Turn me into dirt and spread me under a cool tree. Wait not yet: I mean after I die. But at least now that’s an option. I am relatively free of weird chemicals. Also, I have some connections to rural New England, can my relatives transport dirt me across state lines? Into a state that doesn’t do human composting?
What about the mercury, Carl? From all the fish you ate? How many tuna-and-mayo sandwiches have you tucked away on your waistline? Do you really want to poison the poor tree with all that mercury? What did the tree ever do to you? My woodland friends want to know.
“The redesign of the $20 bill featuring Harriet Tubman will no longer be unveiled in 2020, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said on Wednesday[,] … and no new imagery will be unveiled until 2028.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: You can’t expect Republicans to allow a black woman on the currency, and an anti-slavery suffragette at that! To them it’s bad enough they’re allowed into public parks now.
“To them, it’s bad enough they’re allowed in public parks now.”
Allowed, sure. But only at the risk of a child being shot dead by the cops.
Yesterday the party leadership in both chambers of Congress met and hammered out an agreement to suspend the debt ceiling and borrow as much as they like without limits into the year 2021. The deal is expected to be brought to a vote as early as today.
Meanwhile the entirety of the House Freedumb Caucus of Teabagger Patriots was too busy shit-Tweeting Mean Girl Memes about Justin Amash to even take notice.
Now THAT is modern conservatism in action.
#youbuiltthat #andnowyoumustliveinitforever
May 21, 2019 – Good Feelings On Economy Don’t Help Trump, Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds; Biden Is Only Contender With Positive Score
Biden is the top pick for the party nomination among 35 percent of Democrats or voters leaning Democratic. Sanders has 16 percent, with 13 percent for Warren, 8 percent for Harris and 5 percent for Buttigieg. No other Democrat tops 3 percent, with most less than 1 percent.
Definitely not vote for trump
54% in total
10% of republicans
94% of Democrats.
54% of independents
I like “Too Stupid to Indict”
“Trump Jr buried in mockery after his book deal sets off an avalanche of brutal and hilarious proposed titles
@5 Meanwhile, Trump pumps up his dwindling crowds with talk of a third, fourth, and fifth term … which kinda reminds me of a stooped old man with a funny mustache leaning over a map table pointing to imaginary divisions in April of 1945 …
A twelve year old child is worth $6 million.
Seems a little discounted to me. After all, according to Teh Dumbfuck Tamir Rice was a “threatening hulking monster” who was “terrorizing the park” and “holding highly trained well armed police and an entire neighborhood at bay”. For a sixth grader still struggling with area of circles and diagramming sentences, and the frequent victim of bullying, I’d say that’s pretty fucking impressive. And well worth a price premium.
“A Mississippi lawmaker was arrested this weekend after police say he drunkenly punched his wife in the face because she didn’t undress quickly enough when he wanted to have sex.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: A Republican, of course. And a pretty good metaphor for what Republicans in general think of women.
@8 A million bucks doesn’t buy much anymore. You used to be able to get a whole plantation for that, slaves included. That’s what decades of Republican deficit spending and inflation have done to the dollar.
five minutes.
That’s how long Orange Babyman took to insist that Ds play by his ever changing rules or he’ll take his ball and go home.
Someone (MotherJones) went through Donald’s Federally Mandated Financial disclosure forms.
In 2018, Donald (“I only worked with Duetsche Bank because I had so much money I didn’t need other banks and if they hadn’t treated my account perfectly there were plenty of others..[eds note, quote from YESTERDAY]”) borrowed at least $5m and possibly as much as $25M from a small Florida bank. (Why is POTUS borrowing money since you know, blind trust oh never mind that. Bigger questions)
Why was the CEO of that small Florida Bank nominated and confirmed to the Miami branch of the Atlanta Federal Reserve shortly after.
And the scandals just keep on piling up.
This guy should be told that he should be publicly speaking out against his wife instead of The Hump. Go away already. You are married to the woman who works for and praises the very individual that you like to gain notoriety from. Anyone else find this fucking bizarre, aside from him not dealing with his personal issues of being married to a witch!
FeliciaInfrastructure.And so long to Trump’s best chances to rebuild his poll numbers in PA, MI, and WI.
Frankly, and in all seriousness, I’m disgusted that the D leadership were even willing to go down this stupid fucking road with Mulvaney and Orange Douchenozzle’s domestic policy team (such as it is). Any successful outcome was certain to be used by Republicans to bludgeon Democrats next year. And President Pastetaster was going to take credit for any projects, jobs and spending, real or imagined that even appeared to come out of it.
The stakes here are simply too high. By conjuring idiot voodoo PizzaGate chanting about “The Flight 93 Election” the GOP has indeed brought America to that brink. Eliminating any chance of a Trump re-election has to subsume all other considerations. Democrats will never have a future hope of rebuilding the shattered economies of the Rust Belt so long as any Republican has a say in it.
Thank the sweet baby Jeebus the Child Molesters in the Senate came to our rescue. Absolutely unwilling to consider any tax offsets for the trillions of dollars of infrastructure spending in the plan, they sent word ahead. And Captain RageDiaper accommodated by staging yet another melt down in front of cameras.
Now millions of blue collar, working class whites in the Rust Belt are faced with a choice so simple even they can understand it. To be sure, many of them will choose Rape Cages and toilet monitors over health insurance and living wage jobs. But president sundowner’s little temper tantrum, and the brain-dead Republican tax orthodoxies behind it, just cost them the 150,000 votes that made the difference for Trump in 2016. I guess it’s all up to the Proud (White) Boys now.
Remember when the bitching starts, once again they did this to themselves.
Looks like infrastructure is dead: Trump wants to hold road repair and rural broadband hostage to ending the investigations of his crimes.
Gets it.
For the vast majority of so-called “moderate” Republicans, Trump serves as a focal point to direct attention away from their own willingness to go along. Conway laments Trump, but remains silent about his wife’s labors in support of Trump. “Godly” conservatives lament Trump’s “moral excesses”, but remain absolutely silent about an entire fucking Republican Senate on their scabby knees waiting patiently for their next helping of orange throat yogurt. So-called “compassionate” conservatives lament the torture of refugees, but remain silent about two decades of Republicans unwilling to even consider reforming our immigration laws. TeaPublican Patriots lament wasteful spending, but remain silent in the face of a party that signs off on inconceivably stupid boondoggles like WALL!!, SPACEFORCE, NetJets, and the $15,000 desk.
George Conway really is “the status quo” of Republicans now.
“The Proud Boys want the public to believe that they’re a ‘drinking club’ who only resort to violence to defend themselves from anti-fascist protesters during political rallies. But in private, these extremists have discussed injuring and even killing their adversaries, plotting tactics and optics for months in order to assert a claim of self-defense should they face charges.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: It’s time to call Proud Boys what they are: Domestic terrorists.
These same idiots who tried in vain to sue anyone in sight who ever said mean things about them in public, are now known to have used similar fora to organize criminal activities. It’s all straight out of a Mario Puzo novel.
Be careful Iran. Pelosi just put his balls in her purse and there’s no telling what a cuck will do to get them back.
@19 It’s worse than that. She also said she’s going to pray for him. Also for our country.
Someone else should have tried that. “Next person who asks about my birth certificate is getting investigated for treason! I’ll sic the AG on your ass. Bitch you want to make shit up about Benghazi? I’ve got a whole can of federal prosecutors for you.”
Doctor Dumbfuck gets a judge.
“Republicans hand lifetime federal bench appointment to lawyer who says gay judges can’t decide cases objectively”
I take it straight judges can’t decide cases objectively, either, but that might be why he’s been appointed.
Doctor Dumbfuck says, “Fuck your rights! We’re coming after you, Gman!”
What a loser Trump shows up for the latest infrastructure of the week, sees Democrats and runs away like a scared little girl from Pelosi… because it’s Hillary’s fault for being so awful
“…there’s no telling what a cuck will do to get them back.”
I s’pose we could always ask our resident cuckservative expert. But so far Dumbfuck’s not posting today.
@23 apparently he’s all upset, saying that he doesn’t do coverups.
I think we’ve found his Achilles Heel. I think Dems should forget about impeachment and just have everyone yell “Coverup, Coverup, Coverup” at rallies, seeing that Repukes have turned their rallies into stadium chants and of no value.
Oh, and the judge @22 is cool with torture. Hates gays, loves torture. What’s not for a dumbfuck to love?
DJIA only up 800 points over a 1 year period. Big gains!
@22 and 26
Let them come. They can’t win a war with Cuba or Iran….and they won’t win one with me. Bob’s never won an argument none the less a war.
@26 Did anyone ask him about Brown v. Board of Education?
I get the feeling we’re going to need a LOT more judges the next time Democrats control the White House and Senate, especially on the appellate bench, where all of the circuits need to be greatly expanded. The Supreme Court will need to be expanded, too, from 9 justices to at least 11, in order to handle all their workload.
@27 Up 0% over the last year and a half. At this rate it might be a while before it reaches 50,000, when Doctor Dumbfuck can finally and at long last claim that the DOW’s performance under his orange moron has matched that of the usurping Muslim socialist from Kenya.
@22 and 26
Let them come. They can’t win a war with China or Iran….and they won’t win one with me. Bob’s never won an argument none the less a war.
Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin (R-Trump Clone) is up for election this November, and polls suggest he’s in deep, deep trouble. He got barely 52% of the GOP vote in yesterday’s primary, and will face Kentucky AG Andy Beshear on Nov. 5, 2019. Back in December, the Mason-Dixon poll showed Beshear beating Bevin, 48%-40%.
Great news from Florida Gov Ron DeSantis:
Florida will not be joining ERIC in time for the 2020 general election.
Okay people. You know what to do.
“I don’t talk to staff.”
Conway was unavailable for follow up comment after being LifeFlighted to the Bethesda burn unit.
Call me surprised. And Doctor Dumbfuck? He must be so proud…….of Putin.
“Rex Tillerson revealed Trump made a complete fool of himself during Putin meeting”
Anybody know a good criminal defense attorney?
Not one seeking both professional and social infamy.
37 Just spread some big money around. That worked for me. Plus being a black gay guy didn’t hurt!
A little well timed police misconduct never hurts either.
Am I right?
“Am I right?”
As stupid as you are, troll, I’m fairly fucking certain you’ve never been right about a goddamned thing in your entire pathetic fucking life.
My God, our trolls are so fucking stupid! Haven’t any of of them got goddamned fucking brain??
Amazing how each troll is dumber than the last.
@39 Jussie! Don’t forget that your a gay man too!
Fuck! *you’re
@39 / 43
Or is it that you are a white bigot – you REO. Sad when bigots can’t add a little homophobia to their comments. Where’s Puffy when he’s needed?
If hanging out with people who wanted him dead didn’t do it, I figure watching Carson’s humiliation super nova would have killed him anyway.
RIP, loon. We hardly knew ya, but that more than enough.
Wooooooo Baby. PI must be really picking up some hot potatoes today! You go girl!
@41 No. Isn’t that self-evident?
@47 I disagree. We knew the babbling butthole all too well, in the same way you make the acquaintance of a squawking seagull.
“U.S. manufacturer growth hit … the lowest level since September 2009, according to results from financial data firm IHS Markit released Thursday. ‘Growth of business activity slowed sharply in May as trade war worries and increased uncertainty dealt a further blow to … business confidence,’ said Chris Williamson, Markit’s chief business economist. U.S. overall business activity growth also faltered to a three-year low ….”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Did somebody say something about speeding up growth by electing a “businessman” to run the country? How’s that working out so far?
Let’s do a reality check on the master negotiator and see if his dealmaking methods are working:
“Trump’s strategy of torching a meeting, turning on his heel and raising the stakes is familiar from his life as a real estate magnate. But there is increasing evidence that walking away from the table doesn’t work as well for a President as it can for businessmen. He tried it with North Korea, and the Stalinist state still has its nuclear weapons. He did it with China, and a trade war is deepening. A previous walkout also killed off a nascent immigration deal with Democrats that could have funded his border wall, the centerpiece of his 2016 campaign.”
Oops. Not so well.
@48 He’s premature if he is.
While anti-gun Parkland survivors have gotten most of the attention, at least one pro-gun Parkland survivor is getting attention, too — for being a racist:
“Kyle Kashuv, a pro-gun shooting survivor and former member of an embattled college Republican group, apologized Wednesday night on Twitter for racist remarks and slurs he’d made in text and Skype messages and in a shared Google document for a class study guide.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Probably a future NRA leader, too.
Where’s dumbfuck this morning? Sleeping off a long night of horse sex on a pile of straw in a corner of the barn?
Wherein the Orange Clown calls Rex Tillerson, former CEO of Exxon and the man he, himself, chose to be Secretary of State, “dumb as a rock.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: There may actually be something to this. Tillerson must’ve had rocks in his head to think he (or anyone else) could work for this nutjob.
Hmm. Yeah. About that…
Maybe Bob is in DC using his negotiating skill to go to work for The Hump.
@58 I doubt Boob could get a job with this administration, but his horse might.
Bob – when is The Hump Administration going to stop being a socialist and stop spending your hard earned, well deserved (ever penny), money? The horse wants to know.
Poor Kellyanne has a sad because Speaker Pelosi doesn’t treat her as a colleague.
She ran to Fox News to complain that after her boss threw a toddler tantrum and stormed out of a meeting the Speaker of the House declared that she wasn’t there to ‘meet with staff’ but to meet with POTUS.
Kellyanne teared up because the speaker only said it because Kellyanne is a woman and that’s not pro-woman.
“Why can’t the third in line to the presidency have the decency to treat me like any other extremely important woman who is everybit her elected equal. It’s so rude. I have just as much power in the room as she does. How DARE she call a White House staffer ‘Staff to the president.” It, it, I’m sorry, does someone have a tissue? I’m just overcome.”
I see where yesterday the WaPo started going after Warren because she gets paid for being a highly sought after legal expert on bankruptcy and corporate financial fraud. I guess in the age of President DiaperRage McPornSweat getting paid for being really good at something* is an unforgivable sin.
As we all know she’s a US Senator. And she’s also held endowed chairs as a tenured professor of law at a couple of the world’s finest law schools. But she also holds a well earned license to practice the law. And with that license she has amassed decades of some of the finest work in the profession on issues of corporate fraud, bankruptcy, banking fraud, and community finance. So perhaps not too surprisingly, other lawyers turn to her very frequently for her assistance because she is one of the best at that.
When I read from the WaPo hit piece report that her fee was $675/hr, frankly I was surprised it was so fucking low. I know the reporting was intended to outrage the old, white male dumbfucks of the world. But I gotta secret to share with “y’all”. Like most overachieving, highly accomplished female professionals she’s undercharging. Considering her credentials and the area of practice I’m quite sure she could be charging well north of $1000/hr without a second thought.
So now the resentment filled angry chorus of journalism “mean girls” is demanding to see a full list of all her clients and details about each and every case. And if she doesn’t cough up, we are supposed to conclude that it’s because she’s some kind of sell out secretly in cahoots with the evil corporations (but not Amazon, never Amazon) and “elitists”. Guess what? Got another secret to share with “y’all”: Warren would like to see Amazon broken up. Must be a coincidence.
And again, just like a woman, she’s being “nice” and giving in to the assholes, releasing copious disclosures about her outside legal work. Either way, what all this fails to appreciate is that lawyers don’t get to disclose information about clients unless clients say they can. And these reporters know that. Which is why they’ve tee’d this up the way they have. She’ll never be allowed to release everything she’s bound by privilege to protect. So no matter what she does, and not matter how much she discloses, they can claim she’s “hiding something”.
Like maybe “an email server” that never actually existed?
*Unless is it shooting at cans, arm-fishing, setting up fake charities, or selling US national security to our enemies.
If there’s one thing I’d criticize the Obama administration for, it’s Eric Holder’s failure to prosecute crooked bankers. Well, a crooked banker is finally being prosecuted:
“A former president of Chicago-based Federal Savings Bank has been indicted on charges of lending former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort as much as $16 million in exchange for help in a failed bid to be appointed secretary of the Army, federal prosecutors said Thursday. Stephen Calk surrendered Thursday and was scheduled to appear in federal court in Manhattan in the afternoon.
“According to the indictment, Manafort received three separate home loans from Federal Savings Bank valued at up to $16 million. In exchange, Manafort pledged to help Calk get appointed as then-incoming President Donald Trump’s secretary of the Army or a similar senior post.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I’m not sure about proving criminal intent in this case, though. For Republicans, buying public offices by bribing public officials is normal behavior. They consider it an entitlement.
@62 Reminds me of the joke where a plumber tells a lawyer complaining about his bill that he couldn’t get away with charging $500 an hour, either, back when he was practicing law.
Obviously there’s a sliding scale for these kinds of things. Doctors are fucking notorious for that shit. Which is a big part of how our healthcare delivery system became so bloated with administrative costs. At least lawyers are honest enough to announce their price up front. Good luck ever getting that out of any kind of doctor.
But then again, if I hope to obtain the expert services of the heavyweight champion in the field, I expect to pay for it. And it’s not as if Warren made the money career choice here. She went to public schools. She never had that option. So she went straight into teaching and public service law. If she’s worked her way up to advising a few clients for $675/hr she did it by proving herself on the job over many decades.
So was he “dumb as a rock” when you appointed him Secretary of State, during the time he was Secretary of State or just now? And what does that say about how you go about hiring staff? Is that why you dropped him after two months? He was dumb? You didn’t notice in the interview process?
Own goal.
Well there goes another $3 million of taxpayer money.
Might be another data point. Or it might be still another “bad apple” coincidence.
More police = less safe
Fewer police = more safe
An Enumclaw farmer was elected as a drainage district commissioner in 1988. After that, no more elections were held, and roughly $413,000 of the district’s tax revenues were funneled into a bank account controlled by his wife and son. Most of it was withdrawn from that account by his wife and used for farm and personal expenses.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Apparently their family business consisted of stealing from their neighbors. I can’t tell you whether they’re Republicans; all I can say is I detect a whiff of Republican odor mixed in with the smell of fermenting pig shit and rotting drainage ditch algae. But that’s just my super-sensitive rabbit nose.
It’s really hard to deal with all the winning.
Remember what people who actually know things were saying about steel and aluminum tariffs?
Those noted leftists at Bloomberg knew. And now…
Austrian Nazis (which have a cooperation agreement with Putin’s party) fuck themselves trying to get Russian oligarch money..
Now the Austrian always wrong wing coalition gov is kaput.
“An Enumclaw farmer was”
It’s been a while since I’ve read a sentence starting with those words that didn’t lead reading about a Republican being convicted of sexually abusing horses.
And should a right-wing troll show up here telling us he just got himself a horse, I’m sure this news would at least raise a few eyebrows.
Hindus First! Yeahhhhhhhh!
#MeMeMe #MeFirst #GaysFirst! #GoMayorPete!
Sniff my undies Bitch!
We’ll pray for you.
Don’t expect intelligent, honest discussion of public issues from Republicans. Do expect doctored videos that propagate lies and ad hominen personal attacks on opponents. Because dishonest lunatics is what Republicans are now.
@75 It won’t do any good. They’re godless. Go to any megachurch and the place reeks of cultism and pagan worship.
@72 When they aren’t molesting horses, they’re embezzling drainage district funds. Go figure. You sure know when you’re in Republican Country.
Add Wall Street to the list of suckers who believe Trump’s bullshit:
“Stocks traded slightly higher on Friday after President Donald Trump said the ongoing trade war could be over quickly …”
Washington Post headline – 40% Americans would struggle to pay an emergency $400 bill. But fuck the Stock Market is doing so well, and I got my tax break!
I wonder how much they would be able to afford of an emergency bill after paying for higher cost of goods due to tariffs?
@79 Wall Street has to pretend to believe. Think if the price of stocks or Wall Street was stuck in one spot – you wouldn’t be able to get any fools to buy any stocks.
You need the downfalls so that you can rape people of their money, and then you need the gains to keep people investing so that you have those people to rape.