Stop sweeping homeless encampments. Gah. There are no good solutions until we can build a lot more housing. But Jesus Christ on the cross, can we not? Especially in a pandemic, but even after.
Look on the bright side fellow HA heroes. The batshit trolls will vote for an admitted serial sex offender in Nov.
And guess who’s going to go poof! at 8:50pm?
Praise be!
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
Great news assesHorse DUMMOCRETINS, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit told Judge T. Emmet Sullivan that he has 10 days to explain why he should not be forced to let the Justice Department drop its case against Flynn and why he has taken a different course of action instead of what the law demands…
Seems from reading above Judge Sullivan was told to address Rule 48 from the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure. Libtards can ask the senile idiot wabbit what they are if the senile idiot wabbit can process those Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure.
Next 10 days are going to be speshul!
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
Meanwhile a libtard led city just lost almost all their lead libtards! Boom shaka laka
Before the SHTF, you should have been following the two most important survival rules:
1. As for supplies and equipment, good enough and plenty of it!
2. Stay away from crowds.
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
To a DUMMOCRETIN no problem with overt racist…
Joe [BiteME] Biden: ‘You Ain’t Black’ if You Don’t Back Me over Trump
So those 1.3 million blacks who supported Trump in 2016 ain’t black! Thanks Joe BITEME.
As Puddy been saying for years, DUMMOCRETINS take the black vote for granted. Charlemagne asked Biden for something for the black people and BiteME said that! A M A Z I N G!
“They sight Fokker in the order
Sullivan is Fokk’d”
Eleven Time Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
For Puddy:
Tara Reade is Alexandra McCabe is a con artist.
Repudiate that if you can.
And btw, you and The Q Clearance Pussy need to.
Because for more than a month you insisted that her claims were credible, and undeniable. Precisely the way you claimed that Trump’s confession of a lengthy history of violent sexual assaults against women were “unimportant” and “not disqualifying”.
Charlemagne: “It’s a long way until November, we’ve got more questions.”
BiteME “If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.”
Charlemagne “It don’t have nothing to do with Trump, it has to do with the fact, I want something for my community.”
Quid pro quo Joe BiteME!
Imagine if Trump or Trump Jr. said that! That’s the shoe on the other foot test by Professor Emeritus Alan Dershowitz!
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
dot bombed,
What everyone whom thinks right AND Bernie Sanders jockstraps asked for was the same lamestream press investigative treatment of Tara Reade/Joe BiteMe that they gave Brett Cavanaugh/Christine Blasey Ford. And since there were more corroborating witnesses for Tara Reade none of them were contacted by the lamestream press! Since it never happened your post is as worthless as the fingers that created it!
Sot dot bombed, why wasn’t it given the full scrutiny?
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
dot bombed,
What everyone whom thinks right AND Bernie Sanders jockstraps asked for was the same lamestream press investigative treatment of Tara Reade/Joe BiteMe that they gave Brett Cavanaugh/Christine Blasey Ford. And since there were more corroborating witnesses for Tara Reade none of them were contacted by the lamestream press! Since it never happened your post is as worthless as the fingers that created it!
Sot dot bombed, why wasn’t it given the full scrutiny?
If a minority woman leans conservative, it’s OK to refer to her in this manner:
Sheldon Whitehouse
Where you see Neomi Rao, you can expect a lot of Trumpy dirt to follow. She’s a cartoon of a fake judge. Watch this space.
Clarification: It’s OK to refer to her in this manner if you’re a Democrat.
Maybe the GOP should offer free office chairs for all.
Survey USA has Jay Inslee at 61% approval.
Trouncing all GOP candidates head to head and
50% of primary voters say they will vote for him. None of the prefers GOP or prefers “Open it Up” or Prefers orange or Prefers Freedom candidates are in double digits.
The best of the lot head to head is Phil Fortunato who only loses 56-37.
(Calls for secession in Moxie and Naches will be loud in November)
@ 12
Should Trump win in November, I’m thinking about how good an Inslee v. DeSantis matchup in 2024 could be. They’d each have a claim to handling the Wuhan about as well as could be expected, given their situations.
Joe Biden is a Ra_ist.
P, or C?
I plan to vote for Inslee in November.
I don’t have a reason not to do so.
Eleven Time Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Scored a double! Wooohooooooo!
Piddles and The Q Clearance Pussy double down, declaring their belief in Top Seekrit Adjunct Professorships.
Not unlike The Q Clearance Pussy’s Top Seekrit medical degree and Piddle’s IT cred.
For more than three years I’ve been arguing that the Republican party and its voters have devolved into a pack of beer drunk, credulous, inept, pathological liars. The trolls have consistently fallen short in any attempt to refute that. And now, having lovingly embraced the enormously risky character of someone like Tara Reade, it all has collapsed into the only possible conclusion it ever could have.
Rapepublicans are idiots. Credulous dupes. Easily misled by anyone willing to confirm their fears, biases, and delusions.
Tara Reade is an obviously broken person. Unaccomplished in any respect, she has faked her way through a miserable life of struggle, moving from one low level scam to the next. She’s certainly been on a roll for the last few years. But none of that changes who she is. A consistent failure in life.
And she trolled the shit out of Every Rapepublican You Know. Including our trolls.
Rapepublicans are just not cut out for this work.
You’re a fucking disgrace.
He excels at it. Like the rest of the deplorable Repukes, aside from fucking goats and horses.
This Democrat POS voted numerous ballots while enclosed in the voting booth. This Democrat POS then certified the false results in his role as judge of elections.
He only needed to do it during the primary races. ’cause of course the Democrat would win the Fall ballot race. So he was disenfranchising other Democrats.
Eleven Time Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
As in so many times before, and seemingly as always, I will not be surprised if Piddles ball-spiking over DCC ends in more humiliation.
Fokker, having been cited previously bu Sullivan himself, and by Powell in her motion, is a very different kind of case. Sullivan isn’t a judge getting frustrated about a charging decision and usurping authority, at least not as I see it.
The DOJ has essentially two active and entirely opposing arguments in front of his court. The def. Flynn now has two active, and entirely opposing arguments in front of his court. That may seem like “changing your mind” to a lay person. But in any ongoing proceeding, for any party to make that kind of 180 degree shift in legal position is generally unheard of and generally not allowed except under extraordinary circumstances.
Sullivan has statutory and constitutional authority to rule over any questions about that kind of reversal in his court. The DCC may be jumping the gun here a little by demanding some of the production of Sullivan’s amicus schedule in advance, before allowing it to move forward. But in the end, that may be all this is. A demand from the DCC, given the extraordinary reversals, for Sullivan to expose his legal interest in that inquiry and the reasoning behind it.
Judge: “Before I can rule on the motion to dismiss I need to know if/why/whether a defendant pleading in my court has perjured himself before me in entering two completely opposing pleas.
And before I can rule on the motion to dismiss I need to know if/why/whether a prosecutor pleading in my court has broken rules or engaged in misconduct before me in maintaining two entirely opposing pleadings to me.”
I don’t know what’s in all the evidence and transcripts that Sullivan reviewed prior to sentencing. So maybe there are other reasons why the court would want to have this process before ruling on the prosecution motion to dismiss. But given what’s in the public record it looks pretty clear that Sullivan has sound legal reasons for delaying a ruling on the motion until further inquiry. Fokker doesn’t touch on that at all.
I’m actually just fine with this. It’s for his horse farm, after all.
@11 “Clarification: It’s OK to refer to her in this manner if you’re a Democrat.”
Respect has been a one-way street for years, and now you’re complaining because it’s become a dead-end street?
If you want us to respect you, then you have to respect us. Your side started this, so your side has to back off first.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The very best a judge could say of Flynn is that he’s a credulous fool who allowed himself to be set up by rogue FBI agents. Anything else a judge might say of Flynn comes with a prison sentence.
Eleven Time Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Electoral fraud is not voter fraud.
Canceling the registrations of hundreds of thousands of registered voters because they missed an election and they forgot to move their car registration prevents corrupt officials from stuffing ballot boxes because…
If you want us to respect you, then you have to respect us.
You want respect, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit? Stop claiming to be a millionaire. It’s plainly apparent that you are not.
It starts there. Pull back from 15 years of lies about your wealth, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. You embarrass yourself.
Eleven Time Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Never going to happen.
The Q Clearance Pussy admitting that he smeared Vice President Biden with unfounded paranoid nonsense about rape allegations is NOT A THING.
He’s a Trumpalo Rapepublican.
This is who they are. There is no pivot.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@15 “I plan to vote for Inslee in November. I don’t have a reason not to do so.”
There are 28 GOP candidates and you can’t find one to support? What about Dr. Raul Garcia? You’re not supporting him? Stiff-arming a fellow physician? Or is this because Inslee’s doing a pretty good job?
So if Trump’s responsible for the CDC’s missteps during the Wuhan, then Inslee’s responsible for the hundreds of millions of dollars paid out to a Nigerian prince down on his luck who just lost his job as a Washington state employee, amirite?
Eleven Time Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
a judge can also say to a defendant, and rather frequently they do say, “I forbid you to advance an argument before my court that stands in direct opposition to an argument you previously made to this court”.
Let’s have Piddles idiot son “The Barrister” google “estoppel” for us.
As I’ve said before, if there was prosecutorial misconduct then def. counsel has to argue that before the court and it has to be accompanied by evidence. In the unusual instance that the prosecution wants to dismiss on that basis then of course, they have a legal duty to reveal all of that (Brady, etc.).
Sullivan obviously recognizes and acknowledged the DOJ’s authority to dismiss at or before trial. And he obviously is not entertaining any prospect of Flynn being taken to trial. But as I see it he still has a statutory authority in his court to engage in inquiry directed at uncovering misconduct or perjury. I don’t see the DCC wanting to make new law here.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@19 A Republican is someone who believes millions of American citizens should be denied their voting rights in order to prevent a single person from voting illegally. But because a handful of illegal votes will always slip through, even though they don’t affect the outcome of elections, Republicans also believe we shouldn’t hold elections at all.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@22 Wisconsin Republicans should be fine with it, too, unless they have a double standard.
It’s now clear to me that the reason Barack Obama selected Biden as VP nominee in 2008 was so that he’d be able to lock down the elusive black vote.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@26 I’ll bet you’ve been fucking horses a lot longer than I’ve been a millionaire.
@ 30
I don’t see the DCC wanting to make new law here.
I see the DCC wanting Sullivan to respond to the motion currently before his court.
This afternoon’s a Friday before a long holiday weekend. Be a perfect time for him to do it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@33 It’s now clear to the whole world that the GOP nominated a fucking clown in 2016 because all their voters are fucking clowns, too.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@35 “I see the DCC wanting Sullivan to respond to the motion currently before his court.”
And what reason did they have to believe that he wouldn’t? It seems to me that Judge Sullivan responded to the motion promptly and energetically.
@ 37
It seems to me that Judge Sullivan responded to the motion promptly and energetically.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s favorite football play is what happens when it’s fourth-and-long.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“President Donald Trump complained Thursday that Fox News wasn’t aiding his bid to remain in the White House. ‘Many will disagree, but Fox News is doing nothing to help Republicans, and me, get re-elected on November 3rd,’ he tweeted.”
1) Trump doesn’t have a legitimate beef because Fox is a news organization and it’s totally inappropriate for them to help him get reelected; or
2) Trump has a legitimate beef because Fox is an extension of his reelection campaign, not a news organization.
Pretty sure Biden was wishing the same thing about Coons’ daughter.
God I wish
was 5 years older.
Pars Dominae Foetidaespews:
Not necessarily true. Given our monetary system has inflation of 2% built into the framework of managing the system, it’s quite possible Roger is a millionaire on paper because he, like all of us, lives in a system that plans on inflation. Thus, his assets may have appreciated simply do to inflation.
The fact you should be trying to ascertain is whether or not he might be a millionaire on paper due to nagging inflation or did he allegedly become a millionaire due to his financial acumen and taking appropriate risk over the decades?
Pars Dominae Foetidaespews:
We can say that Fox News is to Trump as ABC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, NBC and PBS were to Hillary Clinton back in the 2016 election. The team loyalties are clearly define:. Fox News supports Republicans and the others support Democrats. No secret there!
Puddybud, The One AND Only, Demonstrating the Senile Idiot Wabbit is Very Senilespews:
Or senile idiot wabbit @39,
Why isn’t Fox News helping me as much the rest of the lamestream media is helping Joe BiteME 24×7.
You always miss the obvious because of your senility!
See ya!
Eleven Time Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
I see the DCC wanting Sullivan to respond to the motion currently before his court.
The motion to dismiss has certain fairly obvious implications to the def.’s due process rights. DCC would be right to express an enjoining interest in protecting those rights, but not in an exercise of supervisory authority over a trial level court.
As an habitual television viewer and all-around idiot, The Q Clearance Pussy can perhaps be forgiven for having a misunderstanding of the relationships between appellate circuit courts and trial courts. The DCC is not “the boss” in the relationship, even if some talking hairdo insists or referring to one as “the lower court” and the other as “the higher court”.
“Hurry up and rule” is not the same thing as “Hurry up and respect the due process rights of the def. unless you can describe an overriding interest arising from the conduct of the def. before your court.” Sullivan can answer and I’m sure he will, but not tonight. And when he does it will be up to the DCC if they agree with his interest in prolonging things.
But if they disagree there’s a good chance that in doing so they will be asserting a new view of judicial authority in weighing the rights of the accused against the people’s interest in a justice system free of taint or corruption. That will go beyond rule 48(a). It will open the door to a criminal legal system nakedly for sale to the highest bidder.
Sounds very Trumpy to me. A perfect fit for Judge Rao. Much less so for the other two on the panel.
@ 41
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, in a spew on HA, once shared the worth of his investment portfolio. To the dollar.
There’s nothing to ascertain. It was a pathetically small monetary figure, and you don’t go from there to millionaire without planting some magic beans.
He’s a bloviating liar. His family has shunned him so he spends his days, evenings, and weekends lying on HA. Problem is, he stupidly shared so much about himself that he proved he’s lying about his financial status. He feels no sense of shame about his dishonesty in reference to his overall wealth, although at least he no longer posts his daily market gains – I turned them against him too often.
His investments are far from appropriate. They are gambles, because otherwise he has to face just how badly he has failed his family. Liberals do not face reality well. So he’s Roger Double-Down Dumbfuck Rabbit, and has been for awhile.
There’s no joke black people enjoy hearing more than one about race told by a white man.
Even when Biden tells a joke, he has to finish it with “And I’m not joking.”
Because Trump told them to, we are now being told.
AP compiled its own tally to find out how many COVID-19 patients were discharged from hospitals to nursing homes under the March 25 directive after New York’s Health Department declined to release its internal survey conducted two weeks ago. It says it is still verifying data that was incomplete.
It’s shocking that Cuomo didn’t want to share this information.
Suddenly realizing his final interview comment was widely perceived as dismissive of black America, Team Biden scrambled and has found an advisor to guide Biden through his interactions with black voters henceforth:
@40 Pretty sure there was a time when Trump wished Ivanka wasn’t his daughter and/or incest was legal in his state.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@41 “Thus, his assets may have appreciated simply do to inflation.”
Possible; but far more likely that I’m a millionaire because I save and invest instead of borrow and spend, plus I put my money in stocks instead of unproductive assets like horse farms, F-350s, horse trailers, and hay bales. Lots of people spend to create an appearance of wealth, but nobody ever spent their way to actual wealth. The tradeoff is that I don’t get to fuck horses, but I can’t say I miss that.
Btw, you should learn how to spell “due.” Spelling “due” as “do” makes you look like a Republican.
Joe Biden upset black Americans who vote Republican.
All the others, democrats, have said the exact same sentence about Republican voting blacks.
We live in a world with a show called “Blackish” implying that being successful and wealthy (not a rapper or athlete) makes you something not quite black. And THIS is what’s got you troubled?
Colin Kaepernick isn’t black, Rodney Harrison.
Beyonce isn’t black enough, she can’t formation dance, post Super Bowl Twitter
Trying so hard to distract from the miserable failure that is the Donald.
97,000> 95,000 > 15
Alright, who thinks that this will be the last time the impeached miserable failure kills voters? 97,169 and counting.
Voting blue.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@42 Bullshit. False equivalency. That’s like saying there was no difference between Edward R. Murrow and Josef Goebbels.
Piddles really has got himself into a lather and doesn’t understand why I’m laughing so hard at him.
The fact that some people have been convicted of Voter fraud does not change the FACTs that:
In response to Donald’s wild claims about rampant voting fraud Florida Governor Rick Scott in his state decided to put together a blue ribbon fact finding commission to root out the obvious fraud in the state of Florida.
The spent two years investigating, calling witnesses, pouring over voter rolls and records and spared no expense and released the report.
The state of Florida found….
Not a single damn thing.
Not one illegal vote.
This is where a true conservative would rail against government waste and demand a tax cut so investigations like this can’t be done. NEVER FORGET!
But Piddles is a bullshit artist and nothing more.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@43 “Why isn’t Fox News helping me”
I dunno. Let’s drill into this. The possibilities are:
[ ] 1. You’re a nobody and they don’t know who you are.
[ ] 2. They know who you are but you’re a nobody.
[ ] 3. You’re too loony even for them.
[ ] 4. Other
Roger Rabbitspews:
@45 If you think I’m bad, I know of a doctor who’s cheating on his wife with a horse.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@50 Alright, who thinks black voters will vote for Trump? Besides the loon, I mean.
Alan Westspews:
I’m hopping mad.
Democrats, get a better candidate. One I would vote for. Got the guy for you. His name is Trump.
@60 You’re illiterate. “Better” doesn’t describe Trump in any context, let alone this one. Do you even know what the word means?
Tara Reade is an obviously broken person. Unaccomplished in any respect, she has faked her way through a miserable life of struggle, moving from one low level scam to the next. She’s certainly been on a roll for the last few years. But none of that changes who she is. A consistent failure in life.
Sounds like a certain orange haired clown from New Yawk
Eleven Time Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
The two have the same characteristic feature in common.
They’ve both been incredibly successful at misleading and deceiving American conservatives for profit. People like our trolls wake up in the morning and begin their desperate search for the next scam they will fall victim to. There are 63 million American voters just like them. I suspect that every single goddamn one of them has magnets in their shoes.
NPR Politics
President Trump threatened to “override” governors who don’t re-open houses of worship immediately — but it’s unclear what legal authority would give Trump the ability to do that.
2:15 PM · May 22, 2020
Narrator, “He does not have that authority.”
2-3000 dead evangelicals in the right counties is a margin far more fragile that Black voters dropping Biden.
As long as we’re keepin’ it 100.
For when Dumbfuck wants to talk about Joe Biden and incoherent rambling.
“And I tested very postively in another sense. so this morning yes I tested positively toward negative, right? No I tested perfectly this morning (off camera, you tested negative?) Meaning I tested negative.”
I see you there @18
Real Justice would be negligent homicide charges against the officers who busted into the wrong house and shot Breonna unless we all get one Oopsie at work that kills someone.
usa today:
I suppose I shouldn’t have to state the obvious but we have dumfuck and his sidekick…. Dropping a case before it gets underway is not the same as trying to drop a case after a guilty plea is entered and sentencing recommendations have been made to the judge to consider.
Dance with the one you came in with…
When asked about supporting (OR Senate Candidate and Q/anon aficionado Jo Rae) Perkins in the general election, the Republican National Committee did not comment.
The Oregon state Republican Party issued a lukewarm and seemingly reluctant statement saying, “By virtue of being the GOP nominee, this is what we do – support them in winning the general election.”
Well it’s Friday Happy Hour in DC and the press has mostly left the White House.
Which IG is getting fired right now?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@65 Trump: “I don’t need authority. I’m president. What I say goes.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
@70 Are there any left to fire?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Whether it was legal or not, let’s be clear: They didn’t get this money by working for it.
If Puddy remember from a few months ago, y’all were all testy on why Trump didn’t call for a
national quatantine
national lockdown
national stay at home orders
He claimed it was unconstitutional. He said it was up to the states.
Well here is the First Amendment
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
This includes states senile idiot wabbit. So here Trump has the constitution behind his comments as churches are not essential but abortion clinics and weed stores and liquor stores are essential. At what point do churches get to socially distant like Walmart?
Meanwhile most people with a brain think BiteME’s comments were reprehensible.
The Founder of BET, a station not watched by the assesHorse whitey –
“Vice President Biden’s statement today represents the arrogant and out-of-touch attitude of a paternalistic white candidate who has the audacity to tell Black people, the descendants of slaves, that they are not Black unless they vote for him,” Johnson told Fox News. “This proves unequivocally that the Democratic nominee believes that Black people owe him their vote without question; even though, we as Black people know it is exactly the opposite. He should spend the rest of his campaign apologizing to every Black person he meets.”
The NAACP CEO Derrick Johnson said
NAACP President and CEO Derrick Johnson said on CBSN Friday that Joe Biden should not assume he has the full support of the African American community during the election. “You cannot take the African American vote for granted,” Johnson told CBSN’s Reena Ninan in response to Biden’s remark that if black voters are undecided between him and President Trump, then they “ain’t black.”
the new color is ORANGE… as in ORANGE supremacist..
Not much since 106th and Park went off the air. And not at all since I cut the cord five years ago but the same could be said for Cartoon Network.
But this is your guy.
“As an African-American, I’m frankly insulted that the Obama campaign would imply that we are so stupid that we would think Bill and Hillary Clinton, who have been deeply and emotionally involved in black issues when Barack Obama was doing something in the neighborhood that I won’t say what he was doing, [but] he said it in his book.”
Read that NAACP statement a few times and show me how it’s going to cost Joe in November.
Eleven Time Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
This afternoon Propaganda Barbie engaged in what has become a tradition for this White House, showing how president AstroGlide donates his paycheck as Electoral College president to a random government agency.
Only this time, being very new, entirely unqualified, and more or less on par for the average Rapepublican “professional” she held up for the cameras the actual check including account and routing numbers.
If you are any of the following: working class, progressive, anarchist, socialist, communist, eco-warrior, animal liberator, anti-fascist, anti-racist, anti-capitalist, PoC, LGBTQ+, or anyone else who is interested in learning about firearms and modern self defense — YOU are invited to join the Socialist Rifle Association today!
So in a world of symmetry, Since the National Rival Associate was funded by Communists, the Socialist Rifle Association is funded by Americans?
Eleven Time Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Any chance they won’t take all the membership dues and piss it all away on abortions for the board member’s girlfriends and Brioni suits for the president?
The black communities has a binary choice.
Vote the Democratic candidate who sometimes puts his foot in his mouth when talking about black people and then tries to make it right when he does
or vote for the Republican who is very specifically working to kill black folk and take away their vote.
My husband who was black, would have voted for Biden.
#83. HA. Don’t forget Che tshirts for everyone.
Eleven Time Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
For 2020, the US taxpayer bill for golf cart rentals paid to Trump Resorts is already more than $180,000 so far, not even half way into the year.
And The Q Clearance Pussy needs you to know that “we spent waaaaaaaay too much money on murjinsee ‘paridniss under ‘Bummer”.
And Puddy admits that he voted for a nominee who is mentally ill.
Not just “both sides”. Turns out there are “very fine people” right here.
I’ll tell you what.
I’ll stipulate that $600M net worth Robert L. (“Bill and Hillary are as in tune with the black community as a Black man living in Chicago”) Johnson speaks for a huge percentage of black voters if Piddles will Stipulate that Reverend Al Sharpton speaks for a huge percentage of the black voters.
It’s not sundown yet and we all know he’ll be around right before.
Not to flog this ex-mare but there’s a medical talking guy who hangs out here…
For those receiving hydroxychloroquine and an antibiotic — the cocktail endorsed by Trump — there was a 45 percent increased risk of death
Donald was LITERALLY advising people to kill themselves if they had the virus.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@74 Here’s some light reading for you from the conservative Heritage Foundation, Piddles. Executive summary: “The government has ample constitutional and legal authority to impose such emergency steps.”
I admit this is a little more complicated than your third-grade-level understanding of the Constitution, but …
Demorat-China National Committee Special Announcement –
Chairman Tom Perez (D-China) Lauds Success Of Operation Demorats Strangle Economy, Chairman Perez Explained, “All Demorats Thank Loyal Governors And Mayors For Maintaining Lockdown Despite Imperialist Counterrevolutionary Protests. Comrades, We Salute You! With Your Heroic Efforts We Will Reach Our Goal Of The Great Demorat Depression!!
Key Points
The official unemployment rate hit 14.7% in April, its highest since the Great Depression, when it exceeded 25%.
The actual figure today may be closer to, or even above, 20%.
A “depression” label could be appropriate if the unemployment rate exceeds 20% for a long period of time. Economists think that’s unlikely.
Eleven Time Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Donald was LITERALLY advising people to kill themselves if they had the virus.
Isn’t that what he’s doing advising Puddy to go to worship tomorrow?
And be sure and have yourself an extra helping of the pot luck nut casserole (cold, of course). Why’ncha go ahead and lick the serving spoon, eh?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@75 Now, now. Those people do have a constitutional right to be dumbasses. They just can’t spread germs, that’s all.
So pretty much any sort of processing and manufacturing factory setting where people are crowded together are coming down with CORVID-19 outbreaks.
Eleven Time Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
I admit this is a little more complicated than your third-grade-level understanding of the Constitution, but …
Maybe he can have his idiot son “The Barrister” explain it to him. Better hurry though. After tomorrow it’s only a matter of time before Puddy’s on a vent.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@76 “Meanwhile most people … think [Biden’s] comments were reprehensible.”*
He agrees with you, although not in those exact words.
Must be where our Trumpers are getting their copy and paste material.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@77 Sure, racism is color-blind, in a manner of speaking.
Church that was fighting coronavirus restrictions has burned to the ground
– Thoughts and prayers
– God does work in mysterious ways…
– I don’t want this to be true but my immediate gut reaction was that they did it. Insurance money plus public support plus saving face while no longer defying stay at home orders that risks legal consequences or money-draining legal action.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@93 Looks that way. but I don’t intend to go near a meatpacking plant anytime soon. Being a rabbit, that’s not my kind of place.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@98 My first thought was “insurance,” too. Especially when I saw the spelling of the graffiti. We’ll see.
Demorat-China Party Of Hate America & Always Believe Women, Unless They Accuse Demorats, Then They Are Lying Sluts Bombshell News – Stickyfingers Joe Biden-Einstein Campaign Launches New “Nigras For Biden” T-Shirt.
The Trump campaign has launched a new “You Ain’t Black” t-shirt mocking former Vice President Joe Biden’s explosive comment that African Americans who don’t vote for him “ain’t black.”
Howard Deanspews:
Remember when I joked that the only black people at a George W. Bush $1000 a plate dinner were the waiters?
I wasn’t wrong but damn those 100 black conservatives got fucking mad.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“It’s been more than six months since President Donald Trump claimed to have started his annual physical at Walter Reed hospital but the White House is declining to explain why he has yet to complete the yearly doctor’s examination.”
Interesting. I sure hope he’s okay. Given Biden’s weaknesses, I’d much rather he ran against an impeached miserable failure than a stand-in some people might be persuaded to vote for.
Will pay huge money for photo of David Duke in a “You Ain’t Black” shirt.
$25 each for a fat white guy who should have bought a bigger size.
Y’all know some DKE chapter is going to take a group shot wearing them.
Eleven Time Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
They haven’t yet figured out how to pull the MagLite out of his ass to perform a routine colonoscopy.
But don’t fret. Jared has been given the assignment.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@104 I’ve heard hoods and swastika masks are hot items right now.
So Dr Birx wondered at today’s presser how come new Wuhan coronavirus cases were reported in the Wa. DC, metro area and other libtard inhabited cities like Laurie Lightfoot’s June lockdown of Chicago and Eric Garcetti’s July lockdown of Los Angeles. Remember, the libtard leaders keeping them closed.
Butt butt butt, it’s Florida and Texas and Georgia where all those new cases are coming from per BeerPong!
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
You’ve been guaranteed immortality, right?
NOPE, no where in the Bible is anything ever said about immortality guarantees. The only guarantee is people like you who curse God will meet your just desserts!
So now Dr. Fauci thinks staying closed is a bad thing. Hmmm…? Will the libtards treat Dr. Fauci like they did Dr Paul after the senate hearings?
Roger Rabbitspews:
“The White House and the State Department failed Friday to hand over documents related to probe by both chambers of Congress into President Donald Trump’s abrupt firing of State Department Inspector General Steve Linick.”
Even if Trump loses in November, the House should impeach him again as a matter of principle, and to show that we, the people, won’t stand for a dictator in our beloved country.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@109 “people like you who curse God”
I didn’t see that comment. What number was it?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@110 “So now Dr. Fauci thinks staying closed is a bad thing.”
Probably depends on the timing. The situation isn’t static.
Eleven Time Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
I only curse Puddy.
Something God and I have in common.
Eleven Time Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Trump’s campaign mgr has already managed to skim over $40 million through his various companies as “vendors” to the campaign.
As I’m a Mormon-Lutheran-Islamist Jihadist Jew, I’m kind of flexible when it it comes to the Heaven and Hell thing.
Stolen from Twitter:
Anyone else notice that the news is 20% of what happened followed by 80% refuting the daily lies of Man-boobs Mussolini? #ManboobsMussolini</blockquote
‘Twould be a shame if that got trending.
YLB spews:
Look on the bright side fellow HA heroes. The batshit trolls will vote for an admitted serial sex offender in Nov.
And guess who’s going to go poof! at 8:50pm?
Praise be!
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant! spews:
Great news assesHorse DUMMOCRETINS, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit told Judge T. Emmet Sullivan that he has 10 days to explain why he should not be forced to let the Justice Department drop its case against Flynn and why he has taken a different course of action instead of what the law demands…
Seems from reading above Judge Sullivan was told to address Rule 48 from the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure. Libtards can ask the senile idiot wabbit what they are if the senile idiot wabbit can process those Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure.
Next 10 days are going to be speshul!
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant! spews:
Meanwhile a libtard led city just lost almost all their lead libtards! Boom shaka laka
Ol' Remus spews:
Before the SHTF, you should have been following the two most important survival rules:
1. As for supplies and equipment, good enough and plenty of it!
2. Stay away from crowds.
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant! spews:
To a DUMMOCRETIN no problem with overt racist…
Joe [BiteME] Biden: ‘You Ain’t Black’ if You Don’t Back Me over Trump
So those 1.3 million blacks who supported Trump in 2016 ain’t black! Thanks Joe BITEME.
As Puddy been saying for years, DUMMOCRETINS take the black vote for granted. Charlemagne asked Biden for something for the black people and BiteME said that! A M A Z I N G!
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant! spews:
Great Sidney Powell Twatter thread!
“They sight Fokker in the order
Sullivan is Fokk’d”
Eleven Time Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcom spews:
For Puddy:
Tara Reade is Alexandra McCabe is a con artist.
Repudiate that if you can.
And btw, you and The Q Clearance Pussy need to.
Because for more than a month you insisted that her claims were credible, and undeniable. Precisely the way you claimed that Trump’s confession of a lengthy history of violent sexual assaults against women were “unimportant” and “not disqualifying”.
You’re a fucking disgrace.
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant! spews:
Charlemagne: “It’s a long way until November, we’ve got more questions.”
BiteME “If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.”
Charlemagne “It don’t have nothing to do with Trump, it has to do with the fact, I want something for my community.”
Quid pro quo Joe BiteME!
Imagine if Trump or Trump Jr. said that! That’s the shoe on the other foot test by Professor Emeritus Alan Dershowitz!
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant! spews:
dot bombed,
What everyone whom thinks right AND Bernie Sanders jockstraps asked for was the same lamestream press investigative treatment of Tara Reade/Joe BiteMe that they gave Brett Cavanaugh/Christine Blasey Ford. And since there were more corroborating witnesses for Tara Reade none of them were contacted by the lamestream press! Since it never happened your post is as worthless as the fingers that created it!
Sot dot bombed, why wasn’t it given the full scrutiny?
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant! spews:
dot bombed,
What everyone whom thinks right AND Bernie Sanders jockstraps asked for was the same lamestream press investigative treatment of Tara Reade/Joe BiteMe that they gave Brett Cavanaugh/Christine Blasey Ford. And since there were more corroborating witnesses for Tara Reade none of them were contacted by the lamestream press! Since it never happened your post is as worthless as the fingers that created it!
Sot dot bombed, why wasn’t it given the full scrutiny?
@godwinha spews:
If a minority woman leans conservative, it’s OK to refer to her in this manner:
Clarification: It’s OK to refer to her in this manner if you’re a Democrat.
I’llHaveAPilsner spews:
Maybe the GOP should offer free office chairs for all.
Survey USA has Jay Inslee at 61% approval.
Trouncing all GOP candidates head to head and
50% of primary voters say they will vote for him. None of the prefers GOP or prefers “Open it Up” or Prefers orange or Prefers Freedom candidates are in double digits.
The best of the lot head to head is Phil Fortunato who only loses 56-37.
(Calls for secession in Moxie and Naches will be loud in November)
@godwinha spews:
@ 12
Should Trump win in November, I’m thinking about how good an Inslee v. DeSantis matchup in 2024 could be. They’d each have a claim to handling the Wuhan about as well as could be expected, given their situations.
@godwinha spews:
Joe Biden is a Ra_ist.
P, or C?
@godwinha spews:
I plan to vote for Inslee in November.
I don’t have a reason not to do so.
Eleven Time Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcom spews:
Scored a double! Wooohooooooo!
Piddles and The Q Clearance Pussy double down, declaring their belief in Top Seekrit Adjunct Professorships.
Not unlike The Q Clearance Pussy’s Top Seekrit medical degree and Piddle’s IT cred.
For more than three years I’ve been arguing that the Republican party and its voters have devolved into a pack of beer drunk, credulous, inept, pathological liars. The trolls have consistently fallen short in any attempt to refute that. And now, having lovingly embraced the enormously risky character of someone like Tara Reade, it all has collapsed into the only possible conclusion it ever could have.
Rapepublicans are idiots. Credulous dupes. Easily misled by anyone willing to confirm their fears, biases, and delusions.
Tara Reade is an obviously broken person. Unaccomplished in any respect, she has faked her way through a miserable life of struggle, moving from one low level scam to the next. She’s certainly been on a roll for the last few years. But none of that changes who she is. A consistent failure in life.
And she trolled the shit out of Every Rapepublican You Know. Including our trolls.
Rapepublicans are just not cut out for this work.
WTF!? spews:
He excels at it. Like the rest of the deplorable Repukes, aside from fucking goats and horses.
WTF!? spews:
Ronald Reagan wasn’t even this lost.
@godwinha spews:
Remember, vote fraud does not exist.
From Goldyville:
This Democrat POS voted numerous ballots while enclosed in the voting booth. This Democrat POS then certified the false results in his role as judge of elections.
He only needed to do it during the primary races. ’cause of course the Democrat would win the Fall ballot race. So he was disenfranchising other Democrats.
Which should mean something to y’all libbies.
Roger Rabbit spews:
Tara Reade is fired by her lawyers.
Tara Reade will never, ever be vice president.
“B-b-b-u-t-t I feel sooo violated !!!”
Eleven Time Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcom spews:
As in so many times before, and seemingly as always, I will not be surprised if Piddles ball-spiking over DCC ends in more humiliation.
Fokker, having been cited previously bu Sullivan himself, and by Powell in her motion, is a very different kind of case. Sullivan isn’t a judge getting frustrated about a charging decision and usurping authority, at least not as I see it.
The DOJ has essentially two active and entirely opposing arguments in front of his court. The def. Flynn now has two active, and entirely opposing arguments in front of his court. That may seem like “changing your mind” to a lay person. But in any ongoing proceeding, for any party to make that kind of 180 degree shift in legal position is generally unheard of and generally not allowed except under extraordinary circumstances.
Sullivan has statutory and constitutional authority to rule over any questions about that kind of reversal in his court. The DCC may be jumping the gun here a little by demanding some of the production of Sullivan’s amicus schedule in advance, before allowing it to move forward. But in the end, that may be all this is. A demand from the DCC, given the extraordinary reversals, for Sullivan to expose his legal interest in that inquiry and the reasoning behind it.
Judge: “Before I can rule on the motion to dismiss I need to know if/why/whether a defendant pleading in my court has perjured himself before me in entering two completely opposing pleas.
And before I can rule on the motion to dismiss I need to know if/why/whether a prosecutor pleading in my court has broken rules or engaged in misconduct before me in maintaining two entirely opposing pleadings to me.”
I don’t know what’s in all the evidence and transcripts that Sullivan reviewed prior to sentencing. So maybe there are other reasons why the court would want to have this process before ruling on the prosecution motion to dismiss. But given what’s in the public record it looks pretty clear that Sullivan has sound legal reasons for delaying a ruling on the motion until further inquiry. Fokker doesn’t touch on that at all.
@godwinha spews:
I’m actually just fine with this. It’s for his horse farm, after all.
Illinois construction workers traveling to Wisconsin to work on Pritzker’s farm amid stay-at-home order
Roger Rabbit spews:
@11 “Clarification: It’s OK to refer to her in this manner if you’re a Democrat.”
Respect has been a one-way street for years, and now you’re complaining because it’s become a dead-end street?
If you want us to respect you, then you have to respect us. Your side started this, so your side has to back off first.
Roger Rabbit spews:
The very best a judge could say of Flynn is that he’s a credulous fool who allowed himself to be set up by rogue FBI agents. Anything else a judge might say of Flynn comes with a prison sentence.
Eleven Time Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcom spews:
Electoral fraud is not voter fraud.
Canceling the registrations of hundreds of thousands of registered voters because they missed an election and they forgot to move their car registration prevents corrupt officials from stuffing ballot boxes because…
What a fucking pathetic disgrace.
@godwinha spews:
@ 23
If you want us to respect you, then you have to respect us.
You want respect, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit? Stop claiming to be a millionaire. It’s plainly apparent that you are not.
It starts there. Pull back from 15 years of lies about your wealth, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. You embarrass yourself.
Eleven Time Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcom spews:
Never going to happen.
The Q Clearance Pussy admitting that he smeared Vice President Biden with unfounded paranoid nonsense about rape allegations is NOT A THING.
He’s a Trumpalo Rapepublican.
This is who they are. There is no pivot.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@15 “I plan to vote for Inslee in November. I don’t have a reason not to do so.”
There are 28 GOP candidates and you can’t find one to support? What about Dr. Raul Garcia? You’re not supporting him? Stiff-arming a fellow physician? Or is this because Inslee’s doing a pretty good job?
@godwinha spews:
So if Trump’s responsible for the CDC’s missteps during the Wuhan, then Inslee’s responsible for the hundreds of millions of dollars paid out to a Nigerian prince down on his luck who just lost his job as a Washington state employee, amirite?
Eleven Time Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcom spews:
a judge can also say to a defendant, and rather frequently they do say, “I forbid you to advance an argument before my court that stands in direct opposition to an argument you previously made to this court”.
Let’s have Piddles idiot son “The Barrister” google “estoppel” for us.
As I’ve said before, if there was prosecutorial misconduct then def. counsel has to argue that before the court and it has to be accompanied by evidence. In the unusual instance that the prosecution wants to dismiss on that basis then of course, they have a legal duty to reveal all of that (Brady, etc.).
Sullivan obviously recognizes and acknowledged the DOJ’s authority to dismiss at or before trial. And he obviously is not entertaining any prospect of Flynn being taken to trial. But as I see it he still has a statutory authority in his court to engage in inquiry directed at uncovering misconduct or perjury. I don’t see the DCC wanting to make new law here.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@19 A Republican is someone who believes millions of American citizens should be denied their voting rights in order to prevent a single person from voting illegally. But because a handful of illegal votes will always slip through, even though they don’t affect the outcome of elections, Republicans also believe we shouldn’t hold elections at all.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@22 Wisconsin Republicans should be fine with it, too, unless they have a double standard.
@godwinha spews:
It’s now clear to me that the reason Barack Obama selected Biden as VP nominee in 2008 was so that he’d be able to lock down the elusive black vote.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@26 I’ll bet you’ve been fucking horses a lot longer than I’ve been a millionaire.
@godwinha spews:
@ 30
I see the DCC wanting Sullivan to respond to the motion currently before his court.
This afternoon’s a Friday before a long holiday weekend. Be a perfect time for him to do it.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@33 It’s now clear to the whole world that the GOP nominated a fucking clown in 2016 because all their voters are fucking clowns, too.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@35 “I see the DCC wanting Sullivan to respond to the motion currently before his court.”
And what reason did they have to believe that he wouldn’t? It seems to me that Judge Sullivan responded to the motion promptly and energetically.
@godwinha spews:
@ 37
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s favorite football play is what happens when it’s fourth-and-long.
Roger Rabbit spews:
“President Donald Trump complained Thursday that Fox News wasn’t aiding his bid to remain in the White House. ‘Many will disagree, but Fox News is doing nothing to help Republicans, and me, get re-elected on November 3rd,’ he tweeted.”
Only one of these things can be true:
1) Trump doesn’t have a legitimate beef because Fox is a news organization and it’s totally inappropriate for them to help him get reelected; or
2) Trump has a legitimate beef because Fox is an extension of his reelection campaign, not a news organization.
@godwinha spews:
Pretty sure Biden was wishing the same thing about Coons’ daughter.
Pars Dominae Foetidae spews:
Not necessarily true. Given our monetary system has inflation of 2% built into the framework of managing the system, it’s quite possible Roger is a millionaire on paper because he, like all of us, lives in a system that plans on inflation. Thus, his assets may have appreciated simply do to inflation.
The fact you should be trying to ascertain is whether or not he might be a millionaire on paper due to nagging inflation or did he allegedly become a millionaire due to his financial acumen and taking appropriate risk over the decades?
Pars Dominae Foetidae spews:
We can say that Fox News is to Trump as ABC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, NBC and PBS were to Hillary Clinton back in the 2016 election. The team loyalties are clearly define:. Fox News supports Republicans and the others support Democrats. No secret there!
Puddybud, The One AND Only, Demonstrating the Senile Idiot Wabbit is Very Senile spews:
Or senile idiot wabbit @39,
Why isn’t Fox News helping me as much the rest of the lamestream media is helping Joe BiteME 24×7.
You always miss the obvious because of your senility!
See ya!
Eleven Time Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcom spews:
I see the DCC wanting Sullivan to respond to the motion currently before his court.
The motion to dismiss has certain fairly obvious implications to the def.’s due process rights. DCC would be right to express an enjoining interest in protecting those rights, but not in an exercise of supervisory authority over a trial level court.
As an habitual television viewer and all-around idiot, The Q Clearance Pussy can perhaps be forgiven for having a misunderstanding of the relationships between appellate circuit courts and trial courts. The DCC is not “the boss” in the relationship, even if some talking hairdo insists or referring to one as “the lower court” and the other as “the higher court”.
“Hurry up and rule” is not the same thing as “Hurry up and respect the due process rights of the def. unless you can describe an overriding interest arising from the conduct of the def. before your court.” Sullivan can answer and I’m sure he will, but not tonight. And when he does it will be up to the DCC if they agree with his interest in prolonging things.
But if they disagree there’s a good chance that in doing so they will be asserting a new view of judicial authority in weighing the rights of the accused against the people’s interest in a justice system free of taint or corruption. That will go beyond rule 48(a). It will open the door to a criminal legal system nakedly for sale to the highest bidder.
Sounds very Trumpy to me. A perfect fit for Judge Rao. Much less so for the other two on the panel.
@godwinha spews:
@ 41
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, in a spew on HA, once shared the worth of his investment portfolio. To the dollar.
There’s nothing to ascertain. It was a pathetically small monetary figure, and you don’t go from there to millionaire without planting some magic beans.
He’s a bloviating liar. His family has shunned him so he spends his days, evenings, and weekends lying on HA. Problem is, he stupidly shared so much about himself that he proved he’s lying about his financial status. He feels no sense of shame about his dishonesty in reference to his overall wealth, although at least he no longer posts his daily market gains – I turned them against him too often.
His investments are far from appropriate. They are gambles, because otherwise he has to face just how badly he has failed his family. Liberals do not face reality well. So he’s Roger Double-Down Dumbfuck Rabbit, and has been for awhile.
@godwinha spews:
There’s no joke black people enjoy hearing more than one about race told by a white man.
@godwinha spews:
Even when Biden tells a joke, he has to finish it with “And I’m not joking.”
@godwinha spews:
Because Trump told them to, we are now being told.
AP count: Over 4,300 virus patients sent to NY nursing homes
It’s shocking that Cuomo didn’t want to share this information.
@godwinha spews:
Suddenly realizing his final interview comment was widely perceived as dismissive of black America, Team Biden scrambled and has found an advisor to guide Biden through his interactions with black voters henceforth:
Mayor Pete.
@godwinha spews:
Alright, who thinks that this will be the last time Joe Biden insults black voters?
We’ll start with your answer, Senator Harris.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@40 Pretty sure there was a time when Trump wished Ivanka wasn’t his daughter and/or incest was legal in his state.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@41 “Thus, his assets may have appreciated simply do to inflation.”
Possible; but far more likely that I’m a millionaire because I save and invest instead of borrow and spend, plus I put my money in stocks instead of unproductive assets like horse farms, F-350s, horse trailers, and hay bales. Lots of people spend to create an appearance of wealth, but nobody ever spent their way to actual wealth. The tradeoff is that I don’t get to fuck horses, but I can’t say I miss that.
Btw, you should learn how to spell “due.” Spelling “due” as “do” makes you look like a Republican.
I'llHaveaPilsner spews:
Joe Biden upset black Americans who vote Republican.
All the others, democrats, have said the exact same sentence about Republican voting blacks.
We live in a world with a show called “Blackish” implying that being successful and wealthy (not a rapper or athlete) makes you something not quite black. And THIS is what’s got you troubled?
Colin Kaepernick isn’t black, Rodney Harrison.
Beyonce isn’t black enough, she can’t formation dance, post Super Bowl Twitter
Trying so hard to distract from the miserable failure that is the Donald.
97,000> 95,000 > 15
RedReformed spews:
Alright, who thinks that this will be the last time the impeached miserable failure kills voters? 97,169 and counting.
Voting blue.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@42 Bullshit. False equivalency. That’s like saying there was no difference between Edward R. Murrow and Josef Goebbels.
I'llHaveAPilsner spews:
Piddles really has got himself into a lather and doesn’t understand why I’m laughing so hard at him.
The fact that some people have been convicted of Voter fraud does not change the FACTs that:
In response to Donald’s wild claims about rampant voting fraud Florida Governor Rick Scott in his state decided to put together a blue ribbon fact finding commission to root out the obvious fraud in the state of Florida.
The spent two years investigating, calling witnesses, pouring over voter rolls and records and spared no expense and released the report.
The state of Florida found….
Not a single damn thing.
Not one illegal vote.
This is where a true conservative would rail against government waste and demand a tax cut so investigations like this can’t be done. NEVER FORGET!
But Piddles is a bullshit artist and nothing more.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@43 “Why isn’t Fox News helping me”
I dunno. Let’s drill into this. The possibilities are:
[ ] 1. You’re a nobody and they don’t know who you are.
[ ] 2. They know who you are but you’re a nobody.
[ ] 3. You’re too loony even for them.
[ ] 4. Other
Roger Rabbit spews:
@45 If you think I’m bad, I know of a doctor who’s cheating on his wife with a horse.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@50 Alright, who thinks black voters will vote for Trump? Besides the loon, I mean.
Alan West spews:
I’m hopping mad.
Democrats, get a better candidate. One I would vote for. Got the guy for you. His name is Trump.
Steve spews:
I prefer this AOC.
Phoenix – Lisztomania – Boston University Brat Pack Mashup
Roger Rabbit spews:
@60 You’re illiterate. “Better” doesn’t describe Trump in any context, let alone this one. Do you even know what the word means?
MarkS spews:
Sounds like a certain orange haired clown from New Yawk
Eleven Time Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcom spews:
The two have the same characteristic feature in common.
They’ve both been incredibly successful at misleading and deceiving American conservatives for profit. People like our trolls wake up in the morning and begin their desperate search for the next scam they will fall victim to. There are 63 million American voters just like them. I suspect that every single goddamn one of them has magnets in their shoes.
I'llHaveAPilsner spews:
Narrator, “He does not have that authority.”
I'llHaveAPilsner spews:
2-3000 dead evangelicals in the right counties is a margin far more fragile that Black voters dropping Biden.
As long as we’re keepin’ it 100.
I'llHaveAPilnser spews:
For when Dumbfuck wants to talk about Joe Biden and incoherent rambling.
“And I tested very postively in another sense. so this morning yes I tested positively toward negative, right? No I tested perfectly this morning (off camera, you tested negative?) Meaning I tested negative.”
I see you there @18
I'llHaveAPilsner spews:
Real Justice would be negligent homicide charges against the officers who busted into the wrong house and shot Breonna unless we all get one Oopsie at work that kills someone.
usa today:
I suppose I shouldn’t have to state the obvious but we have dumfuck and his sidekick…. Dropping a case before it gets underway is not the same as trying to drop a case after a guilty plea is entered and sentencing recommendations have been made to the judge to consider.
I'llHaveAPilsner spews:
Dance with the one you came in with…
I'llHaveAPilsner spews:
Well it’s Friday Happy Hour in DC and the press has mostly left the White House.
Which IG is getting fired right now?
Roger Rabbit spews:
@65 Trump: “I don’t need authority. I’m president. What I say goes.”
Roger Rabbit spews:
@70 Are there any left to fire?
Roger Rabbit spews:
Whether it was legal or not, let’s be clear: They didn’t get this money by working for it.
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant! spews:
If Puddy remember from a few months ago, y’all were all testy on why Trump didn’t call for a
national quatantine
national lockdown
national stay at home orders
He claimed it was unconstitutional. He said it was up to the states.
Well here is the First Amendment
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
This includes states senile idiot wabbit. So here Trump has the constitution behind his comments as churches are not essential but abortion clinics and weed stores and liquor stores are essential. At what point do churches get to socially distant like Walmart?
YLB spews:
Well here is the First Amendment
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech,
Go for it troll… OPEN WIDE.. BREATHE IN….
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant! spews:
Meanwhile most people with a brain think BiteME’s comments were reprehensible.
The Founder of BET, a station not watched by the assesHorse whitey –
The NAACP CEO Derrick Johnson said
YLB spews:
Is there such a thing as a person of color who is a white supremacist?
mmmmm.. Judging from the bilious blather of one troll in these comment threads?
The evidence is VERY STRONG!
YLB spews:
btw, “white” is on the way out…
the new color is ORANGE… as in ORANGE supremacist..
I’llHaveAPilsner spews:
Not much since 106th and Park went off the air. And not at all since I cut the cord five years ago but the same could be said for Cartoon Network.
But this is your guy.
“As an African-American, I’m frankly insulted that the Obama campaign would imply that we are so stupid that we would think Bill and Hillary Clinton, who have been deeply and emotionally involved in black issues when Barack Obama was doing something in the neighborhood that I won’t say what he was doing, [but] he said it in his book.”
Read that NAACP statement a few times and show me how it’s going to cost Joe in November.
Eleven Time Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcom spews:
This afternoon Propaganda Barbie engaged in what has become a tradition for this White House, showing how president AstroGlide donates his paycheck as Electoral College president to a random government agency.
Only this time, being very new, entirely unqualified, and more or less on par for the average Rapepublican “professional” she held up for the cameras the actual check including account and routing numbers.
Because idiot.
Rapepublicans are just not cut out for this work.
RedReformed spews:
Today I learned that Socialist Rifle Association is a real thing.
RedReformed spews:
So in a world of symmetry, Since the National Rival Associate was funded by Communists, the Socialist Rifle Association is funded by Americans?
Eleven Time Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcom spews:
Any chance they won’t take all the membership dues and piss it all away on abortions for the board member’s girlfriends and Brioni suits for the president?
RedReformed spews:
The black communities has a binary choice.
Vote the Democratic candidate who sometimes puts his foot in his mouth when talking about black people and then tries to make it right when he does
or vote for the Republican who is very specifically working to kill black folk and take away their vote.
My husband who was black, would have voted for Biden.
RedReformed spews:
#83. HA. Don’t forget Che tshirts for everyone.
Eleven Time Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcom spews:
For 2020, the US taxpayer bill for golf cart rentals paid to Trump Resorts is already more than $180,000 so far, not even half way into the year.
And The Q Clearance Pussy needs you to know that “we spent waaaaaaaay too much money on murjinsee ‘paridniss under ‘Bummer”.
And Puddy admits that he voted for a nominee who is mentally ill.
Not just “both sides”. Turns out there are “very fine people” right here.
I’llHaveAPilsner spews:
I’ll tell you what.
I’ll stipulate that $600M net worth Robert L. (“Bill and Hillary are as in tune with the black community as a Black man living in Chicago”) Johnson speaks for a huge percentage of black voters if Piddles will Stipulate that Reverend Al Sharpton speaks for a huge percentage of the black voters.
It’s not sundown yet and we all know he’ll be around right before.
I’llHaveAPilsner spews:
Not to flog this ex-mare but there’s a medical talking guy who hangs out here…
Donald was LITERALLY advising people to kill themselves if they had the virus.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@74 Here’s some light reading for you from the conservative Heritage Foundation, Piddles. Executive summary: “The government has ample constitutional and legal authority to impose such emergency steps.”
I admit this is a little more complicated than your third-grade-level understanding of the Constitution, but …
A1 spews:
Demorat-China National Committee Special Announcement –
Chairman Tom Perez (D-China) Lauds Success Of Operation Demorats Strangle Economy, Chairman Perez Explained, “All Demorats Thank Loyal Governors And Mayors For Maintaining Lockdown Despite Imperialist Counterrevolutionary Protests. Comrades, We Salute You! With Your Heroic Efforts We Will Reach Our Goal Of The Great Demorat Depression!!
Key Points
The official unemployment rate hit 14.7% in April, its highest since the Great Depression, when it exceeded 25%.
The actual figure today may be closer to, or even above, 20%.
A “depression” label could be appropriate if the unemployment rate exceeds 20% for a long period of time. Economists think that’s unlikely.
Eleven Time Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcom spews:
Donald was LITERALLY advising people to kill themselves if they had the virus.
Isn’t that what he’s doing advising Puddy to go to worship tomorrow?
And be sure and have yourself an extra helping of the pot luck nut casserole (cold, of course). Why’ncha go ahead and lick the serving spoon, eh?
Roger Rabbit spews:
@75 Now, now. Those people do have a constitutional right to be dumbasses. They just can’t spread germs, that’s all.
RedReformed spews:
So pretty much any sort of processing and manufacturing factory setting where people are crowded together are coming down with CORVID-19 outbreaks.
Eleven Time Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcom spews:
I admit this is a little more complicated than your third-grade-level understanding of the Constitution, but …
Maybe he can have his idiot son “The Barrister” explain it to him. Better hurry though. After tomorrow it’s only a matter of time before Puddy’s on a vent.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@76 “Meanwhile most people … think [Biden’s] comments were reprehensible.”*
He agrees with you, although not in those exact words.
* There was a lot of static in your comment, so I cleaned it up for you.
RedReformed spews:
Carnegie Mellon University researchers have discovered that much of the discussion doubting the pandemic and anti-stay-at-home orders is being fueled by misinformation campaigns that use convincing bots. Of the top 50 influential retweeters, 82% are bots, of the top 1,000 retweeters, 62% are bots.
Must be where our Trumpers are getting their copy and paste material.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@77 Sure, racism is color-blind, in a manner of speaking.
RedReformed spews:
Church that was fighting coronavirus restrictions has burned to the ground
– Thoughts and prayers
– God does work in mysterious ways…
– I don’t want this to be true but my immediate gut reaction was that they did it. Insurance money plus public support plus saving face while no longer defying stay at home orders that risks legal consequences or money-draining legal action.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@93 Looks that way. but I don’t intend to go near a meatpacking plant anytime soon. Being a rabbit, that’s not my kind of place.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@98 My first thought was “insurance,” too. Especially when I saw the spelling of the graffiti. We’ll see.
A1 spews:
Demorat-China Party Of Hate America & Always Believe Women, Unless They Accuse Demorats, Then They Are Lying Sluts Bombshell News – Stickyfingers Joe Biden-Einstein Campaign Launches New “Nigras For Biden” T-Shirt.
The Trump campaign has launched a new “You Ain’t Black” t-shirt mocking former Vice President Joe Biden’s explosive comment that African Americans who don’t vote for him “ain’t black.”
Howard Dean spews:
Remember when I joked that the only black people at a George W. Bush $1000 a plate dinner were the waiters?
I wasn’t wrong but damn those 100 black conservatives got fucking mad.
Roger Rabbit spews:
“It’s been more than six months since President Donald Trump claimed to have started his annual physical at Walter Reed hospital but the White House is declining to explain why he has yet to complete the yearly doctor’s examination.”
Interesting. I sure hope he’s okay. Given Biden’s weaknesses, I’d much rather he ran against an impeached miserable failure than a stand-in some people might be persuaded to vote for.
I’llHaveAPilsner spews:
Will pay huge money for photo of David Duke in a “You Ain’t Black” shirt.
$25 each for a fat white guy who should have bought a bigger size.
Y’all know some DKE chapter is going to take a group shot wearing them.
Eleven Time Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcom spews:
They haven’t yet figured out how to pull the MagLite out of his ass to perform a routine colonoscopy.
But don’t fret. Jared has been given the assignment.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@104 I’ve heard hoods and swastika masks are hot items right now.
Eleven Time Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcom spews:
Among 92 attendees at a rural Arkansas church during March 6–11, 35 (38%) developed laboratory-confirmed COVID-19, and three persons died.
“These aren’t the
droidsFACTS you’re looking for, Puddy.”OPEN WIDE. BREATHE DEEP. What have you got to lose?
You’ve been guaranteed immortality, right?
Or was it immorality?
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant! spews:
So Dr Birx wondered at today’s presser how come new Wuhan coronavirus cases were reported in the Wa. DC, metro area and other libtard inhabited cities like Laurie Lightfoot’s June lockdown of Chicago and Eric Garcetti’s July lockdown of Los Angeles. Remember, the libtard leaders keeping them closed.
Butt butt butt, it’s Florida and Texas and Georgia where all those new cases are coming from per BeerPong!
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant! spews:
You’ve been guaranteed immortality, right?
NOPE, no where in the Bible is anything ever said about immortality guarantees. The only guarantee is people like you who curse God will meet your just desserts!
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant! spews:
So now Dr. Fauci thinks staying closed is a bad thing. Hmmm…? Will the libtards treat Dr. Fauci like they did Dr Paul after the senate hearings?
Roger Rabbit spews:
“The White House and the State Department failed Friday to hand over documents related to probe by both chambers of Congress into President Donald Trump’s abrupt firing of State Department Inspector General Steve Linick.”
Roger Rabbit spews:
Even if Trump loses in November, the House should impeach him again as a matter of principle, and to show that we, the people, won’t stand for a dictator in our beloved country.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@109 “people like you who curse God”
I didn’t see that comment. What number was it?
Roger Rabbit spews:
@110 “So now Dr. Fauci thinks staying closed is a bad thing.”
Probably depends on the timing. The situation isn’t static.
Eleven Time Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcom spews:
I only curse Puddy.
Something God and I have in common.
Eleven Time Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcom spews:
Trump’s campaign mgr has already managed to skim over $40 million through his various companies as “vendors” to the campaign.
Steve spews:
As I’m a Mormon-Lutheran-Islamist Jihadist Jew, I’m kind of flexible when it it comes to the Heaven and Hell thing.
I’llHaveAPilsner spews:
Stolen from Twitter: