So, I get it. You like your arena, or at least the thought of it. You had to learn about street vacation. And you don’t like that the City Council voted against it. You or one of your Facebook friends, maybe someone on Twitter, noticed that all the women voted one way and all the men voted the other way. Instead of going “huh” and considering how to lobby for your preferred option going forward, things go off the rails.
But, you know what? Do fucking better. As a man who doesn’t take a position on street vacation, but generally supports efforts to get a men’s basketball and hockey arena, this is a disgrace.
As much as I don’t like Drumpf and I am not a Republican….but I have to say how the Republican Party is treating Drumpf isn’t right….the people have spoken (as they themselves like to say) and now they can’t except it….It is only fitting for such a fucked up party.
I don’t blame him for saying that Ryan (who I like much better) isn’t fit to be Speaker.
Re: arena
I’m overwhelmed by the percentage of these misogynists who don’t even live or vote in Seattle. Don’t you guys ever get tired of having douche bags from Lynnwood tell you how best to spend your money or run your city for their personal pleasure?
Perhaps a douche bag from Oregon can order you around too?
Hey! Do something about that dead end street at King Street Station! I’m really tired of having to drag my bag out to 2nd for my ride. Get on it you coffee guzzling weirdos!
what makes you think principles are involved?
Ryan is fighting to protect Republican Congressional majorities and his speakership. Trump threatens to ruin them. Ryan wants to push Trump into Etch-a-sketch mode as fast as possible. Trump doesn’t want to be told what to do by “one of the help”.
Given Trump’s ego I’m hoping he sees lots of tweets about him being “pushed around” by the party leadership. Hopefully he responds by turning the asshole dial up to 11. Weeeeeeeee!
It’s no substitute for watching live fist fights at the convention in Cleveland. But I guess it’ll have to do.
I think I may be pregnant. Third day in a row I have awakened with morning sickness.
Which brings up an obvious point. The five votes against basically decided the issue for the region. Lots of people didn’t get a say in it.
It’s not surprising the reaction from a large segment of troll-o-sphere.
Yay! for the women who think it’s high time to stop pandering to male sports fanatics on the taxpayers’ dime. Humans are stupid. This will be a better world when your species is gone and rabbits run this place.
@4 Don’t visit North Carolina or Mississippi.
Reality Check
Drumpf claims “the economy under Democratic control of the White House has been ‘terrible’ and offered up unemployment rates as proof.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: It’s only Friday morning and somebody is already drinking.
So, Drumpf puts Gifted Hands in charge of his veep search, and GH tells a reporter Drumpf would consider picking a Democrat, and then Drumpf issues a statement ruling that out, and then GH says he “full expects” Drumpf to pick a Republican.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Doesn’t sound like these guys have their act together. I know who I want Drumpf to run with: Ted Nugent, who else? Let’s put the GOP out of its fucking misery.
Reality Check Update
Two-Term President Obama is giving a speech in which he points out the U.S. has experienced 74 STRAIGHT MONTHS OF JOB GROWTH. You can watch him live on CNN right now.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Without question, Drumpf’s core supporters — blue collars displaced from factory jobs — are hurting. That’s why they’re flocking to the Pied Piper. And our economic policies absolutely must do something for them. But voting for the party that created the problem in the first place, and whose policies destroy jobs instead of creating them, doesn’t seem like much of a solution to me. Why not create an Infrastructure Bank and put them to work repairing and rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure? Because that’s a Democratic policy and also because it involves money. Republicans would rather let these people twist in the wind.
look, I got no dog in this fight. Perhaps if you guys get your team I might avoid visiting during the season. But that’s my problem. I’m a big boy.
But your post would seem to imply that somehow there are no other siting options in “the region” for an NBA arena. Is that really true? Or is it just Hansen’s preference? And if this is ultimately being driven by Hansen’s preference (which is perfectly fair, it’s his money after all) then isn’t he also “deciding for the region”?
Expect delivery on November 8th.
@ 12
I won’t scream or nuthin’.
@3 And now you want an abortion? Tsk, Tsk, Tsk.
@6. That will not be too long from now. Another 20-40 years humans will be replaced with androids and it won’t be longer after that were all humans become extinct.
Funny that the “liberal” CBS news doesn’t follow Trump’s claim on the unemployment rate with a sentence about the actual rate and maybe where it was four or even eight years ago.
Dylan Baker. One of the most under appreciated character actors around. Made that scene. Broke both Candy and Martin dozens of times. Watch the cuts. They had to re-shoot over and over and finally had to re-position the cameras to shoot Martin’s reactions separately. I still cry when I watch it. And yet my wife hasn’t left me. Amazing.
Also worth noting:
The YouTube channel. Diedrich Bader. Another flat-out genius.
but that would be journalism.
There are alternative sites but none that are already on existing mass transit in the same sense. Light rail already goes within blocks of the proposed SoDo arena as do multiple bus lines. It’s a short walk from the Water Taxi and Ferries. Sound Transit bus lines across I-90 have been in place, and are used by Mariners/Seahawks fans already and arrive in Seattle less than a mile from the Arena.
There is no Ferry service to Bellevue or Tukwilla. There is no light rail to Bellevue.
The Tukwila site is at least on the Sounder tracks but at present the Sounder only runs South M-F at times most likely to have games so if you live in Tacoma or Puyallup it would not be an option. It only runs North at those times to Everett so also not an option.
So if I recall the original sub-area equity funding scheme for Sound Transit correctly, then you are suggesting that because North King County residents opted to fund light rail and commuter rail early rather than parking structures and freeway bus stations, they must shoulder this regional “responsibility” and forfeit local control over land use decisions?
I don’t think that makes sense. And it seems to set up a rather perverse set of incentives.
So there’s no functional regional planning authority. And maybe there should be. But it might be better to work on that agenda outside the fairly emotional and divisive politics of professional sports franchises. In the mean time, don’t the City Council members have an obligation to constituents that trumps “regional” needs?
Today’s D.C. shooting spree: Another nut with a gun goes bonkers; more innocent people are dead and injured. This started as a domestic; he killed his wife yesterday. But if you’re unhappy in your family life, why shoot strangers at a mall? And why do people like him have guns?
Not really what I’m trying to say. There’s also an issue of where is the best place for a facility. Central location has been a key to really successful arenas (Cowboy stadium being the exception.)
The New Ballpark in San Francisco is a good example. It is reight near Bart, ferry, streetcar and bus lines. It has shattered the average attendance over Candlestick park that was really a suburban stadium with a huge lot and a huge majority of divers to events.
A suburban stadium will attract S.O.V. in a way that urban ones don’t.
And yes, they do have a responsibility to their urban constituents and letting millions in new business licenses, sales tax, parking tax and hotel tax every year go to some other municipality I would argue isn’t serving those needs.
I know people grumble about public money going to Century Link but look at the SRO Sounder Trains 8 Sundays a week. 30-40,000 people are coming in from the suburbs, paying the sales tax on a ticket, maybe having a beer or three and some food. Same thing happens every Sounders home game and to a lesser extent every Mariners game. I assume the five no’s would have been fine with all that revenue going to Bellevue had they been on the council in the early 90s.
@ 22
The number of large bodies of water in Irving, TX is………..
Oh, and the former Cowboys Stadium is surrounded on all four sides by US interstates fewer than five miles away.
Maybe we should stop blaming the City and start blaming the feds for not putting Interstate 205 on a floating bridge in Elliott Bay.
I can’t say that I blame him. Crawling on hands and knees to Trump is more befitting of someone like the comatose Ben Carson.
“Jeb Bush: ‘I will not vote for Donald Trump'”;ocid=iehp
@15 By then the oceans will be dead and the continents will be Easter Islands.
So… Katrina was “wrath o’ gawd” but Fort McMurray, not so much?
Alls I can say is your invisible sky buddy is pretty much fucked in the head.
Thanks for such a thoughtful response, “Cowboy Stadium being the exception.”
Ever been there? I have. The Dallas light rail is designed not to go to Six Flags/The Ballpark/Jerryworld. People who live in Dallas will tell you that is by design so a certain type of people don’t have as easy access.
But because it relies mostly on private autos and big parking lots people go early, bring their own beer and food and tailgate. The bars and eateries that are packed around C-link (ATT Park in SF and Petco Park and Camden Yards and Heinz Field and Mile High etc.) don’t exist in Dallas. It’s in the middle of nothing. There’s little ancillary economic activity
When the game is over it will take you an hour at minimum to get to I-30 to go home.
Texas is a strange place. And Cowboy Stadium doesn’t sell out which is probably more a comment on how enormous it is but the inconvenience probably plays a role.