Big election coming up tomorrow. Could make a huge difference for years to come. Of course, I am talking about the King Conservation District. You can vote online for this one, so you can vote on the toilet. In fact, I will be disappointed in you if you don’t vote from the toilet.
I asked a couple environmentalists and they said Porter. So vote for Porter — while pooping — is the official Carl Ballard recommendation.
Secretary of Education Kanye West.
“State of the Union, I was surprised, I thought I was watching BET,” Maher said, adding “The whole thing seemed geared toward winning the black voter, right? I mean, he had the little girl who is going to go to a charter school, he called out the one black Republican senator Tim Scott, he had the Tuskegee airman, he cited a lot of stats about black unemployment being better, all this stuff.”
“Wow, the Democrats, Democrats their weak point is the South. They just write it off. They don’t even try,” Maher continued. “Trump is like what’s my weak point? Blacks? I’m going to get them. I got Melania back, I’m going to get them too.”
Naw, he won’t be named Education Secretary. But he’ll be a substantial reason why y’all git more Trump.
Q: What do #WallStreetPete and Trump have in common?
A: They were both declared victorious in something in which they came in second.
NBC News is not calling a winner in the first-in-the-nation contest, and the NBC News Decision Desk is not making any independent delegate allocations at this time.
Those delegate allocations are based on the revised results from the caucus that the party collected.
Amy Klobuchar now third in NH, according to two separate polls released on Sunday.
#WallStreetPete peaked too soon. Biden hit him with an ad with some substantial homophobic undertones.
Joaquin Phoenix thanks the Academy for giving him what the national voting electorate gave Trump.
I have been a scoundrel all my life, I’ve been selfish.
A second chance.
I’ve been cruel at times, hard to work with, and I’m grateful that so many of you in this room have given me a second chance.
What else to Phoenix and Trump have in common? Well, Phoenix has won twice, hasn’t he?
Dumbfuck must be getting nearer to the orange singularity that lays beyond Elijah’s orange even horizon. Spaghettification of his dumbfuckery might be fun to watch
Seems to me dumbfuck doesn’t know his posts get more and more stupid the closer he gets to the singularity.
No surprise with that, I suppose. Everyone but dumbfuck knows he’s dumber than a stump.
But we don’t care.
If we actually cared about opportunity and equality, then the federal government should spend exponentially more on education so as to balance our vastly unequal system of funding public schools with local tax dollars.
We care about the cost of health care, which Democrats through the ACA have made far more expensive despite claiming to bend the cost curve downward, and at the same time we can’t keep our doctor. So we’re gonna spend far more on that.
We care about terrorism so we’re gonna spend more on that.
We are largely satisfied with our personal lives.
New High of 90% of Americans Satisfied With Personal Life
There’s no need to disrupt the economy so that ‘froggy can finally hold a job.
It appears the impeachment debacle has bolstered Trump’s chances in November. The Democrats have their work cut out for them for the upcoming election.
TFW your appeals for the success of your RapeHero have to call upon winning a surge of African American voters and comparisons to a fake white rapper.
Will not be surprised if bot-farm takes to pimping Marianne Williamson. Bring on the healing crystals!
Steve, you’re a lyin’ dog-faced pony soldier. And you’re not gonna make it to South Carolina.
Anybody besides me notice that dumbfuck is a homophobic undertone?
86% of Democrats are satisfied with their personal lives – link @ 6.
Now why the fuck would they roll the dice on a socialist?
Satisfaction in their personal lives:
Republicans 93%
Independents 89%
Democrats 86%
So yeah, let’s dump the president.
Steve, what’s homophobic in a world in which we don’t even know what it is to be gay?
The gay liberation movement has left us a powerful legacy, and protecting that legacy requires understanding the meaning of the term “gay” and not using it simply as a synonym for same-sex desire and intimacy.
I’m quoting The Advocate.
Hunter Biden took down Creepy Joe.
ANALYSIS: Impeaching Trump Probably Destroyed Biden’s Presidential Campaign
@1 Looks like Dumbfuck is arguing we should pour our campaign resources into the south after berating Hillary for putting campaign resources into Arizona.
Claims he didn’t vote for Trump, but he sure isn’t working for us.
@4 “National voting electorate?” From the guy who was singing “key states” until yesterday? When did you sign on for the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, dumbfuck?
@6 “which Democrats through the ACA have made far more expensive”
Really? My premiums stopped going up by double digits the same year that ACA became law.
@7 I don’t disagree with you. After 40 years of Republican domination our schools are failing, kids aren’t taught civics anymore, and 42%-44% of U.S. adults think science is bunk, UFOs are real, and our system of government is monarchy.
@10 I doubt it. He probably doesn’t care one way or another. He’s a nihilist who cares about nothing. He’s in this life for jollies and nothing more. To him it’s merely a tool to troll you with. If you were a cat, he’d bark at you; if you were a dog, he’d kick you. Anything to get a rise. Like all toddlers, he’s in it for the attention.
When you are a woman and can’t get above 8 percent in a State that has 2 woman Senators…..Sad.
@11 If you asked them if they’re satisfied with Trump’s lying, stealing, and baby raping, you’d probably get less than 86%. Of course, for you that’s no problem at all because you have no conscience at all.
@12 Remind me again what his approval rating among Democrats is?
Could he be reelected? Sure he could. Only half of us have higher than average IQs, and he doesn’t even need all of the other half.
@14 “Impeaching Trump Probably Destroyed Biden’s Presidential Campaign”
So Republicans get President Sanders instead. Good move.
@20 She’s running for veep. Or a cabinet job. Agriculture or HUD.
@23 I’m sure she knows corn very well.
I see a pattern here.
Trump wants to cut EPA’s budget another 26%. The House won’t go along. They’ll appropriate more. And then he simply won’t spend it.
Republicans don’t give a damn about the environment. If the air is clean, it can handle more emissions. If a river isn’t overflowing with sewage and toxic chemicals, there’s room in it for more. What’s a few fracking chemicals in your drinking water? So long as one fish swims in the sea, there’s more resource to exploit. Who cares if the last bee or monarch butterfly dies? Republicans won’t be happy until the Earth’s entire surface is covered with concrete and asphalt and none is left to develop. If you vote Republican, this is what you’re voting for, and if this is what you vote for you’re a fool. Even termites don’t foul their own nests as Republicans do.
This was all foreseeable. And foreseen.
Knowing it would happen doesn’t make it any less fun to watch, tho.
This, among many reasons.
“My premiums stopped going up by double digits the same year that ACA became law.”
Kinda maybe makes you doubt the claims of vast investment killings from a guy who openly displays that he doesn’t understand the phrase “bend the cost curve downward”, even when “diehard Trump supporters” like him misapply it.
“Steve, what’s homophobic in a world in which we don’t even know what it is to be gay?””
Homophobic is you hating on Gman. Racist is you hating on Tamir.
Glad to help a dumbfuck out.
And you know he really doesn’t like the Hispanics, the Jews, the Asians, the Europeans, etc. But he does love himself the Putin.
I mean if you can find fault with one group of people and then hate them as a group for it, then he has to hate all the other groups too – it’s impossible for him not to.
He’s an equal opportunity hater, but lover of Hitler and Putin.
Quick reminder while everyone inside the Orange Event Horizon focuses with laser like intensity on South Carolina (63 delegates and 9 electoral votes), 15.5 million primary ballots are hitting mailboxes in California (494 delegates and 55 electoral votes) right this minute.
Because the state is so large, so populous, and so complex final results will certainly not be available until next month. But it bears remembering that while some campaigns may depend upon a big result from early primaries to adequately fund a last minute run in California, other campaigns have been there for months already. And because California moved the date up this year the campaigns that were counting on a big bump from Iowa or New Hampshire may have already missed the boat.
Wanting to get a head start on 2024, AOC releases full-spread nudes she posed for while between bartending gigs, and proclaims that her gynecologist has never seen a cleaner landing strip.
Bernie Sanders walks back promise to release ‘comprehensive’ medical records
I’m curious, anyone have any idea which candidate Steve prefers at this point?
All I’m hearing is how much he hates me, and that despite hanging around Goldy’s site he’s not much appreciative of Goldy or the others who provide him a place to grumble.
@28 Maybe it was because my health insurer stopped charging me inflated premiums to subsidize providers who gave “free” care to the formerly uninsured, but “passing costs” through the system to the end consumer is too complicated or nuanced a financial mechanism for a dumbfuck to wrap his eggplant of a brain around.
Periodically, a troll comes on here and bleats about “free stuff.” There was no bigger “free stuff” than the “free” health care provided to the uninsured by those of us with coverage. I recall then Rep. Inslee (or somebody) estimating it cost insured patients upwards of $1,500 a year in higher premiums. Obamacare was an effort BY DEMOCRATS to put an end to that.
So what did the “free stuff” bleaters do? They attacked Obamacare. Tried to knock it down in the courts, repeal it in Congress. Why? Because they were the freeloaders who’d been riding on the backs of the rest of us — the people who didn’t have health insurance, and didn’t want it, because they were already getting health care and didn’t want to start paying for it.
“Free stuff,” yeah right. They’re the biggest fucking socialists around. And now they’re bleating about “socialism” … while dipping into our pockets for billions in tariff relief, etc. etc. etc.
Practice what you preach and we might start to believe you, assholes. And when you bleat that “the Bible says” gay people should be “put to death,” let’s see you start that pogram with your own kids when they turn out to be gay or trans, after all you don’t even have to round them up because they’re already in your custody …
About those traumatic brain injuries inflicted on US troops by Iran’s missiles:
Since 2000 there have been more than 408,000 TBIs sustained by US military members.
The vast majority of those injuries are mild, and symptoms are similar to those that can occur due to non-traumatic reasons, such as PTSD. This isn’t to minimize the injuries sustained by troops in early January. But I would point out that y’all libbies have spent far more time on this small number of injuries than was spent on all of the TBIs sustained by troops during the years 2009-2016.
I wonder why that is.
@33 “I’m curious, anyone have any idea which candidate Steve prefers at this point?”
Why do you care? Got a crush on him? Worried about compatibility? Hey horse, watch out, Dumbfuck is fixin’ to cheat on you.
The risk of war with Iran is so great that oil futures just closed at their lowest level since January 2019.
Meanwhile, Soleimani is still dead.
Who wrote the talking points. Who sent him out to lie to The American people. For over a month.
At least 100
Dumbfuck already on it. There were brain injuries before so NBD.
“ Soldiers have died taking a hill before so really this is just more of the same.“Maj Gen George Pickett
@35 “About those traumatic brain injuries inflicted on US troops by Iran’s missiles”
Over 100 now.
“small number of injuries”
Yeah, what’s a hundred wounded troops? Go watch “1917,” the toll from World War 1 offensives was far worse. You gotta keep these things in perspective: In war, casualties are inevitable, and getting killed or wounded is part of a soldier’s job.
I see Trump requested more money for the VA. Of course, I support that, being a veteran myself (which he isn’t). With his foreign policy, the VA is going to need it.
@38 “There were brain injuries before so NBD.”
No, “headaches.” Only “headaches.” No worries. Government-furnished medical treatment, lifetime VA disability benefits, and recruiting and training replacement personnel will cover it.
@ 38, 39
The number of injuries was correctly reported as zero initially, because no troops were reporting them.
Symptoms of a TBI may not appear until days or weeks following the injury or may even be missed as people may look fine even though they may act or feel differently.
Zero troops dead, nearly all affected troops back to work.
We’re hearing a gradually increasing number because those with delayed symptoms now reporting them.
Soleimani still dead.
Still zero interest amongst HA libbies in how many TIBs were sustained when former president Obama and current presidential candidate Biden were running things. Biden will claim all Obama accomplishments were actually Biden accomplishments, but he won’t take credit for the TBIs, will he?
@41 “when former president Obama and current presidential candidate Biden were running things” Osama bin Laden dropped dead from acute lead poisoning.
By contrast, when Republicans ran things,
“I don’t know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don’t care. It’s not that important. It’s not our priority. I am truly not that concerned about him.” — G. W. Bush, 3/13/02
Also, Obama didn’t attack the wrong country and get 4,400+ American troops killed in the process.
Nationwide poll of likely Democratic primary voters, Feb. 3-5:
Sanders: 25% (+3%)
Biden: 24% (-5%)
Bloomberg: 15% (-1%)
Buttigieg: 12% (+5%)
Warren: 11% (-2%)
Yeah, keep beating that Biden horse, dumbfucks, so you won’t see the candidate who’s going to beat you coming until it’s too late to save your sorry-ass hides with foreign dirty tricks.
@ 43
I’d be unhappy with a former GOP billionaire running things………
Why, exactly?
Just what the fuck do you think is going to happen in the Fall, when he begins his move toward the center?
It’s not like I require a Big Gulp-size soda to get through my day.
Mrs. Rabbit’s thought for the day (hat tip to Rush Limbaugh): Give a box of cigars to every Republican you know, and a carton of cigarettes, too; it’s an investment in our country’s future.
Roger Rabbit does not endorse genocide as public policy, but self-inflicted extinction is a private matter.
@44 Bloomberg doesn’t fit the profile of a progressive Democrat, but anyone “unhappy” about the prospect of a Wall Street billionaire of the “center” replacing Trump needs to see a psychiatrist ASAP. Therapy focusing on self worth is in order. Involuntary commitment to a secure facility may be appropriate, too. It’s a public safety issue.
Trumpers don’t get it. The risk was never of war with Iran.
Why would Iran do that?
A basic principal of foreign policy analysis is the rational actor model. Key elements include assessment of consequences and profit maximization. Iran could not conceivably profit politically or otherwise from an overt military conflict with the U.S. under any circumstances. And consequences for such a conflict would be catastrophic.
But a direct military confrontation with the US is not the only option for Iran. And the fact that the modern Trumpublican Party’s only reaction to that well understood fact is to call the entire Joint Chiefs of Staff “crybabies” and “losers” is what should most concern US citizens and US companies who have any interests outside the US.
The Trumpublicans seem convinced they can keep Americans safe at home by building a little wall hundreds of thousands of people fly over on a 737 every day. Since 9-11 we’ve been relatively lucky due in no small measure to obsessive hard work by federal law enforcement. The same law enforcement who are now the targets of massed political attacks from within by the AG and the Trumpublican controlled Senate.
But part of the reason we also have been lucky is because we’ve been smarter. We carried out the shitty stuff that had to be carried out quietly and without fanfare. And most of us were smart enough to ignore Glen Greedwald when he bleated about it. There might have been better ways. But that die was cast way back in 2003. We got the forever war because Dick Cheney wanted it and not a single Mitt Romney (or Hillary Clinton) was willing to say shit.
Today because of that we live in a reality where a bunch of people have to die on the regular in order for us to stay safe at home and safe-ish abroad. But just because it has to be done doesn’t mean it has to be done full fucking retard. You don’t go any higher up the chain than you have to. And when you do, you don’t drop trou and do the helicopter over the corpse. For an analysis see above in re rational model.
Some Republicans may cross over and vote for Bloomberg. Worried much?
What about your Mini 14 with a SlideFire stock?
Not good at “the math” are you.
Two new polls out this week confirm the outlier status to the Gallup poll that “diehard Trump supporter” was jizzing all over last week. Quinnipiac and Monmouth both show Trump approval remaining at the low 40s approvals he’s had since the holidays, but no surge and no inversion. That’s what a +4 of GOP respondent ID does for you. Little errors in important factors have a dramatic effect on results, like an angle error of one or two degrees can get you a bridge that won’t meet in the middle.
@47 The problem with this is it requires Republicans and their voters to be rational.
@48 Get the fuck out of my territory before I bite your ears off.
Didn’t know rabbits are territorial, too, didja?
Flynn’s sentencing impending sentencing date is now canceled by order of Judge Sullivan pending further order from the court.
His new attorneys dropped the ball on brief deadlines for his claims of prosecutorial misconduct. And now the previous defense team has been slow rolling their responses for the prosecutor’s briefs on his claims of inadequate benefit of counsel.
If all goes according to plan he’ll drag this thing out until there’s no longer anyone available to pardon him. At this point there’s even a chance Sullivan might be willing to assist with that.
They are (or at least have been until now) rational enough not to try.
Only about half the states have open primaries. And what that means varies quite a bit from one state to the next. In some its choose your adventure at the ballot box. In others it requires you change your registration. Some allow day of. Some set deadlines. Although in either case to be considered truly “open” you have to have the opportunity to change it back after. Then there’s the state rules for viability which vary. Some are based on a statewide canvass. Some are tied to the CDs. And the percentages for viability differ as well. Then there’s the number of “unassigned” delegates in each state, which vary of course. Then there’s the total delegate count per state, which when it comes to open primary states is on the short side of the stack. So whenever anybody bothers to crunch the numbers what they always come back with is that to have any statistically meaningful shot at changing a delegate count at the convention, even enough to force a floor fight, requires mobilizing a huge army of highly coordinated and very specifically targeted voters across all 25 states. Nobody wants to pay for that. And they want even less to go to prison for it. So it’s always been easier, safer, and more cost effective to seed money an alternative candidate. Which is where you get Tulsi.
It’s fair to say the Russians have figured out Republican voters. But they are still decades away from figuring out Democratic primary math.
@51 Well, as long as we’re on this subject, I might has well post my “Presidential Plausibility” ratings. This is not a ranking of who I think will win the nomination, is most able or likely to defeat Trump, or perceived popularity, and certainly not a ranking of my personal preferences. Rather, by “plausible” is meant whether this person looks like a president to ordinary voters and how plausible it is they can do the job.
Most plausible to least plausible:
1. Bloomberg
2. Buttigieg
3. Sanders
4. Biden
5. Klobuchar
6. Warren
7. Any other Democrat
8.-98. Any stray dog picked up from the street
99. An alien who just landed in a UFO
100. Trump
Future headline:
“At last night’s presidential debate, trump shot Sanders to death. DoJ says it will not investigate. GOP Senators say voters should decide whether trump or the corpse of Sanders should be next POTUS.”
Am i wrong?
Guys, I may have to go with Bloomy if Buttigieg drops out. I don’t think Sanders can win.
I’d put Klobuchar below Warren.
#58. Me too :)
OK Troll….you sure you willing to put you Tiki Torch away?
Wherein Joe Manchin challenges Trump to a fight. Well, not really, he just more or less told Trump to go fuck himself and, hey, he’s bigger than Trump, in better shape, and used to play college football, so if Trump wants …
@59 In the polls, yes, but she’s a more plausible potential president than Warren is. This has nothing to do with their popularity or poll standings. It’s a squinty-eyed sizing-up. Klobuchar has impressed in recent debates, and she’s closer to where the mass of voters are.
@58 I’m pretty much in the same place except Buttigieg isn’t my first choice because I don’t have a first, second, or third choice at this point. Washington’s primary is exactly one month away and I’m less likely to vote for Biden than I was, say, a month ago. That’s all I can say right now. Bloomberg grates on me, Buttigieg looks like a comer, and Sanders and Warren don’t look as electable as either of them to me. I care about things besides getting rid of Trump, so where candidates stand on issues is not irrelevant in my thinking, but everything else is subordinate to ending the agony of Trumpism. This election has the look and feel of trying to prevent a Nazi takeover of my own country.
@60 I repeat, get the fuck out of my territory. There’s space for only one rabbit in this garbage pit and I was here first. Find your own dumpster.
There should be mandatory mental screening for Heterosexuals that want to reproduce. It shouldn’t be a god given right. Many heteros have no business reproducing children that they don’t know how to care for, never mind care for themselves.
They look like classic Hump supporters
Kind Regards,
@62 I have to say Manchin is looking like the big pussy in all this. Either he should literally tell the Hump to fuck off and go fuck himself, or he can be his little bitch forever.
The dude should have enough money to live off – what does he have to lose? This is how Hitler rose – nobody could tell him to go fuck himself. Pathetic.
@63 there is something about her when she speaks, it kind of lacks authority.
I’m tired of her growing up stories, although they all tell “growing up” stories. I grew up with two parents who immigrated to this country when they were in their teens, without their parents. Worked in factories, and very fortunate to be where they are today, which seems to be better off than her situation. They grew up in Sicily, and can remember the war being fought around them, turning off the lights at night to avoid bombs from being dropped on them.
I think part of the story (her story) is that her parents (Americans) didn’t have the culture that my parents had. Sorry, I can say it, many American parents care more about their own lives than their children’s lives.
My parents had one goal – raise their kids, and maintain a tight family network. They didn’t go out with friends and leave behind their kids with a baby sitter. To this day, they or I can probably count on how many times they went out to dinner by themselves on one hand, and I probably don’t even need a few fingers. Mom cooked everything, cleaned everything, and had a job while doing all of it. Dad took care of the house, bills, garden, and everything else.
They didn’t drink alcohol, except for an occasional glass of wine with dinner (not like Bob sipping away in a recliner thinking about his failed pro sports career and not becoming a doctor, left with only a horse and trailer). They didn’t smoke. We had one fucking tv and if you didn’t like what my father was watching then it was too fucking bad. They never hit us like American parents hit their kids, but my father would chase you and kick you in the ass.
I’m sure things were tougher in the midwest, but wasn’t Klobuchar’s parents a bunch of drunks?
He still has never, ever fired anyone himself. Not once. Not in real life. He can’t do it. He yells at a lackey until they do it for him. Usually by voice mail.
In all truth, he is nowhere near the kind of person who could point a gun at someone and pull the trigger, whatever the circumstances. He could no more murder Bernie Sanders than he could prevent your foxhole from being overrun. If he couldn’t get one of his idiot lackeys to do it for him, it would not get done.
Go ahead. You can say it.
Klobuchar is more “masculine”.
yeah, more butch, and an old granny.
@66 This would be a better world if all humans were sterilized. As my forest friends point out, this planet has no problems that extinction of a single species won’t resolve.
@67 The German industrialists who backed Hitler believed they could control him and he’d be their patsy. They were wrong.
@69 If Trump had been born 100 years earlier, when his draft number came up, he would’ve paid someone to go fight the Civil War for him. Would’ve rooted for the slave states to win, too.
@70 I don’t know about that, but I don’t think Ma and Pa Kettle are quite ready to vote for a hardcore progressive. Low information voters scare easily, and Klobuchar looks and talks more like one of them.
Just in case anyone missed this post yesterday.
Amazing video and song.
(of a man) having strength, energy, and a strong sex drive.
@12 “So yeah, let’s dump the president.”
Finally, something you said that we can agree on.
No worries, scientist Donnie say that with the warmer weather upon us we won’t have to worry about the virus as much because the virus can’t thrive ian the warm weather.
“And today her model tells her the Democrats are a near lock for the presidency in 2020, and are likely to gain House seats and have a decent shot at retaking the Senate. If she’s right, we are now in a post-economy, post-incumbency, post record-while-in-office era of politics. ”
“Bitecofer’s theory, when you boil it down, is that modern American elections are rarely shaped by voters changing their minds, but rather by shifts in who decides to vote in the first place. To her critics, she’s an extreme apostle of the old saw that “turnout explains everything,””
Been waiting for the world to discover “The Doc” for a while.
It’s one way of looking at it. But she did pitch a perfect game in 2018. What intrigues me most about her thinking is analyzing the Trump 2020 campaign in those terms.
If we assume that Trump figured something out about the electorate in 2016 that Hillary was too slow to catch on to (and perhaps simply assumed that all of Trump’s “negatives” would “weigh him down”) then it begins to make a lot more sense. And it really does if we look at the way he is campaigning and communicating today going into 2020. He’s not trying to persuade imaginary swing voters to like him. He’s not softening his image in order to increase his appeal to some wishy-washy, “unaffiliated” so-called moderates.
He’s bringing out the base. He’s going after people who are essentially already Trump voters and giving them reasons to turn out. He wants them to be excited about it. Angry about it. He wants them to have a good time. But the way he’s doing it is really not by promising to do nice things for them. Instead he’s promising to do terrible things to everyone else. And that’s what they love. And that is negative partisanship in action.
If Bitecoffer is wrong, then so is Trump.
@77 “something … we can agree on”
That’s not saying much. Anyone who’s still for Trump has something wrong with him/her. Susan Collins, I’m talking to you, wimp.
@80 If she’s right, then Bloomberg isn’t the right Democrat to take on Trump, because he represents a return to status quo ante. Buttigieg, on the other hand — if you know nothing else about him — represents generational change. And with Millennials now the largest cohort in U.S. history, and all signs pointing to a huge turnout by young voters, that could propel him to the top.
“(A)ll signs” is doing a ton of heavy work in that last sentence.