Over the weekend, I took a ride on the new streetcar! Here are some random thoughts I had while riding it.
- It seems like similar cars to the ones in South Lake Union.
- Still, I was super excited riding it. It felt very much like it will be integrated into the city in a way that the line in South Lake Union hasn’t been.
- Unlike when the light rail opened, all of the stops are places that are easy enough to get to, as a downtown resident who walks and bikes most trips. It still was pretty cool seeing familiar places through a streetcar window.
- The next stop projection at the front was a nice touch. It was several stops ahead rather than just the one. Might make it easier for tourists or other people unfamiliar with the area. I’d like to see that on ST trains and maybe on buses going forward.
- Traffic was an issue. A car tried to get too far forward in a turn when we were coming and the streetcar had to break pretty hard. It was the sort of thing a bus could maneuver around, but we had to stop while the driver sorted themselves out. It’ll probably be worse in rush hour. Still, once people are used to the light rail, maybe they’ll drive better. Or, that’s not how Seattle drivers work traditionally. We’ll see.
- Maybe it’s the fact that I lived in London and have fond memories of hopping off and on the circle line more or less at random, but when I look at the map, I feel like we could eventually make the streetcar a big circle. It seems like there would be some engineering challenges crossing I-5 in the Northern part of the map, and I don’t know about the parts that are single track. But it seems like a long-term goal for the streetcars.
Obummer’s America where rules have no meaning… http://www.nydailynews.com/new.....-1.2507437
Daily News is a libtard paper!
Just ax being teabagged again!
NYC where if you are black and the prosecutors and mayor are white… No matter you still ain’t gonna get restitution. http://www.nydailynews.com/new.....-1.2505546
Daily News is a libtard paper!
Just ax being teabagged again!
How did 1340 classified documents from two of the most secure networks in America: Secret Internet Protocol Router Network (SIPRNet) and Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communications System (JWICS), get onto Heilary’s unsecure homebrew personal email server?
The FBI wants to know! The Oregon moron doesn’t care. Neither do the 3rd and 4th tier toilets on the Friday Night Comix page!
@ 3
How did 1340 classified documents from two of the most secure networks in America: Secret Internet Protocol Router Network (SIPRNet) and Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communications System (JWICS), get onto Heilary’s unsecure homebrew personal email server?
Two intentional – and criminal – acts for each and every one of them:
• Cut
• Paste
But hey, Hillary might have been telling the truth when she said she never sent or received emails “marked classified”. Her minions stripped those.
@1 Are you referring to the Republicans’ flexible interpretation of the U.S. Constitution when they want to spy on citizens without warrants, secretly torture people, establish Christianity as a state religion, or ignore the fact that having an abortion is a constitutional right? Is this your weekly Monday-morning hypocrisy warmup?
@2 I’m glad you’re on board for ending the racial discrimination in our criminal justice system. Now all you have to do is vote for the party that’s trying to end it, instead of the party that’s perpetuating it.
@3 Who cares?
@4 Tell us again how many “criminal acts” Mrs. Clinton has been convicted of? I forgot. Btw, aren’t you one of the people who voted the Republican war criminals and torturers into office?
From The Atlantic:
“I am writing in reply to Gomez’s point about semi-auto rifles and concealed handguns not being protected by the Second Amendment because these items did not exist at the time the Constitution and its amendments were adopted. If he is going to take a strict constructionist approach, then he must also admit that there is no right to an abortion, because that “right” was discovered when it was found hiding in the shadows almost 200 years later. Also, Freedom of the Press in the year 2016 must be limited to newspapers, pamphleteers, and town cryers because the internet, radio, and TV did not exist at the time either.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: So, does this mean advocates of no restrictions whatsoever on guns, who tend to be Republicans, are abandoning strict constructionism and now support abortion rights and publishing the Pentagon papers, Abu Ghraib torture photos, news stories about Marine atrocities in Iraq, etc.? Or does flexible interpretation of the Constitution still only apply to those parts of the Constitution they pick and choose?
@2 as opposed to where? Uganda?
@2 or you can have shit like this. From the Red State of Arizona.
Puffy must be waiting for Reparations money to kick in.
Maybe the guy who can’t collect his money can get his black family and friends together as a group and spell out honekys
@3 & 4
Well now that 13 Hours has flopped, BACK TO THE Emails! One of these times we shout BOO! everyone will know what we know about the Clintons!
I keep hearing from the pundits how “angry” the voters are. The only “angry” people I see are the one’s that have been outsmarted by a black man. That has got to hurt their superior little brains.
before I go further, let me say I consider myself a supporter of the rights described in the 2nd Amendment. However…
man, the usual gun-humper nuts. Reading through this and other comments responding to another reader email I’m struck by one significant detail.
Time and again these proponents of unlimited access to firearms cite what can only be described as a bizarre “defense against tyranny” argument. Setting aside the very dubious proposition that the framers intended the 2nd Amendment as a mechanism for armed violent resistance to democratic government and law enforcement, it surpasses understanding how this was ever expected to work.
According to this pattern of delusion (I won’t call it thinking) the 2nd Amendment empowers small bands of our fellow citizens to arm themselves in a manner equal to the lawfully recognized national defense forces, lawful state militias, and local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies. Thus armed, these groups of our fellow citizens would then be able to kill our sons and daughters in the US Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, National Guard, and local police forces whenever they felt sufficiently aggrieved. Although they would hasten to describe their motivations differently, in fact this is an accurate, albeit rhetorically naked, description of this defense of unlimited access. It is quite obviously the opposite of democracy.
It is worth noting that during the Weimar Republic Germany had an armed, communist, para-military citizen militia numbering about 130,000 WWI combat vets. Didn’t stop the Nazis from gaining power. In fact, it probably helped.
We all know this. It shouldn’t need to be explained. Armed insurrection is not a democratic phenomenon. Flag waving pseudo-patriots who drone on about “civilian militias” providing a “bulwark against tyranny” should be openly mocked and shunned in a democracy like ours.
R senile @4,
NOPE because Obummer been doing that for years. Ed Snowden told us all about it. In fact Obummer spies on his own Congress when they seek and spoeak to international leaders Obummer don’t like. Example, Ben Netanyahu!
Another EPIC FAYLE at deflection!
NYC is run by Republicans? Really R senile?
DUMMOCRETIN political correctness running amok again… http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/.....ar-BBoDtlW
Notice how #9 swilled into the toilet on guns while DUMMOCRETINS all over claim the right to an abortion is a guaranteed right? Yet the Oregon moron focused on what? Just read these FOOLS at Daily Kooks! Claiming abortion is a “right” is really and quite obviously the opposite of democracy.
Of further interest is this passage:
“If he is going to take a strict constructionist approach, then he must also admit that there is no right to an abortion, because that “right” was discovered when it was found hiding in the shadows almost 200 years later.”
Actually, amended into existence 83 years later. But fuck that, cause, you know, democracy.
I’ll be the first to admit that the 14th was ratified in spite of itself. Plain text interpretation grants waaaaay more than voters of 1868 ever really wanted. But they ratified it. And there it is. Many more amendments were to be passed in years that followed. But in all those years we never saw fit to touch it. Sometimes we get shit right.
And just as the rights in the 14th are not unlimited, so too the 2nd.
What I just don’t get is how we’ve become so comfortable with listening to flat out bullshit, facially wrong, demonstrably untrue claims from the gun-humpers. The “living document” right to privacy cited in Roe lies in an amendment ratified in 1868. And it is not unlimited. And the framers never intended to enshrine armed insurrection against democratically elected government. All that’s just flat out bullshit.
There is no constitutional impediment to reasonable gun regulation. The impediment is political. And it’s name is The Republican Party.
The Oregon Moron is using that same BULLSHITTIUM 14th amendment argument Daily Kooks did. So what about the rights of the unborn child then.? The 14th amendment apply to them?
Maybe the best approach to resolving these questions about gun control and medical privacy is to ask the Republican nominee Donald Trump.
I fuckin’ have to laugh at these tools. They spend their accounts dry pissing and moaning about these issues, break the government, and destroy their own political party, only to nominate a candidate who basically could give a shit about their “two most important issues”.
I’m just so delighted to get to witness their stupid self-destruction. Life is good.
@22 And if that wasn’t enough, down comes an indictment against the anti-abortion pinheads behind the Planned Parenthood video scam. After the investigation into Planned Parenthood. Ahhhhh! Yes!
CBS News Headline:
“No charges for Planned Parenthood; activists’ charges relate to setting up and recording undercover videos”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: That’s what dirty-tricks politics gets ya, assholes! Now if only we could prosecute the Republican bastards who spend millions and countless manhours trying to keep American citizens from voting in their own country.
@3 and @4. This does contrast with how Edward Snowden has been treated. Seems this is pretty much what Chelsea Manning did and got 35 years in prison with possibility of parol in eight.
Or it helps to be the classification authority for the State Department. And yes there is plenty of material on both those networks that A. Should not be classified. B Be classified at the level they are classified. All of the military services, but particularly the army and marines will classify news stories. This is often to keep the information from the troops as much as anything, and they are constantly told not to classify such things, but these decisions are often made by a guy with maple leaves on his shoulder who works for a guy with a star or stars on his. And the CYA factor is great as well as the gate keeper factor.
@14 Democracy never had a chance in Weimar Germany; it was just a question of which armed gang of thugs would seize power first.
@15 I didn’t post @4, dumbass. Any grievance you have with #4 should be brought to Bickle’s attention.
“Seems this is pretty much what Chelsea Manning did and got 35 years in prison with possibility of parol in eight.”
Exactly, totally, completely, one hundred percent exactly alike and all the same totally except for…
due process.
@18 “DUMMOCRETINS all over claim the right to an abortion is a guaranteed right”
No, “Dummocretins all over” don’t “claim” abortion is a guaranteed right; the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that it’s a guaranteed right, which isn’t the same thing. In case you haven’t heard, the CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT TO AN ABORTION is the law of the land. Take it from me, a lawyer, that constitutional rights are “guaranteed rights,” dumbass.
@9 Well he runs into a problem with his argument in that concealed weapons did exist as small one shot pistols. Not particularly powerful or accurate, but enough in close quarters.
2. Abortion did exist and did take place and have since the Egyptians used alligator dung.
3. The British used a system to lights for ship to ship and ship to shore communication. It could be also used or read by the press.
It’s also obvious that individuals used to the common law system and kept it in great part would expect in a very enlightened document supportive of progree would expect the constition to be applied to new inventions and developments, and only amended due to the them in great necessity.
the key element being “armed gang of thugs”.
Not a situation that promotes democracy, rule of law, one person one vote, etc, despite whatever crazy shit gun-humpers may claim.
Republicans like Puffy struggle with the idea that constitutional rights are guaranteed because they’re accustomed to violating other people’s rights at will. See, e.g., warrantless searches, domestic spying, torture, suppression of dissent, vote suppression and, of course, finding people like Bowe Bergdahl guilty without trial.
@31 Apparently their theory is that if every gang of thugs is armed, the collective good will emerge from the mayhem.
“Houston grand jury won’t indict Planned Parenthood — instead charges anti-abortion duo”
Sucks to be a batshit crazy loon.
I’m sure that works just dandy, so long as your definition of “collective good” is an anarcho-syndicalist crime gang overseen by Cliven Bundy subjugating all the hippies, Jews, Muslims, Catholics, racial minorities, and women, depopulating the cities, and outlawing soccer.
it pleases me to think how much of that troll’s money was “invested” in this grift.
As you sow…
hee, hee.
@20 Mute point as under the common law and under English law at the time of the revolution an unborn child had no rights until birth. Those rights this individual had are of course limited as they are chattel, and since this country had slaves the master could do as he or she choose to the issue from their slaves or indentured servants. Since the Marshall Islands, the Hawaiin Islands and other areas populated by the Polynesian people who had a tradition of infanticide if the child was born into famine, or required excessive resources.
@20 “So what about the rights of the unborn child then.?”
“In the United States, as of 2014, thirty-eight states provide certain level of criminal protection for the unborn, and twenty-three of these states have laws that protect the fetus from conception until birth. All US states–by statute, court rule or case law–permit a guardian ad litem to represent the interests of the unborn. In 1999, the Unborn Victims of Violence Act was introduced into United States Congress which defines violent assault committed against pregnant women as being a crime against two victims: the woman and the fetus she carries. This law was passed in 2004 after the murder of Laci Peterson and the fetus she was carrying. In 2002, U.S. President George W. Bush announced a plan to ensure health care coverage for fetuses under the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP).”
This last one will drive Republicans nuts, because Republicans can’t stand to see people have health care.
“The 14th amendment apply to them?”
Basically, no, because the 14th Amendment applies to “persons” and a fetus is not a “person” in the eyes of the law until the occurrence of live birth: “In areas other than criminal abortion, the law has been reluctant to endorse any theory that life, as we recognize it, begins before live birth or to accord legal rights to the unborn except in narrowly defined situations and except when the rights are contingent upon live birth. For example, the traditional rule of tort law denied recovery for prenatal injuries even though the child was born alive. That rule has been changed in almost every jurisdiction. In most States, recovery is said to be permitted only if the fetus was viable, or at least quick, when the injuries were sustained, though few courts have squarely so held. In a recent development, generally opposed by the commentators, some States permit the parents of a stillborn child to maintain an action for wrongful death because of prenatal injuries. Such an action, however, would appear to be one to vindicate the parents’ interest and is thus consistent with the view that the fetus, at most, represents only the potentiality of life. Similarly, unborn children have been recognized as acquiring rights or interests by way of inheritance or other devolution of property, and have been represented by guardians ad litem. Perfection of the interests involved, again, has generally been contingent upon live birth. In short, the unborn have never been recognized in the law as persons in the whole sense.” – Roe v. Wade
@37, 38,,
total waste of time, since that troll’s objections are based on a sincere objection to all forms of reproductive health care, especially focused on birth control for unmarried females. And therefor has absolutely nothing to do with any interest in protection of life. Actually it is based on the opposite objective of burdening, harming, and endangering the life of sexually active unmarried females.
In other words, he’s a Republican.
Don’t bother. And don’t buy into the bullshit. Just call it what it is.
Maybe Bellingham will get a case of me tooism and we can have a streetcar like Seattle. We can call ours “Desire.”
It would be a case of back to the future as Bellingham used to have like 5 streetcars or the technical name of cable cars. Ahh we could have been like San Francisco and it would be Bellingham Rice that rules.
Bellingham had the great salmon though.
@40 Which would you rather live on, rice or salmon?
I was hoping the guys in Oregon would get tired. Call hurray and go home. With one or two getting some kind of slap on the wrist. Doesn’t look like that is going to happen and we need the President to handle like George did the whiskey rebellion. Can Obama ride a white horse? Does he look good on a horse? Is it time for the Buffalo soldiers to ride? The unit is still out there and some even ride horses.
looks like for the first time Daleiden, a talented spokes-model with vast expertise in hair gel but not the law, has finally chosen to talk to an attorney before talking to the media.
Rule of cows and barn doors.
But the grift continues. Now that troll and other mouth breathers will open up their checkbooks for Daleiden’s criminal defense team. A tower room at Eden Roc, his golf at noon for free….
Tithe harder. Oh yes.
This is scary.
Seems like we don’t worry about the shit we should worry about.
This is unbelievable.
He rallies the crowds by crying that everyone is too politically correct, and then he says as President that he’ll be politically correct.
i don’t think his supporters know whether to piss in their pants or shit in their pants.
Apparently this guy plans to do both.
I don’t know – Maybe he got PTSD just by being away from Momma Grizzly.
Palin should sink her head in shame. Not for her comment, but because of her trailer trash kids.
I wonder if all the things that the Donald may have been successful in was due to the help of the government.
I thought that this kind of scum only resided in NYC.
Was it ever alive? Or is it a failed pregnancy?
Puffy – I guess not all business are moving out of CT, like GE.
Wow R senile @38 went there into the Puddy trap…
The Unborn Victims of Violence Act, passed in 2004, defines a fetus as a “child in uterus” and a person as being a legal crime victim” if a fetal injury or death occurs during the commission of a federal violent crime.
Notice that it didn’t use the term fetus in uterus. So it is a child and has rights! Unfortunately DUMMOCRETINS think of this child in uterus as products of conception biomass of cells for all other instances and not as a child in uterus!
Word of the day:
If there is any public benefit to our excruciatingly drawn out Presidential election process it must be that ultimately truth will out. Let’s face it. By the time voters were going to the polls, despite much of the early campaign efforts, most voters regarded W as a fairly incurious person, unwilling to carefully examine his own motivations, easily bored, somewhat impatient, and lacking in great intellectual heft. But almost half of them were okay with that. Combine that with Katherine Harris and you’ve got your President.
But while a great many of us may be willing to elect a guy we wouldn’t trust to tutor a high school student, I have a hard time imagining half of us voting for someone universally regarded as an asshole*.
But in the unlikely event that Cruz can overtake Trump, we’ll get to find out. Should be interesting.
* And yes, I’m not forgetting about Nixon – who was very well regarded personally by colleagues and staff. I’d say that explains why they were willing to support him and do the things they did for him while he was falling apart psychologically.
@43 Yes, yes, nothing is too good for those who worship at the altar of money and do the bidding of the far right. What does the billionaire class have against abortion? It deprives them of a source of cheap labor. Everything conservatives do is about cheap labor.
@51 Unfortunately for the “child in uterus” that law doesn’t give it a right to not be aborted.
@52 Nixon was always an asshole, dating at least as far back as his 1950 Senate campaign against Helen Gahagan Douglas, whom he called “the Pink Lady.” (In those days, the standard GOP campaign tactic was to label your opponent a “communist.”) Some people are assholes and choose to work for assholes. Nixon had a lot of assholes working for him. Power attracts them like shit attracts flies. Nixon was a stinking pile of feces who attracted all the Republican flies of his time.
So was Sean Penn’s father Leo Penn a communist R senile? Why does Sean hugs dem commies so much?
Don’t look it up R senile? U R old enough to know old fart!
Puddy knows the Oregon moron won’t read this so the conversation won’t get polluted with worthless and specious commentary!
@55 Worse than that. Nixon had a talent for hiring decent, talented people and turning them into assholes.
@38 “This last one will drive Republicans nuts, because Republicans can’t stand to see people have health care.”
Yeah, that one’s a little curious. Around the same time the WIC program (which more than a few conservative pundits like John Carlson branded as “baby showers for the irresponsible”) was actually expanded. It was also taken out of HHS and put under Homeland Security. Have fun speculating about that.
“Well-regulated militias” might under certain circumstances be helpful to a “free society”. Those goons fooling around in Oregon? Not so much.
Imagine this… The FBI is digging more into Heilary Clinton’s homebrew personal email server. Many of the whole actual 1340 classified documents themselves appear to have ended up in Clinton’s unsecured system; carefully shorn of their original classified markings.
So which of these peeps will crack? Chief-of-staph Cheryl Mills or Heilary’s long time deputies Huma Abedin and Jacob Sullivan?
Occam’s razor
I’ll let you think of what the simplest explanation might be. I’ll give you a hint, it was reported on well over a year ago.
checkmate @61
The Heilary answer is under FBI investigation!
See ya Occam’s Razor!
I notice the Schizo hasn’t said much about the poisoning of over 100,000 people in Flint Michigan. It seems to be looking more and more like it was entirely deliberate. Republican Governor and TeaBaggist hero Snyder and his “City Manager” lackeys apparently have some very interesting side deals going on with certain property developers based in Chicago and Houston. There are apparently emails originating with the Governors office that discuss how to “encourage” people to turn over property at a loss by reducing property values as quickly as possible.
Not to mention his interest in seeing one of his campaign promises fulfilled, that is the privatization of the entire Michigan States water utilities.
He did it entirely on purpose.
@60,62 Who cares?
The DUMMOCRETIN party R senile!
@59 It’s official: The Ammon Bundy gang are “sovereign citizens,” which means they’re not just squatting on federal land, they’re now going after people they don’t like in a highly personal way.
“It’s called a Citizens’ Grand Jury and to explain how it works, OPB’s John Sepulvado, reporting from Burns, joined Morning Edition host Geoff Norcross for a Q&A about the newest development inside the Oregon occupation.”
So-called “sovereign citizens” are people who believe (a) they’re under the authority of no government, (b) laws don’t apply to them, and (c) they often set up rump governments, complete with rump courts, that purport to have the power to “try,” and impose sentences on, other people (usually public officials they don’t like; real judges are prime targets, because they impose real sentences on these people).
Basically, I think they should be treated as stateless persons who have impliedly renounced their American citizenship, and when they commit terroristic acts their destination should be Gitmo and not a U.S. prison. Just keep them there forever, no trials or anything, because as non-citizens they’re not entitled to due process or the other protections of the Constitution. They’re foreign enemy combatants.
@65 Yaaawn. http://attackofthecute.com/on/?i=10710
BTW checkmate… If Loretta Lynch doesn’t impanel a grand jury for the Heilary homebrew personal email server there will be political hell to pay. Obummer can’t have it both ways!
I can see why the loon is ramping up the batshit insanity.
Ari Melber, “Inquiry was for crimes by Planned Parenthood, but “evidence” led to crimes by anti-abortion activists”
Must suck for the loon. Maybe babbling like a jackass about Hillary’s emails will help him feel better.
Family Research Council dumps Carson, then Carson’s staff walk out, Trump surges, Cruz’ citizenship story collapses, then Cruz Wall Street bribery scandal blows up, and now Daleiden gets frog marched. That troll needs it some distraction.
Now would be the time for it to pack it’s butt plugs, nipple clamps, and blowup dolls and head to Burns!
Did Hannity tell you that?
It is perhaps a measure of how far our democracy has deteriorated that instead of the billionaire class buying politicians, they now want us to elect an actual billionaire to the White House.
If our choice in November is between Trump, Bloomberg, and Sanders, we’ll be looking at two billionaires and a socialist — which is kind of a no-brainer for me; and, I assume, a lot of other ordinary Americans.
@68 “there will be political hell to pay”
Yeah, another 10 Republicans will go see “13 Hours” and the concession stand will sell another 10 overpriced paper buckets of stale popcorn.
Yes, raping Mexican immigrants is more important than this.
‘New Hampshire’ Ep 3: The Heroin Crisis Is Bleeding Into The Primary http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.....74156.html
American Exceptionalism!
Breathtaking beautiful. What once seemed like a good idea was a bad idea. Looks like some people still living in the homes.
But shouldn’t they move so the buildings could be torn down and materials recycled? Or they just going to let the homes fall into the Pacific so that its adds to all the trash already dumped in the ocean. This should shine the light on to why this Country is the way it is. But heck we could be much worse, like Uganda, Russia, China, Somali, etc., etc., etc. maybe the Rabbit has a point. It’s a human problem. We might walk erect (except for our resident Ape) but not sure the brain developed as much as we like to think it has. Maybe there is smarter alien form of “people” and they want nothing to do with us.
Nahhhh. No way. Can this be true?
I think this proves, once again, what is said in @75. What took Nate so long to come to this conclusion?
Nate Silver: The Republican Party May Be Failing http://fivethirtyeight.com/fea.....e-failing/
Dildo Militia update!
Ammon Bundy:
Son of deadbeat rancher Cliven “Let me tell you about the Negro” Bundy. Neither a rancher nor an Oregonian. No record of recent employment. Lengthy arrest record.
Ryan Bundy:
The guy with the facial paralysis. Brother of Ammon. Neither a rancher nor an Oregonian. No recent record of gainful employment. Lengthy arrest record.
Brian “Booda” Cavalier:
Claimed to be a former U.S. Marine Scout/Sniper, with service in Iraq and Afghanistan. No military service whatsoever. Another ex-con with a lengthy record. He’s the doofus in the “Major League Sniper” hat. Allegedly left the site after his made-up military service offended the other guys with made-up military service. Recent photographs show that he may have returned to the site.
Blaine Cooper:
Claimed to be a U.S. Marine veteran. Signed up for the Marines under the Delayed Entry Program, never reported to USMC boot camp. Usually strutting around in Army Multi-Cam. His wife is also allegedly at the site. Has a rap sheet a mile long. That’s not his original name. He legally changed it. If it sounds familiar, it’s Jesse Ventura’s character’s name from Predator.
LaVoy Finicum:
An actual rancher. His “sole source of income” (his words) is running a foster kid orphanage out of his house and collecting over $120,000 annually from a government-financed charity. This capitalist libertarian hero is most likely using his foster kids as government-funded ranch hands, and still can’t turn a profit. Last seen hiding under a blue tarp.
David Fry:
Neo-Nazi and ISIS supporter, he likes both over their shared hatred of Jews. On-site communications and social media officer.
Captain Moroni:
Won’t give his real name. Named after a figure in Mormon scripture. Based on his ridiculous choice in camouflage patterns and the fact he’s wearing a hot climate boonie hat in January (he eventually put a knit cap on, then put the boonie hat back on OVER it), No record of him actually having been in the military.
Joe “Captain O” O’Shaugnessy:
Claims to be a captain in some Arizona militia. Allegedly fled the site after stealing their donation jar to go get drunk at a local motel.
Ryan Payne:
Claimed to be a former Army Ranger. Actually served in U.S. Army with two deployments to Iraq. But was never a Ranger. Never attended (much less graduated) from Ranger School, and was never assigned to the 75th Ranger Regiment, even in a support role. Neither Tabbed nor Scrolled. Amended this to being part of a Secret Squirrel unit for the XVIII Airborne Corps. Always writes it as “18,” despite the Army is very specific that Corps-level units use Roman numerals. I’m not sure if he’s even graduated Jump School.
Maureen Peltier:
Their Facebook Communications Officer who is not actually at the site. She claims to be a current member of the Washington State National Guard, but has not attended drill since 2014. This anti-government warrior is currently appealing her pending discharge to score a full disability retirement. She is also a “person of interest” in the theft of explosives from her battalion’s armory.
Jon Ritzheimer:
Actual U.S. Marine Corps veteran. Served in Iraq with a Motor Transportation Company as a truck driver. Claims to have seen extensive combat, yet never earned a Combat Action Ribbon. Says he was kicked out of the USMC Reserve for having “excessive tattoos.” At the time of his discharge, the USMC tattoo policy did not prohibit excessive tattoos, only those that were racist or showed solidarity with extremist hate groups. He is financially supported by his government disability check and his wife’s job. Star of the I AM ANGRY ABOUT THE DILDO video.
Joseph Arthur Stetson:
Arrested for DUI en route to the site. Claimed to be a retired U.S. Army Special Forces colonel, whose records were personally sealed by President Reagan. None of the math adds up on his age, alleged rank and claimed military service with Reagan’s term in office. At least one conviction for domestic violence, for vandalizing his ex-wife’s trailer. Permanently banned from owning firearms as a result of this conviction.
Neil Wampler:
Became involved with the militia movement because he was outraged that he is no longer legally allowed to own firearms, over the minor issue of being convicted of murdering his own father with a heavy eye-bolt used in cable-set foundations. When asked how they felt about having a convicted murderer in their militia, the Bundy brothers and LaVoy Finicum claimed to have never heard of him, and deny he’s at the site. There are many photographs of him wandering around the site.
Washington state Rep. Graham Hunt: A passionate supporter of the militia and has personally visited them at the site. Claims to have seen extensive combat on multiple tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, and claims to have been wounded in combat. His records show he deployed once for six months to a base in Saudi Arabia hundreds of miles from the Iraq border, was never wounded, and never saw combat.
He also posted this digitally altered photograph which he claims depicted him just narrowly surviving a mortar attack in 2005. It is actually two soldiers from an Ohio National Guard Military Police Company who had just witnessed several Iraqi children being severely wounded by a bomb blast in 2003. Their Army insignia was ‘shopped out and replaced with Air Force insignia by Hunt campaign staff.
You fuckin’ idiot GOPers really know how to pick your chickens.
Sure is amazing the projection TPPS @69 does when its political fortunes are threatened by DUMMOCRETIN malfeasance and stooooopidity!
checkmate @whereever
Hannity? NOPE you DOPE. Puddy gets it from retired FBI and US attorneys online.
Earlier the vomit producer screamed about Puddy not covering Flint… Well the vomit producer just threw some claims with no links. Vomit is always spewed from the vomit producer like that! It just flies out and lands everywhere!
Michigan Governor Snyder asked Obummer to declare Flint a federal disaster are to address the drinking water crisis, saying it poses an “imminent and long-term threat” to residents. Instead Obummer declared a state of emergency, only qualifying Flint for $5 million in federal funds. Obummer’s sadministration concluded that the high lead levels were not a disaster based on the legal requirement that disaster money is intended for natural events such as fires or floods. Obummer determined this was another crisis Obummer could not let go to waste. Everything to Obummer is a political football that Obummer wants to use to spike it in the end zone!
So Obummer must not like those blacks in Flint eh vomit producer? He ain’t running for the oval orifice anymore so forgettaboutit eh vomit producer? Puddy doesn’t call them “poor niggers” as you did the other day because being the inbred DUMMOCRETIN racist you are, it shows in everything you post!
Captain Moroni:
Won’t give his real name.
Puddy bets TPPS knows this person.
PuddyCommentariat: Those blackberry documents that “would never be on an unclassified system” were transmitted during that referenced meeting have been deemed classified checkmate! And the culprit? Jacob Sullivan!
Still checkmating yourself eh checkmate?
Bret Baier’s show you idiotic moron!
Remember HA freakazoids, it seems now Real DUMMOCRETINS want someone who is honest and trustworthy per the poll, not the lying candidate y’all jockstrap!
I see the angry batshit insane loon is posting hatred of America first thing in the morning again. It must suck to wake up so angry and full of hate each day.
Do tell. You get it from people in no way involved with the investigation? Credible source. No wonder you love Fox News. Those guys are going to be pissed that what they heard might be real isn’t prosecuted and they were TOTALLY going to vote for Hillary.
A retired United pilot on the internet swears he saw the canisters of mind control chemicals hooked up to the chemtrail system. Good enough for Piddles.
A retired planned parenthood, anonymous, nurse swears she heard fetal tissue was served with lemon at the White House. Solid lead for Piddles.
Didja hear, a retired SEC investigator Is SURE the criminal probe of Vince Foster is a cover up.
Bill Clinton murdered Barry Seal. Charges any day now
FBI source. We report, you decide.
@83 It must be very disturbing to Puffy that my stocks are climbing over $5,000 today while his money sits buried under a mattress. That, and cold coffee, probably is what’s churning his stomach.
@77 That’s quite a battle-ready outfit. Donald Trump’s secret weapon. He’ll send them against ISIS and they’ll die laughing.
I’ll give you a moment to watch that video again and see what it says. I’ll give you a hint.
Official giving a speech about the challenges of security in an increasingly mobile world.
Video of Hillary on a Blackberry
Edit: Stand Up “The email dump includes information that the state department NOW DEEMS CLASSIFIED. This brings up new questions.”
Piddles, Kablammo! New Questions. Fox said it was new questions. It must be new questions! They wouldn’t air it on Fox if it was just the same question from over a year ago. They had edited video. It is new questions.
And yes, this is working on the 3% of American’s who watch Fox who were TOTALLY voting Hillary and now aren’t.
13 Hours bring down Hillary yet? Back to the E-mails. That will do it. This one will succeed where
Rose Law Firm
Vince foster
Paula Jones
Katherine Willey
Mena airport
The Clinton Foundation
Chelsea’s news job
Paid Speeches by Bill
all failed.
This! This is the thing. We will hang her! We’ll finally get the public to care about something we who watch Fox KNOW!
Nice takedown. Well done, sir.
Think it’ll make any difference?
Just block the troll. You’ll be glad you did.
Take down Oregon moron?
checkmate barely rises out of the Mariana Trench level!
Hint, The reference was to documents from the meeting now are classified.
Seems you are too dense to follow the dots!
Roger senile,
Since the stock market lost just about the same number of points yesterday that was made today you lost $5,000 yesterday along with all those losses since the beginning of the year.
Brag all you want. While Puddy is making a small interest pittance in the bank it’s better than watching the yo-yo ride you are on! Puddy said the money is in the bank yet you still fart out mattress. Reading ain’t fundamental either!
Did TPPS fart about its self inflicted head trauma again?
checkmate the 13 Hours movie is just additional coffin nails! You think the special forces have a Heilary ax to grind? This movie will be used in the future for commercials. Remember the 3AM Heilary commercial of 2008?
Paula Jones and Kathleen Willey are back!
Next, this email scandal started with her claiming NO classified documentation on the homebrew personal email server.
So checkmate where did the 1340+ documents come from?
The FBI?
Obummer’s NSA?
Trey Gowdy?
Tom Merry Fitzmas DeLay?
Darrell Issa?
Jason Chaffetz?
The movie maker they blamed on the original attack?
Cheryl Mills?
Huma Abedin?
Jacob Sullivan?
The FBI is investigating the latter three? ABSOLUTELY!
“Things appear on your BlackBerrys that would never be on an unclassified system. But you’re out traveling, you’re trying to negotiate something. You want to communicate with people, it’s the fastest way to do it.” Wendy Sherman
If you remember in 2015 the ex-State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki now white house mouthpiece confirmed that Heilary was never issued a State Department based BlackBerry. So where did she get hers?
You don’t know it but you’re starting to catch on.
Ex Post Facto.
So R senile. Did you drop your Apple stock?
You mean the movie that isn’t going to break even? That’s not even coffin pushpins.
Remember how much you bragged about how the movie was a game changer? Going to blow the lid off everything. Yep, that happened. So on to the e-mails. THIS! THIS! This will finally do it!
Now are classified means that they are not available for anyone NOW to view! They are are part of the 1340 documents the IG said were ALREADY classified before they arrive on Heilary’s personal homebrew email server!
You lose… Or is it that Occam’s Razorblade again?
Emails from Hillary Clinton’s home server contained information classified at levels higher than previously known, including a level meant to protect some of the most sensitive U.S. intelligence, according to a document obtained by NBC News.
Remember how much you bragged about how the movie was a game changer?
It is checkmate. All we had were Heilary’s lies. Now we have a bettter perspective and that’s why her DUMMOCRETIN buds are attacking the heroes whom tried to help save Ambassador Stevens’ life! These guys were never known before.
If a tree falls in the forest and Piddles tries to catch it, will it make a noise or will Piddles start shouting, “Here, here’s the evidence. If only more than 1% of voting Americans would watch it they’d see, wait, Hillary isn’t in it at all?! Well that’s going to be a nail or something because I believe there was a stand down order personally given by Hillary. It was in the movie, you just need to watch it!”