
Keep screaming about Sweden while you won’t answer about the WHO loving Sweden!
Still stooooooooooooooooooopid below the water line!
Still waiting for the senile wabbit to answer NYC/Seoul. Now it wants Puddy to look at some useless post @254?
See ya!
@254 Puddy won’t. That’s probably one of his friends in the KKK hood. Nothing from Doc yet.
But that’s where the “bread crumbs” are found!
Get with the Q Clearance Pussy Program!
Tedros is the new black guy! – Really? Tedros been there for years as China’s WHO spokesman!
Look at China! Look at China! Look at the new black guy! Don’t look at drumpf who said this would all “go away” in April..
Don’t look at koo koo karsen spewing orange pablum on Sat before sunset..
Render unto the orange Caesar eh poophole? scoff at sky daddy’s commandment!
H E double hockey sticks for fake believer karsen who in its arrogance lectured “the last black guy” at a prayer breakfast and the babblin poophole couldn’t wait to crow about it like a trained seal here at ha..
YOU SUCK babblin’ poophole…
I wonder what 500,000 dead by Election Day would do to Trump’s reelection chances?
But look at that stock market!!!
And keep looking at China (“Kung Flu”) and the new black guy Tedros..
The trolls are fixated on that like slobbering rabid curs.
RBG hospitalized with bacterial cholecystitis and extrahepatic biliary obstruction.
Now this is interesting…
How many of these companies swing libtard? Hmmm…?
If I thought that a national poll was relevant I’d mention the Reuters/Ipsos poll results released today.
But it’s not, so I won’t.
A minority of voters find Biden’s denial of the sexual assault allegations credible.
That’s a pretty small majority of Democrat women who find Biden’s denial at least somewhat credible.
Good thing the Democrats don’t count on women. Or voters under the age of 45, only 53% of which found his denial at least somewhat credible.
Steve. Oh, Steve. You are running out of time.
A minority of voters find Biden’s denial of the sexual assault allegations credible.
Biden ahead in 3 of 4 battleground states per rcp..
drumpf is a serial sex assaulter.
CNBC headline: “Trump says ‘there’ll be more death’ from coronavirus, but reopening is worth it”
Not just Trump; this is every Republican you know.
GOP = Party of Death
@ 266
drumpf is a serial sex assaulter.
Biden, too, most likely. We just haven’t heard from the others yet. They’ll come forward when it’s too late for Biden to drop out.
See @ 265.
@262 And, of course, you wish her the best and pray she recovers.
@265 Despite the dodgy witness, it’s always possible there might be something to it, but I’ll vote for Biden anyway and so will a majority of Americans because Trump is so fucking awful.
But to those involved with Trump’s re-election campaign, it doesn’t really matter whether he wins or loses.
@268 “Biden, too, most likely.”
Maybe. But your candidate is worse. If Biden is bad, Trump is awful.
Since Doc is too busy to do it, I’ll send his best wishes and hopes for a speedy and full recovery to RBG.
Meanwhile, RBG is expected to participate in oral arguments tomorrow.
Biden, too, most likely.
Biden ahead in 3 of 4 battleground states per rcp.
And some HA trolls indulge in violent rape fantasies.
Anyone care for proof?
@ 273
I’m reminded of Bob Woodward’s description of William O. Douglas in The Brethren. Specifically, how long he clung to his seat, even after vacating it, and the uncomfortable situation it created for others.
I hope that RBG steps down on her own, before it embarrasses her colleagues and tarnishes her legacy. I don’t know if that would necessarily be this year or one in the future. I also don’t much care whether it be this year or one in the future.
I hope that RBG steps down on her own..
She’ll die with her boots on like her friend Nino Scalia..
And you’ll be calling the play by play as you have been since anyone here can remember.
It’s a lock.. Like your next rape fantasy.
Man this Hump Mother fucker really has killed a lot of people, and could care less.
70,000 murdered by the Hump, and 30,000,000 waiting in soup lines.
@275 “the uncomfortable situation it created for others”
RBG clinging to her seat certainly creates an uncomfortable situation for you, doesn’t it? You’re really squirming. You must not have much faith in your candidate’s re-election prospects, which probably weren’t help much by his pronouncement today that “there’ll be more death” but gosh darn it, we’re going to reopen and get back to normal “with or without a vaccine.”
This is one day after casualty projections were revised upward from 60,000 to over 134,000 by August. That’s nearly 75,000 people alive and healthy today who will be in the ground three months from now. Geez, even “Little Boy” didn’t kill that many. It’s gonna be like our own president dropped a nuclear bomb on us.
Looks like Carl took down my Tara Reade commentary!
Good thing Puddy copied the whole thing
Part #1
Meanwhile we see an interesting pattern. The big time leftist feminazis are dusting off their Juanita Broaddrick – Gennifer Flowers – Paula Jones – Kathleen Willey attack the wimens playbook and turning it upon Tara Reade.
Tara Reade seems to be behaving like a woman with nothing to hide. She said she was fired when she complained. I guess the whistle blowing statute doesn’t work here? She filed a REAL police report knowing that she could go to jail for an illegal filing.
Joe Biden denies her assault allegation, but seems to be behaving like a man with everything to hide in his basement bunker. Here is what the Biden campaign tried to say and it was an EPIC FAYLE
“The two Democratic operatives who received the talking points earlier this month following the publication of the New York Times report said they had yet to receive further guidance from the Biden campaign.”
Buzzfeed Biden Sez #1: The New York Times conducted a “thorough investigation” of Reade’s allegations. Just ask Stacy I Was Robbed Abrams as that was her words! – [The New York Times conducted a “thorough investigation”, and nothing in The Times review or any other later reports suggests anything other than what I already know about Joe Biden]
#1 is False. – https://theintercept.com/2020/04/24/new-evidence-tara-reade-joe-biden/ Puddy guesses the NY Slimes missed the August 11, 1993 Larry King Alive show.
Buzzfeed Biden Sez #2: The Times’ reporting “has led to the truth: this incident did not happen.” Just ask Nancy Private Plane Pelosi or Crazy Maisie Hirono or Kirsten I Believe Gillibrand!
#2 is False. – A New York Times spokesperson says Biden campaign talking points “inaccurately” suggest that the Times investigation found that Tara Reade’s allegation “did not happen.” Response to this scoop from @rubycramer @RosieGray https://t.co/ZUD6f2WSEE pic.twitter.com/LNaHvH0ZxF
Buzzfeed Biden Sez #3: There has never even been a “hint” or “rumor” of similar behavior from Biden “ever” in history.
#3 is False. – https://www.dailywire.com/news/8-women-have-accused-joe-biden-of-sexual-misconduct-inappropriate-touching Puddy already gave you the video evidence.
And the leftist Politico founder wants a Biden coronation even if he’s guilty! https://www.nytimes.com/2020/05/01/opinion/biden-tara-reade.html
Even Sara Sanders thought the NY Slimes opinion was an Onion satire. https://thehill.com/homenews/media/495989-sanders-mocks-ny-times-urging-dnc-to-investigate-biden-allegations-i-thought
And there you have it. The feminazi complaint is where was the pantyhose? Leftist blogs are sooooooooooooooooooooooo funny!
What will happen next? Well Rose McGowan believes her.
So why does Puddy call it Buzzfeed Biden? Well remember this BULLSH^T? https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/kenbensinger/these-reports-allege-trump-has-deep-ties-to-russia
So why did he destroy his most famous work evah? https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2020/apr/24/christopher-steele-my-anti-trump-dossier-records-d/
I guess it wasn’t worth the pixels it was displayed with! Maybe it could be found behind one of those Obummer chain link cages?
To win the Pulitzer Prize all you need to do is create BULLSH^T and it’s yours.
Joe Biden denies her assault allegation, but seems to be behaving like a man with everything to hide
And the orange pos you’re going to vote for (twice) said this didn’t happen:
And is going to sue after it leaves office. Heh. The only thing you can count on from that deadbeat orange freak is that the freak will sue.
Biden ahead in 3 of 4 battleground states per rcp..
Some light reading for our sex-assault fixated trolls:
Biden ahead in 3 of 4 battleground states per rcp
Seems that poodebutt is a big fan of The Intercept.. Here’s a thought ful piece:
Trump’s Nationalism Advances on a Predictable Trajectory to Violence. His Supporters Will Kill When They’re Told To.
Orange never felt so good to the troll. Here’s a picture of your orange future troll:
At this time of death and leadership insanity, “Americans are facing not just a conventional presidential election in 2020 but also, and most important, a referendum on reality and epistemology. Donald Trump is asking us to enter even further into his house of mirrors. He is asking us to live within a lie, to live within his lie, for four more years. The duty of citizenship in America today is to refuse to live within that lie.”
We all have an equal vote, but some citizens are better than others at fulfilling their duty of citizenship. Don’t expect much from Dumbfuck or Puddy. Just be glad you don’t have to be in a foxhole with those two shitbirds.
Good evening all. This is your Talking Chop open thread for Monday. You are free to discuss (just about) anything in any thread, especially if you want to talk up that great Mike Soroka fanpost. But I will ask a question of the day. What is your favorite Star Wars movie?
One of the fucks from the Hump Admin. Went on TV and said that social distancing wasn’t really working so no more lockdown and best to just let The Hump and The Hump virus kill and murder more people. Nothing you can do folks, just like Climate Change, just accept it.
But nyc seems to have greatly benefited by the social distancing and Pause.
The Hump just wants to brainwash with lies. The mother fucking asshole he and Repukes are. One can only hope that they are the dead.
Yeah, NYC sending COVID-19 positive old people back to the nursing homes so they can infect others and they die!
Real smart! – https://nypost.com/2020/05/05/this-nursing-home-disaster-is-on-you-gov-cuomo-goodwin/
“So with known nursing-home deaths representing 25 percent of all deaths in the state, it beggars belief that the governor didn’t know anything about his office’s fatal policy two weeks ago or the new death totals now.”
PuddyCommentary – Now compare these death total from a DUMMOCRETIN run state to those from a Republican run state, Florida, with a much larger nursing home population. – https://www.wftv.com/news/local/423-people-have-died-covid-19-floridas-nursing-homes-state-says/DZ4IFKGTYJGS7GUC5YDOBFOL3M/
“The Florida Department of Health released a report Friday that said 423 people have died of the novel coronavirus at long-term care facilities in the state.
Officials said 152 facilities have reported deaths so far. They said 11 of the deaths were of staff members.”
So if 11 deaths are nursing staff members then it’s even worse for Cuomo. NY – 4813 FL – 412 over 11.5 times worse! Seems DUMMOCRETIN COVID-19 decisions and solutions will have a higher chance of killing you!
And the homeless deaths on subways is on diBlasio! – who cares right? They probably wouldn’t vote for a DUMMOCRETIN in November anyway!
See something? Say nothing!
If necessary, they’ll order you to close your eyes.
Rapepublicans are just not cut out for this work.
See nothing? Say something!
Preferably something that invokes an analogy to slavery, Japanese internment, or Auschwitz.
preident imbecile, by August, standing atop his heap of 120,000 dead Americans:
Rapepublicans are just not cut out for this work.
WOW assesHorse libtard heads gonna explode…
“Attached and posted here (https://bit.ly/cqhcqresearch) is a summary of peer-reviewed evidence, indexed in PubMed, concerning the use of CQ and HCQ against coronavirus. We believe that there is clear and convincing evidence of benefit both pre-exposure and post-exposure.
In addition, Michael J. A. Robb, M.D., of Phoenix is compiling all reports as they come in. As of this date, the total number of reported patients treated with HCQ, with or without azithromycin and zinc, is 2,333. Of these, 2,137 or 91.6 percent improved clinically. There were 63 deaths, all but 11 in a single retrospective report from the Veterans Administration where the patients were severely ill.”
PuddyCommentary: Puddy watched that “doctor” on CNN claiming you’ll die from HCQ, DIE! Then you read anecdotal, isn’t peer reviewed. Well assesHorse FOOLS what dope does this say above?
See ya!
In the era of The New Federalism, a Secretary of Homeland Security Inslee might be lots of fun…
@291 The first one. Sequels are always wet noodles compared to the original script. Writers testing unknown waters run a little scared and bust their nubbins to produce a script that won’t bomb at the box office; and then, if it’s wildly successful, they relax and maybe get a little drunk before starting work on the next one, and just don’t work as hard on it as they did on the first one, and it shows. This is true of all sequels, not just “Star Wars.”
Wow! This thread hit 300 posts in just 2 days! Stefan’s sucky little blog has 0 comments in the last 5 years.