Oh hey, it looks like people are using the Viaduct closure to bike from West Seattle to Downtown. Good news. Now that it’s overcast, maybe that number will go down a bit. But still. I hope some of them keep going.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Scientology is an evil cult. If the GOP isn’t an evil cult yet, it’s getting there.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Now that Republicans have lost their own primaries and effectively nominated a narcissistic, lying, woman-hating, white supremacist as their presidential candidate, veteran conservative political reporter David Gergen observes, “I am not yet persuaded he is a new Mussolini, but he clearly bears resemblance to former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, a buccaneer who was a pretty awful leader for modern Italy.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Notice he said “yet.” I don’t see this turning out well for Rence Priebus, the RNC, GOP officeholders seeking reelection, or Bickle and Puddy. By this time next year, Gergen and other journalists will be quoting a “President Clinton” again.
Roger Rabbitspews:
It appears 13 states are in play for November, of which 8 are battleground states, 2 lean Republican, and 2 lean Democratic. They are:
Battleground: Nevada, Colorado, Iowa, Wisconsin, Ohio, New Hampshire, Virginia, North Carolina, Florida.
Lean Republican: Arizona, Georgia
Lean Democratic: Michigan, Pennsylvania
Given this lineup, Republicans enter the contest with 164 electoral votes from red states, while Democrats have 201 from blue states. The leaning states slightly favor the Democrats, 36 to 27, and if the parties hold those states, then the numbers are GOP: 191, Democrats: 237. That leaves Trump needing 79 electoral votes, and Clinton 23 electoral votes, from the 110 electoral votes in the battleground states. Winning Florida, or Ohio plus 1 other state, would put Clinton over the top.
These figures, of course, are based on a conventional campaign between conventional nominees breaking along conventional party lines. But Trump is not a conventional nominee. Many Republicans are threatening to abandon him. He has alienated entire voting blocs, including women and Latinos. It’s more than possible that Clinton could sweep the battleground states and pick off a number of red states, too.
Couple that with the fact Hillary offers female voters their first opportunity in history to elect a woman president, and it’s hard to see how she could lose to Trump in November.
CNN expects Trump to run a “rust belt” campaign focusing on the factory towns of the upper midwest. He appeals to the dispossessed working class, who have real and legitimate grievances. By nominating Trump, they rebelled against the GOP’s moneyed interests who robbed them of their livelihoods and dignity. Undeniably, Trump’s message also resonates with some voters still hurting from the Great Recession. But there aren’t enough angry white people to elect this demagogue to the White House, and he will have his own party working against him, some of whose leaders are calling for a 50-state defeat of Trump in order to purge his influence from the GOP so they can rebuild the conservative machine.
I think that would be a mistake. The conservatives had a 30-year run and proved their ideology doesn’t work and their policies are a miserable failure. The GOP needs to put its radical era behind it, move back to the center, and rebuild itself as a moderate party. The Eisenhower and Rockefeller types are its future, or it won’t have a future.
Canada’s oil sands capital is burning to the ground. 80,000 people have been evacuated. I’ll bet the Saudis are privately smirking. I wonder who lit the match?
But he’s also going to get historic numbers among women, blacks, Latinos…
My armchair analysis, which isn’t worth much but has historically been way more accurate than our Toll’s, Trump loses Nevada and possibly Arizona based on the large population of Latinos.
He loses North Carolina because of the fired up Democratic electorate seeing what a GOP controlled government looks like.
He loses Florida because of a combination of Latinos, women and Jews and blacks. Trump has a very long history of anti-semetic remarks. I don’t think he actually hates Jews but over 30+ years he steps in it with the Bankers/Jewelers/money hoarders type comments regularly. Republicans have lost 3 of the last 5 Presidential elections (4 of 5 if you accept the known fact that if Gore had demanded an entire state recount he had more votes) so Florida is already dicey for Republicans. In late March Trump V. Clinton was +9 Clinton so that should be moved at least to leans Dem.
And fianally Wisconsin. There have been four polls since late March and Clinton has a double digit lead in all of them. Leans Dem.
“Sources: Kasich to suspend campaign”
As I’ve long said, this is Trump’s world and the rest of the GOP clown car merely live in it.
Distant Replayspews:
Glen Beck ended his fast for Cruz after less than 48 hrs.
Only that Fuckwad troll surpasses him in disloyalty.
Quit on Carson after only a couple months.
Lots of evangelicals have quit on Cruz. Makes rather perfect sense once you accept that religion, like race, is just a contextual container into which they pour their identity.
Cruz lost because he failed at identity politics.
This is the day the GOP has made
Let us rejoice and be glad
Distant Replayspews:
On the flip, Cruz did much better in the long run than he had any right to. He didn’t just outlast the bigger, better financed, establishment campaigns. Cruz’ campaign got results. Deep pocket idiots threw $200 million down the Jeb! hole for a whopping 4 delegates. I mean, fuck.
Whereas Cruz’ campaign had to work efficiently at voter ID in a highly targeted ground game to chalk wins before the money became available. And then use the infusion of money to chisel away at “lil’ Marco” to wind up the last guy standing. It’s an achievement worth studying that a freshman Senator despised by his colleagues with no previous national profile was able to outperform them all. Well, all except Trump.
His campaign manager may be a colossal prick. But I’ll bet his voice mail is full today.
Distant Replayspews:
Oh, right. Some other guy who was running for the R nom quit today. What’s his name? Mike something? No. John something. I think it starts with a K?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@9 This was the year the tycoons who sent American workers’ jobs to China discovered their billions can’t buy elections.
Distant Replayspews:
well, they sure lost the fealty of the evangelicals. I doubt even W could have won them over this year. Cruz was only able to battle Trump to a statistical draw over the bible vote. And there’s no doubt Cruz went all in. The venereal disease attack was priceless. But that degree of targeted invective got him no better than 50% of “evangelical” voters in Indiana.
But this is congruent with some analysis that has indicated the bible vote is significantly overestimated. If you look at frequency of attending Sunday service (or Saturday for the cult weirdos) you can see it break. The higher the frequency the higher the likelihood of voting for Cruz. So obviously there are bible voters and then there are bible voters. All of these voters self identify as “evangelical voters”. But that’s just another component of identity politics for most of them.
Some of these voters have actual principles derived from their various orthodoxies that are important in steering their voting patterns. But a helluva lot of them really don’t. It’s just an identity they wear around in public for whatever reason. In 2016 the identity of being an aggrieved white person matters more to them than the identity of being a pious conservative christian.
“Quit on Carson after only a couple months.
The loon quit on Carson before the rooster crowed three times.
Ima Duncespews:
I don’t feel like rejoicing that Der Fuhrer will get the nomination. He’s nasty. Getting to November is going to be painful. And, in life, there are no guarantees.
“He’s nasty.”
Hmm, Trump or Cruz. The former is nasty, but he will at least entertain us while he enslaves us. The latter is just a nasty piece of shit.
I can only assume the disappearance of the trolls is due to the fact that one as recently as a few days ago was 100% sure there would be a brokered convention and it would be someone other than Trump and the other has either hung himself after mumbling, “President Hillary Clinton” or is reading everything on “FreeBeacon”, “Washington Examiner” and “Breitbart” to convince himself that Trump is really a great American who has never failed at anything and isn’t a racist who looks at black people as “The Help” and really is going to win this thing.
Oh that babbling jackass believes in that kook-a-nut as much as it believes in the pie in the sky from the weekly Sat premium payment.
“Best” that kook-a-nut can be. Now shilling for the Drumpfhole. Best it can be.
If I had to guess, the jackass will sit out November like it did in 2008. WA is not in play for the R’s. Then again no idea if the jackass even lives in this state any more.
Distant Replayspews:
I won’t say I’m looking forward to it. But I certainly don’t dread it either. This election has already cost Republicans dearly. It’s going to cost them a lot more before it’s over. The numbers I’ll be watching will be college educated voters, single female voters, and Latino voters. Significant shifts from 2012 will set the stage for the mid terms and beyond.
reading everything on “FreeBeacon”, “Washington Examiner” and “Breitbart”
That last one has degenerated (if such a thing were possible) to a total Drumpf shill website.
It’s totally hilarious to see some of these hardcore bowel-movement klownservatics on twitter sending F yous to Faux Snooze, Hannity, Breitbart and all those obnoxious “pundits” like Coulter and Ingraham who are in the tank for the Drumpfhole.
Sweeeet justice!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@19 Just looked at Free Republic, which I haven’t visited for a loooong time, and they’re having a nervous breakdown over there. They can’t decide who’s worse, Drumpf or Hillary.
All the more low-life klownservatics are being “shut up” by their new political enemy: Faux Snooze.
After posting a news story about Malia Obama’s decision to take a gap year before beginning Harvard, Fox News was forced to remove the comment section from the article, after an avalanche of racism by readers,
Yours truly will not repeat that filth here. Great job always wrong wing tribe. Stay classy.
Distant Replayspews:
some truths are just too difficult to face.
But what do you suppose it was about Trump that attracted all those blue state evangelical Republicans?
Must be something…
Distant Replayspews:
Somebody in data journalism should put up a website tracking this sort of thing.
For science.
Trigger warning: links to, or contains information about some or all of the following which may be triggering to survivors:
Really, really expensive border walls
Abuse (physical, mental, emotional, verbal, sexual)
Child abuse/pedophilia
High school wrestling coaches
Self-injurious behavior (self-harm, eating disorders, etc.)
Talk of drug use (legal, illegal or psychiatric)
Making ‘Murica Great Again
Descriptions/pictures of medical procedures (even if they don’t contain blood or gore)
Descriptions/pictures of the Republican National Convention
Descriptions/pictures of violence or warfare (including instruments of violence, such as knives or guns)
Carpet bombing civilian targets
Corpses, skulls or skeletons
Tax credits for hedge fund managers
Discussions of -isms, shaming, or hatred of any kind (racism, classism, hatred of cultures/ethnicities that differ from your own, sexism, hatred of sexualities or genders that differ from your own, anti-multiple, non-vanilla shaming, sex positive shaming, fat shaming/body image shaming, neuroatypical shaming)
Any time slurs are used (this includes words like “stupid” or “dumb”, which are still widely considered to be socially acceptable)
Trans* degendering, or anti-trans* views of bodies
Dismissal of lived oppressions, marginalization, illness or differences
Tennis club membership committees
Kidnapping (forceful deprivation of/disregard for personal autonomy)
Discussions of sex (even consensual)
Discussions of Republican elected officials having sex with minors
Death or dying
Privatizing Social Security
Voter fraud
Serious injury
Trypophobia (Link is safe.)
Nazi paraphernalia
Sexy Nazi parapernalia
Slimy things
Anything that might inspire intrusive thoughts in people with OCD
Anything that might inspire intrusive thoughts in people with ODS
Teabagged Againspews:
I knew Trump was a winner as soon as Boob said he wouldn’t be. Boob never fails to be wrong and delusional.
He could be looking for Puffy in the women’s bathroom at the Seattle Target stores. How many are there?
Distant Replayspews:
The best thing about Trump coming out on top?
Six more months of Ann Coulter.
Am I right Boob?
Distant Replayspews:
So Sen. Kelly Ayotte has announced that she will honor her previously made commitment and “support” the nominee, Donald Trump.
Simultaneously her campaign spox clarifies telling Manchester’s WMUR that she is not “endorsing” the nominee, Donald Trump. “Support”. But not “endorse”. Got it.
Distant Replayspews:
This oughta be lot’s of fun:
Some of the rich guys are starting to toss around ideas for the name of the new, “conservative”, third party.
Let’s have a contest!
My thoughts are it really ought to be something very corporate with a very solid brand and logo that clearly identifies who it represents.
General Votors
American Petronational Party
Smith and Wesson
In troll minds, November now comes down to either being between a NE liberal versus NE liberal, or a NE liberal versus a NE socialist. Troll heads must be exploding from sea to shining sea.
Politically Incorrectspews:
Fred Reed over at fredoneverything.org had this to say:
“The Republicans try desperately to ditch the only Republican candidate who could win the Presidency (Trump) because…Hillary is one of them (an establishment politician). Because, as every sentient being has by now noticed, the Republicans and Democrats are members of the same corrupt club of blood-sucking parasites, the action arm of the corporations, Wall Street, the Israeli lobby, and those who want the US to control the world at any cost–except, of course, to them. They are panicked at the rise of someone who might put first the interests of America. Better Hillary, a fellow parasite, than Trump, who isn’t.”
That pretty much sums it up.
Personally, I’m worried about that guy Christie from NJ. He’s hanging around Trump thinking he’s gonna be the attorney general or something. Christie has already stated he’d go after Washington and Colorado for the those states’ sensible cannabis laws. In other words, Christie wants to continue the draconian War on Drugs even though most Americans realizes it’s ridiculous and a failure.
Rubio for VP. The nation could talk about who has the biggest hands until November..
Puddybud, disinfecting HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
Couple that with the fact Hillary offers female voters their first opportunity in history to elect a woman president
R senile forgets the reason young wimens not keen on Heilary. Google it fool! Here’s some help R senile
“We can tell our story of how we climbed the ladder, and a lot of you younger women think it’s done. It’s not done … There’s a special place in hell for women who don’t help each other,” Albright, the US’s first female secretary of state said in a rally in New Hampshire on Saturday.
Seems that special place in hell is for old whitey wimens. As Bernie said, 45 and below went big time for The Bern in Indiana!
Lets see if R senile can figger it out. Well we know most HA DUMMOCRETINS will be ready to help.
President Obama hosted a handful of local journalists at the White House on Monday. Each reporter was granted four minutes with the president as well as off-the-record sessions with White House spokesman Josh Earnest and a “surprise” visit from Chief of Staff Denis McDonough. All of the invitees came from states in which Democrats hope to retake Republican-held Senate seats, including Iowa, Ohio, New Hampshire, and Wisconsin.
PuddyCommentariat: If GW Bush did this as he was leaving the horde of northwest idiots would have their pink lace panties all in a knot around their scrote!
@31 beyond that nobody (politicians) are being homest with the civilians that we are in a downward spiral with extinction due to technology. And the civilians are even too stupid to realize and recognize this because we all live for today and today only.
Robots and technology are going to take over the world leaving humans behind. We won’t even have Facebook to read.
Cars will be driving themselves and robots will out number is in the near future.
PuddyCommentariat: When the American public think your ideas SUCK, you must stifle the competition using every trick in your Saul Alinsky arsenal! Free speech be damned!
As checkmate and MikeFlubScout were farting yesterday in the Drunken Libtard thread…
The poll from April, which MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell discussed on her show Wednesday, found that 20 percent of independents view Clinton positively and 62 percent view her negatively, a 42-point gap in the wrong direction for the former first lady. The same poll showed that, at the beginning of 2016, Clinton had a 35 percent positivity rating and a negative rating of 54 percent, a gap of only 19 points.
PuddyCommentariat: Seems this was purposely missed by the WaPo “Heil Heilary” article also! Seems shes much closer to the Hate” of Donald Trump eh libtards? And just think… the Heilary libtard msm super pac has been attacking Donald Trump for months while Heilary sinks under her own BULLSHITTTIUM!
Well, Kasich and Cruz folded like wet crepe paper in the rain. Not very presidential.
Called it. Free Beacon. The same data has 75% negativity for Trump.
but never mind those facts. Free Beacon needs clocks from desperate people staving off depression.
Roger Rabbitspews:
North Carolina, thanks to its bigoted Republican legislature and governor, is now going to lose hundreds of millions of dollars of federal Title IX funding.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: North Carolina’s bigots are being treated like the pariahs they are. Good. There should be even more sanctions against that state, and any other state that legalizes discrimination against people based on who they are.
That trump is the nominee is telling about the republicans who vote in primaries. The republican voters won’t fall in line this time and do what the establishment republicans politicians want. To me, it seems anger, fear and celebrity have all come together to enable trump.
People keep acting like trump is doing all the work, it’s millions of republicans voting for him and not for the other republicans. What does that tell you about the mood and spirit of the republican voters?
@42. Do you think republican politicians care about the loss of education money? It’s just helping other people’s kids. They don’t seem to have any empathy for anyone but themselves. I don’t see the voters seeing the linkage between the republicans they put in office and the consequences of their choices. They will just blame the black guy in the white house trampling their values and keep voting for the incumbent.
Puddybud, disinfecting HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
checkmate… Free Beacon / raw story any day of the week!
Obummer/Carter… sending US servicemen into combat UNARMED! No regard for our personnel. Feckless!
Teabagged Againspews:
Wow – Rachel Maddow did a piece tonight, or right now, about past presidential Republican candidates…..wow, what a fucked up crazy group with a lot of similarities to modern day Drumpf.
These people are batty….fucking batty I say.
Ross Perot (Independent – but basically a Republican), Linden Larouche, and a bunch others.
Fucked up people I say.
Teabagged Againspews:
This is pretty funny or ironic…..I came across this article after having a discussion with a trainer at the gym I belong to. Earlier this evening we had a discussion about Drumpf. And then, just now, I come across this article.
About 4 weeks ago he told me supported Drumpf. So I asked him earlier this evening how he felt about Drumpf and his victory to the nomination….he said he had mixed feelings, but still supported him.
We talked further – I find out he believes in Climate Change and believes it is partly cause by man. He was adamant that we are fucking up the climate. He said he recently read where the oceans are forecasted to be without oxygen soon ( I read the same article myself about a week ago)….he was upset. He told me his father who lives in California is a staunch Republican and he had discussion with his dad a while ago about the water crisis and the smelt (or whatever that one little fish is that is in danger of extinction if the dam the water). He told me that he use to tell his dad that he disagreed with him and said to what extent do we let things go extinct and disrupt the environment.
So I asked him why he supports Drumpf if Drumpf doesn’t believe in Climate Change….and he said he doesn’t believe everything Drumpf says….he thinks Drumpf says it just to win the people over…and he thinks that maybe once elected he will change his mind or speak his mind how he really fells.
I don’t have time to read the above linked article at the moment and I am writing this comment before even reading it, just thought it was interesting after having this like conversation with this guy. I can’t wait to read the article later.
People are so fucked up – I agree with the statement above about all politicians being liars….but I don’t blame the politicians, I really blame the American Public and not just for voting for the people or wrong people…but not being involved in anything but a football team or what they are doing on a Friday night. Take responsibility and accountability for the problems we face and stop blaming others – look in the mirror – you might be the problem.
Puffy try to use the mirror in the men’s room not little Suzzie’s toilet stall.
Teabagged Againspews:
I watch a bit if Drumpf’s interview with Lester Holt, he’s sounding different to me, more presidential like.
Maybe today there are a lot of negatives and people against him with certain demographics but I hate to say I think he is going to change some opinions.
I think Boob will even come around and adamently change his mind.
Beer anyone?
Teabagged Againspews:
Charlie Sykes – “Trumpism isn’t Conservatism”.
Ok but in my opinion people aren’t voting for Conservatism. I know I am going out on a limb here but some Republicans will vote for him because they support him and some just because they’ll pull the Republican lever, and then some Independents and Democrats will vote for him too because of the anger (that Republicans have created instead of working with Obama to do anything constructive). The question will be if Trump has enough people vote for him as a combination of all those people.
I never linked the past RNC chairman M. Steel, but I heard him tonight talk about Trump with respect to his chances and that he has a chance and for once I Have to say I agree with him and think he may just be right. He was in disagreement with two other Republicans on the panel that thought Trump would lose, one of which was Sykes.
Teabagged Againspews:
Upstanding Hetero.
Officer Resigns Amid Internal Investigation Into His Arrest, Windsor Police Say http://cour.at/1W8Wli5
And when Donald Trump’s justice department comes in
With Christie as AG?
HAHAHAHA!!! The babbling jackass troll: an angry white male identity many election cycles in the making – in the tank for the Drumpfhole!
Puddybud, disinfecting HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
#DropOutHillary is a great idea!
Puddybud, disinfecting HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
Someone have a salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS @54 decoder ring?
Puddybud, disinfecting HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
Wow wonder if the FBI can prove Guccifer hacked Heilary’s email server. He did print Sidney Blumenthal (hero of the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit R senile) emails from Heilary’s server!
Crooked Heilary!
Puddybud, disinfecting HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
Former NY Assembly DUMMOCRETIN Speaker Sheldon Silver… Heilary Clinton stooooooooooooooopid delegate! Convicted for corruption, money laundering, and extortion, receiving a 12-year prison sentence.
Why authoritarian republicans worry me:
“Remember, it didn’t start with gas chambers. t started with politicians dividing the people with “us vs them.” It started with intolerance and hate speech and when people stopped caring, became desensitized and turned a blind eye.”
Willy Vomitspews:
@ The Schizo @ 48
Where the hell in that article, or any other on the subject, does it say he was unarmed? It was a combat death. He was a Navy SEAL. That means he went down fighting.
Oh, right. I keep trying to forget the fact that you’re a liar, and not a very good one at that. You’re devotion to the Washington Free Beacon, a Koch brothers financed blog published by the Centers for American Freedom.
Oh, dear. William Kristol? Micheal Goldfarb?
Tsk tsk tsk.
You really are a stupid, gullible fuck Spittles. Too bad you aren’t White. You’d probably have a chance at surviving the Trump Administration. Your phony-baloney child rapist death cult isn’t going to be enough.
You think this is an indication of how trump followers want to unite the country?
“McWade — who suffers from psoriatic arthritis, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome and early-stage Crohn’s disease — is legally disabled and displays a handicapped placard on her rear-view mirror”
“I was so proud, because I felt like I finally drew a line in the sand and stood up for what I believed.”
This trump supporter believes he shouldn’t have to help a disabled woman who was in need, and willing to pay him for his service because “god” told him to not help a socialist?
First the south doesn’t want to help gay people, now some of them don’t want to help socialists that happen to be women and or disabled, who’s next?
Distant Replayspews:
What is Trump, anyway? Presbyterian? Injecting religion into identity politics is entirely on the GOP. In their misguided yearning to expand the party tent they bought into the “family values” bigotry sold by pigs like Pat Robertson. Reap what you sow. So now fringe critters like that Fuckwad troll have to live with the pulsating reality that their party nominee has contempt for their splinter sect orthodoxies. You buys the ticket you takes the ride. They’ll just have to clean up their act if they want any respect at all from the likes of the New Republican Party®. Sadly, that’ll never suffice in the case of that troll. For the distilled pure identity politics of the New Republican Party® it falls on the wrong side of the color line.
Boo hoo.
Distant Replayspews:
@66, ” I keep trying to forget the fact that you’re a liar, and not a very good one at that.”
That is quite simply the one and only thing anybody needs to know and remember about that troll.
I realize there are honest opinions sincerely held by Republican voters. And I realize that while I may disagree with most of those opinions, I owe it to myself to be acquainted with those opinions in order to better engage and debate those points of disagreement. But this troll has absolutely nothing to offer on those terms. I sincerely doubt that it believes any of what it posts, with the possible exception of the personally held religious orthodoxies. And I don’t contend with those. Not his, or anyone else’s. I simply insist that they remain excluded from the law and the civic domain. So as far as I can see there is just nothing of any value or interest in any of those comments. They are just ugly wallpaper.
And for that, Dr. Orpheus has given us miracle wallpaper remover.
Roger Rabbitspews:
How bad is Drumpf? So bad that both living Republican former presidents refuse to endorse their own party’s presumptive nominee. They won’t say in public they’re going to vote for Hillary, but you can draw your own conclusions.
“Dr. Orpheus has given us miracle wallpaper remover”
Thank goodness. No more batshit insanity and tiresome cut & paste head explosion spam. Good riddance to the loon.
A couple of details.
Navy Times he was part of a “quick reaction force” sent to rescue advisers that by inference were with Afghan forces. I don’t know and it doesn’t say if the advisers were armed but to say that the rescue force going into a combat situation were sent there unarmed takes a sick fuck who hates the military and assumes they are all incompetent. Or a FreeBeacon reader.
He was the grandson of S&L scandal figure Charles Keating.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@67 The joke’s on him. By turning his back on the towing job, he didn’t get paid for the time spent and gas burned getting to the disabled vehicle. I think the customer fared better in that battle of wills.
Roger Rabbitspews:
However, if business people want to be selective about who they serve based on customers’ political beliefs, then they should clearly identify in their business branding or advertising who they cater to, so we don’t enter or call the “wrong” business when we need services. (E.g., “Roger Rabbit’s Progressive Towing Service.”) Given that America is roughly equally polarized along conservative-liberal lines, this guy can expect a 50% drop in sales. Good luck making the payments on your $150,000 tow truck with half of your former revenue, buddy.
Well because Republicans are dicks, the new NC “bathroom bill” closes access to courts to sue for damages even if you are a protected class. So he probably thought he was O.K. discriminating against political affiliation. Wait, that would give him too much credit for intelligence and awareness of basic law.
He was just an asshole being an asshole.
BTW, it’s that no redress for discrimination that will get the “bathroom bill” tossed.
Distant Replayspews:
I scrupulously avoid doing business with the folks who display the little ichthus symbol on their advertising and promotions. For me it’s a handy short cut.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Refusing service to people you don’t like seems to be the latest hot trend in rightwing activism.
It used to be when I saw a sign, “We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone,” I thought, “Good, I can eat in peace, without sitting next to riff-raff.”
That’s changing. Now, when I see one of those signs, I keep on hopping to the other restaurant down the block. I just don’t want to deal with people who wear their politics on their sleeve and get in your face about yours. I have better things to do.
If Joe’s Gun Shop doesn’t want to sell me ammo for my defensive arms, I can get it at Cabelas. His loss, Cabela’s gain. If Joe doesn’t want to arm rabbits, he can fuck himself. He can’t keep me from defending myself against you stupid humans. There will always be someone willing to take my money.
Distant Replayspews:
I’m conflicted about the news that Bill Kristol is looking into setting up a Super PAC to vet a third party candidate and get them into the race.
While splitting the “conservative” vote would all but guarantee a win for the Dem nominee, I’m concerned about what it might do for turnout and how that would affect down-ballot races. Given Trump’s insurmountable negatives among key voter profiles in swing states, I’m not sure the Democratic nominee needs the help. And it might do more good in vulnerable Senate races for “intellectual/moderate conservatives” to be left with no alternative but to toss the ballot in the trash.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Nevertheless, the tow truck incident illustrates how ugly this election may get. Cars with stickers vandalized; voters assaulted at polls. What happens if Drumpf loses? Will his acolytes burn the country down?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@71 It must work on more than just your computer, because the loon’s posting have disappeared from my computer, too. Your firewall even renumbers the retained comments in sequence to make it look like the loon never posted anything in the first place.
I’m not so interested in Reiner’s assertions that Trump owes much of his success to latent racism among Republican primary voters. What fascinates me are the host’s reactions. It isn’t just denial. They are obviously horrified at the accusation. And to the extent that someone like Joe Scarborough is something of an opinion maker among establishment Republican party types, it demonstrates how unprepared they are to grapple with the failure of Republican identity/resentment politics. Just because a guy like Scarborough hasn’t indulged in it doesn’t mean he’s prepared to confront it. He’s like the teetotaling enabler spouse of a raging alcoholic. Just because you didn’t drink at the party doesn’t mean you’re going to survive the head-on collision on the way home.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@76 I avoid those businesses, too, for a practical reason: Nearly all these self-described “Christians” are crooks. It’s no coincidence; they think “being right with God” gives them license. I once was 50% owner of a small business in which my partner was one of those characters. (I’ll never do that again.) He was the most dishonest person I’ve ever known. Last I heard he’s attending Casey Treat’s “prosperity” church. Remember the camel and needle? He’ll go to Hell for sure.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Two more former GOP nominees bail on their party’s 2016 selection.
Further evidence (as if any were needed) that establishment Republicans don’t really give a shit about living wage jobs for regular folks, despite whatever they might say:
Somebody at Crooks and Liars noticed that Paul Ryan’s office was confused about which party controlled the Senate. “Unfortunately, too many of these common sense solutions are being blocked by Democratic-controlled Senate.”
Turns out it isn’t confusion. The Speaker’s office simply hasn’t bothered to update their “Jobs” content on the Speaker’s website in over 19 months.
In an election year.
Wow. Remember kids: Unemployment is Freedom. And Poverty is Liberty!
Susan Hutchinson hasn’t grown any brains in her new gig.
“State Republican Party Chairman Susan Hutchison said Wednesday Republican voters should unite to defeat likely Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. ‘As this moves into a general-election contest we believe that our Republican is better than their Democrat,’ Hutchison said in an interview.”
David Duke, the quintessential modern Republican spokesman has a few opinions on how the Trump Administration should do business.
Oh, and the so-called Sharp Family Singers, those lovable little moppets who sang and did cheers for the Malheur Wildlife Refuge terrorists, have taken their mommies guns and split for their own refuge with the local County Sheriff because, as it somehow unsurprisingly turns out, their mother is a sadistic psychopathic bitch who pretty much beat the shit out of them all the time.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Republicans want to make it legal to carry concealed guns into daycares, but I’m not so sure that’s a good idea. In fact, I have doubts about how much Republicans think things through on a lot of their policy positions. They look like a party of fuckups to me. Seriously, why does anyone vote for them?
Ima Duncespews:
@92 Effective brainwashing from an early age.
Distant Replayspews:
it requires some pretty sinister acts of abuse to inspire kids to abandon their home and their parent to seek refuge with strangers in unknown circumstances. They must be absolutely terrified of her to be able to do this. Kids will quite often endure years of regular beating and physical torture and never give up on a parent. I shudder to imagine what they’ve been put through. I hope for their sakes the Shawnee County authorities are able to keep a lid on this to protect these kids and provide them with the years of intensive support they are going to need.
Kansas. Why does this not surprise me?
Puddybud, disinfecting HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
Earlier the vomit producer asked “Where the hell in that article, or any other on the subject, does it say he was unarmed?”
Secretary of Defense did Ashton Carter when he originally announced his death vomit producer.
Google it. Have fun. Puddy heard his words on the radio!
Couldn’t find that on any libtard site? Welll Puddy ain’t your personal slave. Use another libtard for that task!
Calling Puddy a liar doesn’t change the FACTS from Carter’s mouth vomit producer. So vomit on some libtard you jackASS!
So let’s see. Once upon a time the GOP was regarded by many as the more “serious”, “sober minded”, and “down to earth” of our two political parties. A century ago they sought to “protect the status quo”, while promoting the “clean government” progressive agenda. Fifty years later they urged “caution” and “restraint” in the early struggles for civil rights, while they promoted a “moderately expansive view” of public investment in things like Interstate highways and schools.
But that was all in the before time. Specifically in the time before the Civil Rights Act and before a two-term African American President. Obama broke the GOP.
Today the party is overseen by an openly misogynistic, serial philandering, cocaine snorting, bankrupt casino speculator and television personality who promises to spend the equivalent of the entire budget of NASA on a wall, three times that amount on an internal domestic armed police war on civilians, provoke economic ruin with trade wars, while being unable to name the members of NATO, or list the cabinet level positions he would be tasked with appointing. All this between defensive jokes about the size of his penis.
Not so serious anymore.
Penis jokes. President Penis Jokes.
Willy Vomitspews:
@ 97
Don’t forget, just as Nixon was, he’s totally mobbed-up.
@96 & 97
You like to try to set rules, show links. You claim to have heard it on the radio but even a rabidly rightwing site like Freebeacon doesn’t confirm.
“Leeenks….leeenks, I need leeenks or it isn’t real.” Piddles, or words to that effect.
Oh Piddles, I’ll help you out. There is video of the firefight. At Pentagon request faces of US troops are blurred before it was released.
at 0:18 you see a group of blurred faces with their backs to the camera. One of them is holding a rifle while the others you can’t tell but their hands are in front of them so they may have weapons as well.
Starting at :022 you see a different set of five American soldiers. All five are carrying rifles.
How do you say, Kablammo.
You are a liar. I said it straight out.
Take your bullshit somewhere else. Penalty box. A day in the hole maybe?
Distant Replayspews:
@99, 100, 101,
So. You caught the motherfucker lying. Proved it. Laid it out for all to see. And what the fuck do you expect from it? An admission? Surely not an apology?
Never. Going. To. Happen.
It’s going to double down, triple down, etc. That’s it’s shtick. It just repeats the lie. It seems to believe that being the last to post is the same as proof. Sometime tonight or early tomorrow morning, after a new thread has gone up and we’ve all moved on, it will come back to this now dead comment thread and repeat. Along with the entirely predictable head explosions, etc. Why bother? By now everyone recognizes that Fuckwad for posting pure continuous bullshit. And then just repeating it. Pointless.
I’m going to be sending it out to all the “intellectual” Republicans I know right away.
“What happens if Drumpf loses? Will his acolytes burn the country down?”
Yes, their bitter rage of being denied once again will be unbounded.
Course if trump wins, there will also be violence as his voters, the wanna be thugs, the trump guard, feel they now have cover to act out the violence they have only posted anonymously, to take their country back.
@102. The fiend is very, very, grudgingly able to admit it’s wrong.
Then in the next breath spew, “big deal”.
“Liar” seems too good for this fool. A liar knows what the truth is.
“Bullshitter” doesn’t seem adequate either.
“Asshole” or even “fuckwad” might be better. Its kult says it’s not “of the world”. So it can’t possibly care about truth in “the world” because its premium is all paid up for the pie in sky when it dies which as we’re all aware can happen at any moment.
Life is short and it’d better hope there’s Limbaugh, Hannity and Beck to listen to in the hereafter. The fool is addicted to that shit.
Teabagged Againspews:
I think the people that called themselves Republicans have finall woken up to the fact that they have been played for. And unfortunately Trump is reaping the benefits.
Not a popular bunch. After the top 5, it looks like the returns from a local school board election. In a nationwide presidential race, you should be able to get 50,000 votes just for showing up for one debate.
Puddybud, disinfecting HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
You like to try to set rules, show links.
Puddy shows links all the time checkmate. Can’t find it yet?
Let’s see
vomit producer
the clueless butt spigot
the Oregon moron
dr checkmate
Can’t find it and “demand” Puddy provide the link!
Caught in a lie? Remember when QPPS claimed Puddy lied and Puddy provided the proof?
But for the cowardly and unbelieving and abominable and murderers and immoral persons and sorcerers and idolaters and all liars, their part will be in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.
Mark Adamsspews:
@42 Some cynical political scientists would state this was the reaction some wanted as it will help drive Republicans to the polls even though the law is doomed.
The left arguable does the same by having states hold votes for the legalization of Mary Jane.
Mark Adamsspews:
Has Mr. Trump received his invite to the People’s Congress in North Korea? A leader there is trying to make Korea great again.
Mark Adamsspews:
@69 While what you are saying may be true, your use and resorting to censorship is wrong and troubling.
I see what you write but I also hear “Entarte Karst” in the back ground. Sometimes I do see some DA DA in the comments of Puddy.
Mark Adamsspews:
@77 So is it more fun being riff-raff? I’m not entirely sure pokas are riff-raff as they are usually pleasant sorts. They usually hang out with Jimmy Stewart.
Mark Adamsspews:
When I got home tonight I had a friendly reminder from my landlord. That marijuana is a controlled substance under Controlled Substances Act, 21 USC 801. Of course to live here you have to sign the lease and the language is in the lease. I don’t agree with it, but I don’t partake. It does seem that one should be able to partake in their home under the intiative. The courts in Washington have been a bit addled between the Federal and State law. Still it seems that the state law is pretty clear that Washington state citizens shold be able to use marijuana in their home. Of course you can still be fired by your employer if you come up positive. Still both of these results seem patently absurb. I think the whole mess will come to a head no matter which candidate goes to the white house and I don’t think Hilliary is any friendlier than Trump is….Trump maybe the friendlier of the two.
I don’t use but I’m miffed at my landlord. I think folks here will be miffed when to Feds take matters to a head with renewed vigor. Unless the new vaping rules keeps enough of the Feds employed and busy.
Puddybud, disinfecting HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
Ohhh poor dr checkmate…
Puddy help me. I suck at Google like I suck at being a doctor! Puddy doesn’t react to you. Seems your Google skillz are a real failure!
Ohhh poor salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS, Puddy PWNS you not the other way around. This is why you can’t live 24 hours without some inane Puddy attack! EPIC FAYLE PWNAGE!
I imagine the hate-filled loon, he of the cut & paste head explosion spam, is still waking up at 4:00 AM spewing hatred and batshit insanity at everybody.
Thank goodness I don’t have to see it anymore. Thanks, Dr. Orpheus.
Doctor Bob says, “First they came for Puddy”, while Trump supporter David Duke says it’s time to “start naming the enemy that’s orchestrating our destruction: If we don’t dispose the Jews, there is no hope for our people.”
“It’s our job to give Trump the space to do it eventually.”
Beck needs to get out more. The GOP has long been home to racists like Doctor Bob and pathological liars like the batshit crazy loon.
Doubling down on lying? What would your savior say?
The Lord detests lying lips.
Distant Replayspews:
Let me try to help you out here. Because there’s a difference. And it’s an important difference.
When Republicans run culture wars ballot measures to gin up the vote they are being fundamentally dishonest to their base. Generally laws like these, banning constitutionally protected forms of expression, or discriminating against minority groups in the community, are legally indefensible. They are doomed to failure. They cannot be enacted. And however sincere the zealotry of the sponsors, they know this before hand. They know such laws will be swept aside by the courts. So it’s really just theater. But it’s a very destructive kind of theater. Because it contributes to widening political polarization, and it encourages rejection of our Constitutional system. It leads directly to things like the occupation in Burns, OR.
By comparison, ballot measures to legalize marijuana, if passed, are enacted into law, are generally constitutionally sufficient, and have many positive outcomes in those communities. Hundreds of millions of dollars wasted investigating, prosecuting and imprisoning harmless pot smokers are put to better uses elsewhere. And many voters are encouraged and enthused by the results of citizen based democratic process.
This kind of false equivalency is easy to give into. The cynicism it conveys implies a kind of jaded worldliness and life experience. And perhaps that’s why we see lazy journalists yield to it so frequently. But it results in a very distorted view of politics, particularly at times like these.
As broad coalitions of diverse citizens all political parties must craft their messages and their brand to cater to the political identity of those citizens. But, at least in my opinion, “the left” is generally considerably more honest about it. When left wing lawmakers and politicians argue for a particular policy, whether it’s separation of church and state, civil rights, workers rights, better funding for education, or decriminalization of marijuana, it’s because they actually hope to see those policies enacted for everyone’s benefit. Even if they also hope to see those policies benefit them politically. I think if you pay attention you’ll see that this is a pretty big difference between the political left and the political right.
Distant Replayspews:
it lies like a finely crafted Swiss watch tells time. It takes a licking and keeps on ticking.
Why We Need Anti-Discrimination Laws
In Nevada, a bottled water company run by a Republican legislator forces its employees to become Scientologists.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Scientology is an evil cult. If the GOP isn’t an evil cult yet, it’s getting there.
Now that Republicans have lost their own primaries and effectively nominated a narcissistic, lying, woman-hating, white supremacist as their presidential candidate, veteran conservative political reporter David Gergen observes, “I am not yet persuaded he is a new Mussolini, but he clearly bears resemblance to former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, a buccaneer who was a pretty awful leader for modern Italy.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Notice he said “yet.” I don’t see this turning out well for Rence Priebus, the RNC, GOP officeholders seeking reelection, or Bickle and Puddy. By this time next year, Gergen and other journalists will be quoting a “President Clinton” again.
It appears 13 states are in play for November, of which 8 are battleground states, 2 lean Republican, and 2 lean Democratic. They are:
Battleground: Nevada, Colorado, Iowa, Wisconsin, Ohio, New Hampshire, Virginia, North Carolina, Florida.
Lean Republican: Arizona, Georgia
Lean Democratic: Michigan, Pennsylvania
Given this lineup, Republicans enter the contest with 164 electoral votes from red states, while Democrats have 201 from blue states. The leaning states slightly favor the Democrats, 36 to 27, and if the parties hold those states, then the numbers are GOP: 191, Democrats: 237. That leaves Trump needing 79 electoral votes, and Clinton 23 electoral votes, from the 110 electoral votes in the battleground states. Winning Florida, or Ohio plus 1 other state, would put Clinton over the top.
These figures, of course, are based on a conventional campaign between conventional nominees breaking along conventional party lines. But Trump is not a conventional nominee. Many Republicans are threatening to abandon him. He has alienated entire voting blocs, including women and Latinos. It’s more than possible that Clinton could sweep the battleground states and pick off a number of red states, too.
Couple that with the fact Hillary offers female voters their first opportunity in history to elect a woman president, and it’s hard to see how she could lose to Trump in November.
CNN expects Trump to run a “rust belt” campaign focusing on the factory towns of the upper midwest. He appeals to the dispossessed working class, who have real and legitimate grievances. By nominating Trump, they rebelled against the GOP’s moneyed interests who robbed them of their livelihoods and dignity. Undeniably, Trump’s message also resonates with some voters still hurting from the Great Recession. But there aren’t enough angry white people to elect this demagogue to the White House, and he will have his own party working against him, some of whose leaders are calling for a 50-state defeat of Trump in order to purge his influence from the GOP so they can rebuild the conservative machine.
I think that would be a mistake. The conservatives had a 30-year run and proved their ideology doesn’t work and their policies are a miserable failure. The GOP needs to put its radical era behind it, move back to the center, and rebuild itself as a moderate party. The Eisenhower and Rockefeller types are its future, or it won’t have a future.
Canada’s oil sands capital is burning to the ground. 80,000 people have been evacuated. I’ll bet the Saudis are privately smirking. I wonder who lit the match?
Trump may get historic numbers among white men.
But he’s also going to get historic numbers among women, blacks, Latinos…
My armchair analysis, which isn’t worth much but has historically been way more accurate than our Toll’s, Trump loses Nevada and possibly Arizona based on the large population of Latinos.
He loses North Carolina because of the fired up Democratic electorate seeing what a GOP controlled government looks like.
He loses Florida because of a combination of Latinos, women and Jews and blacks. Trump has a very long history of anti-semetic remarks. I don’t think he actually hates Jews but over 30+ years he steps in it with the Bankers/Jewelers/money hoarders type comments regularly. Republicans have lost 3 of the last 5 Presidential elections (4 of 5 if you accept the known fact that if Gore had demanded an entire state recount he had more votes) so Florida is already dicey for Republicans. In late March Trump V. Clinton was +9 Clinton so that should be moved at least to leans Dem.
And fianally Wisconsin. There have been four polls since late March and Clinton has a double digit lead in all of them. Leans Dem.
“Sources: Kasich to suspend campaign”
As I’ve long said, this is Trump’s world and the rest of the GOP clown car merely live in it.
Glen Beck ended his fast for Cruz after less than 48 hrs.
Only that Fuckwad troll surpasses him in disloyalty.
Quit on Carson after only a couple months.
Lots of evangelicals have quit on Cruz. Makes rather perfect sense once you accept that religion, like race, is just a contextual container into which they pour their identity.
Cruz lost because he failed at identity politics.
This is the day the GOP has made
Let us rejoice and be glad
On the flip, Cruz did much better in the long run than he had any right to. He didn’t just outlast the bigger, better financed, establishment campaigns. Cruz’ campaign got results. Deep pocket idiots threw $200 million down the Jeb! hole for a whopping 4 delegates. I mean, fuck.
Whereas Cruz’ campaign had to work efficiently at voter ID in a highly targeted ground game to chalk wins before the money became available. And then use the infusion of money to chisel away at “lil’ Marco” to wind up the last guy standing. It’s an achievement worth studying that a freshman Senator despised by his colleagues with no previous national profile was able to outperform them all. Well, all except Trump.
His campaign manager may be a colossal prick. But I’ll bet his voice mail is full today.
Oh, right. Some other guy who was running for the R nom quit today. What’s his name? Mike something? No. John something. I think it starts with a K?
@9 This was the year the tycoons who sent American workers’ jobs to China discovered their billions can’t buy elections.
well, they sure lost the fealty of the evangelicals. I doubt even W could have won them over this year. Cruz was only able to battle Trump to a statistical draw over the bible vote. And there’s no doubt Cruz went all in. The venereal disease attack was priceless. But that degree of targeted invective got him no better than 50% of “evangelical” voters in Indiana.
But this is congruent with some analysis that has indicated the bible vote is significantly overestimated. If you look at frequency of attending Sunday service (or Saturday for the cult weirdos) you can see it break. The higher the frequency the higher the likelihood of voting for Cruz. So obviously there are bible voters and then there are bible voters. All of these voters self identify as “evangelical voters”. But that’s just another component of identity politics for most of them.
Some of these voters have actual principles derived from their various orthodoxies that are important in steering their voting patterns. But a helluva lot of them really don’t. It’s just an identity they wear around in public for whatever reason. In 2016 the identity of being an aggrieved white person matters more to them than the identity of being a pious conservative christian.
“Quit on Carson after only a couple months.
The loon quit on Carson before the rooster crowed three times.
I don’t feel like rejoicing that Der Fuhrer will get the nomination. He’s nasty. Getting to November is going to be painful. And, in life, there are no guarantees.
“He’s nasty.”
Hmm, Trump or Cruz. The former is nasty, but he will at least entertain us while he enslaves us. The latter is just a nasty piece of shit.
I can only assume the disappearance of the trolls is due to the fact that one as recently as a few days ago was 100% sure there would be a brokered convention and it would be someone other than Trump and the other has either hung himself after mumbling, “President Hillary Clinton” or is reading everything on “FreeBeacon”, “Washington Examiner” and “Breitbart” to convince himself that Trump is really a great American who has never failed at anything and isn’t a racist who looks at black people as “The Help” and really is going to win this thing.
Oh that babbling jackass believes in that kook-a-nut as much as it believes in the pie in the sky from the weekly Sat premium payment.
“Best” that kook-a-nut can be. Now shilling for the Drumpfhole. Best it can be.
If I had to guess, the jackass will sit out November like it did in 2008. WA is not in play for the R’s. Then again no idea if the jackass even lives in this state any more.
I won’t say I’m looking forward to it. But I certainly don’t dread it either. This election has already cost Republicans dearly. It’s going to cost them a lot more before it’s over. The numbers I’ll be watching will be college educated voters, single female voters, and Latino voters. Significant shifts from 2012 will set the stage for the mid terms and beyond.
That last one has degenerated (if such a thing were possible) to a total Drumpf shill website.
It’s totally hilarious to see some of these hardcore bowel-movement klownservatics on twitter sending F yous to Faux Snooze, Hannity, Breitbart and all those obnoxious “pundits” like Coulter and Ingraham who are in the tank for the Drumpfhole.
Sweeeet justice!
@19 Just looked at Free Republic, which I haven’t visited for a loooong time, and they’re having a nervous breakdown over there. They can’t decide who’s worse, Drumpf or Hillary.
All the more low-life klownservatics are being “shut up” by their new political enemy: Faux Snooze.
Yours truly will not repeat that filth here. Great job always wrong wing tribe. Stay classy.
some truths are just too difficult to face.
But what do you suppose it was about Trump that attracted all those blue state evangelical Republicans?
Must be something…
Somebody in data journalism should put up a website tracking this sort of thing.
For science.
Here’s another one.
Priceless! CW
Trigger warning: links to, or contains information about some or all of the following which may be triggering to survivors:
Really, really expensive border walls
Abuse (physical, mental, emotional, verbal, sexual)
Child abuse/pedophilia
High school wrestling coaches
Self-injurious behavior (self-harm, eating disorders, etc.)
Talk of drug use (legal, illegal or psychiatric)
Making ‘Murica Great Again
Descriptions/pictures of medical procedures (even if they don’t contain blood or gore)
Descriptions/pictures of the Republican National Convention
Descriptions/pictures of violence or warfare (including instruments of violence, such as knives or guns)
Carpet bombing civilian targets
Corpses, skulls or skeletons
Tax credits for hedge fund managers
Discussions of -isms, shaming, or hatred of any kind (racism, classism, hatred of cultures/ethnicities that differ from your own, sexism, hatred of sexualities or genders that differ from your own, anti-multiple, non-vanilla shaming, sex positive shaming, fat shaming/body image shaming, neuroatypical shaming)
Any time slurs are used (this includes words like “stupid” or “dumb”, which are still widely considered to be socially acceptable)
Trans* degendering, or anti-trans* views of bodies
Dismissal of lived oppressions, marginalization, illness or differences
Tennis club membership committees
Kidnapping (forceful deprivation of/disregard for personal autonomy)
Discussions of sex (even consensual)
Discussions of Republican elected officials having sex with minors
Death or dying
Privatizing Social Security
Voter fraud
Serious injury
Trypophobia (Link is safe.)
Nazi paraphernalia
Sexy Nazi parapernalia
Slimy things
Anything that might inspire intrusive thoughts in people with OCD
Anything that might inspire intrusive thoughts in people with ODS
I knew Trump was a winner as soon as Boob said he wouldn’t be. Boob never fails to be wrong and delusional.
He could be looking for Puffy in the women’s bathroom at the Seattle Target stores. How many are there?
The best thing about Trump coming out on top?
Six more months of Ann Coulter.
Am I right Boob?
So Sen. Kelly Ayotte has announced that she will honor her previously made commitment and “support” the nominee, Donald Trump.
Simultaneously her campaign spox clarifies telling Manchester’s WMUR that she is not “endorsing” the nominee, Donald Trump. “Support”. But not “endorse”. Got it.
This oughta be lot’s of fun:
Some of the rich guys are starting to toss around ideas for the name of the new, “conservative”, third party.
Let’s have a contest!
My thoughts are it really ought to be something very corporate with a very solid brand and logo that clearly identifies who it represents.
General Votors
American Petronational Party
Smith and Wesson
In troll minds, November now comes down to either being between a NE liberal versus NE liberal, or a NE liberal versus a NE socialist. Troll heads must be exploding from sea to shining sea.
Fred Reed over at fredoneverything.org had this to say:
“The Republicans try desperately to ditch the only Republican candidate who could win the Presidency (Trump) because…Hillary is one of them (an establishment politician). Because, as every sentient being has by now noticed, the Republicans and Democrats are members of the same corrupt club of blood-sucking parasites, the action arm of the corporations, Wall Street, the Israeli lobby, and those who want the US to control the world at any cost–except, of course, to them. They are panicked at the rise of someone who might put first the interests of America. Better Hillary, a fellow parasite, than Trump, who isn’t.”
That pretty much sums it up.
Personally, I’m worried about that guy Christie from NJ. He’s hanging around Trump thinking he’s gonna be the attorney general or something. Christie has already stated he’d go after Washington and Colorado for the those states’ sensible cannabis laws. In other words, Christie wants to continue the draconian War on Drugs even though most Americans realizes it’s ridiculous and a failure.
Rubio for VP. The nation could talk about who has the biggest hands until November..
Couple that with the fact Hillary offers female voters their first opportunity in history to elect a woman president
R senile forgets the reason young wimens not keen on Heilary. Google it fool! Here’s some help R senile
Seems that special place in hell is for old whitey wimens. As Bernie said, 45 and below went big time for The Bern in Indiana!
Lets see if R senile can figger it out. Well we know most HA DUMMOCRETINS will be ready to help.
And from the batshit insane wing of the GOP…
“Duggar cult founder plans Kansas ‘retreat’ to set up arranged marriages for teen girls”
Once again the DUMMOCRETINS in the whitey house prove PuddyPrescient AGAIN! http://freebeacon.com/politics.....democrats/
PuddyCommentariat: If GW Bush did this as he was leaving the horde of northwest idiots would have their pink lace panties all in a knot around their scrote!
@31 beyond that nobody (politicians) are being homest with the civilians that we are in a downward spiral with extinction due to technology. And the civilians are even too stupid to realize and recognize this because we all live for today and today only.
Robots and technology are going to take over the world leaving humans behind. We won’t even have Facebook to read.
Cars will be driving themselves and robots will out number is in the near future.
Good luck to you all. Keep procreating to misery!
And in another DUMMOCRETIN move to stifle free speech… http://freebeacon.com/issues/d.....ring-suit/
PuddyCommentariat: When the American public think your ideas SUCK, you must stifle the competition using every trick in your Saul Alinsky arsenal! Free speech be damned!
Pay no attention, Bob. Move along.
“Republicans burn voter registration cards on social media in protest of Trump”
As checkmate and MikeFlubScout were farting yesterday in the Drunken Libtard thread…
PuddyCommentariat: Seems this was purposely missed by the WaPo “Heil Heilary” article also! Seems shes much closer to the Hate” of Donald Trump eh libtards? And just think… the Heilary libtard msm super pac has been attacking Donald Trump for months while Heilary sinks under her own BULLSHITTTIUM!
Read and weep fools! Clinton is untrustworthy and dishonest! Just like most HA DUMMOCRETINS who post here! http://freebeacon.com/politics.....e-january/
Well, Kasich and Cruz folded like wet crepe paper in the rain. Not very presidential.
Called it. Free Beacon. The same data has 75% negativity for Trump.
but never mind those facts. Free Beacon needs clocks from desperate people staving off depression.
North Carolina, thanks to its bigoted Republican legislature and governor, is now going to lose hundreds of millions of dollars of federal Title IX funding.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: North Carolina’s bigots are being treated like the pariahs they are. Good. There should be even more sanctions against that state, and any other state that legalizes discrimination against people based on who they are.
That trump is the nominee is telling about the republicans who vote in primaries. The republican voters won’t fall in line this time and do what the establishment republicans politicians want. To me, it seems anger, fear and celebrity have all come together to enable trump.
People keep acting like trump is doing all the work, it’s millions of republicans voting for him and not for the other republicans. What does that tell you about the mood and spirit of the republican voters?
@42. Do you think republican politicians care about the loss of education money? It’s just helping other people’s kids. They don’t seem to have any empathy for anyone but themselves. I don’t see the voters seeing the linkage between the republicans they put in office and the consequences of their choices. They will just blame the black guy in the white house trampling their values and keep voting for the incumbent.
checkmate… Free Beacon / raw story any day of the week!
R senile @42,
And when Donald Trump’s justice department comes in and changes Obummer libtard left wrong rulings what will the senile bunny do then?
Meanwhile another libtard college is slapped back by the US Constitution. http://freebeacon.com/issues/t.....ermission/
When will college libtards ever learn?
Meanwhile, the UNARMED Navy Seal that died in Iraq has been identified. http://freebeacon.com/national.....e-keating/
Obummer/Carter… sending US servicemen into combat UNARMED! No regard for our personnel. Feckless!
Wow – Rachel Maddow did a piece tonight, or right now, about past presidential Republican candidates…..wow, what a fucked up crazy group with a lot of similarities to modern day Drumpf.
These people are batty….fucking batty I say.
Ross Perot (Independent – but basically a Republican), Linden Larouche, and a bunch others.
Fucked up people I say.
This is pretty funny or ironic…..I came across this article after having a discussion with a trainer at the gym I belong to. Earlier this evening we had a discussion about Drumpf. And then, just now, I come across this article.
About 4 weeks ago he told me supported Drumpf. So I asked him earlier this evening how he felt about Drumpf and his victory to the nomination….he said he had mixed feelings, but still supported him.
We talked further – I find out he believes in Climate Change and believes it is partly cause by man. He was adamant that we are fucking up the climate. He said he recently read where the oceans are forecasted to be without oxygen soon ( I read the same article myself about a week ago)….he was upset. He told me his father who lives in California is a staunch Republican and he had discussion with his dad a while ago about the water crisis and the smelt (or whatever that one little fish is that is in danger of extinction if the dam the water). He told me that he use to tell his dad that he disagreed with him and said to what extent do we let things go extinct and disrupt the environment.
So I asked him why he supports Drumpf if Drumpf doesn’t believe in Climate Change….and he said he doesn’t believe everything Drumpf says….he thinks Drumpf says it just to win the people over…and he thinks that maybe once elected he will change his mind or speak his mind how he really fells.
I don’t have time to read the above linked article at the moment and I am writing this comment before even reading it, just thought it was interesting after having this like conversation with this guy. I can’t wait to read the article later.
People are so fucked up – I agree with the statement above about all politicians being liars….but I don’t blame the politicians, I really blame the American Public and not just for voting for the people or wrong people…but not being involved in anything but a football team or what they are doing on a Friday night. Take responsibility and accountability for the problems we face and stop blaming others – look in the mirror – you might be the problem.
Puffy try to use the mirror in the men’s room not little Suzzie’s toilet stall.
I watch a bit if Drumpf’s interview with Lester Holt, he’s sounding different to me, more presidential like.
Maybe today there are a lot of negatives and people against him with certain demographics but I hate to say I think he is going to change some opinions.
I think Boob will even come around and adamently change his mind.
Beer anyone?
Charlie Sykes – “Trumpism isn’t Conservatism”.
Ok but in my opinion people aren’t voting for Conservatism. I know I am going out on a limb here but some Republicans will vote for him because they support him and some just because they’ll pull the Republican lever, and then some Independents and Democrats will vote for him too because of the anger (that Republicans have created instead of working with Obama to do anything constructive). The question will be if Trump has enough people vote for him as a combination of all those people.
I never linked the past RNC chairman M. Steel, but I heard him tonight talk about Trump with respect to his chances and that he has a chance and for once I Have to say I agree with him and think he may just be right. He was in disagreement with two other Republicans on the panel that thought Trump would lose, one of which was Sykes.
Upstanding Hetero.
Officer Resigns Amid Internal Investigation Into His Arrest, Windsor Police Say http://cour.at/1W8Wli5
With Christie as AG?
HAHAHAHA!!! The babbling jackass troll: an angry white male identity many election cycles in the making – in the tank for the Drumpfhole!
#DropOutHillary is a great idea!
Someone have a salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS @54 decoder ring?
Wow wonder if the FBI can prove Guccifer hacked Heilary’s email server. He did print Sidney Blumenthal (hero of the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit R senile) emails from Heilary’s server!
Crooked Heilary!
Former NY Assembly DUMMOCRETIN Speaker Sheldon Silver… Heilary Clinton stooooooooooooooopid delegate! Convicted for corruption, money laundering, and extortion, receiving a 12-year prison sentence.
Darian Pezik @DarianPezik
#DropOutHillary, Nixon was impeached for deleting 8 min. of tape. She deletes over 30,000 emails and can still run? https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ChqV4AvUYAQoD5i.jpg
That’s because DUMMOCRETINS have looser individual behavior standards. Sexism runs rampant in DUMMOCRETIN circles. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ChqGzLAUoAAEQrV.jpg
The Oregon moron will never see these wonderful memes!
For R senile…
Crispin Gram @CrispinGram
#DropOutHillary from a woman, to a woman, because I don’t want the first woman president to be a bigger crook than Nixon!
Hey dr checkmate; this isn’t cannon fodder for Trump? https://twitter.com/WindyDane/status/727926633328455681/photo/1?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw
Windy Dane @WindyDane
Human being. Woman. Mother. Daughter. Sister. Friend. Feminist. Environmentalist. Progressive. Teacher. Therapist
Butt butt butt Heilary’s gonna win. MikeFlubScout and dr checkmate sez so!
Amazing how Debbie Blabbermouth Schultz makes these claims …
Join the two together since Puddy isn’t allowed to have long links like the Oregon moron has done before!
A troll in thrall to angry white male identity politics admits that a Republican was a crook!
“A troll in thrall to angry white male identity politics admits that a Republican was a crook!”
You must be talking about our black loon troll. What a self-loather! Always siding with the KKK. I’ve never seen anything like that before.
A troll in thrall to angry white male identity politics admits that a Republican was a crook!
Tis was said by a white DUMMOCRETIN woman you fools @62 & 63.
It’s really sad when English is no longer comprehended because being a linbtard is a real mental disorder!
Why authoritarian republicans worry me:
“Remember, it didn’t start with gas chambers. t started with politicians dividing the people with “us vs them.” It started with intolerance and hate speech and when people stopped caring, became desensitized and turned a blind eye.”
@ The Schizo @ 48
Where the hell in that article, or any other on the subject, does it say he was unarmed? It was a combat death. He was a Navy SEAL. That means he went down fighting.
Oh, right. I keep trying to forget the fact that you’re a liar, and not a very good one at that. You’re devotion to the Washington Free Beacon, a Koch brothers financed blog published by the Centers for American Freedom.
Oh, dear. William Kristol? Micheal Goldfarb?
Tsk tsk tsk.
You really are a stupid, gullible fuck Spittles. Too bad you aren’t White. You’d probably have a chance at surviving the Trump Administration. Your phony-baloney child rapist death cult isn’t going to be enough.
Trump-loving tow truck driver says God told him to leave disabled Bernie Sanders supporter stranded
You think this is an indication of how trump followers want to unite the country?
“McWade — who suffers from psoriatic arthritis, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome and early-stage Crohn’s disease — is legally disabled and displays a handicapped placard on her rear-view mirror”
“I was so proud, because I felt like I finally drew a line in the sand and stood up for what I believed.”
This trump supporter believes he shouldn’t have to help a disabled woman who was in need, and willing to pay him for his service because “god” told him to not help a socialist?
First the south doesn’t want to help gay people, now some of them don’t want to help socialists that happen to be women and or disabled, who’s next?
What is Trump, anyway? Presbyterian? Injecting religion into identity politics is entirely on the GOP. In their misguided yearning to expand the party tent they bought into the “family values” bigotry sold by pigs like Pat Robertson. Reap what you sow. So now fringe critters like that Fuckwad troll have to live with the pulsating reality that their party nominee has contempt for their splinter sect orthodoxies. You buys the ticket you takes the ride. They’ll just have to clean up their act if they want any respect at all from the likes of the New Republican Party®. Sadly, that’ll never suffice in the case of that troll. For the distilled pure identity politics of the New Republican Party® it falls on the wrong side of the color line.
Boo hoo.
” I keep trying to forget the fact that you’re a liar, and not a very good one at that.”
That is quite simply the one and only thing anybody needs to know and remember about that troll.
I realize there are honest opinions sincerely held by Republican voters. And I realize that while I may disagree with most of those opinions, I owe it to myself to be acquainted with those opinions in order to better engage and debate those points of disagreement. But this troll has absolutely nothing to offer on those terms. I sincerely doubt that it believes any of what it posts, with the possible exception of the personally held religious orthodoxies. And I don’t contend with those. Not his, or anyone else’s. I simply insist that they remain excluded from the law and the civic domain. So as far as I can see there is just nothing of any value or interest in any of those comments. They are just ugly wallpaper.
And for that, Dr. Orpheus has given us miracle wallpaper remover.
How bad is Drumpf? So bad that both living Republican former presidents refuse to endorse their own party’s presumptive nominee. They won’t say in public they’re going to vote for Hillary, but you can draw your own conclusions.
“Dr. Orpheus has given us miracle wallpaper remover”
Thank goodness. No more batshit insanity and tiresome cut & paste head explosion spam. Good riddance to the loon.
A couple of details.
Navy Times he was part of a “quick reaction force” sent to rescue advisers that by inference were with Afghan forces. I don’t know and it doesn’t say if the advisers were armed but to say that the rescue force going into a combat situation were sent there unarmed takes a sick fuck who hates the military and assumes they are all incompetent. Or a FreeBeacon reader.
He was the grandson of S&L scandal figure Charles Keating.
@67 The joke’s on him. By turning his back on the towing job, he didn’t get paid for the time spent and gas burned getting to the disabled vehicle. I think the customer fared better in that battle of wills.
However, if business people want to be selective about who they serve based on customers’ political beliefs, then they should clearly identify in their business branding or advertising who they cater to, so we don’t enter or call the “wrong” business when we need services. (E.g., “Roger Rabbit’s Progressive Towing Service.”) Given that America is roughly equally polarized along conservative-liberal lines, this guy can expect a 50% drop in sales. Good luck making the payments on your $150,000 tow truck with half of your former revenue, buddy.
Well because Republicans are dicks, the new NC “bathroom bill” closes access to courts to sue for damages even if you are a protected class. So he probably thought he was O.K. discriminating against political affiliation. Wait, that would give him too much credit for intelligence and awareness of basic law.
He was just an asshole being an asshole.
BTW, it’s that no redress for discrimination that will get the “bathroom bill” tossed.
I scrupulously avoid doing business with the folks who display the little ichthus symbol on their advertising and promotions. For me it’s a handy short cut.
Refusing service to people you don’t like seems to be the latest hot trend in rightwing activism.
It used to be when I saw a sign, “We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone,” I thought, “Good, I can eat in peace, without sitting next to riff-raff.”
That’s changing. Now, when I see one of those signs, I keep on hopping to the other restaurant down the block. I just don’t want to deal with people who wear their politics on their sleeve and get in your face about yours. I have better things to do.
If Joe’s Gun Shop doesn’t want to sell me ammo for my defensive arms, I can get it at Cabelas. His loss, Cabela’s gain. If Joe doesn’t want to arm rabbits, he can fuck himself. He can’t keep me from defending myself against you stupid humans. There will always be someone willing to take my money.
I’m conflicted about the news that Bill Kristol is looking into setting up a Super PAC to vet a third party candidate and get them into the race.
While splitting the “conservative” vote would all but guarantee a win for the Dem nominee, I’m concerned about what it might do for turnout and how that would affect down-ballot races. Given Trump’s insurmountable negatives among key voter profiles in swing states, I’m not sure the Democratic nominee needs the help. And it might do more good in vulnerable Senate races for “intellectual/moderate conservatives” to be left with no alternative but to toss the ballot in the trash.
Nevertheless, the tow truck incident illustrates how ugly this election may get. Cars with stickers vandalized; voters assaulted at polls. What happens if Drumpf loses? Will his acolytes burn the country down?
@71 It must work on more than just your computer, because the loon’s posting have disappeared from my computer, too. Your firewall even renumbers the retained comments in sequence to make it look like the loon never posted anything in the first place.
Watch this Rob Reiner interview on Morning Joe.
It’s marvelous.
I’m not so interested in Reiner’s assertions that Trump owes much of his success to latent racism among Republican primary voters. What fascinates me are the host’s reactions. It isn’t just denial. They are obviously horrified at the accusation. And to the extent that someone like Joe Scarborough is something of an opinion maker among establishment Republican party types, it demonstrates how unprepared they are to grapple with the failure of Republican identity/resentment politics. Just because a guy like Scarborough hasn’t indulged in it doesn’t mean he’s prepared to confront it. He’s like the teetotaling enabler spouse of a raging alcoholic. Just because you didn’t drink at the party doesn’t mean you’re going to survive the head-on collision on the way home.
@76 I avoid those businesses, too, for a practical reason: Nearly all these self-described “Christians” are crooks. It’s no coincidence; they think “being right with God” gives them license. I once was 50% owner of a small business in which my partner was one of those characters. (I’ll never do that again.) He was the most dishonest person I’ve ever known. Last I heard he’s attending Casey Treat’s “prosperity” church. Remember the camel and needle? He’ll go to Hell for sure.
Two more former GOP nominees bail on their party’s 2016 selection.
Further evidence (as if any were needed) that establishment Republicans don’t really give a shit about living wage jobs for regular folks, despite whatever they might say:
Somebody at Crooks and Liars noticed that Paul Ryan’s office was confused about which party controlled the Senate.
“Unfortunately, too many of these common sense solutions are being blocked by Democratic-controlled Senate.”
Turns out it isn’t confusion. The Speaker’s office simply hasn’t bothered to update their “Jobs” content on the Speaker’s website in over 19 months.
In an election year.
Wow. Remember kids: Unemployment is Freedom. And Poverty is Liberty!
And repeated by a klownservatic troll in thrall for many years (way before 2005) to angry white male identity politics.
Who claims what it
brings to the tablespews is FACT.Thank you troll, for proclaiming what should be obvious even to some Republicans, the FACT that the REPUBLICAN Nixon was a treasonous crook.
Susan Hutchinson hasn’t grown any brains in her new gig.
“State Republican Party Chairman Susan Hutchison said Wednesday Republican voters should unite to defeat likely Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. ‘As this moves into a general-election contest we believe that our Republican is better than their Democrat,’ Hutchison said in an interview.”
Good luck with that, Suzie.
Klownservatic court packing in AZ…
It was evil when FDR tried it.
re 29 — the KlaunServs
This is quite possibly the most tone deaf thing I’ve seen Der Fuhrer
say or do!
And the RepubliKKKlans who claim Obama’s economy is baaaaaaad:
David Duke, the quintessential modern Republican spokesman has a few opinions on how the Trump Administration should do business.
Oh, and the so-called Sharp Family Singers, those lovable little moppets who sang and did cheers for the Malheur Wildlife Refuge terrorists, have taken their mommies guns and split for their own refuge with the local County Sheriff because, as it somehow unsurprisingly turns out, their mother is a sadistic psychopathic bitch who pretty much beat the shit out of them all the time.
“They don’t listen to the truth,” she added. “There is no truth.”
That, my friends, is what pure Nihilism looks like. “You can’t tell me what to do, I don’t answer to your secular laws, I only answer to God”.
And these lunatics call themselves “conservative”.
Such wonderful parenting examples you “conservative” (book burners) demonstrate. You must be so proud of yourselves for the heroes you pick.
Oh, and Roger? “Of all the bad things I’ve seen and people I’ve dealt with, the worst is the Christian Businessman”.
– Will Rogers
Another Responsible Gun Owner (TM)
As this is a domestic, and no suspects are being sought, we can infer it was a murder-suicide. At a daycare.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Republicans want to make it legal to carry concealed guns into daycares, but I’m not so sure that’s a good idea. In fact, I have doubts about how much Republicans think things through on a lot of their policy positions. They look like a party of fuckups to me. Seriously, why does anyone vote for them?
@92 Effective brainwashing from an early age.
it requires some pretty sinister acts of abuse to inspire kids to abandon their home and their parent to seek refuge with strangers in unknown circumstances. They must be absolutely terrified of her to be able to do this. Kids will quite often endure years of regular beating and physical torture and never give up on a parent. I shudder to imagine what they’ve been put through. I hope for their sakes the Shawnee County authorities are able to keep a lid on this to protect these kids and provide them with the years of intensive support they are going to need.
Kansas. Why does this not surprise me?
Earlier the vomit producer asked “Where the hell in that article, or any other on the subject, does it say he was unarmed?”
Secretary of Defense did Ashton Carter when he originally announced his death vomit producer.
Google it. Have fun. Puddy heard his words on the radio!
Couldn’t find that on any libtard site? Welll Puddy ain’t your personal slave. Use another libtard for that task!
Calling Puddy a liar doesn’t change the FACTS from Carter’s mouth vomit producer. So vomit on some libtard you jackASS!
A couple of details.
Google Carter’s words dr checkmate!
So let’s see. Once upon a time the GOP was regarded by many as the more “serious”, “sober minded”, and “down to earth” of our two political parties. A century ago they sought to “protect the status quo”, while promoting the “clean government” progressive agenda. Fifty years later they urged “caution” and “restraint” in the early struggles for civil rights, while they promoted a “moderately expansive view” of public investment in things like Interstate highways and schools.
But that was all in the before time. Specifically in the time before the Civil Rights Act and before a two-term African American President. Obama broke the GOP.
Today the party is overseen by an openly misogynistic, serial philandering, cocaine snorting, bankrupt casino speculator and television personality who promises to spend the equivalent of the entire budget of NASA on a wall, three times that amount on an internal domestic armed police war on civilians, provoke economic ruin with trade wars, while being unable to name the members of NATO, or list the cabinet level positions he would be tasked with appointing. All this between defensive jokes about the size of his penis.
Not so serious anymore.
Penis jokes. President Penis Jokes.
@ 97
Don’t forget, just as Nixon was, he’s totally mobbed-up.
@96 & 97
You like to try to set rules, show links. You claim to have heard it on the radio but even a rabidly rightwing site like Freebeacon doesn’t confirm.
“Leeenks….leeenks, I need leeenks or it isn’t real.” Piddles, or words to that effect.
Don’t see the word “unarmed” in this transcript babbling jackass or any other words to that effect:
How “feckless” is this troll’s babbling?
Oh Piddles, I’ll help you out. There is video of the firefight. At Pentagon request faces of US troops are blurred before it was released.
at 0:18 you see a group of blurred faces with their backs to the camera. One of them is holding a rifle while the others you can’t tell but their hands are in front of them so they may have weapons as well.
Starting at :022 you see a different set of five American soldiers. All five are carrying rifles.
How do you say, Kablammo.
You are a liar. I said it straight out.
Take your bullshit somewhere else. Penalty box. A day in the hole maybe?
@99, 100, 101,
So. You caught the motherfucker lying. Proved it. Laid it out for all to see. And what the fuck do you expect from it? An admission? Surely not an apology?
Never. Going. To. Happen.
It’s going to double down, triple down, etc. That’s it’s shtick. It just repeats the lie. It seems to believe that being the last to post is the same as proof. Sometime tonight or early tomorrow morning, after a new thread has gone up and we’ve all moved on, it will come back to this now dead comment thread and repeat. Along with the entirely predictable head explosions, etc. Why bother? By now everyone recognizes that Fuckwad for posting pure continuous bullshit. And then just repeating it. Pointless.
And this would make a really wonderful campaign ad:
I’m going to be sending it out to all the “intellectual” Republicans I know right away.
“What happens if Drumpf loses? Will his acolytes burn the country down?”
Yes, their bitter rage of being denied once again will be unbounded.
Course if trump wins, there will also be violence as his voters, the wanna be thugs, the trump guard, feel they now have cover to act out the violence they have only posted anonymously, to take their country back.
I hope I’m wrong in both scenarios.
@102. The fiend is very, very, grudgingly able to admit it’s wrong.
Then in the next breath spew, “big deal”.
“Liar” seems too good for this fool. A liar knows what the truth is.
“Bullshitter” doesn’t seem adequate either.
“Asshole” or even “fuckwad” might be better. Its kult says it’s not “of the world”. So it can’t possibly care about truth in “the world” because its premium is all paid up for the pie in sky when it dies which as we’re all aware can happen at any moment.
Life is short and it’d better hope there’s Limbaugh, Hannity and Beck to listen to in the hereafter. The fool is addicted to that shit.
I think the people that called themselves Republicans have finall woken up to the fact that they have been played for. And unfortunately Trump is reaping the benefits.
GOP Popular Vote Scorecard
Cruz, 7.3 million votes
Kasich, 3.8 million votes
Rubio, 3.5 million votes
Carson, 732,000 votes
Bush, 277,000 votes
Paul, 65,000 votes
Christie, 57,000 votes
Huckabee, 50,000 votes
Fiorina, 38,000 votes
Santorum, 17,000 votes
Graham, 6,000 votes
Gilmore, 3,000 votes
Pataki, 2,000 votes
Jindal, 200 votes
Walker, 0 votes
Perry, 0 votes
(Source: FiveThirtyEight)
Not a popular bunch. After the top 5, it looks like the returns from a local school board election. In a nationwide presidential race, you should be able to get 50,000 votes just for showing up for one debate.
You like to try to set rules, show links.
Puddy shows links all the time checkmate. Can’t find it yet?
Let’s see
vomit producer
the clueless butt spigot
the Oregon moron
dr checkmate
Can’t find it and “demand” Puddy provide the link!
Caught in a lie? Remember when QPPS claimed Puddy lied and Puddy provided the proof?
Yawwwn. More senseless babbling @ 108
Like DR said.. Pointless.
You suck at your faith.
But for the cowardly and unbelieving and abominable and murderers and immoral persons and sorcerers and idolaters and all liars, their part will be in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.
@42 Some cynical political scientists would state this was the reaction some wanted as it will help drive Republicans to the polls even though the law is doomed.
The left arguable does the same by having states hold votes for the legalization of Mary Jane.
Has Mr. Trump received his invite to the People’s Congress in North Korea? A leader there is trying to make Korea great again.
@69 While what you are saying may be true, your use and resorting to censorship is wrong and troubling.
I see what you write but I also hear “Entarte Karst” in the back ground. Sometimes I do see some DA DA in the comments of Puddy.
@77 So is it more fun being riff-raff? I’m not entirely sure pokas are riff-raff as they are usually pleasant sorts. They usually hang out with Jimmy Stewart.
When I got home tonight I had a friendly reminder from my landlord. That marijuana is a controlled substance under Controlled Substances Act, 21 USC 801. Of course to live here you have to sign the lease and the language is in the lease. I don’t agree with it, but I don’t partake. It does seem that one should be able to partake in their home under the intiative. The courts in Washington have been a bit addled between the Federal and State law. Still it seems that the state law is pretty clear that Washington state citizens shold be able to use marijuana in their home. Of course you can still be fired by your employer if you come up positive. Still both of these results seem patently absurb. I think the whole mess will come to a head no matter which candidate goes to the white house and I don’t think Hilliary is any friendlier than Trump is….Trump maybe the friendlier of the two.
I don’t use but I’m miffed at my landlord. I think folks here will be miffed when to Feds take matters to a head with renewed vigor. Unless the new vaping rules keeps enough of the Feds employed and busy.
Ohhh poor dr checkmate…
Puddy help me. I suck at Google like I suck at being a doctor! Puddy doesn’t react to you. Seems your Google skillz are a real failure!
Ohhh poor salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS, Puddy PWNS you not the other way around. This is why you can’t live 24 hours without some inane Puddy attack! EPIC FAYLE PWNAGE!
I imagine the hate-filled loon, he of the cut & paste head explosion spam, is still waking up at 4:00 AM spewing hatred and batshit insanity at everybody.
Thank goodness I don’t have to see it anymore. Thanks, Dr. Orpheus.
Doctor Bob says, “First they came for Puddy”, while Trump supporter David Duke says it’s time to “start naming the enemy that’s orchestrating our destruction: If we don’t dispose the Jews, there is no hope for our people.”
“It’s our job to give Trump the space to do it eventually.”
“Glenn Beck: Trump Turns GOP Into The Party Of ‘Racists’ And ‘Liars'”
Beck needs to get out more. The GOP has long been home to racists like Doctor Bob and pathological liars like the batshit crazy loon.
Doubling down on lying? What would your savior say?
The Lord detests lying lips.
Let me try to help you out here. Because there’s a difference. And it’s an important difference.
When Republicans run culture wars ballot measures to gin up the vote they are being fundamentally dishonest to their base. Generally laws like these, banning constitutionally protected forms of expression, or discriminating against minority groups in the community, are legally indefensible. They are doomed to failure. They cannot be enacted. And however sincere the zealotry of the sponsors, they know this before hand. They know such laws will be swept aside by the courts. So it’s really just theater. But it’s a very destructive kind of theater. Because it contributes to widening political polarization, and it encourages rejection of our Constitutional system. It leads directly to things like the occupation in Burns, OR.
By comparison, ballot measures to legalize marijuana, if passed, are enacted into law, are generally constitutionally sufficient, and have many positive outcomes in those communities. Hundreds of millions of dollars wasted investigating, prosecuting and imprisoning harmless pot smokers are put to better uses elsewhere. And many voters are encouraged and enthused by the results of citizen based democratic process.
This kind of false equivalency is easy to give into. The cynicism it conveys implies a kind of jaded worldliness and life experience. And perhaps that’s why we see lazy journalists yield to it so frequently. But it results in a very distorted view of politics, particularly at times like these.
As broad coalitions of diverse citizens all political parties must craft their messages and their brand to cater to the political identity of those citizens. But, at least in my opinion, “the left” is generally considerably more honest about it. When left wing lawmakers and politicians argue for a particular policy, whether it’s separation of church and state, civil rights, workers rights, better funding for education, or decriminalization of marijuana, it’s because they actually hope to see those policies enacted for everyone’s benefit. Even if they also hope to see those policies benefit them politically. I think if you pay attention you’ll see that this is a pretty big difference between the political left and the political right.
it lies like a finely crafted Swiss watch tells time. It takes a licking and keeps on ticking.